Home Smell from the mouth Single rash on the body of a child. What do different skin rashes look like in children? The rash is accompanied by fever

Single rash on the body of a child. What do different skin rashes look like in children? The rash is accompanied by fever

A child's rash always appears unexpectedly. And such a manifestation of the body is by no means without reason. Indeed, in most cases, a child has good reasons for the appearance of a rash on any part of the body. Only after identifying the main causes of the rash can treatment begin, since in most cases, these rashes are symptoms with which the baby’s body notifies that a source of disease has appeared in it.

Causes of a rash in a child

Despite the fact that the causes of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, having a good understanding of their main similar signs, they can be divided into four groups.

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Improper child hygiene.
  3. The occurrence of blood and vascular diseases.
  4. Allergic reactions.

The breakdown into groups is primarily due to the fact that certain causes of a rash in a child have the same symptoms. Since, in addition to formations on the skin, there may be increased body temperature, cough and runny nose, sore throat and stomach, chills, lack of appetite and many others. Each group has similar treatment, but in any case it must be prescribed exclusively qualified doctor. You should not self-medicate, since the health of the child is much more important than demonstrating your knowledge in the medical field.

The child has a rash

Do not assume that the child developed a rash only from an incorrectly selected menu. Rash appears for a hundred reasons. And this problem occurs in both one-week-old infants and ten-year-old children. Only in the case of older children, it is much easier to cure the rash, since the main reasons for its appearance in most cases are known and the child can safely talk about the accompanying signs of the rash. But with children under 2 years old, everything is much more complicated. Although their entire life is under the constant control of their parents, a child can develop a rash from almost anything. And in in this case, a trip to the pediatrician will be able to clarify all the details of the disease, the symptom of which is a rash in the child.

Quite often, a child develops a rash due to an infectious disease occurring in the body. In order to find confirmation of this reason, you should carefully monitor the accompanying signs. For example, a child could come into contact with a carrier of the disease and because of this, within a couple of hours he would develop a high temperature, completely lose his appetite, and experience pain in the abdominal area. Sometimes, with infectious diseases expressed by a rash, coughing and runny nose, appearing for no reason, and after severe chills Abdominal pain and severe diarrhea appear.

If your child develops a rash associated with viral infections such as chicken pox, rubella, herpetic infection, measles, then you will have to cope with the disease for at least two weeks. The body, along with the treatment prescribed by the pediatrician, must itself cope with the underlying disease, the manifestation of which is the rash.

Bacteria can quite often be the main cause of a rash in a child. Of course, you can cope with them with the help of antibiotics and other modern drugs you can do it pretty quickly. Only the main problem is that they say that the baby’s body develops more serious illness, the progression of which can have adverse consequences. Among the diseases spread by bacteria are: scarlet fever, typhoid fever, staphylococcal infection, syphilis, meningitis. These diseases are quite serious and the child developed a rash for very serious reasons.

It is not worth talking about the fact that almost every allergic reaction that occurs in a child’s body manifests itself as a rash. And it can appear from the simplest stimuli. Food allergies, intolerance to fluff and animal hair, allergic perception of cleaning and detergents, the smells of flowers and plants become the causes of allergic reactions and, as a result, the child developed a rash.

If the manifestation of the rash is due to blood diseases, then there are two main reasons for the appearance of the rash. In case of impaired vascular permeability, the rash looks like a minor hemorrhage. The main “provocateurs” of its appearance are injuries and other specific diseases. A decrease in the number of platelets or disruption of their active work.

A small rash may also appear in a child due to poor body hygiene. This is especially common in babies whose skin is extraordinarily delicate. Therefore, the slightest delay in changing diapers and untimely washing can lead to the appearance of a rash.

Although, it also happens that there are several reasons for the appearance of a rash, and only a qualified specialist can find out its true nature.

The child has a rash on his body

When a child has a rash on his body and it does not stop spreading, but increases in geometric progression, then you need to sound the alarm. After all, these are no longer simple small rashes on one of the areas of the body, which can be removed by anointing with a solution of furatsilin or washing them in succession. Such a rash already speaks volumes. The main diseases due to which a child develops a rash on his body are the following.

  1. Measles. In a child, the rash does not immediately appear on the body. 2-3 days before its appearance, the body temperature increases noticeably and reaches 38 degrees, the appetite disappears and the baby feels sick. If these symptoms are absent, then this disease can be excluded. In the first days, small pink spots on the body appear and disappear. First they appear on the face, and then “descend” throughout the body. The rash is not purulent, but has jagged edges and protrudes slightly above the skin.
  2. Rubella. The temperature rises and intoxication appears. The spots are pink and very small. Mainly appear on the face, armpits, elbow joints, buttocks and behind the knees. Within one day, the body becomes covered in a rash. The disease disappears in three days.
  3. Scarlet fever. Initially, severe intoxication appears and a feeling of severe sore throat appears. A rash appears on the child’s body on the second day. Most of all she amazes groin area, armpits, elbows, lower abdomen. In the affected areas, the skin constantly “burns.” With scarlet fever, the eyes and tongue become very red. IN within three days, the symptoms begin to disappear, but the skin is very peeling.
  4. Meningitis. The rash appears on the child’s buttocks, legs and thighs. It has the shape of “stars” and resembles small hemorrhages. Body temperature rises sharply. You should consult a doctor immediately.
  5. Chicken pox. Red bumps appear on the face and under the hair, which, as the disease progresses, spread to the body and take the form of watery bumps. As the temperature rises, the number of rashes increases. On a child’s body, the rash begins to disappear when dried red crusts appear.
  6. Allergy. Along with minor skin rashes, lacrimation, cough and runny nose are observed. The rash may form large red spots.
  7. Pyoderma. Purulent formations initially spread throughout the body in the form of bubbles with clear liquid, but pretty soon they begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Whatever the reason for the rash in a child, it should be examined by a specialist, since there are many reasons, and it can only be cured in one way.

Rash on a child's face

When a rash appears on a child’s face quite often, it is worth thinking about it more seriously. After all, regardless of the child’s age, this is a serious problem. So, in infants, a rash on the face is quite common. And the reason for this may be common heat rash. In order to avoid it, you should do facial and body hygiene more often and sprinkle prickly heat with a small amount of baby powder. Allergic reactions to food products are quite often expressed by the fact that a rash on a child’s face appears in a matter of minutes, and goes away after 3-6 hours after the specified product was eaten. In this case, by simply excluding this product from the diet for several months, you can avoid the appearance of a rash on the face. In breastfed babies, a rash on the face may become a clear sign diathesis. In this case, his mother should review her diet. Although, poor nutrition during pregnancy can cause a rash to appear on the child’s face in the first months of his life.

More serious reasons for which a rash on a child’s face indicates an important illness can be scarlet fever, rubella, and measles. If the rash does not subside within 24 hours, then you should sound the alarm.

Rash on a child's legs

Quite often, the baby’s skin becomes covered with spots. A rash on a child’s legs is less common than on other parts of the body, but the reasons for its appearance are very similar. The “safest” rash on the legs is prickly heat. Young children are susceptible to it in the summer. And with proper hygiene, it goes away quickly. Allergic rashes on the legs are also not uncommon. It occurs in both infants and older children. In this case, by identifying the main allergen and ridding the child of it, you can hope for a speedy cleansing of the skin. A rash on a child’s legs can also appear after insect bites. In such cases, after treating the bite, you can be sure that they will go away in 2-3 days, of course, if the bites do not recur.

There are also more serious reasons why a rash appears on a child’s legs: vesilocupustulosis, scarlet fever, measles, rubella and chickenpox. In this case, the rash spreads more intensely and increases in size within 2-3 days and only after spreading throughout the entire skin begins to subside. It is not recommended to postpone visiting a doctor.

Rash on a child's hands

Learning the world Through touch, babies quite often come into contact with objects that negatively affect their health. Therefore, a rash on a child’s hands is not uncommon. Of course, if the rash is caused by touching irritants such as cats, dogs or chemical allergens, then eliminating the rash is very simple. With mechanical irritation, you can easily localize the rash using good cream. Insect bites that infect the baby's delicate skin will also go away quite quickly if treated well. But it is much more difficult to cope with a problem if its cause lies deeper. Many infectious diseases manifest themselves when a rash on a child’s hands becomes the first symptom.

For viral pemphigus oral cavity, rashes appear on the hands of babies. At first these are just red spots, but during the day they turn into small ulcers and damage begins lower limbs and oral cavity.

If a rash on a child’s hands is associated with chickenpox, then the appearance of the rash resembles insect bites. With rashes associated with the coxsackie virus, a large number of blisters can be observed. In addition to the hands, they affect the skin of the nose and mouth, and the child begins to show the first signs of herpetic sore throat.

Don't forget about pseudotuberculosis. True, it is quite difficult to become infected with it, since the carriers of the disease are small rodents and mice. The first signs of infection are distinct lumps on the palms of the hands, which turn red over time. These seals do not cause irritation and the child may not pay attention to it. Such a rash on a child’s hands is very dangerous, so immediate consultation with a doctor is essential.

Rash on a child's stomach

The appearance of a rash on the baby's stomach has almost the same causes as other rashes. In addition to the rash on the stomach, rashes are also observed on other parts of the body. The exception is an allergic reaction to contact with some allergen in the tummy area. So, a rash on the stomach of a child, especially an infant, can appear in children one month old due to incorrectly selected skin care products. Even simple lubrication with skin oil can cause severe irritation, which can only be relieved with special rubdowns.

If a rash on a child’s stomach is a consequence of more serious diseases, which are characterized by just such rashes, then contacting a pediatrician is mandatory. Basically, a rash on the stomach of a child appears with rubella, chicken pox, measles and scarlet fever. Of course, with proper treatment, the rash begins to disappear within 3-4 days. Only for this purpose it is necessary to correctly determine the source of the disease and treat it professionally.

Rash on a child's back

Along with the most common causes, such as allergies, prickly heat, insect bites, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, a rash on a child’s back can also cause other diseases. So, among the most likely causes of the appearance of a rash in this particular area of ​​the body is bacterial sepsis. In this case, the red pimples quickly turn into new growths of ulcers and spread throughout the body. The child’s appetite completely disappears, but against the background of this manifestation he constantly feels sick and vomits. In addition, the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

A rash on a child’s back can also appear due to meningococcal meningitis, which has recently become a very common phenomenon. Along with the back, the rash, along with subcutaneous hemorrhages, can appear on the back, arms and legs. Intoxication is very strong, the temperature rises quickly and strongly. The baby feels constant pain in area occipital muscles. Hospitalization in this case is immediate.

Rash on baby's bottom

Quite often, one of the most delicate parts of the baby’s body is covered in pimples. Almost always, there are two reasons for this negative manifestation: improper hygiene and an allergic reaction. Babies are especially susceptible to such rashes in the first months of life. Their skin is extremely delicate, so for many parents, a rash on a child’s bottom has become a common occurrence. Thus, inappropriate diapers (severely irritating the skin), infrequent washing and lack of “breathing” of the skin in this intimate place, leads to the development of red pimples on the butt. Even if the child pooped and this process was not monitored, then staying in a dirty diaper for half an hour without washing it leads to the appearance of a rash on the bottom, especially in the hot season. The cause of the rash can also be common prickly heat. In addition, the rash in babies may be due to improper milk feeding, but then it appears not only on the butt, but also on the face. Diathesis can be easily overcome by changing the mother's diet (in case breastfeeding) or by changing the mixture (for artificial ones). But sometimes an allergy to the butt can develop due to improperly selected baby skin care products. In places where one of the care products has been smeared, marks may form. severe redness from a small rash. In this case, the rash on the child’s bottom will go away quite quickly if you promptly bathe the baby in the tincture of the series or lubricate it several times with a solution of furatsilin.

Rash in an infant

Caring for her baby, every mother closely monitors any changes in his health. And the rash infant is one of the most common problems encountered in babies in the first months of life. There are several reasons for these manifestations. There are some that are quite safe, but there are also those that you should seriously think about.

Newborn acne is practically safe. Often more than half of babies are born with it. They do not require special treatment and disappear within 3-5 months without leaving a trace. Heat rash is common in children, especially in summer. The child has not yet adapted to the environment and cannot understand whether he is hot or cold. Therefore, quite often, small watery pimples appear under the hairline of the scalp, on the forehead and face. Less commonly, a rash appears on the bottom of an infant. In this case, you should carry out hygiene procedures for the child more often, change clothes and diapers, and also allow the baby to be without clothes. Food allergies are almost always associated with the mother’s diet or the formula that is fed to the baby. Changing the diet of both mother and child will help avoid these unpleasant rashes and prevent the manifestations of diathesis. A rash in an infant can also be caused by contact with allergens. It can be either animal fur or synthetic materials or washing powder. By eliminating them from everyday life, you can get rid of allergies and carefully monitor that contact no longer occurs.

More serious problems include the occurrence of roseola. The appearance of a rash in a baby is preceded by a high temperature for 3 days. At the end of the third day, it subsides sharply and covers the entire baby with small red pimples. After a week they disappear without a trace. In this case effective drugs will be Ibuprofen and children's paracetamol. Scarlet fever appears on day 2 after contact with the source of the disease. The rash in an infant appears first on the face and neck, and then spreads throughout the body. The only thing that is not affected is the nasolabial triangle. It turns white. Doctor intervention is necessary immediately. Measles has quite characteristic spots that appear first on the cheeks and behind the ears, and then slowly spread throughout the baby’s body. In this case, a high body temperature is observed. Treatment is strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Red rash in a child

If a child develops a red rash, this can cause several diseases. Toxic erythema of newborns, which occurs in the first week of a baby’s life. This red rash in a child is not dangerous and goes away on its own within a week. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis is also very common in newborns on the face and body. No specific treatment is required, but it takes a long time to resolve, from 3 weeks to 3 months. A bright red rash with peeling scales may indicate an allergic reaction of the baby to various products nutrition and mother's milk. By eliminating the allergen, you can quickly cure your baby. In some cases, pediatricians prescribe weak antihistamines.

More serious problems can cause a red rash in a child caused by viral infectious diseases. These include chickenpox, rubella and scarlet fever. At proper treatment Symptoms subside on the third day, but observation by a pediatrician is required.

Small rash in a child

Often, small rash This is not a cause for concern for a child. Basically, its appearance is associated with prickly heat, food or contact allergies, eczema, which are not difficult to cure. A small rash in a child requires special attention If, along with its appearance, the baby’s temperature rises, signs of intoxication are observed and he looks tired. In this case, only a specialist can determine the cause of the appearance of a small rash in a child.

Allergic rash in children

Children are exposed to all sorts of influences from the external aggressive environment and their body reacts particularly acutely to negative manifestations. Allergic rash in children is one of them. The reason for its appearance may be improper feeding of the baby, especially infants. He reacts sharply to changes in his mother’s diet and any inappropriate product affects his body. Therefore, a caring mother should reconsider her diet. A bottle-fed baby may have rashes due to improperly chosen nutrition. Therefore, you can try to change your diet and even introduce food for allergy sufferers. Contact allergies are treated by eliminating allergens from everyday life and taking anti-allergy medications intended for children. They should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

A rash in a child causes quite a lot of trouble for both the baby and the parents. And only competent and correct treatment can relieve this unfavorable symptom in a matter of days.

There are more than 100 diseases and conditions, one of the symptoms of which is a rash. There are many types of rashes. There are primary rashes (appearing on previously unchanged skin and mucous membranes) and secondary ones (they appear after the primary rash).

  • Spot: only a change in the color of an area of ​​​​the skin, but the relief and density of the skin do not change. Spots also have varieties:
  1. vascular: round or oval-shaped spots of inflammatory origin (they are called roseola), disappearing with pressure; they can merge and form erythema (spots up to 10 cm or more);
  2. hemorrhagic: they are pinpoint hemorrhages that do not disappear with pressure;
  3. pigment: formed as a result of increased pigment content in the skin.
  • Blister: an element of the rash that does not have a cavity, developing as a result of acute swelling of the papillary layer of the skin, leaving no trace after disappearance.
  • Bubble (vesicle): a small element of the rash with a diameter of up to 5 mm, having an internal cavity filled with serous or hemorrhagic (bloody) fluid. It may appear on unchanged skin or on a swollen, reddened area. After opening it leaves superficial erosions (small ulcers).
  • Blister (bulla): a large element of the rash with a cavity that appears as a result of internal disorders or external influence. The surface of the bladder may be flabby or tense.
  • Pustule (ulcer): an element of a rash with a cavity filled with pus; its size can reach several centimeters, but more often it is smaller formations. Scars remain in place of healed deep pustules.
  • Papule (nodule): a superficial cavity-free element with varying densities ranging in size from 1 mm to 2 cm. Papules can merge and form plaques. No scars are left after disappearance. A formation with pronounced density and size up to 5 cm in the deep layers of the skin is called a node.
  • Tubercle: a cavityless inflammatory element 3–5 mm in size, rising or lying in the deep layers of the skin. In some cases, the size of the tubercle can reach 3 cm in diameter. The color of the tubercles varies - from pink or yellowish to red or bluish.

Types of secondary elements of rashes

  • Skin dyschromia: impaired pigmentation after the disappearance of the primary element. This may be a dark area of ​​skin due to excess melanin content, a slightly darkened or, on the contrary, pale (white) element with a decrease or absence of melanin.
  • Scales: loose, sloughing cells of the surface layer of the skin. They are small, pityriasis-like, small- or large-lamellar.
  • Crust: formed from discharge from ulcers, erosions, epidermal cells and fibrin, dried on the surface of the rash elements. The crusts can be thick and thin, layered, bloody and purulent.
  • Crack: A linear break in the skin due to loss of elasticity. They can be superficial and deep, painful, leaving scars after healing. They form near natural openings (around the anus, in the corners of the mouth) or in folds of the skin.
  • Excoriation (scratching): impaired integrity of the strip-shaped skin due to mechanical damage.
  • Erosion: A superficial defect in the skin following the opening of a vesicle, vesicle, or pustule. The shape and size depend on the exposed primary element of the rash.
  • Ulcer: a deep defect of the skin, covering the underlying tissue as a result of necrosis (death) of tissue. For diagnosis, the shape, density, bottom and nature of the edges of the ulcer are taken into account. Healed ulcers form scars.
  • Scar: proliferation of coarse fibers connective tissue at the site of a deep skin defect. The scar has a smooth surface without pores or hairs. Scars can be flat, keloid, rough, atrophic (located below the surrounding areas of the skin).
  • Vegetations: uneven (in the form of papillomas) growth of the superficial layers of skin on the surface of the primary element.
  • Lichenization : density, roughness, increased pigmentation or increased skin pattern after the disappearance of the primary elements.

Types of rash

The following types of rash are distinguished:

  • monomorphic rash(consisting of one type of primary elements);
  • polymorphic(consisting of different types primary or secondary elements);
  • limited or widespread rash;
  • located symmetrically or asymmetrically;
  • located along the course of nerves or blood vessels;
  • localized on the flexor or extension surface of the trunk and limbs, on or in the area of ​​large joints;
  • elements of the rash may remain isolated from each other or be grouped in the form of rings and tend to merge.

Causes of the rash

Insect bites are one of the most common causes of rashes on a child's skin.

If an infection develops in a child, in addition to rashes, other symptoms are noted: catarrhal manifestations, fever, nausea, vomiting, headache etc. The rash may appear on the first day of illness or at a later date (2–3 days). Usually accompanied by a rash such children's droplet infections, such as chicken pox, rubella, meningococcal infection, measles, scarlet fever, etc.


This is a viral infection with a latent period of 9–17 days. The onset is acute with the appearance of catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis), increased temperature. On the 2nd day, characteristic rashes appear on the cheek mucosa in the area of ​​small molars in the form of small white spots with a halo of redness around, disappearing on the 2nd day. These are the so-called Koplik–Filatov spots.

On the 3rd–4th day from the onset of the disease, a pinpoint maculopapular rash appears with a tendency to merge, when the size of the rash elements increases to 1–1.5 cm. These large elements rise above the skin level on an unchanged skin background. Diagnostically important feature measles is a staged spread of skin rash: first on the face, the next day on the torso, on the 3rd day on the extremities. The rash fades away from the 3rd day in the same sequential order, leaving behind pigmentation. Peeling may occur.

Measles-like rash elements may appear 6–10 days after vaccination measles vaccine. In this case, catarrhal phenomena and a slight rise in temperature may be observed. There are no Koplik–Filatov spots, and there is no staged progression of the rash.

Chicken pox

A viral disease with a latent period of 11–21 days. The rash appears on the 1st day of illness. The number of elements depends on the severity. Characteristic is the change in the elements of the rash during the course of the disease: first a red spot appears, after a few hours it turns into a vesicle with transparent contents, which then becomes cloudy.

The size of the bubbles is from 1 to 5 mm. The rash is accompanied by itching. A special feature is also the addition of new elements during the course of the disease and an umbilical depression in the center of the vesicle. The bubbles then burst and dry out, forming a crust (by the 5th–6th day). The child is contagious for 5 days after the last rash appears.


The disease is caused by a virus. The latent period is 11–21 days. Against the background of catarrhal phenomena, a rash appears on the first day in the form of small dotted spots up to 5 mm in diameter on an unchanged background. In some cases, the rash appears later (2–5 days).

The rash spreads from the face and down to the extremities, but quickly, within a few hours. More profuse rashes are observed on the extensor surface of the legs and arms, buttocks, and back. Enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes is characteristic. After about 3 days, the rash disappears, leaving no pigmentation, unlike measles. The child remains contagious for 5 days of illness.

Scarlet fever

Main symptom scarlet fever - red pinpoint rash all over the body.

The disease is of a bacterial nature (caused by streptococcus), the latent period is 2–7 days. In the first or second day, a pinpoint red rash appears, first on the neck, and then quickly spreading throughout the body. Thickening of the rash is noted in the folds of the skin, lower abdomen, armpits and inside the thighs. The nasolabial triangle on the face remains pale.

Characteristic of scarlet fever is inflammation of the tonsils. In severe cases, a hemorrhagic rash may occur. Sometimes it bothers me itchy skin. By the end of the week, the rash fades away. Peeling appears at the site of the rash: pityriasis-like on the body, and lamellar on the fingers and toes. The infectious period is 10 days.

Meningococcal infection

Bacterial infection caused by meningococcus. Its latent period is 2–10 days, and its infectious period is 2 weeks from the onset of the disease. This is the most dangerous infection for children due to the very rapid development of the disease and severe course. The appearance of a rash is characteristic of the septic form of this disease (meningococcemia), when the pathogen enters the blood and upon death releases a toxin (vascular poison).

Meningococcemia can begin suddenly or after 2–3 days. On the background high temperature and symptoms of intoxication, a hemorrhagic rash appears on the first or second day of the disease - multiple hemorrhages of irregular stellate shape of different sizes on a pale skin background. They rise somewhat above the skin. They are located on the face, torso, and limbs. They can also appear on mucous membranes. In the center of large elements, areas of necrosis sometimes form.

Early appearance of the rash (in the first hours of illness), its localization on the face, sclera and ears, as well as a rapid increase in the number of rashes are unfavorable prognostic signs.

Herpetic infection

The disease has 2 types: herpes of the lips and herpes zoster. They are caused by different types of herpes viruses. Cold sores on the lips or nose are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is characterized by the appearance of a bubble on a dense base with cloudy contents. The blister may appear on the lips or on the skin of the wings of the nose or cheeks. At the time of the rash, pain at the site of its appearance and an increase in temperature are sometimes disturbing.

Herpes zoster is characterized by the appearance of vesicles with cloudy contents located along the intercostal spaces in the form of a ring. In severe forms of the disease, in an immunodeficient state, the rashes can be profuse with a tendency to merge and have a different localization. Elements of the rash cause severe pain.

When the bubbles dry, a crust forms. With severe rashes, pigmentation may remain after the crusts fall off.


Rash from insect bites



Bite marks may be randomly located on areas of the body exposed and covered by clothing. They look like blisters with a blue-red dot in the center, representing a small hemorrhage. In some cases, in children they look like nodules and blisters. Both human and animal fleas can bite children.

Bees, wasps, hornets

The bite site may be located on open areas of the body and on the feet if the child walked barefoot on the grass. These insects bite with a sting, which is connected to a sac containing poison. The sting may remain at the site of the bite. If it is detected, you must carefully remove the sting, trying not to damage the sac with the poison.

At the site of the bite, pain, redness and swelling occur, and in some cases a blister forms. If present, multiple urticaria-type rashes with severe itching may develop. In severe cases, it can develop general reaction like anaphylactic shock.


At the site of a mosquito bite, an itchy blister with redness initially appears, which turns into a dense papule. It can persist for several hours and even days. Sometimes a blister or redness with severe swelling occurs at the site of the bites. The rash is accompanied by itching. Scratching may cause infection of the rash. Local reaction to a bite is a type allergic rash.

Allergic reactions

An allergic rash appears after eating or coming into contact with an allergen. There are a large number of allergens: house dust and plant pollen, hygiene products and some metals (touching the skin - for example, zippers, buckles), pet hair, medications, etc. Quite a lot food products– or simply put, any of them – can cause an allergic reaction.

Unlike rashes due to infection, allergic rashes usually have little effect on general state child. The biggest problem for him in these cases is itchy skin. The rash is often accompanied by a runny nose and watery eyes. Sometimes allergies can cause vomiting.

A classic allergic rash can be called urticaria, i.e. elements of the rash in the form of blisters of white or Pink colour with pronounced swelling. An allergic rash may also take the form of red spots of irregular shape with a tendency to merge.

If swelling occurs in the area of ​​the eyelids and lips, then you must immediately seek medical help, as there is a risk of swelling of the pharynx, larynx (with difficulty breathing and the threat of suffocation) or allergic shock.

Diseases of the blood and blood vessels accompanied by skin rashes

A red, pinpoint (hemorrhagic) rash is a symptom of vascular pathology.

A rash due to diseases of the blood and blood vessels is most often hemorrhagic in nature, that is, it is a hemorrhage into the skin. Depending on the type of pathology, the size of the elements can vary - from small pinpoint rashes all over the body to large bruises.

The rash in these cases is associated with dysfunction of platelets (blood platelets involved in blood clotting) or with impaired permeability of the vascular wall. The rash does not disappear when pressed and does not turn pale. On large bruises, the subsequent “blooming” of the rash is clearly visible: its color changes from blue to yellow and brown. The hemorrhagic rash does not disappear soon - after 2-3 weeks.

Hemorrhages can be spots: small punctate (they are called petechiae), with a diameter of up to 2 cm (purpura) or over 2 cm (ecchymosis). Sometimes the rash looks like linear hemorrhages.

In children under 5 years of age, the cause of hemorrhagic rash is often hemorrhagic vasculitis with a predominant localization of the rash on the legs. The rash in this case is associated with damage to the vascular wall and its resulting increased permeability.

Hemophilia(a genetically determined disease in boys) is associated with disorders of the coagulation system. With increased fragility vascular wall capillaries associated rash with hereditary von Willebrand disease. Thrombocytopenic purpura, hemosiderosis of the skin, amyloidosis – with these serious diseases, a hemorrhagic rash also appears on the skin. All these diseases require immediate hospitalization and treatment of children.

Hygiene and child care defects

If the baby is not cared for properly, a skin rash may also appear. An example would be , diaper rash , prickly heat. Errors in care contribute to their occurrence, when the child is rarely washed and spends a long time in wet underwear, is not bathed every day, and is wrapped up excessively.

More serious illness with the same reason is vesiculopustulosis: purulent inflammation sweat gland ducts. It is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles of white or yellow color, i.e. pustular rashes. They can appear on the torso, limbs, and head. After opening the pustules, crusts form, but the pathogen (pathogenic staphylococcus) is able to spread to other areas, and the infection will spread further.

Treatment of the rash

Treatment depends on the cause of the rash.

  • So, with bacterial infections (scarlet fever, meningococcal infection) prescription is of paramount importance in treatment antibiotics. Moreover, the earlier treatment is started, the less danger development of severe complications of diseases.
  • For viral childhood infections (measles, rubella, chickenpox) symptomatic treatment, in some cases used antiviral drugs. Treatment of rash elements is prescribed for chickenpox and herpetic infections.

For this, solutions of brilliant green, Castellani paint or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate are used. For other types viral infection there is no need to treat rashes. The same solutions are also used to treat pustules with vesiculopustulosis in infants.

  • Allergic reactions require exclusion of further entry into the body or cessation of contact with the allergen. In addition, they are appointed antiallergic drugs(Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin, Cetrin, etc.), in severe cases corticosteroids are used.

Also widely used sorbents(activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Filtrum, Zosterin-ultra, etc.) to remove the allergen from the child’s body. Antiallergic drugs are also used for multiple insect bites; Fenistil gel is applied to the skin.

  • Treatment of blood and vascular diseases is carried out in specialized or pediatric departments.

Parents' tactics

A rash on the body is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician.

Considering the many diseases that cause skin rashes, parents do not need to understand its nature and causes. Without experience, it is very difficult to distinguish one element of the rash from another.

If a rash is detected in a child, you should call a doctor at home: if there is an infection, you should not spread it or infect other children when coming to the clinic or in transport. It is also advisable to isolate a sick child from other children and from pregnant women in the family.

Before being examined by a doctor, you should not apply anything to the rash, especially dye.

If you suspect meningococcal infection, you should immediately call ambulance.

Summary for parents

Any change in the skin can be called a rash. Not always, but most often, the appearance of a skin rash is associated with diseases. Almost all childhood infections are accompanied by skin rashes. But if rubella usually has a mild course and ends in recovery, then meningococcemia poses a danger to the child’s life.

There is no need to diagnose yourself. You should call a doctor at home and treat the child in accordance with his recommendations. If hemorrhagic elements of the rash are detected (i.e., those that do not disappear with pressure), you should immediately call an ambulance - after all, this may be a sign of meningococcemia with its very rapid and dangerous development.

Only prickly heat can be treated independently by adjusting the issues of caring for the baby. In all other cases, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow all his instructions.

The program “Dr. Komarovsky’s School” also talks about rashes in children:

A red rash on a child’s body can be a manifestation of about a hundred diseases, from completely harmless (sweating heat) to terrible ones, for example, meningococcal infections. Today we will look at the main causes of rashes on children’s bodies and what to do if a rash appears on your child’s body.

Causes of the rash

The main causes of rashes can be divided into four groups:

  • infectious and invasive diseases
  • allergic reaction
  • violation proper care for the child
  • blood and vascular diseases

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

If the cause of the child's rash is one or another infectious disease, then in most cases the rash is accompanied by other symptoms - fever, chills, malaise and loss of appetite.

Chickenpox (varicella)

The rash appears after two to three days elevated temperature. The number of rashes at the beginning of the disease is small, however, over time, more and more new spots appear. It is characteristic that the spots quickly turn into tubercles, then into bubbles and finally burst, forming crusts. The rash is distributed throughout the body, even on the mucous membranes.


It appears on the fourth or fifth day after fever, cough and conjunctivitis. Spots that tend to merge appear on the child’s body.

When you have measles, the rash appears on the fourth or fifth day after the fever rises.

The peculiarity of measles is that on the first day, rashes appear on the face, then after a short time on the torso, and, after about a day, on the legs. By that time, the rash on your face may already have disappeared.


Rubella spots spread like measles - from top to bottom. However, unlike measles, they spread much faster. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes. The spots disappear without a trace.

Rubella rash spreads like measles - from top to bottom

Pregnant women should avoid communicating with children with croasnia, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever rash begins within a few hours after fever, sore throat and sore throat. Most often, a pinpoint rash appears in skin folds. In the second week of the disease, peeling forms after the rash. A characteristic feature Scarlet fever is a “grainy” tongue of bright red color, 2-4 days after the disease.

With scarlet fever, the rash begins a few hours after the fever rises

Patients are prescribed antibiotics to prevent complications in the kidneys and heart. Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids are recommended.

Erythema infectiosum

Before the rash, the child shows signs of acute respiratory infections - fever, runny nose. Initially, the rash appears in the form of small dots on the face, which then merge. Gradually, the rash spreads throughout the body, uniting and forming spots. After about a week, the rash disappears, but sometimes it can reappear.

Before rashes erythema infectiosum the child shows signs of acute respiratory infections


In children, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes become enlarged and the throat becomes inflamed. Then small rashes appear that quickly spread throughout the body.

With roseola, the child’s temperature rises and the lymph nodes become enlarged

No specific treatment is required for roseola.

Meningococcal infection

Typical symptoms of meningitis include fever, vomiting, drowsiness, stiff neck and rash. The rash first appears on the buttocks and feet, then spreads throughout the body. The rash looks like mosquito bites or injection marks.

With meningitis, the rash first appears on the buttocks and feet, then spreads throughout the body.

The disease develops very rapidly, so at the first signs of meningitis, call a doctor immediately.


Scabies is caused subcutaneous mites and most often it appears on the stomach, between the fingers, on the wrists. The rash is accompanied severe itching, rashes are often paired.

Most often, a scabies rash appears on the stomach, between the fingers, and on the wrists.

This is very contagious disease– if it appears, you should consult a dermatologist.

Insect bites

In the case of insect bites, the affected areas are accompanied by itching, and bite marks are visible. Insect bites, as a rule, do not affect the general condition of the child, unless they cause an allergic reaction. Let's say wasp venom is very allergenic.

Allergic rash

One of the important differences between an allergic rash and an infectious one is that the child’s general condition does not suffer. He may become irritable if he is very itchy, but there is no fever or other signs. First of all, it is worth reviewing the diet of the child and the mother if she is breastfeeding, and also pay attention to baby care products and clothing - they should be hypoallergenic. If the allergic rash does not go away, consult a doctor.

With an allergic rash, the child’s general condition does not suffer

If the allergen is not removed, the child may experience anaphylactic shock.

Rash caused by poor child care

Due to improper care of the child, heat rash, diaper dermatitis and diaper rash can occur. Try not to wrap your baby too tightly and change his diapers and diapers on time. Air baths are recommended for children.

Improper child care causes heat rash

Rash due to blood and vascular disease

The rash occurs due to bleeding under the skin. Its main feature is that when pressed, the spots do not fade or disappear. With such a rash, the child is advised to rest in bed until the doctor arrives.

The rash occurs due to bleeding under the skin

What to do if your child has a rash on his body?

  • Call a doctor at home. So, if an infection occurs, you will not infect people in transport and in the clinic. Until the diagnosis is known, limit your child's contact with pregnant women
  • If you suspect meningitis or find a hemorrhagic rash on your child’s body, call an ambulance immediately
  • Until the doctor comes, you should not lubricate the rash, especially with dyes (green paint, for example) - this will only complicate the diagnosis.

Any rash on a child’s body requires timely treatment, be sure to consult a pediatrician if a rash appears, because a rash that appears on your baby’s body can be either an ordinary heat rash or a sign of a serious illness.

The rash represents a variety of changes on skin. This disease most often appears in certain painful conditions. In order to determine the causes of the rash, it is necessary to first understand what types are classified into Various types rashes.

  1. Patches on small areas of the skin that are pink, light, or another color. The spot cannot be felt.
  2. It may look like a papule in children, which is a small tubercle with a diameter of 5 mm. The papule is palpable and appears above the skin.
  3. A plaque that has a flattened appearance.
  4. The form of a pustule, which is distinguished by a limited cavity with internal suppuration.
  5. A bubble or vesicle with internal fluid and varying sizes on the body.

Below is detailed description all possible types of rashes on a child’s body with photographs and explanations:

Erythema toxicum

Erythema toxicum on the face, chin and entire body often occurs in newborns. Erythema appears as light yellowish papules and pustules reaching approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. Sometimes red spots appear. The baby's skin may be completely affected or partially affected. Rashes can often be noticed on the second day of a child’s life, which gradually disappear over time.

Newborn acne

The spots are visible on the baby's face and neck in the form of pustules and papules. The root cause is considered to be activation sebaceous glands mother's hormones. In this case, treatment is not necessary, you just need to maintain hygiene. After the acne disappears, the baby is not left with scars and other spots.

Prickly heat

Some types of rashes primarily form in summer and spring. Since the release of components of the sweat glands is very difficult in warm time of the year. As a rule, rashes appear on the head, face and in the diaper rash area. looks like spots, pustules and blisters. Skin requires constant care.



Also called neurodermatitis. Many children suffer from this disease, but the symptoms can be completely different, depending on the individual characteristics body. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by eczema, runny nose, and asthma. Dermatitis appears in the form of red papules with liquid inside. In this case, the child feels itching, especially at night. Dermatitis appears on the face and cheeks, and also slightly on the extensor parts of the limbs. The skin peels off and becomes noticeably thickened.

Children up to one year old carry atopic dermatitis without consequences. However, if there is a hereditary predisposition, the disease can enter the chronic phase. Then the skin needs to be treated regularly by special means with a moisturizing effect.


In children, due to individual intolerance to drugs and food, allergic reactions may occur. An allergic rash may have different sizes, spread throughout the body or to the face, as well as to the limbs.

The most unfavorable effect of such an allergic rash is itching - the whole body itches unbearably. An allergic reaction may occur. Occurs when interacting with certain foods or medicines . It is difficult for the child to breathe because the larynx is blocked. In this case, swelling forms in the legs and arms. also considered allergic form rashes.

It may occur due to certain foods, pills, as well as due to an allergic reaction to the sun or cold.

Infectious rash What are the most common causes of rashes in a child? Usually these are viral or bacterial infections

, which are divided into types. Photos of them can be easily found and viewed on the Internet.

Erythema infectiosum Erythema infectiosum is caused by parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease may be low temperature

, redness and the appearance of spots on the face, as well as on the body.

Herpes infection type six can cause, otherwise called sudden. Children under two years of age are susceptible to this disease. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from adults. The incubation period can last from a week to two. This is followed by a prodromal period, which is not very pronounced. The child feels unwell, the throat turns red, the eyelids swell, the lymph nodes increase in size, and the temperature rises.

Children are capricious and may experience seizures.

Chicken pox

After a few days, the temperature drops and a small rash appears on the body, which in appearance resembles pink spots, they can be felt. After a couple of days they become invisible and gradually disappear. Varicella, otherwise known as chickenpox, is viral disease

, which is similar in structure to herpes. A large number of children under the age of 15 suffer from this disease. Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. The latent period reaches three weeks. Before the rash appears, the child may have a headache and pain in the abdomen.

  • Rashes appear on the face and body in the form of initially red spots that turn into single-chamber vesicles.

The liquid in the vesicles is initially light, but after a while becomes cloudy. The nature, structure and shape of this rash can be seen in the photo. As a rule, blisters on the skin become crusty. Then new rashes appear with a further increase in temperature.

Read also: When the spots pass, barely visible traces remain, which completely disappear after a week. It is forbidden to scratch the rash, as there may be scars on the skin. In many children, such a virus can enter the next latent phase and become fixed in the nerve endings. In this regard, herpes zoster appears

  • Rashes appear on the face and body in the form of initially red spots that turn into single-chamber vesicles.

Meningococcal infection

lumbar region

. Photos of such a disease can be found on the Internet. A bacterium such as meningococcus is often found in the nasopharynx of almost every child, which is the norm. Usually, the infection is not considered dangerous, but under specific conditions, the disease can significantly reduce the quality of life of sick children and move into a more active phase of the disease. If meningococcus is detected in the blood after diagnosis or

This is a disease called blood poisoning. The disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and nausea. In the first days, growing rashes in the form of bruises appear on the child’s body. Most often, such bruises appear on the area, and scars often form. In some cases, small children with the development of sepsis may experience shock with fatal . Thus, it is necessary to prescribe treatment immediately after it is established accurate diagnosis


, because it threatens with negative consequences. It is considered a fairly common disease, the incubation period lasts up to two weeks. During the week, general weakness and malaise of the whole body continues. In addition, children develop a dry cough, red eyes, and fever. WITH inside

On the cheeks you can notice small dots of white or gray tint, which disappear after a day. Next, rashes appear on the face, behind the ears, and gradually descend to the chest area.

After a couple of days, rashes appear on the feet, the patient’s face becomes pale.

The rash may be itchy, and often there are bruises at the site of the rash. As soon as the spots disappear, peeling remains, which goes away in just a week. If treatment is not started in time, children may develop otitis media, inflammation of the brain, or pneumonia. During treatment, specialists often use vitamin A, which significantly mitigates the effect of infection.

To reduce the risk of measles, children are subject to universal vaccination. A week after the vaccine is administered, small rashes may appear, which quickly disappear and are considered not dangerous to the health of children.

Surely every parent is familiar with a rash on the child’s body. This may be a sign of a disease or other body condition, some of which can be very dangerous. Therefore, if you have any rashes on your child’s skin, you should contact your pediatrician.



The main causes of rashes in a child include the following types of conditions and diseases: If the cause of the rash is an infectious disease, the child’s temperature rises, a runny nose and cough appear, the throat may hurt, and chills appear. The child loses his appetite, he may have diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and a stomach ache. In such cases, the rash appears immediately or within 2-3 days. and other types of similar diseases. The most dangerous among them is meningococcal infection, which has a dangerous complication such as meningitis.

Diseases accompanied by rash

Meningococcal infection

The child's rash resembles hemorrhages. The child has a severe fever. The disease is very dangerous as it develops instantly. With quickly started treatment favorable outcome shines for 80-90% of patients.

For example, scabies, which is caused by the scabies mite. The main places of damage: between the fingers, wrists, abdomen, groin and genitals, and other parts of the body. The skin is very itchy. A rash is pinpoint pimples that are located a few millimeters from each other. The disease is contagious and requires mandatory treatment.

Vascular diseases

Children's rash due to diseases of the blood and blood vessels is hemorrhagic in nature and occurs due to hemorrhage into the skin. Occurs due to injury. These may be multi-colored bruises or small rashes that appear all over the body.


Rashes on children's skin appear a few days after measles infection, that is, when the temperature rises, the throat turns red, a runny nose and cough appear. The rash travels down the child's body, starting from the face, then on the torso and arms, ending on the legs. And all this in just 3 days. It usually appears in spots that rise above the surface of the skin. The spots are large and merge with each other.

Varicella or chickenpox

Chickenpox rashes often appear on the face, hair and torso. At first, the red spots are slightly raised above the skin, then gradually become blisters. The latter contain a clear liquid. The size of the redness is 4-5 mm. Gradually they dry out and turn into crusts. The skin itches. Often the appearance of new formations is accompanied by a rise in temperature.


The main signs: fever, enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the head, intoxication and the appearance of small spots on the skin. The rash spreads from head to toe within 24 hours. The rash on the body lasts about three days, after which it disappears without a trace. The main places for its placement: places where the arms and legs are flexed, buttocks. This viral infection negatively affects the fetus during pregnancy.

Scarlet fever

The disease resembles a sore throat. The rash in a child appears on the 2nd day and consists of small elements that are distributed throughout the body. Most small pimples occur in the groin, inside the elbows, lower abdomen and under the arms. The skin is red and hot, slightly swollen. After 3 days, the symptoms of the disease go away, leaving behind severe peeling of the skin.

In addition to the above diseases, a rash can occur due to herpetic infection. Blisters appear on the skin and the skin itches. Infectious monoculosis with rash symptoms occurs as a result of taking antibiotics.


Enterovirus infection, in addition to fever and general malaise, is characterized by rashes on the face and body. The child may experience nausea and diarrhea.

Redness appears approximately on the third day and disappears after 1-3 days. Enterovirus infection most often occurs between the ages of 3 and 10 years.

If it's an allergy

An allergic reaction in the form of a rash can be caused by anything: food, household chemicals, airborne allergens.

The cause of the rash is the ingestion of certain foods or contact with any allergen. Allergens can include chocolate, dairy products, eggs, medications, animal hair, household chemicals, fabric and much more. Touching nettles or jellyfish may also cause a rash. A mosquito bite can also cause an allergic reaction in a child.

An allergic rash appears immediately along with a runny nose, lacrimation and itching. The rashes all over the body are raised and clearly visible. They usually appear on the face, behind the ears, and buttocks.

Poor hygiene

Since the skin of very young children is delicate, even minor violations in its care can cause rashes. These are prickly heat, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. Sometimes redness appears on the face and behind the ears. You should not wrap your child up too much and try not to leave your baby in wet diapers. Small children should be washed and bathed more often, and given air baths.

Insect bites

Very often, bites from mosquitoes or other insects are confused with a rash. infectious diseases. A bump appears at the site of the bite, itching and itching. The time of year, localization and asymptomatic conditions will help identify the cause of such redness.

What to do first

Before the main course of treatment is carried out, you should visit a doctor.

If a child detects any skin rash, mothers and fathers should do the following:

  • Call a doctor at home. In case of rash infectious nature(enterovirus infection, chickenpox, rubella), this will help avoid infecting others. You should try to isolate the child, in particular from expectant mothers. The doctor must make sure that it is not rubella or another dangerous disease.
  • If you suspect a meningococcal infection, you really need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • Before the doctor arrives, you should not touch the rashes or lubricate them with any product. This will not improve the baby’s condition, since the main and common cause of the rash is internal problems of the body. And it will not be easy for a doctor to determine the diagnosis.

Redness of the skin can also be caused by contact with clothing. This is often due to the material, as well as residue from detergent or fabric softener. The child should choose hypoallergenic washing powders, and it is better to use baby soap.

How can a doctor help?

Based on clinical data and examination of the child, a specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In case of viral infection special treatment not required. For bacterial rashes, the main treatment is antibiotics. If it is an allergy, you should not contact the source of its occurrence.

Doctors prescribe antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and other drugs. Ointments, tablets and injections may be prescribed. The help of a hematologist will be needed if the cause of the rash is blood or vascular diseases. A dermatologist treats scabies by prescribing a number of anti-epidemic measures.


To avoid infectious diseases in children, vaccinations should be done. There is also a vaccine against meningococcal infection, against which a child can also be vaccinated. The pediatrician will tell you whether this is necessary and when it is best to do it.

Very often allergies occur in childhood and this is due to the not yet fully formed immune system. The body can react too actively to any irritant. Therefore, you should feed your child hypoallergenic foods and introduce new foods gradually and one at a time. With age, allergies in children go away and the irritant is not perceived by the child’s body as strongly as before.

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