Home Stomatitis Mumps in children treatment, prevention. Mumps or mumps in children: symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos of disease manifestations

Mumps in children treatment, prevention. Mumps or mumps in children: symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos of disease manifestations

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to cure mumps in a child. In this article you will get acquainted with methods of care and diet for this disease. We will pay Special attention possible consequences at an advanced stage or weakened immunity. Let's find out what preventive measures need to be followed to minimize the risk of infection.

Mumps is a disease

This disease is called mumps. Characteristic is the penetration of the virus into the body and its introduction into the parenchymal epithelium of the salivary glands with the possibility of further spread to other organs sensitive to the paramyxovirus.

An infected child is contagious for another ten days from the onset of the disease; the most dangerous for others are the first five days.

What is typical: the virus can remain in the baby’s body for up to three weeks, and at the same time not manifest itself in any way. That is, the child may already be infected, but no one will know about it, since there will be no symptoms.

If a baby suffers from an atypical form of mumps, it will be difficult to make a diagnosis right away, because the picture will be blurry. But if a typical form is present, then the following symptoms will be characteristic of an infected child:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. Enlarged salivary glands.
  3. Pain or discomfort when chewing, radiating to the ear.
  4. Specific location of the head in relation to the body. Tilt towards inflammation.
  5. Additional signs: headache, weakness, dry mouth oral cavity, chills, sleep problems, loss of appetite.

Features of care

  1. It is very important to isolate a sick child from the group in a timely manner, since the virus has a high degree of contagiousness.
  2. Provide your child with his own dishes, towel, and bedding. Such items must be washed separately from the clothes of other family members.
  3. Daily wet cleaning is required in the room where the sick baby is. It is important to use disinfectants.
  4. Regular ventilation of the room is necessary. If possible, use a quartz lamp.
  5. It is permissible to give only those toys that can be easily cleaned. This is important so that they do not become a carrier of the virus. Rubber or plastic toys are ideal.
  6. Proper diet.
  7. Strict bed rest. According to statistics, orchitis is diagnosed three times more often in boys who have had it.
  8. Avoid walking on fresh air up to 14 days after full recovery.


When of this disease The “table No. 5” diet is prescribed. The main goal of such nutrition is to prevent the development of pancreatitis, since mumps can have a serious effect on the pancreas.

  1. An important feature: meals should be frequent, up to five times a day, but fractional, that is, in small portions. Moreover, the food should not be high in calories.
  2. The baby needs to drink up to two liters per day.
  3. It is important not to overeat, especially before bed.
  4. Do not consume fats or significantly minimize their amount.
  5. Avoid fresh baked goods.
  6. The main products should be vegetable or dairy.
  7. Potatoes, rice and black bread are recommended.
  8. If there are painful sensations when chewing, it is necessary to give liquid or semi-liquid food. Avoid hard meat.
  9. Complete rejection of fried, fatty, sour and spicy foods.
  10. The use of spices and seasonings when preparing dishes is prohibited.

Treatment of mumps

If a child has light form mumps, it does not need serious treatment and hospitalization. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions, maintain bed rest, and if new symptoms appear or there is a clear deterioration in the condition, immediately notify your doctor.

When it comes to a more severe course of the disease, a course of treatment will be prescribed, which, in essence, will relieve the symptoms and manifestations of the disease. In this case, most likely, the child will be hospitalized, especially if his condition is assessed as serious.

The main thing is not to let the disease progress and not to try to treat the child. folk remedies. This is all fraught with consequences, especially for boys, because it can lead to complete infertility.

Your baby may be prescribed the following medications:

  1. Gargling soda solution. The water must be warm; add a teaspoon of soda to the glass.
  2. Use of warming bandages, compresses, for example, oil compress.
  3. Analgesics to relieve pain.
  4. Vitamin therapy.
  5. Immunomodulators.
  6. Antipyretics in case of high temperature.
  7. Antibiotics, if a secondary infection occurs, complications develop.
  8. Antihistamines.
  9. Detoxicants.
  10. If there is a history of cardiac pathologies, cardiac medications are prescribed.

In case of serious suppuration in the glands, a decision may be made about surgical intervention.

Possible complications

The disease is not as terrible in its manifestations as in its consequences and serious complications. Paramyxovirus, which causes mumps, can infect different organs and at the same time cause serious complications. The main ones:

  1. Pathologies of the male glands: aspermia, orchitis, testicular atrophy, complete infertility.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Deafness due to infection of the middle ear by a virus.
  4. Pathologies of the central nervous system.
  5. Serous meningitis or meningoencephalitis.
  6. Inflammatory process in the thyroid gland.
  7. Pancreatitis and general disorders of the pancreas.

Preventive measures

Do not forget that compliance with all precautions significantly reduces the risk of developing a particular disease. But it is always easier to adhere to certain rules and recommendations than to later treat the disease and its consequences.

  1. Isolating a child from a person who may be a carrier of the virus.
  2. Avoid visiting places with large crowds of people, especially during the outbreak season.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  4. Boosting immunity. It is mandatory that the correct and balanced diet, which includes a full range of vitamins, microelements and the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. An important point are hardening procedures.
  5. Vaccination against mumps. Is the most effective way prevention.

Now you know what treatment for mumps is. Most importantly, do not forget to provide your child with proper care, especially strict bed rest. After all, with a mild form of the disease, this may be enough for a complete recovery. Never delay going to the doctor. It is very important to promptly pay attention to the presence specific symptoms and respond to them in a timely manner. Do not forget what consequences mumps can have, especially for the body of a future man. Take care to prevent complications from developing. Remember that the best way of prevention is timely vaccination. Be healthy!

The disease mumps is popularly known as mumps. This disease is viral in nature. Characteristic signs of the disease are inflammation of the glands, fever, and intoxication of the body. Inflammation of the genital, salivary and parotid glands occurs. Mumps is only a childhood disease. But adults can also get mumps.

Mumps is viral respiratory infection, it may be epidemiological in nature because it is transmitted by airborne droplets. The age of children who are susceptible to the disease ranges from 5 to 8 years. Children under 3 years of age rarely suffer from this disease. The risk of contracting mumps extends to children under 16 years of age.

Adults suffer from mumps much less frequently. The disease does not pose any danger to life. But treatment should be given special attention. The pathology of the disease, especially in boys, can lead to serious complications. Currently, this disease is not a widespread disease, because children are vaccinated against mumps in mandatory.

Mumps in children

Mumps disease in children carries infectious nature. The main reason why the disease develops is the virus that ends up in the body. The disease is caused by a virus of the paramyxovirus family. In external environment the virus is unstable. When he finds himself in human body, it primarily affects the cells of parenchymal organs. If a child suffers from mumps, the first thing he or she experiences is inflammation. salivary glands. The disease can also affect the gonads and pancreas. It is not uncommon for infection to occur nervous system.

How does mumps become infected?

The disease is transmitted through the air. When a baby is sick, a virus is released when he sneezes. It gets on the mucous membranes respiratory tract healthy children become infected functional cells epithelium. The virus begins to infect healthy cells child's body. At the same time, active reproduction of the viral infection occurs. Then the virus ends up in the blood, and thus spreads throughout the body. Those organs that are sensitive to this disease are susceptible to the disease. Very often, mumps affects the parotid glands.

Risk factors

The disease occurs due to factors that increase the risk of infection. Mumps disease in children occurs for the following reasons:

If the sanitary regime is not followed at home, then mumps will definitely appear in children. Mumps is a childhood disease. Therefore, the children's parents preschool age should be especially attentive to the symptoms of mumps in children.

Mumps in children symptoms and treatment

Once the virus is in the child’s body, the disease resembles a common cold. The baby develops the following symptoms:

  1. Chills.
  2. Joint pain.
  3. Fever .
  4. Painful sensations in the muscles.

After these symptoms, after a few days, inflammatory processes occurring in the salivary glands begin to appear.

Main signs of the disease

The disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

When the disease occurs, swelling does not allow you to fully turn your neck in different directions. Because of this, the baby's head is tilted in the direction where the swelling is observed. If a child has bilateral damage to the glands, then the head is pulled into the shoulders.

In addition to the above signs of the disease, the patient has a painful condition, which consists of the following:

  1. Headache.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. General weakness.
  5. Chills.
  6. Impaired appetite.

Pathology and its varieties

The disease comes in two forms. The first form is the typical one. When the disease occurs, the patient experiences characteristic symptoms. The form of the disease is as follows:

The second form of the disease is atypical. With this form, the symptoms are subtle. In medicine, there have been cases where mumps was asymptomatic. Based on severity, the disease is divided into three types:

  1. Mild form of the disease. A child’s fever does not last long. The virus only affects the salivary glands.
  2. Moderate form of the disease. The child has a prolonged fever. The disease affects not only the salivary glands, but also other organs. The child notices a decrease in appetite and sleep disturbances. He feels weak.
  3. Severe form of the disease. With this type of mumps, there is rapid disease of several glands. The disease can affect the nervous system. Often, in severe cases of the disease, meningitis is added to the mumps disease. If a child has suffered from severe mumps, he may develop pancreatitis or deafness.

Complications of the disease

In almost all cases, the mumps disease is harmless. In rare cases, complications occur. The most serious complication is orchitis, which affects the testicles. This complication is the most serious. The virus usually affects the testicles adolescence. This complication is observed in those children who were not vaccinated in a timely manner.

If the mumps disease is severe and the virus affects both testicles, then the man may subsequently be infertile. A complication of mumps is pancreatitis. A virus that enters a child’s body can infect the pancreas. It happens structural changes. Another complication is diabetes. The child may develop type 1 diabetes.

Treatment of mumps in children

An infectious disease specialist treats the disease. If a child is diagnosed with mumps, the following doctors are involved in the treatment of the disease:

  1. Neuropathologist.
  2. Endocrinologist.
  3. Rheumatologist.

To date, there is no treatment that effectively fights the mumps virus. When suffering from mumps, emphasis is placed on symphonic therapy. Treatment is aimed at reducing pain in the patient and protecting the baby from the development of complications. The treatment process occurs in 3 directions. A child needs proper care. Must be observed dietary food. The child should receive drug therapy.

Features of care

At the first signs of inflammation of the glands, the child should be protected from other children. If you get sick, you must follow the recommendations of doctors. The child must be kept in bed. The baby must stay in bed for at least 10 days. Bed rest is extended if acute symptoms not deleted. During a child’s illness, physical and emotional stress should be excluded.

When you have mumps, hypothermia is very dangerous. The house needs frequent ventilation. This is necessary to ensure that viruses do not accumulate in the room. Other family members must wear masks. This is to prevent the spread of the virus. When in contact with a child, wash your hands frequently. A separate towel and dishes should be used for the child.

Drug treatment of the disease

Doctors don't have precise recommendations how to cure this disease. Symphonic medications are used in treatment. For each individual patient, the medicine is selected individually. It is strictly forbidden to fight the disease on your own, because serious complications may arise.

Do not apply hot compresses to the affected area. Because of this, the inflammatory process may worsen and treatment will be more complicated. For mumps, a group of NSAID medications is used. This includes the following medications:

These medications fight high fever and eliminate inflammation. The group of corticosteroids includes the following drugs:

  1. Prednisone.
  2. Methylprednisolone.
  3. Dexamethasone.

These medications are aimed at eliminating anti-inflammatory inflammatory process. But at the same time they have bad influence for immunity. Desensitizing agents include:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Tavegil.
  3. Erius.

These medications are aimed at reducing inflammation. For mumps, analgesics are indicated. This group includes:

  1. Baralgin.
  2. Pentalgin.
  3. Analgin.

Medicines relieve pain in the patient. For mumps, enzymatic medications are prescribed. These include:

  1. Festal.
  2. Pancreatin.
  3. Mezim.

The tablets are aimed at improving digestion and stimulating food absorption. Treatment is prescribed individually, so the treating doctor may prescribe other groups of medications. Drugs are prescribed depending on which system is affected.

Preventive measures

The most effective prevention- this is vaccination. Doctors now use several types of vaccines. But their work happens according to complex mechanism. When vaccinated, the child’s body begins to recognize incoming antigens. Thus, antibodies against the mumps virus begin to be produced.

If you get such a vaccination, the protection will be present in the baby’s body throughout his life. For mumps, combined vaccines are used that are directed against rubella, mumps and measles. A child is vaccinated twice in his entire life. The first vaccine is given at 1 year of age and then at 6 years of age.

Bottom line

Many parents are concerned about the question: after contracting mumps, can a boy have children? Very often the disease is transferred to mild form. This happens after vaccination. In this case, the disease does not have any effect on reproductive function. But in rare cases, complications in the form of infertility occur. This complication is observed in boys who were not vaccinated in childhood.

The disease mumps refers to an infection that affects the salivary glands. The first symptoms of the disease resemble a cold, which manifests itself in the parotid area. The patient develops swelling. If a child has symptoms of mumps, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor. Treatment is prescribed on an individual basis. Mumps is treated with sympathetic medications. Mumps often occurs in children aged 5 to 8 years. Therefore, during this period, special attention should be paid to the child for the presence of mumps symptoms.

A disease such as mumps can be dangerous for children. It often occurs without noticeable symptoms, but can cause serious complications. Protecting a child from contracting this infection is not easy, since in a group of children it is not always possible to distinguish a sick child from a healthy one. Manifestations usually occur only a few days after the disease has already begun and the person has become infectious to others. Parents should be aware of the serious consequences that can result from mumps and the importance of getting vaccinated against it.

The causative agent is a virus of the paramyxovirus family (measles and parainfluenza viruses belong to the same family). The causative agent of mumps develops only in the human body, in its various glands. It primarily affects the salivary glands (parotid and submandibular). But it can also multiply in all other glands of the body (genital, pancreas, thyroid).

Most often, mumps occurs between the ages of 3 and 7 years, but teenagers under 15 years of age can also get sick. Newborns do not get mumps, since their blood contains very high levels of antigens to this virus. A person who has recovered from the disease develops lifelong, strong immunity, so they do not get mumps again.

It has been observed that mumps occurs more often in boys than in girls. Moreover, damage to the testes in adolescents leads to subsequent infertility. However, damage to the gonads occurs only in 20% of cases with a complicated form of mumps.

Types and forms of the disease

The severity of mumps depends on the number of viruses that have entered the body, their activity, as well as the age and physical shape of the child, his condition immune system.

There are 2 types of disease:

  • manifest (manifested by symptoms of varying severity);
  • inapparent (mumps that is asymptomatic).

Manifest mumps

It is divided into uncomplicated (one or more salivary glands are affected, other organs are not affected) and complicated (the virus spreads to other organs). The complicated form of mumps is very dangerous, since inflammatory processes affect vital organs: the brain, kidneys, reproductive and mammary glands, heart, joints, and nervous system. With this form, mumps can cause meningitis, nephritis, mastitis, arthritis, myocarditis, orchitis, pancreatitis. In extremely rare cases, deafness occurs.

Mumps of this type occurs in a mild form, as well as with manifestations of moderate and severe forms.

Lightweight(atypical, with erased symptoms) form of mumps. A minor discomfort occurs, which quickly disappears without leading to any consequences.

Moderate the disease manifests itself with clearly expressed signs of damage to the salivary glands and general intoxication of the body with substances secreted by the virus.

Heavy form. Sharply expressed characteristic features damage to the salivary glands, complications arise.

Inapparent parotitis

The peculiarity of this disease is complete absence symptoms in a sick child. In this case, suspect the presence in his body dangerous infection difficult. The insidious thing is that the baby is a spreader of a dangerous infection, although he himself feels as usual.

Causes of mumps in children

The mumps virus is only spread through respiratory droplets when a sick person coughs or sneezes. So the likelihood of the virus getting into the surrounding air increases if the child has a cold.

The incubation period ranges from 12 to 21 days. About a week before the onset of symptoms, the patient becomes infectious to others and continues to remain so until complete recovery, which is diagnosed based on test results.

The virus, along with the air, enters the mucous membrane of the nose and upper respiratory tract, from where it spreads further - into the salivary and other glands of the body. Most often, the disease manifests itself as inflammation and enlargement of the salivary glands.

The disease is promoted by decreased immunity in the child due to frequent colds diseases, poor nutrition, backlog in physical development. Unvaccinated children are very susceptible to the virus. Mumps outbreaks may occur in children's institutions if they are attended by children with severe illness. hidden form. If the disease appears in several children at the same time, the institution is closed for 3 weeks of quarantine. The mumps virus dies in 4-6 days at a temperature of 20°. It is not resistant to ultraviolet rays and disinfectants (Lysol, formaldehyde, bleach).

Outbreaks of the disease are especially possible in the autumn-winter period.

Signs of mumps

The disease occurs in several stages.

Incubation period(duration 12-21 days). The following processes occur:

  • viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • enter the blood;
  • spread throughout the body, accumulate in glandular tissue;
  • again come out into the blood. At this time, they can already be detected by laboratory diagnostic methods.

Period clinical manifestations. In the normal course of the disease, signs of intoxication of the body and inflammation of the glands in the jaws and ears appear. This period lasts 3-4 days, if no complications arise.

Recovery. At this time, the child's symptoms of mumps gradually disappear. This period lasts up to 7 days. Until about 9 days after the onset of symptoms, the baby can infect others.

First signs

The first signs of illness appear in children a day before the appearance of facial swelling. These include lack of appetite, weakness, chills, fever up to 38°-39°, body aches, headache. All these are consequences of poisoning the body with waste products of microorganisms.

The child always wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. Little children are capricious. The patient's pulse may increase, decrease blood pressure. In severe forms of the disease, the temperature can reach 40°.

Main manifestations

Children experience pain in the earlobes and swollen tonsils. It is difficult to swallow, chew, talk, pain radiates to the ears. Increased salivation may occur.

The salivary glands most often swell on both sides, although a unilateral form of the disease is also possible. Not only the parotid glands swell, but also the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. Therefore, inflammation of the salivary glands leads to severe swelling of the cheeks, parotid area and neck.

The skin over the swelling near the ears turns red and begins to become shiny. An increase in swelling is observed for 3 days, after which the reverse process of a gradual slow decrease in tumor size occurs. In adults and adolescents, the swelling may not subside within 2 weeks; in young children it decreases much faster. How older child, the more severely he suffers the disease.

Features of the development of mumps in boys and girls

When mumps occurs in boys, in approximately 20% of cases viral infection testicular epithelium (orchitis). If this occurs during puberty, the consequence of a complicated disease can be infertility.

Signs of this condition are alternate swelling and redness of the testicles, pain in them, and increased temperature. Inflammation may also occur prostate gland(prostatitis), the manifestations of which are pain in the groin area, frequent painful urination.

In girls, a complication of mumps can be inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis). At the same time, nausea and abdominal pain occur, and teenage girls develop heavy yellow discharge, delayed sexual development may occur.

Signs of damage to the nervous system

In rare cases, the virus affects not only glandular tissues, but also the central nervous system. This leads to meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord). This is a disease that can be life-threatening for children. Its manifestations are very characteristic (tension of the muscles of the back and neck, which forces the child to take a special position), vomiting that does not bring relief, high fever.

Warning: A sign of complications is sharp increase temperature after a noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition, when the temperature had already dropped to normal. Even if a child with mumps feels quite well, he should be under the supervision of a doctor until complete recovery.

Video: Signs and symptoms of mumps, consequences of the disease

Diagnosis of mumps disease

As a rule, the characteristic course of the disease makes it possible to establish a diagnosis even without additional examination.

In addition to mumps, there are other causes of enlargement of the salivary glands, in which similar manifestations occur. This can happen due to the penetration of bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), dehydration, dental diseases, HIV infection.

However, in these cases, the appearance of swelling of the cheeks is preceded by some other characteristic manifestations (for example, teeth hurt, there is an injury, after which bacteria could be introduced into the salivary glands).

In order to finally verify the presence of a contagious infection, it is necessary to carry out laboratory diagnostics: blood test for antibodies to the mumps virus, microscopic examination of saliva and pharyngeal swabs. If damage to the nervous system is suspected, a spinal cord puncture is performed.

Treatment for mumps

As a rule, treatment is carried out at home. Children are hospitalized only if complications arise.

If the disease is uncomplicated, children are not given any special medications. All that is being done is to alleviate their condition. It is necessary to gargle frequently with a soda solution (1 tsp per 1 glass of warm water). If the baby does not know how to gargle, then he is given warm chamomile tea to drink.

Wrap a warm scarf around the neck, make a warming compress (a gauze cloth is moistened with slightly warmed vegetable oil and put it on sore spot). This will help reduce pain. Antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic warming using methods such as UHF irradiation and diathermy helps relieve inflammation of the salivary glands. Sick children should remain in bed. It is advisable to feed them semi-liquid or soft food.

Video: Signs of mumps in children, patient care


The only effective measure to prevent the disease mumps is vaccination. The vaccination is done 2 times, since immunity after it lasts 5-6 years. The first vaccination is given at 1 year of age (together with measles and rubella), and the second at 6 years of age.

Children who have been vaccinated against mumps are completely protected from this disease and its dangerous complications. The vaccine is completely safe, including for allergy sufferers.

If there is a sick child in the house, then antiviral drugs may be prescribed to other children and adults for prevention purposes.

Video: Consequences of mumps, the importance of vaccination

Mumps or, as it is called in medicine, mumps is considered viral disease which mainly occurs in children.

The anomaly is accompanied by general intoxication, inflammation of the glands and fever.

If therapy is not started on time, there is a risk of developing dangerous consequences.

That’s why many people are interested in how to treat mumps in children at home.


The main cause of the pathology is infection with paramyxovirus. This pathogen enters the body through airborne droplets - during coughing, sneezing and talking.

In this case, infection can occur even in the absence of symptoms of pathology. A sick child becomes a source of paramyxovirus 9 days before signs of anomaly appear. However, it remains infectious for another 9 days after the onset of manifestations.

During an epidemic, approximately 70% of children become infected. If a child has previously had mumps, they develop lasting, lifelong immunity to it. In addition, 20% of babies are not exposed to infection due to certain characteristics of the body.

Because of this, doctors identify certain factors that increase the risk of developing the disease.. These include the following:

  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakening of the body in winter and early spring;
  • lack of vaccination.

Thus, during the mumps epidemic in kindergarten or school, it is quite difficult to protect a child from infection. The threat of infection is reduced if the baby has been vaccinated or has a strong immune system.

Mumps (mumps)


The pathology has a fairly long history incubation period . It largely depends on the state of the baby’s immunity.

The first signs of mumps in children after infection appear approximately 11-13 days. In more rare cases, they may occur only on days 19-23.

To avoid the spread of the epidemic, if 2-3 sick people appear in a children's group, quarantine must be declared. It should last 21 days.

A characteristic symptom of the anomaly is an increase in the size of the parotid glands. About a day before this symptom, prodromal phenomena occur, which are the first manifestations of mumps.

So, how does the development of the disease begin? The child appears:

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • malaise;
  • muscle pain;
  • slight chills;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite.

Already the next day the signs increase. Parents should definitely know how mumps manifests itself in order to consult a doctor in time.

When the body is intoxicated, symptoms such as arthralgia, headaches, chills, and myalgia occur.. IN difficult cases there is a risk of tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, anorexia, and asthenia. The child may experience prolonged insomnia.

The temperature depends on the severity of the pathology. In mild forms of the anomaly, it does not exceed subfebrile levels. With moderate severity of mumps, the temperature is 38-39 degrees.

If a child has a severe form of mumps, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. However, this indicator can persist for 2 weeks. The duration of fever is 4-7 days. In this case, the peak occurs on days 1-2.

When the salivary glands are damaged, the following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • ear pain;
  • Filatov's symptom - when it appears, the maximum pain is localized in the area of ​​the earlobe and mastoid process;
  • irradiation of pain into the ears during chewing and talking;
  • swelling in the tonsil area;
  • enlargement of the salivary glands - most often bilateral in nature and extends to the neck;
  • Mursu's symptom - is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the excretory ducts parotid gland affected by the virus.

The swelling usually increases within 3 days and remains in size for another 2-3 days. Then it gradually decreases. This requires another 1 week. In addition, swelling of the submandibular and sublingual glands may be observed.

When male organs are damaged, the following manifestations may occur:

  • damage to the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles - observed in 20% of cases and can subsequently lead to infertility;
  • inflammation of the testicles – observed with the development of a complicated form of mumps;
  • pain in the genital area;
  • an increase in the size of the testicles, the appearance of swelling and redness.

The severity of the disease depends on the age of the baby. The older the child, the more difficult the pathology is tolerable.

Puberty is especially dangerous. In this case, there is a risk of damage to the male organs, which subsequently threatens infertility.

Treatment methods

What to do if your child has mumps? First of all, you need to show your baby to the pediatrician. It is important to understand that there is no specific therapy for the disease.

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the patient's suffering and prevent negative consequences.

Therapy includes several components:

  • proper care of the baby;
  • therapeutic nutrition;
  • application medicines.

A sick baby must be isolated from other children immediately after the first symptoms of inflammation appear. In this case, the following recommendations must be followed:

Therapeutic diet

A common complication of mumps is the development of pancreatitis.. To minimize the risk of this anomaly, a sick child must follow a therapeutic diet.

It must be built taking into account the following rules:

  • avoid overeating;
  • reduce the amount of pasta, white bread, fatty foods, cabbage;
  • give preference to dairy and plant foods;
  • include brown bread, potatoes and rice in your diet.

Treatment should be symptomatic. Because medications selected for each patient individually. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since mumps can lead to serious complications.

If mumps develops, warm compresses should not be applied to the affected areas. This will only aggravate the development of inflammation and lead to dangerous complications.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following categories of medications:

The pediatrician can select other categories of medications. This depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body and the development of complications.

In addition to traditional methods therapy, you can use effective folk remedies:


In most cases, mumps does not lead to dangerous consequences for good health. However, sometimes the following complications may occur:

Vaccination is considered the main method of prevention. Currently, there are several types of vaccines. However, they all have the same operating principle.

After vaccination, the child’s body recognizes the incoming antigens, which leads to the synthesis of antibodies. This protection will last throughout your life.

In most cases it is used combination vaccine which protects against measles, mumps and rubella. Children are subject to vaccination 2 times - at 1 year and at 6-7 years.

Many parents are interested in whether a vaccinated child can get mumps.. The vaccine is quite effective - it helps reduce the risk of developing pathology and the threat of complications.

This means that after vaccination the baby may get sick, but the probability of this is no more than 5%. In this case, the disease will have a milder course and will not lead to complications.

Nonspecific prevention of mumps in children is aimed at preventing the spread of the disease. It includes the following components:

  • isolation of sick children;
  • disinfection of toys and objects that a sick child has come into contact with;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • observance of the mask regime.

Pig is considered enough serious illness, which may cause undesirable consequences. To minimize the risk of complications, your child should be vaccinated in a timely manner.

If the baby does get sick, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. The first symptoms of pathology should be the basis for contacting a doctor.

Mumps (mumps) – viral infection, which is highly contagious and represents great danger for the child's health. Most often, this disease affects children 5-8 years old. But the risk of infection remains until the age of 16. Adults are rarely affected by mumps.

The disease itself is not life-threatening. The complications it causes are dangerous. There are no specific medications for mumps. That's why the best way Protect your child from infection by getting vaccinated. Thanks to mass vaccination, there are virtually no cases of illness today.

Causes and routes of infection

Mumps is caused by the Paramyxovirus virus. In the external environment it is sensitive to heat, action disinfectants. But in the cold it is more stable. Therefore, the disease most often occurs during the off-season.

Once in the human body, the virus attacks the cells of the glands of parenchymal organs. It enters the salivary glands hematogenously (through the lymphatic and blood vessels). The virus spreads throughout the body, choosing favorable conditions for reproduction. These can be the parotid, salivary, submandibular and other glandular organs (genital, pancreas), central nervous system.

Mumps is transmitted only from person to person. This mainly occurs through the patient’s saliva, sometimes through contact through unwashed hands. Typically, outbreaks of infection are observed in children's groups where there is close contact between children. The peak incidence occurs in autumn-winter.

After the illness, children remain stable immunity to paramyxovirus. Children under 6 months of age practically do not get mumps because they still have protective antibodies, passed down from my mother. Mumps most often affects boys (2 times more often than girls). And the disease causes complications 3 times more often.

There are a number of factors predisposing to infection:

  • refusal to vaccinate;
  • cold season;
  • weakened immune system. It weakens due to frequent colds, prolonged use of antibiotics, chronic diseases, poor nutrition;
  • failure to comply with quarantine.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Like any viral infection, mumps develops in several stages. The first is the incubation period, which can last about 12-20 days. After this, the period of clinical manifestations of the disease begins. The classic course of mumps in children is characterized by an increase in temperature.

As with most acute respiratory viral infections, the following are observed:

  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • joint pain;
  • loss of appetite.

After 1-2 days in the area salivary gland swelling appears, which is accompanied by pain. The inflammatory process causes dysfunction of the gland and provokes dry mouth. The swelling often forms on one side of the salivary gland, sometimes on both. Other glands may also be affected, resulting in a puffy face. The face becomes similar to a pig’s “snout” (hence the name “pig”). The surface of the skin does not change.

Due to the inflammatory process, the flow of saliva is disrupted. The salivary gland duct swells and turns red. The oral cavity is not cleansed with saliva, is not saturated with minerals, and a lot of pathogenic microflora, acidity increases. Inflammation of the gums and infectious stomatitis are added. The maximum increase in the size of the glands occurs by the 4-5th day of illness. After this, the swelling gradually subsides.

Mumps can also occur in atypical form, without visible symptoms. The erased form is characterized by an increase in temperature to the level of subfebrile, there is no pronounced characteristic damage to the glands. At the same time, This course of the disease is the most dangerous for others. Child long time can infect healthy children, since there is no suspicion of infection.


If the disease has a typical course, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis, taking into account the characteristic external signs. Atypical variants of the disease are more difficult to identify. Diagnosis is difficult if there is no swelling of the salivary glands or if the affected organ is isolated. Therefore, additional tests are prescribed:

  • clinical blood test (leukopenia is detected);
  • serological and virological blood tests;
  • ELISA – detection of specific antibodies of the IgM class.

Possible complications

Mumps is often accompanied by complications in the form of damage to the nervous system and various glands. IN childhood mumps becomes more complicated serous meningitis(especially boys). In 10% of cases, meningitis begins to develop before the salivary glands become inflamed.

Other complications of mumps:

  • Orchitis (testicular damage) is observed in 50% of complications. More often it affects unvaccinated boys in adolescence. In severe cases, orchitis can lead to infertility.
  • Pancreatitis occurs on days 4-7 of the disease. The child develops abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea.
  • Diabetes mellitus - when the structure of the pancreas is disrupted due to pancreatitis, insulin production is disrupted. The child may develop type 1 diabetes.
  • Oophoritis is inflammation of the ovaries in girls. Rarely seen.
  • Labyrinthitis is damage to the auditory nerve due to swelling. Sometimes it leads to complete hearing loss.

Rules and methods of treatment

For the treatment of mumps it is necessary to contact an infectious disease specialist. If the disease causes complications, you may need the help of a neurologist, endocrinologist, ENT specialist, or rheumatologist. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home. With more severe forms and complications (meningitis, orchitis, pancreatitis) require hospitalization of the child.

  • proper care;
  • diet;
  • medicines.

Note! Effective means, which are intended to combat Paramyxovirus, no. Therefore, therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms and reducing the likelihood of complications.

Caring for a small patient

A sick child should be isolated from other children as quickly as possible. After which he needs to be provided with a special regime to speed up the recovery process:

  • Stays in bed for at least 10 days until the acute symptoms diseases.
  • Avoid physical and psychological stress.
  • Do not overcool the child.
  • Frequently ventilate the room where the patient is.
  • The child must have separate utensils and personal hygiene products.

Diet and nutrition rules

Nutrition principles:

  • eat 4-5 times a day;
  • limit the caloric content of food intake;
  • drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.

Can be used:

  • lean meats (boil);
  • boiled lean fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • porridge;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products with 0% fat content.

It is allowed to take no more than 60 g of butter per day, three times a week you can make an omelet of 2 eggs.


  • fatty meats;
  • legumes;
  • fried and smoked;
  • chocolate;
  • canned foods;
  • spicy seasonings.

Drug therapy

Taking medications is symptomatic. The doctor selects in each specific case individual plan treatment. For mumps, they can be prescribed different groups medications, depending on the symptoms and course of the disease.

To eliminate inflammation and relieve high fever in mild cases of mumps, NSAIDs are prescribed:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Piroxicam.

At severe complications Corticosteroids have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

To reduce the reactivity of the immune system, it is recommended to take desensitizers along with other drugs:

To improve digestion in case of pancreatitis, enzymatic agents are prescribed:

  • Creon;
  • Festal;
  • Mezim.

Preventive measures

The only effective preventive measure The vaccine against mumps is measles, rubella, mumps. Today there are several types of vaccines, the work of which is based on a single mechanism. After receiving the antigen, the body begins to produce antibodies. The child develops lifelong immunity against the virus. They mainly use complex MMR vaccine. Vaccination against mumps is carried out 2 times - at 1 and 6 (7) years.

Nonspecific preventive measures:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • frequent ventilation of the room and wet cleaning;
  • disinfection of toys;
  • isolation of infected children.

Mumps today is not a widespread infection due to mass vaccination. Some parents do not vaccinate their children, considering vaccination to have a detrimental effect on immunity. If a child does get mumps, the complications can be very serious. It is better to protect your baby in advance and not risk his health.

More interesting details about mumps in children in the following video:

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