Home Prosthetics and implantation Short dry cough. How to cure dry cough

Short dry cough. How to cure dry cough

If the airways are irritated by something, a cough cannot be avoided. This reaction is a reflex; it is impossible to restrain it by willful efforts. It often worsens at night, preventing the patient from falling asleep. All respiratory and abdominal muscles participate in it.

The most common causes of dry cough in adults. Treatment with medications and folk remedies

Therefore, a prolonged cough is tiresome and harmful. This is especially true for a dry cough, which does not remove anything from the respiratory tract. Such nonproductive cough irritates them even more and leads to complications.

Dry cough in an adult. We will consider treatment with medications and folk remedies in detail in the article.

You should not wait until it goes away on its own, but start treatment immediately. In adults, this reaction is not so pronounced, but the diseases accompanied by it are no less dangerous than in children.

This characteristic symptom most often signals a specific respiratory disease. However, it happens that a prolonged dry cough in an adult accompanies diseases whose treatment is not directly related to the respiratory system.

Or is it a whole complex of circumstances that provoke each other. In adults, discomfort in the respiratory tract is often associated with other systemic diseases that are not directly related to it. Therefore, to establish what exactly causes a dry cough, for a quick and successful treatment very important.

For respiratory infections

The cough appears in the first days, when there is no sputum yet. Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough and similar diseases begin with it. This is preceded by a sore throat, lacrimation and runny nose. Afterwards, fever, intoxication and other characteristic manifestations appear.

With proper treatment, sputum is formed, and the cough becomes necessary, expectorant. A post-infectious dry cough is triggered by a sensation of irritation or tickling in the throat. This may take more than 2 weeks, and long time, up to 2 months, a rare cough may bother you.

Chronic diseases of the ENT organs

The irritant to cough in case of sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx is mucus that enters the back of the throat from the nose. Since the lying position contributes to this, this cough is especially painful at night.


A dry cough and runny nose without fever are one of the most common reactions to an allergen. It often takes the form of recurrent bronchitis that cannot be treated. Usually adults who are susceptible to this syndrome know what substances provoke this problem in them.

But if this happens for the first time, identifying the stimulus may take time. In this case, you should contact an allergist and the sooner, the more optimal the solution will be.

Thyroid enlargement

In diseases of this organ, coughing attacks occur due to compression of the trachea, next to which it is located. This phenomenon is mechanical, and it is not accompanied by any other characteristic manifestations, fever or inflammation of the larynx.

Heart diseases, defects and heart failure

They are also accompanied by a nonproductive cough. It often occurs as a reaction to physical activity and is accompanied by high blood pressure, shortness of breath with attacks of suffocation, and increased heart rate. In a supine position, it becomes more intense, and in order to weaken it, you need to make the patient sit.

In this case, there is practically no temperature and sputum. However, during an exacerbation of the disease, when the left ventricle cannot cope with its functions, blood stagnates in the lungs, and it can come out with a cough.


The growth of tumor formations near the respiratory organs compresses them. Obstruction of normal air flow causes coughing, which is accompanied by chest pain if associated with lung cancer. With such an oncological process, purulent sputum with blood should be expected.

In case of damage to the throat and larynx cancerous tumor breathing becomes difficult due to narrowing of the lumen. This type of cough may cough up blood. It will also get into your saliva and nasal discharge.


No one is immune from this serious and difficult-to-treat disease. But those at greatest risk are those who are about 30 years old and older. Constant overwork, excessive stress, unfavorable working conditions and others causes of decreased immunity activate Koch's wand, which is detected during examination in 80–90% of people in this group.

A dry, prolonged cough in an adult, whose intensive treatment does not produce significant positive results, may be a sign of tuberculosis, which most often affects the bronchi and lungs.

In this case, a dry cough will begin to produce phlegm after 3-4 weeks. This disease is also indicated by: lack of appetite, weakness, chills, low fever in the evenings, and severe sweating at night.


Nervous coughing during stress occurs in both adults and children. When a person is uncomfortable in a situation, confused or worried, this psychogenic cough may occur. It is not accompanied by other symptoms, but with severe shocks it can cause spasm and suffocation.

Other Possible Causes

Often irritation of nerve receptors, leading to a dry cough, is associated with aggressive environment, injuring the mucous membranes. Such a cough does not require special treatment if the exposure to the environment was short-lived. It goes away when the mucous membranes are restored.

Frequent, severe, dry cough in an adult is caused by smoking. Treatment will be ineffective if you do not get rid of this habit. It is not necessary to smoke yourself; passive smokers also suffer from attacks of this cough.

In addition to the tumors mentioned above, enlargement of the lymph nodes that accompanies blood diseases, as well as other pathologies, and dilation of the aorta due to an aneurysm lead to compression of areas of the respiratory tract and, consequently, reflex cough. The fibrotic process operates similarly in the lungs.

Problems in the esophagus can provoke a dry cough if a fistula forms. Diabetes mellitus causes dry mucous membranes and a constant desire to drink, which leads to coughing attacks.

The mucous membrane of the lungs can be irritated by worms with extensive intestinal damage. Some medications indicated for hypertension may cause coughing, such as side effect. Such information is always indicated in the instructions. Dry cough is often caused by aspirin and some inhalation medications. If this happens, these drugs should be discontinued.

Signs of a dry cough

The time during which a dry cough does not leave a person makes it possible to judge whether the treatment was chosen correctly and the cause was determined. Since coughing does not cause noticeable discomfort in adults, many do not pay attention to it.

However, you need to monitor this symptom so as not to waste time if the cough signals a more serious process than a cold or post-infectious problems with the throat mucosa.

The duration of a cough divides it into the following types:

  1. Spicy– accompanies a viral or cold disease.
  2. Lingering – does not leave the patient more than 2 weeks after the infection.
  3. Recurrent– constantly returns over 4-5 weeks. This often indicates asthma or bronchitis and manifests itself in attacks that are difficult to control. cope with. Therefore, it is better not to delay seeing a doctor if you have such a cough.
  4. Chronic cough– bothers a person for more than 2 months and indicates that its cause is a permanent factor and seriously complicates the breathing process. You can get rid of chronic cough only if this cause is completely eliminated.

Based on the time of day at which the cough is most intense, the following assumptions can be made:

  • Morning cough– accompanies chronic bronchitis
  • Night cough- observed in ENT diseases, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, or associated with heart weakness, as well as GERD - a pathology in which the contents of the stomach periodically enter the esophagus.
  • Cough after eating– problems of the larynx, throat, gastrointestinal tract.

The following signs of a dry cough are also significant:

  • Loud, “barking” cough– is inherent in ARVI, pathologies of the trachea and larynx.
  • Deaf– the problem is deep in the lungs.
  • hysterical, spasmodic, convulsive cough is a symptom of whooping cough.
  • Frequent, shallow– irritation of the pleura. If there is pain in the side, pleurisy can be assumed.
  • Bronchial asthma causes a severe, suffocating cough, with thick sputum after an attack.
  • reflex cough, when the irritation is not related to breathing - it happens, for example, with inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears.
  • Nasty, incessant dry cough - areas of the respiratory tract are compressed.

Drug treatment of dry cough

Note! Sucking on lollipops helps relieve dry cough in an adult or child, whose treatment gives positive results. These do not necessarily have to be medicinal or fortified lollipops. Activity is important salivary glands and frequent swallowing. Saliva moistens irritated mucous membranes, and the swallowing reflex relieves attacks.

It is important that a dry cough develops into a productive, wet form.
After this, it is advisable to use mucolytic and expectorant agents that help reduce the viscosity of sputum and its removal.

Before the formation of sputum, attacks of painful cough are relieved with the help of drugs that have a depressing effect on the cough center and antispasmodics.

Drugs that relieve spasms in the bronchi

If the patency of the respiratory tract is impaired due to spasm, swelling and narrowing of the bronchi, as well as their filling with mucus, bronchodilators are used, for example, Atropine, Theophedrine. They relax the muscles of the bronchi and promote ventilation of the lungs. With their help, cough is eliminated in chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


If coughing attacks can cause significant harm, for example, with whooping cough, dry pleurisy, bronchitis, influenza or other diseases, it is advisable to suppress the cough reflex before the formation of sputum and not exhaust the patient’s body.

The drugs prescribed for such cases are not narcotic and are not addictive. They act locally on nerve receptors in combination with an analgesic and sedative effect.

They should be consumed only at the beginning of the illness, before sputum appears, usually before bed. If the cough becomes wet and produces mucus, you should stop taking antitussive medications. They should be replaced with expectorants.

Often used for this problem Bronholitin is a syrup with a combined antitussive, mucolytic and antiseptic effect.

Carefully! Cough suppression is contraindicated in cases of bleeding in the lungs and sputum accumulation.


If there is stagnation of sputum with an incessant dry cough, the patient is prescribed drugs that dilute it and promote excretion - mucolytic and expectorant. Typically, such drugs combine both of these effects with a weak anti-inflammatory.

Their use makes sense for hard breathing and wheezing in the bronchi and apexes of the lungs. Such drugs do not reduce the intensity of cough, but facilitate the breathing process due to the release of phlegm and the transformation of a dry cough into a productive, wet one.

Products with the above-described effect can be purchased at the pharmacy. The most effective and accessible are Amroxol, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine ​​and their analogues. Plantain-based syrups also help well: Herbion, Doctor Theiss.


They are used to treat infections after they are confirmed bacterial nature. Their use is advisable in severe cases. In mild cases of the disease, such treatment may be harmful, since such drugs suppress natural immunity and contribute to the development of allergies.


At psychogenic cough, which is provoked by stress, it is important to treat a general nervous disease. In this case, you cannot do without qualified assistance from a doctor. In this case, self-medicating and taking sedatives without professional advice is very dangerous.


If the cough is of an allergic nature, a drug prescribed by an allergist and elimination of the provoking factor will help get rid of such an unpleasant condition. It is important to start treatment on time, before coughing attacks become more severe or complicated. In such cases, Zodak, Zyrtec, Suprastin are usually prescribed.

Radical treatment with drugs containing potent substances

In situations where other means are unable to alleviate debilitating attacks of dry cough, which significantly worsens the quality of life in an adult patient or child, treatment is accompanied by taking medications including codeine, ethylmorphine or other substances that depress the cough center of the brain.

Such drugs also affect other brain functions and are also addictive. Therefore, they are used in the most extreme cases in inpatient conditions, for example, in the treatment of cancer.

Folk remedies that will help with dry cough. Recipes

Gargling solutions

This procedure will help if the cough is caused by inflammation of the larynx. The main effect expected from rinsing is its softening, moisturizing and relieving inflammation. For this Chamomile infusion, as well as a solution of salt and soda, are best suited in equal parts with a few drops of iodine.

These remedies, in addition to the above effects, will soothe the irritated mucous membrane and wash away pathogenic bacteria from the throat.

Milk softens and soothes

Warm milk has a calming effect on both the central nervous system and the endings in the respiratory tract. When heated, it will give the mucous membrane a break from coughing attacks and help it recover.

If you add a little butter or cocoa butter to it, as well as 1 tsp. honey, the enveloping and softening effect of such a drink will last for quite a long time.

Inhalations with essential oils

If the problem causing the dry cough is in the bronchi, drinking and rinsing will not help. Penetration required remedy deep into the respiratory tract. In this case, inhalations with volatile components - essential oils, which can also be added to “grandmother’s” recipes, are very effective.

for example, deep breathing over boiled potatoes will be more effective if you add a drop of fir oil to it.

Inhalations with oils of eucalyptus, lavender, coriander, oregano, lemon balm and mint should be carried out every other day, although it can be done daily, for 15-30 minutes 5-12 times. This will significantly help the main treatment and relieve dry cough. Inhalation with a soda solution with added oils will also be useful.

The solution for inhalation is prepared simply:

  1. Optimal amount of boiling water for steam formation - 2 cups. You can use a decoction of oregano, chamomile and other herbs or other bases for steam.
  2. Oil quantity– 2 drops.

Warming compresses

Important to remember! Warming up the body - compresses, massage and rubbing is indicated only if the patient does not have a significantly elevated temperature and there is no suspicion of complications from the infection.

However, for bronchitis and congestion in the lungs, when sputum does not come out with a dry cough, compresses and massages are necessary. The components of the compress are placed on the patient’s chest, but not on the heart area. If the compress is made of liquid components, it is rubbed into the skin. Then cover with film or parchment paper, insulate with woolen cloth and secure with a bandage.

The simplest compress recipes for dry coughs:

  • from honey and flour a cake is mixed with corn oil and placed on the patient’s skin;
  • dry mustard powder, liquid honey and radish juice in equal parts;
  • just liquid honey very good as a compress;
  • heated in a water bath vegetable oil and boiled potatoes in their jackets, you can use the potatoes left after inhalation.

Warm drink

If you have a dry cough, you need to drink a lot of warm, but not hot liquid, at least 3 liters per day. In addition to the milk mentioned above, berry fruit drinks, raspberry, cranberry, rosehip teas, decoctions and jelly with lemon and honey will be very useful. Herbs plantain, sage, licorice, coltsfoot will help a lot if the patient is not allergic to them. A very effective remedy is black radish juice with honey.

Drinking based on such components helps to remove sputum and transform a dry cough into an expectorant cough.

Room humidification

Dry air and dust in it irritate the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the microclimate of the room in which the patient is located must be monitored especially carefully.

Air humidity must be maintained at 50–70%, and the temperature should not exceed 20 C. Ventilation should be carried out at least three times a day. Perfume, flavorings and smoking, both active and passive, should be excluded.

A dry cough is not a disease, but only a symptom. It should be remembered that it can accompany serious damage to internal organs, some of which are difficult to cure. Therefore, a prolonged dry cough is a sufficient reason to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

How to cure dry cough in an adult, watch this video:

For information on the treatment of dry cough, see the “Live Healthy” program:

Dry cough is permanent form cough that is not accompanied by sputum production. Let's look at the pathological and non-pathological causes of dry cough. We will also study pharmacological and natural remedies to solve the problem of dry cough.

What is dry cough

Dry cough is a sign of a disease or condition that leads to inflammation or irritation of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, which, however, is not accompanied by coughing up sputum.

Dry cough is a relatively common occurrence and, in most cases, is not associated with disease. Often a consequence of banal irritation caused by inhalation of dust, smoke or other substances, or even accidental inhalation of foreign bodies - solid or liquid - when swallowing food.

From pathological reasons dry cough the most common is the acute phase of a viral upper respiratory tract infection, such as acute respiratory viral infection or seasonal influenza.

However, a dry cough should not be underestimated, especially if it persists for a relatively long period of time. It may indicate a serious pathology that threatens the patient’s life, for example, tuberculosis.

When and how does a dry cough appear?

Depending on how it happens, how long it lasts and what its causes are, we can distinguish several types of dry cough, but in practice it is very difficult to separate them, since these types overlap each other.

But let's try, however, to distinguish these types:

  • Night: As its name says, it is a cough that appears at night! When does our body need to rest? Cough prevents sleep and further aggravates the patient’s condition. This cough often accompanies a state of nervousness.
  • Persistent: This is a type of cough that is usually not related to the time of day or even position, but is very persistent and can persist for days, weeks and even months, for no apparent reason. In this case, it is useful to delve deeper into the search for the reasons to identify the true cause. Cough is called persistent, if it lasts at least 2 weeks, and is called chronic if lasts more than 4 weeks.
  • Allergic: This is a type of cough that occurs in certain cases or places where an allergy factor is present.

Symptoms accompanying dry cough

Given the large number of diseases, the symptoms of which include a dry cough, there are such a large number of disorders accompanying cough.

We present those that most common:

  • Wheezing.
  • Fatigue and general malaise.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Headache.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  • A sore throat.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Increase lymph nodes neck.
  • Gastroenterological disorders (nausea, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea).
  • Fever in the evening.

The symptoms described are the most common and coincide with typical symptoms of influenza-like illness. As a rule, in such cases, a dry cough is noted only in acute stage diseases, and over time it becomes “productive”, with the release of copious sputum.

Less often Other accompanying symptoms may appear:

  • Bad breath.
  • Chest compression and pain.
  • Difficulty breathing and feeling of lack of air.
  • Fatigue and tiredness, even at rest or after minimal effort.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Skin rash.
  • Weight loss for no obvious reason.
  • Anorexia.

It is noted with even less frequency serious symptoms which requires immediate medical attention:

  • Fever with a high temperature that consistently exceeds 38°C.
  • Severe difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Dry, metallic and painful cough, which is accompanied by pain during breathing.
  • Difficulty swallowing, accompanied by severe pain.
  • Speech problems.
  • Continuous urge to urinate.
  • Swelling of the legs and lower extremities.
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) and a feeling of heart in the throat.

Causes of cough depending on symptoms

Possible causes of dry cough are all those diseases that have it as one of the symptoms. As already mentioned, there are a lot of such diseases; below we will list those that are the most common and indicate their main symptoms.

Cold: infections in the nasopharynx (nose and upper respiratory tract) are usually the result of infection with viruses of the genus rhinoviruses

  • Dry cough in the acute stage
  • Cough with sputum a few days after the onset of dry cough
  • Nasal congestion and rhinitis
  • Painful and difficult swallowing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain and headaches
  • Fever in infants and children.

Flu: an upper respiratory tract infection caused by a virus from the family Orthomyxoviridae

  • Fever is not always present
  • Dry cough in the acute stage
  • Cough with sputum a few days after dry cough
  • Painful and difficult swallowing with inflammation of the tonsils
  • Fatigue
  • Musculoskeletal pain and headaches
  • Chest pain while breathing

Whooping cough: respiratory tract infection caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis

  • Flu-like symptoms in the first 2-3 weeks.
  • Dry cough, initially moderate and at night, and then, starting from the second or third week, very tiresome
  • Vomiting after coughing

Croup: spicy viral infection, sometimes bacterial, respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi), typical for children

  • Dry cough that produces a characteristic noise similar to the cry of seals
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion and rhinitis
  • Creaking and wheezing while breathing. Intensifies at night
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hoarse voice

Tuberculosis: lung infection caused by the bacterium Micobacterium tubercolosis

  • Dry, persistent cough. Sometimes a blood clot comes out at the end of a cough (hemoptysis).
  • Increase in temperature in the evening hours
  • Stitching pain in the chest
  • Constant fatigue
  • Weight loss

Legionellosis: infection of the lungs and lower respiratory tract caused by the bacterium Legionella pneunophila

  • Fever with high temperature
  • Dry cough. Sometimes a coughing attack can result in the release of a clot of foamy blood.
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea

Empyema of the pleura: inflammation of space pleural cavity with accumulation of pus. As a rule, it is a complication of pneumonia caused by bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherechia coli, Staphylococcus aureus

  • Dry cough
  • High fever
  • General malaise
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath and increased respiratory rate
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
  • Weight loss and lack of appetite

Asthma: inflammation and obstruction (almost always reversible) of the airways

  • Dry and painful cough
  • Breathing discomfort is perceived as a lack of air. As a result of bronchospasm and airway obstruction

COPD: blockage bronchial tree due to chronic inflammation of the bronchi and lungs

  • Chronic cough, initially dry
  • Dyspnea
  • Recurring colds

Pleurisy: Inflammation of the pleura due to various causes

  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Stitching and intense chest pain
  • Fever

Cancer of the larynx or lungs: development of malignant neoplasms of various categories from cells of lung or larynx tissues

  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Chest pain

Pneumothorax: accumulation of air in the pleural cavity and, as a result, collapse of the lungs

  • Dry cough
  • Chest pain
  • Minor wheezing
  • Decreased blood oxygen levels
  • Cyanosis

Congestive heart failure: the inability of the heart to ensure the range of blood passage through the vessels

  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty breathing when lying down
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling strong heartbeat
  • Arrhythmia

Aortic aneurysm: massive expansion thoracic aorta

  • Dry cough. May sometimes result in the release of a blood clot (hemoptysis)
  • Chest and back pain
  • Dyspnea
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pain when swallowing
  • No voice

Moreover, a dry cough may not be associated with pathological conditions. For example, you will have a dry cough if:

  • Smoke cigarettes. Smoking irritates the airways and causes a cough reflex. Sometimes even passive smoking can cause a dry cough.
  • Accidentally inhale an irritant. They also stimulate cough receptors.
  • Are you taking medications?. Some medications, such as ACE inhibitors, used to treat hypertension, may cause a dry cough as a side effect.
  • Have problems with anxiety and nervousness. Very often, the cause of cough should be sought in emotional sphere, since it can develop in the form psychosomatic disorder; a state of anxiety or nervousness can even cause violent coughing attacks.

Diagnosis – anamnesis and examination

For correct diagnosis causes of dry cough, the doctor will use the following remedies:

  • Anamnestic analysis(direct conversation with the patient).
  • Analysis of symptoms and signs that accompany a dry cough.
  • Examination and thorough medical checkup.
  • Throat swab. Obtaining cells from the pharynx, which are then examined for the presence of any infections and their causative agents.
  • X-ray or CT scan chest.
  • Bronchoscopy. Insertion of an endoscope into the respiratory tract, which allows them to be examined and material to be obtained for research.
  • Spirometry. Allows you to evaluate functionality respiratory system and diagnose problems such as asthma.

Remedies for dry cough

The best treatment for dry cough provides cure the disease that underlies it. As soon as the cause is cured, the cough should immediately disappear.

However, if a dry cough is very irritating and significantly reduces sleep, then symptomatic treatment may be required to suppress coughing attacks.

Cough medicines

Medicines used for symptomatic treatment cough, act on the cough control center in the head and spinal cord or to cough receptors located in the respiratory tree.

One of the active ingredients most commonly used for this purpose is codeine in the form of syrup or drops.

Cough spray

This form of therapy is especially effective for certain types of dry cough (asthma, bronchitis, etc.). Aerosols have proven to be very effective in treating inflammation of the respiratory tract and therefore many types of dry cough because they can be spray in very small droplets(with a diameter of one millionth or even a billionth of a meter). Then - when inhaling - an aerosol preparation reaches every point of the respiratory tract and thus one can eradicate inflammation by taking minimum dose of the drug.

Medicines that are most often administered in aerosol form are antihistamines (to treat dry cough due to asthma or allergies), cortisone (to treat bronchitis and general inflammation), and salbutamol (to treat bronchospasm).

Natural Remedies

In folk medicine, there are many herbs that can effectively soothe dry cough. These remedies are usually used in the form of herbal teas or syrups.

Among the most commonly used:

Linden. Infusions are prepared from its dried flowers. They contain thialicin, which has mild soothing properties, antispasmodic (counteracts spasm of the respiratory muscles) and softening effect.

Mallow. Infusions are prepared from its leaves. Such infusions contain many active ingredients that act like penicillins on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Thyme. Used in infusion form. Contains thymol, which has antibacterial properties. It also has expectorant properties, which means it helps remove mucus.

In most cases, coughing is a reflexive defensive reaction, with the help of which the body gets rid of accumulated phlegm and clears the airways. However, a dry, unproductive cough causes discomfort and does not bring relief during illness.

In general, cough is a symptom characteristic of most inflammatory diseases respiratory system. This could also be a sign allergic reaction body.

There are two types of cough:

  • wet cough with sputum;
  • dry or non-productive cough.

Wet cough, accompanied by sputum production. Its useful function is that the microbes contained in the secretions are removed from the respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process and eliminating the development of complications.

A dry, unproductive cough usually does not bring relief and can be very debilitating in the form of attacks. Such a cough contributes to significant irritation of the respiratory tract, causes vomiting and damage to mucosal tissue. Another classification is based on the length of time during which the patient coughs.

Depending on this, the cough can be:

  • acute – duration up to 2 weeks;
  • protracted – up to 4 weeks;
  • subacute – lasts no more than 2 months;
  • chronic – the patient coughs for more than 2 months in a row.

There are many ways to fix this unpleasant symptom, so we will look at how to treat dry cough in adults in this article.

Causes of dry cough

Dry cough is a manifestation of a reflex-protective mechanism aimed at eliminating cough from the respiratory tract. irritating factor(inflammatory, atrophic, mechanical, chemical or temperature). According to some classifications, there are more than 53 causes of this condition.

Dry cough in adults most often develops against the background of an acute respiratory disease, such as, etc. In this case, the patient first experiences a slight cough, which within a few hours or two to three days turns into an intense dry cough.

Along with this, the patient complains of others: increased temperature, worsening general condition. Gradually, the nature of the cough changes from dry to wet, that is, the patient begins to produce sputum.

There are also a number of other factors that can trigger a dry cough:

  • smoking;
  • viral infections, in particular bronchitis;
  • entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • dust and allergens.

Also provoking factors may be:

  • dry air in the room where the patient is;
  • lack of sufficient fluid entering the body.

All causes of dry cough in adults come down to the fact that the bronchi and lung tissue are not able to independently get rid of the pathogenic agent.

Prolonged dry cough in an adult

Often a dry cough occurs during colds, if a weakened immune system cannot cope with its protective functions, and the disease passes into the bronchi. As a result, it appears acute bronchitis, which, in the absence of proper treatment, goes into the chronic stage. At prolonged cough in an adult, deformation of the bronchial walls can occur, which leads to asthma, lung abscess and pneumonia.

A long dry throat cough and severe sore throat occurs with. A very long spasmodic cough, accompanied by pain in the side, shortness of breath and fever can be observed with.


Symptoms that most often accompany coughing in an adult:

  1. Runny nose or, on the contrary, stuffy nose and paranasal sinuses. Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath at the slightest physical activity and even without it.
  2. Hoarse voice.
  3. Nausea, retching until vomiting.
  4. Enlargement of local lymph nodes.
  5. Symptoms of general malaise include body aches, fever, fever, sweating and drowsiness.

How to treat dry cough in adults

Successful treatment this state based on an accurate diagnosis and elimination of the causes of each of them. All therapeutic measures are carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor.

In the treatment of painful barking dry cough in adults, as opposed to wet cough, drugs are used that suppress cough by influencing the cough reflex.

In fact, this is not treatment as such, but symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing cough, because in this situation, the cough reflex does not benefit the body, and on the contrary, it can cause complications in the form of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

General treatments dry cough in adults at home:

  • regular wet cleaning of the premises.
  • controlling the air temperature in the house (not higher than 22C).
  • compress on the chest.
  • heavy drinking regime (teas, milk and Borjomi);
  • do not use aggressive detergents near the patient;
  • steam inhalation. They are very useful for dry cough. Add to water baking soda, herbal decoctions, etc.
  • a diet with enough calories.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough are divided into 2 types: central and peripheral action.

Cough medicines

To treat dry cough in an adult, medications are prescribed that have an antitussive effect in combination with a sedative, analgesic, and weak antispasmodic effect.

  1. Usually, so-called drugs from the group of mucolytics are used. The most common among them is considered. This drug increases the secretion of mucus, which implements the main principle of treating a dry cough - converting it into a wet one.
  2. Sometimes drugs with a narcotic effect are used to suppress the cough center, for example codeine, ethylmorphine, glicine, prenoxadiazine, oxeladine. This is a type of drug that suppresses the cough reflex in the cerebral cortex.

You should know that simultaneous use of antitussive and expectorant drugs is not permissible due to the risk of blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies

There are many recipes that help both cure a cough with folk remedies and protect the body from the consequences of the diseases that accompany this symptom.

  1. If you have a dry cough, the following folk remedy will help cure it: take a cotton cloth and moisten it with sunflower oil. Cover the entire chest with this cloth, plastic wrap on top, cotton or linen cloth on top, and a warm scarf. Sleep like this all night. In the morning the cough becomes weaker and milder.
  2. The easiest way to cure a cough is to warm up your chest internal organs– draw an iodine grid on your chest at night;
  3. Drink milk hot, be sure to add it to it alkaline water, honey, this will form a large amount of mucus and the dry cough will quickly go away.
  4. A cough compress should consist of vegetable fat, a small amount of mustard, and alcohol. You can also use potatoes boiled in their jackets and natural honey. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and spread on the back, and not washed off until the mixture is completely dry.
  5. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan, add chopped garlic, remove from heat and place on the table. Add 1 tsp. soda, and immediately cover with a sheet and breathe over the saucepan.
  6. Eucalyptus leaves pour boiled water. Then construct a funnel and breathe in the vapors for up to 20 minutes. Inhalation with thyme and coltsfoot also helps a lot, you can add baking soda and drip eucalyptus oil.
  7. The best remedy for dry cough is coltsfoot. To prepare the decoction, add a glass of water to the leaves. Leave for an hour, use up to three times a day.
  8. Inhalations with oils of lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cedar. You need to add 2-3 drops of any oil to 500 g of boiling water and breathe over the steam. Sputum expectoration will begin immediately.

Dry cough in adults always has a specific cause. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a thorough preliminary examination, based on the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

There is hardly a person who is not familiar with such a phenomenon as a dry cough. The most common cause of such a cough among patients is colds (ARVI), but we should not forget that a variety of environmental factors and diseases of other organs and systems can also cause a dry cough.

Causes of dry cough and mechanism of its occurrence

A dry cough is not accompanied by sputum production, can be manifested by coughing, can be severe, paroxysmal and is a protective reflex aimed at clearing the airways in response to irritation of cough receptors.

Cough receptors are located in the pharynx, larynx, trachea, large bronchi, as well as in the external auditory canals, esophagus, and pericardium (pericardial sac). Cough center located in the medulla oblongata.

Irritants can be mechanical, chemical agents, thermal effects, and inflammatory phenomena.

In response to irritation of the cough receptors, a reflex opening of the glottis occurs and a deep breath occurs. Then the upper respiratory tract closes, after which the internal intercostal and abdominal muscles sharply contract, and intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure increases. Next, a reflex opening of the glottis occurs, a pressure drop occurs and causes a sharp exhalation through the mouth. Thus, the respiratory tract is cleared of irritating agents.

Dry cough is a symptom of many diseases. However, it is not necessarily associated with any pathology and can be a consequence of the irritating effects of various factors: dust, smoke, household chemicals, perfumes and even stress.

Diseases accompanied by dry cough

A dry cough can be observed in diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, infection with worms, occupational diseases, and systemic diseases. A dry cough can even occur from irritation of the cough receptors in the ear.

Dry cough in respiratory diseases

This is the most common reason dry cough. Characterized by an acute onset, an increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees C during the day, may be accompanied by chills, weakness, a feeling of weakness, possible muscle and joint pain, headache, nasal congestion and dryness, sore throat. A dry persistent cough most often occurs on the 2-3rd day of illness; it may be accompanied by pain behind the sternum (as a manifestation of tracheitis). The skin becomes pale, moderate redness of the conjunctiva, redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Herpetic rashes often appear against the background of ARVI. There is a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate to 100-120 per minute. At severe forms shortness of breath develops.

An acute viral disease, accompanied by fever, symptoms of intoxication, the appearance of a rash on the oral mucosa and skin, damage to the eyes (conjunctivitis) and the upper respiratory tract. IN initial period manifested by an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees C, weakness, weakness, and the patient’s appetite decreases. A runny nose, red eyes, and a rough “barking” cough appear. A characteristic sign of measles is a rash on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, soft and hard palate in the form of whitish small spots surrounded by a red border. On the 4-5th day, a rash appears on the face and neck, the next day on the torso, arms and thighs, and a day later on the legs and feet. The rash is small pink spots irregularly shaped, which can merge with each other. After 3-4 days from the appearance, the rash begins to fade: first it acquires brownish pigmentation, then peeling develops at the site of the rash. During this period, body temperature normalizes and catarrhal symptoms disappear. Immunity after measles is usually lifelong.

An acute infectious disease caused by a specific bacterium called Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough most often occurs in children, but sometimes occurs in adult patients. The body temperature in such patients remains normal, and, as a rule, there are no symptoms of intoxication. A characteristic symptom of whooping cough is a severe, dry, paroxysmal cough. During an attack, redness of the face occurs, which is replaced by cyanosis (the skin acquires a bluish tint due to impaired venous outflow), swelling of the neck veins is noted, and the tongue protrudes. Cough with whooping cough can last from 2 to 6-8 weeks and in severe cases the number of attacks can reach 30 times a day.

Pneumonia can be caused various factors: viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, toxic. The disease often has an acute onset. Chills appear sharply, body temperature rises to 38-40 degrees C. Pain appears in the chest, most often in the inferolateral regions. The pain intensifies when inhaling or coughing. Shortness of breath develops. You may notice that half of the chest on the affected side lags behind during breathing. Possible redness of the cheeks, cyanosis of the lips. It should be noted that a dry cough with pneumonia lasts 2-3 days, then sputum begins to separate.

The main symptom of dry pleurisy is pain in the side on the affected side, most often in the anterior and inferolateral regions. The pain intensifies with a deep breath and during coughing, when tilting the body to the healthy side. The cough is dry. There is a lag of half of the chest on the affected side, the patient often takes a position on the affected side. Body temperature rises to 38 o C; with mild symptoms it can remain normal. The duration of dry pleurisy is 1-3 weeks and more often ends with recovery. Sometimes it is possible for dry pleurisy to become exudative.

In the case of transition from dry pleurisy to exudative pleurisy, a characteristic picture can be observed: pain in the side sharply decreases or disappears completely. At the same time, a feeling of heaviness and “stuffiness” appears in the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis, swelling of the neck veins, and the patient is forced to lie on the affected side. Body temperature can rise to 39-40 o C. If dry pleurisy did not precede the development of exudative pleurisy, then after a period of weakness, small increase body temperature within 2-3 weeks, all the above symptoms develop. For of this disease A dry cough is also typical.

A chronic disease of the respiratory tract, which is based on an inflammatory process with the development of bronchial obstruction. A characteristic symptom is suffocation, with breathing difficult mainly on exhalation. The cough is most often dry. There may be wheezing that can be heard at a distance. Body temperature is normal in most cases; it increases only when a bacterial infection is activated.

A dry cough can also occur with tuberculosis, although it is not a mandatory symptom. Characteristics of this disease are increased body temperature of varying severity, sweating, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, irritability. In chronic forms, back pain of a drilling nature may appear. A severe dry cough most often develops with tuberculosis of the larynx and bronchi.

Dry cough in diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Inflammatory disease of the pericardial sac. In this case, there is pain in the heart area of ​​varying intensity. The pain is not associated with physical activity, increases with breathing and decreases when sitting and bending forward. Shortness of breath during physical activity is a concern. A dry cough develops due to the pressure of accumulated exudate on the trachea and bronchi. Swallowing problems may occur.

Dry cough in diseases of the digestive system

GERD or reflux esophagitis develops with regular pathological reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation. Frequently symptom of GERD is a dry cough. In this case, the patient has no signs of respiratory pathology. Characteristic features diseases include heartburn, sour belching, there may be pain behind the sternum, burning sensation, and all these symptoms intensify when the body is tilted forward. Body temperature is usually normal.

The causative agent is Toxocara canis or canine roundworm. Infection occurs through contact with dogs or consumption of contaminated foods. Clinically manifested by weakness, fever, itchy rash, dry paroxysmal cough, expiratory shortness of breath (as in bronchial asthma), there may be an enlargement of the liver and spleen, sometimes severe eye damage, nervous system(paresis, paralysis, epileptiform seizures).

The causative agent is Echinococcus. The main source for humans is dogs; infection occurs through human contact with infected animals or through consumption of contaminated food and water. The liver is most often affected, the lungs are in second place, and other organs and systems are less often affected. The larva of echinococcus is a bubble filled with liquid - an echinococcal cyst. The cyst grows in the affected organ for years, grows, and forms daughter cysts. Manifested by weakness, various allergic manifestations– most often itchy skin rash, weight loss. In case of liver damage - pain in the right hypochondrium, liver enlargement, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders. Small hydatid cysts in the lungs are often discovered incidentally during X-ray examination. The formation of large cysts in the lungs causes shortness of breath, dry cough, chest pain, and chest deformation.

Dry cough from medications

Taking ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors represent one of the main groups of drugs used to treat cardiovascular diseases and are prescribed quite often. Sometimes they can cause a dry cough. IN in this case, the cough stops after discontinuation of the drug and does not require additional treatment.

Which doctor should you contact if you have a dry cough?

If you experience a cough, you should first consult a physician. The doctor will prescribe necessary list research and determine the cause. If the cough is a consequence of damage to the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis), then further treatment will be performed by an ENT specialist. If you have pathology of the lower respiratory tract, you should consult a pulmonologist. For pulmonary tuberculosis, treatment is carried out by a specialist - a phthisiatrician. If a cough develops against the background of a pathology of the digestive organs (GERD, esophageal diverticula), the patient will be treated by a gastroenterologist. If cardiovascular pathology is detected, you should contact a cardiologist.

What tests should you take if you have a dry cough?

If there is a cough, the patient's examination includes:
- general analysis blood
- general urine analysis
- biochemical analysis blood
- chest x-ray
- if bronchial asthma is suspected, a function test is performed external respiration(FVD)
- in case of suspected pathology of cardio-vascular system It is mandatory to conduct an ECG, ECHO-CG (ultrasound examination of the heart)
- when indicating pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - fibrogastroscopy (FEGDS)
- if you suspect helminthic infestation Serological reactions are carried out: RNGA, ELISA.
The examination will help identify the cause of the cough and decide on further tactics.

Possible complications of dry cough

Often, patients do not take the appearance of a cough seriously, treat themselves independently and not always competently, or believe that the cough will go away on its own. This is the wrong approach, since any cough, even the most harmless at first glance, can lead to unpleasant health consequences.

In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis often become chronic.

IN Lately often we have to deal with such a phenomenon as syndrome tracheobronchial dyskinesia. It manifests itself as a long-term persistent paroxysmal “barking” cough, sometimes shortness of breath and even suffocation. Often develops after acute respiratory viral infections, when there seem to be no manifestations of the disease, blood tests and indicators x-ray examination is normal, but the cough does not stop and causes considerable inconvenience. It is a consequence of decreased elasticity of the walls of the trachea, bronchi, and deformation of the tracheal rings. Tracheobronchial dyskinesia, in turn, can develop into dyskinesia, which is a decrease in the elasticity of the pulmonary alveoli, an increase in the airiness of the lung tissue, which also leads to breathing problems.

Allergic cough, smoker's cough can develop into bronchial asthma.

Lack of treatment for pneumonia can lead to such serious complications as lung abscess (formation of a purulent cavity), which can in turn be complicated, for example, by pulmonary hemorrhage, the formation of abscesses in other organs and death.

Untimely treatment of cardiovascular pathology leads to progression of the underlying disease. For example, pericarditis can cause cardiac tamponade, a condition where fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac prevents the heart from contracting adequately due to compression of the heart chambers, which in turn can lead to cardiogenic shock.

How to get rid of a dry cough

If a dry cough bothers you during “colds”, you don’t need to get rid of it, but you need to promote the release of sputum. Such drugs are called mucolytics. Pharmaceutical preparations for dry cough are varied: herbion syrup with plantain, gedelix syrup, libexin, stoptussin, erespal in the form of tablets and syrup, rengalin - tablets and drops, sinecode syrup.

If a dry cough develops against the background of ARVI, treatment is carried out antiviral drugs, antihistamine therapy, antipyretics if necessary.

For diseases caused by bacterial flora, antibiotics are used.

Despite the variety of pharmaceutical drugs, folk remedies are still very popular as symptomatic treatment. Here are some of them:

- add 1 teaspoon of butter and honey to 1 glass of warm milk, take 1-2 times a day 20 minutes before meals
- a good combination is radish juice with honey: make a hole in the root vegetable, fill it with honey, after a day the radish will release juice, take this remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day
- decoction of coltsfoot leaves: pour 1 tablespoon of leaves (crushed) with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, take the strained decoction 4-5 times a day, 1 tablespoon
- for dry cough good remedy there may be rubbing of the back with badger fat.

If the cough is not a manifestation of diseases of the pulmonary system, the underlying disease must be treated, otherwise all attempts to get rid of the cough will end in failure.

A cough should not be ignored; it must be treated so that the process does not become chronic and complications develop. But we should not forget that it is dangerous to treat yourself and only a doctor will help you choose a remedy, taking into account all the indications and contraindications. Be healthy!

General practitioner Gorlach Yu.A.

Dry cough is the most common symptom of various respiratory tract pathologies. No one is immune from the appearance of this symptom - cough is present in both children and adults, it can accompany and. In any case, no matter the reason for the dry cough, the body needs help to cope with it.

Possible causes of dry cough

Cough occurs when it enters the respiratory tract foreign bodies or when there is an accumulation of sputum - it just releases the body. But with a dry cough, there is no sputum, and the development of the syndrome in question is preceded by soreness and discomfort in the throat.

Causes of dry cough:

  • pleurisy;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • lung tumor (benign or);
  • inhalation of toxic fumes.

In almost every case, an infectious disease of the respiratory tract is accompanied by a dry cough. If the patient spends correct treatment, then after a short time the cough becomes wet. But if the syndrome in question lasts too long, there is no improvement and the nature of the cough does not change, then this may indicate the progression of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

Important! Before treating dry cough, it is necessary to find the true cause of this syndrome. And the best option would be to contact specialists - only in a medical institution will it be possible to conduct a full examination of the patient.

Description of dry cough

In medicine, there are 3 types of dry cough:

  • muffled cough – this will be a sign of the development of a lung tumor or tuberculosis;
  • barking cough - appears as a consequence viral disease in which the vocal cords were damaged;
  • hacking cough – most often this type of dry cough is diagnosed in patients childhood and is accompanied by whooping cough.

The cause of the syndrome in question can be and - it usually occurs in smokers in the morning (immediately after waking up) or during physical activity. A dry cough in a smoker can lead to the development of chronic bronchitis.

If the patient has the syndrome in question in the background, then you need to be attentive to the process of treating the disease and regularly visit the doctor for follow-up examinations. The point is that for bronchial asthma pulmonary edema is characteristic, and this can lead to the most severe complications, including death.

Note:There is so-called aspirin asthma, in which the use of even a small dose provokes bronchospasm. The problem can only be solved by urgent use of bronchodilators.

If examination of the patient does not confirm the presence of an infectious or viral disease of the respiratory tract, then doctors may associate the appearance of a dry cough with gastroenterological pathologies. For example, the syndrome in question is characteristic of gallbladder diseases.

How to treat dry cough

Treatment should not be aimed at getting rid of a dry cough! It is necessary to cure the underlying disease, but a dry cough can simply be softened, transformed into a productive form, thus easing the patient’s condition. Very often, anesthetics are used for a dry cough - they soften the throat and make the condition less uncomfortable. But such drugs should absolutely not be given to pediatric patients!

It is advisable to treat dry cough in children as follows:

  • give warm milk with honey or mineral water to drink;
  • the air in the room where the patient is located must be constantly humidified;
  • carry out inhalation procedures saline solution, essential oils.

Note:If a dry cough does not soften and does not become moist after 2-3 days of these procedures, then you need to seek help from a doctor - most likely, you will need to be treated with medications.

Medicines for dry cough

Important! Before using any of the following remedies, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

There are quite a lot of medications that can and should be taken for dry cough. But in this article we will highlight only a few of them:

Note:Bronchicum syrup contains extracts of thyme and primrose roots - these plants can become a provoking factor in the development of an allergic reaction.

  1. Hexapneumin . This complex medicine, combined, has antihistamine, antitussive and antimicrobial effects. This remedy is allowed to be taken only by children over 8 years of age and by adults in a dosage of 2-3 teaspoons per day with equal intervals between doses.
  2. Insti. Medicine has an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. The product is produced in the form of granules, and its composition is entirely of plant origin. Insti is taken 2-3 times a day immediately after meals. And before using the drug, you need to dissolve one sachet in a small amount of water - this is a one-time dosage.
  3. Codelac. A very powerful antitussive agent, the main active ingredient of which is codeine. For adults, this drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, and for children, the same drug is available in the form of syrup and is prescribed in a daily dosage of 5 ml.
  4. Cofanol . The drug is based on herbal components and has a mucolytic, antitussive and antimicrobial effect. For adults and children under 14 years of age, doctors prescribe Cofanol 1-2 tablets 4 times a day, children aged 7 to 14 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  5. Neo-Kodion . Available in tablet form, the main active substance– codeine. You should take the medicine 1 tablet up to 4 times a day, but the time interval between doses should not be more than 6 hours.
  6. Paracodamol. This drug has an inhibitory effect that is directed against the cough reflex. In addition, Paracodamol has an antipyretic effect, so it is especially good to take it for a dry cough against the background of a cold. Prescribe the drug 1-2 tablets 4-5 times a day, but no more than 8 tablets per day.
  7. Sinekod. Syrup that has an antitussive effect. The main active ingredient is butamirate, which blocks the cough reflex, but does not depress respiratory activity. Adults are prescribed 15 ml before meals 3 times a day, children aged 6 to 12 years – 10 ml 3 times a day, children aged 3 to 6 years – 5 ml three times a day.
  8. Stoptussin. This is a syrup with an antitussive effect. This medicine should be taken strictly according to official instructions– The dosage depends on the patient’s weight.
  9. Terkodin. A combined remedy that simultaneously suppresses cough, improves the secretive function of the bronchi and promotes the rapid evacuation of sputum. Take Tercodin in the following dosages:
  • adult children over 12 years old – 1 tablet 2-3 times a day;
  • children from 5 to 10 years old – half a tablet 3 times a day;
  • children from 2 to 5 years – 1/3 tablet 3 times a day.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough

We recommend reading:

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies is quite acceptable and very effective. It is usually recommended to carry out inhalations, apply compresses and take decoctions.

Inhalations for dry cough

To get rid of the phenomenon in question, heat-moisture, oil and steam inhalations are performed. Moreover, these procedures in some cases are even more effective than the use of specific medications - when inhaled, the effect is directly on the inflamed bronchial mucosa, and therefore the effect is rapid.

For inhalation procedures to truly have a therapeutic effect, use:

  • eucalyptus;
  • peppermint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot;

All of these medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic effects. Inhalation is very easy - you need to pour boiling water over a collection of all these plants, let it brew for half an hour and pour it into a shallow and wide plate. And then all that remains is to inhale the vapors with your mouth and exhale the air through your nose, covered with a towel. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

If you want to enhance the effect of inhalations with herbal decoctions, then you need to add 2-5 drops to the already prepared solution essential oil. The most relevant in this situation will be pine, eucalyptus or sea buckthorn oil.

Note:The “old-fashioned” method of treating dry cough using inhalation over boiled potatoes will also help good effect, will soften your throat - don't ignore it.


Decoctions from herbal raw materials can be prepared at home, and taking them is quite simple - the main thing is to carry out a full course of treatment for dry cough. Recommended recipes:

Compresses and several other remedies

Doctors say that a compress is one of the most effective methods of mitigating a dry cough. You can do, for example, this:

  • take 1 part apple cider vinegar;
  • mix vinegar with 3 parts water;
  • add 1 teaspoon of honey to the solution;
  • moisten a textile napkin in the prepared product;
  • apply a napkin to your chest (bypassing the area anatomical location hearts);
  • lay polyethylene on top;
  • secure everything on the body with something warm (for example, a scarf or shawl).

Here are a few more effective remedies from the “traditional medicine” category:

  1. In 1 liter of milk you need to boil 2 pieces of ripe figs until the color of the broth changes to a darker shade (chocolate cream). Then the broth is cooled and the entire amount is drunk during the day in small sips and in a warm state.
  2. If you chop 2 medium onions, boil them in milk (200 ml) for 20 minutes, cool and strain, you will get an excellent remedy for getting rid of dry cough. You need to take onion-milk decoction 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day.
  3. You need to boil 1 lemon, cut it and squeeze out the juice. To the resulting lemon juice, add 1 teaspoon of medical glycerin and enough honey to make a glass of the finished medicine. Take 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day.

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