Home Stomatitis Formoterol release form. Formoterol (Formoterol) comparison of prices for synonyms, availability in pharmacies

Formoterol release form. Formoterol (Formoterol) comparison of prices for synonyms, availability in pharmacies

Lung problems are no joke. They not only cause discomfort and make you feel worse, but can also cause various complications. For example, asthma can even lead to The drug "Formoterol", instructions for use of which will be presented below, is precisely intended for the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system. However, keep in mind that it is used to combat a narrow range of diseases.

Features of the drug's action

The remedy is, that is, capable of expanding the bronchial lumens. At the same time, it significantly slows down the release of leukotrines and histamine from lung tissue. The main active ingredient is fumartate dihydrate.

The drug acts within 5 minutes, and its maximum effect is achieved after 2 hours. If bronchial obstruction is impaired, the medicine can remain effective for about 10 hours. This makes it possible to alleviate the patient’s condition for a long time.

A significant part of the drug after inhalation enters the stomach. There the components are absorbed. The half-life of the drug is approximately 13 hours. Its components accumulate and are metabolized in the liver. The drug is excreted in the urine. Its bioavailability is more than 40%. And it binds to blood plasma by 68%.

The most basic document that you should read before using Formoterol is the instructions for use. There is not one form of release of the drug, there are several of them: capsules with powder, dosed powder in a bottle, dosed aerosol. Regardless of which one you purchased, the medicine is for inhalation only. The product is sold in cardboard packaging.

What indications for use are there?

If you have already used Formoterol, the instructions for use (we will look at synonyms for the drug later) indicate a fairly narrow range of use. The following indications for use can be distinguished:

  • Treatment and prevention of sharp narrowing of the bronchial lumens - spasm.
  • Asthma. In this case, the drug is not the main one, but is used only to support the body.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Pulmonary emphysema.
  • Allergic bronchial spasm. The fact is that the medicine can inhibit the release of histamine.
  • Obstructive inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by a violation of air flow through them.

In what cases is taking the drug prohibited?

Not everyone can take Formoterol. Instructions for use indicate the following contraindications:

  • Too much high sensitivity to the main or additional components of the drug, which may cause a worsening of the condition.
  • Excessive hormone production thyroid gland- thyrotoxicosis.
  • Sustained increase in blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. The fact is that no research has been conducted in this area. That is, it is unknown whether the main component will be excreted in milk. Therefore, if the drug still needs to be taken, then it is better to stop breastfeeding. As for pregnancy, everything is decided by the attending doctor.
  • Disorder heart rate: arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  • Cardiac ischemia. Some drug interactions can cause problems with the ventricles.
  • Age up to 5 years. For small children, the presented drug is very difficult.

Possible side effects

"Formoterol" (instructions for use are in each package) can provoke some unwanted reactions, although their likelihood is low if the rules for taking the drug are followed. There may be such side effects:

  1. From the outside nervous system: pain and dizziness, cramps, sleep disturbance, nervousness, increased anxiety.
  2. From the cardiovascular system: increased or irregular heartbeat, angina pectoris, persistent decrease or increase in blood pressure.
  3. From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea and vomiting, dry mucous membrane oral cavity, abdominal pain, gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach), dyspepsia (difficulty in digestion, which may be accompanied by pain).
  4. From the outside respiratory system: infectious pathologies of the bronchi, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, exacerbation of asthma, voice disorder.
  5. Other: painful sensations in the chest, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, itching, anaphylactic shock.

Features of the use of the medicine

If you need to take Formoterol, the instructions for use tell you about the following dosages:

  • For bronchial asthma, you need to take 12 mcg inhalations every 12 hours. Just 1-2 breaths are enough. In this way, the body is supported. If an attack can be triggered by physical activity, then it is better to take the drug 15 minutes before the start of the intended work, and the dosage is the same.
  • To support obstructive pulmonary disease, inhalations of 12 mcg should be taken twice a day.

It should be borne in mind that the presented medicine can be used no more often than once every 12 hours. That is, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 24 mcg. The product is intended for inhalation only. If the doctor has prescribed the drug "Formoterol", the instructions for use (aerosol is used most often) prohibit taking it intravenously, intramuscularly or orally.

If an overdose occurs

Are you forced to take Formoterol? Instructions for use can be purchased at a pharmacy only with special permission from a doctor) is in the box for a reason. It clearly indicates the dosage of the medicine. But if for some reason you violate these instructions, an overdose may occur. It is determined by the following symptoms: tachycardia, dry mouth, headache, nausea. If the situation is not corrected in time, even death is quite possible.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. Treatment should be symptomatic. In this case, further use of the medicine is stopped. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor heart function using electrocardiography. During the recovery period after an overdose, the patient should be under constant supervision of specialists.

Features of drug interaction with other drugs

Are you taking Formoterol? Instructions for use (analogues have similar composition) contains information about the features of its combination with other medications. For example, caution should be exercised when using it simultaneously with adrenergic drugs.

A pathological decrease in potassium levels in the body can be provoked by a combination of Formoterol with diuretics, steroids, and xanthine derivatives. However, kalemia is not a permanent condition. Moreover, no external replenishment of the amount of this element in the body is required.

Try not to take this drug together with tricyclic antidepressants. Combining it with beta-blockers leads to mutual blocking of the action of these drugs. That is, there will be no benefit from them, but the harm can be serious.

Combined use with drugs such as Quinidine and Disopyramide can be dangerous, as it provokes the development of cardiac ventricular arrhythmias. If there is a cardiac reaction to the medication, it should be discontinued immediately.

special instructions

"Formoterol" (you already know the instructions) has some features of use:

  • You should not use the drug to relieve an asthma attack. There are other means for this. If Formoterol is needed, the instructions for use (reviews about it are mostly good) indicate that it is only an addition to the main therapy. If during treatment you feel that your condition is worsening, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • This medicine should not be taken in place of corticosteroids. "Formoterol" does not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory function. In this case, taking corticosteroids should be continued without reducing the dose prescribed by the doctor.
  • Women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, as well as people with diabetes mellitus.
  • You should not immediately drive or engage in activities that require increased attention immediately after taking it.
  • Do not use the product during childbirth. The fact is that the main active ingredient can negatively affect uterine contractions.

Analogues and storage features

Most often, patients prefer an inhaler that contains 100 single doses. The product should be stored in a cool and dark place, but it is not advisable to freeze it. Direct sunlight should not fall on the bottle. Do not place the medicine near a heat source.

If this drug is not suitable for you, you can consult your doctor about analogues. Among them are the following: “Atimos”, “Oxis”, “Foradil”, “Bronkhoril”, “Shadrin”. Please note that you cannot buy or take any other medications yourself.

Characteristics of the substance Formoterol
Bronchodilator (beta2-adrenergic agonist).
Available in the form of formoterol fumarate and formoterol fumarate dihydrate. Formoterol fumarate is a white or yellowish crystalline powder. Easily soluble in ice acetic acid, soluble in methanol, to a lesser extent in ethanol and isopropanol, slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in acetone, ethyl acetate and diethyl ether. Molecular weight 840.9.


Pharmacological action - bronchodilator, adrenomimetic.
Formoterol fumarate is a selective adrenergic beta2 receptor agonist. long acting. When inhaled, formoterol fumarate acts locally on the bronchi, causing bronchodilation. In vitro studies have shown that its activity against beta2-adrenergic receptors, located mainly in the smooth muscles of the bronchi, is more than 200 times higher than that against beta1-adrenergic receptors, located mainly in the myocardium. Beta2-adrenergic receptors are also found in the myocardium, constituting up to 10-50% of the total number of beta-adrenergic receptors. The exact function of these receptors has not been established, but they increase the potential for cardiac effects of even highly selective beta2-agonists. Formoterol fumarate stimulates intracellular adenylate cyclase, which catalyzes the transformation of ATP into cAMP. An increase in cAMP levels causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and inhibits the release of immediate hypersensitivity mediators from cells, especially from mast cells. In vitro studies have shown that formoterol fumarate inhibits the release of mediators (histamine and leukotrienes) from mast cells in human lungs. In animal studies, formoterol fumarate was found to inhibit histamine-induced extravasation of plasma albumin in guinea pigs anesthetized patients and allergen-induced eosinophil influx in dogs with airway hyperresponsiveness. The significance of these findings from animal and in vitro studies is unclear in humans.
The main side effects of inhaled beta2-agonists are the result of excessive activation of systemic beta-adrenergic receptors. The most common side effects in adults and adolescents include tremor skeletal muscles and convulsions, insomnia, tachycardia, hypokalemia and hyperglycemia.
Use of the substance Formoterol
According to the Physician Desk Reference (2009), formoterol fumarate is indicated for long-term (twice daily - morning and evening) maintenance therapy for bronchial asthma and prevention (in adults and children 5 years and older) of bronchospasm in reversible obstructive airway diseases, including .h. in patients with symptoms of nocturnal asthma.
The use of formoterol fumarate "on demand" (if necessary) is indicated for adults and children 5 years of age and older for the rapid prevention of bronchospasm caused by exercise.
Formoterol fumarate is used for long-term (twice daily - morning and evening) maintenance therapy in patients with COPD, including Chronical bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.


Restrictions on use
Cardiovascular disorders, incl. coronary insufficiency, arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, seizure disorders, thyrotoxicosis, unusual response to sympathomimetics, pregnancy, breast-feeding, age up to 5 years (safety and effectiveness have not been established).
Formoterol fumarate is not recommended for patients whose bronchial asthma can be controlled only by non-systematic inhalations of short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists, as well as for patients for whom therapy with inhaled corticosteroids or other drugs, one of which is an inhaled short-acting beta2-agonist from time to time, is completely adequate.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Adequate controlled studies of formoterol fumarate in pregnant women, incl. during childbirth, was not carried out. Formoterol fumarate should be used during pregnancy and childbirth (as beta-agonists may adversely affect uterine contractility) only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
FDA category of effect on the fetus is C.
Formoterol fumarate is excreted in rat milk. It is unknown whether it is excreted from breast milk in women, but since many drugs are excreted in human milk, formoterol fumarate should be administered with caution to lactating women (well-controlled studies have not been conducted in lactating women).

Side effects substances Formoterol
Side effects of formoterol fumarate are similar to the side effects of other selective beta2-agonists and include angina, arterial hypo- or hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, nervousness, headache, tremor, dry mouth, palpitations, dizziness, convulsions, nausea, fatigue, weakness, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis and insomnia.
Bronchial asthma
In controlled clinical trials, formoterol fumarate (12 mcg twice daily) was administered to 1985 patients (children 5 years and older, adolescents and adults) with bronchial asthma. Among the identified side effects of formoterol fumarate with a frequency of 1% or more, exceeding the frequency side effects in the placebo group, the following were noted (next to the name is the percentage of occurrence of this side effect in the formoterol fumarate group, in parentheses - in the placebo group):
From the nervous system and sensory organs: tremor 1.9% (0.4%), dizziness 1.6% (1.5%), insomnia 1.5% (0.8%).
From the respiratory system: bronchitis 4.6% (4.3%), chest infections 2.7% (0.4%), dyspnea 2.1% (1.7%), tonsillitis 1.2% ( 0.7%), dysphonia 1.0% (0.9%).
Other: viral infections 17.2% (17.1%), chest pain 1.9% (1.3%), rash 1.1% (0.7%).
Three side effects—tremor, dizziness, and dysphonia—were dose-dependent (doses of 6, 12, and 24 mcg administered twice daily were studied).
The safety of formoterol fumarate compared with placebo was studied in a multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical trial in 518 children aged 5-12 years with asthma who required daily bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs. When taking 12 mcg of formoterol fumarate 2 times a day, the frequency of side effects was comparable to that in the placebo group. The nature of the side effects detected in children differed from the side effects of formoterol fumarate noted in adults. Side effects in the formoterol fumarate group in children that exceeded the incidence of side effects in the placebo group included infections/inflammation (viral infections, rhinitis, tonsillitis, gastroenteritis) or gastrointestinal complaints (abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia).
In two controlled studies, 405 patients with COPD received formoterol fumarate (12 mcg twice daily). The incidence of adverse events was comparable in the formoterol fumarate and placebo groups. Among the side effects in the formoterol fumarate group with a frequency equal to or exceeding 1% and exceeding that in the placebo group, the following were noted (next to the name is the percentage of occurrence in the formoterol fumarate group, in parentheses - in the placebo group):
From the nervous system and sensory organs: seizures 1.7% (0%), convulsions calf muscles 1.7% (0.5%), anxiety 1.5% (1.2%).
From the respiratory system: upper respiratory tract infections 7.4% (5.7%), pharyngitis 3.5% (2.4%), sinusitis 2.7% (1.7%), increased sputum 1.5 % (1.2%).
Other: back pain 4.2% (4.0%), chest pain 3.2% (2.1%), fever 2.2% (1.4%), itching 1.5% (1. 0%), dry mouth 1.2% (1.0%), trauma 1.2% (0%).
Overall, the incidence of all cardiovascular adverse events in the two main studies was low and comparable to placebo (6.4% in patients taking formoterol fumarate 12 mcg twice daily and 6.0% in the placebo group). No specific cardiovascular side effects were observed in the formoterol fumarate group, which occurred with a frequency of 1% or more and exceeded the frequency of occurrence in the placebo group.
In two studies in patients taking 12 mcg and 24 mcg of formoterol fumarate twice daily, seven side effects (pharyngitis, fever, convulsions, increased sputum production, dysphonia, myalgia and tremor) were noted to be dose-dependent.
Post-marketing studies
During widespread post-marketing use of formoterol fumarate, there were reports of severe exacerbations of asthma, some of which were fatal. Although most of these cases were observed in patients with severe bronchial asthma or acute decompensation of the condition, a few cases were observed in patients with less severe bronchial asthma. The relationship of these cases to the use of formoterol fumarate has not been determined. There are rare reports of anaphylactic reactions including severe arterial hypotension and angioedema associated with inhaled formoterol fumarate. Allergic reactions may manifest as urticaria and bronchospasm. Evidence of the development of drug dependence when using formoterol fumarate in clinical trials not received.

Other adrenergic agents should be used with caution while taking formoterol, as there is a risk of potentiating the predictable sympathomimetic effects of formoterol. When taking xanthine derivatives, steroids or diuretics simultaneously, the hypokalemic effect of adrenergic receptor agonists may be enhanced. ECG changes and/or hypokalemia caused by non-potassium sparing diuretics, such as loop or thiazide diuretics, may be suddenly exacerbated by beta-agonists, especially when the dose is exceeded (although the clinical significance of these effects is unclear, caution is required when co-administering drugs of these groups ). Formoterol, like other beta2-agonists, should be special attention prescribed while taking MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants or other drugs that can prolong the QTc interval, as this may potentiate the effect of adrenergic agonists on cardiovascular system(increases the risk of developing ventricular arrhythmias). Formoterol and beta-blockers may mutually suppress each other's effects when administered simultaneously. Beta blockers may not only interfere with pharmacological action beta-agonists, but can also cause severe bronchospasm in patients with bronchial asthma.

Symptoms: angina attack, arterial hyper- or hypotension, tachycardia (more than 200 beats/min), arrhythmia, nervousness, headache, tremor, seizures, muscle cramps, dry mouth, palpitations, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, insomnia, metabolic acidosis. Cardiac arrest and death are possible (as with all inhaled sympathomimetics). The minimum lethal dose for rats receiving formoterol fumarate by inhalation was 156 mg/kg (approximately 53,000 and 25,000 times the inhalation MDV for adults and children, respectively, based on body surface area in mg/m2).
Treatment: discontinuation of formoterol fumarate, symptomatic and supportive therapy, ECG monitoring. The use of cardioselective beta-blockers should be carried out taking into account possible risk development of bronchospasm. Data on the effectiveness of dialysis for formoterol fumarate overdose are insufficient.

Routes of administration

Precautions for the substance Formoterol
Long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists may increase the risk of death from asthma. In this regard, in the treatment of bronchial asthma, formoterol fumarate should be used only in addition to treatment in patients who do not achieve an adequate effect when prescribing other drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma (for example, when prescribing low or moderate doses of inhaled glucocorticoids) or in cases where the severity of the disease requires the use of two types of therapy, including formoterol fumarate. Data from a large placebo-controlled study in the United States comparing the safety of another long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (salmeterol) and placebo when added to conventional asthma therapy showed that salmeterol resulted in an increased risk fatal outcome compared to placebo. These findings may also apply to formoterol fumarate, a long-acting beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist.
Formoterol fumarate is not intended to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma. If, while taking formoterol fumarate at a previously effective dosage, attacks of bronchial asthma begin to occur or the patient requires a greater than usual number of inhalations of beta2-agonists short acting, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, since this common signs destabilization of the state. In this case, therapy should be reviewed and prescribed additional methods treatment (anti-inflammatory therapy, such as corticosteroids); An increase in the daily dose of formoterol fumarate is unacceptable. The frequency of inhalations should not be increased (more than 2 times a day). Formoterol fumarate should not be used in patients with visible worsening or acute decompensation of asthma, as this may cause life threatening situations.
Like other inhaled beta2-agonists, formoterol fumarate may cause paradoxical bronchospasm; in this case, formoterol fumarate should be stopped immediately and alternative treatment. In many patients, monotherapy with beta2-agonists does not provide adequate control of asthma symptoms; such patients require early administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids.
There is no evidence of clinically significant anti-inflammatory activity of formoterol fumarate; therefore, it cannot be considered as an alternative to corticosteroids. Formoterol fumarate is not intended to replace corticosteroids taken by inhalation or by mouth; You should not stop taking or reduce the dose of corticosteroids. Treatment with corticosteroids in patients who have previously taken these drugs orally or inhaled should be continued, even if the patient's well-being has improved as a result of taking formoterol fumarate. Any changes in the dose of corticosteroids, in particular reductions, should be based only on clinical assessment of the patient's condition.
Like other beta2-adrenergic receptor agonists, formoterol fumarate can cause clinically significant cardiovascular effects (increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, etc.) in some patients; in such cases, formoterol fumarate should be discontinued. Similar to other beta2-agonists, formoterol can cause clinically significant hypokalemia (possibly due to intracellular ion redistribution), which contributes to the development of adverse cardiovascular effects. Decreases in serum potassium levels are usually transient and do not require replacement.
In patients with bronchial asthma, the use of beta-blockers, incl. for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, is undesirable. In such cases, the use of cardioselective beta-blockers should be considered, although they should be used with caution.
special instructions
Capsules containing formoterol fumarate should not be taken orally; they should only be used by inhalation through a special device. Do not exhale into the inhalation device.

Because of bad ecology, dirty air, allergies, excessive exercise and birth defects there are now many people suffering various diseases respiratory system.

Patients with bronchial asthma, as well as patients who periodically experience bronchospasms and feel heaviness in the chest if air is inhaled, they can try taking formoterol.

It is very convenient to use in any environment, since this product is available in the form of an inhaler designed for 120 times of use.

pharmachologic effect

Formoterol is a drug that has a distinct bronchodilator effect on the body. The drug helps to increase the lumen of the bronchi, reduce the release of histamine, as well as active leukotrienes from the lungs.

Formoterol effectively stimulates the functioning of beta-adrenergic receptors and allows air to circulate freely through the bronchi. Typically, the drug begins to act within 5 minutes after administration, however, due to specific features body, sometimes this time can be extended to 2 hours.

Formoterol has its healing effect for 10 hours after use. This drug helps relax the muscles of the respiratory system. Along the way, it can also reduce potassium levels in the blood and increase heart rate.

Formoterol is used to treat and prevent spasms in the bronchi, which occur due to a sharp narrowing of their passages. This can be caused by various allergens or too intense physical activity.

Formoterol is used to prevent and relieve spasms in the bronchi in adults and children over 5 years of age. Its use in diseases of the respiratory tract is allowed if these diseases are reversible and obstructive. Can be used for nocturnal asthma.

This remedy brings relief to people suffering obstructive bronchitis. It is characterized by inflammation in the bronchi and impaired air circulation in them.

The drug can also be successfully used by those who suffer from bronchial asthma. However, it will require long-term use. Formoterol fumarate may also help patients struggling with pulmonary chronic diseases having an obstructive nature.

This is, for example, bronchitis, which turned into chronic form, as well as emphysema.

Mode of application

This remedy is used as inhalation. In order to relieve an acute spasm that occurs in the bronchi, you need to take a single breath of the drug. In this case, about 12 mcg of the active substance will enter the body.

Then you should wait a minute, and if the condition does not improve, you can re-inject the drug. In any case, the daily dose should not exceed 96 mcg, which is equal to 8 breaths.

For preventive purposes, to prevent spasms in the bronchi, you can use 12 mcg in the morning and the same amount of the drug in the evening. The interval between doses of formoterol should ideally be 12 hours.

In the most severe cases, administration of the drug in an amount of 24 mcg twice a day is allowed. The minimum time interval between administration of formoterol should be at least 8 hours.

Release form, composition

This drug contains formoterol fumarate and is available in the form of a metered dose aerosol. Nowadays, inhalers designed for 120 doses are mainly produced. Each of them has 12 mcg of active ingredient.

It is a white or slightly yellowish powder that is readily soluble in acetic acid and methanol. This substance is also partially decomposed in alcohol and isopropanol.

But, for example, formoterol fumarate is poorly soluble in water and acetone.

Interaction with other drugs

When using formoterol fumarate, additional adrenergic agents should only be used with great caution. The simultaneous administration of this drug together with products containing xanthine, as well as various steroids and diuretic components, can significantly reduce the potassium content in the blood.

And this contributes to disruption of the heart and deterioration of blood pH. When using formoterol, it is not recommended to use drugs that increase the QTc interval.

This, for example, applies to MAO inhibitors and tricyclics for depression. Otherwise, too much stress will be placed on the heart and blood vessels, and ventricular arrhythmias may occur.

Also, formoterol should not be taken together with beta-blockers, because they suppress the action of each other. And if you have bronchial asthma, their simultaneous use may generally increase the likelihood of spasms.

So, often with an overdose of the drug the following is observed:

In addition, when the drug dose is exceeded, patients often note dry mouth, fatigue, nausea and weakness. Insomnia and acidosis (oxidation of the body) may also appear.

In very rare cases, there is a risk of cardiac arrest or death. But this is only possible if the doses are several thousand times higher. If any serious side effects occur after using this drug, you should stop using it, and you should also get an electrocardiogram from time to time to monitor your heart function.

Restrictions on use and contraindications

Formoterol fumarate should not be used by patients who have any cardiovascular disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, or too high blood pressure.

This drug is also not recommended for use by people suffering from tremors or thyrotoxicosis, or children under 5 years of age. Caution should be exercised by all those who have ever experienced negative responses to the administration of sympathomimetics.

Also, you should not use formoterol fumarate in patients who can suppress attacks of bronchial asthma only by irregular inhalations of products containing compounds that affect beta2-adrenergic receptors.

If the patient is already using some drugs with beta2-agonists or corticosteroids, then he should also not be administered formoterol fumarate.

When taking this drug by people who have hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient, the patient's condition may worsen.

While being treated with this drug, you should not engage in activities that require too much a lot of attention and good coordination of movements.

Formoterol fumarate can only be prescribed in extreme cases and in small doses to diabetics and women with uterine fibroids.

Use during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy should avoid taking this drug. The fact is that beta-agonists can have a bad effect on the ability of uterine contractility.

In this regard, such a medicine can be prescribed to expectant mothers only when its benefit to them is greater than the harm to the gestating fetus.

When nursing mothers take formoterol fumarate, this substance can pass into the milk and cause harm to the baby, so women during lactation should not use this drug either.

Storage conditions and periods

Formoterol should be stored in a cool place, but should not be allowed to freeze. Do not hide the drug in the refrigerator.

The medicine should be protected from bright sun and placed away from heating devices.


Average price Formoterol Easyhaler (1.44 mg, 120 doses) in Russia- 3500 rubles.

Average cost of Formoterol Easyhaler (1.44 mg, 120 doses) in Ukraine- 1500 hryvnia.


Analogs of Formoterol are considered: Atimos, Oxis Turbuhaler, Foradil, Formoterol Easyhaler

Drugs similar in action: Ventolin, Salbutamol, Berodual, Clenbuterol.


Summarizing the article, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Formoterol is available as a 120-dose inhaler.
  2. The drug is used to treat bronchial asthma, spasms of the respiratory system, and is used for difficulty breathing.
  3. The maximum daily dose is 96 mcg, which means that no more than 8 presses of the inhaler can be taken per day.
  4. The minimum permissible interval between injections of the product is 8 hours.
  5. Pregnant and lactating women, diabetics and heart patients should not use formoterol.
  6. The drug should be kept in a cool place and can be stored for no more than 2 years.

One dose of Formoterol Easyhaler inhalation powder contains 12 mcg formoterol fumarate dihydrate .

Additional substances: lactose monohydrate .

Release form

An inhaler made of a polymer substance. A lid with a lock is put on the dosing part. On the front of the device there is the inscription “Easyhaler”. On the side of the device there is a counter for the number of remaining doses. There is a homogeneous white powder inside the inhaler.

120 doses per metered dose inhaler; one inhaler in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

Bronchodilator action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Drug from the group β-adrenergic agonists . Formoterol acts mainly on β2-adrenergic receptors . It has a bronchodilator effect, relieves and prevents bronchospasm. Suppresses release leukotrienes, histamine and from basophils, mast cells and sensitized bronchial cells.


Ingestion of up to 90% of the active substance is acceptable when inhalation administration. Rapidly absorbed from the intestines. Absorption reaches 65%. The time for maximum concentration to occur is 30-60 minutes. Plasma protein binding is approximately 62-64%. Half-life is 2.5-3 hours. Transformed mainly by glucuronidation . It is evacuated from the body by the kidneys and feces.

At inhalation use is quickly absorbed, the highest concentration occurs after 15 minutes. Bioavailability is 46%. Reacts with proteins by 50%. The half-life is approximately 8 hours.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment of bronchospasm in persons suffering from and obstructive.


  • to the components of the drug.
  • Children under 6 years of age.
  • Intolerance lactose, glucose-galactose malabsorption , flaw lactase .

Side effects

The most common symptoms are nausea and dry mouth.

In more rare cases, muscle cramps are detected, tachycardia, myalgia , dizziness, anxiety, agitation, sleep disturbances, increased bronchospasm and nervousness. Even less often - hypersensitivity reactions ( , heavy hypotension , itching, , exanthema ), changes in the sense of taste, peripheral edema.

Instructions for use Formoterol Easyhaler (Method and dosage)

Formoterol Easyhaler is used for inhalation only.

Bronchial asthma

For continuous maintenance therapy, 1 inhalation of the drug is prescribed twice a day; Some patients may require 2 inhalations twice a day. The highest daily dose for regular use is 4 inhalations.
If necessary, the use of additional inhalations, in addition to those prescribed, is allowed to relieve symptoms, but not more than 6 inhalations per day in total.
Do not carry out more than 3 inhalations at a time. Frequent (more than 2 times a day or more than 2 days a week) use of the drug or its use in dosages exceeding those recommended for maintenance treatment is a sign of insufficient control of bronchial asthma. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment regimen.

Prevention of bronchospasm provoked by physical activity

In such cases, carry out 1 inhalation before the expected physical activity in about 15 minutes. In severe cases of the disease, the need for 2 inhalations cannot be ruled out, but should not exceed the maximum daily dose in 6 inhalations.


To date, not enough has been accumulated clinical experience on the treatment of overdose, but it is assumed that an overdose of Formoterol Easyhaler is accompanied by nausea, headaches, vomiting, palpitations, ventricular arrhythmias, tachycardia , pressure change, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia , prolongation of the QT interval.

Supportive and symptomatic treatment, concentration control potassium in blood. If the process is severe, the patient must be hospitalized. Cautious use is allowed (since it may provoke bronchospasm) cardioselective β-blockers .


It is not recommended to combine formoterol With MAO inhibitors, adrenomimetic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants , since the risk of developing adverse reactions from the circulatory system.

At joint use glucocorticosteroids, xanthine derivatives, diuretics increase the likelihood of a hypokalemic effect from taking the drug.

Beta blockers (including eye drops) are capable of partially or completely stopping the action formoterol .

When used together Quinidine, Procainamide, Disopyramide, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines the likelihood of occurrence increases ventricular arrhythmias .

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures below 30°C in a dry place. Keep away from children.

Best before date

Two years. After opening the package, the product is allowed to be used for 4 months.

special instructions

Careful observation and special caution are required if it is necessary to use the drug in patients with coronary disease hearts , cardiac rhythm and conduction disturbances, severe cardiac failure, subvalvular idiopathic aortic stenosis, uterine fibroids, obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis, prolongation of the QT interval by ECG .

Formoterol Easyhaler may affect the ability to drive vehicles; therefore, such activities are not recommended when using the drug.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

The most famous analogues of Formoterol Easyhaler: Atimos, Zafiron, Oxis Turbuhaler, .

For children

The drug is not used in children under 6 years of age

Children aged 6 years or more for ongoing maintenance treatment bronchial asthma 1 inhalation is prescribed twice a day. More than 2 inhalations per day are not recommended.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use the drug during these periods only according to strict indications and taking into account all risks.

This page provides a list of all Formoterol analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • Most cheap analogue Formoterol:
  • The most popular analogue of Formoterol:
  • ATX classification: Formoterol
  • Active ingredients/composition: formoterol

Cheap analogues of Formoterol

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 salbutamol
75 RUR 31 UAH
2 salbutamol
Similar in indication and method of use
107 RUR --
3 Similar in indication and method of use 118 RUR 8 UAH
4 salbutamol hemisuccinate
Similar in indication and method of use
119 RUR --
5 salbutamol
Similar in indication and method of use
122 rub. --

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Formoterol taken into account minimum price, which was found in price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogs of Formoterol

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 formoterol
Analogue in composition and indication
305 RUR --
2 indacaterol
Similar in indication and method of use
-- 257 UAH
3 Similar in indication and method of use 150 rub. 107 UAH
4 salbutamol
Similar in indication and method of use
75 RUR 31 UAH
5 salbutamol
Similar in indication and method of use
107 RUR --

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested medicines

All analogues of Formoterol

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates Formoterol substitutes, is the most suitable because they have the same composition of active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Analogues by indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
salbutamol -- 148 UAH
salbutamol -- 34 UAH
salbutamol 236 RUR 8 UAH
salbutamol -- --
salbutamol 75 RUR 31 UAH
118 RUR 8 UAH
salbutamol -- 4 UAH
salbutamol -- 221 UAH
salbutamol -- 41 UAH
salbutamol 107 RUR --
salbutamol -- --
salbutamol 122 rub. --
salbutamol sulfate -- 46 UAH
salbutamol hemisuccinate 119 RUR --
fenoterol -- --
150 rub. 107 UAH
fenoterol RUR 304 107 UAH
fenoterol 125 rub. --
fenoterol 202 rub. --
salmeterol 8800 rub. 436 UAH
salmeterol -- 436 UAH
salmeterol -- --
indacaterol -- 257 UAH

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
-- --
ipratropium bromide, fenoterol 202 rub. 133 UAH
ipratropium bromide, fenoterol RUR 334 145 UAH
176 RUR --
salmeterol, fluticasone propionate 446 RUR 170 UAH
salmeterol, fluticasone -- 170 UAH
salmeterol xinafoate, fluticasone propionate 446 RUR 1500 UAH
salmeterol, fluticasone -- 170 UAH
salmeterol, fluticasone 407 RUR --
salmeterol, fluticasone propionate -- 83 UAH
salmeterol, fluticasone -- --
salmeterol 590 RUR --
budesonide, formoterol 799 RUR 263 UAH
budesonide, formoterol 577 RUR --
budesonide, formoterol -- --
budesonide, formoterol fumarate dihydrate 800 rub --
beclomethasone, formoterol 1900 rub. 1900 UAH
mometasone, formoterol 1257 RUR --
vilanterol, fluticasone 1563 RUR 1900 UAH
beclomethasone dipropionate, salbutamol 730 rub. --
fenoterol hydrobromide, ipratropium bromide -- --
ipratropium bromide, fenoterol 245 rub. 410 UAH
bromide, triphenatate 1909 RUR 502 UAH
glycopyrronium bromide, indacaterol 2200 rub. --
olodaterol, tiotropium bromide 2395 RUR 710 UAH

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of the drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym medicine, pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Formoterol price

Use the websites below to find prices for Formoterol and find out availability at your local pharmacy.

Formoterol instructions

For medical use drug

Pharmachologic effect:
A beta-adrenergic agonist that stimulates predominantly beta-adrenergic receptors. It has a bronchodilator (dilates the lumen of the bronchi) effect. Inhibits (suppresses) the release of histamine and leukotrienes (biologically active substances produced in the body) from lung tissue. The onset of action of the drug is after 5 minutes, maximum after 2 hours, the duration of action in case of reversible broncho-obstruction (impaired air flow through the bronchi) is up to 10 hours.

Indications for use:
Prevention and treatment of bronchospasm (sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi) in patients with obstructive bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi, combined with impaired air flow through them); bronchial asthma; bronchospasm caused by an allergen or physical activity.

Mode of application:
The drug is administered by inhalation. To relieve (relieve) acute bronchospasm, you should take a single inhalation (12 mcg) of the drug, and if necessary, inhale again after a minute. The maximum daily dose is 96 mcg (8 puffs). To prevent asthma attacks, administer 12 mcg (1 breath) 2 times a day after 12 hours, in severe cases - 24 mcg 2 times a day at least after 8 hours.

Side effects:
Headache, dizziness, dry mouth, nervousness, small-amplitude muscle tremors, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), nausea.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased sensitivity to the drug or beta-agonists.
When using the drug, patients are not recommended to engage in activities that require increased attention or coordination of movements. Formoterol should not be combined with other adrenergic agonists, MAO inhibitors, or tricyclic antidepressants. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, with fibroids ( benign tumor muscular layer) of the uterus.

Release form:
Metered aerosol for inhalation in an inhaler, 100 doses. One dose contains 12 mcg of formoterol fumarate.

Storage conditions:
List B. In a cool place, avoid freezing. Protect from direct sun rays and heat sources.

Pharmacological group:
Medicines used to treat bronchi and lungs
Anti-asthmatic drugs
Beta-adrenergic stimulants

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

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