Home Tooth pain Planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Teacher documentation

Planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Teacher documentation

Any type of activity in a preschool educational institution requires careful distribution of content over time periods. This principle of organizing the educational process is implemented through various types of planning, including a daily lesson plan. Its compilation, having a standard structure, requires correlation of methods for solving educational problems with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a specific age group. Let us dwell on the intricacies of writing a daily plan for the older group (children 5–6 years old).

What is the purpose of planning

In order to understand the essence of the process of drawing up a daily plan, it is necessary to clarify the content of the concept of planning educational activities in a preschool educational institution (DOU) as a whole. The purpose of planning is pedagogical modeling of methods of interaction with children.

Without planning, it is impossible to organize effective interaction with children

Planning principles

When planning for kindergarten, teachers are guided by the requirements determined by the Federal State educational standard(FSES).

  1. Planning should be made taking into account the principle of developmental education, which implies the choice of teaching and educational material that would correspond to the age, as well as the level of cognitive, physical and emotional-volitional development of children.
  2. The content of the educational route displayed in the plan must be sufficient and complete.
  3. The scientific validity of the plan must be combined with the possibilities of its implementation in practice, that is, the topics of the educational educational process must have practical meaning for children.
  4. Each type of activity in the aspect of studying a specific topic must be understood in a teaching, developmental and educational context.
  5. All educational areas presented in the plan (cognition, social and communicative development, etc.) must be combined, that is, integrated.
  6. Any type of planning is based on the principle of integrated construction of the educational process.
  7. In planning direct educational activities and regime moments it is necessary to include various forms of interaction between adults and children, children among themselves, as well as teachers and parents.
  8. The game form of interaction in planning is defined as a priority.

Types of planning in kindergarten

Depending on the scale of goals and objectives that are implemented in the educational process, there are several types of plans.

  1. Long-term planning is a grouping of forms and methods of working with children, which is developed for a year, quarter or month. Object of planning in in this case All topics of the program are presented in different educational areas: gaming, social-communicative, cognitive-research, labor, creative and productive. A long-term plan allows you to assign hours to study a specific topic within each of the educational areas.
  2. Scheduling. Compiled for each type of activity for the week.
  3. Calendar and thematic planning. It involves the distribution of activities on separate topics for each area of ​​the educational process. For example, a calendar-thematic plan for visual activities, speech development, etc. With the help of such a plan, the teacher has the opportunity to clarify all the details of work on the topic of a certain educational direction.
  4. Block planning. It is a type of calendar-thematic plan, with the only difference being that the topics in it are grouped into blocks. For example, in the “Wild Animals” block, in the course of familiarization with environment V senior group includes topics: “Desert Animals”, “ Undersea world", "Animals of the taiga", etc.
  5. Comprehensive thematic planning. It involves indicating the types of activities in educational areas within the framework of consideration of one (!) topic.
  6. Daily calendar and thematic planning (daily plan). It involves a list of activities for every day in different educational areas at the stages of familiarization, development and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired on a specific topic. That is, the object of the plan is a fragment of the educational process on a specific day. If we compare daily and comprehensive plans, the first is more detailed. Meanwhile, when drawing up a daily plan, the teacher is still guided by the individual needs of each child.

The last type of plan is the most detailed, so we will dwell on the intricacies of its preparation in more detail.

This is interesting. Any type of plan can be presented in an expanded version, that is, with a description of the goals and objectives for each specific type of activity. And yet, the definition of “extensive” is most often referred to as daily.

Daily planning helps to see a holistic picture of the educational process on a specific day

Daily plan: the essence of the concept

The daily plan of educational activities in a preschool educational institution is an advance determination of the sequence of practical implementation of the educational program on a certain day, as well as a list of conditions, tools for work and forms, methods of interaction of teaching staff with children and their parents.

Goals and objectives for creating a daily plan

A daily calendar-thematic plan is needed for:

  • clear formulation of the goals and objectives of the educational process when developing individual stages of a specific topic;
  • a reasonable choice of content and forms of organizing cooperation with children with the definition of a list of necessary funds;
  • substantiation of the forecast of the results of the pedagogical activity of a specialist, as well as the work of a group of children and each child separately.

As we can see, the mission of drawing up a daily plan is the same for all groups kindergarten. However, the tasks for its implementation are determined by the age of the children. For the older group it is:

  • emphasis on independent activity of children (in older preschool age, children are able to perform more and more actions either independently or with minimal help from an adult, for example, carry out work assignments - sweeping, watering flowers);
  • active formation of ethical ideas about the world (at the same time, in the older group, both the actions of an adult and his words are significant, which was not observed in middle group);
  • expanding the range of creative possibilities with the help of tasks for the practical implementation of fantasies in various visual materials (paints, plasticine, etc.);
  • drawing up an idea of ​​the effectiveness of work in a group using gaming facilities interactions between parents and children, children and children, children and teachers;
  • satisfying the need for active curiosity through games and conversation.

Requirements for creating a daily plan

The Federal State Educational Standard defines the basic principles for drawing up the plan.

  1. Establishing a framework for optimal study load. Taking into account the fact that a little less than half, 40% of the child’s time in kindergarten is time for free activity.
  2. When drawing up a plan for the day, you need to take into account medical and hygienic requirements for the duration of direct educational activities in order to optimize the educational process for a specific child.
  3. Availability of activities for emotional release and mood enhancement, for example, summer disco, games.
  4. Close contact with parents.

The daily plan includes a description of methods of interaction with children not only in the process of direct educational activities, but also when performing routine tasks

Methodological techniques used in the daily plan

When working with preschoolers, the teacher uses four groups methodological techniques, displaying the essence and feasibility of using each of them on a daily basis.

Group of verbal techniques

For older preschoolers the word plays important role in the formation of their speech image, developing the ability to build logical monologue statements and appropriate lines of dialogue. All this is achieved through the perception of a language model, which is what adults act as.


Whatever type of activity the children are involved in, all stages of the work must be described in detail. Moreover, even if we are talking about repetition (for example, gymnastics in poetry for a physical education break), the order of performing the actions needs to be briefly recalled. In the older group, the practice of explaining the sequence of performing a task by the children themselves is actively introduced. For example, if the children have to glue an applique from blanks geometric shapes, a child who remembers the name of geometric shapes well can explain the progress of the task.


In the older group, you can even build explanations in the form of a conversation. In this case, children, based on leading questions from an adult, draw up an algorithm of actions (for example, about the rules for watering flowers in a group).

In addition, after working on any literary work it is necessary to organize a conversation on issues. So, after studying E. Serova’s poem “Lily of the Valley,” I invite my students to answer the following questions:

  • “When was the lily of the valley born?”;
  • “What does the lily of the valley look like, according to the author?”;
  • “Do you agree that lilies of the valley look like bells?”

This is interesting. Questions about the content of the work must be selected not only of a reproductive nature, but also of a problematic nature, in order to teach children to think, analyze and draw conclusions.

Riddles and poems

Traditionally, these verbal techniques are in great ways motivate guys to work. First of all, rhyming lines distract children from the type of activity in which they are engaged in this moment, and also unite students through a common activity: solving riddles or listening to a poem. Moreover, riddles also awaken a healthy sense of excitement in kids: to give the answer faster than their comrades. All this allows you to include children in work and update their basic knowledge.

In my practice when studying the topic “ Human body“In classes on getting to know the world around me, I offer the children the following riddles:

  • Brother and brother live across the path, but they don’t see each other. (Eyes);
  • It's always in your mouth, but you can't swallow it. (Language);
    Here is a mountain, and near the mountain there are two deep holes. The air wanders in these holes: It comes in and then comes out. (Nose).

Solving riddles awakens healthy excitement in children, which motivates them to continue working

It is convenient to use poetic lines to precede the execution of routine moments. I use them, for example, as preparation for hygiene procedures:

  • The tap was opened - Chick, chick! Wash your hands - Chic, chic! Let the water run - Ssss! We will wash our face - Ssss! We rub our palms with soap and get wet with a towel. Here are clean palms, let's clap a little.
  • When you come home from the street, the first thing you do is wash your hands. And, of course, on the threshold, wipe your feet on the rug.

Fairy tales

Entertaining stories, composed, as they say, on the fly, fit well both into the stage of introducing a topic and to consolidate the material, for example, as the basis for a conversation. For example, when studying the topic “Underwater World,” I build the structure of a lesson to familiarize myself with the world around me on the topic “Underwater World” based on the plot of the fairy tale “How Gold fish saved the sea." “In one sea lived a cheerful Golden Fish. She had many friends, but most often she played with the Turtle and the Crab. And then one day a shadow covered their beloved sea. The fish did not know what to do, it ran to the Crab - he was the smartest inhabitant of the sea. And the Crab explained that an oil tanker passed through their sea, and some of the oil spilled onto the water. But oil, although an important product, creates a film on the water that does not allow air to pass through, which means that the inhabitants of the depths will soon die because they will not be able to breathe. Only bacteria from pink shells living on the other side of the sea can help. Then the Fish decided that she must swim to the shells and save her sea. With great difficulty she found these shells and dragged them to the oil slick. By this time, her friends had already begun to choke. Bacteria from the pink shells quickly ate the nasty stain, and all the inhabitants of the sea were able to breathe normally again.”

After listening to the fairy tale, the children and I talk about the following questions:

  • “Why did the inhabitants of the sea almost die?”;
  • “Who saved them and how?”;
  • "How do you understand what it is careful attitude to reservoirs, nature?

When using this verbal technique, it is important to remember that:

  • fairy tales should not be long, otherwise it will distract the kids from the essence of the lesson;
  • the number of characters should be limited to 2-3 heroes, otherwise it will be difficult for children to track the role of each of them;
  • plot development should be limited to 1–2 turns;
  • Fairy tales need to be accompanied by pictures; you can tell the story from the perspective of a toy character.


In the older group, many children already know how to read, so to develop their independence in the classroom, it is worth introducing the technique of reading short notes on a topic. In addition, this will motivate other children to master such an important “adult” skill.

Reading passages should not be too long

Tongue Twisters

This technique of working with children can be used as:

  • one of the activities in speech development classes;
  • option for a physical education break.

In older preschool age, tongue twisters on:

  • differentiation of paired consonants (“In the pond at Polycarp There are three crucian carp and three carp);
  • practicing sonorant sounds (“A lazy fisherman never catches a catch”);
  • training in the pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds (Ripe, hard cheese is wonderful. Unripe cheese is tasteless, sir.);
  • pronunciation of individual sounds (“Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka ate a cheesecake”).

Group of visual techniques

The perception of the world through the visual channel is leading for children 5–6 years old. Therefore, it is impossible to do without clarity when working with children.

  1. Pictures are used to illustrate information or activities.
  2. Toys can be used as a means to facilitate the presentation and perception of material: children more easily remember the sequence of actions or a block of information if they are presented on behalf of a character.
  3. To practice game and creative tasks, we must not forget about demonstrations. The essence of this technique is that the teacher presents a sequence of actions or shows a video on the topic.

Video: a set of exercises for exercises in the senior group (“Ant”, “Butterfly”, “Worm”, “Bug”, “Dragonfly”)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=hB6x93Yh3xA Video can’t be loaded: CHARGE.Ant / Butterfly / Worm / Beetle / Dragonfly) (https://youtube.com/watch?v=hB6x93Yh3xA)

Group of practical techniques

These ways of interacting with children are introduced for:

  • systematization of the studied material into final stage classes;
  • organization of repetition;
  • working with parents.

Practical understanding of the material can be in the format:

  • drawings;
  • applications;
  • crafts.

Any of these types of work can be presented in the form of a project. For example, with our students and their parents we are preparing crafts on the theme “Mysterious Space”, defending which the children will have to tell what and why they decided to take as a basis.

When performing creative tasks, children remember material faster


This practical technique is actively used in working with the older group, as it allows children to become familiar with the heuristic method of acquiring knowledge: the children get it themselves useful information, and the teacher only helps to systematize and generalize it. In addition, observation can be used to organize children for a walk.

Table: file of observations during a walk in the senior group (fragments)

Subject Target The essence
Transport surveillance
  • enrich knowledge about terrestrial species public transport;
  • form a holistic understanding of the functions of buses.
Children observe the movement of public transport and the driver’s actions at stops. They also discuss the purpose of public transport.
Dandelion observation
  • continue to get acquainted with medicinal plants;
  • learn to collect medicinal herbs;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Children, while working through poems and songs, become familiar with the main characteristics of dandelions. Learn how to pick flowers and herbs correctly.
Ant observation
  • expand ideas about appearance ants, as well as the characteristics of their behavior in the autumn period.
Children observe and comment with each other on the behavior of ants.
Note: this topic can be conceptualized with another visual technique - creating drawings “Ant - a worker of the forest.”

Observation in the senior group is one of the priority options for organizing a walk

Group of gaming techniques

The daily plan necessarily includes all types of games practiced in the preschool educational institution.

Educational (didactic) games

Such games are used for:

  • acquaintance with new information;
  • practicing and consolidating acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Didactic games according to daily planning can be:

  • focused on the essence represented by game actions;
  • based on the material used in the game.

Table: types of didactic games for daily planning in the senior group

View Name Goals Material, essence
Content driven games
Logical "Chicken Family"
  • consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
  • develop logical thinking.
Children receive templates depicting animal families (chickens, pigs) and cut out geometric figures different sizes. The kids’ task is to arrange the figures into the contours of animals, selecting the size of the “family member” (for example, a large pig is a large oval, a small pig is a small oval, etc.).
Verbal "Who lives where"
  • expand children's understanding of the homes of insects and animals;
  • enrich vocabulary;
  • consolidate the use in speech of the prepositional case form with the preposition v.
The teacher throws the ball and asks a question in turn to each of the children standing in the circle. The child catches the ball, answering the question, and then returns the ball. For example, “Who lives in a hole?” -Fox. “Who lives in the den?” -Wolf.
Sensory "Name it in parts" Practice the skill of composing an image from parts and vice versa, decomposing the whole into parts. Children put together pictures from individual parts (for example, wheels, body, cab - truck). Then they talk about the purpose of each element.
Musical "What Sounds"
  • learn to relate sound to a musical instrument;
  • develop hearing and sense of rhythm.
The teacher plays a musical instrument behind a screen, and the children guess what it sounds like.
Material-oriented games
Desktop-printed "Fairy tales" Learn to determine the sequence of a plot from pictures. Children receive sets of cards depicting plot scenes from the fairy tales they have studied. Task: arrange the illustrations in the correct sequence.
Playing with objects These are games with natural materials. For example, count the number of chestnuts in bowls and compare which ones have fewer and which ones have more.
Interactive Games using computer technology. For example, “Secrets of the Forest”: children plant trees, having previously correlated a set of seedlings with the plants indicated in the task.

Outdoor games

With the help of games from this group, the teacher not only solves the problem of implementing health-saving methods of work, but also does not allow children to get bored, that is, to go into a passive state. As a rule, outdoor games are the prerogative of activities during a walk.

Table: types of outdoor games for the daily plan in the senior group

Skill to be practiced Name of the game Goals Progress of the game
Running in different directions, jumping "Sly Fox"
  • exercise children in running in all directions;
  • train endurance and observation.
Children stand at a short distance from each other, blindfolded. The teacher touches the back of one of the participants, thus nominating a fox. Children take off their bandages and ask three times who the fox is. The fox must not give himself away. Then the fox comes into the center, the children run away, and she catches them.
Spatial orientation "Owl"
  • practice running in different directions;
  • train the ability not to collide;
  • learn to act on the driver's signal.
The “mice” children run around the playground. At the signal “night” they freeze in the position in which the signal found them. The little owl flies out, looks to see who moves, and takes him to her. At the signal “day” the “owl” flies away, the “mice” scatter again.
Forming a sense of balance "Carousel"
  • develop a sense of balance;
  • train directed running.
The teacher stands in a hula hoop with ribbons attached to it. Children hold on to these ribbons, and the teacher, moving in a circle, changes the pace of movement. The guys must move at the same pace.
Ability to imitate "Ocean is shaking"
  • learn to repeat the movements of the driver;
  • develop attention.
Children stand in designated circles and perform any movements. The driver walks between the players, periodically puts his hand on the participant’s shoulder and, at the signal “The sea is rough,” performs a movement that the player must repeat. At the same time, the driver takes the player away from the circle. At the signal “The sea is calm”, the participant must run to his circle. If he doesn’t have time, he becomes the driver.
Development of attention "Tram"
  • develop attention and visual perception;
  • repeat knowledge of traffic lights.
The guys, holding onto a rope or ribbon, line up in a column of two. At different color traffic light signs, which the teacher changes, the “tram” either moves, slows down, or stops.
Practicing climbing and crawling skills "Through the Hoops to the Flag"
  • train the skill of climbing into the hoop from below and from above;
  • develop speed of movement.
There are two hoops in front of each participant in the middle of the court. At a signal, the children run to them, crawl under one from below and place them on the floor, crawl under the other from above and place them on top of the first. They run the rest of the distance and raise the flags. Whoever is faster wins.
Agility training "Take it quickly" Develop the ability to quickly react to a game situation. Children walk or run around different objects, of which there is one less than the children. At the teacher’s signal, they raise one object at a time. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated.

When planning a game, you need to take care of preparing the necessary equipment

Theatrical games

This type of activity can be included in the daily work plan of the senior group in several options:

  • role-playing games, that is, kids act out everyday situations, based on personal experience(at the doctor, at the hairdresser, etc.);
  • dramatizations, where children perform game actions as directed by the director (teacher or friend who acts as a guide in the game), for example, participation in matinees, skits based on the works they have studied;
  • director's games, in which children determine the order of performing game tasks independently, based on the content they have invented (for example, saving animals from frost on flannelgraph figures, placing them in suitable houses;
  • finger games - exercises for development fine motor skills as part of work aimed at stimulating speech centers.

Daily plan development process

The technology for drawing up a daily calendar-thematic plan implies that the teacher will take into account the following points:

  • describes the types of work during routine moments in the morning, afternoon and after nap;
  • the design meets the aesthetic requirements for the preparation of this kind of documents (literacy, accuracy, as well as compliance with accepted standards for the preparation of daily plans in a particular kindergarten, for example, on separate A4 sheets, in a barn book, etc.);
  • planning displays the principle of correlation between emotional, intellectual and physical activity(for example, if there is a physical education class in the first half of the day, then after a nap you should not plan active species activities - outdoor or theatrical games);
  • the content of educational material should become evenly more complex;
  • kids should be involved in different types activity;
  • To develop topics, it is necessary to involve all groups of techniques used in working with preschoolers.

Stages of drawing up a daily calendar-thematic plan

Traditionally, daily planning includes six stages of implementation of the educational process.

Staying in kindergarten should be productive, that is, be beneficial for the physical, intellectual and emotional-volitional development of the child.

Table: features of daily planning for the middle group

Stage Goals Work principles
Morning Creating an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group
  1. All types of activities should be familiar to the children.
  2. Mandatory study of the complex morning exercises.
  3. Activities are planned based on children's requests (games, communication, individual work, etc.).
  4. Any activity should not last longer than 15–20 minutes.
  5. Activities that require lengthy preparation, for example, making appliqués and crafts, are not planned for the morning.
  6. Long-term games (role-playing games, construction games) are also not included in the list of types of work.
  7. Labor activities involving the use of piercing and cutting objects are not included in the list of activities in the morning.
  1. Brief description of the topic of the lesson.
  2. A detailed description of the triune purpose of each lesson (teaching, developmental and educational).
  3. Indication of integrated areas: the main one is written first, and then the accompanying ones in brackets.
  4. Indication of tools and equipment for each lesson.
  5. Description of the goals of didactic games.
  • ensuring active, varied activities;
  • relieving fatigue.
  1. If before the walk there was a dynamic activity (physical education, choreography), then you need to start with observation (of the weather, transport, people’s activities, etc.). If before going outside there was a static lesson (speech development, mathematics), then we start with a sports game.
  2. Mandatory elements of a walk in the middle group are outdoor play, observation, work (in pairs or small groups), conversations on the education of moral qualities, as well as individual work.
Reading fiction
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • education of literary taste;
  • stimulating the desire to learn to read.
  1. The text can be combined with excerpts from cartoons, if such a possibility exists for a particular work.
  2. Reading passages should not be too long.
  3. After completing the reading, children are asked 3-4 questions of a reproductive and problematic nature.
Education of cultural and hygienic skills This block includes:
  • hand washing;
  • table manners;
  • undressing, dressing;
  • self-service.

If such a practice exists in kindergarten, then hardening activities are included in this block.

Evening Give a positive emotional charge to visit the garden tomorrow. This planning stage includes activities such as:
  • all types of games (didactic, outdoor, theatrical) with the use of new toys;
  • holidays and entertainment (held once a week);
  • learning poems and songs;
  • work activity (for example, watering flowers, cleaning toys);
  • individual work;
  • reading;
  • interaction with parents;
  • walk (is an alternative to some other activity in evening time, since it is only possible in good weather).

How to create a daily plan

The standard daily calendar and thematic plan includes:

  • a title page indicating the name of the kindergarten, the names of the teacher and the person accepting and approving the plan;
  • list of guys in the group;
  • a list of types of work with families of pupils;
  • schedule of educational classes for the week;
  • list of activities for 7 days;
  • a list of classes for each day indicating the date;
  • a list of types of joint activities with the teacher;
  • list of types of independent work;
  • a plan for exercises, as well as physical education, breathing and finger exercises.

Table: example of drawing up a daily plan in the senior group (fragments)

Date of:
April 10 (“Nature around us”)
communication development
Cognitive development Speech development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development
First half
Forms of organization
  • conversation: “How I spent my weekend”;
  • didactic game: “Find the plant.”
Slide presentation: “What grows and where?” Conversation: “Let’s talk about the weather this weekend.”
  • morning exercises;
  • gymnastics to strengthen the eye muscles “Butterflies”.
Independent activity Working with the nature calendar Coloring pages on the theme: “Nature and us”
educational activities
9:00 – 9:20 drawing
(composition “Spring Forest”);
9:35 – 10:00 physical education lesson according to the specialist’s plan
16:20 – 16:45 music (according to the specialist’s plan).
I develop spatial
current environment
for support
Slide presentations: “What grows in the forest?”, “Who lives in the forest?”, coloring pages on the topic, books: E. Serova “Lily of the Valley”, E. Serova “Dandelion”. Attributes for games.
Second half
and independent
Forms of organization
KGN: consolidation of the skills to dress neatly, wash, neatly make the bed. Slide presentation: “Who lives in the forest?” Reading: E. Serova “Lily of the Valley”, E. Serova “Dandelion” Examination of P. Yablonovsky’s painting “Spring”.
  • Gymnastics after sleep;
  • outdoor games “Sun and Rain”, “Flowers and Wind”.
Independent activity Coloring pages on the theme: “Nature and us.”
April 11 (“Nature of the native land”)
Speech development Artistic
First half
Forms of organization
Conversations about relationships in nature: “Find a plant”, “Find what I will describe.”
  • slide presentation “Forest”;
  • mini-conversation “What types of forests are there?” (coniferous, deciduous).
Word games: “Describe the object”
  • morning exercises;
  • p/i “Plants”, “Gardener”; finger games: “Our scarlet flowers”.
Independent activity Constructor Free drawing
educational activities
15:15 – 15:40
The world:
"What surrounds us"
11:05 – 11:25
11:35 – 12:00
Speech development;
Teaching storytelling on the topic “My favorite cartoon.”
Physical training
according to the specialist's plan
I develop spatial
current environment
for support
Attributes for didactic games, board-printing, stencils.
Slide presentations on the topic.
View educational cartoons on the topic.
Second half
and independent
Forms of organization
KGN: strengthening the skills of quickly and neatly dressing and making the bed.
  • viewing the slide presentation “Meadow”;
  • familiarization with the rules of nature conservation.
Word games: “Describe the flower” Collage “Flower Kingdom”. Gymnastics after sleep
Independent activity Let us help you set the table.
  • constructor;
  • printed board games, mosaics, puzzles.
Free drawing P/n optional

Daily planning is the organizing principle in working with children. With the help of such a plan, the teacher not only distributes forms of interaction with children between types of activities, but also gets the opportunity to diversify the set of methodological tools. As for the latter, it is important to take into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a specific age category of children. If this requirement is met, the educational process in preschool educational institutions becomes as productive as possible for achieving educational goals.

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Khramenkina Svetlana
Planning educational work in preschool educational institutions

The issue of planning is constantly of interest to preschool teachers. After all, planning the pedagogical process in a group is a rather complex matter, requiring the teacher to have appropriate training, knowledge of the patterns of psychophysiological development of children, and the educational program preschool education, methods and techniques of communication and education.

First of all, let us define that planning is “the study of the future and the outline of an action plan”, the central link of any activity; it includes setting goals, developing rules and sequences of actions, foreseeing and forecasting results.

A properly drawn up work plan brings clarity, predicts difficulties, saves time, increases responsibility, and makes work easier. A plan is not just a reporting document, the main thing in it is work value, advance deliberate selection of the content and forms of upcoming work with children, clear guidelines for the use of official time.

A plan is not a formality, but a necessary condition for successful work with children; the main thing in a plan is not the scheme, the form, but the content. A necessary condition for successful planning is solid knowledge of the program. But knowledge of the program is not the only condition for successful planning. The teacher must know the children in his group well, study each child in the dynamics of his development.

The next condition is joint drawing up of a plan by two teachers working in the same age group. The plan should be drawn up when mandatory participation both teachers, and not in turn, as sometimes happens in practice. Fulfillment of this condition will ensure a unified approach to children, uniform requirements for them, and will increase the responsibility of each teacher for the implementation of the plan and program. Shift teachers should have daily contact in their work, a constant exchange of opinions on the results of observing children: how they learn program material, how they perform their duties, what are their cultural behavior skills, character traits, who plays, how and with whom, etc.

The calendar plan is drawn up on an annual and long-term basis and is finalized taking into account observations of children in the group and their assessment, as well as discussions with other educators and conversations with parents. It is written for every day or for one week and includes various types of activities at the stages of familiarization, mastering and consolidation, and practical application of knowledge. Opening the teacher’s plan, you can see the teacher’s face and his literacy; ability to analyze and plan. His professionalism: knowledge of techniques, age and individual characteristics children of the group, is there contact with specialists and is the planning system traceable.

Exist General requirements to compiling calendar plan, i.e. technology for developing daily planning.

The optimal version of the educational load for children must be determined. Information overload is unacceptable.

Medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration, and features of various regime processes must be taken into account.

Local regional features (climate, natural conditions) are taken into account.

The time of year and weather conditions are taken into account.

Alternation between organized and independent activity children.

Taking into account changes in children’s performance during the week when planning direct educational, joint and independent activities.

Taking into account the level of individual development of children. Using diagnostic results to optimize the educational process and plan individual work with each child.

The indispensable relationship between the process of education, training and development (the triune task when planning GCD)

Regularity, consistency, cyclicality (repetition) of educational influences.

Inclusion of elements of activity that promote emotional release, create a joyful mood in children, and give them pleasure.

Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists working in a group with children. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists

The planned activity is not artificially imposed on children, but is necessarily appropriately motivated when creating necessary conditions. There should be a variety of activities offered to encourage each child to achieve their maximum potential.

In the activities planned by the teacher with children, the annual tasks solved by the preschool educational institution should be reviewed.

Work with parents must be monitored.

There is a certain development technology scheduling with a clear definition of its general algorithm.

Directly educational activities- the main form of development of the child’s integrative qualities

Direct educational activities are planned in accordance with the grid with the obligatory indication of date and day.

Writing structure: GCD type. Subject. Implementable tasks. Source (including author and page). Visual material and equipment.

When planning a lesson, the teacher must, first of all, outline specific tasks that he will solve. The more detailed and specific the tasks are, the easier it is to implement them. The planning must indicate the material needed for classes. Many classes require prep work. It is also indicated in the plan.

Joint activity is the interaction of participants in educational relations during routine moments to implement the tasks of educational areas.

Planning joint activities between the teacher and children

Morning time period.


II half of the day (evening)

An evening walk.

The joint activity of adults and children requires a mandatory relationship with organized learning: it is in the process of this activity that the adult prepares the children for their subsequent acquisition of knowledge in the classroom. In addition, the teacher fills this activity with the content that was not possible to “work out” in the classroom. It is in the process of joint activity that an adult works to consolidate, clarify, and deepen ideas, concepts, and skills. This block is the most saturated with various activities.

To optimize planning, it is advisable to have rituals in the group (for every day or for a week, a month).

Additionally, other rituals may arise in the group. Knowing their list, the teacher,

Firstly, he will not miss the main dominants in working with the guys,

Secondly, he will be able to plan joint activities quite briefly, indicating the main content.

Planning your morning time slot

It is necessary to remember that the morning is a calm, routine moment. The main task pedagogical work in the morning period of time is to include children in the general rhythm of life of the kindergarten, to create in them a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Work is carried out in subgroups and individually. If we talk about frontal work, this could include round dances and quiet activities.

Morning reception is the most favorable time for individual communication between the teacher and each child. During these hours, individual work with children on various types of activities is successfully carried out. This is work to correct and educate children in correct sound pronunciation, to develop oral speech and development of correct intonation, physical education (stimulation of motor activity) and development of fine motor skills. Work on developing hand movements should be carried out regularly. These exercises should be done in all age groups daily. The complex is held at any convenient time of the day.

When planning individual work with children, the teacher specifically indicates the names of those pupils with whom the work will be done and prescribes what kind of work.

The main place is given to the play activities of children: creating conditions for the development of creative games, organizing quiet games (round dance games, with building materials and construction sets, board-printed fun games, sports entertainment and low mobility games. Are planning didactic games. The plan contains the name and goal of the game. It is good to plan short conversations in the morning on pre-planned topics and topics that arose on the children’s initiative, as well as looking at illustrations and albums. When planning specific activities, it is important to consider the nature of the upcoming activities.

If the classes are of a calm nature, requiring mental activity and perseverance of children, such as classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations, learning a poem, retelling, in the morning hours children’s activities are planned, causing them physical activity, and, conversely, if classes involve greater mobility of children (physical education, music), then morning activities should be calmer.

Morning exercises are carried out daily, a complex of morning exercises is planned once every 2 weeks.

When planning morning exercises, you need to pay attention to the correct spelling of planning. A set of morning exercises can be written on a card, or it can be added to the plan. Regardless of this, the following structure must be followed when planning gymnastics:

Part 1 – introductory, in which various types of walking and running are performed,

Part 2 – medium, includes a set of general developmental exercises,

Part 3 is the final one.

The dosage for performing all movements and exercises must be indicated.

Planning a walk

The daily routine for each age group includes two walks: morning and evening (not counting morning appointment children in the air).

The goal of a walk in the first half of the day is to restore strength after exercise and get the maximum positive charge.

When talking about planning a walk, you need to remember that there is a generally accepted structure for a walk.

If there was a physical education or music lesson before the walk, then the walk will begin with observation.

If there were quiet activities, then the walk will begin with active activity.

Observations. Attention should be paid to planning observations. This type of children's walking activity is planned daily. In older groups, you can plan several observations. Observations should be planned in accordance with weather conditions and seasonal time periods. Observations can be planned both short-term and long-term. In the process of observations, carried out both on the initiative of adults and at the request of children, the following develop: aesthetic perception, mental activity, interest in the environment is formed, in cognitive activity. The content of observations alternates rhythmically. Thus, in the process of observation, the child develops comprehensively.

When organizing any types of observations, artistic words should be used: poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, signs.

The teacher should pay special attention to providing active, meaningful, varied and interesting activities for children: games, work, observations, during which a children’s team is formed, positive behavior skills are learned and developed, and children’s ideas about surrounding nature and public life. Planning work to develop movements during a walk should help consolidate, improve games and physical exercises, and increase motor activity children. It is important to choose the right time for games and exercises.

Full planning for the management of children's games requires the teacher to have good knowledge of them, as well as an idea of ​​what games are especially loved by the children of his group, their content, who wants to play with whom, how independent the children are in games, what toys they prefer, etc. It is necessary know how children's games develop from age to age: how their content changes and becomes enriched, children's behavior in play becomes more complex, and their independence increases. All this is important because it is not planned play activity children, and the pedagogical activity of the teacher in guiding the games.

When planning a guide creative games specific tasks of the teacher’s influence on the game are indicated: enriching its content, developing in children the skills to play with certain toys, establishing correct relationships with each other, teaching them new game actions, skills to build a plot, create an environment for play, etc. When In this case, the teacher pays attention not only to joint, collective, but also to individual games of children. The tasks of educating the behavior of preschoolers in play are also set: a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to take into account the interests of others, share toys, fairly resolve conflicts that arise, etc.

All these tasks are planned for long term and are periodically repeated in the plan.

Enriching the content of children's games is one of the main tasks of their management. In terms of work, it is reflected in different ways. For example, the task may be to enrich the content of children's games without indicating their specific topic (“Take part in the games of Nina, Tanya, Vova. Help them choose toys, show actions with them”). Most often this problem is formulated this way in junior groups. In groups of middle and older children school age the teacher, knowing well what and how his students play, can outline the enrichment of the content of specific games; for example: “To help children enrich the content of the children’s library game: library workers not only give books to children, they tell them about interesting works, take care of the order and safety of books, receive new publications”, “Take part in the game “Sailors” together with Ruts. Interested in playing secondary roles.” The plan provides both basic techniques for managing creative games and indirect ways of influencing the players: expanding their knowledge, ideas, creating new game material etc. The teacher can plan his participation in a game on a specific topic and implement it if the game arises. For example: “As a passenger on a ship, take part in the game “Sailors” - help the emergence of new roles (ship doctor, cook). Help girls get involved in playing boys in these roles.”

Enriching the gaming interests of children, the teacher plans new themes for games from time to time. The main condition for including a new topic: children have sufficient knowledge about phenomena related to the theme of the game

Planning for the management of a dramatization game is carried out somewhat differently.

The plan includes preliminary work over children’s mastery of a work of art (fairy tale, story): familiarization with it, repeated reading, telling a story from the characters’ point of view, etc. It is necessary to plan together with the children the production of simple game attributes (elements of costumes, decorations, and then the conduct of the game itself. Game - dramatization is repeated many times, it can become the content of an evening of entertainment, be shown to children of other groups, and be included in the script of one or another holiday. All this is provided for in the plan.

Outdoor games. An important place during the walk is occupied by outdoor games, in which all children in the group take part. When planning outdoor games, it is necessary to observe a number of methodological principles. The number of outdoor games is from one to four. It is important that all students in the group take part in outdoor games. For this purpose, only games familiar to children are planned during the walk. Children are introduced to new games during physical education classes.

On the days of physical education classes, one outdoor game or some kind of physical exercise (sports exercise or exercise in the main type of movement) is organized with children. On other days, when there is no lesson, several outdoor games are planned, a sports exercise and an exercise in the main type of movement (jumping, climbing, throwing, throwing and catching a ball, etc.)

In guiding the work of children, the teacher faces two groups of tasks: developing skills and abilities in various types labor (household, labor in nature, etc.); nurturing a positive attitude towards work and personality traits necessary for the successful performance of work: hard work, responsibility, independence, mutual assistance, etc. The plan must reflect the volume and content of children’s work in its various types (self-service, household chores, children’s work in nature , manual labor, forms of organization, basic management techniques, selection of equipment and tools. It is most rational to plan children’s work according to the forms of its organization. simple form organization of work - instructions, the teacher indicates their content, the children who will be involved in this. As each new assignment becomes available to all children, the teacher indicates in the plan only the names of those who need it. special attention.

The plans systematically reflect the work of duty management. It is definitely planned to introduce a new type of duty in one group or another. The plan indicates the volume and content of children’s work during duty, the distribution of responsibilities between them, the necessary equipment, methods and techniques that will be used to familiarize preschoolers with the tasks of those on duty (observation of the work of adults and peers, demonstration, explanation, etc.) .

When planning shifts, the complexity of children’s work is also reflected in cases where individual preschoolers involved in duty need special attention from the teacher (they do not have sufficient skills, do not know how to organize joint activities, and try to shift their responsibilities to others). For educational purposes, from time to time it is planned to have a conversation with children when transferring duty from one group to another (in senior groups preschool age).

When planning the collective work of children, the teacher indicates the time of its implementation, content, structure (distribution of responsibilities, sequence labor actions, determines the necessary equipment and its placement. Individual work with children in the process of managing their work activities is also planned.

The plan should provide for familiarizing children with the work of adults: observations of the activities of kindergarten staff (they can be carried out in Everyday life, but planned in advance, familiarization with other types of socially useful work of people.

Planning the afternoon

Observations, games, labor, physical exercise and outdoor games. The main place in this period of time is occupied by the varied play activities of children. However, it must be borne in mind that in the evening you should not play games of great mobility, stimulating nervous system children.

After a nap, plan well and labor activity children:

Group room cleaning;

Repair of books, manuals, printed board games;

Washing doll clothes, handkerchiefs, ribbons;

Making homemade toys for your own games and for kids’ games.

Puppet, tabletop, shadow theatres;


Sports, musical and literary leisure;

Listening to audio cassettes and much more.

During this period of time, a musical-aesthetic cycle, work on introducing fine art, and evening entertainment can be planned. To broaden the horizons of children, you can plan artistic reading with continuation, telling fairy tales, viewing reproductions, paintings by classics and modern artists.

In the afternoon there is a daily walk, the content of which includes outdoor games, role-playing games children, work.

Gymnastics after sleep is carried out daily in the afternoon for 5-7 minutes using breathing exercises that help normalize activity of cardio-vascular system, skills training correct breathing. A complex of gymnastics after sleep is also planned once every 2 weeks.

There are forms of work that can be scheduled both in the first half of the day and in the second.

Forms and methods of work on the basics of life safety. (We will save, help, show, teach):

Familiarization with fiction (stories, poems, add-on poems, riddles, puns, songs).

Rhyming rules of safety behavior.

Examination of paintings, subject and subject pictures, albums, posters, illustrations, models, models.

Excursions, targeted walks.

Productive types of children's activities - making posters, layouts together with children.

Conversations with children: on the prevention of false calls, discussion dangerous situations(in older groups).

Trainings (games).

Introducing children to fiction

Reading literary texts should be daily in order to become a habit, to create a ritual of group life. Time for reading should be defined in the daily routine. Reading time is approximately 15-20 minutes in the senior group and 20-25 minutes in the preparatory group. Reading big works of art should be planned for several days in a row (from 2 to 10-12 days, since children must be able to “hold” the sequence of plot events.

When selecting and planning a sequence of texts, the teacher is guided by current events (season, holidays, memorable dates, thematic cycles and the focus of the current interests of the children in the group. The list of children's fiction is determined by the educational program

Organization of work on theatrical activities:

Dramatic activities are planned in the morning and evening hours at unregulated times or may be scheduled as a special activity.

Plan for working with parents

The content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what general garden events will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those events that are carried out by the teacher, but also by the specialists working in this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the organizer will in any case be the teacher.

Work can be scheduled in various forms carrying out:

Parent meetings,

Consultations (individual, group,


Thematic exhibitions,

Occasional conversations with parents,

Joint holidays,

Entertainment and leisure,


Parents' gatherings


Hiking trips,

Participation of parents in the social life of the group, etc.

Any plan is not effective without methodological support, which can be presented in the form of long-term plans, methodological instructions, books, card files.


The world around us has changed, and so have the children. Today's preschoolers are much more capable and sensitive than before. Therefore the main goal modern education– to help each individual fully realize their mental potential, and this special mission is entrusted to teachers of children's educational institutions. Their task, neither more nor less, is to reveal the child’s potential given to him from birth, to educate the personality of a growing person. And this is a big responsibility.

Every age period is an important step in children's development. Pupils of the preparatory group for school are future first-graders, so the main thing they need is positive motivation for learning.

Modern challenge preschool education does not consist in maximizing the acceleration of the child’s development, not in speeding up the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” of school age, but, first of all, in creating for each preschooler all the conditions for the fullest disclosure and realization of his unique, age-specific potential.

A modern kindergarten should become a place where a child gets the opportunity to have broad emotional and practical independent contact with the areas of life that are closest and most significant for his development. Accumulation by a child, under the guidance of an intelligent adult, of valuable experience in knowledge, activity, creativity, comprehension of his capabilities, self-knowledge - this is the path that helps to reveal the age-related potential of a preschooler.

In this regard, preschool educational institutions change the level of children’s preparation for school in accordance with current state requirements (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009), mandatory for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

Contributing authors work program offer daily planning of the pedagogical activities of the teacher according to the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva for preparatory group, according to which the planning of the educational process is divided into educational activities carried out during regime moments; independent activities of children; interaction with children's families on the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

The educational process is built on a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas and is divided into topics that cover a certain time period. Topics help organize information in an optimal way. Older preschoolers have numerous opportunities for practice, experimentation, development of basic skills, and conceptual thinking. The thematic principle of constructing the educational process makes it easy to introduce regional and cultural components and take into account the specifics of a preschool institution*.

This organization of the educational process allows children to develop the following integrative qualities: “physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills”, “inquisitive, active”, “emotionally responsive”, “mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers”, “able to manage his behavior and plan his actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior”, “able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for his age”, “having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature”, “who has mastered the universal prerequisites educational activities", "has mastered the necessary skills and abilities."

The author-compilers express their gratitude to the team of authors of the program “From Birth to School”, developed in accordance with current federal state requirements and which is an innovative general educational program document.

Planning educational work .

Day of the week






1. Outdoor switchgear

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Breathing exercises

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Conversation

7. Independent activity in the play corner.


Work before bed




    Corrective exercises

    Entertainment, leisure

    Listening, singing


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Day of the week

Direct educational activities


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of children's independent activities





1. Outdoor switchgear

2. Articulation gymnastics

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Breathing exercises

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Work on speech development

7. Independent activity in the book corner.


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Work before bed


    Training in cultural and hygienic skills



    Guessing and composing riddles on the topic


    Board and printed games


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Day of the week

Direct educational activities


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of children's independent activities





1. Outdoor switchgear

2. Articulation gymnastics

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Breathing exercises

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Work on musical development

7. Independent artistic activity


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Work before bed


    Training in cultural and hygienic skills



    Musical and educational games

    Entertainment, leisure

    Independent artistic activity


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Day of the week

Direct educational activities


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of children's independent activities





1. Outdoor switchgear

2. Articulation gymnastics

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Breathing exercises

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Work on cognitive development

7. Independent play activities in the physical education corner


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Work before bed


    Training in cultural and hygienic skills


1. HRE

2.Manual labor.

3. Theatrical games.

4. Examination of illustrations and reproductions


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Day of the week

Direct educational activities


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of children's independent activities





1. Outdoor switchgear

2. Articulation gymnastics

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Breathing exercises

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Work on physical development(outdoors).


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

Work before bed


    Training in cultural and hygienic skills


1. HRE

2. Entertainment, leisure

3. View a slide show


1 – 12 (at the teacher’s choice)

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