Home Dental treatment MMR vaccination side effects. Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps for children MMR vaccination side effects

MMR vaccination side effects. Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps for children MMR vaccination side effects

Rubella mumps (MMR vaccine) is the most in an effective way preventing the development of these diseases. It should be noted right away that there are cases when, after vaccination, the patient still falls ill with this disease. However, he tolerates them in mild forms (often asymptomatic or erased), without developing dangerous complications.

Vaccination in childhood- This is a fairly common event. Naturally, a child reacts emotionally to such stress as soon as the sight of a syringe. Therefore, vaccination of PDA (three in one) partially relieves stress.

The drug is administered for the first time as planned in one year of life. Repeated measles-rubella-mumps vaccination is performed at 6 years of age.

Why is it important to get the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine?

For reference. All three pathologies belong to the group of classic DI (childhood infections) with airborne spread of pathogens. Infection with viruses that cause measles, rubella and mumps occurs even with fleeting contact with a patient.

Isolation of a huge number of viruses in environment occurs when the patient sneezes, talks, coughs, etc. At the same time, with dust particles, viruses can be transferred to quite long distances(V apartment buildings Through ventilation, the virus can penetrate to other floors, into neighboring rooms, etc.).

As a rule, children tolerate these diseases more easily than adults. The exception is measles in unvaccinated children in the first two years of life. In this age category of patients, the disease is often accompanied by severe damage to nerve tissue or the development of specific giant cell interstitial pneumonia.

Also, rubella and mumps are severe in immunodeficient patients and patients with concomitant somatic diseases that aggravate the course of the infection ( diabetes, heart defects, etc.).

Attention! Many opponents of vaccinations argue that these diseases are low-risk and are easier to get over than to get vaccinated. This approach to child health is categorically wrong.

In mild forms, these diseases are transmitted by vaccinated children. In unvaccinated babies, these infections are fraught with serious complications. It should also be emphasized that children born to mothers who have been immunized and/or have previously had measles, rubella and mumps in the first months of life are immune to these diseases.

Safety of the vaccines used

Attention. All drugs for MMR vaccination undergo the strictest quality control.

Despite the widespread assertion of opponents of vaccinations about the “terrible harm” of modern vaccines, routine vaccination:

  • does not affect fertility,
  • does not increase the risk of developing cancer in the future (vaccines are not carcinogenic),
  • do not violate the natural immunity of the child,
  • do not cause autism.

Serious side effects from vaccination are rarely registered and, in most cases, are associated with improper storage and transportation of vaccines, as well as violation of the rules for admitting a child to vaccination.

To reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects from routine vaccination, all children should be examined by a doctor and undergo general diagnostics (blood and urine tests). If contraindications are identified, vaccinations are not carried out.

If on the eve of vaccination the child has catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose), fever, deterioration in health, or the child has recently suffered a serious infection, there have been injuries, surgical interventions etc. about this in mandatory need to inform your pediatrician.

Attention! All vaccination referrals must be considered individually.

Vaccination measles rubella mumps - side effects

Undesirable effects of the rubella mumps vaccine may include the development of:

  • bronchitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • tracheitis;
  • otitis media;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • fever;
  • rash;
  • benign arthritis;
  • anorexia;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • vomiting;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • swelling of the parotid gland;
  • insomnia;
  • unusual crying;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • febrile seizures;
  • nervousness;
  • local hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
  • local swelling at the injection site;
  • temporary decrease in platelet levels, etc.

As a rule, these drugs are easily tolerated and rarely cause complications. Most common unwanted effects from the measles-rubella vaccine, mumps is a rash after injection of the drug, itching of the skin at the injection site, the appearance of slight swelling at the injection site, the appearance of catarrhal symptoms and fever.

For reference. If a fever appears, after vaccination, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic in tablets or syrup or give a rectal suppository with NSAIDs (the choice of dosage form and the drug used: paracetamol, nimesulide, etc. depends on the age of the child).

Patients prone to febrile convulsions (a convulsive attack accompanied by an increase in body temperature) are advised to put an anti-inflammatory suppository or take syrup, suspension, etc. immediately after administration of the vaccine and repeat the NSAID at night.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken at night (up to three to four days after vaccinations) and, if necessary, during the day (for fever over thirty-eight degrees).

If the rash after the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination is allergic in nature, then the child is prescribed antihistamines.

Attention! Patients prone to allergies are recommended to start taking antihistamines two days before vaccination and continue to take them for 3 days after the vaccine is administered.

To reduce the risk of side effects after vaccination, on the day of administration medicine It is not recommended to walk outside and wet the vaccination site (also, the vaccine injection site should not be rubbed, treated with alcohol, iodine, etc.).

You should also drink more fluids and stick to an easily digestible diet (vegetable and dairy foods are recommended) for five to seven days after vaccination.

For reference. In rare cases, after vaccination, stool upset (diarrhea), single vomiting or appearance of a lung swelling of the testicles.

Why are measles, rubella and mumps dangerous?

Before the mass introduction of vaccinations CCP measles was considered extremely serious illness With high risk
development of a complicated course, even death.

The main complications of measles are:

  • laryngitis,
  • ulcerative and necrotizing laryngotracheitis,
  • false croup,
  • bronchiolitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • optic nerve atrophy,
  • inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye,
  • blindness,
  • encephalitis,
  • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
  • hepatitis,
  • thrombocytopenic purpura,
  • glomerulonephritis, etc.

For reference. The main causes of death from measles are interstitial giant cell pneumonia, encephalitis and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

For mumps inflammatory process mainly affects the salivary glands, however, with severe infection, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and testicles (orchitis) may develop.

Also, mumps can be complicated by encephalitis, myocarditis, meningitis, thyroiditis, nephritis, polyarthritis, nephritis, polyradiculoneuritis, neuritis cranial nerves etc.

How dangerous is the epidemic? mumps in children and adults

For reference. The most common complications of mumps are orchitis, pancreatitis and damage to the central nervous system (CNS).

With the development of orchitis, the glandular tissue and parenchymal part of the testicles are affected. Inflammation of the testicles is observed in almost half of patients with moderate and severe forms of the disease. In some cases, inflammation of the testicle can occur without affecting the salivary gland.

Symptoms of orchitis may appear by the fifth to eighth day of the disease as the temperature decreases and the patient’s condition improves. In this case, the development of complications is accompanied by the appearance of a new wave of fever, chills, headaches, weakness, etc.

The patient experiences severe pain in the scrotum, radiating to the thigh or bottom part belly. The affected testicle may increase in size two to three times.

For reference. In some cases, the orchitis clinic may be erased.

Complications of mumps orchitis may include the formation of:

  • infertility (spermatogenesis is impaired);
  • priapism (persistent, painful erection not associated with a feeling of sexual arousal);
  • prostate vein thrombosis;
  • pulmonary infarction ( this complication may occur as a consequence of prostate vein thrombosis).

Attention. In women, mumps can be complicated by mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands), bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland), oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries).

A common complication of mumps is pancreatitis. The disease can occur with acute symptoms or in an erased form and diagnosed only by laboratory indicators (high amylase, diastase).

Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. A complication of mumps pancreatitis can be cell atrophy insular apparatus pancreas and the development of diabetes.

Damage to nerve tissue in patients with this disease can manifest itself as uncontrollable vomiting, photophobia, tremors of the limbs, convulsions, the appearance of meningeal symptoms, etc.

Why is rubella dangerous?

Rubella is most often benign. Reason deaths at severe forms infection can become rubella encephalitis.

The main complications of rubella are benign arthritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, as well as complications caused by the activation of secondary bacterial flora (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.).

Symptoms of rubella encephalitis can manifest as cranial nerve paresis, convulsive and meningeal symptoms, and dysfunction pelvic organs etc.

Attention! The rubella virus poses the greatest danger to expectant mothers. If infected with this disease at an early stage, it is possible spontaneous abortions or the birth of stillbirths.

With intrauterine infection of the fetus (congenital forms of rubella), the disease manifests itself:

  • congenital cardiac pathologies (formation of unclosed AP ( ductus arteriosus), PA stenosis ( pulmonary artery), VSD and IVPP;
  • impaired development of the visual organs (possible formation of nuclear pearl cataracts, microphthalmia, congenital forms of glaucoma, various retinal pathologies);
  • damage to the central nervous system (the child may develop microcephaly, mental retardation, mental retardation, autism);
  • congenital deafness.

For reference. Children born from a mother with rubella are low in weight and are often born ahead of schedule. There may also be a hemorrhagic rash, enlargement of the liver and spleen, hemolytic anemia, meningitis, defects in skeletal formation.

In more mature age in such patients, sluggish damage to the central nervous system may develop (sluggish panencephalitis is a consequence of intrauterine damage to nerve tissues).

Panencephalitis is accompanied by a decrease in intellectual abilities, the appearance of epileptic syndromes, muscle weakness etc.

Also, patients with congenital forms of the disease often develop insulin-dependent types of diabetes.

Vaccination measles rubella mumps - which vaccine is better

Vaccines for measles, rubella, mumps can be used both domestic and imported.

Trade names of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine:

  • Czech vaccine Trivivac;
  • French vaccination CCP - Trimovax;
  • Dutch M-M-R-ɪɪ;
  • Belgian vaccine Priorix.

All of these drugs undergo strict clinical quality control and have minimal complications.

For reference. In the territory Russian Federation imported vaccination measles rubella mumps Priorix is ​​used most often.

Priorix vaccination

Imported measles-rubella-mumps vaccines Priorix differ the highest level
effectiveness and safety of use

After using the drug, the patient develops antibodies to pathogens of such diseases as:

  • epid. mumps (antibodies are produced in ninety-six percent of patients);
  • measles (ninety-eight percent of patients);
  • rubella (ninety-nine percent of patients).

Attention. If necessary, the drug can be used for emergency prophylaxis (no later than three days after contact with infected people).

Indications for administration of the drug:

  • the need for routine vaccinations in patients older than one year of age;
  • creating immunity against these diseases in women planning pregnancy;
  • immunization of students, medical workers, persons undergoing military service;
  • creation of specific immune reactions in the population for epidemic reasons;
  • carrying out emergency prevention of these diseases, no later than seventy-two hours after contact with the patient.

Who is contraindicated for MMR vaccination?

Before scheduling scheduled vaccinations, the child should be examined by a pediatrician for

Planned prophylaxis is not performed in patients with:

  • various types of immunodeficiencies;
  • acute diseases of infectious origin;
  • acute somatic pathologies;
  • allergic and anaphylactic reactions to vaccines or their components;
  • intolerance chicken eggs and neomycin.

For reference. The vaccine is not administered within ninety days after the patient has been administered blood components (plasma, immunoglobulin, etc. drugs). If immunoglobulins were administered to patients who were vaccinated less than fourteen days after vaccination, vaccination is repeated.

Pregnant women are not given the MMR vaccine. Vaccination should be performed at least three months before the planned pregnancy.

With caution, MMR vaccination is performed in patients with a history of seizures.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that in immunodeficiencies accompanied by active clinical picture diseases, vaccination is not carried out, for asymptomatic patients HIV vaccination PDA is carried out (after consultation with the attending physician and determination of the level of CD4 lymphocytes).

This is due to the fact that patients with HIV are extremely difficult to tolerate these infections.

Attention. Tuberculin tests can only be carried out six weeks after the vaccine is administered, as false negative results may be obtained.

After treating the skin with disinfectant solutions or alcohol, you must wait until the disinfectants have completely evaporated from the surface. skin. Otherwise, inactivation of vaccine components is possible.

Where is the MMR vaccine administered?

The vaccine must be administered subcutaneously. According to indications, it is possible to perform an intramuscular injection.

Before administering the drug, after dissolving the lyophilisate with the solvent included in the kit, mandatory control of the color of the solution (transparent, light orange or pinkish) is carried out.

If a different shade of the solution is obtained, as well as if there are suspensions and mechanical inclusions in it, the solution is not used.

For reference. After the vaccine is administered, the patient must remain in the medical institution, in case of development of anaphylaxis (the room where vaccination is carried out must be provided with drugs to provide anti-shock therapy).

Vaccinations in infancy make it possible to avoid dangerous diseases or make it easier to survive an infection when it enters the body. Vaccination is done healthy kids after examination by a pediatrician. A good doctor will recommend observing the child’s reaction for several days, monitoring the temperature and general condition, and taking antihistamines to avoid allergic reactions.

Despite these measures, some parents still experience side effects, particularly from the MMR vaccine. What causes them, how do they manifest themselves, and can they be avoided? Maybe it’s better to refuse vaccination altogether? This and much more should be understood in detail.

MMR vaccination is given to all children over 12 months of age.

Decoding PDA

The task of healthcare is to take preventive measures against diseases that may lead to an epidemic in a particular city and beyond. To calendar mandatory vaccination included an injection against measles, mumps and rubella (abbreviation MMR). These diseases kill and disable more than 150 thousand people around the world every year.

The measles, mumps and rubella vaccination plan for children should be followed if the child is healthy and there is no reason to postpone the injection for the future. It can be done in conjunction with other vaccines (BCG, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae). The indication is the age of the small patient - from 12 months.

CCP is not compatible with blood products and immunoglobulins. Between these injections there should be a pause of 2-3 months (the order of administration is not important).

What are the dangers of measles, rubella and mumps?

To refuse vaccinations means to jeopardize the baby's health. When he comes into contact with his mother and father, who were vaccinated in childhood, the risk of infection is minimal. However, an infection may await the baby in public transport, clinic, kindergarten. By vaccinating a child, parents help him avoid serious diseases with dangerous and sometimes irreparable complications.


Children and adults are susceptible to the disease; it is transmitted by airborne droplets and from mother to fetus. Initial symptoms are similar to a common viral infection. Later, a red rash appears on the body, which disappears without a trace within three days. In young children, rubella usually goes away without consequences.

In adults, complications are observed - increased permeability blood vessels, hemorrhages, encephalomyelitis with loss of consciousness, convulsions up to paralysis with fatal. If the expectant mother gets sick with rubella, her baby may subsequently experience pneumonia, hemorrhages, lesions internal organs, which in 30% of cases ends tragically.


Mumps (mumps) is an infectious disease caused by a paramyxovirus, related to the influenza virus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and is characterized by inflammation of the salivary, parotid glands, leads to swelling of the face. The first signs appear 2 weeks after infection. The consequences of the disease are dangerous, and its treatment should be carried out from beginning to end, under the supervision of a doctor.

Parotitis in a child

To common complications mumps include: inflammation thyroid gland and gonads, diabetes, pancreatitis, secondary penetration of the virus into the bloodstream, serous meningitis, complete defeat a number of glands and organs.


The measles virus enters the body through airborne droplets and manifests itself 9-11 days after contact with a sick person. Children are more likely to experience this disease, but adults are also at risk. People who are not vaccinated against the disease get sick with one hundred percent probability. Those who recover receive lasting, lifelong immunity.

Measles is fraught with complications such as blindness, encephalitis, otitis media, inflammation cervical lymph nodes, bronchopneumonia. Treatment under the supervision of a doctor reduces the risk of complications, but even this does not always help to avoid them.

Imported and domestic MMR vaccines

Modern medicine offers several types of MMR vaccinations. The preparations contain live viruses and their combined analogues.

They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body and risk factors. Based on the number of components, serums are divided into 3 types:

  • Monocomponent. The vaccine will provide immunity against one of the diseases. Vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella are administered by different injections and cannot be mixed. Example - Russian protein-based measles vaccine L-16 quail eggs, L-3 vaccine or Czech Pavivak against mumps. There are foreign vaccines against rubella, called Sll (India), Ervevax (England), Rudivax (France).
  • Two-component. Combination drugs against measles-rubella or measles-mumps. They are supplemented by injection of one missing drug. Vaccinations are given to different parts of the body. An example is an associated divaccine against measles and mumps (Russia).
  • Three-component. Ready-made drugs include 3 weakened viruses and, with one injection, protect against three infections at once. For example, a vaccine called Priorix (Belgium) has gained a reputation as the most effective and safe. Another popular vaccine is MMR II (USA), which is used more long time and has been well studied for negative reactions.

Vaccination with domestic drugs against measles, mumps and rubella takes place in municipal clinics. The drugs include a weakened virus. They are not inferior in effectiveness to foreign analogues, are well tolerated and do not cause side effects. Their disadvantage is the absence of a measles component, and the measles vaccination must be done separately.

Live combination vaccine Priorix has virtually no side effects

Imported purified 3-in-1 preparations are more convenient, but they should be purchased independently - for example, the live combination vaccine Priorix, which reduces the time for vaccination and has low reactogenicity. Pediatricians often recommend this particular drug, and parents often purchase Priorix, which helps avoid post-vaccination complications.

Children's vaccination schedule

How many times and where are MMR vaccinations given? Injections are given according to a strictly defined algorithm and according to the existing vaccination schedule:

  • at 12 months or older (if the child was sick and it is not possible to vaccinate exactly one year) - the vaccine is injected into the thigh;
  • at 6 years old - in the shoulder (provided that the baby was not sick dangerous diseases, from which he is vaccinated);
  • in the absence of contraindications, the vaccine is administered to young girls 16-18 years old on the direction of a doctor;
  • from 22 to 29 years old and every 10 years according to schedule.

If by the age of 13 the child has not received a dose of a multicomponent drug that prevents measles, mumps and rubella, the domestic vaccine can be given at any age (we recommend reading:). Subsequent revaccination is prescribed according to the medical calendar, but not earlier than 22 years and no later than 29 years.

At the age of 6 years, the MMR vaccine is given in the shoulder.

How is the MMR vaccine given? For injection, use a disposable syringe into which the vaccine is taken, previously diluted in water for injection. The volume of a single dose of the finished vaccine is 0.5 ml; it is injected subcutaneously into the thigh (for children) or into the shoulder (for older children).

Contraindications for immunization

When issuing a referral for vaccination, the doctor is obliged to take into account vaccine intolerance by certain categories of children. Contraindications for PDA include:

  • intolerance to egg white, vaccine components (kanamycin and neomycin);
  • complications after the first MMR vaccination;
  • ARVI, influenza, viral infection;
  • chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunosuppression;
  • heart failure;
  • serious illnesses blood, pathology of internal organs;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • pregnancy.

How to prepare for vaccination?

To reduce the risk of side effects and complications after vaccination, you should properly prepare for the procedure.

A couple of days before vaccination, the child should be given an antihistamine.
  • 2-3 days before vaccination, the child should be given an antihistamine (taken for a week);
  • during the preparation period, new foods cannot be introduced into the baby’s diet;
  • if the child is predisposed to febrile convulsions, an antipyretic should be taken immediately after vaccination;
  • take blood and urine tests the day before;
  • prepare an antipyretic and analgesic drug (Nurofen, Panadol) in case the temperature rises;
  • undergo a medical examination, inform the pediatrician if the child had diarrhea or other illness the day before;
  • do not swim for three days after the injection;
  • After the injection, you do not need to immediately leave the clinic - in case of a negative reaction and a sharp deterioration in the child’s well-being, they will immediately get help here.

How is vaccination tolerated by children of different ages?

Negative reactions to the MMR vaccine are often observed, because they contain components of dangerous infections.

When foreign agents enter, the body begins to fight them:

  • body temperature rises to create disastrous conditions for bacteria;
  • weakness appears - all the strength of the child’s body is spent on synthesizing antibodies;
  • Appetite worsens as energy is directed toward fighting infection.

Parents should be prepared for possible reaction for vaccination - an increase in temperature up to 40°C, the appearance of a small rash on the cheeks and neck, which will go away on its own within three days. Parents often confuse side effects and complications from vaccinations. There should be no complications such as suppuration of the injection site or rash all over the body.

Normal reaction

What reaction to PDA is considered normal? It may be completely absent or appear slightly. Parents panic even at the slightest change in temperature, so you should figure out what doctors consider normal:

  • slight swelling increased sensitivity tissue in the injection area;
  • low-grade fever (37-37.5 °C) after MMR vaccination during the first 5 days;
  • moderate joint pain;
  • headache and cough;
  • restlessness, capriciousness of the child;
  • rashes on the cheeks, neck, palms - as a reaction to measles antigen (rare).

Within 5 days after CCP, a slight increase in temperature is possible

Possible complications

Complications after injection of PDA can be very dangerous and pose a threat to life and health. The most common include:

  • any severe pain, which cannot be removed with Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;
  • temperature above 39°C and associated convulsions;
  • severe vomiting, diarrhea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • mild measles, rubella or mumps;
  • nosebleeds;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • bronchospasm;
  • bruises and hemorrhages for no reason;
  • rash on the body, like hives;
  • post-vaccination encephalitis (in 1% of cases).

For any deterioration in health ( high temperature, vomiting, loss of consciousness, rapid breathing, bronchospasm) actions must be extremely fast. It is important to give your child an antihistamine and call an ambulance immediately.

When talking with your doctor, you should definitely indicate the time when the vaccination was given and describe in detail all the symptoms that arose after the injection.

How to cope with side effects after vaccination?

The reaction to the vaccine can be lightning fast or occur within 5-10 days after the injection. A light diet and plenty of fluids will help ease your baby’s condition after vaccination. The immune system is weakened at this time, so you should limit contact with other children and avoid visiting crowded places.

You can go for a walk, after all Fresh air And physical activity useful for the child. However, you should not play with other children to avoid contracting ARVI. The child should not be allowed to overheat or become hypothermic. You can swim after 3 days. After vaccination, the child is not contagious.

What should parents do if negative reactions could not be avoided? When the baby has a fever, a rash appears all over the body, vomiting and diarrhea occur, allergic reaction, neurological symptoms, doctors strongly advise against self-medication. You should seek professional medical care- Call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital yourself.

Antipyretic for children Panadol

Before the doctor arrives, you should alleviate the baby’s condition. Panadol and Nurofen in the form of suppositories or suspensions will help relieve fever by a few degrees. At elevated temperatures (below 40 ºС), compresses should be used (add a spoonful of vinegar to a glass of water and stir). Place gauze soaked in the solution on the baby’s forehead and calves. Compresses need to be changed every 3-5 minutes.

After assessing the baby’s condition, the emergency doctor will prescribe a course of treatment or recommend hospitalization. In case of severe reactions the following will be prescribed:

  • for anaphylaxis - adrenaline injections;
  • in case of loss of consciousness, cardiovascular failure, respiratory failure - hospitalization;
  • for itching and rash - antihistamines (Suprastin, Fenistil, Cetrin and others).

If the reaction to the vaccine is insignificant, redness, swelling in the injection area, muscle pain, fever up to 39ºC are observed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen) should be taken. If after two days the condition does not improve (the fever remains up to 38.5 ºС, bleeding or swelling in the injection area does not disappear), you should immediately show the baby to a doctor.

MMR vaccination is one of the mandatory vaccination schedules. In 95% of cases it protects against infectious diseases and the complications they cause. Getting vaccinated is much safer than getting infections and complications. Subject to preventive measures and medical recommendations, vaccination will be beneficial and provide reliable protection from infections.

MMR vaccination, adverse reactions within 1-1.5 days

Asked by: Elena Vladimirovna, Cherepovets

Female gender

Age: 6

Chronic diseases: There are attacks of bronchial asthma.

Hello, my daughter is 6 years old. On March 11, in the middle of the day, we received the MMR vaccination. I don’t know what drug yet. At the same time, she was examined by the kindergarten paramedic. The condition was good, the throat was clean, the temperature was normal. A month has passed since I previously suffered from acute respiratory viral infection with otitis media. The daughter was healthy, except that they stayed transparent discharge from the nose in the morning, while walking, but nothing more.
Already in the late evening of March 11, the child’s temperature rose to 38, and they gave him antipyretics. The throat was without any changes. The temperature has dropped. From clinical signs on the first day - copious, clear nasal discharge, one-time complaints of pain in the leg, pain in the left side. On 12.03 in the morning the temperature rises to 39. They again gave me an antipyretic and started giving ergoferon according to the regimen. The temperature drop is enough for half a day. On the night of March 13, the temperature was 38.8. In the morning, the pharynx on March 13 became red, with red dots along the palatal arch, and a pink spot the size of a walnut appeared on the cheek. For antipyretics, we use Nurofen, paracetamol in alternating doses, take ergoferon, irrigate the throat with hexoral, rinse with the usual means, Nazivin, Kromhexal in the nose. My daughter has bronchial asthma. There was no exacerbation at the time of vaccination and there was no aggravation after either.
According to the information I found, post-vaccination reactions to MCP, such as fever, redness of the throat, are possible only from the 5th day. And I have a feeling that my daughter started getting them from the first day. A spot on the cheek, similar to a rubella rash, bright hyperemia of the pharynx appeared after 1.5 days.
Could the clinical manifestations I mentioned still be a post-vaccination reaction to CCP or should they be expected later? What's going on with your daughter? I believe that your qualified employees have extensive experience and know more about all kinds of exceptional cases than the all-knowing “Internet”.
But my daughter already had exceptions. We got sick 2 times chicken pox. The first time according to a mild scenario (just a few pimples, a short-term rise in temperature). And then after 10-14 days, visiting kindergarten, fell ill for the second time with classic manifestations.
With respect and gratitude for your answer, Elena Vladimirovna.

1 answer

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Good afternoon.
Fever, catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, red throat), malaise - these symptoms are typical for post-vaccination reactions after CCP, but they appear 4-10 days (depending on the vaccine and the individual characteristics of the child) after vaccination. The appearance of these symptoms earlier is almost always associated with the development of ARVI, since the first couple of days after vaccination the child becomes very susceptible to surrounding infections.
Redness on the cheek may be a reaction to the vaccine, since allergic reactions to the vaccine can develop immediately after vaccination. In this case, it is better to take your usual antihistamine (or find an age-appropriate one from your doctor).
Continue the treatment you started, and on Monday it’s better to see a doctor for an examination and correction of treatment.
All the best.

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Frequent vaccinations required for all infants under one year of age are a necessary measure aimed at improving the epidemiological situation and preventing the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. The responsibility of any responsible parent is to vaccinate their child in strict accordance with the official calendar proposed by WHO.

It differs from other MMR injections indicated in the schedule (the name is measles-mumps-rubella) in that it allows immunization against all the mentioned infectious diseases at once. Are these diseases dangerous? What are the risks of infection with the listed viruses in the late period? Why is it important to get the MMR vaccine as an infant?

Why are measles, mumps and rubella dangerous?

Measles, mumps and rubella are the most dangerous childhood diseases of an epidemic nature. Despite the achievements modern medicine, they claim the lives of 150 thousand people every year. Of course, not every case of infection with the mentioned diseases is fatal, but any of them poses complications and health hazards:

  • Measles. Moved to early age the disease can lead to deviations in the development of the body. Complications such as encephalitis, hepatitis and pneumonia are possible. A decrease in immunity, accompanied by bacterial infections, is inevitable.
  • Mumps (mumps). If the outcome is unfavorable, the disease can lead to one-sided deafness, pancreatitis and arthritis (we recommend reading:). Boys may develop testicular tumors, which can lead to infertility.
  • Rubella. If the disease is not treated correctly, a complication in the form of rapidly developing encephalitis is possible. In severe cases, there is a risk of damage to the central nervous system and cardiac depression.

A distinctive feature of measles, mumps and rubella is the inability to develop innate immunity to these diseases.

If a pregnant woman suffers one of the mentioned ailments without complications, her child will develop resistance to it during the period of intrauterine development.

However, after birth, the baby will begin to rapidly lose the immunity acquired in this way. By the age of 3 months, his innate resistance to the disease will be completely lost.

Children aged 5-6 years are most susceptible to measles, mumps and rubella. Transmission of the infection occurs by airborne droplets, directly from a sick person to a healthy person, so you can effectively protect a child from these viruses in only 2 ways:

  1. Completely eliminating the possibility of the child coming into contact with potentially dangerous (infected) persons. In practice, this method is not feasible due to the lack of external manifestations diseases in incubation period infections.
  2. By taking care of timely (in accordance with the WHO calendar) vaccinations for the child, which is what we recommend.

Composition of the domestic MMR vaccine and the foreign one - “Priorix”

What does the vaccine in question contain? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination can be done in one of the following ways:

What is the difference between the composition of vaccines and which one is more effective? Any drug against measles, mumps or rubella is based on weakened pathogens of the listed viruses. These microorganisms are not capable of provoking the development of the disease, however, they help to develop lasting immunity against it.

Apart from live biological material, which is the active component of the vaccine, usually contains protein. It is the basis of the serum. Various manufacturers They use various types of protein compounds in their products. For example, quail eggs are often used as the basis for Russian vaccines.

It is worth noting that to date, domestic manufacturers produce only mono- and two-component vaccines against measles, rubella and mumps. They are named accordingly and act no worse than their foreign counterparts. However, parents who do not want to torment their baby with “extra” injections should first of all pay attention to foreign combination drugs.

The Priorix vaccine is in greatest demand around the world today. It is produced in Belgium. Having a composition that is typical for drugs of this type, Priorix compares favorably with its competing analogues by its high degree of purification and, therefore, its high effectiveness with a minimum of provoked adverse reactions.

Place of MMR vaccination in the National Vaccination Calendar

When and how many times should a child be vaccinated with MMR? What about those who missed the WHO-recommended routine vaccination at the age of 1 year?

According to data provided by the compilers National calendar vaccinations, a child can receive the first MCP injection later than the officially recommended time frame. The patient's age will not affect the effectiveness of the vaccination. The main thing is not to forget about timely revaccination:

Important: MMR is not injected at the same time as some other vaccinations (for example, BCG), so an individual schedule of procedures should be agreed upon in advance with the pediatrician observing the child.

Ideally, you need to have time to provide your baby with protection from all possible viruses before the baby goes to school. This recommendation can be ignored if it turns out that the child has contraindications to the use of vaccines.

Contraindications to the use of vaccines

Like other vaccinations, CCP has a number of contraindications. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. temporary, forcing you to postpone the trip to treatment room for the period necessary to resolve the problem;
  2. permanent, making vaccination against measles and other infections absolutely impossible.

What factors can be attributed to each of the groups? The most common temporary contraindications to COCs are:

  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections and other colds;
  • poor blood or urine tests, usually indicating the presence of one of the above problems;
  • recent administration of another vaccine (eg BCG);
  • use of blood products (gamma globulin and others).

There are also many constant contraindications to PDAs. These include:

  • allergic reactions (from rash to angioedema) to vaccine components - egg white, gentamicin, kanamycin and neomycin;
  • during revaccination - other severe complications noted by specialists after the first injection;
  • the presence of tumors and other neoplasms;
  • low platelet count in the blood;
  • diseases affecting the immune system (including HIV).

In some cases, vaccinations should be abandoned altogether, while in others it is better to discuss with the pediatrician observing the child. alternative methods reducing the risk of morbidity. One way or another, the formation of a newborn’s immunity is the responsibility of his parents, and as part of caring for the baby’s health, one of the main steps is proper preparation baby for vaccination.

How to prepare a child for vaccination?

High-quality preparations for vaccinations against rubella and other viruses (for example, imported Priorix) are easily tolerated by the child’s body, so there is no need to specially prepare a healthy child for vaccination. It’s another matter if the baby is in a “risk group”: he suffers from acute allergies, has excess weight or weak immunity. What should his parents do?

It is not difficult to prepare a “problem” child for vaccination. The main thing is to carefully take into account the health and physiology of the baby, developing an effective strategy to combat possible problems in his case. unpleasant consequences injection:

  • Food and seasonal allergy sufferers should start taking antihistamines 3 days before the intended vaccination. The specific medicine should be prescribed by the pediatrician observing the child.
  • Children with weak immune systems or chronic diseases General strengthening drugs will help you prepare for vaccination. Their appointment should be entrusted to a doctor.
  • According to the rules, the injection is done in outer surface hips or shoulder, while the presence of a large fat layer at the injection site is unacceptable, since the drug may not work. For parents whose children have overweight, it is worth discussing this issue with your pediatrician in advance.

How is vaccination carried out?

The standard procedure for vaccination against mumps and other infections looks like this: the vaccine drawn into a syringe is administered to the patient subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The choice of method depends on the age of the person being vaccinated and the type of drug chosen for injection.

Where the injection is given also depends on the situation. Infants who receive the vaccine for the first time are vaccinated in the outer thigh. For older children and adults who come for revaccination, an injection is given in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. If necessary, the laboratory technician will select another area of ​​the body for injection.

Injections are not given into the gluteal muscles due to the high risk of injury sciatic nerve and the presence in most patients of a large fat layer in the designated area.

Sometimes CCP is combined with other vaccinations: for example, the vaccine against measles and other viruses “gets along” well with DTP (we recommend reading:). It is acceptable to do both injections on the same day and even in the same part of the body. The main thing is that the distance between the injection sites is at least 3 cm.

What to prepare for?

Most parents are interested in what body reactions to vaccination (in particular, side effects of the drug) they should be prepared for after their child receives his first MMR injection. Fortunately, this question can be easily answered using the huge amount of statistical data collected by doctors on this matter. For convenience, we have divided all possible effects that occur after vaccination against measles and other viruses into thematic blocks.

What reaction is considered normal?

When injecting CCP, live pathogens of the virus are introduced into the child’s body, albeit weakened, so the reaction to the injection can be very violent. Conventionally, all normally observed effects can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. local;
  2. of a general nature.

Local reactions include pain at the injection site. Some children have a slight local compaction epithelial tissues. Normally, it will “resolve” already on the 3rd day from the moment of injection.

Unlike local reactions, general reactions are observed in only 20% of children who have been vaccinated. They usually consist of the following:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • rash on the face, neck, arms, buttocks and back;
  • cough;
  • runny nose.

All of these symptoms are considered normal and do not require treatment. Over time they will go away on their own.

Side effects

Common side effects after MMR vaccination include strong increase temperature (up to 39-40 degrees), accompanied by fever. This reaction in itself does not mean there are problems. However, the elevated temperature should be brought down as quickly as possible: fever does not at all help the body tolerate vaccination more easily.

Less common are the consequences of the injection, such as a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, aching joints and diarrhea. In terms of symptoms, the picture strongly resembles stomach flu. Parents should not worry, because such reactions signal the beginning of the formation of antiviral immunity.

You should worry if, after the injection, your child experiences obvious allergic reactions (rash, severe runny nose, sneezing or swelling). Perhaps, before sending the baby for vaccination, the doctor did not take into account his intolerance to some components of the serum. To alleviate the baby’s condition, parents should show the child to an allergist as soon as possible.

Possible complications

Any side effects vaccines observed for 5 or more days are in themselves a reason to consult a doctor, but more serious complications after CCP also occur. Urgent medical intervention require:

Rules of conduct after vaccination

To help the baby easily undergo vaccination, parents should make sure that the baby follows some simple rules of behavior. The same precautions in most cases help to avoid complications after vaccination:

  1. due to a weakened immune system, for 3 weeks after the injection you should not contact anyone who may be contagious;
  2. after the injection, dehydration may occur, which is why you need to drink more fluid;
  3. You should not swim or take a bath in the first days after the injection: this can lead to dangerous hypothermia or overheating;
  4. To avoid allergic reactions, you should avoid new foods and avoid overeating.

Children aged 2-5 years are most susceptible to infectious diseases that the MMR vaccine protects against. Measles, mumps, and rubella are transmitted by airborne droplets. Specific protection and prevention is only vaccination.

To date, 22 cases of measles have already been registered in Kyiv this month alone!

12 of the sick are children. All patients are in hospitals and undergoing treatment.

We asked doctor Marina Sikorskaya to talk about the features of the MMR vaccination in detail.

Marina Sikorskaya - mother of two children, doctor, author.

Danger of infections

The danger is that all these diseases spread very quickly. This viral infection lightning defeat. Children and adults suffer painfully from measles, rubella, and mumps, and terrible complications are possible.

The main symptoms that unite these diseases are:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40C
  • characteristic rashes
  • pronounced catarrhal symptoms (photophobia, conjunctivitis, copious mucopurulent discharge from the nose, cough with sputum)
  • severe intoxication (weakness, lack of appetite, pain in the throat, headaches, etc.)

Complications caused by measles, mumps and rubella:

  • damage to the central nervous system (paralysis, paresis)
  • encephalitis
  • confusion
  • deafness, blindness
  • infertility.

What are the consequences of refusing the MMR vaccine?

In the last few years, measles, mumps, and rubella have begun to appear in different regions of Ukraine. The reason for this is the increasingly frequent refusal of vaccinations. If previously the entire population was vaccinated, it was unrealistic to encounter measles or mumps in children, but now refusal to vaccinate a child with mumps and measles has led to serious problems.

Not everyone can be vaccinated with MMR; naturally, there are contraindications. But believe me, the percentage of people for whom the MMR vaccine is dangerous is very small.

Contraindications for MMR vaccination

  • intolerance to egg whites in a child;
  • intolerance to the antibacterial components kanamycin and neomycin;
  • acute illness at the time of vaccination;
  • a child or nursing mother receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or immunosuppression;
  • poorly tolerated first MMR vaccination;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart defects and diseases in the stage of decompensation.
  • pregnancy, since the vaccine contains a rubella component and can cause pathology in the development of the fetus, and of course, after vaccination, the moment of conception must be delayed for at least 28 days.

What should you do after getting vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps?

  • For the first 24 hours, do not wet the injection site.
  • Do not visit public places for three days after vaccination.

That's all. This list is quite small.

What reactions can be expected after the MMR vaccine?

Reactions to PDA are extremely rare. But you need to know the basic reactions:

  • increase in body temperature to 38.5, more often on days 5 and 15 after vaccination
  • local reaction (redness, swelling and pain at the injection site)

Moderate and severe reactions to PDA are also reported, these include a severe allergic reaction (can cause Quincke's edema), convulsions. But this feature of the MMR vaccine is so rare that there is no direct evidence that this is a reaction to the vaccine.

Usually, after the manipulation, parents and children go home and forget about the vaccination altogether. And on the same day they wet the injection site and walk in shopping centers...

And about the important thing: protect your children!

People, what do you think about when you write refusals of vaccinations? What guides you? Why do you refuse to protect your children?

At a time when there were no vaccines, people died from this kind of disease in huge numbers, there were terrible epidemics. Now you are given every opportunity to avoid such cases, but even here you refuse. This vaccine, like a number of others, is on the list of mandatory ones.

Every time I am amazed by my parents’ phrase: “Well, that’s how much rare diseases. Maybe it won’t affect us after all?” So, my dears, it will affect everyone. You are endangering not only your child, but also those around you.

Study the pros and cons of vaccination, consult with your doctors and make the right choice, and not a thoughtless decision that is not justified by anything.

Take care of yourself. Be healthy.

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