Home Prosthetics and implantation Another tooth appeared above the wisdom tooth. How long will your gums hurt if they were cut to allow wisdom teeth to grow?

Another tooth appeared above the wisdom tooth. How long will your gums hurt if they were cut to allow wisdom teeth to grow?

In dentistry, inflammation of the hood of a wisdom tooth is called pericoronitis. If swelling appears, this is obvious signs pericoronitis. In this case, it may sometimes be necessary to remove the wisdom tooth hood.

Wisdom teeth are the most problematic in oral cavity person.

They are characterized by late appearance and rapid removal, since almost immediately after eruption, this type teeth begin to destructure and change color.

These teeth have an individual development process for each person, that is, when they can appear depends on the shape of the jaw and hereditary factors.

For many, the stage of the appearance of a wisdom tooth is asymptomatic, and for some it causes very unpleasant pain and spasms, worsens their health and provokes swelling.

Process characteristics

In practice, dentists use certain actions to remove the hood of a wisdom tooth:

  1. At the very beginning, anesthesia is used so that the patient feels a minimum pain during the procedure.
  2. Next, certain surgical accessories are used, with the help of which the doctor makes outlines of the affected area and cuts out the inflamed part.
  3. After this, you should wash the wound with the necessary antiseptics, which will help eliminate bleeding and prevent the possibility of infection.
  4. It is obligatory to use medicinal products, which promote the fastest and most effective healing.

Unfortunately, in practice, removing the hood over a wisdom tooth cannot always provide complete confidence that the inflammation has disappeared. It happens in such cases that it can begin to grow again. When the dentist makes an incision on the part that is affected, he barely touches healthy gums

, but the recovery process does not last very long. Always in you must follow all the instructions given by the doctor.

Possible complications

Sometimes it happens that the procedure for cutting out pericoronitis entails some Negative consequences. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and do not attach special importance to the dental hood, then the person will not be able to physically open his mouth at all.

Pericoronitis (perikronaritis) – inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth

Due to the fact that the pressure on the masticatory muscle continues, the mouth may close completely, while the pus begins to increase and fill the entire oral cavity. These actions can lead to complications that require urgent surgery on the outside of the cheek.

Prerequisites for complications

In ordinary words, the hood on a wisdom tooth is the mucous membrane hanging over the uncut tubercles.

When the eruption action occurs, while only a small part of the crown has protruded, a certain place is created between the mucous membranes into which food particles tend to fall.

Accordingly, it is absolutely impossible to remove this food from there. This is what causes the creation of favorable conditions for the emergence and development of harmful microflora, which contributes to the irritation process.

Signs of pericoronitis

If - this indicates inflammatory processes of the gums. They are characterized by corresponding pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, swelling of the gums, an unpleasant odor emanating from the diseased tooth and a feeling strange taste. Latest symptoms manifest themselves due to the presence of pus and its constant new formation.

Hood over wisdom tooth

Depending on the form and level of the disease, other characteristic features diseases. These include:

  • Difficulty or inability to open the mouth due to swelling;
  • Pain during swallowing due to swelling;
  • Increased body temperature.

No visit to the dentist yet, but teething? There are some ways to relieve pain at home, but seek help qualified help You need to see a doctor in any case.

Medical assistance

On this moment used a little various methods for therapy, one of which is the extraction of the eighth tooth. , and what to do after removal to avoid complications - the doctor should explain. Negligent attitude to recommendations is fraught with serious consequences.

To other ways surgical treatment relate:

  1. anesthesia;
  2. excision of the mucosa;
  3. wound treatment;
  4. drug therapy;
  5. follow-up visit to the doctor for a final examination.

It happens that after the initial cutting of the hood, there is a possibility of its reappearance. Then the option of wisdom tooth removal appears.

It should be noted that a highly qualified dentist will be able to easily identify the specifics of the future growth of the eighth tooth.

To avoid troubles and complications, it is better to pull out the tooth immediately than to carry out ineffective therapy. Many people try to endure painful spasms while being treated with various folk remedies , in these cases it is possible to stop the inflammation, but for a short period of time. Because further complications

will be more serious and lasting.

Features of gum excision

The action takes place under anesthesia. First of all, the doctor treats the gums and oral cavity.

Excision of the hood is carried out using accessories such as a scalpel or scissors, after which a gauze swab is placed in the wound.

The pain begins to dull a couple of days after the hood over the wisdom tooth is removed, and the gum healing itself occurs after about a week.

Removing a wisdom tooth hood: the cost of the issue Very often, the price of this procedure also depends on which clinic the patient goes to, since the amounts in private and state clinics

may vary.

The price itself must be directly determined by the attending physician. On average, for a surgical intervention such as removal of a hood over a wisdom tooth, the price will be $25-35.

Video on the topic:

For details about the troubles a wisdom tooth can cause you, namely the removal of the hood, the consequences of this procedure and what can happen after removing the hood of a wisdom tooth, watch the video:

Removing a wisdom tooth hood involves excision of the gum mucosa, which partially covers the crown.

Removal is required if the gums become inflamed and cause pain during the eruption process. In some cases, excision of not only the hood, but also the wisdom tooth itself is required.

What is a hood over a wisdom tooth?

The hood of a wisdom tooth is a free space (a kind of pocket) that is formed between the erupted third molar, or figure eight (this is also the name of the chewing organ that appears at a conscious age) and the surface of the gum overhanging it.

The hood often traps food debris, which accumulates and creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Under their influence it develops, accompanied by the accumulation of purulent masses.

Externally, the hood looks like a round, inflamed area of ​​gum that rises above the erupting wisdom tooth.

The causes of the inflammatory process of the hood over the wisdom tooth are:

  • insufficient width of the dental arch, due to which the wisdom tooth cannot fully erupt;
  • special location of the tooth. If the third molar is located parallel or at an angle to the row, then an inflammatory process develops;
  • eruption of only one part of the tooth, while the other part remains in the bone;
  • thickening of the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.

Symptoms of inflammation of the hood include the following:

  • severe swelling and redness of the gums;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • swelling and tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • smell of rot from the mouth;
  • swelling of the cheek;
  • the wisdom tooth is rotting;
  • discharge of purulent masses from under the hood;
  • inability to completely close or open the mouth;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Important! At the first symptoms of inflammation of the space between the gum and wisdom tooth, you should consult a doctor, since in advanced cases the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause a life-threatening condition - sepsis.

What does a hood look like over a wisdom tooth?

Why should the hood be removed? What's stopping him?

Pericoronitis can provoke the advancement of pus and pathogenic microorganisms into the bones and deep into the soft tissues

When the hood over the wisdom tooth becomes inflamed, or pericoronitis, the patient’s cheek and gums swell, which causes pain and makes it impossible not only to chew food, but also to fully open and close the mouth.

Pericoronitis also causes unpleasant odor rotten mouth. It is caused by the fact that pus is released from under the hood.

Inflammation is also dangerous because it occurs in the area masticatory muscles and can provoke almost complete closure of the mouth.

Under such conditions, the dentist, due to his mouth not opening enough, will not be able to immediately provide assistance to the patient.

Pericoronitis can provoke the movement of pus and pathogenic microorganisms into the bones and deep into the soft tissues, which causes the formation of submandibular or peripharyngeal phlegmon.

This condition is fraught with blood poisoning and the spread of infection throughout the body.

Indications for removing the hood above the figure eight are characteristic symptoms, indicating pericoronitis, as well as an increase in body temperature, which does not return to normal for a long time, the development of gingivitis.

Note! In some cases, it is not the hood that is removed, but the problem tooth-eight itself. It is recommended to remove it immediately in case of severe and traumatic eruption of the third molar, abnormal tooth growth, or lack of sufficient space for it.

First aid

If you have symptoms of an inflammatory process in the hood above the figure eight, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid life-threatening consequences.

But sometimes the pain and discomfort symptoms caused by this deviation occur suddenly, and the patient cannot get an appointment with a doctor for a certain time.

Such emergency situations you can do this:

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to open it yourself at home, much less cut off the hood.

It is impossible to cope with the inflammatory process at home, so delaying a visit to the doctor is strongly discouraged.

Preparing to remove the hood

It is permissible to take a painkiller to suppress severe pain.

Before performing an operation to excise the hood, the specialist must prepare the patient for this manipulation.

To do this, it is necessary to relieve the acute inflammatory process.

This goal is achieved by rinsing the mouth with a decoction of medicinal chamomile or a solution with soda and salt.

It is permissible to take a pain reliever to suppress severe pain.

Also, before scheduling an operation, radiography and tomography are prescribed to assess the condition of the jaw bone tissue, blood and urine tests are performed, and the presence of diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis, and HIV infection is determined.

How is gum excision performed?

Excision of the inflamed area of ​​the gum above the wisdom tooth consists of several successive stages.

This process includes next steps:

After the operation, the doctor gives the patient recommendations regarding the care of the operated area during the rehabilitation period.

In the first 2-4 hours after surgical intervention It is forbidden to eat.

Features of the recovery period

Rehabilitation period after the hood is cut over the figure eight, it lasts 4-5 days, but with significant trauma it lasts up to 7-10 days.

For recovery period The patient is bothered by pain and inflammation. In some cases, body temperature may increase.

In order for the healing process to proceed without complications, treatment is necessary:

After each meal, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water.

Drugs of this group will definitely be required, since in all patients after surgery and the disappearance of the effect of anesthetics, severe pain.


The average cost of an operation to excise a figure eight hood is on average 1,500 rubles (the price depends on the complexity of the procedure, the status of dentistry and other factors).


Contraindications that prevent surgery to remove the hood over the third molar are periods of exacerbation chronic diseases, general serious condition of the patient.

In such situations, experts discuss everything possible options, with the help of which you can improve the patient’s well-being.

Pregnancy is not absolute contraindication to carry out this operation. During the period of gestation, excision is performed, but without the introduction of anesthetic agents.

Possible complications

Even after surgery to excise the area of ​​gum overhanging the wisdom tooth, complications can occur.

The most common of these is relapse of the inflammatory process.

This occurs either due to insufficient cutting of the hood or due to certain anatomical features.

If you refuse to see a doctor and undergo surgery, the patient may encounter one of the following complications:

  • transition acute pericoronitis V chronic pathology, which is fraught with transition infectious process to nearby tissues;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • injury to the mucous membranes of the cheek;
  • development of osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by the spread of purulent masses throughout the oral cavity;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms or pus into the bloodstream, which leads to blood poisoning. This condition is very dangerous and often leads to the death of a person;
  • formation of phlegmon or abscess.

Note! Much greater risk dangerous complications occurs when the patient does not visit the doctor. Pathological process develops quickly and can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Cases in which the hood must be removed along with the third molar

It was mentioned above that there are situations when a wisdom tooth needs to be removed along with the hood.

This is necessary in following cases:

After a thorough examination, the specialist will determine whether there is a need for additional removal of the third molar along with inflamed hood.

Removal of the wisdom tooth hood is performed frequently. Wisdom teeth begin to appear during adolescence. This process can be lengthy and fraught with complications. One of the most common is the formation of a hood over the tooth. This happens because it is cut gradually. The gums rise, swell, and then the process stops. As a result, the gum hangs over the tooth.

In the resulting cavity, food debris accumulates, which is quite difficult to clean out with a toothbrush. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor, and he will be able to remove excess tissue. Excision should only be performed in a clinic. The operation takes a few minutes and will help prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity. Excision of the hood over any wisdom tooth takes place under local anesthesia. This lasts no more than a minute.

In medical terminology, the “hood” is called pericoronitis. This process can take several forms of flow. With periodic manifestations of gum inflammation, you will feel pain, bad taste and smell. Pus may even collect in this area. If the disease progresses, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to open your mouth. The muscles that are responsible for this function will be swollen, and pain will appear when swallowing. Aching pain will appear at rest.

Chewing will become difficult for you. Inflammation of the hood of any wisdom tooth can recur. If this process is started, an abscess may form and even phlegmon may develop, which requires surgical intervention in the hospital. In some cases, external incisions may need to be made.

Why does a hood appear over your wisdom tooth? Dentists diagnose congenital pathologies when cutting through it.

This pathology must be treated. There are several options. A person does not need wisdom teeth for chewing, so if there are medical indications, agree to have them removed.

  • At the initial stage, the formed hood is removed and the eruption of the wisdom tooth will become painless for you;
  • You can remove the gum along with the tooth. The hole will heal and you will not remember about it.

Read also:

Counting the roots of a wisdom tooth

If the soft tissue hood over your wisdom tooth is inflamed, you need to see a doctor urgently.

Both operations take place in dental clinic, outpatient. The hole heals within a few days. You can rinse your mouth with herbal infusions or soda for disinfection purposes.

How does the procedure work?

If the doctor's prescriptions are followed in full, the development of an infection in the oral cavity will not threaten your health. When a tooth is completely removed postoperative period will happen the same way.

Traditional methods

Any dentist can remove the hood from the gum above a wisdom tooth. Experts say that this radical method allows you to get rid of this problem forever. It is better to remove it before complications arise. There are cases when relapse occurs. The hood is re-formed. Therefore, wisdom tooth removal is necessary to get rid of the hood and all pain will go away.

Doctors are ambivalent about treatment at home. Because it doesn't bring desired result. This approach leads to complications, tooth loss and the development of complex diseases. Some procedures can be done at home, but only after visiting a dentist. In the case of wisdom teeth erupting, it is necessary to rinse the mouth. This will promote wound healing. So that the resulting wound does not become a site for the development of infection, which will subsequently cause harm to the entire body.

If you are very patient and take good oral care, you can avoid complications. To do this, use pharmaceutical chamomile, furatsilin solution, soda and salt. You need to make a warm solution from one component and rinse your mouth. You can make lotions, but for this you will need sterile cotton wool and tweezers. Healing will occur quickly and you will be able to eat any food.

Read also:

Tooth extraction and alcohol: is it possible?

In such a situation, doctors will insist and recommend carrying out procedures at home. But only after recommendations and a visit to a doctor. If you develop pericoronitis, be sure to contact your doctor. The sooner you remove it, the less of a health hazard there will be.

How to behave if you cut off the hood on a diseased wisdom tooth? It is recommended to see a doctor, take an x-ray of the root, take medications to relieve inflammation.

Hygiene and possible pathologies

Teeth require special care throughout your life. You need to get used to caring for them from childhood, there is nothing complicated about it. When choosing a paste, they differ in their composition. The brush must be of the required stiffness. You need to clean them twice a day and rinse after every meal. Visit your dentist twice a year. These are the most common rules.

The eruption of wisdom teeth has nothing to do with your wishes or oral care. This process can occur up to 25 years, or maybe much later. The older the person, the more painful it will be. This is explained by the fact that the jaw has already been formed, all the teeth have firmly taken their place, and the appearance of another one at the end of the row can become painful. It may grow incorrectly, to the side or to the side.

Teething in young children is accompanied by pain, increased salivation. The child is capricious and cries, sleeps poorly. In adults, pain is felt when opening the mouth or chewing. If a hood forms from the gums, an inflammatory process may begin and the body temperature will increase.

You will not be able to know in advance how and when wisdom teeth will appear. But it's better in initial stage see a doctor and you can avoid possible problems. If a hood forms, an abscess is dangerous. May be required long-term treatment and surgery. It should also not be started due to inflammation of the periosteum.

A wisdom tooth is a kind of vestigial organ. This is exactly the name it received in the scientific community. Over several tens of thousands of years of evolution, these four teeth have long lost their true purpose, so every day every new baby It is increasingly likely that these “musketeers” will never be born. Despite the fact that modern people there is no need to use these teeth; dentists do not recommend getting rid of them without a good reason, since in medicine there is such a thing as prosthetics. It is for this that the tooth can be useful. However, it is not always possible to retain wise men main reason. If a tooth begins to grow, the growth is rarely without additional problems. It will be incorrect, and subsequently a hood will form over the tooth, which will bring a lot of inconvenience.

Partial eruption - hood over wisdom tooth

Brief description of the problem

This can happen between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, which is why the tooth is called wise. In the dental world he is known as the third painter. But why is the hood so common among all owners of third painters?

The fact is that by the time the tooth grows, the oral cavity has already fully formed and there is no room for new inhabitants. For us, lack of space in the mouth is not a reason to stop growing. The tooth will easily find another way for its appearance. It can grow into both the gum and the surrounding area. bone tissue, which can cause unbearable aching pain, which will definitely force you to go to the dentist.

Scheme of hood formation

But, most often, the formation of a hood over the wisdom tooth occurs. This happens if the tooth grows slightly in the wrong direction, which does not affect the hard tissues and the integrity of its environment. When the sage cuts through one part of the gum and comes into the world, leaving part of the gum on his other half, this is your hood.

There are cases when nothing interferes with the further growth of the tooth and everything goes away on its own. However, in practice this happens quite rarely and this restraining part of the gum brings a lot of inconvenience. First of all, it swells, thereby inflaming the hood of the wisdom tooth.

Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood is not a surprising occurrence. This occurs in every fifth person due to the fact that teething for many people results in a very difficult process. Most often, this happens on lower jaw, since it is in it that the predisposition to abnormal growth occupies a leading position.

Growth of wisdom teeth at different ages

The small portion of gum that accumulates on top of the crown of a growing tooth is called the wisdom tooth hood, and if the gum becomes inflamed, dentists diagnose it as pericoronitis.

Inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth occurs because an infection accumulates between the “sage” and the mucous membrane, which, as a result of the accumulation, leads to the inflammatory process. At first, the hood is not able to cause any discomfort in a person, but they appear after just a few days.

Inflammation of the hood due to infection

Inflammation - symptoms

Primary symptoms include the initial complaints of patients, which they tell their doctors. They report that as their wisdom teeth grow, their gums become swollen, which is accompanied by bad breath. The smell, it is logical to assume, is caused by the accumulation of pus, which from time to time is released from under the hood on the tooth. All of these symptoms are attributed to mild form pericoronitis. Also, all this can be accompanied slight pain exactly where the tooth became inflamed.

Complication of inflammation of the hood - fistula

If you do not protect yourself with proper treatment in time, then all this can result in much more unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • problematic opening of the mouth, pain during the process;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • temperature may rise;
  • severe swelling of the gums;
  • the cheek may swell;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes.

All these symptoms are fraught with the fact that if you do not timely treatment, then it will not be possible to open your mouth, pus will seep into soft fabrics, will cause other inflammations, such as cellulitis or an abscess. And such serious consequences can only be corrected with the help of surgery - external incisions.

Hood over the entire wisdom tooth

How to treat pericoronitis?

The most common and effective way Removing the inflamed area means completely removing the problematic tooth from the oral cavity. Together with it, the hood over the tooth is also removed, eliminating all existing problems.

There are several conditions under which you need to agree to such a procedure without hesitation:

  • if the wisdom tooth does not have enough space for successful germination;
  • tooth growth occurs in the wrong direction (horizontally or in the oral cavity or side of the cheek);
  • the absence of an antagonist - the tooth with which it will come into contact;
  • there is no need for a tooth, as in a prosthesis;
  • if the anatomical geography of the oral cavity makes it possible to get rid of inflammation,
  • making sure the hood was cut off.

Wisdom tooth under the hood in the picture

Removing the hood

It's pretty simple operation, which, with the current level of medicine, will not cause concern even in a child. The bottom line is that with local anesthesia, which is quite sufficient, excision (removal) of the mucous membrane covering the erupting tooth is performed. Thus, the place where microbes multiplied completely disappears. The procedure is low-traumatic, so children, adults, and teenagers who find themselves in similar conditions will no longer worry that something might become inflamed again.

It is also worth talking about the stages of removing this dental problem. Never spare yourself for treatment, especially when it comes to dentistry. Is the hood over your wisdom tooth inflamed? Without hesitation, agree to all the recommendations of your doctor, because you already know all the possible consequences. How the operation will take place:

  • you will be numbed with local anesthesia;
  • after the pain has subsided, the dental surgeon will excise the swollen formation that binds the tooth - he will do this with a scalpel and surgical scissors;
  • after excision, the wound must be washed with disinfectants and stop the bleeding;
  • after neutralization, applies the necessary medications to the wound;
  • At this point, the operation is completed and the person is scheduled for a second examination.

After this procedure you will definitely be prescribed various drugs, both healing and pain relieving. Such as mouth rinses or, in some individual cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. After such treatment at home, this inflammatory process will be completely completed.

Complications of treatment

However, there are situations when the hood was removed from a wisdom tooth, but this did not lead to any result.

These are exceptions in which it is necessary to significantly change treatment tactics. In such cases, a decision is made to completely remove the problematic “sage” and forever get rid of even the slightest possibility of a return.

Has the hood become inflamed for the second time? The tooth itself will have to be removed.

If the operation does not bring any results, then it must be repeated free of charge. But again, this happens very rarely, because experienced dentist can determine in advance the likelihood of the problem returning. If this happens, the decision will be made to remove the tooth during the first operation. It is better to experience these unpleasant sensations once than to tell your friends again and again in the future that you have had the hood removed from your wisdom tooth again.

Treatment at home

Each of us wants to avoid all operations and get by with the easiest and most convenient simple method treatment. But, if you start taking care of your health on your own, then be prepared for everything. possible consequences, and also read all the recommendations for caring for a hood over a wisdom tooth at home.

Most often, treatment is carried out using various antibiotics and rinsing the mouth, which will stop the growth of the tumor of the mucous membrane. Unfortunately, all this leniency of growth will only act while taking medications, so there is also no point in these procedures and counting on full recovery no way. Only those who do not have the opportunity to see a doctor in a timely manner resort to this, so before visiting him they help their body with various medications.

Hood treatment products

In addition to antibiotics, there is a recipe that can help stop the inflammatory process:

  • rinse with Chlorhexidine solution;
  • Apply Cholisal Gel to the resulting hood.

Such procedures are carried out twice a day. In the morning, after breakfast and brushing your teeth, and in the evening before bed. If you wish, it would not be superfluous to do all this in the afternoon after lunch. Rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine 0.05% solution for 60–90 seconds. After this, take a cotton pad and dry the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane. Apply a little gel with light rubbing movements. Repeat application of the gel, but without moving, close your mouth and do not eat for 2-3 hours (you can drink and swallow saliva).

Treatment at the dentist is the best option

Keep in mind that all this will only bear fruit for so long. early stage inflammation, when the cheek has not increased in size, there is no active discharge of purulent formations, and there is no more serious symptoms, such as painful swallowing or opening the mouth. In such cases, believing that rinsing will help get rid of problems is simply unacceptable. The fact is that yes, the gel reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, but the space between the gum and tooth does not disappear anywhere and, no matter how you look at it, microorganisms will continue to multiply, food debris will accumulate and pus will form. It is for this reason that inflammation stops only while taking antibiotics. Don't delay with them, don't wait until you have no choice. In such situations, time is not on your side.

It’s better to overcome yourself and turn to a real professional for help than to suffer long time, and as a result, struggle with a painful and intractable problem.

Toothache, as you know, is one of the most piercing and unpleasant. So why exhaust your body?

Scientists say that in the near future, people's wisdom teeth will stop growing. The forecast is optimistic, but for now we have to endure painful eruption lower "eights". In 60-80% of cases, their crowns become “immured” under the overhanging edge of the gum, injuring it and causing inflammation of the gingival hood. And only by excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth can this problem be solved and pain relieved.

The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts minutes. There is no way to do without it, because pyogenic bacteria accumulate under the hood, provoking an inflammatory process. Without treatment, the gums become swollen and especially painful, and an unpleasant putrid smell from the mouth, eating and talking becomes difficult.

Why delete

What is the hood above the figure eight? This is the mucous membrane that partially covers the crown. The hood does not fit tightly, and a space forms between it and the tooth. Harmful bacteria immediately rush to fill it.

Microbes multiply, their waste products cause inflammation of the hood. Over time, purulent processes join it. This pathology is called pericoronitis in dentistry.

Pericoronitis does not heal on its own. To get rid of the source of inflammation, the infected hood is removed. The tooth has the opportunity to erupt.

What happens if you refuse surgical treatment? Nothing good!

Symptoms - pain when moving the jaw, swelling of the gums and cheeks, increased body temperature and bad breath - intensify. Purulent processes spread to the bone tissue, causing its resorption. Eventually it is impossible to open your mouth. In acute advanced cases, the infection enters the blood and provokes sepsis - blood poisoning that threatens human health and life.

Stages of the procedure

  1. Anesthesia. The doctor does local anesthesia– conductive or infiltration.
  2. Removal of the hood is performed with a scalpel or surgical scissors. The crown is freed from the overhanging gum.
  3. Antiseptic treatment. The wound is thoroughly washed with Chlorhexidine or another antiseptic. Relieving pain and stopping bleeding. The doctor applies it to the place surgical field Alvogel and installs iodoform turunda.

Some time after surgery, patients are re-examined by the dentist to assess the speed of wound healing.

Complications and care after surgery


  • rinse your mouth with cool ones antiseptics: potassium permanganate solution, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Stomatidine or Rivanol;
  • apply cold to the operated area;
  • take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: Nimesil, Nurofen, Sedalgin, Solpadein, Tempalgin, Ketanov, Baralgin.

In case of purulent processes, antimicrobial therapy is additionally prescribed and antibiotics are prescribed - Metronidazole in combination with Clindomycin, Lincomycin, or medications based on Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxain or Ofloxacin.

Warm compresses and rinses are categorically unacceptable, because in warmth bacteria multiply and inflammation worsens!

It is important to maintain oral hygiene and use a brush with toothpaste every time after eating. The operation area must be carefully avoided. If the pain is too severe, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with toothpaste diluted in water.

Possible complications

With correctly performed excision and high-quality postoperative care there are no complications. However, if bacteria enter the wound, the inflammation continues to progress. A hood again forms over the erupting crown, and it is recommended to remove the “eight”.

How long does it take to heal?

Normally, within 3-4 days after surgery, the wound begins to heal and after a week and a half the gums heal. If this does not happen, consult a doctor.

Service cost

The procedure is relatively inexpensive. On average, excision of the hood costs 1,800 rubles.

If you are concerned about wisdom teeth, we also suggest reading about alternative way solution to the problem - difficult tooth extraction.

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