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Human health.

Teacher: Our journey to the Land of Security continues. Our helpers: Wise Owl (she always knows about everything), Grandfather the Rhymer-Eater (he always writes about everything) and the Asking Bunny (he’s just very curious) are already here and ready to help us. Today, we will talk about human health.

Wise Owl: The largest and main value a person is his health. Therefore, it needs to be preserved and strengthened. To do this you always need: 1, 2, etc. read as first, second, etc. 1. Follow a daily routine; 2. Eat right. 3. Take a shower after sleep - in the morning, and before bed - in the evening. 4. Wash with soap and a washcloth at least once a week. 5. Trim nails and hair. 6. Keep your clothes and shoes clean. 7. Don't forget to clean your home and classroom.

Daily walks fresh air, morning exercises and physical education classes, hardening will help you improve your health.

Grandfather-Rhymer: Let winter smile through the window, But the classroom is light and warm! We take care of our health from an early age. It will save us from pain and troubles!

Teacher: - Do you think it is possible to get sick from poor personal hygiene? What is personal hygiene? Name the rules of personal hygiene that you know. (Students' answers). That's right, because cleanliness is the key to health! Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is a disregard for one’s health, and uncleanliness is disrespect not only for oneself, but also for the people around him. As a rule, lazy people are dirty. Lazy schoolchildren are bored in class, do not study well, they do not want to carry out any assignments, they do not like to write clearly in notebooks or read books. They do not cultivate the habit of working and helping their parents with household chores.

Grandfather-Rhymer: Lazy children want to live the way one student dreamed of it from B. Zakhoder’s poem “Petya Dreams.” If soap came to my bed in the morning and washed me itself, that would be good! If books and notebooks learned to be in order, knew all their places - That would be beauty! If only life would come then! Know, take a walk, and relax! Then my mother would stop saying that I’m lazy!

Wise Owl: Remember: Cleanliness is the best beauty. Those who are neat are liked by people.

Asking Bunny: What does it mean to eat right? Is it a lot and tasty? Wise Owl: Healthy eating is one of the fundamentals healthy image life. A healthy diet should be regular, varied, rich in vegetables and fruits. What does a person eat? What organs help a person eat? (Digestive organs). How does this process happen? Food enters the mouth, is moistened with saliva, and we chew it with our teeth. Further along the esophagus it enters the stomach. This is where its processing begins. From the stomach it enters small intestine, where it is finally digested with the help of bile and digestive juices. Digested food enters the blood through the intestinal walls and travels to all organs. But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. The school canteen serves food from healthy products, so you need to eat everything our chefs offer. Proper nutrition- a condition of health, if incorrect it leads to disease.

Teacher: Continue the tale: “Once upon a time there was a king. He had a daughter. She only loved sweets. And trouble happened to her.” - What happened to the princess? - What do you advise her? (Students' answers). - Think about whether you eat right?

Grandfather Rhymer:

Children really like fruits and vegetables for breakfast. From healthy eating Cheeks are already blushing

You need to eat a lot of porridge, drink kefir and yogurt, and don’t forget about the soup, you will be healthy, my dear!

Wise Owl: Studying at school and doing homework is serious work. So that

Project on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle.”

Target : understand how important it is for a person to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow standards that will help maintain good health.

Health - this is the main value of life, it occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. Health - one of the most important components of human happiness and one of the leading conditions for successful social and economic development. Realization of intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society.

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

The modern concept of health allows us to identify its main components -physical, psychological and behavioral.

Physical component includes the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, as well as Current state their functioning. The basis of this process are morphological and functional transformations and reserves that ensure physical performance and adequate adaptation of a person to external conditions.

Psychologicalcomponent is a state of the mental sphere, which is determined by motivational-emotional, mental and moral-spiritual components. Its basis is a state of emotional-cognitive comfort that provides mental performance and appropriate human behavior. This condition is due to both biological and social needs, as well as opportunities to meet these needs.

Behavioral component is external manifestation human condition. It is expressed in the degree of adequacy of behavior and the ability to communicate. It is based on life position(active, passive, aggressive) and interpersonal relationships, which determine the adequacy of interaction with the external environment (biological and social) and the ability to work effectively.

Modern living conditions place increased demands on the health of young people. Therefore, the main thing for young people is to be healthy.

Determining the relationship between social and biological principles in a person makes it possible to identify their influence on human health. Just as in the essence of man himself it is impossible to separate the biological from the social, so it is impossible to separate the biological and social components of health. The health and illness of an individual are fundamentally biological. But general biological qualities are not fundamental; they are mediated by the social conditions of his life, which are decisive. Not only in the works of individual researchers, but also in international documents medical organizations talks about the social conditioning of health, i.e. the primary impact on health social conditions and factors.

Social conditions- this is a form of manifestation of production relations, a method of social production, socio-economic system and political structure of society.

Social factors- this is a manifestation of social conditions for a particular person: working conditions, leisure, housing, food, education, upbringing, etc.

The WHO Constitution defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.” But it should be said that there is no single definition now. We can offer the following options for defining health, proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn: health is the harmonious unity of biological and social qualities caused by congenital and acquired biological and social influences (disease is a violation of this unity); a state that allows you to lead an unconstrained life, fully perform human functions (primarily labor), lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, experience mental, physical and social well-being.

Individual health- individual health. It is assessed by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition etc.

Group Health- health of individual communities of people: age, professional, etc.

Public health- the health of people living in a certain territory.

The most difficult thing to define is public health. Public health reflects the health of the individuals who make up society, but is not the sum of the health of individuals. Even the WHO has not yet proposed a concise and succinct definition of public health. “Public health is a state of society that provides conditions for an active productive lifestyle, not constrained by physical and mental illness, that is, this is something without which society cannot create material and spiritual values, this is the wealth of society” (Yu. P. Lisitsyn).

Public health potential- a measure of the quantity and quality of people’s health and its reserves accumulated by society.

Public Health Index- the ratio of healthy and unhealthy image life of the population.

Healthy lifestyle- the lifestyle of an individual for the purpose of preventing diseases and promoting health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical training, morale and refusal bad habits.

Elements of healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle is an active participation in work, social, family, household, and leisure forms of human life.

In a narrow biological sense, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person to the influences external environment and changes in conditions internal environment. Authors writing on this topic include different components in a healthy lifestyle, but most of them consider the following to be basic:

Developing healthy habits and skills from early childhood;

Environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;

Refusal of bad habits: self-poisoning with legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco) and illegal ones.

Nutrition: moderate, appropriate physiological characteristics a specific person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed;

Movements: physically active life, including special physical exercises (for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;

Body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, mastery of first aid skills;


On physiological state a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which depends, in turn, on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

Emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one’s own emotions and difficult situations;

Intellectual well-being: a person's ability to recognize and use new information For optimal actions in new circumstances;

Spiritual well-being: the ability to establish truly meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them, optimism.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle:

There are 10 tips developed international group doctors, nutritionists and psychologists who form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can extend and make our lives more enjoyable.

Tip 1: solving crossword puzzles while studying foreign languages By making mental calculations, we train our brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

Tip 2: work – important element healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

Tip 3: Don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, get by with 1,500. This helps maintain cell activity and relieve stress. You should also not go to extremes and eat too little.

Tip 4: the menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. Selenium contained in kidneys and cheese is useful for men after 40 years of age, it helps relieve stress. After 50 years, magnesium is needed, which keeps the heart in shape and calcium, which is good for bones, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 5: Have your own opinion on everything. Living a conscious life will help you become depressed and depressed as little as possible.

Tip 7: It’s better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps preserve youth. The fact is that the temperature environment metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics depend.

Tip 8: Move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life.

Tip 9: Pamper yourself periodically. Despite the recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself something tasty.

Tip 10: Don’t always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

| Human health is both an individual and social value

Basics of life safety
9th grade

Lesson 25
Human health
both individual and social value

Human health, undoubtedly, occupies the top level among life values. Health is an indispensable condition for human well-being and happiness.

Currently, there are a number of definitions of human health. Let's name the main ones:

Absence of illness;
normal functioning of the human body in the human-environment system;
the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions of existence in the environment;
ability to fully perform basic social functions and etc.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a more complete and objective definition of health: “Health is a state of complete spiritual, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Let us note that achieving well-being is possible only through socially useful work aimed at improving the social well-being of the individual, society and the state. Therefore, health can also be defined as an indispensable condition for effective, socially useful activity for the benefit of ourselves, our society and the state.


The health of each person is not only his individual, but also a social value, since public health ultimately a major component of the health of members of society. Public health and the individual health of each person are interconnected, and one depends on the other.

To get a complete picture of a person’s health, it is necessary to take into account his spiritual, physical and social qualities and capabilities.

The spiritual component of a person’s health can be defined as his ability to cognize the world in the dynamics of development, their capabilities and ways of self-realization and form moral guidelines for life. Spiritual health always has a moral emphasis. Let us note that the highest morality for a person is the search for ways to preserve humanity as a species on Earth. And at present we can say this: morality is the search for ways to save a person from self-destruction. (Recall that the negative impact of the human factor on the security of the individual, society and state is 80-90%.)


Spiritual health is a person’s ability to analyze various events and phenomena occurring in the surrounding world, determine the course of their development and possible consequences for personal well-being from communication with the outside world in the process of life.

The level of spiritual health is also determined by a person’s ability to be kind, merciful, and selflessly helping others.

The level of spiritual health is ensured by a person’s thinking system, constant desire him to self-education, self-training and improvement of spiritual, physical and social qualities

Everyone should know this

The physical component of human health is characterized by:

The perfection of the human body;
the ability to ensure constant spiritual self-improvement and life activity in the real environment - natural, man-made and social;
the ability aimed at ensuring a prosperous life and safety in various dangerous and emergency situations, at ensuring the longevity of the functioning of all human organs without deviations. Strengthens physical health by using:
physical culture;
rational nutrition;
hardening the body;
rational combination of mental and physical labor;
ability to combine stress and rest;
exclusion from the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoking;
skills and abilities to provide medical self-help. The social component of health is characterized by the level of a person’s general culture in the field of safety. Social health is strengthened through:
the ability to anticipate dangers that arise in the process of life and, if possible, avoid them;
knowledge of existing regulations and safety requirements and the ability to comply with them so as not to provoke a dangerous or emergency situation through one’s own fault;
knowledge of the recommendations of security experts and the ability to apply them taking into account their own characteristics.

Man, unlike the rest of the animal world, is endowed with a creative mind, therefore the basis of human health is its spiritual component. This was known to people in ancient times.

The ancient Roman orator and politician Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote: “First of all, nature has bestowed on each species of living beings the desire to defend itself, to protect its life, that is, its body, to avoid everything that seems harmful, to acquire and obtain for itself everything necessary for life: food, shelter and so on. What all living beings have in common is the desire to unite in order to produce offspring, and care for this offspring. But the greatest difference between man and beast is that the beast moves as much as its senses move it, and adapts only to the conditions around it, thinking little about the past and the future. On the contrary, a person endowed with reason, thanks to which he perceives the sequence between events, sees their causes, and previous events and objects do not elude him, he compares similar phenomena and closely connects the future with the present, easily sees the entire course of his life and prepares for himself everything you need to get by. Man has, first of all, the inclination to study and investigate the truth” (treatise “On Duties”).

Let us draw your attention to a number of factors that have a significant impact on human health.

First factor is heredity that affects all aspects of human health. Heredity determines a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and, to a certain extent, predetermines his style of behavior in life, inclinations to certain actions, etc.

The degree of influence of heredity on human health, according to experts, can be 20%.

Second factor- environmental influence in places of residence. The degree of its impact on health can also be up to 20%.

Third factor- the impact of medical care on human health. This factor can be up to 10%.

Fourth factor- the influence of a person’s lifestyle on his health. This factor is 50%! Consequently, we again come to the conclusion: adherence to the norms of a healthy lifestyle is a reliable guarantee of strengthening and maintaining health.

In conclusion, we note that a person’s individual health largely depends on his lifestyle, the ability to anticipate and avoid various dangerous situations, build your well-being.

By maintaining and strengthening their personal health, each person contributes to public health, which ultimately is the basis of Russia’s national security. There is only one way to achieve this - adherence to healthy lifestyle standards.


1. What is meant by human health and what content is included in this concept?

2. What is the definition of health in the Constitution of the World Health Organization?

3. What relationships exist between the spiritual, physical and social components of human health?

4. What are the main factors that have a significant impact on human health?

5. Why is the individual health of each person not only an individual, but also a social value?


Target: creating conditions for students to develop a system of scientific knowledge about health and its varieties: individual and public.


  1. Educational - master the basic concepts: individual and public health.
  2. Educational - to promote the formation of a positive “I-concept”.
  3. Developmental - to promote the development of creative abilities.

Equipment: bright balloon, computer, lesson presentation, valeological audio recordings, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, stencil of a schoolchild’s health model, three colors of tokens (red, yellow, green).

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational stage - (1 min.)

II. Main stage.

  1. Updating students' primary experience (5 min.)
  2. Learning new material (25-28 min.)
    2.1. Joint goal setting.
    2.2. Work in groups. Association task.
    2.3. Definition of health in the WHO Constitution. Generalization of the concept of health.
    2.4. The relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.
    2.5. Work in groups: drawing up a model of student health.
    2.6. Presentation of student work.
    2.7. Physical education break.
    2.8. Individual and public health.
  3. Consolidating new material (5 min.)
  4. "Make your choice".
  5. Summing up (2-3 min.)
  6. Homework(2 minutes.)
  7. Reflection (2 min.)

During the classes

At recess before class, a valeology melody sounds. The classroom is ventilated. Students are seated in groups.

I.Organizational stage.

Greeting students. Creating a favorable psycho-emotional environment in the classroom.

II. Main stage.

1. Updating the primary experience of students.

Motivation. With the help of a balloon, which students throw to each other, find out what is most important in the life of each of the students in this class. ( Children's answer options).

Without what can a person achieve the above values? (discussion of the problem). (Children's answer options).

Decision-making.- Without health it is very difficult to achieve anything, so it is one of the main life values ​​of a person.

2. Learning new material

2.1. Joint goal setting. The teacher draws the children's attention to the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: What do you think about we'll talk in today's lesson? (Children's answer options).

Teacher: Today we will identify the meaning of the concepts of individual health and public health, namely, health is a human value; Let’s try to create a model of a schoolchild and find out how individual health differs from public health.

Teacher: Try to define health . (Children's answer options).

Can health be simply the absence of disease?

How would you define health? ( Children's answer options).(Slide 2)

The first issue studied is Health - a human value. (Slide 3)

2.2. Work in groups. Association task.

For each letter of this word, write words related to what makes a person healthy.



Try to define health . (Children's answer options).

Can health be simply the absence of disease? (Children's answer options).

How would you define health? (Children's answer options).

2.3. Definition of health in the WHO Constitution. Generalization of the concept of health.

As defined by the World Health Organization "health" - is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (write in notebook).(Slide 4)

Exercise: Based on the proposed drawings, name the manifestations of the schoolchild’s health, according to the WHO definition of health. (Children's answer options: physical, social, mental health).(Slide 5)

2.4. The relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.(Slide 6)

The second issue being studied is the creation of a model of schoolchildren’s health. The model can be represented as a triangle, the vertex of which is the state of ideal health. This model shows the relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.

Physical health– this is the functioning of the body, the health of all its systems, physical activity, daily routine and rest, balanced nutrition, hardening, etc.

Social– awareness of oneself as a male or female person, interaction with others, understanding and development of skills that help in communicating with people, prevention of social significant diseases. A person’s social health is formed on the basis of physical health. (Slide 7)

Mental– the ability to determine one’s place in the world around us, understanding one’s feelings and the ability to express them, the ability to predict various situations formation and development of the personality of high school students, their self-determination and self-realization. A person’s mental health is formed on the basis of physical and social health. (Slide 8)

Every person strives for his own peak in maintaining and strengthening health. Each person reaches his or her peak in developing health (physical, social, mental) through individual routes. General objectives of the route: level 1- know; Level 2 - be able to warn; 3 highest level - be able to help loved ones.

2.5. Work in groups: drawing up a model of student health.(Slide 10)

These three components of health must constantly be in harmonious unity, complementing and influencing each other. Every person strives for his own peak in maintaining and strengthening health.

Group assignment: Using the concept of health, general tasks create your own health models for each route according to a given general model.

(A melody sounds during group work)

2.6. Presentation of student work.

In presentations, they have the opportunity to express their opinions and demonstrate independence. (Defending Group Models of Health.)

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers and focuses on the purposeful desire to preserve and strengthen everyone’s health as a life value.

Conclusion: “health” is understood as a single whole, consisting of interconnected and influencing aspects. Each of you will be able to independently create your own individual health model.

2.7. Physical education break.

Exercises for physical education(to the sound of a valeological melody):

1) For improvement cerebral circulation: I.P. - sitting, standing, hands on the belt. On the count of 1 - in one fell swoop left hand bring through right shoulder, turn your head to the left, 2 - and. p., on the count of 3-4 too right hand. Repeat 3-4 times.

2) To relieve fatigue from shoulder girdle: "Octopus" - circular movements shoulders back and forth 3-4 times, shoulders up and down (both together, then in turn) 3-4 times.

3) To relieve fatigue from the torso: stretch for pleasure for up to 10 seconds. (Slide 10)

2.8. Individual and public health.

The third issue being studied is individual and public health.

In the treatise of an ancient Roman politician Cicero(106-43 BC) "About responsibilities" it says: “The duties of a wise man are to take care of his property, health, without doing anything contrary to customs, laws and regulations... not only for himself, but also for the sake of children, relatives, friends, and especially for the sake of the state; after all, the wealth of individuals constitutes the wealth of the civil community.” (Slide 11)

The main wealth of any state is its people. Without human potential, any economic system will collapse and the most advanced and progressive “national idea” is powerless. (From the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation). (Slide 12)

Modern medicine defines health, both public and individual (see diagram) (Slide 13)


Teacher: - What is meant by the concept of individual health? public health?

How are the concepts of public and individual health interconnected? (they are inextricably linked with each other, and one depends on the other).

Without healthy individual person, as a unit of society there will not be a healthy society, therefore our state takes care of the health of every person.

3. Fixing the material.(Slide 14)

Assignment for each student.« Make your choice". Using multi-colored tokens, determine which level of the model you think is the most developed.

Green – 1st place - very well developed.

Yellow - 2nd place - well developed.

Red - 3rd place - poorly developed.

On a pre-prepared stencil of a schoolchild’s health model (see Slide 10), children place their tokens, determining the rating of the health development of this class.

Statements of eminent people about health. Arthur Schopenhauer “Aphorisms of worldly wisdom”: “... first of all we must preserve good health. The means for this are simple: avoid all excesses, excessive stormy and unpleasant excitement, as well as overly intense and prolonged mental work, then increased movement in the fresh air for at least two hours, frequent bathing in cold water and similar hygienic measures.” (Slide 15).

4. Summing up


What conclusions can be drawn after today's lesson?

What place does health have among life values? ( Students express their opinions.)

(Analysis of work in the lesson and grading.)(Slide 16)

5. Homework.

Think through your health models and offer them for discussion in the next lesson. (Slide 17)

6. Reflection.

Express your thoughts and feelings about today's lesson using only one sentence or phrase. (Slide 18)

(The teacher wishes everyone health and thanks for their work in class.(Slide 19).)

List of valeological melodies:

  1. Orchestra P. Mauriat “Atlantis”.
  2. Orchestra of P. Mauriat “El Bimo”.
  3. Orchestra of P. Mauriat “Minueto”.

1 of 24

Presentation on the topic: Human health

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

Health is the first and most important need of a person, determining his ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for understanding the world around us, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life- This is an important component of the human factor. Health is the first and most important need of a person, determining his ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for understanding the world around us, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor. To main

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

· Physical health is natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. · Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. · Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, and the development of volitional qualities. · Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis social life person, i.e. life in a particular human society. Distinctive features moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. To main

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing one to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing one to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age. To main

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health. The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health. The first law is the balance of energy received and consumed. If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal development person, for work and wellness, - we are getting fatter. Now more than a third of our country, including children, has excess weight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, a number of other ailments. To main

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

Second law - correspondence chemical composition diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and a source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish fat, liver. The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver. To main

Slide no. 8

Slide description:

The state of the environment is of no small importance to health: The state of the environment is of no small importance to health: the effect of the “ozone hole” affects education malignant tumors air pollution on the state respiratory tract water pollution - on digestion, sharply worsens general state human health, reduces life expectancy to the main

Slide no. 9

Slide description:

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life by long years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases tone nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism. Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, and maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. To main

Slide no. 10

Slide description:

It is important to follow the following daily routine: It is important to maintain the following daily routine: get up at the same time every day, exercise regularly morning exercises, eat at set hours, alternate mental work with physical exercise, observe the rules of personal hygiene, keep your body, clothes, shoes clean, work and sleep in a well-ventilated area, go to bed at the same time! To main

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