Home Coated tongue Partial ankle sprain. Ankle ligament rupture: degrees, causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Partial ankle sprain. Ankle ligament rupture: degrees, causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Ligaments in the human body perform a fastening function; they connect muscles to bones and bones to each other. Due to excessive stress, ligament sprains or even ruptures occur. It is worth noting that this injury is one of the most common. Sometimes it is enough to just make one careless movement and a person will receive a similar injury; athletes especially often suffer from it.


To provide first aid to a person or, you need to know the symptoms and mechanisms of sprains. If you are involved in any kind of sport, then this information It will be even more useful to you. Sprains typically occur due to overuse. Small tears form in the ligament tissue, causing pain to the person. If a person is seriously injured, it may rupture completely.

When sprained, the symptoms will be as follows:

Strong pain;
- swelling;
- bruise;
- redness;
- impossibility of movement.

However, only a doctor can more accurately determine the nature of the injury by conducting X-ray examination joint If during an injury a person feels some kind of click or crunch, and then it becomes simply impossible to move the foot, then there is a high probability that this is a fracture. It may be accompanied by sprain or rupture of ligaments.

How to give first aid

The more competent and timely the treatment is provided, the greater the chances for a quick and successful recovery. First aid consists of certain actions. First of all, the person’s shoes and socks are removed in order to completely eliminate any pressure on the sore leg. It is desirable that she be completely immobilized. The leg should be slightly elevated, for example, by placing a folded blanket or some kind of support under it, this way you can improve blood circulation.

It is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot, but this should be done correctly. Place the ice on a dry cloth for literally twenty minutes, then take a break for the same amount of time and put the ice on again. This procedure must be performed within the first two hours after injury. If ice is not applied in time, the recovery process will be longer. Next, you need to tightly bandage the damaged joint with an elastic bandage. If necessary, you can take some painkiller tablet.

The ankle joint provides the ability for a person to move correctly and confidently. You can use it to go down stairs. Do rotational movements without lifting your feet off the floor.

The ankle joint allows the foot to work, which provides stability to the human body. This is a kind of support, but very reliable. To allow the foot to rise or fall, the ankle. To be able to carry out lateral movements of the talus and calcaneus, which are connected to each other.

The structure of the ankle joint

Let's look at the structure of the ankle. It is a knot that is connected by bones. There are four main bones in the ankle joint. It also contains fibers called ligaments. They should hold the bones, but not hinder their movement. It is the ligaments that allow you to make movements of different amplitudes. The ligaments must be elastic.

There are definitely blood vessels in the joint. They are needed for normal blood circulation. They are not considered components ankle joint, but without them it will not fulfill its purpose.

Structure of the ankle joint and ligaments

It is possible to compare the anatomy of the ankle joint with a bag, which has 2 layers. It is where the bones are connected. The main purpose of the bag is to create a tightness and reproduce special synovial fluid. It will fill all the cavities.

Bones in a joint

The ankle joint is located at the junction of two bones:

  • tibia;
  • fibular

They form a cavity where the joint itself is located. Therefore, at the moment of movement, a large load falls on the bones. Due to the fact that the entire weight of the body falls on the ankle joint.

The bone cavity will be divided into several parts:

  • Outer ankle.
  • Inner surface.
  • Distal surface of the tibia.

Ankle bones

On the first ankle are fixed:

  • connective tissue formation;
  • connective shell;

In this case, all the bone components of the joint and foot will be connected by tendons, muscles, and joints. They give flexibility to the ankle. The shock-absorbing function when moving is also increased.


In order for the ankle to be mobile, it contains 8 muscle bundles, with their help flexion, extension and rotation occur.

Therefore, when moving, a person maintains balance and his legs do not twist. You can make rotational movements, and the muscles will guarantee complete safety.

If there is a violation of muscle contraction or their flexibility becomes insufficient, a person will not be able to move correctly over uneven places. will twist and possibly cause injury. For the same reason, there may be an injury to the ankle joint.

The muscles are located in the joint located in the foot:

  • Bendable. These include the toe flexors, plantar, triceps, and posterior tibialis.
  • Extensor. These will be the toe extensor muscles and the tibialis anterior muscle.
  • Muscles that guarantee rotation. This is the peroneus longus and brevis muscle. These muscles are called pronators.
  • Extensors thumb, peroneus anterior muscle. They are called instep supports.

The structure of the muscles of the ankle joint

Correct operation of all components will ensure smooth functioning of the ankle joint.

Ligaments and tendons are needed to support bones. They prevent them from moving and control the movement of the joint.

The ankle ligaments have three groups:

  • Ligament between the shin bones, it is called the interosseous ligament.
  • To prevent the collapse of the joint, it contains the deltoid ligament or medial. There are also the talofibular and calcaneofibular joints, which are attached to the lateral malleolus.
  • The tibial ligament controls rotational movements. It will be posterior ligament. But the ankle joint has the same anterior ligament.

Ligaments and tendons of the ankle

The ankle joint is designed according to the block principle. The joint contains the calcaneal tendon. With its help, the joint becomes strong and can withstand a load of more than 300 kg.

Functions of the heel tendon:

  • provides vertical movement of a person;
  • acts as a kind of shock absorber when walking;
  • the foot moves with its help;
  • the presence of the heel tendon allows a person to move quite quickly and jump.

With the development of pathologies, it can become deformed. This is facilitated by injuries, hypothermia, and uncomfortable shoes.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got twisted at the dacha, sharp pain in the lower back prevented me from moving, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis lumbar region spine, disc herniation L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of... wheelchair. Last months I started moving more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

For normal functioning of the ankle joint, normal blood circulation is necessary.

This is provided by 3 arteries that pass through it:

  • Posterior fibulae.
  • Anterior fibulae.
  • Tibial.

Arteries and vessels

They all branch out into the ankle area and wrap around the ankle joint on all sides. Blood through the veins passes through internal and external vessels, which form connections. These are the saphenous and tibial veins.

Ankle injuries

The ankle joint consists of bones that are connected to each other. It contains ligaments and joint fluid. This whole mechanism will only work if all elements are intact. But injuries often occur; they can cause problems in the musculoskeletal system.

Possible injuries to the ankle joint:

  • bruise and;
  • dislocation;
  • subluxations;

Ankle dislocation

Even an awkward movement may be enough for this to happen, which will lead to injury. If there is an impact on the tissue, the doctor diagnoses a bruise. In this case, swelling and slight pain will appear. The patient can step on his foot, but experiences discomfort.

Dislocations and subluxations are quite common. Very often this also results in an ankle fracture. What happens to the ankle when it sprains? The position of the bones in the joint changes, weak ligaments are damaged, and a rupture may even occur.

When the joint is slightly displaced and the contact points are not broken, subluxation is diagnosed. In this case, pain will be felt and the functions of the joint will be slightly impaired. But all the symptoms are not very pronounced.

Ligament damage usually occurs as a result of a sprained ankle. Ligament ruptures often occur in a child who plays sports or gymnastics.

What characterizes a ligament rupture:

  • the patient twists his leg and at this moment leans on it, he can tear the ligament;
  • ligaments are stretched;
  • hemorrhage occurs on both sides of the joint;
  • swelling appears in this place;
  • strong pain when turning the foot inward;
  • upon examination and touch, the patient will feel quite severe pain;
  • A sprain may be accompanied by a fracture of the foot bones. This is usually the 5th metatarsal;
  • if a fracture occurs, the person will experience very severe pain, especially when touching this place.

Ankle ligament rupture occurs. In this case, there is a feeling of a fracture in the ankle joint. The location of the injury will be of blue color. The pain will be severe and the person will not be able to move independently.

Complex injuries include a fracture of the ankle joint, and the patient will have:

  • Severe and sharp pain, fever.
  • A characteristic swelling appears.
  • The ankle joint is displaced.
  • You can't rely on it.
  • It will differ from the joint on a healthy leg even in appearance.

Types of fractures:

Calcaneal fracture

  • fracture of the outer ankle. It is also called an isolated fracture fibula. In this case, subluxation of the foot usually occurs;
  • fracture of the inner malleolus characterized by damage to the posterior edge inside the tibia and subluxation of the foot;
  • if a person falls from pretty high altitude the talus bone may be fractured in the legs. This is a rather complex fracture in which the blood supply to the ankle joint is disrupted.

Any injury to the ankle joint requires medical examination and treatment, since it is impossible to cure a serious injury on your own.

ICD-10 foot injuries are classified under code S93:

  • S93.0 – dislocation of the ankle joint.
  • S93.2 – rupture of foot or ankle ligaments;
  • S93.3 – dislocation of any part of the foot.
  • S93.4 – severe strain and sprain of the ankle joint.
  • S93.5 – sprain and severe tension of the toe ligaments;
  • S93.6 – injury and sprain of ligaments in the joints of the foot.

Upon diagnosis, the doctor will set the strain code and be able to choose the right treatment.

Characteristic signs of ligament rupture

Ligament ruptures have varying degrees and the changes occurring in the ankle joint depend on this:

  • Stretching. In this case, the ligament loses its elasticity, but does not rupture completely. It continues to support the joint.
  • Partial rupture. In this case, the integrity of the ligament will be compromised. The joint will become unstable.
  • Complete break. In this case, the ligament is completely torn. The joint becomes unstable and loose. There will be no fixation of the ankle joint at all.
  • Particular ligament damage. In this case, the ligament stretches a little, but is slightly torn away from the bone. In this case, complex ligament damage is identified and called osteoepiphysiolysis.

Signs of an ankle sprain:

  • Pain does not occur when the ankle joint is at rest. But it becomes sharp when you try to stand on your leg and will be felt precisely at the site of the ligament rupture. The more severe the pain, the more damaged the ligament is.
  • Edema. It begins to appear gradually. At first there will be a slight swelling and only after a few hours the entire ankle will become swollen. It can stay for a month.
  • Bruise or hematoma. They appear when ankle ligaments rupture. If the damage to the ligament is minor, there will be a slightly noticeable blue tint. When cyanosis quickly appears after injury, severe damage usually occurs. The bluer the skin, the more complex the injury will be.
  • The ankle does not function normally. In this case, people begin to limp and feel pain when stepping on their feet. If a ligament ruptures, the pain is felt sharply. When touched, the patient also experiences quite severe pain.

Degrees of stretch


After dysfunction of the ankle joint, it is necessary to go to the hospital for diagnosis. The main type of diagnosis is x-ray.

The patient should be examined by a traumatologist or surgeon:

  • Initial examination. At the same time, he listens to the patient's complaints.
  • Examination of the victim places using palpation.
  • Usually it is impossible to do without an x-ray. But this will be decided by the doctor.
  • If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.
  • Ultrasonography(Ultrasound) is performed as an additional procedure.

The difficulty of diagnosis lies in anatomical features ankle

Treatment of ankle injury

Based on the signs, the doctor can determine the complexity of the injury. But it is necessary to carry out full diagnostics to choose the right treatment.

Bandages for sprains

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. To do this, you can use ice or a towel soaked in cold water. In general, any cold object will do. Such a compress will be effective in the first 12 to 18 hours after the injury.

It is necessary to immobilize or fix the ankle joint:

  • will suit . It is used for sprains, ruptures and restoration;
  • the orthosis functions as a tight bandage and replaces the elastic bandage. Its use is more convenient;
  • a cast or splint is applied in the hospital. It can be left for a month. It all depends on the severity of the injury.

Fixation is needed so that the tissues begin to grow together and recover. If this is not done on time, the treatment will take a long time.

Elastic bandage


Treatment of ligament rupture will not be possible without the use of drug treatment, but they are always of secondary importance:

  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Reducing pain.
  • Getting rid of swelling.

Can be used:

  • Injections, injections- Ketanov, Revmoxicam, Movalis are prescribed for them.
  • Oral medications, tablets— , Larfix, Nimesulide.
  • Facilities local anesthesia, – Fastum gel, Diklak gel, Finalgon, Gepatrombin.

Ketanov in ampoules and tablets Movalis Diclofenac
Ointment for pain relief Finalgon Nimesulide in tablets Fastum gel

The medications are prescribed by the doctor. Analogs can be selected that can improve the therapeutic effect.


Ankle ligament surgery is performed for severe injuries. Especially if the breaks are very complete.

Still can't do without surgical intervention if an open ankle ligament rupture occurs:

  • The operation is carried out no later than 30 days later. If this is done later, complications will not be avoided and long period recovery.
  • Plastic surgery is required to completely restore the ligament.
  • The tissues of the damaged ligament are sutured.
  • Connective bone tissue and elements of the joint capsule are also sutured.

If there is not enough material, implants can be used for plastic surgery. To do this, they use nearby fabrics that are similar in their properties.


For the first 3 days, no physical treatment can be performed. This is simply prohibited.

Then, as prescribed by a doctor, the following can be used:

  • applications made of ozokerite or paraffin;
  • electrophoresis;
  • warming ones made from alcohol or an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Almag device for home use;
  • phonophoresis and ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • massage.

Physical therapy or exercise therapy plays an important role. They begin to gradually increase the load, and full recovery joint work and strengthening muscles and ligaments. It is started no earlier than 3 days of treatment.

The exercise is done at least 3 times and 10 approaches:

  • Exercise No. 1. It is necessary to tense the muscles on the feet of the left and right leg and shins.
  • Exercise No. 2. Quickly move your toes, and then move your knee joints. After a week, the exercises become a little more difficult.
  • Exercise No. 3. You need to stand on your feet and rise onto your toes.
  • Exercise No. 4. You need to use your toes to pull any object towards you.
  • Exercise No. 5. Walk for at least 2 hours every day on a flat surface.
  • Exercise No. 6. Stretch the ligaments using an expander or elastic bandage.

Physical therapy for ankle injuries

After such exercises, blood circulation will be restored and the muscles will return to the desired tone. All exercises must be coordinated with your doctor.

To restore the ankle joint, it is permissible to use taping:

  • To do this, use a special patch - tape., which is made from cotton and lycra. Due to the combination of two materials, it stretches well, allows air to pass through and holds the ankle well.
  • It is impregnated with special glue and secured to the leg. Therefore, it can be used for swimming and physical education.
  • It's been used for quite a long time, allows you to strengthen the muscle frame in the area of ​​injury and immobilize the ligaments.


You should consult your doctor before using any treatment.

Complications and rehabilitation

Quite often, after a sprained ankle, complications can occur. Yes, it will happen when untimely application in hospital, improper treatment or rehabilitation, with a very complex injury. Ligament injuries take a long time to heal, on average from a month to six months.

Consequences that appear over several years:

  • abscess formation;
  • hemorrhage in the joint;
  • joint dislocation;

If nodules form as the ligaments heal, the patient may experience constant pain.

With the right rehabilitation period Any complications can be avoided; physiotherapy has a restorative effect on the sore joint:

  • relieve pain;
  • restore blood circulation;
  • prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • restore metabolism;
  • normalize lymph outflow, which promotes better absorption of medications.

Bruised ankle

Bruises may have various degrees severity:

  • In the first case, the skin is almost intact. There may be scratches. It usually goes away in a short period of time.
  • In the second degree, muscle rupture occurs, swelling appears and a hematoma may appear. The pain is sharp and severe.
  • At grade 3, tendon and muscle damage occurs. Sometimes it comes to dislocations.
  • At grade 4 severity of bruises, changes will occur, that will affect the quality of life. The ankle will not be able to perform any functions.

Ankle ligament diseases

Other ligament diseases:

  • inflammation. It can begin to develop with weakened immunity or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • ligament distortion called stretching or tearing. The disease can begin with sudden exertion. This may damage the articular cartilage;
  • calcification of ligaments in the ankle joint occurs when injured and manifests itself in the form of bone shadows;
  • foot tendinitis is pathological process which promotes damage to ligament tissue and the development of inflammation;
  • with prolonged overstrain of ligaments it is almost impossible to avoid their damage. It can lead to the development of inflammation, chronic pain;
  • with ligamentitis of the ligaments In the ankle, the longest plantar ligament is damaged. Ligamentosis occurs when there is an infection or injury.

Treatment of ankle ligaments at home

If the sprain is not very severe and the ankle has been examined, it can be treated at home with folk remedies:

  • Grated raw potatoes are applied to the sore spot.
  • A compress is made from grated onion and sugar; you can treat with this remedy often.
  • Lard and garlic need to be ground. Add eucalyptus leaves and strain through cheesecloth and rub the resulting liquid into the sore spot.
  • Pour several cloves of garlic with vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, and vodka. Leave for 14 days. Then add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to it and use it as a compress on a sore ankle.
  • Apply fresh elderberry leaf.

Step-by-step instructions for providing first aid to an injured person when injured:

  • Take off your shoes.
  • on the leg so that it fixes the ankle joint.
  • Apply a cold compress to the sore joint.
  • Call an ambulance or accompany the person to the hospital. Especially if a hematoma or severe swelling appears.

First aid for sprains

Sick leave for sprained ankle

Depending on the severity of the injury, the patient may receive sick leave. It is required to be given when performing surgery and diagnosing a ligament rupture. The duration of treatment depends on the outpatient condition of the patient and the opinion of the attending physician.

If your back, neck or lower back hurts, do not delay treatment unless you want to finish in wheelchair! Chronic aching pain in the back, neck or lower back - main feature osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious illness. Treatment must begin right now...

From an anatomical point of view, it has the most complex structure. And such an idea of ​​nature is quite amenable to logical explanation. After all, it is this part of the leg that is entrusted with a very important - supporting - function, which the joint copes with ideally. But if everything is so good, why then is damage to the ankle ligament the diagnosis that a traumatologist makes to his patients more often than others?

Anatomical structure of the ankle

The ankle joint is formed by the talus and tibia bones and has a block-like shape. The angle of its mobility during extension and flexion reaches 90°. Both on the outside and on inside it is strengthened by ligaments. The internal, which in medicine is known as the deltoid or medial, connective tissue of the ankle is located from the medial malleolus towards the calcaneal, talus and externally, its shape is as close as possible to a triangle.

But as for the external ligaments of the ankle joint, there are three of them. All of them come from, while two of them are attached to the talus and one to the heel. It is because of their location that they are called the posterior and anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments.

Age characteristic feature This supporting joint is its mobility. Moreover, in adults it is more mobile towards the plantar surface, in children - towards back side feet.

Ankle injury - a problem for athletes or an ailment that awaits everyone?

Do not think that the ankle joint is a problem only for athletes who subject their bodies to great physical stress. After all, from total number Of traumatology patients who have been diagnosed with this, only 15-20% were injured during training. Classify the rest by age group, occupation or gender is simply impossible. And this is quite logical, since anyone can stumble, make a sudden wrong movement, twist their ankle, or simply jump off a step unsuccessfully.

Quite often, modern “fashionistas” are also diagnosed with ankle joint problems, for whom beauty is much higher on the list of priorities than convenience and health. They choose shoes based not on comfort and correct fit of the foot, but on price, heel height, color or fashion trends. Such incorrectly selected accessories women's wardrobe, matching a handbag, dress or eye color, often cause an injury, the name of which, according to medical terminology, is damage to the ankle ligament.

As for children, they suffer from this disease also not so rarely. After all, little fidgets are in constant movement. In addition, their joints and bone tissue They are not yet fully strengthened, so they are easy to injure.

Who should watch out for ankle injuries?

Damage to the ankle ligaments is not always the result of trauma alone. In 20-25%, as evidenced medical practice, doctors call the causes of the disease anatomical predisposition and chronic diseases. Most often, connective tissue injuries occur in people with high supination, or arches, with different limb lengths, as well as in those who suffer from ligamentous weakness, muscle imbalance and various neuromuscular disorders.

Therefore, everyone who is included in this risk category should approach the choice of shoes with special care and carefully dose physical exercise on the musculoskeletal system.

first degree

Depending on the severity of connective tissue damage, the disease is divided into three main degrees. The first, and easiest, is the rupture of single fibers, which does not violate the stability of the joint. In this case, the victim experiences pain of low intensity, which can be relieved with analgesics in the form of tablets and ointments. There may be slight swelling at the site of injury, but there are no signs of hyperemia at all.

Clinical manifestations of second degree injury

If a person has second-degree damage to the ligaments of the left ankle joint (or right), the symptoms will be more pronounced. The victim experiences quite severe pain syndrome, on skin mild bruises and bruises appear. Such a partial injury does not affect the stability of the joint, but a person with an injury is practically unable to walk.

Symptoms characteristic of third degree damage

The third degree of injury to connective structures can rightfully be called the most severe. After all, such damage to the ligaments of the right ankle joint (or left - it doesn’t matter) implies a complete rupture of all fibers without exception. Characteristic symptoms are acute pain of high intensity, impaired motor function, as well as instability of the joint itself. In addition, subcutaneous hemorrhages of various sizes immediately appear at the site of injury, which after some time are accompanied by severe swelling.

Should you refuse medical care?

Despite the fact that the first two degrees of injury to the ankle ligaments are not classified as severe and do not require specific treatment, an examination by a doctor will not be superfluous. After all, pain of moderate intensity, swelling and hyperemia are symptoms not only of damage to connective tissues. Such clinical picture It is also typical for cracks and fractures of bone tissue, the treatment of which is best carried out under medical supervision. Therefore, it is so important that a specialist clearly diagnoses the injury and prescribes an appropriate course of therapy.

Let us also note that even if a person has partial damage to the ankle ligaments, he needs the advice of a professional - this will speed up the recovery process. Therefore, regardless of the degree of injury to connective tissues, refuse professional medical care not worth it.

First aid for torn ankle ligaments

If a crunch or crackling sound is heard when the connective tissue is damaged, there is practically no doubt that the fibers of the ligament have ruptured. Besides, in in this case any movement that the victim tries to make is accompanied by acute pain, and swelling or bruising immediately appears at the site of injury. To improve the patient’s condition before he is examined by a doctor, it is necessary to correctly provide first aid to the victim.

First, you immediately need to immobilize the injured limb. The patient should be seated, or better yet, positioned so that the ankle is above the level of the heart. This situation will allow, if it happened complete damage ankle ligaments, prevent internal hemorrhage.

Secondly, a cold compress should be applied to the damaged area, or better yet, pieces of ice should be applied. The victim is then given a painkiller and a decision is made on how to transport him to the nearest emergency room. If damage to the ankle ligaments (symptoms described above) is accompanied by severe hyperemia, unbearable pain and extensive swelling, it is better to call ambulance. Doctors will immediately put a splint on the leg and take the patient to the hospital, where they will conduct a full diagnosis.

Treatment of first degree ligament damage

An injury of this severity usually does not require drug treatment. The main essence of the process is to fix the damaged joint and take painkillers, if necessary. In other words, a patient diagnosed with first-degree ankle ligament damage can continue to lead a normal lifestyle. However, during the recovery period, doctors recommend reducing physical activity if possible and applying a tight bandage to the damaged joint.

As a rule, complete recovery occurs within 10-12 days.

How are second-degree ligament injuries treated?

Treatment for grade 2 injuries will take significantly longer than a sprain. In addition, during this period the patient should not only limit physical activity, but also undergo a course of complex therapy, which will help to quickly recover from such a disorder as damage to the ankle ligaments. The consequences of the disease, if the doctor’s recommendations are strictly followed, will not bother the patient, but self-medication in such situations can cause many problems, and even after a few years the person will not be able to forget about the injury.

As a rule, if the connective tissue of the ankle is partially torn, the patient is given a plaster splint that fixes the leg for 3 weeks. To relieve pain, a painkiller is prescribed in tablet form. This could be one of the drugs such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen or Ketorol. From the third day of treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures can be added to speed up the healing process.

Third degree ligament injuries: treatment features

You should know that if the doctor determines that the patient has complex damage to the ankle ligaments, treatment will take at least 5-6 weeks. It is also worth saying that it is carried out in a hospital setting, since it requires surgical intervention, during which the torn connective tissues are sewn together, blood is pumped out of the joint, after which the medicine “Novocain” or other similar drugs is injected into its cavity.

After surgery, the patient is put in a cast on the leg for 3-5 weeks and prescribed a course of medications that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. From 3-4 days of treatment to complex therapy include physiotherapeutic procedures that improve blood circulation in areas of injury and stimulate protective functions the body as a whole.

Consequences of ankle injuries

It is wrong to say that damage to the ankle ligaments (photos of damaged areas posted on stands outside the traumatologist’s office frighten many patients, which is understandable) is always fraught with serious complications. After all, treatment started on time and compliance with all doctor’s instructions allows for the complete restoration of connective tissue. Exceptions are those cases when patients ignore the recommendations of specialists or are treated independently, exclusively with the help of traditional medicine. The consequence of such carelessness and irresponsible attitude towards one’s health most often becomes instability of the ankle joint. And this can cause repeated injury to connective and bone tissues.

Therefore, before treating ankle ligament damage, the patient must clearly understand that compliance medical recommendations During the period of therapy and rehabilitation his health depends.

Moisov Adonis Alexandrovich

Orthopedic surgeon, doctor highest category

Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov 6, bldg. 1, metro station "Akademicheskaya"

Moscow, st. Artsimovicha, 9 bldg. 1, metro station "Konkovo"

Moscow, st. Berzarina 17 bldg. 2, metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole"

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Education and professional activity


In 2009 he graduated from Yaroslavl State Medical Academy specializing in general medicine.

From 2009 to 2011, he completed clinical residency in traumatology and orthopedics at the base clinical hospital emergency medical care N.V. Solovyov in Yaroslavl.

Professional activity:

From 2011 to 2012, he worked as an orthopedic traumatologist at Emergency Hospital No. 2 in Rostov-on-Don.

Currently working in a clinic in Moscow.


May 27 - 28, 2011 - Moscow- III International Conference “Foot and Ankle Surgery” .

2012 - training course on Foot Surgery, Paris (France). Correction of forefoot deformities, minimally invasive surgeries for plantar fasciitis (heel spurs).

February 13 -14, 2014 Moscow - II Congress of Traumatologists and Orthopedists. “Traumatology and orthopedics of the capital. Present and future."

June 26-27, 2014 - took part in V All-Russian Congress of the Society of Hand Surgeons, Kazan .

November 2014 - Advanced training "Application of arthroscopy in traumatology and orthopedics"

May 14-15, 2015 Moscow - Scientific and practical conference With international participation. « Modern traumatology, orthopedics and disaster surgeons.”

2015 Moscow - Annual international Conference.

May 23-24, 2016 Moscow - All-Russian Congress with international participation. .

Also at this congress he was a speaker on the topic "Minimally invasive treatment of plantar fasciitis (heel spurs)" .

June 2-3, 2016 G. Nizhny Novgorod - VI All-Russian Congress of the Society of Hand Surgeons .

In June 2016 Assigned. Moscow city.

Scientific and practical interests: foot surgery And hand surgery.

The injury that everyone so persistently calls a sprain is actually damage to the ankle ligaments. Our ligaments do not stretch, but tear. But the nature of the gap may be different. From individual fiber ruptures to partial and complete ruptures. A sprain is a term that describes ligament injury when individual fibers of the ligament tear, but the overall ligament is stable. If the ligaments were stretched, there would not be such bleeding, swelling and pain after injury.

Ankle injury

Ligament injuries occur most often in the ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow joints due to their anatomy and physiology.

Ligaments are very strong structures involved in the formation of joints. Without them, normal movements are impossible. The severity of ligament damage is assessed in degrees:

  • I degree – mild damage to the ligaments (rupture of individual fibers, without damage to the entire bundle) without loss of joint stability.
  • Grade II - partial rupture of the ligament, but without loss of joint stability.
  • III degree - complete rupture of the ligament with joint instability.

Injured ligaments cause inflammation, swelling, and bleeding (bruising) around the affected joint. Movement in the joint is painful.

Sometimes ligament injuries (complete rupture) can be very serious, requiring surgical treatment and rehabilitation.

The structure of the ankle joint

The ankle joint has the following structure:

The joint is formed by three bones, the tibia, fibula and talus. These bones are held together at the ankle joint by ligaments, which are strong bands of connective tissue that hold the bones together, allowing normal movement and providing stability to the joint. Tendons connect muscles to bones and are needed to transmit force. The ankle joint is primarily fixed by two ligaments. These are the fibular ligament and the deltoid ligament.

Signs of an ankle ligament injury

Exist following signs ankle ligament injuries:

  • Pain
  • Edema
  • Hemorrhage (bruise)
  • Limitation of movements

The symptoms of a sprain and a fracture are very similar. In fact, sometimes fractures can be mistaken for sprains. This is why it is so important to consult an orthopedic doctor after any injury.

If the damage to the ankle ligaments is minor, there may be little swelling and pain. But if the damage is serious, the swelling and pain are usually intense.

Most ankle injuries occur either during sports or while walking on uneven surfaces, when there is a high risk of twisting the foot. Unnatural foot position in high-heeled shoes. Car accidents.

Damage usually occurs when the stress experienced by the ligaments exceeds its normal limit. This occurs suddenly when the foot rolls in or the tibia is rotated (turned) while the foot is fixed.

As a rule, minor ligament injuries (grades I and II) heal on their own within three weeks. The main goals of treatment are to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, limit movement in order to return to normal walking as soon as possible.

First aid for a sprained ankle

Avoid: heating the damaged area during the first week, rubbing with alcohol and massage, which can aggravate the swelling. For example, exclude hot baths and saunas. Heat has the opposite effect compared to ice. That is, it stimulates blood flow.

  • If symptoms of an ankle ligament injury worsen within the first 24 hours, see your doctor for further medical evaluation.

It is important to limit the load when walking (do not rely entirely on the foot) until the injury has been diagnosed by a doctor.

Diagnosis of an ankle injury

The first thing the doctor will do is ask questions about how the injury occurred to determine its mechanism. This is important for diagnosis various injuries. Physical examination of the ankle area can be painful because the doctor must determine at what point and with what movement the pain is most severe in order to make a correct diagnosis.

The doctor may order an x-ray of the ankle to determine if there is a fracture.

Treatment of ankle ligaments

Some evidence suggests that ice and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) provide significant pain relief and help reduce local inflammation.

Fixation of the ankle joint after a rupture or sprain

It is necessary to immobilize the ankle joint for 3 weeks to allow the damaged ligament fibers to heal when treating the ankle joint. If you do not wear a brace (orthosis), longer healing may occur.

Drug therapy for the ankle joint

NSAIDs, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, will reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. These drugs may increase the risk of bleeding, so when treating ankle ligaments with these drugs, they are contraindicated when used with anticoagulants such as warfarin.

You can use any NSAID drug that suits you:

    • Ibuprofen
    • Nurofen
    • Ketorol

1 tablet (100 mg) 2 times a day, always after meals, but not more than 5 days. Such drugs have a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa.

Pain relieving ointments such as:

Dolobene gel

Nise gel


Apply topically, 3-4 times a day, for 10-14 days.

How to prevent ankle injuries?

  • Avoid physical exercise or playing sports when you are tired.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Try to avoid falls
  • Don't wear shoes with worn heels on one side.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Warm up before exercising or playing sports.
  • Walk carefully on uneven surfaces.

Don't self-medicate!

Determine the diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment Only a doctor can. If you have any questions, you can call orask a question about .

The human ankle joint bears a significant portion of a person's weight. That is why it is surrounded by numerous muscles and tendons, which give it stability and reliability. However, torn ankle ligaments are the most common musculoskeletal injury. Why?


Causes of injury

  • Sedentary lifestyle. The consequence of a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle is the destruction, decrepitude and atrophy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Elderly age. It increases the risk of injury several times, because... Over time, the body's muscles become less elastic, bones become more fragile, and ligaments become weaker.

ankle joint with ligament rupture

Also, rupture of the ankle ligaments can be caused by engaging in traumatic sports, careless walking with twisting of the foot, jumping from a height, etc.

Types and symptoms of injury

Depending on the number of torn fibers, ankle ligament rupture can have several degrees:

  • At mild degree injury, the so-called sprain, a small part of the fibers in the ankle is torn, i.e. microscopic ruptures occurred. This degree is accompanied by minor painful sensations during movement and possibly slight redness of the skin around the joint.
  • Second degree injury - partial ligament rupture indicates damage to most of the fibers in the joint. In this case, the patient may experience great difficulty walking or may not be able to walk at all.
  • In extreme cases of injury, a complete rupture of the ankle ligaments occurs, which leads to disruption of the motor function of the joint and the patient cannot move independently. The joint increases in size due to large swelling on the outside of the ankle and foot. Bruises and hematomas appear in the ankle area.

Treating injury correctly

The effectiveness of trauma treatment depends on the degree of damage, which is determined by the doctor in the trauma room.

You can also diagnose ankle ligament rupture using:

  • X-rays that reveal a dislocated ankle or a fractured joint;
  • MRI - helps in assessing the extent of injury, because provides a layer-by-layer image of all ligaments, tendons and injured joints.

treatment of mild ankle ligament ruptures

Treatment of mild ankle ligament rupture comes down to tight bandaging of the joint and the use of products that have a targeted effect on connective tissue ligaments

Comprehensive treatment of injury also involves following a diet. During the rehabilitation period, the body needs an increased amount of protein, which is rich in, for example, meat and dairy dishes.

With a mild degree of ligament rupture, from the very first day after the onset of injury, doctors recommend that patients use careful active movements with their fingers and knee joint, as well as performing static tension on the muscles of the foot and lower leg. This promotes faster recovery muscle mass joint, as well as maintaining elasticity and muscle tone.

Restoring joint function in this case takes about 7-10 days.

At partial rupture ankle ligaments, the use of pharmacological agents is important.

Treatment is carried out according to the scheme: protecting the joint from stress - drug treatment– rest – use pressure bandage or splints - physical therapy classes - rehabilitation.

The use of cryotherapy (cold treatment) in the first hours after injury reduces swelling and pain.

With excessively strong pain injections of a solution of novocaine, lidocaine and hydrocortisone are used.

Drug treatment for partial rupture of ankle ligaments is carried out using non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action: ibuprofen, ketorolac, nimesulide, etc.

A puncture procedure with evacuation of excess blood is indicated if significant hemorrhage is detected in the cavity of the ankle joint.

It is recommended to wear a protective figure-of-eight bandage or splint for partial rupture of the ankle ligaments for 2-3 weeks until swelling and pain completely disappear.

Complex treatment of ankle injuries also involves the use of physiotherapeutic methods such as diadynamic currents, paraffin baths, UHF therapy, etc.

Treatment of complete ankle ligament rupture, as well as massive hemorrhage into the periarticular tissues and open injury with ligament rupture involves surgery.

The surgical procedure is carried out five or six weeks after the injury occurs, because earlier surgical intervention can serve as an impetus for the development of contractures. Later surgical intervention leads to complications during the patient’s rehabilitation process.

During surgery, damaged ligaments are sutured or the ends of the ligaments are sutured to the bone, the joint cavity is inspected and damaged tissue is resectioned (removed).


A correctly diagnosed degree of injury, a competent approach to treatment, and careful compliance by the patient with the doctor’s recommendations lead to rapid recovery ankle ligaments and minimize the consequences after injury.

The effectiveness of treating a ruptured ankle joint also lies in conducting exercises physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage and warm baths during the rehabilitation stage. Individual approach to a set of exercises, early physical activity, guarantee a quick recovery of the joint.

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