Home Prosthetics and implantation Educational work for children with hearing impairments. Features of development of children with hearing impairment

Educational work for children with hearing impairments. Features of development of children with hearing impairment

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It is important whether the baby was already born with hearing loss or lost hearing after injury or illness. But in any case, there are features of the mental development of a deaf child. One of ways of perceiving the world are disrupted, which means the body begins to look for an opportunity to compensate for this.

For example, deaf children are very mobile, as this helps them explore the world around them and understand the properties of objects. It is important for children to have the opportunity to learn, develop, and do what they love. Their independence cannot be limited. Parental overprotection can seriously harm the baby– his personality should develop without the pressure of complexes.

By limiting the baby, protecting him from simple childhood responsibilities, parents form the negative qualities of his character.
Today there are many opportunities for such children: education, communication, games, entertainment. This allows them not to perceive their characteristics as something sharply negative.

Hearing impairment

Features of development depend on the cause of deafness:

  • hereditary (parents are deaf or hard of hearing);
  • intrauterine developmental defect;
  • birth injury;
  • diseases suffered in infancy, infants, early, school age.

In any case, such children can be trained, developed and taught be independent. Deaf people successfully study, work and create families. They are involved in professional sports, creativity, and music. Today there is practically no serious restrictions for the capacity of a person with hearing loss. Of course, if it does not go along with other problems:

  • blindness;
  • loss of speech;
  • activity disturbance;
  • mental retardation.

There are hearing impairments of varying severity: from mild to complete deafness. People who are in the middle of this gradation are hard of hearing. Their ability to hear is only partially lost. It all depends
depending on the reason for the violation
. In some cases, surgery, therapy, or a hearing aid may help. In others, unfortunately, hearing will slowly deteriorate.

Today, alveolar implants are very popular, which can help the brain establish communication with the ear.. Even those who are deaf from birth, they often help. Of course, each case is considered by doctors separately. This operation is not the simplest, but it has helped many children and adults begin to hear.

Decreased or lost hearing in an infant

Unfortunately, it is not immediately possible to detect the absence or loss of hearing.. Some mothers at first do not notice at all that something is wrong with the child.

The fact is that the newborn baby will scream and cry, like everyone else. kids. He will begin the humming phase at 2-3 months, and from 5-6 months he will babble. All this is due to natural motor development. Differences in intonation are important here. The crying of a deaf baby is monotonous and emotionless.

Usually only by 10 months is it possible to accurately O nope that the baby cannot hear. This stage of psychological development in other children occurs in attempts at active communication. Children pass it without hearing problems, learning to “roll call.” The mother calls the baby - he answers her with a cry of a special tone. A a deaf baby is more detached and does not respond to the sound of the mother's voice.

Child training

It is important to consider 4 points to determine the development and planning of your baby’s education:

  • how severely the hearing is reduced, is there a relationship between hearing loss and speech impediment;
  • The earlier the hearing loss appeared, the more severe the speech problems;
  • whether he received help, whether there were examinations, whether the parents followed the doctor’s advice or not;
  • level of mental development by early or preschool age.

Such a child will not be able to study in a regular school, so special educational institutions are provided for children with hearing impairment.

Audiology office

Children from 0 to 18 years old with to varying degrees deaf people visit the audiology office. The doctor refers the child to an audiologist for:

Here the audiologist will consult parents. For many parents, such a diagnosis of a child is a shock. They simply don’t know what to do, who to go to for help, and they are frightened by some of the baby’s behavior. The correct relationship between children and their parents is important for their mental development.

Need for training

If the baby has preserved or even slightly reduced
, then he can and should be trained. It stimulates normal psychological development child. If you don't even teach healthy baby, this will lead to serious changes in his psyche and personality. What can we say about children with perception defects! Of course, training is carried out by special teachers-defectologists, and not by regular teachers.. A school for children with hearing impairment is structured differently from a regular school:

  • small classes (4-6 people);
  • teacher and several assistants(every child needs attention and help in explaining the material);
  • special equipment for work;
  • special teaching aids.

Like others, these schools are divided into elementary, middle and high school divisions. The main burden of elementary school is teaching speech. Here different speech techniques come into play. In children with hearing loss a big problem with reproduction, articulation. The milder the defect, the later it appeared, the easier it is to teach the baby to speak. Here they teach sign language and the alphabet for the deaf. This gives children the opportunity to communicate with each other and have normal friendly conversations.

Subsequent education at school allows you to develop oral speech skills, expand lexicon child. The peculiarities of such education are that it cannot be carried out according to the usual curriculum. The Ministry of Education has developed special plans and manuals. But already in high school it is possible to teach children according to the regular program. After completing school, the young man receives a certificate - he has completed a full course of secondary education. Further training to obtain a specialty is also possible.

Mental development

Peculiarities of perception of the world affect the development of the baby’s psyche. And the stronger the deafness, the greater the impact.
Very often, parents are advised to visit with their child child psychologist. This helps him get rid of many complexes and reconsider his behavior.

For children with hearing loss, the determining factor is whether the disorder was congenital or acquired. If a baby has lost his hearing completely or partially, it can be very difficult for him to adapt to new living conditions. Everything changes:

  • often friends turn away from him;
  • you cannot go to your kindergarten or continue your studies at a regular school;
  • Many favorite things have to be abandoned.

Of course, you can’t leave a child or teenager alone with a problem right now. So as not to crisis happened
mental development
, parents should be there and provide support. You definitely shouldn’t constantly point out to children their problem or protect them from normal children’s activities.

If a child with hearing loss withdraws into himself, this is detrimental to proper mental development. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor, a specialist in working with children with such problems. The child will need support not only in a special school, but also at home.


Much depends on the environment in which a person is brought up. Parents can lay down two completely opposite attitudes:

  • the baby understands the essence of his defect, realizes that his development path will not be the same as that of other children. But he knows that with the help of parents, friends, relatives, and teachers, he will be able to realize his potential. There is not only adaptation to the world, study, but also creativity, sports, social activities;
  • the baby understands that he is not like others, he has a serious defect. This feature is perceived as negative, limiting his capabilities. He will not be able to take any worthy place in the world; he will always need the help of others.

The difference is huge. Personality development occurs in all children (with preserved intelligence), regardless of whether they hear or not. This is just one of the senses. If the baby still has vision, taste sensations, sense of smell, the ability to move, then he can develop quite successfully.

Some personal characteristics are associated with hearing impairment, but this in no way makes a person “second-rate,” unnecessary, or useless. The main thing is that he has the opportunity to communicate, since this is one of the determining factors in personal development.

Negative consequences of overprotection

Another important factor - independent activity, independence (at least partial), responsibility. From a physical point of view, hearing loss does not limit a person as much as, for example, blindness.

Children must be taught to take care of themselves - here they are not much different from healthy children.
A deaf or hard of hearing child may well take care of his own hygiene, dress, eat, play, and have some household chores. Disastrous for personal development there would be a limitation of it in these simple steps.

Some parents with the best intentions try
protect a deaf child from some kind of homework, difficulties in learning, problems with other children. This has a negative impact on personality development, personal and public “I”. An attitude in which children feel dependent and limited leads to the formation of very dangerous qualities for the individual:

  • age-inappropriate behavior;
  • complaints about healthy children;
  • the thought that “everyone owes me”;
  • constant need for adult help;
  • selfish behavior;
  • lack of will.

Such treatment of a child makes him disabled when he is not one. Parental overprotection of children with hearing impairment often inhibits their development and leads to infantilism.


Children with hearing loss exhibit a smaller range of emotions. They are dominated by irritability and impatience. They get angry easily. This is due to the inability to receive normal feedback from the world. A lot depends on our voice - this is how we show small nuances of mood, jokes, sarcasm. If a person does not hear, he is deprived of the opportunity to understand it. From an emotional point of view, for deaf and hard of hearing children, the world is devoid of much color.

With proper work with a child, many nuances of emotional behavior can be corrected. It is very important that such children have the opportunity to communicate with each other and with healthy children. This helps them learn. Leave him to be friends and study together only with the hard of hearing and deaf - for emotional development it will be very harmful. After all, children copy the behavior of each other
friend, learn by communicating with others. Thus, from healthy children, a child with hearing loss will learn the skills of facial expression of many emotions.

Again, normal communication with parents is important. They are the first people the baby will see. He will learn their smiles and will better understand how mom or dad reacts to a particular event.. You should not protect your baby from ordinary children's entertainment: trips to museums, zoos, parks, and trips together. This helps him receive positive emotions. This way he won’t feel like he’s different from others in any way. Like ordinary children, he needs joy, delight, surprise - in a word, a variety of impressions.

The importance of movement

Deafness or partial hearing loss can seriously affect motor coordination. Typically, such people have the following characteristics:

  • shuffling gait;
  • problems with coordination and orientation;
  • they often fall;
  • have a poor sense of their body in space.

Children with hearing problems have a high physical activity. Even though the baby may often fall and stumble, he very mobile. This is the body’s compensation – another way to experience the world. This activates the use of all other, unaffected types of perception.. It often happens that the baby is hyperactive, but then quickly gets tired and needs prolonged daytime sleep. It's okay - its activity is good for mental development.

If there are no contraindications from the doctor, the baby can try himself in some kind of sport. There are special sections for such children. Sports will help them overcome coordination problems. For example, due to the peculiarity of perceiving sounds as vibrations, they can dance well.

Opportunities for musical development

Many children with hearing loss have become successful musicians. There is nothing surprising here. Their limited ability hearing here can suddenly become very useful:

  • the audiogram does not affect sound perception;
  • vibration sensitivity is developed;
  • It's easier to catch the rhythm.

Not every child can study music - this also applies to deaf children. But if there is
predisposition, it can be used. This realization of one’s abilities is beneficial for mental development. In addition, you can teach your child to play a musical instrument. Features of sound perception help them maintain time, rhythm, and not be distracted by extraneous sounds. Some deaf musicians note that their perception of music is very special. They “feel” it with their fingers, body, and not with their ears.

Social capabilities of children with hearing loss

School and clubs social life there are no shortage of children like this. They have a lot of possibilities. Today, most museums are equipped with assistance programs
For people with hearing loss, excursions are conducted in the language of the deaf. There are all kinds of adaptation programs for children, and then adults. Further training in selected professions is possible. Moreover, this is not only professional, but also higher education.

Parents should definitely find out about all the opportunities for their children. The more active their lives are, the more psychological comfort children experience. Equal opportunities allow them to forget about their illness and lead a normal life in society.

Be sure to learn sign language

Children need to learn sign language: this will make their life and communication much easier. But parents will also have to learn it in order to communicate with their child. It's not as difficult as it might seem. It consists of the fingerprint alphabet(each letter is indicated by a gesture) and gesture-words. So, for example, with one gesture you can
say “thank you”, “sorry”, “I love you”.

Of course, it is also necessary to learn this alphabet because the deaf and hard of hearing will spend a lot of time together. This is communication at school, friendship. Many of them start families and do not feel at all like they are different in our society. A common language of communication helps to feel psychological involvement in a huge group of people. For proper development psyche it is necessary. This way the baby will not be lonely or abandoned, he will be able to have friends and exactly the same relationships as any of the hearing people.

Monitor your child's health

Often congenital deafness is a consequence of the development of the hearing organs or the ENT system (ears, throat, nasopharynx). Because of this, the nasopharynx suffers the most. Children experience frequent otitis media and inflammation of the adenoids even after a simple cold. For them, the throat is a particularly sensitive area. The vocal cords also suffer greatly. The baby tries to speak, but cannot control the volume and often screams.

It is advised to take good care that children do not catch a cold. If possible, give them vitamins to support their immunity. If you have serious throat problems in childhood, this will affect the quality of education. But developing speech is very important for such a child. If the vocal cords and nasopharynx are severely damaged, speech function may be lost.

The doctor will prescribe you special softening inhalations and rinses. Particular attention should be paid to how the child sleeps. Babies often sleep with open mouth– this causes a cold or dry throat. You can install a device in the children's room that normalizes air humidity - this will prevent your throat from drying out at night.

Yaskov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Job title: master of industrial training
Educational institution: GAPOU Bryansk Construction and Technological College named after L.Ya. Kucheev
Locality: Bryansk city
Name of material: Methodical message
Subject:"Features of working with deaf and hard of hearing children"
Publication date: 01.11.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Department of Education and Science

Bryansk region

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution

"Bryansk Construction and Technology College named after L.Ya. Kucheev"

241012, Bryansk, Institutskaya str., 141, tel. (fax) 57-71-71

Methodical message on the topic:

“Features of working with deaf and hard of hearing children”

Prepared by:

master of industrial training

GAPOU Bryansk Construction and Technological University

College named after L. Ya Kucheev

Yaskov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Bryansk 2016

1. Introduction

2.Characteristics and psychophysical characteristics of children with

hearing impairment.

3.Features of the cognitive sphere.

4.Methods and techniques for working with children with hearing loss, recommended for teachers and

specialists in general educational institutions


Currently, the problems of raising and educating children with hearing impairments are becoming increasingly relevant. Today, the processes of training and education of children with hearing impairments included in general education institutions are expanding. Children with hearing impairments studying in general education classes
To communicate with others and successfully learn, it is necessary to constantly use a hearing aid, special systematic correctional work with a teacher of the deaf and a speech therapist. This joint - deaf-pedagogical and speech therapy - influence can increase the effectiveness of correctional work. Development auditory perception for such children, it is one of the most important components of the success of their education and is not limited only to classes at school. This work is carried out at home, in the family and is organized by the teacher. During all years of study, medical prevention and therapeutic measures are necessary (including specific medications, physiotherapy, special physical therapy and etc.). Psychological and pedagogical correctional work with such children in general education institutions is built taking into account the problems caused by hearing impairment.

Characteristics and psychophysical characteristics of children with

hearing impairment.
There are two main groups of children with hearing impairments:
– children whose hearing impairment does not allow them to naturally perceive speech and independently master it. Depending on the state of speech, children without speech are identified among the deaf -
those born with impaired hearing or who lost hearing before the onset of speech development. The second category – children with speech –
those who lost their hearing during the period when their speech was formed.
Hearing impaired
– children with partial hearing impairment, in which independent speech development is possible, at least to a minimal extent. The hearing status of hearing-impaired children is quite varied: from a slight impairment in the perception and understanding of whispered speech to a sharp limitation in the perception and understanding of speech at conversational volume. Depending on the state of speech, two categories of hearing-impaired children are distinguished:  hearing-impaired children with severe speech underdevelopment (individual words, short, incorrectly constructed phrases, gross violations of the lexical, grammatical, phonetic structure of speech);  hearing-impaired children with slight speech underdevelopment (they have developed phrasal speech with minor deviations in grammatical structure and phonetic design). There is a medical classification of hearing impairment, which distinguishes I, II, III and IV degrees of hearing loss (hearing loss) and deafness. It should be understood that hearing impairment is not just a quantitative decrease in the ability of auditory perception, but qualitative, irreversible, persistent changes in the auditory system that affect the entire mental development of the child. This is explained by the role of hearing in human development. Hearing impairment (primary defect) leads to underdevelopment of speech (secondary defect) and to a slowdown or specific development of other functions indirectly related to the affected person ( visual perception, thinking, attention, memory), which inhibits mental development in general. The mental development of a child with impaired hearing occurs in special conditions of limiting external influences and contacts with the outside world. As a result, the mental activity of such a child is simplified, reactions to external influences become less complex and varied. Components of the psyche in children with hearing impairments develop in different proportions compared to hearing children:  disproportion in the development of visual and conceptual forms of thinking;  predominance of written speech over oral speech;
 underdevelopment of some perceptual systems while others are relatively intact (skin sensitivity is preserved, with proper training and upbringing, visual perception develops and auditory perception is formed);  changes in the rate of mental development compared to normally hearing children: slowing down of mental development some time after birth or after hearing loss and acceleration in subsequent periods under adequate conditions of training and upbringing. Thus, hearing impairment leads to peculiarities in the development of the cognitive and personal spheres. When working with children with hearing impairments, the teacher needs to know and take into account their characteristic cognitive and personal characteristics.
Features of the cognitive sphere.

Features of attention.
 reduced attention span – children with hearing impairments can simultaneously perceive fewer elements;  less stability, and, consequently, greater fatigue, since information is received on an auditory-visual basis. A hearing student has a change of analyzers during a lesson/lesson - when reading, the leading visual analyzer is the leading one, when explaining the material - the auditory one. A child with hearing impairment does not have such a shift - both analyzers are constantly used;  low rate of switching: a child with hearing loss requires a certain time to complete one educational activity and move on to another;  difficulties in distributing attention: a schoolchild with intact hearing can listen and write at the same time, while a child with hearing impairment experiences serious difficulties.
Features of memory.
 figurative memory is better developed than verbal memory (at all stages and at any age);  the level of development of verbal memory depends on the volume of vocabulary of a child with hearing loss. The child needs much more time to memorize educational material; with almost all degrees of hearing loss, verbal memory lags significantly behind.
Features of thinking.
 in children with hearing impairments primary school the predominance of visual-figurative thinking over verbal-logical thinking is possible;  level of development of verbal logical thinking depends on the speech development of the hearing impaired student.
Features of the personal sphere.

Features of the development of the emotional sphere.
 a child who is hard of hearing does not always understand the emotional manifestations of others in specific situations, and, therefore, cannot empathize with them;  a child with hearing impairment cannot differentiate subtle emotional manifestations for a very long time, and in adolescence this is especially evident.
Interpersonal relationships.
 for a hard of hearing student, the teacher plays a significant role in the formation of interpersonal relationships (in the formation of classmates’ assessments and self-esteem) for a long time, right up to high school;  deaf and hard of hearing children retain inflated self-esteem for an unreasonably long time. This is explained by the fact that with early age they are in the zone of positive assessment of their achievements by adults;  possible manifestation aggressive behavior, associated with a real assessment of the capabilities of a child with hearing impairment by the teacher and classmates;  priority communication with the teacher and limitation of interaction with classmates;  “non-aggressive aggressiveness” – the use of non-verbal means by a child with hearing loss to attract the attention of the interlocutor (grab the hand, tap on the shoulder, come very close, look into the mouth of a peer, etc.), which is perceived by hearing people as a manifestation of aggressiveness.
Features of communication with other people.
 it is easier for a child who is hard of hearing to perceive the speech of others if he clearly sees the face of the speaker;  often erroneous answers or difficulties in children’s answers are caused by ignorance of the lexical meanings of individual words, unfamiliar wording of statements, and unusual articulation of the interlocutor;  when answering the question: “Is everything clear?” a child with a hearing impairment is more likely to answer in the affirmative, even if he did not understand it;  it is difficult for a child with hearing loss to perceive and understand a long monologue;  experiences significant difficulties in a dialogue situation;  a child with hearing impairment has psychological barriers to communication with hearing people.
Timely medical correction of impaired hearing and psychological and pedagogical support can significantly compensate for deviations in the mental development of deaf and hard of hearing children.
Methods and techniques for working with children with hearing impairments, recommended for teachers and

specialists of educational institutions.
The most specific methods and techniques in teaching children with hearing impairments are those aimed at developing speech and learning language. The issue of developing and improving all aspects of speech in children with hearing impairment is one of the most important in inclusive practice. The development of speech in children with hearing impairment has a number of features due to its difficult, defective listening comprehension.
1. Yann P.A. Raising and teaching a deaf child: Deaf pedagogy as a science: textbook. manual: trans. with him. M.: Academy, 2003. 2. Solodyankina O.V. Raising a child with disabilities in the family. – M.: ARKTI, 2007. – 80 p. 3. Soroki, V.M. Special psychology. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. – 216 p.

Natalia Lozhenko
System of correctional and developmental work with children with hearing impairment

Currently, among pupils of preschool educational institutions, the number of children with complex (complex) developmental deficiencies. In our kindergarten there is a combined group for children with hearing impairments.

Flaws hearing in a child lead to a slowdown in mastering speech, to the perception of speech in distorted hearing. The options for speech development in hearing-impaired children are very large and depend on the individual psychophysical characteristics of the child and on the socio-pedagogical conditions in which he is raised and trained.

Corrective and developmental work, with hearing impaired children is built taking into account the following regulatory documents:

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Guarantees of children's rights

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Order on the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards

IN work, we use the following programs:

Basic –

“Program for raising and training children in kindergarten. From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva;

“Program for the education and training of hearing-impaired preschoolers with complex (complex) developmental disorders"edited by Golovchits L. A.

Partial –

"Approximate basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders"edited by L. V. Lopatina

"Program correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group kindergarten for children with special needs 3-7 years old” N.V. Nishcheva;

"Program correctively-developmental education and training of preschool children with mental retardation”, ed. S. G. Shevchenko

System of correctional and developmental work built taking into account the tasks preschool education, patterns of child development preschool age, features of mental development of children with complex violations development at the age of 4-5 years, due to the nature and structure violations; requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Corrective and developmental work should ensure the integrity, complexity, and all-round development of the child.

Correctively-developmental impact is carried out through correctional complex, which consists of 5 blocks:

1 block – diagnostic – primary examination, systematic stages of specialist observation of the dynamics and correction mental development.


psychological aspect - studying the level of mental, speech, motor development; features of gnosis and praxis; inter-analyzer interaction; spatio-temporal relations; the nature of the preschooler’s voluntary activity.

the pedagogical aspect is identifying the difficulties in the formation of knowledge skills, determining the stage at which these difficulties arose, and determining the conditions for overcoming them.

2 block - correctively-developing – represents correctional system impact on the child’s educational and cognitive activity in the dynamics of the educational process.

Block 3 – analytical – ensures interdisciplinary interaction of specialists, allows you to evaluate effectiveness corrective action

Block 4 – advisory, educational and preventive – providing assistance to teachers and parents on issues of teaching and raising a child.

Block 5 – organizational and methodological – work with documents.

Our combined group consists of 12 pupils: 4 children with hearing impairment, 2 – ONR, 6 – normal.

Work system built in accordance with load and schedule work. (grid of classes)

When organizing correctively- pedagogical process in the group

the characteristics of the psychophysical state are taken into account

pupils and pay attention to external signs fatigue: depression, lethargy, irritability or increased excitability, etc.

To prevent children from becoming overtired, we alternate

activities that require mental stress from children, with activities

physical education, health and aesthetic cycle, including active motor activity of children. In the middle of each lesson, we conduct a physical education session.

During the day it is necessary to provide a balanced

alternation of specially organized classes, unregulated activities and rest for children.

Individual and subgroup work is done with children every day.

In individual lessons, material from different sections is taught work, causing the greatest difficulties for each of the students in the group. Classes in various sections of the Program alternate. For example, individual development classes may alternate throughout the week. auditory perception and teaching pronunciation with classes on speech development and the formation of elementary mathematical representations. The need for individual work for certain sections of the Program is determined by the teacher - defectologist, depending on the level of students’ assimilation of the program material

All Job is carried out in close cooperation between a teacher-defectologist and educators.

"Speech development" is one of the leading correctional work system, since its tasks are related to overcoming problems specific to hearing-impaired children violations speech and verbal communication. Main tasks are: development of language ability; vocabulary accumulation and work on the meaning of the word.

Important correctional problems are solved in the development process auditory perception and teaching pronunciation, the purpose of this work is the formation of skills in perception and reproduction of oral speech. Work on the development of auditory perception in deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers is aimed at developing residual hearing: children learn perception on hearing speech material and non-speech sounds.

Pronunciation training assumes: creating the need for oral communication; formation of oral speech close to the natural sound;

Just like their typically developing peers, children with hearing impairments master systematic elementary concepts of quantity and number, size and shape, spatial properties and relationships of objects, counting and measuring skills in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Particular importance is attached to teaching the game. Formation play activity involves the development of interest in games, learning to act with toys, the formation of role-playing behavior, the ability to use substitute objects and imaginary objects and actions, the ability to reflect in games the actions of people and their relationships, to develop and enrich the plots of games.

An important task related to artistic and aesthetic development is the sensory education of children. During the training process, systematic systematic development various types perception: visual, tactile-motor, motor. In classes in fine arts and design, in free activities, and in the family, targeted training in drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design is carried out.

In the process of labor education of preschool children with hearing impairment interest in the work of adults develops, familiarization with elementary labor activity. Cognitive and social development preschoolers occurs in the process of purposeful work.

Of particular importance in the process correctional pedagogical work with hearing-impaired preschoolers acquires musical education. Here are the tasks corrections and compensation for children’s developmental deficiencies are solved using such means as the formation of music perception, vocal and intonation development of the voice, development of the rhythm of movements and speech. Musical education contributes to the emotional and aesthetic development of children, the development of their emotional responsiveness and sensitivity.

In addition to classes, the guys study every morning breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, articulatory gymnastics, Su-Jok therapy.

IN mandatory morning exercises and physical education and health games.

Classes on fresh air, outdoor games, occupational therapy.

Our group also holds a circle Job:

"Lopotushki"- logorhythmics

"Paper Magic"- origami

"The Adventure of Swatofor"- Traffic rules

We are currently conducting work on the project"Visiting a fairy tale".

Despite the fact that hearing impaired children have their own characteristics, they experience significant difficulties in communicating with the world around them, they take an active part in all activities held in kindergarten.

Children with hearing impairments are divided into two groups: hard of hearing And deaf. Hearing loss is divided into three degrees 1:

I - perception threshold not higher than 50 dB;

II - perception threshold from 50 to 70 dB;

III - the perception threshold is on average 75-80 dB in the speech range.

In accordance with the international classification, there is another IV degree of hearing loss with hearing loss up to 90 dB.

For the mental development of a hearing-impaired child important his speech is developing. Therefore, the upbringing and education of hearing-impaired children is differentiated not only depending on the degree of hearing impairment, but also taking into account the presence or absence of speech in the child.

Among the causes of hearing loss, hereditary factors play a large role - 30-50% of all cases. It should be borne in mind that some hereditary hearing defects are progressive. In 30% of cases they can be combined with other disorders, for example: visual defects, intelligence, diseases and developmental defects internal organs, skin, musculoskeletal system.

Hearing impairment can also occur under the influence of various unfavorable factors acting in utero, at the time of childbirth or after birth. Among the reasons that damage auditory system fetus, the most important are intrauterine viral infections, especially rubella suffered by the mother in the first months of pregnancy, measles, influenza, as well as diseases such as congenital syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.

Important role Kernicterus of newborns, caused by incompatibility of the blood of mother and child according to the Rh factor or blood group, plays a role in the occurrence of hearing impairment. With kernicterus, bilirubin intoxication occurs in the newborn's body, to which the auditory nerves are extremely sensitive. In these cases, acoustic neuritis may develop. Acoustic neuritis can also occur with many infectious diseases, with the use of large doses of certain drugs (for example,

1 Neiman L.V., Bogomilsty M.R. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing and speech. M., 2001.

some groups of antibiotics). Neuritis can also be included in symptom complexes of various hereditary diseases of the central nervous system.

Neuritis is usually characterized by progressive hearing loss, sometimes to complete deafness. In this case, the perception of high tones is primarily disrupted. Bilateral congenital hearing loss or absence disrupts the child’s mental development and especially the formation of speech and logical thinking.

Children suffering from hearing loss are usually called hard of hearing, in contrast to the deaf, who, even with the use of sound-amplifying equipment, do not perceive speech by ear.

Children with hearing impairments are characterized by underdevelopment of all components of speech, and there are also specific difficulties in the formation of logical thinking. The main directions of correctional work in speech and mental development children with hearing impairments were developed by E.P. Kuzmicheva, L.P. Noskovoy, L.I. Tigranova, L.A. Golovitz, N.D. Shmatko, T.V. Pelymskaya and many others. The founders of these modern studies were such leading experts as F.F. Rau, L.V. Neiman, V.I. Beltyukov, R.M. Boskis, A.G. Zikeev, K.G. Korovin.

One of the main tasks of therapeutic and pedagogical work with children with hearing impairments is the development of speech and logical thinking. The early start of treatment and correctional work is especially important (E.P. Kuzmicheva, L.P. Noskova). The effectiveness of early correctional work with deaf children has now been proven. Domestic deaf pedagogy has accumulated experience in such work, starting from the first months of life (E.P. Kuzmicheva, N.D. Shmatko, T.V. Pelymskaya, etc.).

Currently, an original system of early correctional work has been developed, which is carried out starting with the topic: “Parts of the body. Face", "Room", "Furniture". The child is taught to cognize through visual-tactile perception the world, to stimulate early communicative activity, special attention is paid to the person’s face, the child correlates photographs with real person(family member), completes the missing parts of the face. All this activity is accompanied by dissected verbal instructions.

Great importance is given to teaching the child to master a new space (orientation in his own apartment, as well as in a new room). Classes are conducted according to a special program

M e s consistent study various topics: “Clothing”, “Food”, “Utensils”, etc. 1

Stimulation of speech development is also carried out in stages and with a consistent change in the predominant motive for establishing a communicative connection. As communicative behavior develops, the child increasingly begins to imitate the speech actions of an adult in the process of joint substantive and practical activity.

At the next stage, the child develops a motive for achieving success in verbally naming surrounding objects. And finally, at the last stage, the motive of active cognition of the surrounding reality develops.

To stimulate the speech development of a deaf child, it is important to create natural situations for communication.

When teaching language to a deaf child of preschool age, it is important to strictly distinguish between teaching methods for children six and seven years old.

There are three main areas of work on the development of speech in deaf preschoolers: the formation and development of language ability; development speech activity; preparation for mastering the basic laws of language."

Particular attention is paid to the development of the language ability of a deaf child, for this leading value is given to the early start of special pedagogical correctional work 4.

It is known that the development of language ability most intensively manifests itself at an early age, so it is important to begin correctional work with children with hearing impairments as early as possible 5 .

To develop language ability great importance has imitation. Therefore, when working with young children with hearing impairments, it is necessary to stimulate imitative activity. In addition, when teaching deaf children the Shi-language

1 Noskova L.P. On methodological ways of teaching language to deaf children of senior preschool age // Correctional and educational work in preparatory groups special preschool institutions for children with hearing and intellectual impairments. M., 1990. P. 5-30.

2 Ibid. pp. 30-59. "Right there.

We are publishing a chapter about psychological characteristics and social problems of deaf people from the book Disabled People in the Church: Features of Accompaniment and Pastoral Care.

Social isolation

Deafness as a disease is not noticeable, and society mistakenly perceives a hearing impaired person as more healthy person than, for example, a blind disabled person. However, as the deaf-blind American writer E. Keller wrote, “the blind are cut off from objects, the deaf from people.” This is also confirmed by scientists - L. S. Vygotsky, for example, was convinced that “a person’s deaf-muteness turns out to be an immeasurably greater misfortune than blindness, because it isolates him from communication with people.”


If a deaf person finds himself in a church, then, due to the invisibility of his hearing loss, they often try to communicate with him in the same way as with a hearing person. This is good - as a sign of acceptance of the person, as an attempt to establish contact. But, as a rule, a language barrier is immediately detected, because... Deaf people communicate with each other in a language unfamiliar to us - sign. Having understood this, it is important not to lose interest in the person, not to exclude him from the community of parishioners. Ideally, you need at least one person in the temple (besides the priest) who would want to learn sign language, understand the physical, psychological and mental characteristics of a deaf person, about which we'll talk below.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna SOLOVIOVA– Dean of the defectology faculty of the FSBEI HPE “Moscow Pedagogical University” State University", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialist in the field of deaf pedagogy and inclusive education of children with hearing impairment. Hieromonk Vissarion (KUKUSHKIN)- Head of the Regional Educational and Methodological Center for Pastoral, Missionary and Social Service to Deaf People of the Yekaterinburg Diocese. Graduate of the Yekaterinburg Orthodox Theological Seminary and the Institute of Social Education of the USPU with a degree in " Social work" Since 2001, he has been caring for the Orthodox community of deaf and hard of hearing parishioners in the name of St. righteous John Kronstadt, Yekaterinburg. Member of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG). Since 2007, he has been working as a translator of Russian sign language in the Sverdlovsk regional branch of VOG.

What is deafness like?

So, among people with hearing impairment there are deaf, hard of hearing, deafened and implanted. Deafness is spoken of when persistent bilateral (both ears) significant hearing loss is detected, in which intelligible speech perception is impossible.

Deafness may be congenital or acquired, which is much more common. Based on the time of onset, a distinction is made between early (before the age of three) and late deafness (appearing after speech has formed). Deafness, congenital or acquired, deprives a child of the opportunity to master speech without special training. If speech has already begun to form, then early deafness leads to its decay. However, you need to know that for such or other cases of hearing impairment Using the term “deaf-mute” is not ethical.

Deafened (late deafened)– people who have lost their hearing, but have retained their speech. The degree of preservation of their speech depends on the time of onset of deafness and the conditions of its development. Children who become deaf between the ages of three and five years and who have not received special assistance, by the time they enter school, they most often retain a small vocabulary, which is usually pronounced distorted. With the later onset of deafness, children almost completely retain their speech reserve (especially children who have already mastered writing and reading). With special pedagogical intervention, speech can be fully preserved even with earlier hearing loss.

Implanted children and adults are people who have undergone cochlear implantation surgery (from the Latin cochlea - cochlea), i.e. surgery to implant electrode systems into inner ear, into the cochlea, followed by electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve, which allows signals to be sent to the brain that cause auditory sensations.

The vast majority of people with impaired hearing use an individual hearing aid - a BTE (located behind the ear) or an in-ear aid (a specially made individual earmold).

The language of communication

The main language of communication for deaf people in Russia is Russian sign language (RSL). RSL is a language of symbols and images expressed by gestures.

Deaf people know not only RSL, but also Russian. Therefore, to communicate with deaf people, you can use oral speech- your interlocutor will be able to read the words from your lips. To do this, words must be pronounced slowly, clearly and well articulated. You can also use written language (for remote communication - SMS messages, Internet). However, you need to know that it is difficult for deaf people to use the Russian language in everyday speech (just as it is inconvenient for us to constantly use English, although we studied it at school), their vocabulary is not rich, and much needs an accessible explanation. Therefore, if we want to understand a deaf person and be understood by him, we need to learn sign language.

In special correctional schools deaf children are taught dactylology– finger alphabet (from the Greek δάκτυλος – finger). Essentially, these fingers write in the national verbal language. Just everything that we usually write with a pen, in in this case we “write” with our fingers in the air. In the dactyl alphabet, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a certain position of the fingers - a dactylemma. The dactylic alphabet is used to translate proper names and in cases where it is not possible to find a gesture to express an object or concept. Fingering is necessarily accompanied by oral speech (articulation).

Dactylology or fingerprint alphabet

Of course, it is impossible to expect that all external world will communicate with the deaf in sign language - in transport, in a store, in a hospital. In some everyday issues (call a doctor, consult with a lawyer, etc.), people with hearing impairments can be helped by sign language interpreters (sign language interpreters), who exist in many cities where there are branches of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG).

Features of oral speech of the deaf and hard of hearing

People with hearing loss experience voice changes. It can be too high (up to falsetto) or low, nasal, muffled, weakly changing in pitch, strength, and timbre. Moreover, there is a pattern: the more impaired the hearing, the more impaired the voice, as a rule. Individual sounds may be pronounced incorrectly - most often, the consonants S, Z, Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch and Ts, because they are more difficult to perceive with impaired hearing. Because of all these disorders, deaf people tend to be embarrassed to speak out loud when they see negative reactions to their speech.

Also, people with early or congenital deafness encounter errors in the use of words, the usual word order in a sentence is disrupted (for example, “the plant is difficult, weak, there is little money, no” can be interpreted as “I’m very tired after work, for which, moreover, they pay almost nothing").

Peculiarities of perception of sounds and speech

Complete deafness is rare. Most often, remnants of hearing are preserved, allowing the perception of individual sounds of speech and some well-known words that are pronounced at the auricle. Low-frequency sounds, such as locomotive whistles, drums, and knocking, are heard much better by most deaf people. For hearing-impaired and implanted people, the ability to perceive household and natural noises is wider and more varied. But even if a person with impaired hearing hears the clock ticking on the wall, he may experience great difficulty in distinguishing someone else's speech. This often happens in implanted children and adults who have not completed a course of special psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation.

Sounds of normal volume are perceived better. Excessively loud sounds and screaming can cause painful sensations in a deaf person. In this case, he covers his ears with his hands and winces. This is due precisely to discomfort in the ear, and not to a reluctance to communicate and listen to the interlocutor.

People with impaired hearing perceive oral speech auditory-visually - simultaneously reading lips and using residual hearing. However, the accuracy of understanding the meaning also depends on the deaf person’s own efforts: on his ability to hold attention, ask clarifying questions, on the level of development of the semantic guess, when the entire phrase is mentally completed from the “heard” fragments according to the context. Therefore, if the speech is related to the current situation, it is easier for a person with impaired hearing to understand the context and meaning of what was said. But an abstract story about what happened before or will happen later will be much more difficult for him to understand. Particularly difficult is understanding cause-and-effect, spatio-temporal and other grammatical relationships, as well as phrases with passive participles: “cured diseases”, “found peace”, etc. Accurate perception (i.e., the ability to repeat word for word) is not a guarantee that a person who is deaf or hard of hearing has understood everything correctly.

Features of behavior

The behavior of a person with impaired hearing can be different: from restless, somewhat fussy, annoying, associated with the need for help, in making up for the lack of auditory information, to detached, absent-minded, avoiding communication with others. The second option is associated with negative experiences of communicating with hearing people, with the fear of being misunderstood and ridiculed. At the same time, the need for communication and friendly support for a deaf child or adult is, of course, no less than for a hearing person. Therefore, people with impaired hearing often prefer to attend public events or go on trips in the company of people with the same impairment.

Deaf people sometimes have difficulty coordinating movements, which can result in a shuffling gait and some clumsiness. Reason: malfunction vestibular apparatus(the organs of hearing and balance are located nearby). Due to hearing problems, it is difficult for a person to control his own vocal reactions. Therefore, deaf people can involuntarily make unusual noises during physical exertion, breathing, eating, or excitement.

Rules and ethics of communication with the deaf and hard of hearing

— A person with impaired hearing is prevented from perceiving and understanding oral speech by noise or simultaneous conversation of two or more people. Therefore, people who are hard of hearing will find it difficult to communicate in large or crowded rooms. Bright sun or shade can also be a problem.

— To attract the attention of a person who is hard of hearing, call him (her) by name. If there is no answer, you can lightly touch the person on the arm or shoulder, or wave your hand.

— There are several types and degrees of deafness. Some cannot hear or process spoken language and can only communicate in sign language. Others can hear, but perceive certain sounds incorrectly. You need to speak to them a little louder and more clearly than usual, choosing the appropriate volume level. Some have lost the ability to perceive high frequencies - when talking to them, you just need to lower the pitch of your voice. With someone, the note-taking method is optimal. If you don't know which way to prefer, try to find out from the deaf person himself. If problems arise in oral communication, invite the interlocutor to use another method - write, type. Don't say, “Okay, it doesn't matter...”

— In order for a deaf or hard-of-hearing interlocutor to understand you better, when talking to him, look directly at him so that he simultaneously sees your face (lips) and “hears” your speech. Speak clearly and slowly. There is no need to shout anything, especially in your ear. Use facial expressions, gestures, and body movements if you want to emphasize or clarify the meaning of what was said. Remember that not all people who are hard of hearing can read lips, and those who can can read only three out of ten words you say well.

- You will make it difficult for your interlocutor to understand the conversation if you switch from one topic to another and back. If you want to change the topic, do not do so without warning. Use transition phrases like: “Okay, now we need to discuss...”

- Speak in simple, short phrases and avoid unimportant words. Choose everyday words (i.e., those most often used in speech). If possible, avoid phraseological units, catchwords and expressions, proverbs and sayings. Their meaning, as a rule, is not known, and therefore not understandable to deaf and hard of hearing people.

— When constructing a phrase, it is better to use direct word order. Do not overuse isolations, turns of phrase, or inversions in your speech - they complicate the understanding of what is being said. For example, it is better to say “When will you arrive?” instead of “And when, my dear, can I expect you?” or “When will you come now?”

— Remember that understanding the meaning conveyed in speech with the help of intonation nuances and shades is almost impossible for deaf people and people with severe hearing loss. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a phrase with a sarcastic, mocking, ironic intonation is understood as neutral. For example, “What are we doing here?” (the meaning is a prohibition, an indication of incorrect behavior) will be understood as the need to answer the question “What are we doing?” Partial shades of meaning can be conveyed through facial expressions.

— If you provide information that includes a number, technical or other complex term, address, write it, fax it or e-mail or in any other way, but so that it is clearly understood.

- If you are asked to repeat something, try not just to repeat it, but to say it differently and rephrase the sentence.

- Make sure you are understood. Don't be shy to ask if the other person understood you.

— If you communicate through an interpreter, do not forget that you need to address the interlocutor directly, and not the interpreter.

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