Home Children's dentistry What to do if you have a cough and your bronchi hurt? How to cure residual cough after bronchitis? Causes of bronchial obstruction.

What to do if you have a cough and your bronchi hurt? How to cure residual cough after bronchitis? Causes of bronchial obstruction.

With bronchitis self-treatment at home is not always effective and is even fraught with serious consequences. A deep, dry, painful cough, high fever and shortness of breath against a background of general weakness are alarm bells in which you should consult a doctor immediately.

What affects the clinical manifestations of acute bronchitis?

The symptoms of acute bronchitis are inextricably linked with the classification of this disease: the speed and specificity of manifestation. The symptoms of bronchial inflammation are influenced by:

  • etiology;
  • nature of the pathogen;
  • the prevalence and degree of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • presence of intoxication;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment.

How does acute bronchial inflammation manifest?

As a rule, the disease starts quickly. If it is viral in nature, its symptoms become apparent within a few hours. Bacterial and fungal inflammation of the bronchi develops somewhat more slowly. The classic symptoms of acute bronchitis are:

  • dry cough, which turns into a wet cough as the disease progresses, with expectoration of sputum;
  • temperature, its value depends on the nature of the disease;
  • chest pain or heaviness;
  • dyspnea;
  • general malaise.

These symptoms are so obvious that even the most experienced doctor easily diagnoses bronchitis in acute form in adults, which means the opportunity to start treatment in a timely manner and recover as quickly as possible.

It is necessary to consider in more detail how the classic signs of the disease manifest themselves, and what other optional symptoms it may be accompanied by.

Cough with acute bronchitis

Bronchial cough in the acute form of the disease in adults, as a rule, starts quickly. It is immediately strong and debilitating. There is no separation of sputum, which is thick and viscous at first, so the cough exhausts the patient, takes all his strength, and prevents him from getting enough sleep at night. If the treatment in the first three days of the illness was correct, hypersecretion of sputum should occur, more liquid, which can already be expectorated. The patient begins to feel relief. Recovery is marked by a softening of the cough and its gradual attenuation.

The mechanism of development of bronchial cough is as follows: the bronchial mucosa has villi that provide local immune reaction and participate in the self-cleaning of the respiratory system. When an infection occurs, under the influence of unfavorable factors, the mucous glands activate their work, secreting an excessive amount of thick sputum, which literally stops the villi. The body makes attempts to get rid of this sputum, which at the initial stage remain unsuccessful. When you have a dry cough, not only do you tense up pectoral muscles, but also almost all the muscles of the human body, so the patient feels exhausted and overwhelmed. It is possible to overcome a bronchial cough only by taking complex treatment in order to restore respiratory function and the self-cleaning function of the bronchi.

To do this you need:

  • reduce the titer of pathogens if acute bronchitis in adults is caused by infection (this means treatment with antiviral, antifungal agents or antibiotics);
  • exclude exposure to adverse factors if the disease is non-infectious in nature;
  • take measures to thin the mucus (primarily by frequent and warm drinking).

Possible temperature reaction

As a rule, in adults with acute bronchitis, body temperature always rises. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases acute bronchitis is infectious in nature.

Weakened general immunity in an adult, decreased local mucosal resistance bronchial tree make it vulnerable to attack by pathogens:

The viral nature of bronchial inflammation is detected in 60% of cases of the disease. Typically, this is respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus, rhinovirus. Signs of acute bronchitis can also occur against the background of measles. Treatment with antibiotics in this case is not advisable. The body temperature of an adult infected with the virus can jump sharply to 38 o C or higher. Thus, the body tries to create conditions unfavorable for viruses and develop its own protective cells as quickly as possible.

In 25% of cases, acute primary bronchitis is bacterial in nature. The causative agent of the disease is pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella. Rarely in adults, often in children, the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed due to an attack by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. For bacterial infection characteristic low-grade fever body, which, if not treated with antibiotics, can last quite a long time. If a person starts taking antibacterial agents, the temperature begins to drop on the second day and returns to normal over time.

Fungal bronchitis is diagnosed extremely rarely. The causative agent is usually the Candida fungus. Treatment antifungal drugs in combination with antibiotics for a long time, full recovery may take months. The temperature may remain within normal limits or increase slightly, up to 37.2 o C.

Non-infectious bronchitis develops due to inhalation harmful substances and toxins, or it is allergic in nature. In this case, as a rule, elevated temperature no body is observed.

If a purulent process occurs during acute inflammation of the bronchi, the temperature rises up to C, with catarrhal form such intense heat rarely occurs.

Breathing problems

Whatever the cause of acute bronchitis in adults, it is accompanied by dyspnea (shortness of breath). It can also manifest itself during active actions of varying intensity. physical activity, and at rest. Swollen mucous membrane, accumulation of thick sputum, muscle spasm lead to narrowing of the bronchial lumen. Shortness of breath is accompanied by whistling, wheezing, and noise when breathing.

It is noteworthy that shortness of breath occurs more often in children than in adults, since they suffer more from oxygen deficiency.

Dyspnea can be expiratory (on exhalation), inspiratory (on inspiration) and mixed. With infectious bronchitis, it is not a mandatory symptom. If inflammation of the bronchi occurs due to allergies, or is asthmatic in nature, expiratory shortness of breath is usually observed.

Very severe shortness of breath, even attacks of suffocation, is observed when there is a release of not only sputum, but also pus. It is very thick and literally creates plugs in the bronchial lumen.

To eliminate respiratory failure, bronchial dyspnea in adults is treated with the same drugs as asthmatic dyspnea. Usually, the doctor prescribes inhalation with a pocket aerosol Berodual, through a nebulizer with Salbutamol. Theophyllines, mainly Euphylline and Neophylline, are prescribed less frequently.

Sore throat and pharynx

In acute bronchitis in adults and children, inflammation can spread to:

  • upper respiratory tract, trachea and bronchi (laryngotracheobronchitis);
  • trachea and large bronchi (tracheobronchitis);
  • small and medium bronchi (bronchitis);
  • bronchioles (bronchiolitis).

In the first and second cases, new symptoms are added - pain in the throat, pharynx and behind the sternum. Swelling and accumulation of sputum occur in the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and trachea, respiratory movements become limited, shortness of breath appears. Treatment of both bronchitis and ENT organs is necessary (gargling, inhalation, resorption of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory tablets).

How is acute bronchitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of acute bronchitis is carried out in order to exclude diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with similar symptoms, determine the type of bronchitis and the purpose suitable treatment. Its main methods are:

  1. Analysis of symptoms (patient complaints).
  2. External examination of the patient.
  3. Analysis of anamnesis.
  4. Auscultation.
  5. Laboratory tests of blood and sputum.
  6. X-ray of the chest organs.

In the first days of the disease, auscultation performed by a doctor reveals the presence of “hard breathing” and scattered dry rales in the bronchi. As sputum thins, clinical picture is changing. Auscultation is repeated, the doctor can now hear fine moist rales.

A blood test in an adult with acute bronchitis shows leukocytosis (if the disease is caused by an infection) or eosinophilia (if the inflammation of the bronchi is of an allergic nature).

If at biochemical analysis bacteria are detected in sputum, antibiotic treatment is prescribed if eosinophils are antihistamines, including steroids.

Auscultation is sometimes not a sufficient method to confirm the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. To rule out pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases, do an x-ray.

Timely detected acute bronchitis, which is treated, lasts no more than three weeks. If cough, shortness of breath, and low-grade fever persist longer, this may be evidence of a chronic inflammatory process.

Symptoms of tracheitis and bronchitis

Tracheitis and bronchitis are diseases of the mucous membrane of the lungs. They affect two important human respiratory organs - the trachea and bronchi. The cause of the disease is most often a cold, viral and bacterial infection, in some cases – chemical, thermal damage to organs, systematic severe poisoning with nicotine and tar, or trauma. In any case, this requires serious treatment.

Symptoms of bronchitis and tracheitis

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is important to know how to distinguish tracheitis from bronchitis. Characteristic symptoms tracheitis - dry cough. It appears in the morning or at night. You feel a “stretch” in your chest, which turns into a cough when you take a deep breath or laugh. With bronchitis, cough and difficulty breathing are pronounced. The cough is more wet. Another important symptom- burning sensation in the chest. It is strongly manifested when coughing, especially with a long course of the disease.

Listening with a phonendoscope reveals characteristic dry or moist rales in the lungs. With tracheitis, wheezing can be heard both from the back and in the front in the middle; with bronchitis, characteristic wheezing is heard from the back in the side. Bronchitis can affect only one lung - in this case, wheezing will be heard only on the right or left.

There is another complex disease called “tracheobronchitis”. It affects both the trachea and bronchi at the same time. If the alveoli are affected - small bubbles in the lungs that are responsible for the absorption of oxygen from the air, then it’s time to sound the alarm and prescribe serious treatment in the hospital. Sometimes situations arise when one disease begins to transform into another - for example, a sore throat begins, which then, with a weakened immune system, turns into tracheitis, and this, in turn, turns into bronchitis.

Both with bronchitis and tracheitis there is a high body temperature. In acute forms of the disease, it can reach up to degrees. In the chronic course of the disease, for example, smoker's bronchitis, the temperature rises slightly - it stays around 36.8-37.2 degrees.

Together with an increase in temperature, these two diseases cause partial lung dysfunction and respiratory system. The consequence of this will be an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood, and a general depressed state body. For example, with tracheitis and bronchitis, along with fever, headache.

Both bronchitis and tracheitis can occur due to chemical damage to the respiratory tract. Most often they occur when inhaling bleach fumes or vapors from galvanic baths in production. Damages occur due to substance abuse - when inhaling acetone or gasoline vapors. Damage may occur as a result of prolonged exposure to capsicam from a gas cartridge in an enclosed area, for example, in a cell in a bullpen or when used close to the moment of inhalation. Damage is also possible due to injury, pneumothorax, or sharp objects entering the trachea from the mouth.

In these cases of tracheitis and bronchitis, the symptoms are detected immediately after poisoning, and are most pronounced - there is an acute burning sensation in the chest, pain when taking a deep breath. Periodic loss of consciousness and severe headaches are possible due to lack of oxygen supply. In all these cases, the patient needs urgent hospitalization, and treatment will be prescribed by a doctor of appropriate qualifications.

How else do bronchitis and tracheitis differ?

As already mentioned, bronchitis and tracheitis are distinguished by the part of the lungs that affect these diseases. When you inhale air through nasal cavity gets into the throat. Then from there it passes into the trachea - a cartilaginous tube that further transmits the flow of air to the lungs.

From the trachea, air rushes into the bronchi - cartilaginous structures extending from the trachea in both directions. The bronchi have a branched structure, first starting with a simple division of the trachea into two parts, into the left and right lungs, then branching into even smaller channels and so on until the air flow becomes sufficient to effectively fill the alveoli - vesicular cellular formations .

The alveoli fill with air when you inhale through the trachea and bronchi, and are released when you exhale. From the alveoli, air enters directly into the blood, through the walls of the lung cells, contacting red blood cells.

Tracheitis can occur in two ways - hypertrophic and atrophic. How does the first type differ from tracheitis of the second? With hypertrophic tracheitis, the mucous membrane of the trachea thickens. With atrophy, on the contrary, it becomes thinner. Even with hypertrophic tracheitis on initial stages disease, the cough will be dry. When the tracheal mucosa is affected, a characteristic burning sensation appears in the chest in the front middle, as well as in the throat. Tracheitis is often confused with a sore throat; only a doctor can reliably determine it by listening with a phonendoscope.

Bronchitis is a disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often it occurs after tracheitis, when the infection descends further into the lungs. Typically, both the bronchi and the trachea are affected by the same type of bacteria - RS viruses, adenovirus, influenza viruses, streptococci, myophilus bacilli and chlamydia. All bacteria that cause tracheitis or bronchitis are aerobic.

Bronchitis, as a rule, often develops into chronic stage than tracheitis, especially with heavy smoking. It can cause relapses or weaken its course, sometimes lasting for life. The prognosis for tracheitis is usually more favorable. For bronchitis, a hypertrophic type is more typical, when excess mucus is formed, which can even accumulate in the lungs without having time to cough up. Bronchitis is also characterized by traces of blood in the cough and darker sputum.

Tracheitis, unlike bronchitis, has various factors risk. For example, bronchitis often affects middle-aged and older people, men with bad habits, smokers, working hazardous industries. Bronchitis is a consequence of contamination of the lungs with harmful impurities from the air entering them, as well as the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Tracheitis affects older people. Often this disease is combined with laryngitis and pharyngitis. The risk factors here are somewhat different - heart disease, oral disease and even back disease. Tracheitis is quite rare in pure form occurs in young people - usually then it manifests itself either in combination with bronchitis, or quickly develops into bronchitis. One of the risk factors for tracheitis is poor diet and alcoholism. In some cases, pronounced tracheitis can be observed with non-cold infectious diseases- for example, with syphilis.

Antibiotics for tracheitis

When treating tracheitis with medications, one of the most important steps is cough suppression. This is important when the cough and wheezing are dry. A dry cough causes even greater irritation of the already depleted mucous membrane and injures it. As a result, if the disease was caused by viruses, microtraumatic pores open in the fleecy layer of the mucosa, into which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate.

Treatment of tracheitis with antibiotics is not always effective, so methods of dealing with cough will differ. For example, most often the disease is caused by influenza A and B viruses. In this case, antibiotics will be ineffective, and it is better to use symptomatic and restorative treatment. If as a result laboratory analysis sputum detected bacterial nature diseases, then treatment with antibiotics is the most effective.

In the past, antibiotics such as ampicillin and doxycycline were very popular. Now viruses and bacteria have already adapted to their effects, and modern medicine is forced to produce more and more new products that will be effective. In principle, any antibiotics can be used against aerobic bacteria - such as Ospexin, Amoxicillin. Treatment with antibiotics must be comprehensive, complete and must be prescribed by a medical specialist to avoid side effects of antibiotics. After taking antibiotics, it is advisable to take a restorative course of vitamins.

Dry cough and sore throat with bronchitis

It all started with a sore throat for me new year holidays. The tonsils were enlarged, with purulent plugs. There was no temperature. My throat hurt very badly. I rinsed with furatsilin and irrigated with Inhalipt. Did not help. After 3 days, a dry cough and severe soreness below the throat appeared. The cough made it impossible to sleep. I started taking the antibiotics “Klaforan” and “Ascoril” for cough.

I went to the on-duty therapist. I listened and diagnosed bronchitis. He told me to continue injecting the antibiotic. My throat hurts less, but my tonsils are still enlarged. Soreness when swallowing. Today the cough has become somewhat productive, but at night it makes it impossible to sleep.

I’m just very afraid that it’s pneumonia or tuberculosis, since today is the last day of the course of antibiotics (5 days), and the disease is still in place. Tell me, should I continue to inject medications and how to treat my throat?

Good afternoon. Treatment remotely is impossible and incorrect, but most likely it is necessary to extend antibiotic therapy for up to 7 days. To relieve cough, it is not “Ascoril” that is more suitable, but inhalation through a nebulizer with an “Ambroxol” solution in an age-appropriate dosage twice a day. Last time- an hour and a half before bedtime.

It is necessary to continue gargling with furatsilin, infusion of sage, calendula, treating the tonsils and back wall oropharynx with Miramistin pharmaceutical solution. In acute bronchitis, a cough lasting up to a month is considered normal. Night cough You can relieve it by taking warm milk, honey (only if you do not have allergies).

At first glance, there are no symptoms indicating tuberculosis and pneumonia, but a repeated consultation with a therapist is necessary to assess the dynamics of the disease in person and perform auscultation of the chest organs.

It is advisable to pass a comprehensive UAC, OAM, FVD. If changes are detected in the CBC, such as an increase in ESR, the presence of leukocytosis, a shift in the formula, neutrophilia, it is still better to perform a chest x-ray.

Is it necessary to treat residual effects after pneumonia

Consequences of pneumonia suffered “on your feet” for older people

Is obstructive bronchitis contagious?

All information on the site is presented for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

©, medical portal about diseases of the respiratory system Pneumonija.ru

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.

I would like to suggest a solution to the problem mentioned in the title.

At one time I also suffered from dry mouth. It began to bother me after I, in 2003, due to carcinoma (type malignant tumor), deleted right lobe thyroid gland.

I turned to an endocrinologist for help, and he registered me, although my blood sugar level was normal and, according to the results of the tests and examination, no diabetes was observed. So I was registered, regularly checked by an endocrinologist, although he did not give me any recommendations for treatment, and dry mouth continued to bother me.

The doctor said that the cause could be the unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity, teeth, or diseases of the digestive organs, and referred me first to an ENT specialist, then to a therapist, then to a gastroenterologist, but none of them found any pathology in their part, and so and to reassure me, every specialist said: “What do you want with your diagnosis, because cancer is not a joke!”

My health was terrible. Due to dry mouth, I stopped sleeping at night and became very weak. Realizing that I couldn’t last long, I decided to urgently start doing something. I started taking a mixture of aloe and honey, but positive result this was not the case. After being treated in this way for about a month and without achieving success, I stopped taking this remedy. But the fight for my health had to continue. Then I decided to visit Zaporozhye regional library, review all the literature on there folk medicine and yet find in it a description of a method that is guaranteed to eliminate dry mouth.

I still don’t stop thanking the Lord for pushing me then, and most importantly - on time, to turn to traditional medicine for help! In general, for any disease, in order to defeat it, you need to use all means, including folk ones. I tried to convince one of my friends, who had cancer on his arm, of this, but he did not listen to my advice. As a result, after some time his arm was removed, and soon he himself passed away. This is the bitter truth.

But let’s not talk about sad things, I’d rather continue the story about my healing.

The first thing I did was gargle herbal infusions, each of which I prepared separately:

poured into 4 mugs with a capacity of 400 ml each 2 good pinches of pre-dried and crushed

I filled each mug to the top with boiling water and let it sit until it cooled. After this, she filtered the infusions and gargled with them and oral cavity. She performed procedures both day and night, preparing fresh products every day.

She began to gargle her throat and mouth with chamomile infusion, after a minute - sage, after another minute - calamus root, then - with blueberry infusion, again - chamomile, etc. They also told me that dry mouth may be a consequence of poor digestive function. To stabilize them, finishing each rinse, I swallowed several sips of the infusion.

In addition to rinsing, 3 times a day and always at night, I instilled 1/2 a pipette of pharmaceutical rosehip oil and Chlorophyllipt into each nostril. During the procedure, she threw her head back, and after instillation she lay down for several minutes. First, I instilled rosehip oil, and after 15 minutes - Chlorophyllipt, because when I tried to do it in the reverse order, my head began to hurt.

In addition to rinsing and instilling, I took 7 drops of pharmaceutical birch tar once a day, dissolving it in 1 tsp. water, but it is better to drip tar onto the sugar, scooping a little of it into a spoon.

I was treated with all the remedies described above for 10 days and finally got rid of the unpleasant dryness in my mouth.

God grant that my experience will help someone else cope with it!

Laryngitis - folk remedies for treating laryngitis

We have many teachers in our family, and we have plenty of friends who are teachers; for them, the voice and throat are a working instrument, and the recipes that I offer restore the voice in case of laryngitis, even in professional singers.

1. Gargle frequently with an acidified solution (vinegar or citric acid), try not to speak for 2-3 days, drink strained and warm bran decoction 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

For 1 glass of water - 1/2 cup of anise seeds. Boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds. Add 1/4 cup honey + 1 tbsp. cognac Bring all this to a boil. Cool and drink warm, 1 tbsp. in 30 minutes. The voice is restored. This is a singers recipe.

2. Do frequent warm oil inhalations (eucalyptus oil, rose oil, etc.) A few drops on a special device - and breathe.

3. Pour hot milk over the figs and drink this infusion as often as possible.

4. Chew propolis (about the size of a pea) with your front teeth for minutes and swallow or drink drops of propolis tincture 3-4 times a day.

5. Homeopathic medicine“Arnica” (sold in a homeopathic pharmacy), dissolve 6-8 peas 3 times a day, in acute cases - every hour until improvement. Or dissolve 5-8 peas in warm water and make throat wraps.

6. Dissolve 5 drops of “Holagol” in water and drink.

7. Apply a warm compress to the neck area.

1. 1 tsp. honey + 7 drops of aloe juice (up to 20 drops per day for adults).

2. drops of lemon 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 45 days.

Choose the recipe that suits you best.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

For this disease, you need to take fifteen-minute warm foot baths and put a warm compress on your throat.

In addition, you need to deeply lubricate your throat with a mixture of iodine and glycerin for 3 days (wrap cotton wool on a stick, dip it in the mixture and anoint your throat).

Brings improvement and regular gargling sea ​​water. Also dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. honey and rinse with this solution as often as possible.

There will be no trace of laryngitis if you pour 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of honey, boil it a little and take 1 tsp every 5 minutes. this remedy.

Carrots also help cope with the disease. Essential in a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice dissolve a few tablespoons of honey and take 1 tbsp. mixtures 4-5 times a day. You can simply eat grated carrots.

Radish is also used in the treatment of laryngitis. It is necessary to take 1 tsp 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. freshly squeezed juice from its root vegetables, and also gargle with it.

Garlic promotes healing. You need to pour 5-6 chopped garlic cloves into a glass of milk, boil, cool and drink 1 tsp. decoction several times a day.

If you suffer from laryngitis, stir in half a glass of warm boiled water 1 tsp potato starch, 1 tsp. glycerin and 3-4 drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution 3-4 times a day, preparing a fresh one each time. Improvement will occur on the second day.

Treatment of laryngitis and bronchitis

Rancotrim tablets help very well if you take 2 tablets a day: one in the morning, the other in the evening after meals. Last year I fell ill with bronchitis, the cough was so bad that I couldn’t clear my throat. 1 plate (10 pieces) was enough for me, and I was cured. And this year I fell ill with bronchitis and laryngitis again, but I couldn’t find these tablets in the pharmacy, so I was treated with onion broth, it helps a lot, clears mucus. You should drink it warm in the morning on an empty stomach. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and take with 1 tsp. honey The product helps well.

When a sore throat bothers you

When a sore throat bothers you and your throat hurts, and even if the pain is accompanied high temperature, very unpleasant. Gargling a sore throat every hour with a 3% warm solution of citric acid will bring improvement. If you start carrying out procedures in the morning on the first day of illness, then, as a rule, the sore throat recedes by the end of the day. If the illness is prolonged, then rinsing will need to be carried out for at least two days. To make the treatment more effective, you should drink onion juice at the same time. To do this, chop a medium onion, strain the juice from the mixture through cheesecloth and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Children can dilute the juice with water.

To relieve a cough

To relieve a cough, eat a clove of garlic and honey at night. You can also cut a banana, steep it in hot tea for 2 hours, and then drink 1/3 cup of the infusion after meals.

It will save you from sore throat. carnation

Cloves, which are used as a seasoning, help relieve sore throats. It must be taken into the mouth, dissolved, chewed, and saliva swallowed. You can even swallow a pea of ​​cloves, it will drive out worms.

For those who have lost their voice

My recommendations are for those who for some reason have lost their voice. You can restore it by rinsing. Add 2 drops of sandalwood or lemon oil or the same number of drops of alcoholic tinctures of myrrh or sage to 0.5 cups of warm boiled water and gargle with this solution. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. In addition, you need to brew echinacea, coltsfoot or thyme herbs like tea and drink this drink without restrictions. Try not to let your throat dry out and avoid straining your voice. If alcohol is not contraindicated, a mixture of honey may help restore your voice. raw eggs and cognac, taken in equal parts and whipped in a mixer. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day after meals. God help everyone!

Sincerely - Zinaida Petrovna Grushko

  • back pain due to pneumonia
  • - X-ray of the lungs.

Bronchitis: basic information about the disease, the causes of its occurrence

Bronchitis is a disease infectious nature, expressed by diffuse inflammation of the bronchi. The disease is classified as acute and chronic. If in the first case the disease lasts no more than 3 weeks, then in the second the symptoms of bronchitis can appear within 2 years. A disease whose symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath is called obstructive bronchitis.

The first signs of bronchitis

The acute course of the disease begins with inflammation of the bronchi caused by hypothermia of the body. The patient complains of general malaise, slight increase in body temperature, cough, runny nose, muscle and throat pain. Within 10 days traditional healers It is recommended to use a mixture of chopped onions and honey, prepared in a 1:1 ratio. The product should be taken morning and evening, 1 tablespoon.

How many days should bronchitis be treated?

To prevent development undesirable consequences, the treatment of bronchitis should be approached responsibly, observing bed or semi-bed rest. If this rule is neglected, the disease will take chronic course or cause heart complications.

  • Treatment of bronchitis
  • How long does it take to treat bronchitis?
  • Bronchitis is acute. Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchitis. Treatment with folk remedies.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

The main symptoms of pneumonia include: painful manifestations against a background of high temperature; shortness of breath, both during physical exertion and at rest; presence severe cough with the discharge of copious sputum. In addition, patients may feel discomfort, as well as pain in thoracic region. As a rule, patients with pneumonia experience sweating, decreased performance, general weakness and malaise, sleep disturbances, fast fatiguability and loss of appetite. When listening to the patient over the source of inflammation, the doctor observes wheezing of various types. In older people, along with the symptoms described above, there may be signs of general intoxication of the body.

How to treat pneumonia

Undoubtedly, the main treatment for pneumonia is the use of antibacterial drugs. In addition, the prescription of the drug with the required dosage should be carried out only by a doctor based on the characteristics of the clinical picture of pneumonia, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Be careful! If during a cough the child turns red or turns pale, excessively tenses the neck muscles, breathing becomes whistling and hoarse, and the attack itself lasts more than 1 minute, causing almost vomiting - we are talking about stenosis (or laryngostenosis, as it is also called).

Stenosis is a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the larynx as a result of swallowing too cold air, high concentrations of alcohol-containing/flammable liquid or foreign bodies. The cause of spasm can also be food allergy, neoplasm (tumor) of the larynx or retropharyngeal abscess after purulent sore throat. Less common are stenoses caused by damage to the neuromuscular system.

If you suspect an abscess, the child has swallowed foreign bodies or a highly concentrated chemical liquid, you should immediately call an ambulance, as a spasm can lead to a complete stop of breathing and even fatal outcome. Stenosis caused by cold air rarely causes a rise in temperature (up to 37 degrees) and is treated steam inhalations with soda (3 times a day for a week) and dry heat on the neck area.

Cold air stenosis is similar in symptoms to false croup. However, croup is most often caused by the influenza virus and affects not only the larynx, but also the upper respiratory tract. With false croup in a child, even in calm state rapid breathing and heartbeat are observed, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, and the cough is characterized by “barking” intonations.

Urgent hospitalization is required in cases where the patient's lips or fingers turn blue, and the supraclavicular region sinks when breathing. In condition weak degree severity treatment false croup carried out at home in the same way as with the treatment of stenosis - steam. It is best to turn on boiling water in a closed bathroom until the entire room is filled with steam and breathe for 15 minutes.

A dry cough caused by ARVI most often has accompanying symptoms: runny nose and sore throat. The attack does not cause sharp spasms and difficulty breathing at rest. Within 2-3 days, a dry cough turns into a wet cough - with sputum discharge.

To treat dry cough, traditional medicine recommends using warm milk with honey, freshly squeezed juice onions or fig decoction. An excellent tool Turnip (or black radish) juice boiled with buckwheat honey also serves. In the first days of a cold, the juice should be given one tablespoon every three hours. Along with traditional medicine, it would not be amiss to use medicines prescribed by a doctor.

  • how to recognize bronchitis
  • - thermometer;
  • - phone number to call a doctor.

The very first step is Attentive attitude to the health of your child. This will allow you to independently determine what your child is sick with. Measles is more aggressive than rubella. For measles initial symptoms are an increase in temperature up to 39 degrees, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and redness (acute conjunctivitis), photophobia, “barking” cough, runny nose. Rubella begins with malaise, fever, and sometimes joint pain, but sometimes these symptoms may not exist.

Knowing the symptoms of acute bronchitis is necessary in order not to confuse this serious illness with ARVI. As you know, a large percentage of adults prefer to treat colds on their own. With bronchitis, self-treatment at home is not always effective and is even fraught with serious consequences. A deep, dry, painful cough, high fever and shortness of breath against a background of general weakness are alarm bells in which you should consult a doctor immediately.

The symptoms of acute bronchitis are inextricably linked with the classification of this disease: the speed and specificity of manifestation. The symptoms of bronchial inflammation are influenced by:

  • etiology;
  • nature of the pathogen;
  • the prevalence and degree of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • presence of intoxication;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment.

How does acute bronchial inflammation manifest?

As a rule, the disease starts quickly. If it is viral in nature, its symptoms become apparent within a few hours. Bacterial and fungal inflammation of the bronchi develops somewhat more slowly. The classic symptoms of acute bronchitis are:

  • dry cough, which turns into a wet cough as the disease progresses, with expectoration of sputum;
  • temperature, its value depends on the nature of the disease;
  • chest pain or heaviness;
  • dyspnea;
  • general malaise.

These symptoms are so obvious that even not the most experienced doctor can easily diagnose acute bronchitis in adults, which means it is possible to start treatment in a timely manner and recover as quickly as possible.
It is necessary to consider in more detail how the classic signs of the disease manifest themselves, and what other optional symptoms it may be accompanied by.

Cough with acute bronchitis

Bronchial cough in the acute form of the disease in adults, as a rule, starts quickly. It is immediately strong and debilitating. There is no separation of sputum, which is thick and viscous at first, so the cough exhausts the patient, takes all his strength, and prevents him from getting enough sleep at night. If the treatment in the first three days of the illness was correct, hypersecretion of sputum should occur, more liquid, which can already be expectorated. The patient begins to feel relief. Recovery is marked by a softening of the cough and its gradual attenuation.

The mechanism of development of bronchial cough is as follows: the bronchial mucosa has villi, which provide a local immune response and participate in the self-cleaning of the respiratory organs. When an infection occurs, under the influence of unfavorable factors, the mucous glands activate their work, secreting an excessive amount of thick sputum, which literally stops the villi. The body makes attempts to get rid of this sputum, which at the initial stage remain unsuccessful. With a dry cough, not only the pectoral muscles tense, but also almost all the muscles of the human body, so the patient feels exhausted and overwhelmed. It is possible to overcome a bronchial cough only by undertaking complex treatment in order to restore respiratory function and the self-cleaning function of the bronchi.

To do this you need:

  • reduce the titer of pathogens if acute bronchitis in adults is caused by infection (this means treatment with antiviral, antifungal agents or antibiotics);
  • exclude exposure to adverse factors if the disease is non-infectious in nature;
  • take measures to thin the mucus (primarily by frequent and warm drinking).

Possible temperature reaction

As a rule, in adults with acute bronchitis, body temperature always rises. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, acute bronchitis is infectious.

Weakened general immunity in an adult and a decrease in local resistance of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree make it vulnerable to attack by pathogens:

The viral nature of bronchial inflammation is detected in 60% of cases of the disease. Typically, this is respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus, rhinovirus. Signs of acute bronchitis can also occur against the background of measles. Treatment with antibiotics in this case is not advisable. The body temperature of an adult infected with the virus can jump sharply to 38 o C or higher. Thus, the body tries to create conditions unfavorable for viruses and develop its own protective cells as quickly as possible.

In 25% of cases, acute primary bronchitis is bacterial in nature. The causative agent of the disease is pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella. Rarely in adults, often in children, the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed due to an attack by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. A bacterial infection is characterized by low-grade fever, which, if not treated with antibiotics, can last for quite a long time. If a person starts taking antibacterial agents, the temperature begins to drop on the second day and returns to normal over time.

Fungal bronchitis is diagnosed extremely rarely. The causative agent is usually the Candida fungus. Treatment with antifungal drugs in combination with antibiotics is long-term, and full recovery may take months. The temperature may remain within normal limits or increase slightly, up to 37.2 o C.

Non-infectious bronchitis develops due to inhalation of harmful substances and toxins, or it is characterized by an allergic nature. With this, as a rule, an increased body temperature is not observed.

If a purulent process occurs during acute inflammation of the bronchi, the temperature rises up to 40-410C; with catarrhal form, such intense heat rarely occurs.

Breathing problems

Whatever the cause of acute bronchitis in adults, it is accompanied by dyspnea (shortness of breath). It can manifest itself during active actions, varying intensity of physical activity, and at rest. Swollen mucous membranes, accumulation of thick sputum, and muscle spasms lead to a narrowing of the bronchial lumen. Shortness of breath is accompanied by whistling, wheezing, and noise when breathing.

It is noteworthy that shortness of breath occurs more often in children than in adults, since they suffer more from oxygen deficiency.

Dyspnea can be expiratory (on exhalation), inspiratory (on inspiration) and mixed. With infectious bronchitis, it is not a mandatory symptom. If inflammation of the bronchi occurs due to allergies, or is asthmatic in nature, expiratory shortness of breath is usually observed.

Very severe shortness of breath, even attacks of suffocation, is observed when there is a release of not only sputum, but also pus. It is very thick and literally creates plugs in the bronchial lumen.

To eliminate respiratory failure, bronchial shortness of breath in adults is treated with the same drugs as asthmatic shortness of breath. Usually, the doctor prescribes inhalation with a pocket aerosol Berodual, through a nebulizer with Salbutamol. Theophyllines, mainly Euphylline and Neophylline, are prescribed less frequently.

Sore throat and pharynx

In acute bronchitis in adults and children, inflammation can spread to:

  • upper respiratory tract, trachea and bronchi (laryngotracheobronchitis);
  • trachea and large bronchi (tracheobronchitis);
  • small and medium bronchi (bronchitis);
  • bronchioles (bronchiolitis).

In the first and second cases, new symptoms are added - pain in the throat, pharynx and behind the sternum. Swelling and accumulation of sputum occur in the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and trachea, respiratory movements become limited, and shortness of breath appears. Treatment of both bronchitis and ENT organs is necessary (gargling, inhalation, resorption of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory tablets).

How is acute bronchitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of acute bronchitis is carried out in order to exclude diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with similar symptoms, determine the type of bronchitis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Its main methods are:

In the first days of the disease, auscultation performed by a doctor reveals the presence of “hard breathing” and scattered dry rales in the bronchi. As sputum thins, the clinical picture changes. Auscultation is repeated, the doctor can now hear fine moist rales.

A blood test in an adult with acute bronchitis shows leukocytosis (if the disease is caused by an infection) or eosinophilia (if the inflammation of the bronchi is of an allergic nature).

If biochemical analysis of sputum reveals bacteria, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed; if eosinophils are present, antihistamines, including steroids, are prescribed.

Auscultation is sometimes not a sufficient method to confirm the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. To rule out pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases, an x-ray is taken.

Timely detected acute bronchitis, which is treated, lasts no more than three weeks. If cough, shortness of breath, and low-grade fever persist longer, this may be evidence of a chronic inflammatory process.

Video: Bronchitis - symptoms, treatment and prevention

The disease is classified as acute and chronic. If in the first case the disease lasts no more than 3 weeks, then in the second the symptoms of bronchitis can appear within 2 years. A disease whose symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath is called obstructive bronchitis.

The first signs of bronchitis

The acute course of the disease begins with inflammation of the bronchi caused by hypothermia of the body. The patient complains of general malaise, slight increase in body temperature, cough, runny nose, muscle and throat pain. For 10 days, traditional healers recommend consuming a mixture of chopped onions and honey, prepared in a 1:1 ratio. The product should be taken in the morning and evening, 1 tablespoon.

How many days should bronchitis be treated?

To prevent the development of undesirable consequences, the treatment of bronchitis should be approached responsibly, observing bed or semi-bed rest. If this rule is neglected, the disease will take a chronic course or cause heart complications.

  • Treatment of bronchitis
  • How long does it take to treat bronchitis?
  • Bronchitis is acute. Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchitis. Treatment with folk remedies.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

The main symptoms of pneumonia include: painful manifestations against a background of high temperature; shortness of breath, both during physical exertion and at rest; the presence of a strong cough with the discharge of copious sputum. In addition, patients may feel discomfort and pain in the thoracic region. As a rule, patients with pneumonia experience sweating, decreased performance, general weakness and malaise, sleep disturbances, fatigue and decreased appetite. When listening to the patient over the source of inflammation, the doctor observes wheezing of various types. In older people, along with the symptoms described above, there may be signs of general intoxication of the body.

How to treat pneumonia

Undoubtedly, the main treatment for pneumonia is the use of antibacterial drugs. In addition, the prescription of the drug with the required dosage should be carried out only by a doctor based on the characteristics of the clinical picture of pneumonia, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Be careful! If during a cough the child turns red or turns pale, excessively tenses the neck muscles, breathing becomes whistling and hoarse, and the attack itself lasts more than 1 minute, causing almost vomiting - we are talking about stenosis (or laryngostenosis, as it is also called).

Stenosis is a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the larynx as a result of swallowing too cold air, high concentrations of alcohol-containing/flammable liquid or foreign bodies. The cause of the spasm can also be a food allergy, a neoplasm (tumor) of the larynx, or a retropharyngeal abscess after a purulent sore throat. Less common are stenoses caused by damage to the neuromuscular system.

If you suspect an abscess, the child has swallowed foreign bodies or a highly concentrated chemical liquid, you should immediately call an ambulance, as a spasm can lead to complete cessation of breathing and even death. Stenosis caused by cold air rarely causes a rise in temperature (up to 37 degrees) and is treated with steam inhalations with soda (3 times a day for a week) and dry heat on the neck area.

Cold air stenosis is similar in symptoms to false croup. However, croup is most often caused by the influenza virus and affects not only the larynx, but also the upper respiratory tract. With false croup, the child, even in a calm state, experiences rapid breathing and heartbeat, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, and the cough is characterized by “barking” intonations.

Urgent hospitalization is required in cases where the patient's lips or fingers turn blue, and the supraclavicular region sinks when breathing. In cases of mild severity, treatment of false croup is carried out at home in the same way as treatment of stenosis - with steam. It is best to turn on boiling water in a closed bathroom until the entire room is filled with steam and breathe for 15 minutes.

A dry cough caused by ARVI most often has accompanying symptoms: runny nose and sore throat. The attack does not cause sharp spasms and difficulty breathing at rest. Within 2-3 days, a dry cough turns into a wet cough - with sputum discharge.

To treat dry cough, traditional medicine recommends using warm milk with honey, freshly squeezed onion juice or fig decoction. An excellent remedy is turnip (or black radish) juice boiled with buckwheat honey. In the first days of a cold, the juice should be given one tablespoon every three hours. Along with traditional medicine, it would not be amiss to use medications prescribed by a doctor.

  • how to recognize bronchitis
  • - thermometer;
  • - phone number to call a doctor.

The very first step is to pay close attention to your child’s health. This will allow you to independently determine what your child is sick with. Measles is more aggressive than rubella. With measles, the initial symptoms are an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and redness (acute conjunctivitis), photophobia, “barking” cough, and runny nose. Rubella begins with malaise, fever, and sometimes joint pain, but sometimes these symptoms may not exist.

Pharyngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis... Or just a sore throat?

Before treating a cold, find out what you are really sick with. Photo: Nikolay SUKHOVEYkpbel

A doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of otorhinolaryngology of BelMAPO Zhanna Romanova helped us figure it out.


Remember the last time you had a cold, what bothered you? Runny nose, cough or sore throat? Most likely, both.

Very rarely diseases are isolated. Just a runny nose and nothing else – that practically never happens today,” says Zhanna Grigorievna. - Moreover, the trigger for a cold can be both a virus and banal hypothermia. We dressed inappropriately for the season, drank a very cold drink, ate ice cream - and we begin to sniffle and cough.

Many of us prefer not to bother doctors because of a cold. Well, just think, your throat hurts or you have a runny nose...

You can self-medicate for the first few days. If you do everything possible, and the cold does not go away, immediately run to the doctor. You can develop a chronic form of the disease very quickly. In addition, no person is able to determine for himself which flora caused the disease: microbial or viral. But the treatment will be different. Even if you take three people with the same diagnosis, they may be prescribed three different types of treatment. There are individual characteristics body, some contraindications. It is no coincidence that the doctor must first study the patient’s medical history, see what he was sick with before, how often he had exacerbations of the disease.

How does a doctor even determine what a patient’s illness is? In fact, the symptoms of colds are very similar.

An experienced doctor, even by ear, can approximately determine the level of cough and suggest what exactly is inflamed: the pharynx, larynx, trachea. Based on the color of the mucous membrane, the doctor can also presumably determine which infection caused the disease: viral or bacterial. The symptoms of the disease are studied and basic treatment is prescribed. If a person is sick not for the first time in Lately If the doctor doubts the diagnosis, do a smear on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics. Sometimes the patient needs to be consulted by an immunologist.

People's immunity suffers. And this is all over the world. In big cities it's quite bad ecology, gas pollution from cars, large enterprises. We stand at a bus stop and are forced to inhale someone else's cigarette smoke. Of course, all this affects our immunity. Very important general state human health, his desire to be healthy, to lead healthy image life, to prevent diseases. That's why I encourage everyone, for example, to get flu shots.

Many people complain that coughs now take a month to cure. Why can't he be stopped?

Cough comes in different forms. And you can defeat it if you treat it specific reason, which causes it. We again return to the fact that you should not neglect a visit to the doctor. On average, laryngitis and tracheitis are treated posteriorly. If the cause is a virus, then the cough becomes protracted and more difficult to treat.


“I really welcome the fact that a number of drugs, especially antibiotics, have begun to be sold by prescription,” says Zhanna Romanova. - You can’t come to a pharmacy and choose what a friend, advertisement, Internet or even a pharmacist recommended. I really respect the work of pharmacists, but they are still not clinicians. Each patient needs to be examined and anamnesis collected. It’s sad when a child comes to you who has already been treated to such an extent that his colds Most drugs do not work and more medications have to be prescribed wide range actions. Of course, our pharmaceuticals are still coping, but microbes are also moving forward. Unfortunately, not all patients comply with doctor's orders. If a five-day course of treatment is prescribed, then the medications should be taken for five days, not three or four. Once they did not complete the treatment, the second time - the third time they had to prescribe other, more serious drugs. This is why chronic forms of the disease appear.

Is it right to prescribe antibiotics right away?

Antibiotics can be immediately prescribed if the doctor is sure that the disease is caused by bacterial flora. But after the first sneeze, you cannot load your body with antibiotics. It is better to steam your feet and drink tea with raspberries, take a vitamin C tablet. The effect will be the same, but you will save your health.


So called common runny nose. This is something that we can pick up at any moment, getting our feet wet or becoming hypothermic. Most often, any cold begins with a runny nose.

If a runny nose is not treated, the inflammation spreads to the paranasal sinuses. There is heaviness and pain in the head, discomfort, purulent discharge from the nose, nasal congestion. This disease is popularly called sinusitis. In more complicated cases, swelling soft fabrics face, eyes, which requires urgent surgical treatment.

With this disease, the back wall of the pharynx becomes inflamed. Sometimes it all starts with a runny nose, then mucus from the nose flows into the throat, and symptoms of pharyngitis appear: pain, burning, sore throat, the throat, as they say, “tears.” A cough appears, but only superficial.

This is inflammation of the tonsils. There are two types of tonsillitis: acute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis is also called tonsillitis. In the chronic form of the disease, the tonsils become inflamed, plugs and purulent discharge appear in them. It happens that a person lives his whole life with chronic tonsillitis, but constantly monitors him, treats him on time, and the disease does not bother him. But at any moment chronic form may worsen. By the way, if you get a sore throat at least once a year, you have chronic tonsillitis.

At acute tonsillitis(sore throat) a person suffers greatly strong pain in the throat - such that sometimes it is impossible to swallow food. Lymph nodes enlarge.

This is an inflammation of the larynx. Many people mistakenly believe that laryngitis is childhood disease. In fact, specialists in voice professions very often suffer from this disease: teachers, singers, speakers, presenters, etc. That is, laryngitis occurs due to heavy load on the ligaments. However, most often laryngitis can occur due to a bacterial-viral infection. Symptoms: voice becomes hoarse and hoarse. It is difficult for a person to speak and a cough appears.

With this disease, the mucous membrane of the trachea becomes inflamed, a cough appears, and a viscous secretion is formed in the trachea - sputum. The cough can be either dry or wet. The so-called dry tracheitis appears when the trachea becomes bright red, but there is no sputum, the person coughs hysterically, he is in great pain, his throat is very sore. The cough is deep. The voice becomes rough and loses its sonority. To treat this disease, doctors prescribe drugs that thin the sputum, and then expectorants. Under no circumstances should cough suppressants be prescribed for tracheitis.

If a person does not fully treat tracheitis, or tracheitis was initially caused by microbial flora, the inflammation descends even lower and spreads to the bronchi. The cough is chesty. Pain appears in chest. Since the bronchi connect to the lungs, it is very important to cure bronchitis in time. Otherwise, pneumonia may develop.

How to treat different types of colds?

Five first aid steps for the first symptoms of a cold

We either use ready-made solutions that are sold in any pharmacy, or we make the solution at home. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water. The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable.

For sore throats, special lozenges and sprays for sore throat will help. At home, we begin to gargle with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus or soda solutions. The liquid should be warm, but not hot. We repeat rinsing 4-6 times a day.

If you feel comfortable and the temperature is not higher than +38.0, do not rush to bring it down. Give your body the opportunity to overcome the disease on its own.

Mucus and phlegm must leave the body. That is, first we take drugs that dilute sputum, and only then - improve its discharge.

The most important thing for colds is to drink plenty of fluids and stay warm all the time. If there is no fever, then you can steam your feet, put on warm woolen socks, and wrap your neck with a warm scarf. Teas, decoctions, fruit drinks should not be too hot. Drinking water room temperature is fine too. Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body faster.

If you are sick, do not forget to take vitamin C ( ascorbic acid). This can be fruit (lemons, black currants, cranberries, etc.) or any pharmaceutical form. Only you should not be allergic to this drug.

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Dry cough and sore throat with bronchitis

For me it all started with a sore throat on New Year's holidays. The tonsils were enlarged, with purulent plugs. There was no temperature. My throat hurt very badly. I rinsed with furatsilin and irrigated with Inhalipt. Did not help. After 3 days, a dry cough and severe soreness below the throat appeared. The cough made it impossible to sleep. I started taking the antibiotics “Klaforan” and “Ascoril” for cough.

I went to the on-duty therapist. I listened and diagnosed bronchitis. He told me to continue injecting the antibiotic. My throat hurts less, but my tonsils are still enlarged. Soreness when swallowing. Today the cough has become somewhat productive, but at night it makes it impossible to sleep.

I’m just very afraid that it’s pneumonia or tuberculosis, since today is the last day of the course of antibiotics (5 days), and the disease is still in place. Tell me, should I continue to inject medications and how to treat my throat?

Good afternoon. Treatment remotely is impossible and incorrect, but most likely it is necessary to extend antibiotic therapy for up to 7 days. To relieve cough, it is not “Ascoril” that is more suitable, but inhalation through a nebulizer with an “Ambroxol” solution in an age-appropriate dosage twice a day. Last time - an hour and a half before bedtime.

You need to continue gargling with furatsilin, infusion of sage, calendula, treating the tonsils and the back wall of the oropharynx with Miramistin pharmaceutical solution. In acute bronchitis, a cough lasting up to a month is considered normal. Night cough can be relieved by taking warm milk, honey (only if you do not have allergies).

At first glance, there are no symptoms indicating tuberculosis and pneumonia, but a repeated consultation with a therapist is necessary to assess the dynamics of the disease in person and perform auscultation of the chest organs.

It is advisable to pass a comprehensive UAC, OAM, FVD. If changes are detected in the CBC, such as an increase in ESR, the presence of leukocytosis, a shift in the formula, neutrophilia, it is still better to perform a chest x-ray.

Is it necessary to treat residual effects after pneumonia?

Consequences of pneumonia suffered “on your feet” for older people

Is obstructive bronchitis contagious?

All information on the site is presented for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

©, medical portal about diseases of the respiratory system Pneumonija.ru

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.


Knowing the symptoms of acute bronchitis is necessary in order not to confuse this serious illness with ARVI. As you know, a large percentage of adults prefer to treat colds on their own. With bronchitis, self-treatment at home is not always effective and is even fraught with serious consequences. A deep, dry, painful cough, high fever and shortness of breath against a background of general weakness are alarm bells in which you should consult a doctor immediately.

What affects the clinical manifestations of acute bronchitis?

The symptoms of acute bronchitis are inextricably linked with the classification of this disease: the speed and specificity of manifestation. The symptoms of bronchial inflammation are influenced by:

  • etiology;
  • nature of the pathogen;
  • the prevalence and degree of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • presence of intoxication;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment.

How does acute bronchial inflammation manifest?

As a rule, the disease starts quickly. If it is viral in nature, its symptoms become apparent within a few hours. Bacterial and fungal inflammation of the bronchi develops somewhat more slowly. The classic symptoms of acute bronchitis are:

  • dry cough, which turns into a wet cough as the disease progresses, with expectoration of sputum;
  • temperature, its value depends on the nature of the disease;
  • chest pain or heaviness;
  • dyspnea;
  • general malaise.

These symptoms are so obvious that even not the most experienced doctor can easily diagnose acute bronchitis in adults, which means it is possible to start treatment in a timely manner and recover as quickly as possible.

It is necessary to consider in more detail how the classic signs of the disease manifest themselves, and what other optional symptoms it may be accompanied by.

Cough with acute bronchitis

Bronchial cough in the acute form of the disease in adults, as a rule, starts quickly. It is immediately strong and debilitating. There is no separation of sputum, which is thick and viscous at first, so the cough exhausts the patient, takes all his strength, and prevents him from getting enough sleep at night. If the treatment in the first three days of the illness was correct, hypersecretion of sputum should occur, more liquid, which can already be expectorated. The patient begins to feel relief. Recovery is marked by a softening of the cough and its gradual attenuation.

The mechanism of development of bronchial cough is as follows: the bronchial mucosa has villi, which provide a local immune response and participate in the self-cleaning of the respiratory organs. When an infection occurs, under the influence of unfavorable factors, the mucous glands activate their work, secreting an excessive amount of thick sputum, which literally stops the villi. The body makes attempts to get rid of this sputum, which at the initial stage remain unsuccessful. With a dry cough, not only the pectoral muscles tense, but also almost all the muscles of the human body, so the patient feels exhausted and overwhelmed. It is possible to overcome a bronchial cough only by undertaking complex treatment in order to restore respiratory function and the self-cleaning function of the bronchi.

To do this you need:

  • reduce the titer of pathogens if acute bronchitis in adults is caused by infection (this means treatment with antiviral, antifungal agents or antibiotics);
  • exclude exposure to adverse factors if the disease is non-infectious in nature;
  • take measures to thin the mucus (primarily by frequent and warm drinking).

Possible temperature reaction

As a rule, in adults with acute bronchitis, body temperature always rises. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, acute bronchitis is infectious.

Weakened general immunity in an adult and a decrease in local resistance of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree make it vulnerable to attack by pathogens:

The viral nature of bronchial inflammation is detected in 60% of cases of the disease. Typically, this is respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus, rhinovirus. Signs of acute bronchitis can also occur against the background of measles. Treatment with antibiotics in this case is not advisable. The body temperature of an adult infected with the virus can jump sharply to 38 o C or higher. Thus, the body tries to create conditions unfavorable for viruses and develop its own protective cells as quickly as possible.

In 25% of cases, acute primary bronchitis is bacterial in nature. The causative agent of the disease is pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella. Rarely in adults, often in children, the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed due to an attack by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. A bacterial infection is characterized by low-grade fever, which, if not treated with antibiotics, can last for quite a long time. If a person starts taking antibacterial agents, the temperature begins to drop on the second day and returns to normal over time.

Fungal bronchitis is diagnosed extremely rarely. The causative agent is usually the Candida fungus. Treatment with antifungal drugs in combination with antibiotics is long-term, and full recovery may take months. The temperature may remain within normal limits or increase slightly, up to 37.2 o C.

Non-infectious bronchitis develops due to inhalation of harmful substances and toxins, or it is characterized by an allergic nature. With this, as a rule, an increased body temperature is not observed.

If, during acute inflammation of the bronchi, a purulent process occurs, the temperature rises up to C; with catarrhal form, such intense heat rarely occurs.

Breathing problems

Whatever the cause of acute bronchitis in adults, it is accompanied by dyspnea (shortness of breath). It can manifest itself during active actions, varying intensity of physical activity, and at rest. Swollen mucous membranes, accumulation of thick sputum, and muscle spasms lead to a narrowing of the bronchial lumen. Shortness of breath is accompanied by whistling, wheezing, and noise when breathing.

It is noteworthy that shortness of breath occurs more often in children than in adults, since they suffer more from oxygen deficiency.

Dyspnea can be expiratory (on exhalation), inspiratory (on inspiration) and mixed. With infectious bronchitis, it is not a mandatory symptom. If inflammation of the bronchi occurs due to allergies, or is asthmatic in nature, expiratory shortness of breath is usually observed.

Very severe shortness of breath, even attacks of suffocation, is observed when there is a release of not only sputum, but also pus. It is very thick and literally creates plugs in the bronchial lumen.

To eliminate respiratory failure, bronchial shortness of breath in adults is treated with the same drugs as asthmatic shortness of breath. Usually, the doctor prescribes inhalation with a pocket aerosol Berodual, through a nebulizer with Salbutamol. Theophyllines, mainly Euphylline and Neophylline, are prescribed less frequently.

Sore throat and pharynx

In acute bronchitis in adults and children, inflammation can spread to:

  • upper respiratory tract, trachea and bronchi (laryngotracheobronchitis);
  • trachea and large bronchi (tracheobronchitis);
  • small and medium bronchi (bronchitis);
  • bronchioles (bronchiolitis).

In the first and second cases, new symptoms are added - pain in the throat, pharynx and behind the sternum. Swelling and accumulation of sputum occur in the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and trachea, respiratory movements become limited, and shortness of breath appears. Treatment of both bronchitis and ENT organs is necessary (gargling, inhalation, resorption of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory tablets).

How is acute bronchitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of acute bronchitis is carried out in order to exclude diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with similar symptoms, determine the type of bronchitis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Its main methods are:

  1. Analysis of symptoms (patient complaints).
  2. External examination of the patient.
  3. Analysis of anamnesis.
  4. Auscultation.
  5. Laboratory tests of blood and sputum.
  6. X-ray of the chest organs.

In the first days of the disease, auscultation performed by a doctor reveals the presence of “hard breathing” and scattered dry rales in the bronchi. As sputum thins, the clinical picture changes. Auscultation is repeated, the doctor can now hear fine moist rales.

A blood test in an adult with acute bronchitis shows leukocytosis (if the disease is caused by an infection) or eosinophilia (if the inflammation of the bronchi is of an allergic nature).

If biochemical analysis of sputum reveals bacteria, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed; if eosinophils are present, antihistamines, including steroids, are prescribed.

Auscultation is sometimes not a sufficient method to confirm the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. To rule out pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases, an x-ray is taken.

Timely detected acute bronchitis, which is treated, lasts no more than three weeks. If cough, shortness of breath, and low-grade fever persist longer, this may be evidence of a chronic inflammatory process.

I would like to suggest a solution to the problem mentioned in the title.

At one time I also suffered from dry mouth. It began to bother me after the right lobe of the thyroid gland was removed in 2003 due to carcinoma (a type of malignant tumor).

I turned to an endocrinologist for help, and he registered me, although my blood sugar level was normal and, according to the results of the tests and examination, no diabetes was observed. So I was registered, regularly checked by an endocrinologist, although he did not give me any recommendations for treatment, and dry mouth continued to bother me.

The doctor said that the cause could be the unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity, teeth, or diseases of the digestive organs, and referred me first to an ENT specialist, then to a therapist, then to a gastroenterologist, but none of them found any pathology in their part, and so and to reassure me, every specialist said: “What do you want with your diagnosis, because cancer is not a joke!”

My health was terrible. Due to dry mouth, I stopped sleeping at night and became very weak. Realizing that I couldn’t last long, I decided to urgently start doing something. I started taking a mixture of aloe and honey, but there was no positive result. After being treated in this way for about a month and without achieving success, I stopped taking this remedy. But the fight for my health had to continue. Then I decided to visit the Zaporozhye regional library, review all the literature on traditional medicine there and still find in it a description of a method that is guaranteed to eliminate dry mouth.

I still don’t stop thanking the Lord for pushing me then, and most importantly - on time, to turn to traditional medicine for help! In general, for any disease, in order to defeat it, you need to use all means, including folk ones. I tried to convince one of my friends, who had cancer on his arm, of this, but he did not listen to my advice. As a result, after some time his arm was removed, and soon he himself passed away. This is the bitter truth.

But let’s not talk about sad things, I’d rather continue the story about my healing.

First of all, I started gargling with herbal infusions, each of which I prepared separately:

poured into 4 mugs with a capacity of 400 ml each 2 good pinches of pre-dried and crushed

I filled each mug to the top with boiling water and let it sit until it cooled. After this, I filtered the infusions and gargled my throat and mouth with them. She performed procedures both day and night, preparing fresh products every day.

She began to gargle her throat and mouth with chamomile infusion, after a minute - sage, after another minute - calamus root, then - with blueberry infusion, again - chamomile, etc. They also told me that dry mouth may be a consequence of poor digestive function. To stabilize them, finishing each rinse, I swallowed several sips of the infusion.

In addition to rinsing, 3 times a day and always at night, I instilled 1/2 a pipette of pharmaceutical rosehip oil and Chlorophyllipt into each nostril. During the procedure, she threw her head back, and after instillation she lay down for several minutes. First, I instilled rosehip oil, and after 15 minutes - Chlorophyllipt, because when I tried to do it in the reverse order, my head began to hurt.

In addition to rinsing and instilling, I took 7 drops of pharmaceutical birch tar once a day, dissolving it in 1 tsp. water, but it is better to drip tar onto the sugar, scooping a little of it into a spoon.

I was treated with all the remedies described above for 10 days and finally got rid of the unpleasant dryness in my mouth.

God grant that my experience will help someone else cope with it!

Laryngitis - folk remedies for treating laryngitis

We have many teachers in our family, and we have plenty of friends who are teachers; for them, the voice and throat are a working instrument, and the recipes that I offer restore the voice in case of laryngitis, even in professional singers.

1. Gargle frequently with an acidified solution (vinegar or citric acid), try not to speak for 2-3 days, drink a strained and warm decoction of bran, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

For 1 glass of water - 1/2 cup of anise seeds. Boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds. Add 1/4 cup honey + 1 tbsp. cognac Bring all this to a boil. Cool and drink warm, 1 tbsp. in 30 minutes. The voice is restored. This is a singers recipe.

2. Do frequent warm oil inhalations (eucalyptus oil, rose oil, etc.) A few drops on a special device - and breathe.

3. Pour hot milk over the figs and drink this infusion as often as possible.

4. Chew propolis (about the size of a pea) with your front teeth for minutes and swallow or drink drops of propolis tincture 3-4 times a day.

5. Homeopathic medicine “Arnica” (sold in a homeopathic pharmacy), dissolve 6-8 peas 3 times a day, in acute cases - every hour until improvement. Or dissolve 5-8 peas in warm water and make throat wraps.

6. Dissolve 5 drops of “Holagol” in water and drink.

7. Apply a warm compress to the neck area.

1. 1 tsp. honey + 7 drops of aloe juice (up to 20 drops per day for adults).

2. drops of lemon 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 45 days.

Choose the recipe that suits you best.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

For this disease, you need to take fifteen-minute warm foot baths and put a warm compress on your throat.

In addition, you need to deeply lubricate your throat with a mixture of iodine and glycerin for 3 days (wrap cotton wool on a stick, dip it in the mixture and anoint your throat).

Regular gargling with sea water also brings improvement. Also dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. honey and rinse with this solution as often as possible.

There will be no trace of laryngitis if you pour 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of honey, boil it a little and take 1 tsp every 5 minutes. this remedy.

Carrots also help cope with the disease. It is necessary to dissolve a few tablespoons of honey in a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice and take 1 tbsp. mixtures 4-5 times a day. You can simply eat grated carrots.

Radish is also used in the treatment of laryngitis. It is necessary to take 1 tsp 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. freshly squeezed juice from its root vegetables, and also gargle with it.

Garlic promotes healing. You need to pour 5-6 chopped garlic cloves into a glass of milk, boil, cool and drink 1 tsp. decoction several times a day.

If you suffer from laryngitis, stir 1 tsp in half a glass of warm boiled water. potato starch, 1 tsp. glycerin and 3-4 drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution 3-4 times a day, preparing a fresh one each time. Improvement will occur on the second day.

Treatment of laryngitis and bronchitis

Rancotrim tablets help very well if you take 2 tablets a day: one in the morning, the other in the evening after meals. Last year I fell ill with bronchitis, the cough was so bad that I couldn’t clear my throat. 1 plate (10 pieces) was enough for me, and I was cured. And this year I fell ill with bronchitis and laryngitis again, but I couldn’t find these tablets in the pharmacy, so I was treated with onion broth, it helps a lot, clears mucus. You should drink it warm in the morning on an empty stomach. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and take with 1 tsp. honey The product helps well.

When a sore throat bothers you

When you have a sore throat and a sore throat, and even if the pain is accompanied by a high temperature, it is very unpleasant. Gargling a sore throat every hour with a 3% warm solution of citric acid will bring improvement. If you start carrying out procedures in the morning on the first day of illness, then, as a rule, the sore throat recedes by the end of the day. If the illness is prolonged, then rinsing will need to be carried out for at least two days. To make the treatment more effective, you should drink onion juice at the same time. To do this, chop a medium onion, strain the juice from the mixture through cheesecloth and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Children can dilute the juice with water.

To relieve a cough

To relieve a cough, eat a clove of garlic and honey at night. You can also cut a banana, steep it in hot tea for 2 hours, and then drink 1/3 cup of the infusion after meals.

It will save you from sore throat. carnation

Cloves, which are used as a seasoning, help relieve sore throats. It must be taken into the mouth, dissolved, chewed, and saliva swallowed. You can even swallow a pea of ​​cloves, it will drive out worms.

For those who have lost their voice

My recommendations are for those who for some reason have lost their voice. You can restore it by rinsing. Add 2 drops of sandalwood or lemon oil or the same number of drops of alcoholic tinctures of myrrh or sage to 0.5 cups of warm boiled water and gargle with this solution. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. In addition, you need to brew echinacea, coltsfoot or thyme herbs like tea and drink this drink without restrictions. Try not to let your throat dry out and avoid straining your voice. If alcohol is not contraindicated, a mixture of honey, raw eggs and cognac, taken in equal parts and whipped in a mixer, can help restore your voice. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day after meals. God help everyone!

Sincerely - Zinaida Petrovna Grushko

Sore throat, laryngitis, sore throat, bronchitis, cough - advice from a cured woman

Laryngitis - folk remedies laryngitis treatment

We have many teachers in our family, and we have plenty of friends who are teachers; for them, the voice and throat are a working instrument, and the recipes that I offer restore voice in case of laryngitis even in professional singers.

1. Gargle frequently with an acidified solution (vinegar or citric acid), try not to speak for 2-3 days, drink a strained and warm decoction of bran, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

For 1 glass of water - 1/2 cup of anise seeds. Boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds. Add 1/4 cup honey + 1 tbsp. cognac Bring all this to a boil. Cool and drink warm, 1 tbsp. in 30 minutes. The voice is restored. This is a singers recipe.

2. Do frequent warm oil inhalations (eucalyptus oil, rose oil, etc.) A few drops on a special device - and breathe.

3. Pour hot milk over the figs and drink this infusion as often as possible.

4. Chew propolis (about the size of a pea) with your front teeth for 10-15 minutes and swallow, or drink 15-20 drops of propolis tincture 3-4 times a day.

5. Homeopathic medicine "Arnica" (sold in a homeopathic pharmacy), dissolve 6-8 peas 3 times a day, in acute cases - every hour until improvement. Or dissolve 5-8 peas in warm water and make throat wraps.

6. Dissolve 5 drops of “Holagol” in water and drink.

7. Apply a warm compress to the neck area.

Prevention of laryngitis.

1. 1 tsp. honey + 7 drops of aloe juice (up to 20 drops per day for adults).

2. 10-15 drops of lemon 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 45 days.

Choose the recipe that suits you best.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

With this disease you need take fifteen-minute warm foot baths and place a warm compress on your throat.

Besides, you need to deeply lubricate your throat with a mixture of iodine and glycerin for 3 days(wrap cotton wool on a stick, dip it in the mixture and anoint your throat).

Regular gargling with sea water also brings improvement.. Also dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. honey and rinse with this solution as often as possible.

There will be no trace of laryngitis if pour 0.5 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of honey, Boil a little and take 1 tsp every 5 minutes. this remedy.

Carrots also help cope with the disease. It is necessary to dissolve a few tablespoons of honey in a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice and take 1 tbsp. mixtures 4-5 times a day. You can simply eat grated carrots.

Radish is also used in the treatment of laryngitis. It is necessary to take 1 tsp 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. freshly squeezed juice from its root vegetables, and also gargle with it.

Garlic promotes healing. You need to pour 5-6 chopped garlic cloves into a glass of milk, boil, cool and drink 1 tsp. decoction several times a day.

If you suffer from laryngitis, stir 1 tsp in half a glass of warm boiled water. potato starch, 1 tsp. glycerin and 3-4 drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution 3-4 times a day, preparing a fresh one each time. Improvement will occur on the second day.

Treatment of laryngitis and bronchitis

Rancotrim tablets help very well if you take 2 tablets a day: one in the morning, the other in the evening after meals. Last year I fell ill with bronchitis, the cough was so bad that I couldn’t clear my throat. 1 plate (10 pieces) was enough for me, and I was cured. And this year I fell ill with bronchitis and laryngitis again, but I couldn’t find these tablets in the pharmacy, so I was treated with onion broth, it helps a lot, clears mucus. You should drink it warm in the morning on an empty stomach. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and take with 1 tsp. honey The product helps well.

When a sore throat bothers you

When you have a sore throat and a sore throat, and even if the pain is accompanied by a high temperature, it is very unpleasant. Gargling a sore throat every hour with a 3% warm solution of citric acid will bring improvement. If you start carrying out procedures in the morning on the first day of illness, then, as a rule, the sore throat recedes by the end of the day. If the illness is prolonged, then rinsing will need to be carried out for at least two days. To make the treatment more effective, you should drink onion juice at the same time. To do this, chop a medium onion, strain the juice from the mixture through cheesecloth and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Children can dilute the juice with water.

To relieve a cough

To relieve a cough, eat a clove of garlic and honey at night. You can also cut a banana, steep it in hot tea for 2 hours, and then drink 1/3 cup of the infusion after meals.

Will save you from a sore throat... cloves

Cloves, which are used as a seasoning, help relieve sore throats. It must be taken into the mouth, dissolved, chewed, and saliva swallowed. You can even swallow a pea of ​​cloves, it will drive out worms.

For those who have lost their voice

My recommendations are for those who for some reason have lost their voice. You can restore it by rinsing. Add 2 drops of sandalwood or lemon oil or the same number of drops of alcoholic tinctures of myrrh or sage to 0.5 cups of warm boiled water and gargle with this solution. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. In addition, you need to brew echinacea, coltsfoot or thyme herbs like tea and drink this drink without restrictions. Try not to let your throat dry out and avoid straining your voice. If alcohol is not contraindicated, a mixture of honey, raw eggs and cognac, taken in equal parts and whipped in a mixer, can help restore your voice. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day after meals. God help everyone!

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