Home Oral cavity Soybeans. Soybeans: benefits and harms

Soybeans. Soybeans: benefits and harms

Today, if a person wants to find out how true the myths that have developed around such a product as soy are, he will need to re-read a lot of medical and popular science literature. Even if we ignore those works that describe the supraoptic core or, to make it much clearer, the northernmost island of Japan, which bears the same name, the volume will still be impressive. The fact is that these beans still cause a lot of controversy in scientific circles. Some people say that the product is extremely beneficial, while others believe that the phytoestrogens included in its composition are only harmful.

This plant belongs to the legume family

This plant belongs to the legume family. It grows on almost every continent, including South America, Africa and Australia, it is cultivated as a valuable agricultural crop. Like all legumes, it contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, which determines its value. The characteristics of this product begin with its mention dietary properties. Indeed, these beans have a high protein content, which makes this legume useful product. But this is not her only positive quality.

From an economic point of view, soybeans (this is not a completely biologically accurate name for the plant) are distinguished by such advantages as high yield and protein content of up to 50% - this led to the use of this crop for the production of food and feed.

Proteins, oils, vitamins and other valuable components that make up soy are needed both for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases (for example, osteoporosis and cardiovascular pathologies).

The soybean plant is high grass, which blooms with lavender flowers. However, it is not so important appearance, many properties - it helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, prevents some blood diseases. Soy products are good for diabetics. Finally, they can become the basis of a weight loss diet, effectively affecting metabolism.

However, there are side effects and contraindications. In particular, the phytoestrogens contained in soy are still controversial in scientific community. In addition, soybeans are a product that cannot be eaten unprocessed.

Proteins, oils, vitamins and other valuable components that make up soy are needed both for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases

Gallery: soybeans (25 photos)

Origin story

This is one of the oldest crops grown by humans. In particular, rock paintings were found in China, confirming that the cultivation of the legume plant began 5 thousand years ago. In China, as in other eastern countries, it has always been popular because it was much cheaper than dairy and meat products.

The plant appeared in the West only in the 17th century, having penetrated there along with Catholic missionaries who visited China. The book of one of them interested Benjamin Franklin so much that he decided to try to grow the plant in America. His experiment was a success - 30 years later it was included by the Americans in agricultural directories.

However, in those days in the West, soybeans were mainly used to make feed, while in the East they prepared soy milk, which tastes like cow's milk, but has a slightly more noticeable sweet taste. Cheese made from soy protein, called “tofu,” is also popular in the East. Today it is also sold in domestic stores. Soy sauce is also produced in the East, but currently there is a lot of synthetic sauce on the market. Indeed, the process of making soy sauce is long, because natural fermentation can take almost 6 months, so many manufacturers are trying to shorten this period.

Products such as soy meat and sweets are what were invented instead of meat and to stimulate healthy eating(low calorie bars and candies). They are produced in a factory where everything is controlled technological processes. They also produce soy substitutes for dairy products - for example, soy yogurt. And although nutritionists recommend such food as the basis for a short-term mono-diet, you need to be careful, because the plant does not contain everything that the body needs.

Growing soybeans (video)

Soy phytoestrogens

The plant contains phytoestrogens. They became the subject of controversy. At the end of the twentieth century, a series of medical research who studied the prevalence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases at different nations in order to study the influence of diet and lifestyle on health. In regions where the legume plant is a popular product (Japan, China, Korea, regions Far East), cardiovascular diseases and breast cancer are less common than in women living in Europe and America. Moreover, such complications menopause, like hot flashes and osteoporosis, are also less common in these regions. Interestingly, this is also true for the first generation of emigrants moving from Asia to Europe and America. And already in the second generation of emigrants, these diseases occur as often as among residents of Western countries.

Scientists have associated this with the fact that legumes play a large role in the diet of Asian people, and the plant contains estrogens. As a result, a theory arose that in Asia, women are less likely to experience the described diseases due to the fact that their body constantly receives plant hormone-like substances, estrogens.

However, further studies did not confirm this hypothesis. Today this phenomenon is associated with a whole complex of factors. Firstly, soy contains not only phytoestrogens, but also other beneficial substances. Secondly, their impact must be considered in conjunction with other foods included in the diet and lifestyle.

The plant appeared in the West only in the 17th century, penetrating there along with Catholic missionaries who visited China.

Other studies related to composition have emerged. At the end of the 1980s, experiments were carried out that showed that large amounts of soy in rodents cause poor health. In 1994, the influence of phytoestrogens on the condition of the pancreas was proven. In the late 1990s, scientists concluded that eating soy could cause early pregnancy in girls. puberty.

In fact, it is not so much the plant itself that is to blame, but the huge number of products in which it has replaced traditional ingredients - for example, baby food. In Asian countries, they eat a lot of legumes, but they do not replace all the ingredients, but use them in traditional combinations. In addition, all talk about the dangers of phytoestrogens was based on experiments conducted on laboratory rodents. But they were given such a quantity active substance, which a person cannot obtain naturally from foods. So the truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. The plant is useful, but only when correct use and in moderation.

Genetically modified soybeans: truth and myths

Interestingly, the plant in question was one of the first to be modified at the genetic level. And this causes understandable fears in people, since the use of GMOs is human DNA has not yet supposedly been investigated. In fact, people should be much more concerned about the chemical composition of these beans than the risk of genetic modification.

The fact is that any product breaks down during digestion into simple substances that cannot affect human genetics, otherwise it would have been influenced by all types of animal and plant foods for thousands of years.

The danger of a genetically modified plant lies elsewhere. The use of soybeans is not limited to food production. It is used in animal feed. But the chemical composition of soybeans is poor in methionine, an essential amino acid that is needed for balanced nutrition. Scientists have not been able to breed through selection a type of soybean that would contain this substance in sufficient quantities. Therefore, by genetic engineering a gene from Bertholetia (these are the so-called Brazil nuts, which contain a high protein content rich in methionine) was transferred into the soybean genome. Such genetic modification should not have any special consequences.

However, such a chemical composition can indeed cause problems, but of a completely different nature. The mentioned protein containing methionine is itself a strong allergen. So this plant is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Currently, the company that grew this soybean has stopped producing this product.

However, even if it has not undergone genetic modification, the fruit of this crop itself contains allergens. For many years in Japan, which is the main consumer of this product, it was considered a major allergen, just as peanuts are considered a major allergen in the United States. This was due solely to the breadth of soybeans in the region. The expansion of the product into other markets has caused a surge in allergies to the product in those countries. The chemical composition of the product has something to do with this, but not genetic engineering.

Soy products: benefits or harm (video)

What soy contains

The nutritional value Soybean is determined by a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This type of beans contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which the most important is linoleic acid (it is not synthesized by the human body, but plays a role in it important role, so you need to get it from food). Soybean seeds contain isoflavones - this is very rare. These compounds are glycosides that are not destroyed even by cooking. They also have the estrogenic activity described above.

The composition is always described not from PUFAs, but from proteins, because they are considered the most important. Indeed, among all agricultural crops it is the champion in this indicator. Some varieties can contain up to 50% protein.

The most important component that soybean oil contains is triglycerides. They consist of glycerol and fatty acids.

The nutritional value of soy is determined by the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Chemical composition Soybean is a moderate content of carbohydrates, which are represented by glucose, fructose, sucrose and some other substances, including saponins, which, contrary to popular belief, give a bitter taste rather than sweet. But they have a positive effect on blood circulation.

Soy fruits also contain vitamins - vitamin E, B vitamins, niacin and some others. If we talk about macro- and microelements, these are potassium (it comes first), iron, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, molybdenum, cobalt and iodine.

How to cook soybeans

This crop is sometimes called a chameleon product. Indeed, it is not like other legumes - beans, peas, lentils. All of them have a distinct taste, while this plant adapts to the main products, be it vegetables, meat or fish, and quickly acquires the aroma of spices.

Cooking this culture requires certain skills and knowledge of the nuances. In particular, the fact that it takes a long time to prepare - soybeans need to not only be soaked overnight, but then washed and cooked for several hours. After this, you can cook anything from the now soft beans, including pates and casseroles with walnuts.

There are products in the world that have been known to mankind since time immemorial. Of course, soybeans can also be included in this category. It is difficult to say who and when began to cultivate them and specifically grow them for food consumption. However, according to some researchers, this product was known back in Ancient China- 6-7 thousand years ago. Agree, quite a serious culinary experience!

A little history

Soya beans in China they even received the attention of the emperor. During the Chow Dynasty, for example, he personally sowed the first furrow with five main crops, including soybeans. To this day, Northern and Eastern China are the main producers of the product. And from here, according to some sources, soybeans spread throughout the East. And only in the 18th century they came to Europe and America.

Use in food

Actually, soybeans have many varieties. But when we talk about it, as a rule, we mean the most common type - cultivated soybean, the seeds of which are also called soybeans.

The tradition of using soybeans for food goes back many millennia and is associated with its undoubted nutritional value. Soybeans are often called the “miracle plant.” It contains a huge amount of vegetable protein (in some varieties - up to 50%), many others are no less useful substances, among which are vitamins and microelements.

In the kitchen of followers of plant-based nutrition - vegetarians and vegans - this is the most commonly used substitute for animal proteins, which are still necessary for the body to function properly. IN dietary nutrition this product is also often used to get rid of harmful “meat” cholesterol and get the necessary calories.

Nowadays, it produces almost half a thousand types of products from soybeans. More than a thousand delicious and nutritious culinary dishes are prepared using soybeans. Their price is low, so that anyone who decides to take the path of vegetarianism, or simply wants to try something original, can afford such food.

Main Products

Here is a list of just the most basic products made from this wonderful plant. Some of them have already become a part of Russian food culture and are widely used in production and for preparing meat-free dishes.

  • Flour is soybean seeds ground into flour.
  • Soybean oil - used for dressing salads and frying, baking.

  • Soy milk is a drink made from beans, characteristic white, reminiscent of a dairy product.
  • Soy meat resembles regular animal meat in appearance and structure, and is even superior in protein content. Made from soy flour, previously defatted.
  • Soy sauce is a liquid product for seasoning dishes, made using fermentation and natural fermentation.
  • Miso is a paste made from fermented beans. Used for making soups in the East.
  • Tofu is a soy cheese that resembles both the look and taste of this famous cow's milk product. Contains a huge amount of protein and has a porous structure.
  • Twenjang, gochujang - pastes based on soybean seeds, spicy and with a pungent odor, used in culinary arts.
  • Tempeh is a bean fermentation product made with the help of fungi.

Soya beans. Recipes

Traditionally, soybeans have been used in cooking in many countries. The variety of dishes is especially developed oriental cuisines. But in Europe, and in Russia, and in America, soybeans have been tried for quite a long time (although somewhat later than, for example, in China), and many delicacies and health benefits are prepared from the beans. Let's start our master class with the most undemanding ones.

Boiled beans couldn't be easier!

You need to take: two glasses of soybeans, a glass of soy milk, seasonings and herbs - to taste.

First, like all legumes, soybeans must be soaked (at least for several hours, or better yet, overnight). Then boil in a saucepan in water until tender. Drain the water and add a glass of hot soy milk. Sprinkle with herbs and spices on top. Great vegetarian protein meal!

With tomatoes and ham

And this is a simple dish for those who cannot do without meat. The beginning of preparation is no different from the first option. Boil a glass of beans, pre-soaked, until tender, drain the water. Separately, fry the onion, finely chopped, in a frying pan. Then add 100 grams of chopped ham and several hard tomatoes, chopped into strips, into the same frying pan. Fry everything thoroughly over medium heat and at the end add soybeans, seasoning the whole dish with spices and stirring.

Vegetables with beans in Chinese style

And finally, let's add national flavor. This is a dish for lovers Chinese cuisine Can be cooked in a wok pan. You need: a glass of soybeans, 100 grams of dried mushrooms, carrots, half of Chinese cabbage, one sweet pepper, a couple of tablespoons of naturally fermented soy sauce. For seasonings we use white pepper and coriander.

Pre-soak mushrooms and soybeans. Then fry all the ingredients, except soy sauce and seasonings, which we throw in at the end, over high heat in a large amount of lean oil - literally for a few minutes. Quick Chinese dish is ready! By the way, there is a more dietary option: place vegetables, mushrooms and soybeans in a steamer bowl and steam for about 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle with spices and serve.

Nowadays, soybean is a product of global importance!

Why? Yes, because scientists today are trying to replace dairy products and meat with soybeans! Soy is added everywhere: to sausages, to sausages, to minced meat for semi-finished products, to confectionery products... It’s cheap and seems to be healthy.

Moreover, many believe that soy is the only source of “almost complete” protein among plant products, and therefore vegetarians and vegans simply cannot live without it. The opinion, of course, is controversial, but the conversation now is not about the usefulness of any diets, but about how useful (or is it still harmful?) soy. Because these days, it seems, soy is not only added to fresh apples, but also to carrots and cabbage...

And yes... before we talk about the benefits of soybeans, we focus your attention on this: all studies and conclusions drawn from these studies are still subject to serious criticism from opponents. There is simply no consensus today. None of the research objects. Therefore, the final decision about the usefulness or harmfulness of soy will have to be made by you.

Chemical composition of soybeans

Soybeans: benefits

So, soybeans are credited with the following miraculous properties and abilities:

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, including ischemia and heart attack
  • Preventing breast cancer and prolonging lifespan menstrual cycle in women (some scientists are convinced that the longer the cycle, the less chance of getting breast cancer)
  • improvement in the condition of women after menopause (decreased hot flashes)
  • a significant reduction in blood cholesterol levels and inevitable weight loss (when replacing at least half of the red meat consumed with soybeans)
  • normalization of blood sugar levels and, accordingly, a beneficial effect on the well-being of people suffering from diabetes of any type

It is also believed that soy can prevent the onset of osteoporosis in women. menopausal age. And some scientists believe that the amount of calcium contained in soybeans is enough to strengthen the bones of older women.

Well, and most importantly, why soybeans are loved by many adherents healthy image life (HLS) is lecithin, which, according to researchers, is able to resist the aging of the body, as well as increase the efficiency of intellectual work (by improving nerve conduction). And some claim that lecithin can even increase potency...

Harm of soybeans

It is curious that soybeans are often attributed properties that completely contradict the “truths” stated above. Thus, some researchers claim that consuming soybeans leads to accelerated aging of the body and shrinkage of the brain. Which increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in the lives of soy lovers.

In addition, soybeans (and this is unconditional!) are harmful for pregnant women, because they increase the risk of miscarriage, and are also not recommended for children due to the fact that soy plant hormones provoke accelerated puberty in girls, and make boys more feminine and inhibit them physical development. At the same time, children of both sexes who consume soy products have a huge chance of developing problems with the thyroid gland.

By the way, given the fact that soy is often added to sausages and sausages, it is better not to give these products to children at all. It will only benefit them.

As for adults, soy threatens them with the same problems, and at the same time the formation of kidney stones.

It should be noted that scientists are still actively researching soybeans and products made from them, so everything that is known about soy now could easily become outdated in a dozen or two years and be considered complete nonsense. Therefore, you don’t need to think too much about the dangers and benefits of soy. It is important to observe the principle of moderation and not eat soy products more than once or twice a week. Then certainly nothing bad, or particularly good, will happen to you...

Note to vegans: Proteins are found in almost all products, not just soy, so you shouldn’t focus on it. Eat soy foods occasionally, supplementing them with other legumes and nuts. And everything will be just fine!

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The reputation of soybeans is changeable: sometimes it is considered one of the most valuable sources of vegetable protein and vitamins, sometimes the reason dangerous diseases. The oldest grain crop is popular in all countries of the world due to its nutritional qualities and wide range of applications, but nutritionists warn against over-indulgence in this product.

What is soy

Soybean is a member of the legume family, brought to Russia from China and India. The people of these countries have been cultivating and eating soybeans for more than 5 thousand years. The crop is not particularly demanding on growing conditions; nowadays, new varieties are cultivated almost everywhere. Soybeans are grown in the largest volumes in Russia in the following territories:

  • Amur region (more than half of the domestic harvest);
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • Khabarovsk region;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Stavropol region.

What does soy look like?

The plant consists of herbaceous stems, depending on the variety they are tall or short, bare or covered with hairs. The shoots have small pubescent leaves, the shape of which differs depending on different types. The inflorescences are medium-sized, light purple and lilac shades. Soybean up to 6 cm long has 2 valves, under which is the most valuable part of the plant: 2-3 oval seeds covered with a shiny, dense shell. Often the seeds are yellow in color, but green, brown and even black fruits are also found.

How it grows

Soybean is not too demanding on growing conditions. It even tolerates frosts if they do not occur during the flowering and fruiting period. The soybean plant feels best at a temperature of +21-22 °C. With abundant watering and sufficient light, seedlings appear already at +14 °C. On loose, non-acidic soils, by August - September the crop is easy, but regular care gives a bountiful harvest.

Chemical composition of soybeans

The rich composition and dietary qualities make soy the most important source of substances necessary for humans. Main value its high content of vegetable protein (up to 90%), containing all 9 necessary for the body amino acids. Eating this dietary product helps to compensate for the lack of animal proteins in the body. Energy value 100 g of beans – 147 kcal. This amount contains many useful substances. Soy contains the following elements that are necessary for humans every day:

  • proteins – 12.95 g;
  • fats – 6.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 11.05 g;
  • water – 67.5 g;
  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, sodium, iron);
  • fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic);
  • phospholipids necessary for the normal functioning of cells of the nervous system;
  • vitamins A and E, which increase immunity;
  • estrogens.

Beneficial properties of soybeans

The value that beans have will benefit all lovers of the product. Special attention for their presence in daily menu The following persons should be contacted:

  • those suffering from cardiovascular diseases (eating dietary beans reduces the risk of their development);
  • women who are predisposed to tumors in the breast area (soy products have an effect on lengthening the menstrual cycle, which reduces the likelihood of breast cancer);
  • those prone to obesity and suffering from a large amount of cholesterol in the blood (soybeans speed up metabolism);
  • diabetics (the product normalizes sugar levels);
  • women suffering from hot flashes caused by age-related hormonal changes in the body;
  • elderly (calcium, which the culture contains, strengthens bones);
  • those seeking a healthy lifestyle (lecithin, a substance found in beans, fights aging and atherosclerosis, increases the efficiency of brain function, and has a positive effect on attention and memory by improving nerve conduction).


Despite the many advantages of soybeans, overindulgence the product is unsafe. The following categories of people should not get carried away with its use:

  • children younger age prone to allergies;
  • people who often suffer from migraines (soybeans contain tyramine, which can provoke and intensify headache attacks);
  • persons with genital diseases, since the product contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, similar in action to female sex hormones;
  • those with reduced function thyroid gland(hypothyroidism);
  • men planning procreation (due to the ability of soy to reduce sperm concentration);
  • During pregnancy, you should not eat beans because soy reduces the possibility of normal gestation;
  • It is better for all categories of people to refrain from products made from genetically modified soybeans, the production of which is officially prohibited in Russia.

Use in food

Soy-based products have become a part of our daily diet. Such dishes are especially relevant for people who are limited in the consumption of animal proteins for one reason or another. For vegetarians, beans are the main source of proteins that the body needs for normal functioning. Those for whom meat consumption is prohibited for health reasons cannot do without soy products. The low cost of soy dishes makes them accessible to everyone who wants to diversify their diet.

The following products made from beans are the most popular among Russians:

  • soy flour (ground seeds);
  • soybean oil – it is used for salad dressings and heat treatment of foods;
  • soy milk is a low-calorie drink made from beans, reminiscent of regular milk, does not burden the pancreas due to its low fat content;
  • soy meat - a product made from soy flour, similar in structure and appearance to real meat, contains a large amount of protein;
  • sauce is the result of fermentation of beans using the fermentation method;
  • miso is a bean paste obtained from a fermented product, used for preparing first courses;
  • tofu - soy cheese, similar to fermented milk in taste, appearance and structure, is a source huge amount squirrel;
  • Tempeh is another product made from fermented soybeans that uses special fungi in its production.

Photo of the plant

Nowadays, soybean is a product of global importance!

Why? Yes, because scientists today are trying to replace dairy products and meat with soybeans! Soy is added everywhere: to sausages, to sausages, to minced meat for semi-finished products, to confectionery products... It’s cheap and seems to be healthy.

Moreover, many believe that soy is the only source of “almost complete” protein among plant products, and therefore vegetarians and vegans simply cannot live without it. The opinion, of course, is controversial, but the conversation now is not about the usefulness of any diets, but about how useful (or is it still harmful?) soy. Because these days, it seems, soy is not only added to fresh apples, but also to carrots and cabbage...

And yes... before we talk about the benefits of soybeans, we focus your attention on this: all studies and conclusions drawn from these studies are still subject to serious criticism from opponents. There is simply no consensus today. None of the research objects. Therefore, the final decision about the usefulness or harmfulness of soy will have to be made by you.

Chemical composition of soybeans

Soybeans: benefits

So, soybeans are credited with the following miraculous properties and abilities:

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, including ischemia and heart attack
  • Preventing breast cancer and increasing the length of the menstrual cycle in women (some scientists are convinced that the longer the cycle, the lower the chance of getting breast cancer)
  • improvement in the condition of women after menopause (decreased hot flashes)
  • a significant reduction in blood cholesterol levels and inevitable weight loss (when replacing at least half of the red meat consumed with soybeans)
  • normalization of blood sugar levels and, accordingly, a beneficial effect on the well-being of people suffering from diabetes of any type

It is also believed that soy can prevent the onset of osteoporosis in menopausal women. And some scientists believe that the amount of calcium contained in soybeans is enough to strengthen the bones of older women.

Well, and the main thing why soybeans are loved by many adherents of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is lecithin, which, according to researchers, can resist the aging of the body, as well as increase the efficiency of intellectual work (by improving nerve conduction). And some claim that lecithin can even increase potency...

Harm of soybeans

It is curious that soybeans are often attributed properties that completely contradict the “truths” stated above. Thus, some researchers claim that consuming soybeans leads to accelerated aging of the body and shrinkage of the brain. Which increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in the lives of soy lovers.

In addition, soybeans (and this is unconditional!) are harmful for pregnant women, because they increase the risk of miscarriage, and are also not recommended for children due to the fact that soy plant hormones provoke accelerated puberty in girls, and make boys more feminine and inhibit their physical development. development. At the same time, children of both sexes who consume soy products have a huge chance of developing problems with the thyroid gland.

By the way, given the fact that soy is often added to sausages and sausages, it is better not to give these products to children at all. It will only benefit them.

As for adults, soy threatens them with the same problems, and at the same time the formation of kidney stones.

It should be noted that scientists are still actively researching soybeans and products made from them, so everything that is known about soy now could easily become outdated in a dozen or two years and be considered complete nonsense. Therefore, you don’t need to think too much about the dangers and benefits of soy. It is important to observe the principle of moderation and not eat soy products more than once or twice a week. Then certainly nothing bad, or particularly good, will happen to you...

Note to vegans: Proteins are found in almost all products, not just soy, so you shouldn’t focus on it. Eat soy foods occasionally, supplementing them with other legumes and nuts. And everything will be just fine!

Source http://m.iamcook.ru/products/soybean

Marina Kurochkina 09/18/2015

Legumes occupy a worthy place in the diet modern people. Beans, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans - all these are sources of valuable and needed by the body useful substances. Particularly popular in Lately soybeans are produced and many products are made from it: cheese, meat, milk, chocolate. However, debates about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside. Let's try to figure out what the benefits and harms of soy are.

Positive sides of soy

The most useful quality soy is a high content of complete protein, which allows you to replace meat, milk and butter with soy products. Due to the high content of vitamins B and E, soy is an excellent antioxidant. It is recommended for patients with cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes to replace animal products with soy protein.

Lecithin contained in soybeans speeds up metabolism, burns body fat, reduces cholesterol levels. A large number of enzymes, including phytic acid, promote the absorption and active breakdown of proteins. It is because of this that soybean dishes are recommended to be included in the diet of people with abnormal metabolism and those who want to lose weight. Soy perfectly satisfies hunger without adding extra calories.

Soy is a life-saving product for people who are allergic to animal proteins and adherents of vegetarian cuisine. Soy products are recommended to be included in the menu as additional ingredients in areas with increased radioactive background, since soy removes radionuclides and heavy metal ions from the body.

Soybeans are rich in phospholipids (which cleanse the bile ducts), fatty acids, isoflavones (preventing the formation of cancer) and tocopherol (slows down aging and increases immunity). Soy contains practically no carbohydrates; about 10% of its composition is soluble sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose), starch and pectins. In addition, soybeans are a rich storehouse of macro-, microelements and vitamins. These are vitamins B, E and D, as well as β-carotene. Among the microelements in soybeans are boron, iron, manganese, nickel, aluminum, copper, cobalt, iodine and molybdenum. Macroelements include sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, and sodium. Soy products are excellent remedy for prevention and treatment diabetes mellitus, they have a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and promote the production of insulin.

Soy today is used not only as a separate product, it is added to almost all products (pasta, cookies, meat products, mayonnaise, sauces, etc.), on the label the inclusion of soy is designated as “vegetable protein” or a substance under the index E 479. This is done in order to improve the appearance of products and reduce their cost. However, despite such widespread use of soy and its beneficial properties, there are also harms to this product.

Negative properties of soy

Consumption of soy is associated with some restrictions:

  • Soybeans have a negative effect on the thyroid gland, so they are contraindicated for diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Soy contains a large amount of isoflavones, so unlimited consumption of this product leads to premature aging and violations cerebral circulation. Abuse of isoflavones slows down physical development in male children, and accelerates the onset of the menstrual cycle in girls. The inclusion of soybeans in the diet during the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated;
  • Soy products should not be included in the diet of young children (under three years old) due to their increased allergenicity;
  • Oxalic acid contained in soy promotes the formation of urolithiasis;
  • Soybeans should only be natural; consuming genetically modified soybeans can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Source http://polzavred.ru/polza-i-vred-soi.html

Some products contain soy. Considering soy to be healthier than meat, many try to replace our usual food with it, without thinking about the question - is soy good for our body?

Origin of soybean

Soybean is one of the oldest annual plants that belongs to the legume family. It is also called the “miracle plant.” Soybeans were first grown in China. Then soybeans moved to Korea, Japan, and this crop came to Europe in 1740. The French were the first to start eating it.

After the research of soybeans by Americans in 1804, mass and targeted cultivation of this plant began. Expedition of V. Poyarkov in 1643 – 1646. visited the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where they saw soybean crops among the Manchu-Tungus people. But of particular interest in this culture Russian people didn't show it. Only after the World Exhibition was held in Vienna in 1873 did soybeans become of interest to practitioners.

Composition of soy

Soybeans are rich in substances useful for human life. They are not only very nutritious, but also medicinal. For example, soy contains isoflavonoids, which prevent the formation and development of certain forms of cancer. And genestein stops early stages heart disease vascular system. Soybeans are also rich in lecithin, choline and other substances that play a role in the treatment of many serious illnesses, fiber, vitamins B, C and E, omega 3. Soy contains the entire set of amino acids, which means its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Benefits of soy

Soy is rich in plant protein, which it contains more than eggs, fish and meat. Soy protein is very important for the proper functioning of the body. Plant proteins are absorbed by 90%. Soy products contain substances that have a positive effect on the balance of microelements in the body. Lecithin is the healthiest thing in soy. It is very important for the brain and its functioning. Lecithin helps cells recover, monitors blood cholesterol levels, fights Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis and other human diseases. Also, the presence of lecithin slows down aging, which is why soy is very famous among older people.

Soy lecithin helps produce energy and nourishes the growing body, and this is especially important in childhood.

Soy contains the entire set of amino acids, which means its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Recently, Americans have increasingly begun to add soy to their diet. Studies have shown that consuming soy products has a positive effect on human health. You need to know that only soybeans are pure form benefits. This in no way applies to those products in which soy is only an additive.

American researchers are unanimous that if you include 25 to 50 grams of soy protein in your diet throughout the day, you can reduce the level of " bad cholesterol" And, as you know, such cholesterol clogs blood vessels, which leads to heart disease.

Positive dynamics with soy consumption were noticed in women during menopause. With age, the process of estrogen production in women slows down, and soy can compensate for their deficiency.

In a documented study of 3,734 older men, it was found that those who ate soy for 50% of their lives had a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Other studies by Asian researchers have shown that men who consume soy in their diet twice a week are more susceptible to mental impairment than those who never eat it at all.

Some believe that eating soy leads to infertility and obesity.

Soy is also beneficial for people of all ages. Isoflavones present in soybeans are very similar in composition to female hormone estrogen, and frequent consumption of soy can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body. And this can be dangerous for women who are preparing to conceive, planning a pregnancy, but especially for pregnant women.

Pediatrician scientists at Cornell University are confident that a deficiency of thyroid hormones can occur precisely from frequent consumption of soy products. Appears excess weight, suffer from constipation and fatigue. All this leads to general apathy.

The presence of soy, according to some researchers, leads to brain volume and weight loss.

Numerous studies have shown that soybeans contain both nutrients, beneficial for the body, and anti-nutritional, which can harm health. The anticoagulant properties, pronounced in raw soybeans, neutralize vitamin K, which ensures the level of coagulation and is also involved in the absorption of calcium. Unlimited consumption of soy can lead to mineral deficiency and pancreatic hypertrophy.

Soybeans contain lectins, which cause blood cells to stick together, inhibiting their growth. And this is fraught with consequences for the body.

To this day, the world of science cannot come to a consensus on the benefits and harms of soybeans.

If soybean is not classified as a genetically modified product, but is grown naturally, then its beneficial properties significantly exceed the harmful ones.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that whether or not to consume soy products should be decided by each person independently, regardless of the opinion of others.

Source http://builderbody.ru/soya-polza-ili-vred/

The benefits of soy allow the modern food industry to add it to every second food product. Because of this, doctors are now faced with the emergence of a new category of diseases - lack of growth and goiter of the thyroid gland in children.

The discovery of this harm from soy has caused a lot of noise in scientific circles, so let’s try to study its properties in more detail based on pharmaceutical research.

What are the health benefits of soy products?

The massive addition of soy protein to sausages, meat products and even milk is explained by its beneficial properties. Unlike its animal counterpart, it does not contain cholesterol, and therefore does not lead to atherosclerosis (deposition of fatty deposits in the walls of blood vessels).

Soybeans contain many trace elements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins, as well as chemical compounds that prevent growth cancer cells.

Just 50 grams of soy during the day is enough to compensate for a person’s protein needs. Many other positive properties of the plant can be described at length, but let’s focus on the dangers of soybeans for the body.

Harm of soy to the human body

The dangers of soybeans to humans have been studied for about 5 years by the Committee of the American Association. The plant contains goitrogenic substances that disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland. These components are especially dangerous for people with reduced iodine concentration in the body and hypothyroidism.

In the last century, many parents fed their children soybean flour because it was available and cheap. As a result, over time, many of them developed thyroid goiter. After this, only isolated soy protein, and not crushed plant stem, was added to industrial baby food.

However, the above facts only indicate that pathological changes V thyroid gland when using soy products, they can occur in adults only with a lack of iodine in the body. To prevent harm, you only need to add iodine to your food (seaweed, iodized salt).

Clinical studies of the benefits and harms of soy

There are clinical studies confirming that the presence of goitrogenic substances in this plant is not the only evil. Soy contains isoflavones - chemical compounds, which, according to their mechanism of action, human body similar to estrogens (female sex hormones).

Accordingly, if the diet of adolescents contains a large amount of soy products, there is a high probability of early menopause syndrome, as well as breast cancer in women after long-term consumption of soy products. However, this harm to the Asian plant has not been confirmed clinical studies. Scientists have identified only a short-term estrogenic effect of isoflavones.

By the way, these chemical compounds have an ambiguous effect on biochemical reactions in small and large doses. In high concentrations they prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, and in low concentrations they activate tumor growth. However, isoflavones in all concentrations prevent the proliferation of blood vessels. There is evidence that soy protects against colon, prostate and ovarian cancers in men.

Thus, analyzing the above facts, a product such as soybean, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a century, does not raise serious concerns among scientists. If you consume the plant daily in a dose of 80 grams, it will only bring health benefits. Phytoestrogenic substances in its composition facilitate climacteric syndrome in older women.

Soy products are a cheap and high-quality alternative to animal meat and there are no analogues for them today. However, everything is good in moderation.

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