Home Smell from the mouth Do I need to change breast implants? Shelf life of breast implants

Do I need to change breast implants? Shelf life of breast implants

Replacing breast implants is not necessary if a woman is satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of her breasts and mammography does not reveal any abnormalities. Implants are replaced for medical reasons as a result of complications after the initial operation, as well as due to dissatisfaction with the appearance silicone breasts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of re-endoprosthetics? mammary glands, existing replacement technologies breast implants, and the features of replacement, as well as the cost of this procedure, you will learn about this today from our article.

Reasons why implants are replaced

Aesthetic reasons:

  • Breast asymmetry, incorrectly selected implants during primary plastic surgery;
  • Wrinkling, protrusion, the appearance of folds under the mammary glands, the “double breast” effect;
  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the breasts as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or ptosis due to age-related changes in the body;
  • Dissatisfaction with breast size, desire to increase by 1-2 sizes.

Medical reasons:

  • Constrictive fibrosis (capsular contracture). The implant becomes overgrown with scar tissue, causing the breast to become thicker and painful when pressed;
  • Endoprosthesis rupture, gel (saline) leakage. As a result, swelling and inflammation of the mammary glands and pain develop;
  • Poorly manufactured endoprostheses. Asymmetry develops, the integrity of the shell is disrupted;
  • Ill-formed pocket. When the implant is located under the soft tissue of the mammary glands, the likelihood of developing capsular contracture increases than when it is located behind the pectoralis major muscle;
  • Sagging of the mammary glands;
  • Development of synmastia. As a result of the installation of thin women with thin skin, implants with wide base, gradually the space between the cores disappears, and mammary glands grow together;
  • The development of inflammatory processes, bleeding, the introduction of staphylococcal infections, the formation of hematomas.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast replacement

Breast implant replacement has the following advantages:

  • Aesthetic appearance of the breast;
  • Correction of asymmetries that arise over time;
  • Increase or decrease in the size of the mammary glands.

The disadvantages of revision mammoplasty include gradual ptosis of the mammary glands. Under the influence of the weight of silicone implants, ptosis develops. It is also affected by skin aging, loss of elasticity and firmness.

Breast implant replacement technology

Reendoprosthetics surgery is carried out in several stages:

  • Removal of existing implants. Removal takes place by making an incision along a previously made incision;
  • Removing the capsule formed around each implant. The contracture capsule is removed completely when there is severe scarring of the surrounding tissue. If there are no complications, it is partially removed;
  • Prosthetics of new implants. New breast implants are placed in an existing pocket;
  • Stitching.

Surgical intervention lasts on average 120 minutes under general anesthesia. If correction of asymmetry, increase in breast size, etc. is necessary, then the operation takes longer.

The rehabilitation period lasts longer than with primary plastic surgery, approximately 3-4 months. For faster implantation, it is necessary to wear supportive underwear with fixation.

Features of implant replacement

The surgery will differ from the original repair depending on the reason for the replacement.

  • Features of replacing implants due to changes in the size of the mammary glands:

Firstly, after removing old implants, the doctor expands (reduces) the pocket. If your breast size decreases, it is necessary to perform a skin tightening. Secondly, in order to enlarge the mammary glands by four sizes or more, it is necessary to carry out re-endoprosthetics in two stages - increasing the size of the implants by no more than two sizes in one operation. Thus, the chest will not be deformed, there will be no stretch marks on the skin, and the load on the spine will not be too sharp.

  • Features of replacing implants due to their shrinkage:

In this case, only implants with a gel structure and a textured surface are installed, since a smooth surface does not guarantee repeated wrinkling. Implants are not installed under soft fabrics mammary glands, and under the large muscle.

  • Features of replacing implants due to asymmetry (displacement):

One of the dentures is displaced as a result of excessive growth of fibrous tissue. In this case, after replacement, a breast lift is necessary.

To prevent the implant from moving again, a dermal matrix is ​​inserted to support it. It consists of a complex of collagen and elastin.

  • Features of replacing implants due to synmastia:

After removing the implants, the doctor works to reduce the size of the pockets. In complicated cases, the mesh is sutured and sutures are placed inside the pocket to prevent rupture of the inner part of the interthoracic space. Only after these manipulations are new implants of a smaller size (smaller width and projection) installed so that they do not touch internal seams.
The rehabilitation process in this case lasts at least 6 months.


The cost of replacing breast implants consists of two components: the cost of removing old implants and the cost of installing new ones. In addition, you need to know whether one or both endoprostheses will be replaced, whether it is necessary to carry out work to remove complications, whether it is necessary to perform a breast lift, etc.

The average cost is as follows:

  • average price implants range from 40 to 70 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for work on removing old implants is 90 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for work to remove complications is 57 thousand rubles;
  • The average price of a breast lift is 120 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for re-endoprosthetics is 140 thousand rubles.

Most women who see a plastic surgeon and express a desire to enlarge their breasts do not even suspect that implants are not installed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have a service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you walk with breast implants?, and when can’t you refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions using professional opinion most authoritative specialists in the field of breast plastic surgery.

Breast prostheses

Do I need to change breast implants?

How long does it take to install breast endoprostheses? The fear that after mammoplasty will have to regularly change implants frightens many women. They are associated primarily with information about the likely wear of prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the fair sex about possible complications surgery and the need for repeated surgery. Implants can wear out for various reasons:

  • internal influence saline solution, silicone or hydrogel, which thins the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of surrounding living tissues and immune cells;
  • formation of folds on the surface, which increases the likelihood of a decrease in the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • manufacturing defects and low quality materials.

So, do you need to change your breast implants over time after mammoplasty? Newest technologies make it possible to create endoprostheses of the mammary glands, which are distinguished by the durability and strength of the materials used. Such implants have long term service and do not need frequent replacement. Sometimes women wear dentures all their lives without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

Factors affecting wear

Among the reasons that determine the service life of breast implants, the following are in first place in importance:

  • age characteristics;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to weight loss or gain;
  • the reaction of a woman’s body to the introduction of a foreign body into it;
  • location of endoprostheses.

The lifespan of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap breast prostheses very often begin to leak, change shape or rupture as they wear out. Such changes usually occur after a chest injury, as well as as a result of surgeon errors.

Studying the question of how many years you can wear breast implants, experts found that most women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of the fair sex for whom breast augmentation surgery did not end entirely successfully. In such clinic patients plastic surgery dissatisfaction is associated with the following postoperative complications:

  • rupture and leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • discrepancy between the resulting breast shape and the one declared by the woman before surgery;
  • the body's reaction to foreign material;
  • emergence of other undesirable consequences operations.

Do not forget that after installation of breast implants you need to undergo an annual breast examination. This will help prevent the development pathological conditions and preserve the woman's health.

What are dentures made of?

  1. Silicone.
  2. Saline.
  3. Having a round shape;
  4. Anatomical.

a brief description of

The endoprostheses that were produced about 10-20 years ago had a 7-8% wear rate, and manufacturers could not give a 100% guarantee that the implant would not rupture or its integrity would not be compromised.

On this moment modern dentures have a significantly lower wear rate, which allows leading manufacturing companies to provide a lifetime warranty on their products.

A breast prosthesis is a medical product that is made from high-quality biocompatible material for installation under the skin or mammary gland in order to simulate a woman’s bust and increase its size.

The first breast prostheses were filled with fats, liquid paraffin and various other fillers. They were injected into the thickness of the mammary gland.

The first breast augmentation operations were performed at the end of the 19th century, but such operations did not bring results. desired result and led to serious complications.

Since 1944, the production of a prosthesis in the form of a closed shell made of silicone filled with sodium chloride or gel began.

And from this moment the real evolution of breast prostheses begins and their shape, structure, fillers and types improve every year.

Conventionally, the types of breast prostheses can be divided into several generations:

  • The first generation of prostheses were made from a tear-shaped silicone shell, which was filled with a viscous silicone gel. A septum was installed at the back to prevent the implant from moving;
  • the second generation of implans became softer and the gel became lighter. Second-generation breast prostheses were also produced in double-sided form and consisted of a silicone prosthesis inside a saline one;
  • the third and fourth generations of implants were coated with an elastomer to prevent the gel from sweating through the shell. The fourth generation was also already produced different shapes
  • prostheses with various coatings; Fifth generation prostheses consist of a cohesive gel.

It is a soft gel and has the ability to mimic living breast tissue. This gel also has “memory” and, in case of any deformation, returns to the shape specified during the production process.

Silicone or saline

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty?

Prostheses for breast enlargement, like any other devices not only of a medical nature, wear out.

The service life of breast endoprostheses depends on many factors, such as the body’s reaction to a foreign object, the quality of the implant, and its location.

The frequency of replacement depends on the implant material and the skill of the surgeon.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after breast augmentation?

It is possible to plan a pregnancy after augmentation mammoplasty. Breast augmentation does not affect the development of the fetus and is safe.

Research conducted in this area has proven that neither silicone nor saline prostheses have a negative effect on the fetus.

The only thing that awaits a woman after childbirth is sagging breasts. This is due to the enlargement of the mammary glands and to return to their previous shape, mammoplasty in the form of a breast lift will be required.

But performing augmentation mammoplasty during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since the operation is performed under anesthesia, which has a detrimental effect during fetal development.

Whatever method and access for installation is chosen, this should not affect breastfeeding of the child.

The most complete feeding process will be if during the operation the implant is placed in the armpit. IN in this case The mammary glands are not affected and the lactation process will not be disrupted.

If the areolas are affected during the operation, it is important to know even before performing augmentation mammoplasty, how the feeding period will proceed and discuss this point with the plastic surgeon.

In order to avoid complications such as mastitis due to the presence of prostheses, you need to choose correct technique feeding and regular special massage.

Types of implantation

  • Placement under the armpit;
  • Under the line of the mammary glands.

Indications for change

Changing implants is called re-endoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

Indications for changing breast implants may be as follows:

  • aesthetic dissatisfaction after breast augmentation surgery;
  • change correction appearance breast, which is associated with breastfeeding, pregnancy and age-related changes;
  • the patient’s desire to enlarge her breasts 3-4 sizes larger than before;

Also, indications for breast replacement may include complications after the first augmentation mammoplasty, these include:

Types of cuts

  • An incision in the armpit;
  • An incision in the areola area;
  • An incision in the navel area.


Modern breast implants have two types:

  1. silicone;
  2. saline.

Silicone prostheses consist of a silicone filler, the viscosity of which is different manufacturers may vary. Breasts, silicone implants pleasant to the touch and no different from female breasts.

Such prostheses are suitable for women with small breasts; they do not wrinkle and look very natural. But silicone prostheses are very expensive, and in the event of a rupture, it is difficult to detect the leakage site.

Saline endoprostheses consist of regular saline or sodium chloride solution. This solution is pumped in after the prosthesis is installed, during the operation.

Such prostheses are much cheaper than silicone ones and much safer. In the event of a rupture of the saline prosthesis, it is easy to detect the location of the leak and a saline solution will enter the body, which does not cause harm to the body.

Also, when describing the types of endoprostheses, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • form;
  • size;
  • coating.

The shape of the prosthesis can be:

  1. round;
  2. anatomical (drop-shaped);
  3. anatomical with a high profile.

The size of the prosthesis is:

  1. fixed. This size does not have a valve and the volume of the prosthesis cannot be changed;
  2. adjustable. With this size, the prosthesis has a valve through which saline solution can be injected;

The coating or surface may be:

  1. smooth;
  2. textured. Textured dentures are uneven and have fibers on their surface;
  3. with a spongy surface structure. The connective tissue grows into the spongy structure of the shell and will allow the prosthesis to be fixed in one place.

Contraindications for surgery

  • Heart disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Mental disorder.

Dangers of repeat surgery

For any surgical intervention there is a risk of complications, especially when it comes to repeated correction. Among the most common negative consequences of re-endoprosthetics are:

  • formation of contractures;
  • formation of hematomas and seromas;
  • infection of the intervention site as a result of pathogenic microorganisms attaching to the wound;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • promotion general temperature body due to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, rupture or leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • development of a double fold;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • fusion of mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which problems may occur. side effects in the form of dysfunction of the central nervous system, thromboembolism, pathological manifestations from the cardiovascular sphere and kidneys.

Indications for implant replacement

Let's consider the reasons why women are most often prescribed surgery to remove previous breast implants and install new ones.

Aging of implanted materials

Over time, any prosthesis ages, and breast implants (for example, with a saline filler) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body’s reaction to a foreign body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age have a greater chance of destruction of the shell and are prone to leakage and change in shape.

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients want to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they talk about aesthetic reasons for repeat mammoplasty. Naturally, such an intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when the swelling has subsided and post-operative wounds have healed.

Age-related changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is to blame, but in reality this is due to age-related or hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Dentures lose their quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, etc.

Development of complications

Another reason why prosthesis replacement is necessary is complications after surgery. No one knows at what time breast implant rejection or damage may occur, but the likelihood of such processes is present in women who have undergone surgery.

Does a damaged breast implant poison the patient’s body? The filling of modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissue. If an implant consisting of a hydrogel is damaged, it breaks down into glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not cause any harm to health.

Prevention of complications

Women who are changing silicone implants should know how to prevent possible Negative consequences operations. To such preventive measures relate:

  • strict implementation in postoperative period all recommendations plastic surgeon;
  • mandatory use of antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastic surgery and in case of elevated temperature bodies;
  • wearing special compression garments;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Implant manufacturing companies

The modern market for endoprostheses is very diverse. The most famous brands manufacturers of implants are:

  1. Mentor is an American company that produces Various types prostheses: silicone, saline, round and anatomical shapes, with a textured surface, durable Siltex shell. Silicone models use Memory Gel filler.
  2. Motiva (Motiva Ergonomics) is the world's only manufacturer of ergonomic prostheses. Their main features are naturalness, no matter what position the breasts are in, harmony, even if initially the bust was very small. The filler used in these dentures is called Progressive Gel Ultima. He is one of the best.
  3. Allergan – reliable, safe products from America. Their shell consists of seven layers. The variety of sizes from this brand is very wide. Models differ in shape and filling. The advantage of this brand is low level complications.
  4. Arion – French manufacturer, specializing in the manufacture various types endoprostheses. He creates silicone and hydrogel-filled implants, round, anatomical, with smooth and textured surfaces. Their shell consists of six layers, which makes the products reliable and durable.
  5. Nagor (Nagor) - high-quality breast implants created in England.
  6. Polytech (Polytech) are German implants that have a “memory effect”, which allows them not to change shape and look great even after many years. The product shell consists of eight layers, the top of which can be represented by one of three different types. The most popular is microtextured.

The choice of an endoprosthesis must be taken seriously. It does not matter whether it is used simply for breast correction, or to restore lost breast tissue after a mastectomy. After all, every woman wants to have beautiful, natural breasts.

Is there a need to replace implants?

Many women who have undergone breast correction by installing implants or are just planning to change their appearance with this surgical intervention ask themselves the question: “Do I need to change breast implants?” Only the plastic surgeon performing the operation can answer unequivocally, since there are several factors that determine whether there is a need for replacement.

Breast prostheses

Breast implants have been in fashion for a long time and are by far the most popular operation. aesthetic medicine. An operation to introduce mammary gland implants to enlarge it and make it more beautiful shape especially popular among women, with cancer mammary glands. Implantation is also carried out for women with first or zero breast size to enlarge it.

However, despite the many people who want to go through this procedure, there are also those who are categorically against these manipulations. They motivate this by the fact that a foreign object should not be introduced into a living organism, as this can cause a number of complications and unpleasant sensations.

Particularly frightening for doubting representatives of the fair sex are various articles that colorfully describe the terrible consequences that occur to the breast after the implantation of an implant to enlarge it. Of course, any surgery has its risks, and this procedure is no exception. However, nowadays the risk has been reduced to a minimum, so cases of negative consequences are rare. Most the right way To completely protect yourself – choose a high-quality prosthesis.

Choosing a quality implant

Do not neglect the assessments of other women who have already undergone this procedure and the recommendations of surgeons. It is better to make your choice in favor of one of the popular manufacturers. Such implants must have a special elastic bag with a thin but durable silicone shell.

They come in several types; here you need to decide on the surface of the prosthesis: smooth or voluminous. Any organism rejects a foreign object that has entered it, surrounding it with connective tissue. The longer an object is inside the body, the more tissue forms around it, giving the breasts an unnatural firmness. This is the first problem that plastic surgeons face during surgery. Complications in this matter are caused by implants with a smooth shell surface. The volumetric surface has a certain roughness, which promotes the ingrowth of living tissue into the shell of the prosthesis. This is what makes them safer.

What are dentures made of?

  • More like consistency vegetable oil silicone gel.
  • The cohesive gel weakly holds its shape, but hardly sweats and is almost indistinguishable from the mammary glands in density. The consistency is similar to jelly.
  • The highly cohesive gel holds its shape perfectly, practically does not deform, does not sweat, and has the consistency of marmalade. Used as a filler for anatomical prostheses.
  • “Soft touch” gel holds its shape well and does not sweat. The consistency resembles jellied meat.
  • Saline solution. Not the best filler, since almost a year after use, the salt dissolved in the composition crystallizes and there is a risk of puncturing the shell of the prosthesis.
  • Soybean oil. It is strictly not recommended to use implants with this filler, as they are considered one of the worst.

According to their characteristics, prostheses are divided into several types:

  1. Silicone.
  2. Saline.
  3. Having a round shape;
  4. Anatomical.

It is a soft gel and has the ability to mimic living breast tissue. This gel also has “memory” and, in case of any deformation, returns to the shape specified during the production process.

Silicone implants have good stickiness and a stable shape, which contributes to less sweating of the cohesive gel. It imitates the natural softness of the breast well; if the implant shell is damaged, it does not leak out, holds its shape well, and does not sweat under the shell.

Implants consisting of a saline solution are bags of silicone polymers characterized by their elasticity. Serve exclusively for breast enlargement. Not the best choice, because this type implants feel different from natural breasts and there is a chance that they will shrink or rupture.

The frequency of replacement depends on the implant material and the skill of the surgeon.

It is necessary to choose the form of the prosthesis, as well as the prosthesis itself, in consultation with a leading surgeon in order to select exactly the implant that is suitable for a particular patient. Choosing an implant on your own is fraught with unforeseen consequences or the surgeon’s refusal to perform the operation.

  • Round-shaped implants are good from an aesthetic point of view. They look beautiful, better emphasize feminine forms, but they do not always correspond to some of the mandatory points that natural breasts have:
  1. The chest should be larger in height, not in width.
  2. The oval located in the lower pole of the chest is well filled.
  3. The nipple should be slightly above the breast fold.
  4. There should be an almost flat slope at the top of the chest.
  • Anatomical implants are used most often, since they meet all of the above points, so they become more popular than round ones.

Types of implantation

As a rule, two methods of implantation are common nowadays:

  • Placement under the armpit;
  • Under the line of the mammary glands.

Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. The first method is good because it reduces the risk of the formation of a capsule consisting of smooth fibrous tissue, which can deform the breast and compress the prosthesis if it increases more permissible norm. It is also almost impossible to feel the prosthesis. However, this operation is much more complicated, and recovery period lasts longer, sometimes with a feeling of discomfort. In addition, if a repeat operation is necessary, it will be quite difficult to get to the implant.

Plastic surgeons prefer the second placement option. If repeated enlargement is required, there will be no problems in reaching the desired area through the same incision. This operation does not last long, it is simpler, with virtually no pain during the postoperative rehabilitation period. This method is practiced only if the gland tissue is well developed. Significant disadvantages are the risk of formation of a capsule that deforms the prosthesis and the breast, and the fact that most often the prosthesis can be detected by palpating the breast.

In some cases, it is possible to introduce implants in two ways at the same time.

Types of cuts

Another important point before the operation is to carefully study what types of incisions there are through which the gland prosthesis will be installed.

There are four main types of cuts:

  • An incision in the armpit;
  • An incision in the areola area;
  • An incision under the retromammary fold of the breast;
  • An incision in the navel area.

The incision in the armpit is universal, as it allows the prosthesis to be implanted above and below the pectoral muscle. This is not the most widely used incision, although the scar is located in the armpit and is less noticeable to others. However, this is a rather complex operation, with the most long period recovery, and is therefore considered traumatic for the patient. It will be very difficult, if necessary, to perform a repeat operation through this type of incision if it is necessary to change it.

The following type of incision should be especially carefully reviewed with the leading physician. The areola incision is distinguished by its universal advantages. This method provides the opportunity to install a prosthesis under the muscle and under the gland or remove the prosthesis. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, it is better than an axillary incision, since the scar is practically invisible. Otherwise, it is possible to have the areola tattooed to match its natural color to make the scar invisible. The incision is made at the border of the areola and breast skin.

The third type of incision is used most often. This type, like the previous one, allows you to remove the gland implant and get rid of unpleasant consequences rehabilitation postoperative period. Instead of one scar, the number may increase to two, but there will be no complications. The disadvantage is not as significant compared to the advantages - the scars are noticeable, despite their thinness.

The last type of cut is the newest. It does not leave scars on the chest, but only allows the installation of a saline implant.

Contraindications for surgery

The following diseases are contraindications to this type of surgery:

  • Heart disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Mental disorder.
  • Tobacco smoking experience for more than twenty years.

In order to avoid various complications during and after surgery, the doctor first directs the patient to full examination, thoroughly studies the anamnesis, compiles individual plan operations and rehabilitation course.

Is there a need to change implants?

If we looked back a decade, the answer would have been obvious. Due to the slow technological progress at that time, implants were not durable and wore out within ten to fifteen years. Consequently, after the expiration date of the prostheses, they had to be replaced with more “fresh” ones. The prosthetics of the richest breast implant companies provide a lifetime warranty, which means that they do not require replacement.

You don't need to change your breast implants, but you can. Over time, the body ages and withers, the skin becomes loose and sagging, and breasts that have undergone correction by plastic surgeons are not much different in this respect from natural ones. Enlargement of the mammary glands can bring some discomfort in the area where the prosthesis is installed; capsular contracture may form; There may be a desire to change the volume to larger or smaller depending on the dictatorship of the ever-changing fashion. All these factors can force a woman to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife again in order to become more perfect and avoid consequences. age-related changes mammary glands.

There may be a need for repeated surgery if low-quality implants are selected. They can become deformed, burst, cause the formation of capsular contracture and its enlargement. All this requires secondary intervention from specialists to remove the implants and, if desired, install new ones after a certain period of rehabilitation and in the absence of contraindications.

The best way to avoid complications during the operation and during the postoperative rehabilitation period is to follow the recommendations of your doctor, observe all the specified nuances in preparation for the operation, as well as after the operation. If a woman wants to look beautiful and remain healthy at the same time, she should not choose implants that are less expensive. They do not skimp on health, and in order to avoid the need to seek surgical intervention again for removal installed prosthesis, you need to opt for a possibly expensive, but better quality product.

The choice of clinic also has important, because one of the keys to a successful operation is an experienced practicing surgeon. The World Wide Web will return millions of results for the search query " best clinic plastic surgery". Forums and clinic catalogs will allow you to more accurately determine the clinic’s attitude towards patients, the qualifications of plastic surgeons, statistics of repeat visits, positive and negative reviews. In this matter it is better to be as informed as possible.

Attention! The following video presents video clips of microsurgical operations. Viewing of these videos is strongly not recommended for persons under 16 summer age, pregnant women, as well as persons with an unbalanced psyche.

Reasons for replacing an implant

Doctors recommend removing the old one and implanting a new implant not because it can cause harm, but because of the gradual sagging of breast tissue, changes in its shape, and the appearance of asymmetry. In such cases, the product tends to shift.

Reasons for earlier, emergency removal of the endoprosthesis may include:

  • the appearance of defects on its shell
  • serious weight gain or, conversely, weight loss
  • change in breast shape after pregnancy, lactation

If the integrity of the product is damaged, manufacturers often offer a replacement at their own expense. Also, if the woman wishes, doctors can remove the prosthesis and restore the previous bust size. Or, you can replace it with another one that the patient chooses. After all, sometimes ladies remain dissatisfied with the results obtained. And in order to avoid the consequences of incorrectly selecting an endoprosthesis, girls are recommended to do 3D modeling, which allows them to see in a three-dimensional image how the breasts will look after implantation. After removal of the implant, the breast regains its previous shape.

Consequences of unsuccessful installation

Whether it is necessary to change implants after mammoplasty may also depend on how you feel. After the operation, complications are likely to arise that will not allow you to leave everything as it is. First of all, this is the formation of capsular contracture. The problem develops during the first year after surgery. A capsule is formed around the implant connective tissue. It helps to hold the endoprosthesis; its appearance in this place is normal. But if the thickness of the capsule is too large, it prevents you from feeling normal. There is pain or at least discomfort in the chest. And externally the mammary glands do not look as we would like. This situation requires removal of the implants, subsequently - new operation. Sometimes just replacing the endoprosthesis with another type will help solve the problem. The tissues will not react so sharply, and the capsule will form correctly, without excessive density and thickness, without causing discomfort.

Capsular contracture 7 years after retromammary endoprosthetics with shellless biogel implants (a); 5 months after removal of the implants and re-endoprosthetics (b)

Another problem that arises as implants heal is asymmetry. A slight deviation from ideal lines is not critical. But sometimes adaptation ends with the fact that the mammary glands are very different in appearance and location. Then you can’t do without a new operation.

One year after subpectoral endoprosthetics: upward displacement of implants and breast asymmetry during muscle contraction

Intervention may be needed soon after the first mammoplasty. During surgery or due to non-compliance during the rehabilitation period with the conditions necessary for restoration in the glands, inflammatory process. If it develops quickly, covering a significant area of ​​tissue, it cannot be ruled out that endoprostheses will have to be removed, and not just limited to antibiotic therapy.

How often silicone implants are replaced depends on many factors. Not all of them are negative. According to statistics, most cases of replacement of endoprostheses are associated with the patient’s desire, and not with health problems. But this does not eliminate the need to monitor the condition of the mammary glands after mammoplasty. Then it will definitely be possible to prevent possible negative aspects associated with the presence of implants and replace them before problems arise.

Are implants safe and after how many years should they be replaced?
Will there be scars and scars?
Is breastfeeding possible with silicone breasts?

Because of these and many other questions, a woman is afraid to fulfill her dream of having beautiful and firm breasts. This article will dispel all doubts and tell the whole truth about implants.

Evolution of implants

Still at the end 19th century attempts at breast augmentation began. Liquid paraffin, glass beads, oils and other foreign bodies were injected into the chest. But all these operations were not successful: foreign objects did not take root, went beyond the mammary glands, and were rejected from the body.

IN 1960 In the 1980s, the first silicone implant was created, which was a capsule with thick walls, although it looked unnatural and leaked easily.

1968 year gave the world an implant with a physical solution, thanks to which the body did not reject the capsules. But the main drawback of the invention was the thin walls, which often led to rupture; in addition, the chest with saline solution clearly gurgled when walking.

IN 1970 year, the second generation of silicone implants appears. But the walls of the capsules become even thinner. 95% of women receive no know-how, but only disappointment after endoprosthetics: almost all implants crack within the first 12 years.

1980 year gives the world the third generation of silicone implants. The walls of the capsules become much stronger, and the filler becomes thicker. And most importantly, statistics related to complications after the first two models are rapidly falling.

IN 1990 In 2009, a safer model was developed, but it has not yet received recognition: implants with viscous jelly-like silicone, which does not leak when the capsule ruptures.

1992 year - silicone implants are banned in the USA, and implants with saline solution are again used for breast enlargement.

IN 2006 year, after years of controversy and debate, the United States re-authorizes the use of silicone implants.

To date Breast augmentation is one of the most popular in the world plastic surgery along with rhinoplasty and facelift. According to statistics, in the United States over the past 5 years, the number of women who have decided to undergo endoprosthetics has increased by approximately 40% - this is about 350,000 women. Every day, surgeons performed up to 1000 operations a day! In Russia, the numbers are much lower, and in 2012 the number of patients was 22,000. This may be due to the small number of professional surgeons in our country.

  1. The size of the implants does not match standard sizes chest (A, B, C...). It is measured in milliliters and varies in volume. The smallest implants are a 90 ml capsule, the largest are 740 ml. The most popular are 200 ml implants, which increase breast size by 1.5 sizes, as well as 300 and 400 ml.
  2. Today there are 2 forms of implants: round and teardrop-shaped (anatomical). The former make the breasts look sexy, the latter look more natural.
  3. The surfaces of the implant are also distinguished – smooth or rough (textured).
  4. A distinctive feature of modern implants is that they are practically eternal.

Preparing for surgery and choosing implants

The choice of the implant, its shape, size and surface is carried out by the surgeon together with the patient at a preliminary in-person consultation. The following issues are also discussed:

Features of the operation;
-possible complications and rehabilitation period;
-place of the incision (through the inframammary fold, through the nipple areola, through the armpit).
For convenience, a “try-on” of external implants is carried out, which allows the patient to evaluate the final result.

In addition to the face-to-face consultation, the patient must undergo a number of standard studies:
-consultation with a mammologist and anesthesiologist;
-blood chemistry;
-tests for HIV, AIDS and hepatitis B and C.

Temporary contraindications

Due to colds, fever, menstruation, the operation is postponed for some time. Also, no later than a month before surgery, the patient should not smoke.

Surgery and rehabilitation period

The patient is put under general anesthesia and operated on for 40 minutes to 2 hours. The surgeon inserts the implant under the pectoralis major muscle, so women do not have problems during lactation. Most often, endoprosthesis replacement is performed through the armpit - this technique is minimally invasive and allows you to avoid scars.

After the operation, the patient remains in bed for 24 hours. Every few days the wound is bandaged, and on the 10th day the stitches are removed. The swelling goes away within 2-3 weeks. For two months, a woman must constantly wear a holding bra with wide straps, which helps to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, and is also limited. sex life, sports, heavy lifting, hot baths and smoking are excluded.

Possible complications with breast augmentation

Leading surgeon at Frau Klinik Egorova M.V. comments on problematic issues:

Implant rupture: “Modern implants are practically eternal, but there are situations in which rupture is possible: car accidents, falls, injections and other types of injuries. Although the thick composition of the silicone implant will not leak, a repeat operation will be necessary.”

Hematomas: “After surgery, blood usually accumulates under the skin for 24 hours. The body can only cope with small hematomas on its own, but larger ones do not resolve and require opening to remove the accumulated fluid.”

Decreased nipple sensitivity: “About 5-7% of women after endoprosthetics lose nipple sensitivity, the situation may not change even within 5 years.”

Rare complications: “Breast augmentation is still an operation, not an aesthetic procedure, so in rare cases complications are possible ( infectious diseases, suppuration). In case of complications, the implant is removed, and after six months the endoprosthetics is repeated."

The final result mainly depends on the professionalism of the plastic surgeon, but also on the natural size of the breast and other physiological characteristics.

Mammoplasty is the most common operation in plastic surgery. It happens that a repeat operation becomes necessary. Among the reasons why corrective mammoplasty is performed, the most common cause is pregnancy and subsequent feeding or a significant decrease in body weight. Also possible reasons complications may arise in the form of capsular contracture, infectious processes, shift, gap, omission and much more.

Capsular contracture or mammary fibrosis

This phenomenon is associated with the body’s limitation foreign body, which is the implant. Tissue compaction occurs around it, the woman feels compression and discomfort. Usually this process occurs in the first year after plastic surgery. In subsequent years, mammary fibrosis is rare. Contracture manifests itself as asymmetry or thickening of the mammary glands. If the compaction is not strong, excision of the fibrous ring is performed to release the implant and correct the shape of the breast. When the fibrous formation has a pronounced form, complete removal fibrous capsule, removing the prosthesis and replacing it with a new one.

To avoid the appearance of capsular contracture, you must follow the recommendations of your plastic surgeon. After mammoplasty, you must constantly wear compression underwear, do not lift heavy things, do not strain the chest muscles for a certain period

When a breast lump appears, painful sensations and changes in shape, you must immediately contact a surgeon, who will perform an examination and, if necessary, perform an ultrasound and prescribe treatment.

Gel leakage from the implant

Rupture of the prosthesis and leakage of gel from it is another complication that requires an immediate visit to the doctor and correction with the installation of a new one. If you identify the damage in time and contact a surgeon, you can avoid serious complications. This phenomenon is quite rare and occurs as a result of strong mechanical impact on the chest, for example, during an accident or as a result of piercing wounds chest wall.

This damage may not be noticeable and may manifest itself later in the form of discomfort or pain, changes in the shape and density of the breast. Some women expect that discomfort will disappear on their own. This cannot be done, since the problem in the form of leaked gel will not go away on its own. It is necessary to contact a plastic surgeon to remove the implant and install a new one.

Other reasons for secondary surgery

There are many other reasons why it is necessary to remove the old implant and install a new one:

  • inflammation or infection. These phenomena can be provoked within a month after the operation, so the woman needs to keep in touch with the doctor and, if necessary, visit him for an examination;
  • The implants installed two decades ago are made of other materials: heavier, less durable, the imperfect shell of which requires replacement;
  • physiological changes in the body. As a woman ages, her body undergoes natural changes and breast correction may be required. Some women decide to improve their breasts with age: change their shape or size, as well as their location;
  • change in symmetry after lactation. Breasts may become asymmetrical over time. This is a common situation during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Slight asymmetry of the female mammary glands is normal and in most cases does not require surgical intervention or correction.

Contraindications for breast replacement

In some situations, mammoplasty is strictly not recommended:

  • oncological formations in the mammary glands. Treatment of the underlying disease is necessary after which the breast can be restored using implants.
  • pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend carrying out any surgical procedures with the body, except in situations where the woman’s health or life is in danger;
  • lactation. When feeding a baby, a woman’s breasts change and surgical intervention is undesirable. Even if asymmetry appears, doctors recommend waiting until the end of the lactation period and only then taking corrective measures;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases and decreased immunity. In such situations, there is a high probability of complications, for example, in the form of infections.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty

After any surgical intervention there is a rehabilitation period. With primary breast surgery, the process of getting used to it takes quite a lot long time and requires constant medical supervision. During secondary implantation, when prostheses are replaced with new ones, the process is less painful, faster and easier. If the prosthesis is placed in an already formed bed, where the previous one was, then the rehabilitation will go almost unnoticed. There may be only minor swelling and bruising, which is normal with any surgical procedure. If the location changes, for example, it is placed under the pectoral muscles, and was previously located above it, then the body will need a longer time to adapt.

Before planning breast augmentation surgery, it is worth considering some factors that may lead to the need for repeat surgery in the future. A woman needs to take into account the possibility of pregnancy and the lactation period, and allow time for rehabilitation after the operation itself. An experienced surgeon will be able to foresee the likelihood of complications and suggest options to avoid them.

Most women who see a plastic surgeon and express a desire to enlarge their breasts do not even suspect that implants are not installed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have a service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you walk with breast implants?, and when can’t you refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions, having the professional opinion of the majority of authoritative specialists in the field of breast plastic surgery.

Do I need to change breast implants?

How long does it take to install breast endoprostheses? The fear that after mammoplasty will have to regularly change implants frightens many women. They are associated primarily with information about the likely wear of prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the fair sex about possible complications of the operation and the need for repeated surgery. Implants can wear out for various reasons:

  • internal exposure to saline solution, silicone or hydrogel, which thins the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of surrounding living tissues and immune cells;
  • formation of folds on the surface, which increases the likelihood of a decrease in the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • manufacturing defects and low quality materials.

So, do you need to change your breast implants over time after mammoplasty? The latest technologies make it possible to create endoprostheses of the mammary glands, which are distinguished by the durability and strength of the materials used. Such implants have a long service life and do not need frequent replacement. Sometimes women wear dentures all their lives without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

Shelf life of breast implants

How often do you need to change breast prostheses to avoid complications? A decade ago, doctors recommended replacing them every 10 years. Today the picture has changed. Scientists have been able to create lifelong breast implants because the processes and materials used to make them have been improved. As positive as this may sound, there are a number of reasons why women undergo repeat surgery.

Indications for implant replacement

Let's consider the reasons why women are most often prescribed surgery to remove previous breast implants and install new ones.

Aging of implanted materials

Over time, any prosthesis ages, and breast implants (for example, with a saline filler) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body’s reaction to a foreign body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age have a greater chance of destruction of the shell and are prone to leakage and change in shape.

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients want to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they talk about aesthetic reasons for repeat mammoplasty. Naturally, such an intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when the swelling has subsided and post-operative wounds have healed.

Age-related changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is to blame, but in reality this is due to age-related or hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Prostheses lose their quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, etc.

Development of complications

Another reason why prosthesis replacement is necessary is complications after surgery. No one knows at what time breast implant rejection or damage may occur, but the likelihood of such processes is present in women who have undergone surgery.

Does a damaged breast implant poison the patient’s body? The filling of modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissue. If an implant consisting of a hydrogel is damaged, it breaks down into glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not cause any harm to health.

How does the replacement work?

Knowing How long do breast implants last?, it becomes obvious that sooner or later there will be a need to change them. The process of carrying out such a procedure consists of two main stages:

  • preparatory period;
  • reendoprosthetics.

At the preparation stage, the patient visits a plastic surgeon. He conducts a thorough examination of her, evaluates the results of mammography and makes recommendations regarding lifestyle before surgical intervention. At this time reception is prohibited medicines on plant based, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking.

The operation itself lasts from one to two hours, depending on its volume and complexity. Change of endoprostheses occurs under general anesthesia. It includes several main stages:

  • removal of previous implants by cutting the skin along the line of scar formation from the first operation and removing old prostheses;
  • capsulotomy or excision of the capsule formed around the implant with partial removal of fibrous formations;
  • installation of endoprostheses in an already formed bed or one created specifically for the size of a new implant.

Women with breast implants must wear compression garments for a month after plastic surgery. Also, throughout the entire rehabilitation period, patients are prohibited from visiting the bathhouse and sauna, going to the solarium or sunbathing under direct sun rays, until the tissue heals, engage in sports or physical labor.

Dangers of repeat surgery

With any surgical intervention there is a risk of complications, especially when it comes to repeated correction. Among the most common negative consequences of re-endoprosthetics are:

  • formation of contractures;
  • formation of hematomas and seromas;
  • infection of the intervention site as a result of pathogenic microorganisms attaching to the wound;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • increase in general body temperature due to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, rupture or leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • development of a double fold;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • fusion of mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which side effects may occur in the form of dysfunction of the central nervous system, thromboembolism, and pathological manifestations of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Prevention of complications

Women who have silicone implants replaced should know how to prevent the possible negative consequences of the operation. Such preventive measures include:

  • strict implementation of all recommendations of the plastic surgeon in the postoperative period;
  • mandatory use of antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastic surgery and in case of elevated body temperature;
  • wearing special compression garments;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Factors affecting wear

Among the reasons that determine the service life of breast implants, the following are in first place in importance:

  • age characteristics;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to weight loss or gain;
  • the reaction of a woman’s body to the introduction of a foreign body into it;
  • location of endoprostheses.

The lifespan of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap breast prostheses very often begin to leak, change shape or rupture as they wear out. Such changes usually occur after a chest injury, as well as as a result of surgeon errors.

Studying the question of how many years you can wear breast implants, experts found that most women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of the fair sex for whom breast augmentation surgery did not end entirely successfully. In such patients at plastic surgery clinics, dissatisfaction is associated with the following postoperative complications:

  • rupture and leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • discrepancy between the resulting breast shape and the one declared by the woman before surgery;
  • the body's reaction to foreign material;
  • the occurrence of other undesirable consequences of the operation.

Do not forget that after installation of breast implants you need to undergo an annual breast examination. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions and maintain the woman’s health.

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