Home Hygiene Parapelvic kidney cysts treatment with folk remedies. Parapelvic kidney cyst: is the neoplasm dangerous?

Parapelvic kidney cysts treatment with folk remedies. Parapelvic kidney cyst: is the neoplasm dangerous?

- a fairly rare diagnosis. This pathology is most often observed in the elderly. Some people live with this disease without knowing they have it. Despite the fact that this is a benign formation, it is dangerous due to its ability to degenerate into malignant tumor. What you need to know for successful treatment and avoiding the risk of complications, you can learn from this article.

The essence of pathology

This pathology is rarely accompanied by the appearance of multiple neoplasms on both kidneys: most often a parapelvic cyst of the left kidney is diagnosed. This is a sac-like body with thin and elastic walls, filled inside with a yellowish or colorless liquid. The soft consistency often causes the hidden existence of pathology, when it is not felt by a person and cannot be palpated.

This formation is localized at the entrance canals of the kidney, in its pelvis and sinus. Therefore, the second name for the cyst is sinusoidal. The growth rate can be small: the neoplasm ranges in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The critical size at which it is necessary curative measures, – 3–4 cm.


Doctors suggest that parapelvic cysts of both kidneys or one of them are formed in people with a genetic predisposition. Wherein pathological process may begin in the womb or early childhood, and appear in old age, when the effects accumulate negative factors And age-related changes in the urinary system.

To begin the active growth of such a benign tumor, some kind of push is usually required. The triggering factor may be frequent inflammatory diseases of the kidney tissue, hormonal changes or damage caused by other reasons (injuries, hypothermia, exposure to toxins due to addictions and stay in environmentally polluted places). In chronic nephrological diseases, parapelvic kidney cysts can develop even without a hereditary predisposition.


The initial stages of tumor growth or its stable existence at a small size do not cause noticeable symptoms. This leads to long-term development of pathology without timely diagnostics and treatment. Clear signs diseases develop under the following conditions:

  1. The neoplasm has reached such dimensions that it begins to put pressure on other living tissues. A nagging pain appears, felt in the lower back, lower abdomen and hypochondrium. This painful sensation Patients describe it as tingling in the side and sharp pain when urinating.
  2. The cyst has become so large that it obstructs the flow of urine. Bladder often overflows, the act of urination becomes painful, and the urine takes on an abnormal color due to the admixture of pus and blood. The rate of urination changes: the urge becomes more frequent, and the portions of urine decrease.
  3. Education negatively affects the condition of the ureters, as they develop congestion. The inflammatory process can be complemented by infection and spread to neighboring organs.
  4. The growth of the tumor provokes the occurrence of hypertension, and therefore may appear characteristic symptoms(blurred vision, headaches, nausea).
  5. Acute inflammation develops in the body, which is accompanied by fever and weakness with dizziness.

If treatment is not started on time, there may be severe consequences: rupture of the tumor membrane; development of cancer, kidney failure, urolithiasis or purulent processes with the threat of infection of the entire body. Alarm signal is an increase in the tumor to a size of 4 cm or more.


A parapelvic cyst of the right or left kidney, not accompanied by noticeable symptoms, can be diagnosed suddenly - during examinations prescribed for another reason. At acute manifestations disease, you need to contact a nephrologist who can make a diagnosis and identify all the features of the pathology in order to find the optimal treatment. Main diagnostic methods are:

Non-surgical treatment

Treatment of parapelvic cysts exclusively using medications is allowed only if the tumor is not so large as to threaten health and life. Most often it is appropriate to use the following groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory medications to prevent the spread of inflammation to the excretory, digestive and reproductive systems;
  • antibiotics for treatment and prevention infectious process with stagnation of urine;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics for attacks of pain;
  • antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure;
  • means for normalizing water-salt balance.

If the tumor is small, does not grow over time, and does not interfere with the body's functioning, drug treatment may not be appropriate. But at the same time, the patient must follow a special diet and be regularly examined so that with the slightest changes, the necessary therapy can be started.

Folk remedies for eliminating this disease in the form of self-medication and sole therapy are unacceptable. Some methods can be used in addition to the basic instructions of the nephrologist and only as a result of prior consultation with him. To avoid negative consequences– accelerating the growth of a tumor or its degeneration into a malignant one – even seemingly harmless techniques cannot be used without the knowledge of the doctor.

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment is necessary if renal function becomes insufficient or inflammation spreads to surrounding tissues. There are several methods surgical intervention:

  • puncture - a puncture or incision followed by suction of accumulated fluid; is rarely carried out, as it has high risk infections;
  • drainage incision - creating a path to remove fluid from the tumor and cleanse the organ;
  • cutting off the cyst itself, its appendages and part of the affected kidney tissue;
  • complete removal of the diseased kidney.

The most favorable are minimally invasive interventions, such as laparoscopy, in which tissue damage is minimal and the rehabilitation period is easy and quick for the patient. After any of these operations, periodic examinations are necessary to monitor the condition of the organs and the presence of complications.

The risk of developing the disease can be reduced if a person adheres to the basic rules healthy image life, eats rationally, treats other diseases in a timely manner. If relatives have such a disease, there is a possibility of inheriting this pathology: in this case, it is advisable to undergo periodic examinations. If such a diagnosis is identified, you need to carefully monitor your condition and follow the doctor’s instructions, and if necessary, resort to surgery in a timely manner.

Parapelvic kidney cyst is a benign formation of a complex nature that occurs in the kidneys and has the appearance of oval-shaped sacs. Clear or yellow liquid accumulates inside the tumor. The disease is extremely rare, and people over 50 years of age or older are susceptible to it. The cyst can be not only single, but also multiple, and affect both kidneys at once. However, a cyst of the right kidney is quite rare; most often, experts diagnose it as a parapelvic cyst of the left kidney. Multiple pathologies of kidney damage are also rare, often the formation of a cyst is single.

Not all reasons why a cyst occurs are known. However, experts say that if a cyst was discovered while the child was in the womb, the newborn is immediately exposed to infections, in addition, the disease can be transmitted to the child early stages pregnancy.

In addition to hereditary predisposition, there are a number of reasons why the disease can become acquired. Therefore, a parapelvic cyst can occur due to a number of such symptoms:

  • Mechanical damage due to injuries, bruises varying degrees when falling on the lower back.
  • Excessive physical activity, during which the weight load and pressure on the lumbar region are incorrectly distributed.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Acute addiction to smoking tobacco.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Inactive or sedentary lifestyle.
  • Low level of environmental indicators, which generally have a detrimental effect on the body and reduce immunity.
  • Availability of existing running or chronic diseases kidney
  • Previously untreated kidney-related diseases.
  • Poor nutrition.

We should also not forget the fact that hypothermia is another step on the path to illness.

Symptoms of the disease

Parapelvic kidney cysts in the early stages are accompanied by virtually no symptoms and do not cause visible disturbances in the functioning and normal functioning of the paired organs. It is for this reason that many may not even suspect that they are sick. For this reason, experts recommend routine examinations. It is during such examinations that the disease is accidentally discovered.

Only when solitary kidney cysts reach large sizes and affect a large area of ​​a paired organ, they begin to compress those lying nearby blood vessels. It is during this period that you may experience some symptoms:

  • Permanent sharp pains in the lumbar region, which can only get worse. And the nature of the pain will be nagging, alternating attack after attack. Depending on which part of the lower back hurts more, you can determine which kidney is affected.
  • Increased arterial pressure. When the pathology begins to actively affect the body, the patient’s body actively begins to produce a substance – renin, which is responsible for blood pressure.
  • Impaired urination process. Frequent desire to go to the toilet, painful urination. Due to the fact that the cyst grows quickly, it can put pressure on other organs that are involved in urination, which is why the urination process is disrupted.
  • In addition, immunity will be impaired. Failures in it will lead to the patient feeling constant weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness.

If the above symptoms recur constantly, the patient should definitely consult a specialist for full diagnostics and establishing accurate diagnosis, and prescribing the necessary treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

A subcapsular kidney cyst requires an accurate diagnosis, which will be made by an experienced specialist, in turn, he will prescribe the following procedures that will accurately determine the diagnosis.

Ultrasound. Ultrasonography kidney test will help diagnose whether there is a cyst in the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system. This method will help you find out the size of the tumor, how many tissues it has affected and the intensity of its growth.

Urography. This method of study internal organs will make it possible to find out the size of the cyst, how much tissue is damaged and the kidney is deformed. Excretory urography will help find out general state urinary organs.

If a simple cyst of the left kidney is too advanced due to the nature of its development, this will cause complications that can cause the appearance of an oncological disease.

In such cases, this is triggered by infectious diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, kidney stones and general disorders renal functions. Usually, the occurrence of purulent processes only complicates the diagnosis of the disease, since in such cases any careless intervention in order to establish an accurate diagnosis can bring disastrous consequences.

Treatment of the disease

After the specialist has made an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed therapy appropriate to his individual characteristics. The doctor takes into account the degree of damage, the stage at which the pathology is developing, the tissues that are paralyzed by the disease, and, depending on this, carries out treatment. Solitary kidney cyst is treated different ways: medicinal or surgical-surgical.

Solitary cyst of the left kidney at an early stage is treated mainly with medications. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used for this. If such treatment remains unsuccessful, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention, which is carried out in several ways.

Surgery. The laparoscopy procedure is considered one of the most common, safe and effective for removing cysts on both kidneys.

The tumor is removed using a surgical instrument through holes made in the abdominal cavity. Puncture. A subcapsular kidney cyst is removed by an operation in which the fluid and cysts are pumped out, and after the tumor disappears. However, this method carries risks, since during the operation it is possible to introduce foreign body

into the kidneys and spread the infection.

A simple kidney cyst is one of the reasons why you should follow a diet immediately after successful removal of the cyst. To do this, you need to exclude from your diet: salty, spicy, sweet foods, and you should also give up alcohol. By following simple recommendations from specialists, you can completely cure the pathology. However, for this it is necessary to approach treatment with particular seriousness. Parapelvic kidney cysts are one of the types of simple formations that are benign in nature. Such cysts are localized at the gate of the kidney or, as doctors call it, the renal sinus. By they resemble an oval-shaped sac filled with a clear liquid (in some cases the liquid may be yellowish in color).

This type of cyst is very rare and is diagnosed in older people. Most often, education does not bother a person and does not show any signs of its development. Also, this kidney pathology is single in nature and in most cases a parapelvic formation is found on the left kidney. Multiple spread or kidney involvement with right side diagnosed extremely rarely. With increasing education it is necessary professional treatment to reduce the risk of complications.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Today, the causes of parapelvic kidney cysts are being carefully studied, and so far most scientists are inclined to believe that this pathology is congenital disease. Most likely, during the development of the embryo, anomalies occurred in the formation of the tissues of the left or right kidney.

An infectious disease of the genitourinary system can also provoke an increase in the resulting cyst.

Symptoms of the disease

In the early stages of formation, parapelvic formations are asymptomatic, so it is very difficult to identify them. Even if a small cyst is detected, treatment is not prescribed. Most often, they begin to cause discomfort when they increase significantly in size. The growth of the formation creates pressure on the vessels of the organ and pelvis, which can provoke sharp pains in the side, which have a paroxysmal character.

Impaired urination can also signal the development of a parapelvic cyst. However, until the sac begins to enlarge, it is extremely difficult to diagnose the disease.

As the formation increases, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  1. Increased blood pressure. This occurs due to excess release of renin, which, in turn, is responsible for regulating blood pressure.
  2. Urinary dysfunction. A sac-shaped cyst of the left kidney can create pressure on the ureter, which may impair the outflow of urine. The person feels discomfort and frequent urge to urination.
  3. Painful sensations. They can vary from sudden attacks to constant nagging pain in the side. Such pain appears on the side where the kidney is affected; if on the left, then the tumor will be on the left kidney.

Diagnostic methods

If you have the slightest suspicion of development of this disease, then you need to contact a urologist. Before prescribing treatment, you will need to undergo a preliminary diagnosis for precise definition diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in two proven ways:

  1. Ultrasound examination of both kidneys. Thanks to such a study, it is quite easy not only to detect the presence of the disease, but also to determine the size, complexity and dynamics of the development of the cyst.
  2. Excretory urography. This study quite effective, as it provides the attending physician with a complete picture of the disease: deformation renal pelvis, displacement of the ureter, size of the tumor.

A parapelvic cyst can form in both the left (most often) and right kidney(very rarely). In case of congenital pathology, the localization of multiple cysts on both kidneys can be diagnosed. Treatment will be prescribed depending on the severity of the developed disease, progress and individual characteristics body.

Possible complications

It is important to know that ignoring the development of even a benign formation can lead to serious complications. Most often, a parapelvic cyst affects the kidney and disrupts its proper functioning. Also, during its formation, there may be infectious diseases

  • kidney:
  • Pyelonephritis;

Kidney failure.

  • The disease can provoke the formation of:
  • Malignant tumor in the left kidney;
  • The process of suppuration with any hypothermia of the body;
  • Kidney stones;

Rupture of the cyst during a strong blow.

Best Treatments

  1. Treatment of parapelvic formation can be divided into two subgroups:
  2. Medication method.

Surgical method.

The first method is used to relieve unpleasant symptoms, which are accompanied by pain. In most cases, the patient is prescribed painkillers, antihypertensive drugs, and anti-inflammatory drugs. The second method is used only if drug treatment does not produce the desired effect. Also, a complication of the disease is the basis for prescribing surgery to remove the cyst. In addition to surgery, the patient should be prescribed anti-inflammatory treatment. Surgical intervention

  1. is divided into two main methods: Puncture of the left or right kidney through the skin. implies drainage of the cyst. In other words, a special “drainage” is introduced into the cavity of the saccular formation, which should empty the capsule of accumulated liquid. After the fluid is completely released, the walls of the cavity stick together and scar, which leads to the complete disappearance of the cyst-like formation. However this method quite risky, since there is a high probability of infection getting into the kidney.
  2. Laparoscopic excision or open abdominal surgery is a more acceptable way to treat the disease. Thanks to modern technologies laparoscopic excision has become even more effective and safe. New techniques and improved equipment make it possible to accurately diagnose the location of the disease, as well as quickly cure any cystic formations in the kidneys. Although surgery is considered a radical method, but it is considered minimally invasive and the most practical. To perform the operation, you will need to make three small incisions (5 mm) in the abdominal wall.

Most suitable treatment determined by a urologist who monitors the dynamics of the disease.

Parapelvic is a benign formation of a round or oval shape. It looks like a bubble filled with a colorless or yellowish liquid.

This pathology is quite rare and is usually diagnosed in older people. More often, a parapelvic cyst forms on the left kidney. The diameter of the neoplasm varies from 10 mm to 10 cm. Damage to both kidneys is extremely rare. Usually one tumor appears. Multiple lesions are observed in exceptional cases.

9 main reasons for the appearance of neoplasms

The etiology is very different and is not fully understood. The most common causes of the formation of a parapelvic renal cyst are:

  1. Congenital pathology - the baby is already born with a pathological formation.
  2. Mechanical kidney injuries caused by bruises and falls.
  3. Unfavorable environmental conditions that negatively affect kidney tissue.
  4. Passive, unhealthy image life, low physical activity.
  5. Helminthic infestations of the urinary system.
  6. Inappropriate physical activity.
  7. Hormonal disorders that contribute to the formation of benign tumors.
  8. Congenital predisposition.
  9. Chronic renal failure.


When the parapelvic cyst is small, it does not cause kidney pathologies and does not bother the person. Often, such pathology is discovered during examination of other organs. After the tumor significantly increases in diameter, it begins to put pressure on neighboring blood vessels. Then the disease manifests itself and the patient feels worse.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should contact your doctor for testing:

  • Constant pain in the lower back. Can be either pulling or acute form. If you change your body position, the condition does not improve. Having identified the source pain, you can find out which kidney has a parapelvic cyst.
  • Problems with urine output. A benign tumor puts pressure on the ureter, so a person always wants to go to the toilet. The outflow of urine worsens, so the patient cannot completely empty the bladder.
  • High blood pressure, frequent dizziness. Caused by increased production of the enzyme renin, which regulates blood pressure.


To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must contact medical institution. The doctor will conduct an examination and then prescribe testing using one of the laboratory methods:

  1. Computed tomography - X-rays are directed at the kidney area from different angles. After the procedure, a three-dimensional model of the diseased organ is formed on the screen.
  2. MRI - makes it possible to identify tumors - benign or malignant, and assess the performance of the kidney.
  3. Ultrasound allows you to obtain information about the presence of tumors and their size, as well as assess the dynamics of the development of pathology.
  4. Excretory urography - determines cystic processes, the degree of deformation of the renal pelvis and the condition of the ureter.


Assign curative therapy possible only after diagnosis. The choice of one or another technique depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of tissue damage. After receiving the research results, the doctor decides whether drug therapy is sufficient or whether surgical removal of the cyst will be necessary.

If the size of the parapelvic cyst is less than 4 centimeters, the condition of the kidney is stable and no treatment is required. It is enough to undergo examinations every six months and ensure that there are no negative changes. For a speedy recovery, you can use methods traditional medicine. But without consultation at a medical institution, take herbal infusions and decoctions are dangerous to health.

Traditional methods

In the fight against parapelvic renal cysts they use various drugs, antibiotics, thiazide diuretics, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, painkillers. You can't get by with just one type of pill. Medicines should eliminate the disruptions in the body caused by the tumor:

  • Normalization of kidney function.
  • Reduced pain.
  • Restoration of the genitourinary system.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Regulation of water-salt balance.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor finds out which medications will be effective.


On this moment practiced two effective ways removal of parapelvic cyst of affected kidneys:

  1. Puncture - surgery is performed if the size of the formation is more than 6 centimeters. Fluid is pumped out of the cyst and, after a certain time, the tumor goes away on its own. The operation is carried out under supervision through an ultrasound machine. Doctors try not to use this method, as there is a risk of infection.
  2. Laparoscopy is the safest method; unlike traditional surgery, large incisions are not required. Three small incisions are made in the abdominal wall. Through these slits, a parapelvic renal cyst is removed with a special instrument - a laparoscope. The surgeon has access to the diseased organ, so he can find out if there are any pathologies. The disadvantages of laparoscopy include a large number of contraindications and side effects.

The advantages of the above methods are a short rehabilitation period. Recovery time lasts about a week, but in severe cases it can take longer. After discharge from the hospital, you can return to your usual rhythm of life after 2-3 months.

Nutrition plays an important role in kidney function. It is very important to adhere to a diet, otherwise even hospital treatment may be ineffective. First of all, you should give up salt, which contributes to fluid retention in the body. Also, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

  1. Carbonated drinks.
  2. Smoked and fatty foods.
  3. Dishes with mushrooms and legumes.
  4. Alcoholic drinks.
  5. Sour cream.
  6. Spicy food.

What are the dangers of parapelvic cystosis?

Advanced disease can lead to severe complications. Patients who do not treat the resulting benign peripelvic cyst often suffer from pyelonephritis and various inflammatory processes. In severe cases, kidney failure may develop. The following negative consequences are also possible:

  • With time benign tumor may develop into cancer.
  • Sand and kidney stones form.
  • Purulent processes begin.
  • With enhanced physical activity or injury, a peripelvic cyst filled with moisture may rupture. This often leads to peritonitis.

If you constantly feel unwell, you should not postpone treatment until later. After all, a benign tumor may one day develop into a malignant one, and then it will be much more difficult to defeat the disease.

Cysts are a fairly common pathology that can occur in almost any organ. Kidneys are no exception and are also susceptible cystic formations. Sometimes patients are diagnosed with a parapelvic cyst. How does it differ from other varieties and how dangerous is it to human health?

What is a parapelvical (sinus) kidney cyst?

A parapelvical, or sinus, kidney cyst is a neoplasm that has a round or oblong shape with a cavity inside, which, in turn, is filled with a clear or yellowish liquid. A parapelvic cyst forms near the so-called renal sinus, in other words, the area where the vessels, ureter and renal pelvis are located. This area is called the renal hilum, as well as the sinus. That is why this education

also called sinus cyst.

A sinus cyst is located at the hilum of the kidney (marked in green in the image) The peculiarity of cysts is that they are isolated from the surrounding healthy tissues by a capsule of fibers connective tissue

. Most of them have a benign course, but some are susceptible to malignancy, that is, they become the cause of cancer development.

Reasons for appearance A parapelvic cyst can occur even at the stage embryonic development . In this case we are talking about congenital pathology . Much more often, the neoplasm occurs already in mature age influenced various kinds

  • unfavorable factors. These should include:
  • chronic infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • urolithiasis;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • non-compliance with healthy eating rules;
  • kidney injury accompanied by hemorrhage;

frequent contact with aggressive and harmful chemicals.

  1. The mechanism of sinus cyst formation is as follows: Under the influence of pathological factors, one of the lymphatic vessels
  2. isolated from the general lymph flow.
  3. Liquid begins to accumulate in it.

A cystic capsule is formed.

Types of parapelvic cysts

In medicine, there is a classification of kidney cysts depending on the possibility of their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

  • First category. A simple cyst - has no partitions, calcifications and a tendency to malignancy.
  • Second category. Benign cyst - has heterogeneous structure, but there is no danger of degeneration into cancer.
  • Third category. Formations with a complex structure, many partitions and inclusions of calcifications. There is a small chance of malignancy.
  • Fourth category. Cysts have thick walls and many foreign inclusions. The probability of cancer is about 50%.
  • Fifth category. Cysts that have all the signs of a malignant neoplasm.

At its core, a parapelvic cyst belongs to simple neoplasms (the first category). Rebirth is rare. But in itself it poses a significant health hazard if it begins to increase in size.

Then the person suffers from complications caused by its growth.

  • The kidneys are a paired organ, so parapelvic cysts, depending on their location, are of several types:
  • unilateral (right or left kidney);
  • bilateral;


Right kidney cyst

For a long time, a sinus cyst that appears in the right kidney may remain unnoticed, since it is usually distinguished by its small size and vague symptoms or its complete absence. Most often, it is discovered accidentally during an ultrasound examination prescribed for another reason.

Left kidney cyst

Most often, a parapelvic cyst forms in the left kidney. It is usually diagnosed in men, less often in women over 45 years of age.

Multiple cysts Multiple sinus cysts are several tumors on one of the kidneys. This pathology

is distinguished by the early appearance of specific symptoms and a high degree of its severity. Also, multiple cysts often lead to serious complications in their course. They often resemble hydronephrosis on ultrasound, so careful differential diagnosis is required.

With hydronephrosis, there is one cavity filled with fluid, with multiple parapelvic cysts there are several cavities, they do not communicate with each other

The situation when parapelvic cysts form on both kidneys at once is quite rare. In general, the course of the disease in terms of the nature of the symptoms does not differ from what occurs with a unilateral cyst. It is important to note that neoplasms of both kidneys develop in conjunction with each other. Complications in the case of bilateral neoplasms occur much more often.

Symptoms of a parapelvic cyst

The disease does not manifest itself for a long time. In this case, the cyst can be detected only when instrumental studies, which usually happens by accident. However, if the sinus cyst grows and begins to exceed 50 mm in diameter, then its capsule begins to compress the surrounding tissues and vessels.

This manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms: It is extremely rare that a tumor in the kidney can degenerate into cancerous tumor

  • with the formation of metastases. They spread primarily to the liver, bones and lungs. This process is accompanied by the following manifestations:
  • deterioration of general health (weakness, apathy);
  • severe lumbar pain;
  • increased body temperature;

decrease in body weight.

Methods of treating the disease

If the renal sinus cyst is small in size, then in the absence of specific symptoms, treatment is not required at all.

It is enough just to observe its dynamics for growth.

In cases where the formation has severe symptoms, disrupting the activity of the urinary system, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy.

Table: medications prescribed for parapelvic cyst
Photo gallery: means for drug treatment of parapelvic cysts
No-spa relaxes smooth muscles and relieves pain
Nise has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties Furosemide is a drug that increases urine flow Amoxicillin is prescribed upon joining

bacterial infection

Enalapril is used to treat high blood pressure When is surgery necessary? If the cyst exceeds 5 cm in diameter and drug therapy does not bring results, the doctor may decide to carry out

surgical operation

aimed at removing the tumor.

Video: how to treat a kidney cyst Folk remedies for parapelvic kidney cyst: prevention of various complications. But even in this case, before starting to use any product, you should consult a doctor who will evaluate possible benefit from the use of non-traditional methods of treatment. For cysts in the kidneys, the following are recommended:

Forecast, consequences

The prognosis for kidney sinus cysts is generally favorable. Often the cyst does not manifest itself throughout life. If the tumor grows, it is removed through surgery, after which relapses usually do not occur.

If the cyst reaches a large size or polycystic disease (multiple formations) occurs, then in the absence of treatment the disease can be complicated by disturbances in the urinary system, including:

  • formation of stones;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • the addition of a bacterial infection.

It is extremely rare that a cyst can develop into a cancerous tumor.

Video: possible consequences of a kidney cyst

Renal sinus cyst is not a rare pathology that does not require any treatment in most cases. However, it is important to monitor it and, if unfavorable symptoms appear, provide appropriate treatment.

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