Home Smell from the mouth Melaxen analogues are cheaper. How do Melatonin and Melaxen differ from each other? All analogues of Melaxen

Melaxen analogues are cheaper. How do Melatonin and Melaxen differ from each other? All analogues of Melaxen

There are few things worse than insomnia, the inability to get enough sleep, frequent awakenings in the middle of the night, and in the morning you have to go to work. Insomnia affects both the body and soul of a person, and to a large extent, the ability to function every day. In such cases, many people resort to sleeping pills to finally get some sleep. But not all sleeping pills are equally useful - and not all drugs have only positive effects on people.

When to look for a replacement

Melatonin is one of the most potent remedies for insomnia. The human body itself produces it to regulate sleep. Melatonin is produced by the pituitary gland, released at night in accordance with the rhythm of sleep, and then dissipates as soon as the morning light dawns and it is time to wake up.

Of the many functions of melatonin, the role best understood is the role it plays in maintaining circadian rhythms. In humans, circadian rhythms or "clocks" are regulated by an area called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

  • Using the daily cycle of light and dark, this area creates and maintains a daily cycle.
  • Certain hormones are released at certain times of the day. Late evening and early evening release hormones that prepare the body for sleep. In the early hours of the morning, the body begins to prepare for wakefulness and activity.
  • Information about light levels reaches the suprachiasmatic nucleus and is then transmitted to the pineal gland deep in the center of the brain.
  • The pineal gland releases melatonin at night and suppresses its release during daylight.
  • Even when a person is kept away from all external sources of light and time, the body maintains a natural rhythm of wakefulness and sleep.

Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant, has an anti-inflammatory effect and plays important role for functioning immune system. Melatonin receptors are present in the brain, cardiovascular system, liver, intestines and kidneys. It is difficult to overestimate the role that melatonin plays for the body. Cheap analogues, although they allow a person to fall asleep, do not have the full spectrum useful properties, which are inherent in melatonin.

Production of melatonin, a circadian rhythm hormone, for human body absolutely natural process. However, certain events - such as stress, poor sleeping conditions, flying in a different time zone and other factors - can temporarily affect its production. If this happens, you can add melatonin externally, in the form medicinal product to help the body cope with difficulties. However, if you take melatonin long time, the body's natural production of this substance decreases. As a result, addiction can form.

However, you can stop taking melatonin - cheap analogues in some cases can be no less effective for normalizing sleep. If you are already accustomed to using melatonin, you can gradually reduce the dose until the time comes to quit the drug completely.

It is also worth looking for an analogue of melatonin if there is an individual intolerance to the drug or its components, or the side effects when taking the drug are such that its further use is undesirable.

Among side effects from taking melatonin can be:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pressure surges;
  • irritability;
  • and, oddly enough, sleep disturbances.

Melatonin may interact negatively with other medications, such as immunosuppressants, blood thinners, diabetes medications, and birth control pills. In such cases, you should also think about possible alternatives to medications that contain melatonin. Substitutes may lack some or all of the side effects of melatonin, depending on how your body reacts to them.

Cheap replacement options

Exists great amount Simple measures for sleep are more effective than medications.

  • Mask for sleep. The simplest, but surprisingly effective solution. The mask protects the eyes from the slightest exposure to light, helping the body relax and increase the production of its own “sleep hormone” - melatonin - without any chemical additives.
  • Herbal teas . For centuries, herbal infusions have been used to treat wide range physical and psychological illnesses, including anxiety, depression and insomnia. Teas with valerian, lemon balm, motherwort tincture, and sedatives, which are sold over the counter at any pharmacy, are excellent for sleep disorders. It is important that these teas also taste good. They stimulate the body to produce its own melatonin.
  • Magnesium-containing preparations. The body needs magnesium for muscle relaxation, proper alternation of sleep phases and stable functioning of the nervous system. A lack of magnesium balance can cause anxiety, irritability and insomnia.
  • Glycine-containing drugs. Glycine is an amino acid that is produced by the body and plays an important role in performing various functions human body- from musculoskeletal and metabolic to cognitive. The human body uses glycine to prepare for sleep and relax. Studies have shown that taking glycine has a positive effect on the quality of sleep in people who tend to wake up in the middle of the night. Glycine also reduces brain hyperactivity, calms nerves, and relieves anxiety, which can impair sleep. In addition, the use of glycine does not cause drowsiness in the morning, as does melatonin.
  • L-tryptophan. This is another amino acid necessary for the body to produce serotonin, a substance that is responsible for human mood. Serotonin also plays a crucial role in the production of melatonin. Based on these data, it is believed that taking l-tryptophan may help people suffering from insomnia get a good night's sleep. Although research on the effectiveness of l-tryptophan is limited, this supplement definitely has potential.
  • L-theanine- a natural alternative to melatonin, which is devoid of side effects at all. This substance has a calming effect and is used to treat stress, both physical and mental, as well as insomnia. L-theanine in the body is also responsible for regulating and generating alpha waves in the brain, which occur when the human body is completely relaxed. L-theanine helps regulate sleep and suppress beta waves, which can cause a person to wake up in the middle of the night.


Some of the most popular melatonin analogues on Russian market- this is the drug Melaxen, as well as Corvalol and glycine.

Both Melatonin and its analogues cannot be a complete replacement for sleeping pills. In a placebo-controlled study of overnight sleep in insomniacs, melatonin was not superior to placebo. However, melatonin has been shown to have a sedative effect. Simply put, it promotes sleep, but does not guarantee it.

Melaxen analogue, Russian and foreign options

Preparations that contain melatonin:

  • Melaxen. The most advertised Russian synthetic melatonin-containing drug. Judging by the reviews, it is quite effective.
  • Sonnovan. Melaxen's analogue is Russian, the main active ingredient of which is also melatonin. It is used in the same cases as melatonin - when sleep rhythm is disturbed, after flights between time zones, when bad sleep due to mental disorders etc.
  • Melarithm. Also a drug whose main active substance is melatonin. It costs a little more.
  • Mälarena. Another drug is produced at a pharmaceutical plant in the Kaluga region. The manufacturer recommends its drug for the treatment of shift syndrome, weather sensitivity and increased fatigue.
  • Circadin. The drug is produced in Germany or Switzerland under a license from an English company. Despite the same active substance, it costs much more.

Prescription drugs

  • Phenazepam. One of the oldest analogue drugs of Malaxen. Russian drug(manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC), which has proven its effectiveness.
    Phenazepam belongs to the category of tranquilizers, therefore, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and with great caution - the medicine can cause addiction. In addition, there are a number of side effects.
  • So-called Z-group, consisting of three drugs - Zopiclone, Zaleplon and Zolpidem. Although they are produced in different countries and the duration of action and reasons for use of drugs are different, the basic properties of substances from this group are the same - they do not destroy the natural sleep cycle, do not inhibit thought processes and do not lead to addiction. A synonym for zaleplon is Andante, a synonym for zopiclone is Somnol. Zolpidem has not yet entered the Russian market.
  • Donormil. Very effective remedy, although it may cause dizziness and drowsiness the next morning.

Drugs without a prescription

  • Corvalol. A very popular product in the post-Soviet space, not least due to its low price. The main active ingredient is phenobarbital barbiturate.
  • . This is a drug for plant based, the components of which are selected in such a way as to provide a person with the longest and healthy sleep. The drug is available both in tablets and in the form of syrup.
  • Glycine. Another popular remedy in Russia, it promotes relaxation and reduces the level of the remedy. For better effect It is recommended to dissolve the tablet under the tongue shortly before bedtime.

List of Russian and foreign substitutes

  • Andante (Hungary) - from 130 rubles.
  • Glycine (Russia) - from 60 rubles.
  • Donormil (France) - from 160 rubles.
  • Corvalol (Russia) - from 20 rubles.
  • Melaxen (Russia) - 432 rubles.
  • Melarena (Russia) — 280 rub.
  • Melarithm (Russia) — 317 rub.
  • Novo-passit (Czech Republic) - from 200 rubles.
  • Somnol (Russia) - from 170 rubles.
  • Sonnovan (Russia) — 277 rub.
  • Phenazepam (Russia) - from 90 rubles.
  • Circadin (Switzerland, Germany) - 676 ​​rubles.

pharmachologic effect

Adaptogenic drug, a chemical analogue of the biogenic amine melatonin. Synthesized from amino acids of plant origin.

It is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone. Normalizes circadian rhythms. Regulates sleep-wake cycle and circadian changes motor activity and body temperature. Helps normalize night sleep: accelerates falling asleep, improves sleep quality, reduces the number of night awakenings, improves well-being after waking up in the morning, does not cause a feeling of lethargy, weakness and fatigue upon awakening, dreams become more vivid and emotionally rich.

Adapts the body to rapid changes in time zones, reduces stress reactions. Shows immunostimulating and pronounced antioxidant properties.

Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins and, to a lesser extent, other hormones of the adenohypophysis (corticotropin, thyrotropin and somatotropin). Does not cause addiction or dependence.


When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed and easily passes through histohematic barriers, including the BBB. Has a short T 1/2.


- as a sleeping pill;

- as an adaptogen to normalize biological rhythms.

Dosage regimen

For adults prescribed orally 1/2-1 tablet. 1 time/day 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

At applicationas an adaptogen during jet lag 1 day before the flight and in the next 2-5 days - 1 tablet. 30-40 minutes before bedtime. Maximum daily dose- up to 2 tab. in a day.

Side effect

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, morning sleepiness.

From the outside digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Other: allergic reactions on the components of the drug; swelling in the first week of use.

Contraindications for use

- severe renal dysfunction;

— autoimmune diseases;

- leukemia;

— lymphoma;

- allergic reactions;

— lymphogranulomatosis;

- myeloma;

- epilepsy;


- chronic renal failure;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period (breastfeeding);

increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).


Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously, melatonin enhances the effect of drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system and beta-blockers.

Incompatible with MAO inhibitors, corticosteroids and cyclosporine.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature of 10° to 30°C. Shelf life - 4 years.

Use for renal impairment

Contraindicated in cases of severe renal dysfunction and chronic renal failure.

special instructions

It is necessary to inform women who want to become pregnant that the drug has a weak contraceptive effect.

During the period of use of the drug, you should avoid exposure to bright light.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and other potentially dangerous activities. dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Can Melaxen be combined with alcohol?

The manufacturer writes that Melaxen enhances the effect of substances that depress the central nervous system. nervous system, therefore combination with alcohol is undesirable.

Can Melaxen be used during pregnancy?

No, pregnancy and breast-feeding are a contraindication to taking Melaxen.

Table of analogues and prices:

There are contraindications. Before starting use, consult your doctor.

All drugs used in neurology and psychiatry.

You can ask a question or leave a review about the medicine (please, do not forget to indicate the name of the drug in the text of the message).

Preparations containing Melatonin (Melatonin, ATC code N05CH01):

Melaxen (Melatonin) - instructions for use:

Clinical and pharmacological group:

A drug used for temporary adaptation disorders.

pharmachologic effect

Adaptogenic drug, a chemical analogue of the biogenic amine melatonin. Synthesized from amino acids of plant origin. It is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone. Normalizes circadian rhythms. Regulates the sleep-wake cycle, daily changes in physical activity and body temperature.

Helps normalize night sleep: accelerates falling asleep, improves sleep quality, reduces the number of night awakenings, improves well-being after waking up in the morning, does not cause a feeling of lethargy, weakness and fatigue upon awakening, dreams become more vivid and emotionally rich.

Adapts the body to rapid changes in time zones, reduces stress reactions. Exhibits immunostimulating and pronounced antioxidant properties. Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins and, to a lesser extent, other hormones of the adenohypophysis (corticotropin, thyrotropin and somatotropin).

Does not cause addiction or dependence. Pharmacokinetics: When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed, easily passes histohematic barriers, including the BBB. Has a short T1/2.

Indications for use of the drug MELAXEN

  • as a sleeping pill;
  • as an adaptogen to normalize biological rhythms.

Dosage regimen

Adults are prescribed 1/2-1 tablet once a day 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

When used as an adaptogen when changing time zones 1 day before a flight and in the next 2-5 days - 1 tablet 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

The maximum daily dose is up to 2 tablets per day.

Side effect

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, morning drowsiness.

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Other: allergic reactions to the components of the drug; swelling in the first week of use.

Contraindications to the use of the drug MELAXEN

  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphoma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • myeloma;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use of the drug MELAXEN during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use for renal impairment

Contraindicated in cases of severe renal dysfunction and chronic renal failure.

special instructions

It is necessary to inform women who want to become pregnant that the drug has a weak contraceptive effect.

During the period of use of the drug, you should avoid exposure to bright light.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously, melatonin enhances the effect of drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system and beta-blockers.

Incompatible with MAO inhibitors, corticosteroids and cyclosporine.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature of 10° to 30°C.

Shelf life - 4 years.

A healthy, full night's rest is key wellness. However, many people complain of difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, and shallow, interrupted sleep. Long-term insomnia is debilitating and can lead to apathy and depression.

To improve the quality of your night's rest, there are various medications with a hypnotic effect. But most of them have a lot of side effects, of which drowsiness and lethargy the next day are noticeable. An alternative to modern sleeping pills are the drugs Melatonin, Melaxen and their analogues.

How do Melatonin and Melaxen work and how do they differ from other sleeping pills? The basis of both drugs is melatonin, an artificial analogue of a natural biologically active substance. It is a substitute for the hormone of the same name produced by the human body.


The hormone melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland, which is located in the intermediate section of the human brain. It regulates the circadian rhythm - the change in sleep and wakefulness cycles, which is why doctors call it the “sleep hormone”. The production of melatonin in the body begins closer to the night, and the largest amount of the hormone is synthesized from midnight to 5 am. A sufficient amount of “sleep hormone” in the body promotes rapid falling asleep, sound and quality sleep. Its deficiency, on the contrary, causes problems with sleep.

Life modern man constantly disrupts his biological rhythm. This is due to shift work at night, evening TV watching, long periods of surfing the Internet, artificial lighting, stress, and jet lag. These factors contribute to a decrease in the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. Additional intake of hormone analogues into the body can compensate for its deficiency.

The main active component of the drugs is the same substance – melatonin, identical to human one. Medicines differ in dosage, manufacturer, price and availability. Currently you can buy in pharmacies:

  • Melatonin Natrol, 3 mg, 100 tablets – RUR 799;
  • Melatonin Now, 3 mg, 60 tablets – 599 RUR;
  • Melatonin Natrol, 5 mg, 100 tablets – 899 RUR;
  • Melatonin Natrol, 1 mg, 180 tablets – 290 RUR;
  • Melatonin Natrol, 1 mg, 90 tablets – 170 RUR;
  • Melaxen Unipharm Inc, 3 mg, 24 tablets – 646 RUR;
  • Melaxen Unipharm Inc, 3 mg, 12 tablets – 599 rub.

The price of drugs varies depending on the region and place of purchase. Thus, drugs in the pharmacy chain are more expensive. In sports stores, Natrol Melatonin is sold as a biologically active additive for athletes, and here its price is much lower.

  • 1 mg is the minimum dosage to solve sleep problems;
  • 3 mg is the best option, fully replenishing the lack of melatonin in the body;
  • 5 mg – increased dosage, designed for athletes and patients weighing over 90 kg.

The classic version with a dosage of 3 mg is suitable for most patients.


The drugs Melatonin and Melaxen are produced by American pharmaceutical companies and are not always available on the Russian market. However, domestic and European pharmacists have developed and produced several analogues that are not inferior in quality to medicines from the USA:

  • Mälarena.

Melatonin analog released Russian company“Marquis-Pharma”. A pack of 30 tablets with a dosage of 3 mg costs 453 rubles, and 30 tablets with a reduced dosage of 0.3 mg can be purchased for 346 rubles.

  • Melarithm.

Russian drug produced by Obolensky FP. average price for a package of 24 tablets containing 3 mg of the hormone is 425 rubles, a package of 12 tablets with the same dosage will cost 316 rubles.

  • Sonnovan.

Sonnovan is produced by the Russian “Canonpharma”; 30 tablets containing 3 mg of the active substance can be purchased for 768 rubles, and a package of 14 tablets with a similar dosage can be purchased for 406 rubles.

  • Circadin.

This is a drug from the Swiss company SwissCo Services. Circadin contains 2 mg of melatonin, and a package of 21 extended-release tablets costs RUR 839.

  • Vita-melatonin.

Produced by Ukrainian pharmaceutical company, you can’t find it in Russian pharmacies. The package contains 30 tablets containing 3 mg of active substance. The price for the Ukrainian consumer is quite acceptable and amounts to a national average of 65 UAH.

The pharmacy chain can offer analogues of Melatonin and Melaxen, so Russian buyers have plenty to choose from.

Important! To normalize sleep, a pillMelaxenaor similarmedicinesdrink 20 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment ranges from 2-4 weeks to 6-8 weeks. RepeatmedicinalThe course can be taken no more than twice a year.

Indications for use

Sleep problems are solved quickly and effectively from the start of taking medications containing melatonin:

  • the daily sleep-wake cycle is normalized;
  • the process of falling asleep is accelerated;
  • the number of awakenings in the middle of the night decreases;
  • dreams acquire bright colors and emotional richness;
  • when waking up in the morning there is no feeling of fatigue and weakness;
  • Vigor and good health remain throughout the next day.

However, this positive sides The uses of the “sleep hormone” are not limited. In addition to its hypnotic properties, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes free radicals;
  • reduces stress reactions;
  • in complex therapy relieves chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • normalizes arterial pressure in patients over 55 years of age.

All of these medications are contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients with cancer and autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, liver failure and intolerance to the active substance. In addition, there are a number of restrictions:

  • It is undesirable to use an artificial “sleep hormone” as a sleeping pill for those whose work activity requires increased concentration or is associated with management complex mechanisms and motor transport;
  • use with caution while taking antidepressants, contraceptives, hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • During treatment with melatonin, stop smoking and alcohol.

Important! For women planning a pregnancy in the near future, it is advisabledo not take Melatonin,Melaxen, analogues. This is due to the fact thatmedicinehas a weak contraceptive effect - it inhibits the production of sex hormones necessary for conception.


Preparations containing the “sleep hormone” help get rid of insomnia and, at the same time, exhibit an immunostimulating effect. An additional amount of melatonin, which is missing in the body, makes it easier to fall asleep, eliminates the feeling of lethargy and fatigue after waking up in the morning, and gives dreams emotional richness. However, accepting any remedy is a temporary measure to help eliminate insomnia. To solve the problem, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of sleep disturbances.

How to take Melaxen correctly?

Melaxen® – sedative American made, which is indicated for the treatment of insomnia. At the heart of it hormonal substances, identical to those synthesized by the thyroid gland. You should not take the product without a doctor's prescription, as it is incompatible with some medications and has contraindications. From the instructions for use you will learn how Melaxen works, when it is indicated and who is not recommended to drink it, current prices the original and its analogues, as well as doctors’ reviews of the drug.

Leave form, composition

Melaxen is available in the form of round white tablets, convex on both sides, one of which has a notch. Tablets in blisters packed in cardboard box. One package may contain 12 or 24 tablets.

The main active ingredient is melatonin. One tablet contains 3 mg of the substance. Additional ingredients included:

  • calcium orthophosphate;
  • E572 (magnesium stearate);
  • talc;
  • pharmacological glaze;
  • isopropanol

Pharmacological characteristics

Melaxen is a chemically synthesized analogue of the amine melatonin, soluble in aquatic environment, alcohol and lipids. It is obtained from plant amino acids. It acts as a synthetic substitute for pineal gland hormone. Under the influence of a substance:

  • rhythmic fluctuations are normalized internal systems organism associated with changes in time of day;
  • sleep and wakefulness patterns, daily fluctuations in biorhythm activity and temperature indicators bodies;
  • normal sleep is restored, falling asleep occurs faster, sudden night awakenings disappear;
  • morning well-being improves after a night's rest, the feeling of fatigue and lack of sleep goes away.

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the thyroid gland to a greater extent at night. With age, the rate of its synthesis decreases, which causes sleep disturbances. Therefore, the drug is more often prescribed to people over 55 years of age who suffer from age-related changes at work thyroid gland, causing melatonin deficiency.

The pharmaceutical helps to adapt to changes in time and climate zones, and to avoid a violent reaction of the central nervous system to stress and external stimuli. Partially improves immunity. Helps reduce the synthesis of adenohypophysis hormones. When you stop taking it, it does not cause withdrawal symptoms.


When the substance is taken orally in adults and children, its complete absorption is observed. In older people, the rate can be reduced by 50%. The bioavailability of the product is 15% 3 hours after it enters the body. Absorbing qualities decrease with joint reception with food.

Metabolism of the honey drug is carried out by the liver with complete release metabolites after 12 hours. The period of complete excretion in urine is 4 hours.

What does Melaxen help with: indications for use

Doctors say that Melaxen mainly treats sleep-related problems. Indications for use may include insomnia or a disorder of the body's biorhythms.


The pharmaceutical product is not used if the components are intolerant. Prohibited use for pathologies:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • liver failure;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • lymphoma;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • skin cancer;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • diabetes.

It is contraindicated to take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation.

How to take Melaxen: instructions for use

The dosage of the product is as follows:

For insomnia, take 1 tablet 1-2 hours before bedtime after meals for 3 weeks. For better adaptation when changing time zones, use begins the day before the trip and continues for up to 5 days, taking a tablet at night.

special instructions

People with lactose intolerance and lactase deficiency should avoid treatment with Melaxen. The product increases sensitivity to light, so it is recommended to avoid bright lighting during therapy. At hormonal imbalance or treatment with contraceptives, the drug may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Active substance can prevent the conception of a child due to its weak contraceptive effect. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is prohibited to take a treatment course, since there is insufficient data on the safety of the drug for pregnant and lactating women.

Reaction speed

The pharmaceutical product causes drowsiness, inhibits psychomotor skills, and reduces the speed of reactions. It is not recommended for drivers and workers in high-tech production.


Due to the lack of a complete picture of the influence of active components on children's body, the medicine is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.

Side effects

According to medical reviews, Melaxen extremely rarely has adverse reactions on the body. Among possible consequences:

  • shingles;
  • decreased levels of leukocytes and platelets;
  • angina, rapid heartbeat;
  • increase in lipid levels;
  • reduced levels of calcium and sodium in the blood;
  • psychoneurotic disorders (irritability, aggression, depression and others);
  • dizziness, throbbing pain in the temples, lethargy;
  • lacrimation, decreased vision;
  • increased blood pressure levels;
  • dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, flatulence;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • swelling;
  • increased sweating, rashes of various etiologies;
  • muscle spasms, arthritis, cramps;
  • prostatitis, signs of menopause;
  • thirst;
  • renal disorders;
  • weight gain.

In case of overdose, worsening side effects are observed. Specific treatment not required. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that have arisen.

Complex therapy with other drugs

Treatment with Melaxen in combination with pharmaceuticals that have a depressant effect on the nervous system or beta blockers can enhance their effect and aggravate the patient’s condition. It is strictly forbidden to pass complex therapy Meloxene, taking:

  • hormones;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • cyclosporine.

Alcohol reduces the hypnotic properties of the drug. Memory impairment and absent-mindedness are possible when taking the substance together with benzodiazepines.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the product is 4 years from the date of production. Store in a place protected from the sun and children. Maximum permissible temperature storage 30°C.

How much does Melaxen cost: terms of sale in pharmacies

Melaxen can be purchased without a prescription. It has an average cost among similar drugs. To understand where you can buy medicine cheaper, we suggest comparing prices in rubles in online and regular pharmacies:

List of cheap analogs of Melaxen

Considering how much Melaxen costs, the buyer may think about purchasing a cheaper analogue. The American product can be replaced by several drugs containing identical active substance. Most similar substitutes are inexpensive, but they are also less effective.

  1. Vita-Melatonin. Besides active component contains vitamin complex, which has a general strengthening effect and increases immune status.
  2. Circadin. It acts similarly to Melaxen. Its combination with fluvoxamine or use by people with impaired glucose/lactose absorption functions is unacceptable.
  3. Melarithm. The domestic substitute exactly replicates the composition and characteristics of the foreign pharmaceutical. The Russian product is more affordable - 320 rubles for a small package (12 tablets) and 400 for a large one (24 tablets).
  4. Sonnovan. Also inexpensive drug, produced in Russia. Sonnovan is recommended for people who need long-term treatment for insomnia or stabilization of their psycho-emotional state.

Any prescription regarding the duration of treatment and the dose of medication taken must be made by a specialist. Self-medication sedatives unacceptable due to the high likelihood of complications and adverse reactions due to incorrect dosage calculation or individual sensitivity to the components.

If the prescribed drug is not available at the pharmacy, only the doctor can decide what would be best to replace it with. You should not ask pharmacists to find a replacement for the prescribed medicine.

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