Home Dental treatment Why does there be chills? Why do chills appear without fever: reasons, what can be done? Internal trembling in the body: causes and symptoms

Why does there be chills? Why do chills appear without fever: reasons, what can be done? Internal trembling in the body: causes and symptoms

Chills are a feeling of cold, accompanied by involuntary trembling and twitching of muscles, chattering of teeth (“tooth does not touch tooth”), the appearance of goose bumps, this is a protective reaction of the body to increase peripheral blood circulation in order to warm up. A person feels unwell, chilly and cold. These symptoms develop due to sudden spasms of small vessels located just under the skin. Chills are not a disease - it is only the body's reaction to sharp changes temperature and metabolic disorders. This common symptom febrile conditions: influenza, septicemia, serious injury, some forms of diarrhea, heavy bleeding etc. If the chills are very strong and last more than half an hour, this may indicate malaria, pneumonia, scarlet fever, smallpox, etc.

Causes of chills

It is incorrect to correlate the appearance of chills only with an increase in body temperature; it can appear without it, so it is important to pay attention to the appearance of such a symptom. Let's look at the reasons that can lead to its appearance; there are not as few of them as it might seem at first glance. The most harmless cause of chills can be called hypothermia, but only if it is not severe. If you notice blue lips and fingers, notice lethargy, a drop in body temperature, then this is much more serious. In this case, everything should be done possible measures for warmth, such as a warm bath and tea, and in case of loss of consciousness the person needs medical attention. Chills are often accompanied infectious diseases, weakness and headache may be present. As a rule, these symptoms are followed by fever and additional symptoms.

As a rule, it appears at the same time, most often in the evening hours. In this case, medical help is also necessary, since hypertension can have serious consequences. Sometimes chills are accompanied by emotional excitement, excessive worry and stress. At the same time, a person feels icy cold or hot, he has a desire to move, or, conversely, he falls into a stupor. If these conditions do not last long, it may help breathing exercises, sedatives. If the stress is prolonged, then you should contact a psychologist to identify the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it.

If chills are accompanied by severe headache, fever, weakness, loss of appetite, insomnia, then these symptoms may accompany malaria. This disease is considered very serious and life-threatening, therefore, in this case, it is better not to think about self-medication, especially if the person has recently returned from a trip to some exotic country. Call urgently ambulance and get ready to be sent to the infectious diseases department.

When chills are accompanied by hot flashes, intense sweating, menstrual irregularities, emotional changes, then we are most likely talking about climacteric syndrome. Consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist who will recommend correct treatment. Similar conditions can be observed in the presence of other hormonal disorders, for example, hyperthyroidism and diabetes. In this case, they may be accompanied by loss of body weight while maintaining normal or even increased appetite, rapid heartbeat, and nervousness. If we are talking specifically about endocrine diseases, then serious treatment is necessary and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Chills without fever

Chills can occur without an increase in body temperature. The causes of this condition may be: hormonal disorders (for example, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, menopausal syndrome); climb blood pressure(in this case, the repeating time of occurrence of chills is typical); infectious diseases (including such dangerous ones as tuberculosis, malaria); slowdown metabolic processes in the body against the background of a long-term diet; nervous tension, lack of sleep, stress, excitement, overwork, etc. To understand the causes of chills, you need to consult a doctor. general practice or a general practitioner. He will conduct a full physical examination and prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations. Do not put off visiting a doctor for too long, as a number of diseases causing chills, requires immediate treatment.

Diagnosis of chills

Diagnosis of chills includes:

  • Anamnesis;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood chemistry.

Chills and a constant feeling of cold indicate that the function is reduced thyroid gland. If everything is normal in a person, the endocrine system provides thermoregulation of the body. When certain hormones are lacking, a person is constantly tormented by cold. Symptoms are most often observed in women over 50 years of age during menopause.

Notice if you have the following symptoms:

  • Hair fall out.
  • You get tired quickly.
  • Mood changes often.
  • You gain weight sharply.
  • The skin became dry.

If you have at least a few of these symptoms and are experiencing chills, be sure to get tested for your thyroid hormone levels.

Treatment of chills

It is necessary to reduce body temperature with the help of antipyretics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin for adults). You can lie under a warm blanket and drink a lot of warm tea (it helps in 15 minutes if the condition is due to hypothermia). Lie in a warm bath, then thoroughly rub your body with a terry towel. You should not use any alcoholic beverages, as this can worsen the condition and even lead to fainting. If the cause of chills is nervous overexcitation, you need to drink a sedative, for example, tincture of motherwort or valerian.

When to call a doctor:

  • chills are observed in the baby, and if it is combined with lethargy or nervousness;
  • chills very much, until teeth chatter;
  • chills do not go away within an hour;
  • general condition deteriorates sharply;
  • shortly before this, the patient visited exotic countries;
  • chills are observed in a patient with heart disease who has recently had dental treatment (there is a possibility of infection);
  • the patient has severe chronic diseases eg diabetes;
  • this condition occurs in a person using steroid hormones or undergoing radiotherapy.

Preventing chills

  • During the cold season, dress well and avoid hypothermia;
  • Try to eat food enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • Do not let various diseases take their course so that they do not become chronic;
  • If you are too emotional person, try to avoid work where there are stressful situations;
  • Avoid overexerting yourself physically when doing anything.

Many people are familiar with the situation in which the whole body shakes, and the reasons are unclear and frightening. The feeling of internal trembling is an unpleasant process, due to which a person experiences additional panic, which can only aggravate the situation. For some, trembling occurs quite rarely, but for some people it becomes a habitual and frequent occurrence. When the body shakes several times a day, you should find out the reasons and begin treatment.

Important! In the case when the body internally shudders and the tremor lasts no more than a few minutes, there is no danger to health, but if a nervous tremor constantly runs throughout the body, the body shakes as if in a fever, it is necessary to find out the cause from a specialist.

Internal trembling in the body and its treatment – ​​this and that important question, which we will try to highlight in this article.

Internal tremors in the body: causes and symptoms

The most common tremors are in the arms, legs, jaw, trembling of the head and tongue. If your body is shaking, there can be a variety of reasons.

  • With a strong decrease temperature regime when a person is chilly from the cold, he begins to shake involuntarily;
  • High adrenaline in the blood, inside the body causes shaking;
  • If a person has certain diseases of a somatic or neurological nature, the body also shakes feverishly.

Neurological component in the form autonomic system responsible for the functionality and organization of internal organs, muscles, tendons and bones. This large subsection of the central nervous system connects and controls the communication of all our parts and departments. In the autonomic system, two antagonistic “workshops” can be distinguished: the sympathetic one, which is responsible for the activity of the organs, and the parasympathetic one, which provides rest and anticipation of action. When the “workshops” fail, the body shakes, and the causes depend on many internal disorders.

Neurons that control muscles and their tone allow you to hold the body in a certain position. A person begins to shake when there is a failure, disturbance or painful condition of one of the parts of this complex mechanism. Weakness begins to appear, one or another part of the body shakes, regardless of self-control. The body shakes and for some reason pathological processes.

Why is everything shaking inside, possible illnesses?

  1. Stress is the most common cause when the body shakes or sensations of internal trembling appear. No matter what external stimulus caused stressful situation, the body reacts with “flight”, it cowards without fever and, as it were, defends itself, thus, from an invisible but felt attack. The body shakes, and the muscles become like a stretched string and are about to break. This is where the cause of vibration originates, a person begins to shake, an imbalance occurs nervous system, which ultimately leads to sad consequences: fatigue, migraines, hypertension. The body shakes as if in the hands of a jackhammer;
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a cause and disease characterized by abnormal functioning of the autonomic system, in which the entire body can shake. Twitching of the legs and shaking throughout the body due to frequent muscle contractions become a frequent occurrence;
  3. Depression is one of the causes of a nervous condition in which a full-scale disorder of the central nervous system occurs and the body shakes. This leads to spontaneous constant trembling not only during waking hours, but also during sleep;
  4. Infectious diseases can also cause internal shaking and tremors. It depends on the complexity of the infection, on the body temperature during the painful process. The state when the patient’s body is shaking can range from vibration in the body, chills throughout the whole body, to a state as if throwing up on the bed;
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, pathologies in the ovaries and other ailments associated with endocrine system can lead to neurological impairment. The body shakes for this very reason;
  6. With age, the body shakes more often, the reasons for this are changes in body functions, and the danger of minor shaking or trembling in the limbs and head also increases;
  7. For brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, concussions, atherosclerotic disorders the symptom and cause of nervous tremors grows and increases over the years to noticeable external manifestations. The body shakes regardless of the time of day; a person experiences mild and constant muscle tremors in the morning, at night during sleep, and after physical activity she becomes strong and literally “abandons” the patient;
  8. Mild shaking can be observed after taking medications, drugs, or alcohol abuse. The person shakes, he trembles with small tremors, as if in a chill. The reasons lie in the poisoning of the body with toxic substances.

Types of tension during trembling - possible causes

note! Symptoms: If the body shakes slightly, it usually appears immediately: anxiety, fear in the stomach or lower abdomen, trembling in the legs, sinking heart and nervousness.

Localization of excitement or trembling occurs in a variety of places, from internal organs to all extremities, look for the cause:

  • The head or face may shake sharply due to strong nervous tension, in case of partial paralysis, inflammation facial nerve if there is spastic torticollis;
  • A feeling when a tremor is felt throughout the body due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood or due to endocrine pathologies;
  • It happens that a sudden attack of trembling appears and a strong “trembling” runs through the sternum and abdomen. This is inherent in some people, the reason is increased emotionality. In moments of shock or at the beginning of stress, the body shakes;
  • Muscle tremors in the hands and knees are associated with fatigue from physical work, the reason may be a deficiency of essential minerals;
  • The body and hands shake, usually in the morning, if there was an excess of alcohol or caffeine the day before. The reason is an overdose;
  • Often the legs of pregnant women shake in the last trimester, this is caused by the load on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. The body often shakes during toxicosis - this is the main reason;
  • Increased heartbeat occurs with some diseases of the cardiovascular system. The reasons lie in dystonia and heart failure. The heart begins to tremble and pound if an attack of fear begins or strong internal excitement arises;
  • The eyelids and head tremble in excitement with signs of neurosis, migraine, during a nervous tic;
  • Tension in the neck and back of the head is osteochondrosis or problems and causes associated with the spine;
  • A child may experience trembling when he is nervous or afraid. Neurosis is fraught with nausea and muscle spasms. Calm down nervous condition child, find out the reason, the task of the parents is especially important to induce calmness when falling asleep;
  • During menopause, women often experience somatic disorders during attacks, and for this reason coordination suffers.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Nothing just happens, and if a person experiences periodic discomfort that prevents him from living a normal life, the etiology and cause of the disease should be identified as early as possible. Why does the body shake and strong things happen? nervous tension, leading to disorders in the form of buzzing, tremors or trembling will help to understand a comprehensive examination.

For neurosis and other aggravating symptoms, the patient is referred to:

  • For EEG, ultrasound and ECG - referred by a therapist or cardiologist;
  • REG of vessels - vascular surgeon or attending physician;
  • Echo - EG, MRI of the brain - the prerogative of a neurologist;
  • For detailed laboratory examination of blood and urine tests.

You may need the help of a hematologist, endocrinologist, or psychotherapist; they are able to understand the cause and eliminate it.

The treatment course depends on the cause of the nervous condition based on:

  • Sedatives;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Psychotherapeutic procedures;
  • By eliminating the provoking factors, the cause of the trembling disappears.

Motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, peony and all sedatives are gentle folk remedies when the body shakes.

Antidepressants are indicated when the body is shaking, but only after a doctor’s prescription for depressive states, due to anxiety and phobia. These include: Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Azafen.

Vitamins B, A, C, D, calcium, selenium, magnesium.

Important! Sports, yoga and meditation serve to protect the body from nervous disorders.

Chills are the body's physiological response to spasm of superficial blood vessels. Most often, slight trembling is caused by cold. However, the chills Chills There are also much more unpleasant reasons.

Why do you feel chills when you have a fever?

After hypothermia the most common reason chills - fever. Doctors determine Fever in Adults this condition is like an increase to 37.7 °C and above.

Fever itself may be a symptom huge amount diseases, including bacterial infections and all kinds inflammatory processes in internal organs. However, most often we encounter it when we get sick with ARVI or influenza.

The mechanism of chills during fever is simple. Trying to fight the infection, the body raises the temperature - this is detrimental to many viruses and bacteria. To speed up warming up and retain heat inside, the superficial blood vessels and the trembling starts. Therefore, when the temperature rises rapidly, a person looks pale and shudders desperately.

Why do you have chills without fever?

1. Cold

It is the cold that causes the blood vessels to contract in order to retain heat inside the body. The body responds by intensely contracting and relaxing its muscles to keep warm.

To start feeling cold, you don’t have to jump out into the cold half-dressed. A sudden change in temperature is enough (for example, when you enter a room with a working air conditioner from a hot street) or a slight gust of wind when you are wearing wet clothes.

2. Taking medications

Some drugs, including over-the-counter ones, cause fever and chills. About these side effects write in the instructions for use.

Trembling can also be caused by a combination medicines or their overdose.

By the way, for this reason, older people often get chills. They take an impressive range of all kinds of drugs, without really reading the instructions.

3. Extreme physical activity

When you run a marathon, swim a kilometer, or otherwise push yourself to the maximum, muscles release What Effect Does Exercise Have on Your Body Temperature? a lot of heat. Because of this, the body heats up and begins to cool down through sweating.

Chills often occur due to the temperature difference between the skin and the surrounding air. Most often, athletes get chills on days that are too hot (when the body is actively sweating) or too cold.

4. Endocrine disorders

A constant feeling of cold and associated chills are common symptoms Why Am I Cold? hypothyroidism (reduced production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland). Due to a lack of hormones, the body cannot regulate temperature effectively. Therefore, it tries to retain heat by spasming the subcutaneous blood vessels and triggering tremors.

5. Menstruation and menopause

In these situations, significant hormonal fluctuations also occur.

6. Hypoglycemia

That's what they call it a sharp decline blood sugar levels. It may occur due to various reasons. For example, you overexerted yourself physically or psychologically. Or you are on a diet that is too strict and your body doesn’t have enough glucose. Or you are suffering, but your doctor made a mistake with the dosage of medications.

With hypoglycemia, we experience acute weakness, including muscle weakness. Exhausted muscles begin to tremble finely, and chills appear.

Hypoglycemia - dangerous condition. If blood sugar levels continue to drop, it can lead to damage to the nervous system, including epileptic seizures, loss of consciousness and coma.

7. Malnutrition

Its effect is the same as that of hypoglycemia. But in this case, muscle weakness is caused by a lack of not only glucose in the blood, but also other nutrients.

If you regularly get chills while dieting or losing weight, be sure to consult a doctor. After all, chills are followed by loss of strength, hair loss, inability to conceive, insomnia, depression and even, which can be fatal. You need to normalize your diet as quickly as possible.

8. Stress and emotional stress

When stressed, adrenaline levels increase. Among other things, this hormone causes spasm superficial vessels and, as a result, trembling. This is why people “shake” when they are angry or very worried.

How to treat chills

Given the variety of reasons, general algorithm there is no treatment. You need to act depending on the situation:

  • If you are cold, drink hot tea, try to warm up and relax. This will remove the spasm.
  • If chills occur against the background of an infectious disease and fever, consult a physician and follow his recommendations.
  • If you are overexerted physically or emotionally, allow yourself a few minutes of relaxation: take a breath, .
  • If you experience chills regularly, see your doctor to rule out hormonal imbalances, developing diabetes, or nutritional deficiencies.

The state of freezing but no temperature is familiar to every person. In this case, weakness, a feeling of coldness and goose bumps appear. The reasons for shivering without fever are varied, physiological or pathological, but in any case they worsen the quality of life.

Main symptoms

If it starts to freeze, but no temperature appears, then the condition often indicates the development of colds. In addition to shivering, other symptoms may include:

In this state, even if it is very cold, the temperature can remain within normal limits, and sometimes it simply drops below the required limit. If a person gets tired quickly and feels cold, then he needs to lie down so that everything returns to normal.

The condition can also occur in children. You can determine that a child is freezing, but the temperature is not rising, by some other signs characteristic of diseases:

The described symptoms appear for a wide variety of reasons, but their nature is almost the same - vasospasm. As a result of the narrowing of the lumen, it begins to freeze, and other symptoms appear, without an increase in temperature. You should pay attention to such a symptom as chills and get examined by a doctor; perhaps this sign is behind serious illness, which requires medical intervention.

People get cold without fever as a result of many factors. The main reasons are psychological and pathological. In some cases, symptoms appear at a specific time of day, for example at night, and may be a one-time symptom or chronic. Behind any manifestation there is a specific reason. If it is constantly freezing or the symptom begins at night, then the cause is pathological and requires medical intervention. If the temperature does not rise and freezes once, then there is no reason to panic, just drink tea, warm up and everything will pass.

Among possible reasons should be highlighted:

The temperature increase can be at infectious diseases. In this case, the person not only gets cold, but there are other symptoms of a virus or bacteria in the body. All the reasons that it freezes without an increase in temperature can be divided according to the nature of its occurrence. Based on this, the method of treatment and removal of discomfort depends.

At the very beginning of the development of influenza and similar diseases, it begins to freeze, but the temperature does not appear yet. If coldness appears in the body, weakness and sore throat, the most likely cause is the onset of a cold.

A child may complain that he often gets cold without a rise in temperature, also when he is sick. By the way, in children, the symptoms of the flu appear more pronounced, the child is afraid, the skin becomes paler, and the limbs become icy.

The essence of treatment is normal rest, drinking warm herbal infusions and decoctions. If the cause is a cold and this is definitely determined, then foot baths and other remedies can be used traditional medicine that can fight the virus. If the temperature begins to rise, the nose becomes stuffy, or a cough begins, then it is better to use medications for quick recovery.

Sometimes it gets very cold without fever due to prolonged exposure to the cold and as a result of hypothermia. In this case, it will start to freeze without temperature when visiting a warm place. The main reason is the contraction of muscles, which try to normalize thermoregulation.

To delete unpleasant symptom you need to drink warm tea with the addition of a slice of lemon and honey. A shower or bath will also help. The described remedies not only get rid of what is freezing, but also protect against colds and prevent the appearance of fever.

Malfunctions of the circulatory system

In case of any failures in circulatory system people can freeze without fever. The sign indicates a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. Possible reasons include:

One of the reasons why it freezes without fever is frequent stress and emotional stress. In addition, the person will have cold hands and feet, as well as weakness, irritability and decreased concentration.

In some cases, attacks are short-term in nature if the cause is caused by injury, accident, or fracture. In this case, chills without fever may occur after treatment for damage, as a result of severe stress.

To get rid of this feeling during stress, you just need to drink warm tea, preferably with a calming effect. To do this, you can use herbs, for example, valerian, mint, chamomile. Accept if possible horizontal position. If you have constant stress and chills, it is better to consult a doctor for treatment.

If a child gets cold as a result of stress, then you need to leave the baby and give him a warm drink. Herb tea and put him to bed.

Hormonal disbalance

If the body freezes without an increase in temperature, then the reason may be a disorder or pathology of the thyroid gland. In this case, the hormones that are responsible for thermoregulation are released in small quantities, and chills begin due to the deficiency. A similar problem is typical for diabetes and some types of tumors.

Hormonal imbalances often occur during menopause in women. As a rule, it freezes without fever after physical and emotional nature, with sudden changes in mood and at night.

In some cases, the body freezes due to malfunction digestive organs and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. As a rule, without an increase in temperature, chills will occur when an infection enters the intestines or stomach, and the symptom may also occur with certain pathologies of the pancreas.

With a gastrointestinal disorder, discomfort appears after a meal, and often people may feel nauseous, rarely vomit, and experience pain abdominal cavity.

At acute course diseases and infections, the temperature begins to rise, but with chronic course illness will only be chills. To treat and remove symptoms, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. It is impossible to simply get rid of chills in such cases.

Infectious infection

Almost any viral or bacterial infection the person begins to freeze, but the temperature does not rise. The main reason is intoxication, and along with this other symptoms appear:

If the immune system weak and cannot resist bacteria or viruses, then the body temperature begins to gradually increase, and at the same time it stops freezing. If the cause is an infection, then you need to get diagnosed by a doctor as quickly as possible, take all tests and undergo full treatment.

If it is constantly freezing at night, the following factors may be the reasons:

To figure out what to do with a night problem, you must initially monitor the patient’s sleep, and then take blood tests. If it freezes without temperature,

If there are no obvious causes of the problem, then there are failures in thermoregulation, as well as vascular spasms. This reason is superficial and it is necessary to identify the real provocateurs by taking tests. In some cases, the problem occurs at the beginning of the development of inflammation, but then it is freezing without fever, but it will increase over time.

Reasons for women

If a woman is very cold, there is weakness in the body, but the temperature does not increase, then in the muscles and vascular system there are spasms. In addition, there may be other symptoms that are characteristic of specific reason.

The main reasons if it’s freezing without fever in women or men is a problem chewing muscles. Often, a malfunction occurs during hypothermia, because the temperature drops significantly, the body tries to cope with this, resulting in a protective reaction in the form of chills. To quickly normalize the condition, it is necessary to warm up, otherwise the temperature may rise.

In women, the problem appears as a result of the following pathological processes:

  1. Hormonal imbalances.
  2. Blood circulation is impaired.
  3. Various types of injuries.
  4. Neuroses.

Knowing all the reasons why people feel chills, but there is no rise in temperature, you can see that the factors can be harmless. If it freezes and other problems appear, then you need to contact medical care. A visit to the doctor is especially important in the following cases:

Treatment directly depends on the reasons for the freezing.


If a person is freezing, then the symptom can be removed as quickly as possible with several effective means:

The measures described only allow you to get rid of what freezes without fever, but treatment must be carried out for the underlying cause, then the problem will go away on its own.


The problem can be prevented if you know and use the basic preventive measures. For this it is important to adhere simple rules:

If the hands and feet are constantly cold, the person freezes without visible reasons, but the temperature does not rise, it is important to consult a therapist. He will be able to collect necessary tests, will establish the reasons, and, if necessary, refer the patient to another doctor with a narrow specialization to determine the correct treatment regimen.

A feeling of cold, accompanied by involuntary trembling of muscles, chattering of teeth (“tooth does not touch tooth”), and the appearance of goose bumps, is a protective reaction of the body to increase peripheral blood circulation in order to warm up.

What are chills

Chills occur when there is a rapid and significant decrease in body temperature due to hypothermia. This is a common symptom of febrile conditions: influenza, septicemia, serious injury, some forms of diarrhea, severe bleeding, etc. If the chills are very severe and last more than half an hour, this may indicate malaria, pneumonia, scarlet fever, smallpox and other diseases.

Causes of chills

It is incorrect to correlate the appearance of chills only with an increase in body temperature; it can appear without it, so it is important to pay attention to the appearance of such a symptom. Let's look at the reasons that can lead to its appearance; there are not as few of them as it might seem at first glance.


The most harmless cause of chills can be called hypothermia, but only if it is not severe. If you notice blue lips and fingers, notice lethargy and a drop in body temperature, then this is much more serious. In this case, all possible measures should be taken to warm up, such as a warm bath and tea, and in case of loss of consciousness the person needs medical attention.

Infectious diseases

Chills are often accompanied by infectious diseases, and weakness may be present, headache etc. As a rule, these symptoms are followed by fever and additional symptoms.


Chills with hypertension: as a rule, they appear at the same time, most often in the evening. In this case, medical help is also necessary, since hypertension can have serious consequences.

Emotional excitement

Sometimes chills are accompanied by emotional excitement, excessive worry and stress. At the same time, a person feels icy cold or hot, he has a desire to move, or, conversely, he falls into a stupor.

If these conditions do not last long, then breathing exercises and sedatives can help. If the stress persists, you should consult a psychologist to identify the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it.


If chills are accompanied by severe fever, loss of appetite, then these signs may accompany malaria.

This disease is considered very serious and life-threatening, so it is better not to think about self-medication in this case, especially if the person has recently returned from a trip to some exotic country. Urgently call an ambulance and get ready to be sent to the infectious diseases department.


When chills are accompanied by hot flashes, disturbance menstrual cycle, emotional swings, then we are most likely talking about menopausal syndrome. Consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist who will recommend the correct treatment.

Endocrine diseases

Similar conditions can be observed in the presence of other hormonal disorders, for example, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. In this case, they may be accompanied by loss of body weight while maintaining normal or even increased appetite, rapid heartbeat, and nervousness. If we are talking specifically about endocrine diseases, then serious treatment is necessary and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Chills may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Chills without fever

Chills can occur without an increase in body temperature. The reasons for this condition may be:

To understand the causes of chills, you need to consult a general practitioner or general practitioner. He will conduct a full physical examination and prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Do not put off visiting your doctor for too long, as a number of diseases that cause chills require immediate treatment.

Treatment of chills

It is necessary to reduce body temperature with antipyretics:

  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin for adults.

You can lie under a warm blanket and drink a lot of warm tea (it helps in 15 minutes if the condition is due to hypothermia). Lie in a warm bath, then thoroughly rub your body with a terry towel.

Cannot be used no alcoholic drinks, since this can worsen the condition and even lead to fainting.

If the cause of chills is nervous overexcitation, you need to drink a sedative, for example, tincture of motherwort or valerian.

When to call a doctor

Which doctors should you contact if you have chills?

Questions and answers on the topic "Chills"

Question:Hello, I am 39 years old, I constantly feel cold, my subfibrile temperature stays up to 37.5, I sweat at night, neck and rib cage. The therapist doesn’t know what’s wrong with me, I saw an infectious disease specialist and was prescribed valacyclovir and isoprinosine (treatment for long-identified EBV), and also prescribed Macmiror for the treatment of cholecystitis. I did an x-ray of the lungs and a CT scan - the norm. According to oak - anemia and increased ESR 35

Answer: It is cholecystitis that may be the cause of your condition.

Question:I have type 2 diabetes mellitus, I take pills, I also have a hernia of the spine l5s1 8mm, for several days I feel sweaty and my upper back gets cold. There is no temperature. Chills appear either after eating or on their own. All these signs last about a week. There is no headache, no other problems. What could this be? My job is a sedentary security guard.

Answer: Chills are a very common symptom. It can be caused by diabetes, problems with the spine and many other diseases. Chills may also be side effect medications taken. You need an in-person appointment with a therapist to identify additional signs your condition.

Question:Why do headaches, chills, and symptoms of acute respiratory infections appear after eating beef?

Answer: Most likely you have an intolerance to this product; it is recommended to exclude it from your food and undergo an allergy test for food allergies.

Question:Over the past two months, the temperature has been 37-37.2, which manifests itself in the evening (in the morning 35.8-36.2), accompanied by drowsiness, chills, fever, fatigue, etc. hypnagogic hallucinations and memory loss, cough with mucus, pain and muscle cramps.

Answer: Such symptoms may occur due to dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. I recommend that you do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, do a blood test for hormones: TSH, T3, T4, AT TPO, parathyroid hormone. After receiving the results, I recommend that you personally visit an endocrinologist.

Question:Severe sweating, wet cough, chills, no fever and this is already the second week. I donated blood for HIV, I don’t have the patience to wait. Such thoughts come into my head. Thanks in advance.

Answer: A wet cough, chills, or sweating may indicate various diseases respiratory system, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. We recommend that you consult a general practitioner.

Question:Hello. I am 33 years old. Very often (for several years) I get chills very often, my temperature is 36.6, my blood pressure is normal, and I suddenly feel tired. I cover myself with a blanket, a rug, but I can’t get warm. Over the course of a month, this can continue for several weeks.

Answer: The symptoms you describe may be observed in vegetative dystonia or in the syndrome chronic fatigue. Be sure to consult a doctor to undergo an examination that will help rule out other causes of chills.

Question:Today I felt very cold and felt dizzy. The temperature remained 37.3 all day. I slept a little, it became easier, but now this condition is returning. What could it be?

Answer: These are symptoms of an incipient cold. Try to sit in a warm place for a couple of days, drink more warm liquids (tea with jam and lemon), if you feel too cold, take an antipyretic. Monitor the temperature and general condition- if you feel significantly worse or worse heat call an ambulance.

Question:Abdominal pain, diarrhea, high blood pressure, chills, weakness, nausea - what could it be?

Answer: The symptoms you describe may occur when intestinal infection or food poisoning.

Question:2 years 8 months old girl, the temperature was 38.6 last night, they brought it down with Nurofen, this afternoon it was again 38.6, they brought it down with Nurofen, in the evening too - they brought it down, it didn’t bring it down, they gave Eferalgan, it brought it down, and now it’s 40 and chills. What to do?

Answer: You should show your child to a doctor who will find out the cause of the increase in body temperature and prescribe treatment.

Question:Hello. I have a question. My husband constantly has a temperature of 37-37.1. At the same time, he becomes very cold, his hands and feet are frozen, and at night he can sweat very much and at the same time get chills. My head hurts every day. A year ago they were diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, chronic. pancryotitis (the last time we were in the hospital, they didn’t even prescribe anything to relieve the inflammation of poncreatitis), enlarged pancreas. And recently they discovered a hiatal hernia (the doctor said that you can’t touch it. Could it be growing?). Periodically he drinks it, then of course he starts taking medicine, everything inside hurts. Now the doctor said the tests are normal for him, but he doesn’t know why the temperature is. Or maybe they don’t consider it necessary to treat, they say he will drink anyway. Why doesn’t the temperature go away, is this normal for him or is there something wrong?

Answer: IN in this case, it is recommended to exclude tuberculosis infection, as well as oncological pathology. It is recommended to consult with a phthisiopulmonologist and conduct fluorography of the lungs, as well as donate blood for tumor markers. Only after receiving all the results of the examination, the doctor will determine accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

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