Home Pulpitis A vessel that brings blood from the intestines to the liver. How is the blood supply to the liver structures? Respiratory system diseases

A vessel that brings blood from the intestines to the liver. How is the blood supply to the liver structures? Respiratory system diseases

The liver has a unique blood circulation, since most of its parenchymal cells are supplied with mixed venous (portal) and arterial blood. At rest, oxygen consumption by the liver is almost 20% of the oxygen consumption of the entire body; oxygen is supplied by the hepatic artery, which delivers 25-30% of the blood entering the liver and 40-50% of the oxygen consumed by the liver.

About 75% of the blood entering the liver flows through the portal vein, which collects blood from almost all parts of the digestive tract. The blood from the portal vein and hepatic artery mixes in the hepatic sinusoids and flows through the hepatic vein into the inferior cava. The branches of the hepatic arteriole form a plexus around the bile ducts and flow into the sinusoidal network at its various levels. They supply blood to structures located in the portal tracts. There are no direct anastomoses between the hepatic artery and the portal vein (Fig. 18,19).

In the branch of the hepatic artery, blood is delivered under pressure close to the pressure in the aorta (in the portal vein it does not exceed 10-12 mm Hg). When two blood streams connect

Rice. 18. Scheme of the structure of the hepatic lobule (according to C.G. Child): 1 - branch of the portal vein; 2 - branch of the hepatic artery; 3 - sinusoid; 4- central vein; 5 - liver tower (beam); 6 - interlobular bile duct; 7 - interlobular lymphatic vessel

in sinusoids their pressure is equalized (8-9 mm Hg). The section of the portal bed in which the most significant decrease in pressure occurs is localized near the sinusoids. The total volume of blood circulating in the liver is 1500 ml/min (1/4 minute blood volume). The significant capacity of the vascular bed makes it possible to concentrate a large amount of blood in the organ.

In critical conditions, hemodynamic disturbances of the liver are of significant importance: resistance to blood flow in the portal section of the hepatic bed increases, the flow of portal blood to the hepatocyte decreases, and the liver switches to a predominantly arterial blood supply. The blood flow through the sinusoids slows down, and conglomeration of blood cells occurs in the capillaries and sinusoids. Due to the development of capillary spasm and shutdown of a significant part

Figure 19. Scheme of the structure of intrahepatic biliary tract(according to N. Rorre, F. Schaffner): 1 - branch of the portal vein; 2 - sinusoids; 3 - stellate reticuloendotheliocyte; 4 - hepatocyte; 5 - intercellular bile canaliculus; 6 - interlobular bile duct; 7 - interlobular bile duct; 8 - lymphatic vessel

sinusoids, blood circulation in the liver begins to occur through a system of shunts, oxygen tension in the liver tissue decreases, which leads to hypoxia of the organ. According to E.I. Galperin (1988), changes in microcirculation with blockade of portal blood flow are an autonomous reaction of the liver that occurs in response to an adverse effect. In the light of modern concepts, it is believed that it is disorders of the hepatic microcirculation and disorders of transcapillary metabolism that play a leading role in the pathogenesis of acute liver failure.

Normal blood supply to the liver helps saturate the cells with oxygen and allows the organ to perform one of its functions. A complex system of blood vessels provides not only nutrition to the liver tissue, but also filters the blood, thereby cleansing the human body of toxins and harmful substances consumed daily. Blood circulation in the organ is regulated by a number of factors, which allows you to maintain the required speed and amount of blood supplied.

Anatomy of the circulatory system

Blood enters the liver through two main vessels. The portal vein carries 2/3 of the volume, but the remaining 1/3 is no less important for maintaining the life and normal functioning of cells, since it is saturated with oxygen and enters the tissues through the hepatic artery. The vein and artery divide into a network of capillaries, passing through the parenchyma of the organ and emptying into the inferior vena cava. The outflow of blood from the liver occurs rhythmically and is synchronized with the respiratory cycle. In this case, many anastomoses are formed between the vessels of the organ, which are necessary for compensatory processes in case of blood flow disturbance.

Regulatory mechanisms

Both venous and arterial blood passes through the liver.

The peculiarity of the blood supply to the liver is that its parenchyma receives both oxygenated arterial blood and venous blood. The latter plays a primary role in the detoxification function, as it comes from the organs abdominal cavity and carries metabolic products for further filtration. Such a complex blood supply system and structure allows the liver to maintain the health of the body, therefore its anatomy and the functional features of other systems provide for three mechanisms for regulating blood circulation:

  • muscular;
  • humoral;
  • nervous.

Mechanisms of myogenic regulation

The task of muscle regulation is to maintain constant pressure in the veins and arteries of the organ and equalize it in case of deviation from the norm. In this case, the cause of the pathology is both exogenous factors in the form of physical activity, and endogenous ones, which manifest themselves as diseases of various etiologies. Myogenic regulation is based on the ability of muscle fibers vascular walls contract, thereby increasing or decreasing the lumen of the vessel itself. These processes are activated to equalize pressure if the speed of blood flow and its volume changes.

Nervous regulation of blood flow

This regulatory mechanism is less pronounced than others. The anatomy of the liver implies the absence of a large number of nerve endings on the organ. The regulation of contraction or dilation of blood vessels itself occurs due to sympathetic innervation and thanks to the branches of the celiac plexus. Nerve stimulation increases resistance in the basilar artery and portal vein.

Parasympathetic innervation does not regulate blood circulation in the liver.

The liver is a vital exocrine gland in humans. Its main functions include neutralizing toxins and removing them from the body. In case of liver damage, this function is not performed and harmful substances enter the blood. With the bloodstream they flow through all organs and tissues, which can lead to serious consequences.

Since there are no nerve endings in the liver, a person can for a long time not even suspect that there is any disease in the body. In this case, the patient goes to the doctor too late, and then treatment no longer makes sense. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your lifestyle and undergo regular preventive examinations.

Anatomy of the liver

According to the classification, the liver is divided into independent segments. Each is connected to a vascular inflow, outflow and bile duct. In the liver, the portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct are divided into branches, which in each segment are collected into veins.

The organ consists of afferent and efferent blood vessels. The main afferent vein functioning in the liver is the portal vein. The drainage veins include the hepatic veins. Sometimes there are cases when these vessels independently flow into the right atrium. Basically, the veins of the liver flow into the inferior vena cava.

The permanent venous vessels of the liver include:

  • right vein;
  • middle vein;
  • left vein;
  • vein of the caudate lobe.


The portal vein of the liver is a large vascular trunk that collects blood that passes through the stomach, spleen and intestines. After collection, it delivers this blood to the lobes of the liver and transfers the already purified blood back into the general channel.

Normally, the length of the portal vein is 6-8 cm, and its diameter is 1.5 cm.

This blood vessel originates behind the head of the pancreas. Three veins merge there: the inferior mesenteric vein, the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein. They form the roots of the portal vein.

In the liver, the portal vein divides into branches that diverge throughout all hepatic segments. They accompany the branches of the hepatic artery.

The blood carried by the portal vein saturates the organ with oxygen and delivers vitamins and minerals to it. This vessel plays an important role in digestion and detoxifies the blood. If the functioning of the portal vein is disrupted, serious pathologies arise.

Diameter of hepatic veins

The largest of the liver vessels is the right vein, the diameter of which is 1.5-2.5 cm. Its flow into the inferior cava occurs in the area of ​​​​its anterior wall near the hole in the diaphragm.

Normally, the hepatic vein, formed by the left branch of the portal vein, enters at the same level as the right one, only on the left side. Its diameter is 0.5-1 cm.

The diameter of the vein of the caudate lobe in a healthy person is 0.3-0.4 cm. Its mouth is located slightly below the place where the left vein flows into the inferior vena cava.

As you can see, the sizes of the hepatic veins differ from each other.

The right and left ones, passing through the liver, collect blood from the right and left hepatic lobes, respectively. The middle and vein of the caudate lobe are from the lobes of the same name.

Hemodynamics in the portal vein

According to the anatomy course, in many organs human body arteries pass through. Their function is to saturate the organs with the substances they need. Arteries bring blood to the organs, and veins remove it. They transport processed blood to the right side of the heart. This is how the systemic and pulmonary circulation works. The hepatic veins play a role in it.

The gate system functions specifically. The reason for this is its complex structure. From the main trunk of the portal vein, many branches branch off into venules and other bloodstreams. That is why the portal system, in fact, constitutes another additional circle of blood circulation. It purifies blood plasma from harmful substances such as breakdown products and toxic components.

The portal vein system is formed as a result of the union of large vein trunks near the liver. From the intestine, blood is carried by the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric veins. The splenic vessel emerges from the organ of the same name and receives blood from the pancreas and stomach. Exactly these large veins, merging, become the basis of the raven vein system.

Near the entrance to the liver, the trunk of the vessel, dividing into branches (left and right), diverges between the lobes of the liver. In turn, the hepatic veins are divided into venules. A network of small veins covers all lobes of the organ inside and out. Once contact between blood and soft tissue cells occurs, these veins will carry blood into the central vessels that emerge from the middle of each lobe. After this, the central venous vessels unite into larger ones, from which the hepatic veins are formed.

liver blockage?

Hepatic vein thrombosis is a liver pathology. It is caused by a violation of internal circulation and the formation of blood clots that block the outflow of blood from the organ. Official medicine also calls it Budd-Chiari syndrome.

Thrombosis of the hepatic veins is characterized by partial or complete narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels, resulting from the impact of a blood clot. Most often it occurs in those places where the mouth of the liver vessels is located and they flow into the vena cava.

If there are any obstructions in the liver to the outflow of blood, the pressure in the blood vessels increases and the hepatic veins dilate. Although the vessels are very elastic, too high pressure can lead to their rupture, resulting in internal bleeding with possible death.

The question of the origin of hepatic vein thrombosis is still not closed. Experts on this issue are divided into two camps. Some consider hepatic vein thrombosis to be an independent disease, while others argue that it is a secondary pathological process caused as a result of complications of the underlying disease.

The first case includes thrombosis, which occurred for the first time, that is, we are talking about Budd-Chiari disease. The second case includes Budd-Chiari syndrome, which manifested itself due to complications primary disease, considered the main one.

Due to the difficulty in separating measures for diagnosing these processes, the medical community usually calls liver circulatory disorders not a disease, but a syndrome.

Causes of hepatic vein thrombosis

Blood clots in the liver occur due to:

  1. Protein S or C deficiency.
  2. Antiphospholipid syndrome.
  3. Changes in the body associated with pregnancy.
  4. Long-term use oral contraceptives.
  5. Inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines.
  6. Connective tissue diseases.
  7. Various peritoneal injuries.
  8. The presence of infections - amoebiasis, hydatid cysts, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc.
  9. Tumor invasions of the liver veins - carcinoma or renal cell carcinoma.
  10. Hematological diseases - polycythemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
  11. Hereditary predisposition and congenitality of hepatic vein defects.

The development of Budd-Chiari syndrome usually lasts from several weeks to months. Against this background, cirrhosis and portal hypertension often develop.


If unilateral hepatic obstruction has developed, no special symptoms are observed. directly depends on the stage of development of the disease, the location where the blood clot formed, and the complications that arise.

Often, Budd-Chiari syndrome is characterized by a chronic form, which is not accompanied by symptoms for a long time. Sometimes signs of hepatic thrombosis can be detected by palpation. The disease itself is diagnosed solely as a result of instrumental research.

Chronic blockage is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Mild pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Feeling of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting.
  • Change in skin color - yellowing appears.
  • The sclera of the eyes turn yellow.

The presence of jaundice is not necessary. In some patients it may be absent.

Symptoms of acute blockage are more obvious. These include:

  • Sudden onset of vomiting, in which blood gradually begins to appear as a result of a rupture in the esophagus.
  • Severe pain, which are epigastric in nature.
  • A progressive accumulation of free fluids in the peritoneal cavity, which occurs due to venous stagnation.
  • Sharp pain throughout the abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.

In addition to these symptoms, the disease is accompanied by an enlargement of the spleen and liver. Acute and subacute forms of the disease are characterized by liver failure. There is also a fulminant form of thrombosis. It is extremely rare and dangerous because all the symptoms develop very quickly, leading to irreparable consequences.

Diagnosis of blockage of hepatic vessels

Budd-Chiari syndrome is characterized by a clear clinical picture. This greatly facilitates the diagnosis. If the patient has an enlarged liver and spleen, there are signs of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, and laboratory tests indicate elevated blood clotting rates, first of all, the doctor begins to suspect the development of thrombosis. However, he is obliged to carefully study the patient's medical history.

Significant reasons to suspect thrombosis in a patient include the following signs:

In addition to the fact that the doctor studies the medical history and conducts a physical examination, the patient needs to donate blood for a general and biochemical analysis, as well as for coagulation. You also need to take a liver test.

To accurately make a diagnosis, the following examination methods are used:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • X-ray of the portal vein;
  • contrast study of blood vessels;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

All these studies make it possible to assess the degree of enlargement of the liver and spleen, the severity of vascular damage, and detect the location of the blood clot.


If a patient contacts a doctor late or changes resulting from thrombosis are diagnosed late, the risk of complications increases. These include:

  • liver failure;
  • portal hypertension;
  • hepatocellular carcinoma;
  • ascites;
  • encephalopathy;
  • bleeding from the dilated hepatic vein;
  • porosystemic collateralization;
  • mesenteric thrombosis;
  • peritonitis, which is bacterial in nature;
  • liver fibrosis.


IN medical practice There are two methods used to treat Budd-Chiari syndrome. One of them is medicinal, and the second is through surgery. Disadvantage medicines is that it is impossible to recover completely with their help. They give only short-term effect. Even if the patient promptly consults a doctor and is treated with medications, without the intervention of a surgeon, almost 90% of patients die within a short period of time.

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the underlying causes of the disease and, as a result, restore blood circulation in the area affected by thrombosis.

Drug therapy

In order to remove excess fluid from the body, doctors prescribe medications with a diuretic effect. To prevent further development of thrombosis, the patient is prescribed anticoagulants. Corticosteroids are used to relieve abdominal pain.

In order to improve blood characteristics and accelerate the resorption of formed blood clots, fibrinolytics and antiplatelet agents are used. In parallel, maintenance therapy is carried out aimed at improving metabolism in liver cells.

Surgical therapy

Conservative treatment methods for a diagnosis associated with thrombosis cannot provide the necessary result - restoration of normal circulation in the affected area. In this case, only radical methods will help.

  1. Establish anastomoses (artificial synthetic connections between vessels that allow blood circulation to be restored).
  2. Place a prosthesis or mechanically dilate a vein.
  3. Place a shunt to reduce blood pressure in the portal vein.
  4. Liver transplant.

In the case of a fulminant course of the disease, practically nothing can be done. All changes happen very quickly, and doctors simply do not have time to take the necessary measures.


All measures to prevent the development of Budd-Chiari syndrome are reduced to the fact that you need to regularly contact medical institutions in order to undergo, as a preventive measure, the necessary diagnostic procedures. This will help to promptly detect and begin treatment of hepatic vein thrombosis.

Any special preventive measures no thrombosis. There are only measures to prevent relapse of the disease. These include taking blood thinning anticoagulants and undergoing examinations every 6 months after surgery.

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Maintaining normal portal circulation is of utmost importance not only for the blood supply to the abdominal organs, but also for central hemodynamics.

The throughput capacity of the portal vascular bed is on average 1.5 l/min, portal blood flow reaches 25–33% of the blood volume.

The peculiarities of the portal section of the vascular system is that the blood flow to it comes from two sources: from the portal vein, through which venous blood flows to the liver, flowing from the abdominal organs, and from the hepatic artery, which extends directly from the abdominal aorta. Blood in the portal circulation passes through two, rather than one, as usual, capillary systems.

The first network of capillaries departs from the arterial vessels and provides nutritional blood supply to the stomach, intestines and other abdominal organs, and the blood flowing from them is collected in portal vein, which breaks up into a capillary network directly in the liver.

In this section, the portal circulation provides the metabolic, detoxification and excretory functions of the liver.

The nutritional needs of the liver tissue are provided by blood flow through the hepatic artery.

Characteristic feature vessels of the portal system, which is formed by the fusion of the mesenteric veins, veins of the spleen and stomach, is the presence of spontaneous rhythmic contractions. The physiological meaning of this is determined by the fact that the value of blood pressure at the entrance to the mesenteric vascular network is not enough to push blood through two networks of vascular capillaries, and spontaneous contractions of the walls of the portal vessels determine the movement of blood through the network of hepatic sinusoids.

The maintenance of tissue blood flow in the liver is also facilitated by the presence of an extensive network of arteriovenous anastomoses between the branches of the hepatic artery and the vessels of the portal vein system.

The liver cells receive not separate arterial and venous blood, but a mixture of them, which ensures the simultaneous provision of both nutritional and metabolic functions of the liver blood supply system.

The portal vein carries 4–6 times more blood to the liver than the hepatic artery, despite the fact that the blood pressure in the hepatic artery reaches 100–130 mm Hg. Art., and in the portal vein it is approximately 10 times less and equal to 12–15 mm Hg. Art.

At the same time, the presence of a system of finely regulated sphincters does not allow arterial blood to block the flow of venous blood through the hepatic sinusoid system.

The system of arteriovenous anastomoses in the liver is so highly developed that turning off both the arterial and portal blood flow does not lead to the death of hepatocytes. After ligation of the portal vein, the proportion of arterial inflow blood in maintaining hepatic blood flow, whereas after ligation of the hepatic artery, blood flow in the portal vein increases by 30–50% and almost completely compensates for the restriction in arterial blood flow. Moreover, the oxygen tension in the blood of the hepatic sinusoids under these conditions remains within the range normal values, the metabolic and detoxification functions of the liver remain normal.

One of distinctive features The portal vasculature is its function as a blood depot, since the liver vessels can accommodate up to 20% of the body's total blood.

The expansion of sinusoids is accompanied by the deposition of a large amount of blood, while contraction is accompanied by its release into the systemic circulation.

The high capacity of the hepatic vessels determines the role of the liver in water-salt metabolism. In addition, the endothelium of the hepatic sinusoids has high permeability; intensive filtration of the liquid part of the blood occurs through it. Due to this, a large amount of protein-rich lymph is formed in the liver, some of which goes into the thoracic lymphatic duct, some with the flow of bile into the gastrointestinal tract.

The importance of the blood deposition function lies in the fact that it ensures adequate regulation of blood volume, venous return and cardiac output.

In extreme situations, with a sharp increase in physical activity, the rapid release of blood from the portal depot is accompanied by an increase in heart function and maintenance of systemic hemodynamics at a level corresponding to the needs of the body.

In case of blood loss, the expulsion of deposited blood from the hepatic depot restores BCC to a certain extent and helps maintain blood pressure, that is, an effect called “internal blood transfusion” develops. These reactions are carried out due to the presence of pronounced neurohumoral control over the tone and blood supply of the portal bed; adequate mobilization of blood from it is an important component of many physiological and behavioral reactions of the body, ensuring its adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

However, under pathological conditions, the ability of the liver to deposit a large volume of blood can pose a significant danger to the body.

During anaphylactic shock, up to 60–80% of all circulating blood can accumulate in the portal vascular bed, with a pronounced drop in blood pressure and disruption of systemic hemodynamics. Despite the fact that the blood flow to the liver is carried out through two channels, the outflow occurs only through the hepatic veins, a violation of the outflow, in particular with cirrhosis of the liver, leads to the development of portal hypertension with the gradual development of portocaval anastomoses and transportation of blood from the portal vein to the inferior vena cava, bypassing liver.

If normally, 100% of the blood flowing to the liver through the portal vein and hepatic artery flows out through the hepatic vein, then with severe cirrhosis of the liver, up to 90% of the outflow of portal blood occurs through portocaval anastomoses.

The most severe consequence of portal hypertension is the formation of ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity as a result of its extravasation through the capillary wall. The immediate cause of the development of ascites is an increase in hydrodynamic pressure in the sinusoids of the liver, which is accompanied by the appearance on its surface of droplets of a transparent but protein-rich liquid,

Draining into the abdominal cavity. The development of ascites is also facilitated by a decrease in colloid osmotic pressure of blood plasma, caused by hypoproteinemia as a result of increased permeability of the endothelium of the hepatic sinusoids. In patients with portal hypertension, but without ascites, colloid osmotic pressure reaches 220–240 mm of water. Art., and in patients with ascites it is reduced to 140–200 mm of water. Art.

Hypoproteinemia under these conditions is associated not only with the release of blood protein from the vascular bed, but is largely a consequence of sodium and water retention in the body.

It has been established that these effects in such patients occur even before the appearance of signs of portal circulation disorders, the development of ascites and edema.

In most cases, the filtration and excretory function of the kidneys remains complete, but in combination with increased reabsorption of sodium in the tubules as a result of an increase in the concentration of corticosteroids in the blood, primarily aldosterone, and the antidiuretic hormone of the neurohypophysis.

However, as fluid accumulates in the peritoneal cavity, the process of reabsorption is activated. When the pressure in it rises to 400–450 mm water. Art., between the processes of transudation and reabsorption of fluid, equilibrium is restored to a new pathological level and ascites stops growing.

In this case, the ascitic fluid is not in a static state; in 1 hour, up to 80% of the water contained in it is replaced.

V.V. Bratus, T.V. Talaeva “Circulatory system: principles of organization and regulation of functional activity”

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The enrichment of liver tissue occurs through two vessels: the artery and portal vein, which are branched in the left and right lobes of the organ. Both vessels enter the gland through the “gate” located at the bottom of the right lobe. The blood supply to the liver is distributed in the following percentage: 75% of the blood passes through the portal vein, and 25% through the artery. The anatomy of the liver involves the passage of 1.5 liters of valuable fluid every 60 seconds. at pressure in the portal vessel - up to 10-12 mm Hg. Art., in the artery - up to 120 mm Hg. Art.

The liver suffers greatly from lack of blood supply, and with this, the entire human body.

The liver is allocated the main role in metabolic processes occurring in the body. The quality of an organ’s functions depends on its blood supply. The liver tissues are enriched with blood from the artery, which is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Valuable fluid enters the parenchyma from the celiac trunk. Venous blood, saturated with carbon dioxide and coming from the spleen and intestines, leaves the liver through the portal vessel.

The anatomy of the liver includes two structural units called lobules, which are similar to a faceted prism (the edges are created by rows of hepatocytes). Each lobule has a developed vascular network, consisting of an interlobular vein, artery, bile duct, and lymphatic vessels. The structure of each lobule suggests the presence of 3 blood streams:

  • for the flow of blood serum to the lobules;
  • for microcirculation inside the structural unit;
  • to drain blood from the liver.

25-30% of the blood volume circulates through the arterial network under pressure up to 120 mmHg. Art., in the portal vessel - 70-75% (10-12 mm Hg). In sinusoids, the pressure does not exceed 3-5 mm Hg. Art., in the veins - 2-3 mm Hg. Art. If pressure increases, excess blood is released into the anastomoses between the vessels. After processing, arterial blood is directed into the capillary network, and then sequentially enters the hepatic vein system and accumulates in the lower hollow vessel.

The blood circulation rate in the liver is 100 ml/min, but with pathological dilatation of blood vessels due to their atony, this value can increase to 5000 ml/min. (about 3 times).

The interdependence of arteries and veins in the liver determines the stability of blood flow. When blood flow in the portal vein increases (for example, against the background of functional hyperemia of the gastrointestinal tract during digestion), the rate of movement of red liquid through the artery decreases. And, conversely, when the blood circulation rate in the vein decreases, perfusion in the artery increases.

The histology of the liver circulatory system suggests the presence of the following structural units:

  • main vessels: hepatic artery (with oxygenated blood) and portal vein (with blood from unpaired peritoneal organs);
  • an extensive network of vessels that flow into each other through lobar, segmental, interlobular, perilobular, capillary structures with a connection at the end into an intralobular sinusoidal capillary;
  • efferent vessel - collecting vein, which contains mixed blood from the sinusoidal capillary and directs it to the sublobular vein;
  • vena cava, designed to collect purified venous blood.

If for some reason the blood cannot move with normal speed through the portal vein or artery, it is redirected to the anastomoses.

The peculiarity of the structure of these structural elements is the possibility of communication between the blood supply system of the liver and other organs. True, in this case, the regulation of blood flow and redistribution of the red liquid is carried out without purifying it, so it, without lingering in the liver, immediately enters the heart.

  • The portal vein has anastomoses with the following organs:
  • stomach;
  • the anterior wall of the peritoneum through the periumbilical veins;
  • esophagus;
  • rectal section;

the lower part of the liver itself through the vena cava.

Consequently, if a distinct venous pattern appears on the abdomen, reminiscent of the head of a jellyfish, varicose veins of the esophagus and rectum are detected, it should be stated that the anastomoses are working in an enhanced mode, and in the portal vein there is a strong excess of pressure that prevents the passage of blood.

Regulation of blood supply to the liver

This regulatory system is responsible for muscular contraction of the vascular walls. Due to muscle tone, the lumen of blood vessels, when they contract, narrows, and when they relax, they expand. With the help of this process, the pressure and speed of blood flow increases or decreases, that is, the stability of the blood supply is regulated under the influence of:

Features of myogenic regulation:

  • ensuring a high degree of autoregulation of hepatic blood flow;
  • maintaining constant pressure in the sinusoids.

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Regulation of this type occurs through hormones, such as:

Hormonal imbalances can negatively impact liver function and integrity.

  • Adrenalin. It is produced during stress and affects the α-adrenergic receptors of the portal vessel, causing relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intrahepatic vascular walls and a decrease in pressure in the blood flow system.
  • Norepinephrine and angiotensin. They have the same effect on the venous and arterial systems, causing a narrowing of the lumen of their vessels, which leads to a decrease in the amount of blood entering the organ. The process is started by increasing vascular resistance in both channels (venous and arterial).
  • Acetylcholine. The hormone helps to expand the lumen of arterial vessels, which means it improves blood supply to the organ. But at the same time, a narrowing of the venules occurs, therefore, the outflow of blood from the liver is disrupted, which provokes the deposition of blood into the hepatic parenchyma and a jump in portal pressure.
  • Metabolic products and tissue hormones. Substances dilate arterioles and narrow portal venules. There is a decrease in venous circulation against the background of an increase in the flow rate of arterial blood with an increase in its total volume.
  • Other hormones - thyroxine, glucocorticoids, insulin, glucagon. Substances cause increased metabolic processes, while blood flow increases against the background of a decrease in portal inflow and an increase in arterial blood supply. There is a theory that adrenaline and tissue metabolites influence these hormones.

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The influence of this form of regulation is secondary. There are two types of regulation:

  1. Sympathetic innervation, in which the process is controlled by the branches of the celiac plexus. The system leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and a decrease in the amount of incoming blood.
  2. Parasympathetic innervation, in which nerve impulses come from the vagus nerve. But these signals have no effect on the blood supply to the organ.

The blood supply to the liver is carried out by a system of arteries and veins, which are connected to each other and to the vessels of other organs. This body performs great amount functions, including the detoxification of toxins, the synthesis of proteins and bile, and the accumulation of many compounds. Under conditions of normal blood circulation, it does its job, which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism.

How do blood circulation processes occur in the liver?

The liver is a parenchymal organ, that is, it does not have a cavity. Its structural unit is a lobule, which is formed by specific cells, or hepatocytes. The lobule has the shape of a prism, and neighboring lobules are combined into lobes of the liver. The blood supply to each structural unit is carried out using the hepatic triad, which consists of three structures:

  • interlobular vein;
  • arteries;
  • bile duct.

Main arteries of the liver

Arterial blood enters the liver from vessels that originate from the abdominal aorta. The main artery of the organ is the hepatic artery. Along its length, it gives blood to the stomach and gall bladder, and before entering the gate of the liver or directly in this area, it is divided into 2 branches:

  • the left hepatic artery, which carries blood to the left, quadrate and caudal lobes of the organ;
  • right hepatic artery, which supplies blood right lobe organ, and also gives off a branch to the gallbladder.

The arterial system of the liver has collaterals, that is, areas where neighboring vessels are united through collaterals. These may be extrahepatic or intraorgan associations.

Veins of the liver

The veins of the liver are usually divided into afferent and efferent. Along the afferent tract, blood moves to the organ, and along the efferent tract, it moves away from it and carries away the end products of metabolism. Several main vessels are associated with this organ:

  • portal vein - an afferent vessel that is formed from the splenic and superior mesenteric veins;
  • hepatic veins are a system of drainage tracts.

The portal vein carries blood from the organs of the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, spleen and pancreas). It is saturated with toxic metabolic products, and their neutralization occurs in the liver cells. After these processes, the blood leaves the organ through the hepatic veins, and then participates in the systemic circulation.

Diagram of blood circulation in the liver lobules

The topography of the liver is represented by small lobules, which are surrounded by a network of small vessels. They have structural features that help cleanse the blood of toxic substances. When entering the portal of the liver, the main afferent vessels are divided into small branches:

Take this test and find out if you have liver problems.

  • equity,
  • segmental,
  • interlobular,
  • intralobular capillaries.

These vessels have a very thin muscle layer to facilitate blood filtration. At the very center of each lobule, the capillaries merge into a central vein, which is devoid of muscle tissue. It flows into the interlobular vessels, and they, accordingly, into the segmental and lobar collecting vessels. Leaving the organ, the blood is distributed through 3 or 4 hepatic veins. These structures already have a full muscle layer and carry blood into the inferior vena cava, from where it enters the right atrium.

Portal vein anastomoses

The blood supply to the liver is adapted to ensure that the blood from the digestive tract is cleared of metabolic products, poisons and toxins. For this reason, stagnation of venous blood is dangerous for the body - if it collects in the lumen of blood vessels, toxic substances will poison the person.

Anastomoses are bypass routes for venous blood. The portal vein is connected to the vessels of some organs:

  • stomach;
  • anterior abdominal wall;
  • esophagus;
  • intestines;
  • inferior vena cava.

If for some reason the fluid cannot enter the liver (thrombosis or inflammatory diseases hepatobiliary tract), it does not accumulate in the vessels, but continues to move along bypass routes. However, this condition is also dangerous because the blood does not have the opportunity to get rid of toxins and flows into the heart in an unclean form. Portal vein anastomoses begin to function fully only in pathological conditions. For example, with cirrhosis of the liver, one of the symptoms is the filling of the veins of the anterior abdominal wall near the navel.

Regulation of blood circulation processes in the liver

The movement of fluid through the vessels occurs due to the pressure difference. The liver constantly contains at least 1.5 liters of blood, which moves through large and small arteries and veins. The essence of blood circulation regulation is to maintain a constant amount of fluid and ensure its flow through the vessels.

Mechanisms of myogenic regulation

Myogenic (muscular) regulation is possible due to the presence of valves in the muscular wall of blood vessels. When muscles contract, the lumen of the blood vessels narrows and fluid pressure increases. When they relax, the opposite effect occurs. This mechanism plays a major role in the regulation of blood circulation and is used to maintain constant pressure under different conditions: during rest and physical activity, in heat and cold, with increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressure and in other situations.

Humoral regulation

Humoral regulation is the effect of hormones on the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Some of the biological fluids can affect veins and arteries, expanding or narrowing their lumen:

  • adrenaline – binds to adrenergic receptors in the muscular wall of intrahepatic vessels, relaxes them and provokes a decrease in blood pressure;
  • norepinephrine, angiotensin - act on veins and arteries, increasing fluid pressure in their lumen;
  • acetylcholine, products of metabolic processes and tissue hormones - simultaneously dilates arteries and constricts veins;
  • some other hormones (thyroxine, insulin, steroids) - provoke an acceleration of blood circulation and at the same time a slowdown in blood flow through the arteries.

Hormonal regulation underlies the response to many environmental factors. The secretion of these substances is carried out by endocrine organs.

Nervous regulation

Mechanisms of nervous regulation are possible due to the peculiarities of the innervation of the liver, but they play a secondary role. The only way to influence the condition of the hepatic vessels through the nerves is to irritate the branches of the celiac nerve plexus. As a result, the lumen of the vessels narrows, the amount of blood flow decreases.

Blood circulation in the liver differs from the usual pattern that is typical for other organs. The inflow of fluid is carried out by veins and arteries, and the outflow is carried out by the hepatic veins. During circulation in the liver, the fluid is cleared of toxins and harmful metabolites, after which it enters the heart and further participates in blood circulation.

Heart hurts - check your liver

Clean blood – healthy heart and blood vessels

Waste and toxins circulating in the blood are the result of a violation of the filtering function of our liver. The fact is that huge amounts of waste and toxins constantly enter our blood, which the liver is designed to filter. However, the toxic burden on the liver modern man prohibitively high. As a result, toxic substances accumulate in it. Protecting themselves from poisoning, each liver cell strives to enclose them in a fatty “sarcophagus”.

Since the liver cells, clogged with fat, can no longer filter the blood normally, toxins and wastes poison every organ, every cell of our body. For example, every second millions of cells in our heart are damaged, which form the tissue of the heart muscle - the myocardium. Direct toxic damage to myocardial cells is one of the causes underlying angina pectoris (heart pain). Secondly, damaged heart cells lose their ability to adequately consume oxygen from the blood. From this arises oxygen starvation myocardium, underlying coronary heart disease.

Another powerful factor causing coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart. What underlies the atherosclerotic process in all (!) of our vessels? Modern look Many doctors respond to this problem as follows. Wastes and toxins that constantly circulate in our blood, both chemically and simply mechanically damage the inner surface of our blood vessels. In case of such damage, nature has provided a special protective mechanism. One of its elements is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a fat that is synthesized by the liver and is a necessary and important substance for our body. One of its functions in our body is that, like plaster, it sticks from the inside to damage in blood vessels in order to patch them up. The only thing that wise nature could not foresee was the huge amount of waste and toxins in the blood of modern man. So it turns out that every second it is necessary to put hundreds of thousands of patches from the inside on the walls of our blood vessels. Unfortunately, new and new portions of toxins continue to damage our blood vessels even on top of the already installed “patches”. This is how atherosclerotic plaques form. As the plaque grows, it completely or partially blocks the lumen of the vessel and causes acute or slowly increasing insufficiency of blood supply to the organ that the vessel feeds. If a heart vessel (coronary artery) becomes blocked, coronary heart disease occurs. It often leads to the complete death of a section of the heart muscle - myocardial infarction. If plaques block a vessel in the brain, cerebral ischemia occurs, the logical continuation of which is a cerebral stroke.

Atherosclerosis is an insidious disease. Usually, until the plaque blocks 70% of the lumen of a particular vessel, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. That's why modern medicine reconsidered her attitude towards atherosclerosis as a disease of the “elderly”. As scientists have found, the atherosclerotic process is already actively occurring in the vessels of young people (25-30 years old), and residents of industrialized countries are most susceptible to it. As you know, cardiovascular diseases are in first place among the causes of mortality in Russia, and in the United States they are second only to cancer. Previously it was believed that for the development of atherosclerosis and its dire consequences, total blood cholesterol must be increased. However, it turned out that in many people an active atherosclerotic process develops even with normal total cholesterol levels. This serves only as further confirmation that one of the main reasons for the development of atherosclerosis is damage to the walls of blood vessels by toxins and blood waste. It should be noted that increased total cholesterol only causes a more rapid development of the atherosclerotic process.

As you know, atherosclerosis simultaneously affects many arteries of our body that supply various organs. In addition to atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and heart, many people have a hidden atherosclerotic process in the vessels lower limbs. Smokers are especially susceptible to it. This disease is called "atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities" or "intermittent claudication syndrome." First, a person notices that his feet are constantly cold, even in a warm room. Then pain appears when walking, and later at rest. Further development Poor circulation can lead to tissue death (gangrene) and the need for limb amputation.

Since atherosclerosis causes multiple damage to our blood vessels, its treatment is extremely difficult. Even surgical treatment, such as stenting coronary artery or coronary artery bypass surgery, is not able to protect a person from the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in other vessels of the heart, brain, limbs, intestines, kidneys and other organs. In addition, multiple narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels is one of the main reasons arterial hypertension. After all, in order to pump blood through vessels narrowed by plaques, the heart needs to eject blood with increased force. Obviously, the smaller the lumen of our vessels, the higher the blood pressure numbers.

If the barriers that prevent the liver from performing its functions properly are removed, the body's balance and health will be restored. Liver stones can cause circulatory problems...

High cholesterol

Cholesterol is an important component in the structure of every cell in the body, necessary for all metabolic processes. It plays a particularly important role in the production of nerve tissue, bile and some hormones. On average, the body produces 0.5-1 g of cholesterol per day, depending on how much of this substance it needs at a given time. The body's production capacity allows it to synthesize 400 times more cholesterol than we get by eating 100 g of butter. D mainly this substance is produced in the liver and small intestine - in that order. IN normal conditions These organs have the ability to release cholesterol directly into the blood, where it is instantly bound by proteins contained therein. These proteins, called lipoproteins, are responsible for delivering cholesterol to various destinations. There are three main types of lipoproteins involved in the transport of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Compared to HPL, which is called “good” cholesterol, NPL and ONPL molecules are much larger and richer in cholesterol. They are larger for a reason. Unlike IPL, which easily penetrates cells through the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol molecules NPL and OPPL must move in a different way: they are extracted from the blood in the liver.

The blood vessels going to the liver differ in structure from the vessels of other organs. They are called sinusoids. Their unique mesh structure allows liver cells to absorb all the contents of the blood, including large cholesterol molecules. Liver cells convert cholesterol and excrete it with bile into the intestines, where it mixes with fats, is absorbed by lymph and only then enters the blood. Stones in the bile ducts of the liver prevent the flow of bile and partially - or even completely - block the pathways for the release of cholesterol. Due to stagnation of bile, its production is sharply reduced. Typically, a healthy liver produces more than a liter of bile per day. When large ducts are blocked, no more than a glass of bile reaches the intestines per day, or even less. And a significant amount of PIPL and IPL cholesterol cannot leave the liver.

Gallstones deform the structure of the liver lobules, which leads to damage to the sinusoids and stagnation of blood in them. Deposits of excess cholesterol close the mesh walls of these vessels (discussed in more detail in the previous section). If the “good” IPL molecules are small enough to leave the circulatory system through the membranes of ordinary capillaries, then the larger NPL and OIPL molecules are captured. As a result, their concentration in the blood increases, which poses a potential threat to the body. However, even this is not the end of the body’s attempts to ensure its survival. The extra cholesterol is needed to "seal" the growing number of cracks and wounds that form as a result of the accumulation of excess protein in the walls of blood vessels. Over time, however, this life-saving cholesterol begins to clog blood vessels, starving the heart of oxygen.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that the reduction in the volume of bile entering the body impairs the digestion of food, especially fats. This leads to less cholesterol entering the cells, which is necessary for metabolic processes. Not receiving enough NPL and ONPL, liver cells mistakenly assume that the body is deficient in these substances and increase their production, thereby further increasing their concentration in the blood.

"Bad" cholesterol gets stuck in the circulatory system because its exit routes - the bile ducts and liver sinusoids - are blocked or damaged. Capillaries and arteries accumulate in their walls as much NPL and ONPL as they can accommodate. Because of this, the vessels become coarser and harden.

Coronary heart disease, whether caused by smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol or protein foods, stress or some other factor, usually begins only when the bile ducts of the liver are blocked by stones. Removing stones from the liver and gallbladder can not only prevent heart attack or stroke, but also reverse the development of coronary disease and the process of degeneration of the heart muscle. The body's reactions to stressful situations become less destructive, and cholesterol levels normalize as deformed and damaged liver lobules are regenerated. Medicines that lower blood cholesterol will not help. By artificially reducing the level of this substance, they induce liver cells to increase its production. But when this excess cholesterol enters the blocked bile ducts, it crystallizes there and turns into new gallstones. People who regularly take anti-cholesterol drugs tend to develop a large number of gallstones. And this is fraught with the most serious consequences, including cancer and heart disease.

Cholesterol is necessary for normal functioning immune system, especially to effectively fight the body against the millions of cancer cells that form every day in the human body. Although many health problems are associated with excess cholesterol, this does not mean that we should strive to get rid of it, because it brings much more benefit than harm. And its negative impact is only a symptom of diseases that have other causes. Let me emphasize once again that “bad” cholesterol attaches to the walls of blood vessels only in an attempt to prevent impending heart problems, and not to cause them.

This is confirmed by the fact that cholesterol never accumulates in the veins. When a doctor checks the level of this substance, he draws blood from a vein, not an artery. Blood flows slower in veins than in arteries, and it would be much easier for cholesterol to block the former than the latter, but it does not. There is simply no need for this. Why? Because there are no cracks or damage in the walls of the veins that need to be “sealed.” Cholesterol clings to the lining of the arteries only to create a kind of plaster cast around the resulting wounds and protect the tissue. Veins do not absorb proteins into their basement membranes the way capillaries and arteries do, and are therefore not susceptible to injury.

“Bad” cholesterol saves lives, not takes them away. NPL allows blood to continue to flow through damaged arteries without causing dangerous complications. The theory that a high level of PPL is main reason coronary heart disease, unscientific and unfounded. It misleads people into thinking that cholesterol is an enemy that must be destroyed at all costs. There is no evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. Hundreds of studies conducted to date have confirmed only the presence statistical correlation between these two phenomena. And such a dependence certainly exists, since if it were not for the “bad” cholesterol molecules that “seal” damaged arteries, there would be many millions more deaths from heart attacks. On the other hand, dozens of reputable studies have shown that the risk of heart disease increases significantly when NPL levels in the blood decrease. Elevated levels of PPL are not a cause of heart disease. This is rather a consequence of an imbalance in the liver and stagnation and dehydration of the circulatory system.

If your doctor tells you that lowering your cholesterol with medication will protect you from a heart attack, he is misleading you. The most popular drug that reduces cholesterol in the blood is Lipitor. I suggest you read the following warning published on the manufacturer's official website:

“LIPITOR (atorvastatin) tablets are available on prescription and are used to lower cholesterol levels. LIPITOR is not suitable for every patient. It should not be taken by people with liver disease, or by women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or preparing to become pregnant. LIPITOR does not prevent heart disease or heart attacks.

If you take LIPITOR, tell your doctor if you have any unusual pain or muscle weakness. This may be a sign of serious side effects. It is also important to tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking to avoid possible drug incompatibilities...”

I ask the question: “Why risk the life and health of a patient by prescribing a drug that cannot treat the problem for which it is prescribed?” Lowering cholesterol levels cannot prevent heart disease because cholesterol does not cause it.

The most important question is how efficiently the human body uses this cholesterol and other fats. The body's ability to properly digest and absorb fats depends on how clean and free the liver's bile ducts are. When bile flows without interference and its level is balanced, the content of 11PL and VIL in the blood is regulated. Thus, the main means of preventing coronary heart disease is the normal condition of the bile ducts.

Circulatory disorders, enlarged heart and spleen, varicose veins, lymph congestion, hormonal imbalance

Liver stones can cause poor circulation, enlarged heart and spleen, varicose veins, blocked lymphatic vessels and hormonal imbalance. When stones grow so large that they deform the structure of the liver lobules, blood circulation within the liver deteriorates. This increases venous blood pressure not only in the liver, but also in other organs and parts of the body, from which the used blood is delivered through the corresponding veins to the portal vein of the liver. Reduced vascular capacity leads to stagnation of blood in various places, especially in the spleen, stomach, at the far end of the esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder and intestines. This can cause these organs to enlarge, weaken their ability to remove waste products, and block the corresponding veins.

With varicose veins, the veins expand so much that the valves are no longer able to restrain the reverse flow of blood. Increased stress on the vessels in the anus causes hemorrhoids. Other parts of the body where varicose veins often develop include the legs, esophagus and scrotum. Less serious dilation of veins and venules (small veins) can occur anywhere. And the reason for this is always poor circulation*.

Obstruction of blood flow through the liver also affects the heart. When organ function deteriorates due to increased venous pressure digestive system, waste products begin to accumulate in them, including the remains of dead cells. The spleen has an additional burden of removing destroyed or obsolete cells, as a result of which it increases. As a result, the movement of blood to and from the digestive organs is slowed, which overworks the heart, increases blood pressure, and damages blood vessels. The right half of the heart, which receives venous blood from the liver and all other organs through the inferior vena cava, is filled with toxic and sometimes infectious substances. Over time, this causes the right side of the heart to enlarge.

Almost all heart diseases have one thing in common: a blockage of the circulatory system occurs. But stopping the flow of blood is not so easy. This must be preceded by a serious blockage of the liver bile ducts. Gallstones blocking these channels lead to a sharp reduction in blood supply to the liver cells. Obstructed blood flow through the liver affects the entire circulatory system, and this in turn has a detrimental effect on the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system, closely linked to the immune system, helps cleanse the body of harmful metabolic products, foreign substances and cellular debris. All cells of the body receive nutrients from the solution surrounding them, the so-called intercellular fluid, and also release metabolic waste there. The viability and efficient functioning of cells depend on how quickly and completely metabolic products are removed from the intercellular fluid. Since most waste cannot enter directly into the blood, it accumulates in this fluid, awaiting neutralization and removal by the lymphatic system. Potentially hazardous substances are filtered and neutralized in the lymph nodes, which are located throughout the body. One of the most important functions of the lymphatic system is to cleanse the intercellular fluid of toxic elements.

Deterioration of blood circulation in the body leads to excessive accumulation of foreign and harmful substances in the intercellular tissues, and, consequently, in the lymphatic vessels and nodes. When lymphatic drainage is slowed or blocked, thyroid, the tonsils and spleen begin to rapidly degenerate. These organs are important components of the system responsible for cleansing the body and immunity. In addition, microbes that take refuge among gallstones can become a constant source of infection, distracting the lymphatic and immune systems from fighting more serious diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, measles, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.

By restricting the movement of bile through the liver and gallbladder, the small intestine loses its ability to effectively digest food. This allows waste and toxic substances such as cadaverine and putresiine (products of the breakdown of fermented or rotten food) to seep into the lymphatic vessels. Together with fats and carbohydrates, these toxins enter the largest lymphatic vessel in the body - the thoracic duct - and into the so-called lymphatic cistern, which is a kind of reservoir located in front of the first two lumbar vertebrae.

Toxins, antigens and undigested proteins from animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and milk accumulate in the lymph nodes, causing them to swell and become inflamed. In the seconds before an animal is slaughtered, its cells are killed or damaged, and their protein structures are destroyed by cellular enzymes. These so-called “degenerate” proteins are of no use to the body and can even become harmful if they are not promptly removed by the lymphatic system. Their presence promotes increased microbial activity. Viruses, fungi and bacteria feed on such waste, in some cases this can cause an allergic reaction. When lymph stagnation occurs, the body's own degenerating cellular proteins are also not removed, and sometimes this results in lymphedema. If you lie on your back, you can feel it in the form of dense nodules - sometimes the size of a fist - in the navel area. This swelling often becomes one of the causes of pain in the middle and lower back, abdominal enlargement, and many other symptoms. As a rule, people consider the growth of their belly to be an unpleasant, but generally harmless phenomenon, or even a consequence of the natural aging process. They do not understand that they carry within themselves a living time bomb that can one day “explode” and destroy vital organs.

80% of the lymphatic system is concentrated in the intestines, which makes this organ largest center immune defense. This is no accident. After all, the largest number of pathogenic agents are generated and accumulated in the intestinal tract. Any lymphedema or other kind of congestion in this vital part of the lymphatic system can negatively affect all other organs.

When the lymphatic duct is blocked, lymph accumulation occurs at a great distance from the resulting plug. Therefore, the lymph nodes located in those places can no longer effectively neutralize waste, which includes living and dead phagocytes with ingested microbes, cells that have died from old age or damaged by disease, fermentation products, pesticides contained in food, malignant tumor cells and millions cancer cells that form every day in the body of every person, even the healthiest. Incomplete destruction of these wastes leads to the fact that the lymph nodes become inflamed, enlarged and filled with blood. The infection can enter the bloodstream, causing poisoning of the body and acute illness. In most cases, however, the process of blocking the lymphatic vessels occurs slowly, resulting only in an enlarged abdomen, swollen arms and legs, and the formation of bags under the eyes. This phenomenon is often called dropsy, and it heralds the onset of a chronic disease.

Continuous blockage of the lymphatic system usually results in various disorders. Almost every chronic disease is a consequence of stagnation of lymph in the lymphatic tank. Over time, the thoracic duct, through which lymph leaves this reservoir, becomes filled with toxic waste and also becomes clogged. This duct, which serves as the body's sewer, is connected to many other lymphatic channels that carry their waste into it. Since the thoracic duct removes 85% of cellular debris and other waste products from the body, blocking this pathway causes waste to retreat and spread to the farthest corners of the body.

If metabolic products and other toxins generated by the body are not eliminated from it within a certain time, diseases develop. The diseases and symptoms listed below - not all - are signs and direct consequences of chronic lymph stagnation, localized in certain parts of the body: obesity, uterine and ovarian cysts, enlarged prostate gland, rheumatism of the joints, enlargement of the left half of the heart, heart failure, congestion in the bronchi and lungs, thickening of the neck, impaired mobility of the neck and shoulders, back pain, headache, migraine, dizziness, ringing and pain in the ears, deafness, dandruff, frequent colds, sinusitis, hay fever, some types of asthma, enlarged thyroid gland, eye diseases, blurred vision, enlarged mammary glands, breast cancer, kidney problems, swollen legs, scoliosis, brain diseases, memory loss, stomach disorders, enlarged spleen, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia, colon polyps, etc.

The contents of the thoracic duct drain into the left subclavian vein at the base of the neck, which becomes the superior vena cava, which runs directly into the left side of the heart. Stagnation in the lymphatic cistern and thoracic duct not only prevents proper cleansing various organs and body parts from waste, but also allows toxic substances to pass into the heart and cardiac arteries. Thus, these poisons and pathogenic bacteria infect the entire circulatory system and spread throughout the body. It is difficult to find a disease that is not associated with a blockage of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic blockage overloads the heart and in most cases occurs due to congestion in the liver (well, the reasons for the formation of gallstones in the liver will be discussed in the next chapter). This can even result in lymphoma or lymph cancer, the most common type of which is Hodgkin's disease.

Deterioration of the circulatory system due to gallstones in the liver also affects the activity endocrine system. Endocrine glands produce hormones that pass from their cells directly into the blood, affecting the activity, growth and nutrition of the body. The thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, ovaries and testicles are most susceptible to the negative effects of blood stagnation. More severe circulatory disorders lead to an imbalance in the secretion of hormones by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, as well as the pineal gland and pituitary gland.

Stagnation of blood, manifested in its thickening, prevents hormones from reaching their destinations in sufficient quantities and at the right time. Because of this, the glands begin to produce hormones in excess quantities (hypersecretion). When the lymphatic drainage from the glands is insufficient, stagnation occurs in them. This leads to hyposecretion (insufficient production) of hormones. Diseases associated with hormonal imbalance include toxic goiter, Graves' disease, cretinism, myxedema, thyroid tumors, hypoparathyroidism, which leads to impaired calcium absorption and causes cataracts, as well as mental disorders and dementia. Insufficient calcium absorption itself is the cause of numerous diseases, including osteonorosis (decreased bone density). If circulatory problems disrupt the balance of insulin production by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, diabetes develops. Gallstones in the liver can lead to a reduction in protein synthesis by liver cells. This in turn prompts the adrenal glands to produce excessive amounts of cortisol, a hormone that stimulates protein production. Excess cortisol in the blood leads to atrophy of lymphoid tissue and suppression of the immune system, which is considered the main cause of the development of cancer and many other diseases. An imbalance in the secretion of hormones by the adrenal glands can cause a number of diseases, leading to a weakening of the febrile response and a reduction in protein synthesis. Proteins are the building blocks from which tissue cells, hormones, etc. are created. The liver is capable of producing many hormones that affect the growth and recovery of the body.

One of the functions of the liver is also to suppress the production of certain hormones, including insulin, glucagon, cortisol, aldosterone, thyroid and sex hormones. Gallstones can prevent the liver from doing this important function, helping to increase the level of hormones in the blood. Hormonal imbalance is an extremely serious disorder and occurs very often when liver stones block large blood vessels, which are also routes for the movement of hormones.

When nothing interferes with the flow of blood and lymph, there is no reason for illness. And the problems of both vascular systems, circulatory and lymphatic, can be successfully solved by a series of liver cleanses, combining them with a balanced diet and in a healthy way life.

In Germany, doctors varicose veins veins as an alternative surgical intervention Horse chestnut seeds are prescribed to patients. This drug is extremely effective in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, cramps and, in combination with cleansing the liver, can lead to complete recovery.

Respiratory system diseases

Both mental and physical health depend on the efficient functioning and vitality of the body's cells. The main source of energy needed by cells is chemical reactions, which can only be carried out in the presence of oxygen. One of the products of these reactions is carbon dioxide. The respiratory system is the channel through which oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide is removed from it. Blood serves as a transport system that ensures the exchange of these gases between the lungs and cells.

Gallstones in the liver can disrupt the respiratory system and cause allergic disorders, diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses, bronchi and lungs. When stones distort the liver lobules, it negatively affects the ability of the liver, small intestine, and lymphatic and immune systems to cleanse the blood. Metabolic products and toxic substances, which ideally should be neutralized by these organs and systems, begin to penetrate the heart, lungs, bronchi and other respiratory tracts. Constant exposure these irritants reduce the resistance of the respiratory system. Stagnation of lymph in the abdominal area, especially in the lacteal cistern and thoracic duct, leads to a deterioration in the outflow of lymph from the respiratory organs. Most diseases of the respiratory system are a consequence of this process.

Pneumonia occurs when the body's defenses fail to prevent the lungs from being invaded by germs from the air or blood. Many harmful microbes, as well as very toxic substances, are contained in gallstones, and they can enter the bloodstream at sites of liver damage. Thus, gallstones constantly divert the forces of the immune system to themselves, as a result of which the body, and especially the upper respiratory tract, lose the ability to resist external and internal pathogenic factors, which include microbes (it is generally believed that they cause pneumonia), cigarette smoke , alcohol, x-rays, steroids, allergens, antigens, pollutants environment etc.

Other complications occur when stones block the bile ducts and cause the liver to become enlarged. This gland is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, occupying almost its entire width. Its smooth top and front surfaces curve to match the shape of the diaphragm. When the liver is enlarged, it interferes with the movement of the diaphragm and does not allow the lungs to extend to their full length when inhaling. If the liver is healthy, the lungs expand downwards so much that they push the stomach forward - this is especially visible in infants. Thanks to this, blood and lymph under pressure rush upward to the heart, which improves their circulation. An enlarged liver prevents the diaphragm and lungs from fully stretching, which reduces gas exchange, leads to stagnation of lymph and the accumulation of excess carbon dioxide in the lungs. Less oxygen enters the body, which affects the efficiency of cells throughout the body. Most people in industrialized countries have enlarged livers. What is considered a "normal" size actually isn't. If all stones are removed from the liver, it returns to its natural volume within six months.

Almost all diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract are either caused or aggravated by the presence of liver stones, and getting rid of these stones helps cure or at least reduce the symptoms.

Diseases of the urinary system

The urinary system is extremely important for the body. It consists of two kidneys, which produce urine, two ureters, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored for temporary storage, and the urethra, or urethra, through which urine is removed from the body. The normal functioning of the urinary system allows you to maintain the proper concentration of urine (which is an aqueous solution of various substances), as well as its acid-base balance. This system is also involved in the removal of metabolic products formed, for example, as a result of the breakdown (catabolism) of cellular protein in the liver.

Most diseases of the urinary system are associated with an imbalance of primary filtration in the kidneys. Every day, both kidneys produce 100-150 liters of primary urine. Of these, 1-1.5 liters are excreted from the body. With the exception of blood cells, platelets and blood proteins, all other components of blood must pass through the kidneys. The filtration process is disrupted when the digestive system, in particular the liver, is not functioning properly.

Stones in the liver and gall bladder lead to a decrease in the secretion of bile, which is necessary for the effective processing of food. A significant amount of undigested food begins to rot, poisoning the blood and lymph with toxic substances. Normal body secretions, such as urine, sweat, gases and feces, usually do not contain disease-causing wastes, of course, if their exit channels are kept clean and unblocked. Pathogens are made up of tiny molecules that enter the blood and lymph and can only be seen with a powerful electron microscope.

These molecules have a strong oxidizing effect on the body. To avoid life-threatening illness or coma, the blood is forced to rid itself of these microscopic toxins. And she throws these uninvited aliens into the intercellular substance. The intercellular substance is a viscous fluid surrounding cells. The cells, one might say, “float” in it. Under normal conditions, the body is able to cope with acidic waste deposited in the intercellular substance. It releases an alkali into the blood, sodium bicarbonate NallCO, which neutralizes acidic toxins and removes them through the excretory organs. This system, however, begins to fail when toxins are deposited faster than they are neutralized and removed. As a result, the intercellular fluid becomes thick, like jelly; this makes it difficult for nutrients, water and oxygen to move, and organ cells begin to experience starvation, dehydration and oxygen deficiency.

Among the most “acidic” compounds are proteins obtained by the body from animal foods. Gallstones prevent the liver from completely breaking down these substances. Excess proteins are temporarily stored in the intercellular fluid and converted into collagen, which accumulates in the basement membranes of the capillary walls. As a result, the membranes can thicken tenfold. The situation is similar with arteries. When overfilled, the walls of blood vessels lose their ability to absorb proteins. This causes the blood to thicken, making it harder for the kidneys to filter it. At the same time, the walls of the vessels that supply blood to the kidneys become overfilled. As the lining of blood vessels hardens, blood pressure rises and the overall performance of the kidneys decreases. An increasing amount of metabolic products secreted by the kidney cells, instead of leaving through the veins and lymphatic vessels, are retained in the kidneys and contribute to even greater compaction of the cell membranes.

As a result of all this, the kidneys become overloaded and can no longer maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance. In addition, urine components sometimes precipitate, which crystallize and turn into stones of various types and sizes. Urates, for example, are formed when the concentration uric acid exceeds the level of 2-4 mg%. Even before the mid-1960s, this norm was considered the maximum. Uric acid is a byproduct of protein breakdown in the liver. Since meat consumption increased sharply in those years, the “norm” was increased to 7.5 mg%. However, this amendment did not make uric acid less dangerous for the body. Stones formed from excess uric acid can lead to ureteral blockages, kidney infections and, over time, kidney failure.

Kidney cells become increasingly deficient in essential nutrients, including oxygen, and this can cause the development of malignant tumors. In addition, crystalline salts of uric acid, not excreted by the kidneys, often settle in the joints, which leads to rheumatism, gout and dropsy. The symptoms of emerging diseases are often deceptively mild compared to their potential severity and danger. The most noticeable and common manifestations of kidney problems are sudden changes in the volume and color of urine, as well as in the frequency of urination. This is usually accompanied by swelling of the face and ankles and pain in the upper back. If the disease progresses, further symptoms may include blurred vision, chronic fatigue, and nausea. In addition, the following signs may indicate kidney dysfunction: high or, conversely, low blood pressure, pain moving from the upper to the lower abdomen, dark brown urine, back pain just above the lower back, constant thirst, increased urine output, especially at night, a reduction in the amount of urine to 500 ml per day or less, a feeling of fullness of the bladder and pain when urinating, dryness and darkening of the skin, swelling of the ankles at night, swelling of the eyes in the morning. All serious diseases of the urinary system are caused by blood toxicity, in other words, the blood becomes infected with tiny molecules of waste and excess proteins. Gallstones in the liver impair digestion and circulation, including blood flow in the urinary system. If these stones are removed, the urinary system has every chance to restore its functioning, free itself from accumulated toxins, stones, etc., and further maintain healthy fluid balance and normal blood pressure . This is necessary for all processes occurring in the body. But this may also require a kidney cleanse (see “Kidney Cleanse” in Chapter 5).

Nervous system diseases

The state of a person’s nervous system greatly affects all aspects of his life: his character, well-being, relationships with others, mood, desires, personal qualities and much more. The brain controls all processes in the body, and if it does not receive proper nutrition and care, a person's life can turn into an endless physical and emotional nightmare.

Brain cells produce a great variety of chemical substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, if they receive the “building materials” from which these elements are created in proper quantities. Although modern intensive land use has depleted soils that have stripped them of many nutritional compounds (see “Take Ionized Minerals” in Chapter 5), the main cause of deficiency in these nutrients in the body is the lack of efficiency of the digestive system and, in particular, the liver. Lack of these important elements may prevent the brain from producing substances needed for normal functioning.

The brain can withstand a lack of nutrition for quite a long time, but the price you have to pay for this is deterioration in health, chronic fatigue, decreased energy levels, mood swings, feeling unwell, pain and general discomfort. In some cases, such a deficiency can lead to mental impairment.

The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, spinal and cranial nerves. Its autonomous functions largely depend on the quality of the blood, which consists of plasma, a clear yellowish liquid, and cells. The components of plasma are water, plasma proteins, mineral salts, hormones, vitamins, nutrients, organic metabolic products, antibodies and gases. There are three types of blood cells: white leukocytes, red erythrocytes and platelet platelets. Any disturbance in the composition of the blood affects the functioning of the nervous system.

All three types of cells are formed in the red bone marrow, which receives nutrition from the digestive system. Stones in the liver interfere with the normal absorption of food, causing a large amount of toxins to enter the plasma, and Bone marrow does not receive the required amount of nutrients. This circumstance, in turn, further disrupts the composition of the blood, prevents the free movement of hormones and causes abnormal reactions of the nervous system. Most diseases of the nervous system are directly related to changes in blood composition, which are caused by liver dysfunction.

Each of the liver's many functions directly affects the nervous system, especially the brain. Liver cells convert glucogen into glucose, which, along with oxygen and water, is absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, as it serves as the main source of energy. Although the brain weighs only one-fifteenth of the total body weight, it contains one-fifth of all the blood in the human body. The brain needs huge amounts of glucose. Liver stones lead to a sharp decrease in the supply of glucose to the brain and other parts of the nervous system, which can negatively affect the functioning of various organs, as well as mental functioning. On early stages development of imbalance in a person, an irresistible craving for food appears, especially for sweet and starchy foods; he experiences frequent mood swings or stress.

In the liver, plasma proteins and most of the substances that provide blood clotting are also formed from amino acids. And this liver function is significantly impaired by the presence of stones. When the production of blood clotting substances decreases, the concentration of platelets may decrease and hemorrhagic disease, manifested by increased bleeding, may develop. If bleeding opens in the brain, destruction of brain tissue may begin, paralysis and death may occur. The severity of bleeding is influenced by factors such as high blood pressure and alcohol abuse. The content of blood platelets in the plasma also decreases when the production of new cells does not keep pace with the destruction and wear of old ones, and this happens when stones in the liver interfere with the flow of blood to the liver cells.

Vitamin K is also necessary for the synthesis of substances that ensure blood clotting. This fat-soluble element is stored in the liver, and its absorption requires the presence of bile salts in the colon. The body begins to experience a deficiency of this vitamin when stones in the liver and gall bladder block the bile ducts and the lack of bile prevents the intestines from properly digesting and absorbing fats.

As mentioned above, liver stones can disrupt the functioning of the vascular system. When the composition of the blood changes and it thickens, the vessels begin to lose elasticity and become damaged. If a blood clot forms in an injured artery, a piece of it (embolus) can break off and block a small artery further away from the site of injury. This often causes ischemia and infarction. An infarction in a cerebral artery is called a stroke.

Any circulatory disorders affect the brain and other components of the nervous system. Liver dysfunction is particularly sensitive to atrocytes, the cells that make up the tissue that supports the central nervous system. This disorder manifests itself in apathy, disorientation, delirium, muscle stiffness and coma. Nitrogenous waste products from bacteria are absorbed into the body through the colon and, under conditions of unsatisfactory functioning of the liver, which is supposed to neutralize these wastes, they can enter the brain with the blood. Other metabolic products, such as ammonia, can reach toxic levels and alter the degree of permeability of blood vessels, thereby weakening the blood-brain barrier. This allows various harmful substances to enter the brain and cause even more damage.

If the neurons of the brain stop receiving the necessary nutrition, atrophy of the nervous tissue occurs, leading to dementia and Lytseymer's disease. When the neurons responsible for producing the brain hormone dopamine are starved, Parkinson's disease can result. Multiple sclerosis occurs when the cells that produce myelin, the fatty substance that coats most nerve cell axons, are not properly nourished. The myelin sheath becomes thinner and axons become injured.

The liver controls the process of digestion and absorption throughout the body. Gallstones interfere with fat metabolism and affect blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is the building material of all cells of the body, necessary for any metabolic processes. The brain contains more than 10% pure cholesterol (excluding water). This substance is important for normal brain development and functioning. It protects nerves from damage. An imbalance of fats in the blood most seriously affects the nervous system, so it can be considered the cause of almost all diseases. Removing stones from the liver and gall bladder helps to improve the nutrition of the nervous system and thereby rejuvenates it and activates all functions of the body.

Bone diseases

Although bones are the hardest tissue in the body, they are nonetheless living tissue. Human bones are 20% water, 30-40% organic compounds and 40-50% of inorganic substances, such as calcium. Many blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerves, pass through bone tissue. The cells responsible for balanced bone growth are called osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The former are involved in the formation of bone tissue, and the latter ensure the resorption of dying elements. The third group of cells, the so-called chondrocytes, are responsible for the development of cartilage tissue. Red bone marrow, which produces red and white blood cells, is located in the least dense parts of bone tissue - the spongy substance.

Most bone diseases develop when bone cells do not receive enough nutrition. Stones in the liver always lead to stagnation of lymph in the intestinal tract, and therefore in other parts of the body (see “Diseases of the vascular system”). Bone health requires a stable balance between the functions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This delicate balance is disrupted when lack of nutrition slows the production of new bone tissue by osteoblasts. If this process does not keep pace with the destruction of old tissue, osteoporosis develops. Usually the cancellous bone tissue is affected first, and only then the compact plates that make up the outer layer of bones.

With general osteoporosis, calcium in excess amounts is “washed out” from the bones, causing the concentration of this substance in the blood and urine to increase. This increases the likelihood of developing kidney stones and then developing kidney failure. Liver stones cause decreased production of bile, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium from the small intestine. Even when a person consumes enough calcium through food or in the form of mineral supplements, the lack of this substance means that it is not absorbed by the body and does not participate in bone formation and other important metabolic processes. In addition, the presence of liver stones leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful acids in the blood, some of which are neutralized by calcium released from bones and teeth. Over time, reserves of this substance are depleted, causing bone density and bone mass to decrease. This can cause broken bones, especially the femoral neck, and even death. When we consider that more than half of women over 50 years of age suffer from osteoporosis (albeit only in industrialized countries), it becomes clear that the current practice of using hormonal and calcium supplements food additives does not achieve its goal because it in no way solves the problem of imbalance in the liver and gall bladder.

Rickets and osteomalacia are diseases associated with disruption of the liming process of bones. In both cases, the bones - especially the lower limbs - become soft and bend under the weight of the body. Fat-soluble vitamin D, calciferol, is necessary for balanced calcium and phosphorus metabolism and, therefore, for bone health. Insufficient secretion of bile and impaired cholesterol metabolism caused by liver stones lead to a deficiency of this vitamin. The lack of ultraviolet radiation due to constant stay in enclosed spaces aggravates the situation.

Bone infection, or osteomyelitis, can occur due to prolonged stagnation of lymph, especially around the bones. Microbes gain free access to bone tissue. And the sources of these microbes are gallstones, an abscess in the teeth or a boil.

When the stagnation of lymph in the bone area reaches extreme limits, malignant bone tumors can form. The immune system is suppressed, and cancer particles from the breast, lung or prostate gland spread to those bone tissues that are best supplied with blood, i.e., the spongy substance. Cancer and other bone diseases are directly related to insufficient nutrition of bone tissue. And treatment is usually ineffective until the liver is cleared of stones, and other organs and the excretory system are cleared of all existing blockages.

Joint diseases

There are three types of joints in the human body: fibrous (immobile), cartilaginous (somewhat mobile) and synovial (mobile). The most susceptible to diseases are the wrists, ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows and hip joints. The most common joint diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

Most people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis go through a long period of intestinal symptoms, which are expressed in bloating, flatulence, heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea, lead to coldness and swelling of the hands with petunia, increased sweating, general fatigue, loss of appetite, decreased weight, etc. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that rheumatoid arthritis is directly related to these and other similar symptoms serious intestinal diseases and metabolic disorders. I personally experienced all the above-mentioned disorders during my childhood, when I suffered from attacks of rheumatism.

Arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease that affects synovium. Autoimmune diseases are diseases in which the body develops immunity to its own cells, resulting in the formation of antigen-antibody complexes (rheumatoid factors) in the blood. Coming into contact with antigens, B lymphocytes located in the intestinal walls ( immune cells) are naturally stimulated and produce antibodies (immunoglobulins. Immune cells circulate in the blood, and some of them settle in the lymph nodes, spleen, mucous membrane of the salivary glands, lymphatic system of the bronchial tubes, vagina, uterus, mammary glands and joint capsules.

With repeated exposure to the same toxic antigens, antibody production increases dramatically, especially in areas where immune cells have settled after initial exposure. These harmful antigens may contain, for example, protein particles of rotten food. In this case, there is a sharp surge in microbial activity. A new encounter with antigens increases the content of antigen-antibody complexes in the blood and upsets the fragile balance that exists between immune reaction and its suppression. Autoimmune diseases, which indicate exceptionally high levels of toxicity in the body, are a direct consequence of such processes. If too many antibodies are continually produced in the synovial joints, the inflammation becomes chronic, causing increasing joint deformity, pain and disability. Excessive activity of the immune system leads to self-destruction of the body. If a similar process occurs in nervous tissue, it is called multiple sclerosis, and if in organs, it is cancer. However, if you think about it, this self-destruction is nothing more than a last attempt at self-preservation. The body only attacks when toxins threaten to cause more destruction than the autoimmune reaction. And such high toxicity is a consequence of the presence of stones in the liver. They simply paralyze the body’s ability to maintain itself clean and well.

Osteoarthritis is inflammation of the joints. It occurs when the renewal of articular cartilage (the smooth, strong surface at the ends of bones that contact other bones) does not keep pace with its destruction. The cartilage gradually becomes thinner until, finally, it wears away completely, and the bones, coming into direct contact, begin to be damaged. This form of injury causes abnormal bone growth and chronic inflammation. Osteoarthritis is also a consequence of long-term digestive disorders. The lack of nutrients entering the body makes the task of restoring bones and cartilage more and more difficult. Liver stones interfere with digestive processes and therefore play a vital role in the development of osteoarthritis.

Gout is another joint disease directly related to liver failure. It is caused by the accumulation of sodium urate crystals in joints and ligaments. This disease occurs in people with abnormally high levels of uric acid in the blood. When gallstones interfere with blood circulation in the kidneys (see “Diseases of the urinary system”), this acid is not completely eliminated from the body. The presence of stones also leads to damage and destruction of everything more cells of the liver, kidneys and other organs.

Uric acid is a product of the breakdown of cell nuclei, and when a large number of cells die, there is too much of it in the body. Smoking, regular drinking, use of stimulants, etc. cause massive cell destruction and huge amounts of degenerated cellular protein enters the blood. In addition, uric acid levels increase sharply when excessive consumption protein foods: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc. In addition, the above-mentioned foods and substances contribute to the formation of stones in the liver and gall bladder. A person experiences several acute attacks arthritis, after which joint damage leads to partial loss of mobility, and gout becomes chronic.

Diseases of the reproductive system

The health of the reproductive system of women and men largely depends on normal liver function. The presence of stones in this organ prevents the free flow of bile through the ducts, which impairs digestion and deforms the structure of the hepatic lobules. This reduces the liver's production of serum albumin, the most abundant protein in the blood, responsible for maintaining plasma osmotic pressure at normal level, amounting to 25 mm Hg. Art., and proper concentration of blood clotting factors. Reduced osmotic pressure leads to a decrease in the flow of nutrients into cells, including reproductive organs. This can impede the drainage of lymph, and consequently cause swelling, as well as a gradual deterioration in sexual function.

Most diseases of the reproductive system are associated with impaired lymph circulation. This fluid drains from all organs of the digestive system, including the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach and intestines, into the thoracic duct. When stones in the liver disrupt the processes of digestion and absorption of food, severe stagnation of lymph in the thoracic duct often occurs. It is clear that this also affects the reproductive organs: after all, they also need to flush their waste into the “gutter” of the body.

Deterioration of lymph outflow from the pelvic area in women can cause immunosuppression, menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, cervicitis, all uterine diseases, vaginal dystrophy with the growth of fibrous tissue, ovarian cysts and tumors, cell destruction, hormonal deficiency, weakened sexual desire, infertility and genetic mutations of cells leading to the development of cancer. Often, a blockage of the thoracic duct also causes stagnation of lymph in the left side of the chest. Toxic deposits can lead to inflammation and even swelling. If the right lymphatic duct, which drains lymph from the right side of the chest, head, neck and right arm, is also blocked, toxins cause similar problems in these parts of the body.

Constant restriction of lymph outflow from the pelvic area in men causes benign or malignant enlargement of the prostate gland, inflammation of the testicles, penis and urethra. A very likely consequence of this could be impotence. The accumulation of gallstones in the liver, very common among middle-aged men living in wealthy countries, is one of the main causes of lymphatic congestion in this part of the body.

Sexually transmitted diseases occur when, even before microbial infection, there is a high level of toxicity in the pelvic area associated with blockage of the lymphatic vessels. The inability of the lymphatic system to fight pathogens is the main cause of most reproductive and sexual disorders.

After removing all the stones from the liver and returning to healthy eating and lifestyle, normal functioning of the lymphatic system can be restored. Reproductive organs will receive more nutrients and become better able to resist diseases. Infections will subside, cysts, fibrous tissue and tumors will resolve, sexual functions will be restored.

Skin diseases

Almost all skin conditions, such as eczema, rash and psoriasis, have one common factor: liver stones. Almost every person with skin diseases also suffers from intestinal disorders and high levels of blood toxicity. All this is caused by stones and that harmful effects the effect they have on the body as a whole. Stones contribute to many problems throughout the body - in particular, in the digestive, vascular and urinary systems. Trying to remove or neutralize what other organs (intestines, kidneys, lungs, liver and lymphatic system) could not cope with, the skin swells with blood and becomes filled with toxic waste. Being the largest excretory organ, even it cannot cope with such an influx of acidic waste. Toxic substances are first deposited in the connective tissue under the dermis. When this “cemetery” becomes full, the skin begins to lose its qualities.

Excessive amounts of toxic substances, cell remains, microbes of various origins and antigens that enter the blood from insufficiently digested food block lymphatic vessels and cause stagnation of lymph in various layers of the skin. Toxins and decaying protein from destroyed cells attract hordes of microorganisms and become a source of constant irritation and inflammation of the skin. Skin cells begin to suffer from insufficient nutrition, which significantly reduces their lifespan (cells are completely renewed within a month). It can also cause significant damage to the cutaneous nerves.

If the sebaceous glands that secrete their secretion, sebum, into the hair follicles do not receive enough nutrition, this leads to hair growth disorders, in particular, to increased hair loss. When melanin deficiency occurs, hair turns grey. Insufficient sebum secretion changes the hair structure - it becomes dry, brittle and unattractive. Sebum also acts as a bactericidal and antifungal agent, protecting the body from invading microbes. In addition, it prevents dry skin, especially in the sun and hot weather.

A genetic predisposition to baldness or any other skin diseases, contrary to popular belief, is not the main reason for their development. Healthy skin and normal hair growth, especially in women, are restored when the liver is cleared of all gallstones and the colon, kidneys and bladder are kept clean.


Gallstones are one of the main causes of various diseases. They interfere with the work of the most universal and important organ - the liver. No one has yet developed an artificial liver - so much so complex mechanism. In this respect, it is second only to the brain. The liver controls the most complex processes of digestion and metabolism, thereby influencing the life and normal functioning of all cells of the body. If the barriers that prevent the liver from performing its functions properly are removed, the body's balance and health will be restored.

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