Home Dental treatment How to do a proper back massage. How to do massage at home

How to do a proper back massage. How to do massage at home

If you have mastered the art of a relaxing full body massage, then you are in luck. You can use this skill to help friends or family relax, help pacify all sorts of pain, this skill will also help bring more intimacy and romance into your relationship with your partner. In fact, performing a good massage is not that difficult, but it does require special training and basic knowledge. Below are recommendations that you can follow to have a relaxing massage session.


Part 1

Create a relaxing environment

    It is very important that the room is suitable for massage. If your partner/client does not feel relaxed in the space, he/she will not truly enjoy the session.

    • Make sure the person you are giving the massage to is sitting comfortably on a bed, sofa, or massage table. Cover the surface with a soft, comfortable blanket or towels to protect the surface of the massage table from oil and to keep your body clean.
    • Check the room temperature. Remember that your partner/client will be scantily clad during the massage, so take care to keep him/her warm. Use an air heater if necessary.
    • Make sure that you will not be disturbed by strangers, objects or animals during the massage.
  1. Light the candles. Candles provide a relaxing atmosphere. The presence of lit candles is a condition for a pleasant session.

    • If possible, dim the lights or turn them off completely. There will be enough light from candles. Your task is to help the person relax during the massage so that he falls asleep at the end of the session, therefore: the darker the better.
    • Use aroma candles with pleasant and unobtrusive scents, such as lavender or sea breeze. This will have a beneficial effect on the situation.
  2. Turn on relaxing music. Such music is also necessary to create a suitable environment for massage. Gentle classical music or sounds of nature are excellent choices.

    • If possible, find out in advance what kind of music your partner/client prefers. Remember that this massage is for him/her, not for you, so in this case you should listen to his/her tastes.
    • Do not turn on the music too loudly; it should flow softly and unobtrusively. Music should be in the background.
  3. Use massage oils. They are necessary for massage. The oil helps your hands glide easily over the skin, and thus the person will not experience any unpleasant painful sensations during a massage.

    • There are many types of expensive oils that you can buy at the store, but any natural oil will also work great. If, for example, you have sunflower or grape oil on hand, then use it for massage. Jojoba and almond oils are also good and have a wonderful aroma.
    • Pure natural oils can be used for massage, but remember that they can enter the circulatory system, so approach this matter responsibly. Choose neutral, all-purpose oils such as lavender or peppermint. However, you should first consult a doctor about the oil if the person you are going to massage has medical contraindications.
    • Warm a small amount of oil in your palms and only then apply it to the skin of the person being massaged. Cold oil and cold hands are not conducive to relaxation.
  4. Make sure you have plenty of clean, fresh towels on hand during your massage.

    • First, cover the surface you will be working on with towels to protect it from oils that can stain.
    • Second, cover your client's or partner's body with towels. It's best if he/she strips down to his underwear to reveal more skin. After this, cover the body with a towel so that the person does not feel embarrassed and does not freeze while you work on each part of the body separately.
    • Third, you will need a towel to remove excess oil from your hands during and after the massage.

    Part 2

    Use correct techniques
    1. Start with your feet. Using your thumbs, gently knead the feet of your partner/client being massaged. The movement of your fingers should be a little pressing, but pleasant.

      If the stage of massaging the feet is completed, then smoothly proceed to the massage of the legs. To begin, make relaxing strokes along the entire surface of the back of each leg. The massage in this case goes in the direction from the lower leg to the thigh.

      Work your way from your lower back to your upper back. Slide your hands gently and perform long stroking movements towards the neck.

      Next, work on the neck and shoulders. Once you are done with your shoulders, you can use pressure and release movements to massage your neck and scalp along the hairline. Remember that you need to keep your hands on either side of your spine.

      • Place a hand on each shoulder and gently press your thumbs into the shoulder muscles. You can also squeeze small areas of the body with your fingers, but do not do these movements in the collarbone area, as this can be very painful.
      • After this, stand in front of your partner/client's head so that his shoulders are in front of you. Ask him/her to clench and unclench his fists. Afterwards, gently massage your shoulder joints to release tension.
      • Next, use your thumbs to knead your shoulders and the back of your neck.
    2. Massage your hands. If you are done with the neck and shoulders, then work on each arm separately.

      • Take your partner's/client's wrist in yours left hand so that his/her entire arm hangs off the bed. Next, you slide your right hand behind his/her forearm, then use your right hand Gently stretch his/her forearm.
      • Change your hands. Now your right hand is holding the wrist, your left hand is going behind his/her forearm. In this position, you gently stretch the shoulder muscles.
      • Place your client's/partner's hand at the back along their back and use your fingers to use soft, gentle, pressing movements to reach the shoulders.
      • Take the patient's hands in yours and massage their palms with your thumbs using small circular motions. Then take each finger individually and massage each phalanges of the finger. After this, carefully pull out each finger.
    3. At the end we do a head massage. Ask your client/partner to turn their head so that you can massage it. There is no need to rush, give the client/partner a couple of minutes so that he/she can lie down comfortably, and cover him/her with a towel.

You can do a back massage at home if you know the basic rules and master a few simple techniques.

Types of massage

Exist different variants procedures, the most popular are the following:

  • classical medicinal;
  • relaxing;
  • tonic;
  • vibration;
  • canned. It is carried out by special medical banks.

Classic and relaxing massage can be mastered on your own.

General rules

In order to get the maximum benefit from massage, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. The room should be warm, but not stuffy. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before the session.

A special massage couch is used for the procedure, and if the procedure is carried out at home, then any hard and flat surface. Duration 15–30 minutes. How long the procedure lasts depends on the patient’s condition and the type of massage used. Course duration is 10–15 sessions.


Massage is not done in following cases:

  • Fever bodies.
  • High arterial pressure.
  • Postoperative period up to 6 months.
  • Any damage to the skin of the back (burns, wounds, skin diseases, warts).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Tumors of any location.
  • Poor general health on the day of the procedure.
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication.
  • Mental disorders.

What are the benefits of a back massage?

A well-done back massage allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the skin, muscles and joints of the spine;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removing clamps;
  • improved sputum discharge;
  • relieving nervous tension.

Performing a back massage for an adult

To carry out the procedure, you will need a warm room, a massage table, massage cream or oil. The massage therapist's hands should not be cold. The patient lies on the table with his back up, head turned to the side. Each specialist has his own individual back massage technique, but the sequence of stages is always the same.

During the session, you can turn on relaxing music or light an aroma lamp

The technique for performing a back massage is as follows:

  • The specialist takes a little massage oil (coconut and almond are considered the best) or cream and lightly in a circular motion puts it on his back. Hand movements are always carried out along the blood flow: from the lower back towards the projection of the heart area. At this step, by stroking, the skin is prepared for the massage effect: blood circulation improves, the skin and muscles become more elastic. Duration 5–10 minutes.
  • Main stage. In this step, basic massage techniques are performed. Stroking is usually followed by squeezing, rubbing and kneading. If the patient has intervertebral hernia, then vibration-related techniques are not used. The duration of the stage is 10–15 minutes.
  • At the final stage of the session, the intensity of the effect decreases, it is necessary to relax the muscles and optimize blood flow. Finish the procedure with stroking. Duration final stage 5–7 minutes.

Features in children

Massage helps improve blood circulation in tissues, strengthen the child’s muscles and ligaments. For preventive purposes, it is recommended for all children without exception. Children's massage is performed gently, it is done without the use of intense pressure. The main techniques are stroking and rubbing.

Parents can massage infants at home after completing a special training course. Such sessions are very useful for children, but their musculoskeletal system is still developing and can be damaged by inept actions. more harm than good. If the baby has health problems, it is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Features in pregnant women

Pregnant women often experience pain in the back and lumbar spine, especially in the later stages. The use of analgesic drugs is extremely undesirable, as they have a toxic effect on the fetus. Massage in this case will help relieve spasm and swelling from the muscles and relieve pain.

It is important to know that:

  • The procedure is performed for pregnant women while the woman sits on a massage chair. If the session is carried out at home, then on a hard chair in a horseman’s position, with your hands resting on the back;
  • deep and intense exposure is not carried out;
  • in the early stages of pregnancy, do not apply pressure to the lumbar area, as this may create a threat of miscarriage.

The procedure is possible only after consultation with a doctor

How often can you do it

It all depends on what type of influence is used. A light relaxing massage can be done daily, while a therapeutic one is usually carried out in courses of 10–15 procedures with an interval of six months. Exposure using medical cups is prescribed as needed (for example, a good expectorant effect can be obtained for bronchitis or bronchial asthma). This technique is used at intervals of 1–3 days.

Massage is an effective and pleasant procedure for relieving stress, strengthening the health of the musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole. It can be done both to your beloved man after a working day for relaxation, and to people with the most various pathologies to speed up recovery. The main thing is to do a back massage correctly and follow all stages of this procedure.

Neither adults nor children are immune from unpleasant sensations in the neck area. The cause of their appearance may be serious pathological changes occurring in the body, trauma, physical or nervous tension, fatigue, even a banal long stay in an uncomfortable position. Spasm, burning, pain, aches spread over the shoulders, radiate to the back, head, limbs, hinder movements, press with a heavy load, significantly worsening a person’s quality of life.

Neck massage is a popular universal remedy that will help prevent and, if necessary, overcome such uncomfortable conditions, as well as have a long-term reflex effect on the functioning of other organs and systems.

Why is the neck so vulnerable and often suffers from injuries and various diseases? It's all about the complex anatomical structure of this part of the body, where many organs and structures that are vital for humans are concentrated in a small area:

A large number of nearby organs are interspersed with connective tissue membranes called fascia. They create a kind of soft skeleton, performing a supporting function, and isolate nearby areas from each other. This allows you to avoid intertwining of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, bones, preventing gross violations of their functions. It is necessary to massage the neck taking into account these structural features of the body, so as not to harm human health and not aggravate painful symptoms.

Benefits of the procedure

Frequent headaches, high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chondrosis, hernia intervertebral discs, myositis, insomnia, tinnitus, nausea, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle are direct indications for neck massage.

Thematic material:

What happens in our body when the skillful fingers of a master work on a problem area?

  • Blood circulation is activated, tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients.
  • Heated lymph accelerates its flow, collecting decay products and toxins and getting rid of them during cleansing in the lymph nodes.
  • Muscles relax, stretch, and strengthen.
  • Pinching of the cervical vessels is eliminated, and consequently, normal blood supply to the brain and spinal cord is restored, dizziness and pain go away, pressure is equalized, and tone increases.
  • The muscles of the neck-collar area relax, and at the same time the back straightens, stooping disappears, and posture improves.
  • The compression of the nerve processes is reduced, as a result of which swallowing and chewing are facilitated, the articulatory apparatus relaxes, significantly improving speech and relieving the patient of logoneurosis (stuttering).
  • Excess fat and salt deposits disappear.
  • The neck muscles are responsible for the oval of the face. By massaging them, we even out the contour and get rid of deep wrinkles.

The procedure is often prescribed to infants. With its help, they correct some congenital disorders of motor reflexes, fight against increased or, conversely, decreased muscle tone, improve cerebral circulation. Moreover, this great way strengthening the baby’s neck muscles, which bear a huge load.

Contraindications to the procedure

Massage of the cervical area is not such a harmless manipulation. It has been precisely proven that during the procedure there is a direct or indirect effect on vital anatomical structures: muscles, nerve endings, lymphatic and blood vessels, internal organs, endocrine system, even the spinal cord and brain. Neglecting contraindications can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health. Therefore, before the course you need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination.

Absolute contraindications to neck massage are:

  • oncology;
  • thrombosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • HIV infection;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to bleed.

The doctor will also be against neck massage if:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • fever, elevated temperature;
  • hypertensive crisis or very low blood pressure;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic rash or swelling;
  • displacement or instability of the cervical vertebrae;
  • skin rashes of infectious origin;
  • some diseases of the epidermis;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine and menstrual bleeding, conditions after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

In these cases, the ban will be temporary. As soon as the patient’s health improves, the procedure will become available to him and will not cause harm.

Relaxing neck and shoulder massage

Spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar area is a common phenomenon, characterized by their involuntary contraction and compression. The cause of the painful condition is not only injuries, mechanical damage, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, but also a lack of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and sitting for long periods in an uncomfortable position. Pain, discomfort in the neck, shoulders, head and upper limbs– these are still the most harmless symptoms. The danger of the situation is that spasmed muscles can pinch blood vessels and nerve fibers, disrupting blood circulation, lymph flow and sensitive conductivity.

Replacement of displaced vertebrae should only be chiropractor. The primary goal of a neck and shoulder massage is to relieve tension and remove muscle tension.

Having mastered the basic techniques and methods of influence, you will help your loved ones eliminate painful manifestations at home and prevent the development of complications.

Step by step execution

The patient lies on his stomach with his hands under his forehead, or sits on a chair with his head slightly bowed forward. Only in this position is maximum relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders achieved. The massage therapist is located on the side or behind.

When performing a massage of the cervical area, it is important to remember that intense pressure on the blood and lymphatic vessels may cause fainting, and too much exposure to nerve bundles will likely cause nausea and dizziness. You should also avoid too active exposure to the area of ​​the thyroid gland and larynx. At the first sign of discomfort in the patient, the procedure should be interrupted immediately.

You can relieve tension and muscle spasms on your own, without outside help, by studying the techniques described in detail in our article “How to do a self-massage of the neck.”

Required number of sessions

Typically, a treatment course includes 10–15 half-hour sessions. For achievement best effect It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a year.

At baby massage exposure time depends on age, individual characteristics body, but in general should not exceed 15 minutes at a time.

Author's techniques

As sad as it is to admit, today no one will be surprised by the diagnosis of “osteochondrosis” or “muscle spasm” given to a teenager. What can we say about adults: problems with the cervical spine are familiar to almost all of us. Such sad statistics encourage the search for new effective techniques prevention and treatment of painful neck conditions. Because in Lately Many interesting proprietary methods are appearing, combining an academic classical basis and innovative ways to solve health problems.

Shishonin's developments

Russian physician Alexander Shishonin considers spasms of the neck and shoulder muscles to be the root cause of many diseases. As a result, the fibers contract and thicken, causing swelling. Pinched vessels and nerve processes cause impaired blood supply, hypertension, headaches, blurred vision, numbness and other unpleasant sensations. The doctor suggests getting rid of them with the help of specially designed gymnastics and massage, which he teaches in his video lessons.

The complex consists of 7 basic exercises that anyone, even a physically unprepared person, can do. They need to be done in stages:

The movements should be repeated smoothly, slowly, 5 times in each direction.

The resulting effect must be consolidated with massage:

Such a complex, according to Shishonin, will prevent and stop diseases and restore slimness, beauty and flexibility to the neck. Judging by the reviews, these exercises allow you to fight the withers or “widow’s hump” - a compaction in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra that appears in women during menopause.

Methodology of Elena Zemskova

Fresh, tightened skin is the pride of any girl. Unfortunately, with age, wrinkles and sagging inevitably appear. They become noticeable first of all on the neck.

The massage technique, created by female massage therapist Elena Zemskova, is aimed not only at improving health, but also at improving the appearance of the problem area, as well as combating the first signs of aging:

  1. Preparation for the procedure consists of cleansing the skin, applying massage oil, as well as special breathing exercises. In her lessons, Zemskova advises taking a deep breath through your nose, and exhaling through cupped hands. The next stage is to rub your palms together until a pleasant warmth appears, and then apply them to the back and front of your neck, hold for a few seconds, meditating.
  2. The massage itself begins with stroking. Using wide, slow, light movements, trying not to displace the skin, use your entire palm to treat the side, back and front surfaces of the neck, décolleté, shoulders and shoulder blades. At this moment, maximum relaxation of the body occurs, and the synthesis of endorphins - pleasure hormones - increases.
  3. One of the main massage techniques - kneading - is performed in circular movements, using the pads of all fingers. We start from the sides, then slowly work on the rigid back surface, move on to the trapezius muscle, and then massage the base of the skull.
  4. We divide the neck area into 2-3 transverse zones, which, as a rule, coincide with wrinkles. Using your thumb and forefinger, grab the muscle fold and rub it. Performed at a fast pace, these actions have a pronounced drainage and lifting effect.
  5. Muscle tone will be improved by percussion or “finger rain” - intense tapping with the pads of your fingers from the center of the neck to the periphery.

All techniques should be alternated with stroking in order to reduce the intensity of metabolism and not feel sore or tired the next day.

Prices in showrooms

Neck massage is the most popular service in salons. Sometimes it is carried out as an independent procedure, but most often it is combined with an impact on collar area and back. The course includes 10-15 twenty-minute sessions, for each of which in Moscow you will have to pay from 500 to 800 rubles.

Electric massagers

On the market medical equipment you can find different types of removal devices muscle spasms and pain in the cervical-collar area. In terms of the effectiveness of their impact, they can compete with the skillful hands of a massage therapist. The best of them, judging by user reviews, are:

It is best to buy such equipment in specialized medical equipment stores, having first checked the availability of a Certificate of Conformity, which serves as a guarantor of the quality and safety of the product.

Remember, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so first of all, change your lifestyle: give up bad habits, move more, play sports. Let massage become a source of pleasant emotions and sensations for you, and not a forced means of getting rid of illnesses.

Featured articles

Even 5 thousand years ago, Chinese healers discovered amazing properties massage that helps with almost all ailments. Today, massage is one of the most common natural healing methods. Of course, it’s better to turn to specialists for this, but you can learn how to do it yourself, for example, for your significant other. It is needed, first of all, for:

  • relaxation of the body after a working day,
  • stress relief,
  • relaxation,
  • improving mood.

In addition, this is an opportunity to push aside accumulated problems for a while, organize thoughts and restore inner balance.

The session can last about 20-30 minutes. It would not be a mistake to combine different styles of massage, for example, elements of Thai and classical, acupressure and deep. Guided by the rules set out below, it is quite possible to short time learn how to massage your loved ones, and their gratitude will be your reward for the work done.

When is a back massage beneficial?

  • heart function improves by increasing the average amount of blood pumped per minute;
  • more active delivery of nutrients to the body tissues is established: glucose, amino acids, oxygen;
  • back muscles relax;
  • additional capillaries open and oxygen-containing cells are activated;
  • blood pressure is normalized.

The basic principle of massage is to perform sequential movements in the direction of blood flow in the veins, bypassing the lymph nodes.

Classic massage equipment includes:

1. Back rub, with which each session should begin. It is aimed at relaxing the body and preparing it for more intense movements. Ironing is performed along and across the back with the entire palm, as well as in a circle around the shoulder blades. You can combine light, barely noticeable touches from the bottom up the back with more energetic movements from top to bottom.

2. Trituration carried out from the sides to the spine and back. It is especially important to thoroughly rub the neck and shoulders. In this way, salt deposits, swelling and muscle tension can be eliminated to some extent.

3. Kneading is carried out using both hands, grasping the folds of skin with your fingers and gradually moving your hands away from the spine to the side. Each side of the back is massaged separately. Kneading helps work of cardio-vascular system, increasing blood flow to tissues, helps cleanse them of metabolic by-products.

4. Slamming carried out with the palms of the hands; for a softer effect, use a spoon-shaped palm. Slapping is done on the muscles, bypassing the bones, shoulders and kidneys. Movements should be springy, short and painless, promoting better blood circulation and muscle contraction.

5. Vibration carried out with your fingertips in a circular motion from the lower back to the neck, bringing relaxation to the muscles and regulation of metabolism.

A well-done massage will help you get rid of stress, tone you up, and even help you forget about your problems and lift your spirits. The only drawback is that you cannot do it yourself, without anyone's help.

Anyone can master the technique; there is nothing difficult about it. To achieve the desired effect, sometimes even simple touches are enough. Well, if you also use special oil, then your “patient” will go into nirvana and will certainly be grateful to you!

We invite you to learn a few simple back massage techniques that will help make it pleasant and effective. All these techniques (in whole or in part) are also used when massaging the abdomen, head and feet. In fact, this is the basis for carrying out the most different types massage.

Back massage stages


1. The massage should be performed on a fairly hard surface. Ideally, of course, a massage table, but since this is not possible at home, choose the hardest possible bed. It is important to put down a clean sheet as your client will be face down.

choosing a bed with a hard mattress

2. Hands must be washed thoroughly.

Wash the hands

3. Back massage is carried out using oils so that your hands gently glide over your back. Pour some oil into your palms and rub it a little so that your hands are warm and your subsequent touch on the client's back is warm.

use massage oil

4. Start with a light superficial massage. You need to move from the lower back to the shoulders and back, while movements towards the shoulders should be made more intense, but at this stage still soft. Movements are carried out with the entire palm (stroking).

stroking from the lower back

5. Now the pressure can be slightly increased by gently running the edges of your palms along the spine and forcefully when you smooth out the shoulder area with a full, outstretched palm.

6. Move your hands to the client’s sides and use soft, slightly gripping movements (bottom to top).

massage the sides of the back

7. With smooth movements, we begin to warm up our shoulders, making circular movements with our hands. Don't overdo it, be careful not to cause pain.

let's start stretching our shoulders

8. You can move on to a more intense massage. Move upward, grasping small folds of skin with your fingertips. Massage first the left, then the right side of the back, without touching the spine. We move from bottom to top to the shoulders, which we massage a little harder.

massage with exciting movements

9. The shoulders can be additionally massaged separately, since this place often “suffers” very much from a sedentary lifestyle. We simply increase the massage time in this area. It is very good to use elements of acupressure here, lightly pressing on individual points in this area.

It is important to ensure that the client does not have pain!!! Especially in the neck area!!!

10. We carry out stronger massage movements of the back. Using light pressure, you can massage with your fists in the upper back at a short distance from the spine. Do not try to crush the patient, listen to him and watch his reaction!!!

11. You can also finish the massage with a very light pat or sensory “walk” along the entire back (from bottom to top) with your fingertips. This will soothe the skin.

Back massage video lesson

Very accessible and well presented classic massage backs, with comments about the technique of performing a specific stage.

Children's play massage

Children love this massage very much, as it is not only a pleasant procedure for them, but also a funny communication with mom or dad.

  • “Rails, rails” - with your right hand and then with your left, run along your back from bottom to top, drawing 2 lines
  • “sleepers sleepers” - draw transverse lines with your hand
  • “The train was traveling late” - use your fist to very gently imitate the movement of the train (from bottom to top)
  • “and scattered the grain” - use the palms of your hands to make stroking movements along the entire back
  • “the chickens came and pecked, pecked and left” - light “pecking” of the back with the pads of the fingers in a chaotic order.
  • “the geese came, nibbled, nibbled and left” - light pinching of the back.
  • “The elephants came, trampled, trampled and left - pressing on the back with their fists.
  • “and at the end the little fox came and swept everything away with her tail” - you need to stroke your back with your hands.

At all times, massage has been famous for its healing effects on the body, having a positive effect on muscles, tissues, joints and all internal organs. If we recall a little history of massage - in ancient China, Rome, Greece, doctors and healers used massage in medicinal purposes, for the treatment of various diseases. Back massage has taken a special place in the art of “healing”, since everyone has felt it on themselves therapeutic effect. The art was passed on from generation to generation, improving the technique and methodology over time, but not forgetting the ancient secrets.

This type of massage has been known since ancient times.

Medicine does not stand still. Together with it, the art of massage develops harmoniously. Currently the fashion is healthy image life is becoming increasingly popular. Wellness and therapeutic massage is also growing in popularity. Without any doubt, a full body massage will always win the position over the local one. Today we will look at one of the local massage techniques, which is used both in traditional medicine and at home.

Execution technique

Sometimes we don’t pay enough attention to the condition of our back, thinking that it can endure a lot. But we are deeply mistaken: we may not notice the first signs of back problems, but they can arise long before obvious symptoms appear. Muscle strain can occur due to stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle, or any injuries or bruises.

The therapeutic effects of massage will help to greatly alleviate the deplorable condition, relieve tension and pain, thereby giving freedom of movement.

Our lives are often hectic and dynamic. The crazy pace of life does not always have the best effect on health, and in particular on our back. Thanks to massage, we can give freedom to our body, relieving it of painful tension.

Directions of basic movements in the back and lower back. neck and pelvis

Back massage technique

Today there are a large number of back massage options. Medical practice showed that the most effective technology is one in which a preliminary massage of the entire back is first applied, lasting 5-6 minutes, and then a detailed study of individual parts: massage of the collar area, lower thoracic and lumbar region.

Direction of massage movements

Let's move on to the preliminary massage: the patient should lie on his stomach.

  1. The figure shows 3-4 symmetrical lines along which you need to make massage movements. First, longitudinal strokes are performed for one minute. Then stroking across the back.
  2. Next, squeezing techniques are performed. Their duration is 1-3 minutes. Squeezing is performed with more pressure, but less intensity than stroking. It should be noted that pressure on the spinous processes of the spine must be avoided, as in any other techniques.
  3. After squeezing, you can perform several rubbing techniques with moderate pressure on the tissue. If the application is carried out correctly, the patient should feel a sensation of warmth.

After the preliminary massage, you should proceed to the main massage.

Lower thoracic massage

Massage of this area refers to the area from the seventh to the twelfth thoracic vertebrae. The figure shows the lines along which massage movements must be made.

Direction of massage movements of the lower thoracic region

  1. First, strokes are performed along the indicated lines.
  2. Stroking is followed by squeezing along the lines.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. After rubbing it is necessary to perform kneading.
  5. Let's move on to striking and concussive techniques. Their implementation should be used according to indications. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

In total, it is recommended to spend 4-5 minutes on massage of this area, and up to 15 minutes with the therapeutic method. It should be noted that the 11th and 12th ribs are located close to the kidneys. approximately 5 cm. Inadequate and too intense implementation of techniques can lead to pain.

Massage under the shoulder blade

Often, during diseases such as osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periortritis, so-called trigger points are formed under the scapula, which are characterized by increased pain. In this case, massage of these points contributes to faster rehabilitation.

The technique for this zone is as follows:

Massage of the scapular area

The patient lies on his stomach with his arms along his body. The massage therapist carefully places his palm under the patient’s shoulder and slowly lifts it a few centimeters. It is important to note that the patient must be completely relaxed at this point, otherwise the scapula will not rise. With the second hand, the massage therapist performs circular massage movements under the shoulder blade, as shown in the figure. On the second hand everything is similar.

Rubbing the scapular area

Then rubbing is performed at the angle of the shoulder blade. The thumb should be as far apart from the index finger as possible. Such rubbing is often carried out in sports massage, hygienic and preventive.

Neck massage

Neck massage

Neck massage is a massage at the level of the cervical and 1-6 thoracic vertebrae. In this case, the pressure on the tissue should be lower than when massaging the lower thoracic and lumbar regions. The patient can take a sitting or lying position. If there are no contraindications, it is better to perform it in a lying position. In this position, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

  1. First, strokes are performed in the directions shown in the figure. Stroking is performed within 1 minute.
  2. This is followed by squeezing along the same lines. Performed within 2-3 minutes.
  3. Next is rubbing. It can be combined with kneading. The duration of kneading is 7-12 minutes.
  4. These are followed by vibration techniques. Vibration is performed with the fingers, no higher than the 6th cervical vertebra.
  5. Finish the massage of the collar area by shaking with your fingertips and lightly stroking.

In general, the entire massage of this area takes 10-15 minutes.

Lumbar massage

The massage is performed on the lumbar region, located from 1-5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as on the sacral region. The lines shown in the figure are directed laterally from the spine towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

Lumbar massage

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. First, strokes are performed.
  2. They are followed by push-ups.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. Then kneading.
  5. Afterwards, shocking techniques are performed: vibration and shock techniques.

In the general structure, a massage of this area takes 5-6 minutes, in a therapeutic form - 20 minutes. The force of influence will vary: for example, along lines 4 and 5 you can use a more intense form of movement, and along lines 1 and 2 you need to dose the force of influence, since internal organs are located in this area.

How to do a back massage correctly: features

Each type of occupation has its own subtleties and features. Let's reveal a few important points that will help you figure out the question: how to do a back massage.

  • The massage should start from the sacrum area, smoothly moving upward.
  • The massage therapist's hands should be relaxed and warm during the procedure.
  • The technique is to alternate stroking and rubbing movements.
  • The first session should take no more than 15 minutes.

Now let's move on to the massage techniques with which a massage session is performed.


This technique is the right start to a massage. Warm your hands and begin rhythmically stroking the entire surface of your back. In the lumbar and neck areas, more gentle and gentle movements should be performed. Stroking is performed in an intense manner.

The massage procedure should begin with stroking


This technique is performed in the same way as stroking, but a little more intensely and with the greatest pressure. As a rule, rubbing begins from the lower back, no more than 10 minutes.

Rubbing is a more intense technique


The kneading technique is performed with a deeper effect on the tissue. If you need to increase pressure on the massaged area, place one hand on the other. These technical exercises should begin with the forearm area. It is recommended to perform no more than 10 minutes.

Kneading affects deeper areas


Basically, vibration or light tapping should be used to complete the procedure. Vibration should be done with your fingertips over the entire surface of your back, with minimal contact.

The final stage of the massage

Undeniable benefits

Many famous scientists have proven that massage procedures bring great benefits to our body as a whole. With the help of massage techniques on the body, normalization of blood circulation in the body, as well as muscle relaxation after physical activity. This also applies to emotional tension - after a high-quality session, emotional tension and stress disappear, and endorphins come in their place, the level of which also increases due to the massage.

A professional, therapeutic back massage helps get rid of problems with incorrect posture and other spinal diseases. Therefore, you should not neglect massage procedure, which has the power to “heal” all problems and diseases.

At the end of a hard, eventful working day, you really want to rest a little, relax, devote some time to yourself and relieve the tension that has arisen. Most The best way is a relaxing back massage. It helps relieve tension from muscles that have been very tense during the day. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to properly massage your back.

Back massage - rules of execution

  • We do not forget about hygiene, and therefore before starting the procedure you need to wash your hands with warm water. Be sure to use cream or oil for massage.
  • It is more appropriate to start massaging your back from the sacrum area, and then smoothly move higher.
  • The massage always begins with light stroking. Both circular and along the back movements are acceptable. Gradually you should massage a little more actively, applying more and more force.

The most basic rule that should always be followed when performing a massage is not to press or rub the spine directly. It is necessary to massage strictly only the area along the spine and nothing else. Experts also do not recommend applying too much pressure or patting the area on the back near the kidneys, and there is no need to use maximum force between the shoulder blades. In these areas, you can only massage lightly with gentle movements.

Acceptable for back massage the following techniques: rubbing, patting, stroking, pinching and kneading. It should be noted that throughout the entire procedure the massage therapist skillfully alternates the above techniques.

It is important to know that the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed and kneaded, using a little more force than massaging the muscles in the lower back. After all, it is the neck and shoulders that are exposed to the most stress during the day.

Another rule that must be followed is to take into account the wishes and condition of the person who entrusted his back to you. If you are asked to massage a little harder, then you can slightly increase the pressure, although this does not contradict the basic rules, that is, it does not harm your health.

Contraindications to back massage

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to do a back massage. So, if a person is sick infectious diseases skin, fungal, has problems with blood vessels or has previously suffered serious spinal injuries - massage is strictly prohibited. And in other situations, massage will only bring benefits, help you relax, and relieve fatigue.

How to do a back massage - technique

It is better to start a full body massage from the back. Since it is less sensitive to influences from the outside than the chest and abdomen. It's no secret that the blue area contains a huge number of muscles that are very tense. The most vulnerable areas are the shoulder blades and lower back.

Back massage can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. On the back, the long, wide and trapezius muscles are worked with massaging movements.

The person being massaged should lie on his stomach, and his hands should be along the body. As noted above, the massage should begin with stroking. Gradually you need to add strength. Movements are performed strictly from the sacrum upward to the supraclavicular fossa. One hand should move the thumb forward, the other hand should have the little finger forward.

The following basic techniques used in back massage can be distinguished:

  1. straight, forceful rubbing with fingertips;
  2. rubbing in a circle with the pads of the thumbs;
  3. circular rubbing - with the pads of all fingers of one hand using force;
  4. concentric rubbing - the thumb and index finger work;
  5. rubbing bent fingers with phalanges, and this can be light massaging, or maybe with the use of force.

When massaging the broad muscles of the back, it is recommended to knead the heel of the palm. And when massaging the long muscles stretching from the sacrum to the back of the head, it is best to use deep linear stroking with the thumbs of both hands from bottom to top. The back of the head, upper and middle back - you need to massage in accordance with the direction of the muscle fibers. You can rub along the spine only in circular movements with the pads of your fingers or the phalanges of bent fingers.

Back massage - photo instructions

We offer you photo instructions or a guide on how to properly do a back massage.

  • Place your hands on the back of the person you are massaging. The right hand should be on the lower back, and the left hand should be between the shoulder blades.
  • Gently move your right hand to the person’s left buttock, while your left hand should remain in the same area. With fairly soft movements, with minimal use of force, begin to massage, while you need to slightly rock the entire torso.
  • Slowly, bring your left hand towards your right.
  • While rocking your entire body, slowly stroke your entire back with your left hand, starting from the left side.
  • Talk to the person you are giving the massage to, find out if he feels comfortable.
  • Place your hands on your lower back. Smoothly move up towards your neck.
  • Then, also smoothly return back to your lower back. Repeat this several times.
  • When the entire back is lubricated with oil, starting from the lower back, begin rubbing with wide circular massaging movements, using minimal force. Slowly move towards the shoulder blade area. Having reached the shoulders, stroking, go down again to the lower back.
  • Lower your right hand in the lower back onto the spine, place your left on top - thus, applying light pressure, move towards the neck.
  • Use your middle and index fingers to press on both sides of the spine. Thus, you need to go down again to the lower back.
  • Using two palms, massage from the buttocks to the neck, alternately on both sides.
  • Place two palms side by side on the lower back, resting only with the base of the palm and with quick, rhythmic movements begin to warm up the muscles, in the direction from the buttocks to the shoulders. Lower yourself to the starting position in the same way.
  • Using both hands, using force, massage the muscles of the buttocks and lower back.
  • Using your thumbs, knead the skin along the spine. And then in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Clasp your palms and lower your arms to the middle of your back.
  • Slowly, carefully turn the hands of the person whose back you are massaging, palms down.
  • Press both palms firmly enough onto the lower back and massage so hard that the skin gathers into folds. While moving one palm forward slightly, do not forget to slightly pull the other back.
  • We begin to knead the shoulder and neck muscles. In these areas, you can safely use more force.
  • With your left hand, grab your partner's left hand under the elbow, and with your right hand, grab his hand. Wind it up gently, without causing pain, and place it on your lower back. The palm should face up.
  • Place your left hand under his left shoulder. With the fingers of your right hand interlocked, rub in circles on your left upper back. Special attention You need to focus on the area between the spine and the shoulder blade.
  • Massage the entire shoulder blade with pinching movements.
  • Do all of the above on the right side.
  • Lightly clench your fists and “drum” them over the entire surface of your buttocks.
  • With the sides of your palms, lightly tap your buttocks at a fast, rhythmic pace.
  • Cup your palms in handfuls and lightly pat them, starting from your buttocks and ending top part neck.
  • With the back of your hand, pat right side torso.
  • Gently place both of your palms along your spine, with your fingers pointing straight down. Gently, but at the same time with pressure, run your hands along your back several times.
  • Use wave-like movements over the entire area of ​​your back and lower back down to your lower back. Do this several times.
  • Place your hands on your upper back. Bring them together and massage the neck muscles with exciting movements. All fingers should move towards the collarbones.
  • Now, pressing lightly, massage the cervical vertebrae thoroughly.
  • Then you need to place your hands slightly below your shoulders, on either side of your spine. And massage in a circular motion from the center. Gradually, continuing to massage, go down to the lower back.
  • At the same pace you need to reach the buttocks. Don't forget to rub the sides. Then we return with stroking movements to the neck.
  • In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, pressing on the back, massage both sides of the spine. Grab the neck too.
  • Using the pads of your thumbs, making small circular movements from the spine to the sides, walk along the entire back, starting from the neck to the lower back. The greatest force must be applied in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and the least on the lower back.
  • Place your palms directly on your shoulder blades. Alternately acting with your left and then your right hand, in a circular motion, while applying slight pressure, go over the entire surface of the back. And don't forget to include your buttocks too.
  • Spread your fingers wide and lightly press the pads onto the skin. tap all over your back. Finally, stroke the entire surface of your back several times.

How to do a back massage - video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video lesson that will help you do a back massage correctly and professionally.

Classic back massage - video

Back massage is a medical procedure performed by professionals with special knowledge and necessary skills. Like any external influence on the body, it can have, in addition to positive, negative consequences. Read more about the benefits and harms of massage.

On the other hand, there is not always a desire to visit a professional massage therapist. There may be no need for deep massage. At the same time, you want to relax without leaving home. It is not difficult to master the basics of massage technique. The effect of such a massage will certainly be far from the professional version. But as a light version at home, it is quite effective.

Basic rules for back massage at home

  1. Massage is the alternation of certain techniques in a given sequence.
  2. Each massage technique is repeated in full at least 3 times.
  3. The massage is performed without pauses, including changing techniques.
  4. The back muscles are massaged, not the spine.
  5. In the area of ​​the neck and the beginning of the thoracic spine (C4-D2), the applied force is reduced.
  6. The same applies to the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.
  7. Direction of massage – from lumbar region up to the shoulders and neck.
  8. Massage should not be painful. If pain is present, it is necessary to reduce the applied force or stop the procedure.

A fast rhythm (more than 60 movements per minute) has a stimulating effect.
A slow rhythm (up to 30 movements per minute) relaxes the nervous system.

Contraindicated for:

  • chronic heart and lung diseases
  • inflammatory processes
  • elevated temperature
  • damage to the massaged skin


Before doing a back massage at home, it is necessary to carry out pre-massage measures, including preparing the room, the massage therapist and the person being massaged.

The massage is done in a darkened room with an air temperature of 21-23° C.

The massage therapist's hands should be clean with trimmed nails.

The person being massaged should take a shower before starting.

If possible, the massage is carried out without the use of creams and oils. However, they should be on hand in case movements are perceived as uncomfortable without additional hydration.

Posture during the procedure: lying on your stomach. The head does not turn to the side and is in its usual position when we look forward. To do this, place a pillow under the forehead. Pillows are also placed under the chest and stomach. The purpose of pillows in this case is to absorb force, which without them can cause discomfort. The arms lie along the body, slightly bent at the elbows.

1. Stroking

Most simple trick is stroking.

  • Conducted in a slow rhythm.
  • Stroking does not require much force.
  • Hands should glide over the skin without moving it.
  • The degree of pressure should be changed when sliding: increase in denser areas, decrease in opposite areas.

In the accompanying photos you can see correct position hands when massaging your back at home.


Superficial stroking is the softest, and the massage begins with it. It calms and relaxes, prepares the body for further manipulation. The palms are straight, move from the lower back to the shoulder blades and shoulders, drop down to the sides and then repeat again.


After superficial reception they move on to planar reception. The position of the hands is the same, the pressure and variability of movements increases. Can be performed with one or two hands. The general vector of movement is directed upward. Movements can be spiral, circular, along or across the back.


Deep stroking logically continues flat stroking. It is distinguished by the addition of additional force by the massage therapist applying one hand to the other. The same movements are made, in the same direction, with varying degrees of pressure.


A technique that completes a block of stroking. It is performed with both hands with the thumb placed to the side and the rest connected together. The hand clasps the back from the spine area in the opposite direction from it. We slide up without applying excessive force.
Without pausing, we move on to the next block of techniques.

2. Rubbing

Unlike stroking, when rubbing, the hands never slide over the skin, but always move and move it relative to the tissues underlying it. It leads to increased metabolic processes and warming up, improves muscle elasticity and mobility.

  • Rubbing is carried out vigorously (60 or more movements per minute).
  • Can be done in any direction.
  • Delays in one place for more than 10 seconds are not allowed.
  • Performed with fingers bent at the phalanges and supported by thumb or on the base of the brush.


It is carried out using the end phalanges of the fingers by circular displacement of the skin. By changing the angle between your fingers and your back, you can increase or decrease the pressure. Also for this purpose, weights are used with the second hand.


A more kneading way. It is performed with the second phalanges of bent fingers, resting on the thumb. Skin displacement can be circular or spiral. If there are grounds for this, it can be carried out with aggravation. After finishing and before moving on to sawing, we do several stroking techniques.


Rubbing as it progresses maintains increasing dynamics. Sawing is an intensive mode of action on the skin, preparing for subsequent kneading. Straight hands are located parallel to each other at a distance of 2-3 cm. The skin between the palms forms a roll. Sawing is carried out in different directions with both palms simultaneously. Provides excellent skin warming.

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3. Kneading

Kneading is the main component of massage, for which rubbing and stroking were carried out. In terms of its content for muscles, kneading is a simulation physical work in its passive form.

Schematically, kneading can be divided into three sequential components:

  1. Fixing the palms on the massaged area
  2. Squeezing the skin with both palms
  3. Rolling out, crushing
  • The pace of the massage is up to 60 movements per minute.
  • Avoid slipping your hands and pinching the skin with your fingers.
  • The method of making movements is smooth.
  • It is carried out in any direction from tendons to muscles.
  • Consistently, without jumping from one section to another.
  • To maintain the effect, it is necessary to increase the intensity of kneading with each procedure.

Longitudinal kneading is carried out along the muscle fibers. The hands make unidirectional movements, moving along the axis of the muscle.

Pepper kneading is a more commonly used back massage technique at home. The thumbs are placed on one side of the muscle being kneaded, the rest on the other. The hands are located at a palm's distance from each other. Displacement (rolling, crushing) is carried out in different directions: with one hand - towards you, with the other - away from you.

It is possible to perform a weighted version with one hand using the second hand.

4. Vibration

Small-amplitude vibration has a significant parasympathetic effect, slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. It consists of delivering intermittent blows with the tips of the fingers, the edge of the palm, the back of the fingers, and the fist.

  • Avoid in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys.
  • In one area it should not last more than 10 seconds.
  • The force of impact depends on the angle between the contacting surface of the hand and the back of the person being massaged: the greatest effect is achieved at a right angle.
  • When using both hands, the blows are delivered alternately.
  • It is carried out using the energy of the hand, the elbow bend is not involved.


It is carried out with the edge of the palm along the muscles with both hands alternately. The distance between the palms is 3 cm. The pace of movements is fast (about 100 beats per minute).


Produced with a clenched fist or back side brushes


The blows are delivered with the front side of the palm with the fingers connected to each other in a “boat” shape. Formed between the back and palm air bag prevents the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the massaged person, without reducing the effectiveness of the effect.


Produced by phalanges of bent fingers. The movements are similar to beating a drum beat. Doesn't exert much tension. Requires intensity. Ends the vibration block and the active phase of the massage.

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The massage cycle ends in the same way as it began - with strokes that soothe the heated skin of the back, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, and return consciousness to the surrounding reality.

Table. Approximate time spent on each back massage block at home.

Watch a video of a back massage lesson at home.

At the end of a hard, eventful working day, you really want to rest a little, relax, devote some time to yourself and relieve the tension that has arisen. The best way is a relaxing back massage. It helps relieve tension from muscles that have been very tense during the day. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to properly massage your back.

Back massage - rules of execution

  • We do not forget about hygiene, and therefore before starting the procedure you need to wash your hands with warm water. Be sure to use cream or oil for massage.
  • It is more appropriate to start massaging your back from the sacrum area, and then smoothly move higher.
  • The massage always begins with light stroking. Both circular and along the back movements are acceptable. Gradually you should massage a little more actively, applying more and more force.

The most basic rule that should always be followed when performing a massage is not to press or rub the spine directly. It is necessary to massage strictly only the area along the spine and nothing else. Experts also do not recommend applying too much pressure or patting the area on the back near the kidneys, and there is no need to use maximum force between the shoulder blades. In these areas, you can only massage lightly with gentle movements.

When massaging the back, the following techniques are acceptable: rubbing, patting, stroking, pinching and kneading. It should be noted that throughout the entire procedure the massage therapist skillfully alternates the above techniques.

It is important to know that the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed and kneaded, using a little more force than massaging the muscles in the lower back. After all, it is the neck and shoulders that are exposed to the most stress during the day.

Another rule that must be followed is to take into account the wishes and condition of the person who entrusted his back to you. If you are asked to massage a little harder, then you can slightly increase the pressure, although this does not contradict the basic rules, that is, it does not harm your health.

Contraindications to back massage

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to do a back massage. So, if a person suffers from infectious skin diseases, fungal diseases, has problems with blood vessels, or has previously suffered serious spinal injuries, massage is strictly prohibited. And in other situations, massage will only bring benefits, help you relax, and relieve fatigue.

How to do a back massage - technique

It is better to start a full body massage from the back. Since it is less sensitive to influences from the outside than the chest and abdomen. It's no secret that the blue area contains a huge number of muscles that are very tense. The most vulnerable areas are the shoulder blades and lower back.

Back massage can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. On the back, the long, wide and trapezius muscles are worked with massaging movements.

The person being massaged should lie on his stomach, and his hands should be along the body. As noted above, the massage should begin with stroking. Gradually you need to add strength. Movements are performed strictly from the sacrum upward to the supraclavicular fossa. One hand should move the thumb forward, the other hand should have the little finger forward.

The following basic techniques used in back massage can be distinguished:

  1. straight, forceful rubbing with fingertips;
  2. rubbing in a circle with the pads of the thumbs;
  3. circular rubbing - with the pads of all fingers of one hand using force;
  4. concentric rubbing - the thumb and index finger work;
  5. rubbing bent fingers with phalanges, and this can be light massaging, or maybe with the use of force.

When massaging the broad muscles of the back, it is recommended to knead the heel of the palm. And when massaging the long muscles stretching from the sacrum to the back of the head, it is best to use deep linear stroking with the thumbs of both hands from bottom to top. The back of the head, upper and middle back - you need to massage in accordance with the direction of the muscle fibers. You can rub along the spine only in circular movements with the pads of your fingers or the phalanges of bent fingers.

Back massage - photo instructions

We offer you photo instructions or a guide on how to properly do a back massage.

  • Place your hands on the back of the person you are massaging. The right hand should be on the lower back, and the left hand should be between the shoulder blades.
  • Gently move your right hand to the person’s left buttock, while your left hand should remain in the same area. With fairly soft movements, with minimal use of force, begin to massage, while you need to slightly rock the entire torso.
  • Slowly, bring your left hand towards your right.
  • While rocking your entire body, slowly stroke your entire back with your left hand, starting from the left side.
  • Talk to the person you are giving the massage to, find out if he feels comfortable.
  • Place your hands on your lower back. Smoothly move up towards your neck.
  • Then, also smoothly return back to your lower back. Repeat this several times.
  • When the entire back is lubricated with oil, starting from the lower back, begin rubbing with wide circular massaging movements, using minimal force. Slowly move towards the shoulder blade area. Having reached the shoulders, stroking, go down again to the lower back.
  • Lower your right hand in the lower back onto the spine, place your left on top - thus, applying light pressure, move towards the neck.
  • Use your middle and index fingers to press on both sides of the spine. Thus, you need to go down again to the lower back.
  • Using two palms, massage from the buttocks to the neck, alternately on both sides.
  • Place two palms side by side on the lower back, resting only with the base of the palm and with quick, rhythmic movements begin to warm up the muscles, in the direction from the buttocks to the shoulders. Lower yourself to the starting position in the same way.
  • Using both hands, using force, massage the muscles of the buttocks and lower back.
  • Using your thumbs, knead the skin along the spine. And then in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Clasp your palms and lower your arms to the middle of your back.
  • Slowly, carefully turn the hands of the person whose back you are massaging, palms down.
  • Press both palms firmly enough onto the lower back and massage so hard that the skin gathers into folds. While moving one palm forward slightly, do not forget to slightly pull the other back.
  • We begin to knead the shoulder and neck muscles. In these areas, you can safely use more force.
  • With your left hand, grab your partner's left hand under the elbow, and with your right hand, grab his hand. Wind it up gently, without causing pain, and place it on your lower back. The palm should face up.
  • Place your left hand under his left shoulder. With the fingers of your right hand interlocked, rub in circles on your left upper back. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the spine and the shoulder blade.
  • Massage the entire shoulder blade with pinching movements.
  • Do all of the above on the right side.
  • Lightly clench your fists and “drum” them over the entire surface of your buttocks.
  • With the sides of your palms, lightly tap your buttocks at a fast, rhythmic pace.
  • Cup your palms in handfuls and lightly pat them, starting from your buttocks and ending at the top of your neck.
  • With the back of your hand, pat the right side of your torso.
  • Gently place both of your palms along your spine, with your fingers pointing straight down. Gently, but at the same time with pressure, run your hands along your back several times.
  • Use wave-like movements over the entire area of ​​your back and lower back down to your lower back. Do this several times.
  • Place your hands on your upper back. Bring them together and massage the neck muscles with exciting movements. All fingers should move towards the collarbones.
  • Now, pressing lightly, massage the cervical vertebrae thoroughly.
  • Then you need to place your hands slightly below your shoulders, on either side of your spine. And massage in a circular motion from the center. Gradually, continuing to massage, go down to the lower back.
  • At the same pace you need to reach the buttocks. Don't forget to rub the sides. Then we return with stroking movements to the neck.

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