Home Hygiene Homemade masks to strengthen hair. Homemade masks for strengthening hair, recipes Kefir-yeast mask for strengthening hair

Homemade masks to strengthen hair. Homemade masks for strengthening hair, recipes Kefir-yeast mask for strengthening hair

The root (follicle) of the hair is the organ that determines appearance And inner health curls. The condition of the strands depends on how fully it functions. The sebaceous glands located next to it determine the degree of oiliness of the curls, blood vessels- the amount of oxygen and nutrients entering the shaft of each hair.

If the roots are weakened, they cannot stay in their nests, which leads to strands falling out. If the sebaceous glands do not work properly, we are dealing with dry or oily curls, seborrhea and insufficient protection from external aggressive factors.

If the follicle is depleted, the hairstyle will not have fullness and volume. To prevent such an unfavorable development of events, you can from time to time make masks for the hair roots that nourish and strengthen them.

The best time to think about masks for the roots of your hair is when there are too many fallen strands left on your pillow and in the bathtub, when dandruff is increasingly showering your shoulders with white flakes, when the base of your hair begins to get dirty and greasy too quickly.

All these are signs of the disease hair follicles. They either lack nutrients or are reacting to some internal diseases, or there is impaired blood circulation.

To eliminate all these misfortunes and put your hair in order, root masks will come in handy, the effectiveness of which you can evaluate in the shortest possible time:

  • since the nutrition of the root is improved, the hair is saturated with useful elements and vitamins, and accordingly, it becomes smooth, silky, shiny, and manageable;
  • blood circulation improves, which leads to accelerated growth hair, so with such masks it is possible to grow long braids in a limited amount of time;
  • work is returning to normal sebaceous glands, the production of subcutaneous fat is limited or, conversely, increased, which leads to an improvement in the condition of oily or dry hair;
  • associated with the normalization of gland function protective function: a greasy film can reflect chemical and atmospheric attacks from hair (in the form of ultraviolet radiation, for example);
  • There are special masks to increase volume at the very roots, which leads to thicker curls and the ability to beautifully style them into a voluminous hairstyle.

This effectiveness of masks for hair roots is due to the set of ingredients from which they are prepared. These are ordinary food products, cosmetic and essential oils, decoctions and infusions of herbs.

Naturalness is the best guarantee of the effectiveness of such products. In addition, you need to know the technology for applying such masks, which differs from the use of other similar products.

Rules for applying masks for hair roots

Homemade masks for hair roots differ from regular topics that they are not applied to the hair itself. Their composition is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp - and that’s all. The accompanying massage enhances their effectiveness, as it has a great effect on blood circulation.

Knowing some of the nuances when applying such masks will turn this procedure into real pleasure:

  1. You shouldn’t think that all masks for hair roots are the same: some are aimed solely at strengthening them, others create additional volume, and others are aimed specifically at controlling the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Please pay attention to this when choosing a recipe, which should indicate the features of a particular mask.
  2. Choose recipes that contain only products you know. You must be sure that they will not cause you allergies. If you are not sure about any of them, be sure to do a verification test inside wrists to make sure this product is safe for you. This is especially true for root masks, which come into direct contact with the scalp and can easily cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Some products in such masks must be heated to a certain temperature in a water bath. These are honey, kefir and cosmetic oils. To prevent them from causing the eggs in the mask to curl, stick to a maximum of 35–40 °C. This is a mandatory requirement for root masks, since heat enhances the conduction of beneficial substances through the skin to the cellular level.
  4. Rub the mixture into your scalp using fingertips, slowly and thoroughly. Do not apply the mask to your hair itself.
  5. Be sure to make insulation: wrap your head in a plastic bag and a terry towel.
  6. Leave the mask on longer if there are no spices in it: about an hour or even two.
  7. Rinse your hair thoroughly after the mask so that no pieces remain on the scalp or roots. Shampoos can be used.
  8. Since almost all masks for hair roots have more of a therapeutic than a cosmetic effect, they can be done more often than usual: every two days.
  9. After a month, you need to objectively evaluate the results obtained and either continue making the mask, or change the composition if it turned out to be not entirely effective.

If root masks were made according to all the rules, they very quickly have a beneficial effect on many cellular processes that affect the health and appearance of hair. There is no shortage of recipes; a wide selection allows you to choose good mask to solve your own problem.

Recipes for masks for hair roots

If you need volume from the roots, and you will use a mask to strengthen them, the procedure may not bring desired results.

The dosages are approximate, for the average length of curls (up to the shoulders), so they need to be adjusted in accordance with your individual characteristics.

  1. To strengthen the roots.
    Beat a raw egg and mix with 20 grams of bee pollen. Separately, make a decoction from the string (a tablespoon of raw material per glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes), mix it with the egg-pollen mixture while warm. Add 25 ml of avocado oil, preheated in a water bath. The sequence can be replaced with burdock root, lovage or nettle.
  2. Against hair loss.
    Heat burdock oil and homemade kefir of medium fat content in different water baths. Dissolve one tablespoon of table salt in 100 ml of warm kefir, add 100 ml of warm burdock oil.
  3. Against oily roots.
    Mix raw yolk with a tablespoon of cognac and the same amount of water. Cognac can be replaced with vodka or alcohol.
  4. Against oily roots.
    Mix 50 ml heated in a water bath castor oil with 50 ml of calendula tincture.
  5. To nourish the roots.
    Heat 50 ml of burdock oil and honey in different water baths. After that, mix them, add 2 raw yolks and 50 ml of cognac.
  6. For blood circulation of the scalp.
    Mix mustard powder(1 tablespoon) with granulated sugar (1 teaspoon), dilute with boiling water (50 ml). Separately, combine almond oil (2 tablespoons) with raw yolk and homemade kefir (3 tablespoons), stir thoroughly. Combine all ingredients into one mixture.
  7. Scrub with cleansing effect.
    Dissolve a tablespoon of table salt in 50 ml of warm almond oil, add raw yolk.
  8. For volume at the roots.
    Mix 100 ml of warm milk and 100 ml of vodka.

Now you know all the secrets of choosing and using homemade masks for the hair roots, on which the condition of your curls depends.

If you have any problems with your scalp, be sure to use these recipes: you are guaranteed a competent solution in the shortest possible time.

Be sure to consider the purpose for which you are going to use it.

Long, thick, well-groomed hair has always been an integral part of female beauty and attractiveness. Fortunately, nature has provided many natural restorative remedies, and in order to strengthen your hair, you don’t have to visit an expensive beauty salon. How to strengthen your hair at home, improve your scalp health, stimulate your roots, and make thin strands look full and shiny? They will help you with this simple recipes and simple rules for .

Hair care rules

Before you start strengthening and treating your hair at home, think about whether you are taking good care of your hair? After all, no masks will revive dull and sparse hair if you don’t follow simple rules.

  • use brushes made only from natural materials for combing;
  • Comb your hair thoroughly in the morning and evening, while combining the procedure with a scalp massage;
  • wash your hair with warm water. After washing, always rinse your skin and hair with cool water;
  • when drying frequently with a hairdryer, try to use heat-protective mousses;
  • Eat a balanced diet, hair is very sensitive to a lack of vitamins and microelements.

How to use home remedies

At home, strengthening hair roots with folk remedies should be carried out in compliance with general rules for all cosmetic procedures.

  • regularity. It will take 10-15 sessions to achieve the desired effect;
  • allergy check. Before using new ingredients, the product must be tested on the skin at the elbow;
  • the temperature of applied masks and compresses should be in a comfortable zone, warm, but not hot;
  • any product must be based on quality products. As a rule, masks and wraps are prepared for one-time use, herbal infusions can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and tinctures have a shelf life of about a year.

Problems with hair loss, thinning and slow-growing hair are usually related to the condition of the scalp and hair follicles. Support Thin hair, and you can also strengthen the roots using simple actions or complex masks.

Simple recipes

Strengthening your hair at home is easy to do using simple improvised means. To rinse your hair after washing, use:

  • beer: the smell quickly disappears, and the hair acquires a beautiful and healthy shine;
  • honey: dilute one teaspoon in a liter of water;
  • decoction of herbs: chamomile and nettle in equal proportions.

You can strengthen the roots with natural oils. Apply to the ends of the hair or rub warm into the scalp. Most growth enhancement masks usually contain this oil as their base. Castor oil is rubbed into the scalp. You can add a little to the oil-based mixture pepper tincture or powder hot pepper. A slight burning sensation should be felt when using the product. This stimulates blood circulation in the skin and metabolism inside hair follicles.

Masks made from colorless henna are an excellent way to strengthen the roots. Henna is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3 and applied along the entire length for 30 - 60 minutes, insulate the head with a towel.

How to stimulate hair growth

You can strengthen your hair at home using complex formulations. Recipe for a product with yeast: 30 - 40 g of yeast are mixed with milk and a little pepper tincture is added. Apply to the scalp and along the length of the hair for 25 – 30 minutes. You can strengthen the roots with mustard. Mix 2 tbsp. mustard powder, sunflower or castor oil, one egg yolk. The mask is distributed over the hair roots and left for 10 – 30 minutes.

Another root remedy that is great for strengthening at home is onions and garlic. They are grated and the resulting juice is rubbed into the scalp. The juice can be mixed with burdock decoction and cognac in a ratio of 4:6:1. The resulting mixture is kept for 30 minutes and applied to the roots for 1 - 2 hours. You can strengthen the roots using this recipe: mix one yolk, a spoonful of honey, burdock oil and one crushed clove of garlic.

Recipes for healing roots at home using folk remedies with honey. A honey-onion mask will help strengthen the roots. The onion is ground in a meat grinder and liquid honey is added to the pulp. For 4 parts of onion you need to take 1 part of honey. Distribute over the scalp and leave for 1 hour. Another recipe: honey, yolk and yogurt are mixed in equal quantities, add 5 drops of onion juice and cognac. Apply to hair, wrap in a towel and leave for 1 hour.

To strengthen the roots and hair, you can mix a glass of kefir, 2 yolks and a spoonful of dry mustard. Wrap your head in film and a towel, and leave the mask on for 1 hour. User reviews indicate that after this procedure, the curls become thicker and more voluminous.

You can strengthen your roots using aloe recipes. The juice from the leaves, kept in the refrigerator for a week, is mixed with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 yolk. Apply to damp hair for 1 hour.

Many masks not only strengthen the roots, but also have a beneficial effect on the hair structure. Recipes for root products are given above, but how can you give your hair a shiny and healthy look?

Masks with lamination effect

You can strengthen your hair at home using masks with a lamination effect. Thin hair and split ends can be treated well using the following recipes:

  1. You can strengthen thin hair with a simple gelatin mask. One spoon of gelatin is poured into three spoons and left for 15 - 20 minutes. Distribute the mixture evenly, wrap your head and warm it up with a hairdryer. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.
  2. Milk-based laminating agent. Gelatin is diluted with warm milk, heated slightly and 10 ml of vitamins A and E are added. Apply, wrap in a towel, heat with a hairdryer and after an hour wash off with shampoo.
  3. For hair volume. Add one spoon of colorless henna, honey and mustard to the diluted gelatin, add one yolk. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply for 40 – 60 minutes.

Hair strengthening can be done at home using available products. This is not difficult but will require patience, since to achieve the desired results you will need regular use of masks and rinses for a month or more. Some tools are good to adopt for regular use. Take care of your hair, and your reward will be its well-groomed and beautiful appearance.

Hair with strong and healthy roots will never face problems such as hair loss, slow growth, fragility or split ends. That is why, taking care of the health and beauty of your hair, you need to use products complex action, which care not only for the external part, but also strengthen their roots. Such a product can be a mask for strengthening hair roots, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently from a certain set of ingredients.

Why is it so important to pay attention to the roots? The fact is that the appearance of the hairstyle depends directly on the condition of the roots, which are responsible for nutrition and delivery to each hair of the components necessary for health and beauty. If the roots are weak, then the hair begins to fall out, its fragility and cross-section may begin, which are a consequence of the fact that not all nutrients were able to spread further from the root.

Of course, you need to understand that proper hair care to strengthen it is not only the use of masks, but also healthy image life, proper nutrition, refusal bad habits, taking vitamins and much more. But, nevertheless, hair care using masks should definitely become one of the beauty rituals of every woman who cares about the beauty of her hair.

Folk recipes

Caring for hair in order to strengthen its follicles and restore damaged structure using home remedies does not require large financial costs, but sometimes it allows you to get simply excellent results. Homemade masks do not always allow you to get quick results, but with regular use they will definitely have a positive effect on the condition and appearance of your hair. Hair care, depending on its type, involves the use of different masks and sometimes, in order to really find your product, you will need to try several recipes.

Products with sea salt

Sea salt is one of those inexpensive and accessible products that can help strengthen hair follicles, especially if your scalp is prone to oily skin. Hair care using salt can vary. The easiest way is to take a small amount sea ​​salt, apply to the scalp and massage for several minutes, thereby stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and helping to improve nutrition of the hair follicles.

A sea salt mask is also quite effective. To prepare it you need to take:

  • 3 tablespoons of kefir;
  • 2 tablespoons of burdock oil;
  • salt.

To prepare this product, you need to take such an amount of salt that you end up with a pasty consistency. The mask is applied to the scalp with massage movements and left for 30-40 minutes. For convenience, during this time you can wrap your head in a towel, preferably not a new one, as oil stains may remain on it. Rinse off the product first with water and then with shampoo. At the end of the procedure, it would be a good idea to rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark, the use of which is also very useful.

Products containing alcohol

Hair care for the purpose of restoring it and strengthening hair follicles is often carried out using home cosmetics prepared with alcohol. These can be alcoholic tinctures of herbs, cognac or regular vodka. The effectiveness of this approach is based on the fact that when alcohol gets on the skin, it causes blood flow to this place, which in turn guarantees the strengthening of hair follicles, as well as the restoration of damaged hair.

A mask with an alcohol tincture of hot pepper has double effectiveness, because it will stimulate blood circulation in the scalp not only with alcohol, but also with pepper. To prepare this mask you need to take:

  • 2 tablespoons of pepper tincture;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of burdock oil.

Combine all ingredients together as much as possible, because it is quite difficult to completely mix oil, water and alcohol, and apply to the scalp for up to 1 hour. During this time, you may experience some discomfort and burning, which is normal. If the burning becomes too strong and unpleasant, the mask should be washed off ahead of time.

An excellent option for strengthening hair follicles would be a mask with cognac and onion juice, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of castor oil;
  • a tablespoon of cognac;
  • a tablespoon of onion juice;
  • a tablespoon of capsicum tincture;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 yolk.

To prepare the mask, simply combine all the ingredients together, mix well and apply to your head for a period of 1 hour. For preventive purposes, the mask can be done 2-3 times a month, but for treating damaged hair - 1-2 times a week.

Home remedies with herbs

Various plant components, including herbs, can be used quite effectively to restore damaged hair and strengthen it. While some of them can be used in pure form, rubbing their juice into the scalp, then decoctions or infusions, as well as alcohol tinctures, are prepared from others.

Nettle is one of the most popular plants used to maintain beautiful hair. It is recommended to use its decoction regularly to rinse the scalp, and rub an alcohol infusion made from 200 grams of vodka and nettle leaves into the roots of damaged hair.

No less popular is burdock root, from which decoctions are prepared, and the juice is also squeezed out and used for rubbing into the scalp.

Industrial production means

On store shelves there is a fairly extensive selection of cosmetics that promise to make hair care simple and effective. Such cosmetics are produced both by well-known and well-advertised brands, and by manufacturers that have not yet managed to loudly declare themselves. The cost of the product can be very different, ranging from hundreds to thousands of rubles. How much is this cosmetics better than that one What can you cook yourself?

The main advantage of store-bought products is that they are ready for use and one bottle is enough for at least several uses, while homemade masks need to be prepared fresh each time.

Masks sold in stores often contain the same ingredients that are used to prepare home remedies, although sometimes you can find such rather unusual ingredients as silk proteins, extracts of exotic plants, etc.

So what should you choose? If you have the time and desire to try homemade cosmetics prepared with your own hands, it is better to start with it, because such hair care does not require large financial costs. If you don’t have much free time and don’t want to spend it on creating homemade cosmetics, then you can try store-bought products, but giving preference to products famous brands. The best option in this case may be professional cosmetics, which is better to choose with the help of a hairdresser.

Learn more:

Folk remedies that help strengthen hair

Using folk remedies for hair care. Strengthening hair with traditional methods. Recipes for preparing effective strengthening masks and infusions.

Herbs for strengthening hair (nettle, henna and others)

Using herbs to strengthen hair. Nettle, henna, chamomile, burdock and other herbs like available funds hair care. Hair problems and ways to solve them.

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Head mesotherapy - effective remedy to strengthen hair. The procedure stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens hair, activates its growth, eliminates dandruff.

Folk remedies for hair growth and strengthening with hops

Folk remedies for hair growth and strengthening with hops. Cone extract activates metabolic processes, preventing baldness. A universal remedy. grandma's recipes.

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Thick and beautiful hair– this is the main indicator that a woman is healthy. To achieve positive result It is necessary to constantly take care of your hair. A large number of hair cosmetics are now offered, but not all products are useful. Hair cosmetics contain many chemical components. To strengthen the hair roots, it is best to use homemade masks containing natural ingredients. It is not recommended to use everything, first you need to find out what type of hair you have.

What types of hair are there?

Before rubbing the mask into the roots of your hair, be sure to determine your type; the type of product will depend on this.

Normal hair

  • They have a healthy appearance.
  • They for a long time do not become oily and are not dry.
  • Excellent volume retention.

IN in this case A kefir mask would be ideal for the roots.

Greasy hair

  • Constant sticking of hairs is noticeable.
  • Hair is drooping and lacks volume.
  • They get fat quickly.

For this type of hair, masks with rye bread and ground parsley.

Dry hair

  • They are characterized by excessive dryness and rigidity.
  • Hair constantly gets tangled and cannot be combed.
  • Dull.
  • It is noticeable that the woman dyed her hair or had it permed.

In this case healing agent Burdock oil will be used for the hair roots, with its help you can revive and improve the hair structure.

Using folk recipes masks for hair roots, you will save a lot and get the expected effect. To prepare a cosmetic product, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • Various vegetables and fruits.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.

Video: Mask for oily roots and dry ends. Hair mask at home. Mask for hair at home

  • Gelatin.
  • Vinegar.
  • Pepper.
  • Be sure to add it to your masks different types oils, decoctions medicinal herbs. Also keep in mind that root masks are applied 30 minutes or an hour before washing your hair. After you have applied the mask, give your scalp a light massage so you work on the hair roots. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

    Video: Caring for oily hair and hair roots. Hair masks at home Beauty Ksu

    Oil masks for hair roots

    One of the best means To improve the appearance of hair, masks containing essential oils are used. With their help, you can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the roots, accelerate hair growth, they perfectly nourish the hair roots. Oil masks improve the condition of the scalp. This is the best preventive remedy for dandruff and seborrhea.

    Video: Mask for hair volume (cocoa, kefir, egg). Hair masks at home Beauty Ksu

    Interesting! American scientists conducted an experiment. One half of the women needed to use masks with essential oil, while the other half simply used oil. For 6 months, participants had to rub oils into their heads every day, doing a special massage. As a result, women who used masks with essential oils had strong, healthy and beautiful hair. Especially those who had dry and lifeless hair before the experiment. The second group of women, who used regular oils, did not notice such a result. This leads to the conclusion that it is periodically necessary to delight the hair roots with essential oils and light massage heads.

    Healing burdock oil for hair roots

    Since ancient times, burdock oil has been used for hair care. If you regularly use products with burdock oil, you will not have to save yourself from hair loss. Before preparing the cosmetic product, you need to warm the burdock oil a little. Be sure to additionally add the following ingredients: a teaspoon of cocoa and 2 egg yolks. Be sure to distribute the mask evenly over your entire head, wrap your hair in plastic and a terry towel. To better absorb the product, warm it up. Leave the mask on for about an hour, then rinse with water and vinegar (add a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water). Follow the mask for two weeks.

    Video: Hair mask at home with Burdock Oil, Honey, Yolk, Onion Video tutorial

    Vitamin balm for hair roots

    A balm with lemon, onion and garlic juice is especially useful (take a tablespoon of each juice), then add mayonnaise and honey a tablespoon at a time. The mask is rubbed into the roots with massage movements, then insulated. Stay with the mask for about 2 hours. To get rid of the smell of garlic and onions, use water solution(dilute a tablespoon of dry mustard in a glass of warm water).

    Mask with cabbage and peach juice

    This vitamin remedy, which significantly improves the hair structure. Preparing the mask is not difficult: take peach and cabbage juice (no more than two tablespoons), egg yolk, 20 grams of cognac and the same amount of honey. Take a special wide-toothed comb and distribute it over the roots. Walk around with the mask for about 2 hours. The course of therapy is 3 months.

    Simple Hair Root Remedies

    • Shampoo with carrots . If you want your hair to be silky and soft, you need to use carrot shampoo. The product is easy to prepare: take vegetable oil– 20 grams, the same amount of lemongrass juice, added at the end carrot juice– 4 tablespoons.
    • Kefir mask . Take a bag of colorless henna and a glass of kefir. The mask is done twice a week. After a while, the hair becomes shiny and strong.
    • Yogurt mask . Be sure to use natural yogurt, it contains useful material. You will need 500 ml of fermented milk product and 2 tablespoons of ground plantain leaves. The mask lasts for 30 minutes. Use at the beginning and end of pregnancy.
    • Glycerin mask for hair roots, in addition to nourishing and strengthening hair follicles. To prepare you need to take a raw egg, glycerin - a teaspoon, the same amount apple cider vinegar. Leave the product for 30 minutes.
    • Rye bread mask perfectly strengthens hair. The preparation of the cosmetic product is very simple: take oak bark (a tablespoon), gruel with onion peel (2 tablespoons), add 3 tablespoons of softened bread. Sit with the mask for about 40 minutes.

    So, if you want to have strong healthy hair, you need to select effective mask. Be sure to take into account your hair type, otherwise the product will not help, but will only worsen its appearance.

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    Shiny and healthy hair is not just an adornment for every woman, it is evidence that everything is in order in the body.

    But, unfortunately, in modern conditions It's hard to keep your hair strong in life. Polluted air, the chemicals we eat, smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun and sharp changes temperatures weaken the hair and make it thin and weak.

    You should maintain your beauty with homemade masks to strengthen your hair at least once a week, and then enjoy compliments every day.

    How to strengthen your hair

    There are several rules for hair care. Follow them in order to minimize Negative influence environment on hair:

    • Wash your hair with soft water: boiled or rain. Do not soften water with soda or borax.
    • After washing your hair with shampoo, rinse with herbal decoctions to strengthen your hair.
    • Comb your hair dry in different directions.
    • Do it once every one to two weeks homemade strengthening masks.

    First of all, strengthening hair begins with healing the scalp and nourishing the hair follicles. In addition, it is possible to nourish the hair itself and, accordingly, prolong its life. There are many different masks that strengthen hair. These are juice-based masks, herbal infusions, oils, dairy products and eggs.

    Masks based on vegetable and fruit juices

    • Melon. Perfectly strengthens hair if you rub the juice into the scalp with massaging movements. After rubbing, let the juice dry and wash your hair.
    • Cucumber. Cucumber juice, rubbed into the roots of the hair, nourishes the scalp several times a week; in addition, distributed throughout the hair, it perfectly moisturizes the hair and prevents its fragility. Cucumber juice does not need to be washed off.
    • Carrot. Carrot juice is especially good for giving hair a golden hue, it eliminates hair breakage and nourishes the hair follicles, giving hair a healthy look.
    • Cabbage. Cabbage juice strengthens hair and gets rid of dandruff. Rub it into your scalp. If the smell of cabbage does not irritate you, you don’t have to wash off the juice.
    • Onion. To strengthen hair, it is recommended to rub 1-3 tablespoons of onion pulp into the scalp 1-2 times a week. Then wrap your head in heat for two hours. Afterwards rinse with shampoo. The mask also gives shine to hair and eliminates dandruff.

    Homemade masks based on herbs and plants

    • Henna. Colorless henna good way to strengthen oily hair. Take half a glass of boiling water and pour it over a tablespoon of henna. You should get a paste that should be rubbed into your scalp and hair. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with water.
    • Burdock roots. Boil one part of finely chopped roots for 10-15 minutes in 10 parts of water. Leave for 2 hours. Rub the decoction into the hair roots. Wash your hair after the procedure if desired. The mask strengthens hair follicles and enhances hair growth.
    • Nettle. This plant has been used to strengthen hair since the 16th century. Pour a tablespoon of crushed dry nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour in a dark place. Strain and rub the infusion into the scalp, distribute through the hair without drying it. Let your hair dry. Nettle not only nourishes and strengthens hair, but also eliminates dandruff and accelerates hair growth.
    • Burdock juice. One of the best strengthening agents. Rub burdock juice into the roots of your hair. Wrap your head under a shower cap and towel for 2 hours. Then wash off with shampoo.
    • Coltsfoot. Take 3 tablespoons of coltsfoot and nettle and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour and strain. Rub the infusion into your scalp and distribute it through your hair. Without wiping, let them dry. The infusion strengthens hair and eliminates dandruff.
    • Oak bark. Mix equal parts oak bark and onion peel. Fill a glass of the mixture with a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for an hour. Cool and strain. Moisten your hair and scalp with the decoction. Hide your hair under a shower cap and towel, and after 2 hours, rinse with warm water without soap. Please note that onion peels dye your hair a golden hue.
    • Poplar buds. They are used to prepare a strengthening ointment for hair. The buds should be collected during the swelling period and dried in a cool place. Take dried poplar buds and internal lamb fat in a ratio of 1:10. Place them in layers in a fireproof dish, the last layer should be lard. Seal the container tightly and place in the oven for 24 hours in the following mode: when the mixture boils, turn off the oven and let it cool without removing it from the oven. Then bring to a boil again, etc. Strain the hot mixture through cheesecloth. Rub the ointment into the scalp at least 24 hours before washing your hair.
    • St. John's wort. The mask strengthens and heals hair. Infuse a tablespoon of dry St. John's wort herb in half a liter of vodka for a week in a dark place. Rub into scalp 2 times a week. Store the tincture in a tightly closed bottle.
    • Herbal infusion. Take equal parts of plantain, stinging nettle, sage, chamomile and oregano. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour, strain. Add black bread crumb to the infusion until you get a paste. Rub the warm mixture into your scalp. Cover your head with plastic and a scarf for 2 hours. Then wash with water without soap.

    Strengthening hair with oil-based masks

    • Castor oil with rum. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities. Rub the mixture into the scalp an hour before washing your hair.
    • Oil mixture. Mix equal parts of olive, almond and castor oils, rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap your hair for an hour, soaked in hot water towel. After shampooing, apply to hair spoiled milk or beaten fresh egg. After half an hour, rinse your hair again with cool water. The mask heals, nourishes and strengthens dry hair.
    • Castor oil with salicylic acid. To strengthen your hair, rub a mixture of 60 g of castor oil, 60 g of alcohol, 20 g of salicylic acid and 5 g of acetic acid.
    • Burr oil. Grate 75 g of fresh burdock roots, add 200 g olive oil. Leave for 24 hours, then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and squeeze. Rub the oil into the scalp 1-2 hours before washing. The oil nourishes, strengthens and gives hair a healthy shine.
    • Castor and corn oils. At normal type It is recommended to rub a mixture of equal parts of oils into the scalp half an hour before washing.

    Other hair strengthening products

    • Mask for strengthening oily hair. Mix an egg yolk, a teaspoon each of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice with one grated clove of garlic. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap your hair under plastic and a towel for half an hour. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with nettle infusion. Other masks for oily hair.
    • Mask for weak hair . Take an egg yolk and mix it with the juice of one onion, a tablespoon of burdock oil, a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of baby liquid soap. Apply the mixture to your scalp, hide your hair under a shower cap and a warm towel for 2 hours. Then rinse your hair with water.
    • Bone marrow. Boil 250 g of beef marrow from the bones with a small amount of water and strain through a sieve. Mix the resulting liquid with a teaspoon of alcohol. Pre-wash your hair and rub the prepared mixture into the scalp on damp hair. Soak a towel in hot water, wring it out and wrap it around your head. As the towel cools, repeat the procedure 4-5 times. At night, rub the mixture in again and wrap your head under plastic and a cap. In the morning, wash your hair again, massaging the hair roots well. The mask is used to strengthen hair roots and improve scalp health.

    How else can you strengthen your hair?

    To maintain the effect of masks and additional hair care, rinse after each hair wash. It could be bread kvass or beer. Infusions of chamomile, plantain, calendula, birch leaves or burdock for dry hair (see also other masks for dry hair). Or infusions of nettle, burdock root, birch buds for oily hair. The herbs can be used together or separately. There is no need to wash them off with water. The main thing is to do the procedures regularly.

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