Home Stomatitis 3 year old pug with loose front teeth. What to do when dogs' teeth become loose and fall out

3 year old pug with loose front teeth. What to do when dogs' teeth become loose and fall out

A common problem for many dog ​​owners, especially small breeds, is mobility and even tooth loss. This phenomenon is especially common in such tiny breeds as the Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier and others. Quite often they begin to fall out quite early. at a young age, as a rule, incisors. There may be enough reasons for this, and every caring owner begins to sound the alarm to cope with this problem.

List of the main reasons that can cause loose teeth in dogs

There can be a sufficient number of reasons, among which the most common and probable is the presence of tartar on them, which was ignored at the beginning of its development. The main culprits for this phenomenon may be the following reasons:

  1. Soft coating. Often there may be plaque behind your pet's teeth, which looks like a yellow filmy growth at the very base of the teeth. It can be not only yellow, but also dark brown and even green.
  2. Tartar. It is a plaque that has hardened after an impressive amount of time and forms on the entire surface of the teeth. It has a very dark shade due to the high content of rotten food fragments, dead cells, harmful microorganisms, salts of phosphorus, iron and calcium. These two points can lead to very serious illnesses such as gum disease.
  3. Gum inflammation. It originates from bacteria, which are contained and subsequently multiply in plaque and tartar, and then affect the gum tissue. This unpleasant and undesirable process leads to gingivitis. If you do nothing and just let everything take its course, then in the future it is possible to develop periodontitis and periodontitis. To avoid the occurrence of these diseases, you need to contact a specialist to remove dental plaque.
  4. Gingivitis. Serious disease, developing in the mouth cavity. It is a progressive inflammatory process of tissues, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and tooth cement. An advanced form of the disease can lead to gum atrophy, the formation of deep periodontal pockets, and tooth mobility. This disease leads to complete destruction of the periodontium, and subsequently to complete loss of teeth.
  5. Periodontitis. Slow and very dangerous disease, affecting the load-bearing parts of the teeth. The progression phase includes the development of swelling and inflammation of the gums. There are also frequent cases of purulent discharge, bleeding gums, pain and the smell of rot from the mouth. In current situation pet refuses solid food and often develops abscesses in his mouth. The dog loses weight, looks anxious, backs away when trying to stroke it, and sometimes there are frequent cases of asymmetry of the head and swelling under the eyes. This stage requires immediate examination by a specialist for treatment.

How to save loose teeth?

If your pet's teeth begin to become loose, especially the incisors, then you need to contact immediately a good specialist which will help preserve them. To do this, doctors use an effective method of teeth splinting, which is a dental procedure that allows you to strengthen loose teeth, prevent them from wobbling and subsequent unwanted loss.

When should teeth be splinted?

  • If there are deep tooth-gingival pockets.
  • The roots of the dog's teeth become visible.
  • Occurs pathological mobility incisors.

This responsible and serious procedure is performed using fiberglass or special dental wire. Thanks to these elements, several teeth can be joined together, completely eliminating further loosening. Thereby effective method teeth regain stability, pleasant appearance and periodontitis will never bother your four-legged pet again.

This type of splinting has a long-lasting effect, so you don’t have to worry about your dog’s teeth. long years. This method has another very significant advantage - it can prevent the occurrence of inflammation in vulnerable gums. The percentage of effectiveness of this type of treatment directly depends on the number of teeth available. The more there are, the better and longer the effect, and the more stable the teeth. The most important task here is to restore the normal functioning of the jaw, as well as maintain good health teeth and gums. The main thing is not to ignore the problem, but to find solutions in time and treat existing ailments.

Some dog owners do not think about the fact that their pet, like humans, has problems with teeth and gums, for example, they start to stagger.

Toothache brings discomfort and a lot of trouble four-legged friends and their owners. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences.

There is no smoke without fire. We suggest you look into possible reasons loose teeth in dogs.

Changing dairy products to indigenous ones

When the puppy turns 3 months old, the period of teeth change begins. If at the age of about 3 months you notice that your pet’s teeth are loose, do not panic. The logical explanation is here - dairy are changed to permanent.

This process is explained by the fact that the rather long stone of the baby tooth is gradually crushed, weakened and pushed out by the growing tooth.

IMPORTANT! During this period, it is necessary to inspect the puppy's mouth daily.

What to do if a tooth that turns out to be a baby tooth is swaying? The owner can independently, with extreme care, loosen and pull it out using a sterile gauze pad.

However, when deviations from the norm are observed: the molars have already grown, but the baby teeth still remain, or at the indicated age, the change of teeth has not yet begun, it is necessary to show the puppy to a specialist.

External manifestations

During this period, the puppy’s behavior changes noticeably: he begins to chew a lot, and, as a rule, everything in a row: things, furniture, shoes, bones, toys. This is how he tries to relieve pain and get rid of discomfort. In some cases added:

  • general malaise;
  • poor appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;


During the period of teeth change, the immunity of babies becomes not so strong. Therefore, provide your puppy with a calm regime: You shouldn’t train him or walk him for a long time. Experts do not recommend doing this either. Take care of this in advance. To relieve discomfort, give your puppy a variety of toys that he can chew on and massage his gums.

Mechanical damage

A dog, by nature, is a very active and mobile animal. A loose tooth can be caused by mechanical damage after your pet chews on something excessively hard.

In this case carefully examine the loose tooth for fractures or cracks. If any, immediately show your pet to a doctor to avoid complications.


The causes of loose teeth in dogs can be: various diseases.


Inflammation of the tissues at the base of the teeth. This disease occurs most often. Periodontitis is manifested by the presence of plaque or tartar, and increased bleeding of the gums. The dog also appears bad smell from the mouth and viscous saliva.

Periodontal disease

Inflammation of the surrounding tooth tissues, however the cause here will not be an infection. Due to degenerative processes in gum tissue and jaw bone, the necks of the teeth are exposed, the teeth seem to be longer. On late stages they begin to wobble and fall out.

REFERENCE! This disease is quite rare; periodontal disease is often mistakenly called periodontitis.


The first signs: stench from the mouth, redness and bleeding of the gums. Possible reasons inflammation in this case: tartar or bacteria (pathogenic microflora).

Individual characteristics

The most common problem among them is malocclusion. As a result, the tooth touches and injures the gums or the jaws cannot close completely. Just like in humans, dog bites can be corrected. through the use of special structures and brackets.

The appearance of tartar

As a rule, this process is characterized by the presence of a filmy, yellowish growth at the base of the teeth. It may have a brown, yellow or even greenish tint. In young dogs, these formations are initially soft and loose, but over time they harden, become denser and darken in color.

Outwardly, it looks like there are pieces of stone or chocolate in the dog’s mouth, because without timely intervention, almost nothing remains of the natural color of the teeth.

What causes it to form?

Main reasons The appearance of this disease in dogs may include the following:

  • Poor nutrition. Some pet lovers only feed their pets soft, canned food. Therefore, natural grinding of teeth does not occur, but a favorable environment is created for bacteria, which “produce” plaque.
  • A complicating factor may be congenital pathology position of teeth: when they are crooked or grow too densely. Such situations are less common than the first, but they definitely require mandatory.

Ignoring tartar in dogs leads to permanent inflammation of the gums, loosening and loss of teeth.


No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but Dogs need to brush their teeth too. Of course, not twice a day, and not after every meal, but regularly. Periodically, you should go over your dog's teeth with a special brush with gel or clean with dental floss.

If you don’t have paste and brush at hand, you can get by with improvised means:

  1. Take a small piece of household gauze.
  2. Moisten with a weak solution of baking soda.
  3. Wrap it around your finger.
  4. Treat your dog's teeth.

Splinting of anterior incisors

There are no particular differences in the reasons why front or back teeth become loose. But for incisors there is special type of treatment - splinting. The procedure involves strengthening loose teeth to prevent them from falling out.

This fixation allows the gum tissue to recover and strengthen. Moreover, the main task of applying a splint is redistribution of load due to fixed teeth. Once again we draw attention to the peculiarity - only incisors (front teeth) can be splinted.

IMPORTANT! Contact qualified specialists so as not to aggravate the situation and harm your pet.

Is it necessary to pull it out and how?

In order to understand whether it is necessary to pull out a loose tooth, you need to identify the cause. If the tooth is milky, as we have already indicated, then it may fall out on its own or you can pull it out yourself, taking precautions.

In cases where the loosening is caused by illness or injury, the best solution would be to consult a veterinarian, if possible a dentist.

Size and breed

The problem of tooth loss discussed in the context of this article is not uncommon. This phenomenon occurs especially often in such tiny breeds, like, toy terrier and others.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, the teeth in tiny jaws grow closer together than in large dogs. Secondly, small dogs live longer, so dental problems can arise not only due to bad teeth, but also due to age.


Disease is always easier to prevent than to prevent. We offer several easy-to-follow recommendations.

  • Remember that the first rule healthy teeth and gums - regular cleansing. For this you can use soda solution and gauze, special gel And toothbrush for dogs, special hard treats. You can also visit the veterinary clinic regularly for.
  • Follow along. The presence of solid textures is required: dry food, cartilage, small bones. It is also necessary to periodically give special sticks and chewing toys to chew. Remember that the dog interacts with them through the oral cavity, so buy toys from trusted places: veterinary clinics and pet stores.
  • Avoid sweet treats for your pet.
  • For any manifestation of externally described diseases, pronounced formation of dental plaque or stones Take your pet to a doctor immediately.

Useful video

Watch this video with veterinarian advice on tooth loss in dogs:


Thus, active life, hygiene oral cavity and sanitation of the oral cavity at least 2 – 3 times a year is a guarantee of dental health for your pet.

In contact with

Dog breeders are increasingly turning to the veterinary clinic with the problem of tooth loss in their pets. But this can be avoided if you know why your dog’s teeth fall out and how to prevent it.

Plaque on teeth occurs due to improper feeding of the dog. If most of the portion is porridge, if there is little meat, it is finely chopped and cooked for a long time, then this food is very soft for the dog. You can notice that the dog does not chew such food, but swallows it. This leads to:

  • there is no natural mechanical cleaning of tooth enamel during chewing;
  • food remains between the dog's teeth and behind the cheeks.

With such nutrition, after some time, a soft plaque forms at the base of the tooth crown and on the edge of the gum. He can be yellow color, brown, sometimes has a greenish tint. This plaque contains bacteria that have a negative effect on the enamel and gum tissue.

Occurs on the molars and canines, on the lips and cheeks. There is almost no plaque on the incisors.

This problem is most often observed in small breeds or dogs with a short muzzle.

Plaque does not cause your dog's teeth to fall out, but it can cause gum disease, and plaque that is not cleaned in time turns into tartar.

Plaque removal

Soft coating in initial stage can be easily removed even at home. Will help with this soft brush And toothpaste for dogs. Can be used baking soda, which should be poured onto the brush and cleansed without pressing hard on the gums.


The stone is a hard deposit of brown, yellow or Green colour, with a rough surface. These deposits may be:

  • above the gum, at the base of the tooth - traumatizes the cheeks and lips;
  • under the gum, at the root - lifts the edge of the gum, a pocket is formed, which leads to infection and inflammation of the gums;
  • two types of stone can be combined at the same time.

If neglected, this can lead not only to inflammation of the soft tissues in the mouth, but also to inflammation of the bones, which can result in tooth loss.

No dog is immune from tartar formation, regardless of size and breed. The main reasons for its occurrence:

  • soft plaque that cannot be cleaned in time;
  • lack of oral hygiene;
  • feeding soft foods;
  • improper metabolism.

Tartar removal

This procedure is carried out in a veterinary clinic using a special metal scraper. It is painless, but if the dog is afraid and does not open its mouth, or is belligerent, then anesthesia may be used.


Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that occurs on soft tissues gums. The cause may be plaque on tooth enamel and tartar, injury to teeth and gums, poor diet, lack of vitamins in the body, hormonal disbalance, allergies, taking certain medications, helminth infection.

Gingivitis is expressed by redness of the gums and their swelling. The gums bleed when eating, or if the gums are lightly pressed. The dog is drooling.

In a neglected state, teeth begin to loosen and purulent discharge, unpleasant odor from the mouth. The dog refuses to eat because chewing causes pain in the gums. The dog is losing weight and its body temperature may be elevated.

If measures are not taken to treat gingivitis, then not only tooth loss in dogs occurs, but also a decrease in immunity and inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. They occur due to bacteria that enter the stomach from the mouth along with saliva and food.

Treatment of gingivitis

It is impossible to cope with gingivitis at home. In the veterinary clinic, treatment will be carried out in two directions: to eliminate the cause and relieve gum inflammation. All deposits are removed from the teeth and they are polished. It is possible that in order to stop the inflammatory process, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the teeth are very badly damaged, they will be removed.

With treatment, the disease completely recedes.


Periodontitis is a disease that is a consequence of gingivitis. In addition to inflammation of the gums, it becomes inflamed bone, the roots of the teeth are destroyed. Teeth fall out, and in their place ulcers and fistulas can form. The danger of periodontitis is that the inflammatory process has gone so far that it can cause blood poisoning, which leads to death.

For periodontitis they do x-rays to determine how damaged the roots are. Only after such a study can you decide which teeth can be left and which need to be removed so that sepsis does not form.

Treatment of periodontitis

It is impossible to do without removing the most damaged teeth. All deposits are removed from the rest. The gums are treated with an antiseptic. Antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

How to Save Loose Teeth in Dogs

If, after cleaning the plaque and stopping the inflammatory processes, some teeth become loose, then it is advisable to strengthen them. There is a procedure called splinting. Several teeth located nearby are connected to each other with special wire or fiberglass. This makes them more stable, distributes the load on all teeth evenly, and prevents inflammation.


Preventive measures must be carried out regularly to avoid the formation of plaque, inflammatory diseases and tooth loss:

  • proper nutrition, which 2/3 should consist of lightly boiled meat, cut into pieces of such a size that the dog needs to chew;
  • dry food must be of high quality;
  • to clean plaque, you should give special toys made of gelatin or tendons, which the dog will chew and gnaw with zeal;
  • needs to be cleaned once a week tooth enamel special paste;
  • If a pet on natural food, he needs complex vitamins to strengthen teeth and bones;
  • Plaque can be removed using a special spray.

Dogs grow two types of teeth throughout their lives. The first is the baby teeth, which erupt in the puppy around the twentieth day.

Their shift begins at the age of four months. At this time, baby teeth begin to fall out, and permanent teeth grow in their place. As soon as the permanent tooth begins to grow, at this time the root of the baby tooth dissolves and therefore the tooth itself becomes loose. It falls out, making room for the growth of a permanent tooth. As a rule, the dog does not even feel this change. However permanent teeth may also fall out. This is due to dental diseases that dogs suffer from.

There are many causes of canine dental disease. For indoor dogs, this is their maintenance, in which the dog is deprived of the opportunity to chew anything. This reduces the necessary load on the jaws and prevents self-cleaning of the teeth. Due to the lack of opportunity to gnaw, plaque appears on the dog’s teeth.

As a result, bacteria multiply on the gums and diseases develop, which, in turn, lead to tooth loss. The older the dog, the more likely it is to have dental problems. The main immediate causes of tooth loss in a dog are. They can be caused by poor nutrition. For example, a lack of fluoride and calcium in food and an excess of carbohydrates lead to dental disease.

Also among the reasons in the body, in particular, is vitamin D3, which promotes the absorption of calcium. Common cause tooth loss, liver problems, and congenital worms. Various types of gum injuries can also cause tooth loss in dogs. There are breeds predisposed to early hair loss permanent teeth. As a rule, these are small breed dogs:

  • Japanese Chin,
  • chihuahua,
  • Pekingese,
  • Toy Terrier,
  • Yorkshire Terrier and others.

Half of the medium breeds are also in the “risk zone”.

Preventing molar tooth loss in dogs

In order to prevent tooth loss in your dog, it is necessary to regularly examine its teeth and take it to preventive examination to the veterinarian and cleaning of tartar. You also need to care for the animal’s oral cavity: brush its teeth and give special chewing toys.

This may be a string of thread or gelatin bones. If the dog natural feeding, then she will sometimes benefit from veal or beef joints, chewing which she will cleanse her teeth of plaque and food debris.

From this article you will learn what is the normal range of teeth by age. Understand the main causes and symptoms of tooth loss in dogs. And also, our veterinarian will tell you how diagnostics and treatment are carried out and answer frequently asked questions.

Normal teeth by age


Normally adult dog permanent bite consists of 42, the formula of which should look like this:

  1. Upper jaw: 2M 4P 1C 3I 3I 1C 4P 2M
  2. Lower jaw: 3M 4P 1C 3I 3I 1C 4P 3M, where:
  • M - molars
  • P - premolars
  • C - fang
  • I - incisors.

We get 20 teeth on the top and 22 on the lower jaw.

It is worth taking into account the breed characteristics of the skull. Brachycephals may have a lack of teeth, while dolichocephals (breeds with a very long muzzle, such as collies), on the contrary, may have too many. Such cases cannot be called the norm; these are simply features due to the skull.


Puppies are born without any teeth. The first to begin to emerge are the temporary ones, or more simply put, the deciduous incisors and fangs. This occurs at 3–4 weeks of life. Then, from the fourth to the twelfth week, the “baby” premolars erupt and grow. Puppies do not have molars.

From twelve weeks until teeth change, the puppy’s formula looks like this:

  1. Upper jaw: 3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P
  2. Lower jaw: 3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P

14 teeth each in the upper and lower jaws.

The replacement of temporary teeth with permanent ones begins at three months.

At 3-5 months, the incisors completely change.

From 4 to 6 months, a complete change of incisors and premolars occurs.

And in 5-7 months, molars appear.

If a puppy older than seven months still has baby teeth, take the dog to the veterinarian.

Causes of tooth loss in puppies and adults

Puppies have baby teeth for up to seven months and it is normal for them to fall out.

If the dog already has a completely permanent bite, and you notice that teeth are falling out, this is always an alarming sign and a reason to contact him as soon as possible. veterinarian.

Tooth loss signals a pathological process in the dog’s body, and this is not always associated exclusively with the oral cavity.

The main reasons leading to tooth loss:

  1. Poor nutrition. An incorrectly formulated diet (or more often it is simply feeding from the table) is the root cause of many health problems, and oral health is no exception. Remember, your dog needs solid food! Since in the process of gnawing it, the teeth are naturally cleansed of food debris and plaque. Under no circumstances should you give it to a dog. Feeding only soft foods leads to the formation of tartar, which negatively affects the condition of the tooth.
  2. Lack of oral hygiene.
  3. Oral diseases. These include:
  • - inflammation of the gums.
  • Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums and dental follicles, affecting all surrounding tissues. The roots of the teeth are exposed.
  • Pulpitis is inflammation of the dental canal (pulp).
  • - inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Caries is the putrefactive destruction of hard tissues with the formation of a cavity in the affected teeth.
  • Improper jaw development. This may be genetically determined, or it may occur due to the lack of necessary load on the jaw. Frequent pathologies:
  • Overshot - the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward relative to the upper jaw. For the Shih Tzu, Bull Terrier, Pekingese, and Boxer breeds, this phenomenon is the norm, but for other breeds it is a deviation.
  • Underbite is, on the contrary, a deviation of the lower jaw backward relative to the upper jaw. If you notice this in a puppy, then most likely, after changing the teeth, everything will “fall into place.”
  • Jaw misalignment is a pathology in which one jaw is larger than the other.
  1. Metabolism-related diseases. These may be hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis (lack or excess of vitamins), lack of macro and microelements.
  2. Diseases of organ systems:
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract.


You may not even notice teeth falling out; dogs usually swallow them. As a rule, owners notice problems with the oral cavity when the pathological process is already in full swing and more than one tooth is already suffering.

Since the oral cavity suffers when teeth fall out, the symptoms are always the same. But there is also distinctive features depending on the reason. Now let's take a closer look.

Symptoms of oral diseases

Determining what kind of inflammation in the mouth is possible only with a thorough examination of the oral cavity, but the signs that owners notice are common to all:

  • Partial refusal to eat, eats without appetite. He may even growl while he eats (due to pain in his gums).
  • Bleeding from the mouth may be observed while eating.
  • Profuse drooling.
  • Swelling of the mouth (in some cases it is not observed, but in others the swelling extends to the muzzle).

Usually, only after the above symptoms, the owners look into the dog’s mouth, and then they notice that its teeth are falling out. In addition, you can see accompanying symptoms:

  • Swelling and redness of the gums.
  • Exposed tooth roots.
  • Blueness between teeth.
  • Ulcers on the gums.
  • With pulpitis, you may notice that the color of the diseased tooth is different from the rest (dull, grayish, sometimes pinkish).

If teeth fall out due to metabolic disorders, then the initial symptoms look a little different:

  • The quality of wool deteriorates.
  • In young dogs, bone growth is impaired.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lethargy.

And soon after this, either inflammation of the oral cavity appears, or the quality and strength of the teeth themselves deteriorate. As a result, we see lost teeth.

In cases where the cause of lost teeth is a pathology in the development of the jaw, then everything is clearly visible.


When you take your dog to the vet, diagnosis always begins with a history.

Be prepared to answer questions like these:

  • When and what alerted you, what were the first symptoms you noticed?
  • Tell us everything about your pet's nutrition.
  • Have you noticed a preference for softer foods?
  • You show the dog hygienic cleaning teeth? If yes, what is used for this?
  • Smell from the mouth?
  • IN Lately Does the dog open its mouth reluctantly, with effort, or normally?

The next step is inspection.

  • The doctor looks at general state dogs: coat quality, fatness, behavior.
  • Inspection of the mouth.
  • Counting the number of teeth.
  • Bite assessment, taking into account breed characteristics.
  • Definition of permanent and temporary (baby) teeth.
  • Assessment of the condition of the gums and oral mucosa.

Sometimes for visualization pathological process carry out color tests, for example:

The Schiller-Pisarev test is carried out using a special solution based on iodine. This solution affects the surface of the gums. If inflammatory process no, then nothing will happen, it will not become colored. Otherwise, the gums become dark brown, which indicates inflammation.

To put accurate diagnosis, an x-ray should always be taken.


Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after full diagnostics, since there are many reasons and they are copied in different ways.

If it has already reached the point of tooth loss, surgical intervention will be required.

It may be that the dental pockets will simply be cleaned, or some teeth may have to be removed to stop the inflammation.

There is no way to return a dog’s teeth that have already fallen out, but if there is a threat of the remaining teeth falling out, there is a way out - splinting. This is a procedure to mechanically strengthen loose teeth.

In any case, your dog will be prescribed:

  • Special diet. While dental problems are being resolved, the dog’s diet will consist of: wet food. If related problems are associated with a violation of organ systems (the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys suffer), then the food should be of a therapeutic line, in accordance with the disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory. If a tooth falls out, then inflammation and swelling always remain on the gums, the whole thing is very painful. Do not attempt to coat your dog's gums with human dental gels. You can make the situation worse by self-medicating. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Antibiotic therapy. The oral cavity is the most bacteria-contaminated part of the body, especially in animals (carnivores). Damage to the oral mucosa always leads to the entry of bacteria into the body, so antibiotics are necessary. But again, the drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian. It is especially important to correctly calculate the dosage.
  • Antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.


Dental problems are quite easy to prevent if you approach your pet's health responsibly, starting from puppyhood.

Provide a complete, balanced diet, with the obligatory inclusion of solid foods ( chicken bones- exclude).

To accustom a puppy to hygienic teeth brushing, if you miss the moment, it will be difficult to brush the teeth of an adult dog.

Carrying out the procedure periodically, you will be able to notice inflammation or looseness of the tooth on early stage. Contact a specialist in a timely manner and preserve your pet’s proper bite.

If you notice that your dog has tartar, bring him to the clinic for ultrasonic cleaning.

This is necessary for several reasons:

  • The procedure is painless, but the dog is very nervous and stressed.
  • During brushing, drops of water and particles of tartar fly off. When a dog is nervous, it breathes unevenly and may inhale “tooth dust.” As a result, we get aspiration pneumonia.
  • In salons, this procedure is performed without sedation. And even if under it, there is not always everything necessary to safely carry out this procedure.

Already with a small puppy you need to start all these games with a stick, a ball, etc. This is not just fun, such games provide the necessary load on the jaw so that it develops properly.

When buying a purebred puppy, especially if it is brachycephalic, you need to be sure of the integrity of the breeder. Check the health of the puppy's parents to prevent genetic abnormalities in the formation of the bite.


How many months and until when do dogs lose their baby teeth?

The change of teeth begins at three months and ends completely at seven.

When do dogs lose teeth from old age?

There is no clear answer to this question. U different breeds different average duration life.

What to do if it doesn't fall out baby tooth at the dog?

If the puppy is older than seven months and still has milk teeth. Or when a molar has already come out, but the temporary tooth has not yet fallen out, contact your veterinarian to have the temporary tooth removed.

What to do if your dog’s tooth falls out and his cheek is swollen?

Don't rush to smear dental gel. Despite the fact that a tooth has fallen out, the reason for the swelling of the cheek may be different. Perhaps something has stuck into the gum, there are many reasons. It is better to contact a veterinarian; before that, you can carry out an antiseptic treatment with chlorhexidine.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are physiological and pathological causes tooth loss in dogs.
  2. In puppies, from three to seven months, the temporary bite changes to a permanent one, so at this time, loss of baby teeth is the norm.
  3. Pathological causes may be associated with improper feeding, metabolic disorders, deviations in the development of the jaws, as well as inflammation in the oral cavity, which, in turn, can be caused by injuries.
  4. If you notice that an adult dog is losing a tooth, contact your veterinarian, as surgical intervention will most likely be required.
  5. To prevent such problems, you need to follow several rules: brush your teeth hygienically at home; Make sure your pet’s diet is balanced and includes solid food; If necessary, come to the clinic for ultrasonic cleaning.

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