Home Oral cavity What does a tomography of the thoracic spine show? MRI examination of the thoracic region

What does a tomography of the thoracic spine show? MRI examination of the thoracic region

Pain in the spine quite often disrupts the usual rhythm of life. If you constantly put off important things, vacations with family, or walking for this reason, it is necessary to carefully reconsider your lifestyle and give up all bad habits. If this procedure does not help in any way to correct the situation, it’s time to contact a competent MRI diagnostician and identify the cause of the problem.

How does an MRI machine work?

Using magnetic fields, you can obtain images of layer-by-layer sections of organs and tissues of all human body. The study is carried out using a special diagnostic apparatus that generates a strong magnetic field, in response to which the cells themselves produce electromagnetic radiation. The result is a dynamic image of the study on the monitor screen.

An MRI tomograph is a completely unique machine that allows you to quickly and effectively localize many pathologies, find out their degree and scale. In terms of detail, it significantly exceeds the capabilities ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography and x-ray examination. He helps to find tumor cells, look for fractures or dislocations, clarify the localization of genetic pathology.

The equipment operates on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance: a powerful magnetic field is created that affects the chemical structures of human tissue, the atomic particles of which are called protons. The device maintains a stable constancy of the force field in the body. With its help it is possible to:

  1. stimulate cells with different frequency radio waves;
  2. stop these waves and register all the body’s radiation;
  3. process the signals and digitize them as an image on a screen or film.

Features of the spine study

If you are going to go for a spinal diagnosis, you should consider some features of the procedure.

All contraindications that may interfere with the implementation of the study are divided into absolute and relative prohibitions. With relative ones, it is possible to perform MRI with some restrictions.

Absolute prohibitionsRelative prohibitions
Tattoos with metallic ink particlesWeight more than 140 kilograms
Acute infectious diseases with feverPanic fear of enclosed spaces
Cardiac stimulantsMetal-ceramic dentures (except titanium)
Unrecoverable metal fragmentsEpileptic seizures
Metal-containing prosthesesSchizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis
Metal valvesAcute form of cardiopulmonary failure
Clamps on brain vesselsPregnancy

Types of back examination:

In difficult cases, doctors use the injection of a contrast agent into the human body. With its help, you can get an expanded and clear picture of changes in organs. Affected parts vascular bed, tumors and aneurysms accumulate contrast better, making them clearly visible on developed images.

MRI of the thoracic and lumbar back is performed without special administration of a contrast agent and accompanying preparation. All you need is a doctor's prescription or own wish to undergo the procedure. Be sure to consult with specialists and choose the most convenient clinics for yourself, where the examination is performed with high quality and only by professionals in the field of MRI diagnostics.

Indications for examination

The main indications for conducting a spinal magnetic field study:

Preparation for diagnosis and its implementation

If you are afraid that you will behave incorrectly and somehow disrupt the flow of the procedure, it is worth remembering a few simple rules that will help you navigate before the examination:

  • remove all metal items and jewelry, including piercings;
  • mobile phones, players, watches and tablets are prohibited from being brought near the device;
  • if you feel anxious, take one sedative tablet;
  • A light meal before the test will not hurt.

After you enter the office, you will be asked to remove jewelry and clothing with metal elements and leave excess items in the locker room. Then you will put on a disposable shirt and go into the room with the machine.

The doctor should take your old pictures or other test results from you. At the same time, specialists will ask about the history of the disease: its duration, intensity and previous treatment measures.

Next, you will be placed in the machine itself to take an MRI. thoracic spine. Don't be afraid: the equipment resembles a bed, but with one difference - it can be closed from above. This can cause an attack of claustrophobia in unprepared people, but for this purpose there are specially created devices with an open wall: this way you will see everything that is happening outside.

After the patient is placed in the installation, the doctor checks the connection with him: an indicator is placed on the chest, and when pressed, a signal is activated. This way you can let them know that you are not feeling well. To avoid being deafened by the sound of the car, you will receive special earplugs. Once the preparations are complete, the doctors turn on the machine and you are placed inside for twenty minutes. You must lie still so as not to distort the results of the procedure.

The result of the diagnosis is several photographs of the thoracic portion of the spinal column. You can pick them up either in printed form or in the form of records on a disk or flash card. The study will show which areas of the spine are affected. The doctor's office will tell you how long it will take to complete the description. After receiving these results, you can contact your treating specialist and, if necessary, sign up for surgery.

What will an MRI of the lumbar and thoracic regions show?

The interpretation of the obtained images is carried out by a diagnostic doctor, otherwise known as a radiologist. In the photographs you can usually see the structural features of the thoracic region. The study shows the presence or absence of such pathologies:

Advantages of MRI:

  • speed of implementation;
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • harmlessness;
  • versatility;
  • availability;
  • high diagnostic value;
  • the presence of both open and closed devices;
  • good resolution of the resulting images.

How much does a tomography cost?

In different cities of Russia, the cost may vary significantly. Price policy depends on the level of the clinic or medical center, the qualifications of the doctor who conducts the diagnosis, and the actual scope of the study. Removing three sections of the spine will cost an order of magnitude more than performing an MRI of only the lumbar or thoracic region. It is worth comparing prices in several medical organizations at once.

Magnetic resonance imaging – fast and affordable way find the cause of pain in different departments spine. The diagnosis is quite new and is carried out only according to the indications of your attending physician. You can also sign up for this procedure yourself at your own expense, which will save a lot of time. Cost may vary in different regions of the country.

In modern medicine, magnetic resonance imaging is a fairly popular way to determine hidden reasons diseases. It is this type of diagnosis that allows doctors to literally look into the patient’s body without a scalpel and decide important question about the need surgical intervention.

MRI is a test in which computer images internal organs humans are obtained by passing the body through powerful magnetic fields. This method allows you to carefully study all the tissues and structures inside the human body, promptly identify the disease at an early stage and begin the fight while the body is not yet so weakened.

Other diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound and x-rays, are not as accurate as MRI. The closest way to MRI to study the causes of the disease is computed tomography. However, CT is also based on exposure to x-rays, which is not always safe.

The main thing when examining the spine is to obtain an anatomically accurate reproduction of the vertebrae, the discs between them and the spaces with nerve bundles. All this allows us to examine the tomography of the thoracic region.

Typically, MRI is used in cases where an assessment of the anatomical features of the spine is needed, as well as for tissue visualization. Scanning is also carried out when planning surgery, pinched nerves, and monitoring conditions after operations.

Pain is the body’s first reaction to the fact that some processes occurring in it have obvious deviations from the norm. Of course, pain can and should be eliminated with an antispasmodic, but do not forget that the primary task is to identify their source.

The list of indications for a comprehensive study is quite wide. The fact is that osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an insidious disease that can masquerade as symptoms of other ailments. Among the indications:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • chest pain of the shingles type;
  • neuralgia and neuralgic manifestations;
  • numbness in the chest;
  • organ dysfunction;
  • heart-like pain.

Preparing for diagnosis

In order to correctly evaluate what an MRI of the thoracic spine shows, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. Typically, the doctor does not impose strict dietary restrictions before the diagnosis, but may ask you not to eat before the procedure.

Before entering various drugs into the patient’s blood, the radiologist will definitely inquire about the presence of allergic reactions. A necessary condition is also the absence of pregnancy, although medicine does not have accurate evidence that the equipment has negative impact for the fruit.

It is important to know for sure whether the subject has had attacks of claustrophobia, since MRI of the thoracic spine is performed by placing the patient in a narrow chamber of the machine, which can negatively affect his psyche if there is fear.

When is an MRI performed? small child, then sedation is required to ensure immobility during diagnosis. When performing an MRI procedure, nurses are required to be present and are responsible for the dosage and administration of medications.

Before undergoing an MRI, you should definitely check what jewelry you have on your body and clarify how it affects the operation of the MRI. There are many types of prohibited metal items: jewelry, watches, credit cards, pins, hairpins and hair clips, dentures, piercings. Implants of cranial bones made of special metal are not prohibited.

There is a list of cases in which MRI is contraindicated precisely because of metal parts: the presence of a built-in pacemaker, cochlear implant, etc. The person undergoing the procedure must inform the doctor about the presence of certain devices in the body: artificial valves in the heart, ports for drugs, metal pins, screws , staples, etc. By the way, tattoo ink often becomes very hot during this procedure, since it often contains iron.

Before performing an MRI of the thoracic region, it is necessary to perform a visual examination of the patient. You may also need X-ray examination to determine if there are any unwanted parts or metal particles in the body that could interfere with the MRI results.


There is a ban on the use of this type of diagnosis in some cases:

  • the procedure cannot be performed if you have implants, pacemakers, piercings and other items from the prohibited list;
  • with fear of closed spaces;
  • MRI is not allowed for children under 7 years of age, since immobility is required during the procedure (but it is possible if under anesthesia);
  • It is impossible to perform an MRI in a closed type apparatus if you are overweight (over 130 kilograms).

Procedure for conducting the study

It is better for each patient to learn how an MRI examination is done in advance in order to prepare psychologically. MRI is performed both on an outpatient basis and during hospitalization.

  • The patient is secured with special bolsters and belts on the table and pushed into a tube-chamber, examining, depending on the need, a specific part of the spine.
  • If an MRI of the thoracic spine is performed with contrast, a special drug is injected into a vein.
  • Sometimes the doctor may need to repeat a series of images if interference appears. The duration of one photo is several minutes. The entire procedure will take about 20 minutes, with contrast the duration is higher - about 40 minutes.
  • The MRI procedure does not cause pain, but some patients, especially anxious ones, may experience a state of extreme panic. That is why it is better for them to take sedatives.
  • An increase in temperature in a certain area of ​​the skin is normal, but if the burning sensation is severe, you should notify your doctor.
  • Usually the diagnosis is accompanied by loud noise, so the patient is often offered earplugs.

Often an MRI is done with a contrast agent injected into the bloodstream to produce images. best quality. This is usually an iodine-based drug, which can rarely cause allergic reactions. Hypoallergenic gadolinium is sometimes used. It is worth remembering: MRI of the thoracic spine with contrast is not used for kidney disease if preliminary tests were unsatisfactory.

Results. What does an MRI of the thoracic spine show?

Magnetic resonance topography is prescribed for injuries of any etiology in the thoracic region, including fractures and spinal cord injuries. The diagnostic method will show whether the patient has osteochondrosis and will identify minor anomalies in the structure and structures of the spine.

Only an MRI of the thoracic spine can indicate demyelinating diseases in terms of neuralgia, including encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis.

MRI will help detect the presence of tumors, primary and secondary metastases, which can penetrate from one part of the body to another.

The image taken on the device will also display the presence of infection and make it possible to diagnose abscesses, spinal canal stenosis, and circulatory disorders.

Examination of other parts of the spine

Diagnosis of cervical, lumbar or sacral region spine is not very different in indications for use from examining the condition of the vertebrae in the thoracic region.

MRI cervical region the spine will show existing neoplasms. The sacrum is examined if there is a suspicion of impaired blood supply, hernia, metastasis, or fractures. And MRI of the lumbar spine is also needed to identify hernias, osteochondrosis and metastases. At the same time, the duration of such procedures does not differ much; images are taken at the same speed. The duration depends on how experienced the specialist is.

Often the doctor gives a referral for a comprehensive study of the problem, for example, the study may include an MRI of the cervical plus thoracic spine, sacral and lumbar, depending on where the pain is localized. Naturally, such a procedure may take significantly more time.

MRI with contrast

Usually a stain scan is indicated when cancer is suspected. It lasts a little longer than ordinary. Decoding the results in it also takes a long time.

Special contrast agents determine the boundaries of tumors or inflammation. To do this, the drug is administered intravenously through a catheter. The substance tints the blood and accumulates at the source of the pathology.

As already mentioned, gadolinium is tolerated much more easily by the body and does not cause side effects, edema and anaphylactic shock. To eliminate the risk, you can do a blood test for allergens.

Decoding the results

The conclusion about the study is received by the patient approximately an hour after diagnosis, in difficult situations it can only be issued the next day. The photographs and explanations for them show what was discovered in the patient. He must provide this to the attending physician.

  • If tumors were detected during magnetic tomography of the thoracic or other spine various kinds, then the patient should visit a neurosurgeon, as well as an oncologist.
  • When MRI results indicate that the patient has serious changes in the condition of the spinal cord or spine, he should consult a neurologist.
  • If the problem is pinched vertebrae or intervertebral injury, then you need to go to a traumatologist.
  • When there is reason to think that surgical intervention cannot be done, the patient will be sent for a consultation with a neurosurgeon.

Thus, MRI is safe, accurate and modern procedure to identify serious diseases associated with pathological changes in the internal structures of the body.

MRI of the thoracic spine shows inflammatory, tumor, traumatic and degenerative diseases. The method is considered one of the most reliable diagnostic methods.

Humanity owes its discovery to scientists at Harvard and Stanford Universities, who in 1946 found that hydrogen atoms under the influence magnetic field absorb energy and emit it as a radio signal. It is registered by the receiver, which allows you to form an image of the tissue on the monitor screen. For this discovery, Parcel and Block were awarded the Nobel Prize. The detection of NMR signals turned out to be so effective that the technique spread throughout the world. The cost of the equipment is quite expensive, so large companies can afford it. medical Center.

NMR spectroscopy, how independent method diagnostics appeared in 1973, when the possibility of obtaining images using tubes filled with water - NMR tomography - was proven.

MRI of the thoracic spine was first presented at the Paris Radiology Exhibition in 1982. Since then, magnetic resonance imaging has been actively used to diagnose diseases.

MRI of the thoracic spine: what it shows

MRI of the thoracic region shows many anatomical structures that are saturated with hydrogen.

How to evaluate magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal column:

  1. Analysis of the size and shape of the spinal cord and spine. Fine spinal cord has smooth contours and dimensions, located in the middle (T1-weighted images);
  2. Evaluation of the subarachnoid space on T2-weighted images. In the presence of the “crescent” and “linear stripe” syndrome, there is a high probability of hemorrhage in the spinal cord;
  3. MRI of the thoracic region does not have landmarks by which radiologists determine the localization of pathology. The most accurate reference point for determining topography pathological process the spine is the level of C2 and L5 (second and fifth cervical vertebrae);
  4. Analysis of the width of the spinal cord. If it is enlarged, intramedullary tumor is possible;
  5. Determination of calcifications (deposition of calcium salts) and petrification in soft tissues;
  6. Revealing cystic formations using myelography (injection of contrast into the subarachnoid space).

How to do an MRI of the lumbar spine

MRI shows non-tumor cysts of the thoracic spinal cord without invasive techniques (puncture of the subarachnoid space) if present the following signs: smooth and even contours, the presence of “synechias” (constrictions), low signal intensity from cystic cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid. T2-weighted images can reveal turbulent movement of the internal contents of the cyst, as well as the absence of contrast walls in maldeformation and syringomyelia.

With focal increases in radiosignal along the thoracic spine on T2-weighted images, it is necessary to differentiate between ischemic disorders and intramedullary tumor. A similar MRI picture is shown by the spinal plaque in multiple sclerosis, acute encephalitis, tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. Additionally, these types of pathologies can be diagnosed by introducing a contrast agent.

Thickened spinal cord on MRI

If a thoracic MRI shows a thickened spinal cord, radiologists will assume the person has:

  • Ischemic changes;
  • Transverse myelitis;
  • Post-traumatic deformation.

Using magnetic resonance imaging, you can distinguish between meningioma and neuroma - types of tumors nervous system.

How NMR shows a neuroma:

  • Posterolateral location;
  • Hyperostosis and petrification do not occur;
  • It is shaped like an hourglass.

How NMR spectroscopy shows meningioma:

  • Posterior localization;
  • The presence of hyperostosis and petrification;
  • Contrasting adjacent tissues near the tumor.

Neuromas are not characterized by big sizes, located along the spinal canal. T2-weighted tomograms clearly demonstrate the homogeneous nature of the signal in neuroma. Meningioma is large and spreads along the entire spine.

Multiple lesions of the spinal column are observed during the metastatic process. The radiologist has to differentiate these MRI symptoms from lymphogranulomatosis and myeloma. It is possible to determine the pathology of the thoracic spine using magnetic resonance imaging when the size of formations is more than 2 mm, when they consist of cells filled with water.

The magnetic resonance imaging method is widely used in modern medicine. Such devices are located in most clinics and medical centers, allowing you to quickly and, most importantly, accurately diagnose possible diseases.

Many people are afraid of bulky tomographs, fearing irreversible effects on the body, but in fact, this type of diagnostics is absolutely harmless to the body. Especially if you adhere to the basic rules given in the article below.

The article will be useful not only for familiarizing ordinary users with it, but will also help people who are prescribed this procedure to understand the process itself and find out what the tomograph will show you. In this material you can familiarize yourself with the principles of operation of the MRI machine, indications for its use and, conversely, contraindications.

MRI of the thoracic spine

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used primarily in medical settings to produce high-quality images of organs human body. MRI is based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a spectroscopy technique used by scientists to obtain data about chemical and physical properties molecules.

The method was called magnetic resonance tomography, rather than nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) due to negative associations with the word "nuclear" in the late 1970s. MRI originated as a tomographic imaging technique that produces images of the NMR signal from thin sections passing through the human body.

MRI has evolved from a tomographic imaging technique to a volumetric imaging technique. This training package provides a comprehensive review of the fundamental principles of MRI. Before exploring the scientific aspects of MRI, it may be helpful to consider brief history MRI.

In 1946, Bloch and Purcell independently discovered the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and in 1952 both were awarded Nobel Prize Between 1950 and 1970, NMR was developed and used for chemical and physical molecular analysis. In 1972, X-ray-based computed tomography (CT) was introduced.

This date was an important milestone in the history of MRI, as it showed that hospitals were willing to spend large sums of money on medical imaging equipment. In 1973, Lauterbur demonstrated imaging using NMR and the back-projection technique used in CT.

In 1975, Ernst proposed magnetic resonance imaging using phase and frequency encoding, a technique that is used in MRI today. Edelstein and his colleagues demonstrated human body imaging using this method in 1980. It took approximately 5 minutes to acquire one image. By 1986, display time had been reduced to 5 seconds without any significant loss of quality.

In the same year, an NMR microscope was created, which made it possible to achieve a resolution of 10 mm on samples measuring 1 cm. In 1988, Dumoulin improved MRI angiography, which made it possible to display flowing blood without the use of contrast agents. In 1989, a planar tomography technique was introduced that could capture images at video frequencies (30 ms).

Many clinicians thought that this technique would have applications in dynamic joint MRI, but instead, it was used to image areas of the brain responsible for mental and motor activity.

In 1991, Richard Ernst was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his achievements in the field of pulsed NMR and MRI.

In 1994, researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Princeton University demonstrated imaging of hyperpolarized gas 129-Xe to study respiration processes. MRI is a young but developing science.

MRI is a non-invasive method radiology diagnostics to detect diseases:

  • no cuts;
  • using radio beams;
  • There is no harm during MRI examination.

The MRI method is not only non-invasive, but also harmless, since it does not use X-rays (ionizing radiation), but radio rays.

As a rule, MRI of the thoracic spine is absolutely painless. Today, this diagnostic method is considered the most accurate of those that do not require violating the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite this, many are afraid to undergo an examination simply because they do not know how an MRI of the thoracic spine is done.

An MRI machine (magnetic resonance imaging) is a tube consisting of a metal wire wound around a ring. In technology, such a pipe is called a “solenoid”. Modern magnets are made from special wire (an alloy of niobium and titanium), cooled with liquid helium to a very low temperature.

A current is passed through the wire, and a strong magnetic field appears inside the ring (tube of the MR tomograph). In addition to a constant magnetic field, additional short-term magnetic fields (gradients) are created during MRI examinations.

The application of short-term magnetic fields is accompanied by a “knock” - rather loud monotonous sounds and this is the only “real” harm from MRI. To prevent the knocking from disturbing the patient, soundproof plugs (earplugs) are inserted into his ears. Radio frequency rays are not accompanied by noise and are not felt in any way.

The magnet is the main part of the NMR tomograph, its “heart”. In the 90s of the last century, long magnets were made - during an MRI study, the patient was placed entirely in the magnet. In short, closed tomographs produced today, the body is partially left outside, and the part of the patient's body being examined on MRI is always placed in the center of the magnet.

First of all, the patient is placed inside a large magnet, where there is a fairly strong constant (static) magnetic field, oriented in most devices along the patient's body. Under the influence of this field, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the patient's body, which are small magnets, each with its own weak magnetic field, are oriented in a certain way relative to the strong field of the magnet.

By adding a weak alternating magnetic field to a static magnetic field, the area to be imaged is selected. The patient is then irradiated with radio waves, and the frequency of the radio waves is adjusted so that the protons in the patient's body can absorb some of the radio wave energy and change the orientation of their magnetic fields relative to the direction of the static magnetic field.

Immediately after cessation of irradiation of the patient with radio waves, the protons will begin to return to their original states, emitting the received energy, and this re-emission will cause the appearance of an electric current in the receiving coils of the tomograph. The recorded currents are MR signals, which are converted by a computer and used to construct (reconstruct) the MRI. According to the stages of the study, the main components of any MR tomograph are:

  1. a magnet that creates a constant (static), so-called external, magnetic field in which the patient is placed
  2. gradient coils that create a weak alternating magnetic field in the central part of the main magnet, called gradient, which allows you to select the area of ​​study of the patient's body
  3. radio frequency coils - transmitting, used to create excitation in the patient's body, and receiving - to record the response of excited areas
  4. a computer that controls the operation of the gradient and radio frequency coils, registers the measured signals, processes them, writes them into its memory and uses them for MRI reconstruction.

The patient will be informed in detail about how the MRI procedure of the thoracic spine is performed by the attending doctor or nursing assistant. medical staff.

The patient is dressed in disposable clothing, placed on a special mobile table and secured using a system of belts and bolsters. This will help him remain still, since the MRI of the thoracic spine takes some time to complete, and movement causes inaccuracies in the images.

After this, the table is positioned so that the part of the body being examined (in our case, the thoracic region) is in the annular part of the apparatus, and a series of images is taken.
To help pass the time, many diagnostic centers offer listening to music during the thoracic spine MRI procedure.

Magnetic resonance imaging can diagnose even minor pathological changes. If we take into account the characteristics of diseases of the central nervous system, then early diagnosis and timely treatment are the factors that play a decisive role for the life and health of the patient.

MRI of the thoracic spine - what it shows

The spine is a static element of the bony skeleton. All physical activity, even basic walking, falls on it, so it is not surprising that many problems in our body affect this place. MRI of the thoracic spine helps identify these disorders in early dates, and the person is able to restore his former strength.

MRI is the most accurate examination of the spine. The device interacts through a magnetic field with hydrogen atoms in the organs being diagnosed, receives signals and gives a detailed picture of the condition of the vertebrae, discs and surrounding tissues.

Such diagnostics help to identify blood flow disorders in vessels of different sizes, neoplasms, various developmental anomalies, changes in cartilaginous structures intervertebral discs and tissues surrounding the spinal column.

The images of the spine obtained during the study allow the doctor to fully assess the patient’s condition and make the correct diagnosis. The fact is that during the examination, not only the vertebral bodies are perfectly visualized, but also the intervertebral discs, the spinal cord, as well as the nerve roots and joints of the spinal column.

Magnetic resonance imaging is very often used in such areas of modern medicine as neurology, oncology, neurosurgery in order to determine the disease (establish a diagnosis) and the stage of its development, decide whether such a serious measure as surgery is necessary, as well as monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.

It is worth noting that this diagnosis is carried out not only for the spine, but also for other parts of the musculoskeletal system - doctors often prescribe, for example, MRI shoulder joint. During the study, the doctor receives images that allow a full assessment of changes in the structure of the vertebrae, their connections in the joint area, intervertebral discs, the spinal cord with nerve roots extending from it, vessels with a contrast agent administered, as well as surrounding soft fabrics.

MRI of the thoracic spine is often used to study the internal structure of the spine in this area. The spread of diseases of the thoracic spine, and as a consequence, the use of MRI, was facilitated by many factors: increased physical exercise, widespread use of computers, and we lead more active lifestyles in old age than previous generations.

If you have injured your back or suffer from chronic back pain, your doctor will likely order an x-ray. After which, an MRI may be needed to clarify the diagnosis. MRI of the thoracic spine can exclude:

  1. Intervertebral disc diseases
    The intervertebral disc is a shock absorber located between the vertebral bodies. Trauma, disc degeneration, hernia, and compression of nearby nerve fibers are possible. In the picture on the right, they look like flat formations between gray, square-shaped bones (vertebral bodies).
  2. Hernia
    If there is a rupture of the outer part of the disc, the jelly-like substance of the nucleus pulposus can “leak out” and cause radiating pain or weakness in the muscles of the neck, back, and arms.
  3. Stenosis
    It is a narrowing of the spinal canal and the foramina of the spinal nerves. Herniated discs and other degenerative changes can narrow the spinal canal, causing pain or weakness.

Preparing for an MRI of the thoracic spine

MRI is a remote and safe diagnostic method, a reliable study that gives maximum useful information specialist.

With all these advantages, one would expect that, at least in some respects, tomography would be no better than other procedures: for example, it would require long and complex preparation.

However, this is not the case: preparatory activities are required only when the study is planned to be done with contrast, and their duration is very short (it is limited to the day of the study). The preparation consists of coming to the procedure on an empty stomach, so that at least 5-6 hours have passed since the previous meal.

There is no need to prepare for an x-ray of the cervical spine. If you plan to take an x-ray cervicothoracic region, then it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. The patient must follow a diet for 3 days and not eat foods that increase gas formation. The study is performed on an empty stomach. Immediately before the procedure, you must remove clothing up to the waist.

If you have any jewelry, you will also be asked to remove it. In some medical institutions They may give you a hospital gown. This is due to the fact that clothing may contain metal buttons, zippers and fasteners, which interferes with the normal conduct of the study.

Next, the patient must lean the part of the body necessary for the study against the device and press tightly. The laboratory assistant will show you how to stand and turn correctly to obtain images of different projections.

Contrast is required when diagnosing vascular diseases or suspected cancer. In the first case, the contrast stains the vessels and marks the zones of its distribution along the bloodstream with a characteristic “glow” in the images. This makes it possible to identify the presence of narrowings and dilations in the arteries, localize places of impaired blood circulation, etc.

In the second case, when diagnosing tumors, the drug passes into the tissue and is captured by cells, accumulating especially well in areas with rich blood circulation, such as neoplasms. MRI of the cervical spine with contrast is necessary if it is necessary to make a conclusion about the presence of a tumor or metastases in soft tissues and bones; all this helps doctors determine the prospects for treatment.

Indications for MRI

Why do you need to undergo magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic spine? A short excursion into the features of this part of the spine will help you understand this.

The thoracic region is a rigid frame that combines twelve vertebrae, ribs and sternum. The vertebrae and ribs are connected by joints, the ribs on both sides in front are fused with the sternum. The vertebrae of this department suffer less from injuries, their movements relative to each other are greatly limited. However, painful phenomena in this area of ​​the back are quite common.

Dystrophic pathologies of the column arise due to metabolic disorders and weakened nutrition of the discs. Lifting weights with improper load distribution also leads to changes in the discs and preconditions for osteochondrosis.

Problems with the joints of the spine are one of the reasons for the reduction of the openings through which nerve fibers exit. Squeezing them leads to pain in the area of ​​the organs for which they are responsible. This procedure It is mainly prescribed by a doctor, but it can also be carried out at the request of the patient.

The main situations that require an MRI of the thoracic spine:

  • traumatic injuries accompanied by fractures and damage to the spinal cord, as well as those conditions that are not visible on a regular x-ray;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic region;
  • congenital anomalies of the development of the vertebrae and its elements;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • demyelinating diseases of the nervous system - acute multiple sclerosis and encephalomyelitis, which are diagnosed only by this method;
  • spinal tumors, or secondary metastatic foci arising from hematogenous spread from other tumor foci;
  • spinal canal stenosis at the thoracic level;
  • diseases that cause an infectious focus (spinal cord abscess);
  • circulatory disorders and vascular abnormalities of both the arterial and venous beds - performed together with the administration of a contrast agent;
  • inflammatory diseases (Bechterew's disease);
  • destructive processes (spondylitis of tuberculous etiology, osteomyelitis);
  • pain in the thoracic region, radicular syndrome, tingling and numbness in the extremities, shooting sensations in the back, which have an unclear origin and are not diagnosed by other research methods;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • preoperative examination of the intended intervention site;
  • monitoring the condition after surgery.

Any disease is not always limited to only one area of ​​the spine and can spread either up or down. To exclude or confirm a diffuse process, they resort to MRI of three parts of the spine, which is prescribed if the localization of the process is suspected not only in the thoracic region, but also in the cervical region.


MRI of the spine can be done only when indicated. Despite the fact that the method is not characterized by radiation exposure to the patient, contraindications for MRI of the spine also exist. A strong magnetic field leads to nuclear magnetic resonance in cells.

His Negative consequences have not been scientifically proven to affect human health, but caution should be exercised when using magnetic resonance imaging in children. What are the contraindications to MRI of the spine? An MRI of the spine can be done if there is a suspicion of intervertebral hernia, narrowing of the spinal canal, or the presence of tumors in the soft tissues.

Contraindications for MRI:

  • For nervous disorders and experiences that allow you to remain immobile for a long time;
  • If a person weighs more than 200 kilograms;
  • Presence of implanted prostheses;
  • Installation of hemostatic clips after neurosurgical interventions;
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • Severe skin irritation.

Before the MRI procedure, medical personnel will definitely ask you about the presence of diseases in order to identify restrictions and contraindications to the procedure. Limitations and contraindications arise with magnetic resonance imaging due to its properties:

  1. Attraction of metal objects;
  2. Strong magnetic field.

These features during the operation of a magnetic resonance imaging device cause contraindications and limitations to the procedure. All metal objects move under the influence of a strong magnetic field. Even if they are in soft tissue, magnetic resonance is able to bring out their equilibrium states.

As a result, MRI of the spine can only be done when there are no metal objects in the patient's body. Magnetic interference disrupts the activity of implanted devices, pacemakers, hearing aids, pacemakers.

Information carriers such as magnetic disks, flash memory, mobile phones, credit cards must also not be placed in the area of ​​influence of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner. If they are in the patient's pocket, they can not only distort information, but also cause tissue damage.

With a fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia), when a diagnostic apparatus is placed in a tunnel, a person experiences attacks of fear. For such people, magnetic resonance imaging can be done, but only after the administration of special drugs.

Limitations to MRI scanning arise in the presence of nerve stimulators, prosthetic heart valves, insulin pumps, hemostats and clips, and in the presence of decompensated heart failure. Tattoos with metallic inclusions (contain dyes) are a contraindication to the procedure.

Titanium is used in prosthetics, which is part of dental fillings. It is practically safe and is not a limitation for MRI scanning. If you have dentures, magnetic resonance imaging should not be done frequently.

MRI of the spine in children can only be done in in case of emergency. This may require sedation (injection of calming substances) or anesthesia. Due to the child's unstable behavior, he should be reassured either medications, or narcotic drugs. Because of these features, children should not have magnetic resonance imaging scans frequently.

An MRI of the thoracic spine shows:

  • Bones

    MRI images of the thoracic spine show the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and all their processes, as well as the upper part of the lumbar spine and bottom part cervical spine. MRI of the thoracic spine allows you to detect fractures, tumors, infectious lesions and evaluate postoperative changes. MRI can determine the severity of degenerative changes (arthritis) and is used to prepare for surgical interventions on the spine (including arthrodesis).

  • Intervertebral discs
    MRI images of the thoracic spine clearly visualize the intervertebral discs, which makes it possible to identify prolapse, protrusion, hernias and infectious lesions (discitis).
  • Spinal canal
    Spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord and leave the spinal canal through the openings of the same name. The channel itself or the holes may be blocked, causing pain or weakness of the back muscles, chest, upper limbs.
  • Soft fabrics
    These include the muscles and other tissues surrounding the thoracic spine. An MRI of the thoracic spine can identify infectious lesions or tumors of these structures, fluid accumulations, and the lungs and heart can also be partially distinguished.

After an MRI, a specialist needs time to analyze the resulting images. Usually, it is possible to collect the test results within an hour, but in difficult cases the conclusion is issued only after 24 hours.

With the obtained diagnostic results, you must contact your attending physician, who will tell the patient about his state of health. The assessment of the spinal column is carried out taking into account following criteria:

  1. analysis of the shape and size of the spine and spinal cord
  2. determination of the subarachnoid space on the obtained images
  3. spinal cord width analysis
  4. identification of petrifiers and calcium salts in soft tissues
  5. evaluation of cystic formations
  6. identification of the localization of pathology

In the event that a specialist suspects a development in the thoracic spine malignant neoplasm, then the patient is recommended to visit an oncologist and neurosurgeon. If you suspect various pathologies of the spinal cord or spine, you should consult an experienced neurologist.

If a patient experiences pain or other problems in the spinal area, they should visit a traumatologist, and if surgical intervention is necessary, a visit to a neurosurgeon is scheduled.

And if the study was carried out on the initiative of the patient himself, then he will have to contact the hoof doctor himself to decipher them. So, if you suspect the presence of a tumor, you need to visit doctors such as a neurosurgeon and oncologist.

Advantages of MRI of the thoracic spine and its alternatives

The main advantage of this procedure, relating not only to MRI of the spine, but also to the magnetic resonance imaging technique in general, is its safety for the patient’s health. Although MRI images are similar to X-rays, they are obtained as a result of scanning the body with magnetic waves, and not “transilluminating” it. ionizing radiation. Penetrating into tissues, magnetic waves are reflected from the nuclei of hydrogen ions and come back out without causing any damage. the slightest harm internal structures of the body.

In many respects, MRI is more sensitive and accurate than other techniques used to diagnose spinal pathology. Images can be obtained in any planes; they represent “slices” of the body, unlike, for example, X-ray images, which look like layers of shadows.

In addition, with tomography, the soft tissues surrounding the spinal column and the spinal cord are very clearly visible. Thanks to this, the specialist can assess the length of any disease process and its spread from primary focus to neighboring anatomical formations.

If the purpose of the study is to diagnose spinal cord diseases, the method has another advantage: the procedure can be performed without contrast. The outdated myelography technique was deprived of this advantage: first, using a needle, it was necessary to inject contrast into the spinal canal, in which the spinal cord is located, and then take the required number of pictures.

This was associated with a number of possible complications, from infection to spinal cord injury. Fortunately, MRIs are performed without unnecessary risks and without even the need to touch the patient. MRI is deservedly considered one of the most informative and safe studies. Thanks to the lack of such harmful factor Like radiation exposure, this examination, unlike X-rays and computed tomography, can be repeated several times without any harm to the body.

The accuracy of the data obtained during this procedure is beyond doubt. True, in the process of examining a patient with spinal pathology, it is sometimes necessary to carry out additional diagnostics, for example, MRI of the lumbosacral spine.

There are also alternative methods studies of the musculoskeletal system - these include, first of all, computed tomography and x-rays. Unfortunately, they only reveal metastases or fractures - pathology affecting bone structures.

In other cases (with circulatory disorders, cartilage neoplasms, hernias and other pathologies), magnetic resonance imaging remains an indispensable method instrumental diagnostics, the use of which helps to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis. When diagnosing various pathologies in the spinal cord area, computed tomography using a contrast agent can be performed.

So, a procedure such as MRI of the spine allows timely identification of various pathologies of the spinal column, localized, including in the thoracic region. Thanks to this research, doctors have an excellent opportunity to begin treating the disease in its early stages.

Sources: cis.rit.edu trauma.ru npanchenko.ru testpuls.ru spina-sustav.ru mrt-rus.info tvoypozvonok.ru osteohondroza.net 1-mrt.ru

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only made after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then, it's OK! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing has been suffering from pain for many years...

Andrey A week ago

Which ones folk remedies I didn't try, nothing helped, it only got worse...

Ekaterina A week ago

I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense!!

Maria 5 days ago

I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

  • Research time: about 15 minutes, with contrast for 25 minutes.

    Preparing for the study: no, with contrast on an empty stomach or 5-6 hours after meals.

    Contraindications: There is.

    Restrictions: weight up to 155 kg, maximum volume up to 140 cm.

    Time to prepare a medical report: 10-60 minutes.

    Chest pain, breathing problems, shortness of breath or cough can not only be signs, for example, of allergies or a cold, but also indicate possible serious illnesses spine in the chest area. Nagging pain at the feet of unclear nature can also be caused by the presence of protrusions or hernias in the thoracic region, and not in the lumbar region, as it may seem at first. It is important not to let the disease get worse and to treat it in a timely manner. The European Diagnostic Center recommends MRI of the thoracic spine, because This best method diagnostics various diseases.

    Anatomy of the thoracic spine

    The thoracic spine plays a big role not only in the aesthetically pleasing appearance of a person, it has a very high functional value and allows you to lead a normal life.

    The thoracic region is a group of 12 small bones that form the vertebral spine in the upper torso. They help support the weight of the upper body and protect the spinal cord, which runs through the spinal canal.

    Typically, pathologies in this area are quite rare., at least compared to the cervical or lumbar regions. But even in these cases, it is very important not to miss the moment of development of the disease in order to stop it in time.

    Main reasons distribution diseases in the chest spine there may be too much physical activity or, conversely, a motionless image.

    Among these diseases:

    Adult kyphosis and Scheuermann's kyphosis - arched curvature of the thoracic region;

    Hernia intervertebral disc thoracic region, accompanied painful sensations and can cause complete paralysis;

    Infectious diseases;


    Features of MRI of the thoracic region

    Magnetic resonance imaging is used to identify abnormalities in the thoracic region. Thanks to a powerful 1.5 Tesla tomograph it is possible to obtain a large number of sections of the examined area in the form of highly informative images. Using the procedure, it is possible to construct a three-dimensional model of the spine and examine the vessels located next to it, which allows the doctor to assess the full picture of the patient’s condition.

    Tomography is performed in places of damage to the thoracic region in three projections – sagittal, frontal and axial, which helps determine the exact localization of the pathology. The procedure produces T1 and T2 weighted images.

    The slices are made in a position parallel to the thoracic spine, with an optimal thickness of 4 mm and an interslice space of 0.5-1 mm. They display the entire thoracic region from its anterior wall to the posterior wall. Sections of intervertebral discs are performed in a position perpendicular to the axis of the spine.

    If neoplasms are suspected benign or malignant mandatory use of a safe contrast agent is indicated, which increases the efficiency of diagnosis and does not harm human health in any way. High-quality Omniscan® or Gadovist® is used as a contrast agent.

    What does a thoracic MRI reveal?

    MRI is a modern and, most importantly, safe diagnostic method. It allows you to very accurately determine the nature of pathologies in this area and begin their effective treatment.

    MRI of the thoracic region allows you to diagnose:

    Bechterew's disease (inflammatory processes in the spine and joints);

    Spinal dystrophy;

    Multiple sclerosis;

    Benign and malignant tumors;

    Vascular malformations;

    Protrusion or hernia;

    Thanks to the use of powerful magnets and the use of sensitive matrices for data collection, tomography makes it possible to obtain informative images in high resolution. This helps to obtain detailed details of the affected areas.

    The resulting images reflect the degree of degeneration of the thoracic vertebrae, the development of a hernia, and disc protrusion. MRI of the thoracic region is performed to examine the spinal canal at chest level and diagnose various pathologies, which facilitates further correct diagnosis by a neurologist.

    Indications for thoracic MRI

    The procedure is prescribed when the patient has complaints about:

    Periodic pain in the chest area;

    Swelling of the face and neck;

    Constant headaches and dizziness;

    Pain between the shoulder blades;

    Numbness of shoulders and arms;

    Weakness and numbness in the legs;

    Periodically occurring cough and shortness of breath;

    Severity of movements.

    Features of preparation for MRI of the thoracic region

    The procedure does not require any special preparation and can be performed at any time of the day (the exception is MRI with contrast, which must be performed in the morning on an empty stomach). It is better that the clothes are convenient, comfortable and do not squeeze anything.

    Before visiting the medical center for examination, it is advisable to take with you an extract, pictures of previous examinations on a CD, if any, and a referral from the doctor.

    Contraindications for thoracic MRI

    Diagnosis cannot be carried out if:

    Presence of a pacemaker, Elizarov apparatus, prosthetic heart valves;

    Installed metal or ferromagnetic implants;

    Dentures made of magnetic metal;

    High body weight (above 160 kg);

    Heart failure in severe forms;

    Allergies to components of the contrast agent.

    How is the thoracic MRI procedure performed?

    The examination is carried out in a well-lit and ventilated tomograph, which ensures patient comfort. Often, to help the patient not move, straps are used to secure his body. MRI of the thoracic region occurs with the person lying down. After the tomograph couch enters the annular part of the device, the gradients begin to rotate around the area under study, very often patients often feel a slight warmth in the chest. This usually does not cause discomfort, but if the patient cannot tolerate this sensation, it is possible to stop the procedure by pressing the SOS button.

    Cost of thoracic MRI

    The MRI procedure is quite expensive, so it is important to find a place in Moscow where you can undergo the examination without harm to the family budget. It is always possible to undergo an MRI examination at a low price and close to the metro at the European MRI Diagnostic Center. The price of a thoracic MRI at the EDC includes:

    MRI of the thoracic spine on an expert-class device with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla from the recognized leader in MRI technologies - General Electric;

    A complete package of quality images in three projections (including additional protocols STIR and FATSAT);

    CD containing all the images of the study in a format intended for viewing on a regular computer and printing images in high resolution;

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