Home Pulpitis Alerana vitamins day night. Alerana: instructions for use of vitamins

Alerana vitamins day night. Alerana: instructions for use of vitamins

Vitamin and mineral complex “Night” comprises:

  • – 5 mg;
  • – 5 mg;
  • – 0.007 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 0.12 mg;
  • – 40 mg;
  • zinc – 15 mg;
  • D-pantothenate – 12 mg;
  • silicon – 5 mg;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid – 0.25 mg;
  • chromium – 0.05 mg.

Auxiliary components of vitamin complexes include:

  • microcrystalline cellulose – 319.3 mg;
  • potato starch– 28 mg;
  • silicon dioxide (aerosil) – 6 mg;
  • calcium stearate – 5.9 mg;
  • coating – 33 mg for the day tablet and 25 mg for the night tablet.

Compound spray for external use 2% (5 %):

  • minoxidil – 20 mg in 1 ml (50 mg in 1 ml);
  • ethanol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • purified water.

Compound brasmatic eyelash growth stimulator Alerana:

  • Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) ;
  • panthenol;
  • nettle extract;
  • jojoba oil;
  • chestnut extract;
  • almond oil;
  • ceramides;
  • burdock oil;
  • taurine;
  • castor oil.

Release form

  • Spray Alerana for external use, regardless of the concentration of the active component, it is packaged in 50 or 60 ml polyethylene bottles, sealed with dispensers. The aerosol is placed in cardboard packs along with an annotation for the pharmaceutical product and a special elongated spray nozzle.
  • Shampoo against baldness for all hair types in a 200 ml bottle.
  • Growth stimulator for eyelashes and eyebrows Alerana in the form of brasmatic in a pencil case 2x6 ml.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex in the form of film-coated tablets in blisters of 20 pieces. There are a total of 3 cell contour plates in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine is used to care for hairy part heads to slow down the process alopecia . At local application the main active ingredients have a stimulating effect on hair growth by improve blood circulation in the microvasculature, which manifests itself in the transition of hair follicles to the active or growing phase. Minoxidil changes the effect of male sex hormones on hair follicles; according to the mechanism of action, it reduces the formation of 5-alpha-dehydrosterone, which indirectly plays a role in the formation of baldness.

Optimal effect pharmaceutical drug noted when:

  • the duration of the disease (androgenetic alopecia) is no more than 10 years;
  • young age of the patient;
  • the diameter of a bald spot or bald spot in the crown area is no more than 10 cm;
  • the presence of more than 100 vellus and terminal hairs in the center of the pathological focus.

The appearance of signs of hair growth, noticeable to the naked eye, is observed after 4 or more months of a conservative course of treatment of the nosological unit. After stopping the use of the pharmaceutical drug, the active activity of the follicles gradually disappears, and within 3-4 months it is possible to restore the original appearance of the scalp.

Auxiliary components of shampoo also have an important pharmachologic effect on the scalp and hair follicles. Extracts from horse chestnut, sage and wormwood soothe and relieve irritation, poppy extract gives hair a healthy shine, and vitamin B5 moisturizes the skin well.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Minoxidil has a local effect on the scalp, therefore it has low absorption abilities, that is, only 1.5% of the total applied dose enters the systemic bloodstream. After stopping the course conservative treatment 95% of the active component is eliminated from the body within 4 days. The metabolic pathways of biotransformation of the active ingredient after external use have not been fully studied to date.

It is known that minoxidil excreted primarily by the kidneys through glomerular filtration or using hemodialysis .

Indications for use

  • androgenic ;
  • recovery hairline;
  • stabilization of the hair loss process;
  • care for weakened, thinning eyelashes and eyebrows.


  • increased sensitivity to the components of the cosmetic product;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance to the active and auxiliary substances of the pharmaceutical drug;
  • age under 18 years;
  • integrity violation skin;
  • dermatoses scalp;
  • old age over 65 years.

Side effects

Local side effects:

  • scalp;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​hair follicles;
  • itchy scalp;
  • allergic contact;
  • hypertrichosis – excessive hair growth in uncharacteristic areas of the skin or unusual for a given gender or age;
  • increased hair loss (during the transition from the resting phase to active growth, when the “old” hairline is replaced by new hair 2-6 weeks after the start of the conservative course of treatment).

Systemic adverse effects of therapeutic intervention:

  • nonspecific allergic reactions – skin rash , , facial swelling ;
  • dyspnea;
  • And dizziness ;
  • vertigo ;
  • nonspecific neuritis ;
  • chest pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • uncontrolled rises and falls blood pressure ;
  • change in the rhythm of cardiac activity.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Alerana spray

Used for external application to dry scalp. The medicine does not require rinsing. The treated area is evenly covered with 1 ml of the pharmaceutical preparation 2 times a day, which corresponds to 7 presses per 1 manipulation. It is applied starting from the center of the pathological focus to the periphery. After using Alerana in the form of a spray, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Total daily dose should not exceed 2 ml, even with large sizes area of ​​alopecia. If, after using a 2% therapeutic solution, no positive cosmetic effect is observed within 3-4 months, then you should switch to a stronger pharmaceutical drug with a dosage of the active component of 5%. Total duration The course of conservative treatment lasts, on average, 1 year.

The dispenser attached to the bottle is better suited for applying the spray directly to problem areas of the scalp. If the pathological focus of baldness is located under long hair or spreads over a small area, then it is recommended to use the extended spray nozzle that comes with the medicine.

How to use anti-hair loss shampoo?

Apply a small amount of the product to damp hair, previously washed with regular shampoo. Using massaging movements, the therapeutic agent is distributed evenly throughout the entire scalp and promotes closer interaction with the hair follicles located at the root of each individual hair. Next, whip up the foam, as when using regular everyday shampoo, so that the auxiliary components exert their pharmacological effects along the length of healthy hair. The exposure lasts from 1 to 3 minutes, after which the shampoo is washed off with warm running water.

How to take a vitamin-mineral complex?

Aleran vitamins contain two formulas with characteristic names "Day" And "Night", which are applied accordingly. It is recommended to use the tablets during meals when gastrointestinal tract is maximally prepared for the absorption of beneficial components. The duration of the conservative course of treatment is 1-3 months, and this therapy can be repeated 2-3 times a year, depending on the individual indicators vitamin and mineral metabolism. To achieve optimal effect, the combined use of several pharmaceutical forms of the drug is recommended.

Method of using eyelash and eyebrow growth stimulator

Like the vitamin-mineral complex, cosmetic brasmatic comes in the form of two formulas - day and night, which are used every day. Variation pharmaceutical product with title "Day" It is recommended to apply to eyelashes and eyebrows after washing your face in the morning; it is well suited as a base for mascara. It can also be used when wearing contact lenses, it will not affect therapeutic effects medicine.

Formula "Night" applied after evening hygiene procedures when the day's makeup has already been removed special gels for washing. An open pencil case should be kept with the white lid facing up so as not to waste the pharmaceutical drug.

To achieve a lasting result, it is recommended to carry out courses of conservative treatment for 1-3 months, depending on the initial condition of the eyelashes and eyebrows. Therapeutic procedures can be repeated no more than twice a year. When using cosmetics, you should avoid contact with the mucous membranes; otherwise, you should rinse your eyes generously with running water and consult your doctor for help if any side effects occur.


Accidental ingestion of a drug may cause systemic side effects due to vasodilatory effects minoxidil , since the oral form of the active component is used in pharmacy as an antihypertensive drug. Overdose symptoms:

  • fluid retention;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia.

Specific pharmacological antidote for minoxidil no, that's why it's used symptomatic drug therapy . To eliminate water retention, diuretics are prescribed, and beta-blockers are prescribed to correct the rhythm of cardiac activity. It is recommended to sanitize the blood pressure level by introducing not cardiac stimulating drugs, but by increasing the volume of circulating blood, for example, using an isotonic solution.


Clinical studies have proven that minoxidil for hair may interact with some medications that are used topically. For example, a cream for external use with or (minimum concentration active ingredients– 0.05%) causes a change protective functions skin, which can lead to increased absorption minoxidil and related systemic side effects.

From the point of view of theoretical medicine, it is possible to enhance orthostatic hypotension when simultaneously prescribing pharmaceuticals based on minoxidil externally with peripheral vasodilators for oral use. A slight increase in concentration cannot be ruled out. minoxidil in the bloodstream during therapy arterial hypertension, which may be the result of the combined administration of local and systemic forms of the drug, however clinical researches have not been carried out on this issue.

Terms of sale

The pharmaceutical drug is permitted for over-the-counter purchase at pharmacy kiosks and licensed points of sale of cosmetics.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays and out of reach of children younger age place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Avoid contact of the pharmaceutical drug with the eyes and other mucous membranes. After using the medicine, wash your hands thoroughly.

For children

The pharmaceutical drug is contraindicated for use under 18 years of age.

With alcohol

Since Alerana is used for external use, and the main component of the therapeutic-cosmetic product is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream in small quantities, drinking alcohol does not affect the effectiveness of the course of conservative treatment androgenic alopecia .

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of any of the pharmaceutical forms of the therapeutic agent is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since a small amount of absorbed active component can have a vasodilating systemic effect or an excess of vitamin and mineral elements, if we are talking about Aleran oral tablets, which will adversely affect intrauterine development fetus or the health of an already born child.

Reviews about Aleran

Reviews for Alerana shampoo against hair loss is the first thing that comes across on the way to studying the practical use of this therapeutic agent, because its use does not require special medical skills or knowledge, absolutely every man is able to correctly introduce shampoo for hair growth into a complex of everyday hygiene procedures. Of course, the good reputation of this form of pharmaceutical preparation is based not only on the ease of its use, but also on the beneficial effect proven experimentally and in clinical studies, as evidenced by expert reviews of the shampoo.

General practitioners and dermatologists in particular favor this form of cosmetic-therapeutic product, primarily because of the active component, because minoxidil not only improves blood circulation in the microvasculature, like a typical potassium channel activator, but also has a deeply selective effect on hair follicles. Shampoo against hair loss eliminates the cause of this problem by changing the effect of androgens on skin derivatives.

Reviews about Alerana spray They are somewhat less common than about Aleran shampoo for hair loss, but they are much more informative. This is not just a cosmetic product for the care of the scalp, but a spray for men with clearly defined therapeutic capabilities and selectivity of action. Like shampoo, hair spray uses minoxidil as active substance, but the concentration of the active component in this pharmaceutical form is significantly higher, which affects the final effect.

Accordingly, the stimulating effect on hair follicles is more complete, growth activation occurs earlier and the desired appearance achieved after completing an incomplete course conservative therapy. Another positive aspect of this pharmaceutical form is the thinner dosage of the drug, which allows the hair loss spray to be used longer and with less loss of absorption into the systemic bloodstream. A mask for hair with growth defects or other pathological problems can be replaced with Aleran spray.

Eyelash and eyebrow growth product presented as brasmatic, therefore reviews on Alerana for eyelashes should be looked for exclusively on cosmetic forums, where pharmaceutical form is very popular. Practical women have noticed that a variation of the drug is excellent as a base for mascara, and since it also performs certain therapeutic functions, this cosmetic product there are simply no equals.

Brasmatic has a rich chemical composition, which includes vitamins, plant extracts and a variety of oils. Day and night formulas of the drug allow you to stimulate growth, strengthen and restore the structure and natural color of eyelashes and eyebrows, increase density and thickness, and also protect them from adverse external influences.

The Internet continues to discuss Aleran tablets. Reviews about the product are mostly positive, which makes many people think about whether to try taking a course of this drug? The problem of hair loss is relevant for many people today. Moreover, both women and men suffer from alopecia equally. It is difficult to determine the cause of the pathology. One of many factors can lead to increased hair loss. Often several reasons contribute to this condition. Bad ecology, stress, overwork, unbalanced diet, diseases thyroid gland, genetics are only part of the factors predisposing to hair loss.

The domestic manufacturer Vertex knows how to easily cope with hair loss, strengthen your curls and make them healthy. Therapeutic cosmetics of the Alerana series are a whole range of products whose action is aimed at improving the condition of hair, its active growth and reducing hair loss. Not the last place in the line is occupied by a vitamin-mineral complex in tablets.

About the manufacturer

Looking through reviews about Alerana tablets, you can often come across positive comments about the Vertex company. This is a St. Petersburg manufacturer operating since 1999. It is worth saying that the company’s products are known in Russia since positive side. And this applies not only to the series medicinal cosmetics Alerana, Vertex also produces products used in gynecology, psychiatry, neurology, allergology, dermatology and some other branches of medicine. The company has its own pharmacological plant, where it produces the developed products.

General information about the vitamin-mineral complex of the Alerana series

Reviews about Aleran tablets would not be so good if the drug were ineffective. The vitamin-mineral complex has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of hair, eyelashes, nails and skin, but also on the body as a whole. Like any other product produced by Vertex, the tablets have undergone clinical studies, during which their effectiveness was confirmed.

The tablets are coated with a special coating, some of them are white, others are dark burgundy. Since the vitamin-mineral complex was developed according to double formula“day-night”, shades allow you to distinguish them. The drug is available in cardboard box, which contains 3 blisters. There are a total of 60 tablets in the package, which is enough for a monthly course.

Rich composition of vitamins "Alerana"

The complex is designed so that one tablet “works” during the day, and the other at night. Depending on this, the composition of Alerana tablets differs. Why was there a need to divide them in this way? During the planning period for the launch of the vitamin-mineral complex, many studies were carried out, which made it possible to identify some features. For example, the factor of compatibility of components with each other. This contributed to the division active substances and auxiliary components for daily and evening time reception. The technique ensures that a person receives the required amount of microelements at the right time.

The “day” formula is white tablets. They consist of the following substances:

  • beta-carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid;
  • alpha tocopherol;
  • selenium;
  • ascorbic acid.

The “night” formula is maroon “Alerana” tablets for hair. They have a richer composition:

  • cystine;
  • riboflavin;
  • chromium;
  • pyridoxine;
  • D-pantothenate;
  • silicon;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • zinc;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • silicon;
  • biotin;
  • cholecalciferol.

Substances such as potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate and a special shell are used as auxiliary components. It is important to know about the presence of these substances in order to eliminate the possibility of allergic reaction to one of them.

Indications for use

If your hair begins to look worse, it means it lacks vitamins and minerals. The Alerana complex is recommended in following cases:

  • split ends;
  • dandruff;
  • increased hair loss;
  • slow growth;
  • early gray hair;
  • androgenic and focal alopecia;
  • dry or oily seborrhea;
  • poor microcirculation in the scalp;
  • prevention of baldness and other conditions;
  • insufficient hair thickness.

As can be seen from the reviews, Alerana hair tablets are recommended by many girls. But the vitamin-mineral complex can be used not only for hair loss. It helps to cope with many other conditions that occur not only in women, but also in men. Like any other multivitamin preparation, Alerana is recommended for hypovitaminosis of various etiologies. Pathology is expressed in depression, sharp changes mood, digestive disorders, decreased tone and the occurrence of dermatological diseases. It is important that only a doctor can determine the presence or absence of such a condition as hypovitaminosis after a series of additional tests. The results of these studies will allow us to determine the deficiency or excess of certain substances.

Dosage and course duration

Detailed information how, when and for how long to take the drug can be found in the instructions for Alerana tablets. The vitamin-mineral complex must be taken daily, 2 times a day. The white tablet should be taken in the morning, the dark burgundy one before bed. It is recommended to take the drug after meals. This way the tablets are better absorbed by the body. You should drink it with a glass of plain water. The duration of treatment is a month. It is not recommended to stop it earlier.

If after the allotted period of time no improvements are noted, it is possible to increase the duration of therapy to 3 months, but after consulting a doctor. Between courses in mandatory there is a break.

During the year, up to 3 treatment or preventive courses are allowed. One package of the Alerana vitamin and mineral complex contains 60 pcs. tablets. Customer reviews say that if not special problems with hair, it is better to take the course 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. The vitamin-mineral complex can also be taken for preventive purposes to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency and strengthen hair. At the same time, it is important to prevent hypervitaminosis. At the first symptoms, the course should be stopped.

It is possible to use only one of the two formulas. This is usually done in cases where there is intolerance to one or more components.

Contraindications and adverse events

Alerana hair treatment tablets are prohibited for use:

  • people whose age is less than 14 or more than 60 years old;
  • patients with mitral stenosis;
  • for those who have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • people suffering from hormone-dependent tumors;
  • patients with secondary pulmonary hypertension.

Very rarely, an allergic reaction may occur. It is characterized by the appearance of a rash, urticaria, swelling or rhinitis. Digestive upset occurs, which is associated with the effects of active components, in particular zinc.

More serious pathologies occur extremely rarely. For example, decreased visual acuity, headaches, dizziness. Dermatological pathologies such as thinning of the skin and pigmentation of body hair appear. All this is stated in the reviews. Alerana hair loss pills are generally safe, and these symptoms occur in rare cases, so you should not be afraid of them.

The effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex

The composition of Alerana tablets includes important elements that help the body function properly. When all processes go correctly, a person feels great, looks healthy and happy. This manifests itself not only in the condition of the hair, but also of the skin. Therefore, if the cause of hair loss lies in the lack of one or more elements, vitamins will be effective. And this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Aleran tablets for hair loss will not help if you this state led to some kind of acute or chronic illness. First you need to eliminate the cause, and only then restore your hair.

If hair loss is associated with a pathology such as alopecia, to achieve the best result, you should approach the issue comprehensively. In such cases, additional drugs are used local impact: sprays, shampoos, masks. A complex approach is not only more effective, but also helps to cope with the problem in a shorter period of time.

If we talk specifically about how effective this vitamin-mineral complex is, then you should contact the manufacturer. Vertex claims that the drug helps to cope with hair loss and increase the thickness of hair in 70% of cases or more. This is a really good result, which not all manufacturers can achieve.

The manufacturer's words are confirmed by numerous reviews. Alerana anti-hair loss tablets helped even in cases where it seemed that nothing could stop the development of alopecia. As you know, this disease often occurs in men. And like this interesting fact, which will interest many representatives of the stronger sex: men under the age of 40, including those who have been trying to cope with baldness for more than 10 years, thanks to the drug “Alerana”, achieved impressive results, completely restoring their scalp.

The vitamin-mineral complex is effective against gray hair. The components in its composition prevent the aging of skin and hair and trigger regeneration processes. And this is an important aspect for the state of the whole organism and each of its systems separately.

The effect of taking Aleran tablets can be enhanced. It's very easy to do this:

  • Be sure to take vitamins after meals and drink plenty of water;
  • revise your diet to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, and excluding harmful products(or reducing their number to a minimum);
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • worry less, take if necessary sedatives;
  • choose the right hair cosmetics depending on your hair type and needs.

Therapeutic cosmetics of the “Alerana” series, which consists of shampoos, balms, sprays, serums, tonics and masks, also have many positive reviews. Therefore, it would be a good idea to choose one or more hair care products from this line for yourself.

Worthy analogues

For some reasons, you may need to choose a different vitamin and mineral complex. For example, if there is an intolerance to any components in Alerana. Or the price turns out to be too expensive. The cost of the drug, by the way, is about 500-700 rubles. However, Alerana analogues in tablets are not much cheaper. In general, a vitamin-mineral complex, if it is really good and effective, will not be cheap. For example, good feedback received "Perfectil". It also belongs to the group of multivitamins and is prescribed for various diseases skin and hair associated with deficiency nutrients. “Perfectil” is produced in England, and its price varies within the same limits - 500-700 rubles.

Will cost a little more special dragee"Mertz." This is a German-made product that also has good reviews. The price for it can reach 1000 rubles. Pantovigar costs between 1300-1700 rubles. It is designed specifically to eliminate hair loss. This is a popular and well-reviewed vitamin and mineral complex made in Germany.

Alerana tablets: customer reviews

Of course, there are not only positive comments, but also negative or neutral ones. Some people write that they are not enthusiastic about the drug, but there is an effect from its use, and it makes me happy. If we consider negative reviews, it is difficult to determine why Alerana did not help. If the effect is visible in most people, then the lack of result in a minority is most likely due to a cause of hair loss other than a lack of vitamins.

Customer reviews say that the drug not only helped stop hair loss, but also promoted hair growth. The curls become soft, shiny, in a word - alive. However, there is such an unpleasant moment as increased hair growth on other parts of the body. In men it is usually on the back, and in women it is on the nasolabial triangle. This is a kind of side effect that is rare, but does occur.

Another unpleasant moment is withdrawal syndrome. Customers write about this in many reviews. That is, after some time after starting to take the pills, their good efficiency, but when the course ends, the volume of hair falling out remains the same.

Alerana tablets for hair: reviews from experts

Probably the best indicator of doctors' confidence in this drug is the frequency of its prescription. "Alerana" is recommended to patients by many specialists in the field of trichology and dermatology. The buyers themselves write that they bought the drug precisely on the recommendation of the attending physician. However, no reviews from trichologists and dermatologists themselves were found on the Internet.

"Alerana" is a high-quality drug of domestic production, which is relatively a short time managed to earn the love of most users. Some women and men are so impressed by the effect of taking it that even without problems with hair, they continue to take a course of vitamins 2 times a year. It should be said that this is one of the few dietary supplements that has such great amount positive feedback. "Alerana" for hair growth in tablets is a drug that deserves the attention of people struggling with various hair problems.

Mikhailova Ilona

The hair growth vitamins included in the well-known Aleran series raise many questions. Sometimes it's hard to separate negative reviews due to poor quality of the product from negative opinions due to improper use. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in detail all the intricacies of using the vitamin-mineral complex, study its features, and also get acquainted with the opinions of trichologists about the product.

About the manufacturer

The VERTEX company has existed since 1999, but the license to manufacture drugs was obtained four years later. The assortment includes not only hair care products, but also products for gynecology, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, allergology and other medical fields.

The Alerana series includes vitamins, serums, shampoos, sprays, balms and stimulants. They are designed to eliminate hair loss as well as improve general condition, hair and eyelash growth. It is noteworthy that each category of products has undergone clinical studies that confirm their effectiveness.

The vitamin-mineral complex is available in the form of tablets, which are coated with a special coating (white and dark burgundy). The box contains three blisters, each of which contains 20 pieces of pills (60 pieces in total).


As for the main differences from analogues, here we can highlight:

  1. Almost 20 active ingredients that are responsible for hair health and growth.
  2. The effective action of the complex has been proven by clinical studies.
  3. Lack of any hormonal substances in the composition.
  4. Development of two special formulas for day and night.
  5. Maximum compatibility between active components.
  6. The effect of the product takes into account the rhythm of restoration and growth of new hairs.

But the manufacturer immediately notes that its products are only an additional, and not the main source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals that are so necessary for the skin and scalp of men and women. Therefore, the treatment of such a problem must be approached comprehensively, taking into account the doctor’s instructions and the instructions for using vitamin Aleran.

Features of the composition

As already mentioned, the complex is divided into two groups of tablets: some are taken during the day, and others in the evening. This is not a whim trademark, but a thoughtful measure that experts studied during research. The fact is that Aleran vitamins contain a large number of active components, and for their effective and complete absorption, two formulas have been developed - “Day” and “Night”.

The components are broken down into each category, which also has common supporting components. Thus, a person receives the required amount of microelements at the right time based on the rhythms of the body.

Formula "day"


  • thiamine (B1);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • alpha-tocopherol (E);
  • beta-carotene;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • iron.

Formula "night"


  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12);
  • cholecalciferol (D3);
  • biotin (H);
  • D-pantothenate,
  • cystine;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid.


  • cellulose (microcrystalline);
  • potato starch);
  • aerosil (silicon dioxide);
  • calcium stearate;
  • special shell.

What effect does it have?

Each of the components of the Aleran vitamin-mineral complex is responsible for a specific effect on the hair and scalp:

  1. Thiamine. Color, shine, fight against breakage and split ends.
  2. Folic acid. Responsible for stimulating growth.
  3. Ascorbic acid. Provides elasticity to the hair and participates in the production of collagen.
  4. Alpha tocopherol. With a lack of vitamin E, hair becomes weak and new ones do not appear.
  5. Beta carotene. Blocks the occurrence of dandruff, provides volume and thickness to the hairstyle.
  6. Magnesium. Improves the structure of strands, making them more durable, strong and elastic.
  7. Selenium. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hairs, activating not only growth, but also restoration processes.
  8. Iron. Nourishes the roots, saturating the follicles with oxygen, which provides good condition and the thickness of the hair.
  9. Riboflavin. Responsible for regulating work sebaceous glands, normalization metabolic processes, eliminating increased oiliness of the scalp.
  10. Pyridoxine. It not only eliminates dandruff, but also improves the absorption of other beneficial substances by the follicles.
  11. Cyanocobalamin. Fights fungus, relieves itching, delivers oxygen to the roots, preventing focal baldness.
  12. Cholecalciferol. Prevents hair loss and many scalp problems, such as psoriasis.
  13. Biotin. It contains sulfur, which is necessary for the body to maintain the normal condition of not only curls, but also nails.
  14. D-pantothenate. Blocks early onset gray strands and also helps strengthen hair.
  15. Cystine. Acts as the main factor of protection from external negative impact(sun, hair dryer, curling iron, etc.).
  16. Silicon. Strengthens skin cells, nails, and hairs, reducing the risk of bald spots.
  17. Zinc. An indispensable microelement if you have a combination hair type (dry ends and oily roots).
  18. Chromium. Responsible for the appearance of the hairstyle and also maintains the follicles in normal condition.
  19. Para-aminobenzoic acid. Enhances hair growth and protects against early gray hair.

As you can see, Aleran vitamins cover almost all the daily needs of not only hair, but also skin, as well as nails. It is difficult to find another similar product that will contain such a variety of microelements beneficial to the body.

Why are there not enough vitamins from the diet?

On many forums you can find long stories from trichologists about patients who do not want to use dietary supplements, citing a professionally prepared diet by a personal nutritionist. But, if you turned to a specialist, it means that your hair problem cannot be solved. balanced diet. And there is a very simple explanation for this:

  1. A certain proportion of vitamins are destroyed by heat treatment (cooking, baking, frying, etc.).
  2. The human gastrointestinal tract does not absorb all the beneficial substances that come with food.
  3. With digestive pathologies, your body absorbs fewer vitamins.
  4. Stressful situations and some diseases increase a person’s need for microelements.

Considering all this, it becomes clear why experts advise their patients, after tests and examinations, to drink Aleran vitamins for hair loss and to improve hair growth. After all, two unique formulas greatly increase the chances of assimilation of all useful and necessary substances into the body.

Indications and contraindications for use

Aleran vitamins (day, night), according to customer and specialist reviews, can cope with the following hair problems:

  • slow growth;
  • severe loss;
  • increased fat content of roots;
  • brittle ends;
  • fragile curls;
  • damaged structure;
  • slight bald patches;
  • dull color (lack of shine);
  • dandruff and itching;
  • dry scalp;
  • thinning curls.

In all these cases, there is a need to use vitamins, but only after consulting a doctor and undergoing an examination.

  • pregnant women;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the composition;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • together with other similar means;
  • people over 65 years old.
  • Particular caution should be exercised by persons with arrhythmia, diseases of cardio-vascular system, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as renal and liver failure.

Side effect

Such negative effects practically do not occur. Most often they are associated with dose violations, joint reception similar drugs, as well as with individual intolerance:

  • allergic reaction (rash, itching);
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • various swelling;
  • the appearance of unwanted body hair;
  • nausea and vomiting.

All these side effects can be avoided if you strictly follow the rules for taking the complex and the recommendations of your doctor.

How to use?

The instructions for using Aleran vitamins state that the tablets should be taken every day, preferably with meals. Take the “Day” tablet in the morning or afternoon, and the “Night” formula in the evening.

As for the duration of the course, it can last from one to three months. Then a break is taken, and in just a year you can drink no more than two or three packs. But in any case, only under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine the need to repeat the therapy.

Possibility of overdose

Vitamins are essential to the human body, but an overabundance does not bring anything good. Therefore, when taking the complex, do not forget about the likelihood of an overdose under the following circumstances:

  • violation of instructions;
  • concomitant use of similar drugs.

Here hypervitaminosis may occur, in which internal systems cannot cope with an excess of microelements on their own. In such a situation, it is urgent to stop the course and go to the hospital for further examination.

Where can I buy?

If you decide to buy Aleran vitamins in a pharmacy, they are available only in the following countries:

  • Kazakhstan,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Georgia,
  • Russia,
  • Ukraine,
  • Türkiye.

It is noteworthy, but in some regions, especially far from regional centers, it is difficult to find VERTEX products. But on the Internet things are much simpler. But in this case, it is important to find a reliable place, not forgetting to compare the photos of the vitamins with the official portal.


Before purchasing, naturally, you are interested in how much Aleran vitamins will cost. The price in a pharmacy (stationary) may be slightly higher than the price offered on the Internet. But it is noteworthy that there is too significant an imbalance between prices on the network. For example, the lower limit starts from 500 rubles, reaching almost 700 rubles. And this is all in one region. The cheapest place to buy vitamins is in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. But pharmacists advise reading the description in detail before purchasing the product.

What to replace it with?

Analogues of Aleran vitamins can be either cheaper or more expensive. Among the main proposals it is worth highlighting:

  • Perfect;
  • Fitoval;
  • Revalid;
  • Merz (special dragee);
  • Pantovigar.

Never take these medications together, or without first consulting your doctor.

When will the effect occur?

According to research, after taking Aleran vitamins, the result is noticeable after a month of regular use of the complex. It is recommended to additionally use special:

  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • masks;
  • serums;
  • balms.

But in any case, you don’t need to use two or three packs in a row, because breaks between courses are required.

Clinical trial data

Often a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) does not have any evidence of effectiveness, but the VERTEX company conducted experiments during which it was possible to identify the percentage of effectiveness in solving a particular hair problem:

  1. Slowing down the process of loss – 82%.
  2. Reduced fragility – 93%.
  3. Reduction in fat content – ​​83%.
  4. The drop in the electrification rate is 87%.
  5. Increased curl manageability – 83%.
  6. Improvement in color and shine – 57%.

All studies are open. They involved volunteers with increased hair loss.

When taking any vitamins, you need to remember that long time(without breaks) you can’t drink them. Even such a harmless remedy can harm the body if the instructions are not followed. Regarding the results, the reviews showed a positive picture, but with severe baldness, the Aleran complex will still be ineffective.

Dreaming of luxurious hair, girls visit many hair care services. However, after these procedures, the effect quickly wears off and the hair becomes even worse. Experts say that you need to care for your curls not only from the outside, but also to nourish them from the inside. To do this, you need to take special vitamin complexes for hair. Today we'll talk about multivitamins for hair growth "Alerana". We have to figure out what they are, what they are made of and what effect they give to the curls. More on all this later.

What's happened

Alerana is a complete vitamin and mineral complex, which includes multivitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements. The drug is intended to improve the condition of hair not only in women, but also in men. Thanks to its rich composition, the product has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including skin, nails, and teeth.

The complex operates on the following principles:

  • strengthening the bulb of strands;
  • prevention of dry scalp;
  • restoration of the structure of the hair shaft;
  • reduction of fragility and split ends.

Vitamins are often used in combination to treat various forms of baldness, as well as hereditary problems with hair.

Important! Vitamin complex Alerana is not medicinal product, it serves as an additional source of nutrients in addition to food and superficial hair care.

What does it consist of?

The packaging of the Aleran multivitamin complex consists of 60 tablets of two colors: red and white. The manufacturer has created two formulas: day and night. This development is intended for the complete absorption of useful elements by the body, because the need and absorption differ depending on the time of day.

Red tablets have the following properties:

  • restore the structure of the strands;
  • enrich useful substances curls;
  • promote regeneration of the scalp.

White tablets are aimed at:

  • protection of hair from harmful factors environment;
  • adding shine and strength to curls;

Hair growth vitamins include 18 active ingredients. Next, let's look at how each of them affects the body.

In addition to the active ingredients, multivitamins contain:

  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • aerosil.

Note, Among the advantages of the drug, the main one is its identical effect on both male body, and for women.

Also, the strengths of the multivitamin complex include:

  • stopping hair loss;
  • eliminating the problem of itching, flaking, dandruff;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • adding hair thickness;
  • improving the appearance of strands;
  • protection of strands from external influences;
  • elimination of static electricity.

When to take

You should take Alerana hair vitamins if the following problems occur:

  • hair loss;
  • baldness of various origins;
  • slowing down the growth rate of strands;
  • the strands became brittle and thinned;
  • split ends appeared;
  • worries about dandruff, itchy scalp;
  • The curls began to quickly become oily.

Photos before and after


The price of Alerana vitamins ranges from 500–600 rubles per package. One pack is enough for a month of use.

You can purchase the complex at any pharmacy or through an online store. The package contains 3 plates of 10 types of each color of tablets, instructions for use.


Vitamins for hair growth "Alerana", like all drugs, have some contraindications. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age under 14 years and over 60;
  • diseases of the scalp.

Rules of application

The duration of treatment is 3 months. For this period, you will need 3 packages of the drug. The drug should be taken 2 times a day. Take 1 white tablet in the morning and take a red tablet at night.

Before taking the drug, you must eat or take vitamins with meals.

You can repeat the course of treatment after 6 months.

To achieve a more effective result, experts advise combining multivitamins with the use of other products from the same manufacturer. For example, you can purchase a hair care series that includes shampoo and conditioner.

Effect of the drug

The effect will be noticeable within 2-3 weeks after starting to take the complex. Thanks to the multivitamin complex, in 70% of cases there is an increase in hair growth, an increase in hair volume, and a cessation of hair loss. A decrease in greasiness and electrification of curls was also noticed. After using the drug, the hair became firm, elastic, and shiny.

Note, After completing the course of treatment, the hair retains its beautiful appearance for another 4–5 months.

Many positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug. With regular use, relief from the problem of split ends, brittleness and dryness was noticed.

A drug Alerana- dietary supplement, vitamin and mineral complex.
Alerana is an additional source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals (macro- and microelements) necessary for strengthening and growth healthy hair, as well as improving the condition of the scalp in women and men, to prevent split ends and hair loss. Components of the “Day” formula (vitamins C, E, B1, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene, folic acid, selenium): effectively protect hair follicles, help improve the condition of the hair and scalp, create a healthy shine for the hair, increase its thickness, have a general strengthening effect, antioxidant effect. Components of the “Night” formula (cystine, zinc, calcium D-pantothenate, vitamins B2, B6, B12, D3, silicon, para-aminobenzoic acid, biotin, chromium): provide hair follicles with substances necessary for growth and development, slow down hair loss, promote restoration of hair follicles.

Indications for use:
Alerana recommended as biological active additive to food - an additional source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals in case of increased hair loss or thinning.

Mode of application:
Vitamin-mineral complex Alerana It is recommended to take daily with meals: 1 tablet of the "Day" formula - in the morning or afternoon, 1 tablet of the "Night" formula - in the evening. Duration of treatment is 1-3 months, the course can be repeated 2-3 times a year

Side effects:
From the outside nervous system and sensory organs: dizziness, headache, visual impairment (including decreased visual acuity).
From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, heart failure, T wave inversion on the ECG; in rare cases - hydrothorax, hydropericardium (in patients with heart failure), angina pectoris (in patients with coronary insufficiency), exudative pericarditis, thrombopenia, leukopenia.
From the skin: hypertrichosis, thinning and increased pigmentation of body hair; when applied topically - dryness and flaking of the scalp, dermatitis (itching, rash), eczema, increased alopecia, burning sensation of the scalp, folliculitis (sensitivity or soreness at the hair roots), erythema
Allergic reactions: rash, facial swelling, rhinitis, urticaria.
Other: sodium and water retention in the body, edema, shortness of breath, syncope, decreased libido. special instructions
For arterial hypertension, it is usually prescribed in combination with beta-blockers and diuretics.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Alerana are: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding; pheochromocytoma, mitral stenosis, secondary pulmonary hypertension(pills); violation of the integrity of the skin, dermatosis of the scalp (external solution).

Taking pills is contraindicated Alerana during pregnancy (adequate and strictly controlled studies in humans have not been conducted). During treatment with the Aleran complex, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Storage conditions:
A drug Alerana should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Release form:
Alerana - pills. The blister contains 10 tablets of Formula "Day" and 10 tablets of Formula "Night". There are 3 blisters (60 tablets) in a cardboard box.

Tablet Formula "Day"
1 tablet weighing 0.593 g contains:
Vitamin C 100 mg.
Vitamin E 40 mg.
Vitamin B 1 4.5 mg.
Magnesium 25 mg.
Iron 10 mg.
Betacarotene 5 mg.
Folic acid 0.5 mg.
Selenium 0.07 mg.
MCC 90.4 mg, potato starch 28 mg, silicon dioxide (Aerosil) 6 mg, calcium stearate (5.6 mg), shell (33 mg).

Tablet Formula "Night"
1 tablet weighing 0.570 g contains:
Cystine 40 mg.
Zinc 15 mg.
Calcium D-pantothenate 12 mg.
Vitamin B 2 5 mg.
Vitamin B 6 5 mg.
Vitamin B 12 0.007 mg.
Vitamin D 3 (100 IU) 1 mg.
Silicon 5 mg.
Para-aminobenzoic acid 0.25 mg.
Biotin 0.12 mg.
Chromium 0.05 mg.
MCC 319.3 mg, potato starch 28 mg, silicon dioxide (aerosil) 6 mg, calcium stearate 5.6 mg, shell 25 mg.

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