Home Smell from the mouth How long does pityriasis rosea last in humans? How long does it take to treat lichen in a person? Incubation period and developmental stages

How long does pityriasis rosea last in humans? How long does it take to treat lichen in a person? Incubation period and developmental stages

Parents should know how long it takes to treat pityriasis versicolor in children. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and symptoms. Pityriasis versicolor is a recurrent fungal disease skin, which is caused by the Malassezia fungus. With this disease, the dermis becomes covered with shapeless spots of yellow or Brown. Peeling is observed. The lesions can spread throughout the body. The disease is contagious and requires immediate treatment. People call it “sunny”, “beach” or “multi-colored” lichen.

Causes of the disease

On initial stage the disease begins to develop on the shoulders, scalp, and neck. Yellowish-brown dots appear on the skin. In its advanced form, the spots can reach the size of a man's palm. Getting deep into the pores and mouths hair follicles, under favorable conditions, the fungus grows and multiplies. It produces a special acid that disrupts the production of pigment in melacites.

The disease is often diagnosed in young people living in countries with warm and humid climates. In elderly people and children, such points are rare. The fungus can be contracted through close contact with a patient, through contact with his personal belongings, wearing his clothes, in a swimming pool, bathhouse, or fitness club. The fungus can live on human skin without any symptoms. For signs of the disease to appear, the following conditions are necessary:

  • decreased immunity;
  • nervous stress;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes);
  • frequent use of hormonal or antibacterial drugs;
  • frequent and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • profuse sweating;
  • certain chemical components in sweat;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • tuberculosis, prolonged pneumonia, asthma;
  • chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • wearing clothes made of non-natural fabric;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases.

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Diagnostics and therapy

To make a diagnosis it is necessary to carry out initial examination patient. The following symptoms may indicate pityriasis versicolor:

  • small yellowish spots on the upper body, around the hair follicles (at the initial stage);
  • round, well-defined yellowish spots (in later stages);
  • large lesions from beige to dark brown (in advanced cases);
  • itching in the affected area;
  • With light scraping, pityriasis-like peeling, or Beignet's sign, is observed.

When examining, it is necessary to take into account that on white skin the lesions may not be noticeable, since their color does not differ much from healthy areas. Hairy part the head requires a particularly careful examination. In immunocompromised patients, pityriasis versicolor may present as seborrheic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis.

After the examination, a Balzer iodine test is performed (if you lubricate the affected area with a 2% iodine solution, the spots become brown) and a Wood's fluorescent lamp examination (a whitish, greenish-yellow or golden-yellow glow is observed).

To accurately diagnose the disease, scales are scraped from the affected area. When observed through a microscope, oval or round spores with a double contour can be seen.

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Additional products and procedures

Pityriasis versicolor is completely curable. First of all, you need to pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness of clothing. Linen should be boiled and ironed. Heat treatment is detrimental to the spores of the pathogenic fungus. Ultraviolet rays have a beneficial effect. You can sunbathe or visit a solarium. During the treatment period, preference is given to clothing made from natural fabrics, cotton, linen and wool. Such fabrics allow the skin to breathe, absorbing moisture well.

It is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene: regular showers and change of towels are necessary. It is recommended to use mild skin care products. To do this, use baby soap. If observed increased sweating, you should use talc or baby powder. The patient will have to adhere to the following diet:

  • limit simple group carbohydrates;
  • reduce sugar consumption;
  • limit the consumption of confectionery products and baked goods;
  • complete refusal of carbohydrates (if necessary);
  • wholemeal bread with bran;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • eat fresh vegetables, fruits, berries every day;
  • include in the diet dairy products that have not undergone heat treatment.

The disease requires external treatment (medicated shampoo, antifungal ointment, lotions or creams). It is recommended to use antimycotics (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Bifonazole, Clotrimazole). In advanced cases, antimycotics are used orally. Their use makes it possible to shorten the treatment time, while also reducing the risk of relapse. Experts prescribe drugs of the treazole series and products that contain selenium sulfide.

Ringworm is a skin disease, the cause of which is considered to be not fully understood. There are cases when lichen does not go away long time, thereby causing severe anxiety from its carrier. The rash from lichen really looks scary, so it is important to identify the type of skin pathology in time and begin treatment.

What kind of lichen can go away on its own?

When diagnosed with lichen, a person is afraid and rushes to get rid of such a problem by any means. There are several types of pathology, among them:

Among the four varieties, it is considered the easiest and most self-limiting. His distinctive feature from other species the common name is considered, but the manifestations and course of the disease are different. Pityriasis rosea not contagious to other people, it manifests itself with unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort only to the carrier.

When it occurs, parents also do not need to panic; every second child suffers from this disease. Some time will pass - 20 or 30 days, and the lichen will disappear on its own, no effort is made to do so. In an adult, lichen goes away just as quickly; all that remains is to understand the cause and direct efforts towards a speedy recovery.

Timing of disappearance

Ringworm has characteristic features, which during normal course disappear in humans on average within 30 days. In 90% of cases, the spots went away on their own. There are rare situations when the pathology does not go away for a long time, lasting a year or more. Ringworm that takes a long time to heal should be immediately shown to a doctor. If after a while a noticeable stain remains (even in the absence of itching and flaking), you need to take action and treat it, since this condition is considered a deviation from the norm.

Causes and symptoms

The cause of lichen can be a common cold or the herpes virus.

The root cause of skin pathology can be different; there are only assumptions about the occurrence of lichen in humans, including:

  • herpes and ARVI viruses;
  • infections and inflammatory processes.

The main factors influencing the development of skin pathology include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • diseases of a chronic and infectious nature;
  • frequent exposure to stress and nervous disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-healing dermatitis;
  • use of hard and rough hygiene products (scrubbers, brushes, etc.).

Skin disease is localized on various parts body: on the neck, head, back, genitals and even near anus. You can find out what it looks like by the following signs:

  • rashes in the form of red-yellow spots on the body;
  • the affected area of ​​the skin is dry and peeling;
  • the subcutaneous layer does not heal for a long time, the itching becomes more intense;
  • the appearance of warty formations at the site of the spots.

What to do if the lichen does not go away?

When Zhiber's lichen does not go away within a month and does not end for a long time, now they begin general strengthening body. First you need to follow these rules:

  • Alternate work and rest modes. Don't overdo it during the day, get enough sleep at night.
  • Take vitamin complexes and foods containing sufficient amounts nutrients. They will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to internal and external irritants.
  • Eat right and stay hydrated.
  • Avoid stressful situations and nervous overstrain.
  • Treat current inflammatory processes provoked by infectious pathogens.

If the lichen does not go away, you need to contact a dermatologist to clear it up. full diagnostics.

Next, you should consult a dermatologist. To understand what the diagnosis is, you need to take tests and undergo examinations, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe a course drug therapy. In advanced cases, antihistamines (tablets, ointments) are prescribed. It is not recommended to treat yourself, because it will still not be possible to get rid of the problem, and the course of the disease will worsen.

How long does it take for pityriasis rosea to go away? Can it appear on the face or head? What are the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease? What does it look like in the photo and is it possible to smear iodine on inflammation? Are drugs such as chlorhexidine or cindol effective? Similar questions plague those who suspect themselves or their child to have such a disease.

It is also called Zhiber's disease and is most often classified as an infectious-allergic disease. It appears after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, or as a result of hypothermia and can last half a year. Experts attribute its occurrence to reduced immunity. Characteristic symptoms is a pink rash on the skin that is often itchy and itchy.

As a rule, Zhiber's disease occurs during the off-season. It is believed that a person can suffer this disease only once in his life, then immunity is developed.

Despite the fact that pityriasis rosea is classified as an infectious disease, it is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. You can become infected with ARVI, but whether Zhiber’s disease will be a consequence or not depends only on the body’s resistance and predisposition. As a rule, there are no rashes on the face and head, but on the body they are caused by an allergic reaction, not pathogens.

The disease affects people between the ages of 10 and 40, and gender does not matter. Infants and children under 2 years of age generally do not suffer from pityriasis rosea. Doctors attribute this to the mother's immunity, which is inherited by the child. The occurrence of the disease in adolescents and pregnant women is associated with instability of the immune system.


There is no exact reason why pityriasis rosea occurs; there are several theories. According to one assumption, the causative agent of the disease in humans is herpes virus types 6 and 7. Otherwise known as a bacterial streptococcal infection. However, experts agree that microorganisms only “trigger” the disease, after which an allergic reaction begins in the body, causing symptoms illness.

The causes that provoke Zhiber's disease include:

  • viral infections, including influenza;
  • hypothermia, which may also be accompanied by acne on the face and head in the ear area;
  • stress;
  • insect bites;
  • metabolic problems;
  • minor wounds on the skin.


Both in a child and in an adult, lichen manifests itself and proceeds in the same way, in some cases it drags on for six months. The first signs of Zhiber's disease are usually noticeable 3-4 days after an infectious viral disease. A large maternal spot appears on the body in the area of ​​the chest, abdomen or shoulder blades Pink colour. It looks like a round inflammation with pronounced edges. Photos of such a symptom are not uncommon, but do not rush to diagnose yourself, such a manifestation can easily be confused with another, more serious disease.

In the center of the lichen is formed yellow plaque, which subsequently turns into small peeling scales. Basically, the appearance is accompanied by body aches and weakness. There are several stages of the disease and each of them has its own symptoms, characteristic of both children and adults. Do not use iodine to reduce inflammation; it can “delay” recovery for up to six months.

After a week, sometimes 10 days, small pink rashes may appear on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso. Such manifestations do not occur on the face and head. They look small, the diameter of the tumors is no more than 1 cm, and have a regular oval shape. The peculiarity is that the spots do not grow and never merge with each other. Therefore, if you visually notice an increase, or take photos of lesions in different time, then this should alert you - perhaps you do not have pityriasis rosea.

Changes occur in the center of the formation - folded areas appear. As the skin dries out and cracks, a child or adult feels a burning sensation and itching. Sometimes small subcutaneous nodules may appear in which fluid collects. With such manifestations, Zhiber's disease is easier, and recovery does not require waiting almost half a year.

Excellent conditions for the propagation of pink lichen are places rich in sweat glands(V in this case the skin on the face is an exception), so secondary rashes are possible:

  • in places where the skin is most frequently stretched;
  • in the groin area, thighs, forearm.

Lesions are almost never detected on the face, head, or mucous membranes.

As a rule, new lesions appear in a child or adult, regardless of the gender of the patient, not daily, but with a period of 10 days. The day before, a person may feel chills or feel weak in the body. This symptom is caused by general intoxication. The doctor can find out how sick the patient is by the lichen on the body. The new rash appears pink, and the patchy patches are spots that are more than 10 days old.

In many cases, pityriasis rosea, that is, plaques, can go away on their own, and not necessarily after half a year. In their place, dark or light spots remain. After some time (for each person - gender does not matter - it is different) the color of the skin becomes the same.

Zhiber's disease usually goes away when the immune system is restored. This period is often about 4-6 weeks if iodine is not used. However, in patients with a reduced defense system, the illness can last almost half a year. Moreover, pityriasis rosea is characterized by periods of “subsidence” and resumption, that is, the appearance of new rashes.


It would seem that the main symptoms of the disease are known, and treatment can begin. However, you should not diagnose yourself based on a description or photo. The best thing to do is visit a doctor. Even a specialist looks at more than just what the rash looks like. In order to exclude other ailments, he may prescribe a number of studies, including scraping, urine and blood tests.

It is forbidden to smear iodine on any skin rashes before the material is collected. Yod distorts clinical picture and makes diagnosis difficult.

Pityriasis rosea small child It is quite difficult to distinguish from measles and rubella, and in adults (gender does not matter) from psoriasis, secondary syphilis, and lichen versicolor. All of these ailments should be treated immediately, as they can cause serious complications. Perhaps in this case, a specialist will prescribe procedures with iodine. You cannot do without a visit to a dermatologist; he will conduct a diagnosis and make a prescription.


Despite the fact that Zhiber's disease can go away on its own, treatment should not be neglected. Even if the symptoms are not very pronounced, it will be necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Incorrect treatment of pityriasis rosea in children or adults (gender does not matter) and failure to maintain personal hygiene can cause rashes throughout the body, except on the face and head, as well as the addition of a bacterial infection. This development of the disease may be accompanied by suppuration on the skin.

In many cases, pityriasis rosea is treated symptomatically. That is, if there is itching, then antihistamines are prescribed, such as Tavegil tablets, corticosteroid ointments, for example, Akriderm. Tsindol may be prescribed - a suspension containing zinc, which not only relieves itching, but also dries out the skin. Smear the lesions with iodine when pityriasis rosea It’s impossible, the situation will only get worse, reviews confirm this.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic drug that is not prescribed to treat pityriasis rosea in humans. Especially in cases where the pathogen is not detected. Chlorhexidine is more used as a disinfectant when carrying out various types of manipulations. In the fight against lichen, it is used to treat animals.

Local remedies

If the doctor, after diagnosis, decides to treat the disease local means, then the patient must strictly follow the instructions. The most commonly used ointments are:

  1. Akriderm is a corticosteroid and should not be used on a child under two years of age.
  2. Sulfuric ointment - effective remedy from the development of microbes.
  3. Salicylic ointment is an antiseptic.
  4. Uniderm - has antipruritic properties, reviews of its use are very positive.
  5. Gistan.
  6. Tsindol is a suspension whose active element is zinc.

According to reviews, Tsindol helps many. In order to cure the disease, the affected areas are wiped twice a day. After how many days the result will be noticeable depends on the stage of the disease. Tsindol can be used to treat both pregnant women and infants, but in both cases you should consult a doctor. If after using the drug Tsindol the itching intensifies, then the application should be stopped and the dermatologist should be notified.

If it is necessary to treat Zhiber's disease in a small child, the appointment is made by a pediatrician together with a dermatologist. Children also should not apply iodine to inflammations, but the ointment prescribed by the doctor may contain iodine in small quantities.


Treating pityriasis rosea with medication using tablets may be necessary to eliminate allergic manifestations, as well as to improve immunity. Antihistamines reduce itching and reduce the allergen content in the blood. Sometimes activated carbon tablets are even prescribed. They are recommended to be taken at least 3 times a day.

To improve the body's protective properties, antiviral drugs are used, for example, acyclovir, as well as various vitamin complexes. Only a doctor can determine how much you need to take them.

Home Remedies

If a person has pityriasis rosea, then, in agreement with the doctor, he can carry out therapy at home, especially with a chronic disease. Reviews about such measures are the most contradictory. So, it is possible to use:

  • apple cider vinegar. For one day you will need half a glass of liquid. Treat all inflamed areas, including under the breasts, 3-4 times a day. If the product is suitable, the result is visible within a week;
  • celandine tinctures. Pour alcohol over fresh leaves and leave for 2 weeks. Dilute half portions with water 1 to 5, put the second half in the refrigerator and use after finishing the first. Treat the lesions twice a day. The first results are noticeable after 10 days;
  • tar ointments. You need to take half a glass of tar and the same amount of butter. Mix and apply to plaques as a compress at night. Reviews about this product are different, some write that the product is effective, others write that they did not notice any changes;
  • cabbage The leaf needs to be moistened in sour cream and applied to the fireplace for half an hour. Cabbage relieves itching well.

Avoid treatment for pityriasis rosea folk remedies if you have to treat a child.

Remember that washing in the bathroom with this disease is prohibited, and the person must take a shower so that water does not get on the plaques. If you need to remove dirt from your face or head, bend over the vessel and carry out all the procedures.

Do not rely on reviews when choosing medications for pityriasis rosea, even simple ones such as cindol or chlorhexidine. Symptoms can be deceiving, so don't rely on photos to make a diagnosis. If you notice plaques on your face or head, then most likely you are developing another disease. Never use iodine until an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Our skin does not only protective function, it serves as a medium and habitat for many microorganisms. And if local immunity fails, then they spread throughout the body, causing various skin pathologies, for example, ringworm. How does this disease manifest itself, and how long does it take for it to go away? What factors and medications help get rid of the problem in a short period of time?

Lichen (lichenas) most often has an infectious nature and is transmitted from person to person, as well as through contact with animals. It affects one area or spreads throughout the body. Outwardly it looks like scaly spots of small diameter or nodules that are inflamed. This is one of the most common dermatological diseases.

The shape of the lesions is varied and depends on the type of lichen. Some are safe and go away without leaving a trace, while others lead to serious complications.

This pathology includes a whole group of diseases that have common character traits– appearance of spots different sizes and colors on body parts:

  • pink and white on chest;
  • spots on the back with a pink ridge along the contour that can grow;
  • formations of various colors and shapes on the legs (all types of lichen develop);
  • light and dark spots on hands.

TO common features include itching, flaking and inflammation. Apart from these symptoms, the patient does not experience any discomfort and feels well.

For information: Children are most often infected because their immunity is not fully formed, as well as people in a weakened state after an illness or who are under constant nervous tension.

The source of the disease are 3 types of microscopic fungi:

  • zooanthropophilic, get on human skin from the fur of domestic animals;
  • anthropophilic ones are transmitted through contact between people and live only on the human epidermis;
  • geophilic, located in the soil and coming into contact with the skin with dust or soil.

Important to know: Ringworm can be viral in nature. Moreover, the virus lives in the human body, without manifesting itself in any way until a certain time. TO viral infections includes pink, white and ringworm. Left untreated once, they will appear again during a period of weakened immunity.

Timing and stages of treatment for lichen

Fungal infection causes the development different types depriving. The complexity of the pathology, the incubation period and the duration of treatment depend on the type.

Ringworm is one of the most common. It is localized in open areas skin and scalp. Infection occurs from other people or pets. The fungus spreads especially quickly if there are abrasions or scratches on the skin.

Externally, it appears in the form of red spots that itch and flake. Scratching can lead to infection, possibly suppuration or the formation of weeping ulcers. Ringworm can be diagnosed by the presence of bald spots that remain on the scalp. If the disease is mild, treatment lasts 2 weeks. When ulcers form, therapy is carried out for a long time - up to 2 months.

Important to know: The duration of treatment is affected by compliance with all doctor’s recommendations. It is usually carried out in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. When self-medicating, complications are possible, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

Pityriasis rosea (Gibera) It is not particularly contagious and is more common in children aged 2 to 7 years. It is viral in nature, so it cannot be treated, but goes away on its own. The rash appears within 10 days and goes away within 1-2 months. Spots on the body gradually disappear, the surface of the skin becomes even. Relapses are possible.

Shingles appears due to the herpes virus, which “lives” in the body in a latent (inactive) state. Stress or a cold can cause it to appear on the surface of the skin in the form of small blisters filled with liquid. After a few days they open, and yellowish crusts form in their place. The disease goes away in 7-10 days, sometimes in 2 weeks.

Red lichen planus does not apply to infectious diseases. The reasons for its appearance may be psycho-emotional stress, allergic reactions, or taking a number of medications. Rashes in the form of compacted red nodules are observed on the skin of the extremities. Possible outbreaks in oral cavity. Until the provoking factors are eliminated, treatment will continue. The disease has a relapsing course and can be observed for up to a year.

Versicolor versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) develops in young people and adolescents. The fungal infection that causes the pathology is constantly present on the skin and, under suitable conditions, affects the epidermis. Brown spots form on it, which darken in the sun when melanocytes, the cells that produce skin pigment, are damaged by fungi. The period of rash lasts up to 2 weeks, after which the disease develops within 3-6 months. Spots come back after being in the sun.

Note: Ringworm or eczema are known and scaly lichen or psoriasis, but their origin is related to diseases internal organs and is considered separately.

Signs of disease regression

Since microorganisms can remain on the skin or internal environment, there is a high probability of relapse or return of the disease.

This happens in the following cases:

  1. Pityriasis rosea may reappear on the skin after 10-15 days. This is due to early cessation of treatment. First, you should make sure that the lichen is completely gone and there are no marks left on the skin.
  2. With ringworm, spores remain on the surface of the skin after treatment. A repeated examination and scraping is important, since under favorable conditions the spores will germinate and a new round of the disease will begin.
  3. Recurrence of shingles occurs when the immune system weakens, since the pathology is caused by a virus.
  4. The pityriasis form appears again with hormonal imbalances, a critical decrease in the level of protection (immunity), as well as with prolonged exposure to the sun after treatment.
  5. Lichen planus can recur within 5 years if it is not completely cured.

Regression of a dermatological infection occurs with self-medication, with therapy that is not completed, with weak immune defense, and if the patient does not listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment tactics

During treatment, the main goal is to remove skin inflammation and the formation of new foci of infection. It is important to prevent reinfection when, when scratching, bacteria enter the wounds and suppuration begins. During therapy, antihistamines help, which relieve unpleasant symptoms(itching), immunostimulating agents aimed at increasing the body's defenses.

They mainly use local treatment: ointments, creams, gels that relieve inflammation and destroy fungal infection. In each specific case, treatment is selected individually, based on the severity of the disease and its causative agent, and the age of the patient. You can understand that a person is going through a disease by observing the condition of the skin. When she was completely cleansed and took on her previous appearance, the disease receded.

Note: Since shingles is caused by a virus, antiviral drugs, analgesics, and antipyretics are used.

Prevention methods

Most types of lichen are contagious, so preventive procedures boil down to compliance with hygiene rules:

  • after a walk or visiting any institution, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap or wipe with a sanitary napkin;
  • exclude contact with stray animals;
  • do not use other people’s personal hygiene items;
  • do not try on other people's clothes or hats, where fungal spores may be present;
  • support immunity through hardening procedures.

Compliance with these simple rules will help reduce the risk of the disease, but it is completely impossible to eliminate it, since there is constant contact between different people.

If you have skin rashes, you don’t need to run to the medicine cabinet, where various ointments and creams are stored. First you need to determine what you are treating and what kind of infection you have. The consequences of self-medication are much more difficult to get rid of than the disease itself.

Pityriasis rosea or Gibert's disease is an infectious-allergic skin disease that occurs after an infection or hypothermia. Mostly people with low immunity suffer. Characteristic rashes are pink spots on the skin. Approximately 50% of patients experience severe or moderate itching.

Pityriasis rosea is an infectious disease, but it is not transmitted from person to person (although there have been cases when all members of the same family fell ill with pityriasis rosea.) The onset of the disease is associated with the entry of a virus or bacteria into the body, but skin rashes are caused by an allergic reaction of the body to pathogen activity.

Share of Gibert's disease among others skin diseases is 3-4%. Although the disease is quite common, it remains not fully understood. For example, there is no consensus on which microorganism causes the development of lichen.

Occurs during the cold season, more often in spring and autumn. It is during these periods that the body's immune defense is weakened.

Both men and women are affected equally. The disease occurs more often between the ages of 10 and 35 years. Children under 2 years of age get sick extremely rarely. This may be due to maternal immunity, which is inherited. Pityriasis rosea is common in children adolescence and in pregnant women, which is associated with disruptions in the immune system.

A person can only get pityriasis rosea once in their lifetime. After recovery, the body develops strong immunity.

Gibert's disease is not dangerous disease and goes away over time even without treatment. However, it significantly spoils appearance and mood.

Causes of pityriasis rosea

There are several versions of which microorganism causes the disease. According to one theory, this is herpes virus types 6 and 7. According to another theory, these are streptococcus bacteria. But microorganisms play a role only in the initial stages. They serve as a trigger. Then an allergic reaction begins in the body. It is this that causes the main manifestations of the disease.

The disease can be triggered by factors that weaken the immune system.

  1. Hypothermia
  2. Stressful situations
  3. Past infectious diseases
  4. Digestive disorders
  5. Insect bites
  6. Metabolic disorders
  7. Minor damage skin
One more important factor is frequent washing using hard washcloths, scrubs and other aggressive detergents. They dry out the skin, injure it and deprive it of its natural protection.

The official version of doctors is that pityriasis rosea is not transmitted from person to person. But according to another theory, the disease is carried by bedbugs and lice. At the site of their bite, the first, largest spot appears - the “maternal plaque”. There is an opinion that you can become infected through personal hygiene items: washcloths, combs, towels.

What is Zhiber's pityriasis rosea?

Pink lichen of Zhiber is the second name for pityriasis rosea. Gibert's disease is named after the French dermatologist who described the changes that occur in the body during pityriasis rosea.

This disease is of an infectious-allergic nature. Its appearance is associated with a weakening of the body's immune defense. The reasons that cause it are not fully understood.

It manifests itself as a large maternal spot, which can reach 10 cm in diameter. Small screening plaques appear after 7-10 days and are located on the sides of the body in the form of a Christmas tree, on the inner surfaces of the arms and legs.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

Both children and adults have the same course of Zhiber's disease.. The first symptoms of pityriasis rosea appear after infectious disease. The appearance of the first spot is preceded by a deterioration in the condition. Weakness and body aches occur. After this, a “maternal plaque” appears. It differs from other elements of the rash in its large size and more intense color at the edges. Most often it occurs on the torso, in the area of ​​the chest or shoulder blades.

Plaque size from 2 cm or more. Pink colour. This is what gave the disease its name. Gradually, a yellow coating appears in the center of the spot, which over time turns into small flaky scales. The edges of the plaque remain clean and smooth. Therefore, some doctors compare the appearance of pityriasis rosea with a medallion.

In 7-10 days secondary elements of the rash appear on the skin of the torso, arms and legs - smaller pink spots. Their size is less than 1 cm, their shape is quite regular, oval. Usually they do not grow in width and do not merge with each other.

In the center of the spots folded areas with scales appear, and along the edges there is a border. Due to the fact that the skin dries out and cracks, a person feels itching. In some cases, small subcutaneous nodules filled with fluid form. With this form, the disease is easier and passes faster.

Secondary rashes often located on Langer's lines. These are the areas where the skin is most stretchable. They are located in the place where bundles of collagen fibers lie.

Especially many spots appear in the groin area, on the inner thighs and forearms. The skin in these places is delicate and rich in sweat glands. And these are favorable conditions for pink lichen. The face and skin under the hair on the head remains clean. A rash does not appear on the mucous membranes.

The rash occurs in stages at intervals of 10 days. Before new spots appear on the skin, a person feels a deterioration in their condition: weakness and chills. This is due to intoxication of the body.

On the patient’s skin, you can notice elements of the rash varying in degree of maturity. Some of them are pink and clean, without scales - they are the freshest. Others are more mature - covered with plaque.

Over time, the spots may disappear on their own. Then darker areas of skin remain in their place. This is due to the accumulation of skin coloring pigment (melanin) on the affected area of ​​the skin. For some, on the contrary, lighter spots remain in place of the plaques. Gradually, the skin color evens out and no trace of the rash remains.

Usually pityriasis rosea goes away on its own when immunity increases. This occurs 4-6 weeks after the appearance of the mother spot. But in patients with weakened immune protection the disease lasts up to 6 months. At the same time, it can either subside or appear with renewed vigor.

Incorrect treatment and non-compliance with hygiene rules can cause the rash to thickly cover the body and join bacterial infection. In this case, suppuration of the skin occurs.

It is dangerous to make a diagnosis yourself based on descriptions and photographs. The disease is quite difficult to distinguish from measles, rubella, secondary syphilis, psoriasis, and especially pityriasis versicolor. Each of these diseases requires special treatment and has quite serious complications. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a qualified dermatologist who will accurately diagnose and prescribe appropriate medications.

What does pityriasis rosea look like (photo)?

The disease begins with the appearance of the first and largest “mother spot”. It is most often located on the stomach or in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The plaque has a pink or reddish-brown color. This is caused by the expansion of small blood capillaries V top layer skin.

The plaque rises slightly above the skin level, which is caused by the release of fluid through the walls of the capillaries and swelling. This area shrinks and cracks. It feels dry to the touch.

Gradually, starting from the center, the spot becomes covered with thin scales. They are brownish-yellow in color and resemble crumpled tissue paper. This is due to the fact that inflammatory process caused keratinization of the upper layer of skin and its detachment.

Particles of the epidermis peel off from the skin. A space filled with air is formed between them. This is what causes peeling.

After the center is covered with scales, it seems to sink. And the cushion surrounding it on the outside remains raised and bright pink. The lichen area becomes like a medallion, which is characteristic feature Gibert's disease.

Gradually, the center of the spot clears of scales. What is left is smooth, dark pink skin surrounded by a brighter border. Gradually it becomes pale, and the skin color evens out.

How to treat pityriasis rosea?

Today, the treatment of pityriasis rosea causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Some experts believe that the disease goes away on its own when the immune system is restored. Others argue that the body needs to be helped to cope with the disease, otherwise it may drag on for 3-6 months.

Drug name Mechanism therapeutic effect How to use What effect to expect
Erythromycin Antibiotic from the macrolide group. It disrupts the production of proteins in pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their reproduction. In the first days of illness, the antibiotic reduces the number of microorganisms. This leads to a reduction in allergies and rashes throughout the body. It is most effective in the first days of the disease. After the 5th day of illness it is not prescribed. Take 250-500 mg (1-2 tablets) every 6 hours. Reduces the number of rashes on the body and speeds up the healing process. Prevents infection and inflammation.
Acyclovir Antiviral drug, which fights the herpes pathogen that causes pityriasis rosea and other skin lesions. Interrupts the reproduction of the virus and stops its spread in the body. Stimulates the immune system. Take 1 tablet orally 5 times a day. It is most effective in the first hours of the disease. Prevents the spread of the rash throughout the body. The plaques quickly clear from the middle, turn pale and disappear.
Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) Destroys protein molecules in pathogens. Destroys bacteria and viruses. It is used only in the first 5-7 days after the appearance of the first plaque.
In more late period illness can cause worsening of the condition and increase the number of rashes.
Irradiation is carried out daily in the first few days of illness. Reduces the number of areas of lichen, speeds up recovery. Prevention of purulent complications.
Tavegil Antihistamine. Interferes with the action of histamine, which is produced in the body and is the cause of all manifestations of allergies in pityriasis rosea. 1 tablet morning and evening. Relieves skin itching, reduces the number of new lichen spots.
Hydrocortisone Adrenal cortex hormone. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves swelling of the skin in the lichen plaque, inhibits the development of allergies. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. Relieves itching and swelling of lichen elements.
Tsindol Zinc-based suspension. Dries the skin, prevents the proliferation of microorganisms and skin inflammation. Wipe the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Dries the skin and relieves itching.
Activated carbon Cleanses the body of toxins by absorbing them. 4 tablets 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Improves general state. Relieves symptoms of allergies and intoxication.

There are several other measures that will help you quickly cope with the disease.
  • Doctors recommend following a diet that does not cause allergies. It is necessary to avoid spicy, pickled, smoked dishes and products that contain nutritional supplements. Coffee, strong tea and alcohol are also excluded.

  • It is advisable to limit washing as much as possible. Water treatments cause lichen spots to spread throughout the body. This is facilitated by the use of soaps and gels that dry the skin. It is especially dangerous to take a steam bath, lie in a hot bath and visit a swimming pool. If necessary, you can take a shower. After washing, it is advisable not to dry yourself with a towel, but to blot your skin with paper towels. You should not use body cosmetics; they can cause allergies and worsen the condition.

  • If secondary small rashes appear, then you should not be in the open sun.

  • In order to prevent inflammation on the skin, it is necessary to change your underwear daily. It should be sewn from natural fabrics and allow air to pass through freely. Wearing wool or synthetics causes new areas of lichen to appear. Clothing should not rub or squeeze the skin.

  • Sweating causes new lichen spots to appear. Therefore, avoid overheating and physical activity.

  • It is important not to self-medicate. Some medicines, with sulfur and tar cause the spread of the rash.
If you follow these recommendations, pityriasis rosea will go away on its own in 4-6 weeks.

What ointment can be used to treat pityriasis rosea?

Name of ointment Mechanism of therapeutic action How to smear? What effect should I expect?
Salicylic-zinc paste (Lassara paste) It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and drying effects. Relieves redness, narrows dilated capillaries. The ointment is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. Pink spots become practically invisible, the surface is leveled with the level of healthy skin.
Sinalar A combined remedy consisting of a glucocorticoid hormone and an antibacterial substance. Prevents fluid from escaping through the walls of blood vessels. Relieves itching, swelling and inflammation. Apply to areas of lichen. Spread a thin layer and rub in easily. Eliminates itching, makes lichen plaques lighter and softens the skin.
Flucinar Hormonal drug. Has an antiallergic effect, relieves itching. Fights peeling on the surface of areas of lichen. Apply a thin layer to stains 1-2 times a day. Clears scaly plaques and evens out skin color.
Lorinden A Combined steroid drug With salicylic acid. Relieves itching, swelling, inflammation and allergies. Reduces peeling on lichen plaques. The first days apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Then 1-2 times a day, but no more than 3 weeks. Reduces peeling and swelling, makes rashes less noticeable.

Do not use other means. Their use may worsen the situation and cause new rashes.

What are the traditional methods for treating pityriasis rosea?

As is known, specialized treatment for pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease) does not yet exist. And here ethnoscience offers many effective ways fight against this disease. Let's look at the most popular traditional methods treatment of pityriasis rosea.
Means Cooking methods A course of treatment Efficiency of action
Apple vinegar
Used in its pure form. It is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin 3-4 times a day until complete recovery. The first results will be noticeable in 5-7 days. Complete disappearance of lichen spots occurs after 1-2 months.
Celandine tincture Fresh leaves and inflorescences of celandine, pour vodka. Let it brew in a tightly closed glass container for 2 weeks.

The resulting tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5

The solution is taken both internally and externally.
  1. Internal use: 10-15 drops of solution 3 times a day before meals.

  2. External use: affected areas are treated with cotton swabs soaked in celandine tincture 2 times a day.
The course lasts until the maternal plaque disappears.
The product is used both therapeutically and prophylactically. The result comes in 7-10 weeks.
Elderberry tincture Pour boiling water (200 g) over dried elderberry inflorescence (1 tbsp). Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Tincture for internal use. Use 3 times a day before meals. Serving – 3 tbsp.
Course of treatment: 35-40 days.
Usually 1 course is enough. If necessary, the course can be repeated 2-3 weeks after the first.
Attention! With prolonged use of the above products, an allergic reaction is possible. In this case, it is worth suspending treatment for at least 2 weeks.
Glycerin and talc ointment Take zinc oxide (2 tbsp), mix with glycerin and talc, add water until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained. The ointment is applied to affected areas of the skin twice a day.
The course of treatment is until the lichen disappears completely.
Immediately relieves inflammation and reduces itching. Usually the disease goes away completely within 6 weeks.
Tar ointment Mix birch tar with butter in equal proportions. The ointment is applied to the lichen at night in the form of a compress.
Course of treatment – ​​7-10 days
After 10 days, the lichen usually goes away. In another case, the course of treatment can be repeated.
Buckwheat decoction Take 20 gr. buckwheat and cook it in 400 gr. water. Cool.
The decoction is used to treat the affected areas of the skin three times a day.
The course of treatment is 5 weeks.
After 2-3 days the itching disappears. The effect becomes noticeable after a week.
Cabbage Fresh cabbage leaves dipped in sour cream A cabbage leaf is applied to the areas of the disease for 30 minutes. Has a powerful antipruritic effect. Relieves irritation.
Raw yeast dough Dough recipe:
200 g milk, 30 g yeast, 800 g flour, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 4 tbsp. oils
The dough is applied to the areas affected by lichen for 2 hours once a day
The course of treatment is 5 days.
A very effective remedy for early stages manifestations of the disease.
Paper ash Roll a piece of stationery paper into a little bag and place it on a plate with the peak facing up. Light it and wait until it burns completely. Dilute the resulting ashes with 2-5 drops of alcohol. The affected areas are smeared with the solution three times a day.
The course lasts until the plaques completely disappear.
Used from the first days. The result comes in 3-5 weeks.

Despite the fact that natural remedies are quite effective, treatment may not always be suitable for you personally. If you notice signs of allergies on your skin or there are more rashes, stop treatment and consult your doctor.

Prevention of pityriasis rosea

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, infections and stressful situations. Support your immune system with protein foods and vitamins. This is especially important in the autumn-winter period. Toughen up and lead an active lifestyle. In this case, you will be able to avoid pink lichen and other, even more dangerous diseases.

Pityriasis rosea in a child. How to treat?

Qualified pediatric dermatologists claim that pityriasis rosea in a child does not require treatment, and the symptoms will disappear on their own when the immune system is restored. It is believed that a nutritious diet rich in protein and vitamins can speed up recovery. The menu must include meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Proper care for a child with pityriasis rosea is the basis of treatment.

  • Compliance hypoallergenic diet. Temporarily exclude eggs, fish, nuts, honey, sweets (especially chocolate), citrus fruits, pineapples and others Exotic fruits.
  • Daily linen change. All clothing should be loose and made from natural fabrics.
  • Avoid rubbing or steaming the skin. Temporarily stop wearing diapers.
  • Wash your baby with warm water in the shower as needed. Some doctors recommend using Friederm with zinc instead of gel and shampoo during water procedures.
In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medications to treat pityriasis rosea in a child. They reduce itching, prevent the appearance of new spots and speed up skin cleansing.

1. Sorbents- absorb

  • Elokom - applied once a day in a thin layer only to the affected area. The duration of treatment is determined individually.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment – ​​1-2 times a day in a thin layer for up to 7 days.
4. Antiseptics reduce inflammation and prevent the development of secondary infection. Prevents the proliferation of fungi and microbes that easily penetrate into areas of pityriasis rosea.
  • Skin cap – suppresses cell division, thereby reducing plaque and flaking in areas. Treat the lesions with cream or spray 2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
  • Fukortsin – cotton swab, soaked in the solution, treat combed lesions of pityriasis rosea 2-3 times a day.
If the doctor's recommendations are followed, pityriasis rosea in a child disappears after 2-6 weeks.

How to treat pityriasis rosea at home?

Treating pityriasis rosea at home is quite simple. It is enough to avoid skin irritation and not consume products that can cause allergies. However, before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. Even if your symptoms fully fit the description of the disease, this does not mean that you can correctly diagnose yourself. There are at least five other diseases that have similar manifestations.

If the dermatologist determines that you really have pityriasis rosea, then you need to take the following measures:

Let us recall that each of medicines has a list of contraindications, so only a doctor can prescribe and determine the dosage.

As you know, there are theories about the infectious-allergic and viral nature of the disease. Based on this, attempts are being made to treat pityriasis rosea:

  • immunomodulators – Recombinant alpha/gamma interferons, Kagocel;
  • antiviral agents - Acyclovir, Geviran;
  • antibiotics – Erythromycin, Azimed.
However, dermatologists do not recommend the use of these drugs. Immune boosters increase the risk that allergies will worsen, causing the rash to spread. There is an ambiguous attitude towards antibiotics and antivirals, which supposedly speed up recovery. There have been no reliable studies on this matter, so these drugs are not usually prescribed.

Pityriasis rosea does not impair performance, and sick leave is not given for this diagnosis. You can go to work and simultaneously treat pityriasis rosea at home.

Pityriasis rosea during pregnancy. What to do?

Pityriasis rosea during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. High incidence, compared with other population groups, is associated with hormonal imbalance and a natural decrease in immunity during this period of a woman’s life. The disease itself is not dangerous to the health of the mother and child, and does not threaten the course of pregnancy, however severe itching and related nervous tension worsen the woman's condition. In this regard, if pityriasis rosea develops before the 15th week, the risk of miscarriage increases.

What should you do if your doctor diagnoses pityriasis rosea during pregnancy?
  • Vitamin therapy– vitamins A, C and all representatives of group B. They strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery. Vitamins are taken in the form vitamin complexes(Pregnavit, Additiva) or separately.
  • Calcium gluconate contains calcium salts that improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system of the mother and fetus, having an antiallergic, hyposensitizing effect. Calcium gluconate reduces the permeability of blood vessels and cell membranes, thereby preventing the development of inflammatory and allergic reactions on the skin. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  • Phototherapy– irradiation ultraviolet lamp or short-term (15-20 minutes) exposure to the sun. UVR strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition and kills pathogenic bacteria.
  • External treatment of pityriasis rosea in pregnant women:
    • Oil solution of chlorophyllipt - has antimicrobial properties and accelerates regeneration, has a softening effect. Apply the solution to the lesions 1-2 times a day.
    • Sea buckthorn, peach, rosehip oils - contain vitamins, flavonoids and fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, soften the skin, reducing itching. Gauze wipes moistened with oil are applied to the lesions for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.
    • Zinc ointment– reduces inflammation and irritation, forms a barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria and infection of lesions. Apply 2-4 times a day to affected skin areas.
    • Advantan cream is a “hormonal” corticosteroid that reduces itching, burning and other manifestations of pityriasis rosea. Use with caution, only as prescribed by a doctor, once a day, for no more than 4 weeks.
When treating pityriasis rosea during pregnancy, it is important not to overload the body with medications, which can be more dangerous than the disease itself. Based on this, many doctors advise eliminating all medications, allergens, local irritating factors and wait for the disease to disappear on its own.

What should you not do for pityriasis rosea?

Dermatologists recognize that it is effective drug treatment There is no treatment that is suitable for all patients. However, if you exclude everything that is not possible with pityriasis rosea, then the manifestations of the disease will disappear in 1-2 weeks.

For lichen rosea, it is undesirable to:

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