Home Prevention Social projects for people with disabilities are examples of TSR. Social project "Renaissance"

Social projects for people with disabilities are examples of TSR. Social project "Renaissance"

7th grade team of MBOU secondary school No. 7



7th grade students


Project leaders:

Klimova L.V., Gerasimova N.A.

2. Project goal

3. Project objectives

4. Target audience

5. Geography of the project

6. Relevance

7. Presentation

8. Expected results

9. Useful resources

10. Appeal to deputies of the city assembly

Students of the 7th grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School No. 7 under the guidance of history and social studies teacher L.V. Klimova. and class teacher N.A. Gerasimova

Objective of the project

Project objectives

v rooting in the school the traditions of a tolerant attitude towards people, towards the world as a single whole;

v assistance in the rehabilitation and development of the abilities of children with disabilities;

v fostering a culture of communication;

v creating optimal conditions for the full development and disclosure of the capabilities of disabled children through joint forms of activity;

v help students understand the role of value orientations in the life of every person;

v organization of interpersonal interaction between the school and the RiF society.

v development of tolerant personality traits in schoolchildren with the aim of raising sensitive and responsible citizens who are able to value freedom, respect human dignity and the individuality of other people.

The target audience

Students of grades 1-9. During adolescence, social values ​​are tested. The presented project will allow each student to find himself through socially significant activities and will attract interest in social life. It will allow you to diversify the shapes educational work inside the school. During the project, students will acquire skills that will be useful to them in later life and will contribute to social adaptation.

Geography of the project

Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 7 of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region,

Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF".

“We are different, but we are together!”

L.N. Tolstoy

The world around us is many-sided and diverse .

Everyone- This microcosm, unique in its manifestation, but a free person, possessing a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values.

On December 3, Russia celebrates World Day of Persons with Disabilities. The most vulnerable among people are children, especially disabled children.

Every year it acquires increasing medical, socio-economic, moral and spiritual significance. The disability indicator can be considered a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates a sharp decline functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, reactions of adaptation and protection.

Currently in Russia there are about 80 thousand disabled children, what is 2% child and adolescent populations. According to data conducted scientific research, in the coming decades Russia expects increase number of disabled children. That is why in the message of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 30, 2010. A special place is given to the problem of assistance and rehabilitation of disabled children.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connections with the world, in limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even to basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Relevance of the topic

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and versatility. Not everyone can understand and accept this. Definitely now significant task society became the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

In recent years, numerous scientific works have been published on the rehabilitation of disabled children (Dobrovolskaya T.A., 1991, Barashnev Yu.I., 1995, Bogoyavlenskaya N.M., 1992, Bondarenko E.S., 1995). However, despite the existing experience in restorative treatment of disabled children, the issues of organizing and conducting this type of treatment have not yet been completely resolved, both in theoretical, organizational, methodological (Zelinskaya D.I., 1995), and in spiritual terms.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Having met these guys, we decided to create our own social project that will help solve the problems that most concern disabled children.

Today the state does not ignore the problem of childhood and adolescent disability. A number of legislative and government acts are adopted Russian Federation aimed at protecting the rights and supporting children and adolescents with disabilities. Medical and social care for this category of children and adolescents is being improved, which required the introduction of new medical indications for establishing disability in children and adolescents (1991), changes in state statistics of child and adolescent disability, based on a three-dimensional assessment of health status and taking into account health disorders, disabilities and social insufficiency of a disabled child (1996).

According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13% (3% of children are born with intellectual disabilities and 10% of children with other mental and physical disabilities) there are about 200 million children with disabilities in the world.

Moreover, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a tendency

increase in the number of disabled children. In Russia, the incidence of childhood disability over

has doubled in the last decade.

Disability in children means a significant limitation

life activity, it contributes to social maladjustment, which

caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, training, and mastering professional skills in the future. Development by disabled children social experience, their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain additional measures, funds and efforts (these may be special programs, special centers

rehabilitation, special educational establishments etc.).

The Petrovsky branch of the children's youth sports adaptive school "RiF" has existed since 2003. Since September 2010, the department has been located on the territory of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 and has 47 people. Disabled people from the age of 4 can attend school, mainly with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as well as the hearing impaired, the visually impaired and people with intellectual disabilities.

The school lives a busy life: competitions, shows, competitions, holidays replace each other, enriching leisure time. People with disabilities can improve their health by doing exercise equipment, swimming, and athletics.

Among the pupils of this school there are stars:

Barsky Alexander - 1st place – poetry reading;

Pushkareva Tatyana – 3rd place – poetry reading;

Kuznetsov Ivan – 1st place – pull-up on the crossbar;

Rudykh Vladimir – completed the CMS on athletics at the Russian Championship; graduated from SGSEU with honors, works as an economist at the AZCh plant;

Kulikov Dmitry – 1st place in cross-country skiing;

Churdin Ilya – 1st place in table tennis competitions, student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the SSTU.

The pupils of the RiF school were able to achieve high results thanks to a well-coordinated team of people who are not indifferent to the fate of children, led by director Vladimir Ilyich Gutarov. In connection with the move to the school building, the problem with transporting children to the place of classes has worsened. The passenger transport stop is located near the school, but for many children the routes do not coincide with their place of residence, so transport is needed to transport children to school.

The department has no office equipment at all: a computer, printer, fax and scanner. It is also necessary to update exercise equipment and sports equipment.

Expected results

Having learned about the existing problems, we, as good neighbors, decided to help the RiF school. Having created an initiative group, we developed an action plan to help resolve the current situation.

Stages of work:

I. Organizational (September – November)

1. Creation of an initiative group of students.

2. Studying problems.

3. Development of project goals and objectives.

II. Project implementation (December – April)

1. Organization and holding of joint events, competitions, quizzes, promotions, competitions, etc.

2. Involving organizations in interaction: culture, medicine, social protection, representatives of branches of Saratov universities and technical schools.

III. Final (May)

Summing up the project.

We turned to the administration of our school to provide the children of the RiF society with the opportunity to use a computer class, Internet resources and a gym with exercise machines, sports equipment for sports events and training.

Our capabilities are not enough to solve the transport problem. Therefore, we want to turn to the deputies of the city assembly for help and petition to provide the RiF school with a bus. We invite participants in the social projects competition to put their signatures under the appeal to deputies.

In May we will sum up the results of our project. We hope that our joint activities will find a response in the hearts of adults, and that children with disabilities will successfully adapt to society and become full citizens.

Our school and our class are a small family. And we want KINDNESS, MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and FRIENDSHIP to always reign in our family!


to the deputies of the city assembly of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region

We, the undersigned, are participants in the city social competition

significant projects “Who else if not us!”, we petition the deputies of the city assembly to provide all possible assistance to the GU OK DYUSASH “RiF”, namely, the allocation of a vehicle and sports equipment for the full development of people with limited abilities.

4.12.2010 SIGNATURES:












Municipal educational institution
basic secondary school No. 7

named after Lieutenant General L.V. Kozlova




7th grade students


Project leaders:

Klimova L.V., Gerasimova N.A.



  1. Authors and project coordinators
  1. Objective of the project
  1. Project objectives
  1. The target audience
  1. Geography of the project
  1. Relevance
  1. Presentation
  1. Expected results
  1. Useful resources
  1. Address to deputies of the city assembly

Students of the 7th grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School No. 7 under the guidance of history and social studies teacher L.V. Klimova. and class teacher Gerasimova N.A.

Objective of the project

  • attracting public attention to the problem of children with disabilities.

Project objectives

  • rooting in the school the traditions of a tolerant attitude towards people, towards the world as a single whole;
  • assistance in the rehabilitation and development of the abilities of children with disabilities;
  • fostering a culture of communication;
  • creating optimal conditions for the full development and disclosure of the capabilities of disabled children through joint forms of activity;
  • help students understand the role of value orientations in the life of every person;
  • organization of interpersonal interaction between the school and the RiF society.
  • development of tolerant personality traits in schoolchildren with the aim of educating sensitive and responsible citizens capable of valuing freedom, respecting human dignity and the individuality of other people.

The target audience

Students of grades 1-9. During adolescence, social values ​​are tested. The presented project will allow each student to find himself through socially significant activities and will attract interest in social life. It will allow us to diversify the forms of educational work within the school. During the project, students will acquire skills that will be useful to them in later life and will contribute to social adaptation.

Geography of the project

Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 7 of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region,

Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF".

Socially significant project competition “Who, if not us?”

“We are different, but we are together!”

To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it.

L.N. Tolstoy

The world around us is many-sided and diverse.

Every person is a microcosm unique in its manifestation, but a free person, possessing a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values.

On December 3, Russia celebrates World Day of Persons with Disabilities. The most vulnerable among people are children, especially disabled children.

Child and adolescent disabilitiesevery year it acquires increasing medical, socio-economic, moral and spiritual significance. The disability indicator can be considered a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates the sharp decline in the functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, adaptation and defense reactions.

Currently in Russia there are about80 thousand disabled children, which is 2% child and adolescent populations. According to scientific research, in the coming decades Russia will experience increase number of disabled children. That is why in the message of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 30, 2010. A special place is given to the problem of assistance and rehabilitation of disabled children.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connections with the world , in limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even to basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Relevance of the topic

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and versatility. Not everyone can understand and accept this. Of course, now a significant task of society has become the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

In recent years, numerous scientific works have been published on the rehabilitation of disabled children (Dobrovolskaya T.A., 1991, Barashnev Yu.I., 1995, Bogoyavlenskaya N.M., 1992, Bondarenko E.S., 1995). However, despite the existing experience in restorative treatment of disabled children, the issues of organizing and conducting this type of treatment have not yet been completely resolved, both in theoretical, organizational, methodological (Zelinskaya D.I., 1995), and in spiritual terms.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Having met these guys, we decided to create our own social project that will help solve the problems that most concern disabled children.

Today the state does not ignore the problem of childhood and adolescent disability. A number of legislative and governmental acts of the Russian Federation are being adopted aimed at protecting the rights and supporting children and adolescents with disabilities. Medical and social care for this category of children and adolescents is being improved, which required the introduction of new medical indications for establishing disability in children and adolescents (1991), changes in state statistics of child and adolescent disability, based on a three-dimensional assessment of health status and taking into account health disorders, disabilities and social insufficiency of a disabled child (1996).

According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13% (3% of children are born with intellectual disabilities and 10% of children with other mental and physical disabilities) in total there are about 200 million children with disabilities in the world.

Moreover, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a tendency

increase in the number of disabled children. In Russia, the incidence of childhood disability over

has doubled in the last decade.

Disability in children means a significant limitation

life activity, it contributes to social maladjustment, which

caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, training, and mastering professional skills in the future. The acquisition of social experience by disabled children and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain additional measures, funds and efforts from society (these may be special programs, special centers

rehabilitation, special educational institutions, etc.).

The Petrovsky branch of the children's youth sports adaptive school "RiF" has existed since 2003. Since September 2010, the department has been located on the territory of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 and has 47 people. Disabled people from the age of 4 can attend school, mainly with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as well as the hearing impaired, the visually impaired and people with intellectual disabilities.

The school lives a busy life: competitions, shows, competitions, holidays replace each other, enriching leisure time. People with disabilities can improve their health by doing exercise equipment, swimming, and athletics.

Among the pupils of this school there are stars:

Barsky Alexander - 1st place – poetry reading;

Pushkareva Tatyana – 3rd place – poetry reading;

Kuznetsov Ivan – 1st place – pull-up on the crossbar;

Rudykh Vladimir - completed the CMS in athletics at the Russian Championships; graduated from SGSEU with honors, works as an economist at the AZCh plant;

Kulikov Dmitry – 1st place in cross-country skiing;

Churdin Ilya – 1st place in table tennis competitions, student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the SSTU.

The pupils of the RiF school were able to achieve high results thanks to a well-coordinated team of people who are not indifferent to the fate of children, led by director Vladimir Ilyich Gutarov. In connection with the move to the school building, the problem of transporting children to the place of classes has worsened. The passenger transport stop is located near the school, but for many children the routes do not coincide with their place of residence, so transport is needed to transport children to school.

The department has no office equipment at all: a computer, printer, fax and scanner. It is also necessary to update exercise equipment and sports equipment.

Expected results

Having learned about the existing problems, we, as good neighbors, decided to help the RiF school. Having created an initiative group, we developed an action plan to help resolve the current situation.

Stages of work:

I. Organizational (September – November)

1. Creation of an initiative group of students.

2. Studying problems.

3. Development of project goals and objectives.

  1. Project implementation (December – April)
  1. Organization and holding of joint events, competitions, quizzes, promotions, competitions, etc.
  2. Involving organizations in interaction: culture, medicine, social protection, representatives of branches of Saratov universities and technical schools.

III. Final (May)

Summing up the project.

We turned to the administration of our school to provide the children of the RiF society with the opportunity to use a computer class, Internet resources and a gym with exercise machines, sports equipment for sports events and training.

Our capabilities are not enough to solve the transport problem. Therefore, we want to turn to the deputies of the city assembly for help and petition to provide the RiF school with a bus. We invite participants in the social projects competition to put their signatures under the appeal to deputies.

In May we will sum up the results of our project. We hope that our joint activities will find a response in the hearts of adults, and that children with disabilities will successfully adapt to society and become full citizens.

significant projects “Who else if not us!”, we petition the deputies of the city assembly to provide all possible assistance to the GU OK DYUSASH “RiF”, namely, the allocation of a vehicle and sports equipment for the full development of people with limited abilities.

4.12.2010 SIGNATURES:









______ ___________________

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Lyceum No. 10 of the city of Sovetsk Kaliningrad region

Individual design work

Subject: social project.

« Kind heart»

Completed by: Khojayan N.N.

Student of class 10 "A"

Head: Susanna Vladimirovna Khachaturyan,

educational psychologist.

Sovetsk, 2016



2.2 Corrective work with disabled children……..……11



Relevance of the project:

In the modern world, there has been a split in society - rich and poor people, wealthy and those in dire need have appeared. The most vulnerable segments of the population were the elderly, children, the poor, the disabled, and those with many children. The economic crisis has changed the worldview of people, especially teenagers.

The project creates conditions for the manifestation of the best human qualities of a Russian citizen.

Ultimately, showing mercy can lead to philanthropy and the desire to help other people.


Children with disabilities are ordinary children, just like everyone else. They love to communicate, play, draw, sing, but due to illness they are often forced to stay in confined spaces. The world around them is their parents, the room in which they live and their wheelchair. Such children rarely communicate with peers, learn new things that are happening in the world, except through the Internet. Gradually, such a child withdraws into himself and learns too early what loneliness is. When a child grows up and realizes that his illness is incurable, his psyche begins to suffer. So let’s prove together that a disabled child is a full-fledged member of society, and also think about measures to help!


If you form in a child an image of the world in which active creative person finds application for his efforts without destroying environment and without injuring other living organisms, then in the future he will be able to confidently find an optimally suitable place for himself in any social environment.

Object of study : the process of socialization of children with disabilities.

Subject of study: design of social work with disabled children in the conditions of MAOUlitseya 10, Sovetsk

Objective of the project :

To adapt children with disabilities into the social environment of ordinary schoolchildren, to convey to the students of our school and their parents the idea of ​​mercy, to acquaint society with the characteristics of disability, to explain general patterns development of normal and abnormal children. It is necessary that healthy people, healthy children, do not avoid disabled children, but be able to communicate with those who have fewer opportunities than them.

Project objectives:

implementation of activities to provide practical assistance to persons in need of social support, including orphans, disabled children, veterans;

facilitating the adaptation of children to life in society, including providing a barrier-free living environment for disabled children and orphans;

developing initiatives among members of the children's organization to help sick peers, encouraging their personal desire to voluntarily and selflessly take care of them;

formation of mercy and tolerance, enrichment of the emotional world of schoolchildren with moral experiences.

At the first stage:

a study of statistical data was carried out, a children's centerday stay "Amber Bridge".

a survey was conductedstudents7 classes “Study of value orientations”

At the second stage :

visits rehabilitation center, conducting games, correctional classes with the Pertra Psychologist Set.

Conducting fairy tale therapy “Two Planets” with disabled children and 6th grade students.

Expected results :

To expand the sphere of communication between students of Lyceum No. 10 and disabled children.

Creating living conditions for the child that would allow the child to develop normally.

Develop healthy lifestyle habits among students

To develop communicative competence among students

We predict an increase in the level of conscious behavior and compliance with social rules of behavior in society.

Participants in this project will not doubt what needs to be done if they encounter a person who needs all possible help.

Research methods:

Studying children's statisticscenter day stay "Amber Bridge" for disabled children.

Information and analytical: analysis of scientific literature on the topic of tolerance, valeological competence, disability, etc.

Correctional classes for disabled children.

Artistic and aesthetic.

Project participants:

Students of Lyceum No. 10 and disabled children of the Amber Bridge rehabilitation center in Sovetsk. "Amber Bridge"was created in 2005. at the voluntary request of the parents and the moral support of Doctor of Medical Sciences Karin Plagemann, a native of the city of Tilsit (Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region). Irina Cherevichkina was elected Chairman of the Organization by the general meeting. Today the Organization has 15 families and is open to everyone who is faced with a difficult situation regarding the health of children in their families.The main goals of the organization are to promote:

improvement life situation disabled children and their families;

raising awareness about care and rehabilitation activities.

1.Theoretical foundations of a social project

1.1.What is tolerance and why should it be cultivated?

“Be able to feel the person next to you, be able to understand his soul, see the complex in his eyes spiritual world- joy, grief, misfortune, misfortune. Think and feel how your actions can affect the state of mind of another person.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Aggression, violence and cruelty transmitted today through the media mass media, including TV and cinema, as well as through computer games, have an impact negative impact on the minds and souls of the younger generation. There is an obvious lack of positive example, good attitude towards people and nature. Monstrous cases of aggression among students towards their peers, which have become more frequent in Lately, as well as other people, animal cruelty and vandalism make us take this problem seriously. The devaluation of family values, the replacement of moral principles with the laws of the jungle, the focus on achieving pleasure and the promotion of low-quality entertainment require adequate educational actions. Disabled children studying at the centerday stay "Amber Bridge", suffer various disorders body functions due to illness, injury, or congenital mental or physical disabilities, and have great difficulty expressing themselves in a normal environment. They often become the object of ridicule among their peers; it is more difficult for them to enter the adult world and find their calling.

It is difficult to treat these facts dispassionately. They force many to break away from their daily routine and pay attention to children with problems.

The simplest thing is to close your eyes and not notice, to say: “Everyone for himself.” Or refer to the fact that helping them is the prerogative of the state: it, and not you and me, should work to ensure that old people do not die of hunger and loneliness, so that large families are happy, children are not abandoned, and for those who have everything But no luck, adoptive parents were immediately found. But the state is made up of its citizens, that is, you and me. And if we are indifferent to the misfortune of our neighbor, if mercy is not our business, if other people’s pain does not concern us, if we always wait for others to do everything, then we will not notice that others are us, that they are like this Well... A society in which people calmly pass by other people's misfortune and pain is doomed.

In recent years, we have often heard from politicians and journalists the new word “tolerance”. At the proposal of UNESCO, the first decade of the 21st century was declared the Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the Planet. The problem of forming a tolerant consciousness is especially relevant for modern Russia, where acts of terrorism and intolerance have recently become more frequent, interreligious, interethnic and other conflicts have intensified. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a social ideology that can help dissimilar people live side by side. Achieving the set goals is impossible without creating in children a positive attitude towards cooperation, ensuring emotional comfort, psychological security of the child, and providing the opportunity to test acquired knowledge at the level of behavior in play and real communication situations.

Tolerance (from Latin tolerantia) – “patience, forbearance towards someone or something.” The word "tolerance" is best translated as "tolerance." It is the ability to understand and respect other cultures, different views and different expressions of human individuality.

V.I. Dal notes that, in its meaning, tolerance is associated with such human qualities as humility, meekness, and generosity. And intolerance manifests itself in impatience, rashness, and exactingness.

Tolerance is what makes peace possible and leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace.
Tolerance is a human virtue: the art of living in peace different people and ideas, the ability to have rights and freedoms, without violating the rights and freedoms of other people. At the same time, tolerance is not a concession, condescension or indulgence, but an active life position based on recognition of otherwise.
Tolerance also requires providing every person with opportunities for social development without any discrimination. This is a quality of personality, which is a component of the humanistic orientation of the individual and is determined by his value attitude towards others.

The problems of teaching tolerance are becoming especially relevant these days, because... Tensions in human relations increased sharply. It is impossible to do without a thorough analysis of the reasons for the mental incompatibility of human communities. It is on this basis that can be found effective means preventing confrontational processes using the opportunities of the education sector. Initially, a person has both good and evil principles, and their manifestation depends on the person’s living conditions, on the environment in which he lives and develops, on the mentality, which directly affect individuality, worldview, and behavioral stereotypes.

The path to tolerance is serious emotional, intellectual work and mental stress, for it is possible only on the basis of changing oneself, one’s stereotypes, one’s consciousness. Tolerance is serious emotional, intellectual work and mental stress, for it is possible only on the basis of changing oneself. yourself, your stereotypes, your consciousness.

As we see, tolerance is important quality personality, and it needs to be educated.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that work on developing tolerance in modern society should be associated not only with teaching children specific skills of tolerant behavior, but also with developing in them certain personal qualities. It's about the feeling self-esteem and the ability to respect the dignity of others; awareness that each person is diverse in his manifestations and is not like others; a positive attitude towards oneself, towards comrades, towards representatives of other peoples and other cultures.

In modern society, tolerance should become a consciously formed model of relationships between people. Tolerance involves a willingness to accept others as they are and to interact with them in a consensual way.

First of all, it assumes reciprocity and an active position of all interested parties. Tolerance is an important component of the life position of a mature person, who has her own values ​​and interests and is ready, if necessary, to defend them, but at the same time respects the positions and values ​​of other people.

1.2. What is valeology ?

Man is a system determined by Genetics, God and the Teacher. Valeological competence is understood as the possession of a sum of valeological knowledge, which includes scientifically based facts, ideas, concepts accumulated by humanity in the field of health; availability of skills and abilities in the field of health conservation; the ability to establish connections between valeological knowledge and practical actions based on formed value orientations towards maintaining and promoting health. During the implementation of our project, we dealt with disabled children. It was important for us to know about the reasons for the deterioration of their health, about the possibilities of strengthening the health of healthy people as potential parents of the next generation. Analyzing the scientific literature, we have identified the main provisions of this science.

The concept of “health” cannot be defined without taking into account the basic functions performed by a person. What are these functions? They are clear from the definitions of the concepts “man”: “Man is a living system, which is based on: physical and spiritual, natural and social, hereditary and acquired principles. Thus, the main functions of the human body are the implementation of the genetic program, instinctive activity, generative function (procreation), congenital and acquired nervous activity, social activity, and the mechanisms that ensure these functions are called health. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Health status is studied at three levels:

1. PUBLIC health is the health of the entire population of a state, region, region, city. It is characterized by a set of individual characteristics of population health, expressed in the form of statistical and demographic indicators.

2. GROUP health is the average health indicators of small groups (social, ethnic, family, classroom, school groups, etc.)

3. INDIVIDUAL health - these are indicators that characterize the health of each person individually.

At each of these levels there are several TYPES of health:

1. PHYSICAL health. Characterizes the state of human organs and systems, their level of development and the presence of reserve capabilities.

2. MENTAL HEALTH. Characterized by the state of memory, thinking, characteristics of volitional qualities, character, developed logical thinking, positive emotional energy, balanced psyche, the ability to self-regulate, manage one’s own psycho-emotional state, control over mental activity.

3. MORAL or spiritual health - reflects the system of values ​​and motives of human behavior in his relationships with the outside world. It is characterized by the presence of consciousness and will, which allows one to overcome primitive instincts, drives and selfishness. It manifests itself in the recognition of universal and domestic values, in respect for other points of view and the results of other people's work. These are norms of behavior and relationships with others. This is a strategy for human life, focused on universal and domestic spiritual values.

4. SOCIAL health is an active attitude towards the world, i.e. active life position. This is a measure of ability to work and social activity. This is the presence of favorable living conditions for a person, his work, rest, food, housing, education, etc.

Thus, based on the analysis, it became clear that:

1.Health is ensured by adaptation mechanisms, that is, adaptation to changes in the external and internal environment.

2. Adaptation mechanisms are realized due to the presence of functional, dynamic reserves in each of the body systems, which interact with each other based on the principle of unstable equilibrium. When the body is exposed to external and internal factors, changes occur in the interaction of its systems, in the systems themselves and in the body as a whole - an adaptation mechanism is implemented.

3. The sum of the reserves of all body systems creates, as it were, a reserve of “strength”, which is called HEALTH POTENTIAL or HEALTH LEVEL, or HEALTH POWER.

4. Health potential can be increased with the right lifestyle and special training influences, or it can be reduced with adverse influences and irreparable loss of reserves.

5. Increasing health potential is achievable only through a person’s own efforts.

Thus, valeology claims that every person has health reserves that he must learn to identify and increase. Therefore, the essence of valeology is expressed by the motto: “Man, know and create yourself!” Valueology proposes to shape health, increase its potential, relying on a person’s own efforts. To do this correctly, we need to know what our health depends on, what determines our Health Potential? As studies have shown, the influence of factors determining the level public health distributed as follows:

1. Heredity ( biological factors) - determines health by 20%

2. Terms external environment(natural and social) - by 20%

3. Activities of the healthcare system - by 10%

4. A person’s lifestyle - by 50%

From this ratio it is clear that the main reserve of human health is his lifestyle. By positively influencing it, we can significantly increase our health potential. Valeology specifically proposes to actively shape a person’s health by modifying his lifestyle, teaching forms of behavior aimed at preserving, strengthening health, and increasing efficiency.

When we conducted a survey at our school, it turned out that almost 30% of teenagers smoke and drink beer and low-alcohol drinks. Thanks to lectures, meetings with disabled children and work in an orphanage, we managed to achieve that 50% of 10th grade students quit smoking, and 70% of 9th grade students stopped drinking beer.

It is known that the formation healthy habits, “life philosophy” is most effective in childhood. The younger the age, the more direct the perception, the more the child believes his teacher. This creates the most favorable opportunities for the formation of personality traits and characteristics necessary for maintaining health.

The earlier education begins, the stronger the skills and attitudes. necessary for the child throughout his subsequent life. Psychological resistance increases with age; in addition, there is irreversibility age periods and the time for cultivating certain qualities may be irretrievably lost. It is best to cultivate a change in attitude towards your health in adolescence. This is what allows us to make our project relevant.

2. Disabled children as full members of society

2.1.The situation of disabled people in our country

For many decades, the treatment of people with physical and mental disabilities has been a sad story of misunderstanding, rejection, suspicion, fear of intimacy, and isolation. People with disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, were treated with hostility, as if they were punished by God, cursed.
Since the middle of the last century, there has been a rise in the world new trend in understanding disability: simultaneously as a physical, mental, social phenomenon.

The implementation of the principles of integration and inclusion makes it possible to increase the level of social adaptation of society, its moral qualities, and progressive dynamics.
New trends in the disability movement in Europe and America continued to develop in the second half of the 20th century.

At the same time, since the mid-90s, a number of decrees and laws of the Russian Federation have been issued, which have already revised the previous attitude towards people with disabilities:
They were supplemented by industry regulations defining medical and social guarantees for people with disabilities. Particular attention was paid to issues of rehabilitation of the disabled. With the ability to develop individual programs as a foundation social policy.
In the context of our topic, two regulatory documents adopted in 1948 and 1954 deserve special attention. This is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which served as a kind of basis for the development of international and national programs for working with children with disabilities. In 1989, they were supplemented by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly in New York, according to which children have equality before the law , right to legal protection, the right to development, the right to life, health, choice of place of residence; the right to reunite with one's own; family, expression of opinion, information, freedom of association, personal life, education.
Nowadays, with all its problems, people with disabilities are no longer embarrassed. They not only began to be publicly shown and talked about, but also provide an opportunity to openly discuss their problems, create a variety of public institutions, organize international events, including sports championships, festivals, and other forums. Developed Government program"Disabled children". Since the early 90s, research institutes dealing with the problems of people with disabilities have begun to be created.

In the Russian Federation, as in the entire civilized world, childhood is recognized as an important stage in a person’s life and is based on the principles of the priority of preparing children for a full life in society and developing their socially valuable qualities. This applies to all children, regardless of their health status. This also applies to mentally retarded children and children who cannot move independently and spend most of their lives at home.

The Basic Law on Children is “On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child.” This law states that state policy regarding children is a priority. The state's equally attentive attitude towards all its children is affirmed. But in practice, the use of equal rights by disabled children with their peers poses a serious problem.

A disabled child, as a subject of social adaptation, can and should take feasible steps for his own adaptation, master specific skills, and strive to integrate into social life as fully as possible. Work in this direction is carried out within the framework of social work and assistance. At the same time, mercy is understood as the first step of humanism, which should be based not on pity and sympathy, but on the desire to help children integrate them into society, based on the position: society is open to children, and children are open to society. An active position in the matter of adaptation in society is necessary, since it has been proven that the possibility of adaptation is strongly dependent on the severity and duration of disability. In particular, the lighter the disability group, the shorter its length of service and the family’s wealth, the higher the level of motivation to carry out rehabilitation measures.

2. 2. Correctional work with disabled children.

1. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disease of the central nervous system with primary damage to the motor areas and motor pathways of the brain. Movement disorders in this disease they act as a leading defect and represent a unique anomaly of motor development, which, without appropriate correction and compensation, has an adverse effect on the entire course of formation of the child’s neuropsychic functions. Damage to the motor sphere in cerebral palsy can be expressed in varying degrees: motor impairments can be so severe that they completely deprive children of the opportunity to move freely; at sufficient volume movements; in case of mild violation muscle tone Dyspraxia is noted, children have difficulty mastering self-care skills.

Motor disorders that limit practical activities and impede development independent movement, self-care skills, often make a sick child completely dependent on his immediate environment. Therefore, from the first moments of communication with 5th grade student A.M. we sought to create favorable conditions for the formation of cognitive activity and creative initiative of the child, the development of his motivational and psycho-emotional, volitional spheres. The purpose of this work is to systematize material on the development of intact and consistent restoration of impaired motor functions of the hands in children with cerebral palsy, in particular, the formation and development fine motor skills hands, in order to prevent the formation of a pathological stereotype by school age.

The goal of correctional and developmental work is the consistent development and correction of hand movements, the formation of fine motor skills of the hand, which ensures the timely development of speech, the child’s personality, and adaptation in society.

Preparing to write. Writing is a complex coordination skill that requires coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand, the entire arm, and proper coordination of movements of the whole body. Mastering the skill of writing is a long, labor-intensive process that is not easy for children with CP. When working on developing writing skills, a teacher-defectologist must remember to comply with following conditions: Correct posture when writing. Hand placement. Orientation on notebook page and line. Correct hand movement along the line.

All this was helped by the “Petra” Psychologist Kit

Thanks to the variety of details, “Pertra” always matches the mood and needs of the child. Interaction with many interesting, colorful, tactile elements of the set arouses children's interest and increases their cognitive activity. The enrichment of tactile and kinesthetic sensations contributes to the development of attention, visual, tactile, kinesthetic memory, speech, and is also directly related to the improvement of the child’s fine motor skills and the development of coordination of finger movements.

Classes were conducted with game sets Grafomotorik and Handgeschiklichkeit

Game set Grafomotorik

(From scribbles to calligraphy) In the process of building and operating “roads and traffic intersections,” the child goes through all stages of graphomotor development: gross and fine coordination of movements and the development of automatic writing skills. Exercises with paths develop friendly movements of the eye and hand, which are so necessary when mastering writing.

Playset Handgeschiklichkeit

(From grasping to grasping) Mastering all types of grasping movements is the basis further development child. The presence of a special base board in the set allows you to work out such mathematical concepts as quantity, more-less, etc. With Game Set 6, a base board with 280 holes is used.

Systematic work on training fine movements of the fingers, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, is a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex: in adolescents, attention, memory, thinking, hearing and vision improve. This is the main condition for successful learning. In other words, the better developed the fingers, the easier it will be to teach a person to speak and operate with certain concepts.

Fairytale therapy lesson “Two Planets” with 6th grade students and disabled children .

Fairy tale therapy this is the method , using form to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

Since the plot of the fairy tale is built on a metaphor, fantastic and amazing images develop the student’s imagination and give scope to his imagination. Thanks to fairy tale therapy, the child is completely immersed in the fantasy world, transforms it and interacts with the characters! And if a child is worried about something, then with the help of fairy tale therapy he distances himself from the problem, evaluates the situation as a side and adopts positive experience fairy tale hero like your own. Thus, fairy tale therapy helps to solve those problems that concern the student in his real life. The child independently comes to the conclusion of how to act in a given situation, because he has essentially already “got through it” in a fairy tale during a fairytale therapy session!

The purpose of the lesson waslearning to have a positive perception of yourself and other people.

Main goals:

development of self-knowledge

increased self-esteem;

development of empathy;

development of constructive forms of interaction with others;

interpersonal harmonizations relationship.

With the help of this lesson, students learned to reflect, “see,” feel another person, and understand the feelings and states they experience.

Class hour “Why you need to take care of your health” with 5th grade students.

Human health is a necessary condition the realization of all the potential inherent in a person, the basis for achieving any success. Taking care of your health allows you to live a life that is fulfilling in all respects.

Health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects. This is a state of complete mental and social well-being. Health is a joyful attitude towards difficulties.

The purpose of the lesson was to foster a sense of responsibility for one’s health, the health of one’s loved ones and others, and the willingness to perceive health as a value of human life.

Develop a sense of empathy for people with disabilities.

During the class hour the following questions were addressed:

What is health? What do the words " special child", "children with disabilities", disabled? Do you need to take care of your health and the health of others? What do you need to do to be healthy? What is a healthy lifestyle?

At the end of the lesson, the students came to the following conclusion:

What,health must be protected, since a healthy person has more opportunities and strength to achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams, communicate, etc. To take care of your health, you need to exercise, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs and alcohol, and follow a routine. Follow the advice of doctors so as not to prolong the illness. Preserve and improve the environment. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

3. Conclusion

The main problem of our children in our care is the lack of practical opportunities for the vast majority of them for successful socialization in society.

IN project work we tried to solve the problem of adaptation and socialization of disabled children in modern society. To do this, we carried out activities to provide practical assistance to disabled children, tried to convey to the students of our school and their parents the idea of ​​mercy and tolerance, familiarize society with the characteristics of disability, and explain the general patterns of development of normal and abnormal children.

The work that was carried out within the project was important and necessary, and necessary for all project participants:

Students, for understanding and correctly assessing the prospects for future life, a tolerant attitude towards different members of society, the ability to live in a multinational society;

Orphans and disabled children to expand their social circle, adapt to modern conditions in society, overcome the inferiority complex, and realize their potential;

For parents to correctly understand family values, lead a correct lifestyle and instill this habit in their children (formation of valeological competence);

For students, orphans and disabled children: the ability to work in a team (formation of communicative competence).

Together with our students, we tried to form in a disabled child an image of a world in which an active creative person finds application for his efforts, without destroying the environment or injuring other living organisms, and we hope that in the future he will be able to confidently find an optimally suitable place for himself in any social environment

Everyone can participate in this, but when solving this problem externally, one must not forget: nothing can be achieved if one does not work to increase love in one’s heart. This is the main thing."




Project Manager: Dobrochasova E.G.

2. Project goal

3. Project objectives

4. Target audience

5. Geography of the project

6. Relevance

7. Presentation

8. Expected results

9. Useful resources

10. Appeal to deputies of the city assembly

Students Borovikova Daria under the guidance of a special teacher. Dobrohourly disciplines. E.G.

Objective of the project

attracting public attention to the problem of children with disabilities.

Project objectives

      rooting in the school the traditions of a tolerant attitude towards people, towards the world as a single whole;

      assistance in the rehabilitation and development of the abilities of children with disabilities;

      fostering a culture of communication;

      creating optimal conditions for the full development and disclosure of the capabilities of disabled children through joint forms of activity;

      help students understand the role of value orientations in the life of every person;

      organization of interpersonal interaction between the college and society OO "Technology".

development of tolerant personality traits in the teacher with the aim of raising sensitive and responsible citizens who are able to value freedom, respect human dignity and the individuality of other people.

The target audience

1-2 year students. During adolescence, social values ​​are tested. The presented project will allow each student to find himself through socially significant activities and will attract interest in social life. It will allow us to diversify the forms of educational work within the college. During the project, students will acquire skills that will be useful to them in later life and will contribute to social adaptation.

Geography of the project

State budgetary professional institution

"Shadrinsk Polytechnic College"

Social project

The socially significant project of the competition “Who, if not us?”

“We are different, but we are together!”

To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it.

L.N. Tolstoy

The world around us is many-sided and diverse .

Everyone- This microcosm, unique in its manifestation, but a free person, possessing a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values.

On December 3, Russia celebrates World Day of Persons with Disabilities. The most vulnerable among people are children, especially disabled children.

Child and adolescent disabilities every year it acquires increasing medical, socio-economic, moral and spiritual significance. The disability indicator can be considered a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates the sharp decline in the functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, adaptation and defense reactions.

Currently in Russia there are about 80 thousand disabled children, what is 2% child and adolescent populations. According to scientific research, in the coming decades, Russia expects an increase in the number of disabled children. That is why in the message of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 30, 2010. a special place is given to the problem of assistance and rehabilitation of disabled children

This school year our good neighbors turned out to be Te

Having met these people, we decided to create our own social project that will help solve the problems that most concern disabled children.

Relevance of the topic

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and heterogeneity. Not everyone can understand and accept this. Of course, now a significant task of society has become the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

In recent years, numerous scientific works have been published on the rehabilitation of disabled children (Dobrovolskaya T.A., 2016, Barashnev Yu.I., 2015, Bogoyavlenskaya N.M., 2016, Bondarenko E.S., 2014). However, despite the existing experience in restorative treatment of disabled children, the issues of organizing and conducting this type of treatment have not yet been fully resolved, both in theoretical, organizational, methodological (Zelinskaya D.I., 2016), and in spiritual terms.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

Today the state does not ignore the problem of childhood and adolescent disability. A number of legislative and governmental acts of the Russian Federation are being adopted aimed at protecting the rights and supporting children and adolescents with disabilities. Medical and social care for this category of children and adolescents is being improved, which required the introduction of new medical indications for establishing disability in children and adolescents (2011), changes in state statistics of child and adolescent disability, based on a three-dimensional assessment of health status and taking into account health disorders, disabilities and social insufficiency of a disabled child (2002).

According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million

people with mental and physical developmental disorders.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13% (3% of children are born with intellectual disabilities and 10% of children with other mental and physical disabilities) in total there are about 200 million children with disabilities in the world.

Moreover, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a growing trend in the number of disabled children. In Russia, the incidence of childhood disability over

has doubled in the last decade.

Disability in children means a significant limitation

life activity, it contributes to social maladaptation, which is caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in

self-service, communication, training, mastering professional skills in the future. The acquisition of social experience by disabled children and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain additional measures, funds and efforts from society (these may be special programs, special rehabilitation centers, special educational institutions, etc.).

JSC "Technoceramics" lives a busy life: competitions, shows, competitions, holidays replace each other, enriching leisure time. People with disabilities can improve their health by doing exercise equipment, swimming, and athletics.

Among the students of this college there are stars:

Barsky Alexander - 1st place – poetry reading;

Pushkareva Tatyana – 3rd place – poetry reading;

Kuznetsov Ivan – 1st place – pull-up on the crossbar;

Rudykh Vladimir - completed the CMS in athletics at the Russian Championships; graduated from SGSEU with honors, works as an economist at the AZCh plant;

Kulikov Dmitry – 1st place in cross-country skiing;

Churdin Ilya – 1st place in table tennis competitions

The department does not have updated training equipment and sports equipment at all.

Expected results

Having learned about the existing problems, our good neighbors decided to help us. By creating an inactive group at Tekhnokeramika OJSC, we developed an action plan to help resolve the current situation.

Stages of work:

I. Organizational (September – November we go to the gym, for physical education lessons)

1. Creation of an initiative group of students.

2. Studying problems.

3. Development of project goals and objectives.

II. Project implementation (December – April)

1. Organization and holding of joint events, competitions, quizzes, promotions, sports competitions.

2. Involving organizations in interaction: culture, medicine, social protection.

III. Final (May)

Summing up the project.

We turned to the administration of our college to provide the children of the Tekhnokeramika OJSC society with a gym with exercise equipment, sports equipment for sports events and training.

Our capabilities are not enough to solve the transport problem.

In May we will sum up the results of our project. We hope that our joint activities will find a response in the hearts of adults, and that children with disabilities will successfully adapt to society and become full citizens.

“It is extremely important not to confine abnormal children into special groups, but to practice their communication with other children as widely as possible.”

Vygotsky L. S.

The problem of disability has a long history. For a very long time, this problem was considered mainly medical, and its solution was the prerogative of doctors. However, with the development of society and a number of sciences, including applied ones, the problem of disability increasingly became a public problem. This problem especially concerns disabled children, as the number of such children increases every year.

Every year in Russia fifty thousand people are born with disabilities from childhood. If in 1990 one hundred and fifty-one thousand such children were registered with social protection authorities, currently there are about 1 million disabled children, and this figure is increasing every year.

In the Omsk region there is a trend towards a decrease in the level of disability of the population: as of January 1, 2008, there were 169.2 thousand disabled people (8.4% of the total population of the Omsk region), as of January 1, 2009 - 164.4 thousand disabled people ( 8.16%), as of January 1, 2010 - 159.4 thousand disabled people (8.1%), as of January 1, 2011 - 157.3 thousand disabled people (7.9%), as of January 1, 2012 - 153.8 thousand disabled people (7.8%), of which 7.2 thousand children are disabled.

There are 1,550 disabled people living in the Novovarshavsky district, 98 of whom are disabled children. There are 27 children with disabilities living on the territory of the Novovarshavsky settlement and Krasny Yar.

Despite these positive trends in changes in disability indicators, an important social problem remains unresolved - the elimination of barriers for people with disabilities in all spheres of life. Of course, a lot is being done to remove these barriers. For example, in the Omsk region there is a long-term target program “Accessible Environment”. Its goal is to ensure unhindered access to facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups. Hospitals, clinics, medical units, maternity hospitals, theaters, libraries, cultural centers, art schools, secondary schools, lyceums, swimming pools, stadiums, gyms, athletics arenas, sports complexes, ski and hockey bases will become more accessible for disabled people. indoor skating rinks.

Education of disabled children using distance learning technologies has been carried out in the Omsk region since 2009.

The problem of a child with disabilities is not that he cannot walk, see, hear or speak, but that he is deprived of childhood, deprived of communication with peers and other healthy children, separated from ordinary children's activities, games, concerns and interests. Such children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole, only in this way can they understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood.

In the Novovarshavsky district, distance learning for children with disabilities has been introduced. Therefore, the process of mastering the school curriculum is going well, children who are home-schooled practically do not lag behind their peers. But today, one of the unsolved problems of disabled children in our village living in families is isolation from communication with peers. This is especially true for families in which a disabled child is educated at home and does not attend mainstream school. In these families, as a rule, someone is forced to constantly be with the child. Having conducted a survey of 27 families where disabled children live on the issue of organizing joint leisure time, we came to the following conclusions: 82% of parents are forced to constantly be with the child; 54% of the parent community supports the initiative to organize joint communication and leisure. After analyzing the current problem, we came up with the idea of ​​organizing a project to create an environment to overcome the social isolation of disabled children.

Objective of the project: creating an environment to overcome social isolation of disabled children

Project objectives:

  1. Create an initiative group to implement the project goal.
  2. Study the legislative and regulatory framework on the topic of the project.
  3. To attract the attention of the public and students to the problems of children with disabilities.
  4. Determine the circle of public organizations, government agencies and all interested parties in solving this problem who can provide assistance.
  5. Develop an action plan for project implementation.
  6. Prepare New Year's gifts for children with disabilities.
  7. Organize leisure time for children with disabilities by holding a traditional New Year's party for them with the involvement of students from the Novo-Warsaw Gymnasium.
  8. Expand students' knowledge about people with disabilities.
  9. Implement the project.
  10. Analyze the work results.

So what's the matter essence of the project?

In December, everyone is overcome with a feeling of anticipation of the holiday and magic. Everyone begins to believe in miracles. What can we say about children? For them, December is the most exciting month of the year - Santa Claus is about to come and fulfill all their wishes!
Sick children, who are doomed to spend most of their lives in the hospital or at home, are absolutely also looking forward to magic in the new year - perhaps it will bring a long-awaited recovery and joyful smiles.
Everyone is looking forward to New Year's celebration, prepare for it in advance. Groups gather to make it more fun. They prepare gifts for each other. And only disabled children cannot celebrate the New Year with their peers. But they also want to have friends, communicate, give and receive gifts from their friends. Therefore, we decided to hold a campaign to make gifts for disabled children for the New Year. The prepared gifts should be given to children with disabilities at a New Year's party specially organized for them. And also visit all the children who will not be able to attend the New Year’s party, also give them gifts and chat with them.

The main causes of childhood disability in the Omsk region

Table No. 1

Structure of primary disability among disabled children by type of disease, as a percentage of the total number of children recognized as disabled for the first time
Nosological forms Year
2009 2010 2011
Total, of which: 100,0 100,0 100,0
tuberculosis 0 0,1 0,1
neoplasms 5,5 6,0 4,2
diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders 6,3 4,6 6,6
mental and behavioral disorders 25,2 23,4 28,9
diseases of the nervous system 10,8 13,3 13,3
eye diseases and adnexa 2,1 2,3 2,7
ear diseases and mastoid process 2,3 3,2 2,6
diseases of the circulatory system 0,5 1,1 0,6
respiratory diseases 0,2 0,8 0,4
digestive diseases 0,9 1,1 1,1
diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 4,1 4,3 4,8
diseases of the genitourinary system 1,5 1,0 0,2
congenital anomalies and malformations, deformations and chromosomal disorders 31,0 30,2 27,0
certain conditions that arise in the perinatal period 3,6 3,2 1,7
injuries, poisoning and some other effects of external causes 3,4 2,2 2,8
other diseases 2,6 2,5 0,1

Implementation of the project “Children of the same sun”

Project partners:

  1. Administration of Novovarshavsky urban settlement.
  2. BU Omsk Region "Complex Center social services population of the Novovarshavsky district."
  3. Novo-Warsaw children's health and educational center.

Project budget

Estimated expenses:

Estimated income:

Budget deficit: 700 rub.

Target audience of the project: disabled children from 6 to 17 years old.

Project implementers: students of the Nowa Warsaw Gymnasium.

Expected results:

The implementation of this project will allow:

  • reduce the communication deficit of a child with a disability;
  • eliminate the isolation of children of this category in society;
  • make friends among healthy peers;
  • healthy children learn more about the problems of children with disabilities;
  • healthy children to learn delicacy, tolerance, and understanding of their peers with disabilities;
  • organize creative charity activities among gymnasium students;
  • organize and hold a New Year's party for children with disabilities;

Project implementation stages

Stage number Stage name Contents of the activity Deadlines
1 Preparatory 1) analysis of the problem of social adaptation of children with disabilities through communication with peers who do not have health problems;
2) finding ways to organize joint recreation for children with disabilities and gymnasium students;
3) conversations about the problems of disabled children, registration of action participants
September – November 2012
2 Organizational
  • organizing the work of the creative group;
  • organizing coordination and interaction of work to attract sponsors and philanthropists.
3 Basic
  • work of creative groups;
  • making New Year's gifts;
  • holding an entertaining and theatrical performance;
  • visiting disabled children at home.
December 2012
4 Analytical 1) summing up the results of the project;
2) discussion of plans for further work in this direction.
January 2013


Disabled children are part of the human potential of the world and Russia. A quarter of Nobel laureates are people with disabilities. The disabled were the blind Homer and the deaf Beethoven, Yaroslav the Wise and Franklin Roosevelt. People with disabilities can do everything or almost everything. They take part in the Paralympic Games and take prizes, striving to be noticed.

The implemented project did not leave a single child with disabilities unattended. Allowed them to feel like necessary, full-fledged members of society. Provided an opportunity to communicate with peers. At the same time, healthy children learned more about the problems their peers, disabled children, face.
This project confirmed that all children are children of the same sun, therefore they should live, study and communicate together, without dividing into sick and healthy.


  1. Report on the situation of children in the Omsk region in 2011.
  2. Resolution of the Government of the Omsk Region on the approval of the long-term target program of the Omsk Region "Accessible Environment" for 2013-2017.
  3. Social protection disabled people //

In 2016, charitable organizations with the support of Megafon implemented 25 projects with a total budget of about 45 million rubles, aimed at helping more than 15,000 children and adults with disabilities in all regions of Russia.

We believe that people with disabilities are equal members of society, and the only thing they need is to create equal opportunities for life and self-realization in the urban environment, in work and study, in hobbies and interests. Our goal is to help create such conditions and destroy established stereotypes about the life and abilities of people with disabilities,” comments Yulia Ganina, head of corporate communications and charity at Megafon.

By helping to overcome barriers in interaction with society, Megafon contributes to solving the problem of lack of communication and social contacts, inaccessibility of education, mass sports, culture and art, as well as difficulties with employment. Helping to overcome infrastructure barriers, the operator promotes the development of special technologies and services to eliminate the digital divide, creating special information portals and services, organizing telethons and providing short numbers for fundraising.

One of the most effective ways self-realization of people with disabilities - playing sports and participating in sports competitions, which help create additional motivation and desire to win, significantly improving the overall quality of life. That is why Megafon actively supports the development of adaptive physical education and Paralympic sports for amateurs and professionals. Thus, since 2006, the international level wheelchair tennis tournament MegaFon Dream Cup has been held, thanks to which wheelchair athletes can gain rating points in international rankings and achieve new successes on the world stage. Since 2011, the company has been the general partner of the country’s sledge hockey team, and also supports the Russian Boccia Federation and boccia sections in different cities of the country.

In addition to sports projects, Megafon implements a number of programs for social adaptation children and adults. The operator helps create films with captions and subtitles and special books for the visually impaired, provides additional opportunities for education and employment, supports talented children with disabilities, creates schools and clubs to develop creative skills, and organizes special interactive summer camps with the support of hundreds of volunteers and experts throughout the country.

Another important area of ​​Megafon’s work over the years is the Barrier-Free Environment program, aimed at raising people’s awareness of the problems faced by people with disabilities. The operator has developed special tariffs for subscribers with hearing impairments, and also created an adapted website for people with low vision. Since 2015, two programs have been operating in the Ural region aimed at organizing the work of a dispatch service with professional interpreters for the hearing impaired and at increasing the social and business activity of the visually impaired.

Megafon also supports a number of projects aimed at creating favorable conditions in places of long-term treatment of seriously ill children, and provides short numbers to attract finance for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Selected Megafon social projects to support people with disabilities in 2016:

Development of boccia in Russia:

Boccia is one of the few sports that allows athletes with the most severe forms Cerebral palsy and other disabilities to express themselves. Thanks to joint projects "Megaphone" with the Boccia Federation of Russia, Kalmyk regional social and sports public organization"Overcoming", Khabarovsk Regional Physical Culture and Sports Club for Disabled People and the Udmurt Republican Public Organization for Disabled People "Blago", about 1,500 children and adults in Moscow, Tula, Kalmykia, Udmurtia and Far East discovered this sport.

Sports together. For real:

The project is aimed at social adaptation and physical development schoolchildren with disabilitieshealth opportunities through participation in inclusive sports activities with peers without disabilities and promoting equal opportunities for sports for everyone. In the first half of 2016, the project covered 678 children from 23 schools in 6 cities (Khimki and Kotelniki in the Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Syktyvkar and Yakutsk), including 452 children with disabilities and 226 without disabilities. Hundreds of additional lessons have been taught on physical culture, six shifts of children's inclusive sports camps and large festivals and parasports days were organized.

MegaFon DreamCup:

The largest international wheelchair tennis tournament of category ITF 2 in Russia with a prize fund of $ 18,000. Held in St. Petersburg annually for 11 years, since 2011 it has become professional and was included in the official tournament calendar of the International Tennis Federation ITF. In 2016, 63 athletes from 13 countries took part in the tournament (including players from Korea and China for the first time)

Support for the Russian national sledge hockey team:

Megafon has been the general partner of the Russian national team since 2010. In 2016, the team won the European Championship in Sweden.

Sport for good:

Joint project with charitable foundation"Downside Up" helps create swimming opportunities for children with Down syndrome in Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa and Yaroslavl, which benefits the children's physical and intellectual development.

Communication and creativity clubs:

The project helped create a unifying inclusive space for communication, practicing everyday skills, creative arts and sports, hippotherapy and canister therapy for 457 children and young people from 3 to 21 years old with special needs in 10 cities of Russia - from Kaliningrad to Ulan-Ude.

Cinema for the blind and deaf:

Megafon helps produce Russian films for family audiences with special audio commentaries and subtitles, allowing tens of thousands of people with visual and hearing impairments throughout Russia to “see” and “hear” the films.

TObottoms as a gift:

Megafon helps produce sets of educational books from the Atlas of Perception of Illustrations series for blind and visually impaired children from 50 orphanages and boarding schools in 30 cities of Russia.

School "Flowers of Life":

As part of the project, a permanent school has been created and is functioning for social adaptation, training and development of professional and creative skills of children with disabilities.

Working, we earn:

The project made it possible to organize permanent and temporary employment in sewing, carpentry and weaving workshops on the basis of the Center for Social and Labor Adaptation of Disabled People "Master OK" for 85 young people with developmental disabilities aged 18 years and over.


Thanks to the project, young people with disabilities aged 16 to 28 years old received vocational training at the center for social and labor integration in the Leningrad region and can now get a job in the hotel business.

Resource classes for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD):

Moscow first-graders with ASD are trained in the “Ark” and “Inclusive Molecule” resource classes. An inclusive approach allows children to study in a regular class at a Moscow school and study with a tutor according to an individual program.

Together we can do anything:

Together with the Udmurt branch of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf, a professional dispatch service of 10 sign language interpreters has been organized, which can be used by about 2,000 hearing-impaired people from the Udmurt Republic.

School of Inclusion Masters: Multimobility.

More than 2,000 visually impaired people from 8 Ural cities attended urban orientation lessons with multimedia aids and tactile-sound maps, organized with the support of 13 specialists and 200 volunteers.

Together we can do everything:

Supporting seriously ill children and organizing their treatment through charity telethons. In the seven years since its launch, the project has helped pay for treatment for 700 children.

Short numbers for fundraising:

For seven years in a row, Megafon has provided its short numbers to organize fundraising to help seriously ill children throughout the country.

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