Home Orthopedics The dog does not eat anything and vomits. Why does my dog ​​vomit yellow foam? Vomiting with foam in a dog

The dog does not eat anything and vomits. Why does my dog ​​vomit yellow foam? Vomiting with foam in a dog

Vomiting in a dog is very common and can have many causes. This reaction of the body does not always indicate that the animal has health problems. But all owners should know what to look for, how to help the animal and what medicine to give the dog.

Why does the dog feel sick? Repeated nausea may be the cause of some kind of illness, but if the vomiting is slight and one-time, then this should not bother the owner much. In some cases, the animal itself causes a gag reflex - this is necessary in order to improve digestion after overeating and to reduce heaviness in the stomach. If you notice that your animal eats a lot of grass while walking, you should check it for the presence of worms.

Puppy nausea may simply be regurgitation of mother's milk.

In some cases this is defense mechanism, which rids the pet of toxic or inedible substances that have entered the stomach, this phenomenon may need to be treated. Vomiting should be a concern yellow foam or blood.

What precedes vomiting?

Your pet, unfortunately, cannot tell you what is happening to it and complain about its health, so the owner can understand that something is wrong with the animal based on some signs. Just like in humans, a dog experiences nausea before vomiting; you can learn about this by observing the animal. It begins to lick its face frequently, does not eat, and refuses water. Then appears heavy salivation, anxiety, movements become chaotic. Most often you can hear her stomach growling and belching is possible. In most cases, the animal will experience constipation or diarrhea before this happens.

Do not confuse vomiting and regurgitation. In the first case, this is already digested slurry, and in the second, it is the removal of excess that has not yet had time to undergo processing.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes of vomiting in dogs can be different, most often it appears in the following cases:

  1. Binge eating. As a rule, this reason concerns puppies. A puppy vomits if its owner gives it more food than it should. Babies still cannot stop eating food in time and eat everything in the bowl.
  2. Viral and infectious diseases - plague, tuberculosis, parainfluenza, enteritis and others.
  3. Chronic diseases.
  4. Helminthiasis. If the body has helminthic infestation, then nausea may be associated with waste products of worms.
  5. Oily or junk food. The pet may have eaten garbage or waste, which can lead to obstruction.
  6. If an adult dog or a puppy has diarrhea and vomiting, then this may be kidney failure, in which case an ammonia smell is felt from the animal’s mouth.
  7. A dog can also vomit if it has allergies, especially food allergies.
  8. The reason may lie in overheating if the dog for a long time been in the sun and did not drink water, heat stroke may occur.
  9. Foreign objects could get into the stomach - a stone, a bone, a toy. In this case, the dog coughs when vomiting, and scratches may be visible on the pharyngeal mucosa.
  10. The cause of nausea can be toxins - pesticides, drugs, rat poison, etc.
  11. A dog vomits due to diseases of the central nervous system.
  12. Vomiting in a puppy can be caused by stress (for example, new owners). In an adult animal, this can provoke a move to a new place.
  13. The acute form of tracheobronchitis can also be accompanied by vomiting.

But still the most common reason remains gastrointestinal diseases. Peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatic colic and so on. In this case, the pet becomes very sick; this phenomenon occurs on an empty stomach in the morning or immediately after eating; pain appears in the stomach. All this can lead to stomach bleeding.

Vomiting with foam

Foam in a dog causes severe anxiety owners. Vomiting white foam is sometimes explained physiological factors. Some time after eating, it passes through gastrointestinal tract, while the stomach remains empty and to prevent its walls from being corroded by gastric juice, mucus is produced that envelops the stomach. This mucus consists of polysaccharides and proteins, and if the animal vomits a white foamy mass, then there is no reason to worry. A single urge of this nature does not require treatment, but if it recurs, you should contact a veterinarian.

If a dog vomits white foam in the morning on an empty stomach, then one should suspect problems with the gallbladder. In principle, this condition is not considered a pathology. If this happens no more than once every 10 days, then there is no need to worry. If your dog vomits foam more often than once every 7-10 days, you should consult a specialist.

But the dog is vomiting yellow color- this is a sign of a serious illness. This is a signal of pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract. It will not be possible to figure out the reasons at home; you need to take her to the clinic.

This is especially necessary if the dog is vomiting bile and yellow foam.

This could be hepatitis, cholecystitis, piroplasmosis.

However, sometimes a dog vomits yellow foam after intensively eating grass, in this way it removes toxic substances from the body and cleanses the stomach. Once the digestive tract upset passes, the dog will not consume large quantities of grass, and the yellow vomit will stop. But in this case, the dog does not vomit bile.

Vomiting blood

Blood is a bad sign in any form: in urine, feces, etc. The reasons why a dog is vomiting blood can be as follows:

What to do if your dog is vomiting blood? If this symptom does not go away for some time, then a veterinary consultation is necessary, but if such nausea was caused by a sharp bone, then after some time everything should return to normal. If a dog has bloody diarrhea, then this is either poisoning or a serious illness that only a veterinarian can diagnose. In rare cases, this may be a reaction to taking antispasmodics or analgesics.

Puppy vomiting

Pathological vomiting in a puppy occurs for the same reasons as in adult. There are several more reasons: congenital pathologies development, milk quality.

Since the puppy’s body is not strong, many medications can worsen its condition and even lead to fatal outcome Therefore, treatment of puppies should be carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

What to do?

What to do if a dog is vomiting is best explained by a veterinarian; the owner should stop panicking and try to think rationally. If the nausea is pathological, you need to go to the veterinarian; if this is physiologically explainable, then you can simply observe the pet’s condition. You should not scold an animal for not controlling itself; you should not punish your pet for what it has done.

It is advisable to record the amount of vomit, its color, contents, and clearly formulate all the symptoms that occurred in Lately. With such data, it will be easier for the veterinarian to assess the situation and help the animal.

You cannot try to correct the situation on your own. If a dog is vomiting, only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

Vomiting is a cleansing of the body, so it is not recommended to feed your pet for 6–8 hours after. Give some water too; it’s better to offer the animal ice cubes. If within a couple of hours there is no more vomiting, then you can give the dog broth (low-fat) and water.

Diagnosis and treatment

If vomiting continues and you take your pet to the clinic, then you need to do an ultrasound of the peritoneum, an x-ray, donate blood for general analysis. Most often, Cerucal is prescribed for the treatment of pathological vomiting; Papaverine or No-shpa is prescribed to relieve spasms. If the body is dehydrated, an IV with glucose and Ringer's solution is given. If nausea is caused by poisoning, Smecta is prescribed, Activated carbon or Polysorb.

Verokol is often prescribed - homeopathic remedy, which is used as first aid.

Treatment of pathology should be entrusted to a specialist, because that’s what veterinary clinics exist for. And the best thing a loving owner can do is to be close to the pet in Hard time, support during procedures.

Vomiting in dogs is a common occurrence due to various reasons. Fortunately, an unpleasant ailment does not always signal danger, however, vomiting is an unpleasant and alarming phenomenon. Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, which seeks to cleanse itself of toxic, poisonous, inedible substances that have entered the digestive tract. foreign bodies.

Vomiting is a common and ambiguous phenomenon

The contents of the stomach can be reflexively ejected through the mouth and duodenum. Changes in the animal's behavior: frequent licking of the muzzle, excessive drooling, refusal of food and anxiety should alert you. This obvious signs nausea followed by vomiting.

Vomiting is a symptom that signals illness. Vomiting, depending on the cause that prompted the reaction, is divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological vomiting includes vomiting caused by overeating and regurgitation in puppies feeding on mother's milk, and the body's reaction to irritating substances. taste buds tongue and pharynx substances. The mentioned vomiting does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Pathological vomiting is always dangerous

How safe is physiological vomiting? a threatening sign counts pathological vomiting in dogs. Treatment varies and depends entirely on the diagnosis. To establish the cause, you will have to undergo an examination. The dog will undergo tests (biochemical and general blood tests), the results will indicate the disease.

Cases where a dog vomits foam should alert the owner. Often the phenomenon indicates the animal is starving. If the dog is happy and active, there is no reason to worry.

If the foam is yellow with a lot of mucus, the dog is probably seriously ill. Such vomiting is provoked by hepatitis, cholecystitis, and piroplasmosis. Foamy vomit may indicate indigestion.

The life-saving gag reflex

Among other symptoms of any disease in dogs, vomiting is a very unpleasant one. The dog does not choose places where to empty its stomach in order to cause minimal trouble to its owners. A dog can vomit on an expensive carpet or in a car. It's annoying and troublesome, but you can't scold an animal. Vomiting is an evolutionary mechanism that, among others, ensures the survival of the species; the condition cannot be controlled when vomiting occurs.

A dog that has vomited should be monitored. If you know or guess that the dog swallowed or ate something unsuitable or of poor quality, but the resulting vomiting and diarrhea went away after a day, that’s enough. general treatment. The dog should be given small portions of water; it makes sense to give the animal activated charcoal. Keep the animal on a fasting diet to allow the digestive tract to rest and cleanse itself.

Vomiting bile

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs vary in symptoms and causes. Often dog breeders find themselves in situations where their pet begins to vomit bile. The owner is trying to help the dog and save it from suffering. Let's try to understand the reasons that cause this type of vomiting.

Some time after the pet has consumed food, the stomach becomes empty and the contents begin to pass through the intestines. At this time, in addition to the presence of a small amount of bile, mucus appears in the stomach. It prevents the possibility of self-digestion. The composition contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. As a result of movement through the stomach and interaction with air, the substances contained in the mucus are whipped into a foamy mass.

Foam vomiting in a dog should not cause panic attacks, passing without aggravating symptoms. This type of vomiting occurs on an empty stomach and occasional manifestations are normal for dogs. The same applies to the case when a dog vomits mucus. Frequent manifestations of gag reflexes over several days should be cause for concern. A visit to a veterinarian is required, who, having identified the cause, will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Bloody vomiting

Vomiting blood in a dog is the most dangerous because it warns of gastric bleeding. At the slightest manifestation of this type of vomiting, you should immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic for examination. The appearance of bleeding is caused by damage to the walls of the stomach by a sharp foreign object, for example, bones. The reason may lie in the development of serious diseases in the pet: leptospirosis or parvovirus enteritis. Sometimes bloody vomiting may occur as a result of severe poisoning or tumor disintegration.

People make the mistake of thinking that yellow vomit indicates the presence of bile, and red vomit indicates the presence of blood. Light bleeding is accompanied by a brownish tinge of vomiting, similarly in cases with the manifestation of gag reflexes some time after the bleeding. Bloody vomit may be coffee-colored. Often bloody vomit takes on a black tint, which misleads dog breeders.

Constant manifestations of bloody vomiting suggest that your pet has a stomach ulcer. Buy terrible disease It is not difficult if the pet eats inappropriately and absorbs objects that injure the stomach. It is not difficult to identify the disease; bloody vomiting occurs during periods of exacerbation; when the ulcer scars, the symptoms disappear.

Gastrointestinal diseases and vomiting

To identify the cause of vomiting, the frequency of occurrence should be monitored and established. For example, morning vomiting on an empty stomach or after eating predicts the development of gastrointestinal diseases; gastritis is considered common and dangerous. The appearance of gag reflexes 5 hours after eating suggests that an unwanted object has entered the stomach.

Does your pet have cholecystitis? acute form or pancreatitis is accompanied by debilitating vomiting, prolonged and severe. A dog vomiting yellow foam, white foam, or with mucus in the morning indicates indigestion. Pancreatitis may develop. It is important to establish the cause in time and begin treatment.

Drinking and fasting diet

It is unacceptable to treat vomiting; with its help, the pet removes from the body harmful substances or informs the owner about developing disease. Treatment is directed exclusively at the cause that caused the gag reflex. When the baby starts vomiting, try to make the situation easier for the dog and not harm it.

Before coming or visiting a doctor, observe the animal’s condition and the nature of vomiting. Accurate diagnosis depends on the attentiveness of the owner. The doctor will ask about the nature, frequency, and type of vomit. It is important to know the side effects ( general state pet, presence or absence of appetite, bloating, thirst or reluctance to drink). Make sure that your pet maintains access to fresh water; vomiting leads to dehydration, which can sometimes take the dog’s life.

A dog should not be scolded if the animal has soiled the carpet or other things. The pet cannot control impulses and is unable to correct the situation. It is better, on the contrary, to calm the creature. It is important to cleanse the body - for example, through daily complete fasting. If after a few hours the vomiting does not recur, give the pet a small bowl of chicken broth. A day after vomiting, it is permissible to give only liquid, light food as food.

The veterinarian will prescribe medications. For infectious diseases, dogs are prescribed antibiotics, and for viral diseases, immunostimulating drugs. Self-medication in cases of vomiting is unacceptable; some medications will not help, but will do harm. Commonly available remedies designed to alleviate the animal’s condition are: decoctions of mint leaves and flaxseeds, a starvation diet. These methods are acceptable in the post-illness period, when the body of an animal recovering is still weakened.

The first day after the dogs stop vomiting, it is recommended to simply drink fresh water. On the second day, they offer rice water and special food. On the second day, the dog should be fed in small portions, about five times a day. Decoctions of herbs and flaxseed can be administered to a dog by force, up to six times a day. It is recommended to introduce normal feeding from the third day.

Every owner has at least once encountered the appearance of vomiting symptoms in a pet. If a dog vomits, there are different reasons, from banal poisoning to serious infectious diseases. It is important to notice your pet’s health problems in time and act rationally based on the situation.

All diseases with emetic symptoms are divided into acute and chronic. Acute ones are more often characterized by single and fleeting attacks. This can occur due to the penetration of foreign bodies into the animal's stomach. Chronic diseases continue a long period, the reasons are mainly related to the development of pathologies.

Vomit depending on the components and appearance there are:

  • With white foam;
  • With blood;
  • With bile;
  • Green color.

Depending on the severity:

  • Self-limiting - does not require special treatment, only dietary nutrition may be required;
  • Mild - the treatment is antiemetic drugs and drinking, there is no threat to the life and health of the dog. It is definitely recommended to visit a veterinary clinic;
  • Severe – appear severe complications, there is a risk of death. Urgent surgery may be required.

Vomiting blood

This type of vomiting can seriously threaten your pet's life or health. The presence of scarlet or liquid blood indicates the presence of bleeding in oral cavity. The reasons may be problems with the oral cavity, which must be detected in a timely manner in the dog and treated, and there are also cuts from foreign objects that will heal over time. If the dog is being tortured severe pain, you should consult your doctor.

Appearance brown blood should be an important signal for the owners. It is she who reflects problems with the liver, the appearance malignant tumors, kidney failure and the entry of sharp objects into the body. And also the onset of vomiting with blood may reflect the presence of infectious diseases, including enteritis and hepatitis. In addition, bloody vomiting can occur due to heavy metal poisoning or rat poison.

Vomiting with white foam

The appearance of white foam seriously worries and frightens dog owners. Most often the presence of foam is associated with protective function body associated with the secretion of gastric juice. When food enters the dog's body, mucus begins to coat the stomach walls. An insufficient amount of mucus provokes damage to the stomach from hydrochloric acid. The immediate appearance of foam is associated with the interaction of mucus with air after the vomit rises through the esophagus.

If this happened once, then there should be no cause for concern. If the situation constantly repeats, then the dog must be urgently shown to a doctor, who will begin to look for the cause of the digestive problems that have arisen.

Vomiting bile

It is difficult to independently understand the reasons for the appearance of bile in vomit due to the variability of diseases that can develop in a pet. The most common causes of such vomiting are:

  • Protracted stomach diseases, including ulcers and gastritis;
  • Defeat internal organs helminths;
  • The presence of infectious diseases that affect a healthy liver;
  • Excess food eaten. Often dogs do not know how to stop and eat everything they have on their plate and ask for more.

At the very high group Diseases of the liver and stomach are at risk, since untimely treatment can only aggravate the situation. You cannot begin treatment without proper diagnosis, testing and consultation with a competent specialist.

In case of stomach problems, you should not leave your pet for a long time without food. It's better to split the food into several pieces. frequent appointments. If your dog has no appetite, you should offer him foods that he likes. If these problems are not addressed, more serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of worms in yellow vomit should be accompanied by their removal. Worms infect the body and cause a complex of other diseases, for example, severe allergies, constipation.

You should not resort to self-medication and self-diagnosis. If a person can say for himself what and where he hurts, then a dog is not able to express his well-being in words.

Green vomit

The appearance of green vomit is caused by intestinal contents entering the stomach, which may be associated with an infectious disease or the presence of intestinal obstruction. Improper digestion issues can endanger your friend's life. If vomiting did not occur due to eating grass, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Urges preceding vomiting

Since dogs cannot tell what is going on in their bodies, the owner can determine its well-being only by external manifestations. Before vomiting, nausea begins, which affects the dog's behavior. The pet begins to carefully lick its face, does not eat anything, has copious discharge saliva, is in a restless state, walks from corner to corner, rumbling can be heard in the animal’s stomach, and in some cases there is belching.

Causes and signs of pathological vomiting

In addition to the most well-known and common causes, there are other diseases, one of the manifestations of which is vomiting. If your dog has stomach problems, undigested food will begin to come out some time after eating. Infectious diseases and poisoning often manifest themselves in the form of vomiting with diarrhea, lack of appetite or complete refusal of food, and fever.

Indigestion is associated with the appearance of foamy, yellow vomit in the morning. If this happens regularly, then these may be the first signs of pancreatitis.

Stomach ulcer

The appearance of a stomach ulcer is associated with symptoms such as occasional vomiting With bloody discharge. The cause of this serious disease can be feeding the dog bone and meat waste, which can severely damage the stomach walls. The dog can not only damage his stomach, but also begin to experience problems with his gums. Scarring the ulcer relieves the dog of vomiting symptoms and improves its well-being.

Vomiting in a dog as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases may include vomiting before or after the first meal. One of the most common canine diseases is gastritis. If the vomit comes out 5-6 hours after the dog has eaten, then there is a risk of developing tumors or getting piercing or cutting objects into the body. A gastroscopy procedure will help determine the exact cause. Prolonged vomiting in a dog is mainly associated with causes such as acute cholecystitis, advanced pancreatitis, and colic in the liver.

Vomiting accompanied by diarrhea

Often, vomiting in dogs does not come alone. It also causes an increase in temperature in dogs, a general state of fatigue, and diarrhea. The combination of these symptoms indicates that the dog has been poisoned or contracted infectious disease. Severe diarrhea indicates severity infectious disease. If your dog has persistent discharge, it could be serious. life-threatening, state.

As soon as you see the first signs of this condition, you need to visit a veterinary clinic. Delay may result in your friend's death. This especially applies to puppies, the immune system which are not yet sufficiently adapted to external manifestations.

Vomiting and refusal to feed

It is strictly forbidden to force a dog to eat if it has noticeable frequent vomiting accompanied by fever and refusal to eat. Symptoms can be caused by intoxication of the body or the presence of an infectious disease. It could also be simple poisoning.

Try to limit your dog from eating food for 10-12 hours unless he asks. If after a day the symptoms have not gone away, you need to show the dog to a specialist. It’s better to do it on the same day, because in such cases you can’t hesitate.

Vomiting and unpleasant odor from the dog's mouth

The smell of ammonia in vomit may indicate liver failure. Diabetes identified by its sweetish odor. Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be compared to the smell of rot. It may also be associated with gum and dental disease.

Vomiting after eating grass

Often, during walks, owners notice how their pets eat grass with a strong desire, after which the dog most often vomits bile. There is no need to worry too much because dogs cleanse their stomachs with these actions. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of eating grass. If this happens 3-4 times a week, then the dog is definitely experiencing discomfort in the body and is worried about something.

The most common reasons for cleaning are the presence of worms or eating fatty or spicy foods. Solving the problem is not so difficult: if worms are detected, the dog is prescribed deworming; in case of poor quality nutrition, the dog is switched to a diet that does not contain fried and spicy foods.

Dog vomiting while traveling in the car

Some people experience problems with motion sickness while traveling by car. Dogs are no exception. Traveling for many dogs is accompanied by increased salivation, nausea, vomiting and nervous stress associated with leaving their home. This reaction is associated with disorders vestibular apparatus. In order for the dog to feel more or less comfortable, it is necessary to fix its position and not allow it to run around the car. It is not advisable to feed your pet before a trip; it is better to give something during stops, and also to walk the animal. These rituals help relieve your dog of stress. Anti-motion sickness products intended for use in humans should not be given. It is better to consult a doctor and purchase the drug that is right for your dog.

Diagnostics and examinations

Presence of anxiety symptoms and constant vomiting necessarily require medical intervention. The basis for diagnosing the condition of the body are:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.

First aid for a dog vomiting, what to do at home

Does every owner know how to behave when a dog starts vomiting? First of all, you need to forget about panic attacks and look at the situation rationally. If your pet needs emergency medical care, you must make the first attempts to save the animal yourself. It is important to remember a few rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to scold the animal when signs of vomiting appear, since this is a natural process;
  • Vomiting should continue as long as the animal needs it;
  • If the dog walks with a leash, muzzle or harness, they must be removed to facilitate the vomiting process;
  • It is important to analyze possible reason, for example, overeating, poisoning or receiving heatstroke. It is also important to pay attention to other symptoms, such as fever and diarrhea, lethargy and fatigue, loss of appetite and weakness. The more the doctor knows, the faster he will be able to make the correct diagnosis;
  • Vomiting should be accompanied by maximum cleansing of the body, so feeding the animal without its desire is prohibited; salt and spices should be avoided in the first days;
  • If after 3 hours there is no deterioration in the dog’s condition and no vomiting symptoms appear, then you can offer your pet low-fat chicken broth.

The first days after vomiting you should adhere to a dietary diet. Perfect fit chicken breast and fresh herbs. Among cereals, it is better to choose rolled oats or brown rice. At this time, it is better to feed the animals in small but frequent portions.

Under no circumstances should you give stale food; it is better to cook everything immediately before consumption. If all the symptoms have passed, and nothing bothers the dog for three days, then you can return to its normal diet, but be more attentive to products and prepared foods.

There is an individual intolerance to specific foods, for example, potatoes, mushrooms, fish. If you vomit after eating them, you should exclude these foods from your pet’s diet.

How to stop a dog from vomiting

Before examining the doctor, first of all, you need to remove food from the dog for a while. A dog can only drink if the water does not immediately leave the body. If your dog is vomiting water, it is better to stop drinking it for a while.

An alternative option for getting fluids to avoid dehydration is ice cubes, which will help relieve nausea. If a dog asks for a drink, then you cannot refuse it. Clean ones are best drinking water or chamomile tea. Absorbent substances for dogs. They will collect toxins and partially help your pet before visiting the veterinary clinic.

If there is a sudden change in diet, the dog’s body will malfunction. Thus, the introduction of new food and the transition from natural nutrition transition to dry food should occur gradually over a week.

When to see a doctor for examination

Often you can do without a trip to the veterinarian. If the owner is sure that the cause of vomiting is not serious, for example, the pet has eaten too much, then he can independently help the animal. If vomiting is accompanied by other, more serious symptoms, then postponing a visit to the doctor is not recommended. In what cases is it absolutely necessary to do this?

  • There is blood in the vomit;
  • Vomiting continues at short intervals;
  • There is frequent urination;
  • The gums or mucous membranes of the eyes turn yellow or pale;
  • There is increased fatigue and apathy;
  • Abdominal bloating appears;
  • Long-term diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • Convulsions or signs of fever appear;
  • Weight decreases;
  • There is a refusal to eat.

Attempts at self-medication in these situations can lead to the death of your pet. It is better to put him in the capable hands of a veterinarian and wait for help to be provided. You shouldn't resort to traditional methods treatment when you are faced with an acute question of the animal’s life.

Treatment of vomiting in dogs

Treatment with medications is prescribed in accordance with the tests performed in order to eliminate emetic symptoms. You should not prescribe drugs to your friend yourself if you are not a competent specialist in this field. The main thing is the effect of treatment, and not the amount of medicine taken, which may be intended for completely different symptoms.

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, No-shpa or Papaverine are prescribed;
  • To stabilize gastric contractions and relieve nausea, Cerucal is recommended;
  • If there is increased acidity of the gastric environment, then to eliminate it, it is prescribed medicine Omez;
  • In case of dehydration as a result of vomiting, take Glucose and Ringer's solution simultaneously by drip;
  • Absorbing agents are used to remove toxins, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Smecta, activated carbon;
  • It is also recommended as first aid homeopathic medicine Verokol.

What to do after the vomiting symptoms stop?

It is imperative that in the first days after the end of vomiting you follow a diet that will normalize digestive functions and will not irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke the appearance of new symptoms. It is allowed to offer the animal the following products:

  • Skim cheese;
  • Boiled chicken or beef;
  • Boiled rice, rice porridge;
  • Oatmeal.

All foods must be given gradually in small portions.

It is necessary that pure water was always close to the animal and in the absence of the owner could satisfy its needs.


Even if the vomiting was due to overeating, it is necessary to follow a special diet after it.

  • After fasting, which at best is 24 hours, you should give 2 tablespoons of rice every 2 hours during the day;
  • If there are no signs of vomiting, you can add boiled chicken or turkey to your diet. And also, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use medicinal food;
  • Returning to your previous diet is possible after 3-4 days, if the diagnosis allows it. Sometimes, in case of serious health problems, it is necessary to adhere to proper and dietary nutrition for a month, a year or a lifetime.

Video on the topic

Before you get a pet, in particular a dog, you need to be sure that you can cope with it and be able to help it with difficult situation. Many dogs have individual characteristics, for example, intolerance to certain foods, frequent allergies, epileptic attacks.

It is advisable to know about this right away, read more literature about your dog breed and be ready to take the first action in case of problems with your pet’s health. Don't forget that a dog is a full-fledged member of your family and requires equal attention, love, care and respect.

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. There is no need to panic right away, since the gag reflex does not always indicate serious problems. What should you pay attention to? Special attention and how to behave if your dog starts vomiting?

The dog cannot tell about its health, so only by external signs the owner may find out that not everything is all right with his beloved pet. As you know, vomiting is preceded by nausea, and it can affect the dog's behavior:

  • the animal often licks its face;
  • refuses food, does not drink water;
  • profuse salivation occurs;
  • the dog shows anxiety and constantly moves chaotically;
  • The pet's stomach growls and makes a loud burp.

In addition, often before vomiting, the pet may have a bowel disorder: both diarrhea and.

Quite often, dog owners confuse two concepts - vomiting and regurgitation; if in the first situation the food comes out in the form of digested slurry, then in the second it does not have time to go through the processing process.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Of course, this phenomenon cannot be called pleasant, but it also has its own positive sides. Vomiting is, first of all, a defense mechanism of the body, with the help of which all poisonous, toxic substances and foreign objects are released from it. By cleansing itself in this way, the body protects itself from negative influences.

Among the causes of vomiting are the following:

Vomiting often signals some kind of disease and in most cases has distinctive characteristics. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs:

  • vomiting blood may be a symptom of oncology, ulcerative lesions or stomach bleeding, the blood can be bright scarlet or brown, it depends on the duration of the bleeding;
  • vomiting several hours after eating - often occurs against the background of cancer;
  • vomiting with bile (yellow), excrement indicates intestinal obstruction, or helminthic infestation (in this case, the animal begins to eat grass at every convenient moment, after which vomiting occurs);
  • if vomiting occurs repeatedly, is accompanied by diarrhea, and a clear ammonia smell emanates from the mouth, then this is a sign of a disorder renal functions (renal failure) or uremia;
  • repeated vomiting may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder, hepatic colic;
  • A dog vomits on an empty stomach or as soon as it eats, which means it most likely has gastritis.

Vomiting with white foam

Often dog owners are afraid of their pet vomiting foam containing foam. white. Is there any cause for concern?

In fact, there is an explanation for this phenomenon at the physiological level. If vomiting occurs some time after the dog has eaten, then it is during this period that food is pushed from the stomach further along the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach itself turns out to be empty and its walls, as a protection against corrosion gastric juice, are covered with a layer of mucus.

The mucous coating contains proteins and polysaccharides, which promote the formation of structural cellular masses after swallowing air.

If your dog is vomiting white, foamy discharge, there is no need to worry too much, as this phenomenon confirms that the animal does not have any serious illnesses. If this happens once, then no treatment is required. If this happens many times, then a trip to the veterinary clinic becomes mandatory.

Does your dog vomit white foam on an empty stomach? This means that we may be talking about a violation of the functions of bile secretion, which normally should enter the large intestine after each meal. In this case, the liver secretes the necessary enzyme fluid during hunger, which irritates the intestinal walls. After this, a forced movement of bile into the stomach occurs. The dog's vomiting is not severe, after which the pet is again ready to eat. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, and normally can be repeated once every 7 days.

But if the vomit is covered not with white, but with yellow foam, then this is a sign of a serious illness.

Correct actions when a dog is vomiting

Do all owners know what to do, and even more so, what is best to avoid if their pet starts vomiting? Of course, first of all, there is no need to panic and assess the situation sensibly. Even if necessary health care, the owner must comply with the following rules:

  • A dog that vomits is not to be blamed. There is no point in scolding your pet for something he cannot control. After all, this natural process that cleanses the body of harmful effects, is necessary for further successful treatment.
  • Don't try to stop vomiting.
  • Only the owner can assess the situation and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Maybe the dog ate too much food, was poisoned, suffered a heatstroke, etc. - the more accurate the data received by the veterinarian, the sooner effective treatment will be determined.
  • The owner of the dog must record the number of vomits, their consistency, shade, contents, as well as associated symptoms- all this is valuable information for diagnosing the disease.
  • When vomiting, the body requires maximum cleaning, so you should not feed your pet for the first day. If on the second day the vomiting has passed, then you can introduce it into the diet. liquid food without salt and spices.
  • The same applies to drinking - you will have to give it up for a day, and in return offer the dog to lick ice cubes. If vomiting does not recur within two to three hours, then you can give your dog some low-fat chicken broth.

After you can give your pet food, you should take care of it. dietary nutrition. Suitable foods include turkey breast, chicken breast, and fresh herbs. As for cereals, it is better to give preference to brown rice and rolled oats. During this period, the dog must be fed in small portions, up to six times a day. Food must be fresh and warm.

If the vomiting process is completed, then on the third day you can introduce the pet’s usual food into the diet.

Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

IN veterinary clinic carry out diagnostic test for the treatment of vomiting in dogs if it does not stop and is accompanied by alarming symptoms. It includes the following procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • abdominal radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum.

Drug therapy is prescribed according to clinical picture and consists in eliminating the accompanying symptoms:

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Papaverine is prescribed.
  • To eliminate nausea and normalize gastric contractions - Cerucal.
  • In case of increased acidity of the gastric flora and elimination of irritation, the drug Omez is prescribed.
  • If vomiting has led to the risk of dehydration, then two drugs are prescribed by drip at once - Glucose and Ringer's infusion solution.
  • To remove toxic components from the pet’s body, absorbent agents are prescribed - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  • The homeopathic veterinary remedy Verokol is often prescribed and used as first aid until vomiting completely stops.

If there is a dog living in the house, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it may get sick. And in some cases, first aid from the owner has a decisive effect on the success of the entire treatment. The same applies to vomiting, which can be either a natural or pathogenic phenomenon.

Vomiting in animals can be either a symptom of illness or a one-time safe event - cleaning the stomach.

How to distinguish one from the other? What measures to take if your dog is vomiting? How urgently should you contact a veterinarian?

So what is vomiting? This an uncontrolled reflex action that forces the animal to immediately empty its stomach. Therefore, by the way, It is unacceptable to scold a dog if he vomits on the carpet or sofa. After all, this cannot be called disobedience or self-indulgence.

It happens that a dog deliberately “forces” itself to have a bowel movement.

As a rule, this happens during a morning walk. If you notice that your pet on an empty stomach began to eat grass on the nearest lawn, and then vomited, most likely there is no need to worry. Especially if the dog's behavior is otherwise normal. Thus animals simply get rid of hairballs and other debris that have settled in the stomach.

Vomiting white foam

White, foamy vomit, often containing mucus, is a signal that something has recently been eaten. food accumulated in the dog’s intestines, but the stomach remained empty. If you notice such foamy discharge once and in general the dog is cheerful and calm, most likely the cause was something from the following list:

  • the food at the last meal was spoiled;
  • the animal ate something inappropriate - picked it up from the floor or while walking;
  • cartilage, a pebble, or another small hard object got into the stomach;
  • worms;
  • It may also be that the dog simply got seasick in the transport or was nervous.

When should you sound the alarm?

There are situations when foamy vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • traces of blood in vomit;
  • constant excessive salivation;
  • belching;
  • tearing eyes;
  • - putrefactive or ammoniacal;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • the dog whines, nervously walks from corner to corner, or, on the contrary, suddenly becomes sleepy.

If there are accompanying symptoms, you cannot wait - you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

We can talk about oncology, acute cholecystitis, renal failure, hypoglycemia, diabetes or.

Liquid yellow vomit

The dog is vomiting yellow liquid– yellow tint of masses indicates that the dog is vomiting bile. If the dog itself decided to cleanse its stomach (for example, it ate grass on an empty stomach, as described above), then there is nothing to worry about. If you see such vomiting “out of the blue” or very often, then it may be that:

  • the dog eats low-quality food that contains preservatives, or is malnourished;
  • the animal has contracted worms;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer begins;
  • The dog has liver problems.

Vomiting after eating

Why does my dog ​​vomit after eating? If, after eating, the dog vomited only once with undigested food and this did not happen again in the future, the pet probably just ate very quickly. And here Regular events of this kind may indicate:

  • cholecystitis;
  • floppy stomach syndrome;
  • expansion of the esophagus.

In the first case, the vomit will be mixed with bile, in the second and third cases it will be mucous.

Treatment at home

Strictly speaking, Vomiting cannot be treated: it is a symptom, not a disease. In most cases You shouldn’t even try to stop it yourself. After all, if you slow down the natural process of cleansing the body, intoxication may begin or worsen.

If the dog vomits for a long time, vomiting is accompanied by some of the symptoms described above - it means you need to contact a veterinarian.

What can you do before visiting a specialist?

Before calling the veterinarian or taking your dog to him, follow the steps from this list:

  1. Immediately, as soon as you notice that your pet is vomiting, free him from a hard or tight collar or muzzle. Otherwise, the dog may choke on vomit and begin to choke.
  2. Do not feed or water your dog for 3-4 hours after an attack(or until the doctor allows it). This may irritate the sensitive stomach lining. After 3-4 hours, you should start giving water in very small portions - literally a few sips every 20 minutes.
  3. Carefully monitor the animal, prepare answers to the veterinarian’s possible questions in advance:
  • How often and under what circumstances were vomiting attacks observed?
  • What does the vomited mass look like?
  • Are there any accompanying symptoms or changes in the dog’s behavior?
  • what happened to your pet in the last few days, how were the walks?

Clear information and quick answers are the key to ensuring that the doctor can quickly make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

What to do if you have diarrhea and vomiting at the same time?

The combination of nausea and diarrhea may be a sign of an infectious or chronic disease pancreas, as well as severe poisoning. This, again, is a reason to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

While waiting for the doctor, make sure that the animal has access to water - the rule “do not water for 3-4 hours” does not work here, because constant dehydration occurs. Be sure to monitor the color of your dog's stool: yellow, white or gray indicates liver damage, black indicates internal bleeding.


Choose. If you want to feed your animal “naturally”, buy good fresh food and cook according to the rules.

While walking, do not allow yourself to dig through garbage, contact with stray animals, do not pick up anything from the ground, or drink from puddles. And always contact a veterinarian if there is the slightest reason for this.

Remember: owner negligence can cost the animal its life!

Additionally, watch a short video about what to do if your pet is vomiting:

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