Home Pulpitis What does ultrasound of the pelvic organs give? For what diseases is pelvic ultrasound prescribed?

What does ultrasound of the pelvic organs give? For what diseases is pelvic ultrasound prescribed?

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs- This diagnostic procedure, during which the organs located in the pelvis are examined using ultrasonic waves. In women, this examination includes examination of the uterus, cervix and uterine appendages, as well as Bladder. In men - bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles.

pelvic organs is carried out using three methods:

  • Transabdominal - when organs are examined through the abdominal wall.
  • Transrectal - when ultrasound is sent to the area under study through the rectum.
  • which is carried out through the vagina.

Transabdominal scan gives general information about the condition of the organs being examined, therefore, if the doctor needs to specifically examine a particular anatomical structure, he additionally conducts a transvaginal examination in females, and a transrectal examination in males.

In addition, ultrasound of the pelvic organs almost always includes Doppler ultrasound - the study blood vessels and blood flow in the area under study. The information obtained during Doppler sonography is especially relevant in case of suspected tumor, as well as varicose veins of the pelvic veins and other pathologies of the vascular bed.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs: indications

Ultrasound scanning of the pelvic organs in women is indicated in the following situations:

  • During a regular preventive examination (to get a more complete picture of the patient’s reproductive health, the gynecologist may refer her for an ultrasound).
  • If a woman has complaints of pain in the abdomen, pelvis, perineum, various intermenstrual bleeding or bloody issues from the genital tract to.
  • If there are any urinary disorders - painful or difficult urine output.
  • If during a gynecological examination the doctor discovered an enlargement or abnormal hardening of the internal genital organs.
  • When (ultrasound examination helps to identify possible reasons infertility, monitor the effectiveness of treatment and “catch” the most favorable period for conception).
  • When there is a delay in menstruation and.

In men, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed if the following indications exist:

  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Pathological discharge from the urethra.
  • Dysuric phenomena (difficulty and painful urination).
  • Detection of space-occupying formations in the pelvis during a urological examination.

In addition, urologists recommend regular examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound for preventive purposes to all men, regardless of whether they complain about something or not, have problems with reproductive health or don't have.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs: what it shows

In women you can identify:

  • Normal or .
  • Tumors (whether a tumor is benign or malignant can be determined only by the results of histological examination).
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs and bladder.
  • Anomalies of genital development.
  • Fluid in the space behind the uterus (this symptom is one of the signs of internal bleeding, which can develop with ovarian apoplexy, rupture of the fallopian tube and other pathological conditions).
  • Cervical polyps and.

In men, this study allows diagnosing pathological changes (most often inflammation or tumors) in the prostate, bladder, developmental abnormalities of these organs, inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

Preparation for ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Features of preparation for ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs depend on the method by which it will be carried out.

For women nThe most optimal time for a scheduled ultrasound is 8-14 days of the cycle.

For example, for a transabdominal ultrasound scan, it is necessary to empty the intestines of gases and fill the bladder (a full bladder lifts the large intestine upward, thereby clearing the way for ultrasound waves). To do this, a few days before the study, it is advisable to start following a preventive diet, as well as take special medications. Immediately 1-2 hours before the procedure, you should drink about a liter of liquid so that the bladder has time to fill at the time of the examination.

Preparation for transvaginal and transrectal ultrasound examination consists of cleansing the intestines of feces and accumulated gases (for people suffering from it, it is advisable to do an enema on the eve of the examination), as well as hygiene procedures. In addition, during the examination you must wear clothes that are easy to remove.

Important:To avoid any incidents during the ultrasound, it is advisable to discuss all questions regarding preparation in advance with the doctor who is referring you for the examination.

Description of the procedure

Most often, a pelvic examination begins with a transabdominal ultrasound, after which the doctor asks the patient to empty a full bladder and performs either a transrectal or transvaginal ultrasound scan.

During examination through the anterior abdominal wall, patients lie on a couch. When pressing on the abdomen with an ultrasonic sensor, you may experience discomfort and a strong desire to go to the toilet, since the bladder is full. Other unpleasant sensations usually do not occur.

Transrectal and transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs are more uncomfortable procedures, since patients have to expose intimate parts of the body.

With transrectal ultrasound men lie with a slight bend at the hips and knee joints legs, back to the doctor. A rectal ultrasound sensor with a disposable condom on and a special gel applied is inserted into the rectum to a shallow depth. Discomfort may occur both during insertion of the sensor and during its movements in the rectum. If pain occurs during the study, you must immediately inform your doctor.

The most common and safest research method is ultrasound diagnostics. With help, you can identify possible diseases and pathologies of internal organs and begin treatment in a timely manner. Unlike other examination methods, ultrasound diagnostics has virtually no contraindications.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics of organs, it is possible to assess the condition reproductive system women and identify possible pathologies.

An examination is prescribed for the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Painful sensations in groin area and lower back.
  • Pain during or difficulty emptying the bladder.
  • Blood clots or mucus in the urine.
  • Violation menstrual cycle.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Gynecological inflammatory diseases.

In addition, an ultrasound is required to confirm pregnancy if there was a difficult birth or abortion, during surgery on the uterus and appendages, or when installing an intrauterine device.

Ultrasound is prescribed to exclude ectopic pregnancy. If conception has occurred, then the control dates ultrasound diagnostics in the first trimester from 12 to 14 weeks, in the second - from 20-24 weeks, and in the third from 30-32 weeks.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis is performed not only for women, but also for men. Main indications for research in men:

  • Problems with urination.
  • Pathologies.
  • Bladder diseases.

The examination can be prescribed for children and adolescents with deviations in the development of the genital organs, early or late puberty, etc.

More information about ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be found in the video:

Transvaginal ultrasound is not performed for heavy bleeding and among virgins. It is prohibited to perform it in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as this can lead to uterine tone and provoke contractions.

Contraindications to rectal ultrasound examination are: the presence of cracks in the rectum, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, after surgery on the rectum.It should be remembered that ultrasound is not performed after the procedure. Distortion of results may occur due to the introduction of contrast agents. In this case, it is better to postpone the ultrasound for a while.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for the examination depends on the diagnostic method: through the vagina, abdominal wall and rectum. The doctor will tell you in advance about the chosen technique for performing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

It is necessary to prepare for an ultrasound if the examination will be carried out through the outer abdominal wall or through the intestine.

A few days before the transabdominal examination, you should:

  • Eliminate foods from your diet causing gas formation and bloating. Such products include: cabbage, legumes, bread, apples, grapes, milk, etc. For 3-4 days, it is advisable to eat porridge, lean meat, steamed vegetables, and omelettes.
  • It is recommended to drink activated carbon 1-2 days before the test, which will help get rid of gases if dietary food did not help.
  • You should not eat food the morning before the procedure. The last appointment should only be in the evening. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema in the evening. If you have persistent constipation, you must do an enema in the evening and in the morning before the test.
  • An hour before the procedure you need to drink 1-1.% liter clean water to fill your bladder.

If a transvaginal ultrasound is performed, the bladder should be empty. The study can be carried out on any day. The procedure is not performed on menstruation days. The most informative results will be after an ultrasound scan after menstruation. You will need a condom for the test.

An ultrasound scan with a vaginal probe may be performed several times a month to determine the maturation of the follicles and assess the condition and functioning of the ovaries.

3 hours before performing a rectal ultrasound, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema. For this purpose, you can use 1.5 liters of water at room temperature or special preparations that induce bowel movements: Norgalax, Microlax, glycerin suppositories.

In case of pathology, infertility or erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to fill the bladder. The patient should drink 4 glasses of water one hour before the examination.

Features of the examination

There are several methods of ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis:

  • Transvaginal method. It is carried out using a vaginal sensor. The length of the sensor is about 12 cm, and its diameter is 3 cm. This research method allows you to determine pregnancy by early stages, diseases of the uterus and others gynecological problems. A transvaginal examination is carried out as follows: the woman takes off her clothes below the waist and lies down on the couch. Legs are bent at the knees and spread apart. The doctor who conducts the study puts a condom on the sensor and lubricates it with gel. A homogeneous gel acts as a conductor between the sensor and the body, thanks to which favorable conditions are created for the visibility of the organ being examined. Next, the sensor is inserted into the vagina and the organs are displayed on the screen. With careful and slow insertion of the transducer, the woman should not feel any unpleasant or painful sensations. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes.
  • Transabdominal method. This research method involves sending ultrasound waves through the abdominal wall. This method allows you to assess the condition of not only a specific organ, but also those located nearby. As a result, the doctor receives a general picture of the pelvic organs, which allows him to make the correct diagnosis and decide on treatment tactics. Transabdominal ultrasound is performed while lying on your back. The doctor moves the sensor over the patient’s abdomen, examining the necessary organs. The gel is first applied to the skin.
  • Transrectal method. This is a common way to examine the male genital organs. Thanks to the rectal method, it is possible to examine the bladder, prostate gland and seminal vesicles. It can be performed not only for men, but also for women. The patient takes off his underwear, lies on his left side and pulls his knees to his chest. Next, the doctor lubricates the sensor with a water-soluble gel and inserts it into the rectum. The procedure does not cause any discomfort.

Explanation: norm and pathology in women

When examining the bladder, its walls should be uniform and the same thickness, about 2-4 mm. There should be no stones in the bladder cavity. If you suspect urolithiasis You can detect dark areas with regular and clear boundaries.

If there is thickening of the bladder wall, this may indicate tuberculous inflammation or hematoma. When the entire wall of the bladder thickens, cystitis and amyloidosis are diagnosed. Deviation from the norm may be due to blockage of the internal opening of the urethra with a stone or due to a neoplasm.

Vaginal ultrasound provides more accurate information about the condition of the female reproductive system.

In this case, you can find out the location, structure, size of the cervix and the condition of the fallopian tubes. A change in the condition of these organs leads to discharge, pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms.

Normal examination results in women:

  • Normally, the length of the uterus should be 40-75 mm, and the width should be between 45-60 mm. The contours of the uterus in women and the prostate gland in men should be clear and even, the echogenicity of these organs should be uniform.
  • Depending on the menstrual cycle inner layer uterus - or pus in the tube

If the echogenicity of the uterus is reduced and the organ is increased in size, then this indicates the development of myomatous nodes.With endometriosis, the echogenicity of the myometrium increases, and uterine bending is observed. Due to the increase in anteroposterior size, the uterus becomes rounded and the thickness of the walls is uneven; small endometrial nodes are present in the walls.

The diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is made when the ovaries increase in size, as well as the presence of many small follicles.An ovarian cyst on ultrasound looks like a small round bubble. The size can range from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters.

Interpretation of ultrasound scanning in men, as in women, is carried out according to the following indicators: location, shape, size, structure of the genital organs and bladder.

Normally, the length of the prostate in men is 25-35 mm, the width is 25-40 mm, and the thickness is no more than 2 mm. The volume of the prostate is in the range of 20-27 cubic meters. see The bladder should be normal size and have the correct shape.

Normally, there should be no compaction or enlargement of the seminal vesicles. Their size is cross section should be 8-10 mm.

In men, ultrasound can detect the development of a tumor of the prostate, seminal vesicles or their inflammation.

When conducting an abdominal examination in men, the testicles should not be present, and fluid should not accumulate between them. Depending on age and lifestyle, the size of the genital organs will vary.

Today in force bad ecology, carcinogenic products and unhealthy lifestyles, women are increasingly exposed to various diseases. However, any pathologies in the body must be promptly identified and eliminated in order to prevent the situation from worsening.

Ultrasound examination (US) will come to help diagnose the pelvic organs (PIO). It should be noted that it is necessary to go to a medical center for such a diagnosis not only in cases of any symptoms.

You should not be afraid of such a procedure; in addition, it is better to put all prejudices aside and carefully monitor the condition of your. In this article we will talk about what a pelvic ultrasound in women is, what it shows this procedure and how to prepare for it.

What does it show

Often, a woman is referred for ultrasound monitoring by a gynecologist after preliminary palpation. During diagnostics using ultrasound, a specialist can assess the condition of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Using an ultrasound machine, you can learn more about the following:

  • localization of the uterus;
  • general characteristics of the uterus;
  • general structure of the myometrium and endometrium;
  • internal characteristics of the uterus (wall smoothness);
  • characteristics of the cervix (localization, general structural indicators);
  • structural and functional characteristics fallopian tubes and ovaries.

An ultrasound examination is often done to identify any pathologies when corresponding symptoms appear.

This research will help with the following:

  • identifying the cause of the presence of red blood cells in the urine;
  • examination normal function Bladder;
  • determination of availability oncological diseases HTA;
  • facilitating the biopsy procedure and pumping out fluid from the formed cyst;
  • determination of viral and bacterial diseases OMT, vaginal bleeding;
  • search ;
  • determining the presence of a child in the womb, diagnosing;
  • detection of uterine fibroids, swelling.

As you can see, scientists in the fields of biology and medicine have found a way to use ultrasound for the benefit of society. An ultrasound examination can reveal almost any OMT; moreover, this procedure is absolutely painless.

Organs examined and indications

Ultrasound examination is not only a safe procedure, but also highly accurate. For example, dangerous x-ray diagnostics may cause errors due to the movements of the patient being studied.

But ultrasound is carried out dynamically, and an error here can only appear due to the inexperience of the specialist conducting the diagnosis.

This procedure allows for real-time monitoring of a woman's pelvic organs, which include the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Despite the fact that diagnostics is carried out using technically sophisticated equipment, it is available in almost any medical center our country.

There is a specific list of indications for ultrasound for women:

Separately, I would like to say a few words about the timing of such diagnostics, since questions are increasingly appearing on forums about what day a pelvic ultrasound is performed in women.

For pregnant women, there is a specific schedule of preventive measures:

  • first time: at -14 weeks;
  • second time: at 20-24 weeks;
  • third time: at 30 weeks.

Did you know? The first 3D ultrasound was performed by Japanese physician-scientists in the late 80s of the last century.

Research methods

Today, there are several methods for performing ultrasound diagnostics. We will talk about the main ones below.

Important! If you had an MRI 2-3 days before the ultrasound, tell your doctor about it.

How to prepare

Preparation for ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women is carried out 24-35 hours before the start of the diagnosis. All measures that need to be taken before the ultrasound examination should be reported to an experienced healthcare professional.

You, in turn, must notify the doctor if 2-3 days ago you underwent an X-ray examination (with such a diagnosis, barium remains in the body, which can distort the data of an ultrasound examination).

You should prepare for this type of diagnostic examination within 3 days. Such preparation involves giving up some food.

The fact is that many products are good stimulants of gases in the intestines, and this can lead to serious errors (up to 30-40%) during observation.
Doctors recommend not consuming the following foods 3 days before the transabdominal test:

  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • cakes, sweets, pastries;
  • peas and legumes;
  • drinks enriched with carbon dioxide.

Before the diagnosis itself, the doctor will ask you to drink 3-4 glasses of clean water (but it is better to do this at home, 1-2 hours before going to the diagnostic center).

A full bladder will help displace the lower gastrointestinal organs, so the uterus will be better visible on the device screen.


To this diagnostic method also showed accurate results, you must follow the diet mentioned in the paragraph above. In addition, 10-15 hours before the start of the procedure it is necessary to do a cleansing enema. Going to the toilet to completely empty your bowels is also a basic necessity.

Remember that 3-4 hours before the start of the study it is forbidden to drink any type of liquid (full bladder, in this case, may distort diagnostic results).

If transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound are performed on the same day, then the transabdominal ultrasound is prescribed first.

How does the procedure work?

Many women are tormented by the question of how to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This question is often related to the fact that some patients have never dealt with this diagnosis, and due to inexperience, they begin to guess about pain and unpleasant consequences.

But you should remember once and for all: Ultrasound is an absolutely safe procedure, moreover, painless, and women should have no doubt about the safety of such a diagnosis.

Did you know?First attempts to explore human body using ultrasound were undertaken in 1942.

The ultrasound examination begins with the patient lying on the couch on her back (often the couch is in diagnostic centers can move and tilt).
Before the procedure begins, doctors will ask you to remove all jewelry and outerwear. Then, in fact, the diagnostic procedure itself begins, which differs depending on the chosen method:

  • Transabdominal. At the beginning of an ultrasound using this technique, the doctor will apply it to the patient’s skin. special gel water-based, which promotes better contact of the skin-sensor media. The doctor will move the sensor over the skin, and in the meantime, the results of the study will be displayed on the screen in real time.

    This picture is realized thanks to the enormous speed of ultrasonic waves, which, reflected from the organs, return to the sensor. The gel, which is applied to the skin, prevents the appearance of air zones between the skin and the sensor (such zones will distort the research results, since the sound waves will change amplitude).

    The diagnosis takes 20-30 minutes, after which the doctor talks about the results. You can empty your bladder immediately after the procedure.

  • Transrectal. Before starting the procedure, the patient should lie on her left side, with her legs bent at the knees.

    The transducer is then lubricated with a special liquid and inserted into the rectum. During diagnosis, slight pressure may be felt, but this is normal. If the picture on the screen is not clear enough, your doctor may insert some water into your rectum to clean the transducer.

Important! If you have allergic reactions for latex, be sure to inform your doctor about this before starting the ultrasound.

  • Transvaginal. At the beginning of the diagnosis, the patient lies on the couch and spreads her hips apart. The researcher then lubricates the tip of the probe and gently inserts it into the vagina. During the procedure, the woman is asked to lie still, as dynamics may distort the results.

    This type of diagnosis is replaced by transabdominal in the following cases:

  1. If the patient is obese or infertile.
  2. If it is impossible to fill the bladder.
  3. With increased chronic gas formation in the intestines. Using this ultrasound diagnostic method, you can get a clearer picture. Sometimes, to improve the results of examining the uterine cavity, doctors may inject a sterile saline solution inside (using a special catheter).

Results and diagnosis

The results of the examination and the corresponding diagnosis will be announced immediately upon completion of the procedure. When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the woman’s age, individual characteristics body, chronic diseases, quantity and many other factors.


Normal diagnostic results include the following:

  • the shape, size, localization of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are standard ( normal indicators). No pathologies or neoplasms (growths, tumors, cysts) were identified in relation to these organs;
  • during pregnancy in the first trimester no pathologies were detected in relation to the amniotic sac;
  • urine should flow freely to the bladder;
  • there are no polyps, stones or other formations on OMT;
  • the location and dimensions of the bladder comply with the standards;
  • After urination, the bladder becomes completely empty.


Women sometimes have to listen to unpleasant diagnoses from doctors. As a rule, any diagnosis is accompanied by some pathological changes in the pelvic organs.

These changes are:

  • the location and shape of the uterus have deviations from the standards (fibroma). Neoplasms are observed in the form malignant tumors, cysts, etc.;
  • endometrial hyperplasia - thickening of the uterine wall. This pathology increases the risk of developing neoplasms.

Did you know?During an ultrasound, the transmitter heats the area of ​​the patient's body being examined by approximately 1°C.

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, characterized by the appearance of ulcers, kidney stones, viral or bacterial lesions of the pelvic organs;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Bladder pathologies (stones, neoplasms).

It should be understood that ultrasound is an informative method for assessing one’s own health. Doctors recommend that every woman undergo ultrasound examination regularly (2 times a year). Such a study will help to monitor during pregnancy, as well as protect against the manifestation of sudden diseases.

Pelvic ultrasound is performed on women and men for many reasons. Sometimes some patients try to avoid this type of diagnosis - either out of false modesty, or out of fear of finding out a bad diagnosis. Let's consider the main features of the procedure, its indications and contraindications, as well as what can be seen during such an examination.

  • Organs examined

    The ultrasound method for studying the pelvic organs differs between representatives of both sexes. And this is mainly due to anatomical features analyzed organs.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is rightly considered absolutely in a safe way diagnostics, since in modern clinical practice has not yet been discovered harmful effects ultrasound on the human body.

    What is examined in women?

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is used to examine the following organs in women:

    • Ovarian
    • Uterus
    • Bladder
    • Uterine cervix
    • Fallopian tubes.

    This type of diagnosis is also used to analyze the conditions of pregnancy.

    What is examined in men?

    This ultrasound is a comprehensive examination and is used to analyze the condition of the following organs:

    • bladder (in this case, the amount of residual urine is additionally determined);
    • prostate gland (adjacent tissues and lymph nodes are additionally examined);
    • seminal vesicles.

    In what cases is it carried out?

    Indications for such examination for women

    This procedure is carried out when:

    • diagnosis of pregnancy abnormalities;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • the appearance of vaginal bleeding;
    • infertility.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is done in the following cases:

    • Various urination disorders (when a patient consults a doctor with complaints of painful, frequent and difficult urination).
    • Feeling incomplete emptying bubble
    • Pain in the urinary area, as well as in the perineum and scrotum.
    • Attacks of colic.
    • The appearance of blood in seminal fluid and urine.
    • Trauma to the urinary tract, perineum, prostate gland.
    • If structural anomalies are detected genitourinary organs, as well as when deviations in the functioning of these organs are detected.
    • If the patient has complaints of erectile dysfunction.
    • To clarify the indicators obtained from a digital examination of the prostate gland.

    It is necessary to do an ultrasound before scheduled surgical interventions on the pelvic organs.

    How to prepare?

    Men need to drink about a liter of liquid an hour to an hour and a half before undergoing a transabdominal examination.

    The procedure itself is carried out when the urge to urinate appears.

    If patients undergo transrectal diagnostic test Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, then you need to prepare for it several days in advance. The main thing is to avoid consuming foods that increase gas production. Their excessive quantity will interfere with normal examination.

    Such products include:

    • bread;
    • alcoholic drinks, especially beer;
    • vegetables containing coarse types of fiber;
    • fermented milk dishes.

    On the day when the transrectal ultrasound is performed, the intestines should be cleansed.
    Women should empty their urine before transvaginal examination. To reduce the formation of gases, you can take activated carbon, Mezim, etc.

    How does the research procedure work?

    IN modern conditions this procedure occurs with maximum comfort for all patients. However, the methodology for carrying them out differs depending on gender. There may be slight pain if the sensor touches a painful area. Sometimes discomfort appears when the sensor is inserted into the rectum.

    If a biopsy is performed (for example, of the prostate gland), then the patient experiences additional discomfort associated with the insertion of a thin needle into the organ. However, such sensations are minimal, since the doctor inserts the needle into a place where the number of nerve endings is minimal.

    Carrying out the procedure in women

    In women, the doctor conducts an examination transabdominally, transvaginally or transrectally.

    During a transabdominal examination, the patient lies on a couch, which can freely change the angle of inclination and other parameters. A special harmless gel is applied to the skin (for a closer contact of the sensor with the skin).

    The bladder should be full. The specialist moves the sensor over areas of the patient’s skin, pressing it against the skin. This way he can examine the organ being examined in more detail.

    This type of examination is convenient because it is not invasive, i.e. during examination, the sensor does not penetrate into natural environments body

    A transvaginal test involves the doctor inserting an ultrasound probe into the vagina. A condom is placed over the sensor and a gel is applied to it. The position of the patient is the same as during a regular examination by a gynecologist.

    With the transvaginal method, a full bladder is not required, and the information content of the procedure is much higher than with the transabdominal type of examination

    A rectal examination involves inserting an ultrasound probe into the rectum. This type of procedure is prescribed to girls. The patient lies in a lateral position with her knees bent.

    Features of the procedure for men

    The doctor chooses one of the following methods for performing a pelvic ultrasound.
    Transabdominal examination of the pelvic organs occurs using an ordinary sensor emitting ultrasound waves. He moves around abdominal wall(the bladder should be full).

    Thus, the specialist can see the condition of all organs being examined, the thickness and structure of their walls and other parameters. The same diagnosis is carried out after urination (during such an examination, the doctor also determines the amount of remaining urine).

    A rectal examination is performed using a specially designed probe that is inserted into the anus. This study is done in cases where the patient cannot long time hold urine in the bladder (this happens during inflammation of the organ, as well as with urinary incontinence).

    In this way, it is possible to detect pathologies that are not visualized by conventional transabdominal examination. The doctor can clearly see stones, abscesses, cysts and other foreign objects. Sometimes, during a transrectal examination, a prostate biopsy is performed (this procedure is necessarily carried out under ultrasound control).

    This type of examination combines high information content and accessibility, and also allows you to diagnose most possible pathologies

    Doppler examination is an additional clarifying diagnosis. It makes it possible to see the causes of circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs and detect other vascular lesions.

    Detected pathologies

    Based on such a study, the doctor makes his conclusion and makes a diagnosis. The results can be provided in the form of pictures, or recorded on a digital disk.

    Among women

    The doctor evaluates the structure of the uterine tissue, its dimensions and location, the location of the ovaries, and the presence of a follicle. In addition, the following parameters are examined:

    • presence of formations of different nature and the degree of malignancy in the uterus and gonads;
      urinary condition, its dimensions;
    • the presence of various types of pathologies of the colon and rectum.
    • During the study, the results obtained are compared with the norm. The presence of deviations indicates certain dysfunctions of the body part being diagnosed:
    • if the study showed a change in the thickness of the cervix, a change in the size of the uterine tubes - this indicates high risk development of cancer;
    • if formations are visible in the image different sizes or geometric shape, this indicates the presence of cysts and fibroids in the body;
    • a reduced uterus (as well as with enlarged ovaries) indicates that a woman has polycystic disease;

    If such an examination shows that the examined organs have changed their echogenicity, the sonologist usually diagnoses endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

    In men

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in men visualizes:

    • kidney stones;
    • tumors of the urinary gland, prostate gland;
    • disorders of the development and functioning of the urinary tract;
    • neoplasms in the pelvic area;
    • diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles;
    • anomalies of the rectum.

    Choosing a research method

    A pelvic ultrasound can be done using the methods described above; one of them is determined individually. Usually, when prescribing a gynecologist, he recommends a study, the time of its implementation and talks about preparation for diagnosis.

    In the case when an ultrasound examination is carried out without first visiting a gynecologist, the choice of method and preparation for it is independent.

    To all the girls who didn't start sex life, the study is performed transabdominally. The abdominal method requires pre-filling of the bladder to improve visualization.

    For women, examination of the pelvic organs is most often performed transvaginally. However, it is possible to use both methods - first, examination through the abdomen, and then (after emptying the bladder) TVUS.

    During pregnancy, the examination is performed transabdominally, and preliminary filling of the bladder is not required. TV is used in case of low position of the fetus.

    Feelings during the study

    Often among patients, especially young ones, the question arises about whether it hurts during an ultrasound.

    Doing a transabdominal examination is absolutely painless. You can only feel a chill from applying the gel to the lower abdomen. With transvaginal, a short-term feeling of discomfort is possible when the sensor is inserted. If pain occurs during an ultrasound, you should tell your doctor about this, as this is not normal.

    Frequency of ultrasound

    This issue remains important and controversial in gynecological practice.

    The harmlessness of the method has been confirmed by many years of experience. This allows ultrasound to be used in every if necessary. However, like any other study, ultrasound is correct to do when indicated. After menopause, annual ultrasound examinations are recommended.

    Given the absence of harmful effects on women, frequent use of this method is possible. This makes it possible to conduct an annual analysis of women even before the onset of menopause and identify precancerous diseases and oncology at an early stage.

    Study protocol

    Every healthcare organization has its own template. The differences relate more to design, but all protocols have established measurement and evaluation parameters. An example of this (ultrasound of the pelvic organs) is presented below.

    For research during pregnancy, there are separate protocols for each trimester. They must indicate the class of the apparatus (expert, high), since the quality and reliability of the analyzes depends on this.

    Normal test results

    OMT ultrasound can be performed at any age. In pediatric practice, the transabdominal method is used.

    In newborn girls, the cervix is ​​not differentiated; a general measurement of the uterus is performed. The size of the organ is increased due to the hormonal background of the mother, and the uterus shrinks during the first year of life. It is 8-10*10-15*30-40 mm. The organ restores this size by 7 years.

    the arrow indicates a narrow cavity

    size table female organ depending on age.

    Notes The length of the uterus up to 10 years was measured together with the cervix. After the start of menstruation, measurements are taken in the first phase of the cycle.

    During the reproductive period, indicators of the size of the uterus have a wide range and depend on a number of factors (the presence and number of pregnancies, their interruptions, the number of births).

    Table of uterine sizes during the reproductive period.

    Ultrasound after menopause can detect uterine involution. The decrease in its value depends on the duration of menopause.

    Size of the uterus at menopause.

    The thickness of the endometrium is an important parameter, which also changes during the menstrual cycle: from 0.6-0.9 cm in proliferation to 1.1-1.6 cm at the end of the cycle (photo of the endometrium during various phases is normal. No change in M -An echo during the cycle is a pathology, which indicates hormonal disorders.

    the condition of the walls, the thickness of the layers and echogenicity are determined. The size of the ovaries also changes with age: in adolescence active growth is observed, and with the onset of menopause - involution.

    Linear parameters are used to estimate size, but ovarian volume is more important. During the reproductive period, the volume norm does not exceed 8 cm³. With the onset of menopause, the volume decreases: after a year - to 4.5 cm³, 5 years - to 2.5 cm³, 10 years - no more than 1.5 cm³. At any age, the volume of the right and left ovaries should normally not differ by more than 1.5 cm³.

    size, structure and echogenicity are determined

    Uterus measurement video

    The interpretation of the results should be carried out correctly taking into account age, reproductive history, and the day of the menstrual cycle (if menstruation is present).


    All types of ultrasound in gynecology can be supplemented with assessment of uterine blood flow. This method shows the condition of the arteries, and with the help of color flow, you can evaluate capillary blood flow and differentiate focal formations. USG has important for obstetricians. Doppler ultrasound may show changes in blood flow in the uterine and umbilical cord vessels. Based on these parameters, the risk of delay is identified intrauterine development at the preclinical stage. In older women, examination of the venous network can reveal their varicose veins.

    Standards for Doppler measurements include velocity indicators, and are also based on an assessment of the resistance index and systolic, systole-diastolic ratio.


    After the doctor conducts this type diagnosis, the patient must wait some time until a conclusion is drawn up. This usually takes a short time. Based on the diagnostic results, it is prescribed necessary treatment or additional clinical examinations are carried out.

    If a sonologist has prescribed a pelvic ultrasound for a patient, there is no need to refuse. After all, only based on the results of an accurate diagnosis can you choose the most effective treatment pelvic problems. On the contrary, untimely diagnosis has a negative impact on the effectiveness of treatment.

    Additional photos

The safest, most accessible and precise method research in our time is ultrasound (ultrasound). This method examinations are used for almost all diseases of internal organs, systems, blood vessels and tissues. Examination of certain organs requires special preparation.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be prescribed to men and women for diagnostic examination various reasons. When pathological changes appear on early stages this method allows them to be identified and carried out timely treatment. The accuracy of the diagnostic examination is more than 90%.

What is a pelvic examination?

Ultrasound examination, or scanning (also called ultrasonography), is performed using high-frequency sound waves to produce images on a monitor of body structures and internal organs.

The principle of the examination is to use a sonar system: sound wave collides with an obstacle and is reflected from it, creating an echo. Computer processing of such data visualizes them on the monitor screen and shows the final appearance of the object being examined (density, amount of liquid, contours, shape, dimensions).

The sensor of the ultrasonic device sends sound signals and simultaneously receives them, a reflected echo and records the data in the computer.
Modern equipment makes it possible to take color photographs of the condition for some types of studies. internal systems organs.

In progress ultrasound examination ionizing radiation is not used, as in X-ray examinations. By obtaining images of organs in real time, the study allows you to see the condition of internal organs, tissue structure, movement and condition of organ walls, filling of blood vessels, quality of blood flow and condition of valves.

Ultrasound examination is non-invasive (without penetrating tissue) and helps determine accurate diagnosis, making patient care and treatment more effective.
When performing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, you can easily examine (make an image and save on media) the organs and adjacent tissues of the lower sections in the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Ultrasound examinations of pelvic organs and systems are performed abdominally, vaginally, rectally.

In some cases, simultaneously with the main examination, Doppler sonography is performed, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the vessels (veins or arteries) and the filling of organs with blood (whether a sufficient amount enters the organ or whether there is a small flow of blood and why). Impaired blood supply to organs can also cause their pathological condition.

Indications for pelvic ultrasound

Organs examined

An examination of the pelvic organs can be prescribed routinely, in the event of painful conditions, after various injuries for diagnostic assessment or extent of damage.
By using this study you can examine: the uterus, ovaries, appendages, the fallopian tubes, vagina, urethra, bladder, prostate gland, tissues between these organs.

In women, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is recommended for the following conditions:

  • preventative medical examinations during puberty or menopause;
  • examination of patients of reproductive age before pregnancy;
  • if there are complaints about painful sensations in the abdomen, perineum, pelvis;
  • abnormalities in the menstrual cycle, bleeding or spotting between cycles or menopause;
  • having problems with urination of various origins(difficult, painful, bloody, other);
  • to monitor the condition of the contraceptive device;
  • after gynecological examination when the doctor detects a change in the condition of the genital organs (thickening, enlargement, change in the contour of the organs) or detects tumor processes;
  • to check for pregnancy;
  • routine scanning during pregnancy;
  • for control healing process in the treatment of infertility or determining the most necessary period for conception;
  • various injuries of the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs.

For men, there are the following indications for examination:

  • pain in the pelvic area, including when urinating;
  • infertility;
  • problems with potency;
  • urethral discharge and urinary disturbances;
  • identification various kinds changes in the pelvis after examination by a urologist;
  • injuries of the perineum, lower abdomen and abdominal cavity.

Examination of the pelvic organs can be performed by three methods: transabdominal, transvaginal, transrectal. For individual species examinations must be prepared on certain days, which is described in detail by the doctor who refers patients for an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

How is the procedure done?

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is simple and fairly quick. The patient's position is supine. Transabdominal ultrasound is mainly performed; other methods are used less frequently depending on the patient's condition.

A special conductive gel is applied to the area under study and distributed evenly over the surface of the skin. It does not cause allergies, is easy to wash and does not leave marks on clothes (in case of incomplete removal from the skin).

This type of examination is convenient because it is not invasive, i.e. during examination, the sensor does not penetrate into the natural environment of the body

Then the research begins. Using a special ultrasonic sensor, the doctor gently presses the skin to ensure tight contact with the surface and proper signal transmission. If you press a little harder, you may feel the urge to empty your bladder (when it is completely full). Others discomfort does not appear during the study. The exception is injuries; pain may occur when changing position or examination.

Transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is an uncomfortable procedure for patients, as they have to undress to the waist and leave intimate areas exposed. The diagnostician tells you what position you should be in during the examination.

Transvaginal examination allows you to study the condition of the cervix in more detail, however, this method is used quite rarely due to the complexity of the procedure in the postpartum period

If necessary, the patient may need to turn on his side or hold his breath - all this will be clarified by the specialist conducting the examination. If desired and accessible, the patient can observe everything on the monitor of an ultrasound machine or on a large special screen.

Depending on the research method, additional manipulations may be necessary. After completing the examination, the gel must be wiped off because it will leave a flaky feeling on the skin once it dries. If possible, it is better to wash off the gel from the skin.

Routine examinations for women are carried out on certain days, for pregnant women - at appropriate times. IN emergency situations diagnosis is carried out regardless of these indicators, that is, according to vital indications.
The procedure time ranges from 3-5 minutes to 15-20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the health condition and the identified abnormalities.

When and how can I get the test result?

After completing an ultrasound examination on an outpatient basis, you can get the results almost immediately. The doctor describes the examination data and records them in the computer. Also, information about the condition of internal organs can be saved on a floppy disk, special photographs can be taken and a conclusion can be obtained on paper.

When undergoing a procedure while in hospital, the data is transferred to the attending physician. All inspection results can be clarified and discussed with him individually.
Sometimes required additional consultations related specialists and other types diagnostic examinations body. Also, after a course of treatment, a repeat examination or a clarifying examination after some manipulations is prescribed.

The following indicators are considered normal results in studies of women:: the shape of the uterus is pear-shaped with clear, even contours, size 5 centimeters in length, homogeneous echogenicity. The cervix is ​​2-3 centimeters in length and width, with smooth contours and uniform echogenicity.
Endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) in different days the cycle normally has different thicknesses, making up three normal values: 1–4, 4–8, 8–16 mm. Healthy ovaries normally also measure no more than three centimeters in length and no more than two in width.

Normal indicators for men The dimensions of the prostate gland are considered to be 25–35 mm in length, 25–40 in width, thickness no more than 2 mm, volume no more than 2.5–3 cubic cm. The echogenicity is homogeneous, the seminal vesicles are unchanged.
The bladder and ureters should have an even contour, clear boundaries with equal wall thickness along the entire perimeter. Women have a slightly thinner bladder, and men have slightly thinner ureters, so the normal values ​​are different. Also, no additional inclusions or neoplasms should be detected anywhere.

What can be revealed during research?

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs allows you to determine the presence of diseases, the onset pathological conditions, degree of illness or the following conditions:

  • stones of the bladder and lower ureters;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular pathologies in the pelvic organs;
  • congenital developmental or structural abnormalities
  • various types of formations (tumors, cysts, seals, nodes, abscesses, ectopic pregnancy);
  • state of blood flow in prostate gland, its structure, as well as the state of the seminal vesicles;
  • gestational age or fetal condition;
  • find out the residual amount of urine in the bladder to determine the correct functioning of the system;
  • condition of the lymph nodes;
  • monitor the condition of uterine fibroids (whether there is an increase or active growth or not);
  • cervical polyposis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • the presence of fluid behind the uterus (indicates internal bleeding due to rupture of the ovary or tube, or other painful conditions);
  • the condition of endometriosis, determine its degree.

Contraindications for the procedure

There are no specific contraindications for ultrasound.

Relative contraindications are: improper preparation of the patient (presence of a large amount of gases in the intestines, small amount of urine in the bladder), pregnancy (too frequent examinations), minor childhood(the procedure is carried out with a special apparatus for diagnosing children), a large layer of fatty tissue (the result may be incomplete, another type of diagnosis is recommended), inappropriate behavior of patients.
No complications were identified after the ultrasound procedure.

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