Home Orthopedics Sputum: concept, what it consists of, types and possible colors and diagnosis based on them, overview of diseases. Rusty sputum Rusty sputum for what disease

Sputum: concept, what it consists of, types and possible colors and diagnosis based on them, overview of diseases. Rusty sputum Rusty sputum for what disease

Sputum is a modified mucus that is produced by glandular cells of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and lungs. Mucus moisturizes the mucous membranes, and thanks to the movements of the villi of the epithelium of the airways, it is gradually removed from the lungs.

Normally, up to 150 ml of mucus is formed in the respiratory organs of an adult every day. When an infection enters the respiratory system, adults and children may develop inflammatory processes, which are manifested by changes in the characteristics of mucus.

Sputum is one of the very first signs of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in adults and children. Characteristics pathological discharge in combination with others clinical manifestations enable the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis.

Sputum analysis as a method for diagnosing pulmonary diseases

The characteristics of altered mucus do not differ between adults and children. Its change is influenced by the type of disease, the pathogen itself and where the sputum comes from (from the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi or lungs).

For diagnostic purposes, when establishing a diagnosis of respiratory pathology, patients are prescribed a sputum test. Material for research can be taken from a patient in two ways:

  1. When expelling on its own, sputum is collected in a sterile container when coughing.
  2. In the absence of sputum production, use suction devices (this collection method is used in adults during diagnostic bronchoscopy or in small children).

During laboratory examination of sputum, its characteristics are determined:

In addition to microscopy, which gives general characteristics and determines the types of sputum; the laboratory also carries out bacterioscopic analysis and, if necessary, bacteriological culture.

During bacterioscopy, the following is determined in the secretions:

When coughing up during the day, the material is collected in a separate container to determine its daily amount. This has important diagnostic and prognostic significance. The daily amount of pathological discharge can be:

  • small (individual spitting);
  • moderate (up to 150 ml per day);
  • large (150-300 ml per day);
  • very large (over 300 ml per day).

If necessary, pH (acidity) is determined in the secretions.

Measuring pH in the lungs has implications for prescribing antibacterial agents, unstable in acidic or alkaline environments.

Diagnosis of pathology by sputum analysis

Changes in the characteristics of the mucous secretions of the respiratory tract can be pathognomonic (correspond to only one pathology) or general (characteristic of many diseases). Interpretation of laboratory test results in most cases allows the doctor to establish or clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Amount of sputum

The volume of pathological secretions that patients cough up per day depends on:

A small amount of discharge in adults is observed with laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, and a large amount is released from the cavities in lung tissue(bronchiectasis, abscesses) or pulmonary edema (due to plasma leakage).

A decrease in the amount of pathological discharge after a previous increase may indicate:

  • subsidence of inflammation (accompanied by improvement of the patient’s condition);
  • violation of drainage of the purulent cavity (proceeds with an increase in clinical symptoms);
  • suppression of the cough reflex (in elderly or malnourished patients).

Sputum smell

The odor of normal bronchial mucus is neutral. As a result of a violation of bronchopulmonary metabolism (due to bronchial blockage, infection, tumor disintegration), various substances appear in the secretions that are not typical for normal mucus. These substances may have a different odor, which may suggest a diagnosis.

The smell of discharge changes to fetid as a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, which cause putrefactive decomposition of proteins contained in sputum into substances with an unpleasant and fetid odor (indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide).

Deterioration of bronchial drainage aggravates putrefactive processes in the lungs.

This sputum smell occurs when:

  • abscess;
  • gangrene of the lungs;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • disintegrating cancer.

An opened lung cyst is usually accompanied by the release of altered mucus with a fruity odor.

Character of sputum

Mucous glassy sputum is transparent, colorless. When coughing, clear sputum appears on early stages and in the recovery stage of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, as well as after an attack of bronchial asthma. Sputum white may be released when the patient is dehydrated.

Serous discharge is formed as a result of the sweating of blood plasma into the lumen of the bronchi. Discharge of this type is liquid, opalescent (irridescent), transparent yellow, foamy and sticky (due to the content of a large amount of protein).

As a result of active breathing movements chest sputum quickly foams, and sweating along with plasma shaped elements blood gives the discharge a pinkish tint. Foamy, pinkish sputum is characteristic of pulmonary edema.

Mucopurulent sputum is viscous, thick, with a yellowish tint, yellowish-greenish. Released in acute inflammatory diseases or in the acute stage chronic pathologies respiratory tract, pneumonia caused by staphylococcus, with abscesses (before breakthrough), actinomycosis of the lungs.

Purulent sputum is liquid in consistency and tends to separate into two or three layers.

Sputum yellow color or green sputum when coughing is characteristic of acute and prolonged bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, severe pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleural empyema.

Sputum color

The color of sputum when coughing can range from white to black when various diseases, which is important for making a diagnosis. Based on its color, one can suspect a certain pathology:

At bacteriological culture determine not only the pathogen, but also its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of pulmonary pathologies

Treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system should be comprehensive and prescribed only by a doctor who knows how to get rid of sputum and other manifestations of pulmonary pathology. Self-medication can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

The treatment program will depend on the diagnosis and may include:

  • Conservative treatment:

    • medicinal;
    • non-medicinal;
  • Surgery.

As a rule, the vast majority of lung diseases are of an infectious nature, therefore the basis drug therapy is antibacterial therapy(depending on the type of pathogen): Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Cefazolin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin. For viral etiology of the pathogen, antiviral drugs(Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Arbidol), and for fungal infections - antifungals (Amphotericin B, Fluconazole, Itraconazole).

To thin and facilitate the passage of secretions, reduce swelling of the bronchial mucosa and increase their lumen, patients are prescribed:

  • bronchodilators and mucolytics: Bromhexine, Bronchipret, Acetylcysteine, Potassium iodide;
  • antihistamines: Zirtec, Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin;
  • bronchodilators: Atrovent, Ventolin, Eufillin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (they are also painkillers): Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac.

In most cases of pulmonary pathologies, good discharge of secretions formed in the bronchi and lungs significantly facilitates the course of the disease.
To symptomatic drugs that are used in complex treatment respiratory diseases include:

  • antipyretic drugs: Paracetamol, Aspirin;
  • antitussives (for debilitating nonproductive cough): Libexin, Tusuprex, Cough tablets.

It is advisable to prescribe immunomodulatory drugs (Dekaris, Timalin, Anabol) to increase resistance immune system patients.

In case of violation acid-base balance prescribed in the blood infusion therapy, and in case of severe intoxication syndrome, detoxification therapy.

If necessary, after suppression of acute inflammatory process held surgery, the volume of which depends on the disease. The patient can undergo:

  • drainage of the pleural cavity;
  • opening of a lung abscess;
  • tumor removal;
  • removal of a lung or part of it.

Ignore the appearance of pathological secretions from organs respiratory system dangerous. Any self-medication for pathology of the bronchopulmonary system is unacceptable. Early detection ailment and purpose proper treatment promotes a speedy recovery of the patient and an improved prognosis.

Sputum consists mainly of mucus secreted by the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi.

U healthy person mucus is also secreted, but in small quantities (about 100 milliliters per day). Mucus cleanses the airways. Normally, mucus is easily evacuated from the respiratory system through mucociliary transport (the so-called movement by oscillations of cilia covering the epithelium). Mucus is delivered from the bottom up through the respiratory tract to the pharynx; we swallow it, usually without noticing it.

In a pathological situation, it occurs sharp increase mucus produced (up to 1500 milliliters per day). Sputum fills the lumen of the trachea and bronchi, interfering with breathing. Its evacuation occurs with the help of a cough (sputum has to be coughed out). The cough reflex is a normal reaction of the body to the sensation of obstruction in the respiratory tract.

Sometimes patients complain of sputum, but they do not have a cough. For example, in the morning you feel like your throat is clogged with phlegm - this usually happens with chronic inflammatory diseases of the nose. Thick mucus flows down back wall and accumulates during sleep.

What kind of sputum is there?

The color and consistency of sputum varies quite widely depending on the pathological process. Therefore, the description of sputum is part of a set of mandatory diagnostic measures.

Sputum may be:

    quite viscous, pearly color. This color means that the sputum consists only of mucus. Reason copious discharge Such sputum is usually an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (for example,). This inflammation can be caused by, among other things, allergic reaction, therefore, sputum of this type is characteristic of. The same sputum is typical for smokers (in in this case mucus is secreted in response to irritation of the mucous membrane tobacco smoke). With prolonged and intense smoking, sputum may become gray and even almost black;

    thick and sticky, yellow or yellow-greenish in color. This color indicates the presence of pus in the sputum. An admixture of pus is characteristic of bacterial infection. Typically, respiratory tract disease begins with viral infection which affects the nose or throat (). Then the inflammatory process can descend into the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The downward movement of inflammation and the addition of a bacterial infection means the development of the disease (worsening of the situation). Yellow-green sputum is typical for bacterial and;

    The overall reddish tint of the sputum and red streaks indicate that there is blood in the sputum. Blood may be caused by a blood vessel bursting somewhere due to coughing, but in many cases blood in the sputum is a sign serious illness(pulmonary infarction, oncological processes, tuberculosis). If blood is detected in the sputum, you should immediately consult a doctor;

    rusty or Brown color sputum indicates the presence of blood breakdown products. This is also a sign dangerous disease. This is how lobar pneumonia or tuberculosis manifests itself.

Alarming symptoms are also foamy sputum, sputum with a clear unpleasant odor (sweetish or foul-smelling).

Deviation from the usual (whitish-pearly) color of sputum should be a reason to promptly consult a doctor.

Sputum analysis

But pathogenic microorganisms cannot always be detected using microscopy. To accurately identify the pathogen, other types of studies are carried out - bacterial culture or .

Collection of sputum for analysis is usually carried out by the patient independently. To make it easier to collect sputum (so that it separates better), you should drink plenty of liquid the day before. Sputum is collected before breakfast. First, you need to properly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth so that bacteria from the oral cavity do not get into the sample. Collection is carried out in a container for analysis, which is sold in any pharmacy. 5 milliliters of mucus is enough. If the sputum does not come out, you can inhale using distilled water with soda or salt.

When carrying out ( endoscopic examination respiratory tract), sputum collection can be performed using an endoscope.

How to get rid of phlegm

Thick phlegm interferes with normal breathing, exhausting the patient, so the desire to get rid of it is understandable. At the same time, one should not lose sight of the fact that sputum production is the body’s response to a problem, and the main efforts should be directed toward its elimination (i.e., treating the disease that caused the sputum).

First of all, you should achieve better discharge sputum. For this:

    drink more fluids. If the body enters more water, the sputum will become more liquid and it will be easier to cough up. Don’t forget that the drink should be warm (at least room temperature);

    take care of humidifying the air. If the air in the room is dry, the larynx dries out. Sputum is more difficult to cough up and becomes thicker;

    As prescribed by your doctor, take mucolytics (sputum thinners) and expectorants. Inhalations help a lot. But remember that you cannot self-medicate, especially when it comes to using medications;

  • use postural drainage and drainage exercises. The essence of postural drainage is that the focus of inflammation in the lungs for some time becomes higher than the point at which the trachea branches into the main bronchi. Then the sputum will leave the bronchi under the influence of gravity. When it reaches the branching point, the cough reflex is activated (this place is especially sensitive to irritation). Exist various exercises. For example, the patient kneels in bed and bends his torso forward (6-8 times in a row), then rests for a minute and repeats the exercise (up to 6 times). Another exercise is to lie in bed on your side and hang your head as far as possible. top part torso - first on one side of the bed, then on the other. You can remove the pillow and place a cushion under your feet: the task is to ensure a slight tilt of the body (30-45°) from the diaphragm to the head. You should lie in this position for 15 minutes.

Rust sputum (s. rubiginosum) is bloody M., containing rust-colored inclusions formed as a result of the decomposition of hemoglobin in the respiratory tract; observed, for example, with pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Large medical dictionary. 2000 .

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M sputum is a mucous or other kind of exudate that accumulates in the structures of the bronchial tree under certain pathological conditions. According to medical statistics, rusty sputum occurs in approximately 5-7% of all patients who consult a pulmonologist. It is rusty in the literal sense, since we are talking about the oxidation of blood by mucous exudate and atmospheric air.

The nature of the disease-causing condition plays a big role in the case differential diagnosis, since the presence of the disease can be accurately determined by the shade and accompanying symptoms. What is it recommended for the “ordinary patient” to know about such a difficult condition?

Among characteristic diseases The following pathogenic conditions can be distinguished:

  • Smoker's cough.

Tobacco smoking plays an important role in the development pathogenic symptom. In most cases, there is a rupture of small blood vessels, capillaries and the release of a small amount of blood. Since its volume is not large, in the absence of a large amount of mucus in the bronchi, the hematological fluid has time to completely oxidize, turning into iron oxide (actually, rust).

Another reason may be increased capillary permeability in smokers. This occurs everywhere and the more often, the longer the smoking history of a particular patient.

  • Pneumonia.

Pneumonia in the early stages. An intense cough reflex leads to rupture of small blood structures and the release of a small volume of hematological fluid into the bronchial tissue.

The result is oxidation of the blood and gives it a brown, rusty hue. Most often we are talking about lobar pneumonia in the early stages of its course.

  • Bronchitis.

Much like pneumonia. Without objective research, limit one pathological condition from another it is simply impossible. An x-ray is required, and better than MRI or CT scans.

  • Lungs' cancer.

Oncological pathologies are extremely common. According to information medical statistics, lung cancer is among the leaders in incidence, being an almost absolute record holder. The reasons are subjective in most cases: frequent, systematic smoking in large volumes.

As studies show, an avid lover of “tarring” has several genetic mutations in the cellular apparatus of the bronchial epithelium. This is a direct path to malignant degeneration. Rusty sputum is observed only in the early stages, although this is not always true.

  • Rusty sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the alveolar structures of the bronchi. The essence of the process is to encapsulate a large amount of pus and oxidized blood in the indicated anatomical formations. Exudate in bronchiectasis is complex in nature and includes several layers of pus and blood. The color of sputum ranges from pale sand to rusty and dark brown.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare and is more characterized by the release of fresh hematological fluid.

What other diseases cause rusty sputum? Definitely pulmonary tuberculosis. A very common pathology. But rusty sputum is released only in the early stages.

Diseases can only be differentiated through objective diagnosis. A component of the research is the assessment of associated symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Rusty sputum is never the only symptom of certain diseases. Most often we are talking about the following manifestations:

  • Hyperthermia. Simply put, an increase in body temperature. It is observed in the range from 37.1 to 39 degrees Celsius, depending on the nature of the current pathological process. With cancer, patients and doctors note constant hyperthermia at the level of low-grade fever. Infectious diseases are classified by high thermometer readings.
  • Pain syndrome behind the sternum. When inhaling and exhaling. A nonspecific manifestation, typical of many pathologies.
  • Respiratory failure. Shortness of breath, suffocation. Paroxysmal character or constant breathing problems. It all depends on the type of pathogenic process.
  • Heaviness in the chest, whistling, wheezing when breathing. Indicate narrowing of the bronchi due to stenosis or occlusion (blockage).

Thus, sputum is not the only symptom, but allows you to determine the vector for further diagnosis.


Diagnosis is carried out by pulmonologists and phthisiatricians if there is a suspected tuberculosis process. In the case of cancer, you cannot do without consulting an oncologist. On initial appointment the specialist interviews the patient about complaints, their nature, duration, and limitation. An anamnesis is collected, that is, the doctor determines what diseases the patient has suffered during his life.

It is important to identify the presence of a focus of chronic infectious lesions in the body, contact with tuberculosis patients and other important factors.
To put an end to the issue of the origin of the symptom, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out aimed at differentiating individual diagnoses.

Accordingly, the following are required:

  1. Bronchoscopy. Absolutely necessary research, aimed at identifying bronchial pathologies. The doctor can evaluate the condition of the anatomical structures with his own eyes.
  2. X-ray of the lungs. It is carried out first.
  3. Fluorography. Reveals only the most severe changes in the condition of the chest organs.
  4. MRI/CT diagnostics. It can replace most studies and allows you to give a comprehensive picture of the disease-causing condition.
  5. Biopsy followed by histological and morphological examination.
  6. General blood analysis.
  7. Biochemistry of blood.

In total, these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Stages of lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia is one of the most common causes of rusty sputum when coughing.

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

First stage. Lasts several days. There are no symptoms at all.
Second stage. Lasts 4-5 days and is characterized by active production of rusty sputum with a gradual increase in degree respiratory failure.
Third stage. Characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis.
Fourth stage. Resolution of the disease. Lasts about 2 weeks. It occurs 7-10 days after the onset of the disease.

Rusty sputum released during expectoration should be a cause for serious concern and a visit to the doctor. It is worth understanding that sputum itself is not normal and its appearance indicates pathological processes occurring in the human respiratory system.

What is sputum? This is not a secretion characteristic of a healthy human body, which is secreted by the bronchi and respiratory tracheas only if some abnormal processes occur. In addition to secretions, sputum contains impurities of saliva and secretions from the mucous cavities of the nasopharynx.

The nature of sputum is very important indicator for diagnostics. The following characteristics are important for correct diagnosis:

  • its quantity;
  • degree of transparency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • consistency.

However, visual inspection of the sample alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. Laboratory testing is often necessary. And rusty-colored sputum is exactly the case when analysis is needed.

What can the rusty color of sputum indicate?

This color of sputum is observed in lobar pneumonia (pneumonia) and indicates the presence of intra-alveolar breakdown products of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, characteristic of this disease. The hematin (decomposition product) released during the process gives this color. At the same time, there is no odor in the secret.

This disease occurs very often in children. Moreover, children aged 3 to 14 years are most susceptible to it. In recent decades it has been much less common. The causative agent is pneumococcus.

Several types of pathogen have been identified. However, the cause of the disease can be a combination of viruses and at the same time a microbial infection. Overall decline immunity, hypothermia, the presence of chronic diseases, stress, and the epidemiological situation are factors contributing to the occurrence and development of the disease.

Stages of lobar pneumonia

The disease occurs in four stages:

  1. Stage one, occurring over a period of 1 to 3 days, during which edema occurs in the lungs and hyperemia (expansion and overflow) of all blood vessels occurs. The cavities are filled with exudate (liquid secreted by the vessels).
  2. Stage two (1-3 days), in which erythrocyte diapedesis occurs (a type of hemorrhage). A granular structure appears in the lung.
  3. Stage three (from 2 to 6 days) is characterized by the cessation of diapedesis and an increase in leukocytes. The lung has a granular consistency.
  4. Under the influence of leukocytes, the exudate is liquefied, partially reabsorbed and excreted with sputum when coughing.

Rusty sputum is characteristic of the last, fourth stage of the disease, which occurs in a period of 2 to 5 days.

What other symptoms, besides the characteristic color, viscous, completely transparent (glassy) sputum, may indicate lobar pneumonia?

It should be noted that this disease is characterized by an acute onset.

Symptoms of lobar pneumonia

  1. Temperature rises to 39°C and above.
  2. State of chill.
  3. Pain in the side or stomach.
  4. Cough.
  5. Increased and shallow breathing.
  6. Feverish flush on the part of the inflamed lung.
  7. Increased heart rate.

However, for an accurate diagnosis, in addition to examining a doctor, it is necessary clinical analysis blood. In case of pneumonia, leukocytosis, granularity of neutrophils, an increase in ESR, and an increase in coagulability should be present. When performing a urine test, it will be necessary to note pathological changes. For a more accurate diagnosis, X-ray examination is used.

With correct and timely diagnosis and adequate treatment The prognosis for pneumonia is favorable.

Complications after appearance modern methods diagnosis and treatment are extremely rare. It is very important to continue to carefully monitor the type of mucus produced until the expectoration completely stops and report any changes to your doctor.

Sputum is a symptom that characterizes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract or alveoli. The amount and nature of sputum discharge should be monitored, which the patient should collect in special jars with lids.

It should be remembered that sputum always contains a large number of different bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.). In addition, sputum may contain pathogens such as mycobacterium tuberculosis and various viruses that increase the pathogenicity of sputum.

The amount of sputum can be used to judge the spread and depth of the inflammatory process. During the day, with catarrhal bronchitis and some forms of pneumonia, the patient produces little sputum. The production of large amounts of sputum (a mouthful) indicates a lung abscess or bronchiectasis.

IN initial stage chronic nonspecific (inflammatory) lung diseases and such a specific lesion as tuberculosis, sputum comes out easily, and the patient may not pay attention to it. As the disease progresses, the cough becomes painful, as the sputum becomes thick and difficult to separate.

Sputum may be difficult to separate at the onset of the disease, for example when bronchial asthma when, during an exacerbation of its course, a pronounced spasm of the bronchi is observed and the nature of the sputum changes, which becomes viscous, which interferes with its release.

By its nature, sputum can be mucous, mucopurulent or purulent.

Mucous sputum transparent, sometimes whitish from an admixture of fibrin. Such sputum occurs with catarrhal inflammation. Depending on the type of dust, the sputum may be gray or black. Such sputum occurs in smokers or people who work for a long time in a dusty enterprise (for example, miners).

If pus is mixed with mucous sputum, and mucus is mixed with purulent sputum, then this indicates mucopurulent or purulent mucous sputum. As a rule, such sputum is inhomogeneous, it contains many lumps of pus or mucus, and takes on a yellowish color. Sputum of this nature is most common in people with chronic diseases lungs, especially with chronic bronchitis.

Rust-colored sputum isolated in patients with lobar pneumonia. Its color is due to the presence of breakdown products of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

The amount of sputum and its character may change during the course of the disease. Yes, when initial forms tuberculosis, sputum may be absent or released in separate spits. As the process progresses, especially after the collapse of lung tissue begins, the amount of sputum increases significantly. From the onset of the disease, the sputum is mucous in nature, then becomes mucopurulent, and later purulent.

Sputum may also have bad smell, which in most cases is not felt at a distance. But in certain cases, when the patient produces a lot of sputum, it is felt putrid smell, which indicates severe damage to the bronchopulmonary system and the serious condition of the patient.

Sputum is often examined to identify tubercle bacilli and atypical cells in order to diagnose tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Yana asks:

What medications should be taken if purulent sputum with blood appears?

Purulent sputum mixed with blood can be colored in different colors:

1. Green sputum.

2. Yellow sputum.

3. Sputum is "rusty" in color.

Each color of sputum is characteristic of an infectious and inflammatory process occurring in the ENT organs and respiratory tract. So, green sputum is characteristic of. Yellow sputum indicates inflammation in bronchial tree, pharynx or trachea. And “rusty” sputum appears when... The admixture of blood, as a rule, is caused by damage to the vessels of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs and respiratory system, which become brittle during inflammation. Only with pneumonia does an admixture of blood appear as a result of the destruction of lung tissue. Thus, the pathogenesis of blood impurities in purulent sputum is the same. But since the type of sputum depends on the location of the inflammation, the treatment in each case should be different. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment of various types of sputum mixed with blood.

If a person has green sputum mixed with blood, it is necessary to treat sinusitis. The following groups of drugs are used to treat sinusitis:

  • Antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.);

  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Xylometazoline, Galazolin, For the Nose, Otrivin, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Drugs that improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses (Sinupret, Imupret, etc.).
In addition, for sinusitis, it is useful to rinse the sinuses with various antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin, etc. During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress on the sinuses, do not try to blow your nose too much, do not stand upside down, etc. Such actions lead to damage to blood vessels and the appearance of blood in the sputum.

If a person has yellow sputum mixed with blood, this indicates the presence of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, etc. In such a situation, inflammatory diseases of the airways should be treated using the following groups of medications:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.);

  • Mucolytic drugs (expectorants), thinning sputum and facilitating its elimination (thyme, ACC, Bromhexine, Bronchipret, potassium iodide, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Bronchodilators (Ventolin, Atrovent, Truvent, Oxyvent, Briconil, etc.);

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, etc.);

  • Antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Aspirin, etc.);

  • Inhalations with Mucaltin and hydrocortisone.
Usually, 10–14 days of therapy with the above drugs is sufficient to treat purulent bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. During the treatment process, you should limit attempts at a strong, hacking cough, trying to cough up sputum, since this leads to trauma to blood vessels and the appearance of blood.

As sinusitis and inflammation of the respiratory system are cured, purulent sputum ceases to be released, and the admixture of blood gradually decreases, completely disappearing by the end of the therapy. In this situation, the symptom of blood in the sputum should not be treated, since it is concomitant.

When a person appears rusty-colored sputum We are talking about pneumonia. Pneumonia is treated with various chemotherapeutic agents that act on the pathogenic microorganism that causes pneumonia. If the pneumonia is bacterial, then treatment is with antibiotics. For viral pneumonia, symptomatic remedies are used. Used for fungal pneumonia

Purulent sputum mixed with blood can be colored in different colors:

1. Green sputum.

2. Yellow sputum.

3. Sputum is "rusty" in color.

Each color of sputum is characteristic of an infectious and inflammatory process occurring in the ENT organs and respiratory tract. So, green sputum is characteristic of sinusitis. Yellow sputum indicates inflammation in the bronchial tree, pharynx or trachea. And “rusty” sputum appears with pneumonia. The admixture of blood, as a rule, is caused by damage to the vessels of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs and the respiratory system, which become brittle during inflammation. Only with pneumonia does an admixture of blood appear as a result of the destruction of lung tissue. Thus, the pathogenesis of blood impurities in purulent sputum is the same. But since the type of sputum depends on the location of the inflammation, the treatment in each case should be different. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment various types sputum mixed with blood.

If a person has green sputum mixed with blood, it is necessary to treat sinusitis. The following groups of drugs are used to treat sinusitis:

  • Antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.);

  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Xylometazoline, Galazolin, For the Nose, Otrivin, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Drugs that improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses (Sinupret, Imupret, etc.).
In addition, for sinusitis, it is useful to rinse the nasal sinuses with various antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin, etc. During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress on the sinuses, do not try to blow your nose too much, do not stand upside down, etc. Such actions lead to damage to blood vessels and the appearance of blood in the sputum.

If a person has yellow sputum mixed with blood, this indicates the presence of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, etc. In such a situation, treatment should be inflammatory diseases airways using the following groups of medications:

  • Antibiotics wide range actions (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.);

  • Mucolytic drugs (expectorants), thinning sputum and facilitating its elimination (thyme, ACC, Bromhexine, Bronchipret, potassium iodide, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Bronchodilators (Ventolin, Atrovent, Truvent, Oxyvent, Briconil, etc.);

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, etc.);

  • Antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Aspirin, etc.);

  • Inhalations with Mucaltin and hydrocortisone.
Usually, 10–14 days of therapy with the above drugs is sufficient to treat purulent bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. During the treatment process, you should limit attempts at a strong, hacking cough, trying to cough up sputum, as this leads to trauma to the blood vessels and the appearance of blood.

As sinusitis and inflammation of the respiratory system are cured, purulent sputum ceases to be released, and the admixture of blood gradually decreases, completely disappearing by the end of the therapy. In this situation, the symptom of blood in the sputum should not be treated, since it is concomitant.

When a person appears rusty-colored sputum we are talking about pneumonia. Pneumonia is treated with various chemotherapeutic agents that act on the pathogenic microorganism that causes pneumonia. If the pneumonia is bacterial, then treatment is with antibiotics. For viral pneumonia, symptomatic remedies are used. For fungal pneumonia, antifungal agents, etc. are used.

In addition to specific therapy for pneumonia aimed at eliminating the pathogen, it is necessary to use symptomatic agents, such as antihistamines, antipyretics, etc. As pneumonia is cured, sputum mixed with blood stops being released.

Also, in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and pneumonia, physiotherapeutic procedures such as UHF, electrophoresis with Dimexide on the bronchi and roots of the lungs are very effective. In addition, it is useful to use immunomodulators that can normalize the functioning of the immune system, for example, IRS-19, Ribomunil,

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