Home Removal Vitamin B5 is the “beauty vitamin” “everywhere”! Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid Vitamin B5 in cosmetics.

Vitamin B5 is the “beauty vitamin” “everywhere”! Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid Vitamin B5 in cosmetics.

Pantothenic acid is vitamin B5, which is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For normal human life, the required amount of this substance affects the metabolism of the whole body, and a deficiency causes hypovitaminosis. Vitamin B5 – structural component A, (CoA), without which metabolic processes are impossible.

People first started talking about it in the 40s of the last century, when R. Williams discovered a substance that in 1940 was called vitamin B5. The scientist obtained it from liver tissue. He found out that it cures skin diseases and promotes absorption.

Provitamin B5 is a yellowish liquid. She's viscous. Melts at 80 degrees Celsius. Dissolves in acidic and aquatic environment. Hardly binds to organic solvents, ethereal alcohol and amyl alcohol. It exhibits instability when the temperature rises. At low temperatures it loses its useful qualities, as when entering an acidic and alkaline environment. Dosage form– calcium pantothenate. B5 enters the intestines with food, then into the blood and is converted into phosphopantothein and coenzyme coenzyme A. For the body pantothenic acid benefits and does not cause harm. The biological role of vitamin B5 is enormous:

  1. Vitamin B5 reduces inflammatory processes internal organs. Protects against physical overload and supports the immune system.
  2. Participates in the transmission of information through the production of neurotransmitters in the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for taste and smell. Their deficiency affects these functions and causes memory impairment.
  3. Participates in the synthesis of fats and antibodies. Protects the brain from exposure bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
  4. Taking pantothenic acid reduces harmful effects medicines.
  5. Participates in the normalization of lipid and water balances.
  6. Promotes the formation of pigment in the hair, strengthens the nail plates, promotes hair growth, and improves the epidermis.
  7. B5 is a beauty vitamin, as it fights premature wrinkles.
  8. Calcium pantothenate enhances metabolism and prevents excess weight.
  9. Regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  10. Prevents the occurrence of anemia.
  11. Helps support the heart and blood vessels.
  12. Participates in the synthesis of vitamins and nutrients.

Food Sources of Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is found in which foods? Where is the greatest amount of vitamin B5? It is synthesized by microorganisms, fungi and plants. They are not produced in animal tissues, but they do produce coenzyme-A. Most pantothenic acid is found in foods plant origin and offal, which are presented in the table of popular food products.

Product nameAmount of vitamin B5 in mg per 100 grams of product
Beef meat6.4
Pork liver5.8
Beef liver4,5-9,0
Cod fish roe3.6
Milk of bees3,6-26,5
Pork kidneys3
Rice bran3
Chicken egg yolk2,7-7
Porcini mushrooms2.7
Powdered milk2.7
Beef kidneys2,5-4
Beef heart2,0-6,0
Wheat bread1.8
Nuts peanuts1.7
Cod fish1.6
Cocoa powder1.5
Mackerel caviar1.3
Rye grains1.2
Wheat grains1.2
Cashew nuts1.2
Pistachio nuts1
Barley grains1
Flax seed0.99
Rye bread0.9
Salmon fish0.66
Chicken's meat0.6
Cottage cheese0.6
Lamb, beef, veal meat0,5-1,5
Hard cheese0.5
Dried apricots0.52
Wheat flour0.3
Bulgarian pepper0.3
A pineapple0.2
The largest amount of vitamin B5 is found in green peas and yeast. Industry produces foods and drinks that reduce levels beneficial bacteria and negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pantothenic acid is destroyed by high temperatures. It loses half of its properties in pickled products; when frozen, the amount decreases by 1/3. Vegetables and fruits are healthier to eat fresh; they contain more vitamin B5 than after heat treatment. The daily requirement is small, and sources of the vitamin are represented by plant and animal foods.

Daily vitamin requirement B 5

In order for the body not to experience a deficiency in vitamin B5, the daily norm should be:

  • babies up to six months – 2 mg;
  • up to 3 years – 4;
  • up to 8 years – 5;
  • up to 13 years old – 7;
  • boys from 14 years old – 9-10;
  • girls from 14 years old – 8-9;
  • men – 13-15;
  • women – 11-13.

For pregnant women, the daily requirement is 15-20 mg and plant sources should compensate for this amount. The vitamin is useful during periods of depression, stress, physical and mental stress, athletes, and women during lactation.

Preparations with pantothenic acid

People who eat properly do not need acid replenishment. Vitamin deficiency is observed in people who follow a diet, in pregnant women and in athletes. During serious illnesses additional replenishment of B5 is required. In this case, vitamins with pantothenic acid are used. The most popular drug is calcium soda (Ca pantetonate).

The vitamin is produced in ampoules and capsules. There are analogues: pantegam, pantothenate, etc. They drink them after meals. It is necessary to take pantothenic acid in the doses indicated in the instructions:

  • adults – from 1.5 to 3 grams;
  • children - from 0.75 to 3.

The course is up to five months. Repeat again throughout the year.

The drug is prescribed by a doctor, he takes into account the age and physical condition of the adult and child. The number of pantothenic acid tablets depends on the child’s age and development.

B5 is also administered intravenously and intramuscularly. The treatment course is carried out as prescribed by the attending physician twice a day. Use ointments and gels for external use (4-6 times a day). For better growth hair, to strengthen the hair follicle, B5 is produced in hair ampoules. Drugs are indicated in the following cases:

  • baldness, hair loss;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • at skin diseases;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • autism;
  • hyperactivity;
  • burns;
  • neuralgia and central nervous system diseases;
  • non-infectious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction.

Beneficial properties of vitamin B5

B5 in human body plays important role. Its role is most significant in the synthesis and metabolic processes fats, hemoglobin, cholesterol, carbohydrates, amino acids. Why does the body need vitamin B5?

  1. Helps the adrenal glands produce hormonal substances. Helps in suppressing microbes, participates in the synthesis of hormones of the endocrine system.
  2. Plays a fundamental role in synthesis fatty acids and normal brain function.
  3. Prevents dementia in old age.
  4. Supports immunity. Activates protective functions the whole body.
  5. Normalizes lipid metabolism substances.
  6. Helps in the production of intracellular energy.
  7. Heals wounds, burns, mucous membranes.
  8. Eliminates side effects from antibiotics.
  9. Pantothenic acid reduces painful symptoms of gout and arthritis.

Pantothenic acid in cosmetology and dermatology

Vitamin B5 is used for hair growth. It stimulates growth hair follicles and protects against early graying. In cosmetology vitamin group B found wide application, it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Creams based on pantothenic acid are used for facial skin. It helps eliminate dryness of the epidermis, promotes hydration skin, softens. Acid takes part in skin regeneration, helps produce collagen and elastin, eliminates redness and inflammatory processes. The vitamin dries out pimples and acne well.

Factors causing deficiency and excess of vitamin B5 in the body

The main reasons causing B5 deficiency include:

  1. Long-term treatment with medications (antibiotics and sulfonamides). Medicines suppress the synthesis of B5 derivatives. As a result, a shortage of pantothenic acid begins, although there will be plenty of them in food of plant and animal origin.
  2. Insufficient amount of protein food and lipids. People who practice a raw food diet and vegetarianism should carefully select products.
  3. Lack of vitamins that are involved in the synthesis of pantheine and coenzyme-A.
  4. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Food stops being digested.

Symptoms of acid deficiency:

  • depression;
  • decreased performance, fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • numbness of fingers and toes;
  • redness of the feet;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the lower extremities at night;
  • duodenal ulcer.

All these factors affect appearance, on the growth of hair and nail plate. B5 deficiency can cause blood and skin diseases, ulcers, and hypoglycemia.

An excess of pantothenic acid rarely occurs. An overdose of the vitamin is not toxic. 500 milligrams of B5 administered intravenously does not cause side effects. You may experience insomnia, increased heart rate, and dehydration.

Harmful properties of vitamin B5

No symptoms of intoxication were identified. Vitamin B5 is not dangerous, it is not toxic. B5 helps to cope not only with wrinkles, but also with obesity, and slows down the aging of the body.

It, like other representatives of the group, is water soluble. This element is widespread in environment, hence the name “pantothenic”, meaning “everywhere”. In fact, the vitamin is found in the tissues of plants, animals, and various microorganisms.

Functions of vitamin B5

The main function is energy production. Pantothenic acid helps release fats from fat cells and burn them. As a result, additional energy appears, which is so necessary for a person with mental and physical activity. It helps cope with depression and stress.

Many vitamins have a positive effect on brain function, but pantothenic acid is called “brain fuel” by scientists.

And also pantothenic acid:

  • takes part in the production of hemoglobin,
  • takes part in the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates,
  • produces antibodies that strengthen the immune system,
  • stimulates the adrenal glands, thereby preventing the risk of developing allergies, arthritis,
  • reduces the risk of heart disease, stimulates its functioning, protects against premature aging,
  • important for the functioning of central cells nervous system,
  • increases concentration, eliminates absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, refreshes memory,
  • protects the body from the destructive effects of nicotine and alcohol, and is also able to protect against the effects of low doses of radiation.

B5 has anti-inflammatory functions, it protects the body from toxic viruses and bacteria, activates the body’s protective reflex to foreign elements. It also protects mucous membranes from infections and accelerates wound healing.

Due to its functions, B5 is used in medicine as a medicine and can help restore the body to postoperative period and in the treatment of certain diseases (liver diseases, intestinal diseases, eczema, burns, bronchitis, asthma).

Pantothenic acid plays its role in the beauty industry - it helps maintain a slim figure, prevents wrinkles and skin aging, and provides fast growth hair.

What products contain

Vitamin B5 can be produced independently in the human body. coli and can additionally be supplied with food.

Sources of pantothenic acid are products of both animal and plant origin. This:

  • meat products and offal (liver, kidneys, heart, brain),
  • dairy products,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • legumes (beans, beans, lentils, peas),
  • royal jelly,
  • tomatoes,
  • broccoli and cauliflower,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • whole grain bread,
  • leafy vegetables,
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat),
  • bran,
  • yeast (brewer's and baker's),
  • grapefruit,
  • strawberries.

It's important to know that Vitamin B5 is destroyed by:

  1. heat treatment,
  2. when frozen,
  3. when canning,
  4. under the influence of acidic and alkaline environments.

Also destruction of vitamin B5 occurs when consumed:

  1. alcohol,
  2. nicotine,
  3. caffeine,
  4. antibiotics,
  5. oral contraceptives,
  6. sleeping pills.

That is, there are 2 rules for the normal content of B5 in the body:

  1. there are products with B5 that have not been processed;
  2. Do not consume anything that destroys Vitamin B5.

The detrimental effect of fast food on the production of pantothenic acid by E. coli is known.

Therefore, you need to try to monitor your diet and lifestyle, eat foods that contain vitamins in their raw form, and B5 can also be taken in the form of biological food supplements.

Pantothenic acid has the remarkable property of being absorbed by the skin, so it is actively used in cosmetics in preparations for burns.

What products will provide you daily norm? We will proceed from two premises: the norm for an adult is 10 mg and during processing the vitamin is destroyed, therefore, even though chicken liver is the record holder for the content of vitamin B5 (8.3 mg per 100 grams) - we will consider this product “the least profitable.”

Products for daily requirement B5:

  1. sunflower seeds in 100 grams - 5.94 mg B5 (normal);
  2. avocado in 100 grams - 1.5 mg B5 (the norm is approximately 2 avocados);
  3. spirulina in 100 grams - 3.0 mg B5 (normal 150 grams).

Of course, B5 is also found in trout fillet, boiled mushrooms.....

Daily norm

The daily requirement of the vitamin is determined by a person’s age, lifestyle, physical condition, the amount of mental and physical activity.

Approximate dosage:

  1. adults – up to 10 mg per day,
  2. children – up to 5.5 mg

For pregnant women and breastfeeding women, the dosage is up to 15 mg.
Also, additional use of the drug may be necessary for people suffering from dermatological diseases, with increased stressful situations and depression, with increased physical activity, after surgery, in the presence of infectious and chronic diseases, with poor, inadequate nutrition.

If you think that your need for vitamin B5 has increased and you want to start taking medications containing this element, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the daily dose of the vitamin individually for your body.

Vitamin deficiency

If there is a lack of pantothenic acid in the body, problems with metabolism may occur, dermatitis may occur, hair loss, and gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart, the nervous system suffers, immunity decreases, a tendency to obesity appears, and sensitivity to smell and taste is impaired.

Signs of deficiency:

  • headache,
  • depression,
  • fatigue,
  • muscle pain,
  • numbness and (or) burning of the fingers of the lower extremities,
  • insomnia,
  • nausea,
  • frequent colds.

Overdoses of the vitamin are extremely rare, since it does not stay long in the body and is excreted in the urine.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) was discovered in 1933 by scientist Roger Williams.

Pantothenic acid gets its name from the Greek "pantothene", which means "everywhere", due to its extremely wide distribution in the tissues of plants, animals and microorganisms.

Vitamin B5 - water soluble vitamin, whose main role is participation in the process of energy production by the cell.

Pantothenic acid, entering the body, is converted into pantethine, which is part of coenzyme A, which plays an important role in the processes of oxidation and acetylation (calorizer). Coenzyme A is one of the few substances in the body that is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B5 is necessary for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, the synthesis of vital fatty acids, cholesterol, histamine, acetylcholine, and hemoglobin.

Physico-chemical properties of vitamin B5

Also, vitamin B5, like other vitamins in this group, is produced in significant quantities in the body by E. coli.

Daily requirement for vitamin B5

The recommended daily requirement for vitamin B5 is 4-7 mg. The need increases with heavy physical activity, as well as in nursing women (up to 8 mg per day). Vitamin B5 has shown its effectiveness in large doses (up to 10 g per day) in the treatment of acne (acne).

Daily intake of vitamin B5 for children:

  • From 0 to 6 months - 2 mg;
  • From 6 months to 1 year - 3 mg;
  • From 1 year to 3 years - 3-4 mg;
  • From 7 to 10 years - 4-5 mg.

The most important property of vitamin B5 is its ability to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids, which makes it a powerful tool for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.

It plays an important role in the formation of antibodies, which help strengthen the immune system, promotes the absorption of other vitamins, and also takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (calorizator).

Normalizes oxidative and reduction processes, ensures normal brain activity. Also, this miracle vitamin slows down aging and prolongs life.

Calcium pantothenate is used in complex therapy withdrawal syndrome in patients with alcoholism.

Vitamin B5 is widely used in medicinal purposes. As a medicinal product it is used in the recovery of the body after operations, in the treatment of eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, malfunctions circulatory system, diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines.

Harmful properties of vitamin B5

Symptoms of body intoxication were not identified. Vitamin B5 is completely safe and non-toxic.

Vitamin B5 absorption

Vitamin B5 is absorbed in the small intestine. The absorption mechanism is active transport. Vitamin B5, entering the blood, is partially captured by red blood cells and transformed into coenzyme A, the rest circulates in free state. The vitamin is distributed throughout all tissues, where it is also used for the synthesis of coenzyme A. It is excreted mainly through the kidneys.

Vitamin deficiency can be caused by a low content of proteins, fats, vitamins in food, diseases small intestine with malabsorption syndrome, as well as long-term use of many antibiotics and sulfonamides.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorder;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • muscle pain;
  • burning, tingling, numbness of the toes;
  • burning, excruciating pain in lower limbs, mainly at night;
  • redness of the skin of the feet;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • duodenal ulcers.

With pantothenic deficiency, the body's resistance to infection decreases, and acute respiratory diseases often occur.

Excess vitamin B5 in the body

An overdose of vitamin B5 is observed in rare cases, with increased individual intolerance to pantothenic acid. It does not pose a health hazard even in large quantities, as it is well tolerated and absorbed in the body (calorizer). Symptoms of overdose are expressed by an unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach.

If you felt chronic fatigue, began to sleep poorly. You have difficulty getting up in the morning because your joints ache. You were tortured frequent colds, weakened immunity. Memory problems began to appear: at work they forgot to submit a report on time or to meet with a client. You have started to worry about your weight: it is not enough or, on the contrary, it is too much. Go to the doctor immediately! Most likely, you have a deficiency of pantothenic acid. This substance is so important for our body that if there is a shortage, the functioning of many organs can be disrupted. Exacerbations of diseases will occur, pain will appear.

What is pantothenic acid

Behind such a complex name is vitamin B5. It is produced itself in our intestines if the microflora is not disturbed. Due to the fact that the vitamin is in the most different products, it constantly enters our body. But in a situation where there is a lack of it, problems begin:

Metabolism is disrupted;

Immunity decreases;

Skin diseases appear;

Allergies occur;

Nervous diseases are getting worse.

This vitamin is involved in the functioning of the adrenal glands. It produces a hormone that makes it easier to tolerate inflammation and is necessary for heart disease and colitis. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. When it is disrupted and fails, long-term memory becomes worse, nervous diseases worsen, and sleep is disturbed. The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the transmission of brain impulses is important. If there is a deficiency, the senses of smell and taste decrease, and absent-mindedness appears.

The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of antibodies helps protect the brain from the effects of nicotine and alcohol. New cells are formed and the side effect drugs. The condition of the skin and hair depends on the presence of the vitamin. Its participation is important for normalizing the body’s water balance, accelerating the healing of wounds and burns. The vitamin plays a huge role in regulating cholesterol metabolism and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin B5 is very important for the proper functioning of the entire body. With the use of the drug:

Inflammation, heart disease, and arthritis are more easily tolerated.

The work of the nervous system is directed. Sleep improves and chronic fatigue goes away.

Brain functions are regulated. Long-term memory returns, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness decrease.

Immunity is supported.

The aging process, the formation of wrinkles, and the appearance of gray hair are delayed.

Metabolism is regulated. Stabilizes weight during weight loss and obesity.

The condition of the skin and hair improves.

What products contain

Without noticing it, we consume foods with pantothenic acid every day. It is important to prepare them correctly. Heat treatment is allowed. But in order for the vitamin to remain in products, it should be taken into account that destruction occurs:

Under influence high temperature, when frying;

When canning vegetables and fruits;

As a result of freezing;

After adding vinegar according to the recipe.

To make up for vitamin B5 deficiency, you just need to go to the store or market. What foods contain pantothenic acid? It is found in beef meat, liver, and kidneys. A large amount of it is found in products:

Milk, eggs;

Legumes, grains;

Sea fish, caviar;

Fresh vegetables;

Greens: salads, cabbage;

Nuts, mushrooms;

Whole wheat and rye;

Oranges and bananas.

The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin B5

Please note that the need for this vitamin depends on the situation. Increases during pregnancy and with heavy physical exertion. The daily need for vitamin B5 increases after operations and during stress. Larger dosages are prescribed for skin diseases, severe infectious diseases. At normal conditions daily requirement:

Adults – 7-10 mg;

Pregnant women – 15-20 mg;

Infants – 2 mg;

Schoolchildren – 4 mg;

Elderly – 10-15 mg.

Preparations containing vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is included in chemical composition many medicines. Doctors prescribe Calcium pantothenate tablets to pregnant women with toxicosis. "Brewer's yeast" - capsules - for skin diseases and weight gain. The drug Pantothenic acid copes well with muscle pain, nervous disorders, depression. Preparations containing vitamin B5 from Solgar are of great benefit. The pharmaceutical concern produces multivitamin complexes "Solgar Multi Eye" based on natural ingredients, capsules with pantothenic acid.

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry offers for use preparations containing vitamins B5 in various forms. Among them are tablets and capsules, which are recommended to be taken according to the instructions with water. Drugs in ampoules are prescribed for intramuscular and intravenous use. The use of vitamin B5 is more effective with injections, but not everyone tolerates it well intramuscular injections because they are very painful.

Indications for use

Vitamin B5 deficiency causes problems during pregnancy: anemia and toxicosis. Due to the need for the normal functioning of the whole body, a drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

Nervous system disorders;

Respiratory problems;

Skin diseases;

Burns and wounds;


Disorders of the thyroid gland;

Joint pain;

Kidney diseases;


Heart disease.

Excellent results are obtained by using vitamin B5 for metabolic disorders. The drug is used for weight loss and weight gain, stopping the development of obesity. This vitamin is important for normal brain function. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, fights absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. If you want to delay aging, you cannot do without medications with vitamin B5. Doctors use drugs to treat:

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Complications after operations;

Circulatory disorders;

Damaged hair;


Liver diseases;




It is important that vitamin B5 is well excreted from the body, so its excess does not lead to any serious consequences. In order for the drug to have the desired effect, the dosage must be observed. A significant increase is required for skin diseases. The dosage can be up to 1.5 grams per day, but this gives excellent results. The amount of the substance to be taken is prescribed by the doctor, it depends on the disease and the age of the patient. For adults, the dosage is up to 500 mg per day, for children – from 100 to 400 mg.

The main property of vitamin B5 is the acceleration of regeneration, that is, the restoration of damaged cells. That is why it is widely used for the beauty of hair and more. In fact, B5 is used almost everywhere; by the way, from Greek the name of this vitamin “pantothene” is translated as “comprehensive”.

You definitely know this vitamin under the following names - pantothenic acid, D-panthenol. This is all he is, the many faces of vitamin B5. Today on the pages of the website VolosyOK.ru we will talk about its use for the beauty of our precious curls.

Basic properties

Form of the drug for use in for cosmetic purposes- a thick, viscous liquid, colorless and practically odorless, or white powder, highly soluble in water. In pharmacies you cannot buy vitamin B5 for making hair products.

Main properties of B5:

  • relieves inflammation
  • stimulates cell renewal
  • softens
  • quickly moisturizes
  • restores lipid balance
  • easily absorbed by the body
  • powerful antioxidant

Vitamin B5: use for hair care

Let's not get into the complex ones. chemical processes Let's say that vitamin B5 has an antioxidant effect and prevents free radicals from destroying our healthy cells.
It is used in skin products as a powerful healing component, and is most widely used in hair product lines.

Main indications for using panthenol for hair:

  • slow hair growth
  • dehydrated, brittle, dull hair
  • damaged scalp
  • weak hair follicles
  • dyed hair to maintain color
  • prevention of dandruff

Where can I buy?

Pantothenic acid is sold only in tablet form and is included in various medicines. Some companies selling dietary supplements have pantothenic acid in capsules, but its price is incredibly high.

If you don't have enough choice among industrial products with D-panthenol, and believe me, it is included in huge amount shampoos, conditioners, masks, then visit a store that sells ingredients for making soap self made and similar cosmetics. Now this direction is very popular, and there is a similar trading store in most large cities.

If necessary, order liquid vitamin B5 online and prepare a hair growth product with it. It will not be difficult. By the way, D-panthenol costs around 100 rubles per serving, which will last for a long time. We will definitely share the recipe with you at the end of the article.

By the way, having any cosmetic form of this drug at home is very convenient: in case of any minor injury - burn, cut, you can apply panthenol to the affected area in pure form or mix with cream, gel. This measure will help you heal your skin quickly.

What foods contain vitamin B5?

In each article we talk about what care and medicinal products for hair, which contains vitamins, bring great benefits to our hair, exhausted by dyeing, UV radiation, and combustion products. But we will not tire of reminding you that in addition to the external, local application It is necessary to eat foods that contain these vitamins.

So, to help your hair, and not only it:

  • black bread (as it contains live yeast),
  • green vegetables ( different types cabbage, peas, spinach) and greens,
  • cereals (buckwheat and oats are especially rich in them).

Among animal products:

  • offal (liver, kidneys, heart),
  • egg yolk,
  • dairy products,
  • various varieties of fish and their caviar.

Signs of vitamin B5 deficiency

The following symptoms indicate a lack of vitamin B5:

  • unexplained fatigue
  • muscle pain of unknown origin,
  • nervous breakdowns,
  • hair loss,
  • seborrhea,
  • indigestion (constipation, diarrhea),
  • decreased immunity and frequent colds.

Vitamin B5 for hair growth

We have indicated that one of the main functions of vitamin B5 is to accelerate hair growth. It is worth noting, as trichologists and hairdressers say, that you cannot rush your hair too much or “force” it to grow faster.

There are a number of drugs that act harshly and quickly. Many people like this result, however, it is most likely temporary. Any cell in our body needs to go through a certain cycle in order to become mature, complete and fulfill its role.

In order for hair to grow faster, you need not only to awaken its hair follicle, as is commonly believed, but also to “feed” it, giving it strength to grow. This is exactly how D-panthenol works (it is more correct to call vitamin B5, used in cosmetology).

It actively participates in metabolic processes, helps transport fats, proteins, carbohydrates and, thereby, provides good nutrition base of the hair. Therefore, products containing vitamin B5 are preferable.

Panthenol for colored hair

We note that pantothenic acid, like other vitamins, is needed for colored hair. This is due not only to the fact that paints, as is commonly believed, spoil the hair. There is now a huge segment of hair dyes on the market, including those that, in addition to coloring, care for the hair.

The components of premium professional paints no longer scare hairdressers; they are quite harmless. In the end, no matter what brand and tone you choose, first and foremost you want to have a beautiful hair color. And not only within a week after dyeing.

This is where vitamin B5 comes to the rescue. It moisturizes the hair, and the scales hold the pigment well. In addition, provitamin B5 has a conditioning effect and revitalizes hair.

Recipes for homemade masks with provitamin B5

Let’s immediately say that you can purchase all the components in local soap shops, large hypermarkets for handicrafts, or one of the online stores. All components suggested in the recipes are easily available.

Shampoo with B5 for dry and colored hair

  • Ready-made shampoo base – 180 ml
  • Sunflower or almond oil – 5 ml
  • D-panthenol – 5 ml (concentrations may vary, follow the directions on the instructions for the component)
  • Lactic acid 80% -0.3 - 0.5 ml.
  • Lavender essential oil – 5 drops
  • Preservative - according to instructions

Mix all ingredients at room temperature, essential oil pre-dissolve in the base (sunflower\almond). You can add 1 capsule of vitamin E to the oil phase (part). If desired, the shampoo can be tinted if you have cosmetic dyes. Food gels are also suitable for this purpose. You only need 1-2 drops, don't overdo it.

Homemade egg mask with panthenol

This mask is prepared for one time, unlike shampoo, which can be used for about 3 months.

1 egg yolk

10 ml of any cosmetic oil

0.5 - 1 ml panthenol (depending on dry hair)

a few drops of lemon juice

Mix all the components in a bowl, since lecithin, which is part of the egg yolk, has emulsifying properties, it will help bind both the oil and water phases in this mask. This will make it easier to apply the mask to your hair.

We do everything traditionally - wash your hair, dry it slightly and apply the mixture to the entire surface - from the roots to the very ends, paying attention to the last Special attention. We create a sauna effect for the hair and rest for 15-20 minutes.

To save time, you can immediately apply a face mask. Then rinse thoroughly; if you feel an unpleasant greasy film on your hair, add shampoo to the wash.

How to properly add B5 to your hair products?

If you want to enrich industrial products with vitamin B5, then this is also possible. The only thing is: add the drug to a portion that you can use for one application. Otherwise, you may spoil the purchased product since the addition of provitamin will not be preserved and the shampoo or conditioner may simply become moldy in a couple of weeks.

Use products with panthenol and delight others with beautiful well-groomed curls!

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