Home Children's dentistry What does mammary gland mastopathy mean? Signs of mastopathy in women

What does mammary gland mastopathy mean? Signs of mastopathy in women

Mastopathy is almost always benign education in the mammary gland. It appears as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body.

Symptoms can appear in women of childbearing age from 18 to 46 years and are characterized by pathologies in an expanding form. The peak of the disease occurs between the ages of 30 and 45 years.

Main symptoms of mastopathy

Considering physiological characteristics female body, it is easy to explain the essence of this problem. You need to understand what composition the gland itself has: it is glandular tissue with many microchannels and cells through which milk is secreted.

There are the following symptoms of mastopathy:

  • chest pain;
  • enlarged lymph nodes under the arms;
  • discharge from the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of compactions and nodular formations.

Causes of the disease and its types

Monthly on female body undergo cyclical changes under the influence of two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. They not only regulate menstruation, but also affect breast tissue. If pregnancy does not occur, the amount of estrogen increases. Progesterone, which prevents excessive appearance estrogen, on the contrary, is formed in small quantities. In the end it goes accelerated process cell proliferation, which causes mastopathy to develop.

Sometimes prolactin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, is related to the development of the disease.

In addition to reasons related to hormonal imbalances, there are other factors that lead to the development of mastopathy. The following can be distinguished:

The disease leads to changes in the mammary gland. The following types are distinguished:

  • Diffuse mastopathy. The ferrous component predominates in it. Because of this, the size of the tissues that produce milk increases greatly.
  • Fibro-osseous diffuse, when the presence of cystic compounds predominates in the processes. Bubbles with fluid form - cysts. There is a false belief that a cyst can resolve on its own, but this is not true.
  • Cystic fibrous with a predominance of fibrous units in its composition. The mammary gland contains more connective tissue.
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast. Treatment is purely individual and is accelerated growth connective tissue along with cysts.
  • Nodular forms of the disease. They partially affect the mammary gland. These compacted segments have distinct edges. Such compactions appear due to diffuse mastopathy. The most common form of nodular mastopathy is fibroadenoma, it has the appearance of a moving circle. This formation is non-cancerous and can be eliminated with surgery.

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to diagnose the mammary glands at least once a year, even if there is no reason for concern. Different methods are used for this:

Drugs for treatment

The main rule in the treatment of this disease is to normalize the amount of hormones; in addition, gland tissue is treated locally. It is better to remove fibroadenoma.

Mastopathy must be treated comprehensively, preferably with the use of endocrine drugs.

List of herbal preparations:

  • Mastodinon. This drug will normalize prolactin levels, help if your chest hurts, and prevent the appearance of PMS. You need to take 30 drops (or 2 tablets) twice a day for a course of three months.
  • Cyclodinone. Normalizes the cycle, prolactin is produced more slowly. Available in the form of drops or tablets. You should take 40 drops (or 1 tablet) once a day for three months.
  • Mamocalm. It is based on seaweed, the medicine is well saturated with iodine. You need to take 1 tablet three times a day.
  • Duphaston makes it possible to conceive and maintain a pregnancy during treatment.
  • Janine is a contraceptive that is effective in complex treatment mastopathy.

Drug treatment of mastopathy in women is carried out under hormonal therapy if the disease goes away late stages. Antiestrogens are also used for this. It is necessary to limit the consumption of coffee, cocoa, fatty and smoked foods. It is important to use vitamins A and E. For prevention, take dietary supplements.

Mastopathy is a generalized name for benign tumor diseases of the mammary gland. Proliferating cells form lumps and cysts different sizes causing pain, a feeling of heaviness and others discomfort. At proper treatment mastopathy in women, the tumor can be reduced or completely removed; the lack of timely measures can significantly worsen the woman’s condition.

In the article you will find information about fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, what it is, how to treat it and photo materials.

Among the symptoms and signs of the disease:

  • pressing or nagging pain in the chest, which can radiate to other parts of the body;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • discharge of clear, cloudy white or yellowish fluid from the nipples, sometimes mixed with blood;
  • change in breast shape and size;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • general weakness, apathy, insomnia, loss of appetite.

Mastopathy is characterized by the formation of various seals; their size, shape and location may vary depending on the phase of the cycle or individual characteristics body.

The development of the disease is gradual. The first stage is characterized by an almost asymptomatic course. Patients feel slight discomfort in the second phase of the menstrual cycle: pain, a feeling of fullness, possible slight whitish or transparent discharge from the nipples.

During this period, estrogen is released, the cells begin to grow, forming small compactions. At the same time, fluid retention occurs in the tissues, the breasts swell and increase in size.

After menstruation occurs, estrogen levels decrease and the breasts return to normal. However, small seals do not completely disappear, and during the next phase of the cycle they increase in size again.

If hormone levels are not artificially regulated, the next stage of mastopathy occurs.

It is characterized by the constant presence of fibroids and cysts, regardless of the menstrual cycle.

Overgrown neoplasms put pressure on the milk ducts and capillaries, and an admixture of blood appears in the liquid released dropwise from the nipples.

There is no need to be afraid, these are just traces of burst blood vessels. Due to pressure on the nerve endings, pulling and pressing pain occurs, an increased amount of female hormones increase the sensitivity of the nipple, areola and the mammary gland itself.

Who should I contact if I feel unwell?

At the first signs of the disease, you should contact a general practitioner, who will write a referral to a mammologist. The specialist will offer monitoring of the development of the disease, and will conduct a full examination to clarify the diagnosis. Correct palpation can determine the benign nature of the formations.

How to treat mastopathy in women if the form of the disease is more complex? In this case it is suggested.

What to take for mastopathy? Well proven oral contraceptives latest generation, not causing side effects: Marvelon, Femoden, Mercilon, Celeste, Novinet. Preparations based on antiestrogens (Torimefene, Tomaxifen), prolactins (Bromocripline Poly, Lactodel, Serocriptin, Parlodel, Bromocriptin-Richter), gestagens (Utrozhestan, Norkolut, Micronor, Primolut-Nor) are used.

In addition, A, E and C are prescribed. They are very often used.

However, this treatment has many contraindications: age over 40 years, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, risk of malignant neoplasms.

For milder therapy, drugs of non-hormonal origin are used. plant based, enriched with vitamins.

Such drugs include Femicaps, Milife, Mammoleptin,. They have a minimum of contraindications and are suitable for older women with severe pain.

How to treat mastopathy if it hurts? External remedies will help relieve pain, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms: based on herbal extracts, propolis, dead bees, honey, aloe, cedar resin, natural vegetable oils.

The drugs have pronounced decongestant, analgesic, and sedative properties. It is rubbed into the skin or used for cooking. Treatment with ointments and creams is best carried out in courses of 20-30 days, followed by a break, after which the course can be resumed.

Watch a video about what mastopathy is, how to treat it and with what:

How to treat fibroadenomatosis with folk remedies? An alternative to industrial medicines will be proven ones. Treatment for mastopathy of the mammary gland may also include folk remedies. For example, various herbal preparations are widely used.

  • Among the most useful herbs burnet, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, wormwood, celandine, birch buds, cinquefoil, elderberry. Infusions and decoctions are prepared for drinking (1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water).
  • For compresses, alcohol tinctures and oil mixtures are used, pouring crushed herbs with warm oil, alcohol or vodka, and then infusing the mixtures in a dark, cool place.
  • To relieve heaviness and pain, compresses made from honey and rye flour, blue clay, and grated potatoes are recommended. Fresh greens quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms: white cabbage, burdock, plantain, coltsfoot leaves.
  • Treatment of breast mastopathy can be supplemented with sedatives. For example, to restore strength and provide vitamins, a decoction of rose hips and hawthorn, supplemented with dried mint, oregano and lemon balm, is recommended.
  • In the treatment of mastopathy, self-massage with medicinal gels, creams or natural vegetable oil. Soft circular movements will relieve heaviness and restore elasticity to the skin.

It is necessary to reduce the total caloric intake of the diet, observe drinking regime and completely eliminate alcohol. You can learn more about the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Following these simple rules will improve immunity and eliminate factors that contribute to the development of tumors.

Now you know what mastopathy is and how to treat it. Is it possible to cure mastopathy completely? Can. But, treatment of mammary gland mastopathy - a complex process that takes several months. Read more about this.

Compliance with all the rules and constant monitoring by a doctor guarantee a significant improvement in well-being and gradual relief from tumors, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Remember, if mastopathy is not treated, serious consequences may arise that will require surgical intervention.

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Of all breast diseases, fibrocystic disease, or fibrocystic mastopathy, is the most common. It occurs in almost 30% of all women, and in women under 30 years of age - in every fourth case of treatment. antenatal clinic. Among women suffering from chronic gynecological diseases, mastopathy was found in 30-70%.

What is mastopathy

The term “mastopathy” combines about 30 synonymous terms - mammary dysplasia, dyshormonal mammary hyperplasia, Schimmelbusch disease, chronic cystic mastitis, masoplasia, cystic mastopathy, mastodynia, etc.

All these and many other terms are used to refer to those many changes morphological nature(proliferative, cystic, fibrous), which are often, but not necessarily, present simultaneously and are united by one common name.

IN practical medicine the term “mastopathy” is used in relation to many benign diseases of the mammary glands, differing in diversity clinical manifestations and, most importantly, the histomorphological structure, and are united by the main reason for their occurrence - hormonal imbalances in the body.

Thus, mastopathy is a group of benign diseases, morphologically characterized wide range both regressive and proliferative processes, in which a pathological relationship between connective tissue and epithelial components mammary glands with the occurrence of cystic, fibrous and proliferative changes.

Why is mastopathy dangerous? Despite the fact that this disease is benign and is not considered directly a precancer, at the same time, breast cancer develops on average 4 times more often against the background diffuse diseases the latter and 40 times more often - against the background of cystic forms with signs of proliferation (proliferation) of epithelial cells. The risk of malignancy in non-proliferative forms of mastopathy is no more than 1%, with moderate proliferation of the epithelium - about 2.5%, and in the case of significant proliferation, the risk of breast cancer increases to 31.5%.

From this point of view, the prevention and treatment of mastopathy are at the same time the real prevention of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, 90% of pathological formations are detected by women on their own and only in other cases are they detected medical workers accidentally as a result preventive examination.

The combination of dishormonal hyperplasias with malignant neoplasms, identified in most studies, is explained by the common causes and risk factors, the identity of certain variants of mastopathy and malignant tumors, and similar hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body.

Types of mastopathy

Due to the wide variety of morphological forms of the disease, there are different classifications. In practice, depending on the predominance of certain changes identified during palpation (palpation) and/or mammography, as well as taking into account the results of histological examination, three main forms of the disease are distinguished, which some authors consider to be different stages of development of the same pathological process :

  1. Diffuse large- or small-focal, representing early stage development of the disease. The histological picture is determined by the areas of the organ with normal structure, hyperplastic (enlarged) and atrophic lobules, dilated ducts and small cysts, coarsening and proliferation of connective tissue structures and collagen fibers.
  2. Nodular, characterized by a predominance of cystic elements and fibrous tissue, the proliferation of gland lobules and epithelial cells that line the inner surface of cysts and milk ducts. The detection of individual atypical cells is a reason to characterize this form as a precancerous condition.
  3. Mixed, or diffuse nodular - nodular formations of more or less pronounced size are determined against the background of diffuse changes in the mammary glands.

In turn, diffuse and nodular forms are classified into types. The diffuse form is divided into:

  • adenosis, in which the glandular component predominates;
  • fibroadenosis - fibrous component;
  • fibrocystic - cystic component;
  • sclerosing adenosis - compact proliferation of gland lobules with preservation of internal and external epithelial layers and the configuration of the lobules, despite the compression of the latter by fibrous tissues;
  • mixed form.

In the nodal form, the following types are distinguished:

  • adenomatous, which is excessively overgrown glandular passages with the formation of small adenomas, consisting of enlarged elements of the glandular structure located close to each other;
  • fibroadenomatous, including leaf-shaped - a fast-growing connective tissue formation of a layered structure containing cellular elements, cysts and glandular ducts, which are lined with growing epithelial cells;
  • cystic;
  • intraductal papilloma, Mintz disease, or bleeding mammary gland; is an easily injured overgrown epithelium in an expanded excretory duct behind the areola or close to the nipple;
  • lipogranuloma, or;
  • hemangioma (vascular tumor);
  • hamartoma, consisting of glandular, adipose and fibrous tissue.

Despite the fact that malignant tumors of the mammary glands are not necessarily the consequences of fibrocystic changes. However, their presence greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, which largely depends on the severity of epithelial proliferation inside the ducts and glandular lobules. In accordance with histological studies of material obtained during operations, in 46% malignant tumors are combined with diffuse tumors. This fact further supports the assumption that the prevention of mastopathy is also the prevention of breast cancer.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

The etiology and mechanisms of development of mastopathy have not been fully elucidated, but a direct connection has been established primarily between the development of this pathology and the state of hormone balance in the body. Therefore, the hormonal theory of the formation of diffuse fibrocystic disease was the basis for the name of the disease dishormonal mammary hyperplasia.

The latter are an organ that is highly sensitive to any changes in the level of hormones, especially sex hormones, and at any time in a woman’s life. The mammary glands are never in states characterized by functional rest. Their development and condition, physiological changes during menstrual cycles after puberty, activation of function during pregnancy and lactation are carried out and regulated through a whole hormonal complex.

These hormones include GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) of the hypothalamic region of the brain, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid-stimulating and chorionic hormones, glucocorticosteroids and insulin, and, most importantly, sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, progesterone).

Therefore, any hormonal imbalance, especially between progesterone and estrogens, among which estradiol has the maximum effect on the mammary gland, is accompanied by changes in the structure of its tissues and, as a consequence, the development of mastopathy. The differentiation (specialization) of cells, their division, development and proliferation of epithelial cells of the organ ducts depend on estradiol. This hormone also induces the development of the structural and functional unit of the gland (lobules), the development of the vascular network and the filling of connective tissue with fluid.

Progesterone prevents the division and proliferation of the epithelium of the milk ducts, reduces the permeability of small vessels caused by the action of estrogens. By reducing swelling of connective tissue, progesterone ensures lobular-alveolar separation and promotes the development of glandular tissues, lobules and alveoli.

Highest value has a relative (in relation to estrogens) or absolute progesterone deficiency. Its deficiency causes not only edema, but also an increase in the mass and volume of connective tissues inside the lobules, as well as growth of the epithelium of the ducts, leading to a decrease in their diameter, blockage and the formation of cysts. The hormone is able to reduce the degree of activity of estrogen receptors, reduce the local concentration of active estrogens, which helps limit the stimulation of the proliferation of glandular tissue.

An increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood also plays a certain role in the development of mastopathy, which leads to an increase in the number of receptors in the tissues of the glands that perceive estradiol. This helps to increase the sensitivity of gland cells to the latter and accelerate the growth of epithelium in it. In addition, an increase in the level of prolactin is one of the reasons for the imbalance in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, which is accompanied by corresponding symptoms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - swelling, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands.

There are quite a few causative risk factors, but the main ones are:

  1. Late (after 16 years) or premature, inappropriate for age, onset of menstrual cycles (before 12 years), as a result of which the girl’s body does not have time to adapt to changes in the hormonal state, to which the mammary gland tissue reacts accordingly.
  2. Later (after 30 years) onset of sexual activity.
  3. Early (before 45 years) or late (after 55 years) menopause, which is associated with an early imbalance of sex hormones or longer-term exposure to estrogen.
  4. , absence of pregnancies resulting in childbirth or late (after 30 years) first pregnancy.
  5. Frequent abortions in adolescence or after 35 years. Three artificial interruptions after 6 weeks of pregnancy, when glandular tissue grows significantly, are a trigger for the transformation of physiological proliferation into pathological one. Abortions during these periods increase the risk of developing mastopathy by 7 times due to the interruption of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  6. Absence, excessively short (less than 5 months) or excessively long breastfeeding.
  7. Hereditary predisposition and age after 45 years.
  8. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (about 40-70%), which are not so much a provoking, but rather a contributing or concomitant factor endocrine disorders;
  9. Genital endometriosis (80%), (85%), the hormones of which affect the mammary glands directly or through their influence on receptors that perceive other hormones.
  10. Ovarian tumors and menstrual irregularities (54%).
  11. Hormonal disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, diseases thyroid gland(found in 40-80% of women with mastopathy), dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, hormonal imbalance in metabolic syndrome.
  12. Impaired utilization of steroid hormones, in particular estrogens, and their elimination as a result of pathological changes or dysfunction of the liver, biliary tract and intestines.
  13. Long-term psychological stress and chronic stress conditions, long-term depression and sleep disorders, leading to disruption of feedback connections between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and the rest of the endocrine and vegetative systems. Such disorders are present in almost 80% of women with mastopathy.
  14. Poor nutrition - excessive consumption of foods rich in fats, carbohydrates, animal proteins, and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with dietary fiber.
  15. Nicotine intoxication and abuse of alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks and products - strong coffee and tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate.
  16. Negative influence external environment(chemical carcinogens and ionizing radiation) is often the impetus for the occurrence of mastopathy.

Mastopathy and pregnancy are to a certain extent related. If late or interrupted pregnancy, as well as infertility, are risk factors for the development of mastopathy, as mentioned above, then, accordingly, its presence, and especially repeated pregnancies and childbirth, can be considered prevention of the disease. In addition, some authors believe that during pregnancy there may be a delay in the development of mastopathy and a decrease in the degree of its manifestations. This is explained by the high content of progesterone in a woman’s body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Diagnosis of any pathology is based on finding out the history of the disease during a conversation with the patient, his subjective feelings and external visual and palpation examinations. All this allows the clinician to choose further methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics in order to establish a diagnosis, provoking factors and concomitant diseases that influence the development of a specific pathology.

The main and most characteristic initial signs of mastopathy:

  1. Mastalgia, or pain in the mammary glands (in 85%) of varying intensity, forcing women to consult a doctor. They arise as a result of increased estrogen content and compression of nerve endings by edematous connective tissue or cystic formations. Another reason is the involvement of nerve endings in tissues that have undergone sclerosis.

    The pain is local, aching or dull, but sometimes intensifies with movement and radiates (gives) to the scapular and axillary area, shoulder girdle, arm. They occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle - usually a week, and sometimes more, before the onset of menstruation. After the start of menstruation or after a few days, the pain disappears or its intensity decreases significantly. Severe pain leads to cancerophobia (a feeling of fear about malignant tumor), to anxious or depressive state, emotional imbalance.

  2. The most common concerns are sensations of discomfort, fullness, heaviness, engorgement (mastodynia) of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, headache, nausea and vomiting, discomfort and cramping abdominal pain (). They, just as in cases of mastalgia, are associated with menstrual cycle and arise as a result of increased blood supply and swelling of the connective tissue structure of the glands that form the stroma.
  3. Discharge when pressing on the nipples is transparent, whitish, brownish, greenish in color, or even mixed with blood. If there are a lot of them, they may appear on their own (without pressure). We should be especially wary bloody issues, occurring also at malignant neoplasm.
  4. The presence of one or more nodular formations of various sizes, detected by palpation and sometimes visually. More often they are determined in the upper outer quadrants of the glands, which are functionally the most active. External examination and palpation examination in horizontal and vertical positions (with arms lowered and raised up) are the main objective and easily accessible research methods, which at the same time require sufficient practical skills. They make it possible to determine the severity of the skin venous network, the consistency and boundaries of the compactions, fibrous cords and heaviness of the lobules, and their soreness.

It should be noted that enlargement of regional lymph nodes, their soreness and temperature during mastopathy are not signs of the latter. An increase in local and/or general body temperature, an increase in supra- and subclavian, axillary lymph nodes usually occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland (). In addition, when examining the mammary glands, the doctor always carefully checks the regional lymph nodes, which are the first site of metastasis of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease

Easy accessibility of the mammary glands for visual examination and manual examination, great similarity in different periods their functioning physiological changes with many forms of pathology often lead to erroneous interpretation of the examination results and are the cause of both over- and under-diagnosis.

Therefore, clinical examination data should be supplemented by such basic research methods as x-ray mammography and ultrasound diagnostics, allowing to confirm, clarify or reject a preliminary diagnosis.

X-ray method is the most informative, allowing timely detection of gland pathology in 85 - 95% of cases. The World Health Organization recommends every 2 years for any healthy woman after 40 years, and after 50 years - annually. The study is carried out from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle in two projections (direct and lateral). If necessary, targeted (certain limited area) radiography is performed.

For women 35-40 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers, it is recommended to carry out an echographic examination every six months. Its advantages are safety and high resolution. Ultrasound can accurately distinguish cavitary formations from solid ones, examine glands with high density (in young women, with tissue swelling as a result of injury or acute inflammation), and conduct targeted puncture biopsy. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to visualize X-ray negative tumor formations located close to chest wall, and regional lymph nodes, to carry out dynamic monitoring of treatment results.

Women with breast pathologies often need hormonal testing. These lab tests in some cases, they make it possible to establish the cause of the disease, risk factors, and adjust treatment in terms of the use of certain hormonal agents.

How to treat mastopathy

There are no generally accepted standard principles of therapy, despite the prevalence of the disease and its importance early detection and treatment for cancer prevention.

Treatment of women with nodular forms begins with a puncture (using a thin needle) aspiration biopsy. If signs of dysplasia (improper development of connective tissue structures) are detected in the node, it is recommended surgery- sectoral resection or complete removal of an organ (mastectomy) with mandatory emergency histological examination of the removed tissue.


Diet for mastopathy has preventive and therapeutic importance, since nutrition largely affects the metabolic processes of sex hormones, especially estrogens. It is recommended to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, meat products, which helps reduce the content of estrogens in the blood and normalize the ratio of androgens and estrogens. In addition, coarse fibers found in vegetables and fruits, especially some grain products, have also been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

It is important to eat food that contains large quantities of vitamins and microelements, especially iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, titanium, and silicon. To replenish them, it is advisable to take additional special food additives and vitamin-mineral complexes in dragees. One of these drugs is Triovit in peas, enclosed in capsules.

Taking hormonal medications

Because the main reason mastopathy is hormonal disorders, the main goal of therapy is their correction. For this purpose, progestin hormonal drugs are most often used, the mechanism of effect of which is based on suppressing the activity of the pituitary-ovarian system, reducing the degree of stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue.

For these purposes, Utrozhestan, Duphaston and especially Progestogel Gel are used. The latter contains micronized plant progesterone, identical to endogenous and acting at the cellular level. At the same time, it does not increase the hormone content in the blood serum. It is applied to the skin for 3 months from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle or daily.


IN last years Homeopathy, based on the use of small doses of active components contained in plants, minerals, substances of animal origin, etc., has taken a certain place in the prevention and treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy. They do not cause negative side effects. Their action is aimed at stimulating and maintaining the protective abilities of the body itself. Homeopathic remedies include tablets for mastopathy such as:

  • Mastopol, prescribed for 2 months, 1 tablet three times a day, half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals; it contains alkaloids of spotted hemlock, thuja, and goldenseal and has a sedative effect, significantly reduces the severity of mastalgia;
  • Mastodinon, available in tablets and drops, is prescribed for use for three months twice a day, 1 tablet or 30 drops; it is a complex of products, the main ingredient of which is an extract from common twig (Abraham's tree, Vitex sacred).

    Active substances help reduce prolactin synthesis by acting on the pituitary gland, thereby improving function corpus luteum ovaries and the ratio of estrogen to progesterone is normalized; this medicine leads to the elimination of signs of premenstrual syndrome, reduction or elimination of discharge from the nipples, normalization of the menstrual cycle, helps reduce the intensity of proliferation processes in the mammary glands and regression pathological processes for mastopathy;

  • Cyclodinone, containing only an extract of the same plant, moreover, in a higher concentration;
  • Klimadinon, the main component of which is an extract from the rhizome of black cohosh, or black cohosh; treatment of mastopathy during menopause is often highly effective, since black cohosh eliminates vascular-vegetative disorders well, being slightly inferior only to hormonal drugs; its mechanism of action is based on modulation of the function of estrogen receptors in the central nervous system, suppression of excessive secretion of luteinizing hormone involved in the mechanism of menopausal disorders and worsening the course of mastopathy among women 45–50 years of age.
  • Gelarium in tablets containing St. John's wort extract; it helps eliminate mild depression that accompanies premenstrual syndrome, normalizes sleep and appetite, and increases psycho-emotional stability;
  • Femiglandin, which is obtained from evening primrose oil, contains vitamin “E” and polyunsaturated fatty acid;
  • Femiwell - consists of soy isoflavonoids, mahogany extract and vitamin “E”

After consultation with the doctor, treatment of mastopathy at home can be carried out using infusions prepared independently from the above or other individual medicinal plants or herbal collections that are offered by the pharmacy chain.

Patients often ask the question, is it possible to do massage for mastopathy? Physiotherapy, ointments, massage, compresses not only in the area of ​​the mammary glands, but also soft tissues in the area of ​​the thoracic spine lead to the expansion of small and medium-sized vessels, increasing the volume of blood flowing to the tissues of the organ. This helps to increase tissue nutrition, accelerate metabolic processes, which stimulates the growth of existing tumor formations. Therefore, mastopathy is a contraindication for the use of such treatments for the named zones and areas.

For engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by pain, Dimexide can be used externally, but not as compresses or ointment, but in the form of 25 or 50% gel, produced in tubes. The drug has anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects when applied to the skin of the mammary glands.

Studies of women of reproductive age and suffering from various gynecological pathologies revealed a diffuse form of mastopathy in an average of 30%, mixed (diffuse-nodular) - in the same number of patients, nodular forms of mastopathy were usually combined with uterine myomatosis, endometrial hyperplasia and genital endometriosis. Thus, the choice of treatment methods depends on the form of the pathology, the presence of hormonal imbalance and concomitant diseases.

Mastopathy is a benign breast disease. An imbalance of female sex hormones in the body is usually to blame for its occurrence. During a breast self-examination, a woman may find quite obvious signs pathology. Distinguish mastopathy from breast cancer by appearance not always possible. Exist special methods, allowing the doctor to know exactly what kind of disease it is. The main thing is that the woman does not hesitate and does not listen to anyone’s advice on how to get rid of the seals on her own. The moment when the disease can be dealt with may be missed.

For development and condition female breast influenced by sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone, produced in the ovaries. TO pathological changes in tissues results in an excess of estrogens and a lack of progesterones. The cause of hormonal imbalance may be diseases of the genital organs, long-term treatment or contraception with hormonal drugs.

An imbalance occurs when the natural course of physiological processes in the body is disrupted (termination of pregnancy, irregular sex life and others), as well as after operations on the uterus and ovaries. The formation of mastopathy is also promoted by an excess of prolactin, a hormone that regulates milk production and the condition of glandular tissue.

Basically, all such processes occur at the age of 18-45 years. Women aged 30-40 years are at risk, as it is at this age that the first signs of weakened ovarian function appear and changes in the ratio of hormones occur.

Video: What is mastopathy, how dangerous is it

Types of disease

There are 2 forms of mastopathy: diffuse and nodular. The nodular form is more dangerous, since in an advanced stage a cancerous tumor may appear at the site of nodular neoplasms.

Diffuse mastopathy

It is considered the initial stage of the disease. The growth of connective tissue cells occurs unevenly, which leads to the appearance of small nodules, stretching of individual tissue areas, and the formation of cysts. The development of glandular tissue cells is also disrupted. As a result of these changes, a woman experiences a nagging pain in her chest, and the mammary gland becomes dense. Painful symptoms worsen before menstruation, when breast swelling occurs.

There are several types of diffuse mastopathy of the mammary gland:

  1. Glandular (adenosis) – with a predominant development of glandular tissue compared to connective tissue.
  2. Glandular-cystic. Predominantly glandular tissue develops abnormally, and multiple cysts form in it.
  3. Fibrocystic. There is a proliferation of connective (fibrous) tissue, in which cysts appear.

With mixed mastopathy, cysts form in both tissues. Overgrowth occurs with a predominance of fibrous tissue.

Nodular mastopathy

It usually develops against the background of diffuse mastopathy. There is an increase in nodes in any part of the mammary gland due to the presence of intraductal papilloma, the formation of a large cyst or tumor (fibroadenoma, lipoma). Abnormal changes occur predominantly in fibrous tissue.

Signs of nodular mastopathy are seals that appear on one of the areas of the gland, swelling and redness of the skin over this area, and the presence of discharge from the nipple (transparent, white, pinkish).

Depending on what neoplasm caused nodular mastopathy, it is divided into the following types:

  • fibrocystic (with cysts in fibrous tissue);
  • fibrous, when nodes appear in a certain area of ​​connective tissue;
  • lobular (glandular) – germination of connective tissue into the epithelium of the lobules of the mammary gland.

Tissue proliferation leads to the appearance of papillomas (papillae) on the epithelium of the ducts, the formation of multilayered epithelium, narrowing the lumen of the ducts, as well as the appearance of large cystic cavities.

Depending on how pronounced such changes are in the epithelium, mastopathy is divided into simple (the number of cells increases without changing their structure) and proliferating (a change in the structure of the cells occurs). As a result of proliferation, so-called atypical cells appear with larger nuclei and improper division. These cells can degenerate into cancer, so proliferating nodular mastopathy of the mammary gland is considered a precancerous disease. The formation of leaf-shaped cysts (flat multilayer cavities with overgrown layers of epithelium) in the breast tissue is especially dangerous. Mastopathy of this type degenerates into sarcoma.

Video: Causes, symptoms and diagnosis of mastopathy

Symptoms and signs

The nature of the symptoms depends on the form of mastopathy, its stage and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Chest pain before menstruation. At first, a woman may perceive it as a normal premenstrual symptom, especially since it goes away after the end of her period. But next time the nagging pain may turn into a sharp, stabbing pain that is more severe. It begins to give way in the hand, under the shoulder blade.

Breast swelling in the second half of the cycle. The growing tissue begins to compress the vessels, blood circulation is disrupted, which leads to swelling and an increase in the volume of the gland.

Nipple discharge. They appear when pressed. The color of the discharge can be almost any. Greenish discharge occurs if an inflammatory process occurs in the ducts or lobules. The most dangerous is bloody discharge, which can be a sign of a malignant tumor.

The appearance of lumps in the chest. Nodules form in one or both mammary glands, in a single quantity or several at once.

With diffuse mastopathy, fine-grained compactions are palpated due to an increase in the size of the lobules in the mammary gland. With nodular mastopathy, the seals can reach a size of 7 cm. They do not have clear boundaries. In a large cyst, on the contrary, the compaction has a well-defined contour. The neoplasm is mobile and not associated with the skin.

What is the danger of mastopathy

The disease must be eliminated. As a rule, hormone-containing drugs are used. In advanced cases, it is carried out surgery to remove a dangerous node. Mastopathy does not go away on its own. If the disease is not controlled, the lump may increase in size and become cancerous tumor. One of the signs of breast mastopathy, indicating dangerous degeneration, is the appearance of many small calcifications in the mammary gland.

The occurrence of inflammatory processes in areas with damaged tissue structure and suppuration of fluid in cysts are also dangerous. Cysts may burst, leading to widespread inflammation of the breast.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

A mammological examination consists primarily of palpation and visual examination of the gland. Important diagnostic methods are mammography (x-ray of the mammary glands, which is performed on women over 35 years old), as well as ultrasound. This method can detect tumors 1-2 mm in size.

The nature of the compaction is clarified using a biopsy - taking a sample and examining it under a microscope to detect atypical or cancerous cells.

Video: Prevention of mastopathy

Prevention of mastopathy and its complications

The basis of prevention is regular self-examination of the mammary glands. It is performed 5-7 days after the start of menstruation, when the breasts are the softest. It is carried out in a standing and lying position.

If lumps of any size are detected, an increase in the volume of glands, discharge from the nipples, redness and swelling of the skin and other symptoms of mastopathy of the mammary gland, it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by a mammologist. An important reason for this is the appearance of characteristic chest pain.

Prevention of mastopathy also involves timely treatment gynecological and endocrine diseases. You must be careful when using hormonal drugs. They must be prescribed individually by a doctor. New generation drugs are used that contain, in addition to estrogens, also progesterone. This reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Many women of fertile age often begin to experience some discomfort in the chest. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to apply for medical care, and naively hope that everything will go away on its own. In fact, such problems can lead to serious illnesses breasts One of these troubles is mastopathy. This disease usually has disastrous consequences for women; it is characterized by inflammation, the development of a tumor, sometimes becoming malignant.

What it is?

The peculiarity of this form of the disease is that it rarely progresses to the oncological stage. In addition, fibrous lumps are characterized by softness upon palpation and the ability to move freely inside the gland, which is why they differ from cancerous lumps. The mammary glands in women with signs of cancer, on the contrary, have hard and immobile inclusions.

Fibrous mastopathy is treated with conservative methods and diet. With this form of mastopathy, coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks should be excluded from the diet, since they contain methylxanthines. These substances increase the production of stress hormones, which leads to the formation of fibrous lumps in mammary gland. The diet should include iodine-rich fish, vegetables, and herbs. But you should give up meat products for a while.

Features of cystic mastopathy

Cystic mastopathy (photo diagnostic studies are given below) is characterized by This occurs due to the proliferation of pathological tissues in which cystic formations various sizes and quantities. The causes of the disease in most cases are an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone in the patient. Other reasons include heredity, breast trauma, frequent abortions, infertility or late first birth. This also includes endocrine disorders, stress and neuroses, bad habits.

If a woman has chest pain, mastopathy may be one of the reasons for the appearance of this symptom. Other signs include a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the mammary gland, secretion from the nipples, and the formation of lumps and knots. These symptoms are directly related to the patient’s menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by breast swelling. Treatment occurs by taking hormonal drugs. Advanced cases require surgical intervention (puncture or resection of the affected part of the gland).

Diagnosis of the disease

The main method for detecting breast diseases is regular examination by a mammologist or oncologist. During the examination, the doctor notes the appearance of signs of any change in them. By the way, a woman can independently examine her breasts by palpating the glands to detect any lumps in them, for example, cystic focal mastopathy can be palpated quite well in this way. Additional diagnostic methods include mammography and ultrasound examination mammary glands, determination of the level of sex hormones in the blood.

Drug treatment of mastopathy

Many diseases caused by hormonal disorder, are treated with hormones, including mastopathy. This is the most reasonable method, which is used only after receiving the results of hormone tests. Otherwise, the problem may only get worse.

TO medicines, which are used in medical practice For the treatment of this disease, hormonal, combined oral medications, contraceptives, antiestrogens and homeopathic medicines are included. However, hormones are prescribed when other drugs do not cope with the task.

The goal of conservative therapy is to reduce pain, reduce inflammatory process in gland tissues, resorption of cysts and fibrosis, as well as prevention of relapse and oncology. If the patient has concomitant sexual or endocrine diseases, treatment should be adjusted taking into account the recommendations of the gynecologist or endocrinologist. It is also important to exclude nervous disorders and diseases of internal organs.

In recent years, to eliminate breast problems in women, doctors have widely used new medications, such as Progestogel, Mammoleptin, Mastodipon, Wobenzym and others. It has been noted that new generation drugs quite effectively suppress the development of a disease such as mastopathy at the initial stage. Treatment methods medicines with fibrocystic form of the disease and in the presence genetic predisposition Unfortunately, they are ineffective against breast cancer tumors. In particular difficult cases the disease is treated surgically.


Mastopathy is a disease that is subject to surgical intervention to remove diseased breast tissue. The fibrocystic form is precisely the case when conservative treatment doesn't bring positive results. If single or multiple nodes are diagnosed in the gland, the surgeon removes them and sends biomaterial to this procedure. This procedure makes it possible to identify the nature of the tumors (malignant or benign), on which further treatment will subsequently depend.

The need for histology after surgery

If the results of a histological examination reveal cancer cells in the biomaterial sent for analysis, the woman will be prescribed a course of chemotherapy. This will destroy cancer cells in organism. To monitor the state of health, the patient will regularly undergo tomographic examinations using contrast - a special substance that allows cancer cells to be seen on the tomograph monitor. When contrast is injected into a vein, malignant cells actively absorb it and become stained, which makes them clearly visible during diagnostics.

Is physiotherapy rational?

Physiotherapy for mastopathy is rarely used. This is due to an increased risk of tumor degeneration into a malignant formation. The only method physiological treatment This disease is hirudotherapy. With its help, stagnation in tissues is eliminated, normal blood circulation in the mammary glands is restored, which promotes the resorption of nodules.

Traditional medicine for mastopathy

If a woman is diagnosed with mastopathy, this is not a reason to despair. At timely diagnosis illness can be treated traditional methods, and quite successfully. It is worth saying that the decision to use recipes alternative medicine must be taken by your attending physician. The most popular means for the treatment of mastopathy are compresses, lotions, poultices, ointments and oils. Tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants are taken internally.

Do not apply hot poultices to the skin of the chest if there is redness of the epithelial tissues, fever, or swelling. It is also not recommended to use external agents in the presence of skin rashes. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating pain syndrome in the gland, resorption of cysts and fibrous tissue, prevention of the development of complications and malignant tumors.

To prepare decoctions and tinctures, immunomodulatory plants, antitumor and gonadotropic plants (acting on the sex glands) should be used. TO antitumor drugs include wormwood, thistle, burdock, cinquefoil, birch, elderberry and plant poisons (celandine, fly agaric, mistletoe, hemlock and others). Aloe, echinacea, propolis, and elecampane are used as immunomodulators.


In order to prevent mastopathy, simple preventive measures should be followed:

Regularly visit a mammologist and gynecologist;

Avoid stress and nervous tension;

Wear comfortable underwear;

News healthy image life, give up bad habits;

Monitor your weight;

Do not self-medicate.

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