Home Orthopedics A child has a severe, persistent cough. A child is tormented by an incessant cough: what to do?

A child has a severe, persistent cough. A child is tormented by an incessant cough: what to do?

No doctor can make a correct diagnosis without first examining the patient. Therefore, the classic phrase of parents: “Our child is coughing incessantly - what should we do?” doesn't tell him anything. Frequent coughing is the body’s first signal of a problem, which you should listen to and, based on some features, determine the root cause of this malfunction.


Coughing is an important reflex of the body, which allows you to completely clear the airways of both large foreign objects and the smallest fractions of dust that interfere with clean breath. Quite healthy baby can cough up to thirteen times a day, and this, according to experts, is considered common occurrence, helping to cleanse the trachea, lungs and bronchi. Often babies cough after crying, during teething or while eating. A physiological cough is very easy to distinguish from a cold: as a rule, it ends very quickly, and the child continues to go about his immediate business. But what if it doesn’t stop? What to do in this case, the doctor must decide, since incorrectly chosen therapy can lead to a significant deterioration of the situation.

Types of cough

Cough itself is not a disease, but it is a clear symptom that has a number of causes. Only their correct elimination can lead to positive results. A cough that is not accompanied by upset stool, runny nose, rash or fever is considered a normal physiological phenomenon. The reason for this phenomenon may be the presence of too dry air in the room, increased salivation and even sudden changes in temperature. But how to help if the child coughs incessantly? What to do? Should I consult a doctor or try to cope on my own? You should seek the help of specialists if additional symptoms are detected:

  • general deterioration of health;
  • lethargy;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chest and muscle pain;
  • presence of a runny nose.

Pathological cough

It is usually divided into wet and dry. It can be severe or intermittent, and sometimes with attacks of vomiting and suffocation. What to do if your child coughs nonstop? The problem can be solved after determining the cause of this phenomenon. The choice depends entirely on the nature of the cough, which is why doctors pay maximum attention to this aspect.

  • Wet - clearly indicates the presence of a viral infection in the respiratory tract. Experts call it productive, since such a cough causes less discomfort, is accompanied by high-quality sputum discharge, and with appropriate treatment goes away quite quickly.
  • Dry - occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors. It could be a foreign body or various kinds infections. Most painful cough occurs with complications of ARVI, untreated influenza, sore throat. It is also the most dangerous, because it leads to the development of inflammation, worsening the situation and long-term treatment.

Expert opinion

The child coughs incessantly - what to do? Komarovsky E.O. gives a clear verdict on this matter - go to the doctor. He himself is a children's pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, and during his long career medical practice wrote more than one useful book. No self-respecting doctor can make a correct diagnosis without examining the patient, much less prescribe appropriate treatment, the doctor believes. There are no “cough” medications in medicine, just as there are no separate “head” or “runny nose” medications. Each symptom has its own causes, which an experienced specialist must find out and eliminate. The indecision of most parents leads to the fact that they receive advice from local pharmacies, who offer them a number of medications with a wide variety of compositions.

What does this lead to?

Before you decide what to do if your child coughs incessantly at home, you should learn a little information. The lungs of any person are constantly producing mucus, which contributes to their high-quality cleansing. Its main part is formed in the bronchi, from where it is removed by periodic coughing. But a cough can provoke more than just irritation respiratory tract, and different kinds pathologies of the central nervous system, which cause disruption of the cough center in the brain. The cause may be the development of the following diseases:

  • whooping cough - it is characterized by paroxysmal lingering cough;
  • allergies - the reasons may be different, shining example- bronchial asthma;
  • bacterial and viral infections- tuberculosis, laryngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
  • tumors - affect different parts of the respiratory tract and lead to disruption of their functioning;
  • chemical irritation - poisoning with paint or gasoline vapors:
  • helminthic infestations.

A number of cardiac pathologies can lead to impaired blood circulation and stagnation in the lungs. Its withdrawal will require increased production of sputum, which, in turn, causes

Pharmacy products

What to do if your child coughs incessantly? Find out the cause of this phenomenon and act directly on the source of its development unpleasant symptom. Most of the available free sale drugs are not aimed at cough center in the brain, but on the sputum itself, helping to liquefy it and quickly remove it from the bronchi. But the mechanism of their influence is not exactly the same. Yes, part of the data medicines has combined properties, they are able to weaken signals going to the brain (antitussive functions) and dilute phlegm. “Bronholitin”, used by everyone, contains the cough antagonist glaucine, ephedrine, basil oil and citric acid. Typical antitussive agents also include Stoptussin, Tusuprex, Libexin, Glaucin and Paxeladin.

Correct treatment

Having convinced ourselves of the significance of a cough, all we have to do is make it as productive as possible. If a child coughs incessantly, what to do at home? Use only remedies that help relieve this symptom And correct conclusion sputum. Use medications and traditional methods, improving the functioning of the bronchial mucosa and thinning the mucus contained in them. For these purposes, a number of medicinal expectorants are used. They have the most different shapes release. In the case of children younger age It is more advisable to use the medicine in the form of suppositories and syrups. Inhalations are indicated for older children, and in difficult cases the doctor may prescribe intravenous and intramuscular injections. All types of expectorant drugs can be divided into two categories:

Combination products are also available for sale, containing substances from both groups, which are not the most beneficial for a child’s body. All that remains is to read the composition or turn to natural folk methods of treatment.

Important points

My child keeps coughing, what should I do? Folk remedies here include a number of mandatory measures that promote better conclusion sputum:

  • observe drinking regime- warm drinks in large quantities help thin mucus;
  • humidify the air in the room - this can be done using ordinary towels (wet them under the tap and place them in the room on radiators);
  • check the bed linen - perhaps the baby has developed an allergy to one of the laundry detergents with which it was treated;
  • Pay attention to house plants and objects surrounding the child - their pungent aroma can also cause a sore throat and frequent coughing.

First aid

What should you do if your child coughs nonstop at night? Try giving your baby a gentle massage. In a lying position, removing mucus from the lungs becomes difficult, and gentle stroking movements will help the baby quickly cough up. Use inhalations. This effective way our parents successfully used it, preparing a container with hot steam that moisturized the larynx and allowed the bronchi to open properly. Now pharmacies offer us more convenient and modern method- nebulizers. They are equipped with special nozzles for proper irrigation, and the kit, as a rule, includes an infusion of medicinal herbs of the desired effect or mineral water. Such an inhaler can quickly calm down even strong

Folk recipes

What to do if your child coughs nonstop? At home, it is recommended to use natural medicinal decoctions based on fees from medicinal plants. You can efficiently liquefy and remove phlegm using coltsfoot, licorice root, marshmallow, and thermopsis. A drink based on warm milk with a small amount of soda and honey soothes an irritated throat. It works in three directions at once: it relieves symptoms, thins mucus in the lungs and eliminates pain. Make a compress of radish juice for your baby, apply it immediately before bed, and if the child does not have a fever, try warming baths with mustard. Afterwards, be sure to put on warm socks and carefully wrap your baby in a blanket.

Night attack

My child keeps coughing, what should I do? If warm drinking does not help, the humidity in the room is normal, and inhalation gives a temporary result, stop the attack using the following methods:

  1. Vertical position - this method promotes better lung ventilation and soothes cough.
  2. Medicines - they should be taken according to the scheme and prescription of the doctor, but in in case of emergency they will help stop the attack. Depending on the age of the child, decide on the dosage; if necessary, you can call ambulance and ask them for advice on this matter.
  3. Rubbing - you can use them to quickly warm your baby's feet or chest. For these purposes, badger and goose fat. Camphor oil has excellent warming properties; it is mixed with honey in equal proportions and applied to the child’s chest and back, avoiding the heart area. Afterwards, be sure to wrap your baby in a warm scarf and put on a comfortable blouse.

If the cough does not stop for ten days, accompanied by additional symptoms - fever, painful sensations in the body, lethargy and drowsiness, the child should be shown to a doctor. In cases of a sudden change in condition, impaired consciousness, refusal to eat or drink, or obvious difficulty breathing, immediately call an ambulance.

How to treat a child if coughing attacks prevent him from eating or sleeping for days on end? Between the ages of one and three years, this condition is extremely dangerous - irritation of the mucous membrane and swelling of the airways can cause stenosis and respiratory failure.

How should parents act so that the baby stops coughing and falls asleep peacefully?

The child has a persistent dry cough

To alleviate the child’s condition and give him at least a good night’s sleep, it is necessary to take preventive measures during the day.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning daily.
  2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room to create comfortable sleeping conditions.
  3. Eliminate irritating odors, use only special children's products for washing things and cleaning the room. No smoking!
  4. Children should be dressed only for the weather. If the house is too hot or cold, you need to change your baby's clothes.
  5. It is advisable that parents master basic massage techniques chest, and if the child coughs at night, they could alleviate his condition so that it would be easier for him to fall asleep.

In many babies, dry, unproductive attacks that seem to tear the chest apart are caused by emotional instability, which is provoked by parental scandals. There should be a calm atmosphere at home - especially when the baby is sick.

Constant cough in a child - causes

If your child suddenly coughs and the attack persists, you need to check to see if he or she has inhaled something inappropriate or is choking. At one or three years old, children, exploring the world, test it not only by touch, but also by taste. Additional symptoms conditions: hoarseness, whistling when breathing, pale skin.

Frequent “cackling” appears with allergies. Contact with the allergen can be either respiratory or direct - irritation of the mucous membrane may occur when eating food that is not suitable. Reactions after contact with an allergen occur within 15 minutes - in children metabolic processes accelerated.

If in the evening the baby was lethargic and did not eat well, and at night a severe attack of dry cough began, this is an indicator that an infection has occurred and an acute respiratory viral infection has worsened.

If you conduct an examination, you will be able to see a swollen, reddened throat and the first discharge from the nose. The temperature may rise.

If a child has been sick and coughing for some time, and suddenly the attack intensifies, these are signs of exacerbation and the appearance of complications. Dry nonproductive cough– a symptom of the initial stage of bronchitis or pneumonia.

One should not be surprised by nocturnal attacks when bronchial asthma– they can lead to vomiting, shortness of breath, and respiratory failure. Asthma attacks can be triggered by: dry air in the room, a strong smell, allergies, the initial stage of acute respiratory viral infection or a bacterial infection.

Whooping cough, croup and diphtheria - dangerous diseases, in which a strong dry cough appears. The attacks appear suddenly and intensify at night, a whistling sound occurs when exhaling, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting appear... At the first signs of infection, you need to call a doctor - preferably an ambulance. In children, symptoms increase quickly - respiratory failure may occur within 2-3 hours from the onset of the disease.

Calling an ambulance is necessary when:

  • the child coughs incessantly;
  • the temperature has risen or dropped sharply;
  • a blue border appeared around the lips;
  • the skin began to turn pale;
  • whistling or gurgling is heard when breathing;
  • the cough is dry, but during attacks, blood vessels in the throat burst from straining or blood vessels in the eyes;
  • breathing became shallow.

It is necessary to call the pediatrician again if after treatment within 5-7 days the patient’s condition does not improve, sputum does not separate and the temperature does not drop or decreases for a short time.

Frequent cough in a child - how to treat it?

No rating clinical picture It is impossible to suggest how to treat attacks of incessant coughing. We can only advise what to do in this situation.

  • Foreign body in the respiratory tract. While the ambulance is on its way, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

The baby is bent over his own knee, sharply, but not forcefully, hit on the spine so that the blows are directed towards the mouth. You need to provoke a coughing attack so that the object pops out.

There is a specific Heimlich method: the child is turned to face himself and sharply pressed with a fist “in the pit of the stomach.” Doctors usually use this method when the patient is over a year old.

If you have already encountered dry, continuous coughing, parents can independently differentiate whether it is an allergy or irritation from dry air. In this case, you need to give the victim a warm drink - milk, rosehip tincture, berry juice, heated mineral water without gas, and then - depending on the causes of the attack: antihistamine or a wet towel on the central heating radiator.

The same set of measures in the initial stage of ARVI or bacterial infection helps to alleviate the condition and stabilize breathing. The patient should be given a semi-sitting position so that he does not choke on nasal secretions that continuously flow down the back wall larynx - place a pillow under your back. We can start symptomatic treatment- bury vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, rinse the nasal passages. If there is no temperature, they do inhalation or carry out distracting warming - soaring the legs, putting compresses on the chest.

You can't put mustard in your socks, do alcohol compresses, turn on an aroma lamp or drip on a pillow essential oils. Strong odors irritate the respiratory tract and coughing attacks may become worse.

The chest can be warmed with warm millet, boiled potatoes, and the legs can be steamed in chamomile infusion.

If the attack occurs against the background of whooping cough or false croup, first of all, the little patient should be reassured. They take the baby in their arms and try to press them chest to chest in order to relax and warm them up as much as possible with their body.

Most calls to pediatrician associated with cough. Although the cough may be natural process getting rid of dust or mucus, this process is very disturbing for many caring parents. Accompanying some diseases with a cough confirms the body’s ability to fight the disease. But when it turns into attacks, it becomes non-stop, it is necessary to think about helping the baby.

The child coughs incessantly: causes of severe cough

The desire of parents to alleviate the child’s condition forces them to take rash steps. All methods known to mothers are used simultaneously. Rubbing, wrapping, warm teas, vinegar on the forehead, mustard in socks, and some pills just in case. To be completely sure, antibiotics are added, in case there is an infection. This approach does not help the child get rid of an obsessive cough, but only aggravates the situation.

Important to remember! Before starting treatment for a persistent cough, you need to be sure of its cause.

Coughing without stopping can be caused by the following diseases:

A continuous cough can be caused by reasons unrelated to respiratory tract diseases:

The child coughs non-stop: a dry cough that irritates the mucous membranes

With a dry cough, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated. This cough is unproductive and does not bring relief. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Inflamed mucous membranes cause a cough, which is virtually useless, since there is no discharge of mucus and sputum. A severe cough further irritates the mucous membrane, which, in turn, provokes even greater attacks of non-stop dry cough. This process is especially painful at night, children's body does not rest, loses the strength he needs to fight the disease. To break this connection and alleviate the child’s condition, it is necessary to convert a dry cough into a wet one. Sputum discharge with a wet cough is not so dangerous symptom and gives relief to the child. Dry cough is typical for initial stages colds And How residual phenomenon after illness.

Important to remember! A non-stop dry cough without symptoms of a cold can signal a serious illness. The child needs an examination to identify the causes.

Some pathologies that cause a dry cough without stopping, not related to colds:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • adenoids;
  • worms;
  • allergies;
  • stomach diseases;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • psychological state of the child.

With the correct diagnosis, even a dry cough can be treated. But there are situations when you need to urgently consult a doctor, without waiting for events to develop:

  1. Cough without stopping is accompanied by very high temperature or breathing problems.
  2. When coughing, the face or lips appear blue.
  3. Coughing attacks are accompanied by whistling in the chest.
  4. Thick, purulent sputum is coughed up.
  5. A persistent cough lasts more than two weeks.
  6. Coughing without stopping is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication.

Important point! Don't put off calling an ambulance or visiting a doctor the next morning. Wasted time and untimely assistance threatens not only the child’s health, but also his life.

The child coughs incessantly until he vomits.

Coughing attacks can be so severe that they cause vomiting in children. Cough, irritating the pharyngeal mucosa, provokes a gag reflex. The nerve endings responsible for coughing and vomiting are in close proximity in children, and prolonged bouts of coughing excite the receptors of the vomiting center. Vomiting during coughing brings temporary relief to the child. But later, a coughing attack without stopping, ending with vomiting, may recur.

Such attacks are especially dangerous at night when the baby is sleeping. The child does not control his actions, and vomit may enter the respiratory tract. At these moments, it is important for parents to be close to the baby and control the process.

Advice! Vomiting during coughing greatly exhausts and dehydrates the body. Increase the amount of fluid your child drinks. Give him a warm drink between attacks. This will not only replenish fluid reserves, but also alleviate the baby’s condition.

Coughing without stopping with vomiting can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • allergies;
  • runny nose.

When lying down, a non-stop cough accompanied by vomiting may intensify. The reason is slow blood circulation and poor absorption of mucus in the nasopharynx and sputum in the bronchi.

Tip of the day! Place the child on several pillows, preferably in a semi-sitting position. This position will reduce the number and intensity of coughing attacks.

  • Vomiting can be caused by coughing and foreign objects that children like to put in their mouths. If a child chokes on food, the body will react with a prolonged cough accompanied by vomiting.
  • In young children, teething may be the cause of vomiting during coughing. Saliva accumulates in the larynx, causing coughing and vomiting.
  • The snot, which the baby is unable to blow his nose on his own, flows down the larynx. Thereby irritating her and causing continuous coughing and vomiting.
  • Snot may not come out and accumulate due to ENT diseases, such as sinusitis, sinusitis. A constantly stuffy nose forces the child to breathe through his mouth. Cold air and lack of oxygen causes coughing which turns into vomiting.

A child coughs non-stop: what to do?

Cough treatment is a set of measures aimed at improving the baby’s condition. But what to do if a child has a cough and needs urgent help?

Emergency help for coughing without stopping:

  1. First you need to calm the child down, and it doesn’t hurt for parents to pull themselves together.
  2. If your baby coughs while lying down, pick him up or pick him up.
  3. If a child is choking from coughing, moist, warm air will help. Hot water is filled into the bathtub and brought into the child’s room for 10–15 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after a while.
  4. Soda inhalation can stop severe coughing without stopping.
  5. Warmed milk will help soften your throat and stop coughing. You can add soda or honey to it.
  6. At allergic cough Antihistamines will help relieve cramps and swelling.
  7. If a severe, non-stop cough is not accompanied by a fever, you can use hot baths for your hands or feet. Blood flow will increase in these areas, causing flow away from the respiratory system. The condition will improve over time.
  8. Non-stop coughing caused by a foreign body requires its urgent removal.

Caring for coughing children

Having stopped a coughing attack, you need to take care of proper care for the child. These simple recommendations will greatly alleviate the child’s condition and speed up the recovery process:

Hardening the child

The frequency and intensity of diseases accompanied by non-stop coughing depend on the baby’s immunity. It is important to devote sufficient time to hardening during periods when the child is not sick. TO preventive measures frequent colds Severe cough may include:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • physical activity and sports appropriate to the child’s age and development;
  • The child’s clothing must be appropriate for the season; overheating does not bring any benefit;
  • The baby's diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary small organism vitamins;
  • daily water treatments with dousing with non-hot water.

The child coughs incessantly, how to help: Reviews from readers

Marina Savelyeva, 26 years old, Samara. My 5-year-old daughter had a terrible cough. I went in during the day, and now I haven’t slept at night. This went on for five days. We were advised to take cough inhalations. We tried regular mineral water, but it didn’t last long. Although 10 minutes was enough for us to reduce the cough. We will continue to do inhalations.

Inna Berus, 30 years old, Magnitogorsk. The cough exhausted us. My son has seizures, his breathing takes away, and he sometimes vomits. We've probably already tried everything. They gave cough syrups, antibiotics, mustard plasters, and inhalations. The cough has not gone away for more than three weeks. We have now taken tests and are waiting for the results. Maybe it’s actually whooping cough?

Elena Semenchenko, 28 years old, Irkutsk. We were constantly sick. The cough will go away and snot will appear. Let's cure the snot, the cough again. Vitalik coughed non-stop, it was completely difficult for him to breathe. Permanent sick leave. We started to harden him little by little, ventilate the room at night, pour some summer water on him, and he stopped wrapping him up like before. Of course, we still get sick from time to time, but we no longer experience such coughing attacks.

Tatyana Lisovaya, 35 years old, Moscow. My daughter had a strong cough in the evening, and they couldn’t stop it. I decided to wait until the morning, do nothing, and then call a doctor. Strange, but she coughed, went to bed, and woke up in the morning and no more attacks occurred. We didn’t call a doctor, and we still didn’t understand what caused such a strong cough.

Lyudmila Savicheva, 22 years old, Vologda. I was very scared when my daughter started coughing continuously. I read about whooping cough and croup in babies. Our pediatrician listened to Mashenka and said that this is how her body tolerates ARVI. Give a lot of warm milk to drink, and the cough becomes less. While the doctor recommended not to give any cough syrups, the cough is still very dry.

Daria Voronova, 25 years old, Yekaterinburg. For example, I know very well why my son starts coughing. We were diagnosed with a wool allergy 3 years ago. Of course, we don’t have animals at home. But sometimes coughing attacks begin right on the street. I always have suprastin with me. As soon as he starts coughing a lot, and even choking, I give him a pill.

The child coughs non-stop, what to do: Video Doctor Komarovsky

A child’s cough that doesn’t go away for a long time is a problem many parents are familiar with. It would seem that the disease is behind us, but coughing attacks persist. Sometimes the baby cannot sleep at night because of them, and becomes capricious and irritable. Why the cough does not go away and what to do if the child coughs for a long time - the answers to these questions must be found by parents and competent doctors. In this article we will try to help you find a solution to this problem.

Duration of cough in children

Most often, cough in children is accompanying symptom diseases such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and some others. After treatment for the disease is completed, parents expect the symptoms to stop. However, it also happens that a child’s dry cough does not go away for two to three weeks, or even a month. In this case, several options are possible: either the disease was not fully treated, or these are residual effects, or the cough is caused by another reason. And in this case, it is worth carefully monitoring the baby: what other symptoms do you notice besides coughing? If a child has a persistent cough, it is important to contact a competent specialist in a timely manner. He must listen carefully to the baby and give directions for tests.

If a child has had an infectious viral disease, a dry cough can persist for up to two weeks as a residual phenomenon. If attacks bother your baby more and more often and last more than three weeks, do not delay consulting a specialist. Such a cough can become chronic or signal complications after an illness.

Causes of persistent cough in children

Cough is normal physiological phenomenon the body, allowing you to clear the airways and lungs of mucus and foreign substances. In children, in most cases it occurs against the background of viral or bacterial infections. As the disease progresses moist cough develops into dry and can bother the child for some time as a residual phenomenon. If, after a cold, acute respiratory viral infection, flu, or pneumonia, a dry cough does not go away for more than two to three weeks, this may indicate that the disease persists or has led to complications.

Possible causes of a persistent cough can be very different:

A prolonged dry or wet cough in a child should alert parents. It is necessary to contact a competent specialist and undergo a qualified diagnosis. In this case, at the appointment you will need to tell all the main points regarding the disease:

  • when and how often coughing attacks occur;
  • how long do they last;
  • nature of the cough: periodic coughing or severe cough, short-term or paroxysmal, dry or wet cough;
  • Are there other symptoms of the disease (fever, vomiting, sleep disturbances, etc.).

Typically, a child’s lingering cough is dry, hard, replacing a wet one. A dry cough occurs at the beginning of many diseases (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis), after which it is replaced by a wet cough with sputum discharge, and at the end of the disease it becomes dry again. A paroxysmal barking cough is a sign of laryngitis, and a strong dry cough leading to vomiting is a sign of whooping cough. If a child’s dry cough does not go away for a long time and is not replaced by a wet cough with sputum, one may suspect problems with cardiovascular system, digestive tract or allergic problems.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away

If the cough does not go away for 2 weeks or more, what should parents do? First of all, consult a doctor. Most illnesses that cause a severe, persistent cough cannot be treated at home. Moreover, they can be life-threatening for the baby.

Before seeing a specialist, try to create a favorable environment in the family, do wet cleaning more often, humidify the air and ventilate the premises. Medicines Only your attending physician can prescribe it for you after examination results.

What should you do if your child’s cough does not go away for a long time, and there are still a few days before seeing a doctor? Try traditional methods that are good for relieving attacks of dry, debilitating cough. Kids with three years You can offer honey with beebread and cranberries. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of warm (not hot) water, 1 tablespoon of honey with beebread and 1 tablespoon of cranberries, mix them and offer the child half the mixture on an empty stomach. In addition, decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs are helpful: chamomile, linden, calendula. After them, to relieve a coughing attack, you can give your baby brine(Dissolve 1/5 teaspoon of salt in a quarter glass of water) and wash it down with water. Inhalation over freshly cut onions also good for coughs.

Children tend to get sick, and every mother sooner or later faces the problem of a protracted, incessant cough in her child. But not all parents know that it is not always a symptom of a cold; its causes and consequences can be much more serious and even dangerous.

Causes of persistent cough in children

Cough is a reflex defense of the body that helps clear the airways of irritants, foreign objects and mucus. But if a child’s dry cough does not stop for more than three weeks, this is alarm signal, indicating the need for a thorough examination.

In most cases, cough appears as a result of colds, as well as bacterial and viral infections. However, there are a number of less common causes of prolonged dry cough in children:

  • The causes of cough can be some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract), as a result of which irritation of the throat mucosa will be provoked by gastric contents. Often, attacks of such a cough are accompanied by vomiting or excessive salivation and occur during or immediately after eating.
  • Attacks of dry cough that occur in a child only during sleep (in horizontal position) may indicate heart failure.
  • Frequent obsessive coughing, accompanied by breathing problems and chest pain, may indicate the presence of foreign body in the baby's respiratory tract.
  • A rare but protracted dry cough without an increase in body temperature is a common symptom helminthiasis and helminthic infestations in a child.
  • The cause of a long, debilitating dry cough in a child may be tuberculosis, the presence of tumors and neoplasms in the respiratory tract.
  • Prolonged coughing, either dry or wet, with an increase in body temperature can be a sign of pleurisy, tracheitis, pharyngitis and measles.
  • If a child constantly coughs, a hoarse whistling note appears in his breath, but the temperature does not rise, the doctor may suspect the presence of allergies or bronchial asthma.
  • Constant dryness in the absence of any other symptoms may be a consequence of disseminated processes in the lungs and bronchi, increased lymph nodes mediastinum, edema of the respiratory tract, compression by an aortic aneurysm.

The presence of a persistent dry cough in a child is alarming symptom, requiring competent diagnosis and timely treatment. Some diseases do not forgive us mistakes and delays, leading to serious complications and sad consequences.

At the doctor

Unmistakably establish the cause of depressing dryness children's cough Only a qualified specialist can do this. You should not torment your baby with exhausting but ineffective self-medication, this can cause irreparable harm to his health.

When going to see a doctor, parents need to remember any changes in the child’s behavior and condition over the past Lately. Even small little things will help correct diagnosis, and you should definitely report them to your doctor.

After a general examination, a specialist may be appointed additional methods examinations, including:

  • Blood test or
  • X-ray of the baby's lungs
  • Tomography of the thoracic organs
  • Spirography

If there are no pathologies of the respiratory system, a more thorough examination is carried out:

  • Immunological studies
  • Tests for worm eggs, staphylococcus
  • Tracheobronchoscopy
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • ECG or ultrasound of the heart
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Examination by an allergist

Caring mother and experienced doctor- this is an excellent tandem that protects the baby’s health, and solving a problem alone is always more difficult and takes longer. Having identified the true causes of children's cough, the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment, taking into account the age and other characteristics of the body of your little patient.

Traditional treatment

Modern medicine offers a huge selection of cough medications for children. These medications are divided into four main groups:

  • Mucolytic agents that help thin sputum: Lazolvan, Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, etc.
  • drugs whose action is aimed at removing mucus from the baby’s respiratory tract: Pertussin, Gedelix, Linex, Doctor Mom.

  • Antitussives that act on the brain to reduce the cough reflex: Tusuprex, Libexin, Codeine, etc. They are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Combined drugs: Bronchosan, Ascoril, Broncholitin, etc.
  • and corticosteroids should also be calculated and prescribed exclusively by a specialist, as they have many side effects, and sometimes can do more harm than help.

All pediatricians recommend creating the most comfortable conditions for a child suffering from a dry, incessant cough: a clean room and a damp Fresh air. Even in past centuries, healers advised people with weak lungs to “go to the waters,” as the humid sea air contributed to their health and well-being.

Another helpful advice: plenty of warm drink, thinning the blood and, accordingly, phlegm. Moreover, an increase in the volume of fluid consumed will lead to more frequent urination, which means that the sick child’s body will quickly clear itself of viruses, bacteria and other irritants.

Famous Ukrainian pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that even the most expensive expectorant will not be more effective than “a pot of compote and a well-ventilated room.”

You should be aware that at the very beginning of treatment with mucolytics, the intensity of the cough may increase. As the phlegm thins, there will be more mucus, and the body will work harder to get rid of it. And of course, before using any children's drug You need to read the instructions and make sure that the product will not harm your baby.

Traditional medicine methods

Along with drug treatment Mustard plasters, rubbing, and inhalations are widely used. However, these procedures are permissible only in the absence of an increase in body temperature and allergic reactions the baby on the components used. Don't forget about the good old methods traditional medicine. The most effective of them:

  • In a clean bowl, mix 3 tbsp. l. warm water (about 40 degrees), 1 tbsp. honey with beebread and 1 tbsp. grated cranberries. Give this mixture to the child 1 tsp. Like syrup, it tastes good, but it is not recommended to drink it with water.
  • Apply a thin layer of honey to a cabbage leaf, apply it to the baby's chest and secure with a wide bandage. This homemade mustard plaster can be left on your chest until the morning.
  • It will be useful to breathe over steaming boiled potatoes.
  • For dry coughs, herbal decoctions are effective: calendula, linden, chamomile and pine buds. You can make a proportional collection and brew 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water. If the baby doesn’t like the taste, you can add a little honey or.
  • 1 tbsp. marshmallow root pour a glass of chilled boiled water and leave for at least an hour. Strain and sweeten with honey or sugar if desired. Children under three years of age can be given a teaspoon every two hours.

When choosing a folk remedy, it is also necessary to take into account the child’s condition, his individual and age characteristics. A course of treatment folk remedies is no more than two weeks, if during this time the baby’s condition does not improve, you need to consult a doctor for new advice and recommendations.

While watching the video you will learn about the treatment of dry cough.

The main task of the parents of a sick child is to create all the conditions for recovery: timely health care, emotional and physical peace, fresh humidified air, clean dry linen, etc. The most effective medicine for a baby it is a feeling of mother’s love and care.

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