Home Children's dentistry My liver hurts, what kind of doctor do I need? Which doctor treats the liver?

My liver hurts, what kind of doctor do I need? Which doctor treats the liver?

Few people know which doctor checks the liver. As a rule, this question is asked in cases where obvious signs inflammation or other pathologies. At the same time, the liver is one of the most important organs in our body.

This is explained by the fact that it is the liver that carries out the cleansing function, due to which harmful and toxic substances do not accumulate in the body. However, unhealthy image life often leads to a very serious load on the organ, resulting in various inflammations and diseases. Abnormalities in the liver can cause improper functioning of the body as a whole. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor promptly when problems arise and the first symptoms appear.

The main doctor who deals directly with liver treatment is a hepatologist. This specialist deals only with liver diseases and can offer the patient different techniques and therapy. However, often the first thing you should contact is not him. If you do not understand whether the symptoms correspond to liver disease, you should first consult a therapist who will help you understand where exactly the inflammation is concentrated. Next, the therapist, as a rule, writes out a referral to a specialist.

You need to immediately contact an infectious disease specialist if you notice signs characteristic of hepatitis:

  1. darkening of urine
  2. almost White color feces,
  3. yellowing of the whites of the eyes

Since hepatitis is viral disease, it is this specialist who will help determine the presence of infection in the body. Sometimes various liver dysfunctions manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, hives and even itching. In this case, of course, it is better to first consult a dermatologist in order to find out the cause of such symptoms. Most likely, a dermatologist will refer you for tests. If a urine test shows that the cause is in the liver, then next step will be a visit to a hepatologist.

The choice of doctor depends on the specific situation and the symptoms that appear. Before seeking help from a hepatologist, you need to accurately determine whether the signs correspond to liver disease.

What symptoms require a thorough examination?

Of course, you shouldn’t run to the hospital at every slightest ailment and find out which doctor to see to check your liver. However, there are a number of symptoms that may indicate serious infections or developing liver inflammation:

  • Strong bitter taste in the mouth.
  • The emergence of new age spots on the face.
  • Dark urine and light stool.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Acute pain in the right hypochondrium, general discomfort.
  • The appearance of a yellowish tint on the whites of the eyes.
  • Frequent digestive disorders.
  • Severe pain in the pit of the stomach.
  • Vomiting, sometimes even bile.
  • Skin rashes accompanied by itching.
  • Increased reaction to odors.

If you have several similar symptoms, you should immediately contact a hepatologist, since they are mainly signs of infectious hepatitis. In this case, delay threatens complications and more. long-term treatment. After all, as you know, hepatitis is easily treated with initial stage, in a more complex form, treatment is delayed for a long time. If no measures are taken at all, hepatitis can lead to the development of liver cirrhosis and even cancer.

How to check your liver?

Diagnosis of liver diseases is quite difficult. First, the doctor testing the liver will examine the patient and conduct a thorough questioning. This will help determine the main symptoms and draw initial conclusions regarding the disease. Only laboratory tests can confirm or refute the signs. Therefore, as a rule, a series of tests are then prescribed.

Initially, as a rule, a blood test from a vein and a urine test are taken. With their help, the presence of certain enzymes in the body is determined. If tests show that the likelihood of liver disease is high, additional procedures, such as ultrasonography, and biopsy. Such measures will make it possible to more accurately determine where inflammation is concentrated and what the size of the liver is (during inflammation, it is usually enlarged).

An ultrasound examination will also show the presence of neoplasms, if any. Sometimes patients are additionally prescribed special genetic research, which allow us to determine hereditary predisposition to diseases and some characteristics of the body.

Only with the results of all tests and other studies in hand can a hepatologist draw conclusions about the disease and the stage of its development. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, despite the fact that many drugs for treating the liver are sold in pharmacies today. Only an experienced specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe complex therapy. The abundance of drugs makes treatment difficult, since each drug has a number of contraindications and side effects. Due to these features, it is quite difficult to choose a drug that is suitable for a particular patient and does not cause him allergic reactions.

Improper treatment can lead to even greater intoxication of the liver and severe disruption of its functioning. You shouldn't rely on traditional methods therapy, liver diseases - serious problem for the whole body, and therefore it cannot be done without competent treatment.

Watch this short video to learn how to quickly check your liver at home:

What does a blood test show?

A blood test is a primary study that shows whether any measures need to be taken or not. The fact is that the liver contains the enzymes ALT and AST. If the organ is normal, the content of these enzymes in the blood is minimal. When the liver becomes inflamed, its cells are destroyed and release enzymes into the blood, causing their levels to become much higher. The average content of enzymes in the blood indicates the presence of some disorders in the liver. High content, in turn, signals the presence of inflammation.

Another marker is the level of the enzyme Gamma-GTP in the blood. This enzyme begins to be released during toxic or alcoholic hepatitis. As a rule, with this disease, the outflow of bile is difficult, which leads to cell destruction.

Another enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, increases in cases of alcoholic hepatitis or in the presence of cancer. If the patient does not abuse alcohol, but the enzyme is elevated, this is a signal that a tumor is developing in the body. In this case you will need additional examination, it is best to undergo an MRI procedure.

Cholinesterase is an enzyme that, on the contrary, decreases sharply during liver diseases. If the level of the first three enzymes has increased and cholinesterase has decreased, we can talk about the presence of serious liver pathology.

Such examinations, even without the presence of symptoms of inflammation, should be performed at least once a year. This will prevent the development of the disease, and generally know what condition the liver is in. It would be a good idea to carry out preventative liver cleansing from time to time.

Now you know which doctor checks the liver and which specialist you should immediately go to if you have the first signs of disease.

Sudden onset pain in the right hypochondrium, warning sign, indicating possible liver disease, and in this situation the question arises of which specialist should be contacted in this case.

The most correct thing is to first come to an appointment with a therapist who will diagnose preliminary diagnosis, based on description pain concerns the patient, initial examination and laboratory testing.

Depending on the result of the examination, a recommendation will be given on the next step, but you can also independently consult a doctor who treats the liver, a hepatologist - he provides medical care in case of damage to the structure of the organ and its improper functioning.

The doctor prescribes a course of therapy if diagnosed:

  • all types of hepatitis (toxic, viral, autoimmune);
  • cirrhosis caused by various sources;
  • cholecystitis during acute and prolonged periods; genetic abnormalities;
  • benign formations and malignant tumors;
  • illnesses digestive system;
  • hepatitis C and B;
  • cirrhosis of various origins;
  • liver abscesses, inflammation.

The very origin of the word “hepatologist” has two roots Greek origin: “hepatos” - liver and “logos” - teaching. IN modern language this can be interpreted as a doctor treating the liver


A positive result in the treatment of any disease is based on its accurate diagnosis, especially in the early stages. It is extremely important to see a doctor if your liver hurts and have it examined as soon as possible, since many organ abnormalities develop asymptomatically over several years.

Doctors have modern equipment in their arsenal medical equipment, allowing us to obtain a reliable picture of the disease. In order to check the internal organs, the patient may be prescribed the following procedures in combination or some of them:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity;
  • study of the biochemical composition of blood;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdominal organs;
  • esophagoscopy, that is, endoscopic examination esophagus;
  • colonoscopy – visual examination of the rectum and colon;
  • liver biopsy;
  • CT scan(CT);
  • blood test to determine antibodies to the hepatitis virus and malignant tumors;
  • test to determine genetic changes (genetic examination).

The results obtained during the examinations will give a reliable idea to the doctor treating the liver in what condition the organ is.

How is a liver examination performed?

A physician, a hepatologist, or a gastroenterologist can prescribe a referral for testing. Typically, blood and urine are tested first. They are the starting point for making a diagnosis.

Deviations from standard readings characterizing the normal state of human health tell the doctor about the development of pathology. This is evidenced by:

  • increased number of white blood cells and red blood cells (typical of an infection inside the liver);
  • A decrease in platelet count may be an indicator of changes occurring in the liver. This symptom is characteristic of the development of viral hepatitis. There is no single standard for indications for all people. They depend on the gender and age of the person.

Based only on the results of a general blood test, the doctor who treats the liver does not make an accurate conclusion. The doctor prescribes an additional blood test: biochemical analysis.

This method laboratory diagnostics makes it possible to gain full awareness of the condition of all organs located in the abdominal cavity:

  • kidney;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • and, of course, the liver, assess the usefulness of their work, whether carbohydrate, protein or lipid metabolism is normal.

Important indicators of the study in question will be necessary for a doctor who treats not only the liver, but also the pancreas, and these are:

  • intracellular enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT), located in the muscles of the heart, liver and skeletal muscles. The presence of an enzyme in the blood is an obvious sign of a defect in the membrane of organ cells. Detection of ALT indicates the existence of hepatitis of viral and toxic origin, malignant formation in the liver, and also indicates a threat cardiovascular system, the occurrence of myocardial infarction. The normal content of the intracellular enzyme ALT is usually within 41 U/l. All indicators above this value indicate the development of serious anomalies within the body;
  • The enzyme in the tissue cells of internal organs, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), is involved in all biochemical processes in the body, activating them. The highest content of AST is concentrated in the liver and muscle tissue. An increased level of the enzyme in the blood is alarming symptom. Conducting an AST test is necessary to identify dangerous diseases of the liver, heart, pancreas and other internal organs. When studying test results, take into account the ratio of ALT and AST enzymes;
  • Bilirubin is a bile pigment that occurs during the breakdown of proteins contained in it. An increase in its concentration is a sign of impaired bile movement and liver function;
  • the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) is concentrated in the kidneys and liver. It is an indicator of cholestasis, that is, stagnation of bile.
  • alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme; its normal concentration in the blood ranges from 44 IU/l to 147 IU/l. A slight deviation from the norm in the direction of increase can be observed in a child in puberty or in a pregnant woman.

An increase in the enzyme, especially in combination with increased ALT AST levels, signals pathology in the liver.

Simultaneously high level alkaline phosphatase and calcium and phosphorus - a problem with bone tissue.


When diagnosing liver diseases, the doctor must perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which gives a complete and reliable picture of all parameters of the liver and gall bladder at the time of the procedure, and their changes.

Using this method, all types of existing organ lesions:

  1. mixed or diffuse, for example:
    • hepatosis is a process in which fat cells replace functionally active hepatocytes;
    • both forms of hepatitis: acute or permanent. IN in this case there is an increase in the shares of the organ, a change in the shape of the edges;
    • cirrhosis;
  2. focal. Using ultrasound, organ lobes that have a density higher than normal are identified:
    • adenomas;
    • metastases of malignant tumors;
    • hemangiomas and similar anomalies.

The accuracy of the results obtained by ultrasound is high, but the lack of special signs does not make it possible to reliably establish the result; this requires additional research.

The procedure requires preparation, in particular: dietary restrictions and a cleansing enema on the day of the ultrasound.


Diagnostics viral hepatitis requires laboratory research with their markers. The test allows you to obtain information about liver abnormalities in the past and determine whether there is inflammation in the present time. The analysis is considered a reliable barometer in determining dangerous viruses and their generation, and also recognizes hepatitis C. If a woman plans to become pregnant in the near future, then it is advisable to conduct this type of research to prevent transmission of the disease from mother to child.

Additional studies may be required to make an accurate diagnosis. For example, new modern look diagnostics – fibrotest. It serves as an alternative to performing a biopsy of an internal organ. The results of the liver condition are derived through mathematical calculations based on the readings of the patient’s biochemical blood test. The advantage of this type of study is its complete safety, so the hepatologist can prescribe it even during pregnancy.

Laboratory research

Well-known methods for diagnosing diseases of internal organs remain:

  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography. While conducting the study, the doctor receives images of sections of the organ step by step. With the help of contrast enhancement, foci of pathologies are identified. During a detailed radiation examination of the organ using tomography, all changes in the size and structure of the organ are determined. There are contraindications - a pacemaker and pregnancy in women;
  • A biopsy, as a rule, is prescribed by a doctor as a last resort, when confirmation of the malignancy or benignity of the test material is required. The procedure is surgery, during which a piece of the organ itself is removed. There are three types of biopsy:
  • standard – collecting a piece of an organ using a needle,
  • laparoscopic – visualization of the process by performing endoscopic surgery;
  • transvenous – using a venous catheter.

Complications of liver diseases and their treatment

Ascites or dropsy is a serious complication that occurs with cirrhosis of the liver and requires surgical intervention. The disorder is represented by the accumulation of large amounts of water in the abdominal cavity. Additional signs indicating an anomaly:

  • a belly that has grown to enormous sizes;
  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of heaviness.

The disease is treated with diuretics medicines. If the required effect of treatment is not achieved, surgery is used and excess fluid is pumped out through a procedure called paracentesis (insertion of a tube into the abdominal cavity to drain water).

Common complications include venous bleeding of the esophagus, which threatens the patient with an extremely serious condition, often ending in coma.
In this case, hospitalization is necessary.

Oncological lesions of the liver

Cirrhosis is an extremely dangerous disease. Its presence significantly increases the risk of developing malignant tumors in the liver. In addition, the following factors increase the likelihood of cancer:

  • excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • genital infections.

In each individual case, the doctor deals with the liver thoroughly and very seriously, since the consequences of an illiterate diagnosis and prescribed treatment end in death for the patient.

A timely visit to the doctor and timely research will help prevent not only the development of cirrhosis, but also diagnose and prevent the development of:

  • cysts;
  • pancreatitis - a dangerous disease of the pancreas;
  • polycystic disease in women;
  • hemangiomas – benign formations internal organs.

Below are some tips from Professor Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin to maintain digestive health and quality preventive measures that will help avoid complications:

  • drink more clean, plain water;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • maintain the acid-base balance in the body.
  • What is the role of the liver
  • What are the most common liver diseases?
  • What is the danger of cholecystitis
  • Complications chronic cholecystitis
  • What to do if your liver hurts

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Which doctor treats the liver? This question interests many patients, because the liver is a very important organ. It cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins. It is in it that they are produced useful material that take part in metabolism.

But sometimes we feel pain in the right side and conclude that there is a problem with the liver. This is where consultation with a specialist becomes necessary. But what kind of doctor treats the liver? A therapist has a broader specialization, while a gastroenterologist specializes in treating the stomach. A hepatologist deals with liver diseases. There is no point in delaying the treatment of this organ, since most diseases can be dangerous.

What is the role of the liver

The liver performs important functions:

  1. Participates in the digestion process.
  2. Produces bile, which takes part in the digestion process in the small intestine.
  3. Produces immunoglobulin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
  4. Removes decay products and various poisons.
  5. Takes part in the renewal of blood cells by destroying red blood cells and producing albumin.
  6. It is a repository of energy reserves and vitamins.
  7. Participates in the synthesis of enzymes and compounds that are necessary for the process of digestion and metabolism.

They are very similar, and only a highly specialized doctor can distinguish one disease from another, so it is imperative to consult a hepatologist.

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What are the most common liver diseases?

If any disturbances occur in the liver, this is indicated by pain in the right side. Some of us believe that all we have to do is take a painkiller and the whole problem will be solved. But it is not so.

Three organ diseases are most often diagnosed and are the most common:

  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

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What is the danger of cholecystitis

As we have already found out, one of the common liver diseases is cholecystitis. This disease occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process in gallbladder. The gallbladder performs important function during the digestion process. It produces bile, which enters the small intestine. But sometimes bile stagnation occurs, and a person experiences attacks severe pain on the right side.

Cholecystitis - serious illness, in which gallstones often form. Under certain conditions they can be life-threatening. There is an opinion that for cholecystitis you need to take choleretic drugs. But the fact is that before you start taking them, you need to undergo the most thorough examination.

As already mentioned, the danger of cholecystitis is that stones form in the gall bladder. Therefore, choleretic drugs in a certain sense can even be life-threatening: if at some point the stone blocks bile duct, the patient may even die.

Cholecystitis can occur in acute form, but most often becomes chronic. Regular pain attacks are relieved with the help of painkillers, but there comes a time when even they do not help.

Therefore, if pain occurs in the right side, you should urgently go to a hepatologist.

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Complications of chronic cholecystitis

If left untreated, the disease becomes advanced. The patient's condition becomes simply terrible, the pain in the right side becomes unbearable. But that's not all, cholecystitis is dangerous due to its complications. Every person is familiar with these dangerous diseases, like gangrene, abscesses. Against the background of chronic cholecystitis, very often develop inflammatory diseases in the abdominal area, biliary fistulas may form. Many patients experience such attacks that the only solution is to remove the gallbladder.

Why are hepatitis dangerous? According to the medical classification, there are different types of hepatitis. The most common cause of hepatitis is non-compliance with hygiene requirements and dirty water. The disease is caused by a virus. But sometimes hepatitis develops as side effects in the treatment of diseases due to alcohol abuse.

The danger of hepatitis is that many of them lead to the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Cirrhosis is considered one of the serious and serious illnesses. Most often it develops in people suffering from alcoholism. Untreated hepatitis can also cause cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is expressed in the fact that liver cells gradually begin to be replaced by connective tissue.

That is why you should not take lightly the fact that regular pain begins to appear in your right side. As we have already found out, pain in the liver area can be a symptom that is characteristic of many diseases of this organ. Only a specialist in a narrow profile can recognize them.

What liver diseases are there?

Experts have concluded that the incidence of liver diseases is increasing every year. Many diseases are dangerous because their symptoms are so mild or absent that detection is impossible at the initial stage. And more serious stages require long treatment or even operations. When a person comes to the doctor complaining of deterioration general condition health, it is difficult to immediately make a correct diagnosis. And sometimes a consultation with a doctor occurs at a stage when irreversible processes have already occurred. Therefore, it is worth doing periodic diagnostics of organs in order to identify the slightest defects immediately.

Among the dangerous pathologies are usually called:

  • Hepatosis ─ body fat on the liver.
  • Fibrosis is the replacement of healthy working cells in organs with tissue that is unable to perform important functions.
  • Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by many factors.
  • Tumor growths of both benign and malignant origin.
  • Cirrhosis is the death of liver cells and their replacement with fibrous tissue. Because of this, the organ gradually loses its functionality and is unable to process toxic substances that enter the body.

It is important to know the signs of the most common diseases, so that these symptoms serve as a kind of “bell” about anxious state body. Don't write off bad condition digestive system to stale foods or unhealthy ecology. All this can also take place, but there are diseases that require quick treatment before they go too far.

Viral infections usually cause hepatitis and manifest high temperature and all other signs that resemble flu symptoms. But the diagnosis can be detected after yellowing of the skin, which is not observed during a normal acute respiratory viral infection. Untreated hepatitis leads to cirrhosis, and then to liver cancer. Bottom line - death. Therefore, you need to listen to the symptoms and carefully monitor how the organs work.

Metabolic disorders lead to hepatosis. Fat fills the liver, causing it to stop processing toxins—the whole body suffers. The organ becomes inflamed, cells begin to die and necrosis occurs.

It is important to know that the liver has a very important function: it cleanses the blood and all organs of toxins. But there are substances that even the liver cannot cope with. They are too poisonous and dangerous, they can cause toxic hepatitis and a strong negative reaction of the whole body. In the case of tumors, it is imperative to identify their nature. Non-dangerous growths are called cysts, which, even if small in size, do not interfere with the liver’s functioning. But when intensive growth can create discomfort and organ growth. Cancer manifests itself due to infection or metastases. In this case, there is a complete loss of appetite and weight loss with an enlarged liver. Testing an organ by touch causes pain.

Which doctor should I contact if I have liver dysfunction?

First you need to go to a therapist who can examine the patient based on common symptoms. The doctor will figure out which specialist the person should be referred to so that he can really help get rid of a certain pathology. If liver disorders are minimal, then even the therapist himself can figure out the cause and help. With symptoms such as changes in the color of urine and feces, yellowness of the whites of the eyes and pain in the area where the liver is located, hepatitis is suspected. Most likely, such a disease has viral origin, which should be treated by an infectious disease doctor. But for all types of hepatitis, the symptoms are identical, so the nature can only be revealed during an examination.

Constant scabies and the manifestation of allergic reactions can indicate both dermatological problems and liver disease. If the problem is in an internal organ, then special allergic tests will help identify the true cause, which will refer the patient to to the right doctor. If you already have chronic ailments, you should immediately go to a gastroenterologist, since it is this specialist who knows how and how to help with any disease of the digestive system.

There is a highly specialized doctor called a hepatologist. It treats purely the liver, without affecting the problems of other organs. IN modern medicine this specialist has a lot of improved methods and tools to make the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment path for each person individually. But the downside is that specialized doctors rarely work in regular clinics. They can be found in a private institution, but this will cost a lot of money.

In the most serious and dangerous cases, when an organ transplant is not possible, you must immediately contact surgery department. The liver has such functions that it can completely restore itself with a small part of healthy cells. Organ transplantation in modern medicine occurs quite safely and quickly, effectively influencing the further outcome of treatment.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Many adults do not know where their liver is. This state of ignorance can play a cruel joke on anyone, since pain under the right rib should already signal that something is wrong with the organ. After all, it is much easier to treat a disease that has just appeared than to get rid of chronic, protracted ones. for a long time ailments. The liver cannot hurt on its own - this is the whole danger of the patient’s condition. Just on late stages may manifest itself in pronounced pain. Therefore, in order to avoid such moments, it makes sense to carry out frequent diagnostics and get tested.

Here we need to avoid extremes. Suspiciousness about your health is also not very good. Moderate attention to body malfunctions and mild symptoms can help get rid of the disease at a very early stage. With symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, unpleasant heavy sensations under the rib, changes in the color of the skin and feces, vomiting with nausea, and frequent itching, you should consult a specialist. It is the symptoms that should prompt a person to examine his own body to check for the presence of liver pathologies. Even if there have been changes in the olfactory sensations, the sharpness of smell differences has appeared, this may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the liver.

Liver problems are a consequence of alcohol abuse, poor diet, hereditary pathologies, and previous infections. Previously, it was believed that they were characteristic only of asocial citizens. Attitudes have changed, because even a child can suffer from some liver diseases. Simultaneously with the increase in incidence, new branches of medicine have improved and appeared. Therefore, a group of doctors of different profiles will decide which doctor treats the liver in a particular case.

Doctor who treats liver

In modern medical system Many patients do not know exactly which doctor to see if... By choosing a specialist at random, they waste time and money when it comes to private clinic. To avoid this, initially all patients are referred to a therapist and general analyzes. After this, the patient is redirected to specialized doctors to solve the problem.


All surgical interventions on internal organs are carried out under general anesthesia. For some time after the operation, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of a surgeon. After the sutures heal, the need for observation by this specialist passes.

Other specialists

Which doctors treat the liver depends on clinical picture illness and characteristics of the patient. For example, if a patient suffers from allergic reactions, be sure to involve an allergist in treatment. All patients with immunodeficiency should undergo therapy with an immunologist in parallel with treatment of the underlying disease. If the disease causes disruption to the gland, hormonal balance may be affected. In such a situation, consultation with an endocrinologist will be required.

The exact list of doctors required to treat the disease can be found out only at the stage of confirming the diagnosis and choosing a treatment regimen.

What symptoms indicate the need to see a doctor?

If studies carried out during medical examination reveal abnormalities, but the person does not feel any symptoms, there is a possibility that the disease is at an early stage.

Due to the dishonest attitude of most people towards preventive examinations doctors are increasingly getting complex cases. The progression of organ pathologies is indicated by symptoms:

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • , . This symptom is caused by the destruction of hepatocytes - the main cells of the liver parenchyma. They cease to cope with direct processing (which is excreted in bile). Bilirubin enters the blood, causing its acidity to increase. This causes itching. A disturbance in the metabolism of bilirubin provokes darkening of the urine and lightening of the stool to a gray color.
  • Fatigue, increased body temperature. Symptoms are typical for any inflammatory processes in organism. May be evidence of problems with other organs and systems. These symptoms cannot be ignored.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The liver is part of the digestive system. Any problems with it provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reduced blood clotting. Factors influencing this indicator are produced by hepatocytes. When their numbers decrease, blood clots worse.

These symptoms do not allow us to determine accurate diagnosis, indicating only problems with a specific organ. Treatment can begin only after the cause of the deviations has been established.

Diagnostic methods

If liver problems are suspected, the patient is referred to. If an increase in the level of specific liver parameters is detected - the suspicions are confirmed.

Further diagnostics are carried out in two directions - identifying the cause of deviations and determining the damage caused to the organ.

The cause of pathologies is identified using the following measures:

The following help determine the condition of a diseased organ:

  • Ultrasonography. With its help, tumors and scars, excess adipose tissue are identified.
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography. The most precise methods studies that provide a three-dimensional image of the organ with all abnormalities.
  • Other specific measures - (determining the elasticity of the organ), fibrotest, test for blood flow speed in the veins, etc.

Modern methods diagnostics detect diseases at early stages. To prevent complications, it is enough to undergo a medical examination so that doctors can identify abnormalities in the tests and refer them to specialized specialists.


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