Home Stomatitis Why do my hands always get sticky? Why men's palms sweat - causes and treatment

Why do my hands always get sticky? Why men's palms sweat - causes and treatment

If sticky sweat bothers you, you should pay serious attention to this symptom. It is best to immediately go to the doctor, as this is a signal of the occurrence of a serious illness and pathological phenomena occurring in the body. Only in rare cases can it be caused by a physiological cause.

In the presence of such sweating, overheating of the body, an increase in its contamination and poisoning by accumulated toxins is possible. After some time, the pores become clogged, and the glands regulating body and skin temperature may stop functioning. Let's take a closer look at why sweat stickiness occurs and what it indicates.

What are the dangers of clammy sweating?

If a person is healthy, then he sweats when he needs to regulate his body temperature. It is liquid, transparent and proper nutrition no pungent odors. The appearance of sticky sweat is a sign of a serious illness.

Unfortunately, many difficult-to-treat diseases first develop without symptoms, causing the body great harm. Only after a while do clammy sweat and a feeling of weakness appear.

Others associated symptoms considered: mild dizziness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep, dryness skin.

In addition, such sweat causes deterioration general condition health, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • overheating of the body, leading to tachycardia, weakness, nausea;
  • spasms of body parts, pain and duration of this process;
  • a sharp increase in temperature to critical figures - 41 ° C, with loss of consciousness and comatose state, in some cases, death.


Such a symptom can appear only in rare cases in practically healthy people.

Causes of sticky sweat in a healthy body:

  • excessive exercise;
  • performing physically demanding work;
  • stress;

Mostly, sticky sweat accompanies serious and complex illnesses. Let's take a closer look at the most common and widespread of them.

Myocardial infarction

The cause of the disease is present atherosclerotic plaques on blood vessels, frequent hypertension. A circulatory disorder occurs, and necrosis forms on a separate part of the heart muscle.

This disease begins with an attack of pain in the sternum and shoulder blades; a person feels dizzy, weak, with sticky sweat and a pale face.

Acute pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas develops rapidly. The iron begins to break down under the influence of its own enzymes.

The disease occurs due to the presence of stones in gallbladder, frequent use alcoholic beverages, unhealthy diet with the consumption of stale, smoked, spicy foods. Inflammation is caused by certain medications, stressful situations, infections and injuries.

As a result of pancreatitis, blood pressure and body temperature may increase, the patient feels a feeling of nausea, sometimes vomiting occurs, and the body becomes covered with sticky sweat.

Alcohol intoxication and other poisonings

Other causes of sticky sweating. Many people face the problem of alcohol poisoning. The reasons may be a low-quality drink or its consumption more than the prescribed norm.

You need to be more careful when drinking excess alcohol. Very often, people experience nausea, after a while vomiting occurs, confusion occurs, memory is impaired, blood pressure may drop, the pulse becomes rare, and sticky and cold sweat appears.

It also appears in case of poisoning with antidepressant drugs. A person has all the symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, weakness and sticky sweat.

Endocrine dysfunction

For diseases endocrine system (diabetes and Graves' disease) sweat is produced with a sticky consistency.

Excessive sweating is common to all patients with diabetes. Sweat mainly causes wet armpits.

Onset of hypoglycemic coma

One of the symptoms is the release of sticky sweat. It causes a number of complexes in a sick person due to external troubles, the occurrence unpleasant odor. The patient experiences itching of the skin at the junction of wet areas with clothing. In addition, microbes very often begin to develop in this area and boils appear.

Other diseases

Gastric ulcer is also accompanied by the release of sticky sweat. Skin diseases such as hidradenitis and essential hyperhidrosis develop due to frequent phlegm in areas of the body, especially the armpits.

Different types of infection: fungal, viral, bacterial can cause viscous and sticky sweat.

Sweat may also occur during allergic reaction or due to poisoning with poor quality products.

Features of sweating in men and women

The sweat of women and men has a completely different composition.

It is known that men sweat much more often than women. When health problems occur, the structure of sweat also changes. There are frequent cases when sweating “develops” into hyperhidrosis, the treatment of which lasts a long time.

Sometimes sticky sweat can appear during pregnancy, if there is toxicosis, with hormonal disorders, or during menopause.

Often in men and women, “stickiness” occurs due to poor hygiene, as the pores become clogged and bacteria develop.

Please note: when playing sports, you should not forget about water! You need to drink enough of it, otherwise the sweat becomes thick. And, of course, you shouldn’t give up the shower.

If a person does not drink enough liquids or eat soups, then the manifestation of sweating is accompanied by an unpleasant stickiness.

Joint problems in athletes often manifest themselves in the form of clammy sweating.

With emotional overexcitation, endocrine and other disorders, both children and adults may have sweaty palms and arms.

Sticky sweat in children

There are several reasons for the appearance of sticky sweat in children. Very often it is produced by weakened babies who suckle at the breast with great effort.

Other situations:

  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • insufficient intake of vitamin D in the body, development of rickets;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • after taking certain medications such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and others that promote sweating;
  • when the temperature decreases;
  • presence of intracranial pressure;
  • nervous disorders;
  • with hyperfunction thyroid gland;
  • as a result of weakness after suffering from colds and infectious diseases;
  • when displaying heightened emotions.

Increased temperature indoors and outdoors in summer due to insufficient thermoregulation child's body leads to the appearance of sticky sweat. If it is released, you should immediately seek advice from a local physician.

This symptom must be taken seriously: it is very important to find out the cause in a timely manner before the disease develops into a more complex stage!

Hyperhidrosis, like any problem in the body, requires professional approach. And if moderate sweating can and should be fought by simple means, then the stickiness of sweat is a reason to consult a specialist. Attentive attitude attention to detail is the key to health.


A person who has wet palms and fingers experiences psychological discomfort. He is afraid to touch a child or a woman, so as not to receive an unpleasant reaction in return, and it is difficult to greet colleagues with a handshake. Why such a problem may occur, what needs to be done to eliminate the symptoms and causes - it is useful to understand.

Why do my palms sweat?

Sweating – important function which helps the body maintain temperature regime, ensure water-salt balance, remove waste substances. When various reasons malfunctions occur, a local problem may appear - sweaty palms - local hyperhidrosis. The reasons for this are:

  • stressful situations;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • physical overload;
  • psychological tension.

When a person’s hands sweat a lot, this is a signal serious problems, among which:

  • disorders in the endocrine system - thyrotoxicosis, pathologies of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands;
  • effects of medications;
  • wrong mode food – spicy, salty foods;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • malfunctions autonomic system responsible for thermoregulation, breathing, heartbeat;
  • diabetes mellitus – with a lack of insulin, sweating of the palms increases;
  • oncology;
  • diseases - ARVI, sore throat, influenza;
  • intense work.

Why do the palms of men sweat?

The appearance of local sweating is an unpleasant situation for men, who usually greet by shaking hands. Why do my palms sweat? There are many reasons why this problem occurs. The palms of men's hands sweat in the following cases:

  • psychological overload;
  • treatment with antibiotics that kill intestinal microflora and reduce immunity;
  • hormonal disorders in organism;
  • infectious diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis;
  • excess alcohol intake;
  • obesity;
  • coffee abuse;
  • intense sports;
  • mental activity.

Woman's palms sweat

A girl’s wet hands are a reason to avoid communicating with men, which becomes additional stress. Constantly wet palms interfere with your work. It is difficult to do household chores and engage in hobbies. A woman's palms sweat as a result of:

  • high temperature indoors, outdoors;
  • consuming hot spices that cause sweating;
  • imbalance of hormones and vitamins during pregnancy;
  • unnecessary worries;
  • menopause with constant hot flashes, frequent sweating;
  • reception medicines with side effects.

Why does a child's hands sweat?

A child’s wet palms may appear when the body’s heat exchange process fails. This often happens in a dream. When a child's hands sweat, this may indicate the following problems:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • presence of hyperhidrosis in relatives;
  • kidney disease;
  • excess weight;
  • overheating of the body due to warm clothing;
  • heat indoors, low humidity;
  • appearance acute infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • metabolic disease;
  • use of synthetic fabrics in clothing.

Why do teenagers' palms sweat?

Wet palms adolescence become a cause of stress due to the ridicule of friends, the impossibility of normal communication with girls, and doing what they love. The situation provokes an increase in symptoms. Why do teenagers' hands sweat? The reason may be taking antibiotics for infection or heavy physical activity. If a teenager’s palms are sweaty, there are problems caused by hormonal changes:

  • nervous excitability;
  • increased work of the endocrine system producing great amount liquids;
  • obesity;
  • mental problems.

What to do if your palms sweat

When unpleasant symptoms sweating, treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating them, but also at solving the problem with the cause of the disease. How to get rid of sweaty palms? There are ways to reduce external manifestations:

  • use of deodorants;
  • , including a shower alternating hot and cold water;
  • baths with oak bark for hands;
  • clothing made from natural fabric;
  • refusal of hot, spicy foods;
  • hand washing with antibacterial agents;
  • the need to always remain calm.

What to do to eliminate the cause of excessive sweating? To dry wet skin, you need to use an anti-sweating palm product. You can start with solutions of alum, zinc sulfate, camphor alcohol. The use of Teymurov's paste is effective. Help in solving the problem:

  • injections of Dysport, Botox in the palm - toxins block the functioning of nerve endings;
  • ionization of the body by the Drion apparatus.

The following can effectively reduce sweating:

  • surgical operation sympathectomy - removal of nerves that regulate sweat secretion;
  • iontophoresis on the hands;
  • floating - a capsule that simulates weightlessness, eliminates psychological problems;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • psychological trainings;
  • using recipes from traditional healers.

Palms sweat a lot

What to do to eliminate unpleasant problem? When your hands sweat a lot, lubricate them with coconut oil and Vaseline. This can increase the oiliness of the skin. An effective ointment is made from two parts of glycerin and one part of alcohol and lemon juice. They wipe their palms with a homemade infusion, dry the skin, and sprinkle with talcum powder. To prepare it, mix:

  • ammonia;
  • water;
  • lemon juice;
  • tincture of sage, oak bark.

Palms constantly sweat

If you are concerned about this problem, geranium oil added to hand cream will help. For those whose palms constantly sweat, alternately dipping them in a bath of cold and hot water. The procedure is performed twice a day. After the session, hands are wiped dry. To enhance the effect, natural ingredients are added to a container of hot water:

Sticky sweat on the palms

A milk bath gives a good result in treating the problem. Pour a spoonful of oak bark into a glass of hot milk. After half an hour, dilute with water and perform the procedure. Homemade cream effectively eliminates sticky sweat on the palms:

  • mix equal parts of dandelion, nettle, calendula;
  • take a spoonful of the mixture;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • stand for half an hour;
  • take 50 grams of chicken fat;
  • pour in 2 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • one honey;
  • 2 spoons of infusion;
  • mix.

Video: why the palms of your hands sweat

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Sweating - natural process. By removing fluid to the skin surface, the body performs several tasks at once:

  • Thermoregulation;
  • maintaining water-salt balance;
  • removal of harmful toxins;
  • regulation of metabolism.

The skin of the hands is no exception; it contains a huge number of sweat glands. But what to do if sweating of the palms becomes abnormal and causes discomfort at home or when in contact with people?

In this article we will look at the most common causes of sweaty hands, and methods to combat this unpleasant problem.

You will need:

Hyperhidrosis: why you need to remember about it

Even when the body is at rest and the temperature environment low, This process intensifies during physical activity, stress or emotional tension. Elevated state without any visible reasons sweating

According to statistics, hyperhidrosis is common among 3% of the total population of the Earth, and women are most susceptible to it.

Wet, cold palms covered with sticky sweat can cause complexes and interfere with certain types of activities. In addition, heavy sweating can be a symptom of more serious problems in the body.

What lies behind it

The problem first appears in early childhood, intensifies at the time of puberty and, without proper treatment, can remain a companion for life. In this case, we are dealing with congenital changes in the work of the autonomic nervous system– primary hyperhidrosis.

Secondary can be the result of the following diseases:

  1. Chronic infections.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Poisoning.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Endocrine disorders.

In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, you must establish the true causes of the disease. Only a therapist can help with this.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

The arsenal of treatments is varied: from baths to subcutaneous injections. At mild degree hyperhidrosis can help zinc ointment. It can be found at any pharmacy. Before use, soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes, then wipe dry and apply medicine for approximately 20 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands to avoid irritation.

An effective remedy is Teymurov cream. Before applying, soak your hands in a soda bath for a while and wipe thoroughly. Apply the medicine in a thick layer for 30 minutes.

Surgical methods

In progress surgical treatment The nerve fibers that transmit nerve impulses to the sweat glands are pinched or destroyed.

This operation is extremely effective and can help get rid of sweaty palms forever.

However, there is a risk of compensatory hyperhidrosis, in which excessive sweating may “go” to other parts of the body.

Botox injection is an expensive procedure, but it will help get rid of profuse sweating on the hands for a long period (from 6 months to 1 year).

The drug blocks sweat glands and begins to act 1-3 days after the injection.


Significantly reduce and even cure profuse sweating Hand baths will help on your palms. Below are some of the most effective recipes.

Birch bath

You will need a warm infusion of dried birch leaves in a ratio of 1:10. Dip your hands in it for a few minutes, then wipe dry. The procedure is repeated 3 times a week until results are obtained.

Every person has experienced sticky sweat at least once in their life. He brings inconvenience to Everyday life, being a cosmetic defect and a source. In this article we will discuss when this sign indicates pathology, and when there is no need to worry.

Sweat is a type of sweat that is located throughout the body (most of all in armpits ah, on the face). It provides cooling of the body, removal of metabolic products, and a protective function.

Normally, sticky sweat occurs in the following cases:

  • stress, nervous tension;
  • fear.

The appearance of viscous sweat may indicate a disease of the sweat glands or diseases internal organs. The most common reasons of this characteristic are:

What causes changes in sweat viscosity?

The composition and consistency of sweat depends on nutrition, gender, age, and environmental conditions. The secretion of the sweat glands can become viscous due to changes in hormonal levels, stress, the use of certain medications, and the intake of alcoholic beverages. It is known that men are more susceptible to this phenomenon. Viscous sweat leads to disruption of thermoregulation and can cause overheating in children and adults.

Possible diseases

In men and women, sticky sweat can be a manifestation of the following diseases:

In children, symptoms may occur in the following cases:

Which doctor treats pathology

Depending on the underlying disease, therapy can be carried out by the following specialties:

  1. Endocrinologist.
  2. Dermatologist.
  3. Neuropathologist.
  4. Psychiatrist.
  5. Cardiologist.
  6. Gynecologist.
  7. Pediatrician.

At the initial stages, it is difficult to independently determine the specialist to whom to turn for help. Therefore, if sweating occurs, you need to consult a therapist or doctor. general practice. He will prescribe the necessary examinations and, if necessary, refer you for consultation.

What methods are used for treatment

Viscous sweat can be eliminated only if you treat the underlying disease. Symptomatic treatment not effective. In cases where no diseases of the internal organs are detected, cosmetic treatment can be carried out. The following procedures are used:

  • endoscopic sympathectomy;
  • local curettage;

Regardless of the cause, clammy sweat can be eliminated by doing the following:

  • daily hygiene;
  • usage natural remedies for bath and shower;
  • wearing clothes without synthetic components;
  • creating optimal temperature and humidity in the room;
  • applying talc, herbal lotions (oak bark, oats) to the skin;
  • follow a diet - exclude spicy, pickled dishes and consume more fermented milk products;
  • Drink enough water throughout the day.

In conclusion, it must be said that constant viscous sweat can indicate a serious pathology. If the symptom does not go away on its own within a few days, be sure to consult a specialist.

Wet, sticky hands– this is not only an unpleasant aesthetic problem. Palmar hyperhidrosis often indicates the presence of serious illnesses. Therefore, you should not tolerate such a condition, but you need to immediately seek help. medical assistance, which will be 99% effective.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms - what is it?

People who are far from this problem do not consider it serious, but increased sweating of the palms significantly worsens the quality of life of any person and does not allow him to feel relaxed, not only in his personal life, but also in the business field. If there are any doubts about whether this is a disease, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • constantly wet palms;
  • V stressful situations humidity increases sharply, until the liquid drips down;
  • difficulty holding slippery objects in your hands (cup, pen);
  • wet marks remain on paper or napkin.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms - causes

Severe sweating of the hands may be evidence of the most various diseases, although the reasons for this condition lie on the surface. Local hyperhidrosis of the palms can be caused by the following factors:

  • excess catecholamine in the blood;
  • condition after poisoning;
  • stressful situations;
  • heredity;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • infectious and chronic diseases, endocrine disorders.

How to get rid of sweaty palms?

People suffering from hyperhidrosis want to know how to get rid of sweaty palms forever so that they can live a normal, unclouded life. We are solving this issue and this is good news, but there is also bad news - not a single method provides a lifetime guarantee. To overcome palm hyperhidrosis you will need A complex approach– use of folk and medicinal methods, and sometimes surgical.

Which doctor should I consult for hyperhidrosis of the palms?

You will not be able to cope with the problem on your own. Therefore, the patient will need to find out which doctor treats palmar hyperhidrosis, so as not to waste time. In some situations, you can get competent advice and treatment almost immediately, but it also happens that you have to go through a variety of specialists in order to make the correct diagnosis and determine the cause of the problem. Here are some specialists who know how to cure hyperhidrosis of the palms:

  1. Dermatologist– the problem of hyperhidrosis in 90% of cases is solved by this doctor.
  2. Cosmetologist will be required for those who decide to resort to injection therapy.
  3. Surgeon will help a patient who has decided to radically get rid of the problem.
  4. Therapist. If it was not possible to get rid of hyperhidrosis, the local doctor will prescribe a set of tests and send the patient for an in-depth examination.
  5. Endocrinologist. People turn to him for thyroid disease, goiter and hormonal disorders, which often cause sweaty palms.
  6. Infectious disease specialist. Different infectious diseases, which can cause excessive sweating, often occur in a sluggish form.
  7. Phthisiatrician It will help if, along with sweating of the palms, there is general hyperhidrosis of the body. This condition sometimes accompanies.
  8. Expert in narcology. In people whose body long time exposed to toxic alcohol poisoning or drugs, hyperhidrosis often occurs, which is treated by this specialist as well.
  9. Oncologist. Carcinoma, brain tumor and other oncological pathologies can provoke hyperhidrosis.
  10. Cardiologist. Sometimes, when a heart attack develops, your palms may sweat a lot, so people with heart disease should begin treatment by visiting this doctor.

Laser treatment of palm hyperhidrosis

Anyone who has a similar problem is looking for the most the best remedy which will help you forget about her. IN last years The treatment worked well excessive sweating with help laser beam. Unfortunately, this method is used only on the armpit area. Hyperhidrosis of the palms, which is not treated with laser, can be treated with other methods that are just as effective.

Treatment of palm hyperhidrosis with Botox

For those who do not know how to get rid of hyperhidrosis of the palms, there is great news - botulinum toxin injections, or in other words, Botox, are successfully used for this purpose. This method is not new, although it is not very common. Such injections are associated with getting rid of expression lines, but Botox for palm hyperhidrosis is being used more and more often, with excellent results. The cosmetologist gives injections into the sweat glands, blocking them for a while. This effect lasts up to 12 months, after which the procedure must be carried out again. Some clinics use the drug Dysport as an analogue of Botox.

Surgical treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis of the palms, the treatment of which is ineffective, can be eliminated in a radical way. To do this you will have to resort to the help of a surgeon. This radical method is very effective, the figures reach 95%, but there is a small chance that so-called compensatory hyperhidrosis will occur. This is a condition when some sweat glands are out of order and the body turns on others. That is, if the problem of hyperhidrosis of the hands (palms) is solved, the problem of excessive sweating of the feet or other part of the body may appear.

At surgical intervention The doctor uses a scalpel to either cut the sympathetic nerve leading to the sweat glands or cut out the glands themselves. The recovery time after traditional surgery is 2 weeks, and after endoscopic surgery, which is less traumatic, the patient can immediately go home. Over the next month, the body returns to normal and learns to function in a new way, so that the visible effect occurs by the end of this period.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms - treatment at home

When wondering how to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms, the first thing that comes to mind is ointments, creams, mash, all sorts of centuries-tested methods of our grandmothers. In fact, if the disease does not have serious reasons, then initial stage it can be managed with simple medications and folk remedies. Treatment at home is possible, but only under the strict guidance of a dermatologist, who will suggest the right remedy for sweaty palms.

Hyperhidrosis cream

With help various drugs, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, it is quite possible to get rid of the uncomfortable problem. Cream for sweaty palms will hide this defect, although it will not completely get rid of hyperhidrosis. Doctors prescribe:

  • zinc ointment;
  • Teymurov pasta.

Before using these preparations, steam your hands in warm water with the addition of soda for 10 minutes. Afterwards they wash clean water and apply the ointment for 20-30 minutes. It is better if you can wear cotton gloves during this time and not do work. It is necessary to carry out such procedures every other day, alternating them, to get a lasting effect.

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