Home Children's dentistry Meningitis without meningeal symptoms. The first signs of meningitis in an adult

Meningitis without meningeal symptoms. The first signs of meningitis in an adult

The disease is very dangerous and requires immediate treatment. It often has an unfavorable prognosis and ends in disability or death.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the brain of various origins. Affects mainly children preschool age from 3 years.

The most susceptible to the disease are premature babies, children who suffered purulent inflammatory diseases in infancy, who received a birth injury, who experienced Negative influence pathological pregnancy. It is believed that important factor the development of pathology is genetic predisposition.

Other factors include poor nutrition, chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders, decreased immunity.

The disease is transmitted:

  • through contact and everyday life;
  • when eating contaminated foods;
  • when swimming in pools or open water;
  • transmissible;
  • through the placenta from mother to fetus.


Depending on the origin, pathogen, area of ​​damage, characteristics of the course, they are distinguished: different types meningitis.

Meningitis is a dangerous infectious disease that affects the membranes of the brain, thereby causing inflammation in them. It can appear either independently or as an infection from another source.

Illness has 5 various forms, it can be bacterial, viral, fungal. The nature inflammatory process– purulent and serous.

At the slightest suspicion of the development of meningitis, an adult or child should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible, since the disease can only be treated in a hospital under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Treatment of meningitis must begin from the moment the first signs of the disease are detected, since its consequences are very dangerous for a person, regardless of age. Children are more likely to get meningitis because their immunity is underdeveloped and the blood-brain barrier is imperfect, unlike adults.

Causes of meningitis

Pathogen meningococcal infection– the bacterium meningococcus, belonging to the genus Neisseria, which contains 2 types of bacteria – meningococci and gonococci. The source of infection is carriers of the infection, which is transmitted by airborne droplets.

The most pathogenic are group A meningococci; when infected, they lead to the development of severe meningococcal infection. In children, meningitis is caused mainly by enteroviruses that enter the body through food, water, and dirty objects. It can develop against the background, or.

The disease can be transmitted during childbirth, by airborne droplets, through mucous membranes, dirty water, food, bites of rodents and various insects. You can also become infected through a kiss.

Secondary meningitis occur when an infection enters the brain from other foci of inflammation - boils, osteomyelitis, etc. Men and children under 10 years of age are most susceptible to this infection.

Symptoms of meningitis

This is a very dangerous disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, which increases the risk of contracting this disease. In this regard, it is important to know the first symptoms of meningitis, as well as how it manifests itself in children and adults. Timely detected meningitis and its symptoms will help promptly seek treatment. medical care, which will minimize possible complications.

Duration incubation period for meningitis it depends on the main pathogen; in the case of meningococcal infection it is 5-6 days, in some cases the period increases to 10 days.

Symptoms with the bacterial form usually occur suddenly. Symptoms of the viral type may appear suddenly or gradually over several days.

The most common first signs of meningitis in adults are:

  • strong and constant headache;
  • heat bodies;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • stiffness of the neck muscles - difficult or impossible flexion of the head;
  • shortness of breath, rapid pulse, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound;
  • nausea and vomiting, general weakness, loss of appetite.

Meningeal syndrome is expressed Kernig's and Brudzinski's symptoms.

  1. Kernig's sign (inability to straighten a leg bent at the hip and knee joints), pain when pressing on the eyeballs.
  2. Brudzinski's sign(when you try to tilt your head forward in a lying position, your legs bend at the knees; when you press on the pubis, your legs bend at the knee joints).

Patients lie on their side, their head is thrown back strongly, their arms are pressed to their chest, and their legs are bent at the knees and brought to the stomach (“pointing dog pose”). Meningitis and meningococcal septicemia cannot always be identified immediately, since the symptoms are very similar to influenza. It is important to understand that the disease can be accompanied by other symptoms, which can complicate self-diagnosis.

Symptoms of meningitis in children

It is not easy to suspect meningitis in a child, since he cannot yet complain about the symptoms that bother him.

U small child Signs of meningitis can be a high temperature, increased excitability, in which it is difficult for the baby to calm down, decreased appetite, rash, vomiting and high-pitched crying. There may be tension in the muscles of the back and limbs. In addition, children may cry when they are picked up.

To parents in mandatory You should call a doctor if you notice the above signs.

Treatment of meningitis

For meningitis, treatment in children and adults should be comprehensive and carried out in a hospital. To clarify the diagnosis, as well as identify the causative agent of meningitis, a spinal puncture is performed.

Therapeutic measures for meningococcal infection include etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

  1. The basis of treatment for meningitis is antibacterial therapy . The drug is prescribed taking into account the identified causative agent of the disease and is administered intravenously. The use of medications will be carried out for at least a week after the person’s temperature returns to normal. To destroy meningococcus, antibiotics of the penicillin group or their semisynthetic analogues (amoxicillin) are most often used.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and are prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, reduce the risk of complications, including allergic reaction for any antibiotic
  3. In case of development of cerebral edema, dehydration with diuretics (diuretics). When using diuretics, it should be taken into account that they contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body.

Depending on the clinical form of meningitis, the severity of meningococcal infection, the combination of drugs and therapeutic approaches are different. After completion of inpatient treatment, it is necessary to continue treatment on an outpatient basis. In case of correct and timely treatment, the probability of death is no more than 2%.

Vaccination against meningitis

In most cases, the meningococcal vaccine, the Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine, and the triple vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps are used. The meningitis vaccine is valid for 3 years and is up to 80% effective. The vaccine is not given to children under 18 months.

Doctor Komarovsky:


The main preventive measure today is still vaccination. You can get vaccinated if you wish, it is not mandatory. Nonspecific prevention consists of avoiding contact with adults or children who are showing signs of the disease.

Meningitis consequences

The consequences will depend on how the disease progressed in the person.

If it was complicated, the person may even lose hearing or vision. In addition, some forms of this disease can provoke disruption of the brain and difficulties with mental activity. If suffered in early childhood, it can cause delay mental development, disorders of primary brain functions, hydrocephalus.

If treatment for meningitis is started in a timely manner and the patient is treated with antibiotics, then in 98% of cases the patients are completely cured and do not suffer from any consequences. The above complications can occur in 1-2% of people who have suffered from this disease.

Meningitis is usually understood as an inflammatory process in the membranes of the spinal cord and brain, accompanied by acute course. The provoking factors of the disease are fungi, pathogenic bacterial, viral microflora (tuberculosis bacillus, enterovirus, meningococcal infections). Diagnosis of meningitis allows us to understand the etiology of the disease and develop adequate tactics drug treatment. Symptoms may present differently in children and adults, but generally they are grouped together into a single spectrum of clinical manifestations.

Meningitis is a dangerous disease that affects the membranes of the brain.

Timely, correct treatment makes it possible to make favorable prognoses for patients. Meningitis is especially dangerous for children, but modern medicine allows you to preserve the integrity and functionality of vital organs and systems of a growing organism. Very rarely, meningeal infection is recurrent in nature (about 0.2% of all cases of disease). If the course of meningitis drags on and the patient does not see a doctor, the disease may lead to irreversible consequences, for example, deafness, decreased vision (even blindness). The disease can lead to coma and even death. The treatment tactics for meningitis are determined based on the results of diagnostic measures after identifying the type and nature of the infection.

  1. Classification and causes of occurrence.
  2. Signs of the development of meningitis.
  3. Diagnostic methods.
  4. Pathology indicators in laboratory research.
  5. CSF analysis.

Classification and causes

The criteria for determining meningeal infection come down to several large groups:

By type of origin:

  • Bacterial nature. Varieties include tuberculous, meningococcal, and pneumococcal meningitis.
  • Viral origin. Pathogens: enteroviruses, ECHO, arenoviruses (pathogens of acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis). Reproduction of fungal microflora. Pathogens: cryptococcal, candidal and similar fungi.
  • Protozoal meningitis. The formation is caused by malaria and toxoplasmosis.

According to the type of inflammation:

  • purulent (pronounced predominance of neutrophils in the cerebrospinal fluid);
  • serous (predominance of lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid).


  • primary infection (provided there is no local infectious or general infectious disease of the system or organ in the patient’s clinical history);
  • secondary infection (usually occurs as a complication of an infectious disease).

By localization:

  • generalized meningitis (extensive forms);
  • limited (local infection without spread with adequate treatment).

Intensity of meningitis:

  • sudden flashes (lightning);
  • sharp forms;
  • chronic (recurrent) forms of meningitis.

According to the severity of the course, consequences:

  • light form;
  • moderate disease;
  • aggravated course;
  • extremely severe form.

People from young to old can suffer from meningitis

The disease can occur in patients of various ages. Among the causes of occurrence in children are the following:

  • prematurity, deep prematurity;
  • chickenpox, mumps (in circulation - mumps), measles rubella, measles.

Other reasons may well provoke meningitis in adults and patients childhood with equal probability:

The main way of transmitting bacterial meningitis is failure to maintain personal hygiene (dirty hand disease), contaminated water, and food.

Signs of meningitis development

Clinical symptoms meningitis

Symptoms of meningitis usually develop rapidly. Doctors are watching sharp increase body temperature, damage to the central nervous system, signs of extensive intoxication of the body. All signs are clearly expressed in a feverish state, general malaise, loss of appetite, abdominal pain of unclear localization, joint and muscle pain, digestive disorders (loose stools, regular vomiting, feeling of nausea). The patient experiences stupor, drowsiness, and confusion.

Already in the first days there is a headache, meningeal signs - primary signs meningeal syndrome. Blood tests show an excess of white blood cell counts. Pain in the head is of an increasing, unbearable nature, its localization is extensive, covering the entire head. The slightest sources of light and sound become unbearable. When you change your body position, the pain in your head only gets worse. Associated symptoms are the addition of convulsive syndrome, hallucinations, delusions, and signs of acute respiratory infections. When palpating the head in infants, pronounced bulging of the fontanelles is revealed.

Severe symptoms meningitis with initial examination The patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Kernig's sign. The symptom is expressed by the following signs: the patient lies on his back, his legs passively bend at the knee and hip joints, forming an angle of approximately 90°. An attempt to straighten the leg at the knee becomes impossible as a result of a reflex increase in the tone of the muscles responsible for flexing the lower leg. With meningitis, this symptom is positive on both sides. The symptom may be negative if the patient has a history of hemiparesis on the side of the paresis.

Checking Kernig's sign

  • Brudzinski's sign. The patient's position is on his back. If the patient tilts his head to his chest, a reflex flexion of the knee joints is observed.

At proper treatment The prognosis for adult patients is much better than for young children. In children, due to untimely treatment of meningitis, persistent hearing and developmental impairments appear.

Diagnostic methods

Differential diagnosis of meningitis is a set of methods for identifying the nature of meningitis by their nature and characteristics (tests, instrumental, computer research). Diagnostic measures for meningitis they have a strict algorithm that all doctors adhere to without exception:

  • Collection biological materials(general urine test and sterility test, detailed blood test for urea, creatinine and electrolytes).
  • Blood glucose test.
  • Strokes on pathogenic microflora from the nasal cavity and pharynx.
  • Coagulogram (blood clotting indicators) and PTI (prothrombin index, which allows you to assess the likelihood of bleeding).
  • Blood test for HIV.
  • Liver tests (biochemistry of liver function or puncture, which is performed for special indications).
  • Blood test for sterility and blood culture development.
  • Blood test for serological parameters.
  • Examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist to check for vasoconstriction.
  • Liquor (pressure indicators, biochemical analysis, bacteriological culture, bacterioscopy).

Lumbar puncture

  • Carrying out CT (computed tomography), NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance at a certain frequency), EEG (electroencephalogram of the brain), EchoEG (echoencephalography of the brain), ECG.
  • X-ray of the skull.
  • Examination by specialized specialists (endocrinologist, ENT, neurologist).

According to tests in children, doctors first rule out meningitis viral origin or meningococcal infection. In adult patients, it becomes possible to check and exclude tick-borne meningoencephalitis, fungal or meningococcal infection. Examination by a doctor, laboratory methods and instrumental research Meningeal syndrome is usually accurately recognized at the very beginning of its development, so additional research methods are a rare measure.

Pathology indicators in laboratory tests

  • Blood analysis. Typically, blood is collected for culture and biochemical parameters. Blood cultures in patients with meningitis are always positive and can identify pneumococci and meningococci. It is also natural to see an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. Leukocytes are the main indicator of the course of any infection in the human body. According to the study, a shift is determined leukocyte formula to the left. Indicators of urea, creatinine and electrolytes in the blood serum determine the inadequate (impaired) production of the hormone ADH (antidiuretic hormone), which leads to a state of hyponatremia.

Blood test

  • Cultures from the nose, throat, ear. Such crops often yield controversial results. The results can be erroneous, but, meanwhile, they carry a lot of information due to the inclusion of meningococci in the microflora of the ENT organs. If a patient has discharge of pus from the middle ear, then it is advisable to take the discharge for a thorough examination.
  • Laboratory urine analysis often reliably determines high protein content and blood impurities.
  • Biochemical liver test. The analysis determines liver function and helps to carry out differential diagnosis its pathological changes, including inflammatory processes. Meningitis disrupts carbohydrate metabolism in the body, so the liver suffers.

The totality of all laboratory indicators serves as a direct basis for the diagnosis accurate diagnosis. Additional methods serve X-ray studies, which allow a more comprehensive picture of the development and course of meningeal infection.

CSF analysis

The main diagnostic method for meningeal syndrome is the study of cerebrospinal fluid, carried out lumbar puncture. The procedure is performed by piercing meninges spinal cord between those lumbar vertebrae where there are only spinal roots. The procedure is safe, does not cause any harm, and leaves no consequences for pediatric and adult patients. Fence cerebrospinal fluid not only allows you to accurately diagnose the nature of meningitis, but also significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The cause of severe headaches is precisely the increase in intracranial pressure.

With meningitis, pathological changes are detected in the cerebrospinal fluid

Liquor (otherwise, cerebrospinal fluid - abbreviated as CSF) - biological fluid, which determines the adequate functioning of the entire central nervous system. The main stages of the study of cerebrospinal fluid are identified:

  • preanalytical (preparing the patient, collecting information from the clinical history, collecting material);
  • analytical (CSF examination);
  • post-analytical (decoding of research data).

Stages of cerebrospinal fluid analysis:

  • determination of physical/chemical properties (classification by volume, color, characteristic features);
  • obtaining data on total number cells;
  • microscopic examination of the native specimen, cytology of the stained specimen;
  • detailed analysis of biochemical components;
  • microbiological examination(if there are special instructions).

Cerebrospinal fluid normally has high transparency without pronounced color. At pathological changes the liquid and its composition changes:

Normally, the cerebrospinal fluid should be clear

  • Density change. The density norm is 1.006 - 1.007. If an acute inflammatory process occurs in the body, the density of the cerebrospinal fluid naturally increases to 1.015. The indicators become lower if the density is formed against the background of hydrocephalus.
  • Fibrinogen content (colorless protein in plasma blood). The indicator is characteristic for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and manifests itself in the form of a thick lump or fibrinous film. To confirm the formation of a film on the surface of the liquid, the test tube with the material is kept at room temperature for 24 hours.
  • Indicators of protein, glucose, chlorides and other biochemical data to present a more accurate picture of the disease.

When you remove unnecessary content, it returns to normal. intracranial pressure, and the pain subsides over time.

In cases where the diagnosis is questioned, it is additionally confirmed or refuted using computed tomography or examination with a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

Prevention of meningitis is divided into specific and nonspecific

Meningitis is a rare but serious complication of viral and bacterial nature. Preventive measures include basic rules for protecting one’s own health from colds, flu outbreaks and epidemics. Don't underestimate the seriousness of meningitis. Besides severe complications the disease can take the patient’s life. Timely treatment many diseases and subsequent protective regime will allow you to maintain both health and prevent relapses of associated complications in the form of meningitis.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at a disease of the meninges, such as meningitis, as well as its first signs, symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis, prevention and treatment with traditional and folk remedies. So…

What is meningitis?

Meningitis– infectious inflammatory disease membranes of the spinal cord and/or brain.

The main symptoms of meningitis are headache, high body temperature, disturbances of consciousness, increased sensitivity to light and sound, and numbness of the neck.

The main causes of meningitis are fungi. Often, this disease becomes a complication of others, and often ends fatal, especially if it is caused by bacteria and fungi.

The basis of treatment for meningitis is antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal therapy, depending on the causative agent of the disease, and only in a hospital setting.

Meningitis in children and men is most common, especially the number of cases increases in the autumn-winter-spring period, from November to April. This is facilitated by factors such as temperature fluctuations, hypothermia, a limited amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, and insufficient ventilation in rooms with a large number of people.

Scientists also noticed a 10-15 year cyclical pattern of this disease, when the number of patients especially increases. Moreover, in countries with bad sanitary conditions residence (Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South America), the number of patients with meningitis is usually 40 times higher than in Europeans.

How is meningitis transmitted?

Like many others infectious diseases, meningitis can be transmitted in a fairly large number of ways, but the most common of them are:

  • airborne droplets (via,);
  • contact and household (non-compliance), through kisses;
  • oral-fecal (eating unwashed foods, as well as eating with unwashed hands);
  • hematogenous (through blood);
  • lymphogenous (through lymph);
  • placental route (infection occurs during childbirth);
  • through ingestion of contaminated water (by swimming in polluted waters or drinking dirty water).

Incubation period of meningitis

Basically, to relieve viral meningitis, a combination of the following drugs is prescribed: Interferon + Glucocorticosteroids.

Additionally, barbiturates may be prescribed, nootropic drugs, high protein diet, especially various antiviral drugs(depending on the type of virus).

3.3. Antifungal therapy

Treatment for fungal meningitis usually involves taking the following medications:

For cryptococcal and candidal meningitis (Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida spp): “Amphotericin B” + “5-Flucytosine”.

  • The dose of Amphotericin B is 0.3 mg per 1 kg per day.
  • The dose of Flucytosine is 150 mg per 1 kg per day.

Additionally, Fluconazole may be prescribed.

3.4. Detoxification therapy

To remove waste products of infection (toxins) from the body, which poison the body and further weaken immune system and the normal functioning of other organs and systems, detoxification therapy is used.

To remove toxins from the body, use: “Atoxil”, “Enterosgel”.

For the same purposes, drinking plenty of fluids is prescribed, especially with vitamin C - rosehip decoction, tea with raspberries and fruit juice.

To improve the quality and functionality of cerebrospinal fluid, the following is prescribed: Cytoflavin.


Timely consultation with a doctor, accurate diagnosis and correct treatment regimen increases the chances of complete cure from meningitis. It depends on the patient how quickly he will go to a medical facility and adhere to the treatment regimen.

However, even if the situation is extremely difficult, pray, the Lord is able to deliver and heal a person even in cases where other people cannot help him.

Important! Before use folk remedies Be sure to consult your doctor!

When using folk remedies, keep the patient calm, dim the light, and protect him from loud sounds.

Poppy. Grind the poppy seed as thoroughly as possible, pour it into a thermos and fill it with hot milk, in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of poppy seed per 100 ml of milk (for children) or 1 tbsp. spoon of poppy seeds per 200 ml of milk. Leave the solution to infuse overnight. You need to take 1 tbsp of poppy infusion. spoon (children) or 70 g (adults) 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals.

Chamomile and mint. To drink, use tea from or, for example, one remedy in the morning, another in the evening. To prepare such a medicinal drink you need 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of mint or chamomile into a glass of boiling water, cover the lid and let the product brew, then strain and drink one portion at a time.

Lavender. 2 teaspoons of medicinal lavender in dry, ground form, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the product overnight to infuse and drink 1 glass, morning and evening. This product has analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant and diuretic properties.

Herbal collection. Mix 20 g of the following ingredients - lavender flowers, peppermint leaves, rosemary leaves, primrose root and. Next, pour 20 g of the resulting mixture from plants with 1 glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let the product brew. After the collection has cooled, strain it and you can start drinking the whole glass at a time, twice a day, morning and evening.

Needles. If the patient does not have an acute phase of meningitis, you can prepare a bath from fir needles; it is also useful to drink an infusion of pine needles, which help cleanse the blood.

Linden. 2 tbsp. spoons linden color pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover the product with a lid, let it brew for about 30 minutes and you can drink it instead of tea.

— During periods of seasonal outbreaks, avoid staying in places with large numbers of people, especially indoors;

— Do wet cleaning at least 2-3 times a week;

— Temper yourself (if there are no contraindications);

— Avoid stress and hypothermia;

- Move more, go in for sports;

— Do not let various diseases, especially infectious ones, take their course, so that they do not become chronic;

Meningitis is a complex inflammatory lesion of the meninges, which most often occurs in children, although the disease can also develop in adults. Meningeal symptoms appear quite clearly and intensely. In addition, there are signs that are characteristic of this disease. In children and adults, the course of meningitis may differ slightly.

So, the presented pathology is a viral or bacterial inflammatory lesion of the membranes surrounding the brain, which can develop in people with weakened immune systems. All forms of the disease, except, are quite severe and can lead to serious consequences (impaired brain function, coma, loss of vision or hearing, death). And the most high risk their onset is observed in elderly people.

As for the reasons for the development of the disease in a child or adult, they can be as follows:

Watch the video in which an infectious disease doctor talks in detail about the disease:

These reasons can be considered the most common. If a person has a strong immune barrier, then it will not allow inflammation to develop. However, it is necessary to know the reasons that provoke the disease. Only in this case can effective preventive measures not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

Meningitis: common symptoms in adults and children

In order to recognize meningitis, it is necessary to examine it clinical manifestations. The following signs are common to children and adults:

  1. Chills and fever, which is especially pronounced in children.
  2. Changes in consciousness, disturbances in the human mental sphere, the appearance of hallucinations.
  3. Nausea, which is often accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting.
  4. Photophobia, too high sensitivity to loud sounds. Usually the patient turns to the wall and completely covers himself with a blanket.
  5. An adult or Small child A patient with meningitis usually feels as if the skull is bursting. Moreover, discomfort only intensify with any movement or exposure to various stimuli.
  6. Hardening occipital muscles. In this case, the patient is unable to bend or turn his head.

Clinical forms of meningitis and their symptoms

  1. Bluishness in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Paleness of the skin.
  3. Decreased attention.
  4. Significant decrease in appetite.
  5. Shortness of breath, rapid breathing and pulse.
  1. Reduced blood pressure.
  2. An unusual position when the patient’s head is thrown back and his legs are pulled up to his stomach.
  3. Among the meningeal signs one can also distinguish too high tactile sensitivity. When touching a sick adult or child, he feels severe discomfort.
  4. Skin rash.

These symptoms are considered common to adults and children. If the reasons and general signs Since the disease has been identified, it is impossible to treat the disease on your own. You need to see a doctor immediately.

General infectious and cerebral signs of the disease

The above symptoms can be classified into several groups. The first of them is general infectious signs. The following symptoms of meningitis may include:

  • Feeling hot.
  • General weakness and malaise.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Runny nose, sneezing, red throat.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

About the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of meningitis ( detailed video in Russian, with comments from doctors):

In addition, we can also identify general cerebral symptoms of meningitis in adults and children:

  • , which cannot be appeased in any way.
  • Congestion at the bottom of the eyeball.
  • Headache that spreads throughout the head and into the eyes.
  • Disorders of consciousness.
  • Seizures caused by increased intracranial pressure.

These manifestations of meningitis are not considered specific, as they may indicate other pathologies.

Specific meningeal symptoms

There are special and adults who talk only about this disease. They make it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis. So, we can name the following signs of pathology:

  1. Kernig's sign. It is the most well-known sign of meningitis in both children and adults. The disease can manifest itself as follows: with passive flexion of the leg at the hip and knee joint in a lying position, it is subsequently impossible to straighten it. The fact is that the leg muscles are straining too much. This symptom is specific.
  2. Symptom of a “scaphoid” abdomen. In this case, the stomach pulls inward on its own; the patient cannot control this. Some doctors consider this symptom to be part of a special meningeal posture.
  3. Bekhterev's sign. It lies in the fact that even with a light tap on the cheekbone, the facial muscle contracts and the patient develops a kind of grimace on his face. The fact is that at the slightest touch, a child or an adult feels wild pain.

  1. Mendel's symptom, manifested in a sharp increase in headache when pressing with a finger on the front wall of the ear.
  2. Kehrer's sign. When the doctor presses on the exit sites trigeminal nerve the patient also feels pain.
  3. Hermann's sign. With meningitis, passive tilting of the head in a child or adult, if he is lying on his back with straightened limbs, causes spontaneous extension thumb legs.
  4. Gordon's sign. If you squeeze the patient’s lower leg muscles with your hand, he will experience extension of the big toe.
  5. Guillain's sign. It is characterized by involuntary flexion of one leg if the patient’s hand clamps the shin of the other limb.
  6. Lafora's sign. It is characterized by the presence of pointed facial features in a child or adult.
  7. Flatau's sign. If you carefully observe a patient with meningitis, then when you tilt your head, you can detect dilated pupils.

For a method for determining meningeal symptoms, watch the video:

  1. Bogolepov's symptom. Regardless of whether the patient is conscious or impaired, a painful grimace will remain on his face when checking for Kernig and Guillain signs.
  2. Mandanesi's sign. With meningitis it manifests itself very clearly. If you press on the patient's eyeballs, his face will be tense.
  3. Bickel's sign. People who have meningitis cannot straighten their elbows even with the help of a doctor.
  4. Levinson's sign. A child or an adult opens his mouth when he tilts his head forward. This movement is spontaneous and does not depend on the will of the patient.
  5. Brudzinski's sign. If a cheek symptom is present, it manifests itself as follows: after pressing on the cheek under the cheekbone, the shoulder girdle on that same side rises in a child or adult. There is also an upper meningeal symptom in adults and children. In order to determine it, the patient will have to lie straight on his back and try to bend his head towards his chest. With meningitis, his legs will automatically bend at the knees, as well as hip joint. In addition, the patient tries to pull the limbs towards the stomach. It produces the same actions when pressing on the pubis. This lower symptom manifestations of meningitis.

Since it is quite difficult to determine meningitis on your own (precious time is lost), it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, even if only one of these signs is observed. Meningeal signs will help to more accurately determine the disease.

Symptoms of meningitis depending on the age of the patient

Now you need to figure out what signs of meningitis are typical for patients of different ages. For example, the first signs of meningitis in children under 1 year of age are similar to the manifestations colds, so they are sometimes confused. The baby's mucous membranes of the mouth and nose dry out, and signs of an inflammatory process appear. In most cases, the onset of meningitis in a child is not recognized in time until the pathology enters the acute phase of development.

In addition, the newborn himself cannot say what exactly hurts him, where the maximum discomfort is felt. That is why meningitis in a child may not be detected in time and in the first year of life he must be constantly under the supervision of doctors. Also, in the first months of life, a brain ultrasound procedure is indicated, which will help identify many other pathologies, if they are present.

Signs of meningitis in children under one year of age are as follows: high temperature, chills, fever, protrusion and pulsation of the fontanel, irritability of the baby, impaired sucking, sudden agitation from any touch.

Symptoms of meningitis in children 2-3 years old:

  • A sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, and the fever is very persistent and difficult to bring down with standard medications.
  • Chills, drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Lack of response to an adult.
  • Constant vomiting, after which it does not get better.
  • Cramps and spasms.

Symptoms of meningitis in children 3-4 years old are easier to recognize than in infants, because you can already ask them about their sensations. Even if the baby cannot answer clearly, he will notice confusion, which already indicates health problems.

How to protect your child from dangerous virus they'll tell you traditional doctors from the program “Live Healthy!” (start 32:55):

The first symptoms of meningitis in children who are 5-6 years old can be determined not only by the previously mentioned manifestations, but also by the condition of the internal and external mucous membranes, and by the ability to swallow food.

Signs of meningitis in children 7-10 years old are usually as follows:

  1. Nausea, which is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting.
  2. Very rapid rise in temperature to extreme values.
  3. Confusion, delirium.
  4. Numbness of the limbs or the appearance of seizures.
  5. Sharp.
  6. Graininess of the palatal surfaces, redness of the throat, clouding of the whites of the eyes.

Signs of meningitis in children 11 years of age, as well as in adolescents, are practically no different from those described above.

Symptoms characteristic of different forms of the disease

We found out how meningitis manifests itself in children and adults. Let's consider the signs of pathology depending on its form:

  • Cryptococcal meningitis. The cause of the disease is fungal infection, which can be located anywhere. In this case, the patient has the following symptoms: headache, hallucinations, fever, mental disorders, nausea and vomiting, photophobia, neck curvature.
  • Aseptic meningitis. It develops due to bad treatment syphilis. Aseptic meningitis is more common in adults. It is characterized by inflammation of the membranes of both the brain and spinal cord. Aseptic meningitis is characterized the following signs: headache, fever, decreased vision and loss of visual acuity, neck pain, nausea and vomiting, confusion. In addition, this pathology is manifested by photophobia, an inadequate reaction to sounds.

  • Infectious meningitis. It is provoked by the influenza virus or lesions of the upper respiratory tract. The disease has the following symptoms: stiffening of the neck muscles, the patient exhibits fever, sensitivity to stimuli (light and sound), rapid breathing and heartbeat.
  • Meningococcal and enteroviral meningitis. It is characterized by a hemorrhagic rash, herpetic rashes in the area of ​​the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, and bruises. Enteroviral meningitis is not considered fatal dangerous disease, however, if left untreated it can lead to serious complications.
  • Bacterial meningitis. This form of the disease is the most dangerous. Bacterial meningitis can even lead to the death of the patient. It is provoked by any pathological bacterium that begins to multiply in conditions of decreased immunity. Bacterial meningitis is characterized by the following symptoms: a sharp increase in temperature, headache, dizziness, manifestation mental disorders, an unusual posture characteristic of the patient (legs bent to the stomach and head thrown back).

  • It is considered quite common tuberculous meningitis, the symptoms of which are: chills, slow increase in body temperature, tracheitis or catarrhal sore throat. In addition, the patient slowly develops asthenia, decreases appetite, and develops general malaise.
  • If the patient has suspicions of purulent meningitis, the symptoms of this pathology can be as follows: a sharp increase in body temperature, inadequate reaction to light and sounds, weakness and lethargy, the presence of all meningeal symptoms.

As you can see, the symptoms and treatment of meningitis depend on its type. Therefore, examination of the patient should begin as early as possible. Knowing how to recognize meningitis, you can, without exaggeration, save the life of yourself or another person.

Treatment of meningitis

Therapy is carried out mainly in a hospital setting. In this case, the patient is provided with complete rest, all possible irritants that contribute to increased pain are removed.

Used for treatment various drugs: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory. Therapy generally helps, especially if you start it as early as possible. That is why diagnosis should not be delayed and attention should be paid to the symptoms of meningitis in adults and especially in children.

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