Home Pediatric dentistry Chronic sinusitis how to treat. How to treat chronic sinusitis at home

Chronic sinusitis how to treat. How to treat chronic sinusitis at home

Some of the most unpleasant diseases for humans – diseases of the nasopharynx. They have a detrimental effect on the person’s condition as a whole, causing headaches, insomnia and quickly developing into a chronic form. One of these diseases is sinusitis. 70% modern people face this disease throughout their lives. How to cure chronic sinusitis can be learned by examining in detail the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Description of the disease

Sinusitis is a form of sinusitis in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the air sinuses occurs. As with any disease of the nasopharynx, with sinusitis the microbes spread not only to the nose, but also to the ears, eyes and even teeth. Symptoms may occur occasionally or worsen to a severe attack that requires you to see a doctor. It is better not to delay dealing with sinusitis; at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Chronic sinusitis, what is it?

Sinusitis turns into chronic gradually if it is not treated correctly or if you stop taking medications at the initial stage. Many sick people make this mistake, deciding that they have been cured and there is no point in ending treatment. The chronic form of the disease has unpleasant symptoms, which you will get rid of strong medications, but eliminating them forever is very difficult.

Symptoms chronic disease:

  • Severe nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • Leakage of pus or cloudy fluid when tilting the head;
  • Strong headache, the epicenter of which is usually the area near the nose and eyes, constantly pulsating and radiating into the jaw;
  • When mucus flows into the throat, there is constant feeling"coma in the throat";
  • Feeling of sinus congestion;
  • Uncontrolled lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of “bags” under the eyes, conjunctivitis.

The development of sinusitis and the transition to the chronic stage is very difficult to track. A sluggish disease does not manifest itself immediately; severe sinusitis is detected already in an advanced stage. How to treat chronic sinusitis interests not only the sick, but also their loved ones, because this disease causes serious complications. In addition, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep at night; medications help short time, snoring occurs.

What causes sinusitis:

  • Constant occurrence of rhinitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis;
  • Deformation of tissues in the nasal cavity, violation of the integrity of the nasal septum, scars on it resulting from operations;
  • The formation of cysts and polyps that impede the passage of air flow;
  • The result of dental operations, the development of diseases of the teeth and jaw;
  • Advanced stage of allergy;
  • Weak immunity, poor living conditions, exposure to bad habits.

According to the types of causes of occurrence, sinusitis is divided into:

  1. Hematogenous. Occurs due to penetration of the fungus into the mucous membrane;
  2. Rhinogenic. Regular diseases of the nasopharynx lead to this type;
  3. Odontogenic. Occurs from diseases of the teeth and jaw;
  4. Traumatic. Appears after severe injuries to the skull or facial bone.

What does advanced sinusitis lead to?

If left untreated, any disease can cause a lot of problems. Sinusitis must be diagnosed in time and measures taken to eliminate it. Elimination chronic sinusitis forever is possible only with proper treatment prescribed by a doctor, together with effective methods traditional medicine. You should not rely only on home treatments for exacerbation of the disease. For correct diagnosis the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the nasal sinuses, which shows the presence of pus.

Complications caused by chronic sinusitis:

  • The occurrence of inflammation of the tertiary nerve;
  • Dacryocystitis causes constant tearfulness, narrowing of the eye shape, purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • A constant state of brain hypoxia causes impaired memory and attention;
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases;
  • Severe asthma;
  • Inflammation eyeball, partial or complete loss of vision;
  • Sepsis of the mucous membrane.

Types of chronic sinusitis

In order to know how to properly treat chronic sinusitis, you need to know what type of disease has affected the nasopharynx.

  • Cystic sinusitis - a cyst forms anywhere in the nasopharynx;
  • Polypous - a polyp is formed;
  • Allergic – caused by chronic or new acute allergies. Symptoms disappear after instillation of potent hormonal drops;
  • Fibrous;
  • Purulent sinusitis - a large amount of pus is released;
  • The catarrhal form forms a strong reddened edema; with this type, bilateral damage to the mucous membrane is possible;
  • The parietal hyperplastic appearance precedes the polypous and purulent one. The discharge is copious and uncontrollable.

Methods and means of treatment

Among the methods of treating sinusitis, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • Drug treatment;
  • Treatment at home with folk remedies.
    • Principles of the treatment procedure at home:

      When starting to treat sinusitis at home, you need to pay attention to the basic principles of the procedures.

      • Regularity of use folk remedies, used for home treatment, should not be violated. Only this will help eliminate chronic sinusitis forever;
      • Rely on expert advice for home treatment methods;
      • Should not be excluded medications;
      • Treatment with natural herbal ingredients should be started gradually, limited to small doses. Despite the fact that such funds are not production pharmaceutical companies, they can also cause harm if the dosage is abused;

      20 simple means for nasal congestion

      If there is no effect from the procedures or the condition only worsens, consult a doctor immediately.

      Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of sinusitis

      As a rule, you can find a large number of recipes for decoctions or other remedies to get rid of chronic sinusitis. The main task of home treatment is to eliminate mucus flowing from the sinuses. To do this, you can use several types of products: juices, decoctions, solutions, etc. Before using any product, rinse your sinuses with water and sea salt.

      • Brew black currant leaves, green tea or St. John's wort for 20 minutes, then rinse the sinuses with the solution;
      • Mix 1/1 chamomile or sage, leave in a water bath for half an hour, strain and cool. Add 1 spoon of honey, stir, leave for another 5 minutes and rinse your nose;
      • Beetroot juice is mixed with sea salt;
      • Melt a small amount of butter, sea buckthorn or linseed oil;
      • Calendula or aloe, slightly diluted boiled water, well suited for washing;
      • St. John's wort in combination with oil or propolis tincture are good as nasal drops, as is squeezed onion (you should be careful with such drops, you can burn the mucous membrane).

      In addition to decoctions and rinsing, you can use heating or inhalation. To warm up, use a hot egg (wrapped in gauze) or heated salt. As it cools down, it is necessary to replace the product with a newly warmed one.

      Attention! These methods of treating sinusitis are allowed only with the recommendation of a doctor. We get rid of sinusitis effectively - we combine all treatment methods.


      Sinusitis occurs more often in adults than in children. But this serious illness may also appear in early age. In order to avoid sinusitis, you must follow the following rules:

      • News healthy image life, do not get too cold;
      • Strengthen the immune system with vitamins;
      • Do not visit a swimming pool with a high concentration of chlorine or polluted water bodies;
      • If you have a prolonged runny nose (more than 5 days), you should consult an otolaryngologist;
      • Do not interrupt the treatment process;
      • Use medications only prescribed by your doctor;
      • If treatment does not help within 7 days, you should consult your doctor again.

      Sinusitis is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. How to get rid of it is described above. Observing preventive measures, you can avoid this disease and protect your loved ones. The use of last resort for sinusitis is used as a last resort and is a great stress for the body. This leads to constant breathing problems, so it is better to take care of protection in advance and carry out treatment in a timely manner.

Sinusitis is one of the types of sinusitis, in which the mucous membrane of the maxillary air sinuses becomes inflamed. This disease is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, which cover not only the affected nasal cavities, but also neighboring organs (eyes, ears, teeth), and also leads to intoxication of the entire body. Maxillary sinusitis It can manifest itself both in an acute form and in a sluggish form, which leads to regular exacerbations and significantly worsens a person’s quality of life. Next, we’ll look at how to cure chronic sinusitis forever at home.

Sluggish sinusitis is most often a consequence acute form a disease that was suffered without treatment, or therapy was inadequate.

Patients often stop taking medicines ahead of schedule at the first signs of improvement, which leads to chronicity of the disease and the development of resistance of pathogenic bacteria to certain types of antibiotics.

Other most common reasons for switching include: acute stage sinusitis to chronic:

  • The presence of persistent infections in the nasopharynx (long-term tonsillitis and rhinitis).
  • Curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of spines on it, atrophy and proliferation of tissue in the nasal cavity.
  • Violation of secretion outflow and natural passage air flow caused by the proliferation of polyps, cystic and pseudocystic formations.
  • Infectious dental diseases and unsuccessful dental surgeries.
  • Exposure to allergens.
  • Weakened local or general immunity.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  • Unfavorable living and working conditions (polluted air, working with toxic substances, hypothermia).

Sluggish sinusitis develops slowly and covertly. This makes it difficult to stage accurate diagnosis without special examination. The most unpleasant feature of this form of the disease is that after a period of remission, sometimes quite long, an exacerbation necessarily occurs, which brings the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Among the symptoms of sluggish sinusitis, the most typical are the following:

Traditionally, chronic sinusitis is treated with antibiotics for long period time, mucolytics, decongestants, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid hormones, immunomodulators. It is often necessary to resort to surgical intervention to drain purulent exudate (puncture) or eliminate defects of the nasal septum.

Principles of treating illness at home

Choosing how to treat hidden form sinusitis, many patients take into account that pharmaceuticals will need to be taken for a long time, and this may threaten side effects affecting other organs. Therefore, therapy for sinusitis at home is very popular, when it is possible to use both pharmacy medications and folk recipes. To achieve the best result, all procedures should be discussed with the attending otolaryngologist, who can give professional advice and warn against rash decisions.

Basic principles of home treatment:

Treatment at home should be comprehensive. It is aimed, first of all, at suppressing the pathogen, relieving the inflammatory process, normalizing the outflow of secretions, eliminating tissue swelling and regenerating the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane.

Treatment with traditional methods

IN folk recipes For the treatment of sinusitis, juices, tinctures and decoctions of plants, bee products, oils, alcohol, and milk are used.

Timely evacuation of sputum is the basis for normalizing the work of the entire respiratory system. In the best way To remove mucus, rinse the nasal passages and accessory pouches. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages; if necessary, use a vasoconstrictor 10 minutes before starting. Effective nasal rinsing mixtures:

  • Dilute beet juice with water, add half a teaspoon sea ​​salt and stir thoroughly. Rinse according to classical procedure without producing significant pressure.
  • Mix dry sage and chamomile herbs in equal proportions, brew in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain and cool. Before rinsing, add a spoonful of honey.
  • Green tea, St. John's wort, blackcurrant leaves or string are poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.
  • A solution of sea salt (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water) can be used alone or used in combination with other ingredients.

You can use ready-made solutions based on sea water and sea salt, which are sold in pharmacies.

The most common of them are "Dolphin" and "Aqua Maris".

In addition to the drug itself, the package also includes convenient devices to carry out the procedure.

Warming up for sinusitis is done only with dry heat. For this you can use:

  • hard boiled egg,
  • boiled potatoes,
  • a cotton bag with salt, cereal or sand,
  • blue lamp (Minin reflector) for 15-30 minutes 2-3 times a day.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, any manipulations aimed at warming up the sinuses should not be carried out, as this can sharply worsen the patient’s condition.

Another method available to everyone at home is a variety of compresses. There are a great many of them, so we will focus only on those about which there are many positive reviews on the Internet:

  • Finely grated propolis and thick natural bee honey are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then a cake is formed from it and applied to the affected cavity overnight, secured with a medical plaster.
  • Several bay leaves are poured with water and boiled over low heat. A cloth moistened with a decoction is applied to maxillary sinuses and cover with a towel, keep until the fabric cools. The procedure is repeated several times in a row. This recipe is especially good for combating recurrent chronic sinusitis.
  • A piece of gauze is soaked in freshly squeezed black radish juice, then additionally soaked in heated vegetable oil and placed on the sore sinus. A bag of heated salt is placed on top. Two repetitions a day are enough, 1 hour for an adult and half an hour for a child.
  • Dilute the clay with hot water to a dough consistency. Place gauze soaked in vegetable oil on the cheeks in the projection of the accessory pocket. Place warm clay cakes on it and leave for about an hour.
  • Mix egg whites, aloe juice and honey (1 teaspoon each) and onion juice (0.5 teaspoon) and make compresses from the heated mixture.

The use of homemade nasal drops gives good results. They are most often used in the initial stages of the disease, but some help with the sluggish form.

  • Mix the juice from potatoes, blue onions and melted honey in a 1:1 ratio until smooth. Instill in case of nasal congestion several times a day. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.
  • To 4 parts water add 1 part glycerin and 20 g mummy (10 tablets of 0.2 g each). Stir until all components are completely dissolved, drop 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out according to following diagram: Drip your nose for 3 weeks, then a week break and use the glycerin solution again.
  • The juice is squeezed out of finely grated cyclamen root through a cloth or gauze, which is diluted with water and infused in the refrigerator. Inject 2 drops of tincture into each nostril, then take horizontal position for 10-15 minutes. The effectiveness of therapy will increase if you drink a glass of honey decoction after the procedure. Cyclamen root can be purchased at a pharmacy or market, or cut from a flower sold in a pot. When working with cyclamen, you must be careful, since in concentrated form its juice is poisonous and dangerous to human health.
  • Combine 35 grams of alcoholic calendula tincture with 250 milliliters of saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt). Inject the resulting liquid, 10 ml, into the nasal passages using a syringe twice a day. It is recommended to combine this procedure with a solution of the juice of blueberry bulbs (1:1 with water, drop three times a day).

Drug therapy

Traditional methods in the treatment of chronic sinusitis are good as an aid, but you cannot do without traditional medications. In particular, antibiotic therapy is prerequisite to suppress the activity of pathogens in the paranasal pouches. Distinctive feature sluggish sinusitis is that it needs to be treated not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission. The difference lies only in the prescribed drugs and procedures, as well as the scheme of their use.

  • Antibiotics. During an exacerbation, penicillin drugs in tablets (Ampicillin, Penicillin), as well as powder cephalosporins in the form of injections and solutions for washing the sinuses (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone) are most often used. During remission, macrolide antibiotics are often prescribed in small doses and taken for a long time (Macropen, Azithromycin). It is unacceptable to self-medicate during antibiotic therapy. Only a doctor can prescribe medications of this kind after identifying the pathogenic bacteria that cause the disease.
  • To liquefy the mucous contents of the air chambers and facilitate the removal of exudate, mucolytics (Ambrobene, ACC, Mucodin, Sinupret) and herbal expectorants (marshmallow, licorice root) are prescribed. At normal temperature during the period of retreat of the disease, you can go to the bathhouse or steam your feet in hot water. If the patient feels a worsening of the condition, the procedure should be interrupted immediately.
  • Removing swelling from the tissues of the nasal cavity and anastomoses. For this, vasoconstrictor sprays and drops are used (Nazivin, Rinazolin, Galazolin), as well as local drugs on plant based, helping to reduce inflammation and regeneration of the mucous membrane (Ingalipt, Kameton, Bioparox, Pinosol, Polydexa).
  • Rinsing and irrigation of the nasal passages with Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan, Decamethoxin. It is enough to carry out this manipulation 4 times a day 10 minutes after using the vasoconstrictor.

Preventive measures

In order to reduce the number of exacerbations or avoid them altogether, one should not forget about regular prevention of the disease. There are a number of generally accepted proven methods that will strengthen the body and put a barrier in the way of pathogens that cause maxillary sinusitis:

  • Dress according to the season, avoid hypothermia, and avoid drafts.
  • Active lifestyle (walking fresh air, sports and physical education).
  • Timely treatment of respiratory and dental diseases; there should be no sources of infection in the body that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.
  • Promote the normal functioning of the epithelial layer of the mucosa and prevent it from drying out. To do this, you can purchase a household humidifier, as well as regularly irrigate your nasal cavity with salted water and take a shower more often in the summer.
  • Avoid allergens, especially when plants are in season.
  • Do not swim in pools with chlorinated water or polluted water bodies.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen general immunity.
  • Stop smoking and try to avoid places where there is tobacco smoke and others active substances in the air.

Sources: medscape.com,

When a runny nose occurs, we usually do not attach serious importance to it. It gradually goes away on its own or the nasal drops that we use when in society help out. Prolonged mucus secretion is also not always a cause for concern. And it’s completely in vain, because the next stage in the development of the disease is sinusitis...

Sinusitis and its consequences

The accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses is the main manifestation of sinusitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs, which blocks the anastomosis and stops the normal outflow of mucus. Surgery is only necessary when the disease is advanced. Is it possible to completely cure chronic sinusitis without surgery, when the patient takes responsibility for his health?

In the maxillary sinuses, along with mucous secretions, there is pathogenic microflora. Microbial strains actively multiply and the inflammation process occurs with a vengeance. In this case, the patient experiences:

  • headache in the frontal and temporal lobes;
  • interruptions in breathing (breathing through the mouth predominates);
  • constant nasal discharge;
  • temperature rise.

There are other symptoms that can be used to diagnose sinusitis: slight swelling of the face, sore throat during swallowing, nasal voice, general weakness as a result of intoxication of the body. In acute sinusitis, all these signs are fully manifested.

Since the disease does not always have clear manifestations and resembles acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, only an ENT doctor can make a clear diagnosis based on a complete laboratory examination.

In the absence of treatment or self-medication, complications are possible:

  • development of panophthalmitis ( purulent inflammation membranes of the eyeball);
  • formation of meningitis;
  • the occurrence of otitis media and other ear inflammations leading to hearing loss;
  • growth of polyps and cysts in the nasal cavity;
  • decreased or loss of sense of smell;
  • sepsis, or blood poisoning, which can be fatal.

Due to the abundance of microorganisms that first develop in the maxillary sinuses, and then begin their “victorious march” throughout the body, damage to various organs is possible, so treatment is vital.

Treatment methods for sinusitis

Sinusitis in chronic stage requires a systematic approach and is quite difficult to get rid of. Most often, inpatient treatment is recommended, when the doctor monitors the course of the disease and the regularity of procedures.

Non-surgical treatment of sinusitis involves complex therapy to normalize breathing, relieve swelling and inflammatory processes, relieve mucus and pathogenic microflora.

Use of medicinal drugs

Treatment and preventive measures are being carried out aimed at eliminating foci chronic infection. If the inflammation is caused by bacteria, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed:

At the same time, drops or sprays are administered that have a vasoconstrictor effect: Nazivin, Otrivin, Galazolin, the task of which is to relieve swelling on the nasal mucosa. They are prescribed for a short time, as they can be addictive.

Great combination drug to treat chronic sinusitis - Rinofluimucil, which has an anti-edematous and mucolytic effect, which is often used during treatment.

The most difficult thing is to choose antibiotics that act on a specific pathogen. In 70% of cases they turn out to be ineffective due to the resistance (addiction) of bacteria to them. If the remedy is incorrectly selected, the course of rehabilitation therapy is delayed.

In order for the immune system to work in full force, the immunologist recommends immunocorrectors: Ribomunil, Imudon, IRS-19, immunoglobulin preparations. If sinusitis has allergic nature, then indispensable antihistamines: Eden, Erius, Telfast.

The use of physiotherapy

To cure sinusitis without surgery, it is necessary to periodically flush out accumulations of pus from the sinuses along with microorganisms. To wash cavities, use special disinfectant solutions: Dioxidin, Furacilin. After completing the procedure in internal cavity antibiotics or enzyme preparations are injected into the nose.

If you have a cold at the initial stage, be sure to rinse the inside of your nose with saline several times a day. “Shower for the nose” can be done using special sprays. They make breathing easier and prevent subsequent complications.

The method, which enjoys well-deserved popularity, is called “Cuckoo” (Proetz washing method). To carry out the procedure, an ENT combine, a syringe and an antiseptic are used. During rinsing, the patient says “ku-ku” so that the circulating fluid does not flow into the throat.

An alternative to the puncture was the YAMIK catheter method, invented by a domestic doctor, Dr. Kozlov. It is used by adults and children from 5 years old. The action is based on the pressure difference created in the nasal cavity. Purulent accumulations are sucked out of the diseased sinus, without damaging its integrity and without damaging the mucous membrane. The disadvantage is the strong painful sensations during the procedure.

With the development of acute sinusitis, there is a need for drainage puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Thanks to this procedure, the lumen of the anastomosis is restored, accumulations of pus are removed, and nasal cavity local antibacterial agents are introduced.

During the period of remission, physiotherapeutic treatment helps maintain a healthy state of the body:

When the disease subsides, procedures are prescribed to rinse the nose with special preparations, and also use nasal sprays that relieve swelling and inflammation. You need to take advantage of the “temporary respite” to get rid of the cause of the disease.

In case of allergies, it is important to remove the effects of the irritating substance (allergen). If the cause is stomatitis, then diseased teeth damaged by caries should be treated. When this is a natural defect, such as a deviated nasal septum, you need to give it a normal shape by surgical intervention. When the adenoids are enlarged, treat them accordingly.

The regimen and duration of the course are prescribed by an ENT doctor. You should not self-medicate and stop taking antibiotics as soon as relief occurs. With this approach, the development of purulent sinusitis and a repeated, prolonged course of the disease are possible.

Non-surgical treatment of sinusitis has a positive prognosis. Using conservative methods, the patient is able to get rid of such a serious and severe illness. Complete cure from chronic pathology is possible only if the treatment has been completed in full and the patient has completed all the procedures prescribed to him.

First of all, the treatment of chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is based on the use. Goals drug therapy diseases - reduction, provision of drainage and elimination of infection. Only if these measures are insufficiently effective is the patient referred to a surgeon.

General information

Treatment methods for chronic sinusitis can be divided into traditional methods, accepted by official medicine, and which we inherited from our grandmothers. In this article we will pay attention to the traditional, medicinal approach to therapy from the point of view of the world's leading otorhinolaryngologists.

Drug treatment of chronic sinusitis and other chronic sinusitis should be comprehensive. Typically, a combination of topical or even oral (internal) glucocorticoids, antibiotics, and saline solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses.

Although the role of bacteria in development remains controversial, oral antibiotics remain the first-line treatment. Inpatient treatment of the disease is indicated for patients with orbital and intracranial complications. In addition, patients suffering from immunodeficiency, as well as children, often require hospitalization.

Complex treatment sinusitis chronic form involves control of risk factors, symptomatic therapy, antimicrobial treatment And surgical treatment as a reserve therapy.

Control of risk factors

As we have already said, chronic sinusitis has many problems that greatly increase the likelihood of the disease and its severity. In addition, aggravating pathologies significantly complicate the treatment of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. Let's look at the most common risk factors and ways to combat them.

Viral respiratory tract infections

Reducing the negative impact of respiratory viruses can be achieved by focusing on strict personal hygiene, as well as increasing the body's immune strength.

Environmental and allergic factors

Environmental factors in some cases may predispose to the development of chronic sinusitis. To reduce their impact, you need to reduce your exposure to dust, mold, cigarette smoke and other chemical irritants as much as possible.

Patients suffering from concomitant allergic reaction, should receive antiallergic therapy, including local or tablet antihistamines, cromoglycates, local glucocorticosteroids (in the form of aerosols for intranasal use), immunotherapy.

Of particular importance in favorable outcome acquires smoking cessation. It is known that tobacco products are a strong irritant that contributes to disruption of the function of cilia - the most important component of the mucociliary complex.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Treatment of adult patients with chronic sinusitis should include therapy for concomitant diseases, which often cause exacerbations of respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma and chronic sinusitis.


Final remission of chronic sinusitis is impossible without complete control of congenital or acquired immunodeficiency conditions.

Bronchial asthma

Patients who have chronic inflammation maxillary sinuses accompanied by asthma, show good results when leukotriene inhibitors (Montelukast) are added to the treatment regimen.

Symptomatic treatment of chronic sinusitis

How to cure chronic sinusitis and is it possible to cope with the disease once and for all? The answer to this question is not as simple as we would like. Modern medicine offers comprehensive treatment for the disease, which includes combating symptoms and bacterial infection.

Local glucocorticoids

Preparations for intranasal use containing corticosteroids are especially effective for chronic sinusitis associated with allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps or drug-induced rhinitis. These agents can be administered in the form of sprays or solutions, but the first form of release is most often used.

Topical steroids along with oral antibiotics are now key components drug therapy chronic sinusitis. For chronic inflammatory process against the background, drugs of this group help reduce the size of polyps and swelling of the mucous membrane. Among the most well-known drugs are:

  • fluticasone ( , );
  • beclomethasone ( , );
  • mometasone ().

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