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Krasovsky HIV positive. Journalist Anton Krasovsky spoke about his HIV status

For years, doctors believed that women who had breast cancer should not plan to become pregnant anytime soon. And recent studies have shown that this opinion is incorrect, and that the percentage of women who have had this disease and survived it is higher if women give birth to a child soon after treatment.

Breast cancer affects women of all ages, young and old. Every 20 minutes, another woman gets breast cancer around the world. A quarter of all patients with breast cancer are women of childbearing age who, having suffered the disease, could still give birth, especially since in recent years, thanks to timely diagnosis, timely surgery and pharmacological support in the postoperative period, the life expectancy of such patients has increased. But, heeding the advice of doctors, after completing treatment, women did not dare to become pregnant for many years.

Surprising research data, contrary to hitherto generally accepted opinion, was released at the European Breast Cancer Conference, which took place in March 2010 in Barcelona. It turned out that pregnancy after breast cancer is not only completely safe, but even beneficial. This is supported by the results of several unrelated studies.

Pregnancy and breast cancer

The first to confirm this fact scientific works summarizes data from 14 studies that were conducted over 39 years - from 1970 to 2009 in Greece, Italy and Belgium, involving about 20,000 women who were cured in the past from breast cancer. It turned out that the risk fatal outcome was 42% lower in women who became pregnant soon after being diagnosed with breast cancer. And, although the mechanisms of this are not fully understood, scientists have suggested that the reason lies primarily in hormones, the level of which increases during pregnancy. In particular, the level of the main female sex hormone estrogen increases, and despite the fact that it can promote the growth of existing tumors, it can also protect against cancerous tumors. Another reason given was that during pregnancy, the mother's body also produces many protective antibodies.

Thus, if earlier scientists, without sufficient information, only assumed the benefits of pregnancy for women with breast cancer, now real confirmation has been received. This was announced by the head of the department of hematology and oncology at the medical association Ochsner Health System in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, Dr. Jay Brooks.

In general, the traditional views of doctors on the problem itself were shaken several years earlier. In 2006, the results of a survey were made public, which cast doubt on the correctness of the usual recommendations of most doctors - women who survived breast cancer should not become pregnant. The main argument against conception was the belief that increased hormone levels during pregnancy could most likely trigger the development of breast cancer. Considering that patients after cancer treatment in the first five to ten years still have high risk development of relapse of the disease, oncologists and mammologists recommended their patients to avoid pregnancy altogether.

Pregnancy saves you from relapse

In order to finally dot the i’s, scientists from the University of Houston, Texas, USA examined large group patients over 22 years of age and found that in women who had previously undergone treatment for breast cancer and subsequently became pregnant, the risk of cancer recurrence did not increase. The risk of having cancer again for those who later became pregnant was 23%, compared with 54% for those who also had cancer but did not become pregnant. The authors of the work concluded that pregnancy after adequate treatment breast cancer is not associated with an increased risk of death or cancer recurrence.

So, the assumption that pregnancy does not entail a risk of recurrence of a terrible disease was the first step in refuting the usual medical ideas about the problem and ways of treating cancer. The second step was the conclusion that pregnancy is not only safe, but also beneficial for former cancer patients.

Benefits for cancer patients

Further study confirmed these findings. For example, a study of almost 3,000 women was conducted in Australia. It showed that if breast cancer was discovered about a year after the birth of a child, then it was twice as likely to develop as a result than in women whose diagnosis was detected during pregnancy. Their life expectancy was the same as that of other women of the same age. True, a tumor during pregnancy and lactation is not so easy to detect - the breast changes (the milk ducts swell and expand) and a small tumor is almost impossible to palpate.

The conclusion made by German scientists after relevant research is also interesting. They proved that if cancer is detected after pregnancy has occurred, then the patient can undergo chemotherapy, since it has no effect. This means that pregnant women diagnosed with breast cancer can undergo standard treatment.

Such discoveries can be confidently called revolutionary, because they not only debunk many misconceptions about methods of treating cancer during pregnancy, but also re-evaluate the impact of pregnancy itself on the health of women who have had breast cancer. Apparently, in the near future, scientists will receive many more new confirmations of unexpected findings.

Numerous publications indicate the beneficial effects of pregnancy on other diseases in women. For example, American scientists from the University of Southern California found that bearing a child greatly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. Moreover, the more often a woman gives birth, the less likely it is that this disease will appear. Previous studies conducted by the same scientists (2007) showed that having a child at a late age also reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that during childbirth the uterus is “cleansed” of old cells that could give rise to cancerous tumor. It is possible that the hormone progesterone, which is released in large quantities in pregnant women, also plays a preventive role.

Another interesting fact, confirmed by research, is associated with the effect of pregnancy on the hepatitis C virus. Japanese doctors from Nagoya University have suggested that pregnancy can help the body cope with this virus.

In general, if we consider pregnancy from the point of view of its benefits to a woman’s health, then despite all the difficulties and hardships of this period, the benefits are still undeniable. The disadvantages include possible weight gain, the appearance of edema, deterioration of the condition of teeth and hair, constipation, and after childbirth - the formation of hemorrhoids and deterioration of vision due to great efforts when pushing. If there is a genetic predisposition, varicose veins may develop, and it is also quite possible that the shape of the breast will deteriorate and the size of the legs will increase. Many women after childbirth suffer from pain in the lower back and thoracic spine. But it should be borne in mind that all these consequences will not necessarily occur, but are only possible. If you take care of yourself during this period and follow all the recommendations of doctors, all these troubles can be avoided.

Pregnancy and woman's health

But pregnancy, thanks to changes in hormonal levels and the influence of these changes on the body, guarantees a woman remission of many chronic diseases, protects against gynecological diseases, and also reduces or completely eliminates fibroids, cysts, erosions, and mastopathy. Pregnancy ensures stable remission (sometimes for decades) of endometriosis, a disease for which the main treatment condition is considered to be temporary absence. monthly cycle. After childbirth, 75% of women who previously suffered from painful menstruation, menstruation is painless. As a rule, a woman who gives birth acquires special sensuality and reveals herself as a woman in sexual relations with a partner - up to 48% of women who previously had persistent anorgasmia become able to experience orgasm after childbirth.

From a psychological point of view, there are also many advantages. Despite possible postpartum depression and a crisis in family relationships, which, incidentally, means a simple unpreparedness for the role of parents of both spouses, a woman after childbirth becomes wiser and more mature, she experiences psychological comfort and joy from the birth of a child (after all, this, whatever one may say, is intended instinct). She loses the usual role of a girl, but acquires the role of a woman-mother, that is, she reaches a new stage in her development.

Today, data suggests that women began giving birth to their first children at an average age of 30.

Where can I get diagnosed and treated for cancer?

The pages of our website provide information about many medical institutions from European and other countries where diagnosis and treatment can be carried out various forms cancer. For example, these could be centers and clinics such as:

The Israeli clinic Ramat Aviv Medical Center pays increased attention to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in its work. The clinic is equipped with high-precision equipment that allows for early diagnosis of cancer, identifying malignant tumors at the earliest stages. Go to page >>

The Korean National Cancer Center provides high-quality treatment for almost all cancer diseases known today. In addition to directly therapeutic measures, The Center carries out Scientific research in the field of oncology, is engaged in the training and education of specialists. Go to page >>

Israel's Helen Schneider Hospital is widely known as a clinical base for practical applications the latest achievements medicine. In its work, the hospital uses only modern equipment, as well as the most modern technologies and effective cancer-fighting drugs. Go to page >>

For more than 10 years, the Israeli Poriya Hospital has had the Institute of Oncological Day Hospitalization, which provides a wide range of services to care for patients suffering from cancer. The Institute has high-precision equipment for diagnosing and treating cancer. Go to page >>

The priority area of ​​activity of the English Clinic London Bridge Hospital is the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. The clinic’s specialists successfully treat cancer of any location and complexity. The staff has extensive experience and high qualifications. Go to page >>

The Oncology Center of the Japanese Keio University has long been successfully engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of malignant diseases. For successful treatment Cancer Center has formed multidisciplinary teams of doctors of different specializations, which ultimately ensures high results. Go to page >>

German Clinic"Stuttgart" great attention Its activities focus on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The clinic accepts patients from all over the world for treatment, providing them with comprehensive care, using innovative treatment methods, for example, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, etc. Go to page >>

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New cancer treatments

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Cancer statistics

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About “folk” medicine

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Is it true that pregnancy can cause cancer, like Friske’s?

Can childbirth cause cancer?

As scary as it sounds, such a possibility cannot be ruled out. In the case of Zhanna Friske, doctors express their point of view and say that pregnancy itself cannot lead to cancer, but it is quite possible to give an impetus to a dormant (sluggish) disease. Apparently, the popular singer had been ill for a long time, but did not even suspect it, since the illness progressed slowly. And pregnancy (hormonal changes in the body) gave a sharp impetus and the disease began to gain momentum at high speed.

U healthy woman, pregnancy cannot lead to this terrible disease. The point is that the consequences of pregnancy can be terrible. Either the tests were done carelessly and incorrectly during pregnancy, or the doctors simply did not attach importance to what they should have paid attention to.

Even a diet can give you a boost and wake you up terrible disease in organism.

Oncology and pregnancy

It’s probably worth conducting more thorough and deeper analyses.

That's how many topics I heard about her, they said everywhere that cancer can happen after pregnancy. They say that the body is very much squeezed and there is practically no immunity. And all the diseases that arise after childbirth can be as dangerous as cancer. They gave many examples, my jaw actually sagged from such terrible examples. What it means to be a man, we couldn’t bear half of what women have to endure during pregnancy and childbirth. It's just not given to us. We will never be able to understand our strong and patient women. But our task is to love them and support them in difficult times, especially.

Personally, I have never heard of this before, but now some doctors are voicing a similar point of view. Unfortunately, the etiology of cancer has not yet been fully elucidated, therefore, after the incident with Konstantin Khabensky’s wife, Anastasia, doctors began to see a certain pattern in the development of a brain tumor in connection with pregnancy. Still, they talk about certain prerequisites for the emergence of this disease For specific women, pregnancy is seen only as an additional boost. Also mentioned is the possible fatal effect of hormonal drugs administered (during pregnancy and childbirth).

Scientists do not exclude the possibility that the activation of a sluggish disease or a disease with initial stage development, pregnancy can give an impetus, because hormonal changes in the body are taking place and this gives impetus to progressive growth cancer cells Maybe there is also negligent examination during pregnancy. In any case, we will hope for a miracle and for the achievement of medicine. Good health to you Zhanna.

Cancer is a disease that can be triggered by anything.

It can sit in the human body all his life and the person will live until old age.

Or maybe one visit to the bathhouse or an overcooked piece of something will accelerate the growth of cancer cells. You won’t guess.

I heard about another reason. Allegedly, Zhanna recently underwent stem cell rejuvenation surgery. Anna Samokhina did the same thing shortly before her illness. Perhaps these are coincidences. But if I were the stars, I would think twice.

Pregnancy with a girl may speed up the development of breast cancer, but a rare event. Here you have to choose abortion or fairly quick death without treatment.

But stem cell treatment at this stage of medical development significantly increases the risk of cancer due to the nature of stem cells and the lack of cancer prevention with this type of therapy.

Pregnancy can serve as a “trigger” and give impetus to the rapid and powerful development of the disease. I think that everyone understands that when a woman is pregnant, the body is rebuilt.

One good thing is that the pregnancy was without complications, and that cancer was diagnosed a couple of months after giving birth.

Unfortunately, maybe, if you remember what happened to Konstantin Khabensky’s wife, it was after giving birth that she was diagnosed with brain cancer, the doctors could not save her, Konstantin sent his wife to America, he thought that they would help there, but no, they could not.

I didn’t even know that Friske had cancer. That's terrible. This cancer is generally an unknown thing, maybe pregnancy could provoke it. If this is proven, it will be a nightmare. I don’t think there will be fewer births because of this.

and that Friske has cancer? I didn’t hear for some reason

Well, really anything can provoke it, the main thing is to detect it in time

Oncology and pregnancy

For every woman, a desired pregnancy is a gift from above and the greatest happiness. We protect our pregnancy as best we can and wish that troubles and pain will never touch us. And one of the most scary words, which a pregnant woman can hear, the doctor’s words: “You have cancer.”

Causes of cancer during pregnancy

Why might a pregnant woman suddenly develop an oncological disease, or, simply put, cancer? Can pregnancy really contribute to the development of a tumor? We can answer this question: yes and no. Some people believe that pregnancy itself contributes to cancer, but this is not true. The tumor does not appear during pregnancy, and for the tumor to grow it takes time, sometimes more than one month, sometimes six months or a year. That is, a woman may be diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy, but cancer can usually be detected on late stages. Therefore, it can be assumed that cancer begins long before pregnancy.

But we can definitely say that pregnancy contributes to the development of a tumor that has already begun to grow due to high levels of progesterone and estrogen. It is against the background of these hormones that the tumor can begin to grow rapidly.

Many oncologists consider oncovirus to be the cause of cancer. Some types of papillomavirus have the ability to transform healthy cells into cancer cells. In addition to oncovirus, genetic inheritance can very often be the cause of oncology. For example, if a mother had breast cancer, then her daughter may also get the same disease, and it is not a fact that it will affect her in adulthood.

Is it easy to diagnose cancer during pregnancy?

Cancer is not always easy to diagnose in its early stages. As a rule, the first and second stages of cancer are painless and hidden from the patient, and therefore the diagnosis of oncology is often made late - at the third or fourth stage of the disease, when it is already difficult to do anything significant to help a patient with oncology.

It is especially difficult to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage. Not all women regularly check their breasts for suspicious lumps or hard growths, and diagnosing breast cancer during pregnancy becomes even more challenging as breasts swell during pregnancy. A tumor in the breast can be very difficult to distinguish from engorged mammary glands.

How to diagnose breast cancer during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman is suspected of having a tumor, then ultrasound of the mammary glands will be the safest method for diagnosing cancer. However, the problem is that such a procedure is not included in the list of mandatory studies, which is why breast cancer is so often “missed”, and then the woman begins treatment at an already advanced stage.

In addition, it is a mistake to believe that after pregnancy the tumor will go away on its own, “dissolve”; this is a completely incorrect and dangerous opinion. It is important to remember: as soon as cancer is suspected, it is necessary to immediately begin necessary research, and if a positive diagnosis is established, draw up a plan for further action with the attending physician.

Can abortion help treat cancer?

Aggressive methods of treating oncology, such as radiation and chemotherapy, are contraindicated during pregnancy. For some reason, there is a public opinion that an abortion when diagnosed with cancer will help get rid of the tumor faster, since the release of hormones that promote tumor growth will end. However, we should not forget that after an induced abortion, the complete removal of pregnancy hormones from the body may take more than one month; in addition, an induced abortion has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole, in particular on the immune system.

Abortion is a huge hormonal stress for the body, weakening the body’s protective properties, and this, in fact, contributes to the growth of the tumor. Based on this, cancer treatment can be effective only after pregnancy hormones are completely removed from the body and its hormonal levels are normalized, and this takes time.

What to do if a pregnant woman has cervical cancer?

You should discuss treatment tactics for such a disease with your doctor. Conservative methods Cancer treatments involve termination of pregnancy, but everything is strictly individual and depends on the duration of pregnancy and the stage of the disease. At the same time, it is natural that the obstetrician-gynecologist, with a positive decision to continue the pregnancy, decides on the issue of delivery by planned cesarean section.

How do cancer medications and treatments affect a woman's reproductive function?

Unfortunately, oncology drugs do not have the best effect on a woman’s reproductive function, and long treatment using radiation and chemical therapy, can permanently deprive a woman of the opportunity to have children, as it kills eggs.

For men, this treatment has no effect, because their sperm are produced every 72 hours, that is, if they die after a chemotherapy session, then new ones will appear after 72 hours. A woman is born with a full set of eggs, which does not change throughout her life, and is an extremely sensitive material to adverse external influences. Therefore, things such as alcohol, smoking, taking drugs, as well as aggressive methods of treating oncology, have a detrimental effect on reproductive system women.

Fortunately, medications are now being developed that will have the most gentle effect on a woman’s reproductive system.

How to tell your family about cancer during pregnancy?

The best solution would be to first visit a psychologist, to whom you can safely talk about your experiences, but your family should understand and accept your situation and be a good support to you, regardless of the decision you make regarding your pregnancy and treatment.

Should I give birth or have an abortion when diagnosed with cancer?

If a woman is diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy, she will have to make a difficult decision regarding termination or continuation of the pregnancy.

It should be remembered that termination of pregnancy cannot in any way guarantee a positive outcome of cancer treatment, and radiation and chemical therapy can cause infertility in a woman in the future. The decision to continue the pregnancy should also be balanced; it is important to understand that by maintaining the pregnancy, the woman postpones the possibility of full treatment of cancer, however, even if the pregnancy is terminated, as mentioned above, the treatment will not be effective until the body copes with stress and removes everything pregnancy hormones. That is, even if a woman has an abortion, there is no guarantee that the treatment can still be done on time and will be 100% effective.

Cancer during pregnancy: what to do?

An oncological disease is not something that can “dissolve on its own”, nor is it something that can be easily treated. Unfortunately, even now no absolute cure for cancer has been found, which means that the life of every cancer patient may end even with intensive treatment.

It is especially important for a pregnant woman to remember that the outcome may be unfavorable. What to do in this case? It is necessary to draw up an action plan, talk with the family about the illness, make sure that the child will not be left without support, that relatives and friends will take care of the baby and raise him. Make a budget for your child, buy everything he needs now, assign roles in your family in case you are not around.

Discuss delivery tactics with your obstetrician-gynecologist, ask about medications that you may need to take after childbirth, inquire about the possibility of breastfeeding during this period, possible complications childbirth Make sure someone in the family can be home in case you have to stay in the hospital, or if you are unable to be with your baby due to complications or medication.

Be courageous and remember that if you decide to continue the pregnancy, then, no matter how your illness ends, your child will live, and your family will find a new loved one.

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I got pregnant the very first time from my first and only boyfriend.

I tried to get pregnant for just one month, and then everything happened on its own.

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Still as is. The truth has passed me by, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I don't agree with you. This happened to my friend. She didn't believe it either.

A familiar picture. Two years after giving birth I was not myself. broke down.


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Pregnancy and cancer

Why do cancer develop in pregnant women?

Many scientists, studying the similarity of embryogenesis and oncogenesis (the formation of cancer cells), came to the conclusion that these processes are very similar. Therefore, quite often the immune and hormonal background of a pregnant woman, which is favorable for the fetus, becomes fertile ground for malignant growth. However, pregnancy itself is in no way the cause of the formation of cancer cells.

Risk factors

The likelihood of developing cancer in expectant mother depends to some extent on whether she has the following factors risk:

    late pregnancy (cancer incidence increases with age);

Living in an area with poor ecology;

Difficulties in diagnosis

Cancer in the early stages is mostly unnoticed. Moreover, if pregnant women experience any unusual symptoms (weakness, soreness and hardening of the mammary glands, changes in taste, nausea, pathological discharge from the genital tract), everything is attributed to an “interesting situation.” In addition, even if some “oncological” suspicions arise, it is not always possible to fully examine a pregnant woman, since this can negatively affect the baby (for example, you cannot use X-ray methods studies, CT, MRI).

Cancer and pregnancy

The behavior of the tumor in the body of the expectant mother is determined by various factors. The rate of progression of the malignant process is significantly influenced by the duration of pregnancy. Thus, cancer diagnosed in the first trimester is more prone to active growth and metastasis. Well, in case of a malignant formation detected on recent months pregnancy, the course of the disease is usually more favorable.

The specific effects of cancer on pregnancy and its prognosis depend on the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed. With a widespread malignant process, it is possible to develop the following complications:

    During pregnancy - miscarriage, intrauterine asphyxia, premature birth, anemia.

During childbirth - a mechanical obstacle to natural childbirth (tumors of the genital organs), weak labor activity.

After childbirth - bleeding (especially in acute leukemia).

The impact of cancer on the fetus

The presence of a malignant process in the mother’s body is not an obstacle to the birth of a healthy and full-fledged child. The possibility of tumor metastasis to the placenta and fetus exists, but such cases are rare and occur mainly in melanoma (skin cancer). Pregnant women with blood cancer can also rest easy, since with leukemia the probability of developing a similar disease in the baby is no more than 1%.

Features of treatment

Treatment of cancer in an expectant mother is a rather serious ethical problem, since when detected malignant formation Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is advised to have an abortion in the interests of preserving her life. If the period is longer, then the probability of carrying the baby to viable age (28 weeks) with minimal losses for the mother’s health increases. Therefore, each specific case is considered separately, the prevalence and dynamics of the malignant process, and the woman’s condition are assessed.

Chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy during pregnancy are contraindicated, since these methods of treatment can cause gross malformations of the fetus and even the death of the unborn baby. All that remains for doctors is surgical removal tumors (with mandatory use other types of treatment after childbirth) or expectant management.

The patient should also know that termination of pregnancy does not stop the growth of the tumor; it is necessary for the immediate start of comprehensive cancer treatment. It is also important that abortion is a severe stress for the body, hormonal and immune system women, the course of the malignant process does not become more favorable after such a serious ordeal. Therefore, abortion cannot be considered a panacea; without treatment, the tumor will not “resolve.”

The final decision to continue the pregnancy, of course, always remains with the patient, since after a serious surgical treatment, radiation and chemotherapy, doctors cannot guarantee a woman 100% motherhood in the future.


Cancer prevention in expectant mothers means, first of all, planning pregnancy with a full examination before its onset. The list of mandatory activities should include not only gynecological examination, cytology and infectious panel tests, but also the following:

    colposcopy, ultrasound of the reproductive organs;

Clinical blood test with formula, determination of biochemical blood parameters;

Testing for the presence of papillomavirus infection in the body (especially oncogenic types of the virus);

Consultation with a mammologist, ultrasound of the mammary glands (especially if the mother is 35 or more years old), this study can also be carried out during pregnancy;

Ultrasound internal organs, lymph nodes;

Consultation with an endocrinologist, if necessary, ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

In addition, it is better to discuss any complaints regarding digestion, hormonal disorders and even moles on the skin with your doctor in advance. It is especially important to do all of the above for women with risk factors.

And the main thing that is necessary in the case of diagnosing oncology in a pregnant woman is a responsible attitude towards one’s health, a sober assessment of the situation, and listening to the doctor’s recommendations. “Cancer” is a very scary and unpleasant word, but not a death sentence at all.

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One comment

Hello, I am interested in one question. I was diagnosed with a terrible disease: leukemia, blood cancer. But we are thinking about the child. Will my illness harm my unborn baby or will it be passed on to him? I want a child and my husband really wants it, but I am afraid for the future of my child. Thanks for the reply earlier. It's very important for me to know this

Possible pregnancy after breast cancer - a reality or an unjustified health risk?

Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. Many women who have encountered this disease have successfully overcome it. If breast cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be completely cured. However, for every woman who undergoes therapy, there remains important question whether she will be able to bear and give birth to a child. Scientists and doctors are working on this problem, as more and more patients with breast cancer are still of reproductive age.

What are the dangers of cancer treatment before pregnancy?

Today there are every opportunity to successfully combat this dangerous disease. Breast cancer is the most common type of tumor among women - more than 20% of the overall structure of cancer incidence. Every year, an increasing number of patients with a disappointing diagnosis have successful treatment results.

But, unfortunately, these treatment methods have serious side effects. Among them are not only weakening of the immune system and the body as a whole, but also Negative influence on the woman's reproductive system. As a result, the patient becomes infertile.

Highly toxic treatments have negative effects in the following ways:

  • eggs are suppressed;
  • the genetic material of germ cells is damaged;
  • hormonal changes occur.

All these disorders are manifested by temporary infertility, which is restored after therapy and some period of rehabilitation. Sometimes there is complete loss reproductive function. Moreover, violations of the genetic apparatus of germ cells give a certain risk of developing terrible pathologies in the fetus. But the extent of the effects of radiation and chemotherapy depends on the treatment regimen, the size of the cancer tumor, the direction and dose of radiation.

In most cases, the only safe way to conceive and give birth to a healthy and healthy baby is cryopreservation of eggs before starting anti-cancer therapy. Even in case of complete loss of reproductive capacity after treatment for breast cancer, this will allow embryos to grow and carry a pregnancy to term.

And here is more information about the cervical factor of infertility.

Is it possible to conceive after illness and after how long?

Having learned about the diagnosis, a woman does not immediately think about the possibility of having children after treatment. But after undergoing a full examination and prescribing a treatment regimen, and even a possible favorable prognosis, the question arises about the effect of treatment on the reproductive system. The oncologist should warn about the likely consequences.

If a woman plans to have children in the future, then to preserve this opportunity, she needs to freeze her eggs. This method has a number of advantages.

  • You can take biomaterial during the natural ovulation cycle, without resorting to hormonal stimulation.
  • The eggs have not yet been damaged by chemotherapy, hormone therapy or radiation therapy.
  • Children conceived and born through a cryoprotocol do not differ in development from ordinary children.
  • You can begin growing the embryo and subsequent transplantation into the uterus at any suitable time.
  • Frozen eggs can be cryopreserved for as long as needed; there are known cases of successful pregnancies after 18 years of age.

Retrieval of eggs for freezing

This method will help you become parents even after terrible diagnosis and fighting it. But so far there are no exact international guidelines and rules for how long after a woman can start trying to get pregnant after being cured of breast cancer.

How long it will take the body to recover after treatment is difficult to answer. In addition, hormonal therapy can be carried out for a very long time, over several years. This can seriously interfere with pregnancy healthy child. IN this moment Research is being conducted into whether it is possible to temporarily stop hormone therapy during pregnancy and then resume it.

On the other hand, tiny particles of breast cancer could be carried through the bloodstream throughout the woman’s body. These cells can “sleep” all their lives and never make themselves known again.

Watch the video about pregnancy after breast cancer (fertility preservation, risks for mother and fetus):

But pregnancy is a special state of the body when all processes in the body are activated. At this time, everything is completely rebuilt to ensure the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, pregnancy can become a powerful provoking factor for the recurrence of breast cancer. The danger is that a woman may not have time to bear a child, ruining two lives.

You need to start counting down the time when you can try to get pregnant after the last therapy. If there was a stage of breast cancer that did not metastasize, you should start conceiving no earlier than after five years. If there was stage 3, then the lifespan should increase, and five years of stable remission should pass after therapy.

Features of managing a woman after illness

Pregnancy after breast cancer requires careful monitoring by doctors. As mentioned above, conception naturally after a course of therapy it becomes almost impossible or dangerous for the health of the unborn child.

Thus, more effective method– This is in vitro fertilization after egg cryopreservation. This method The good thing is that the woman’s body will not be subject to additional stress in the form of hormonal support. But in some cases, pregnancy can occur naturally.

Be that as it may, children born after cured breast cancer do not have any pathologies, do not lag behind in development, and do not suffer from special health problems in the future.

If a woman becomes pregnant after treatment of a tumor, she must inform doctors about the illness she suffered. Accordingly, biochemistry tests and examination of the mammary glands should be performed at certain intervals. Otherwise, the management of the patient’s condition does not differ from usual.

It is important for women who become pregnant after treatment for breast cancer to know the following:

  • The effects of radiation and chemotherapy on the fetus cannot be predicted.
  • The components in drugs for the treatment of breast cancer do not yet have thorough results on the long-term effect on the body. Moreover, many of them can remain in a woman’s blood for several years and have negative impact on the formation and development of the fetus, as well as provoke premature birth or miscarriage.
  • The risk of relapse during pregnancy exists, but is not mandatory.

What to do if cancer is detected during pregnancy

There are cases when, while carrying a child, a woman learns about malignant tumor mammary gland. As a rule, the doctors' verdict is the same - abortion and immediate start of treatment. But sometimes the patient is ready to sacrifice her health for the sake of having a child. Then she wonders whether she can and will have time to bear it. In this case, it all depends on how aggressive the cancer is and what stage of pregnancy it is.

If a breast tumor is detected in the early stages, you will most likely have to have an abortion. Even if a slowly developing cancer is detected, stages, chemotherapy, and radiation have an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus. All this will lead to miscarriage or deformities in the child. IN in this case maintaining pregnancy is impossible.

Watch the video about pregnancy with cancer:

Also, pregnancy should not be allowed to continue if breast cancer is aggressive. The fact is that a woman may not live to see childbirth, and the child may die.

If the pregnancy is more than a week old, and the tumor itself is not aggressive and is still at an early stage, then they usually wait until the fetus reaches an age at which it can already live outside the mother’s body. A woman is being performed C-section, the premature baby is placed in a special box and “grown” to the required condition, and the mother begins treatment. In this case, breastfeeding cannot be certain.

And here is more information about the boron uterus for conception and infertility treatment.

Pregnancy after breast cancer is quite possible. Today there are methods and medicines with the help of which women have a chance to become a mother even after such terrible disease. However, there is always a risk of relapse and miscarriage. Pregnancy after breast cancer must be approached with all responsibility, maintaining a temporary distance.

: What are the concerns? As a rule, childbirth after the age of 35 is considered late. Having a child in your late teens raises a lot of controversy. Typically, these are questions related to:

Pregnancy at age 40

  1. With the health of the newborn;
  2. With the woman’s well-being, that is, what consequences late pregnancy and childbirth can have on the expectant mother’s body.

One cannot but agree that concerns regarding the health of the baby and mother are quite serious and therefore require special attention. Let's take a closer look at this.

The danger of late birth for a child

So, the main risks and dangers of late birth associated with the health of the newborn:

  • Risk of Birth Defects. Often, the cause of such phenomena can be the quality of the egg (the egg ages in the same way as all organs) or diseases of the mother that were not previously identified (hypertension, diabetes). All this can provoke defects in the development of the fetus;
  • Genetic diseases. IN Lately Genetic diseases transmitted from mother to baby (Down syndrome) are increasingly observed. In women over 35 years of age, the risk of abnormalities inherited by the child increases. Cases when pregnancy occurs with the help of IVF are fraught with the fact that this procedure almost eliminates natural selection male sperm. That is, genetic material obtained by this method is not a guarantee of quality. Therefore, fetuses are often conceived with genetic abnormalities;
  • Risk of premature birth. Placenta previa is an anomaly that occurs quite often in women over 40. This dangerous situation when the placenta completely or partially closes the exit from the uterus. This can cause bleeding and cause premature birth. In this case, the child is usually born with low birth weight;
  • Medicines that are harmful to the child. According to statistics, by about the age of 30 a woman manages to develop several chronic diseases: diabetes, kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, hypertension, bad habits. Over the years, acquired diseases increasingly make themselves felt. With additional stress, for example, pregnancy, they worsen. To fight the disease you have to take the necessary additional medications, which may not have the best effect on the health of the unborn baby.

The danger of late pregnancy for a woman

When you're over 40

Childbirth is a severe strain on the body of a woman of any age.

Let's list the most common health risks for older mothers associated with late pregnancy:

  • Possibility of developing cancer. Any interference with the natural cycle of reproductive hormones can cause problems. According to studies, a woman over 40 years of age who has recently given birth is at risk of developing breast cancer over the next 15 years. The same cannot be said about women of the same age who have not given birth at all;
  • Heart Risks. Late pregnancy is a colossal burden on the body of a middle-aged mother. With age, the likelihood of complications increases. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone predominates in the body of every woman. It can cause a rise in blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. This is quite acceptable, and if before pregnancy the woman was not at risk for heart disease, then such a change will not cause complications;
  • Exacerbation of existing diseases. The load and stress that the body experiences during pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation of a chronic disease. This is hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.;

But don't despair! Modern medicine makes it possible to examine the fetus at a short stage of pregnancy and detect abnormalities in its development. Thanks to modern prenatal diagnostics, the number of middle-aged mothers is increasing markedly. Their confidence that even after 40 they are able to give birth to an absolutely healthy child is quite obvious. The main thing is to strictly follow all the doctors’ instructions and respond in a timely manner to any changes in the body throughout pregnancy, find out what it is

There is nothing more beautiful than the birth of a new life, and few things are more dangerous than oncology. This combination will have consequences for two: the expectant mother and the unborn child. Let's give the opinion of experts.

Pregnancy and oncology: warnings and complications

  • Pregnancy cannot provoke the onset of cancer development - it stimulates the progress of a tumor already existing in the body. But due to the lack pain syndrome in the early stages (especially with breast cancer), the detection of a tumor often occurs against the background of pregnancy in its progressive development.
  • Pregnancy can make detection of breast cancer more difficult due to breast engorgement. Typically, in this case, detection of breast cancer occurs with a delay of 5 to 15 months. It's more long term Delays in disease detection than usual. Perhaps it is the late detection of breast cancer due to pregnancy that causes the greatest mortality compared to non-pregnant patients.
  • Treatment of cancer can significantly affect the possibility of conception and the course of pregnancy. Necessary comprehensive examination, including the gynecologist. Chemotherapy can significantly reduce a woman's fertility.
  • High-dose chemotherapy can provoke the development of infertility in a man. But the damage to the sperm themselves by chemotherapy does not last very long: within 72 days the sperm is completely renewed. When planning to conceive a child after chemotherapy, you need to consult with your doctor, take a spermogram, undergo a fertility examination, and after 1 year begin planning a pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth can provoke relapse various types tumors, including melanoma, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. The reason is a hormonal surge during pregnancy, labor activity and hormonal changes after them.
  • In the 50-60s of the 20th century, if oncology was detected during pregnancy or pregnancy during cancer observation, termination of pregnancy was considered the best way out. Now termination of pregnancy will be necessary during surgical intervention due to oncology in the pelvic organs, if it is impossible to carry out the necessary chemotherapy, due to developing stage cervical cancer. But termination of pregnancy itself does not have a positive effect on cancer.
  • Mammary cancer- one of the most common types of oncology detected in pregnant women and women in labor (approximately 1 case in 3000 pregnant women; average age- 32-38 years old). Most, upon learning this diagnosis, terminate the pregnancy due to the likelihood of the condition worsening.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, a woman should not stop regular breast self-examination. If a neoplasm is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need to undergo a breast ultrasound or mammogram. If proper protective measures are taken, mammography will not have any significant impact harmful influence for the fruit. In 25% of cases, mammography may not detect an existing tumor during pregnancy, in which case a biopsy will be required. local anesthesia. It is still important to remember that radiation during research can negatively affect the development of the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy: there is a possibility birth defects development, mental retardation, increased risk of carcinogenesis. The effect of MRI on pregnancy has not yet been studied in humans. But there is evidence of penetration through the placenta with developmental anomalies in rat fetuses. If bone cancer is suspected, a bone scan is preferred. The liver can be examined using ultrasound.
  • Exactly surgical method Treatment for breast cancer is most appropriate during pregnancy. Hormone therapy, chemotherapy will have great limitations during this period. Chemotherapy is best used after the first trimester. Radiation therapy after surgery increases the likelihood of breast conservation. There is also a way to analyze the level of radiation influence. But it should be remembered that radiation therapy can harm the fetus at any stage of development. It is often recommended to wait until after the baby is born.
  • There is evidence that after transplantation bone marrow With hematological disorders in breast cancer, premature birth occurs in 25% of cases and low birth weight is observed in children. There are no large studies yet on the effects of bone marrow transplantation, high-dose chemotherapy, and whole-body radiation.
  • A woman (especially) and a man who have or have had an oncological diagnosis or who have first-degree relatives with similar diagnoses should undergo a genetic test (preferably before pregnancy or in the early stages) to determine the possibility of inheriting the risk of oncological diseases by the unborn child. High level risk may make you consider egg or sperm donation.

Even after pregnancy and childbirth are over, there are some precautions for the unborn child of a woman with cancer. A woman undergoing chemotherapy should stop breastfeeding. Systemic administration of anticancer drugs has a high negative impact on the infant.

Pregnancy and oncology: opportunities and improvement

  • Pregnancy, childbirth and full breastfeeding are sometimes recommended as a means of protection against cancer if there are already diseases that stimulate its appearance (for example, adenomatosis of the mammary glands).
  • It is better to start planning pregnancy 5 or more years after there has been no recurrence of cancer. Some experts reduce this period to 2 years.
  • Today, operations are already being carried out to remove tumors (except for areas of the pelvis) and relatively safe courses of chemotherapy are being selected during pregnancy without the clear need to interrupt it.

If there is a suspicion of cancer, if the patient is in remission, then before planning a pregnancy you should undergo full examination- this is the unequivocal opinion of experts. You should definitely undergo a thorough breast examination by a gynecologist or mammologist, especially when planning a pregnancy after 30 years. The decision about the possibility of carrying a pregnancy in some cases will have to be made not only by the gynecologist, but also by the oncologist. Then these specialists will work together to monitor pregnancy.

Natalya Mazhirina
Center "ABC for Parents"

Cancer in women can be diagnosed during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Such a difficult situation How cancer after childbirth requires special tactics for patient management on the part of gynecologists, obstetricians and oncologists.

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Cancer after childbirth - causes

Formation of malignant neoplasm in postpartum period associated with changes in the hormonal electrolytic and hemodynamic status of the body.

Cancer after childbirth can also develop as a result of degeneration of an existing benign tumor V malignant form. The occurrence of such clinical cases is explained by the acceleration of cellular growth processes during pregnancy.

Cancer after childbirth - causes and risk factors:

  1. Predisposition along a genetic line. Availability malignant neoplasms in direct relatives increases the chances of developing cancer several times.
  2. Patients with chronic diseases female genital organs and general precancerous conditions are included in the group of increased risk of postpartum oncology.
  3. Tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse can in some cases stimulate education genetic mutations, which is the beginning of the process of tumor formation.

Symptoms and diagnosis of postpartum tumors

  • Brain cancer after childbirth

It is characterized by patient complaints of frequent paroxysmal headaches, visual and hearing impairment. Also, patients note disorders of the psycho-emotional state, which manifests itself in the form of irritability, nervousness and disturbances in internal balance.

Diagnosis of brain tumors is carried out by a neurologist based on an external examination and tomography data. Layer-by-layer X-ray images, processed using digital technologies, allow the doctor to assess the size, localization and spread of a malignant neoplasm.

  • Uterine cancer after childbirth

The severity of the disease lies in the long painless period of development, which can last for ten years. Throughout this period, the tumor is defined as an erosive lesion of the cervix. The gynecologist may suspect the initial results of smears and papilloma virus analysis, which indicates infection of the body with type 16 or 17 papilloma virus.

A final diagnosis is possible only after a biopsy, which is a method of histological and cytological analysis of biological material removed from the affected area. Laboratory research indicates the type and stage of the cancer tumor with maximum accuracy.

  • Ovarian cancer after childbirth

The disease in the early stages is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Irregularities of the menstrual cycle.
  2. An increase in tumor size is usually accompanied by compression of the bladder and, as a result, patients experience frequent urge to urination.
  3. Frequent pain attacks in the abdominal area, the intensity of which gradually increases.
  4. General symptoms are presented low-grade fever body, headaches, general weakness and loss of appetite.

On late stages The clinical picture of the disease is manifested by pronounced signs of oncology.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a gynecologist, who, if suspicion arises, refers the patient to a consultation with an oncologist. In specialized institutions, patients are offered to undergo X-ray tomography and biopsy. These techniques make it possible to study the structure and outlines of pathological foci.

Cancer after childbirth - treatment

To select the correct treatment method, it is necessary to answer the question “ Why does cancer occur after childbirth?“. Determining the exact location of the tumor is critical preparatory stage for treatment.

The most common surgical method is used for oncology of the female reproductive system. Surgery in the early stages of tumors of the uterus and its appendages provides 80% postoperative survival. In cases of malignant lesions of brain tissue, it is not always possible to apply the surgical method, even in the early stages of the disease. This is due to the high probability of tumor localization near the vital centers of the brain.

  • Relapse of the disease. Restoration of cancerous growth in the same place is often observed due to incomplete excision of the tumor.
  • Damage to neighboring tissues and blood vessels, which in the case of a cerebral tumor can be fatal.
  • Cancer intoxication of the body. The manifestation of the disease may be accompanied by an increase in dehydration of the body.

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