Home Gums Iodinol aqueous solution instructions for use. Iodinol for children for the treatment of stomatitis, purulent sore throat and runny nose

Iodinol aqueous solution instructions for use. Iodinol for children for the treatment of stomatitis, purulent sore throat and runny nose

Iodinol is a molecular iodine that provides antiseptic function. This means that when treating wounds on the skin, it increases metabolism (metabolism) - these are chemical reactions that appear in the body for such a function as maintaining life.

Antiseptic promotes dissimilation processes - this is a set chemical reactions, where the breakdown of complex organic matter to more simple ones. In addition, Iodinol synthesizes the hormones T3 and T4, necessary for thyroid gland, where the required amount of iodine is concentrated.

Can Iodinol be given to children?

Iodinol is safe for children and can be safely given to a child. Especially for diseases of the nose and throat. Molecular iodine is an important means of treatment and prevention.

Example of diseases, purulent wounds, varicose ulcers, or trophic ulcers. In addition, the drug is used to treat thrush in both women and girls. Know that if the mother had symptoms, then it is likely that the child may also become infected.

Indications for use

This drug can be used both externally, locally, and orally. External use is used for injuries, infectious and inflammatory lesions or myalgia. Local application is used for thermal burns first and second degrees, ulcers, tonsillitis and rhinitis. Internal use used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, tertiary syphilis.

Forms of release of the drug

Most often bottles containing liquid. Their usual volume 100 ml. The small bottle itself is a glass vessel, dark orange in color. Iodinol is also available in the form of a spray, the volume of this bottle is 50 ml. Well suited for small children (1 year), since the throat should not be lubricated, but sprayed.

Instructions for use

As stated earlier, Iodinol is not dangerous for children. However, the instructions still say that it Contraindicated for children under 5-6 years old. Especially with the question “Can Iodinol be used for infants?” mothers ask. In such cases, it is better to consult your doctor, and under no circumstances conduct your own experiments!

If the child has reached the age at which it is possible to be treated with molecular iodine or on the advice of a doctor, then here is the method of application:

  • Child: One tablespoon per glass of water.
  • Infants. It is best to apply the drug pointwise, without irrigating the mucous membrane.
  • Treatment is not contraindicated for children with aphthous stomatitis.
  • 1-4 years. Lubricate the throat or spray with Iodinol for the period indicated by the doctor.
  • From 5-6 years. It can be used externally, internally or locally.
  • From 7 and older. Add the solution to 100 ml of boiling water until it turns the liquid dark yellow. Gargle with one dosage of 50 ml for a total of two weeks, 4-5 times every 2-3 days.
  • For chronic tonsillitis, wash your tonsils every day.
  • At atrophic rhinitis soften the crusts, then remove them, then spray nasal cavity and nasopharynx. The procedure must be repeated for 3 months, 2-3 times a week.
  • Consult your doctor before use.

Composition of Iodinol

Iodine - 0.1 grams, Potassium iodide - 0.3 grams, polyvinyl alcohol - 0.9 grams.

Remember the possible side effects from using the drug!

Let's look at the most common ones that you or your child may experience when using the drug:

  1. Sweating may increase sharply - hyperhidrosis.
  2. Increased heart rate occurs.
  3. Nervousness or insomnia occurs.

Don't forget about allergic reactions, such as:

  1. When applied to the dermis - irritability, urticaria, acne.
  2. Tearing, drooling.
    So, you should still be careful with Iodinol if you or your child is allergic.

Contraindications of the drug

This antiseptic with molecular iodine can cause severe sensitivity in people to the active substance iodine. Iodinol should not be used for: hemorrhagic diathesis, adenoma, urticaria, pulmonary tuberculosis, furunculosis, acne. Read this paragraph in the instructions carefully, as it is possible that these are not all of the diseases listed.


Miramistin is safer for children, Orasept, Doxycycline, Hepilor, Kolomak. In addition, you can lubricate your throat with a solution of brilliant green. This applies to children under 7 years of age.

000652/01 dated 05/11/2004

Tradename: Iodinol

Dosage form:

solution for external and local application


Crystalline iodine........................0.1 g
Potassium iodide........................................0.3 g
Polyvinyl alcohol......................0.9 g
Purified water........................ up to 100 g


Iodinol is a dark blue liquid with a characteristic odor that foams when shaken. Traces of foaming are allowed on the unfilled part of the bottle.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATC code:


Antiseptic. It is a product of the addition of molecular (crystalline) iodine to polyvinyl alcohol.

Main active substance Iodinol is a molecular iodine that has antiseptic property. Polyvinyl alcohol is a high-molecular compound, the content of which in iodinol slows down the release of iodine and prolongs its interaction with body tissues; also reduces the irritating effect of iodine on tissue.

Iodinol has a bactericidal effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative flora (most active on streptococcal flora and coli), as well as pathogenic fungi and yeasts. A more stubborn flora is staphylococcus, but with long-term use of iodinol it disappears in 80% of cases. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to iodinol. Iodinol is low toxic.


Used for: chronic tonsillitis; purulent otitis; atrophic rhinitis (ozen); purulent surgical diseases; trophic and varicose ulcers; thermal and chemical burns and chronic periodontitis.


Individual intolerance, hyperthyroidism, children under 6 years of age.


In case of chronic tonsillitis, the lacunae of the tonsils and supratonsillar spaces are washed. Perform 4-5 washes at intervals of 2-3 days. Single dose-50 ml.

For purulent otitis: daily instillation of 5-8 drops of iodinol for mesotympanitis and rinsing the attic for epitympanitis. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

In the treatment of atrophic rhinitis (ozena), after preliminary softening and removal of crusts, the nasal cavity and pharynx are sprayed 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

For trophic and varicose ulcers, apply gauze wipes soaked in iodine to the surface of the ulcer (pre-wash the skin with warm water and soap, and lubricate the skin around the ulcer zinc ointment). Dressing is carried out 1 - 2 times a day, while the gauze lying on the surface of the ulcer is not removed, but is again impregnated with iodinol. After 4-7 days, a general or local bath is prescribed, then the specified treatment is continued again.

At purulent wounds and infected burns, apply a loose gauze bandage soaked in the drug.

For fresh thermal and chemical burns of the 1st - 2nd degree, a gauze bandage soaked in iodine is also applied, inner layer The dressings are irrigated with the drug as needed.


In persons with idiosyncrasy to iodine, the following may be observed: phenomena of iodism in the form of skin rashes or rhinitis, a burning sensation at the site of application of the drug, allergic reactions, if they occur, the drug should be immediately discontinued and desensitizing therapy should be carried out.


Symptoms: phenomena of iodism (rhinitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, increased salivation).

Treatment: induce vomiting, perform gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy.

If you experience symptoms of an overdose, as well as other symptoms not described in the instructions, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The drug cannot be used simultaneously with hydrogen peroxide and other disinfectants.


In bottles of 100 ml dark glass.

Each bottle along with instructions is placed in a pack.


Store in a cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Protect from freezing.


1 year 6 months.

Do not use after expiration date.


Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Iodinol use in folk medicine

Iodinol is blue iodine with antiseptic properties. The main active ingredient of the drug is molecular iodine.

Unlike regular pharmaceutical iodine, blue iodine is not toxic, but is also more aggressive. When ingested in large doses, it can burn the gastric mucosa. To learn how to use the drug correctly, today we will talk about Iodinol, its use in folk medicine in the treatment of various ailments.

For what diseases is the drug Iodinol used?

Most often, the drug is used for external use as lotions and rinses. Medical experts recommend using the drug for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, trophic ulcers, conjunctivitis, sore throat, otitis, rhinitis, colitis, etc. It is used for healing wounds, burns, and used for disinfection.

In case of injury, iodinol tampons moistened with the drug are applied to the wound to faster healing and wound disinfection.

To prevent cysts from appearing on your teeth, you should rinse your mouth with a soda solution and an iodinol solution, alternately, at least 20 times in one day. This rinse also successfully treats alveolitis and stomatitis.

In gynecology, the drug is used to get rid of thrush and treat cracked nipples in breastfeeding women. They use it to douche and place tampons. The drug is also used to treat trichomoniasis.

Surgeons use it to treat wounds and ulcers infected with staphylococcus, streptococcus.

Blue iodine is the best remedy for treating burns. Apply a cloth soaked in iodinol solution to the damaged skin, then, as it dries, moisten it again without removing it from the skin. Then it will not stick to the wound, and it will heal quickly.

If trophic ulcers appear on the legs, carefully rinse the skin along with the ulcer with warm water and baby or tar soap, dry with a soft towel. Lubricate the edges of the ulcer with pharmaceutical zinc ointment. Then apply a gauze pad moistened with iodinol solution, apply a dry sterile cloth on top, a cotton swab, and secure the bandage with a bandage. Change it every 12 hours.

In this case, do not remove the napkin with the drug solution, just re-wet it without removing it from the ulcer.

If a week after the start of the procedures it begins copious discharge pus, you should rinse the ulcer well again, then continue treatment.

For sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils, the throat is lubricated with cotton wool wrapped on a stick, moistened with a solution of iodinol, and the throat is also washed with it. Course of treatment 2 times every other day. A total of 10 procedures should be performed. Treatment can be repeated only after 2-3 months. For children school age It is better to lubricate the throat rather than rinse it.

How to prepare “blue iodine” at home?

You can prepare an analogue of iodinol at home and also use it to get rid of various ailments.

To do this, pour 50 ml of water into a glass bowl, add 1 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, on the tip of a knife citric acid. Separately, boil 150 ml of water, add the mixture from the bowl, stirring thoroughly. You will get jelly, which needs to be cooled.
Then pour in 1 tsp. pharmacy tincture of regular iodine. The solution will turn blue. This “blue iodine” can be used for treatment.

This remedy can be taken 1 tsp. per day for an adult to prevent and replenish iodine deficiency in the body. This should be done in autumn or spring, but not more than 1 month.

For flu, colds, as well as for their prevention, it is also useful to take this remedy, no more than 3 times a week.

The use of Iodinol in folk medicine has also proven its effectiveness in food poisoning. In these cases, a weak solution of the drug is taken orally.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, colitis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer add a small amount of the drug to fresh apricot or plum juice (0.5 tsp per 1 tbsp). At the same time, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed and allergic diseases disappear.

Traditional medicine also uses iodinol to treat mastopathy. To do this, compresses are made from the drug, which are then applied tightly to the chest. Special compresses can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can make them yourself.

Moisten a thick, soft piece of clean cloth with iodinol solution and place it on mammary gland, put cotton wool on top, cover with plastic, put on a bra. Do not remove the compress for 2 hours. After removing the compress, do not wash your breasts.


The use of Iodinol requires attention and caution. Do not use the drug together with hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectants.

Be healthy!

Iodinol is an inexpensive antiseptic drug that has been undeservedly forgotten modern medicine. Already in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century, it was popular in the treatment of symptoms of bacterial infection. Iodinol for sore throat is distinguished by its excellent healing and antiseptic properties.

Iodinol (scientifically iodine-polyvinyl alcohol, molecular iodine) is a highly effective and inexpensive antiseptic drug that destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Iodinol for gargling is currently used infrequently, which is completely unjustified. The drug shows itself well in the fight against streptococci and other gram-negative bacteria. It is a blue solution for topical use and has a specific odor. Bottle volume 100 ml. Includes:

  • potassium iodide;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • distilled water.

The medicine is intended for individual use, there are different types:

  • a bottle with a special brush;
  • spray bottle;
  • bottle with cap without other accessories.

Iodinol for sore throat

The drug Iodinol acts on pathogenic microflora, on the microbes themselves, especially streptococci, as a bactericide. Staphylococci are considered more resistant to treatment, but even with prolonged exposure they die in 80% of cases. Only Pseudomonas aeruginosa has complete immunity to the drug.

The medicine is low toxic, but may irritate the mucous membrane oral cavity and throats. Considering this, when a sore throat develops, it is better to use the solution for rinsing. Drinking Iodinol is not advisable, because if you make mistakes in dilution, exceed the concentration and take too long to treat, you can get burns to the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Otolaryngologists carry out the procedure of washing the lacunae of the tonsils with the drug. A single dosage is 50 ml. Repeat treatment every 2 days.

How to dilute Iodinol?

Instructions for use of Iodinol contain a separate column describing the rules for preparing the product. To prepare the solution, you can use the following method:

  • a tablespoon of medicine is mixed with 200 ml of warm boiled water;
  • in order to prevent exceeding the doses established by the instructions, you should use the rule: do not dilute all the medicine at once, but add drop by drop using a pipette;
  • when the solution turns yellow, you can begin the procedures;
  • If there is significant discomfort or a tendency to develop a gag reflex, it is necessary to dilute the product with water.

Read also: Instructions for use of Lyzobact for angina

Frequency of procedures implementation

Rinses with the medicine Iodinol are organized according to the severity of the sore throat. Procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day every 4 hours. In uncomplicated cases, only two rinses per day are sufficient. The course of therapy for adults lasts no longer than 5 days, and to continue it you will need the approval of a doctor.

In addition to rinsing with the solution, the tonsils and the suppuration on them are lubricated. To do this, you will need a regular cotton swab, which must be used with Iodinol to treat the mucous membrane of the tonsils. To improve the disinfecting effect of rinsing and lubricating, it is recommended to alternate.

Important! The medicine must be re-prepared before each use. Under the influence of oxygen active ingredients begin to dissolve and decompose, losing their beneficial properties.

Rules for rinsing

  1. You need to take a little solution into your mouth and tilt your head back.
  2. The throat is rinsed with Iodinol for 30 seconds, then the liquid is spat out.

The steps must be repeated until the medicine in the glass runs out. After completing the procedure, it is not recommended to eat or drink for some time, and try not to talk. Thus, the beneficial components will be able to act on the tonsils longer and without difficulty, increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

Rinse with Iodinol in children

The instructions for using Iodinol for gargling stipulate that this is not recommended for a child under 6 years of age. Children cannot always carry out the procedure correctly; there is a risk of swallowing the solution, which is strictly contraindicated for all patients. If the child knows how to rinse correctly, and the parents are completely confident that he will not swallow the medicine, treatment can be organized, but after checking the sensitivity to iodine.

If a child has a sore throat, it is effective to lubricate the affected tonsils with Iodinol. The main thing is not to overdo it with its quantity. The instructions for use for children indicate that a high concentration of iodine provokes iodism - an excess of the substance in the body, which is accompanied by:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • skin rash;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

Read also: Instructions for use of Metronidazole for angina

In this regard, children are allowed to use the medicine for gargling with caution, after a doctor’s prescription and under his strict supervision. The specialist explains to parents how to dilute Iodinol for rinsing.

If the baby swallows 15 ml of solution, which is one tablespoon, 15 mg of iodine, 45 mg, will be ingested. potassium salt hydroiodic acid. After this they develop:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • increased salivation;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea with vomiting and severe abdominal pain.

To relieve signs of poisoning, gastric lavage is required.

The most suitable way to use Iodinol for children is considered to be irrigation of the oropharynx. To do this, spray Iodinol on the mucous membrane of the throat no more than 3 times a day. This does not cause discomfort and is tolerated without any whims.

Drug during pregnancy and lactation

The instructions for use of Iodinol clearly indicate that it is prohibited for the treatment of sore throat in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Iodine is able to pass through the placenta and be deposited in the mammary glands. The solution comes into contact with a large area of ​​the mucous surface, thereby ensuring rapid absorption of iodine from the medicine.

Important! An alternative option for pregnant women is to lubricate sore tonsils. Iodine supplied in this way is useful even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rules for lubricating tonsils

To lubricate the tonsils, the medicine does not need to be diluted with water. The solution is applied using a special brush, or a swab and tweezers, or an ordinary one. cotton swab.

Rules for the procedure:

  1. Pour some medicine into a container - a lid or a small glass.
  2. Dip a swab (brush, cotton swab) into the solution.
  3. Treat the affected area several times.
  4. The remaining solution should not be poured back into the vial; it must be discarded.

The same algorithm is used to carry out the lubrication procedure for children with sore throat. It is not very pleasant, but it is safer for the child than rinsing, if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

Antiseptics, disinfectants, halogens.

Contact of the drug with the skin leads to the formation of iodides, the release active iodine. These substances determine the bactericidal and antimycotic properties of iodinol.

The product is available as 1% water solution, which contains 0.1 g of iodine, 0.3 g of potassium iodide, and 0.9 g of polyvinyl alcohol per 100 ml.

Iodinol is packaged in orange, dark glass, plastic bottles, packaged in a box, instructions for use are included with the product.

The solution has a dark blue color, as can be seen in the photo, for this reason iodinol received the name “blue iodine”, it is diluted with water, foams well, and has a specific odor of iodine.

A convenient form of release of iodinol is a spray with a spray nozzle, bottle volume - 50 ml. Use in the form of a spray allows you to more accurately dose the drug according to the instructions when treating wounds, ulcers, and treating the nasopharynx.

Iodinol decomposes under the influence of alkalis, sunlight Therefore, store the medicine in dark glass containers.

The drug iodinol is an aqueous solution of a substance that is a complex formation of iodine with polyvinyl alcohol. Its pharmacological activity is determined by the antimicrobial, antifungal properties of iodine.

The drug is active against E. coli, pathogenic yeast-like fungi, gram-positive, gram-negative microorganisms, and is able to suppress the activity of antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococci.

Iodinol is not effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Polyvinyl alcohol is a high-molecular synthetic compound that binds iodine in iodinol, which creates the effect of slow release of the active substance during treatment.

The gradual release of iodine during treatment with iodinol reduces its irritating effect.

The drug improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, blood composition, condition blood vessels with atherosclerosis. In high concentrations, iodine has a cauterizing effect on tissue.

Iodinol solution is used for rinsing with sore throat, thrush, stomatitis, purulent otitis, chronic tonsillitis, ozena, atrophic rhinitis, atrophic laryngitis. The drug is used to treat purulent wounds, trophic and varicose ulcers, thermal and chemical burns, and frostbite.

Iodinol is active against yeast-like fungi Candida; it successfully treats thrush and cutaneous candidiasis.

The bactericidal properties of the drug are used in the treatment of dysentery, nonspecific colitis, Trichomonas colpitis, gynecological diseases, they are used to treat cases of mercury, lead poisoning, endemic goiter, and hyperthyroidism.

The drug is not used for intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, or pregnancy.

Iodinol is prescribed to children after reaching the age of five.

Iodinol is contraindicated in patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, tumors of various origins, nephrosis, nephritis, skin rashes, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Iodinol is used externally and prescribed internally. How local remedy the drug is used in gynecology and surgery for the treatment of purulent wounds.

The solution is lubricated on the skin, irrigated, washed, and instilled for diseases of the ear, nasopharynx, and sore throat. Tertiary syphilis, atherosclerosis is treated by taking medicinal solution inside.

Iodinol is used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, gum disease, and stomatitis.

To wash lacunae in case of inflammation of the tonsils, 4-5 procedures are carried out every 2-3 days. To gargle with iodine, you need 50 ml of the drug per gargle. If you have a sore throat, you can use iodinol more often, up to 3-4 times a day.

Iodinol is used to lubricate the throat for purulent sore throat 2-3 times a day for 5 days.

For stomatitis, gingivitis, alveolitis, rinse the oral mucosa with iodine for a week up to 3 times a day.

Iodinol for preparing a gargle should be diluted according to the instructions:

Another method of preparing a composition for gargling the throat, mouth for stomatitis, sore throat is less accurate. Rinse liquid is prepared by diluting a spoonful of iodinol in a glass of water.

For stomatitis, after tooth extraction, to reduce pain, including in children over 5 years of age, alternate soda rinses and iodinol rinses.

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is treated with douching with iodinol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The disappearance of symptoms is observed after the first douching.

For full recovery For thrush, both sexual partners must be treated at the same time, rinsing with a 1:1 diluted solution of iodinol.

You can learn more about candidiasis and treatment methods in our article Causes and treatment of candidiasis in women.

Iodinol is used against nail fungus caused by yeast-like fungi from the Candida family.

Before starting treatment, you need to accurately determine the type of fungus that caused the nail deformation.

A cotton pad is moistened with medicine, applied to the nail, covered with polyethylene, and bandaged. Keep the compress for 5 days, changing it twice a day.

For the next 2-3 days, apply a compress with olive oil. The procedure helps soften the nail and cleanse the candida fungus.

You can learn more about candidiasis nail fungus in the article Mold and candidiasis onychomycosis.

A gauze pad is moistened with iodine and applied to the surface of the wound. As the solution dries, moisten the napkin without removing it.

With this method of wound treatment, a dry crust does not form, the bandage does not stick to the skin, and the iodine in iodinol disinfects and heals tissue damage.

Trophic ulcers with varicose veins are also treated with iodine. To do this, apply a napkin moistened with the medicine to a previously well-washed and dried wound.

The edges of the ulcer should be lubricated with zinc ointment, and the wound itself can be treated with lime water for a better healing effect.

The compress is bandaged and treatment is continued for 3-5 days. The dressing is done 2 times a day, all this time the bandage is moistened with iodine. If pus is released, change the bandage more often.

For purulent otitis media, 5-8 drops of iodinol are instilled into the ear.

Iodinol is used to treat atrophic rhinitis. Before using iodinol, it is necessary to clear the nasal cavity of crusts:

After treatment, the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are irrigated with iodine; for atrophic rhinitis, the procedure is repeated after 2-3 days for 3 months.

The medicine is taken orally after meals; for atherosclerosis, 5-12 drops are added to milk and drunk 1-2 times a day for a month.

Iodinol is not combined with drugs containing ammonia. Blue iodine should not be used with essential oils.

The activity of the drug decreases when taking lithium preparations, in an alkaline, acidic environment, in the presence of blood or pus in the wound during treatment.

If the instructions for using iodinol are not followed, iodism may occur - tissue inflammation caused by an overdose of iodine.

When taking iodinol orally, tachycardia (rapid pulse), sweating, insomnia, and diarrhea may occur.

A burning sensation may be noted at the site where iodinol is applied to the skin; in large doses it reduces lactation; in small doses, on the contrary, it stimulates milk production in nursing women.

If salivation increases as a result of treatment with iodinol for a fungus, gargling, angioedema or other phenomena not indicated in the instructions for use, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and immediately call a doctor.

Iodinol is easy to make yourself. To do this, place 9 g of polyvinyl alcohol in a glass container with a volume of 1 liter, add 0.8 liters of water, and leave to swell.

After the polymer swells, which will take from 1 to 6 hours depending on the conditions, it is placed on low heat and heated for 30-60 minutes at a temperature of 90-100 degrees.

The result should be a clear solution, into which, after it has cooled, add 150 ml of an aqueous solution of 1 g of crystalline iodine and 3 g of potassium iodide.

The polyvinyl alcohol solution will turn colored Blue colour. Then the total volume of the medicine is brought to 1 liter with water, mixed well, packaged, stored in a cool, dark place, avoiding freezing, out of reach of children.

Under such conditions, iodinol can be stored for up to 3 years.

Both children and adults are treated with self-made medicine, as indicated in the instructions for use of pharmaceutical iodinol.

Analogs of iodinol include Lugol's solution with glycerin and iodine solution.

The price and effectiveness of Lugol's solution, if the instructions are followed, according to customer reviews, are practically no different from those of iodinol. This is explained by the fact that the active substance of the analogues is elemental iodine.

The price of iodinol in a spray with a capacity of 50 ml is on average 60-80 rubles in Russia, the cost of a 100 ml solution of iodinol in Russia is 70 rubles, in Ukraine – 165 hryvnia.

Do not store iodinol in the light, do not allow it to freeze.

Surely in every first aid kit there is a bottle of iodine antiseptic - it is usually used to treat damage to the integrity of the skin to prevent infection. Many drugs have been created based on this component, not only for local application to tissues, but also for internal use, which already has a completely different target load. We suggest considering one of these means - antiseptic solution Iodinol.

This drug is available in bottles and is intended for local and external use. 100 ml of product contains 0.1 grams of iodine, 0.3 grams of potassium iodide and the rest is polyvinyl alcohol. The main active ingredient of the drug is considered to be molecular iodine itself, which has a pronounced disinfecting effect. Polyvinyl alcohol also plays a role among the ingredients important role– it allows you to slow down the release of iodine when using the solution, which significantly extends the period of beneficial interaction with the treated tissue area. In addition, the alcohol component is designed to reduce the irritating effect of iodine on skin. The local effect is due to the ability of iodine to precipitate tissue proteins.

Thus, the main task for which the solution is used is an antiseptic effect. The drug is low-toxic and is capable of exerting a bactericidal effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative microflora (in particular, staphylococci, E. coli, fungi and yeast are affected).

The product is intended for local use to destroy pathogenic microflora or prevent its appearance. Thus, use is possible for the following ailments:

  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis (including in the presence of purulent discharge);
  • inflammation of the tissue around the tooth root;
  • purulent diseases requiring surgical therapy;
  • ulcerations in areas of dilated veins;
  • long-lasting skin lesions;
  • burns of thermal and chemical origin;
  • some fungal tissue infections;
  • infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin.

Use in every individual situation can only be prescribed by a doctor, since excessive iodine entering the body and its inactivity relative to the causative agent of an existing infection can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications.

The use of such a simple drug has its limitations and requires strict adherence to the instructions. For example, for purulent wounds and burns that have become infected, a gauze bandage soaked in the composition is applied to the affected area, after which it is replaced with a new one as necessary. In general, the method of application, proportions and duration of the course are determined by the specific situation.

Gargling with Iodinol is quite often practiced, in particular when the throat is infected (for example, with a sore throat). However, the composition is concentrated and very aggressive, and its use in pure form can lead to chemical burn, therefore, before disinfecting rinses, it is necessary to properly dilute the drug. So, the standard proportion is considered to be a tablespoon per glass. clean water, the liquid should acquire a bluish tint. For severe sore throat, you can rinse up to 4 times a day, rinsing one glass each time. The procedure must be carried out carefully; during the process, you should tilt your head back and try to pass the composition as low as possible, but at the same time preventing it from being swallowed.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity can also be effectively eliminated with Iodinol by destroying pathogenic microflora. Again, due to its active irritant effect, the composition must be pre-prepared - diluted in proportion with water in a ratio of one to three, after which the resulting product can be lubricated on damaged areas of the mucous membrane. The frequency of lubrication is 2-3 times a day, and after 3-4 days the first results will be noticeable.

When applied to the mucous membrane, children should dilute the drug more, using a ratio of one to five. The resulting product can be used to lubricate areas of stomatitis, and a weak, slightly bluish solution can be used to rinse the mouth.

Rhinitis, which is accompanied purulent discharge, indicates the active development of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavities. To suppress their growth and reproduction, Iodinol can be used - it is added to water in small quantities until a weak solution is obtained. blue color. Adults with a similar composition can make a “cuckoo” by thoroughly rinsing the sinuses on both sides, and for children it will be enough to drop a few drops into each nostril, and then either suck out the mucus or ask the baby to blow his nose.

As mentioned above, the antiseptic can also cope with fungal infections, which led to its use in gynecology. So, for thrush in women, provoked by a fungus of the genus Candida, two methods are used - tampon placement and douching. For both procedures, Iodinol is used, diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, these activities alternate with each other, producing 1 cycle per day until improvement occurs.

At fungal infection compresses with Iodinol are applied to the nail plates for 5 days. So, to the affected area you need to apply gauze folded in several layers and well soaked in the product, and leave it like that for half an hour. If affected by initial stages It will be enough to treat the nail with a cotton swab dipped in the preparation 2-3 times during the day.

Despite the fact that the recipes traditional medicine You can find recommendations for taking the drug in question orally; in practice, this is not recommended. Thus, the instructions for Iodinol clearly state that its use internally provokes an overdose and the occurrence of pronounced side symptoms. In order to normalize the level of iodine in the body, other drugs are prescribed that are specifically intended for oral administration.

If the drug is used according to the instructions and the recommended dosage is followed, then no problems arise. However, a situation is possible when the patient has intolerance to iodine or other components of the product, and then symptoms of the disorder may appear respiratory function, skin allergic reactions, local tissue irritation.

A state of acute overdose occurs when the drug is intentionally or accidentally ingested, that is, enters the body orally. Against this background, the classic symptoms of iodism, that is, an overdose of iodine, are formed, namely:

  • the appearance of a pronounced metallic taste in the mouth;
  • active secretion of saliva;
  • painful sensations in the throat, burning sensation;
  • swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes due to their irritation;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • formation of skin reactions;
  • severe disorders digestive process, in particular cramps, vomiting, diarrhea.

This condition requires symptomatic therapy and strict monitoring of thyroid function.

It is worth avoiding local use of the solution in question in cases where there are contraindications, namely:

  • hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the solution;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • radioactive iodine therapy;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • the presence of severe tissue irritation at the site of the planned application of the composition;
  • acne in the treatment area.

The use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permitted only with a doctor's prescription, and only for a short course - up to 5 days, provided that a small area of ​​tissue is treated. It is worth considering that the manufacturer classifies the period of gestation as a contraindication, since even when applied to the skin, the components penetrate into the blood, from there they pass through the placental barrier or penetrate into breast milk.

Iodinol can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, and at a very affordable cost. There is no structural analogue that would completely replicate the composition of this drug, however, the group of antiseptics is very wide, and the following products have similar properties:

  • Malavit;
  • Lisak;
  • Fluomizin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Decathylene, etc.

Lera: I used Iodinol myself to get rid of nail fungus. At first it seemed that it was not helping, but after a month of procedures the problem left me.

Yana: A common, affordable drug. I bought it for gargling with a sore throat - the doctor prescribed it. As part of the treatment complex, the effect was good.

Christina: The most important thing is to dilute this product when using it on mucous membranes! Otherwise, swelling is guaranteed.


First way:

To do this, place 9 grams of polyvinyl alcohol in an enamel or stainless steel container with a volume of 1 liter, pour 700-800 ml of it. water and leave for 1-6 hours to swell. Then heat the vessel to 90-100°C for 0.5-3 hours to obtain an almost transparent solution. Cool it to room temperature and add 3 ml into it. commercial hydroiodic acid specific gravity 1.4. Then the entire resulting solution is diluted with water to a volume of 1 liter. The result is a dark blue liquid, which is stored in a closed glass container at a normal temperature of 3 to 30 ° C. This is a completely harmless iodinol. It is stored for three years or more.

Second way:

Pour 800 ml of water into any enamel or glass vessel with a capacity of 1 liter, add 9 g of polyvinyl alcohol and leave for 2-3 hours for the polymer to swell. After this, heat the mixture over low heat for 30–60 minutes to a temperature of 90–100 °C until colorless. clear solution. Cool to room temperature and add 150 ml of an aqueous solution of 1 g of crystalline iodine and 3 g of potassium iodide. The solution turns dark blue. Bring the volume of liquid to 1 liter and mix well. The solution is ready for use. Pour it into small glass containers and store at room temperature in a dark place.

If you use iodinol in recommended doses, there should be no negative reactions. However, in people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug, irritation of the oral mucosa and allergic reactions may occur. And with prolonged use, in rare cases, iodism may even occur, which is manifested by rhinitis, rash, lacrimation and salivation. Also contraindications to the use of iodinol are thyrotoxicosis, iodism, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications are also intolerance to ethyl alcohol.

The apple is a real treasure useful substances. These fruits contain microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, fructose, pectin, essential oils, vitamins A, B, C, P, etc. Apples are also valued for dietary fiber or fiber. If you eat at least one apple every day, you will forget about constipation forever. Since they also contribute to the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite. These fruits are very rich in pectins, which help bind and remove excess cholesterol formed in the liver.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis with medicinal plants

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis; from Latin tonsilla - tonsil gland) - inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsillitis can be acute (acute inflammation of the tonsils, i.e. sore throat) and chronic. It is necessary to distinguish the difference between inflammation of the tonsils and nasopharyngeal tonsil or lingual tonsil. Tonsillitis is a disease of young people and even children. Chronic tonsillitis insidious - gives serious complications. The palatine tonsils (tonsils, as people say) are a collection of lymphadenoid tissue and have the most complex structure compared to other tonsils.

Hardening procedures with cold and hot water

We all strive for comfortable living conditions. So that the house we live in would have the same temperature all year round. We dress warmly in winter and cool ourselves under air conditioning in summer. And it would seem that under such ideal conditions they should get sick less. But in practice it turns out differently. There hasn't been a single year that the flu and colds haven't grown into an epidemic on a nationwide scale. And only a few can boast that they practically do not suffer from colds.

Fir, medicinal properties, recipes

Fir is one of the most beautiful coniferous trees with a pyramidal crown. Sometimes reaching simply enormous proportions. Belongs to the genus of evergreen coniferous trees of the pine family (Pinaceae), numbering 35-40 species. Fir trees are widespread in temperate and cool climate areas of North and Central America, Eurasia and northern Africa.

Fir does not grow in areas with polluted air; it grows in clean ecological places. Fir forests are especially widespread in the Altai and Sayan Mountains. The plant likes to grow in rich, moist loamy soil.

Treatment of heel spurs with traditional methods

Heel spurs develop as a result of acute and chronic injuries, flat feet, gout, various infections.

Symptoms of this disease are pain of varying intensity on the plantar surface of the heel during exercise. More often heel spurs are formed on the sole, sometimes on the back surface of the heel bone.

And if, as a result of the examination, you have been given such a diagnosis for treatment, you can also use traditional methods which can be very effective.

Iodinol in Lately It is very difficult to find in pharmacies, but previously this medicine was considered simply miraculous for many diseases. Only after the advent of new antibiotics and sulfonamides did iodinol fade into the background. But not only our grandmothers used it, but also official medicine and with great success.

Treatment of various pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throats was previously unimaginable without iodinol. This old, proven remedy is still relevant today.

Iodinol is an aqueous solution consisting of iodine (0.1%), potassium iodide (0.9%) and polyvinyl alcohol. It has a very characteristic odor of iodine, foams well and mixes with water. The color of the liquid should be dark blue.

It has the ability to decompose in light, as well as in an alkaline environment. It has a strong therapeutic effect, since when applied to the mucous membranes, iodinol slowly splits off molecular iodine - a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance, and after breakdown it improves metabolism.

And the polyvinyl alcohol included in the composition, slowing down the release of iodine in the preparation, significantly helps reduce irritation from iodine and also lengthen the effect on the treated body tissues. Iodinol, unlike elemental iodine, is completely non-toxic, but still more aggressive and in large doses when taken orally can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is mainly used in the form of rinses and lotions externally.

This drug has a strong bactericidal effect on yeast and pathogenic fungi, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria - especially E. coli and staphylococcus. Even more resistant staphylococcus, with long-term use, dies in 80% of cases under the influence of Iodinol.

But you need to take into account that Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to iodinol. This is a very stable drug, and at room temperature in a sealed glass container it can be stored for 3 years or even more.

The drug is not at all toxic and therefore is used in the treatment of many diseases, both locally and orally, intramuscularly, intravenously and intraarterially in doses of up to 2–3 ml per 1 kg of patient weight per day.

Treatment of trichomoniasis with iodine.

Since trichomoniasis genitourinary tract in both men and women it very often leads to congestive cystitis. And in men it can contribute to the appearance of chronic prostatitis, accelerates the development of adenoma prostate gland. Therefore, it is advisable before treating chronic prostatitis, get rid of trichomoniasis, which is present in 70–80% of all practically healthy people.

For effective treatment For trichomoniasis in women, daily wiping of the mucous membranes of the vagina, urethra, and cervical canal with iodinol is used. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Then you need vaginal bath from 15–20 ml of iodinol solution. The course of treatment is up to 10 procedures. Douching, tampons, wiping and lubrication with iodine are very effective in gynecology.

Just as often (especially in men), a solution of iodinol is injected directly into bladder. To do this, use a syringe without a needle to inject 15–20 ml of iodinol every other day. The required number of procedures is 5–7.

It is not safe for babies to lubricate their nipples iodine, green stuff, even honey (allergies!). And iodinol is harmless.

This is how trophic ulcers on the legs are treated with varicose veins veins and diabetes mellitus Irrigations, tampons, rinses, and bandages with iodinol can be used.

One of the treatment methods: sore spot Together with the ulcer, you should wash it with hot water, soap and a brush. To improve the effect, lime water can be used. Wipe with a sterile cloth and lubricate the edges of the ulcer with zinc ointment. Place three-layer gauze soaked in iodine on the ulcer, put a dry cloth on top, a little cotton wool and secure it all. The dressing is done twice a day.

When changing the dressing, do not touch the three-layer gauze lying on the wound, but moisten it generously with iodine. If after 3-5 days abundant pus is released, then you need to take a bath and continue treatment. If there is little pus, then take a hot bath only after 7 days.

And iodinol for burns too the best remedy. To do this, apply a bandage pre-moistened in a solution of iodinol to the burn. For good effect Then from time to time you need to wet it without removing it. Since constantly wet gauze does not dry to the wound, and iodine has bactericidal properties, the wound heals quickly.

Otolaryngologists often use Iodinol for angina to wash the lacunae of the tonsils and supratonsillar space. A single dose of the drug is 50 ml. For complete cure 4 procedures are carried out every 2 days.

You can also use iodinol on your own for gargling. But it is necessary to prepare a safe solution. The medicine should be added dropwise to a glass of boiled warm water. And as soon as the solution turns dark yellow, you can begin treatment.

But you can also use a less accurate method. Add a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of the drug. For acute sore throat with severe pain You should gargle frequently. Every 4 hours. And for moderate severity, 3 times a day.

In addition to gargling, you can use iodinol to lubricate the throat with purulent sore throat. To do this, wrap cotton wool around a pencil or stick. Then dip it in a slightly diluted solution and lubricate the tonsils. If this procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day for 5 days, then the pain decreases already on day 2-3.

Iodinol is also used for stomatitis. But children can use this medicine for stomatitis only in the form of rinses. With the prepared solution according to the above method, it is necessary to irrigate the oral mucosa 3-4 times a day for a week. If you use Iodinol for stomatitis in recommended doses, there should be no negative reactions.

And rinsing the mouth with iodine after tooth extraction helps relieve cheek swelling much better than rinsing with furatsilin. It can also be used for chronic cysts on the roots of the tooth, alternately rinsing with solutions of soda and iodinol 20 times a day.

Rinsing the inflamed oral mucosa 4 times a day relieves inflammation and pain not only with stomatitis, but also with gingivitis and alveolitis.

Iodinol is also very successfully treated by some eye diseases. For example, conjunctivitis is quickly cured. To do this, 2-3 drops of iodinol are instilled into the eye 4 times a day.

And in case of eyelid wounds, the wound is irrigated, and then tampons moistened with iodinol solution are inserted. The same method is used to treat eye inflammation, burns, and corneal damage.

Iodinol is successfully used in surgery to heal stubborn wounds and ulcers that are infected with staphylococcus and streptococcus and are insensitive to antibiotics.

Iodinol is used and how disinfectant when treating the hands of surgeons and obstetricians-gynecologists.

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