Home Tooth pain Colitis of the descending intestine. Intestinal colitis symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Colitis of the descending intestine. Intestinal colitis symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

The occurrence of inflammation in the large intestine is referred to in medicine as colitis. This disease is characterized by several varieties, which differ in the main symptoms and methods of elimination.

Statistics! As it turns out, intestinal colitis is a more common phenomenon among the fairer sex than among children and men.

The signs of the disease in women generally do not differ from colitis in men and children, but still have peculiarities of progression. First, you should study the types of colitis, and only then identify the symptoms characteristic of women.

Any form of the disease cannot be asymptomatic throughout the entire clinical picture. That's just obvious signs can mislead the patient, since they are very similar to a banal digestive disorder. Colitis can often be confused with poisoning.

When symptoms recur, you should immediately go to a doctor for diagnosis. This is explained by the fact that colitis has different shapes, and in some cases there may even be a life-threatening condition.

Table 1. Forms of intestinal colitis.

Form of the diseaseMain characteristics
AcuteThis type of illness can be defined as the initial stage, which occurs as a consequence of food allergy
ChronicCharacterized by regular remissions. May occur due to poor nutrition
UlcerativeWith this type, the intestines gradually become covered with ulcerative formations.
DiffuseThis is one of the most complex forms of inflammatory damage, in which both parts of the organ become inflamed.
SpasticDefined as an intestinal disorder and not a severe form of colitis
ErosiveAfter the formation of ulcers on the walls of the intestinal mucosa, the erosive form illness
AtrophicCan be considered a minor form, since it occurs due to a spastic type of colitis
CatarrhalDefined as a separate stage of the disease, but not classified as an independent disease

Note! Some forms of colitis have mild symptoms, so they are very rarely diagnosed and can be treated by patients on their own.

Why does intestinal colitis occur?

The prerequisites for the formation of the disease can be very different. First of all, food allergies can provoke the development of the disease. Also, the ingress of various infections, pathogens, which leads to intestinal damage, which develops into colitis.

Consequently, the walls of the colon swell, and inflammation begins with impaired peristalsis. In general, the main symptoms can be identified:

  1. Pain syndrome in the abdomen. This symptom is characteristic of all forms of colitis. With ulcerative colitis, severe pain is observed, which occurs through an intestinal infection. The pain in this case manifests itself as a spasm, and less often as a pulling sensation. It is typical that pain manifests itself as a completely independent symptom, which can accompany the urge to go to the toilet or the passage of gas.
  2. Problematic elimination of feces. With colitis, frequent constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea may occur. This is due to impaired peristalsis. If the root cause of the disease is intestinal infection, then the diarrhea will be foamy. The spastic form of the disease is accompanied by constipation. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to the appearance of constipation processes, because they can occur long before colitis.
  3. Defeatedliver With ulcerative colitis, damage may occur not only to the liver, but also to the gallbladder. If the disease is severe, the functionality of the gallbladder is completely impaired.
  4. Bloating. With all forms of colitis, swelling and heaviness may occur. This is characterized by frequent passage of gases.
  5. Tenesmus. This symptom implies a painful urge to defecate, while feces may be completely absent.
  6. Appearance of blood in the stool. If the patient has an ulcerative or acute form of the disease, then bloody spots and mucus may be visible in the stool. In some cases, a putrid odor occurs.
  7. General weakness. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the intestines, their vital substances begin to be released, causing sharp increase body temperature.

Everything is collected here general symptoms, which are found mainly in all forms of colitis. But, it is advisable to consider the symptoms of forms of colitis, which, according to the results medical statistics are found regularly among the fair sex - acute, chronic and ulcerative.

How does the acute form of the disease manifest itself?

Acute colitis can manifest differently in each woman, depending on her individual characteristics. It is typical that this type of illness is accompanied by intense pain. But the symptoms may be more superficial if the patient does not have problems with the digestive tract and has excellent immunity.

Table 2. Symptoms of acute colitis in women.

SignsExplanation of symptoms
Pain syndromeAs inflammation develops in the intestines, pain of varying intensity will be observed. Provoke the appearance pain syndrome in acute colitis, stress, consumption of acute and fatty foods
Heaviness in the abdomen and flatulenceIs typical symptom, which manifests itself depending on the general condition of the body
Problems with stoolColitis is often accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. In some cases, these disorders may alternate. Distinctive feature there will be bloody inclusions and sometimes green streaks
A false urge to excrete fecesThere may be problems with bowel movements. With such urges, pain occurs, and feces are excreted in minimal quantities.

Video - Chronic intestinal colitis: causes, symptoms, treatment of colitis

Manifestations of the chronic form

Chronic colitis in its symptoms is very similar to acute form illness. But the intensity of the pain that occurs will depend on the stage of development and the therapy performed. If the course of therapy is disrupted or not performed properly, then relapses can occur several times a year.

Table 3. Symptoms of chronic colitis

SignsExplanation of symptoms
General weaknessOften the patient begins to feel dizzy long before the diagnosis is confirmed.
FlatulenceAs with all other forms of the disease, increased gas formation is characteristic
Feeling thirstyThe patient feels very thirsty. The danger of this symptom is that complete dehydration may occur.
Pain syndromeThe pain definitely begins to manifest itself as spasms in the lower abdominal cavity
RashesDue to disruption of normal bowel movements, toxic poisoning of the body occurs, which manifests itself as rashes on the dermis
Stool disordersThis form is characterized by constipation
Discomfort in the abdominal areaSuch consequences can occur suddenly, as a result of eating junk food.

Manifestation of the ulcerative form of the disease in women

The distinctive symptoms are based on the appearance of ulcers in the intestines on the mucous membrane.

Table 4. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis in women

SignsExplanation of symptoms
False urge to pass stoolFor women, this symptom is a constant occurrence. It all starts with a small discharge of feces, accompanied by minimal pain, which turns into complete fecal incontinence
Constipation phenomenaA false desire to have a bowel movement can be followed by sudden constipation
Various impurities in the stoolImpurities in stool can be different - from banal mucus to bloody and putrefactive inclusions
IntoxicationIt is the ulcerative type that is characterized by the occurrence of intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the form of high fever, vomiting, chills, nausea

Note! The ulcerative type may have additional symptoms. Pain syndrome occurs in the joints, and rashes appear on the dermis. At the same time, severe itching is felt on the mucous membranes. The danger of the ulcerative form lies in the possible occurrence of blood clots, infectious damage to some internal organs(namely the gallbladder and liver).

Video - Symptoms and treatment of ulcerative colitis of the intestine

What dangerous consequences may arise?

If colitis was diagnosed in a timely manner and reasonable treatment was determined, then no serious complications are expected. However, if symptoms are ignored and there is no therapeutic actions, consequences arise that pose a threat to life. Similar complications can arise when choosing independently medicines, failure to comply with all the specialist’s instructions or interruption of the course of therapy.

Among the complications of colitis are the following:

It is important! To avoid serious consequences that threaten your health, you should respond to any changes in stool, as well as to the occurrence of pain in the abdominal area. If such signs appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to eliminate pathology?

Treatment of any form of colitis directly depends on the symptoms that appear. This is explained by the fact that some conditions can be easily eliminated by alternative medicine, while for a certain type of illness only drug treatment is required.

Basically, to eliminate general symptoms, doctors prescribe diets and the consumption of large amounts of fluid. When colitis is provoked by pathogens or infection, a course of antibiotics is necessary.

Colitis can often occur due to ischemia, which leads to dehydration. In this case, intravenous solutions are administered. But when the blood supply is poorly restored, specialists determine a surgical solution to the problem.

Sometimes, to eliminate mild forms of colitis, it is enough to follow the prescribed diet, drink plenty of fluids and regulate your rest schedule. But, these prescriptions do not apply in all cases and not for all types of colitis. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but rather seek help from a doctor.

Surgical treatment

Indications for surgical solution of the problem are only when severe forms ulcerative colitis. Please note that untreated colitis may cause cancer to develop, in which case complete removal of the colon will be required. Similar radical actions are used in case of intestinal perforation or when bleeding occurs. The operation is used only as a last resort to save a life, since after removal of the intestine the person becomes disabled.

Drug treatment

With all forms of colitis, severe pain can be observed, so experts recommend taking painkillers ( Papaverine or No-Shpa) to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. If the disease is infectious, the use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs is required ( Sulfasalazine) for two weeks to prevent bacterial growth. For spastic colitis, it is necessary to take medications that restore intestinal motility. Naturally, with colitis there are frequent diarrhea, therefore it is necessary to take medications to consolidate stool ( Loperamide).

Intestinal colitis in women is a rather serious illness that requires specialized assistance, otherwise the likelihood of life-threatening complications increases.

Intestinal colitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease is quite common, especially among those who regularly face problems digestive organs. Symptoms of the disease can be very different, which is why they are often confused with other diseases.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a specialist who will listen to the patient’s complaints, prescribe a detailed diagnosis and laboratory test. Depending on the etiology, there are several types of the disease.

Types of intestinal colitis

As a rule, the disease can have acute and chronic forms. In the first case, intestinal colitis manifests itself in the form of intense and progressive pain. This happens due to the fact that the process is accompanied by gastritis, inflammation of the stomach or other disease of the food system. This stage is characterized by nausea, poor appetite or complete absence, malaise, diarrhea, frequent urge to defecation. If the disease is not treated, it becomes chronic.

Chronic colitis may be asymptomatic. Pathological phenomena can develop over a long period of time, gradually causing destruction of the mucous membranes. That is why treatment of the chronic form must continue for a long time, because in addition to treatment, it will take time for rehabilitation. The following types of colitis are distinguished: spastic and ulcerative.

The result chronic stage disease is ulcerative colitis. This disease is characterized by the formation of ulcers. The spastic form affects the motor function of the intestines, for this reason the patient experiences systematic constipation and spasms.

Causes of intestinal colitis

With intestinal colitis, the causes that provoke the disease are always related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, the following causes of intestinal colitis are identified:

  1. The most common cause is an infection that is caused by a certain group of microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci, etc.
  2. Frequent use of antibiotics can provoke the disease. A lot of people, without consulting a specialist, purchase this or that drug, for example, in order to get rid of a cold. But you should remember that if an antibiotic helped once, this does not mean that it will be effective the next time. This misuse of antibiotics becomes the main cause of the development of colitis.
  3. Constant stress, irregular nutrition, and systematic alcohol consumption can provoke inflammation in the intestines.
  4. At risk are workers who work in hazardous industries, where they regularly come into contact with toxic substances. Poisons have a detrimental effect on the human body, and can cause not only colitis, but also many other dangerous diseases.
  5. And, of course, diseases of the digestive system, which are accompanied by symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, etc., have a great influence on the development of colitis.

Some experts identify colitis, the origin of which is not clear. It is not possible to determine the reasons why the disease began to progress. Sometimes this may be due to an allergic reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to a certain substance, heredity or autoimmune diseases. Thus, doctors distinguish the following types of colitis:

  • infectious;
  • ulcerative;
  • drug;
  • ischemic;
  • toxic.

Each of the above varieties can occur in both acute and chronic forms. In the first case, the disease develops quickly and is particularly intense, while in a chronic course the symptoms will not be so pronounced.

Main symptoms

With intestinal colitis, symptoms and treatment in adults can differ significantly and most often depend on the form of the disease. On acute stage Characteristic is the occurrence of nagging pain, spasms, and a constant urge to defecate. A person may suffer from unstable stools, when constipation is abruptly replaced by diarrhea, the stomach constantly growls and swells.

Often, mucus or blood may be present in the stool, which indicates inflammatory processes, and the stool will have an uncharacteristic fetid odor. If we are talking about inflammation, then the patient may be accompanied by associated symptoms, such as malaise, weakness, fatigue, increased body temperature, chills, headache, etc.

For chronic colitis main feature- This is an unstable stool, when diarrhea gives way to constipation. At this stage, there may be heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness and a false desire to defecate. Along with these symptoms, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and a bitter taste in the mouth may be present.

Pain syndrome usually manifests itself in the form of pressing pain, which is localized in the intestines. Most often, the pain is concentrated on the left side. Sometimes it can sting in the abdominal cavity. Often the sensations become more intense after eating, but after bowel movements the patient feels much lighter. The pain may intensify after an enema and intense physical activity.

Thus, we can distinguish following signs colitis:

  • spasms;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • the presence of mucus and blood in the stool;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fatigue, malaise.


As a rule, the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal colitis is carried out by a gastroenterologist. In order to identify possible problems, whether there are bacterial infections and dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to take stool from the patient for analysis. The focus of inflammation is determined by the content of leukocytes in the blood.

Visually evaluate external condition the intestinal mucosa is possible only with the help of sigmoidoscopy. In this case, you can explore an area of ​​about 30 cm in length. This method resembles a colonoscopy, in which, however, the viewing area is much larger, about 1 m. During this manipulation, the intestine and the condition of the mucous membrane are studied in more detail. The undoubted advantage of this procedure is that it is possible to take a small piece of the mucous membrane for analysis.

Diagnosis of intestinal colitis may include palpation of the anus. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of hemorrhoids or paraproctitis. For more accurate diagnosis, a specialist may prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of intestinal colitis

Treatment of colitis depends entirely on determining an accurate diagnosis. Treatment procedures in adults depend on how developed the inflammatory process is, and whether there is accompanying illnesses digestive organs. In any case, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, and only after that restore the functions of internal organs and improve health. Treatment depends not only on what caused the colitis, but also on the stage of the disease.

To treat the infection, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. Only after the patient has been tested to determine the pathogens, medications are prescribed taking into account a possible allergic reaction to certain components of the medications. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to support and restore intestinal microflora.

If it comes to toxic poisoning, it is necessary to treat with drugs that eliminate intestinal dysbiosis. This medicine can extinguish the effects of toxins. It is important to remember that treatment must be carried out comprehensively. In addition to medications to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to use painkillers, antidiarrheal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ulcerative colitis must be treated taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. If the development of the disease is influenced by a hereditary factor, then symptomatic therapy must be carried out.

During treatment, an important link is diet, thanks to proper diet You can significantly speed up the healing process. The essence of the diet is that the patient must avoid eating fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. Various smoked products, semi-finished products, products containing artificial flavors and dyes, and harmful additives are excluded. During the day it is recommended to drink medicinal mineral water no gases. Daily diet it is necessary to diversify with boiled dietary meat, fish, fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, dairy products, broths and cereals. Thanks to the diet, the possibility of overloading the gastrointestinal tract is eliminated, as a result of which it is prevented further development inflammation. It is worth remembering that during treatment, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited.

In the rarest cases, when none of the above methods have given the desired result, surgical intervention is prescribed. Most often the reason for carrying out surgery serve as ulcerative and ischemic colitis with the formation of blood clots in the abdominal aorta.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment for intestinal colitis folk remedies can give quite good results. Of course, deviate from standard treatment not worth it. But since this is a complex event, components of natural origin can contribute to a speedy recovery.

When following a strict diet for at least 3 months, it is recommended to eat a few walnuts every time before meals. Instead of water, you can drink a decoction of flaxseed; it has an astringent effect and protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from damage. The finished broth is somewhat reminiscent of jelly. Within a month you can feel noticeable relief.

Pharmaceutical chamomile has a good property. For this, 3 tbsp. l. crushed plant is poured with 4 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be wrapped in a towel and left for 2 hours. Then the product is filtered and 100 g of honey is diluted in it. The medicine is drunk during the day in 3-4 doses. The course of treatment lasts 1 month, after which a two-week break is taken and the treatment is repeated again.

Alder cones, which need to be infused in vodka for 2 weeks, will help cope with the disease. It is important that the medicine is kept in a warm place all this time. And it needs to be shaken periodically. After the product on the cones is ready, filter it and apply 0.5 tsp. 4 times a day. It is especially effective to use alder cones for ulcerative colitis.

You can use freshly prepared apple juice. Approximately 100 g of honey is diluted in 1 liter of drink. Most often this remedy is used in the chronic stage of the disease. Use 4 times a day for a month. It is recommended to conduct at least 3 courses throughout the year.

Wormwood and sage are excellent for treatment. It is recommended to mix them in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture, wrap it in a towel and leave for about 30 minutes, filter. Every 2 hours you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. It is recommended to additionally drink rice water.

Possible consequences

Complications, as a rule, occur if no treatment was carried out, and the disease was left to chance, or was carried out incorrectly. The following complications are possible:

  • intoxication;
  • dehydration;
  • development of anemia, blood loss;
  • cancerous formations;
  • migraines, dizziness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall, which can lead to peritonitis.

The listed complications can be easily avoided if you react to them in time. unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor and have diagnostic measures. After the doctor determines the exact cause of colitis, a prescription will be prescribed. competent treatment which will give the corresponding results. It is very important to adhere to a diet so that the results of treatment therapy are as effective as possible. At the right approach the prognosis is generally favorable.

Preventive actions

Prevention of colitis, like any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, begins with diet. You should properly adhere to a certain diet. If you have a habit of eating practically nothing in the first half of the day and eating enough in the evening, this can lead to serious consequences, which will subsequently affect the functioning of the intestines.

It is important to promptly pay attention to even the slightest unpleasant symptoms. If your stomach hurts or you have diarrhea for several days in a row, the cause may be stomach problems. It is important to identify in time what caused this and carry out treatment. A person with a healthy stomach has minimal risk of suffering from colitis.

In the chronic form of the disease, when it is not possible to visit a doctor often, you must adhere to healthy image life: give up bad habits, eat right, avoid excessive physical activity, avoid stressful situations. In this case, another exacerbation can be avoided. If the patient has genetic predisposition to colitis, it is recommended to regularly check your health, undergo examinations, including tests, this way you can stop the development of the disease in time.

It should be remembered that it is easier to prevent any disease than to suffer later and undergo long-term treatment. You need to see a doctor for help and eat right. Be healthy!

Colitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the large intestine, which is manifested by abdominal pain, flatulence, stool disturbances, the presence of pathological impurities in the stool and symptoms of intoxication of the body. Inflammation of the large intestine can be either segmental or spread to all its parts.

The listed symptoms bring suffering to patients, disrupt their ability to work and interfere with their usual way of life. But the main danger of colitis lies in its complications, which in most cases can be eliminated through surgery.

We propose to examine in more detail the forms of colitis, their symptoms in children and adults, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

All over the world, colitis is usually divided according to its course, form, location and causative factor. Depending on the course, colitis can be acute or chronic.

Inflammation can affect the cecum (typhlitis), transversely colon(transversit), sigmoid colon(sigmoiditis) and rectum (proctitis). When the entire thick part is affected, they speak of pancolitis.

But most often, patients experience proctosigmoiditis, which is also called distal colitis - this is a simultaneous lesion of the sigmoid and rectum.

Depending on the nature of the factor that provoked the disease, there are the following types of colitis:

  • infectious colitis (dysentery, colitis), which develops as a result of exposure to pathogenic microbes on the mucous layer of the colon;
  • ulcerative colitis (nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's disease), which is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the colon;
  • spastic colitis appears in people with a labile nervous system due to stress, physical or mental fatigue, hormonal imbalance, internal worries and fears;
  • toxic colitis, which occurs due to damage to the colon mucosa by various poisons, as well as medications;
  • ischemic colitis, the main cause of which is thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels;
  • radiation colitis occurs in individuals who have been exposed to high doses of radiation;
  • allergic colitis is typical for people prone to allergic reactions;
  • nutritional colitis, the causes of which lie in an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, etc.;
  • mechanical colitis occurs due to mechanical damage to the epithelium of the colon during an enema, administration rectal suppositories or foreign objects.

The main cause of acute colitis is the penetration of an infectious agent into the mucous membrane of the colon. Acute colitis is characteristic of food toxic infections, food poisoning, taking certain medications, allergies, etc.

Chronic colitis is mainly a consequence chronic pathology internal organs such as gallbladder, pancreas, liver and others.

Among the causes of colitis in adults are: the following:

Almost always, acute inflammation of the intestines is combined with inflammation of the small intestine and stomach.

In acute colitis, symptoms appear acutely. Patients may complain of decreased appetite, elevated temperature, fatigue, nausea, sometimes vomiting, abdominal cramps and loose stools.

Acute left-sided colitis will manifest as tenesmus (painful urge to defecate), abdominal cramps, diarrhea with blood, pus and/or mucus.

At the same time, acute right-sided intestinal colitis is characterized by symptoms such as increased bowel movements up to 5-7 times a day and mild aching pain in the right abdomen. The stool is mushy with a small amount of blood, mucus and/or pus.

Acute colitis with untimely or improper treatment threatens to become a chronic form of the disease, so it is important to seek medical help in time and not self-medicate.

Chronic colitis is characterized by a gradual, often imperceptible onset, a long, sluggish course with periods of exacerbation and temporary subsidence of inflammatory phenomena.

Chronic colitis may occur primarily or be a consequence of acute colitis.

Exacerbation of the symptoms of chronic colitis is caused by non-compliance with diet, mental or physical fatigue, stress, viral infections, as well as other diseases of internal organs.

Treatment does not allow you to completely get rid of this disease, but only to stop the progression and prolong remission.

Signs of chronic inflammation of the large intestine the following:

  • aching or cramping abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea, which is replaced by constipation, and vice versa;
  • an admixture of blood, mucus and/or pus in the stool;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, in severe cases vomiting;
  • malaise;
  • pallor skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • fever and others.

Symptoms of intestinal colitis in women

During clinical observations, it was concluded that women develop colitis more often than children or men.

Very often, the cause of colitis in women is the use of cleansing enemas to remove toxins and reduce weight. In addition, most weight loss products, which are so popular among women, negatively affect the functioning of the intestines and their condition and can even cause colitis.

Women may experience following symptoms colitis:

  • violation of the general condition (weakness, loss of appetite, decreased performance, etc.);
  • abdominal pain;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • tenesmus;
  • temperature rise and others.

The severity of the above symptoms depends on the cause, course and location of colitis.

Males are less susceptible to colitis than females. Middle-aged men are more likely to suffer from inflammation of the large intestine.

The disease in the stronger sex manifests itself with the same symptoms as in women, namely:

  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • abdominal pain of various types;
  • nausea;
  • sometimes vomiting;
  • stool instability;
  • the appearance of blood, pus or mucus in the stool;
  • painful false urge to empty the bowel and others.

The intensity of clinical manifestations of colitis directly depends on the etiology, course, type of colitis, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Symptoms of colitis in children

The course of colitis in children is more violent and severe than in adult patients.

Colitis of infectious etiology in children is often accompanied by severe intoxication and dehydration.

It is possible to detect in a child the following symptoms of acute colitis:

  • fever;
  • exhaustion;
  • severe general weakness;
  • pain that is localized around the navel;
  • tenesmus;
  • diarrhea, with frequent stools up to 15 times a day;
  • watery, foamy, often greenish stools that contain a lot of mucus and streaks of blood;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • decreasing the daily amount of urine and others.

Chronic colitis in a child has less pronounced manifestations than acute lesion intestines.

Most often the child has symptoms such as:

  • pain in the abdomen of an aching nature, which is associated with eating or defecation, and is noted in the navel, right or left half of the abdomen, depending on the segment of damage to the large intestine;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • feces contain a lot of mucus, streaks of blood and undigested food particles;
  • change in the consistency of feces (sheep feces, ribbon-like stool, watery stool, etc.);
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • bloating.

Due to constipation or diarrhea, a child may develop anal tears and prolapse of the rectal mucosa.

Parents should not ignore the above symptoms in a child, since a long-term inflammatory process in the intestines often leads to a delay physical development, anemia, metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency in the body.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and traditional medicine methods

Clinical picture Ulcerative colitis can be either pronounced or indolent. In addition, in most cases, the onset of the disease is imperceptible, so patients lead a normal life, not suspecting that they are sick with something. Also, ulcerative colitis can masquerade as other diseases of the digestive tract, such as hemorrhoids.

Ulcerative colitis has a number of specific and nonspecific symptoms, namely:

  • fecal incontinence;
  • night urge to have a bowel movement;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements (up to 25 times a day)
  • constipation, in case of inflammation of the sigmoid colon;
  • the appearance of blood, pus and mucus in the stool;
  • flatulence;
  • temperature increase;
  • stomach ache;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • pallor of the skin.

With massive intestinal damage, the patient’s condition is quite severe, characterized by fever, nausea with vomiting, lack of appetite, instability blood pressure, increased heart rate, weight loss and others.

Also, some patients may experience extraintestinal symptoms of ulcerative colitis, such as the formation of blood clots in various organs, blurred vision, joint pain, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, dysfunction of the liver and other internal organs.

The fight against ulcerative colitis is a rather long and labor-intensive process, which involves the use of basic and symptomatic therapies.

In the treatment of this disease, anti-inflammatory drugs (Salofalk, Remicade, Sulfasalazine, Mezavant), hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone) and cytostatics (Azathioprine, Methotrexate) and others can be used.

For the purpose of symptomatic therapy, patients are prescribed antipyretics, antispasmodics, enterosorbents, and enzyme preparations.

Herbal medicine can be used as an additional treatment for ulcerative colitis, but you must first consult with your doctor. Regular ingestion of infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs, such as nettle, yarrow, chamomile, nettle, bloodroot and St. John's wort will help reduce inflammation in the intestines, consolidate stool, stop bleeding, prevent bacterial complications and speed up wound healing.

Spastic intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment methods

Spastic colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a functional disease that occurs as a result of impaired intestinal motility.

The disease may manifest itself the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, which is spasmodic in nature, often occurs in the morning after eating, before any important event or after stress;
  • stool instability;
  • pronounced flatulence;
  • an admixture of mucus in the stool, and sometimes blood.

To treat spastic colitis, medications are used that restore normal intestinal motor function and stop nervous tension. Drugs in in this case may be Duspatalin, No-shpa, Imodium, Riabal.

With intestinal ischemia, the leading symptoms are strong pain and intestinal obstruction. Clinical picture ischemic colitis depends on how extensive the lesion is, and also on whether it was completely blocked mesenteric artery or partially.

The pain is spastic in nature and most often appears immediately after eating. Patients also experience bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea.

With massive thrombosis of the intestinal arteries, patients may develop pain shock - decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, pale skin, cold sweat and impaired consciousness.

Treatment of colitis caused by intestinal ischemia almost always involves surgical intervention, in which part of the ischemic or necrotic intestine is removed.

Atrophic intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment methods

Most often, atrophic colitis occurs against the background of improper and unhealthy diet, salt poisoning heavy metals, with long-term use of laxatives and unjustified antibiotic therapy. In addition, there is a genetic predisposition to atrophy of the intestinal mucosa.

Patients experience classic symptoms of colitis: abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

The choice of treatment for atrophic colitis depends on which symptom is the main one. For pain and cramps in the abdomen, antispasmodics are used, for constipation - laxatives, for diarrhea - antidiarrheals, etc.

Infectious intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Infectious colitis almost always has an acute or subacute course. Patients complain of increased body temperature, frequent loose stool(watery, mushy, jelly-like), with admixtures of blood, mucus, pus, cutting pain in the abdomen, flatulence and others. The manifestation of colitis of infectious origin will depend on what microorganism provoked it.

The treatment of infectious colitis is based on etiotropic therapy, that is, aimed at destroying the pathogen.

Nutrition for colitis depends on the leading symptom of the disease. But in any case, the diet must be followed both during the period of exacerbation and in remission.

During an exacerbation or during acute course Colitis menu consists of boiled or steamed dishes. Food should not have coarse particles that can irritate the intestinal mucosa, so soups and cereals are beaten or rubbed through a sieve.

List of prohibited foods for colitis:

  • rye and fresh bread;
  • baked goods;
  • pasta;
  • rich broths;
  • fatty meats, fish and poultry;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • eggs, hard-boiled or fried;
  • pearl barley porridge and soup;
  • legumes;
  • raw fruits;
  • sweets;
  • fruit juices, which increase gas formation in the intestines;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks.

During the period of remission, nutrition should be balanced and healthy. You need to eat in small portions (5-6 times a day), and it is also important to drink enough liquid.

It is recommended to exclude from the diet spicy and fatty foods, whole milk, as well as foods that contain coarse plant fiber and promote gas formation - white cabbage, legumes, black and whole grain bread, grapes and others. Drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

When preparing food, preference should be given to baking, boiling or steaming dishes.

For colitis, which is accompanied by constipation, the menu must include beets, carrots, dried fruits, apricots, kiwis, and consuming 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach will also help loosen stools.

In case of colitis, where the leading symptom is diarrhea, the diet should be such as not to cause fermentation in the intestines and spare its mucous membrane. In the daily diet, the amount of fat is reduced and marinades, smoked foods, whole milk, hot spices, as well as alcoholic and carbonated drinks are completely removed.

Diet therapy for colitis is an integral part of treatment, which significantly affects its outcome. Target therapeutic nutrition– exclude mechanical and chemical irritation of the colon mucosa.

In toga we can say that colitis is enough serious illness with long and complex treatment, the result of which depends on its timeliness and correctness. Therefore, if you identify symptoms characteristic of colitis, do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist.

The diagnosis and treatment of infectious and toxic colitis is carried out by an infectious disease specialist, and in the case of other forms of the disease, by a gastroenterologist, coloproctologist or proctologist.

Have you ever experienced colitis? Leave your feedback on methods of treating this disease in the comments below the topic.

Colitis refers to diseases of the mucous membrane of the large intestine of various etiologies. The cause of the disease is the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body, exposure to harmful substances, allergens, and poor nutrition. Colitis can occur in both acute, transient, and chronic forms, which require more long-term treatment. This disease can have two varieties - specific, caused by certain factors, and nonspecific, in which it is difficult to find out the cause of the pathology. Each form has its own symptoms. If colitis is suspected, the doctor sends the patient for blood and stool tests for diagnosis. What tests for colitis will help a specialist determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment will be described below.

According to statistics, people of both sexes suffer from colitis with equal frequency, regardless of race and social status. Most often it develops in men after 40 years, in women - after 20.

The following groups of patients have the highest risk of developing colitis:

  • having a history of gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking antimicrobial drugs;
  • abusing laxatives and enemas;
  • having a hereditary predisposition.

When the first symptoms of colitis appear - abdominal pain, stool disorders, flatulence, loss of appetite, the presence of mucus in the stool - you must contact a gastroenterologist for consultation and treatment.

Types of colitis

There are several types of the disease: allergic, ischemic, pseudomembranous, toxic, etc. Each of them is characterized by specific causes, course and specific symptoms.


The disease develops due to poisoning by toxic substances - mercury, phosphorus, lead, etc. Characterized by toxic colitis sharp pains in the area of ​​the large intestine, nausea, abdominal pain, headaches, vomiting, weakness.


This type of colitis develops while taking medicines that disrupt the intestinal microflora - antibiotics, hormonal agents, cancer drugs. The main symptoms are frequent bowel movements, dehydration, pain in the navel, mucus, and sometimes blood in the stool. In case of severe intestinal damage, it is possible heat up to 39-40 degrees.


This type of pathology appears under the influence of allergens on the body. In most cases, it develops in infants with the introduction of complementary foods. By clinical manifestations does not differ from other types of colitis, but abdominal pain intensifies immediately after eating food containing allergens.


Occurs with frequent constipation, abuse of enemas, rectal suppositories. As a result, the intestinal walls are often mechanically irritated.


The most common type of disease, occurring in 50% of all cases. The disease is characterized by a series of remissions and exacerbations. Most often occurs when there is already existing diseases digestive organs.


This type is associated with congenital anomalies in the intestinal structure or genetic mutations during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus.


This type of colitis is associated with an unhealthy diet, consisting of spicy, fatty foods, in the absence of fiber, due to the abuse of fast food. In addition, the disease may be associated with low protein and vitamin content in the food consumed.


Diagnosis and tests for colitis

If colitis is suspected, a gastroenterologist conducts a conversation with the patient, collecting anamnesis. After this, the patient is referred to diagnostic procedures, which include blood tests, stool tests, coprogram, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, intestinal ultrasound, stool culture.

Macro- and microscopy of stool

Microscopic and macroscopic examination of stool allows you to assess the condition of the digestive tract. To take the test, you need to stop taking all medications 3 days before the test, if possible, and follow a diet: eat 5-6 small meals a day, include porridge and fiber in your diet.

After spontaneous bowel movement, place about 30 g of feces in a sterile container and deliver it to the laboratory as soon as possible. If this is not possible, then the biomaterial can be stored in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

Macroscopic examination is aimed at assessing physical properties feces With various intestinal diseases, changes in the physical properties of the biomaterial occur. With colitis, stool has a mushy consistency. This is due to excessive secretion of mucus by the walls of the colon. At the same time, it covers the stool with thin lumps.

Normally, blood and pus should not be present in the stool, but with colitis of various etiologies this phenomenon is not uncommon. A small amount of blood and pus in the test indicates ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Microscopic examination of stool allows you to evaluate it Chemical properties and detect problems. Epithelium and leukocytes are not found in the stool of a healthy person, but if a person suffers from acute or chronic colitis, columnar epithelium and neutrophils will be present in his stool. If, along with these indicators, a large number of red blood cells are present, then the patient suffers from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or colon cancer.

The results of the study are known in 2-3 days, and if there is a laboratory, locality, where the tests were taken, in the second half of the same day.


A coprogram is general analysis feces, which consists of macro-, microscopic and chemical analysis feces The first two components of the coprogram were described above.

Chemical analysis for colitis of any type shows the presence of an alkaline reaction (pH 8-10). The presence of unchanged bilirubin also informs about problems with the large intestine associated with microflora disturbances when taking various medications.

Detection of helminth eggs

If 3 times in a row the result indicates that no helminths were detected, then the person can be confident in the accuracy of the diagnosis. If at least one time out of three there is a positive answer, it means that the patient is sick with helminthiasis.

Research is carried out as follows:

  1. Macroscopically.

To do this, mix the feces with water and examine them under strong lighting for the presence of eggs or larvae. If they are found, they are transferred to a special glass and further examined.

  1. Microscopically.

Using special reagents, the feces are placed under cellophane and examined under a microscope. This technique makes it possible to detect the presence of helminths even on initial stage infection.

The analysis is prepared within 2-5 days after the biomaterial is submitted to the laboratory. Preparation for it is the same as for coprogram.

Bacterial culture of stool

Bacterial culture of stool is very informative for colitis. It provides information about the causative agents of the disease. Most often they are bacteria.

The collection of biomaterial is carried out in the morning. 30 g of feces is placed in a sterile tube and delivered to the laboratory, where colonies of microorganisms that become the causative agents of the disease are grown under special conditions for 7-10 days. Along with this, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics is determined. This is necessary for treatment to proceed quickly and effectively.

Normally, pathogenic microorganisms in the feces should not be more than 10 4 CFU (colony-forming units), in children - 10 3. If in the analyzes their content is greater than this figure, it means that the colitis was caused by this particular agent. It can be:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • clostridia;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida.

General blood analysis

A blood test can show, in the presence of the disease, an increased number of white blood cells and an increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

The number of leukocytes in an adult is 10X10 9 and in a child from 4.5 - 9, ESR - from 3 to 15 mm/h in an adult and 4-12 mm/h in a child indicates the presence of inflammation.

3 days before taking capillary blood from a finger, it is recommended to avoid stress, eat fatty and spicy foods, and stop taking medications that can affect the results. Blood is taken for analysis in the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no later than 10 hours before the test. The results will be ready on the same day.

Contrast irrigoscopy

Contrast irrigoscopy is a diagnostic method that can be used to assess the condition of the large intestine in various diseases, including colitis. To do this, a barium-based contrast agent is injected into the anus through an enema. Then a series is made x-rays at various positions bodies. After the intestines are naturally cleared of the contrast liquid, another series of images is taken, giving an idea of ​​the intestinal relief and its ability to contract. The results are given to the patient immediately after the examination.

With colitis of various origins, the images show a narrowing of the lumen of the colon, barium obstruction due to muscle spasm.

The procedure takes from 10 to 50 minutes. It is low-traumatic, therefore it is indicated for those patients who various reasons Colonoscopy cannot be performed. However, the procedure is contraindicated in the following group of patients:

  • pregnancy;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • perforation of the intestinal walls.

Conducting contrast irrigoscopy requires serious preparation from the patient, which is carried out 3 days before the study. You need to follow a diet that excludes cereals, fruits and vegetables, and legumes. The last meal should be no later than 15-20 hours before the procedure.

In addition, three days before irrigoscopy, you need to carry out cleansing enemas daily until the appearance of clean water and take a laxative.


This method is indicated for suspected nonspecific colitis. This procedure is very painful and traumatic, but it is informative in determining the causes of the disease, which is important in differential diagnosis.

The doctor inserts a flexible tube with a camera along the entire length of the large intestine into the patient's anus. As the tube moves into the intestine, air is pumped into the intestine to prevent the walls from sticking together. The doctor examines the organ and can make a diagnosis immediately based on the examination. At the same time, a piece of colon tissue is taken for histological analysis if you suspect cancer or some other diseases.

Preparation for the study, as with irrigoscopy, consists of following a diet, cleansing the intestines with castor oil, enemas or special medications. This should be done 2-3 days before the colonoscopy.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  1. intestinal perforations;
  2. serious cardiovascular diseases;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. bleeding;
  5. peritonitis.

Due to the fact that the procedure is difficult to tolerate, Lately It is practiced under anesthesia.

Histological examination

Histology is the analysis of organ tissue. Most often it is carried out in order to detect or refute the presence cancer cells. For colitis, histology is not indicated, but for differential diagnosis (if colon cancer is excluded), this analysis is mandatory.

Biomaterial is collected during colonoscopy. To do this, a small fragment of the colon mucosa is taken. It is placed in a special solution and transported to the laboratory, where the tissue is examined under a microscope using reagents and dyes.

The analysis result takes a long time to prepare – usually 10-14 days.

Digital examination of the anus

This is one of the simplest and most painless types of examination, which is carried out by a proctologist if colitis is suspected to exclude hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and other diseases. To do this, the patient does a cleansing enema at home the day before.

During the examination, the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum of the patient, who lies on his side with his legs bent. The doctor evaluates the quality of peristalsis, the presence of formations on the walls, and the general condition of the rectum.

Prevention of colitis

Prevention of colitis is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. To do this, you need to eat right, visit the dentist regularly, and treat chronic diseases. digestive system, move more and avoid exposure to harmful substances, including antibiotics. These recommendations will help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

This serious illness, like colitis, needs observation and treatment from a specialist. In the absence of proper therapy, colitis leads to peritonitis, necrosis of the intestinal wall, intestinal obstruction and even death.

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic recurrent inflammatory disease of the colon, characterized by the presence of ulcers on the colon mucosa. As a result, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and false urges to empty the bowel may appear. It is also possible to develop life-threatening complications - intestinal bleeding And colorectal cancer.

The exact cause of UC is still unknown. It is assumed that immune and genetic factors play a major role in the development of the disease.

Most often, ulcerative colitis affects people aged 15 to 30 years. The disease occurs in periods: exacerbations and remissions occur (weakening of the manifestations of the disease until they disappear completely), and remission can sometimes last for years.

Treatment usually uses drugs that suppress the immune system. However, in some cases, only surgical treatment is possible.

Synonyms Russian

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, UC.


Ulcerative Colitis, Colitis ulcerosa, UC.


The most common symptoms of UC are:

  • chronic diarrhea with blood in the stool, sometimes mucus,
  • abdominal pain, possibly cramping in nature,
  • a feeling of incomplete bowel movement and a false urge to empty the bowel,
  • anal fissures,
  • intestinal bleeding,
  • general weakness and malaise,
  • temperature increase,
  • loss of appetite and body weight,
  • anemia due to bleeding and impaired iron absorption.

A number of symptoms are a consequence of immune disorders:

  • joint pain,
  • inflammation of the eyes,
  • skin lesions in the form of red, bumpy, painful rashes,
  • pain in the right hypochondrium as a consequence of involvement of the liver in the pathological process,
  • discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, indicating kidney damage or the presence of stones in them.

general information

Ulcerative colitis is chronic illness, characterized by a recurrent course and the presence of inflammation and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the colon.

Currently, the cause of UC is not completely known. It is assumed that the disease is mainly caused by disorders in the immune system and family history.

Normally, in humans, cells of the immune system synthesize antibodies to protect the body from foreign influences.

In some people, the immune system produces too many antibodies against the cells in its own mucosa. Thus, the pathological process becomes autoimmune in nature. This explains the presence of systemic manifestations of the disease in patients: arthritis, conjunctivitis, chronic hepatitis, erythema nodosum (bump-like, painful formations on the skin). Based on the same version drug therapy UC, since all the drugs used suppress the immune system.

People with a family history of UC are more likely to develop this disease than people with no family history.

Increases the risk of developing UC stress effects and nutritional patterns, as well as past intestinal infections.

Normally, the large intestine absorbs water, trace elements, and bile acids. At chronic inflammation this process is disrupted, the mucous membrane becomes thinner and ulcers appear on it, which can bleed. The result of this is constant irritation of the intestines, which provokes diarrhea and abdominal pain. In addition, given the decrease in appetite, all this reduces the supply of nutrients, so that their level in the blood decreases, which is manifested by anemia, osteoporosis, protein deficiency, lack of glucose in the blood, and hypovitaminosis.

Metabolic disorders occurring in the body can lead to impaired kidney function and the formation of stones in them.

With this pathology, only the superficial parts of the mucous membrane of the colon are affected. Inflammatory process is continuous in nature, that is, starting in the rectum, it covers all areas of its mucosa, leaving no healthy fragments. In the future, inflammation can also continuously spread to the overlying parts of the colon.

During the course of the disease, there are periods of exacerbation and remission, which can last for months or even years. Moreover, such patients have a high probability of intestinal bleeding, colorectal cancer, intestinal perforation, toxic megacolon (cessation of intestinal peristalsis and dilatation of the intestine), which can seriously threaten their lives.

Who is at risk?

  • Persons whose relatives suffered from ulcerative colitis.
  • Young people under 30 years old.
  • Those who quit smoking can provoke an exacerbation of UC.
  • People taking painkillers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for a long time: ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin.
  • Residents of megacities.


  • An immunological blood test reveals antibodies to the cytoplasm of one’s own neutrophils, which confirms the autoimmune nature of the disease and is quite specific for ulcerative colitis. Under the influence of such antibodies, neutrophils are destroyed, which promotes inflammatory reactions.
  • Complete blood count (without leukocyte formula and ESR). A decrease in hemoglobin indicates anemia; an increase in the level of leukocytes may indicate an infection.
  • Biochemical blood test - helps determine malabsorption in which levels total protein, glucose, cholesterol, electrolytes may be reduced. Changes in the concentration of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase indicate liver damage. The level of creatinine and urea may increase with kidney pathology.
  • C-reactive protein, an increase in the level of which indicates the activity of the process.
  • A fecal occult blood test can determine the amount of blood in the stool that is not visible to the eye.
  • The coprogram reflects the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest food.

Also used instrumental methods examinations:

  • sigmoidoscopy – examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon;
  • irrigoscopy – X-ray examination with the introduction of barium into the large intestine, it allows you to examine the relief of the mucous membrane;
  • fibrocolonoscopy – examination of the colon using an endoscope, which allows you to see changes in the mucosa and take a biopsy from the affected areas;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys allows you to assess the condition of the intestinal wall, as well as the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and identify changes in the kidneys;
  • Histological examination of a biopsy specimen (a piece of intestinal mucosa taken during an endoscopic examination) usually makes it possible to finally determine the type of disease.


Therapy usually begins with taking 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs. If its effectiveness is insufficient, glucocorticosteroid hormones are used. Reserve drugs are cytostatics. All of these drugs affect the immune system, suppressing its excessive function. Thus, there is a decrease in the synthesis of antibodies against one’s own mucous membrane and the activity of inflammation decreases.

When an infectious process occurs, antibiotics are indicated.

If therapy is ineffective, surgical treatment is performed.

In rare cases it is used biological therapy antibodies that suppress the excessive function of one’s own immune system, and therefore the activity of the inflammatory process.

During periods of remission, maintenance therapy is prescribed, usually 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations.

  • General blood analysis
  • Serum iron
  • Potassium, sodium, chlorine in serum
  • Serum calcium
  • Total cholesterol
  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
  • Total alkaline phosphatase
  • Serum albumin
  • Total protein in whey
  • Serum creatinine
  • Urea in serum
  • Plasma glucose
  • C-reactive protein, quantitative
  • Circulating immune complexes (CIC)
  • Antibodies to the cytoplasm of neutrophils, IgG
  • Diagnostics inflammatory diseases intestines (antibodies to intestinal goblet cells and pancreatic ducts)

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