Home Stomatitis How to take anaferon for prevention in adults. How to take Anaferon for adults, children, and during pregnancy: expert recommendations

How to take anaferon for prevention in adults. How to take Anaferon for adults, children, and during pregnancy: expert recommendations

Doctors consider ARVI the most common group of diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract of humans. The concept of ARVI combines rhinovirus, adenovirus and respiratory infections. During the development and spread of the virus in the body, the condition may be complicated by an associated bacterial infection. Leading world pharmaceutical experts have developed the drug Anaferon. The medicine belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines and is used for treatment and prevention. The drug stimulates the production of antibodies to human interferon gamma. It is these antibodies that provide reliable protection the body from many pathogens transmitted by airborne droplets. Anaferon, due to its immunomodulatory and antiviral effects on the body, is prescribed for prevention and in complex therapy influenza, acute respiratory and viral infections.

Anaferon for children and adults contains special proteins - C200, C12 and C30, which help increase the body's resistance to infections of viral origin. At the same time, the protective function of the immune system is enhanced, processes are activated that allow you to quickly and effectively fight viral and infectious diseases.

Human antibodies to interferon gamma are part of a resurgent complex molecule affected by the virus. In the body, they are a natural barrier against pathogens, suppressing their further reproduction and spread.

List of auxiliary components:

  1. Calcium stearate. An element of the drug that is involved in the normalization of the activity of internal organs and systems, including the immune system.
  2. Lactose. It acts as an excellent source of energy, increases vitality during viral diseases, and helps absorb calcium in the body.
  3. Microcrystalline cellulose. The substance is involved in the cleansing and removal of harmful bacteria from the body, improves microflora.

Release form

The drug Anaferon is released in the form of tablets that dissolve in the mouth. The tablets are white. One package of the drug contains 1 or 2 blisters, each blister contains 20 tablets. Instructions for use are included.

pharmachologic effect

The human immune system is a set of complex interconnected and interdependent subsystems of the body. If the connection of links is disrupted or one of them falls out, the protective function weakens and illness occurs. The effectiveness of Anaferon is explained by the fact that it restores the correct structure of the immune system and increases the production of necessary antibodies in the body.

How Anaferon works:

  1. It has a direct effect on the system of endogenous interferons, as well as cytokines (this is a type of protein that is generated in our body with the help of immune cells) that are associated with them.
  2. Participates in the induction of the formation of gamma interferon and “early” interferons (In the human body there are three types of interferons - α, β and γ. Each group of interferons is responsible for fighting different types viruses).
  3. Increases the activity of macrophages, which leads to a decrease in concentration harmful microorganisms. What are macrophages? In our body there live special cells that are designed to fight, capture and digest harmful bacteria, the remains of dead cells, as well as other particles that are toxic and foreign to us. In the immune system, they occupy the first line of defense against pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Causes an increase in antibody production.
  5. Reduces intoxication, which often accompanies ARVI, providing more fast recovery.

Important! Before taking the medicine, be sure to read the instructions.

The drug can be used independently, but is more often combined with antibiotics and other drugs of different pharmacological groups.

Indications for use

Anaferon is prescribed:

  • for the treatment and prevention of influenza;
  • in complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • to eliminate herpes and cytomegalovirus infections;
  • for the correction of immunodeficiency states and secondary infections that occur as a complication of influenza and ARVI.

Important! Any medications, including homeopaths and immunomodulators, should be prescribed only by specialists. Otherwise, they can aggravate the course of the disease and cause negative consequences.

The drug helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of infectious and viral diseases, including pain syndrome in the throat, elevated temperature, runny nose, migraine, chills. In the complex therapy of ARVI, anaferon can speed up recovery and prevent complications of the underlying disease. The drug eliminates the need to take other medications with antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Directions for use and doses

To prevent viral diseases, the daily dosage of the drug is equal to one tablet, which should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Allowed for use by adults and children starting from 1 month of age. For a child from 1 to 3 months, the tablet is dissolved in one tablespoon of water at room temperature.

Advice! To achieve maximum therapeutic effect Anaferon is taken when the very first symptoms of a cold, flu, or ARVI occur.

Anaferon for ARVI is taken according to the following scheme:

If improvements in health are not observed on the third day and subsequent days of taking Anaferon, you should additionally consult your doctor.

Analogues, comparison of drugs

Comparison of Anaferon with other drugs prescribed for ARVI:

  1. Ergoferon. Anaferon, like Ergoferon, contains antibodies to interferon gamma. These substances penetrate the bloodstream and help stimulate the synthesis of protective proteins. Anaferon actively works against viruses in the first day of infection, and later it is more effective as a prophylactic agent. In comparison with Anaferon, Ergoferon has a more prolonged period of action, providing positive result even with delayed treatment. These antiviral drugs help prevent bacterial complications of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and colds.
  2. Aflubin. Anafern and Aflubin are different in composition and mechanism of action, but the effectiveness of the drugs is equivalent. Aflubin is based exclusively on plant components, while Anaferon is made up of gamma globulin proteins. Aflubin suppresses inflammatory process, quickly relieves pain, eliminates fever, relieves swelling. Anaferon's action is aimed at increasing natural protective function body.
  3. Viferon. In comparison with Anaferon, the drug has the same pharmachologic effect, the difference between them lies in the form of release. Viferon is rectal suppositories. The active substances of Viferon reach their target faster, so the effectiveness of the drug is slightly higher. To prevent a viral infection, you can use any drug, while full treatment is best done with Viferon.
  4. . The drugs Arbidol and Anaferon have a similar mechanism of action on the body - both accelerate the production of interferons. On Anaferon’s side, a smaller number was recorded side effects. However, in terms of suppression speed unpleasant symptoms and therapeutic effectiveness, Arbidol is in the lead.
  5. Genferon. Anaferon stimulates the production protective antibodies at the expense of the body’s own reserves, so it is recommended to use it from the very beginning of the disease. The action of Genferon is based on artificially synthesized interferon, due to which the start of its use can occur at any stage of the disease. As ARVI progresses, the drugs have the same effectiveness.
  6. . The drug Grippferon is based on a highly effective recombinant interferon. The product is sprayed directly onto the mucous membranes, preventing local reproduction and spread of many viruses that enter the body through external respiratory organs. Anaferon is available in tablets, so to achieve the final goal, the drug must pass through the stomach and intestines.
  7. Cycloferon. Wide range biological activity Cycloferon allows us to call it equivalent to Anaferon. The products have identical indications for use, they have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, they are used in the treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial infections. Cycloferon has proven itself positively in medical practice, this is officially registered medicinal drug. Anaferon, in contrast, belongs to homeopathic remedies.
  8. . The drugs Anaferon and Kagocel are identical in their effect on the body - they enhance the immune response to flu and colds. An additional advantage of Kagocel is that it contains antiviral components. You can start treatment with Kagocel even in an advanced state. Therapeutic effect Kagocel is strengthened by improving the formula of the drug - it includes a biopolymer.

Only a doctor can select the appropriate medication for prevention and treatment. The specialist must pay due attention to the actual symptoms, duration of the disease, associated complaints, individual characteristics, the patient’s age and possible contraindications.


The drug Anaferon is prohibited for use by persons who have individual intolerance to its constituent components.

Lactose is present among the ingredients of the medicine. For this reason, it is not prescribed to people who suffer from congenital galactosemia, malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactose deficiency.

Anaferon for children has the following contraindications:

  • infancy up to 1 month;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects and overdose

If you follow the instructions attached to the drug, as well as the dosage of the drug taken, which was determined by the attending physician, the risk of overdose symptoms is reduced to zero. Anaferon can be used even by infants, and tablets can be given daily, with continuous therapy for 3 months. In most cases, symptoms of overdose occur in children under 1 year of age, because their immunity is not yet fully formed, so the body’s reaction to such drugs can be unpredictable.

Taking Anaferon is rarely accompanied by the appearance adverse reactions. If any occur, this can be explained by the individual reaction of the body to the constituent components.

List of possible side effects:

  • pain syndrome;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • flatulence.

Such emerging symptoms require urgent discontinuation of the medication and repeated contact with a specialist.

Prevention of viral diseases is a whole complex of measures, an important part of which is the seasonal intake of immunomodulatory drugs. To further strengthen your immune system, you need to eat right, avoid bad habits, lead healthy image life. If it was not possible to avoid the development of infection, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible, immediately after the first symptoms appear. characteristic features. Only with strict adherence to medical prescriptions, dosage and recommendations can one hope for a quick recovery without consequences.

Active substance

Affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma

Release form, composition and packaging

Lozenges from white to almost white, flat-cylindrical in shape, with a notch and a chamfer; on the flat side with a mark there is the inscription MATERIA MEDICA, on the other flat side there is the inscription ANAFERON.

* applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10 -15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 0.267 g, microcrystalline cellulose - 0.03 g, magnesium stearate - 0.003 g.

20 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

With preventive and medicinal use the drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Experimentally and clinically established effectiveness against influenza viruses, parainfluenza viruses herpes simplex Types 1 and 2 (labial herpes,), other herpes viruses ( chicken pox, Infectious mononucleosis), enteroviruses, virus tick-borne encephalitis, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (PC virus). The drug reduces the concentration of the virus in the affected tissues, affects the system of endogenous interferons and associated cytokines, induces the formation of endogenous “early” interferons (IFN α/β) and interferon gamma (IFN γ).

Stimulates the humoral and cellular immune response. Increases the production of antibodies (including secretory IgA), activates the functions of T-effectors, T-helpers (Tx), normalizes their ratio. Increases the functional reserve of Tx and other cells involved in the immune response. It is an inducer of a mixed Tx1- and Th2-type immune response: it increases the production of Th1 (IFN γ, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4, 10) cytokines, normalizes (modulates) the balance of Th1/Th2 activities. Increases the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells (NK cells). Has antimutagenic properties.


Modern sensibility physical and chemical methods analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) does not allow assessing the content of the active components of the drug Anaferon in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it technically impossible to study pharmacokinetics.


  • prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza);
  • complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses (chickenpox, labial herpes, genital herpes);
  • complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection, incl. labial and genital herpes;
  • complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus;
  • as part of complex therapy of bacterial infections;
  • complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, incl. prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections.



The drug is taken orally, not during meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

ARVI, flu, intestinal infections, herpesvirus infections, neuroinfections

On the 1st day take 8 tablets. according to the following scheme: 1 tab. every 30 minutes in the first 2 hours (total 5 tablets in 2 hours), then during the same day take another 1 tablet. 3 times at equal intervals. On the 2nd day and further, take 1 tablet. 3 times a day until complete recovery.

If there is no improvement on the 3rd day of treatment with the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

IN epidemic season for preventive purposes The drug is taken daily 1 time/day for 1-3 months.

Genital herpes

At acute manifestations genital herpes the drug is taken at regular intervals according to the following scheme: 1-3 days - 1 tablet. 8 times/day, then 1 tablet. 4 times/day for at least 3 weeks.

For prevention of relapses of chronic herpes virus infection- 1 tablet/day. The recommended duration of the preventive course is determined individually and can reach 6 months.

When using the drug for treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency conditions, in complex therapy of bacterial infections- take 1 tablet/day.

If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Side effects

Possible allergic reactions and manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


No cases of overdose have been reported to date. In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.

Drug interactions

No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been identified to date.

Is homeopathic medicine. It is an aid in the fight against colds, influenza, ARVI, including laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, and helps reduce required doses anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs that are harmful to the body.

Instructions for use:

The drug is used for secondary immunodeficiency conditions of various etiologies, cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, as well as for the prevention possible complications for viral infections.

Anaferon is used for safe treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI, is effective when the first symptoms of the disease appear, in the advanced stage of the disease, in the stage of complications, as well as during the period of prevention. Important Feature the drug is the possibility of its use in patients at risk. The effectiveness of Anaferon is combined with safety and the absence of side effects.

Important: The description of the drug Anaferon is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor.

Pharmacological properties

When used prophylactically and therapeutically, the drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Experimental and clinical efficacy has been established against influenza viruses (including avian influenza), parainfluenza, herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (labial herpes, genital herpes), other herpes viruses (varicella, infectious mononucleosis), enteroviruses, tick-borne virus encephalitis, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RS virus).

The drug reduces the concentration of the virus in the affected tissues, affects the system of endogenous interferons and associated cytokines, and induces the formation of endogenous “early” interferons and interferon gamma.

Stimulates the humoral and cellular immune response.

Increases the production of antibodies (including secretory IgA), activates the functions of T-effectors, T-helpers (Tx), normalizes their ratio. Increases the functional reserve of Tx and other cells involved in the immune response.

It is an inducer of a mixed Txl and Th2 type of immune response: it increases the production of Txl (IFN, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4, 10) cytokines, normalizes (modulates) the balance of Th1/Th2 activities. Increases the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells (EK cells). Has antimutagenic properties.

Indications for use of Anaferon

Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza).

Complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • chicken pox;
  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes).

Complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection, including labial and genital herpes.

Complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus.

Use as part of complex therapy of bacterial infections.

Complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, including prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. For one dose – 1 tablet (keep in mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals).


Treatment should begin as early as possible - when the first signs of an acute viral infection appear according to the following scheme - in the first 2 hours the drug is taken every 30 minutes, then during the first 24 hours three more doses are taken at equal intervals.

If there is no improvement, on the third day of treatment with the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

For acute manifestations of genital herpes, the drug is taken at regular intervals according to the following scheme: days 1-3 – 1 tablet 8 times a day, then 1 tablet 4 times a day for at least 3 weeks.


During the epidemic season of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the drug is taken daily for prophylactic purposes, once a day for 1-3 months.

To prevent relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection - 1 tablet per day. The recommended duration of the preventive course is determined individually and can reach 6 months.

Immunodeficiency conditions

When using the drug for the treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency conditions, in complex therapy of bacterial infections, take 1 tablet per day. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Features of application

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

Side effects

When using the drug according to the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages side effects not found. Manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.

Interaction with other drugs

No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been identified to date. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral, antibacterial and symptomatic agents.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


No cases of overdose have been reported to date. In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Anaferon in pregnant women and during lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Pregnant women should take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and very carefully. When taking the drug with various antipyretics and painkillers, the dosage of the latter can be significantly reduced, the drug can reduce the likelihood of various severe complications.

Taking Anaferon during pregnancy is allowed in very low doses starting from a period of six months, when the main internal organs the unborn child is fully formed. Due to the excipients in the drug, minor allergic reactions are possible.


Children and persons under 18 years of age are advised to use the drug Anaferon for children.

Anaferon, taken in small doses, has a very gentle effect on the child’s body, without causing toxic effects or other side effects. Therefore, the drug is recommended for children to take for prevention during epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Children's Anaferon reduces the number of viral cells in diseased tissues, stimulates the immune system, helping it cope with pathogens.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you must immediately give the child Anaferon. In this case, you need to drink the drug every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours. Then, within 24 hours, the child should take 3 more tablets with an interval of 8 hours between each dose.

On the second and subsequent days, children are given medicine three times a day. It is necessary to take the tablets until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely. If the child’s condition has not improved after three days of treatment, then it is necessary to urgently show the patient to a doctor.

If the immune system If the child does not work well enough, and he often gets sick, then during epidemics it is recommended to use Anaferon as a prophylactic agent. IN in this case The medicine is taken daily, 1 tablet for 1-3 months.

Anaferon price

Price 175–208 rub.

Anaferon's analogues

Most effective means The following drugs are considered to have an antiviral effect:

  • Kagocel;
  • Arbidol;
  • Aflubin.

The composition of these drugs is not identical.

What is Anaferon really? Is its widespread use justified? Can he do any harm? The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky quite often has to answer these questions.


Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky - pediatrician highest category, born in Ukraine. Gained widespread fame after a series of publications and books for adults about children's health. He has a rare talent for doctors - to explain to parents who are far from medicine in simple language complicated things. This was noticed by representatives of the media space, now Komarovsky is a famous TV presenter, the author of the program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” and the author of a column about health on Russian Radio. Lives in Ukraine. The doctor is extremely popular among millions of mothers and fathers in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as abroad.

About the drug

"Anaferon" - homeopathic remedy. The doses of active substances in solutions in it are presented in negligible quantities.

Like any other homeopathic remedy, Anaferon has almost no side effects or contraindications, at least, this is what the instructions for use say.

Pharmacies sell lozenges or chewable tablets “Anaferon” and “Anaferon for children”. You don’t have to be a great detective and have an incredible method of deduction to understand that the division into adult and children’s dosages is nothing more than a marketing ploy, since the concentration of the main active ingredient in them is absolutely the same - 3 mg. This is written on the packages.

The instructions indicate that Anaferon has an immunomodulatory effect and an immunostimulating effect against viruses. In addition, it is emphasized that the drug enhances the immune response at the cellular level, however, the mechanism of such an effect is not indicated at all, as is done in the instructions in official pharmaceutical preparations.

Manufacturers recommend starting to take the drug as early as possible - at the first signs of the onset of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection according to a special scheme - the first 2 hours - every half hour, a tablet, then three more doses at equal time intervals, and then - a tablet three times a day until recovery.

For the purpose of prevention, “Anaferon” is recommended to be taken twice a year for 1-6 months, 1 tablet per day during periods of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections.


It should be noted that everyone antiviral drugs with proven in clinical settings efficiency is a big problem. And for homeopathic remedies it is twice as much. If you believe the information posted on the website of the manufacturer "Anaferon", the drug was still clinically tested, despite the fact that homeopathic remedies are usually not studied in the laboratory, since they contain minimal doses of active substances, and such a study becomes simply impossible for this reason .

So, there is data on tests of Anaferon on a group of children by doctors in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. But in both cases, the number of subjects and the exact age range of the experiment are not indicated, and therefore the test reports do not contain specific statistical figures, resemble an essay on the topic “How Anaferon reduced the incidence of disease,” and cannot be taken seriously by scientists and fundamental physicians.

Komarovsky about “Anaferon”

Evgeniy Komarovsky treats Anaferon rather ironically, emphasizing that the demand for the drug rests not on its effectiveness, but on customer demand.

Evgeniy Olegovich considers this homeopathic remedy to be completely useless. This is not a categorical denial, but a statement of facts - Komarovsky is sure that his pediatrician colleagues prescribe Anaferon so often because they are well aware of its uselessness, and therefore complete harmlessness.

As a result, the doctor is calm, because, as they say, “there is no harm and no benefit,” and the parents are calm - the baby is receiving “treatment.” The placebo effect is triggered. As a result, the child’s immune system copes with viruses on its own, as would be expected, and the positive outcome is attributed to the sweetish Anaferon tablets. And here is the actual release of Dr. Komarovsky where pediatrician

will tell us everything about children's antiviral drugs. If you believe the reviews of those mothers whose children Anaferon helped, then viral infection They subsided within 4-5 days. Komarovsky confirms that this is exactly the amount of time a child’s immunity needs to cope with a pathogenic invasion from the outside. If immune defense

The baby is weak, then the disease drags on, and about such cases on the Internet, parents write that Anaferon did not help. In other words, the same effect would have occurred if the parents had not given the child any medications at all. About prophylactic use

The famous doctor emphasizes that the amount of active ingredient is extremely small to cure anything, but the sugar content in each tablet is quite high. It seems that the producers of Anaferon are trying to treat the child with sugar. And this is complete absurdity.

We invite all parents to watch Dr. Komarovsky’s episode about self-medication.

    Refusal to use Anaferon, including its children's version. This is a waste of money, says the doctor. It is better to spend this amount (about 150 rubles) on fruits for a sick child; the benefits from them will be much greater.

    Refusal of other homeopathic remedies. Their effectiveness for children and adults has not been proven; the Ministry of Health is not responsible for the results that arise during use. Tests conducted at the initiative of the manufacturer are usually carried out in violation of all criteria important for testing a medicinal product.

    If a child gets sick with the flu or ARVI, the best thing parents can do for him is to create favorable conditions for recovery.

Give warm compotes, tea, decoctions more often, ensure sufficient air humidity in the children's room, and provide the baby with bed rest. In case of severe illness, be sure to invite a pediatrician to your home.

Anaferon is a homeopathic drug that is widely used in the treatment of acute respiratory pathologies and some other diseases. A special feature of the drugs in this group is the fact that the active components are in minimal concentrations.

As for Anaferon, its action is based on the effect on the body of purified antibodies to human interferon, which are active against a large number of viral pathogens. Each patient needs to know the list of indications and contraindications of the drug, possible negative reactions that may occur while taking it. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​how Anaferon for children differs from an adult. First of all, the price for this form of the drug is slightly lower. There are also differences in dilutions active substances– for children the concentrations are slightly lower

  1. . Other differences:
  2. Number of tablets in the package - for children there are packs of 20 and 40 forms, for adults - only 20.
  3. For young patients (under 3 years old), it is recommended to crush the tablet and dissolve it in a tablespoon of boiled water. There are differences in treatment regimens and prophylactic intake . More on this below, main feature

As you can see, there are small points that determine the tactics of using the drug. It is important for every doctor and patient to pay attention to them in order to determine the correct treatment regimen for diseases.

Is it possible to give a child Anaferon for adults?

Is it possible to give a child adult Anaferon? It is recommended to adhere to the following rule: give children the appropriate form of the drug.

In extreme cases (for example, inability to purchase children's version Anaferon) you can take a tablet for adults, which must first be crushed and dissolved in a tablespoon of water. For patients aged six months to 3 years, half a tablet should be given.

It is also important to know up to what age Anaferon for children can be used. It can be used up to 12 years of age. From this age you can take dosage form for adults.


The compositions of both types of medicine are practically no different. The main difference is in the concentration of antibody dilutions, which are active component facilities.


The composition of the drug intended for the treatment of adults includes specially purified antibodies to human immunoglobulin in an amount of 3 mg. There are also additional substances - calcium and magnesium stearate, lactose, cellulose in the form of microcrystals.


Compound children's Anaferon next: active substance in an amount of 0.003 g. In addition to antibodies to human interferon, the drug contains auxiliary components - magnesium stearate, cellulose in the form of microcrystals, lactose.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using Anaferon are quite simple, but there are certain features in treatment and prevention herpetic infections. In any case, each patient needs to have an understanding of the dosage features of the drug and adhere to all recommendations, which will ensure a successful recovery.

It is important to note that in situations where improvement does not occur within 3 days, it is necessary to change treatment tactics.


Anaferon tablets are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections caused by viruses such as, and. Other indications:

  1. Secondary immunodeficiencies.
  2. Anaferon can be used to prevent the development of bacterial infections.
  3. The drug is suitable for the treatment of influenza and herpetic lesions, including genital herpes.

How to take adult Anaferon? You should start taking the drug at the first symptoms of a cold. The regimen for taking Anaferon is to take 1 tablet every 30 minutes for 2 hours, then 3 tablets at regular intervals for 24 hours. After this, patients take 3 tablets per day until recovery occurs.

For herpetic infections, Anaferon is taken 1 tablet 8 times a day for 3 days, from 4 to 5 days of treatment - 1 tablet 7 times a day, from 6 to 7 - 6 times a day, from 8 to 9 - 5 times a day , from 10 to 11 - four times, from 12 to 21 - three times a day.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with hyperreactivity reactions to its components, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Anaferon is usually well tolerated. Among the adverse reactions, only cases of allergies were recorded.


Anaferon for children is used to prevent the development and treatment of acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract viral etiology, including herpes. The drug is also prescribed for various immunodeficiency conditions. Children's Anaferon is prescribed for chickenpox as part of a complex treatment.

It is recommended to start taking the drug when the first signs of acute respiratory infection. Patients need to take 1 tablet every half hour for 2 hours. Then take 3 tablets per 24 hours, the intervals between doses should be equal.

After this period of time has passed, they switch to the following diagram: 1 tablet three times a day until recovery. The drug is taken half an hour before or after a meal. Children's Anaferon is not used to treat patients under 6 months of age.

As for children under 3 years of age, they are not given whole tablets; the medicine is first crushed or dissolved in a tablespoon of water.

Anaferon is contraindicated in the presence of hyperreactivity reactions to its components. As for possible adverse reactions, in addition to allergies (usually in the form of rashes) skin), various dyspeptic symptoms can be diagnosed - nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, increased gas formation. In such situations, Anaferon is discontinued and should be replaced with other antiviral drugs.

How to use for prevention

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 1 tablet per day orally for 1 to 3 months (depending on the duration of the epidemic). For adult patients, the drug can be prescribed to prevent the development of herpetic infections. In such situations, the following dosage of the drug is taken - 1 tablet every other day for six months.

Instructions for use for the prevention of children's Anaferon are almost identical. It is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet once a day during the epidemic period. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months.

What is the price

How much does Anaferon cost for adults and for children? The medicine is affordable. Packaging the drug for small patients will cost an average of 170-180 Russian rubles, for adults – 190-220 Russian rubles. You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy, or buy it online. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


Anaferon has proven itself well in both therapeutic and pediatric practice. Medicine well tolerated, affordable, and characterized by good clinical effect. Doctors successfully and widely use Anaferon for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory and herpetic infections, especially during periods of increased seasonal incidence.

The tablets are available without a prescription, but despite this, patients should not prescribe the drug themselves; it is important to first consult a specialist.

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