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Muscle tension in the legs. Muscle tension during neurosis

Help with back pain - blocks and muscle spasms

The main cause of many diseases is associated with spasms of the deep short lateral and medial intertransverse lumbar and interspinous muscles! Moreover, these muscles can remain in a state of spasm for years, causing muscle pain. Thus, the muscle does not develop as a result of dystrophy and protrusion and not as a result of bone growths of neighboring ones.

Primary pathological process consists in excessive tension of these muscles (awkward rotation of the body, excessive flexion, hypothermia of the back, transferred infection, long static muscle tension, arising - when a person sits incorrectly at a computer, when carrying a bag on one shoulder, etc.), exceeding their operating stress, which leads to long-term, reflexively fixed tension, a reflexive spasm of these muscles.

For all patients with osteochondrosis, massage, self-massage, exercises in water, swimming, especially breaststroke and backstroke, are useful. Exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, which are included in the exercise complexes, are useful. When muscles are tense, compression of the nerve roots increases and blood supply deteriorates.

Therefore, it is so important to include relaxation exercises in your classes, which must be alternated with special exercises. First of all, you need to learn what bears the main load:

  • slow, rhythmic movements that stretch the tonic muscle (repeat 6-15 times, 20 seconds break);
  • under the influence of gravity, create a position for the tonic muscle that stretches it, the stretching phase lasts 20 seconds, 20 seconds break, repeat 15-20 times;
  • tensing the tonic muscle against resistance for 10 seconds, then relaxing and stretching for 8 seconds, repeat 3-6 times;
  • tensing the tonic muscle group against resistance on the opposite side for 10 seconds, relaxing for 8 seconds, stretching the muscle group, repeat 3-6 times.

2) Get down on all fours, resting your knees and palms on the floor. Press your chin to your chest. Now bend your back upward, rounding it.

3) The same, but in a standing position: put your hands on your belt, turn your elbows forward. Tuck your chin to your chest and round your back, arching it back.

4) Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your hips, straighten and bring your legs together. Lift your feet off the ground, trying to raise them as high as possible. Hold them in the maximum position until the count of two and slowly lower them.

5) Continue to lie on your stomach, but clasp your hands behind your back. Raise your head and lift your shoulders off the floor, extending your palms towards your feet. Hold the maximum position until the count of two and slowly lower.

6) Roll over onto your back. Using your hands, pull your knees towards your chest. Bend your head towards your knees. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax.

Complex for the lower back

1) Half push-ups. Lie on your stomach. Without lifting your pelvis from the floor, do push-ups on your hands, arching your back.

2) Roll over onto your back. Press your feet firmly into the floor and bend your knees. Cross your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Raise your head and shoulders as high as possible, while pressing your lower back and feet toward the floor. Stay in this position until the count of two.

3) Land navigation. Lie on your stomach and lift left hand And right leg as if you were swimming crawl. Hold until the count of two, then switch arms and legs as if you were swimming.

4) Visit the pool, but make sure the water is warm. For chronic lower back pain, swimming helps without equal.

All of the above exercises should be performed with a positive emotional attitude, at an average pace, with even breathing. The most important thing: after the tension phase, there must be a phase of complete relaxation, otherwise the exercises will lose their meaning.

When performing any of the above exercises, be careful. If they hurt, stop doing them. But if you feel improvement a day or two after the exercises, then they are safe for you.

Physical education is physical education, but there are others important nuances, which are useful to remember.

Choose a chair that provides good lumbar support. If this option is adjustable, start with the lowest position and move up until you find the most comfortable one.

Try to keep your head straight, without lowering or lifting your chin. If you have to look at the monitor for a long time, place it at eye level.

When it's cold and damp outside, don't forget to wrap your neck with a scarf.

When working sedentarily, even if your work is in Krasnodar, where there is a wonderful climate and excellent working conditions, take short breaks regularly (about once an hour) to warm up. You can simply walk along the corridor, climb the stairs two or three floors. But it would be better to stretch and bend.

There is such a very useful invention: fitball. Exercises performed on large (55-65 cm) rubber balls are not only fun, but also extremely beneficial for the back and neck.

Sign up for physical therapy. Modern medicine has reached incredible heights, and your doctor will prescribe precisely and targeted exercises for you. The main thing here is to have less independence.

Try to eat healthy food and indulge less negative emotions. Stress is one of the main causes of muscle strain.

It is useful to hang from a bar if possible. Make it at home, for example, in some doorway. Every time you pass by, hang for a few seconds, swinging moderately in different directions. At the same time, the back muscles relax significantly and strive to return to their normal position.

Visit chiropractor so that he can put it in place. But remember: having a license medical center in itself does not give his employees the right to dig into your back. Each specific therapist must have a personal certificate and permission to carry out medical procedures.

Many neck and back problems begin with an improperly designed sleeping position. It is important to have a firm mattress that does not sag deeply in the middle. The pillow should also not be overly soft; sometimes it is worth abandoning it completely. It is best to purchase a special orthopedic mattress and pillow. Their shape is specially selected to help relax the back muscles and. On these, you fall asleep sweetly as soon as you lie down, and wake up completely rested.

Back exercises

We offer you a set of very easy exercises that can be performed while lying on your back. Its main advantage is that each exercise allows you to stretch the muscles of those parts of the body that are difficult to relax in normal position. The complex can be used for light stretching and relaxation.

Back exercises #1

Bend your knees, touch the soles of your feet and relax. This pleasant position stretches the groin muscles. Hold for 30 seconds. Let gravity stretch this area of ​​your body naturally. For greater comfort, you can place a small pillow under your head.

Back exercise option No. 1

Without changing your position, gently swing your legs from side to side 10-12 times. In this case, the legs should act as one part of the body (indicated by a dotted line). Movements are performed easily and smoothly, with an amplitude of no more than 2-3 cm in each direction. The movement should start from the hips.
The exercise develops flexibility in the groin and hips.

Back exercises No. 2

Pressing your right leg with your left, try to pull your right leg towards your body. This way you contract the thigh muscles (Fig. 1). Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the previous one (Fig. 2). This way of doing the exercise is especially useful for people with stiff muscles.

Back exercises #4

To relieve tension in the area

You can stretch while lying down top part and neck. Interlace your fingers behind your head at approximately ear level. Begin to slowly pull your head up until you feel a slight stretch in the area. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise 3-4 times to gradually ease the tension in the upper part and. Lower jaw relax (there should be a small gap between the molars) and breathe rhythmically.

Back exercises No. 5

Lying down with your knees bent, clasp your fingers behind your head (not on your neck). Before stretching your back, gently lift your head up and forward from the floor. Then begin to press your head down toward the floor, but use your arms to counteract this movement. Hold this static contraction for 3-4 seconds. Relax for 1-2 seconds, then begin to smoothly pull your head forward with your arms (as in the previous exercise) so that your chin moves towards your navel until you feel light and pleasant. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Smoothly pull your head and chin towards the left. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds. Relax and lower your head to the floor, then pull it to the right. Repeat 2-3 times.

Keeping your head in a relaxed position on the floor, turn your chin toward your shoulder. Rotate your chin just enough to feel a slight stretch at the side. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then perform in the other direction. Repeat 2-3 times. The lower jaw should be relaxed and breathing should be even.

Back exercises No. 6

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Interlace your fingers behind your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together to create tension in your upper back (your chest should move up as you perform the movement). Hold the position for 4-5 seconds, then relax and smoothly pull your head forward. This way you will also reduce the tension in the area. Try tensing your neck and shoulders, then relaxing and moving towards your backside. This will help you relax your muscles and turn your head without straining. Repeat 3-4 times.

Back exercises No. 7

Straightening the lower back

To relieve tension in your lower back, tighten your buttock muscles and at the same time tighten your abdominal muscles to straighten your lower back. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds, then relax. Repeat 2-3 times. Concentrate on keeping the muscles contracted. This pelvic girdle rocking exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen and helps maintain a correct sitting and standing position.

Back exercises #8

Reduction of the shoulder blades and tension of the gluteal muscles.

At the same time, bring your shoulder blades together, straighten your lower back and tense. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax and pull your head up to stretch your back and upper back. Repeat 3-4 times and appreciate the pleasure.

Now extend one arm behind your head (palm up) and the other along your body (palm down). Stretch in both directions at the same time to stretch your shoulders and back. Hold for 6-8 seconds. Perform the exercise on both sides at least twice. The lower back should be straight and relaxed. Keep your lower jaw relaxed too.

Back exercises No. 9

Pulling exercises

Stretch your arms behind your head and straighten your legs. Now stretch your arms and legs in both directions as far as is comfortable for you. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.

Now stretch diagonally. Pulling right hand, simultaneously pull the toe of your left foot.

Now stretch again with both arms and legs at once. Hold
5 seconds, then relax. This good exercise for muscles chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms, and feet.

You can also supplement with abdominal retraction. This will help you feel slimmer and is also a good workout for your body. internal organs.
Performing stretching exercises three times reduces muscle tension, promoting relaxation throughout the body. These stretches help to quickly reduce overall body tension. It is useful to practice them before bed.

Back exercises #10

With both hands, grab your right leg under and pull it towards your chest. When performing this exercise, relax your neck and place your head on the floor or on a small pillow. Hold lightly for 10>30 seconds. Repeat the same movement with your left leg. The lower back should be straight at all times. If you don't feel tension in your muscles, don't be discouraged. The main thing is that you enjoy it. This is a very good exercise for the legs, feet and back.

Back exercise option No. 10

Pull toward your chest, then pull your entire leg in the opposite direction to stretch your outer right thigh. Hold lightly for 10-20 seconds. Repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Another option for back exercise No. 10

While lying down, gently pull the right one towards the outside of the right one. Your hands should clasp the back of your leg a little higher

Photo source: pxhere.com

If your life is very active and you are constantly on the move, then you are probably familiar with the problem that we will talk about in this article. “Lead” heaviness in the legs, which is often accompanied by slight swelling, is a common problem modern women. In addition to the fact that they move a lot, they often also wear not very comfortable high-heeled shoes, giving their feet additional stress.

If you are familiar with this feeling of heaviness, and you experience it regularly when you come home in the evenings and take off your shoes, then here are some tips on how to make life easier for your feet.


The first thing you can do to help your feet is to change some habits that make life difficult for them.

For example:

  • Pay attention to the usual the position you are sitting in. If your legs lie one on top of the other, the vessels are pinched and impede blood circulation. This causes your legs to swell and become “heavier.” Give up this habit, otherwise over time it can lead to varicose veins.
  • Avoid tight tights and stockings, as well as from underwear with tight elastic bands. They also impair blood circulation in the lower extremities.
  • Consider comfortable shoes. Try not to walk in high heels for more than 4 hours a day. If possible, change into comfortable shoes when you come to work.
  • If you need to stand still or walk for long periods of time, try to climb stairs more often. This will improve blood circulation in your legs and help you get some exercise. In addition, it will help relieve some of the tension from your legs. special compression garments.

Photo source: pxhere.com


In order for the heaviness in your legs to go away, you need to organize proper rest for them.


  • Sleep with your feet on a slight elevation And. A few centimeters are enough - place a towel or blanket folded several times under the sheet.
  • When you come home lie on your back and raise your legs up by placing them on the wall. Lie like this for 5-10 minutes - this will help restore blood circulation and relieve swelling.
  • Purchase massage roller with small sharp teeth. Before going to bed, rub it over your legs to help your muscles relax.

Photo source: pxhere.com


In addition to proper habits and rest, your feet also need careful care. Every day before bed, take special foot baths with the addition of sea salt or essential oils. You can make baths from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, mint, sage.

Also buy foot cream and use it before going to bed. small massage stop.

Photo source: pxhere.com

These were effective ways to make life easier on your feet. Perform these procedures regularly, and you will forget about the “leaden” heaviness in your legs. In addition, by following these recommendations, you will avoid varicose veins in the future.

Under the syndrome piriformis muscle understand the type of pain that is caused by pinching sciatic nerve. The cause of this symptom is spasm of the piriformis muscle. It can lead to shortening and tightening of muscle fibers, and spasm also limits femoral rotational movements. The pain may also radiate to groin area, at the feet or lumbar region.

    • Primary Causes of Piriformis Syndrome
    • Secondary causes of piriformis syndrome
    • Local symptoms of piriformis syndrome
  • How to diagnose piriformis syndrome?
  • Treatment of piriformis muscle spasm
  • Exercises to relieve spasm of the piriformis muscle
  • Traditional methods for treating the syndrome at home

All this is a consequence of irritation of the 1st cruciate root of the spinal nerve. What are the symptoms of this syndrome, and how to relieve spasm of the piriformis muscle through one or another treatment, we will describe below.

Why does piriformis syndrome occur?

Piriformis syndrome develops due to various reasons, they depend on what was the source of the spasms.

Primary Causes of Piriformis Syndrome

TO primary reasons This syndrome includes the following muscle irritants:

Secondary causes of piriformis syndrome

There are reasons that do not directly affect the muscle, but can provoke the appearance of piriformis syndrome:

  • pain in the sciatic nerve;
  • pelvic pathologies;
  • inflammation of nearby organs;
  • violations of the connecting structures of the sacrum;
  • problems with the ilium.

Also, piriformis syndrome can occur due to causes depending on the relationship to the spinal column. They are vertebrogenic and non-vertebrogenic.

In the first case, the reasons are:

  • injuries spinal cord, spine and other organs;
  • vertebral diseases;
  • narrowed intervertebral foramina;
  • the presence of tumors on the spine;
  • radiculitis in the lumbar region.

In the second case, the cause of piriformis muscle syndrome can be any pathology of internal organs or disruption of the muscular system in the area of ​​spasms.

Characteristic symptoms for piriformis syndrome

Symptoms of spasm of the piriformis muscle can be local in nature; accordingly, spasms appear directly in the area of ​​the piriformis muscle and are directly related to muscle spasms. If the symptoms indicate a violation of innervation, then this is a sign of compression of the sciatic nerve. If there is poor nutrition internal organs, then the symptoms of this syndrome are a sign of compression of blood vessels and arteries.

Local symptoms of piriformis syndrome

Local symptoms of the condition include:

There is also pain in the area of ​​the ischium. Signs of sciatic nerve compression include:

  • pain and spasms spread to the entire leg;
  • pain is accompanied by a feeling of burning and stiffness;
  • the Achilles reflex is suppressed;
  • muscle pain when the fibers that form the tibial nerve are pinched.

And with compression of blood vessels and arteries, the following symptoms are observed:

  • numbness of toes;
  • the skin turns pale;
  • attacks of lameness appear.

Most symptoms appear in groups rather than individually; when the pain moves to areas adjacent to the piriformis muscle, diagnosing the syndrome is more difficult.

How to diagnose piriformis syndrome?

Experienced doctors can immediately recognize this syndrome by the patient’s gait and posture, as well as the characteristics of his movements. Among others diagnostic measures can be called the following:

  • checking the patient for the Bonnet-Bobrovnikova symptom;
  • tapping the feet to identify Vilenkin's symptom;
  • tapping the lower lumbar processes and upper cruciate spinous. Grossman's sign appears when the buttock muscle contracts;
  • palpation of the attachment sites of the piriformis muscle - the sacroiliac joint and the greater trochanter femur. Pain is a symptom of spasms of the piriformis muscle;
  • tests for the condition of the sacrospinous and iliosacral ligaments;
  • transrectal palpation of the piriformis muscle;
  • injection of an anesthetic solution into the piriformis muscle. When symptoms disappear, the presence of the syndrome is confirmed.

If the presence of this syndrome is suspected as accompanying spinal injuries or oncological diseases Treatment should be prescribed after the following diagnostics:

  • tomography;
  • x-ray lumbar sacral region;
  • radioisotope scanning if there is a suspicion of a tumor.

Treatment of piriformis muscle spasm

Treatment of this type of spasm should be carried out comprehensively. To relieve the key symptoms of a spasm, you must first treat the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, treatment may involve surgery.

First of all, in the presence of spasm of the piriformis muscle, the following medications are prescribed as treatment:

  • non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • muscle relaxants for pain relief;
  • analgesics, which are prescribed when the pain becomes unbearable.

To remove inflammatory process and in order to get rid of vascular compression, treatment may include taking agents that dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

But treatment includes more than just taking medicines. It also includes activities such as:

  • various types of physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, magnetic laser manipulation and much more;
  • massage for relaxation;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • acupuncture and pharmacopuncture;
  • therapeutic and preventive exercises.

All of the above are prescribed by the doctor as part of treatment after the removal of an acute similar syndrome. And if she is very for a long time is in a state of tension, it is necessary to block it using an anesthetic.

IN in this case On the buttocks you need to outline three zones:

  • superior posterior axis of the ilium;
  • the very top of the greater trochanter;
  • ischial tuberosity.

Based on this triangle, a needle is inserted into the piriformis muscle and an anesthetic is supplied through it.

Exercises to relieve spasm of the piriformis muscle

Treatment of this syndrome also lies in how to choose the right physical exercise to achieve a good result. They should help relax the problem area and return it to its previous ability to move.

The most effective method of treating the syndrome is the following set of physical exercises:

The key rule that must be followed when performing all physical exercises is accuracy and smoothness in their execution. Any sudden movements will only make the situation worse. After finishing the exercises, you need to massage if there is a spasm, it will relieve pain and tension.

Traditional methods for treating the syndrome at home

Even a chronic spasm of this kind can be cured at home through the use of various folk remedies.

One of the safest and effective methods treating the syndrome at home looks like this:

  • mix Bay leaf and juniper needles in a ratio of 6 to 1;
  • grind everything well to a powder;
  • add 12 parts of melted butter to the resulting mixture;
  • the result is a specific ointment that needs to be rubbed into the affected area of ​​skin in small portions.

This remedy will help perfectly relieve pain, spasms and relax the piriformis muscle.

To avoid having to resort to different methods treatment of a spasm of this nature, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • don't overexert yourself muscular system, do not overcool and do not stay in one position for too long;
  • Constantly monitor yourself in terms of your condition. If you experience any discomfort, consult your doctor immediately;
  • physical exercise should be moderate and regular.

Treatment of piriformis syndrome should be timely and comprehensive. If it is not started on time, it can result in more serious problems with the pelvis, and also lead to degradation of the ligaments and joints. And this is far from full list possible consequences untimely treatment of this syndrome. Therefore, do not leave your condition to chance.

Arthrosis of the lumbar spine

Lower back pain is quite common in modern lifestyles. The cause is arthrosis of the lumbar spine. Dystrophy intervertebral discs causes inflammation and pain that interfere with normal life. It can be difficult to stand or sit with a straight back, let alone bend over. You lose mobility, the desire to do anything, and in the worst case, loss of performance.

Causes of pathology.

The development of spinal arthrosis occurs for several reasons:

  • age;
  • congenital dysplasia of the joints of the spinal column;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • excess weight, spinal overload;
  • suffered injuries to the lumbar vertebrae.

In addition, there are a number of nonspecific factors that influence the development of arthrosis not only in the lumbosacral region, but also in other parts of the musculoskeletal system:

  • disorders of collagen II synthesis;
  • insufficient supply of substances necessary for the regeneration of cartilage tissue;

Developmental stages and symptoms.

The occurrence of the disease is divided into 3 stages:

Stage I – initial. At this stage, arthrosis of the lumbar region is most difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of this stage are not pronounced, since the deformation of the cartilage tissue of the joints has just begun. Lack of moisture and minerals leads to drying out of the cartilage - it flattens and, under the influence of gravity and pressure from the vertebrae, becomes deformed.

Stage II – moderate stage. The lumbar spinal disc becomes cracked, becomes rough and uneven, more like bone. At this stage, the destruction of cartilage is accompanied by inflammation and pain in the back when bending. It is then that the patient can consult a doctor with complaints. The diagnosis occurs at this stage.

Stage III – severe arthrosis. Absence necessary treatment leads to the emergence of strong, unbearable painful sensations in the back with the slightest load, being in one position for a long time. It is no longer possible to reverse cartilage deformation at this stage of arthrosis; surgical intervention will be required.

Diagnostics. How does it go?

To confirm preliminary diagnosis The doctor prescribes several tests:

All diagnostic methods will help the doctor accurately determine the stage of arthrosis and prescribe appropriate treatment - therapeutic or surgical.

Treatment of spinal arthrosis.

Comprehensive, systematic treatment of arthrosis gives good results - it relieves pain and inflammation, supports cartilage tissue and restores flexibility to the lumbosacral spine.

When treating arthrosis it is necessary:

  • relieving pain, inflammation;
  • maintaining intervertebral discs;
  • development of mobility and flexibility of the spinal column.

To relieve pain and inflammation, the doctor will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen). At acute stage arthrosis, when pain needs to be relieved quickly, phenylbutazone is often prescribed. This is a very aggressive anti-inflammatory medicine that should only be taken after a doctor's prescription.

Also, for arthrosis of the lumbar region, it is possible to administer an epidural injection steroid drugs. This will help reduce pain and stop inflammation on long term(the duration of action of the medicine depends on individual characteristics organism). The use of this treatment method is recommended no more than three times a year.

Chondroprotectors are prescribed to maintain cartilage. They come in the form of tablets, capsules (Structum, Chondroitin Acos); ointments, creams (Chondroitin Akos, Chondroxide Maximum); injections for intramuscular, intra-articular administration (Sustagard Artro). They trigger the synthesis of cartilage tissue, deliver necessary substances to the joint - hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, minerals and vitamins necessary for the synthesis of cartilage and maintaining its functions.

After relieving pain and inflammation, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed, aimed at restoring flexibility and mobility to the spine.

  • massages;
  • reflexology (acupuncture);
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • medicinal baths.

Physiotherapy helps normalize blood circulation in the area of ​​arthrosis of the lumbosacral region, reduces swelling, improves muscle tone and facilitates treatment. However, the use of physiotherapeutic methods is only possible with a partial reduction in swelling and inflammation in the area of ​​arthrosis.


Prescribed by a physiotherapist. It should only be practiced under the supervision of a specialist in a hospital setting. All exercises are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Exercises with a hoop help improve blood circulation in the lumbar region, strengthen metabolic processes. Suitable for prevention and contraindicated for lumbar hernias.
  2. Exercises with fitball. Develop mobility and flexibility of the spinal column, relieve muscle tension. Using massage balls also increases metabolism.
  3. General physiotherapy for the spine. Helps relieve pain in the lumbosacral spine, develops flexibility and mobility of joints.


To relieve the symptoms of arthrosis of the lumbosacral spine, use at home folk recipes ointments, compresses and rubbing.

Horseradish compress relieves pain and inflammation at night. To prepare it, grate the horseradish on a fine grater, heat it and wrap it in cotton cloth. Apply a compress to the lumbar region, wrap yourself in a warm shawl.

Herbal ointment relieves pain well. Mix chamomile, calendula and burdock root with petroleum jelly. Rub this mixture into a sore lower back with arthrosis. spine lungs massage movements every day as needed.

Rubbing with badger or pork fat will also help relieve inflammation and pain. Using your fingertips, gently rub the melted fat into your lower back, warming up the surrounding muscles. This massage is best done before bed every day.


Surgical intervention is prescribed only when conservative treatment does not bring relief. There are 2 types of operations:

  1. Pre-nervation – carried out solely to relieve the patient of pain. The nerve endings in the joint are “switched off” using thermal effects - this relieves pain and allows you to continue treatment with medications.
  2. Joint transplantation. The diseased joint is replaced with an artificial one. This operation is carried out on late stages diseases, with severe deformation of the vertebrae.

The orthopedic regimen is an important part of the treatment.

Arthrosis of the lumbosacral spine – chronic illness, requires constant maintenance of intervertebral joints in good condition. This requires the use of special medical bandages that support the back in a natural position, limiting movement in the lumbosacral region. They relieve stress from the back and hip joints.

Corsets must be worn up to 14-16 hours a day - they significantly reduce back pain. They are very convenient to Everyday life and do not interfere with work or homework. They are removed only with the permission of the doctor, when he no longer sees the need to use them. If the pain recurs, the corset is put on again until the pain goes away.


It is not difficult to cure spinal arthrosis; the main thing is to start treatment on time and responsibly. In this case, the use of drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures and orthopedic regimen bring a quick and lasting effect - a healthy and mobile back.

Self-administered spinal decompression: best exercises and techniques

Nowadays, most people suffer from back pain. First of all, this happens due to an incorrect lifestyle, because almost everyone spends a lot of time sitting at a computer, office desk or driving their car.

Also the reason pain excessive physical activity also occurs. Under the influence of these factors, the spine is subjected to pressure, which leads to the development of discomfort. But there are methods that will help cope with this problem.

What is the point of the procedure?

In medicine, the term “decompression” means a reduction in pressure on certain human tissues or organs, which can be caused by both external and internal factors.

IN modern medicine There are many techniques for performing decompression. Each of them has its own characteristics, therefore it is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the anatomical structure And clinical picture a certain patient.

Two methods for the spine

Spinal decompression is performed in two ways.


Spinal decompression surgery is used primarily for pain syndrome lumbar region, which does not give in drug treatment. Also, indications for such manipulation are radicular syndrome and lumboischialgia, which develop against the background of disc protrusions and spinal hernia.

The manipulation is carried out under X-ray control. IN intervertebral disc a puncture needle is inserted onto which a laser light guide is attached.

Under laser exposure causes destruction of disc tissue. When the needle moves around the hernial formation, the pressure in its cavity decreases. As a result, the protrusion is removed and thereby the compression of the nerve endings occurs.

Conservative method

This method is non-invasive. It consists of carrying out certain physical exercises, which are selected by a specialist individually.

You can do them yourself at home.

They help stretch the spine and prevent compression of its structures.

Why is spinal decompression necessary?

All the time, the human spine is subject to pressure exerted by weight own body, lack of activity, heavy physical activity, muscle weakness. Any of these reasons leads to the development of pain localized in the area that is most exposed to stress.

You can get rid of them using spinal decompression. Special exercises can be done not only in cases where the problem has already arisen, but also to prevent the formation of back pain.

Exercises accessible to everyone

Spinal decompression can also be performed at home.

To do this, you need to perform the following simple exercises:

  1. Stand up straight and place your hands behind your back. Try to reach the most high point spine as much as your capabilities allow. Lean back while lightly pressing on spinal column. At this moment, a crunching sound may be heard. This phenomenon is typical for such an exercise.
  2. Take a chair with a backrest and sit on the edge. Now lean back, place your hands on your forehead, exhale, lower your head and shoulders onto the back. When performing, a clicking sound may appear in the upper back.
  3. Now stand in the corner of the wall, leaning your spine against it. Gently spread your arms, touching the walls and squeezing your shoulder blades together. This exercise helps relieve tension in the back muscles.
  4. For the next exercise we need a large ball. You need to sit on it, and then gradually lean back so that you take a lying position and the ball is under your back. Now rock back and forth while massaging your spine.
  5. Place the ball in front of you, kneel down, and place your hands on it. Gradually roll it forward and bend over. Do this until your spine is completely straight, and then hold this position for a few seconds.
  6. Place the ball under your stomach and chest, touch the floor with your fingertips and toes, and stretch. Keep your knees suspended. Then relax so that your spine sag slightly.

Massage to help

Massage will also help relieve tension in the spine. You can do it at home, but you will need the help of someone close to you.

You need to lie on the floor, bend your arms elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Turn your head to the left. The following steps are completed by your partner.

You need to place your hands in the middle of your back on opposite sides of the spine and move from bottom to top. In this case, it is worth applying slight pressure, during which the patient should exhale deeply. Massage is carried out to the highest point on the neck.

Rules and Cautions

When carrying out the exercises yourself, you must follow a few simple rules.

They will make classes more effective and prevent the development of complications.

In particular it is necessary:

  1. Each exercise should be performed slowly and smoothly.
  2. If pain is present, it is better to refuse gymnastics. In cases where discomfort appears after performing any exercise, the activity should be stopped.
  3. During class, watch your posture.
  4. Start with a small load and gradually increase it.
  5. Before the main exercises, do not forget to warm up your muscles.
  6. Any exercises should be coordinated with your doctor.
  7. Severe pain is absolute contraindication to conduct the lesson.

Spinal decompression can be performed at home and still have good results. But before using it, consult a specialist.

And to achieve lasting results, exercise regularly.

We all know that sedentary work can be bad for our health. But not all of us have the time and opportunity to regularly visit the gym.

For such people, we have prepared five stretching exercises that will help relieve tension from muscles stiff from long periods of sitting. These exercises do not require special equipment or a lot of extra time. You can do them after work or perhaps during your lunch break.

If you do not have any injuries, then stretching exercises are absolutely safe for you.

Pectoral muscle strain

This exercise is very useful if you spend a lot of time hunched over the keyboard, which can lead to difficulty breathing. Try hunching over and taking a deep breath and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Kegan Mcleod

Bend your right arm at a 90-degree angle and place your forearm along the door frame. Place your right foot forward. Turn your body to the left until you feel a pleasant stretch in the muscles of your chest and front shoulder muscles. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Switch arms and legs and repeat the exercise.

Thigh muscle strain

Discomfort in the thigh muscles is a common problem for those who spend a lot of time sitting in a chair. Here's an exercise to help relieve tension in your thigh muscles.

Kegan Mcleod

Place your left knee on the floor and move your right leg 40–50 cm forward. Both legs should be bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. The torso is in strict vertical position. Push your pelvis forward until you feel a pleasant stretch. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat the exercise on the other side of the body.

For an extra stretch, you can raise your arms above your head and slowly bend and twist your body in different directions.

Calf muscle strain

Office workers often complain that their calves swell from prolonged sitting on a chair. Such swelling is accompanied aching pain, and sometimes sudden convulsions. To overcome this disease, we recommend performing a simple exercise.

Kegan Mcleod

Stand about 50–60 cm from the wall, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the wall. Take a wide step back with your left foot, then transfer your body weight to this leg. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then change legs.

Do this exercise up to three times a day if your calves are prone to swelling.

Back muscle strain

This exercise relaxes the back muscles, which are often tight after sitting in one place for a long time.

Kegan Mcleod

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your torso, turn your palms up. Legs are bent at the knees and feet are on the floor. Keep your feet together and lower both knees to the left and turn your head in the opposite direction. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat for the other side of the body.

Spinal stretch

Sedentary work makes the muscles surrounding the lumbar spine sluggish and weak. Here is a good exercise that will help relieve excess tension in the spine.

Lie on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders. Then straighten your arms, tilt your head up, and bend your body back until you feel a slight stretch. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Do you do any exercises at work?

I never pay enough attention to muscle relaxation after training - I usually just finish all the exercises and immediately go about my business. Well, sometimes I can still go for a massage, but this is very rare. And the point is not even that I consider this an unnecessary matter - knowledgeable people They say that relaxing your muscles at the end of a workout is just as important as warming up at the beginning, and I have no reason not to believe them. It’s just that it’s not always possible to find time to go to a massage therapist, and I simply don’t know any other ways to relieve muscle tension.

But yesterday I found a small note on the Internet that describes options for how to relax your muscles after different types training. And there are quite a lot of relaxation methods that you can do on your own, and even at home.

For example, after a long run, it is suggested to lie in a cool bath for ten minutes. This will help prevent muscle soreness that usually occurs the day after an intense workout - cold water will reduce inflammation caused by many microtraumas in the leg muscles.

In order to relieve stress after a long and difficult swim, the following method is proposed: stand near the doorway and firmly press your palms against the door frame (on both sides). Now step into the doorway and spread your shoulders as far as possible. Stay like this for 30 seconds. With this exercise you can stretch your chest and shoulder muscles well.

If you did a workout that involved all muscle groups of the body at once, take a warm bath (the water should be at room temperature) and stay in it for 20 minutes. For better effect should be added to the water sea ​​salt or foam. This procedure will help you relax and reduce muscle tension.

Massage (aimed at those muscles that worked the most during exercise) is recommended after any workout. This is one of the most effective ways relax tired muscles.

After a workout in which the main load was on your legs (for example, running, jumping or a cycling marathon), you can do the following exercise: lie on your back and lift your legs vertically up. Hold them in this position for 20 minutes (it is very difficult to keep your legs in the air for so long, so you can lean them on the wall). During training, due to the stress, blood rushed to the legs, and with the help of this exercise it will return back. This way you can relieve tension and prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as “clogged” muscles.

Agree, almost all of the proposed methods (except for massage) are very easy to perform - they do not require any special knowledge, and you do not need to spend a lot of time on them. So now I decided after each workout (of course, I mean only intense workouts with high load) to relax my muscles, which I recommend you do too)

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