Home Stomatitis Problematic gums. Diseases of the teeth and gums

Problematic gums. Diseases of the teeth and gums

Gum disease can affect anyone, regardless of age. The onset of the disease may seem minor and harmless - a slight reddening of the gums or the appearance of bleeding during brushing. Diseases of the oral mucosa in children and adults is a rather serious nuisance, which is not always possible to get rid of in one visit to the dentist.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time when the first symptoms occur and start treatment. Taking care of your gums is just as important as taking care of your teeth. Maintaining healthy gums is essential not only for the oral cavity, but for the whole organism as a whole. A description of the names, symptoms and treatment can be found in this article.

Signs of healthy gums and common causes of disease

What are they - healthy and well-groomed gums? The gums in a healthy state are not blue or red, but have an even, pale pink color. Periodental tissues look without signs of edema and redness. When brushing your teeth, there is no pain, bleeding and discomfort. No bad smell and permanent bad taste in the mouth can also be indicative of gum health.

Currently, the factors that cause diseases of the teeth and gums are known (see also: dental diseases: photo with description). There are two main criteria by which gum problems occur. These include:

  1. General reasons. This group includes diseases circulatory system, hormonal disorders, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. local reasons. These include pathologies of the frenulum of the tongue, malocclusion, tartar and hard plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Often inflammatory processes due to improper care of teeth and gums. Due to irregular, insufficiently thorough brushing of the teeth or the wrong choice of oral care products, active reproduction of microorganisms occurs. Due to their vital activity, soft plaque can eventually turn into hard interdental deposits that injure the mucous membrane. Infection, getting to the injured areas, provokes the appearance of the disease.

The causes of the development of inflammation can be the consequences of damage from improperly installed fillings, prostheses that are not matched in size. Quite often, the pathological process can develop as a result of thermal or chemical burns oral mucosa. As a result of injury, it sometimes happens that the frenulum is torn or damage to the mucous membrane has formed. Open wound can become a focus of infection with untimely antibacterial treatment.

Classification of gum diseases, their symptoms and principles of treatment

Gum diseases are divided into several groups, depending on the location of the inflammation and the stage of the disease. Gingivitis and periodontitis are both inflammatory infectious diseases, most often they develop in pregnant women, children and adolescents (we recommend reading: gingivitis in children: symptoms and methods of treatment with a photo). With the development of gingivitis, the tissues of the teeth are not affected, only the mucous around a particular tooth becomes inflamed.

With periodontitis, the ligament between the bone and the tooth is destroyed, the supporting apparatus loses its functions. As a result, a kind of pocket appears, in which particles of food accumulate. There is bleeding, swelling of the mucosa, increased sensitivity of the gums (we recommend reading: how to reduce the sensitivity of the gums at home?). Periodontitis can cause the loss of teeth that move and become loose.

Periodontitis occurs as a result of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and is a complication of periodontitis. Periodontal disease is a problem mainly for the elderly, who have reduced vascular conductivity and impaired blood supply to tissues.

Gingivitis: inflammation of the lining of the gums

Gingivitis occurs due to the accumulation of plaque and food debris in hard-to-clean areas and interdental spaces. Most often, inflammation occurs due to insufficient oral care. Gingivitis affects dentin tissue, periodontium and gingival papillae. Signs of the disease: red or of blue color gums, the appearance of edema, pain when brushing your teeth. The gums may bleed and bad breath may occur. Types of gingivitis are divided into:

  1. catarrh;
  2. gum hyperplasia;
  3. ulcerative necrotic stage.

Catarrh comes from poor hygiene, but the pain makes it impossible to carry it out. The doctor performs a professional cleaning of the teeth with the removal of plaque and tartar. Recommended rinses oral cavity anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial solutions for several days. As an addition, electrophoresis and hydromassage are used, which show good results in the treatment of gingivitis.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is a chronic continuation acute form. The factors for the development of hyperplasia can be: a traumatic bite, a reaction to taking certain medications, hormonal disbalance, dysfunction endocrine system.

Ulcerative lesions of the mucosa can be a stage of gingivitis, or occur as an independent pathology. The infection occurs against the background of active reproduction of microorganisms in the interdental spaces due to poor oral hygiene.

Treatment of gingivitis occurs in several stages. First, the specialist eliminates dead periodontal tissue using anesthesia. Then the mucosa is treated with antimicrobial agents. Appointed complex treatment, which includes treatment with antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs.

Periodontitis: inflammation of the gums

Periodontitis is called chronic illness, which affects not only the gum, but also all the periodontal tissues. There is a destruction of the periodontal tissue fibers that hold together the bone tissue and the tooth. The mobility of the teeth appears and increases, their loss is possible. Symptoms of periodontitis depend on the degree of the disease:

  1. the mild form is characterized by the formation of a bone pocket with a depth of about 3.5 mm;
  2. with an average degree, periodontal pockets reach 5 mm;
  3. severe form - the depth of the bone pocket is more than 5 mm.

IN mild form there is bleeding during brushing teeth, discomfort during chewing. Then bleeding gums can begin spontaneously, patients try to avoid talking and even skip meals. With the development of a severe degree of periodontitis, a putrefactive odor may appear, tooth mobility becomes more pronounced, and their loss is possible. See the photo for more details.

Curing periodontitis is not easy, but it is quite possible. The course of treatment includes the appointment of medications, surgical manipulations and orthopedics. The specialist removes hard dental deposits and pathologically altered tissues, after which he granulates the bone pockets. Medical treatment of gum disease includes taking antibiotics, immunomodulators, and rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions.

Periodontitis: the consequences of the spread of the inflammatory process

What is periodontitis? This is the development of a pathological process in the area of ​​the ligamentous tissue of the tooth, as a result of which suppuration forms inside. When the disease becomes chronic form, bright symptoms may be absent. This can be misleading, the absence of pain may be regarded by the patient as the cessation of the disease. If the inflammatory process is started, the spread of infection continues. Treatment of periodontitis is reduced to the elimination of the inflammatory process of the tooth root.

Periodontitis: age-related changes in the gums

Gum disease in old age gives patients a lot of inconvenience. Over time, the function of the blood supply to the oral mucosa is very often disrupted. As a result of this, symptoms such as damage to tooth enamel and bone tissues, omission of the soft tissues of the gums, pallor of the mucous membrane appear (we recommend reading: omission of the gums: how to raise them when the neck of the tooth is exposed?). In severe periodontal disease, loosening and loss of teeth can occur.

Treatment of periodontal disease is aimed at stopping the pathological process and stabilizing general condition patient. After the comprehensive survey cleaning of dental deposits. After that, the doctor prescribes the intake of a vitamin-mineral complex and the use of therapeutic toothpastes.

Cysts and microtrauma

The causes of cysts are: neglected caries or pulpitis, poorly healed root canal, periodontitis. The presence of microtrauma, hypothermia and insufficient hygiene exacerbate the development of pathology. The growth of a cyst on the gum can provoke the formation of a fistula - a hole through which purulent contents are released. Treatment in this case can be surgical or therapeutic. Drug treatment is carried out if the disease is at an early stage. Antimicrobial, decongestant and wound healing drugs are prescribed. For elimination pain syndrome use drugs from the group of analgesics.

Solving problems in the dentist's office

An experienced specialist will help get rid of problems with gums and teeth. First of all, a diagnosis is carried out, as well as the necessary examination. If necessary, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests, based on their results, a treatment plan is determined. To remove hard dental deposits, ultrasonic cleaning or the Air Flow method is used.

Air flow processing

You can get rid of plaque with the help of professional cleaning in the dentist's office. Under high pressure air-water jet is directed to the desired area. Careful and thorough cleaning occurs due to the abrasive filler in the composition of the mixture. The advantage of this method is the destruction of hard deposits in hard-to-reach places.

ultrasonic cleaning

One of the most effective, safe and painless methods of removing plaque and formations on the teeth is cleaning with ultrasound. A feature of the method is the use of high-frequency sound, which has a destructive effect on hard formations on the teeth. The procedure is prescribed as an addition to massage and rinsing for inflammation of the gums.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs requires laboratory tests. A smear is taken from the mucosa to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. The duration of the course of antibiotic therapy is from 7 to 10 days. Depending on the patient's condition, the terms can be adjusted by the attending physician. A good result is the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

Surgical intervention

Holding surgical procedures performed in case of formation of a fistula or cyst. A bone fragment is removed, the wound is washed and temporary drainage is installed. With periodontitis, root canal treatment is performed. In the event that the root filling was installed earlier, it is possible to use surgical intervention. The tooth cavity is opened and the dead sections of the pulp are removed. Then the root canals are cleaned, washed and dried. After the inflammation is eliminated, the canals are sealed. To control a possible exacerbation, it is recommended to conduct x-ray examination every three months.


To obtain a more effective treatment result, a course of physiotherapy and electrophoresis with the use of drugs is prescribed. Electrophoresis is the introduction of drugs with a special device that acts on the mucous membrane using direct current. Electrical impulses contribute to the introduction of the drug into tissues that are inaccessible to other methods.

The use of folk remedies

Oral diseases can also be treated with folk remedies. Are very popular essential oils, which have antibacterial, soothing and anesthetic properties. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of oak bark gives a healing effect. Tsynga is cured with a decoction of lingonberries with calamus root. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with warm decoction after each meal. Application of any medicines traditional medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.

Disease Prevention Measures

Help prevent tooth and gum disease regular visit dentist and thorough oral care. It is necessary to follow simple rules to avoid gum problems:

  1. eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins;
  2. use high-quality brushes for dental care;
  3. carry out a daily massage of the gums with a brush to improve blood circulation.

sparkling smile, white teeth attract attention with their beauty. A healthy oral cavity indicates the overall health of the body. And the shamans of ancient Sumeria believed that only those with strong teeth could communicate with spiritual deities.

gum problems

The causes of the negative phenomenon will help to determine experienced dentist. He will explain that oral diseases can be caused by a number of factors:

  1. Wrong care. Poor brushing, irregular use of rinses and dental floss, inability to handle a toothbrush lead to enamel contamination.
  2. Mistakes in the selection of dental care products. Remember that the paste must contain the necessary components for strengthening and not contain substances aggressive to the enamel. The bristles of the toothbrush are selected according to the type of gum care required and the density of the teeth.
  3. Microbes that enter the body with food intake.
  4. Frequent coffee drinking.
  5. Weakened immunity provokes the development of diseases of the mouth.
  6. Unbalanced nutrition. Vitamin deficiency.
  7. Taking medication with side effect this direction.
  8. Smoking.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease

Gum problems such as periodontitis and periodontal disease are the most common. In addition, they are also very dangerous for humans. The tissue at the base of the tooth is called "periodontium", which is where the name of these diseases comes from. On early stages their symptoms may be similar. And sometimes it does not manifest itself at all, because of this, the disease is triggered by 80% of the population. By the way, it leads to omission of the gums, exposure of the necks and displacement of the teeth. Everything can end in their loss. Periodontitis is accompanied by painful manifestations, purulent deposits at the neck of the tooth. It proceeds as a strong inflammatory process.

At first, an imperceptible problem with the gums is periodontal disease. With this disease, the patient may not have any complaints. A slight sensation of itching, intermittent sensitivity to hot and cold do not contribute to the visit to the dentist. But if you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the consequences can be too dire. Periodontal disease leads to tooth loss.


But it's not all gum problems. Do not forget about stomatitis. It occurs on the basis of microorganisms entering the oral cavity, which the immune system perceives as malignant. The disease manifests itself in the form of abscesses on the oral mucosa, gums. IN chronic stages leads to inflammation of the gum tissue, purulent formations. Symptoms disappear within a week without application drug treatment. With frequent remissions, you should consult a doctor. The manifestation of stomatitis can cause violations internal organs, the presence of a herpes infection or allergic processes.


A striking symptom of gingivitis is bleeding gums. At the beginning of the disease, it may not be noticeable during the morning toilet. Only when eating can you detect a slight taste of blood. Problems with the gums appear with an increase in their sensitivity, they become loose. Gingivitis can be caused by endocrine disorders. It is often accompanied by inflammation lymph nodes under lower jaw or middle ear. Less commonly, the cause may be post-traumatic syndrome or medication. Microorganisms deposit objects of their vital activity on the integument of the oral cavity and accelerate the inflammatory process. Appears bad smell out of the mouth, the gums recede, plaque and stones form. The human condition is getting worse. The gum becomes hypersensitive.

gum flux

Caries and pulpitis in advanced stages destroy the tooth so much that purulent discharge inflate gums. Another cause of edema can be a poorly sealed canal, into which an infection penetrates with clogging and provokes an acute abscess. Violations resulting from periodontitis also lead to poor bonding of the tooth with the gum, opening the way for purulent flux.

Gum problems: treatment

The treatment algorithm for any disease of the teeth and gums begins with a diagnosis and clinical examination. A detailed history reveals the essence of the disease to the doctor, identifies the causes and influences the choice of methods for eliminating the problem. Examinations that must be carried out: an x-ray of the root canals to detect holes in the dentary, blowing with air - it will help to find damaged areas and indicate the sensitivity of tooth enamel, examination by a specialist.

To treat most gum diseases, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, which lies in the infection. This happens with the help of medicines and the selection of antiseptic products for dental care. In advanced cases, physiotherapy is needed to restore the soft tissues of the gums. With diseases such as flux, the only option is to remove the tooth that caused the disease. After that, the gum is incised, cleaned of pus, and then filled with a medical preparation with a restorative effect. To prevent re-opening of the channel, the place is clogged with a seal.

Folk remedies for the prevention of gum disease

Do you have a gum problem? What to do? Of course, go to an experienced specialist! But it should be remembered that gum treatment at home is impossible. After all, the wrong approach will lead not only to the complication of the situation, but also to the loss of the tooth. Only prevention is possible. And only a doctor can determine gum problems and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is generally accepted that any herbs relieve inflammation of the gums and eliminate pain. But dentists say that oak bark infusions have a bad effect on the structure of the dentary, forming microcracks. Takes off quickly at the same time pain and swelling of the gums a solution of salt with soda. The first component has antiseptic abilities and fights infections.

Infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort also help get rid of harmful oral bacteria without destroying the tooth. It is necessary to take 3 tbsp. spoons of each component, mix and pour hot water. Bring to a boil in a steam bath, let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain, rinse twice a day. And propolis and tar can be rubbed directly into the gums or added to rinse infusions. You can also use for rinsing: kefir (its bifidobacteria will help in the fight against harmful microbes), carrot juice(acts as a gum strengthener), aloe juice diluted with water.

Causes of gum disease during pregnancy

Can gum problems occur during pregnancy? Yes, and it happens very often. Pregnancy is a time of change. Any mother tries to protect her body from harmful external influences. The immune system is weakened. The body, working with a double load, is unable to fight inflammation in the mouth. The reasons why gums suffer during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Lack of vitamins, microelements.
  • Excessive hormonal activity. It leads to a change in the pH balance and acidity throughout the body.
  • Emotional susceptibility. stressful situations make all organs vulnerable.
  • Eating a large amount of food in one direction (sweets, pickles, flour products).
  • Ineffective care. During the course of pregnancy, women become overly cautious. Some, seeing blood on the brush, begin to brush their teeth more carefully, without washing out all the remnants of food and germs. Or even cancel one of the procedures for cleaning the dentary bone.

Treatment and prevention of gum disease during pregnancy

Treatment of gum disease during pregnancy is essential. medical worker during a scheduled inspection, it is easy to detect violations and prescribe the necessary measures. Removal of calculus with equipment that does not harm pregnant women and the use of various antiseptics will help preserve teeth until they can be treated. To prevent gum disease, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables of durum varieties (carrots, apples). This contributes not only to obtaining vitamins, but also produces massotherapy pericervical teeth.

Children's oral diseases

The tiny body of a child undergoes a number of painful changes in the process of its formation. One of the biggest challenges for the whole family is teething. The gums become swollen and vulnerable. In addition, babies can suffer from periodontitis, gingivitis, childhood stomatitis. Diseases manifest themselves in the same way as in the adult population.

The reasons for the appearance of violations can be:

  1. hereditary factors.
  2. Problems with the endocrine system.
  3. Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Immune diseases.
  5. Lack of vitamins needed by a growing body.
  6. Physiological malocclusion is one of the causes of gum problems. It should be seen by a specialist.
  7. Toddlers often taste the whole world, so unwanted germs get into the mouth.

A signal of the multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity will be the color of the dentition, bad breath and complaints of itchy gums. To prevent gum problems in children, the following prevention is necessary:

  • Compliance with all rules of brushing teeth. Children do not use the brush very carefully during the morning toilet. Parents should be taught how to brush all areas of the teeth, directing the bristles down from the base of the gums.
  • Prevention of germs from toys or other items that can enter the mouth.
  • The use of special "chewing" rattles with massaging elements during teething. They improve blood circulation in the gums and relieve pain.
  • Controlling the amount of sweets eaten.
  • Checking food temperature. Cold or hot food adversely affects the delicate gum tissue.
  • Safety precautions to prevent injury.

Hygiene products for oral care

Various gum problems are very unpleasant and fraught with consequences (photos of diseases can be seen in any medical directory). To avoid them, remember that you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth at least twice a day. If possible, it is recommended to do this after each meal, since caries most actively affects the enamel during the first 20 minutes after eating.

Comprehensive care will be provided by a brush, a silk thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth, a medical toothpick. Rinse aid fights unpleasant odors caused by bacteria and their waste products. It will help get rid of unwanted pests in the most inaccessible places.

Not everyone knows that about 90% of the country's population over the age of 30 suffer from various diseases oral cavity. Dentistry annually provides frightening photographs, video reports, and statistics on this topic. Is it possible to avoid such trouble and recover at home?

Gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease

Inflammation of the gums, suppuration - all this is so common in everyday life. Many people have neither the opportunity, nor the desire, nor the money to visit dentists. Therefore, if the help of surgeons or orthopedists is not needed (flap surgery, tumor removal after prosthetics, etc.), then gum disease can be cured at home.

Bad breath, yellowed teeth, all this can eventually develop into dangerous diseases teeth and gums: gingivitis or even periodontitis. These diseases are the result of the activity of microorganisms. Over time, they turn from an invisible mass into one, which is quite difficult to get rid of. And since all the food that is needed for normal metabolism passes through the mouth, these minor troubles can soon cause diseases of the internal organs.

What is dangerous gingivitis? This is a very insidious disease that begins with a slight bleeding of the gums while eating or brushing your teeth, possibly a slight plaque. Interdental gingival papillae become unnaturally red, may swell. The main reason is poor oral hygiene due to the accumulation of food particles that form soft plaque that causes swelling. Manifestation: pain when brushing, smell, blue or dark red color.

If gingivitis is not treated in time, then it develops further periodontitis. Here, inflammation extends not only to the edges of the gums, but also to all the tissues around the teeth. Plaque and calculus destroy periodontal fibers. Periodontal pockets form between the gum and the root of the tooth, where deposits and pus collect. It is these pockets that distinguish periodontitis from gingivitis.

- a special disease characterized by a gradual omission of the height of the gums. It is noteworthy that the gum has a healthy color and fits tightly to the tooth, there is no inflammation. More often this occurs in people of advanced age, in whom there is a process of gradual changes in blood vessels (lack of nutrients). Many people confuse periodontal disease with periodontitis, but it should be remembered that the former is rare.

Symptoms of gum disease:

  1. Bleeding (when brushing your teeth or just while eating);
  2. Too soft gum tissue;
  3. bad breath;
  4. Tooth pain, sensitivity, yellowness;
  5. cyst on the jaw;
  6. Loss of teeth or their mobility.

Diseases of teeth and gums in pictures:

Photo - Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a disease of the teeth and gums in humans.

Gingivitis is a disease of the teeth and mouth

Treatment and prevention

Gum diseases are terrible manifestations only if they have already acquired a neglected form; A disease diagnosed in time can be quickly treated. Let's say the simplest and effective method to strengthen teeth and gums is to chew twigs with buds. Useful properties sprouts of oak, birch, pine are known. By the way, the latter will also freshen your breath.

With the help of plants, you can prepare various decoctions to prevent tooth loss and strengthen the gums. Need to weld coniferous decoction. To do this, we need one glass of fresh needles, preferably plucked in the spring forest, and half a liter of water. We boil, throw the plant into the liquid, cook on a very quiet fire for another 15 minutes, then remove and hide in a dark place. Stay one night. Rinse gums with needles to carry out every day for two weeks.

The reviews of those who have tried this method of treating gum disease are encouraging - people say that after a few days their breath noticeably freshened up, the gums strengthened and stopped bleeding, the lucky ones got rid of toothache.

In the Middle Ages in Rus' it was widely used Birch juice . This is very good antiseptic, which in our homeland was sometimes easier to get than bread. The principle of operation is the same as that of the needles - just rinse your mouth with liquid, this way you can cure the fistula. But these methods can only be applied in the spring, so you need to look for an alternative.

The plant can be used all year round aloe. Many people associate this decorative bush with sneezing, but it can also treat gum disease. Every morning before breakfast, we wipe our teeth with a fresh leaf of the plant. We do the same at night, the course must be followed for two weeks, and the result will become noticeable after 7 days.

Treatment of periodontal disease with salt it is possible only under the close supervision of a doctor, this method is not suitable for everyone, for some people the situation may even worsen. The whole point of the procedure is to brush your teeth with fine kitchen salt. This procedure should be carried out no more than two or three times a week.
Video: treatment and prevention of dental diseases

Folk methods of treatment

Essential oils are excellent tool, in order to freshen breath, as well as to strengthen the gums and teeth. We need to cook bandage and fir oil. We cut off a little bandage, fold it into several layers and soak it in fir oil, then apply it to the jaw for ten minutes. The course lasts one and a half weeks. Instead of fir, you can take sea buckthorn or peach oils, which are widely used for various purulent diseases.

Linden also copes well with periodontal disease and gingivitis, treats idiopathic periodontal tissue diseases and all diseases of the gum mucosa. We make a decoction of linden flowers, oak bark and water in a ratio of 2: 1: 5. Boil the infusion over low heat for an hour, then remove, put in a dark place and cool. Rinse your mouth with this liquid every day twice a day, especially in spring, when inflammatory processes are exacerbated.

Instead of linden, you can take dry sage, it is also used to treat sore gums. In this case, the herbs are taken on a part less than lindens, otherwise the broth will turn out to be too bitter.

But most effective method based on propolis. This remedy perfectly whitens teeth, freshens breath and cures osteomyelitis. Vodka, which is part of the mixture, quickly disinfects wounds near the teeth or on the tongue. We need to prepare:

  • three spoons of propolis;
  • a glass of vodka;
  • five spoons of St. John's wort;
  • dark dishes.

Propolis is very finely chopped and mixed with vodka, the mixture is hidden in a dark place for two days, periodically shaking the bottle. You can use it when propolis dissolves in vodka. Now it's time for St. John's wort - pour it into a container and cork the bottle again for two weeks. After this time, we take out and filter our infusion. Use twenty drops per glass of water. Rinse your mouth with the mixture four times a day for a month.

Photo: healthy teeth

How to treat suppuration of the gums? You can quickly eliminate inflammatory processes with the help of conventional honey, but be sure to use exclusively natural, dark. You need to take one spoonful of honey and chew it for 10-20 minutes.

A little magic recipe will cure polycystic: we need to pick 90 branches of aspen in early spring at dawn. Boil them in seven glasses of water, cook until the liquid is reduced to 600 ml, then remove from heat. We throw as much honey as we like into the hot broth. Stir and chill. If you believe the stories, then this folk remedy will easily cure gum disease, pustules and abscesses.

Diseases in expectant mothers

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, dental problems come to the fore. Many girls are so frightened by the possibility of tooth loss that they do not breastfeed at all. This is all nonsense, because proper dental care is simply necessary.

  1. Be sure to take the right vitamins for breastfeeding or pregnant women.
  2. If gingivitis has already begun - just rinse your mouth several times a day oak bark. In general, this plant is a universal remedy that will help cure inflammation and sores in the oral cavity, stop bleeding.
  3. Rinse your mouth every morning sea ​​salt. Take 1 tablespoon per glass of water.
  4. Keep a close eye on your diet. Do not eat foods prohibited for pregnant women.
  5. With loose teeth, try not to eat hard foods: apples, nuts, do not eat too hot or cold, and naturally sweet.

Buy for gingivitis horseradish root and grate it or grind it in a blender. Wipe your teeth with the resulting mass, with this we saturate them with vitamins. You can also rinse your mouth with the juice of this plant. We take one spoonful of juice in a glass of water. Rinse after eating.

Helps well cure periodontitis and flux decoction of chaga. To cure these diseases, we need to mix chamomile and chaga in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse. You can't boil. We wait 4 hours, then remove the lid and filter the liquid. It helps well with abscesses, suppuration during teething, from bleeding gums.

Treatment of bleeding gums during pregnancy is also carried out in the usual way. plantain. You need to pick the leaves, wash them and just chew. Bleeding will stop immediately, and if you do it regularly, you can forget about loose teeth and bad breath.

If during pregnancy the gums aches, then a strong infusion of black tea with the addition of 2-3 cloves of garlic helps. Garlic must be squeezed out. Waiting for it to get warm. Next, you need to rinse until improved.

Children's dental diseases

When treating children, you do not need to skimp, especially on purchased medicines. A fairly common occurrence in babies is stomatitis, which is treated quite quickly with a simple blue diluted in water. Also, the method of treating very young children, whose teeth are just erupting, consists in wiping the damaged areas. soda solution.

Used frequently baby soap from various suppurations or wounds. It dries out the skin clear signs inflammation. Soap is also able to cure the flux and remove pus from the gums.

Causes of gum disease in children:

  1. Small children scratch their growing teeth with their fingers and various improvised objects, introducing microbes into the wounds in their mouths.
  2. Burn of the mouth.
  3. Many childhood illnesses are caused by the fact that the methodology of nutrition and the diet of mother and child has not been established. In this case, you need to cleanse the intestines and start eating right.

First Aid Kit

Used to treat gum disease great amount various medicines, both homeopathic form and chemical origin. Consider, what antibiotics are used for gum disease, and also give their names.

Antibiotics used for gum disease are as effective as drugs plant origin but differ significantly in price. To cure diseases of the oral cavity in adults and children, you can buy the following drugs:

  1. Holisap (Holisal) is a special gel for teething in children.
  2. Metronidazole - treats fungal diseases of the teeth and gums: candida, stomatitis, as well as various infections.
  3. Lincomycin is a good antiseptic medicine, it is prescribed if not only the gums, but also the tonsils begin to disturb.
  4. Gendevit - used in the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, the price depends on the size of the package.

But, in any case, remember that before using them, you must first consult with your doctor!

Any gum problems always affect health and appearance teeth. Exposing the neck is a serious problem for a person. In addition to the aesthetic side, the protection of the enamel worsens: it begins to react painfully to any irritant. A patient whose gums have left their teeth complains of sharp pain when taking hot or cold food, cannot stay in cool air for a long time. If no action is taken, a recession process will begin, which is irreversible.

Gum problems are the second most frequent visit to the dentist. This delicate mucosa is permeated with a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Ideally, it tightly fits each tooth and does not allow it to move. In addition, it is the periodontium that protects the roots and bones of the jaw from injury. Therefore, they need to be carefully looked after and try to maintain elasticity.

By various reasons The gum tissue may be moving away from the tooth. This creates a number of problems for a person:

  • becomes noticeable, irregularities and defects;
  • the neck reacts to a slight change in temperature, spicy and sweet, which interferes with eating and drinking;
  • particles of food are constantly retained in the gaps formed, which causes inflammation;
  • may be present;
  • and hurt;
  • in a neglected state, bleeding and prolapse of molars are observed.

In dentistry, this phenomenon is called a "recession". It rarely develops visible reasons. The most likely is periodontal disease or, which severely disrupt the structure of soft tissues and prevent their normal blood supply. Among negative factors that affect the condition of the gums are:

  • birth defects in the structure of the dentition or jaw bones;
  • abnormal development of the alveolar process, on which the root and soft tissue rest;
  • lack of systematic oral care, the use of poor-quality brushes or pastes;
  • prolonged dieting that leads to a lack of B vitamins, calcium and amino acids in the body;
  • (gingivitis);
  • prolonged wearing of bridges and braces;
  • trauma to the gums from a dental instrument, during sports or daily brushing.

In most cases, a person notices late that the gum has left the tooth. begins almost painlessly and develops rather slowly. Therefore, often the appeal to the dentist occurs only after the appearance of serious complications and inflammation in the mouth.

The gum leaves the tooth with periodontal disease

More probable cause dental recession in 70% of cases is periodontal disease. This is an inflammation of the soft tissue of the periodontium, provoked by pathogenic microflora. It occurs against the background of running, which remains on the surface of the enamel and creates an ideal environment for the reproduction of staphylococcus and coli. With this disease, the condition of the mucosa worsens and it loosens.

one of them characteristic features periodontitis - the gum has left the teeth and they began to look longer. The person notes that the interdental spaces stand out more. In addition, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • the tissues in the mouth are very swollen and soften;
  • a notch or periodontal pocket appears at the base of the tooth;
  • when pressed with a finger or a brush, droplets of blood are released, an ichor appears or even;
  • preventing a person from chewing food and talking;
  • the entire mucosa noticeably turns red;
  • a musty and putrid smell comes from the mouth.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the stage of the disease. One of the unpleasant features of periodontal disease is that in the vast majority of cases it develops into a chronic form. In the absence of regular courses of treatment, the mucosa greatly exposes the neck of the tooth and provokes its loss.

How to diagnose inflammation

It is possible to correctly establish the reason why the gum left the tooth only after a special study in a dental clinic. This is done by a periodontist using X-ray equipment. He takes several panoramic shots from different angles so that every tooth and part of the jaw is in the field of view. On their basis, it is estimated how much the bone tissue is destroyed, and what irreversible changes have occurred in the root.

X-ray examination is necessary not only to confirm the diagnosis. It helps to see internal cysts and inflammation. The latter often occur with periodontal disease and open intergingival pockets after getting into them. harmful microorganisms. The purulent process can develop slowly, but when filling in the cavity of the tooth, a serous focus is formed and the nerve endings die.

How to treat gum recession

This pathology requires attentive attitude by a specialist. The choice of method depends on the degree of neglect and how far the gum has left the teeth. First of all, the doctor conducts a deep cleaning of the tartar. Unlike the standard aesthetic procedure, any plaque is removed from the surface of the enamel. Interdental spaces are freed from microscopic particles of food and pus with the help of ultrasound. Additionally, the oral cavity is processed several times by the UVR apparatus. This will quickly relieve exacerbation and pain, improve the microflora and the condition of soft tissues.

Every day, the patient should be treated at home with antiseptics. At least 4-5 times a day, the oral cavity is well rinsed with a solution. After that, the mucous membrane is wiped with a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, then a thin layer of the anti-inflammatory agent "" is applied. As a supplement, diluted in water or Stomatofit is used. Herbs and oils in their composition gently relieve aggravation, stop the reproduction of bacteria and strengthen damaged tissues.

Gum plasty with exposed teeth

In a neglected situation or at the risk of losing healthy teeth held surgery. Its goal is to restore the previous level of tissue and close the defect. This is a complex procedure that requires a high degree of skill from the doctor. It is performed only after a comprehensive cleaning and treatment of the oral cavity. To date, several methods are proposed, in which the flap is taken from different areas:

  • from the sky;
  • the inner surface of the cheek;
  • from the back of the gum.

In any case, to restore, you will have to treat the jaw with a wound-healing ointment "", rub crushed streptocide or apply a swab with. At home, it is recommended to massage the gums with sea buckthorn oil or tea tree. Additionally, the mouth is rinsed with a solution of soda, a decoction of chamomile or sage.

If the gum is gone from the tooth, you should not waste time and self-medicate. In the early stages, the disease is easily eliminated without consequences. After the therapy, it is necessary to constantly adhere to the recommendations for prevention and strictly observe the rules of oral hygiene.

A variety of diseases of the teeth and gums in humans are one of the most common pathologies, bringing a lot of unpleasant moments. These are pain, bleeding, discomfort during a conversation or a meal, an unpleasant smell - any of these manifestations negatively affect the general condition.

Inflammation of the gums in the acute or chronic phase, which does not affect the deep tissues at the junction of them with the teeth, is called gingivitis - gingivit. It is easily cured if the doctor correctly determines the cause that caused the redness.

The problem is that at risk are people with failures in the metabolic chain, which can cause long-term inflammatory manifestations that require a special technique for their treatment.

Causes of gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums is the result of the formation of dense tartar in the gaps along their upper edges, where the brush does not penetrate. Among the reasons that become provoking factors for the impossibility of thorough removal of plaque, there are three large groups.

Inflammation of the gums - the causes of the disease

  1. Endogenous

These are factors related to the state of the body:

  • weakened immunity;
  • pathological manifestations in the gastrointestinal system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • teething in babies;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • diabetes.
  1. exogenous

This group of reasons includes external influences on the gum, provoking its inflammation:

  • physical - burns, scratches, impact injuries;
  • chemical - irritation from the ingress of aggressive substances on the mucous membranes;
  • biological - the negative effect of bacterial agents, especially activated against the background of weakened immunity.
  1. iatrogenic

This kind of causes is characteristic of people who are easily suggestible. After talking with the doctor, reading special literature, watching TV programs or medical websites about the importance of careful dental care, they quite realistically find themselves with inflammations similar to gingivitis.

Symptoms of gingivitis

Clinical manifestations indicating the presence of gingivitis depend on its form.

  1. The acute course of the disease is accompanied by swelling, soreness. Local hemorrhages and ulcerations are possible.
  2. The clinical picture of chronic gingivitis is often fuzzy, blurry. Often there is hyperplasia, that is, an extensive benign growth of the gums, sometimes completely covering the surface of the tooth.

Treatment with folk remedies

Symptoms are differentiated by certain types of gingivitis:

  • catarrhal appearance is indicated by red gums in an adult, accompanied by swelling and acute sensitivity to temperature fluctuations in food;
  • ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis is detected by characteristic ulceration, soreness, fever, fetid breath;
  • hypertrophic type of pathology is characterized by growing gingival papillae, causing pain when brushing teeth and chewing;
  • atrophic gingivitis leads to atrophy of the gums, as a result of which the root of the tooth is gradually exposed.

The desquamative nature of the disease occurs due to excessive permeability of the mucous membranes, which leads to pain, bleeding. Often appears at the onset of menopause.

Treatment of gingivitis

All medical manipulations are guided by the elimination of the root cause, which is why accurate diagnosis is so important. It is based on a thorough visual examination and interview with the patient. Be sure to remove all dense deposits, especially tartar.

The therapeutic complex aimed at the treatment of gum disease may include funds to enhance immunity.

Gum diseases and their treatment

With constant discomfort, anesthetic gels will be required. The doctor prescribes analgesics if the pain is severe and bothers you constantly.

There are no restrictions for rinsing with herbal antiseptic decoctions, but regarding the use of soda, saline, alcohol solutions get qualified advice. Ulcers heal with special enzymes. To get rid of excessive hypertrophic gingivitis often resort to surgical care or physiotherapy.

Periodontitis is a consequence of prolonged gingivitis

Gingivitis, which is quite easily cured, if medical recommendations are not followed, can go into the next phase, when the inflammation is completely exposed to the dental tissue. In such a situation, periodontitis is diagnosed. Differentiation will help gum disease and their treatment of photos, the symptoms of which are presented depending on the varying severity.

  1. Light form

A shallow bone pocket (≤ 3.5 mm) is formed, diagnosed when instrumental examination. The patient experiences pain during cleaning, bleeding is possible, signs of hyperemia appear. An X-ray examination is prescribed to determine the degree of pathological changes.

  1. Average degree

Periodontal pockets can be as large as 5 mm, leading to loosening and misalignment of the teeth. Bleeding takes on a pronounced character and may occur spontaneously. Pain makes it difficult hygiene care, ordinary verbal communication, eating.

  1. Severe form

Inflamed gum pockets overcome the mark of 5 mm, an unpleasant odor appears, loose teeth easily fall out upon impact.

Treatment of periodontitis

The medical complex consists of a number of important components - a medical course, surgery, orthopedics and physiotherapy.

Red gums in an adult - how to cure?

To form an understanding of the seriousness of the problem under consideration, a number of indicators should be analyzed: gum disease in adults, photos, symptoms and their treatment with folk remedies. Healthy gums can be obtained if we take into account what contributes to the effective leveling of the pathology, the accurate identification of previous factors and the intensity of violations.

In the process of treatment, tartar, irrevocably changed tissues are removed, periodontal pockets are granulated. The doctor usually prescribes intensive antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators. To save loose teeth, special splints are installed. They have different functional purposes. In the presence of purulent foci, they are cleaned by preliminary excision or local opening.

Subsequent use of anti-inflammatory dosage forms, including decoctions of herbs for regular rinsing, allows you to eliminate soreness, relieve swelling, and cure inflammation.

Periodontitis is a systemic lesion of the periodontium.

Serious sclerotic manifestations in bone tissue, detected during x-ray examination, are a signal of the development of a formidable pathology - periodontal disease. The bone pattern appears in the form of small cells, the bone marrow spaces are reduced.

Inflammatory foci, bleeding, swelling are usually not detected, so the patient understands that he has serious problems when exposed tooth roots and neck. This causes high sensitivity to many types of food with small amounts of plaque.

It should be noted that such a disease occurs without gum pockets inherent in periodontitis. There may be a sensation of itching in the affected area of ​​the gums. The teeth are usually firmly fixed. They begin to swing only in an extremely neglected case, when more than half of the root is completely exposed.

Causes of periodontal disease

It is impossible to independently determine diseases of the teeth and gums, names with a photo. Periodontal disease is one of the pathologies caused by hereditary predisposition. It is difficult to determine the exact cause.

Diseases of the teeth and gums in adults

Often the precursors are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, causing high blood pressure, salt deposits, as well as diabetes mellitus, bone lesions. Inadequate blood supply to the gums can lead to atrophy of the gums.

Treatment of periodontal disease

A complete cure for periodontal disease is achieved if it is started at the very first manifestations. With serious violations, we can talk about stabilizing the development of the destructive process. Priority is given to timely surgical intervention.

The sequence of medical manipulations has a certain sequence - diagnosable gum disease, treatment. The photo clearly shows how modern techniques are used to promote tissue regeneration, as well as special transplant materials. In the arsenal of doctors there are cell cultures that act selectively on the area to be restored.

Among the folk methods, there are several techniques that alleviate the symptoms and speed up the cure:

  • application of a cotton application with the use of fir oil for twenty minutes within a month;
  • rubbing the gums with a clove of garlic for two weeks;
  • use for rubbing into the affected area of ​​the gums a mixture of honey and salt in an equal volume ratio;
  • brushing your teeth three times a day with tooth powder with the addition of crushed calamus root;
  • applying lotions from the infusion of erect cinquefoil (chopped rhizomes are taken - three tablespoons per half liter of boiling water), which has an anti-inflammatory effect;

The collection of pine needles, dry rose hips, onion peel (5:2:1), steamed with boiling water in a volume of 1.5 liters and boiled for five minutes, has a remarkable effect. It is useful to drink such a decoction for a day. Strengthen the gums, and facilitate the manifestations of periodontal disease infusion of oak bark (teaspoon in a glass of boiling water). When warm, it is typed into the mouth and held for four minutes three times a day. Instead of tea, it is useful to brew nettle leaves, chamomile.

You can strengthen your teeth using a simple training, which consists in biting a sprig of willow, bird cherry, aspen until it is brought to the state of a brush. At the beginning of the movement should be careful, but over time, the intensity increases.

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