Home Pulpitis Tki vinpocetine instructions for use. Vinpocetine - a drug to improve cerebral circulation

Tki vinpocetine instructions for use. Vinpocetine - a drug to improve cerebral circulation

Vinpocetine has a high affinity for brain tissue. Its action is aimed at improving the transport of glucose to brain neurons, as well as their absorption. The drug increases resistance nerve cells to ischemia and hypoxia, increases blood flow to parts of the brain. It has an antioxidant effect, reducing the consequences of ischemia. Used for vascular diseases of the brain, parkinsonism, circulatory disorders in the vestibulobasilar system, vestibulopathies of vascular origin. Well tolerated by all patients. Can be prescribed to people of any age.

1. Pharmacological action

Vinpocetine is an active stimulant cerebral circulation, the mechanism of action of which is achieved by blocking the corresponding enzymes. Thanks to this, a significant expansion of the lumen of blood vessels is achieved, which also has a positive effect on the metabolism of nervous tissue and increases the resistance of nerve cells to insufficient oxygen concentrations.

Vinpocetine is absorbed quickly. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is reached an hour after its ingestion. The drug is also able to freely penetrate all protective barriers, evenly distributed in the surrounding tissues. Complete elimination of Vinpocetine occurs 10 hours after the last dose.

2. indications for use

  • Circulatory insufficiency of the central nervous system;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system organs due to various reasons;
  • Various vascular diseases, including small vessels of the retina;
  • Disturbances in the activity of the organs of the central nervous system, accompanied by disruption of the processes of remembering, processing and reproducing information;
  • Violations of vascular tone that occur after the onset of menopause.

3. Method of application

  • Recommended dosage of Vinpocetine in tablet form: 5-10 mg of the drug three times a day. Duration of treatment - no more than two months;
  • Recommended dosage of Vinpocetine in injection form: 20 mg of the drug with a gradual increase in dosage to 1 mg per kg of body weight. The duration of treatment is no more than two weeks.
Features of application:
  • Vinpocetine withdrawal should occur with a gradual reduction in dosage;
  • In the presence of various cardiac disorders, Vinpocetine should be taken with caution;
  • Vinpocetine in tablet form is prescribed for chronic diseases;
  • Vinpocetine in the form of injections is prescribed for acute diseases until positive dynamics of treatment appear, then they switch to using the drug in tablet form;
  • The use of Vinpocetine in patients who have suffered a cerebral hemorrhage begins no earlier than a week after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

4. Side effects

5. Contraindications

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Vinpocetine is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the latter case, its use is possible only after complete abandonment breastfeeding.

7. Interaction with other drugs

  • The simultaneous use of Vinpocetine with Warfarin leads to a decrease in therapeutic effects the latter, associated with a decrease in the ability of blood to clot;
  • The simultaneous use of Vinpocetine with Heparin leads to bleeding of various locations.

8. Overdose

There is currently no data on overdose with Vinpocetine.

9. Release form

Tablets, 5 mg - 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 or 50 pcs.
Concentrate, 10 mg/2 ml - amp. 10 pieces; 5 mg/ml - amp. 2 ml or 5 ml 5 or 10 pcs.
Solution, 5 mg/1 ml - amp. 5 or 10 pcs; 10 mg/2 ml - amp. 5 or 10 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

Vinpocetine is stored in a dry, dark place.

11. Composition

1 tablet:

  • vinpocetine - 5 mg;
  • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone K25, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch.

1 ml solution:

  • vinpocetine - 5 mg;
  • Excipients: ascorbic acid, sodium disulfite (sodium pyrosulfite), sorbitol (D-sorbitol), tartaric acid, benzyl alcohol, water.

1 ml concentrate:

  • vinpocetine - 5 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

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* Instructions for medical use of the drug Vinpocetine are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Vinpocetine is a drug for the correction of cerebrovascular accidents. It has an effect on blood vessels and brain tissue, and therefore is used to solve many neurological problems, as well as eliminating the consequences of a stroke.

This drug is intended to improve blood circulation and metabolism in brain tissue. Reviews of Vinpocetine are below.

Release form

Vinpocetine is available in two main forms - tablets and concentrate for intramuscular injections. Tablets are round, biconvex, white or light yellow in color, scored on one side. Packages are available in 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100 tablets. There is also Vinpocetine in ampoules. The concentrate is a transparent, slightly colored solution. One ampoule can contain 2 or 5 ml of the substance, which is produced in 5 or 10 ampoules per package, 1 or 2 packages in a cardboard box. Analogues of the drug "Vinpocetine" should be selected by a doctor.


The tablet may contain 5 or 10 mg active substance. Excipients used in the tablet are: potato starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide.

1 ml of concentrated injection solution contains 5 mg of the active substance vinpocetine. Additional components in the solution are: lemon acid, sodium sulfite, sorbidol, hydrochloric acid, disodium edetate, water, propylene glycol, sodium disulfite. Reviews of Vinpocetine say that this medicine has many side effects.

pharmachologic effect

The drug acts on the central nervous system, enhances the blood supply to the brain, and also has a pronounced antiaggregation, antihypoxic and vasodilating effect. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on inhibition of phosphodiesterase, which causes an increase in the percentage of cAMP in cells. Therefore, the calcium content in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle fiber cells decreases and relaxation of smooth and striated muscles occurs. Also normalized metabolic processes in the tissues and the blood vessels of the brain dilate (mainly in ischemic areas), the flow of oxygen into the brain tissue improves.

In addition, the drug helps to increase the level of catecholamines in the brain and spinal cord, utilizes glucose, stimulates the metabolism of serotonin in brain tissue. Reduces platelet aggregation, thins the blood, increases the deformation of red blood cells and normalizes venous outflow by reducing vascular resistance in the brain. Blood pressure decreases slightly. Vinpocetine is effective during a stroke: it accelerates the reduction of symptoms, increases attention, memory, intellectual activity.


For treatment initial stage As a rule, tablets with a dosage of 5-10 mg are used, and the intake of tablets varies from 1 to 3 times during the day. The number of appointments depends on the severity of the disease and the doctor’s recommendation.

Vinpocetine Acree should be taken after eating, 1 tablet three times a day. The initial dosage per day is 15 mg. Maximum dosage- 30 mg. The duration of treatment and intensity depends on the doctor’s opinion; it can reach up to three months. Towards the end of therapy, the dosage of the drug is gradually reduced, until the drug is completely stopped.

How to use Vinpocetine intramuscularly? In the form of intramuscular injections, the drug is used mainly for acute conditions, one dose is 20 mg. When the body tolerates the drug normally, the dosage is increased after 3-4 days to 1 mg/kg of weight. The average duration of taking the drug is 10-14 days.

In what cases is it prescribed?

Indications for use of the drug "Vinpocetine":

  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • cerebral circulation insufficiency;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • vascular lesions of the membrane and retina.

Let's also consider side effects and contraindications for Vinpocetine.


There are a number of diseases and conditions for which taking the drug in any form is contraindicated. These include:

  • pronounced individual sensitivity or intolerance to the active or auxiliary substances included in the drug;
  • extensive cerebral hemorrhage, severe impairment heart rate or ischemic disease hearts;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects

According to reviews, Vinpocetine can provoke adverse reactions in the body:

  • reactions circulatory system and blood circulation: instability of blood pressure, hot flashes, increased heart rate, ECG changes, extrasystole.
  • reactions of the nervous system: sleep disorders, dizziness, headache;
  • digestive reactions: heartburn, dry mouth, nausea;
  • other adverse reactions of the body: increased sweating, allergic reactions, weakness.


Signs of an overdose are pronounced side effects. Treatment of overdose: symptomatic therapy, gastric lavage, taking pills activated carbon or other enterosorbents.


No interactions were identified with the simultaneous use of Clopamide, Hydrolorothiaide, Digoxin, Glibenclamide, Imipramine, Acenocoumarol. When used with Methyldopa, the medicine in rare cases causes a hypotensive effect. This type of treatment requires constant monitoring. blood pressure. Interactions with many drugs have not been identified, but can be dangerous, because of this it is recommended to be careful when using other drugs together with Vinpocetine. The medicine may cause internal bleeding when administered simultaneously with heparin therapy.

Vinpocetine during pregnancy

During this period, Vinpocetine therapy is contraindicated. If treatment with the drug is required during lactation, you must stop breastfeeding.

special instructions

Caution should be exercised when taking the drug orally for arrhythmia, angina pectoris, decreased vascular tone and unstable blood pressure.

In the most acute cases, parenteral medicine is used until the patient’s condition improves, and then they switch to taking tablets. The drug is taken for chronic disorders.

In case of cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, intravenous administration of the drug is allowed only after acute manifestations have been eliminated. Let's consider analogues of the drug "Vinpocetine".


These include:

  • "Pramistar";
  • "Sidnocarb";
  • "Glycine VIS";
  • "Glycine Ozone";
  • "Acefen";
  • "Vinpotropil";
  • "Bravinton";
  • "Pyracesin";
  • "Carnicetine";
  • "Phesam";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Aminalon";
  • "Nooclerin";
  • "Semax";
  • "Olatropil";
  • "Cephabol";
  • "Cerebrocurin";
  • "Cerebrolysate";
  • "Pramistar."

There is no information about the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and perform work associated with high-risk mechanisms.

Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Vinpocetine in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Vinpocetine in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of the consequences of stroke and other vascular diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Vinpocetine is a vasodilating drug. Improves brain metabolism by increasing the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia; facilitates the transport of glucose to the brain, through the BBB; transfers the process of glucose breakdown to an energy-efficient, aerobic path; selectively blocks Ca2+-dependent phosphodiesterase; increases the content of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), ATP, norepinephrine, serotonin and the ATP/AMP ratio in brain tissue; has an antioxidant effect.

Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity; increases the deforming ability of red blood cells and blocks the utilization of adenosine by red blood cells; helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells.

Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces cerebral vascular resistance without significantly changing systemic circulation parameters. It does not have a “stealing” effect and increases blood supply, primarily in ischemic areas of the brain.

Vinpocetine + excipients.

Absorbed quickly. Absorption occurs mainly in the proximal gastrointestinal tract. When passing through the intestinal wall it is not metabolized. Excreted by the kidneys and through the intestines in a ratio of 3:2. Penetrates through the placental barrier.

  • neurological and mental symptoms for various forms of cerebral circulatory failure (including the recovery stage of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, consequences of a stroke, transient ischemic attack, vascular dementia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, cerebral atherosclerosis, post-traumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy);
  • chronic vascular diseases choroid and retina (due to arteriosclerosis, vasospasm, thrombosis); degenerative changes in the macula caused by atherosclerosis or vasospasm; secondary glaucoma (due to vascular obstruction);
  • age-related vascular or toxic (drug-induced) hearing impairment, Meniere's disease, idiopathic tinnitus, dizziness of labyrinthine origin;
  • vasovegetative manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

Tablets 10 mg forte.

Concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion (injections in injection ampoules).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

Orally 5 mg (1 tablet) after meals. The drug is used 3 times a day. The initial daily dose is 15 mg. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg. The duration of treatment is up to 3 months. Repeated courses are possible 2-3 times a year.

For kidney or liver diseases, the drug is prescribed in the usual dose.

Before discontinuation, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced.

Intravenous drip (infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops/min). The initial daily dose is 20 mg (dissolved in 0.5-1 l of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or solutions containing dextrose). The average daily dose for a body weight of 70 kg is 50 mg. If well tolerated, the dose is increased within 2-3 days to a maximum of 1 mg/kg per day. Course of treatment days. After achieving improvement, they switch to taking the drug orally.

  • ECG changes (ST depression, QT interval prolongation);
  • tachycardia;
  • extrasystole;
  • feeling of hot flashes;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness);
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • skin allergic reactions.
  • acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic heart disease, severe arrhythmias;
  • pregnancy (placental bleeding and spontaneous abortions are possible, probably as a result of increased placental blood supply);
  • lactation period (when using the drug, you must stop breastfeeding);
  • children under 18 years of age (due to insufficient data);
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The presence of long QT syndrome and taking drugs that prolong the QT interval require periodic ECG monitoring.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

There is no data on the effect of vinpocetine on the ability to drive a car and perform work requiring rapid psychomotor reactions.

Interaction is not observed when used simultaneously with beta-blockers (chloranolol, pindolol), clopamide, glibenclamide, digoxin, acenocoumarol and hydrochlorothiazide, imipramine.

The simultaneous use of vinpocetine and methyldopa sometimes caused a slight increase in the hypotensive effect, so this treatment requires regular monitoring of blood pressure.

Increases the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications against the background of heparin therapy.

Despite the lack of data confirming the possibility of interaction, caution is recommended when coadministered with drugs with central, antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant action.

Analogues of the drug Vinpocetine

Structural analogues according to active substance:

News edited by: admin014, 12:29


Vinpocetine is a drug that corrects cerebral circulatory disorders.

The active ingredient of the drug is vinpocetine, an alkaloid from the periwinkle plant. In the USA, Vinpocetine is registered as a dietary supplement, not a drug.

Other components of the drug in tablet form are microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and modified starch.

The injection solution additionally contains propylene glycol, benzethonium chloride, anhydrous sodium sulfite (E 221), glycine, diluted hydrochloric acid, disodium edetate, water for injection.

Mechanism of action

Vinpocetine has a vasodilatory and antihypoxic effect as a result of enhancing the transfer of oxygen and glucose across the blood-brain barrier, as well as increasing the proportion of aerobic glucose metabolism. Helps improve cerebral circulation, selectively dilates the affected blood vessels in the ischemic focus of the brain. At the same time, there is no significant effect on the functioning of the heart and peripheral blood supply.

The active substance leads to increased blood flow primarily to the affected ischemic areas with low perfusion. At the same time, vinpocetine activates brain metabolism, which occurs as a result of increased utilization of oxygen and glucose, and increased levels of serotonin in the brain.

In the body, the active substance binds 66% to blood plasma proteins. The therapeutic effect is achieved at its concentration in the blood in the amount of mg/ml. The drug is transformed in the liver, resulting in the formation of inactive metabolites: vinpocetine hydroxide, apovincamic acid, dihydrovinpocetine glycinate, hydroxyapovincamic acid. The metabolism of vinpocetine is not affected by kidney and liver diseases.

The elimination period of the active substance is from 4 to 5 hours. It is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites in urine. In this case, a certain amount leaves the body in a pure, unchanged form.

Release forms

Vinpocetine is available in ampoules with a 0.5% solution for injection, as well as in the form of 5 mg tablets.


Analogues are medicines with the same active principle, which are produced by various pharmacological companies. Each company gives the tablets its own name in the market. Analogues of Vinpocetine are the following drugs: Vinpocetine-acri, Vinpocetine forte, Cavinton, Vinpocetine-Darnitsa, Bravinton.

The difference between Vinpocetine Forte tablets is that one tablet contains a double amount of Vinpocetine, that is, 10 mg.

The composition of Vinpocetine Acre tablets is similar.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Vinpocetine are:

  • condition after ischemic stroke;
  • chronic cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • dementia, which is caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • transient ischemic attacks;
  • hypertensive and post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cerebrovascular and vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

Ophthalmologists prescribe the drug for chronic vascular diseases, which include thrombosis and vasospasm of the vein or central artery of the retina, diabetic retinopathy.

In otology it is used for idiopathic tinnitus, Meniere's disease, and decreased hearing acuity.

Instructions for use

In the form of injections, Vinpocetine is administered intravenously using a dropper. The infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops per minute. The concentrated drug must not be administered by injection, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

The initial dose is 20 mg of vinpocetine per day, that is, 2 ampoules, which are diluted in 0.5 liters or 1 liter of solution intended for intravenous administration. Further, the average dose is 50 mg per day. The duration of treatment with Vinpocetine in the form of injections is from 10 to 14 days.

After completing therapy with injection form The drug is often prescribed treatment with a tablet form of Vinpocetine.

At the beginning of treatment, Vinpocetine in tablet form is prescribed 5 or 10 mg, that is, 1-2 tablets, three times a day. The medicine is used during or after meals. Maintenance therapy consists of taking 1 tablet of the drug three times a day. Duration of therapy is from one to two months.


Contraindications to taking Vinpocetine are:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • severe forms of coronary heart disease and thrombophlebitis;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure;
  • the first days after a cerebral hemorrhagic stroke;
  • pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • childhood.

Side effects

Side effects when taking the drug are rare, but possible manifestations include:

  • central nervous system: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, lethargy, weakness;
  • gastrointestinal tract: nausea, dry mouth, heartburn;
  • cardiovascular system: hypotension, slowing of internal ventricular conduction, extrasystole, tachycardia;
  • skin: sweating, slight redness of the skin on the face and neck.

Some patients experience allergic skin reactions, as well as a feeling of heat.

Overdose symptoms

In case of an overdose, lethargy, decreased blood pressure, and nausea leading to vomiting occur.

Treatment for overdose is symptomatic. Cardiotonic medications are prescribed, blood pressure levels are monitored, and an ECG is performed. Forced diuresis is possible.

Interaction with alcohol and other drugs

Concomitant use of the drug with heparin increases the risk of bleeding.

Use in parallel with antihypertensive drugs may enhance the hypotensive effect.

Features of use

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with cardiac decompensation, as it can lead to bradycardia.

In case of hemorrhagic stroke, Vinpocetine is prescribed no earlier than 14 days after the acute phase of the disease.

When prescribing medication to elderly patients, it should be taken into account that Vinpocetine in most cases causes side effects in this group of people.

The average cost of Vinpocetine in the form of 5 mg tablets No. 50 ranges from 35 to 53 rubles.

The average cost of the drug in the form of injections 0.5% No. 10 ranges from 45 to 65 rubles.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored in a dry, dark place, required temperature at the same time - from 15 to 25 degrees.

Best before date

The shelf life of Vinpocetine is 3 years.

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Vinpocetine - instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues and reviews

The drug Vinpocetine is a drug obtained synthetically. Vinpocetine improves blood circulation and activates brain metabolism.

Composition and release form

  • Tablets 5 mg. They are white or yellowish in color, with a chamfer. Packaged in blister packs of 10 pcs. , 1 or 3 packs in a cardboard box.
  • Concentrate for infusion of the drug Vinpocetine 5 mg/ml. Packaged in 2 ml ampoules of dark glass, 5 ampoules in blister packs, 1-2 packs in a cardboard box).
  • 1 tablet contains 5 mg or 10 mg of the active ingredient - vinpocetine.
  • 1 ml of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion includes 5 mg of vinpocetine. Use only in the treatment of adults, by intravenous injection, in the form of a slow drip infusion. Medicine in the form of injections is most often used in the treatment of acute conditions.

Storage conditions for tablets:

According to the instructions, Vinpocetine should be stored in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life: concentrate - 3 years, tablets - 5 years. Dispensed by prescription.

Instructions for use in various dosage forms

Vinpocetine: use in tablet form

According to the instructions for use, Vinpocetine is prescribed orally 3 times a day, 5-10 mg. At the beginning of therapy, the daily dose should be 15 mg, then, if necessary, it can be increased to the maximum allowable daily dosage of 30 mg.

The use of Vinpocetine for standard standard course treatment is days. When discontinued, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced. No more than 2-3 courses of drug therapy are allowed per year.

Vinpocetine: use as a concentrate for solution for infusion

The initial daily dose should be 20 mg of the drug (4 ml). It is administered in a solution for infusion (0.9% sodium chloride, 5% glucose, Ringer's solution) in a volume of 0.5 - 1 l. The prepared solution must be used within 3 hours after its preparation. The infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops/min. If the tolerability is good and the indications for taking the drug remain, then repeated slow drip infusions are prescribed. They can be carried out once a day. In this case, the dose is gradually (over the course of a day) increased to the maximum daily value, calculated on the basis of 1 mg/kg/day.

Usually the course of treatment is prescribed in days. When a pronounced state of clinical improvement is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced and switched to tablets.

Indications, contraindications, side effects of Vinpocetine

Indications for taking Vinpocetine

  • cerebrovascular insufficiency in acute or chronic form,
  • degenerative changes in the macula,
  • vascular diseases of the retina or choroid,
  • dizziness with labyrinthine origin,
  • climacteric syndrome vegetative manifestations,
  • vascular hearing impairment of a toxic or age-related nature.

What does Vinpocetine help with, what diseases?

  • stroke in the acute and residual stages of stroke,
  • encephalopathy,
  • ischemic attacks,
  • dementia after cerebrovascular accidents,
  • vasospasm,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • Meniere's disease
  • secondary glaucoma.
  • dry mouth,
  • sweating,
  • skin redness,
  • tachycardia,
  • hypotension,
  • drowsiness or insomnia,
  • headache,
  • dizziness, weakness,
  • allergic reactions,
  • extrasystole,
  • slowing of intraventricular conduction,
  • nausea, heartburn.

Contraindications for the use of Vinpocetine

  • children under 18 years of age,
  • severe heart rhythm disturbances,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • hypersensitivity,
  • acute stage hemorrhagic stroke,
  • cardiac ischemia.

Vinpocetine: overdose symptoms

Cases of drug overdose have not been reported. A symptom of an overdose should be increased side effects. As therapeutic measures They take gastric lavage and enterosorbents.

How long can you take Vinpocetine?

Typically, when using the drug in tablets, the total duration of therapy is 2 months. At intravenous use drug average duration The course lasts 2 weeks. In both cases, the total duration of the course is prescribed by the attending physician.

How to use Vinpocetine and take Vinpocetim during pregnancy

Vinpocetine should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Use of Vinpocetim for children

Official instructions to the drug Vinpocetine says that it is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age. The reason cited is insufficient knowledge of the children's body, lack of clinical trials. Despite this, pediatric doctors not so rarely prescribe this “adult” and serious drug. The use of Vinpocetine in children requires special care and accuracy in following the instructions of the attending physician regarding dosage, duration and rules of administration. This medicine stimulates cerebral circulation and provides a positive treatment effect for the functioning of brain health. At the age of up to 1 year, the drug is most often prescribed for perinatal lesions of the nervous system. An ENT specialist may prescribe Vinpocetine for severe hearing loss. In the practice of an ophthalmologist, it is possible to take the drug if diseases of the visual organs are associated with vascular disorders. Epilepsy and manic-depressive psychosis - indications for child psychiatry. The drug Vinpocetine is prescribed for long-term use.

Compatibility of Vinpocetim with other drugs

The use of Vinpocetim is incompatible with heparin and solutions containing amino acids. Such prescriptions increase the risk of bleeding. When taking the drug together with warfarin, there may be a slight decrease in the anticoagulant effect of the latter.

The following drugs are analogues of the active substance: Bravinton, Vincetin, Cavinton, Telektol, Korsavin.

Analogues, like the drug itself, are not prescribed to children under 18.

Chemical composition of the drug Vinprocetin

The active component vinpocetine has antihypoxic, antiplatelet effects and leads to vasodilation. Due to the fact that after taking the drug, cerebral circulation improves, metabolism in tissues generally improves, and brain vessels dilate. In ischemic areas, blood flow increases and oxygen supply to the brain improves.

Taking Vinpocetine helps:

  • Stimulation of norepinephrine and serotonin metabolism;
  • Glucose utilization;
  • Increased deformability of red blood cells;
  • Reduced blood viscosity;
  • Normalization of venous outflow.

The use of Vinpocetine is most effective in acute period stroke. The sensitivity of brain vessels to the action of the active component increases in the elderly and old age. Taking the drug helps improve memory and attention.

The drug is absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract, the bioavailability of the drug is about 60%. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is observed 1 hour after administration. The half-life is approximately 5 hours.

Price of the drug in pharmacies

Check out the price of Vinpocetine in 2018 and cheap analogues >>> The cost of Vinpocetine in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components in the drug, and pricing policy pharmacy network. But the important thing is that the price difference between foreign and Russian analogues remains virtually unchanged.

On the MedMoon.ru website, medications are classified both alphabetically and by effect on the body. We publish only the most current and new medications. Instructions for use of Vinpocetine are regularly updated at the request of manufacturers.

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What does Vinpocetine help with?

Vinpocetine is a widely used drug that helps to significantly and quite effectively improve blood circulation in the brain.

Given medicine has pronounced antihypoxic, vasodilating, as well as minor antiaggregation (reducing blood viscosity) properties.

Regular use of Vinpocetine helps to dilate the blood vessels of the brain, thereby significantly improving cerebral circulation, as well as the supply of oxygen to it.

Long-term use of this drug is indicated for many patients who suffer arterial hypertension, since Vinpocetine helps lower blood pressure, and also improves memory and eliminates frequent and prolonged dizziness.

The drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and its maximum concentration in the blood is reached within a minute. after internal reception.

Main indications for the use of Vinpocetine:

  • acute or chronic form of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • inflammatory vascular diseases of the retina;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • glaucoma;
  • hearing impairment;
  • periodic or constant dizziness;
  • memory loss;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • encephalopathy;
  • frequent headache.

Attention: before starting to use Vinpocetine, it is recommended to consult with a qualified general practitioner or neurologist!

The drug is produced in the form of tablets for internal use, as well as a solution for injection.

How to take Vinpocetine?

The daily dose of Vinpocetine for adults is 1-2 t. 2-3 r. a day after meals, preferably with plenty of water.

The minimum interval between doses of the drug should be 4-5 hours, while the maximum daily dose should not exceed more than 7-8 tablets per day.

The average duration of treatment with Vinpocetine is days and is determined by the attending physician absolutely individually for each patient, depending on the situation.

If necessary, repeated courses of treatment with this drug are possible after approximately 2-3 months, only after mandatory consultation with your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of Vinpocetine

  • hypersensitivity ( increased sensitivity body to the main active ingredients of the drug);
  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • severe form of ischemic heart disease;
  • abnormal heart rate.

Side effects of Vinpocetine

  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • headache;
  • nausea or vomiting (occurs extremely rarely, mainly with a significant overdose of the drug);
  • drowsiness;
  • increased dry mouth;
  • sweating;
  • local allergic reactions on the skin (urticaria, itching).

If any of the above side effects develop, it is recommended to consult your doctor!

In this article, we looked at what Vinpocetine helps with, as well as how to take it correctly.



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Remember, self-medication is dangerous to your health! Consult your doctor

Vinpocetine tablets: indications for use and real reviews

Vinpocetine is one of the drugs that belongs to the group of psychoanaleptics. His therapeutic effect aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain. Increases performance and concentration.


1 tablet contains 5 mg of Vinpocetine, as well as additional components:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • modified starch;
  • lactose monohydrate.

pharmachologic effect

This drug has antiplatelet, vasodilating and antihypoxic effects. Due to this, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. Deformation of red blood cells increases;
  2. Improves cerebral circulation;
  3. The level of catecholamines in the nervous system increases;
  4. Blood viscosity and platelet aggregation decrease;
  5. A sufficient amount of oxygen reaches the brain;
  6. Venous outflow is normalized;
  7. The metabolism of serotonin in brain tissue is stimulated;
  8. The blood vessels of the brain dilate;
  9. Memory improves and attention is normalized.

Release form

Vinpocetine is a white, round, biconvex tablet with a notch on one side. 1 pack contains up to 10 packages, 10/20/30/50/100 tablets each.

The medicine is available in the form of a clear solution. In a dark glass ampoule - 2/5 ml.

Vinpocetine tablets with different prefixes (Acri, Sar, NS, Akos) are produced by numerous Russian companies.

Indications for use

Vinpocetine is a medicine related to brain correctors. Increases the quality of metabolism in the brain and blood circulation.

This drug is prescribed for the following situations:

  1. Meniere's disease;
  2. Chronic and acute failure cerebral circulation;
  3. Complex therapy after traumatic brain injury;
  4. Violation of the eye vessels;
  5. Decreased hearing acuity;
  6. Sharp memory deterioration, decreased concentration;
  7. Previous ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  8. Panic attacks;
  9. Loss of fluid;
  10. Encephalopathy.

Overheating in the sun in a child - symptoms and how to act, all this is described in the material on our website.

You can learn how to reduce high blood pressure at home from this article.

The symptoms of cystitis and methods of treating the disease are described here.


The use of Vinpocetine is prohibited for patients with an acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, arrhythmia, or acute galactose intolerance. Pregnant and lactating women. Also if you are allergic to any component of the medicine.

Side effects

Some complications may occur when using the drug:

  • tachycardia;
  • sudden dizziness;
  • severe headache;
  • lability of blood pressure;
  • high sweating;
  • an allergic reaction may occur;
  • sleep problems – insomnia, drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness of the body;
  • dry mouth;
  • the occurrence of heartburn.

Mode of application

The amount of time for using the drug is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, this is a course of treatment for at least 2 months. Tablets are taken orally at 5–10 mg.

They should be taken after meals 3 times during the day. To avoid stress to the body, stopping the drug should be gradual, reducing the dose every day.

After completing the course of treatment, the doctor prescribes a short break. The number of repeated procedures should not exceed 3 times during the year.

During an acute illness, the medicine is administered intravenously. At the initial stage, inject 20 mg. If the patient does not feel worse, the dose is increased over 4 days.

The required volume of medication is calculated as 1 mg per 1 kg of weight. The drug is administered intravenously for at least 10 days. At positive tests, the medicine is prescribed in tablet form and at a lower dose.

special instructions

  1. Patients with angina pectoris, arrhythmia and low vascular tone, use tablets with extreme caution.
  2. At the very difficult situations the drug is prescribed parenterally, for example, hemorrhagic cerebral stroke. If the situation improves, take it orally.
  3. Hemorrhagic complications are possible from the use of tablets, and the effect of the antihypertensive drugs used also increases.
  4. For those with labile blood pressure and low vascular tone, the use of this drug is prohibited. This list also includes patients with pathology.
  5. The use of tablets by children without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.
  6. This product is not recommended for use by drivers, as well as those in professions where concentration is important.

Interactions with other drugs

Interaction with other drugs does not entail side effects.

When using Vinpocetine and Warfarin, the anticoagulant effect of the second drug weakens slightly.

The cost of Vinpocetine varies depending on the required dosage:

These numbers are not the final indicator. The price depends on the company produced and the required dose.


Analogs of Vinpocetine are drugs that have the same pharmacological action. Only a doctor can prescribe another treatment; prescribing a new treatment for yourself is strictly prohibited.

Vinpocetine tablets have a huge advantage over other tablets - the presence of an alkaloid in the composition, which is isolated from the medicinal herb Vinca. Not every analogue of this drug can boast of containing natural ingredients. However, they are great help and have a small list adverse reactions. Such analogues include:


The drug has the same main substance as Vinpocetine. And its price is several times less. Many experts prescribe it, since the degree of purification of the alkaloid is much higher, therefore, there is no danger when using it.


This domestic development appeared quite recently.

Thanks to additional cleaning steps, it makes it safer.

Unlike Cavinton and Vinpocetine, this medicine has no such side effects like drowsiness and headache.


The action of Cinnarizine is similar to the drug Vinpocetine. However, Cinnarizine, having not a natural but a synthetic base, has more side effects and contraindications.

Vinpocetine is an antiaggregation, antihypoxic and vasodilator drug. Instructions for use suggest taking 5 mg and 10 mg forte tablets, injections in injection ampoules in case of acute and chronic disorders cerebral circulation, with neurological and mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency and vascular eye diseases. Reviews from patients and doctors confirm that this drug helps in treating the consequences of stroke and other vascular diseases.

Release form and composition

You can buy Vinpocetine in pharmacies with a prescription. dosage forms:

  1. tablets 5 mg;
  2. concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 5 mg/ml, 2 ml in dark glass ampoules;
  3. injection solution 5 mg/ml, 2 ml in dark glass ampoules (injections).

The active substance of the drug is vinpocetine.

pharmachologic effect

Instructions for use classify Vinpocetine as a drug that has a vasodilator, antiaggregation, and antihypoxic effect. The drug improves cerebral circulation, relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessels in the brain and stimulates, first of all, blood supply to ischemic areas, without changing the intensity of blood supply to intact areas.

Taking the drug leads to dilation of brain vessels and increased blood flow. As a result of the use of Vinpocetine, the supply of brain tissue with oxygen and energy substrates improves, tissue metabolism switches to an energetically more favorable aerobic direction, and the tolerance of hypoxia by brain tissue improves. The drug slightly reduces systemic blood pressure.

The drug increases the content of cAMP and ATP in brain tissue, as well as catecholamines, namely dopamine and norepinephrine. When taken, the functional activity of cellular transmembrane sodium and calcium channels, NMDA and AMPA receptors decreases.

Efficacy and bioavailability

Vinpocetine tablets and other forms of the drug increase the deformability of red blood cells and reduce platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. The active ingredient of the drug has an antioxidant effect and also provides a neuroprotective effect.

Vinpocetine, when taken orally, is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is 50–70%. The active substance has the ability to pass through the placenta and penetrate into breast milk.

In the liver it is biotransformed to metabolites, the main of which - apovincamic acid - is characterized by a certain pharmacological activity. This medication is excreted from the body by the kidneys and urine, mainly in the form of metabolites; a small amount is excreted unchanged.

Why is Vinpocetine prescribed?

Indications for use of the drug include:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia during menopausal syndrome;
  • chronic and acute cerebral circulatory failure;
  • Meniere's disease, hearing impairment of toxic or vascular origin, dizziness of labyrinthine origin;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • vascular diseases of the choroid and retina;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy, accompanied by headache, dizziness, and memory impairment.

Instructions for use

Vinpocetine (tablets)

Orally 5 mg (1 tablet) after meals. The drug is used 3 times a day. The initial daily dose is 15 mg. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg. The duration of treatment is up to 3 months. Repeated courses are possible 2-3 times a year.

For kidney or liver diseases, the drug is prescribed in the usual dose. Before discontinuation, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced.


Intravenous drip (infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops/min). The initial daily dose is 20 mg (dissolved in 0.5-1 l of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or solutions containing dextrose). The average daily dose for a body weight of 70 kg is 50 mg.

If well tolerated, the dose is increased within 2-3 days to a maximum of 1 mg/kg per day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. After achieving improvement, they switch to taking the drug orally.


  • lactase deficiency;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug Vinpocetine, from which tablets and injections can cause side effects;
  • children under 18 years of age (due to insufficient data);
  • pregnancy (placental bleeding and spontaneous abortions are possible, probably as a result of increased placental blood supply);
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • lactation period;
  • acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic heart disease, severe arrhythmias.

Side effects

  • skin allergic reactions;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • feeling of hot flashes;
  • ECG changes (ST depression, QT interval prolongation);
  • increased sweating;
  • extrasystole;
  • tachycardia;
  • lability of blood pressure;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness).

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. There are no data on use during lactation. The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

special instructions

According to the instructions, Vinpocetine should be taken orally with caution in case of angina, arrhythmia, decreased vascular tone and unstable blood pressure.

As a rule, the drug is used parenterally in acute cases, and, after the clinical picture improves, they switch to taking it in tablet form.

During treatment chronic diseases the drug should be taken orally.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of vinpocetine and methyldopa sometimes caused a slight increase in the hypotensive effect, so this treatment requires regular monitoring of blood pressure. Increases the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications during heparin therapy.

Interaction is not observed when used simultaneously with beta-blockers (chloranolol, pindolol), clopamide, glibenclamide, digoxin, acenocoumarol and hydrochlorothiazide, imipramine.

Analogues of the drug Vinpocetine

Analogues are determined by structure:

  1. Cavinton forte.
  2. Telektol.
  3. Akri (ESKOM, AKOS).
  4. Vincetin.
  5. Vinpocetine forte.
  6. Winpoton.
  7. Bravinton.
  8. Vero-Vinpocetine.

Vacation conditions and price

The average price of Vinpocetine (5 mg tablets No. 30) in Moscow is 50 rubles. In Kyiv you can buy medicine for 19 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 420 tenge. In Minsk, pharmacies offer 50 tablets for 2-3 bel. ruble Dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

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Read the official information about the drug Vinpocetine, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

The drug Vinpocetine is a drug obtained synthetically. Vinpocetine improves blood circulation and activates brain metabolism.

Composition and release form

  • Tablets 5 mg. They are white or yellowish in color, with a chamfer. Packaged in blister packs of 10 pcs. , 1 or 3 packs in a cardboard box.
  • Concentrate for infusion of the drug Vinpocetine 5 mg/ml. Packaged in 2 ml ampoules of dark glass, 5 ampoules in blister packs, 1-2 packs in a cardboard box).

Composition of Vinpocetine

  • 1 tablet contains 5 mg or 10 mg of the active ingredient - vinpocetine.
  • 1 ml of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion includes 5 mg of vinpocetine. Used only in the treatment of adults, by intravenous injection, as a slow drip infusion. Medicine in the form of injections is most often used in the treatment of acute conditions.

Storage conditions for tablets:

According to the instructions, Vinpocetine should be stored in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life: concentrate - 3 years, tablets - 5 years. Dispensed by prescription.

Vinpocetine - instructions for use in various dosage forms

Vinpocetine: use in tablet form

According to the instructions for use, Vinpocetine is prescribed orally 3 times a day, 5-10 mg. At the beginning of therapy, the daily dose should be 15 mg, then, if necessary, it can be increased to the maximum allowable daily dosage of 30 mg.

The use of Vinpocetine with a standard standard course of treatment is 10-14 days. When discontinued, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced. No more than 2-3 courses of drug therapy are allowed per year.

Vinpocetine: use as a concentrate for solution for infusion

The initial daily dose should be 20 mg of the drug (4 ml). It is administered in a solution for infusion (0.9% sodium chloride, 5% glucose, Ringer's solution) in a volume of 0.5 - 1 l. The prepared solution must be used within 3 hours after its preparation. The infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops/min. If the tolerability is good and the indications for taking the drug remain, then repeated slow drip infusions are prescribed. They can be carried out at intervals of 2 - 3 times a day. In this case, the dose is gradually (over 3 - 4 days) increased to the maximum daily value, calculated on the basis of 1 mg/kg/day.

Usually the course of treatment is prescribed for 10 - 14 days. When a pronounced state of clinical improvement is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced and switched to tablets.

Indications, contraindications, side effects of Vinpocetine

Indications for taking Vinpocetine

  • cerebrovascular insufficiency in acute or chronic form,
  • degenerative changes in the macula,
  • vascular diseases of the retina or choroid,
  • dizziness with labyrinthine origin,
  • climacteric syndrome of vegetative manifestations,
  • vascular hearing impairment of a toxic or age-related nature.

What does Vinpocetine help with, what diseases?

  • stroke in the acute and residual stages of stroke,
  • encephalopathy,
  • ischemic attacks,
  • dementia after cerebrovascular accidents,
  • vasospasm,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • Meniere's disease
  • secondary glaucoma.

Vinpocetine: side effects

  • dry mouth,
  • sweating,
  • skin redness,
  • tachycardia,
  • hypotension,
  • drowsiness or insomnia,
  • headache,
  • dizziness, weakness,
  • allergic reactions,
  • extrasystole,
  • slowing of intraventricular conduction,
  • nausea, heartburn.

Contraindications for the use of Vinpocetine

  • children under 18 years of age,
  • severe heart rhythm disturbances,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • hypersensitivity,
  • acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke,
  • cardiac ischemia.

Vinpocetine: overdose symptoms

Cases of drug overdose have not been reported. A symptom of an overdose should be an increase in side effects. Gastric lavage and enterosorbents are used as therapeutic measures.

How long can Vinpocetine be used?

Typically, when using the drug in tablets, the total duration of therapy is 2 months. When using the drug intravenously, the average course duration is 2 weeks. In both cases, the total duration of the course is prescribed by the attending physician.

How to use Vinpocetine and take Vinpocetim during pregnancy

Vinpocetine should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Use of Vinpocetim for children

The official instructions for the drug Vinpocetine say that it is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age. The reason cited is insufficient knowledge of the children's body and lack of clinical studies. Despite this, pediatric doctors not so rarely prescribe this “adult” and serious drug. The use of Vinpocetine in children requires special care and accuracy in following the instructions of the attending physician regarding dosage, duration and rules of administration. This medicine stimulates cerebral circulation and gives a positive treatment effect on the functioning of brain health. At the age of up to 1 year, the drug is most often prescribed for perinatal lesions of the nervous system. An ENT specialist may prescribe Vinpocetine for severe hearing loss. In the practice of an ophthalmologist, it is possible to take the drug if diseases of the visual organs are associated with vascular disorders. Epilepsy and manic-depressive psychosis - indications for child psychiatry. The drug Vinpocetine is prescribed for long-term use.

Compatibility of Vinpocetim with other drugs

The use of Vinpocetim is incompatible with heparin and solutions containing amino acids. Such prescriptions increase the risk of bleeding. When using the drug together with warfarin, a slight decrease in the anticoagulant effect of the latter may be observed.

Drug analogues

The following drugs are analogues of the active substance: Bravinton, Vincetin, Cavinton, Telektol, Korsavin.

Analogues, like the drug itself, are not prescribed to children under 18.

Chemical composition of the drug Vinprocetin

The active component vinpocetine has antihypoxic, antiplatelet effects and leads to vasodilation. Due to the fact that after using the drug, cerebral circulation improves, metabolism in tissues generally improves, and brain vessels dilate. In ischemic areas, blood flow increases and oxygen supply to the brain improves.

Taking Vinpocetine helps:

  • Stimulation of norepinephrine and serotonin metabolism;
  • Glucose utilization;
  • Increased deformability of red blood cells;
  • Reduced blood viscosity;
  • Normalization of venous outflow.

The use of Vinpocetine is most effective in the acute period of stroke. The sensitivity of brain vessels to the action of the active component increases in old age. Taking the drug helps improve memory and attention.

The drug is absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract, the bioavailability of the drug is about 60%. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is observed 1 hour after administration. The half-life is approximately 5 hours.

Vinpocetine price


Vinpocetine forte: contraindications, what it is prescribed for, side effects and cost of the medicine

The drug Vinpocetine was first obtained from the Periwinkle plant in 1975. It was discovered by a chemist named Xaba Szantai. Now in production synthetic drug, based on the elements of the plant found. The company Gedeon Rihter is doing this. Vinpocetine is intended to solve problems associated with vascular circulation in the brain.

Vinpocetine is divided into two groups, which differ not only in their price category, but also in their composition. There are medicines of the Acri and Forte groups.

Vinpocetine acry:

  • Vinpocetine is used as the active substance;
  • the medicine is available in the form of tablets, 50 pieces per package;
  • The dosage of the tablet is 5 mg.

Each vinpocetine tablet contains no more than 5 mg of the substance. Additionally, the composition includes potato starch in a dosage of 64.3 mg per tablet, magnesium stearate - 2.4, talc - 4.7, aerosil - 1.7, lactose monohydrate - 171.9.

Vinpocetine forte:

  • the active substance is vinpocetine;
  • Available in the form of tablets of 10, 30 and 50 pieces per package;
  • the dosage is 10 mg per tablet.

The composition of the medicine includes vinpocetine 10 mg and additional components such as calcium phosphate, stearate, magnesium, collidone.

The medicine cannot be attributed to any particular pharmacological group, since the range of its use is quite extensive. For example, vinpocetine is used as a nootropic drug to treat attention deficit disorder, hyperactive disorder, and neurological disorders. In addition, this drug is prescribed as a psychostimulant.

Effect of the drug

Basically, Vinpocetine has a positive effect due to the expansion of blood vessels in the brain. This occurs due to the inhibitory effect on the enzyme phosphodiesterase. Its activity is significantly reduced, and this already leads to the accumulation of cAMP. This dilates the blood vessels in the brain. The process of dilating blood vessels in this way is called vasodilation.

It is worth noting that it is precisely because of the vasodilating effect that vasodilation occurs, but the peripheral arteries remain in a stable state.

In addition to the main effect, the medicine has a positive effect in relieving spasms, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation in the head, which helps increase brain activity and get rid of fatigue. This medicine will not harm diabetics or heart patients, and will even help because the platelet count normalizes, oxygen reaches the tissues in full through the blood and sugar levels decrease. Stabilizing the level of oxygen supplied through the blood helps to avoid the phenomenon of hypoxia.

The drug is administered to the human body both orally (inside) and parenterally (by injection). In the first case, the tablet dissolves in gastrointestinal tract and reaches its activity after 60 minutes. The second method allows the drug to achieve activity faster and is eliminated by half after 5 hours.

How to use Vinpocetine correctly?

Although the medicine has a large amount useful qualities, it is used only after consultation with a specialist. An overdose may cause complications or side effects. It is recommended to follow the rules for using the medicine in accordance with acceptable standards specified in the instructions that come with the tablets.

Vinpocetine is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals. Administration is carried out orally, but there are also intramuscular options.

Dosage of the drug

  1. At acute diseases you need to take 1 tablet three times a day after meals. The total dosage should be no more than 30 mg.
  2. For maintenance therapy or at the onset of the disease, the dosage in general should be no more than 15 mg. This means that a person should take no more than 1.5 tablets per day after meals.
  3. For preventive purposes, the dose can be from 5 to 10 mg per day, depending on the person’s well-being.

The duration of taking the drug is from 1 to 2 months, and the exact timing is prescribed only by the doctor. If you take the medicine yourself for 2 months, side effects are possible, especially together with other drugs. The course of treatment can be extended by the decision of a neurologist or re-prescribed, but no more than 2-3 times within 12 months. The dosage should not exceed more than 30 mg per day.

Vinpocetine has a “withdrawal syndrome,” so you should not suddenly stop taking it, as mental illness may develop. The daily dose is gradually reduced, and if problems related to the kidneys and liver are detected, although the medicine has passed all clinical tests and there is no danger to the kidneys and liver.

In acute cases, a neurologist can prescribe vinpocetine in injections, and this already changes the daily dose due to a greater effect on the human body. Daily norm at the beginning of therapy should be no more than 20 mg. If there is no negative reaction, then 3-4 days after the start of therapy, the dose is increased by 1 mg every day. Treatment with this drug intramuscularly cannot last more than 14 days. As a result, it turns out that the final dosage will be maximum 30 mg.

What to do in case of overdose?

If it turns out that a person has taken more than 30 mg of a substance, then first you need to rinse your stomach with a physical solution. Next, it is necessary to absorb the stomach walls using activated carbon. You should consult a doctor only if you feel worse after treatment. emergency actions.

Vinpocetine cost

The medicine Vinpocetine differs in its cost depending on the form, weight, type of medicine and manufacturer. For example, Vinpocetine forte costs more than 200 rubles for 30 tablets weighing 10 mg. Vinpocetine acri 50 tablets of 5 mg each costs 100 rubles.

The injection drug costs 50 rubles and more. Packaging is sold in the form of ampoules with a 0.5% solution. There are 10 ampoules in total in the box.

Indications for use of vinpocetine

The drug Vinpocetine is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • disturbances in the blood circulation of the cerebral vessels;
  • state of recovery after experiencing an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • various shapes ischemic attack;
  • after numerous heart attacks and, as a consequence, the development of dementia;
  • diseases associated with the membranes of the eyes;
  • thrombosis;
  • when increasing intraocular pressure;
  • vasospasms in the membranes of the eyes;
  • diseases associated with blood vessels in the membranes of the eyes;
  • menopausal syndrome in women, which develops a disorder of the autonomic nervous system;
  • vascular disorders in the hearing organs;
  • degradation process hearing aid after toxic exposure;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • Meniere's disease.

Contraindications to the use of Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine is a mild drug, but is still capable of providing Negative influence on the body, especially when self-medicating or taking an increased dose. Before starting therapy, you must consult a doctor to make sure that your body’s health allows you to take and drink the full course. Among the diseases that cause contraindications for the drug are:

  • development of coronary heart disease;
  • allergic reactions to components that make up the medicine;
  • should not be taken immediately after a hemorrhagic stroke;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • signs of intracranial pressure.

Side effects when taking Vinpocetine

The medicine Vinpocetine, like any other drug, has its side effects, which most often manifest themselves in those disease-prone parts of the body. For example, taking vinpocetine for heart disease causes tachycardia or a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, conductivity is reduced cardiac ventricle, which disrupts muscle function. Cardiac side effects are detected using a cardiogram, on which the ST line will lie below the isoline and the QT interval will increase.

Among the side effects external type hyperemia of the skin appears, on which red spots appear or the temperature to the touch increases. When injecting the drug, thrombophlebitis sometimes develops at the injection site.

The drug can also affect the central nervous system. Side effects include migraines, dizziness, persistent insomnia, muscle weakness, drowsiness, or excessive activity.

Vinpocetine also negatively affects the digestive system, leading to nausea, constipation, vomiting, belching, or dry mouth.

The most common side effects are allergies, which are accompanied by a rash on the face or other parts of the body, and increased activity. sweat glands. In such cases, you should stop taking vinpocetine.

For what symptoms should you take Vinpocetine carefully?

There is a certain list of diseases that are the reason for contraindications. Additional list diseases, only warns a person that side effects may occur with decreased vascular tone, angina pectoris, arrhythmia or unstable arterial hypertension.


The use of vinpocetine helps to get rid of many diseases or unpleasant symptoms thanks to wide range effects on the body. Recommendations, correct dosage And timely treatment give the greatest effect. The main thing is to follow all indications and not self-medicate. Only a specialist will prescribe the correct dose and additional medications to prevent side effects.


Vinpocetine and blood pressure

Pharmaceutical drug Vinpocetine is considered effective cardiovascular drug, which helps normalize cerebral circulation. Each package of medicine comes with instructions for use, which mandatory need to be studied before starting treatment. The drug is prescribed by the attending physician individually for each patient and only after a diagnostic examination.

Release form, composition and mechanism of action

"Vinpocetine" is produced in the form of round tablets of 10-100 pieces in a cell package, in a cardboard box there are 1-10 pieces of packaging. Another form of release of the drug is a concentrated solution for infusion. The solution is poured into dark glass ampoules, which are packed in cardboard boxes. The composition of Vinpocetine varies depending on the form produced:

The action of the drug is aimed at dilating the blood vessels of the brain.

The mechanism of action of the described drug is aimed at improving cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism. Vinpocetine has a beneficial effect on the physicochemical properties of the blood, increases the content of cAMP in cells, which ultimately reduces the level of calcium in smooth muscle cells and relaxes myofibrils. The pharmaceutical drug helps to dilate blood vessels, improve the body's utilization of oxygen, and increase the resistance of tissues and organs to oxygen starvation. Reduces the possibility of platelet aggregation, reduces the viscosity of blood fluid. At high blood pressure reduces it slightly.

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Indications for use

Vinpocetine is used for vascular pathologies eye shell resulting from thrombosis or atherosclerosis. The medication is prescribed for macular degeneration, secondary glaucoma, as well as for cerebral circulatory dysfunction, occurring in acute and chronic form. In addition, it is recommended to take Vinpocetine for age-related vascular or toxic hearing impairment, dizziness, and Meniere's syndrome.

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Contraindications and side effects

When is it not prescribed?Possible negative consequences
Cardiac ischemiaPainful palpitations
Brain hemorrhageArrhythmia
Heart rhythm disturbancesECG changes
PregnancySudden fluctuations in blood pressure
Lactation periodSleep disorders
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drugHeadache
Children under 18 years of ageHyperhidrosis
Lactase deficiencyDizziness
GalactosemiaDry mouth
Disturbances in the absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tractNausea
Burning in the esophagus
Allergic reactions
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How to take: instructions for using Vinpocetine for blood pressure

The dosage of the medicine and the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.

The pharmaceutical drug "Vinpocetine" is prescribed in tablet form, 0.005-0.010 g 3 times a day. For maintenance therapy, the dosage is 5 mg in the morning, lunch and evening. The medicine is taken after meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is about 60 days. Patients with acute course For diseases, the medication is prescribed parenterally. The initial dosage is 20 mg, and gradually increases over 3-5 days to the maximum allowable - 1 mg per kg of patient weight, divided per day. The duration of treatment takes 10-14 days. After this, the patient is prescribed to take Vinpocetine orally, gradually reducing the dose until complete withdrawal.

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It is worth considering that the described drug, when administered intravenously, increases the risk of bleeding and hemorrhage in various organs, and also enhances the effectiveness of medications that lower blood pressure. There is no need to use Vinpocetine if there is low vascular tone and labial blood pressure. Patients with diabetes mellitus Patients who have been prescribed the drug intravenously should regularly monitor their blood glucose levels. For young patients, the medication can only be used with the permission of a specialized physician, since medical practice does not have sufficient data on its use in pediatrics. Vinpocetine affects the ability to control vehicles and mechanisms, therefore it is contraindicated for people whose professional activity associated with such, and requires increased concentration.

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