Home Smell from the mouth Wheezing. Wheezing in the lungs without fever Periodic wheezing in the lungs without pain

Wheezing. Wheezing in the lungs without fever Periodic wheezing in the lungs without pain

To select the appropriate drug for the treatment of wheezing in the lungs when breathing, it is necessary to find out the exact cause (etiology). Based on etiology, wheezing can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. 1. Pulmonary. The cause is diseases that develop as a result of infection and damage to the respiratory organs. The causative agents of diseases can be bacteria, viruses or pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. 2. Other diseases not associated with infection of the respiratory system. For example, pathology of cardio-vascular system. It is more common in older people.

The presence of wheezing and whistling sounds from the bronchi without fever in adults and children may indicate serious diseases that also affect the respiratory system. Timely detection of the causes of wheezing will help avoid serious complications.

Pneumonia is characterized by wheezing in the sternum in the absence of fever. As a rule, wheezing is dry at first and then becomes wet. In this case, wheezing is accompanied by harsh breathing.

Other diseases that have similar symptoms include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tumors in the lungs.

The noises that occur during exhalation are expiratory, and when inhaling, they are inspiratory.

Moist wheezing occurs when air passes through accumulated fluid in the lungs. They are divided into small, medium and large bubbles.

Wet wheezing can occur due to the following diseases:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI.

The appearance of dry wheezing is associated with a narrowing of the lumen for the passage of a stream of air. The causes of narrowing of the lumen are diseases such as:

  • neoplasms in the trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • tumor;
  • bronchitis.

How to treat bubbling sounds in the lungs?

Depending on the type of moist wheezing, the method and method of treatment are selected. The main thing that connects all methods is the focus on eliminating the causes of wheezing.

Fine bubbling wheezes during breathing cannot always be localized and detected when examined with a stethoscope. To detect the area of ​​bubbling wheezing, the doctor orders an x-ray.

If there is severe wheezing without fever and difficulty breathing, the patient is admitted to the hospital. The patient must be provided respiratory function- it is connected to the device artificial respiration. Having provided safe environment, move on to determining the causes and choosing a treatment program. When selecting medicines use medications to relieve inflammation of the bronchi.

To treat moist rales, it is necessary to open the way air flow to the lungs. To do this, medications that thin the sputum and stimulate its release are prescribed. For the treatment to be effective, the patient is placed on bed rest, and to ensure rest and normal breathing, he is placed in a certain position.

Cysteine ​​and Mucomist act as phlegm-thinning drugs. After liquefying the sputum, pulmonary spasms are provoked with the help of Lazolvan and Mukobene.

If, due to lack of response to treatment, hoarseness persists and sputum is not removed, the doctor revises the list of prescribed medications. When sputum appears, you should pay attention to the color and density. If the sputum is thick, green, or yellowish, you may have a serious infection.

For wheezing caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics of a wide range of groups are prescribed:

  • fluoroquinol;
  • macrolide;
  • penicillin;
  • cephalosporin.

If wheezing is caused by a viral infection of the respiratory organs, antiviral therapy with Kagocel or Ingavirin is required.

For wheezing caused by allergens, it is prescribed antihistamines general and local action.

  1. 1. Tavegil.
  2. 2. Flixonase.
  3. 3. Suprastin.
  4. 4. Loratodine.
  5. 5. Cromoghlin.

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on compliance with bed rest, fluid intake and medications taken. With an integrated approach to the treatment of wheezing, results can be achieved much faster.

During the treatment period, you need to completely abandon bad habits. Smoking negatively affects lung function, and drinking alcohol is incompatible with drug treatment.

To maintain the immune system, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. For prevention, hardening is recommended, but without fanaticism, in order to prevent sudden hypothermia.


Traditional medicine works well in the fight against wheezing. Although it should not be the only way to combat serious illnesses, therapy can relieve severe symptoms such as wheezing at home by improving the respiratory process.

Before using this or that folk remedy with plants and products, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Side effects from allergens can cause serious harm to the respiratory process in case of inflamed airways.

There are several safe and effective ways to get rid of whistling in the lungs and cough:

  1. 1. Inhalation of baking soda vapor. Pour 1.5 liters of hot water into a basin and dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. baking soda until the soda is completely dissolved. After the solution is ready, you need to bend over the basin and cover yourself with a towel. In a space separated by a towel, inhale the baking soda vapor for 10 minutes. After this procedure, thick sputum thins and begins to drain. A similar procedure is carried out daily until the sputum is completely released and wheezing in the lungs disappears.
  2. 2. "Potato" therapy. All actions are similar to those described above with baking soda. The difference is that the vapors from freshly boiled potatoes are inhaled.
  3. 3. A decoction of licorice, thyme, chamomile and coltsfoot. All components are taken in equal proportions, boiled and filtered. Use the resulting decoction three times a day.
  4. 4. Decoction of birch buds. Take 30 g of kidneys and crush. Melt 100 ml of butter in a water bath. Mix the two ingredients, place in a pot and place in a warm oven. The product should simmer in the oven over low heat for an hour, after which it is cooled, filtered and a glass of honey is added. Take 1 spoon 3-4 times a day.
  5. 5. Radish juice with honey. Take a root crop, cut off the top and make a niche. Honey is poured into the hole and the root crop is removed to a cool, dark place. After a day, the honey will absorb the radish juice. Take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
  6. 6. Infusion of plantain, raspberries, cranberries, elderberries and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is good at provoking bronchospasms, plantain relieves inflammation, and raspberry thins phlegm.
  7. 7. Milk with honey. Heat 300-400 ml of milk and add honey. Cook until the broth takes on a liquefied structure. Drink 200-300 ml 3-4 per day.
  8. 8. Milk with sage. Warmed milk with sage makes breathing easier and improves the patient's sleep.
  9. 9. Onion syrup. The onion is chopped, covered with sugar and infused. Take the resulting remedy several times a day until wheezing in the lungs completely disappears.

If after long-term treatment with folk remedies there is no positive effect, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Lung wheezing is an unhealthy breathing noise that comes from one or both lungs and is intermittent and varies in frequency. They are often caused by respiratory problems and can be felt when inhaling or exhaling, with or without a cough. A person may have more noticeable wheezing when lying down. This condition may be accompanied by a dry cough.

Pathological sounds in the lungs in most cases can only be heard with a stethoscope when medical examination. Therefore, you should not try to self-diagnose.

When wheezing is observed in both lungs, it is referred to as bilateral. And when they originate from the base of the lung, they are known as basal or basal crackles. In this case, wheezing is caused by a narrowing of the airways, the presence of contents in the alveoli, or the lack of aeration during exhalation.

Wheezing is common in people with respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchitis and other diseases.

They occur more frequently during inhalation than during exhalation. In most cases, wheezing is associated with inflammation and infection of the small bronchi, alveoli and bronchioles. If wheezing does not improve after coughing, it can sometimes also be a sign of pulmonary edema, a condition characterized by fluid in the alveoli due to heart failure.

Lung wheezing can be divided into weak, medium and strong. Weak wheezes can be soft, high-pitched and very short. On the other hand, severe wheezing is louder, lower-sounding, and often lasts longer.

What do they mean?

Lung wheezing can be called an abnormal noise heard from one or both lungs. Most of them form at the base of the lungs and can only be heard with a stethoscope. They usually reflect the accumulation of mucus, pus, or fluid in the airways and lungs.

Wheezing often indicates the presence of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis and others. They may also indicate a serious heart condition that causes a buildup or blockage of blood flow between the heart and lungs.

This symptom is quite serious and can become dangerous to health and life, urgent medical diagnostics taking into account medical history, blood tests and x-ray examination may be needed to identify and treat the underlying cause.

In medical terminology

In fact, such a concept as “lung wheeze” (English “rhonchi”, “rales”) in medicine in most of Europe, North America and Australia has not been considered suitable for describing chest auscultation for decades. The main reason was the confusion of its use in the medical literature. More appropriate terms now are pulmonary crepitus, wheezing, pleural friction noise.

Therefore, this article cannot be considered as guidance for medical professionals. Some of the terminology in it is not very accurate or does not apply to domestic medicine (taken from English-language medical literature). But this made it possible to make the article more understandable and simpler.

What are they?

Pulmonary wheezing can be divided into four types, all of which can help diagnose what may be the underlying cause. These types:

  • Moist rales or crepitus of the lungs (rales), which can be described as rumbling, gurgling or bubbling sounds, most often occurring at the end of inspiration.
  • Sibilant wheezes– high-pitched dry sounds from the respiratory tract when they are narrowed. The sounds are so high-pitched that they can be heard without a stethoscope.
  • Creaking (stridor) – similar to whistling, resulting from narrowing or blockage of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Dry (rhonchi)– rough, rattling respiratory sounds, usually caused by secretions in the bronchial airways. Usually heard more strongly during exhalation.

Please note that the Russian translation of this classification is very approximate. The English versions of the names in brackets are more correct.

There is also a separate description pleural friction sound. This is a sound similar to creaking skin and is often accompanied by severe pain that interferes with breathing. Normally, the pleura is covered with protective mucus, but when inflamed, this membrane can stick together, and then a characteristic sound appears on auscultation (listening).

The classification is based on materials from ausmed.com

Wheezing and dry cough

A dry cough is a cough that is not accompanied by the production of sputum (a viscous substance secreted in excess by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during a cold).

A dry cough accompanied by wheezing in the lungs can be a symptom of a number of health problems. For some people, this may be the result of environmental irritants, such as allergies or inhaling very dry, heated air.

If a dry cough becomes chronic, it may be a sign of other conditions such as influenza, whooping cough, viral infection or a side effect of taking medications for heart disease.

Wheezing when exhaling

The sound in the lungs when exhaling in English is often popularly described as a “death rattle”. However, it can be caused by a variety of conditions, some of which are harmless. Although it is more normal to have it when you inhale than when you exhale.

Wheezing when you exhale can be a sign of pneumonia or a blockage or fluid buildup in the lungs. On the other hand, during inhalation they may be a sign of asthma, bronchitis or other causes.

Urgent medical diagnosis may be required to determine what the underlying cause may be. You should consult a doctor as soon as you notice this noise coming from both or one of your lungs.

Wheezing when lying down

As mentioned, slight wheezing sounds can only be heard with a stethoscope when medical examination. However, some cases may be so severe that they can be heard even without this instrument.

Wheezing in the lungs when lying down may indicate that the nasal passages and airways are blocked by mucus. During this time the lungs are under increased pressure and they collapse over time, causing a condition known as atelectasis.

In such cases, other symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough and a feeling of suffocation may be observed. If any of these signs are present, you should seek emergency medical help.


1. Bronchitis

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. Most people develop acute bronchitis after a cold. This often occurs within a day or two depending on how strong the body's immune system is.

Chronic bronchitis does not go away without medical help. General symptoms include cough, wheezing, fatigue, shortness of breath and chills. You should see a doctor if any of these symptoms continue long time.

2. Obstructive pulmonary disease

This is a serious disease that requires as much care as possible quick treatment. Obstructive pulmonary disease such as asthma or cystic fibrosis, may cause wheezing and wheezing. If left untreated, it can lead to more severe conditions such as bronchiectasis.

These diseases affect breathing and can cause carbon dioxide and fluids to build up inside the lung. Continuous buildup of these products can lead to scarring, which can be manifested by noises coming from the respiratory tract.

3. Interstitial lung disease

This disease is associated with the air sacs and tissues in the lungs. It includes conditions such as sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions are known to cause scarring in the lungs, where fluid accumulates, causing wheezing.

4. Heart failure

Heart failure, caused by weakened heart muscles, a viral infection, or a genetic disorder, can also cause sounds in the lungs. Because the heart's function is impaired, increased pressure is maintained in the arteries between the heart and lungs, which can cause blood to leak into the lungs.

5. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that causes inflammation in one or both lungs (unilateral or bilateral). When pneumonia is the cause of wheezing, there is usually a high fever, cough, fatigue, headache, and severe pain in the chest.

Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial pneumonia, according to the Mayo Clinic. Aspirin and ibuprofen can be used to relieve chest pain. It is recommended to consult a doctor for proper treatment and diagnosis.

6. Pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema is caused by excess fluid that accumulates in the air sac, making breathing difficult. Common cause Fluid accumulation is a heart problem, but it can also be caused by other causes, such as pneumonia, chest trauma, and exposure to certain toxins.

7. Pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis occurs due to scarring in the lungs (usually following inflammation). This condition can manifest as difficulty breathing, chest discomfort and fatigue. Steroids and natural amino acids can be used to treat this problem.

Other treatment options include oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and breathing support. In severe cases surgical procedure can be used to remove fibrous formations and eliminate other symptoms.

8. Atelectasis

Atelectasis occurs when part of the lung collapses. This makes it difficult to breathe in and out. Atelectasis may result from injury or an underlying lung infection.

Treatment for this condition must begin at an early stage. It will unblock the airways, helping to open the collapsed lung.

9. Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that causes the airways to swell and produce more mucus. This disease is characterized by wheezing, difficulty breathing, and coughing.

An inhaler may be used to relieve asthma symptoms such as cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

10. Lung infection

A viral infection in the lungs can also lead to noise, shortness of breath and cough due to blockage, irritation and inflammation of the airways.

The wheezing sound may be the result of fluid or mucus building up inside the lungs. With a lung infection, sounds can often be heard even without a stethoscope.


Treatment may vary depending on what the underlying cause is. When diagnosing the condition, the doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to breathing. Although rare, in severe cases wheezing can sometimes be heard without a stethoscope.

To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may need to order a chest x-ray, blood test, sputum test, or electrocardiogram to check for heart problems. The cessation of wheezing is associated with the elimination of the underlying cause.

When the cause is chronic lung disease, in addition to the prescribed medication, you need to make some lifestyle changes to control the symptoms. This applies to people who smoke. General treatment options may include:

  • Using inhaled steroids to reduce inflammation
  • Oxygen therapy helps make breathing easier
  • Using a bronchodilator to relax and open blocked airways.

Folk remedies

When the problem is accompanied by other symptoms such as back pain, shortness of breath or runny nose, there are some effective home remedies that can be used to relieve some of these symptoms. If symptoms persist, the underlying cause must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

1. Steam inhalation

Inhalation is one of the best methods that can be used in this case. Moisture and heat will help break down and dissolve mucus blocking your airways.

  • Take a basin or bowl of hot water
  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Bend over the container and cover yourself with a dry towel so as not to lose heat or moisture.
  • Carry out the procedure until you feel relief.

Ginger - excellent remedy, which should be tried in the treatment of respiratory diseases. In addition to strengthening the immune system to speed up healing, it has anti-inflammatory properties and polyphenols that can help inhibit mucus production.

  • Grind small pieces of ginger and place in a glass of hot water
  • Close the glass and leave it for five minutes
  • Add a tablespoon of raw honey (ideally Manuka honey, although it is very expensive) and drink the mixture
  • You can also chew a piece of ginger.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent decongestant. It helps thin out mucus, which reduces the congestion that causes wheezing in the lungs. This is an excellent folk remedy for pneumonia.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of hot water
  • Add a tablespoon of honey to the solution
  • Drink the mixture while it is hot.

Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can help reduce mucus thickness. This can help separate it easily from the airway, which will eliminate the noise.

Drinking juice will also help strengthen your immune system thanks to vitamin C. You can eat fresh lemon or squeeze and drink the juice.

Source: 100simptomov.ru

What is a cough without fever?

A cough with wheezing in an adult or child, as well as noises, is usually a symptom of pneumonia. In cases where colds are not accompanied by fever and cough, other symptoms always occur. These include:

· weight loss;

· general weakness;

· appearance of shortness of breath.

It is the indirect signs that you should pay attention to.

What kind of wheezing can it be? Depending on the type of manifestation, wheezing when breathing is divided into the following types:

1. Dry. Occurs at an early stage of disease development. Such a cough always indicates the development of severe inflammation in the bronchi, which results in swelling of the mucous membrane. Breathing is always heavy and accompanied by whistling and wheezing. There are wheezing sounds in the lungs and bronchial asthma. The only difference is that the cause of this condition is not inflammation, but a spasm of the organ against the background of a negative reaction. Allergens may be present in the environment or in the human body, such as certain foods.

2. Whistling. It is observed in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis; most often, wheezing does not appear during breathing, but whistling and noise are observed. They are evidence that inflammation is developing in the small bronchioles. As a result of the fact that the pathological process spreads slowly, symptoms of the disease do not appear for a long time. That is why cough and fever are absent at the early stage of the disease. This period can last more than 1 week, depending on the activity of the immune system. The spread of inflammation is indicated by increased whistling.

3. Wet. Indicates the presence of sputum and mucus in the lungs. It occurs against the background of the fact that oxygen passes through a liquid formation during inhalation or exhalation, and the bubbles of the lung burst when exposed to pressure. Often, moist wheezing indicates the early stages of pulmonary edema or bronchial asthma.

Each type of noise that occurs when breathing in an adult or child is characteristic of certain diseases of the respiratory system. During examination and listening to the lungs, this factor allows the specialist to establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why does wheezing appear in the lungs?

Before you start taking medications, you need to find out what triggered the cough and wheezing when breathing. The causes of their occurrence in medicine are divided into two categories:

1. Pulmonary. All diseases belonging to this category arise as a result of infection that affects the organs of the respiratory system. These can be various viruses, pathogenic microorganisms or bacteria.

2. Extrapulmonary. The cause of such wheezing is other diseases. These may be pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Wheezing sounds and whistles without fever in a child or adult, occurring during various types of breathing, may indicate sufficient development serious illnesses that affect the respiratory system. That is why it is important to promptly establish the cause of their occurrence and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Wet wheezing when inhaling or exhaling can occur with the following diseases:

1. Pulmonary edema.

2. Flu.

3. Tuberculosis.

4. ARVI.

5. Bronchial asthma.

6. Heart rhythm disturbances and pathologies of the heart muscle.

7. Thromboembolism developing in lung tissue.

8. Malignant tumors.

9. Renal failure, occurring in acute form.

10. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

11. Flea typhus.

In addition, moist rales in the bronchi during exhalation or inhalation may appear after an incorrectly implanted graft. This symptom appears in bronchial asthma and bronchitis. In cases where the inflammatory process does not affect the lungs, noises are formed that are not accompanied by temperature. However, it is quite difficult to establish their presence.

Dry wheezing may occur in the lungs due to the following diseases:

1. Pneumonia.

2. Pneumosclerosis.

3. Laryngitis.

4. Pharyngitis.

5. Chronic bronchitis.

6. Heart failure.

7. Pulmonary emphysema.

Also, dry wheezing when exhaling may be evidence that tumors are forming in the lungs. This symptom manifests itself during attacks of suffocation, when a foreign body enters the body and clogs the trochea.

Noises, such as wheezing and whistling, allow the doctor to suspect a particular disease. In order to accurately establish the cause of their appearance, the doctor prescribes instrumental research methods.

Diagnosis of wheezing in the lungs

Whistling and wheezing in the lungs during breathing in children and adults manifests itself in various diseases. To establish a diagnosis, the doctor listens to the chest to determine the presence of accompanying sounds. This is what allows him to identify the cause.

Besides Special attention is given to other signs, such as the presence of a cough, which may be accompanied by a temperature, the general condition of the patient, and the occurrence of shortness of breath. Very important indicator also the absence or presence of temperature, since some diseases are not accompanied by this symptom. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

1. X-ray of the lungs. Allows you to determine the presence of inflammation and the location of the focus of the pathological process.

2. Laboratory blood tests. It is prescribed to determine the infection that caused wheezing.

3. Fluorography. It is carried out to exclude tuberculosis when a cough without fever occurs.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the cause, degree of development of the inflammatory process, type of disease and stage. This allows you to prescribe a course of treatment to avoid serious complications.

Treatment of wheezing in the lungs

Your doctor will tell you how to treat wheezing after an examination. If the cause is an allergic reaction, the source should be determined. Patients are advised to follow a special diet that includes only healthy foods, such as grains or lean meats. It is necessary to remove coffee, tea, chocolate, citrus fruits, and berries from the menu. In addition, alcoholic drinks are excluded. The doctor prescribes drugs such as Spazmalgon or Drotaverine.

Wheezing in the lungs when breathing, which was caused by pathology of the cardiovascular system, does not require special treatment. Therapy is aimed at compensating for the negative effects of heart failure. Patients are also prescribed mucolytic drugs to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi. After completing a course of treatment for the underlying disease, the wheezing that occurs when coughing in the sternum area disappears.

If wheezing in the lungs is not accompanied by fever or cough, its occurrence is often associated with the development of oncology. The patient is indicated for chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. In severe cases of the disease, when the tumor almost completely blocks the lumen of the bronchi, it is necessary to remove part of the lung.


Often, wheezing sounds when inhaling dry or wet type occurs as a result of inflammation. This is why antibiotics are used, for example "Amoxiclav". When diagnosing pneumonia, pneumonia, medications such as "Kanamycin" or "Ceftriaxone". In especially severe cases, the drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This helps to dock much faster acute stage, because active substances the drug reaches the site of infection faster.

Medicines such as: "Cysteine", "Mukomist". After it becomes more viscous, the coughing process becomes easier, and expectorants are prescribed. They provoke a spasm of the lungs and help remove mucus. This group includes "Lazolvan", "ACC" and "Mukobene".

If a child is hoarse, medications containing herbal ingredients are used. They are available in the form of various infusions, mixtures or syrups. For a dry cough, antitussive drugs are also used, and after it develops into a wet cough, mucolytic drugs are necessary. The simultaneous use of these groups of drugs is strictly prohibited. In cases where wheezing is caused by an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy occupies a special place in the treatment of various diseases. The use of procedures in combination with drug therapy can speed up recovery. If wheezing sounds occur that are not accompanied by temperature, use:

1. Warming up. Improves blood circulation and promotes sputum removal.

2. Inhalations. Relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, wheezing in the throat disappears within a week.

3. Compresses. Increase blood circulation and help remove accumulated mucus.

Physiotherapeutic methods are used only as prescribed by a doctor after studying the medical history and establishing the type of disease. Procedures are not performed in cases where coughing and wheezing during breathing are accompanied by fever.


Herbal medicine is used for complex treatment various colds. Many recipes that are used for coughing and wheezing in the lungs are also suitable for children over 3 years old. In order to get rid of dry or wet cough, various herbs are used. The most popular recipes for wheezing when exhaling or exhaling are:

1. Peppermint, coltsfoot, licorice root, marshmallow and plantain. Dry herbs in equal proportions are crushed and mixed. The finished mixture in an amount of 25 grams is poured with boiling water and left for at least 2 hours. After this, the tincture is brought to a boil and cooled. Use the solution before meals three times a day, 12 ml.

2. Chop mint, oregano, plantain, licorice and wild rosemary in the amount of 5 g of each plant and pour 400 ml of boiling water. After this, put it on low heat. Once the solution has boiled, cook for 4 minutes. Then leave for half an hour and take a tablespoon 2 times a day

Herbal medicine can speed up recovery and get rid of wheezing that occurs during inhalation and exhalation. The use of prescriptions must be agreed with the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid the appearance of wheezing in the lungs, which manifests itself without fever with cough, you should avoid hypothermia and being in a draft. To increase the body's defenses, it is recommended to exercise and regularly take vitamin complexes. In addition, you should avoid developing colds and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Wheezing of various types may indicate the development of various diseases. Only a doctor can determine what caused them to appear. That is why, if symptoms occur, you should contact a specialist. He will conduct an examination, determine the extent of the disease, and prescribe treatment. Lack of treatment in some cases can lead to the development of pneumonia or pneumonia.

Diseases often take us by surprise. In the most unexpected place - at work, while walking, playing sports - a person may experience an unpleasant sensation of wheezing when breathing, which occurs in the bronchi. Their appearance is due to too rapid air movement, which is a consequence of the presence of pathology. Wheezing occurs during inhalation and exhalation. Their character changes when they cough. To determine why wheezing appears, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs when breathing

Diseases of the respiratory system are one of the most common causes of wheezing in the lungs when breathing. However, this symptom may also indicate the presence of problems in other important parts of the body. In general, diseases during which wheezing occurs when breathing in adults are divided into three large groups. So this is:

  • inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory tract;
  • damage to the larynx, inflammation or the presence of neoplasms;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Also, wheezing when breathing in adults occurs due to prolonged smoking. In order not to aggravate the situation, you should give up the bad habit and consult a doctor. Possible accompanying symptoms So, the patient may experience:

  • increased body temperature;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • headache and weakness;
  • chest discomfort;
  • uneven heart rhythm.

Any wheezing that occurs in a person is divided into dry and wet. The latter, in turn, are divided into small-, medium- and large-bubble. Based on what wheezing is observed during breathing in an adult, pathologies are determined:

  • Dry bilateral wheezing in patients appears when viscous sputum forms in the bronchi. They can also occur due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • Unilateral dry wheezing that is observed over a certain area, especially in the upper segments, often indicates the presence of inflammation caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Moist rales are formed when blood or edematous fluid accumulates in the bronchi. Fine-bubble characters for pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, and broncholitis.
  • Wet, medium-bubble rales reflect bronchiectasis or.
  • Large blisters, in turn, speak of a lung abscess, tuberculosis.

The type of wheezing that is observed in a patient can only be determined by a doctor. Therefore, experts do not recommend self-medication. If wheezing occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor.

How to determine the cause of wheezing?

If you experience wheezing when breathing, you should first consult a physician. The examination must be comprehensive and include a number of procedures. Diagnosis of wheezing begins with an analysis of the patient’s complaints, his medical history and accompanying symptoms. Based on the results of the physical examination, as well as data obtained from interviewing the patient, the doctor determines the preliminary cause of wheezing. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient may be referred to:

For staging the maximum accurate diagnosis You may also need to take blood tests (general, biochemical). The cost of an initial consultation with a doctor will be approximately 1200-2000 rubles.

Which doctor treats you?

If you experience wheezing in your lungs when breathing, you should consult a doctor in the following specialty:

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics in your case. Some diseases are difficult to diagnose, as they say “by eye”. Therefore, you need to trust your doctor when prescribing tests. After all the tests, the doctor will be able to formulate the correct course of treatment. Remember: accurate diagnosis and correct diagnosis are already 50% of success in treatment!

Wheezing when breathing in a child

Wheezing is also common in children. As a rule, they accompany acute respiratory diseases. However, they can also arise for other reasons. Wheezing when breathing in a child occurs due to spasms, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as blockage of the bronchi. Such manifestations are typical for the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis.

One of the common causes of wheezing in young children is the entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract. These can be elements of toys, food and other items. The entry of foreign bodies often leads to complete cessation of breathing. You should not try to remove the item yourself. If you suspect penetration, seek medical attention immediately. If such manifestations occur in children, make an appointment with a pediatrician. This doctor will evaluate your child and then make a referral to another doctor if necessary.

Hoarse sounds and wheezing when breathing or whistling in the bronchi are noises that are heard during examination of the patient in the lungs, bronchi or trachea.

Whistling or dry sounds and wheezing in the lungs and throat, moist wheezing, coughing - all these are symptoms of colds, bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia. Other serious diseases can manifest themselves this way:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Anaphylaxis.
  4. Pulmonary edema, heart attack, lung cancer.
  5. Bronchiectasis.

If wheezing is heard in the lungs, it is necessary to establish its causes and be sure to treat the pathology.

Reasons why wheezing occurs in the lungs

There are two main causes of wheezing in the lungs and throat:

  • Narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi during their spasm;
  • Inflammatory processes.

Depending on this, wheezing in the throat varies in intensity and location. In addition, mucus may accumulate in the bronchi or throat. Purulent discharge begins to move when you inhale and exhale and thereby also cause sound vibrations.

A specialist must determine why wheezing in the lungs occurs and how to treat it. Whistling in the lungs and coughing are often symptoms of serious pathologies and can cause complications.

What are the types of wheezing in the lungs?

If sputum, pus and mucus accumulate in the bronchi, then moist rales are observed. To determine their type, the auscultation method is used. When you inhale in the throat, when air passes through the mucus, fine bubble voids appear, they burst - this is how moist rales occur. Wheezing when exhaling occurs much less frequently.

Bubbles can be of different sizes - it depends on how much mucus has accumulated in the bronchi and throat, how dense it is, the diameter of the lumen in the bronchi, and the volume of the cavity. On this basis they distinguish:

  1. Fine bubble moist rales.
  2. Medium bubbly moist rales.
  3. Large bubbling wet rales.

A hoarse sound in the lungs when inhaling can be heard with pulmonary infarction, bronchiolitis, or bronchopneumonia. Fine bubble noises of this nature resemble the hissing of sparkling water.

Medium vesicles cause wheezing in the lungs with bronchiectasis or hypersecretory bronchitis. Wet wheezing in this case sounds like the bubbling of a liquid if air is blown into it through a straw. These are signs of small abscesses in the lungs or bronchi due to pneumonia. Similar wheezing when breathing can also be observed in initial stage pulmonary edema.

If pulmonary fibrosis or pneumosclerosis develops, then medium-bubble noises resemble crackling. They occur when the walls of the bronchioles and acini open. Large bubble moist rales appear if a large amount of dense mucus accumulates in the throat, lungs and bronchi. They are heard during auscultation when the patient takes a breath and the air passes through accumulations of mucus.

The bubbling wheezing in the lungs and throat is clearly audible even without special instruments, he says, in the late stage of development of pulmonary edema. Sputum accumulates and distant noises appear if the patient has no or mild cough.

Dry rales in the lungs are usually whistling or buzzing. Whistling is heard in asthmatics during an attack of the disease, when bronchospasm occurs and the lumen in the bronchi narrows.

The causes of wheezing in the lungs are the formation of mucous membranes due to inflammation.

How to treat wheezing and cough

Fine-bubble, large-bubble, whistling or buzzing noises in the bronchi and lungs require different treatments. It is always aimed at eliminating the cause that caused them. Cough, sniffles, and increased body temperature most often indicate a cold or flu. But if wheezing occurs when breathing, then the reasons are somewhat different.

It is not always possible to clearly localize small bubble sounds during breathing, distant or bubbling sounds even with the use of a stethoscope. Therefore, the doctor may order an x-ray. Severe wheezing in the lungs without fever, bronchospasms and difficulty breathing may be a reason for placing the patient in a hospital setting.

First, the patient will be connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, and then the optimal treatment program will be selected. Medicines are selected that will relieve inflammation, eliminate coughing and narrowing of the bronchial lumens. Dry cough is treated with special medications.

You need to try to thin the thick sputum and stimulate its discharge. At the initial stage of treatment, the patient will have to take medications various groups and actions. It is necessary to observe bed rest, the patient is arranged in such a body position that coughing and wheezing bother him as little as possible, without making breathing difficult.

If fine wheezing persists, but there is no sputum discharge, the diagnosis and therapy should be reconsidered. When sputum appears, you need to pay attention to its color and density. Thick, greenish, or yellowish sputum may indicate a serious infection has developed.

Folk remedies can also be used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the patient's condition. From medicinal plants prepare infusions and decoctions that are taken orally or used for therapeutic inhalations. Warm compresses made from vegetables, root vegetables and other products are common in folk medicine. in general, and other lung problems, a very effective remedy.

It is important to remember to take more fluids when you are sick. A complex approach and the correct combination of medications, bed rest, and compliance with all medical prescriptions will allow you to quickly defeat the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic.

Smoking should be stopped during treatment of the disease - this will reduce its effectiveness to zero. In addition, it is recommended to avoid contact with allergens. Diseases of the bronchi and lungs can be prevented if you follow preventive measures. During epidemics of colds, you should avoid crowded places, and if you have to use public transport, wear a bandage.

Support the immune system vitamin complexes, regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. You need to harden yourself, but do not overdo it and avoid sudden hypothermia.

If wheezing and coughing do appear, do not put off visiting a doctor. Timely treatment in the initial stages of the disease is always faster and more successful.

Although folk remedies alone cannot cure serious diseases of the bronchi or lungs, in some cases they are very effective. Doctors recommend including them in treatment, especially if antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken for a long time.

Before starting therapy using traditional recipes, you should make sure that all plants and products do not cause allergies in the patient and will not provoke unwanted side effects. Here are the most proven and simple recipes for wheezing in the chest.

  1. Pour 1.5 liters of hot water into a basin and dilute 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda in it. The soda should completely dissolve. Then you need to bend over your pelvis with soda solution, cover with a towel and inhale this steam for 10 minutes. The steam helps to liquefy mucus and improves its discharge. You need to do the procedure daily, and these and wheezing will be extremely effective.
  2. You should prepare a paste from the fleshy leaves of perennial aloe and fresh lemon. Combine the products in equal proportions, add the same amount of honey. Transfer the mixture into a glass container, close tightly and leave in a cool place for a week. Then you can take the product one tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment lasts forty days, after which you need to take a ten-day break and repeat the course of treatment.
  3. You need to take thirty grams of birch buds and crush them. At this time, melt half a glass of high-quality butter in a water bath. Combine both ingredients, place in a pot and place in a warm oven. You need to simmer this product over low heat for about an hour. Then the mixture is cooled, filtered, and combined with a glass of honey. Take the medicine one spoon 3-4 times a day.

Hot milk with soda, butter or a drop of iodine is a remedy familiar to everyone since childhood for coughing and wheezing in the chest. And in conclusion, do not miss the video in this article, in which we'll talk on the prevention of bronchial diseases. Extremely educational video.

The disease always appears at the most inopportune moment. It can find a person at home, at work or while relaxing. Diseases of the respiratory organs often present themselves with such characteristic symptoms as wheezing and noise in the lungs. Their appearance is usually explained by the passage of air masses too quickly during inhalation and exhalation. The nature of these noises may change during a coughing attack.

It is very difficult to determine the cause of wheezing on your own. Only a specialist can identify the factor that led to such ailment.

Types of wheezing

Doctors identify several types of wheezing that occur during inhalation.

Wet wheezing

Moist wheezing is the result of too much mucus collecting in the airways. When air passes through the mucous fluid in the bronchi, small bubbles form in it. They burst very quickly. Due to the massive explosion, a wet wheeze occurs, which causes significant discomfort to the person. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed during the process of gaining air into the lungs. During exhalation, it is much more difficult to recognize the symptom.

The size of the bubbles that form when air masses come into contact with sputum can be very different. This parameter depends on the volume of the bronchial cavity and their diameter. Based on this indicator, the following subtypes of wheezing are distinguished:

  • Fine bubble. It is a sign of pathologies such as bronchopneumonia, pulmonary infarction and broncholitis. These noises are very similar to the sound made by a bottle filled with a carbonated drink.
  • Medium bubble. Appear due to the active development of hypersecretory bronchitis or brochiectasis. If you evaluate the symptom by ear, it is similar to the sound of blowing liquid with a straw. This type of wheezing often indicates the development of pneumonia or small abscesses in the bronchi. Also, medium-bubble rales are heard in patients diagnosed with early-stage pulmonary edema.
  • Large vesicular. This wheezing is also called bubbling. It occurs due to the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the trachea, bronchi and other cavities that belong to the respiratory system. This noise occurs when air masses pass through the internal organs during inhalation. The wheezing itself is quite loud. Thanks to this, it can be heard without special equipment.

Wet snoring should not be ignored, as it may indicate serious pathologies. In addition, this symptom provokes the appearance of a cough reflex.

Dry wheezing

This is the second type of wheezing that is heard when inhaling. This noise is divided into two subtypes:

  1. Whistling. This wheezing is considered a clear sign development of an asthmatic attack. It occurs in the bronchi area due to uneven narrowing of the existing lumens during the onset of bronchospasm.
  2. Humming. Such wheezing occurs during breathing in patients who have an inflammatory process in the bronchial lumens. Because of it, mucous membranes are formed, causing this ailment.

The choice depends on the type of wheezing suitable treatment an unpleasant symptom and the disease that caused it.

Causes of illness

Every year, thousands of people turn to doctors with complaints of diseases of the respiratory system. This is because this pathological process is quite common. It's not that difficult to get sick.

The main causes of wheezing in the lungs are various diseases. They are conditionally divided by doctors into three large groups:

  • Inflammation occurring inside the respiratory tract.
  • Inflammation of the larynx and the formation of neoplasms of a benign and malignant nature in its cavity.
  • Disorders of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It is worth paying attention to another factor that should be blamed for the appearance of wheezing. This pathology occurs in almost every person who has such bad habit like smoking.

Noises in the bronchi never occur on their own. They usually act as companions to various respiratory diseases. Some of them are accompanied exclusively by wet rales. Others are only dry.

Wet wheezing may appear against the background of the development of such diseases:

  • ARVI and influenza.
  • Heart disease.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.

If moist wheezing occurs during exhalation, the doctor may suspect the patient has bronchitis.

Dry wheezing is caused by other pathologies:

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Pneumosclerosis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Neoplasms in the lung cavity.

Dry noises often occur due to attacks of suffocation, which are caused by blockage of the trachea by a foreign object that has entered the respiratory tract.

Which doctor should I contact?

With symptoms of illness such as wheezing and gurgling in the lungs, a person can go to any clinic. He should visit a specialist who treats the respiratory tract.

If an unpleasant symptom appears in a small child, then parents should definitely make an appointment with a pediatrician. He will independently examine the baby and, if necessary, write him a referral to visit another specialist, for example, a cardiologist or allergist.

Adult patients should immediately go to see a therapist. He will also assess the patient’s condition and, if necessary, refer him to a doctor of a more specialized specialty.

Diagnosis of the pathological process

To determine the nature of wheezing and the factor that provoked the appearance of the symptom, it is necessary to listen to it using special methods. Doctors use a phonendoscope for such purposes. It is also possible to use a stethophonendoscope and a stethoscope. Auscultation is performed with the patient in a lying, standing or sitting position.

In each of them, wheezing is listened to on both sides of the chest. Thanks to such a thorough diagnosis, it is possible to study the alarming symptom in as much detail as possible.

By changing the breathing pattern, the doctor has the opportunity to determine the exact location of the source producing noise in the respiratory organs. Listening is done before and after coughing. The specialist may also ask the patient to make various sounds and take medicine to find out its effect on the painful symptom.

Traditional treatment for wheezing

Wheezing in the lungs does not go away on its own. They need appropriate treatment. Each type of noise requires its own therapy. Its action must be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the unpleasant symptom. Wheezing, like other signs of illness, will stop as you recover.

If a patient has severe wheezing, it will be difficult to treat at home. Such patients are prescribed observation in a hospital. First of all, the doctor will connect the patient to the artificial respiration apparatus if he himself cannot breathe fully. Next, the optimal treatment program is selected for him. It should include anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that help calm the cough and eliminate narrowing of the lumens in the bronchi.

The main goal of treating wheezing in the respiratory organs is to thin the accumulated thick mucus and stimulate its normal discharge. At the very initial stage of therapy, the doctor will suggest taking medications of various effects. The patient will also have to remain in bed. The patient needs to choose the most comfortable position for lying, in which he does not have coughing attacks and does not have difficulty breathing.

During treatment you need to drink plenty of fluids. The combination of this rule with bed rest and taking prescribed medications is the key to a speedy recovery. In addition, these methods will help prevent the onset of chronic respiratory tract disease.

If the patient is a smoker, he will have to give up this habit to increase his chances of recovery. It is also advisable to avoid any contact with allergens that may worsen the condition. In public places you should wear a special bandage. This way, the patient will not spread pathogenic microbes if the pathology is caused by a viral infection, and will protect himself from another infection that can easily penetrate a weakened body.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers dozens of interesting recipes medicinal products, which help to quickly get rid of wheezing in the lungs that occurs when breathing. They can be used by both children and adults.

The following folk remedies are considered the most effective in solving the problem of wheezing:

Ginger, lemon and honey mixture

It is necessary to grind the first two ingredients and dilute them with a portion of natural bee product. The finished gruel should be left to steep for at least a day. This medicine is recommended to be taken 1 tbsp. l. every day in order to prevent diseases of the throat and bronchi. If a person suffers from wheezing, then he should eat the same quantity only three times a day.

Radish and honey mixture

A popular folk remedy that has the effect of a mucolytic drug. To prepare the medicine, you need to cut out part of the core from the washed black radish. Pour a little honey into the resulting recess. Gradually, the root vegetable will begin to release juice, which will mix with the second ingredient of the recipe. Its taste is quite sweet and pleasant. Therefore, even children drink this medicine with great pleasure. Radish and honey juice should be taken 2 tsp each. from 2 to 5 times a day.

Hot milk

For medicinal purposes, drink this drink heated to 40 degrees. To increase the healing properties of milk, it is recommended to add a spoonful of natural honey to it. If the patient experiences dry wheezing, it is advisable to add a small portion of butter to the drink.

Herbal decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort and yarrow

Procedures such as inhalation and warming the chest have a therapeutic effect. But we must remember that with some diagnoses they are harmful. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should make sure that it is safe for the patient’s health. To find out, you just need to consult a doctor.

If the patient strictly follows all the instructions of the attending physician, begins to do special exercises for the respiratory organs and does massages, then he will quickly recover.

Attention, TODAY only!

Based on the mechanism by which wheezing occurs, as well as the sound sensation obtained when listening to it, wheezing is divided into dry and wet.

Wet wheezing occur when fluid accumulates in the bronchi (liquid secretions or blood); a passing stream of air foams the accumulated liquid, the bubbles formed on its surface burst and are perceived by the examiner's ear as wet rales. When fluid accumulates in the bronchioles and small bronchi (bronchopneumonia, bronchiolitis), fine bubbling rales are heard; if liquid secretions or blood are contained in the bronchi of medium or large caliber (bronchitis, pulmonary edema) or in cavities of the appropriate size (bronchiectasis, abscess), medium or large bubbling rales are heard. It is necessary to differentiate fine bubbling rales from crepitus (see). When compacted lung tissue around the cavity, moist rales become loud.

Dry wheezing occur when bronchial obstruction is impaired (bronchus, its deformation or compression, swelling of the bronchial mucosa or accumulation of viscous sputum in them). Their formation is associated with vortex-like air movements in places of narrowing.

Buzzing (bass) dry rales are formed in large bronchi, whistling - in small bronchi, bronchioles.

With extensive bronchial obstruction, dry wheezing is heard over all lung fields (for example, bronchial asthma, bronchitis).

The persistence of dry wheezing over any part of the lung tissue is a symptom of a local inflammatory focus or tumor, causing a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi.

Wheezing (rhonclii) is a pathological breathing noise that occurs in the bronchi, trachea, as well as in pathological cavities of the lungs (abscess, cavity, bronchiectasis). In the absence of cavities in the lungs, the appearance of wheezing indicates a violation of bronchial obstruction. There are dry and wet rales.

Dry wheezing have a single mechanism of formation - narrowing of the bronchial lumen, which occurs during bronchial spasms (bronchial asthma), swelling of the bronchial mucosa (inflammation, allergic reactions), in the presence of a viscous mucous secretion adhering to the walls of the bronchi
(bronchitis), with the growth of a bronchogenic tumor or compression of the bronchus from the outside (tumor, enlarged lymph node, inflammatory process). In areas of narrowing of the bronchi, the passing air makes additional vortex-like movements, which cause the appearance of dry wheezing. Dry wheezing is heard during inhalation and exhalation. Depending on the width of the lumen and the degree of narrowing of the bronchus, high (treble) - whistling and low, buzzing - bass wheezing are distinguished. Higher dry wheezes (rhonchi sibilantes) occur in small bronchi, and lower ones (rlionchi sonores) - in large ones. Dry wheezing is highly variable: over a short period of time and in the same area, their number can either increase or decrease, they can disappear and reappear. When you cough, a viscous secretion moves from one bronchus to another, so wheezing can change its character - disappear in the place where it was heard before the cough, and appear where it was not there before the cough. This makes it possible to distinguish them from other additional respiratory sounds (crepitus, pleural friction noise), which do not change when coughing. The more energetic the movement of the masses located in the bronchi, the louder the wheezing. Since with deep breathing the speed of air movement in the bronchi increases, the amplitude of vibrations increases and the volume of wheezing increases. Therefore, when listening, you should force the patient to breathe deeper. When exhaling, the speed of air flow in the bronchi is less than during inhalation, therefore, during exhalation, wheezing is heard less clearly than during inhalation. An exception is bronchial asthma, when dry wheezing is heard mainly during exhalation.

Constant dry wheezing over any part of the lung tissue is of great diagnostic importance, as it is a symptom of a local inflammatory focus or tumor in the lung, which reduces the lumen of the bronchial tube.

Wet wheezing occur in the bronchi and pathological cavities of the lungs if the secretion they contain has a liquid consistency (liquid sputum, exudate or transudate, blood). They resemble the sound of air bubbles bursting in water, blown through a tube. In most cases, the mechanism of occurrence of moist rales is exactly this. During inhalation and exhalation, air passing through the liquid filling the bronchus foams it. The bubbles, rising to the surface of the liquid, burst and are perceived when heard as moist rales. According to B. S. Shklyar, the described mechanism for the occurrence of moist rales can only occur if the contents of the bronchi are completely liquid. If the masses contained in the bronchi are semi-liquid (thick sputum), then it is difficult to allow air to pass through them with the formation of bubbles. In these cases, apparently, a semi-liquid film forms in front of the air stream, which, stretching, gradually becomes thinner and bursts, producing a sound perceived as a wet wheeze.

The size of the air bubbles formed depends on the force of movement of the air stream, its speed, the amount of secretion and mainly on the width of the lumen of the bronchi or the diameter of the pathological cavities. When listening, some of the moist rales resemble the sound of smaller bubbles bursting, others - larger ones. Therefore, moist rales are divided into large, medium and small bubbles. Large bubbling rales occur in large bronchi with pulmonary edema and in pathological cavities. Tracheal bubbling rales usually appear when the patient is in serious condition, when he is unable to cough up mucus from the trachea. Such wheezing is often heard during the period of agony. The appearance of large bubbling rales over peripheral parts lungs where there are no large bronchi may indicate the formation of a cavity.

Medium-bubbly moist rales are formed in the bronchi of medium caliber and are a sign of bronchitis or appear during congestion in the pulmonary circulation.

Fine-bubbly moist rales occur in small and minute bronchi with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the latter (bronchitis, bronchiolitis). Small bronchi are often involved in the inflammatory process when the lung is damaged, so moist fine bubbling rales are often detected when focal pneumonia. The presence of moist small- and medium-bubble rales in the lower parts of both lungs is often associated with circulatory failure, in which stagnation of blood develops in the pulmonary circulation (heart defects, cardiosclerosis, cardiac asthma).

Moist rales are divided into sonorous and silent. The sonority of wheezing depends on the degree of sound transmission by the lungs and the presence of resonance. When the sound conductivity of the lungs increases (compaction) and especially in the presence of resonance (cavity), moist rales become sonorous. With caverns, sonorous moist rales often have a metallic tint. This is facilitated by the dense lung tissue surrounding the cavity, which enhances the resonance.

Silent moist rales are heard during bronchitis and congestion in the lungs. It is necessary to differentiate fine bubbling rales from crepitus (see) and pleural friction noise. Fine bubble moist rales are heard at different times in both phases of breathing, while crepitus is heard only at the height of inspiration in the form of an “explosion”. Moist rales change after coughing (increase, decrease, change their localization), but crepitus does not change. To distinguish the pleural friction noise from moist wheezing, the patient is asked to cough - in this case, the wheezing changes, but the pleural friction noise does not change; They ask the patient to close his mouth and pinch his nose, and then pull in and protrude his stomach - the sound of pleural friction is heard, but there is no wheezing, since there is no air flow. When breathing, pleural friction noise is most often
accompanied by pain in the corresponding half of the chest, which does not happen with wheezing.

The presence of wheezing indicates a pathological process in the lungs, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • general weakness, increased sweating;
  • in case of a severe, prolonged attack of bronchial asthma (a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi, manifested by repeated episodes of dry cough, shortness of breath, suffocation), dry wheezing can be heard at a distance;
  • at pulmonary edema Moist rales may be heard at a distance (“bubbling breathing”).


Dry wheezing:

  • whistling - occurs when air passes through a narrowed, swollen, spasmodic bronchus (for example, with bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) or when there is an obstacle to the movement of air (a foreign body, a tumor growing inside the bronchus);
  • buzzing (humming) - occur when there is thick viscous sputum in the bronchus (for example, with bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Wet wheezing: occur when there are less dense liquids in the bronchi or cavities communicating with them (thin sputum, blood, edematous fluid). An air stream foams a low-viscosity liquid and forms instantly bursting air bubbles on its surface, which is why moist rales are sometimes called bubbly rales. Depending on the size of the bronchus in which wheezing occurs, there are:
  • moist large-bubble rales (in large-caliber bronchi and in cavities, for example, a tuberculous cavity (a cavity formed in the area of ​​the tuberculosis process), a lung abscess (a limited focus of inflammation of the lung tissue with its melting and the formation of a cavity filled with purulent masses);
  • moist medium-bubble rales (in bronchi of medium size and in cavities, for example, tuberculous cavity, lung abscess, bronchiectasis (dilation, deformation of the bronchus) in bronchi of the specified size);
  • moist fine bubbling rales (in small bronchi and bronchioles):
    • sonorous – more indicative of the presence of a local inflammatory process (for example, pneumonia (pneumonia));
    • silent – ​​most typical for the accumulation of edematous fluid (pulmonary edema, chronic heart failure). It should be highlighted separately crepitus, which is similar to moist rales, but differs in the mechanism of occurrence.

Crepitus forms in the alveoli (respiratory vesicles in which gas exchange occurs) when there is a small amount of inflammatory fluid in them. At the moment of inhalation, the alveoli “unstick” with the formation of a characteristic sound reminiscent of crackling, crunching of snow, rustling of cellophane, which is called crepitus. Most often this sound is heard in the initial and final stages of pneumonia.
The sound phenomena are very similar to crepitation and the so-called fibrous crackle(“crackling” wheezing). This sound phenomenon also occurs during inspiration and is associated with stretching of the overgrown rough connective tissue(tissue of the body that forms the supporting frame of all organs) that seals the lung. This process underlies diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis. Fibrous crack persists for a long time (for several months and years).


  • Respiratory diseases leading to the appearance of sputum. For example, pneumonia (pneumonia).
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, characterized by narrowing of the bronchi (swelling, spasm, excess mucus production).
  • Tumors growing inside the bronchus or compressing it from the outside.
  • Foreign bodies in the lumen of the bronchus.
  • Heart failure.


Wheezing is detected by auscultation - listening to the lungs using a phonendoscope.
However, establishing the presence of wheezing is not enough to make a diagnosis of a particular disease. To determine the correct diagnosis, the doctor will ask you to undergo a number of the following examination methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • sputum analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • CT scan chest organs;
  • spirometry (spirography). Allows you to assess the air patency of the respiratory tract and the ability of the lungs to expand;
  • test with a bronchodilator - performing spirometry before and after inhalation of a drug that dilates the bronchus. Used to assess the reversibility of bronchial narrowing;
  • bronchoprovocation test - performing spirometry before and after inhalation of methacholine or histamine. Allows you to detect increased sensitivity bronchus, manifested in the form of bronchospasm;
  • study of blood gas composition (determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide tension in the blood, assessment of blood oxygen saturation);
  • body plethysmography – a method for assessing function external respiration, which allows you to determine all volumes and capacities of the lungs, including those that are not determined by spirography;
  • fibrobronchoscopy is a study that allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the bronchi from the inside and examine its cellular composition using a special apparatus. The method is used in case of unclear diagnosis in order to exclude others possible diseases with similar manifestations;
  • angiopulmonography – study of pulmonary vessels;
  • lung biopsy.
Consultation is also possible.

Treatment of wheezing

  • Mucolytic drugs (sputum thinners) are prescribed in the presence of viscous, difficult to separate sputum.
  • Expectorants – promote better discharge of liquid sputum.
  • Bronchodilators - expand the narrowed bronchus, helping to improve the passage of air through the respiratory tract.

Prevention of wheezing

  • Treatment of the underlying disease.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Avoiding contact with allergens (for example, dust, animal hair, bird feathers, certain foods, etc.) that provoke bronchospasm.
  • Avoiding hypothermia.

Lung wheezing is a pathological noise that occurs when breathing. This symptom most often indicates inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, but can also be a symptom of pathologies that are not associated with the lungs or bronchi.

Establishing the primary cause of the appearance of extraneous noise during breathing is an important stage of treatment, since the disease cannot always be eliminated with anti-inflammatory or other drugs.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs

In most cases, wheezing in the lungs occurs with pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and acute or chronic bronchitis. At the same time, the general well-being of a person suffers. We are accustomed to the fact that pneumonia must be accompanied by a rise in temperature, but there is atypical forms pneumonia, in which the clinical picture differs from the standard course of the disease. Therefore, some people may experience wheezing in the lungs without a rise in temperature. In addition to pneumonia, pathological noises in the organ are also heard in other diseases of extrapulmonary origin. These are myocardial infarction, cardiac pathologies, pulmonary edema as a result of severe somatic diseases.

Wheezing in different parts of the lung is heard when:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Abscess.
  • Pneumofibrosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.

In these conditions, there may be no temperature or it occurs periodically and rises to 37 or slightly above degrees. The formation of pathological noise is based on two processes:

  1. A change in the normal state of the walls of the bronchi, which leads to a narrowing of their lumen.
  2. The presence in the vessels of the respiratory system of mucous or purulent masses with varying degrees of viscosity. This secretion begins to fluctuate under the influence of air, and different sounds arise in all parts of the lungs and in the bronchi.

When listening to the respiratory system, the doctor pays attention to the different characteristics of sounds, that is, their sound. When they form - on inhalation or exhalation. How moist rales appear in the lungs is also of diagnostic importance. They can be large, medium and small.

In some pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, wheezing is heard only on exhalation; in others, on inhalation; there may also be mixed wheezing sounds. With bronchial asthma, sounds on exhalation are heard more clearly; they are called expiratory sounds. Wheezing during inspiration is referred to as inspiratory wheezing; you can clearly hear it in acute bronchitis.

In the lower parts of the lungs, wheezing occurs due to congestion. The walls of the alveoli become inflamed, swollen and secrete exudate, disrupting the process of normal breathing. If treatment is carried out according to the correct scheme, the inflammatory process is eliminated and gradually the mucopurulent secretion comes out and breathing returns to normal.

Prolonged wheezing in the lower parts of the organ can be detected in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This disease is often registered in those who smoke and who have not completed treatment for chronic bronchitis. Moreover, changes in breathing appear even without temperature.

What to do if you have wheezing in the lungs

When you hear any wheezing in your lungs, the first thing you need to do is get examined. The doctor begins to find out the causes of the disease by listening to the bronchopulmonary system. Based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed immediately or after additional diagnostics. Most often, radiography of the bronchi and lungs is used; this method allows one to diagnose bronchitis or pneumonia with high accuracy. Additionally, blood tests and sputum collection are prescribed to identify specific pathogens.

If the diagnosis is unclear and a tumor is suspected in the organ cavity, CT is currently used, that is, layer-by-layer computed tomography of the lungs.

It is absolutely impossible to treat wheezing in the lungs on your own. Taking various medications can suppress the inflammatory process, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with all the changes and complications. And this almost always leads to the transition of an acute illness to a chronic one, which will require long-term therapy.

Treatment of inflammatory pathologies in the lungs

Since wheezing in the lungs most often occurs due to inflammation of the organ, treatment begins with the prescription of antibiotics. For pneumonia, Kanamycin and Ceftriaxone are used in most cases. Medicines are preferably administered by injection; this form of medicine is absorbed by the body more efficiently.

ACC is one of the drugs effective in such cases

Antibacterial treatment is also prescribed if the inflammation occurs without fever. In addition to this group of drugs, medications are used that help thin viscous and dense purulent sputum. These are Cysteine, Mukobene, Mucomist. After the sputum becomes less viscous, drugs are prescribed to enhance expectoration - ACC, Mucaltin, Lazolvan. Treatment of pneumonia is more successful if drug therapy combine with physiotherapy and massage. These complementary therapies help improve blood circulation and increase mucus production.

Folk remedies can also be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. If there is no fever, then you can apply warming compresses to the chest and back area. Under their influence, blood circulation in the bronchi increases, and they quickly get rid of softened mucus. Steam inhalations also help reduce the viscosity of purulent secretions. Children and adults can drink decoctions of anti-inflammatory and expectorant herbs. Vitamins boost immunity good nutrition, beekeeping products.

During the recovery period, drafts and hypothermia should be avoided. It is better not to take your child to a child care facility for at least another week after the course of aspen treatment, especially during the cold season. Hardening and playing sports improve the functioning of the immune system, which leads to a decrease in the number of colds and respiratory diseases.

Chest sounds are a very important symptom for diagnostics of pathological changes in the respiratory organs.

Wheezing in the lungs when breathing in adults, they help determine by their sound, caused by non-physiological noises residual processes after an illness or are we talking about chronic disease, complications after acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.

The breathing of a healthy person should be almost silent. Any wheezing when breathing in an adult, a whistling sound when exhaling, or difficulty inhaling should cause the person to it is mandatory to visit a doctor, get examined. In children, whistling and wheezing when breathing do not occur for no reason.

Wheezing in the lungs: causes and consequences

Passing through the respiratory tract, the air usually does not encounter obstacles, saturating every cell with oxygen.

But if something appears in the bronchi or lungs that interferes with free movement, it can be felt by shortness of breath, some manifestations of oxygen starvation, fatigue, chest pain.

The body is trying with all its might to free itself from a foreign body or substance, so wheezing is heard when breathing, often accompanied by a cough.

Causes of wheezing:

acute respiratory diseases; tracheitis; bronchitis; pneumonia; tuberculosis; neoplasms; pulmonary edema; bronchial asthma; obstructive processes; heart failure; bronchiectasis; pulmonary hemorrhage; a foreign body in the respiratory tract and swelling spreading around it.

Wheezing in the bronchi during exhalation, audible through a phonendoscope, and sometimes without it, causes any obstruction in the path of the air stream.

Important: Narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi due to swelling, accumulation of mucus, the appearance of partitions, which causes noise when trying to inhale or exhale, pathologies in the lungs pose a threat to human life.

In some cases immediate medical attention is required, since bronchospasm, damage to the bronchi, or bleeding in the lungs can kill a person in a matter of minutes.

And although wheezing in the lungs is considered one of the most common cold symptoms diseases, the doctor must identify the exact cause of the noise and find the optimal treatment for wheezing in the bronchi, which will eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

Sometimes it is necessary to facilitate the discharge of sputum, sometimes relieve inflammation or spasm, but surgery may also be required.

What types of wheezing are there?

By the sound of breathing, noises in the bronchi and lungs, you can preliminarily determine what caused their appearance. Pulmonologists, therapists subdivide wheezing and whistling sounds when breathing:

wet and dry; constant and recurring; noise on inspiration (inspiratory) or expiration (expiratory); high, low; whistling.

Also an important characteristic is the fine-bubble, medium-bubble and coarse-bubble nature of the sounds.

A viscous secretion secreted by the bronchi, mucus or blood, when air passes through them, is filled with it, and then bursts, emitting peculiar sounds similar to the sounds of bursting bubbles (in the sternum, according to patients, as if something is gurgling).

The most important for doctors when colds cause dry and moist wheezing.

Dry wheezing in the lungs: air passes through the bronchi with a large accumulation of mucus, swelling or neoplasm. There is a noise similar to a whistle when inflammatory process in the bronchi (bronchitis), asthma, heard on both sides. With bronchitis, it is characteristic of the initial stage of the disease, the timbre of the sound constantly changes, and may disappear after the patient clears his throat. Unilateral dry wheezing is heard if the lung is damaged or has a cavity (tuberculosis). Moist wheezing: a large accumulation of sputum and mucus causes a noise similar to the bubbling of air blown through a tube into the water. Usually heard during inspiration. When a productive cough appears, wheezing disappears, so the main task of doctors is to dilute the accumulated sputum to facilitate its removal, in order to prevent stagnation, the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and their spread throughout the respiratory system, which causes serious complications in the form of pneumonia and abscesses in the lungs.

Sound audible even from a distance wet wheezing in the lungs indicates serious complications, possible pulmonary edema, but if sounds are heard outside the bronchial tree, this may indicate the appearance of a cavity in the lung caused by a tumor process, tuberculosis, or abscess.

Not only such characteristics as wet or dry wheezing, but many others, including the localization and timbre of noise, the frequency of their occurrence have important in the diagnosis of the disease.

Self-diagnosis is ineffective and often dangerous, so all the complaints are incomprehensible and discomfort need to be described to specialists in order to facilitate diagnosis and clearly define the range of necessary studies.

How are wheezing and cough treated?

The appearance of any wheezing in the lungs means a pathological process, most often inflammation, so you must undergo an examination and take all the tests recommended by your doctor. In any case, the main thing is to treat the underlying disease.

For dry wheezing, if they indicate the onset of the disease, doctors recommend taking anti-inflammatory agents, to thin sputum. Good effect show bronchodilators, which also help in case of an allergic reaction in asthma.

When dry wheezing changes to wet wheezing, a productive cough appears, the composition of the drugs during treatment changes in order to facilitate the removal of sputum from the body with expectorants. These include the mucolytics Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Mucaltin and others.

For a debilitating cough, medications are prescribed that act on cough center, and in especially severe cases - antibiotics to prevent the development of pneumonia.

Important: Coughing and wheezing when breathing can have a wide variety of etiologies, especially in children, so you don’t need to start baking on your own. If you hear wheezing when breathing in an adult or child, while breathing is clearly depressed, the color of the mucous membranes and skin changes, a doctor is urgently needed.

Don't start on your own taking medications even with severe wheezing when breathing and coughing with sputum discharge, so that the doctor can clearly see the picture of the disease. Blurred symptoms can cause an incorrect diagnosis, and the prescribed treatment will be ineffective.

Treatment with traditional methods

Among the recipes of traditional medicine there are many dedicated to how to treat wheezing and cough in children and adults.

Lemon, ginger, honey: chop 1 lemon together with the peel, ginger root about 5 cm in size and 1.5 cm in diameter, add 0.5 tbsp. honey, let it brew for 24 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. daily for prevention with a tendency to colds and bronchitis, 1 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day for wheezing in the upper respiratory tract. This is an excellent immunostimulating and antiviral agent. Radish and honey: one of the best and most popular folk remedies when thinking about how to treat wheezing in a child, an excellent mucolytic, and also extremely easy to prepare. In a well-washed black radish, make a hole in the core, into which pour 1 tbsp. honey The juice released is pleasant to the taste, so even kids drink it with pleasure. Give 1 tsp. 2-5 times a day. You can simply grate the radish, squeeze out the juice, mix with honey, this slightly reduces the effectiveness, but you can use it right away. Hot milk: heat the milk to 40 degrees, dissolve 1 tsp in it. honey, drink 3-4 times a day. For dry wheezing and sore throat, you can add 1 tsp. butter, it will relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Decoctions of herbs such as coltsfoot, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort are excellent in helping to cope with wheezing and inflammation. Dandelion honey is effective when May flowers are covered with sugar in a jar, the resulting honey-like syrup is stored in the refrigerator, and 1 tsp is taken. 3 times a day. In general, it is recommended to drink as much as possible: hot decoctions, fruit drinks, jelly help to thin mucus and saturate the body with essential vitamins.

Important: when infusing radish with honey, you should remember that this composition is not recommended for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, so it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Inhalations, heat, warming up the chest will help you cope with colds in the absence of fever.

Prevention, basic rules and methods.

After recovery, it is extremely important to protect your body from hypothermia, because a weakened immune system will not be able to adequately respond to a new threat.

Treatment must not be interrupted, as soon as wheezing in the chest has disappeared, the course of treatment must be completed to the end in order to avoid relapses and complications.

The key to successful prevention will be:

proper nutrition: the body needs vitamins and minerals so that the immune system can resist diseases; hardening - not dousing with cold water, but gradually getting used to low temperatures and temperature changes; feasible physical activity, running and swimming, strengthening the lungs and increasing their volume; proper rest, walks before bed, ventilation of the room at night; during cold seasons, you should definitely take a course of immunostimulants; Breathing exercises show excellent results: special complex exercises that teach you to breathe correctly, for children who find it difficult to do them, and adults will also benefit from 1 daily exercise: inflate 3-5 balloons.

Wheezing - an integral part of the life of smokers, you should definitely give up this bad habit so as not to develop chronic bronchitis or lung cancer. Healthy image Life, good nutrition, exercise will help strengthen the body and avoid recurrence of the disease.

Wet cleaning is important premises, which must be carried out daily to get rid of dust and harmful microorganisms.

When to see a doctor

Wheezing – sign obvious pathology, so there’s no need to hesitate anyway.

If wheezing appears after a cold, against the background of a high temperature, you should call your local doctor to rule out pneumonia and other diseases. life threatening. Sudden Appearance wheezing, difficulty breathing, weakness, loss of orientation, dizziness - a reason to call ambulance, we can talk about anaphylactic shock, bleeding, pulmonary or myocardial infarction. An ambulance must be called in any case if wheezing is observed in a baby of the first year of life, children under 3 years old, since the gaps in their bronchi are extremely small and any inflammatory process can result in oxygen starvation and suffocation.

Only doctors can correctly diagnose after examination, blood tests, and fluoroscopy, so the sooner you contact them, the more favorable the prognosis for a complete cure.

Which doctor should I contact?

In any clinic clinics have specialists dealing with respiratory diseases.

The baby needs to be shown to the pediatrician, who will decide who to refer the baby to: an allergist, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician or cardiologist.

Adults need to see a therapist, who will make a diagnosis and, if necessary, give a referral to a pulmonologist, allergist, phthisiatrician, oncologist, and other specialists.

Don't delay or rush to conclusions, modern methods diagnostics and treatment help to cope with most diseases if treatment is started in a timely manner.

Any disease leaves a mark on the body, bronchitis and pneumonia also do not go away without a trace. And recurrence of the disease will be inevitable if you do not change your lifestyle, eliminating all harmful factors.

Video on how to treat a child’s cough

The doctor will tell you 5 specific tips on how to relieve a coughing attack.

Wheezing in the lungs when breathing in an adult without fever or cough indicates the presence of pathology of the respiratory system. This may be a mild, sluggish inflammation in the bronchi, which is a consequence of not fully cured acute bronchitis, or a much more complex disease with the systematic formation of mucus in the bronchial lumen. The latter process requires detailed study by a pulmonologist in order to make a final diagnosis and establish the cause of the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, through the presence of which wheezing is heard from the lungs during inhalation and exhalation. You can independently understand the cause by comparing the symptoms and conditions for each condition that we have collected for you in this article.

Causes of wheezing

In any case, this disease is not typical for pulmonary pathology, since most respiratory diseases cause a rise in temperature and the urge to dry or wet cough in an adult. Wheezing can form in the bronchi even due to the presence of a small amount of blood in them. This phenomenon is often observed in patients prone to internal bleeding, when the concentration of platelets in the blood is reduced and its clotting function is impaired.

If the air passes unhindered, and the characteristic whistle from the lungs is heard only when exhaling, then such wheezing is called wet. Dry wheezing is often combined with a cough, but without fever.

The whistle coming from the patient's throat is a physiological process occurring in the lungs, which is a spasm of the bronchial lumen. The degree of its contraction determines how noisy the wheezing will be. Bronchospasm can occur from the reaction of the respiratory organ to an internal or external irritant, or due to periodic excess mucus.

In modern pulmonology, the following causes of wheezing in the lungs in adults without cough and fever are identified:

Not typical pneumonia or chronic bronchitis. Often these diseases do not necessarily occur with fever. They may not be noticeable for a long time long period time if the inflammatory focus affects a small area of ​​the lung or bronchi. Bronchial asthma. On average, in 90% of cases of wheezing during inhalation and exhalation during breathing, this is an allergic spasm of the bronchial lumens. This reaction of the body can be considered a severe degree of allergy. Bronchial wheezing always intensifies at the onset of an attack. Depending on the severity of the disease, sputum in the bronchi may accumulate in small quantities or be absent altogether. Treatment of this respiratory pathology is always specific and is based on the patient’s susceptibility to certain potential allergens. Stagnation of blood in the lungs. If an adult has a disease such as heart failure, blood circulation in the vascular system in most cases is severely impaired. Often develop congestion in the lungs. Then the blood pressure in this organ rises and the smallest vessels, the capillaries, cannot withstand the overload. They burst and a small amount of blood enters the bronchi. This foreign biological fluid in this part of the body irritates the respiratory system and provokes wheezing. Oncological pathology. Until the 2nd stage of tumor development, the patient does not experience a cough and the disease signals itself only by periodic bronchospasms. In this regard, a characteristic whistle is heard from the lungs. This symptom does not last long, so adults sometimes ignore the signs of a serious illness. The disease is diagnosed using an X-ray or MRI of the lungs.

Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, there may be other reasons that can affect the respiratory system and the stable process of gas exchange occurring in the lungs. All these factors are established during the examination of the patient to make a final diagnosis.

General characteristics of wheezing without fever and cough

The presence of a characteristic whistle when inhaling and exhaling during breathing is always one of the manifestations of inflammation in the lungs. Even if an adult does not experience fever and cough, they are always present following symptoms: loss of appetite, shortness of breath after minor physical activity, weight loss and weakness. Special attention must be paid to these indirect signs of respiratory disease.

According to the type of manifestation, wheezing without coughing is divided into the following types:

Dry. Observed at the very beginning of the development of the disease. Their appearance is always associated with the presence of severe inflammation in bronchial tree. In this regard, swelling of its mucous membrane occurs and breathing becomes harsher with the formation of wheezing and whistling. A similar behavior of the respiratory system is observed in patients with bronchial asthma, but bronchospasm in them occurs not under the influence of inflammation, but through the body’s immune reaction to allergic irritants. They can be present both in the external environment (mold spores, pollen, dust, particles of pet hair, flavorings) and inside the adult person himself (the inability of the digestive system to assimilate certain foods, the components of which are subsequently transformed into allergens). Whistling. They can be observed in patients who suffer from chronic bronchitis. Their usual wheezing is practically inaudible. A thin whistle is periodically heard from the lungs, indicating inflammation in the small bronchioles and bronchi. Due to the insignificant inflammatory focus, the patient’s immune system does not give a strong response to the disease for a long time. The person does not have a cough or fever. This period of latent disease can last from 1 week to a month or more. It all depends on the activity of the patient’s immune cells. Increased whistling of the lungs always indicates the growth of the inflammatory process. Wet. Present in patients in whom a large amount of diluted sputum or fluid has accumulated in the bronchi. During breathing, when an adult inhales and exhales, the sound of oxygen passing through is heard. liquid formation in the lungs, and its bubbles seem to burst under the influence of excess pressure. Such noises are also called crepitating noises. Moist rales may be a harbinger of future bronchial asthma or pulmonary edema. A patient with such symptoms should definitely visit a general practitioner or pulmonologist. The further state of a person’s health depends on how quickly this happens.

It is important to remember that each type of wheezing emanating from the bronchi is characteristic of a certain category of lung pathologies. The presence of extraneous sounds during the patient’s breathing allows the doctor to only tentatively suspect the presence of a particular disease. The final diagnosis is made only after a more detailed examination.

Treatment of wheezing in the lungs in adults

Therapy for a patient who has wheezing during breathing during inhalation or exhalation begins immediately after the cause of their origin is established. In most cases, hospitalization in a hospital setting is not required and the patient is treated on an outpatient basis.

Depending on the type of infectious or viral pathogen, several types of drugs can be used in combination.

If there is asthmatic wheezing in the lungs, the patient must be consulted by an allergist. At this stage, it is especially important to identify the source of the allergy, which systematically irritates the bronchi, provoking their spasm. An individual diet is developed for an adult, which contains only biologically healthy foods (cereals, lean chicken, wholemeal bread). For the period of treatment, citrus fruits, apricots, alcohol, tea, coffee, chocolate, sea and ocean fish, tomatoes and all dishes made from them are removed from the diet. It is recommended to use vasodilating drugs such as Drotaverine, Eufillin, Spazmolgon.

Wheezing when breathing caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system does not require special treatment. All efforts of doctors are aimed at compensating Negative influence heart failure. As the heart, blood vessels are treated and blood circulation is restored, the patient is given mucolytic drugs in order to remove from the bronchi the remaining fluid that has accumulated due to a violation of the small circulatory cycle in the respiratory organs. As a rule, wheezing during inhalation and exhalation disappears immediately after normal heart function and blood flow are restored.

The most difficult process is the treatment of wheezing without cough and fever, the appearance of which is associated with an oncological process in the lungs. In such cases, it is impossible to remove extraneous noise without eliminating the tumor body that narrows the bronchial lumen. The patient is treated with chemicals, cytostatics, and undergoes radiotherapy. If necessary, surgical intervention is prescribed to remove the foreign tumor. In especially severe cases, even resection of part of the lung is possible.

A sore throat can be one of the symptoms of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection.

But this phenomenon is also typical for more serious diseases that require immediate treatment in a hospital setting.

Possible causes of the symptom

Depending on the location of the source of the disease, the causes of wheezing are conventionally divided into three main groups.

Lesions of the larynx. Lesions of the lower respiratory tract. Diseases that do not affect the respiratory system, but are accompanied by symptoms of wheezing.

On the other hand, doctors directly identify wheezing and hoarseness - a decrease in the sonority of the voice and disturbances in its timbre. Hoarseness occurs due to ligament diseases. Hoarseness is often a concomitant symptom of many colds, but it can also appear as a result of overstrain of the vocal cords.

Various lesions of the larynx

With ARVI, the appearance of wheezing in the throat in an adult or child most often indicates the spread of infection from the upper respiratory tract to the larynx area and the development of its inflammation (laryngitis). Associated symptoms: sore throat, sore throat, dryness and burning.

Chronic laryngitis is a consequence of acute inflammation of the larynx that is not fully cured. Also, this disease occurs in heavy smokers and people whose work requires them to talk a lot. The causes of wheezing in the throat during chronic laryngitis are associated with the appearance of nodules on the vocal cords and epiglottis.

Benign or malignant tumors can also cause wheezing in the throat.

One of known diseases larynx - stenosis. Read detailed and useful information about laryngeal stenosis.

You can read about such a problem as laryngeal spasm here.

Lower respiratory tract lesions

Doctors determine the cause of the symptom by the nature of wheezing.

Dry most often indicate a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. This phenomenon accompanies pneumosclerosis, bronchospasm, and compression of the bronchial wall by a tumor. Also, this symptom may indicate the presence of swelling of the bronchial mucosa. When thick sputum forms in the lumen of the bronchus, the wheezing will be loud and with a buzzing sound. Whistling dry rales accompany the narrowing of the bronchi in the absence of sputum. They can be heard in patients with bronchial asthma during periods of exacerbation. Wet wheezing indicates that there is fluid in the lungs: exudate, transudate, blood and others. They can be listened to for pneumonia, pulmonary edema, after an attack of bronchial asthma, broncholitis, tuberculosis, lung abscess and other diseases.

It is impossible to determine the disease only by the nature of wheezing. It is necessary to consult a doctor, who will prescribe an examination and, based on the results, be able to make a diagnosis.

What do wheezing in the throat and cough in combination mean?

The combination of these symptoms may indicate blockage of the lower small bronchi. In most cases, they speak of an inflammatory process in the bronchi, throat or lungs. This condition is not always a sign of the development of viral or colds. This may also be due to a foreign object entering the respiratory tract.

With a dry cough and wheezing, a doctor can diagnose bronchitis, broncholitis or bronchial asthma. If a hoarse voice is observed along with coughing and wheezing, the development of laryngitis is most likely observed. These manifestations may indicate other diseases. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a professional examination and examination of the patient’s tests. Learn about the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children.

Let's talk about the treatment of diseases that cause wheezing in the throat when breathing.

Effective modern treatment methods

The choice of course of therapy depends on the pathogen and the stage of development of the disease. In most cases, this symptom disappears due to treatment of the underlying disease.

How can you get rid of a wheezing throat?

Wheezing during ARVI often occurs when acute laryngitis . In this case, medications in the form of sprays containing sage and menthol, for example Bioparox, are very helpful. Inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil and taking a decoction of coltsfoot leaves give excellent results in the treatment of laryngitis. Read about eucalyptus inhalation at home here. If the disease is advanced and nodules appear on the ligaments, the doctor may recommend surgery. Sometimes only this method can save you from losing your voice. Treatment bronchitis depends on its type.

Obstructive bronchitis requires mandatory medical supervision, since improper treatment can lead to the development of bronchial asthma. The specialist will select antibiotics. Also, inhalation with mineral water or ordinary water with soda, herbal teas. If for other types of bronchitis pine inhalations are indicated, then for obstructive bronchitis they are strictly prohibited.

You can use a nebulizer with the following solutions:

Lazolvan or abrohexal. Based on atrovent, berodual, berotec or salbutamol. Pulmicort based on hormones.

These medications must be prescribed by a doctor. You can independently decide on the choice of herbs for the decoction: oregano, chamomile, sage, lavender, onion or garlic juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10.

You should know that bronchitis is an infectious disease. The causative agents can be viruses, bacteria or atypical pathogens (mycoplasma and chlamydia). Depending on this, a course of treatment is prescribed. It is extremely important to see a doctor if you have wheezing or coughing. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. The treatment of this group of diseases is based on the use of anti-infective drugs: antibacterial, antiviral. Expectorant medications must be used - it is important to remove infected mucus from the body. For difficulty breathing, bronchodilators are used.

Reason bronchial asthma Most often it becomes an allergic inflammation caused by chemicals, pollen or animal dander. Recent research by scientists suggests that basic anti-inflammatory therapy plays a critical role in treatment: corticosteroids in the form of inhalations or tablets.

Read about cough recipes with milk in this article.

But you will learn about such a symptom as dryness in the nose and throat at the link

For what reasons is the symptom observed in children?

Wheezing in the throat when breathing baby under the age of four months can be a normal reaction to saliva; at this age the baby is just beginning to learn to swallow it. Also, at this age, the endocrine and exocrine glands begin to fully function, and the respiratory tract develops. This phenomenon should go away after the baby turns one and a half years old. There is no need to panic if the child’s appetite and sleep are normal and the temperature does not rise. If your newborn has a wheezing throat, you can consult a pediatrician to make sure there are no problems and rule out the possibility of heart disease or allergic reactions. If a child experiences wheezing in the throat along with a sharp deterioration in health, you must consult a doctor immediately. A runny nose and cough indicate an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold. Before the doctor arrives, you should create the most comfortable conditions for the baby and give as much warm liquid as possible. Wheezing, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and bluish skin around the lips should be a signal to immediately call an ambulance. If these symptoms are accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and a severe dry cough, the child is most likely sick croup. In this case, before the ambulance arrives, it is very important to drop naphthyzine into the nose and let the patient breathe in hot, moist air. Just take the child in your arms, open the hot water in the bathroom and stay there until the ambulance arrives or the moment when breathing returns to normal and the coughing attack passes. Constant wheezing with prolonged and severe cough, elevated temperature and other signs of a cold may be symptoms bronchitis. Parents should not make their own treatment decisions. An adequate response in this case can only be to call an ambulance and treat the baby in a hospital setting. In children over one year of age, wheezing in the throat can be caused by a number of diseases: Acute or chronic bronchitis, asthma. Allergic reaction, foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract. Some heart diseases. Pneumonia or emphysema. Croup Inflammation of the epiglottis. Read more about this disease, which is also called epiglottitis.

In most diseases, wheezing is accompanied by fever, cough or sore throat. In the case of heart disease, wheezing may be the only signal that there is a serious problem with the child's health. Regardless of general well-being, mothers should consult a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

You will learn about bronchitis, in which wheezing in the throat is often observed, in the following video from Dr. Agapkin.

Regardless of the patient’s age, it is very important to remember that wheezing in the throat is only one of the symptoms. The disease can be determined only after a series of tests. The range of diseases that are expressed in this way is very wide - from a common cold to malignant tumors in the area of ​​the respiratory tract, heart or lung diseases. Even though a symptom may seem unserious, it is important to remember that it can signal the onset of a serious illness.


Traditional medicine works well in the fight against wheezing. Although it should not be the only way to combat serious illnesses, therapy can relieve severe symptoms such as wheezing at home by improving the respiratory process.

Before using this or that folk remedy with plants and products, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Side effects from allergens can cause serious harm to the respiratory process if the airways are inflamed.

There are several safe and effective ways to get rid of whistling in the lungs and cough:

  1. 1. Inhalation of baking soda vapor. Pour 1.5 liters of hot water into a basin and dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. baking soda until the soda is completely dissolved. After the solution is ready, you need to bend over the basin and cover yourself with a towel. In a space separated by a towel, inhale the baking soda vapor for 10 minutes. After this procedure, thick sputum thins and begins to drain. A similar procedure is carried out daily until the sputum is completely released and wheezing in the lungs disappears.
  2. 2. “Potato” therapy. All actions are similar to those described above with baking soda. The difference is that the vapors from freshly boiled potatoes are inhaled.
  3. 3. A decoction of licorice, thyme, chamomile and coltsfoot. All components are taken in equal proportions, boiled and filtered. Use the resulting decoction three times a day.
  4. 4. Decoction of birch buds. Take 30 g of kidneys and crush. Melt 100 ml of butter in a water bath. Mix the two ingredients, place in a pot and place in a warm oven. The product should simmer in the oven over low heat for an hour, after which it is cooled, filtered and a glass of honey is added. Take 1 spoon 3-4 times a day.
  5. 5. Radish juice with honey. Take a root crop, cut off the top and make a niche. Honey is poured into the hole and the root crop is removed to a cool, dark place. After a day, the honey will absorb the radish juice. Take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
  6. 6. Infusion of plantain, raspberries, cranberries, elderberries and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is good at provoking bronchospasms, plantain relieves inflammation, and raspberry thins phlegm.
  7. 7. Milk with honey. Heat 300-400 ml of milk and add honey. Cook until the broth takes on a liquefied structure. Drink 200-300 ml 3-4 per day.
  8. 8. Milk with sage. Warmed milk with sage makes breathing easier and improves the patient's sleep.
  9. 9. Onion syrup. The onion is chopped, covered with sugar and infused. Take the resulting remedy several times a day until wheezing in the lungs completely disappears.

If after long-term treatment with folk remedies there is no positive effect, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Briefly about the causes of wheezing

Wheezing in the lungs or wheezing in the bronchi occurs as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the anatomical structures responsible for the conduction of atmospheric air into the body. This phenomenon is called obstruction.

Often the result this state the so-called bronchospasm occurs: stenosis of the walls of the bronchial tree.

However, the described condition varies in severity and can develop in a variety of diseases.

The most common pathological processes are:

  • Bronchial asthma.

In 100% of cases it causes wheezing when breathing. During the course of the pathological process, bronchospasm of an intense nature develops. In the absence of proper treatment and urgent medical care, death from respiratory failure is quite possible.

An allergic or infectious etiology is typical for the disease, but this is not always the case for the origin of the disease. The disease progresses in paroxysms.

Most often, attacks occur at night, after experiencing stress or physical activity. This is a serious and dangerous disease, often leading to disability and restrictions in everyday life and professional activity.

  • Acute respiratory viral infection, also known as ARVI.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between true and false wheezing in the bronchi, which occurs in the trachea during its obstruction. Most often we are talking about false wheezing, but this is not axiomatic.

With a long or severe course of the disease, a picture of true obstruction with severe respiratory impairment develops. Almost always, a complication of an acute respiratory disease is pneumonia or, at a minimum, bronchitis. Therefore, you need to carefully follow all the recommendations of the treating specialist. This way, the risk of adverse consequences will be minimal.

  • Bronchitis.

Inflammatory lesion of the bronchi. An infectious viral etiology is typical for bronchitis. Often the disease is a secondary complication of an acute respiratory infection.

Typical symptoms include cough, fever, chest pain (mild), prolonged shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs when breathing, and decreased breathing efficiency.

If left untreated, bronchitis tends to get worse, leading to pneumonia (pneumonia).

  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).

An infectious and inflammatory disease of the lungs, during which the tissues of the paired organ undergo dystrophic changes. Swelling, chest pain (severe), severe breathing problems, shortness of breath, suffocation, wheezing when breathing in an adult are observed.

The most pronounced clinical picture is with bilateral lesions. This is the most dangerous form illness.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare. It is almost never primary; it is a complication of other diseases, such as pneumonia. Possible with prolonged contact with harmful vapors and other toxic substances.

  • Tuberculosis.

It is caused by the microbacterium tuberculosis, also known as Koch's bacillus. We are talking about a complex and complex illness that can lead to death. On late stages the disease leads to the melting of lung tissue.

The disease is characterized by chest pain, cough, hemoptysis, sudden loss of body weight, shortness of breath, suffocation, and moist rales in the lungs. Without treatment, the lungs are destroyed in just a few years. Moreover, the causative agent of tuberculosis tends to be transported to other tissues and organs, forming foci of secondary damage.

  • Heart failure.

Wheezing itself is not characterized by wheezing. Most often it provokes the formation of secondary congestive pneumonia and pulmonary edema, causing a typical clinical picture. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to identify the root cause of the disease.

She's COPD. Most often it appears in people who abuse tobacco products. It can be a complication of long-term bronchial asthma, uncorrected with medication. Significantly reduces quality of life.

  • Cancerous lesions of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Emphysema and other diseases.

The list of reasons is very wide. A thorough diagnosis is required to identify the exact cause.

Wheezing without fever with cough

Non-inflammatory diseases of an autoimmune, allergic or other destructive nature are very eloquently characterized.

This includes:

  • Emphysema (destruction of the alveoli and filling of the cavities with atmospheric air).
  • Bronchiectasis (during the process, the alveoli are filled with purulent exudate).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pulmonary edema.

All four diseases are characterized by wheezing in the lungs without fever.

Dry wheezing

Dry wheezing refers to a special pulmonary sound. Dry wheezing in the lungs develops in the absence of exudate (sputum).

Observed when:

  • Pneumonia in the early stages.
  • Bronchial asthma in initial period attack.
  • Mild bronchitis.
  • Emphysema.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Wet wheezing

Moist rales can be defined as gurgling sounds when inhaling or exhaling. They develop in the presence of a large amount of mucous exudate in the lower respiratory tract.

The most typical diseases:

  • Bronchitis with severe course.
  • Pneumonia in advanced stages.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • ARVI.
  • Smoker's cough (in this case, a kind of protective reaction of the body takes place).


A type of dry wheezing. Develop when:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • COPD.

Diagnostically, the line between the described diseases is too thin to determine the source of the problem by the nature of the whistling in the lungs when breathing. A thorough diagnosis is required.

Classification of wheezing

One classification has already been given. Accordingly, the following types of wheezing can be distinguished, depending on their nature:

  1. Whistling.
  2. Dry.
  3. Wet.

This classification has almost no diagnostic value. Further, the manifestation can be subdivided according to the localization of the process.

Accordingly, they talk about:

  1. True wheezing that occurs in the bronchi and lungs.
  2. False wheezing, the localization of which is determined in the trachea or upper respiratory tract.

Finally, depending on the type of sound, moist rales are distinguished:

  1. Fine bubble sound.
  2. Medium bubble sound.
  3. Large bubble sound.

This classification, in turn, is important for identifying a particular disease. But you still won’t be able to cope on your own. Doctor's help required.


A pulmonologist specializes in diagnosing problems with the lungs and bronchi. If tuberculosis damage to the respiratory tract occurs, consultation with a practicing phthisiatrician is required.

However, the above is true only for true wheezing. False wheezing is diagnosed and treated by an otolaryngologist. At the initial appointment, the doctor interviews the patient about complaints, their nature, degree and duration.

It is important to collect a life history and identify the following factors:

  • Living conditions.
  • Type of wheezing and lung sound.
  • Nature of professional activity (harmfulness present or absent).

Objective research is intended to put an end to the question of the origin of the symptom.

Among them, the most commonly practiced are:

  • Laryngoscopy.
  • Bronchoscopy. This endoscopic examination, during which a specialist can assess with his own eyes the condition of the bronchi and lungs, determine probable disease and, if necessary, take a sample for biopsy.
  • Physical examination.
  • Chest X-ray or fluorography.
  • MRI/CT. The gold standard in diagnostics, however, is rarely practiced due to its high cost.
  • Finally, routine examination of the lungs and bronchi with a stethoscope will be required.

The complex of these procedures is sufficient to make an accurate and unambiguous diagnosis.


Treatment of wheezing in the bronchi as such is not required. It is necessary to carefully determine the cause of the symptom and eliminate the root cause.

This is exactly what the doctor should focus on.

As a rule, therapy is conservative, using drugs from several pharmaceutical groups:

  • Anti-inflammatory general action.
  • Mucolytics (designed to thin sputum and quickly evacuate it from the body).
  • Expectorants, which irritate the lungs and bronchial walls in order to quickly evacuate mucous exudate from the respiratory tract.
  • Bronchodilators. Prescribed for bronchial asthma in order to expand narrowed respiratory structures and facilitate the flow of oxygen.
  • A therapeutic bronchoscopy may be required. The most common such therapeutic measure is for pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Therapeutic tactics are determined by the treating specialist.

Preventive actions

Prevention is necessary not to prevent wheezing, but to prevent those diseases that cause the described symptom.

Specific methods of prevention include:

  1. Quitting smoking. Cigarettes are the enemy of healthy lungs and the respiratory system in general. Quitting tobacco can be a good help.
  2. Refusal of alcohol abuse. The maximum you can drink per day is 50 ml of red wine.
  3. Preventing hypothermia. Hypothermia entails frequent acute respiratory diseases. What this entails has already been said.
  4. It is also worthwhile to promptly treat all diseases of the pulmonary and cardiological profiles.

Wheezing in the lungs is a nonspecific sign that can indicate a variety of ailments. The reasons are diverse and include both pulmonary diseases and ailments of cardiological and gastroenterological properties. It is recommended to treat and diagnose the underlying factor under the supervision of a competent doctor. You can't do anything on your own.

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