Home Hygiene Staphylococcus aureus in animals treatment. Symptoms and treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in dogs

Staphylococcus aureus in animals treatment. Symptoms and treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in dogs

Microbes, representing a significant part of the biomass of the entire planet, are the most common type of living organisms in the environment. There are not many pathogenic varieties, and under normal conditions they do not cause the development of diseases. Harmful bacteria, which includes Staphylococcus aureus, are present on the skin or in the body of even a completely healthy dog.

Causes of the disease

Staphylococcus aureus is found in both humans and dogs. Its most common habitats are the skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory and genital tracts. Normally, it is suppressed by the immune system and other microorganisms.

If the body’s natural defense against negative factors(immunity) fails, staphylococcus can cause serious infectious diseases.

There are many reasons that cause the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. For example, a pet may come into contact with a dog that is a carrier of virulent strains, or its body may be weakened after a long illness, during which treatment long time antibiotics were used. In addition, the development of pathology can be provoked by:

The most common reason that reduces immunity in a dog is skin damage, leading to inflammation of the microflora.

It is noteworthy that if the owner of the animal himself is a carrier Staphylococcus aureus, then in 30% of cases the pet will not be able to avoid infection.

This is especially true for small, decorative dogs, who are constantly squeezed and often even kissed.

Which breeds are more susceptible

The pathogenic strain of Staphylococcus aureus is present in any dog, regardless of breed, age and gender. At risk are puppies and young dogs whose immunity is not yet fully formed, as well as older individuals whose bodies are weakened by various chronic diseases.

Main symptoms

Staphylococcus aureus can easily be confused with some other disease. Most often it is disguised as dermatitis. The owner should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • fever of a constant or intermittent type;
  • vomiting and diarrhea leading to dehydration (in the intestinal form);
  • inflammation, swelling around damaged skin;
  • discharge of purulent exudate from the wound;
  • matted fur and hair loss;
  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • unpleasant odor from the skin and ears;
  • slow healing of wounds.

In some cases, the wounds turn into boils or poorly healing, very painful ulcers. As the infection progresses, the animal’s condition worsens, which is why it is so important to show your pet to a specialist in a timely manner.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

To detect pathogenic microorganisms, the veterinarian, in addition to a visual examination and anamnesis, will need to conduct a series of diagnostic studies. These include:

  • taking a smear from the loop and prepuce;
  • examination of scrapings from ulcers on the animal’s body;
  • test for allergic reactions and immune diseases.

A blood test cannot confirm or deny the presence of infection in a dog’s body, so this type of research is not practical.

Treatment method and prognosis

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus is complex. You need to understand that this is a long process that requires a lot of patience from the owner. A course of antibiotics is required, sometimes several drugs with different spectrums of action. They are selected individually, based on the results of testing for the sensitivity of the strain.

The dosage is determined by the veterinarian. For example, when prescribing Ceftriaxone, it is at least 40 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. The duration of the course is 5 days. If during this time the dog’s condition has not improved, it is advisable to replace the drug.

In addition, immunostimulants, bacteriophages, hepatoprotectors (to protect the liver), antihistamines, as well as preparations containing antibodies to harmful microorganisms.

Damage to the skin and mucous membranes is treated disinfectants(hydrogen peroxide, protargol solution, aluminum alum, etc.), after which antimicrobial drugs that eliminate itching and wound healing ointments are applied to the treated surfaces. If an abscess forms on the skin, it is opened surgically, excise the dead and damaged tissue and drain.

Therapy, which lasts from 3 to 6 weeks, cannot be interrupted without the permission of the veterinarian. Disappearance clinical signs does not mean that pathology has been defeated. This is just a period when the disease recedes. After treatment, repeat tests are done.

As for the prognosis, Staphylococcus aureus cannot be cured completely, since the pathogen is constantly in the animal’s body. However, treatment prevents the possibility of relapse and deterioration of the pet’s condition under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do at home

The dog owner must strictly follow the veterinarian's instructions. In addition, we must not forget that Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted to humans, so when caring for a sick pet, you must take the necessary precautions:

  1. Wash your hands with laundry soap, using a brush to treat the area under the nail plates.
  2. Use disposable medical gloves. After handling the dog, they must be thrown away.
  3. Isolate the sick animal from other family members and pets.
  4. Collect and destroy dog ​​feces by burning.
  5. Disinfect the room where the pet is located, its toys, bedding, etc. It is better to burn things that are not of great value.

A sick dog should receive adequate balanced diet, enriched with vitamins and macroelements. If the animal experiences vomiting and diarrhea, gastric lavage and cleansing enemas are performed. A fasting diet is indicated - at least 12 hours.

Since the body is exhausted, parenteral nutrition is performed. During the recovery period, low-fat broths and water porridges are gradually introduced. Products should be introduced into the diet gradually, feeding in small portions.

Possible complications

Staphylococcus aureus is often accompanied by severe itching and scratching, which leads to infection penetrating deep into the skin. This, in turn, causes the development of pyoderma. Often, infected animals experience allergic reactions, endometritis, and pyometra.

Prevention measures

To avoid a relapse, it is necessary to strengthen the dog’s immunity, protect it from stress, provide a nutritious diet and quality care. Wounds should be treated promptly with an antiseptic to prevent the occurrence of ulcers. If you suspect Staphylococcus aureus, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

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Staphylococcus strains are present on the skin and mucous membranes of not only dogs, but also all mammals, being part of the microflora of the body's protective tissues. At good immunity the proliferation of these pathogens is inhibited by others beneficial bacteria. Decline protective functions leads to rapid growth of the population of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a consequence, the development staphylococcal infection in dogs.

In dogs, 3 types of pathogens contribute to the development of staphylococcal infections:

Staphylococcus intermedius and pseudointermedius are the most common causative agents of infection in canines. Aureus bacteria, which cause Staphylococcus aureus in dogs, account for less than 5% of cases of the disease.

Pathogens that have entered environment from skin or wool, remain viable for several months.

Risk group

Staphylococcus in dogs is a pathogenic infection to which all canines are susceptible, regardless of breed, age and gender. However, impetigo most often occurs in puppies under one year of age. small breeds and older dogs. In the first group, immunity is not yet fully formed; in the last category, acquired chronic diseases, weakening the body's protective functions.

Is it possible to get staphylococcus from a dog?

Most sources say that canine staphylococcosis is contagious to humans. This statement is partially true. The predominant pathogen in humans is Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, if a pet suffers from Staphylococcus aureus, then there is some chance of transmitting the infection to humans. The risk of infection increases with reduced immunity. The pathology is also transmitted from a person to a weakened animal.

Staphylococcus pseudointermedius, which in more than 90% of cases is the causative agent of infection in canines, is not dangerous to humans. Despite this, if an animal becomes infected, you should limit your pet’s contact with children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.

Up to 80% of staph infections are caused by the organism's own pathogens that colonize the organism's skin, making the strain unlikely to be transmitted to humans.


One of the main reasons for the development of staphylococcus in dogs is weakened immunity. Helps reduce barrier functions the body the following factors:

  • helminthic infestations;
  • entomoses (infestation by fleas, ticks, lice eaters);
  • allergic reactions;
  • poor care and maintenance
  • diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • surgical interventions;
  • long course of antibiotic therapy;
  • dermatological, chronic diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency, unhealthy diet.

The pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets or airborne dust.


Symptoms of staphylococcus in dogs largely depend on the location of the infection. Pathology is often found on the skin, but can also occur in the ear and genitals.

Staphylococcus epidermidis is manifested by the appearance of tubercles, ulcers and weeping crusts on the skin. Hair falls out in the affected areas and signs of alopecia are observed. The infection can appear on any part of the body: on the paws, face, neck, back, stomach. The dog experiences itching and pain in the affected areas, which is why it constantly scratches and behaves restlessly.

Ear staphylococcus has such signs as an unpleasant odor from the ears and the release of exudate. Against the background of pathology, chronic otitis media often occurs, and conjunctivitis and rhinitis may also develop.

When the genital organs are affected, local purulent discharge With unpleasant smell. In this case, the infection is often accompanied by vaginitis in females and balanoposthitis in males.

Are common external manifestations illnesses: the animal is depressed, weakened, eats poorly, possible constant vomiting and diarrhea. Two last symptom most often found in puppies.

It is difficult to determine the presence of staphylococcus in dogs from a photo, since other dermatological diseases can be disguised as an infection. Required differential diagnosis using laboratory tests.


Staphylococci release toxins into tissues that can cause infectious-toxic shock or food poisoning in a dog.

When the skin is damaged in animals, deep pyoderma develops, manifested by purulent lesions of the integument and furunculous lesions, weeping dermatitis, etc.

Severe infection can lead to bacteremia, which causes sepsis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, and endocarditis. Such conditions often lead to fatal outcome in dogs.

Ear staphylococcosis causes complications in the form of rhinitis, otitis or conjunctivitis.

When the genital organs are damaged, bitches develop endometritis and pyometra. In dogs, complications manifest themselves in the occurrence of posthitis.

Puppies experience rapid dehydration due to diarrhea, which often leads to death.

Regardless of the location of the infection, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. It is strictly forbidden to treat impetigo on your own. If therapy is not carried out correctly, the symptoms of infection are suppressed, but the pathology develops into a recurrent form. cure chronic illness almost impossible.


Diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and laboratory tests. A study is carried out of scrapings and smears of pus taken from the site affected by the infection. The key step in diagnosis is bacterial culture with sensitivity to antibiotics.


Treatment of staphylococcal infections is complex. Based on the test results, the dog is treated with antibiotics to which the type of pathogen detected is sensitive.

Drugs are prescribed to increase the body's immune response, dietary food with a high content of vitamins, local ointments, antihistamines to relieve itching, bacteriophages, hepatoprotectors to protect the liver from the toxic effects of pathogens.

The use of special bacterial shampoos is indicated as hygiene products.

During treatment ear staphylococcus in dogs, local antibiotics and drugs used in the treatment of otitis are used.

In case of damage to the genital tract Special attention pay attention to washing the vagina in females and the prepuce in males using local antimicrobial agents.


To increase the protective functions of the dog’s body veterinarians Immunostimulants are often prescribed. For this purpose, Azoxivet, Gamavit, Gamapren, Glycopin are used.


To reduce the toxic effects of staphylococci, along with immunostimulants, hepatoprotectors can be prescribed: Hepatiale Forte, etc.


In canine staphylococcosis, rapid resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics is observed. Therefore, only a titrated drug to which the pathogen has shown sensitivity during laboratory research. Antibiotics from the quinolone group have proven to be the most effective against staphylococci. These include Tsiflox, Baytril, Enroxil.


High efficiency in complex therapy show phages. Staphylococcal bacteriophage is prescribed to dogs.

Vitamin therapy

During the period of treatment of the disease, the body most needs vitamins A, B, C and E. Dogs are prescribed vitamin complexes with a high content of these substances.


To reduce the appearance allergic reactions dogs are prescribed Suprastin Pipolfen, Tavegil and other antihistamines.

Local preparations

Staphylococcus on the skin is treated with antiseptic solutions and wound healing ointments. The affected areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide, protargol and other disinfectants.

The drug Ranosan can be prescribed as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointment. It contains dioxidin, to which staphylococcus is sensitive, and methyluracil, which helps increase local immunity. The product also has an antipruritic effect, thanks to the lidocaine included in the composition.

Folk remedies

Some pet owners use folk remedies as an aid. However, they should not be used without consulting a doctor, so as not to worsen the animal’s condition. Wide Application received tar soap, which is used for bathing a sick dog with skin lesions.

Prevention and prognosis

Preventive measures for staphylococcus in canines include the elimination of factors predisposing to the disease, namely:

  • compliance with animal hygiene rules;
  • timely treatment entomosis and other diseases;
  • providing nutritious, healthy nutrition;
  • limiting contact with sick animals infected with staphylococcus.

Prevention also includes immunization of animals using the ASP vaccine. To prevent the development of infection in newborn puppies, the drug is administered to pregnant dogs on the 20th and 40th day of pregnancy.

With timely and correct therapy based on diagnostic studies, the prognosis is favorable.

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Dogs are one of the most common and beloved pets around the world. The number of breeds amounts to hundreds, representatives of each differ in behavioral characteristics, constitution, and exterior parameters. These animals have one thing in common - they can all get sick. Of course, there are pathologies that are specific only to one breed, but there are exceptions. For example, staphylococcus: in dogs, this pathogen causes serious illnesses that are not very treatable and can even be fatal.

Staphylococci are a huge group of microorganisms. It includes hundreds and thousands of varieties. Each coccus individually resembles a small ball, but they form conglomerates of the most varied shapes. By the way, specifically staphylococci form a kind of grape bunches, which is why they got their name (“staphylos” - in ancient Greek means “bunch”). For the most part, cocci are opportunistic microorganisms. They surround us and our pets throughout our lives and can be found on the skin and in the intestines.

Of course, this does not at all indicate the safety of these microbes, since under severe stress or the action of similar environmental factors they acquire pronounced, strong virulence. Of course, the same Staphylococcus aureus almost always causes purulent inflammation, but even in this case, the body’s immunity must initially be weakened.

Predisposing factors

So what specific features of the environment can serve as the “trigger” that will cause the development of infection? Here is a list of the most dangerous of them:

Read also: Gastric ulcers are becoming more common in dogs.

The disease in all cases occurs in two forms: primary or secondary. In the first case, staphylococcal infection in dogs develops as the main, initial disease. But this doesn't happen too often. As a rule, the disease occurs as a complication against the background general decline immune status body. Very often this happens due to flea dermatitis: If the dog does not receive any treatment, constant flea bites quickly lead to damage skin. Wounds and scratches quickly fester, which creates excellent conditions for development pathogenic microflora. The signs of its appearance are easy to determine: the wound swells, exudate with an unpleasant odor begins to ooze from it.

Important addition

Remember what we said about the wide distribution of this pathogen in nature? This raises a simple question: “Can you get staphylococcus from a dog?” Alas, yes. There is such a possibility, and children and the elderly, as well as adults weakened by a long illness, are especially predisposed to staphylococcus.

Clinical manifestations

Staphylococcal pyoderma develops most often: in dogs it manifests itself in almost 100% of cases of infection by this microorganism. The most common is the superficial form. It does not produce severe symptoms, except for the appearance of itching and small pustules filled with cloudy whitish contents.

Gradually, the pathology progresses, and areas of redness, swelling and pain appear on the dog’s skin. The disease can also be complicated by the occurrence. Areas appear on the stomach, paws, groin area. The disease can occur in chronic form. In this case, exacerbations occur in spring and summer. It is especially pronounced in dogs with developed skin folds (in Shar Peis, for example). In such animals, sweat, food residues, and skin particles accumulate under the folds. If the owners do not take care of such a dog, very soon inflammation develops there, the dog smells disgusting, the hair in these places sticks together from the constantly secreted exudate.

At this stage, timely treatment is extremely important, since in its absence pathological process quickly spreads even to the deep layers of the dermis. This is how deep type pyoderma develops. The severity of the process is all the higher since the inflammation involves hair follicles, which leads to the appearance of multiple boils. They literally pour out in “flocks” in the groin area, simultaneously causing severe itching and pain. Once an infection occurs in one dog, all others are quickly affected. This is especially true for puppies whose immunity is not yet fully developed. In general, staphylococcus in dogs is transmitted very quickly and as soon as possible, so at the slightest suspicion of the appearance of this disease, you need to take your dog to the veterinarians.

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Further development of inflammation leads to massive hair loss from the skin and gradual baldness of large areas. This is also facilitated by severe itching, from which the dog does not sleep for days, frantically biting into its own skin. The worst thing is when germs penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. Huge, extremely painful boils then quickly develop. We have already talked about whether staphylococcus is transmitted from a dog to a person... So if something like this happens to your dog, you need to urgently take him to the veterinarians, since otherwise you may “catch” the same disease yourself. The prospect is not very pleasant!

Important! If you observe such symptoms in your dog, not only staphylococcus, but also demodicosis mites may be to blame! It is important for practicing veterinarians to remember this as well.

How else can staphylococcus manifest itself?

Please note that this disease can appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. Bitches often develop vaginitis or endometritis. In particularly severe cases, pyometra develops. Finally, severe otitis media appears in the ears, which can be noticed by a large amount of foul-smelling exudate oozing from ear canal. If nothing is done, the dog may become deaf. It is also possible that meningitis will develop, which almost always leads to the death of the animal or severe consequences for nervous activity.

And further. In small puppies, staphylococcosis can occur with severe symptoms food poisoning. In this case, babies can die very quickly due to uncontrollable diarrhea, leading to rapid dehydration and severe intoxication. In this case, it is important to show your pets to an experienced veterinarian as quickly as possible, since otherwise the consequences can be extremely sad. But hemolytic staphylococcus is especially terrible: in dogs this pathogen causes such severe pathological condition that only a well-trained veterinarian in an equipped clinic can save an animal.

Staphylococcosis is an infectious disease. The causative agents are Staphylococcus bacteria. Staphylococcus in dogs is characterized by otitis, dermatitis, and diseases of the genital organs.

In dogs, it is common to distinguish two forms of the disease. In the first form, staphylococcus is a secondary infection, and it complicates the course of already developed dermatitis. The second form is a generalized, independent disease. Both skin and organs are involved in the pathological process. If you do not fight a second infection, it will easily turn into a generalized one. Staphylococcosis in puppies manifests itself as a toxic infection.

Staphylococcus in dogs can occur when the immune system is weakened for some reason or in the event of massive infection. Factors predisposing to the disease:

Disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism - the level of carbohydrates is increased (sucrose, glucose) in tissues, skin, blood (cause - diabetes mellitus, improper feeding);

Acquired or congenital immunodeficiencies;

Violation of hormonal levels (the level of thyroid hormones decreases or the level of corticosteroid hormones increases);

Violation of vitamin and mineral metabolism (especially lack of vitamins E, A, group B);

General toxicoses (poisoning, impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver);

Systematic inflammatory and traumatic damage to the skin, allergies, other pathological processes (with demodicosis, ulcers, erosions, flea infestation, etc.);

Genetic inability of the body itself to adequately respond to staphylococcal toxins (low resistance).


The occurrence of dermatitis, usually called pyoderma;

Damage to the mucous membrane of the genital organs (in females - vaginitis with catarrhal or purulent discharge, endometritis; in males - purulent discharge from the prepuce, and in advanced cases, tissue proliferation in this area;

Conjunctivitis and inflammatory process in some glands.

In puppies, the course of the disease is similar to food poisoning. The disease begins suddenly, from the second to the seventh day of life. There is diarrhea, as a consequence - rapid dehydration. The outcome is fatal. Diarrhea of ​​staphylococcal origin is extremely rare in adult dogs.

The diagnosis is made based on indicators laboratory tests taking into account clinical symptoms. For analysis, discharge from the prepuce or vagina is needed. To determine this disease, it is pointless to take blood, since the activity of staphylococcus in it can only be detected during sepsis. Seeds from the ear, erosions and ulcers are not very informative.

Treatment of staphylococcus in dogs

Treatment must be comprehensive, including both local and general therapy. in dogs (like other types of staphylococcus) they are treated with the drug ASP, antiphagin toxoid. Serums (hyperimmune, antistaphylococcal) and immunoglobulin are used. The use of immunostimulants gives excellent results. Antibiotics are prescribed. Now an excellent drug has appeared on the market called “Bacteriophage” (virus-like living structure kills staphylococcus).


It is important to know that staphylococcus in dogs can return some time after treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate predisposing factors. Your task is to increase the animal’s body’s resistance in order to exclude a new disease. For immunization purposes, the drug ASP is used. In order to protect the puppies, the bitch is given prophylactic drug on the twentieth and fortieth days of pregnancy. Don't forget to maintain good hygiene. Provide your animal with good daily long walks.

We are surrounded great amount microorganisms. A person cannot protect himself from their penetration into the body, let alone pets. There is only one way to minimize the effect of pathogenic bacteria on your pet.

What is staphylococcus

To understand how to cure staphylococcus in a dog, you need to understand what it is.

Staphylococci are a group of bacteria that have a round shape and stable color. They are present everywhere (air, earth, skin, mucous membranes, etc.), and some of their types are characterized by the ability to cause serious illnesses under certain circumstances.

Did you know? Staphylococcus is the only microbe that can reproduce in a concentrated solution of table salt.

Causes of infection

Since staphylococcus exists on the skin and in the body of every dog, a weakened immune system can provoke the development of a staphylococcal infection.

There are two types of disease:

  1. Primary - the disease develops from the staphylococcal bacteria themselves.
  2. Secondary - the disease occurs against the background of another disease. Accompanied by various complications. Most often occurs if the pet has caught or.

The main reasons for the appearance of staphylococcus in dogs include the following:

  • increased concentration of sugar or carbohydrates in the animal’s blood;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, E;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • the breed is not resistant to this species diseases.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The first signs of staphylococcal infection in a four-legged pet:

  • the appearance of purulent tubercles;
  • the formation of inflamed spots of a round shape with a crust along the contour (similar to);
  • the animal is itching;
  • zonal hair loss;
  • formation of boils in the groin;
  • poor sleep in the animal (as a result of skin irritations).

The manifestation of Staphylococcus aureus is similar to the signs of food poisoning. It is characterized by symptoms such as vomiting and constant diarrhea. Most often, the infection affects young animals, as they the immune system is still in the formative stage.

If you notice the above symptoms of staphylococcus, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will determine the type of disease and prescribe treatment.

Important! If the disease is neglected, it can lead to serious consequences, even fatal (Staphylococcus aureus).


Only a veterinarian can diagnose a staphylococcal infection after conducting a series of examinations. They do it to the animal bacteriological culture, in order to determine the type of infection, and a biopsy of the affected areas of the skin, they can test for allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Such analyzes contribute to more precise definition the source of the disease and what influenced its occurrence.

How to treat staphylococcus in dogs

Your veterinarian will tell you how to treat staphylococcus aureus after conducting diagnostic tests. As a rule, the treatment process is complex. It contains specific and nonspecific immunotherapy, as well as antibiotic and symptomatic therapy.

  • Nonspecific therapy. It is based on the use of immunostimulants to restore the ability of the immune system to attack foreign microorganisms. The maximum effectiveness of treatment can be obtained by stimulating T-lymphocytes and phagocytes.
  • Antibiotic therapy. Since staphylococci can easily become accustomed to antibiotics, dogs should be administered only drugs tested in veterinary laboratories. These include the group of quinolones (baytril, tsiflox, enroxil).

Important! The effect of antibiotic therapy can be enhanced by combining several types of antibiotics.

To eliminate itching and redness of the skin, veterinarians prescribe ointments and gels for dogs with an antimicrobial effect. These are not cures for staphylococcus, they simply help the animal to more easily tolerate such a symptom of the disease as itching.
All preparations for external and intramuscular use in liquid form. If antimicrobial medications do not help with itching, antihistamines may be prescribed, as allergies may be the cause of skin irritation.

If your dog has fasting or vaginitis, then rinsing the vagina or foreskin with antimicrobial agents is prescribed. Treatment of staphylococcus in dogs folk remedies practiced extremely rarely, since diagnosing the disease at home is very difficult, and if neglected, it can be fatal.

If you want to try to help the animal yourself, you can use the following recipes:

  • bathe your pet in water with added apple cider vinegar And herbal decoction or with tar soap;
  • Wash wounds with infusions of burdock and comfrey, this promotes their speedy healing;
  • make lotions with apple cider vinegar.

Important! The above remedies are more aimed at alleviating the course of the disease than at eradicating it.

Possible complications

Often neglected staphylococcal infection awakens other diseases in the animal’s body:

  1. Ear infection. It is characterized by the presence bad smell from the ears, pus.
  2. Pyoderma. It manifests itself more as a secondary infection due to the fact that the animal tears the flea bites with its claws and introduces bacteria.
  3. Allergy. Possible if your pet is hypersensitive to staphylococci. She is accompanied purulent rash and itching.
  4. . As the disease progresses, the animal develops ulcers in the ears. It is accompanied by a runny nose and conjunctivitis.


To reduce the risk of staphylococcal infection, you need to:

  • provide balanced nutrition for the animal;
  • do not forget to take vitamins;
  • After each walk, check your pet for fleas, ticks, and skin lesions;
  • if wounds are found, treat with an antiseptic;
  • avoid contact with stray animals;
  • As a preventative measure, vaccinate with ASP, especially for females during pregnancy.

Is it possible to get staphylococcus from a sick dog?

The question of whether staphylococcus present in dogs is transmitted to humans has a positive answer. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to bacterial attack.

Therefore, when detected pet the first signs of the disease, it is important to minimize contact with it and immediately go to the doctor. Meanwhile, at home, one of the family members should disinfect the room.

A person cannot necessarily catch a disease from a dog. It can overtake him in the clinic, when the body is weakened.

Did you know? According to WHO, Staphylococcus aureus accounts for 31% of all hospital-acquired infections.

Staphylococcal infection is very unpleasant disease for both humans and animals. So that she doesn't do any harm for a pet and owners, adhere to basic hygiene rules and monitor the condition of your pet.
At the slightest suspicion of infection, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

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