Home Prevention How and how to treat cough in children at home: the most effective methods of traditional medicine. How to cure a cough with folk remedies at home How to quickly treat a dry cough in a child

How and how to treat cough in children at home: the most effective methods of traditional medicine. How to cure a cough with folk remedies at home How to quickly treat a dry cough in a child

The worst thing is when our children get sick, we always worry doubly for them. Cough exhausts any person, be it an adult or one year old child.

Before treating a child’s cough, you need to understand what causes it. The most common cause of an unpleasant symptom is a viral infection. In addition, adenoids, dry air, allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis - all this can trigger the development of the reflex. Often, diseases of the respiratory organs can provoke the development of temperature, aggravating the clinical picture. In addition to coughing, an allergic reaction may be accompanied by a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, etc.

Does it make sense to treat children's cough?

Every child coughs from time to time. Often this is associated with some kind of disease, but it also happens that insufficient humidity in the room provokes an attack.

It is important to understand first of all that coughing is not a disease, it is only a symptom that irritates the respiratory tract and can affect them. Negative influence.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it makes sense to treat a child’s cough is no. Why? It is more correct to treat the disease that leads to its appearance.

And as for symptomatic treatment, then this is rather a relief of the clinical picture.

It is worth not forgetting that coughing is the body’s protective reaction to the penetration of a foreign body, virus or allergen. In response to the penetration of an irritating factor, the body produces a large amount of mucus, which is eliminated using the cough reflex.

You need to cough so that harmful microorganisms do not settle in the respiratory tract and cause inflammation.

Often a cough is accompanied by a runny nose, this is especially common in infants. At this age, the child is in a supine position, so liquid snot comes out not only through the nasal cavity, but also flows into the pharynx and larynx, which provokes the development of an attack.

Now let's talk about how to treat children's cough without medications.

Treatment without drugs

Any loving parent wants to quickly cure a child’s cough. The first thing we do is run to the pharmacy, forgetting about the simplest tips that are effective in treating the disease.

  • creating a cool and humid climate in which the child is located. Humid air will prevent the mucous membrane from drying out respiratory tract. Conversely, dry air leads to the development of a frequent cough, which can last a month or even more. To maintain optimal humidity, you can use a steam humidifier or nebulizer;
  • Interestingly, the viscosity of sputum directly depends on the viscosity of blood. The logic here is simple: in order to make the secretion more liquid, the blood should be thinned. To achieve this goal, your baby should be given more liquid, this can be plain water, as well as fruit drinks, juices, teas;
  • walks in the open air. It is a big misconception that a coughing child should be kept at home. Daily walks are useful for good ventilation of the lungs. The exception is if the baby has a high temperature.

Drinking plenty of fluids and staying in a cool, damp room are as effective as medications for expectorating sputum.

Drug therapy

Experts recommend first of all dealing with an unpleasant symptom using household methods, but sometimes you simply cannot do without medications. It is important to note that a child should be treated with medications correctly, this means that absolutely any medication should be taken only after a doctor’s prescription. In addition, it is important to carefully study the instructions for use.

For the treatment of a one-year-old child, as well as children under six years of age, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • antitussive group of drugs. Drugs that suppress the cough center are prescribed by doctors in cases where unpleasant symptom not associated with lung diseases. For example, an attack can be triggered by dust or fumes, that is, this has nothing to do with the amount of mucus in the lungs. It turns out that the cough receptors are irritated, but no mucous secretion is formed in the lungs, so there is no need to influence it, but the reflex should be alleviated, which is what these remedies help with;
  • expectorant group of drugs. These drugs cause the amount of mucous secretion to increase and dilute it. Due to the fact that the sputum becomes more liquid, its separation becomes much easier. Often these products are produced for one-year-old children in the form of syrups. Do not be alarmed that after taking expectorants the cough intensifies, this is natural. The effect of these medications is as follows: a dry cough turns into a wet one, the mucus increases in volume, and the body tries to get rid of it using the cough reflex.

Antitussives and expectorants should only be prescribed by a doctor

Common mistakes when treating children's cough

When your child gets sick, you want to cure him as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not all parents understand how to do this correctly and make serious mistakes, namely:

  • Parents independently decide to give their child antitussive drugs. Let's think and try to imagine what this could mean. Let's say your baby has a cough due to a cold or allergies. What happens in the child's body? A large amount of mucous secretion begins to accumulate in the lungs. Coughing is a defensive reaction that tries to remove this secretion from the body. And if in this case you give a child an antitussive, what could happen? The mucus will accumulate even more, but it simply will not be removed. Ventilation of the lungs will eventually be greatly impaired, and pathogenic microflora, present in sputum, will provoke the development of inflammatory processes and lead to the development of such serious complications as bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • parents give the child an expectorant and an antitussive at the same time. As we already said earlier, an expectorant helps to increase the amount of sputum, and an antitussive drug prevents coughing, which is supposed to remove this phlegm. As a result, you can hear the child wheezing. He needs to be urgently taken to a specialized medical facility.

What is the best way to treat a baby?

So, we looked at both household methods for fighting cough at home and medications. What should you give preference to?

Before using any treatment method, you should consult your doctor.

It is important to understand that diseases respiratory system can affect both the lower sections - bronchi, lungs - and the upper sections - nose, nasopharynx, larynx, paranasal sinuses. There is no point in treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract with expectorants, because, as already mentioned, they affect the mucus in the bronchi and lungs. As for the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, drugs in this case can only be prescribed by a specialist.

What can worried parents do? If the choice of medications should be coordinated with a doctor, then as for household methods, you can use them yourself.

Although at-home methods are low-cost and banal, their effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Cough with laryngitis

Business card Laryngitis is the appearance of a debilitating, barking cough, which is popularly called laryngeal.

The onset of a cough sounds like a dog barking. This happens because the larynx swells and the baby's voice changes. The cough is unproductive, frequent and dry, it exhausts the child, depriving him of strength.

The disease should be treated as quickly as possible, as it can lead to the development of serious complications such as respiratory failure and asthmatic diseases.

Barking dry cough is just a symptom

General rules for therapeutic measures

If such a symptom appears, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe medications, approaching the situation individually.

The main groups of medicines are:

  • mucolytic agents. They contribute to the dilution of sputum and its better removal;
  • expectorants;
  • antibiotics.

The antibacterial group of drugs eliminates the infection and serves as good protection against repeated outbreaks of the disease.

Treatment of dry non-productive cough comes down to prescribing abundant alkaline drinks with normal temperature, warming compresses and bronchodilators.

After diagnostic examination, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • antiviral;
  • antihistamines;
  • sucking lollipops;
  • intranasal drops;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Throat cough

Cough can be very diverse; one of its varieties is throat cough, which is associated with an inflammatory process in the pharynx. Very often it occurs as a result of frequent cases of acute respiratory viral infection.

In addition, children with weakened immune systems are at risk; in this case, the infection more easily penetrates the respiratory tract, sometimes even reaching the lower parts of the respiratory system.

This kind children's cough accompanied by severe sore throat and inability to swallow.

The main task healing process with a throat cough is the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one, that is, a productive one. In this case, the sputum will disappear, and the child’s condition will become much better.

It is best to use drugs on plant based. For infants they are available in the form of syrups

In some cases, the doctor may decide to prescribe antibacterial drugs. Of course, antibiotics are drugs that effectively fight bacterial infection, it is still important not to forget that these drugs have a detrimental effect on beneficial microflora. That is why a course of antibiotic therapy should be combined with probiotic drugs that restore normal microflora intestines.

It is also worth noting that before giving a child an antibiotic, a sensitivity culture should be taken. Some parents think that if you buy an expensive antibiotic, it will definitely help. But it is not so. If the bacteria that caused the inflammatory process in the respiratory system are not sensitive to this antibiotic, then no matter how much it costs, there will be no result.

In addition, some parents make a serious mistake when, after the child’s well-being improves, they stop giving him an antibiotic. This is a grave mistake with serious consequences. The course of prescribed antibiotic therapy should be completed to the end, otherwise there will be no benefit from such treatment next time.

Treatment of cough in children under one year of age

Cough infant, as, indeed, in an adult, is a response to external influence. Thanks to the sharp expulsion of air, the respiratory tract is cleared of foreign bodies.

You should not treat a severe cough in children under one year of age on your own; this can lead to serious consequences.

Treatment should be provided if the symptom worsens your baby's well-being and sleep. You should also not ignore mild coughing in children under one year of age. They can be alarm signal about the presence of some disease.

First of all, you should find out the reason that caused the attack. Any treatment will go down the drain if the provoking factor is not eliminated. You need to fight not with the symptom itself, but with the cause that caused it.

It is quite difficult to determine the true cause of the disease on your own; this should be done by a specialist. To make an accurate diagnosis, he may need the following information about the child’s first year of life:

  • how long has the child been sick?
  • how intensely the symptom develops;
  • How productive is the cough?
  • Has your general health deteriorated?

If there is sputum, the doctor may prescribe a general examination of the secretion. This analysis provides information about the viscosity, nature and consistency of sputum; in addition, microscopic examination provides information about the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, bacteria, etc.

For effective coughing, children under one year of age are prescribed medications that soften and coat the throat.

Often cough in children under one year of age is accompanied by painful sensations, so many drugs contain an anesthetic substance. Still, it is worth understanding that such remedies act only symptomatically, but do not remove the immediate cause of the problematic symptom.

It is best to treat a symptom in a two-month-old baby folk remedies

Traditional medicine for infants

Let's talk about the most common recipes that remove residual cough:

  • mustard wrap. To prepare this recipe, you need to take honey, sunflower oil, flour and mustard in equal proportions. The resulting mass should be boiled. Then the product is applied to a cloth, which should be applied to your baby’s back and chest, but in such a way that the mass is on the outside. Place a towel on top of the mustard mass;
  • salt. Regular table salt should be heated in a frying pan and then placed in a bag. The salt should be placed on the baby's chest and covered with a warm scarf on top to retain heat. You need to leave the attached bag for several hours until the salt cools, and the scarf can be left for a longer period of time to retain more heat;
  • onion juice. You need to finely chop the onion and mix it with a little honey and sugar. After the medicinal mass has infused well, it can be given to your child one teaspoon at a time;
  • medicinal herbs. Herbs such as chamomile and coltsfoot are effective for ailments. In addition, you can do inhalation treatments based on herbs;
  • honey. Rub honey into your child's chest and back until his hands stop sticking. After the procedure, the baby needs to be well wrapped;
  • Eucalyptus has long been known to help speed up recovery from respiratory diseases. Eucalyptus tincture can be used for medicinal baths.

Rubbing with honey will help get rid of residual cough

It is important not to forget that treatment with folk remedies is not a quick effect compared to medications, here you need to be patient. Traditional medicine is safe and reliable recipes, but they should also be used wisely. Before treatment with folk remedies, be sure to consult a specialist.

When treating a small child, one should not forget about simple tips, namely:

  • treatment should begin first of all with plenty of drinking, inhalation and herbal infusions;
  • taking any medication must be agreed with your doctor;
  • antibacterial drugs, as well as bronchial dilators, should not be prescribed independently to your children;
  • a sudden, severe, convulsive cough may indicate the presence of a foreign body, in which case you should immediately call an ambulance.

If therapeutic measures after three to four days do not give any effect, you should consult a doctor for possible adjustment of the treatment process

We should not forget that prevention is best treatment. Strengthen your baby's immunity, maintain optimal humidity in the room, take a walk in the fresh air every day - all this will promote health and reduce the likelihood of illness!

When a child starts to cough, many parents wonder how to quickly cure it. Bronchospasm can occur in a variety of ways. various reasons. To select, you need to understand the nature of its occurrence and type. Pediatricians advise not to rush into taking pharmaceutical medications; in 25% of cases, attacks do not occur due to a virus or bacteria.

If the child is 3 years old or younger, you should immediately make sure that no foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. This will be indicated by attacks of suffocation and turning blue. skin. The foreign object must be removed immediately, otherwise the baby may suffocate.

A simple cough in a child: what is it?

How to cure a cough - this question is asked by many parents who do not have time to consult a pediatrician. More often simple seizures bronchospasm is associated with viral infections. For coughs, children over 4 years old are given special medications that are prescribed depending on the type of attack:

  • a dry cough will not go away quickly, as it needs to be made productive. Most often, such attacks occur during initial stages diseases;
  • A wet cough at home is easily recognized by an attentive parent. The attacks are accompanied by the release of mucus.

A cough medicine for children is prescribed after an accurate diagnosis is announced. Pediatricians identify several factors that contribute to the appearance of cough:

  • penetration of infection into the body is bacteria or viruses. A cough of this nature can be quickly treated using complex therapy. The doctor will prescribe tablets, syrups and home treatments;
  • allergies - in this case, children are prescribed special medications; if no measures are taken, the attacks will become chronic or swelling of the larynx may develop, which will lead to suffocation.

All harmful agents enter the baby’s body through the air. Allergies often occur to pollen, dust or fur pet. Pediatricians will tell you how to quickly cure such a disease after studying the appropriate tests for allergens.

Simple cough due to respiratory diseases

How to get rid of a cough that prevents a child aged 3 years and older from leading a normal lifestyle. When the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed, a cold occurs, one of the symptoms of which is a child’s cough. Many parents try to carry out therapy at home, forgetting about the complications that arise due to illiterate therapy:

  1. Inflammation spreads to the lower respiratory tract - lungs and bronchi.
  2. The appearance of otitis media and tonsillitis, the infection actively enters the hearing organs and nasal sinuses. In this case, children cannot do without special procedures and antibiotics.
  3. The progression of the disease into chronic sinusitis.

Why does a child develop a cough and fever?

Therefore, it is important to prescribe the correct medications for a child’s cough. A pediatrician will make an accurate diagnosis for a simple cold. Most often, therapy includes the following manipulations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help your cough become productive. In this case, folk remedies are allowed; these can be herbal tinctures and decoctions. For these purposes, expectorants are prescribed;
  • compresses - are prescribed only if the child does not have a fever; bronchodilators are prescribed - these medications dilate the bronchi, which helps remove accumulated mucus;
  • healthy eating and rest;
  • inhalations with extracts medicinal herbs.

Special medications have been developed for children over 2 years of age. It is better to avoid inhalations, as a spasm of the respiratory tract may occur. This leads to a disruption in the breathing rhythm, and the baby will suffer from lack of air.

A good remedy for colds is hardening and choosing clothes according to the season. Parents are terrified that their child is freezing and put on a lot of clothes. This leads to disruption of natural heat exchange. A bundled up baby sweats and gets sick.

How to cure cough in babies under one year old

Newborns with any symptoms of a cold should be shown to a pediatrician. Many fathers and mothers prefer folk remedies, which grandmothers actively talk about. This treatment helps only in 10% of cases. Most often, a simple bronchospasm develops into serious illness. That is why, for a child under one year of age, all medications for cough should be prescribed by specialists, taking into account age and health characteristics.

Physiological cough is a common condition in young children. Many mothers are interested in how to eliminate such an attack. Doctors believe that this type of cough can be overcome by simply turning your son or daughter onto his stomach. Due to the fact that the baby is always on his back, mucus accumulates in his upper respiratory tract. This causes an attack, as the body tries to “clear” the path for easy breathing.

But kids also get colds. Therefore, it is important to understand how to quickly cure a child’s cough so that complications do not arise. If a 5-year-old child easily takes pills, then it is difficult to give a one-year-old child the necessary drug.

“False croup” is a term that doctors use when the vocal cords and larynx are swollen in a young patient. If a child has such an attack, then it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital. This condition is life threatening.

How to quickly relieve cough in a newborn patient? In this case, a decoction of medicinal herbs helps if the cold is not severe. An effective way to treat cough in a child with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is with plant-based syrups:

  • Doctor Mom - the drug allows you to remove phlegm. The dosage is calculated based on the weight and age of the child;
  • Gelisal – has practically no side effects, the period of therapy should not exceed 10 days;
  • Linkas is a cough medicine that is chosen by many leading pediatricians in the country.

Many parents quickly treat cough in children with medications that contain acetylcysteine ​​and ambroxol. In many countries, these drugs have been banned since 2010, as there is a large list of side effects. In Russia there are no such restrictions, but parents should not be negligent when purchasing medications for the treatment of a one-year-old family member.

List of medications for babies over one year old

It is important to cure a dry cough, as it greatly weakens the immune system and brings discomfort around the clock. What helps babies from 1 to 2 years old? Syrups that effectively fight coughs:

  1. Bromhexine is an expectorant. The standard dosage at this age is 2 mg 3 times a day.
  2. Sinekod (drops) - facilitates breathing due to a direct effect on the cough center. Dosage – 10 drops 4 times a day.
  3. Bronchicum - prescribed during infectious diseases inflammatory diseases respiratory organs. The doctor will prescribe the following dosage - 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day.

How to treat a child’s cough with folk remedies

“Dry mixture” deserves special attention. With its help you can get rid of cough at home. A 2-year-old child should be treated with medications carefully. An incorrectly calculated dosage can cause swelling of internal organs, poisoning, and gastrointestinal upset.

What to give for cough at 2 years old

Only a small number of parents are able to quickly get rid of a cold at home. It is easy to give your child a pharmaceutical drug. The main thing is not to make mistakes in self-diagnosis. Expectorants can help quickly cure a dry cough. But if the remedy does not help, then you should go to the hospital. If pneumonia or pneumonia is suspected, the young patient will be sent to hospital treatment.

Cough at home two year olds treated with the following medications:

  • Linkas – syrup with plant extracts. Children of two years old take the drug with pleasure, since it is deliberately sweetened. But not everyone likes the over-sweetness of a pharmaceutical product;
  • Erespal - dilates the bronchi and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body as a whole;
  • Anise drops - simple dosage, 1 drop for every year of life. The drug must be diluted in water.

Only a pediatrician can tell you how to cure a cough without harming a young patient. The doctor will select the best remedy and calculate the dosage. When getting rid of painful attacks, the baby will immediately feel better.

Medicines from three years and above

The symptom of a cold is often a simple cough. Doctors know how to cure this condition. A child 3-4 years old should be shown to a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications.

Many medications for this age are available in tablets. A 4-year-old child can be offered the drug, previously crushed into powder. Ambroxol is the most popular medicine that will help get rid of a child’s cough. Your pediatrician will tell you how to take the pills.

When children get sick with a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, their main symptoms are a runny nose and cough. This is quite normal, since this is how the body reacts to infection.

If the baby’s cough lasts for a long time and is accompanied by strong sputum production, treatment is started in order to rid the child of this problem as quickly as possible. Medicines and folk remedies, as well as other methods, can help with this.

A child can cough for a variety of reasons, so before starting treatment, you need to visit a doctor and find out the nature of the disease

How do children develop a cough?

The child begins to cough severely for various reasons - a foreign body in the throat, an allergic reaction, irritation, some kind of disease. It is difficult to find out what is bothering children (especially if they are 1 or 2 years old), so in such conditions, mothers must help their babies and give the right medicine.

Cough is a physiological reaction. This is how the body tries to quickly get rid of the foreign body that makes breathing difficult. During an acute respiratory viral infection, mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, which irritates the throat and causes a dry cough. It is possible to recover from it by getting rid of the underlying disease. They also use medications to stop the child from coughing.

Types of cough

Before you start treating cough in children, you need to understand what you are dealing with. There are 3 types of cough:

  1. Dry (or unproductive). In such conditions, sputum does not come out. With a dry cough, you feel a sore throat, pain, and sometimes you lose your voice. The symptom occurs in response to viral diseases as one of the initial signs, sometimes due to irritation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Wet (or productive) cough. Its characteristic feature is the presence of sputum. Cough in children and adults is accompanied by wheezing, chest pain, and a feeling of heaviness.
  3. Severe paroxysmal. A severe cough in a child indicates bronchitis, tracheitis or an allergic reaction (more details in the article:). Breathing is difficult.


When a child coughs a lot, but no phlegm comes out of the lungs, this is a dry type. It is caused by infections of viral and bacterial origin. It is impossible to cure them instantly, so the patient is given drugs that make the symptom go away. The condition occurs as a result of the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • whooping cough (more details in the article:);
  • measles;
  • false croup;
  • ARVI;
  • chronic sinusitis, etc.

A dry cough cannot be cured instantly; traditional medicine or pharmaceutical preparations are needed


A wet cough produces intense mucus. It cleanses the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system. The phenomenon is typical for pneumonia, runny nose, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, bronchitis. It cannot be left untreated, as the disease progresses quickly and develops into serious forms.

You should be especially vigilant when children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • persistent high temperature;
  • wheezing when coughing;
  • presence of blood in sputum;
  • shortness of breath, breathing problems;
  • green color of sputum;
  • long night coughing attacks.

Severe cough with attacks

If a strong cough begins while eating, there is a suspicion that it has allergic nature. Allergens are dust, food products, animal hair, chemical reagents, etc.

Those who suffered from diathesis in childhood are especially susceptible to this pathology. Unlike colds and infectious diseases, there is no fever or other symptoms. The body's reaction develops as follows:

  • sudden attacks of barking cough appear (we recommend reading:);
  • cough turns into chronic form and lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • At the same time, a runny nose appears;
  • characteristic mucous-type sputum without pus is released from the bronchi;
  • the patient is additionally bothered by itching in the nose and frequent sneezing;
  • an allergic reaction is accompanied by breathing problems due to swelling of the respiratory organs;
  • At night the baby does not sleep well and becomes irritable.

Allergies need to be recognized promptly, so it is necessary to closely monitor the child’s condition. As soon as the first signs appear, consult a doctor and begin treatment. If you miss time, allergies can develop into bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, and these diseases can hardly be cured.

Treatment of cough with medications

For a cough to be productive, active work of the respiratory muscles is necessary. It is smooth muscles that help mucus move upward and be removed from the body. In children under 5 years of age, this function is still poorly developed.

Cough is treated with syrups and tablets, which is better depends on the age of the baby and the etiology of the disease

If a child is 3 years old, his body physically cannot cope with the accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract. He needs help medicines. To do this, syrups and tablets are taken at home (children from 1 to 4 years old are given syrups, since they do not know how to swallow tablets, and those who are already 6-7 years old are also prescribed tablet forms).

Traditional recipes and physiotherapeutic procedures are also practiced. Knowing how to quickly cure a child’s cough at home, you can alleviate the baby’s condition and help him recover. Let's consider all the methods of treating cough in children in more detail.

Tablets of different actions

Popular drugs that eliminate cough can be divided into groups:

  • mucolytic agents (thin the sputum, facilitating its removal) - Ambroxol, ACC, Flavamed, Fluditek (we recommend reading:);
  • expectorants (stimulate the removal of sputum from the bronchi) - Mucaltin, Codelac Broncho, Thermopsol, Bromhexine (we recommend reading:);
  • enveloping agents– Sodium and potassium iodides, soda;
  • antitussive drugs that inhibit the cough center - Tusuprex, Butamirate, Bithiodine;
  • combined agents - Carbocisteine, Tussin-plus, etc.

Of all the drugs, there are 4 that are most in demand in home treatment of cough in children:

  1. Mukaltin. A cheap mucolytic agent that children tolerate with virtually no adverse reactions. Can be taken by patients over 3 years of age, but consultation with a doctor is required.
  2. Thermopsol. The drug perfectly eliminates dry cough and is easy to use.
  3. Bromhexine. The drug is prescribed to combat wet coughs, as it enhances the removal of sputum.
  4. Geromyrtol. The drug is designed specifically for patients suffering from severe coughing attacks due to chronic bronchitis. You must get approval from your doctor before using it.


Syrup is the mildest form for combating children's cough. It is best used when the causes of the disease are unknown. The product is recommended for children who, due to their age, cannot yet take pills. This is exactly the option that you can choose for self-medication until the child sees a doctor. The syrup will eliminate cough symptoms, improve breathing, and fight other signs of the disease:

  • for dry cough, Prospan, Ambroxol, Glycodin, Bronholitin, Herbion with plantain, Sinekod are prescribed;
  • for wet coughs use Linkas, Althea syrup, Ascoril, Ambrobene, Doctor Mom (we recommend reading:).

Regarding age restrictions:

  • Prospan and Ambroxol are used from birth;
  • Linkas - from six months;
  • Askoril, Ambrobene, Gerbion - from 2 years;
  • Doctor Mom, Sinekod, Bronholitin - from 3 years.

Treatment of cough with traditional medicine

Methods it offers official medicine, may not be enough to defeat the disease in its advanced form. Then it is recommended to supplement the treatment of cough in children with folk remedies. In this case, you must be careful, because the reaction to unknown components of herbs is sometimes unpredictable.


Hot compresses warm up the bronchi area well and effectively fight phlegm. They are assembled from three layers:

  • cotton fabric that is laid on the skin;
  • tracing paper or oilcloth - prevents liquid from soaking into the next layer;
  • terry towel – keeps the compress warm.

It is strictly forbidden to use the compress in the heart area. The simplest recipe is based on hot salt. It is sewn into a cotton bag and steamed. A three-layer compress is collected and applied to the bronchi area. 2-3 sessions are enough to defeat the disease.

You can practice a honey compress. To do this, the bottom fabric layer is soaked in heated honey. Honey can cause allergies, so you should be careful with this recipe.


Another procedure that is good for eliminating cough in a child is inhalation. It has been practiced for a long time and is effective if precautions are taken. It must be remembered that a child can get burned by steam.

The most popular inhalation is performed using potatoes. It is boiled in its skin, lightly pounded, and then the child is allowed to breathe in the warm vapors. So that you can control the process and the baby is not scared, you can cover yourself with a blanket with him.

A positive effect on coughs is observed from inhalations with essential oils or potatoes

The second most effective remedy is with essential oils. Heat the water to boiling water and add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to the substances used.

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs

Experienced pediatricians sometimes prescribe sick children not tablets, but decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. A product based on plantain is highly effective. Take a pinch of dry leaves and leave for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water. The drink is filtered, after which the baby takes it a tablespoon before each meal.

Licorice root, marshmallow, propolis, breast elixir, ivy extract, primrose - these components are widely used in the treatment of cough in children (more details in the article:). Thyme and thyme, which are included in the preparations Eukabal, Bronipret, Stoptussin, Pertussin, have a strong healing effect (we recommend reading:).

Other oral agents

There are other folk remedies, besides those mentioned above, that successfully treat cough:

  • Grind an ordinary onion, mixing it with an equal amount of honey. The child needs to take this remedy three times a day, a tablespoon after meals. The minimum age of the patient is 1 year.
  • You can cook radish with honey. To do this, make a hole inside the root vegetable into which 2 tsp is placed. honey and leave for 4 hours. As a result, juice is formed, which is taken 3 times a day, a teaspoon.
  • Another remedy is a mixture of juice of one lemon, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and a glass of honey. This drug is taken 1 tsp. 6 times a day.

Radish with honey is a fortifying agent with expectorant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

Drainage massage

Coughs are also combated using physiotherapeutic procedures. One of these is drainage massage. It can be performed even on infants if the mother has the necessary equipment. If you have no experience, it is better to call a professional massage therapist.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • The baby is placed with the buttocks above the head. You can place a pillow under your stomach.
  • They stroke the back, making upward movements.
  • The next stage is tapping with your fingertips. In this case, areas near the spine are selected, but the spine itself is not touched.
  • 30 minutes give the child a rest. At this time, he is covered with a blanket. Sputum begins to be released and drained.
  • They give expectorant, increasing mucus production.

Drainage is prohibited when the child has a fever. Movements should be gentle, without the use of force. This is especially true for infant massage.

What not to do?

When babies cough, it is necessary to exclude certain foods. Do not consume hot food or drinks to avoid damaging the irritated mucous membrane. It is forbidden to take fresh honey - it must be boiled before use. Avoid chocolate, spicy foods, and pickles from the diet. At elevated temperatures, inhalations, compresses and heating are not done.


At home, treatment of cough in children should involve the use of quick recipes, folk remedies and special medicines. To recover, the child will need to be given rest, plenty of fluids to drink, and the air in the room to be humidified. Such complex therapy will help to quickly rid babies of possible complications caused by the disease.

What is a cough

In medical terminology, a cough is understood as a sharp exhalation, which serves as a protective reflex of the body to cleanse the bronchi of foreign particles, microorganisms and sputum. This is a reflex reaction of the body that occurs when there is a disease of the respiratory tract. It is accompanied by vomiting, hoarseness, anxiety, sleep disturbances and deterioration in the condition of children. Most cases of prolonged cough are accompanied by acute infections(ARVI, influenza), inflammation of the ENT organs, the presence of adenoids.

How to treat a child’s cough depends on the type of pathological disease and the correct diagnosis. The classification distinguishes subspecies:

  1. By durationacute illness(up to 3 weeks) and chronic (with a runny nose).
  2. The nature– productive (moist, with sputum) and nonproductive cough(dry, without mucus discharge).
  3. By origin– infectious barking (short, with inflammation of the larynx), convulsive (whooping cough), whistling (bronchial asthma).
  4. By type of bronchial mucus– light ( Chronical bronchitis), mixed with blood (pulmonary tuberculosis).

How to cure a child's cough

To relieve children from coughing, you need to start by drinking plenty of fluids, using inhalations, and using non-drug medications and herbal infusions. Medicines are prescribed only with a doctor's prescription - it is forbidden to independently select children's medications, or simultaneously take antitussive and mucolytic drugs, antibiotics, or bronchodilators. For treatment, pediatricians prescribe:

  • mucolytics– for diluting and removing sputum (Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan);
  • antitussives– to suppress coughing in children (Sedotussin);
  • expectorants– help with sputum production (Gedelix, Pertussin, licorice root).

Treatment options

Depending on the dry or wet type, the treatment of a child’s cough differs. If a dry condition occurs, it must be converted to a wet, productive condition in order to speed up the healing process.

For example, the drug Fluifort has worked well for thinning sputum (translating a dry cough into a productive one). Syrup with a pleasant taste is convenient to use when treating a child. The carbocysteine ​​lysine salt in the syrup, unlike acetylcysteine ​​preparations, not only helps to thin the mucus, but also prevents it from flowing into the lower respiratory tract. That is why Fluifort helps restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reduces the intensity of cough and facilitates the child’s breathing. The effect of the syrup begins in the first hour after administration and lasts up to 8 hours, so the child begins to feel relief almost immediately.

For treatment, it is allowed to use plenty of warm alkaline drinks, warm compresses, and bronchodilators. The wet subtype is easier to cure - mucolytics and expectorants are taken. Additional methods Therapy for bronchial inflammation includes physiotherapy, electrophoresis, inhalation, cupping, rubbing, mustard plasters and massage.

The following varieties are considered popular medications for the treatment of children's cough:

  • antitussives– Bronholitin, Gerbion;
  • expectorants– , Gedelix;
  • mucolytics– ACC, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine;
  • lollipops– Septolete, Doctor Theiss;
  • – relieve laryngeal edema: Diazolin, Cetirizine;
  • bronchodilators– Salbutamol;
  • nasal drops– Naphazoline, Xylometazoline;
  • to prevent relapses– Broncho-munal, Broncho-Vaxom;
  • rubbing– Pulmex, turpentine ointment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs – .

Anti-inflammatory drugs

If inflammation of the airways develops, anti-inflammatory drugs will help. They facilitate the healing process, relieve pain and discomfort when swallowing. The doctor will tell you how to quickly cure a child’s cough, and he will also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications:

  • , Serrata;
  • Gerbion, ;
  • , Fluditec, Bronchipret.


Cough expectorants in children are intended to speed up the removal of mucus from the lungs and treatment. Active ingredients they contain plant saponins and alkaloids, which make mucus liquid, increase its quantity, and promote expectoration. They cannot be used by children due to high risk allergies and deterioration of the drainage function of the bronchi. Expectorant medications relieve cough:

  • marshmallow and licorice root syrup;
  • collections of thyme, coltsfoot, plantain;
  • Herbion syrup with plantain – herbal preparation;
  • Bronholitin, Solutan - remove mucus from the bronchi;
  • Tussin, Pertussin;
  • baking soda (sodium bicarbonate);
  • potassium iodide;
  • can be treated with Prospan, Linkas, Doctor Mom, Gedelix, Ascoril syrup.


Mucolytics promote the removal of phlegm; they help convert the dry type to the wet type.


Cope with painful cough Antitussive therapy helps, but it can only be used as prescribed by a senior doctor. The reason is the risk of stagnation of sputum and mucous secretions in the respiratory tract. Indications for the use of antitussive medications include whooping cough and sleep problems due to frequent attacks. Doctors recommend that children use such products extremely rarely - viscous secretions impair the drainage function of the bronchi, increasing the risk of secondary infection and respiratory failure.

Antitussive drugs are divided into central action(narcotic Codeine and non-narcotic Sinecode), peripheral (Libexin). Non-narcotic drugs are prescribed for painful dry cough, vomiting, chest pain, and sleep disturbances. It is not recommended to use them on your own. The doctor may prescribe combination drugs - Hexapneumin, Lorraine (contraindicated for preschoolers) and products with ephedrine (Bronholitin, Solutan) in case of profuse liquid sputum.


Drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and expand their lumen are called bronchodilators. They are prescribed by a therapist in case of obstructive bronchitis or asthma. Popular medications for treating signs of chronic inflammation include:

  • Salbutamol, Ventolin– used as bronchodilator therapy;
  • Atrovent– anticholinergic drug;
  • – combined remedy;
  • Eufillin– short-acting theophylline.


Cough recipes for children contain instructions on the use of homeopathy. Choice medicinal product depends on the type of cough, the cause of its appearance, and the first symptoms of infection. It is recommended to use the following useful tools:

  • Hepar sulphuris– from dry hoarse cough;
  • Arsenicum album– from dry, exhausting, irritation in the larynx;
  • Antimonium tartaricum– from dry debilitating, with interruptions, vomiting, nausea;
  • Ipecacuanha– from prolonged night pain, pain in the head, stomach;
  • Spongia tosta– from hoarse barking, burning, tickling in the larynx;
  • Rumex– from dry, strong, painful sternum when taking a deep breath;
  • Sambucus nigra– from croup, interfering with sleep, indomitable.

How can you rub your baby?

With absence high temperature The patient can be treated with rubbing and massage; procedures are carried out with caution in case of dry cough subtype. We treat a child’s cough at home - the following ointments are applicable for dry cough with allergies, whooping cough or false croup:

  • Doctor Mom– with camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, nutmeg, turpentine oils, thymol;
  • Badger, Pulmex, Eucabal– warming, not suitable for two-year-old children prone to allergic reactions;
  • badger, bear, interior, goose fat s– they are used to rub the chest of a child over 3 years of age, the massage is carried out carefully.


Inhalations are used to relieve dry cough. You can do them with nebulizers, inhalers, or simply breathe steam over a pan of hot water. The latter inhalations are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. At home they will help with the symptoms of the disease the following solutions, medications:

  • , Ambrobene, ACC, Fluimucil, Rotokan, Tonzilgon;
  • calendula extract;
  • medicinal herbs - decoctions of sage, St. John's wort, raspberry, mint, eucalyptus, juniper;
  • Evkar or Ingafitol fees;
  • solution of soda, alkaline mineral water (Borjomi).


To treat cough in children, compresses are effective. The following mixtures are soaked in gauze cloth, applied to the throat, sternum or back, and wrapped in cellophane and warm cloth. During treatment colds Compresses can be done before bed or left overnight. Popular recipes:

  • add honey, butter, flour, vodka to dry mustard - on the throat for several days in a row;
  • mix a spoonful of honey, vodka, sunflower oil, heat in a water bath, close your neck, interscapular area, do it every other day;
  • crush boiled potatoes in their jackets, add butter, tie on your chest;
  • Dimexide diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4, heated - for 40 minutes before bedtime on the heart area, in the absence of high temperature, only for children over 12 years old;
  • Moisten a napkin with vodka, saline or mustard solution, apply to skin lubricated with baby cream for half an hour.

Mustard plasters

For dry type with difficulty in sputum discharge, cough in children is treated with the use of mustard plasters. Contraindications – elevated temperature (above 37.5 °C), skin irritation, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, tumors or asthma, up to one year of age. Avoid applying mustard plasters to the area of ​​the heart and spine; for small children it is better to place them in these places through gauze.

Depending on the age, the exposure time of the quick procedure differs: up to 3 years - 2 minutes, up to 7 - 3, up to 12 - 5. After treatment, wipe the skin with a softening cream, if there is severe redness, immediately remove the product and remove the remaining powder with a damp, warm towel. Mustard plasters are applied in the evening, after which you need to change the baby into pajamas and cover with a blanket.

An effective cough suppressant for children

Not only expensive drugs can be effective in treating cough syndrome. The following medications will help with dry type:

  • mucolytics– Falimint lozenges, Halixol, Lazolvan syrups;
  • bronchodilators– Libexin tablets and syrup;
  • antitussives– elixir Codelac, syrups Gerbion, Stoptussin;
  • anti-inflammatory– syrups Omnitus, Ambrohexal;
  • antipyretic– Lorraine powder.

The following will help fight a wet cough: effective means for the treatment of children of different ages:

  • expectorants– tablets ACC, Bromhexine, syrups Ambroxol, Mucaltin, Herbion with primrose, Pertussin;
  • warming up– Doctor Mom ointment;
  • antitussives– Bronholitin;
  • mucus thinners– Ambrobene capsules, suspension;
  • antispasmodic- Gedelix syrup.

Strong remedy

The following powerful remedies and treatment methods for children will help you quickly get rid of cough syndrome:

  • expectorant mixtures– licorice root extract, marshmallow, thermopsis infusion, Pertussin;
  • to thin mucus– solution of potassium iodide, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Fluimucil;
  • inhalation– a spoonful of soda per glass of water, ACC, Lazolvan;
  • vibration massage chest – place the child on his stomach, lightly tap the sternum with short movements with the edge of your palm.

Folk remedies

Some folk remedies for coughs for children are considered effective. Recipes to help get rid of obsessive attacks:

  • radish, onion or carrot juice with honey – a tablespoon up to 5 times a day;
  • you can give your child warm milk and vitamin drinks;
  • baked radish with sugar - strain the juice, give two teaspoons before meals 3-4 times a day;
  • squeeze lemon juice, mix with two tablespoons of glycerin and add honey to the contents of the glass - take a teaspoon up to six times a day;
  • mix hot milk with Borjomi in equal proportions and drink with honey or figs;
  • mix honey with anise or butter, take three teaspoons;
  • Heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cotton sock, and quickly warm up the baby’s chest and back.

How to cure a baby's cough

Before the baby is one year old, the problem may be due to a cold or teething. The following drugs, methods and rules are used to eliminate physiological cough:

  • regularly ventilate the room, install a humidifier;
  • drinking plenty of water, light massage backs;
  • rubbing with animal fat, walking in the fresh air;
  • inhalations are carried out with saline solution through a nebulizer;
  • mucolytics – Gedelix, Prospan;
  • homeopathy – Stodal syrup and Oscillococcinum granules;
  • chest patches Sopelka;
  • Tantum Verde spray - only for strong inflammatory process, because there is a risk of suffocation.



Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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The appearance of a cough in children is always unpleasant news not only for them, but also for their parents. If treatment is not started on time, this situation can lead to unpleasant health consequences. A severe cough in a baby is especially dangerous. How to help a child with this condition? You can get rid of this symptom at home using simple but effective methods.

If a child is suffering from a severe cough, then you need to help him get rid of it as quickly as possible.

What to do first

There are two types of cough: non-productive dry and wet, in which mucus is released. The first type occurs earlier and can become wet. It should be remembered that both wet and dry coughs are dangerous for child's body, so they need to be treated promptly. What to do to stop this condition? To do this, you should use the advice of experts:

  • Give your child plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is recommended to drink not only water, but also berry fruit drinks, compotes or decoctions.
  • Humidify the air in the room where the baby is. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s health. The ideal device in this situation would be a humidifier. If it is not available, you can hang wet towels over the radiators or place containers of water near them.

Try to give your sick child more fluids to drink

  • If the coughing attacks are very severe, it is recommended to change the position of the baby's body when he sleeps. It needs to be turned from side to side so that the thick mucus in the bronchi drains better. It should be remembered that a situation where the child lies on his back should not be allowed. Vomiting may begin at any moment and may enter the respiratory tract.

Following these recommendations will help you quickly cope with a protracted illness. But home treatment severe cough in a sick child it will not be effective without a preliminary examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Only he will give the necessary recommendations and be able to prescribe the correct therapy.

Principles of treatment

How to cure a severe cough in simple ways? First of all, you should pay attention to daily menu baby during illness. Helps cope with a severe cough mineral water with an alkaline composition. It will help not only fill the baby’s body with microminerals, but also restore water balance. No less useful are cereal porridges, which are good for clearing a sore throat.

You can give your child liquid oatmeal, it is a tasty and healthy dish.

It is better to give slimy porridges, for example, liquid oatmeal. In addition, during illness it is very important to consume vitamin complexes, which will be prescribed by the pediatrician. They will strengthen immune system child. It is also recommended to feed your child salads made from seasonal vegetables.

It should be remembered that strong tea and other tonic drinks (for example, cola) are contraindicated during this period. Drinking in large quantities, they will prevent the separation of thick mucus from the bronchi. It is better to give your baby cocoa with added milk and herbal infusions for coughing. They should all be warm so that the secretion can drain away better.

If a child has a severe cough, then the sick person should be given freshly squeezed juices with the addition of honey. To enhance therapeutic effect It is recommended to add ginger root juice. This remedy will strengthen the baby’s immune system and help cope with cough faster.

A drink with honey and ginger strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery

Excessively salty, dry, sweet or spicy foods will irritate the mucous membrane of the sore throat, so giving them during this period is not recommended. It is better to give preference to lightly salted food, in a liquid state, so as not to injure the throat. If the cough appears due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, the pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics.

Natural remedies

If a child has a severe cough, how else can this condition be treated? Banana mixture will help in the fight against severe coughing attacks. To do this, you need to bring half a ripe banana to a puree state and stir it in a glass of warm milk. Add ginger root juice (1 tsp) and let your baby drink in small sips. You need to be treated with this mixture until the cough goes away. You are allowed to drink any amount of banana-ginger milk per day.

A mixture with figs is no less effective in treating this condition. This fruit has a strong expectorant effect. For cooking home medicine you need to take 50 g of figs and finely chop them, add hot water or milk (150 ml) and leave to steep for half an hour. Give the baby one serving for three days, which must be divided into several doses. In addition, the baby can eat figs in their natural form. For a therapeutic effect, give him a few slices of fruit.

Inhalation with sea ​​salt will help relieve an attack and ease expectoration

To relieve coughing attacks and clear the bronchi of thick secretions, inhalation with sea salt will help. To do this, you need to bring a liter of water to a boil and dissolve the product in it. The child should breathe over such vapors for 5-7 minutes. You should be careful when doing this. It is advisable to wait until the mixture cools down a little and the steam is no longer so scalding.

Not everyone knows, but ordinary beets cope well with even the most chronic cough. To remove or mitigate this condition, a child with a strong cough needs to eat several slices of root vegetables. It should be remembered that a large amount of raw beets can cause vomiting, so do not exceed the dosage. In addition to its antitussive effect, this root vegetable is good at relieving sore throats and softening it.

Anti-cough rubs

Rubbing can help in the fight against this condition. This method can be used even in very young children (but not younger than six months of age). In this case, you should pay attention to the following recommendations from doctors:

  • during rubbing, you cannot use the area where the nipples and heart are located;
  • all movements should be light and should be performed in a clockwise direction;

For small children, rubbing should only be done after consulting a doctor.

  • when treating children under 3 years of age with rubbing with a strong cough, you should consult a pediatrician;
  • the most powerful therapeutic effect will be obtained if you use this procedure before bedtime;
  • the skin should not be rubbed if the baby has a fever;
  • After the procedure is completed, the child needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket.

Pharmacy kiosks sell a large number of cough rubs. The purpose of this process is to warm up the bronchi, which will allow thick secretions to drain faster. At home, you can use vodka, propolis and animal fats (badger or bear). Before using any of these remedies, you should consult your pediatrician.

Animal fats, such as bear fat, are often used for grinding.

Bear fat has a warming effect. You should rub your baby's body with vigorous movements. For such a procedure, you can also use a fat tail. It, like bear fat, has a similar effect. After rubbing, the baby should be covered with a warm blanket. It should be remembered that sick children need to carry out such procedures only with barely warmed fat, otherwise it is very easy to burn the delicate skin. In addition, mother can warm up such a natural remedy in her hands.

In addition to the listed compositions, it is recommended to use goose fat. To carry out the procedure, you will need 120 g of the product, which must be mixed with 1 tsp. vodka. The mixture should be quickly applied to the child's body, paying special attention to the back. After this, you need to cover the baby with a warm blanket. In addition to the listed fats, pork and interior fats are also used in the treatment of cough. Such treatment methods are normally accepted by children and they usually do not become capricious during the procedure.

Whatever fat is chosen to combat this condition, you should remember that it must be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise he will lose his beneficial features and will acquire a rancid odor.

Goose fat is also often used to rub children

Therapeutic baths and massage

Massage is considered an effective procedure for combating cough. With its help, it is not only easy to relieve stress, but also remove thick mucus from the bronchi to the outside. To do this, you need to place the baby on his stomach and tap the entire back with light movements from bottom to top. The child's head should be below the level of the buttocks. It is considered normal if the baby clears his throat during the procedure. This suggests that mom is doing everything right. Your attending physician can show you a more precise technique.

The method using medicinal baths will help to quickly relax the child’s body, warm the bronchi and dissolve phlegm, and also strengthen the immune system. Various medicinal herbs should be used as a basis. For example, chamomile, coltsfoot or eucalyptus. They have good sedative and expectorant properties.

It must be remembered that such a bath is contraindicated for children with elevated body temperature. This prohibition also applies to children with a runny nose. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. At the same time, parents should ensure that the water always remains warm. Otherwise, hypothermia and complications are likely to occur.

You can relieve a cough with herbal baths, just be careful

To prepare a bath for a child’s cough, you need to pour several handfuls of the selected dried flower with hot water. The liquid should cool to the optimal temperature for the baby’s skin. While the water cools, all the useful herbal extracts will have time to give it their valuable components. In addition, it is recommended to use one more method. To do this, you need to brew the herbs in a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours, and then pour them into bathing water.

Aroma oil therapy

Aromatherapy can help cope with cough symptoms. It not only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, but also helps strengthen the body's immune forces. In addition to the above, aromatic oils have a strong antibacterial effect. Such products can be used to warm the bronchi during inhalation procedures.

In addition, aromatic oils are widely used for rubbing against coughs, and are also sprayed around the apartment. There is only one contraindication to the use of this home treatment method - an allergy to the components that make up the oils.

Inhaling aromatic oils makes breathing easier and has an anti-inflammatory effect

To disinfect a room where a sick child is constantly present, you need to place a container of boiling water on the floor and drop a small amount of eucalyptus oil into it. All doors and windows in the room must be tightly closed. The room must be tightly closed and left in this state for 40 minutes. After this, the room should be well ventilated. This composition will help remove all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria in the air. This means that the child will recover from cough much faster.

Except eucalyptus oil Lavender or chamomile will do. You should do the same as in the previous method or give the baby inhalation. You need to add 4 drops of the product per liter of boiling water. You don't need to pour a lot to prevent it from appearing. allergic reaction. The liquid should cool slightly, only after this it is necessary to carry out the procedure. Mixtures of medicinal oils are very effective. For example, eucalyptus in combination with chamomile. This will help not only remove the disease, but also kill all germs.

Eucalyptus oil is considered one of the most popular in the treatment of coughs.

If a very strong cough is productive, then inhalation with the addition of Zvezdochka balm will help increase the rate of mucus discharge. This pharmaceutical product contains essential oil peppermint and eucalyptus and will remove the symptoms of dry cough.

From this video you will learn how to relieve a child from a severe coughing attack:

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