Home Children's dentistry The reason why your legs are cramped and what to take. Why cramps in legs and what to do about it  Frequent leg cramps what to do

The reason why your legs are cramped and what to take. Why cramps in legs and what to do about it  Frequent leg cramps what to do


Make a complex simple exercises. Stand facing the wall, place your palms above your head, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then take small steps back without leaving the floor until a slight stretch appears. Then stop for 30 seconds. Keep your breathing even and deep. This will stretch the tight calf muscle.

If the cramps are so strong that you cannot stand up, then do the following exercise without getting up from a lying position. Pull your toes towards you and hold them in this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat 3-5 times, and then swing your legs in the air as if riding a bicycle.

If possible, make a leg contrast bath or accept cold and hot shower. Please note that if you have varicose veins, the contrast in water temperature should not be sharp. For a foot bath, add peppermint or raspberry leaves to the water, as well as a decoction of the roots and rhizomes of valerian and elderberries. These plants have a pronounced anticonvulsant effect.

Additionally, to improve blood circulation in the leg, apply and actively rub a warming ointment into the muscle. At the same time, massage your legs from the toes to the heel, and then from the calf to the knee. After the massage and warming up the muscles, be sure to take horizontal position, slightly raising your legs with the help of a thick blanket.

If you are prone to nighttime sleepiness, use bay oil as well as mustard oil.


To relieve muscle cramps, you need to sit in bed, lower your legs down or pinch them several times sore spot or stand up carefully. Then massage your calves and feet with light pats and strokes, starting from your toes to your heels, and then from your toes, along calf muscles up to the knees. Advice on how to get rid of leg cramps.

Helpful advice

Varicose veins, calcium deficiency, flat feet, pregnancy - and this is not the entire list of what can cause leg cramps. Only the experienced doctor. He will also prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. In this article we will look at various means traditional and alternative medicine, which will help us, if not completely get rid of cramps...


  • how to relieve leg pain

Cramps, otherwise spasms or writhing, are involuntary muscle contractions accompanied by acute pain. They are almost impossible to tolerate, and the person who has seizures needs urgent help. We will try to answer the question “if your leg cramps - what to do” in this article.

Types of seizures

In medicine, there are two types of seizures:

Causes of seizures

It is very common for people over the age of 60 to experience cramps in their legs at night. Before the onset of cramps, fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs are felt. The causes of muscle contractions in older people are:

  • voltage;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • cold;
  • stress.

There are several other reasons that can cause seizures. One of the most common is a lack of microelements, proteins, vitamins B and D in the body. In pregnant women, painful muscle contractions occur due to a lack of calcium.

Leg cramps may be irregular, occurring only intermittently. Moreover, they can appear in almost all people of any age. Many people are familiar with the situation when, while swimming in cold water, for example, in the fall in a river or lake, cramps begin to cramp your legs.

The causes of seizures may be:

  • hypothermia;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • flat feet;
  • nicotine;
  • caffeine.

If the cramps are regular, then this may be a signal from the body to serious problems with health. Therefore, if your legs are constantly cramped, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is not recommended. You shouldn’t wait for it to “go away on its own.” Since very often such muscle contractions appear when:

What to do when your leg muscles cramp?

The most important thing is not to be nervous and calm down. Take a deep breath. Most often, it is enough to simply prick the muscle that hurts with a needle. But at the same time you can pierce skin covering, and cause infection. Therefore, it will be enough to simply pinch the cramped muscle. Flexion and extension of the knee joint also helps a lot.

When your leg muscles cramp, you can relieve tension and regular massage. But it should be intense, with quick stroking and patting movements. Then you need to lie down and raise your legs up at an angle of 60°. This will ensure blood flow to the muscles and the cramp will go away. After which a horizontal position is assumed. A small pillow is placed under the legs to stabilize blood flow.

Lovers sports competitions In football, for example, it is common to see some players getting cramps towards the end of the match. Companions lay them on the lawn, raise their leg(s) at an angle of 60° and fix them in this position. The blood begins to circulate normally and the cramps go away.

If your leg cramps, what should you do? In cases where a cramp occurs due to hypothermia, the muscle must be warmed and rubbed with alcohol. You can also rub yourself with warming ointment. Get a massage, then dress warmly and put on shoes. But it should be remembered that rubbing with warming ointments and alcohol should not be done in case of thrombotic diseases or varicose veins veins

Lemon juice is very good for cramps. You can lubricate your feet with it or rub it into the skin of your feet with smooth movements.

What to do if seizures recur regularly?

If seizures occur regularly, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary tests: blood biochemistry, ultrasound, MRI and CT. If it turns out that the reason constant cramps If there is a shortage of vitamins and microelements, then you need to reconsider your diet by adding foods that contain vitamin B and D, calcium, selenium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

What to do if your calves cramp in the water?

When your legs cramp in the water, first of all, you need to calm down, try to turn over on your back and, breathing deeply, row to the shore. Or group yourself in the “bomb” pose and try to stretch your leg until completely relaxed. But for the second method you need to be able to hold your breath under water. If you don’t have enough strength to cope on your own, it’s best to call on others for help so that they can help you get ashore.

If your leg cramps, what should you do? If cramps occur in the thigh area, you need to lie on your back. Then the leg is grasped with the hand from the outside at the ankle, bent at the knee and pulled strongly towards the back.

When a cramp strikes in the pool, you just need to take a warm shower to warm up your muscles. After the pain subsides, you can return to the water again.

Preventing seizures

Stretching is a very good preventative against cramps. This mainly applies to sports fans. Before training, you need to stretch and warm up your muscles well.

If your leg cramps, what should you do? It is better to prevent such moments than to experience them later sharp pain with involuntary muscle contraction. Eat general rules, the observance of which serves preventive measures against seizures:

Exercises to relieve leg cramps

When your legs cramp at night, restoring blood circulation is often enough for the cramp to disappear. To do this, you need to stand on your feet and distribute your weight evenly on each of them.

When your calves cramp, you need to stand up and straighten up. Then “roll” the foot from toe to heel. If a cramped leg does not obey, then you can help with your hands, but the movements should be smooth.

Or another way: sitting on a chair, tighten and straighten the cramped limb. In this case, the pain initially intensifies, but then quickly passes as soon as blood circulation is restored.

If your leg cramps, what should you do? Often these muscle cramps occur due to numbness in the legs and poor blood circulation. To relieve tension, you can bend and straighten your toes. Or perform circular rotations with outstretched legs. These exercises are performed in a sitting position. You can also stand on the outer ribs of your feet and stomp a little in this position.

Cramps are a very unpleasant and painful muscle numbness that occurs involuntarily. These contractions vary in duration, intensity and distribution. In medicine, cramps are classified depending on their duration, degree of muscle involvement, and location.

There are many causes of seizures. Sometimes they are episodic and do not require special treatment.

But if cramps bother you quite often, then this may be a signal of some serious diseases.

Variants of seizures

Leg cramps at night

Leg cramps at night are especially unpleasant and painful. Sharp pain leads to awakening, the cramped muscle does not stop hurting immediately. Night cramps occur in both children and adults, but at the same time it should be noted that the age factor plays an important role in this regard.

Causes of night cramps can be:

  1. Muscle fatigue;
  2. Problems in the functioning of the nervous system;
  3. Pregnancy period;
  4. Certain diseases that result in decreased normal blood flow to the extremities;
  5. Taking certain medications;
  6. Flat feet;

There is an opinion that cramps at night are associated with a person’s posture in sleep: the knees are slightly bent and the feet are down. This provokes muscle shortening, resulting in painful spasms.

Toe cramps

Let's try to figure out why the feet cramp.

Toe cramps always occur abruptly and unexpectedly. Can pull one or several fingers at once. Possible reasons:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes;
  2. Hypothermia of the legs;
  3. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  4. Disruption of normal blood circulation in the feet;

Calf muscle cramps

Calf cramps are the most painful of all types of cramps. A few moments before the spasm, you can feel a slight tugging of the muscle.

The calf muscle cramps more often than all other muscle groups.

Symptoms of calf cramps:

  1. Sharp pain;
  2. The leg is very tense at the site of the spasm;
  3. It is impossible to stand on your entire foot;
  4. The muscles become very elastic and dense;

Causes of calf cramps:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  2. Chronic fatigue as a result of prolonged standing on your feet, exhausting sports;
  3. Venous insufficiency;
  4. Atherosclerosis;
  5. Swelling of the legs;
  6. Use of diuretics;
  7. Diseases lumbar region spine.

Causes of seizures

Primary causes of seizures

Primary (idiopathic) convulsions occur without apparent reason. Presumably, the appearance of primary muscle spasms can be influenced by:

  1. Muscle overstrain as a result physical activity. If a person has spent the entire day on his feet without rest, is very tired while playing sports, has been carrying heavy objects, or has walked a long distance in uncomfortable shoes, a malfunction of the muscles occurs. In such cases, the likelihood of muscle spasms increases;
  2. Sudden loss of blood circulation in the extremities;
  3. Natural shortening of tendons that occurs in old age;
  4. Uncomfortable posture during sleep;

Secondary causes of seizures

Secondary the causes of seizures are symptoms of certain diseases, as well as work disorders human body:

Magnesium deficiency

This trace element is necessary for the normal process of muscle contractions. Magnesium deficiency may be associated with poor diet.

Sometimes the cause of a deficiency of this microelement can be diseases that prevent the normal absorption of magnesium entering the body.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • depression;
  • back pain;
  • frequent fractures and dislocations;
  • headache;
  • high blood pressure;
  • arthritis;
  • heart disease;
  • frequent seizures and nervous tics eye;

Calcium deficiency

Calcium is the physiological “partner” of magnesium.

Lack of calcium can also trigger seizures.

The main signs of calcium deficiency in the body include:

  • brittle and painful bones;
  • split ends, unhealthy hair, brittle nails;
  • unhealthy teeth;
  • loss of strength, irritability;
  • convulsions;

A deficiency of calcium and magnesium over time can lead to significant changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.

Lack of iron in the body (anemia)

Since iron is involved in saturating cells with oxygen, its lack can trigger muscle spasms.

Glucose deficiency in the body

It can occur during diets, as well as as a result of using glucose-lowering drugs.

Sudden changes in human body temperature

O usually cause short-term convulsions. They can occur during the course of the disease, as well as as a result of sunstroke.

Irritation of the motor area of ​​the brain

The area of ​​the brain that is responsible for muscle contraction can be affected by nerve impulses:

  • with the flu;
  • during a stroke, as well as during the rehabilitation period after it;
  • with ARVI;
  • with alcohol poisoning;

Vascular diseases of the legs

During vascular diseases, normal blood flow is disrupted, as a result of which tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen. Local hypoxia develops.

Diseases of the lower spine

During these diseases, nerve endings are pinched, which leads to impaired sensitivity of certain muscle groups.

High temperature outside the window

During the heat, the body loses a lot of fluid and salts through sweat, which can lead to cramps.

Taking hormonal contraceptives

Causes of frequent seizures

If cramps do not occur occasionally, but quite often, the reasons for this may be:

  1. Muscle fatigue;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Frequent stress and emotional tension;
  4. Disturbances of the endocrine and nervous systems;

Frequent muscle spasms should never be ignored.

You should definitely consult a doctor, as regular seizures can be a sign of many serious illnesses.

Cramps in pregnant women

During pregnancy, almost all women complain of muscle spasms in the legs. This is quite normal phenomenon, which disappears without a trace after the birth of the baby. Causes of frequent cramps in expectant mothers:

  1. Excess weight;
  2. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the vessels and nerve endings of the legs, resulting in impaired blood circulation;
  3. Blood volume increases, causing swelling of blood vessels and tissues;
  4. Predisposition to varicose veins;
  5. High need for vitamins and microelements;
  6. Changes in hormonal status.

Seizures in children

In children, the occurrence of seizures is most often associated with active growth and development of the whole organism. The main causes of spasms in children are:

  1. Hypothermia of the legs;
  2. Flat feet;
  3. Lack of vitamins;
  4. Keeping your legs in an uncomfortable position for a long time;


If you have regular seizures, you should definitely see a doctor. First you need to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests.

Perhaps the doctor will refer you for consultation to another specialist: a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist.

If any disease turns out to be the cause of the spasms, then after a course of treatment the spasms should go away. If no diseases are found that could cause the spasms, you just need to follow simple preventive recommendations.

Ways to deal with leg cramps

This problem can and should be dealt with.

You just need to eliminate the cause that causes the cramps.

Over time, only memories will remain of painful spasms.
Advice for those who want to get rid of cramps once and for all:

  1. It is necessary to review and diversify your diet;
  2. Exercise moderately, avoid overexertion;
  3. Do not abuse diuretics;
  4. Perform simple stretching exercises;

How to give first aid

  1. There is no need to panic if your legs cramp at night. You need to relax and breathe deeply to improve blood supply to the tissues;
  2. Next, you need to carefully stand on the floor, put your feet together and straighten your back;
  3. You can pull your foot towards you. It will hurt, but a little patience is required. When the muscle stretches a little, the spasm will go away;
  4. If the cramp does not go away, you can pinch your leg and rub it;
  5. Massage with warming ointment helps;
  6. After the attack has passed, you need to lie down so that your legs are higher than your head;

It often happens that a cramp cramps your leg in water: at sea, in the pool. This is quite dangerous, so you need to know how to act in such cases. If your leg cramps in the pool, you need to stop swimming. If a spasm seizes a muscle at a depth in the sea, the actions should be as follows:

  1. Roll over from your stomach to your back;
  2. Try to pull your foot towards you;
  3. If the cramp does not go away, an injection with a pin will help, which must be pinned to a swimsuit or swimming trunks just in case;

Cramps most often occur in cold water. You should not swim in water whose temperature is below 18 degrees.

Prevention measures

This problem can be avoided by following these recommendations:

  1. Wear comfortable, high-quality shoes;
  2. Avoid excessive stress on your legs;
  3. Do exercises in the morning;
  4. Reduce the amount of coffee you drink;
  5. Massage your feet regularly;
  6. A contrast shower helps a lot;
  7. A varied diet will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements;

Let's summarize:

  • Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that can occur in both children and adults.
  • The causes of seizures can be a lack of vitamins in the body, certain diseases, as well as physical activity.
  • Most often, cramps occur at night.
  • During pregnancy, muscle spasms bother almost all women and do not require special treatment.
  • Convulsions in children are associated with the growth and development of the whole organism.
  • Diagnosis of seizures is very important, as it helps to identify certain diseases.
  • It is important to know how to provide first aid during a seizure. Muscle spasms are especially dangerous when swimming in the pool or at sea.
  • If you carry out simple preventive actions, you can avoid this extremely unpleasant phenomenon.

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Video where you can familiarize yourself with the causes of leg cramps and consider treatment methods:

Some people have seizures very often.

Everyone has experienced pain from a cramp at least once in their life. The cramp appears suddenly. The pain is so sharp and it feels like the muscle might burst from tension. Very often, cramps occur at night, disrupting sleep and causing you to experience unpleasant moments. What are cramps? What is the reason for their occurrence? How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

What are cramps?

Convulsions(myoclonus) - involuntary sharp uncontrolled painful muscle contraction lasting from 10 seconds to 15 minutes. They are always accompanied by sharp pain. The most common type is cramps in the calf muscles. This is due to the fact that the calf muscles work a lot and are located far from the heart and central vessels.

What types of cramps are there?

If your leg cramps, then you are able to distinguish what type of spasm it belongs to.

  • Nervous tic (clonic) - manifests itself as stereotypical rapid movements. It is a consequence of short-term contraction and relaxation of individual muscle groups.
  • Tonic cramps - manifest themselves by hardening of the muscles for several minutes, with a pronounced pain syndrome.

Seizures can be observed at any age, but most often they affect people of the middle and older generations.

Causes of seizures

Anyone who has experienced convulsions accompanied by severe pain, definitely tries to find out the reason for their manifestation. The most common and probable of them:

  • Lack of B vitamins and magnesium. Very often, magnesium deficiency can be observed in women who are expecting a child. You need to adjust your diet correctly and the problem will be solved.
  • Vein disease lower limbs: thrombosis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers and chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Failure in work thyroid gland.
  • A sudden drop in blood glucose levels can lead to cramps in both legs.
  • Heart diseases, the cardiovascular system and heart failure. With such pathologies, blood circulation in the legs is disrupted and vascular fragility appears.
  • Dehydration is often the cause of calf cramps.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Spinal disease.
  • Excessive physical stress on the lower extremities.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Violation of the psycho-emotional background.

All of the above problems can arise in almost every person who leads an “incorrect” lifestyle.

What to do if you have a cramp?

No matter how much you want to deal with it, seizures always happen suddenly. Main question- what to do with it?
The simplest thing is to pull the sock over yourself, bend and straighten it several times knee-joint, rub and massage the calf muscles well. To increase blood flow, use warming ointments.
If you have a competition (for example, running) and you are afraid of cramping at the most inopportune moment, take a sterile needle and an alcohol wipe with you. If a cramp occurs, stop, wipe the outer part of the calf muscle in the widest part with a napkin and pierce with a needle 1.5 - 2 centimeters. After the injection, remove the needle immediately. In this way you will quickly relieve the spasm and continue running.

Preventing leg cramps

Any disease, no matter what it is, is easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent cramps from cramping your muscles at night, follow these rules:

  • It is necessary to establish good blood circulation in the limbs;
  • Organize the right balanced diet: eat small portions of food at least 5 times a day: fish, fruits, vegetables, fats, nuts, bananas, dried apricots, dairy products, seaweed, carrots, herbs;
  • News healthy image life without avoiding physical activity - minimal stress on the limbs;
  • The bed should be comfortable, and the legs should be slightly higher than the axis of the body and head;
  • Take foot baths every evening for a relaxing effect;
  • If you are diagnosed with venous insufficiency, be sure to wear compression garments;
  • Avoid high heels and uncomfortable shoes. The heel must be stable and no higher than 5 cm;
  • If you have flat feet, be sure to treat and correct them—wear a special orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles;
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes: calcium, magnesium, etc. (prescribed by a specialist).

If you notice that leg cramps are happening more often, plus others appear alarming symptoms: swelling, deterioration of health, pain in internal organs- Consult a doctor immediately, undergo examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Pathological conditions, which, in fact, are not an independent disease, but at the same time disrupt the patient’s usual lifestyle, occur quite often. An example of such a condition is, for example, myoclonus, when the legs often cramp.

This condition is characterized by involuntary contraction or overstrain of one (several) muscle groups. It is especially unpleasant when cramps suddenly appear at night, which requires mandatory medical consultation and diagnosis, since sometimes leg cramps can be an indicator of some serious diseases.

10 most common causes of seizures

The causes of seizures are quite diverse, but the etiology of the disease is not well understood.

Most often, the provocateurs of the pathological condition are:

1. Physical fatigue

The calf muscles become overstrained during prolonged periods of hiking, long-distance running and physical activity, which leads to the development of seizures. Tonic – characterized quite long-term stress muscles, atonic - short-term contraction and relaxation. However, in some diseases (intoxication, cardiac dysfunction, vitamin deficiency, traumatic brain injury, etc.), both types of seizures may occur.

Tonic cramps often occur after a stressful day at work.

2. Dehydration

The second most common cause of leg cramps is sudden dehydration, especially during the hot season, during intense sports training or visiting a sauna. In this case, the work intensifies sweat glands, and along with moisture, the body loses a sufficient amount of minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium) necessary for the body, which provokes muscle spasms.

In addition, a similar condition can occur in patients when the treatment of the disease involves taking diuretics, for example, for hypertension or cardiovascular insufficiency. The effects of these drugs are sometimes accompanied by seizures, especially at night.

3. Violation of water and electrolyte balance

Another predisposing factor for leg cramps is considered to be an imbalance between inhibitory and excitatory signals that enter the calf muscle, as well as an increased contractile muscle reflex. This condition occurs when the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) decreases, which leads to worsening metabolic processes in the muscles of the lower extremities and decreased relaxation. In addition, leg cramps can occur when pathological changes in blood vessels, for example, with an increase in blood viscosity, etc.

4. Hyperthermia and stress

At temperatures above 38 degrees, cramps may occur in any part of the body, including in the legs. This condition is especially common in childhood. In addition, with different stressful situations And nervous breakdowns there is a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood, which, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, followed by a cramp in the legs.

Febrile seizures in childhood require immediate attention medical care

5. Hyperparathyroidism

The parathyroid glands are located close to the thyroid gland. Their function is to regulate phosphoric acid metabolism in the patient’s body. A characteristic symptom The disease is muscle spasm of the respiratory muscles, convulsive contractions of the leg muscles, fingers and toes. Along with spastic contractions, the patient may experience pain in the abdominal area, insomnia and increased irritability.

6. Hypoparathyroidism

With a lack of calcium in the body caused by hypoparathyroidism, repeated cramps in the calf muscles are observed. Cramps can be short-term or prolonged, involving one or more muscles. In addition, the patient experiences a decrease in immune strength, increased brittleness of nails, deterioration of hair structure, etc.

Hypoparathyroidism is extremely rare (about 1.5% of the population), but it can develop in patients of any gender and age

Calcium is especially important for pregnant women, adolescents and patients on certain diets. The daily requirement of calcium is from 1000 to 1500 mcg per day. A sufficient amount of this trace element is found in dairy products, nuts, soy products, cabbage and parsley. In addition, when the cause of convulsive contraction of the calf muscles is due to hypoparathyroidism, it is necessary to take vitamin D, since it promotes maximum absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

7. Polyneuritis

With this disease, multiple damage to nerve endings is observed. The main cause of polyneuritis is viral infections, hypovitaminosis, intoxication, disease diabetes mellitus, metabolic disease.

Polyneuritis often develops due to alcohol intake and is accompanied by convulsive symptoms.

The disease is accompanied by cramps in the legs, especially at night, paresthesia (a feeling of “crawling crawling”) and numbness of the limbs. The patient is worried about headaches and dizziness, hearing loss, pain in the heart and increased irritability.

8. Varicose veins

Quite often, seizures occur against the background varicose veins, in which the veins dilate and the venous valves weaken, which leads to stretching of the venous walls and stagnation of blood. In addition to cramps, the patient is bothered by heaviness in the legs, pain, swelling and difficulty walking.

A stagnant process in the veins can lead to the development of thrombophlebitis and complete blockage of the vein. Subsequently, such a process can lead to thromboembolism and death of the patient.

To improve blood circulation in case of varicose veins and prevent the development of seizures, it is necessary to use a special elastic bandage and avoid tight belts. In addition, it is recommended to give up the habit of crossing your legs while sitting, since this body position significantly worsens venous blood flow. In case of severe or chronic development process recommended surgery.

9. Curvature of the ankle joint

Often the causes of cramps are due to a joint defect such as clubfoot, when the heel area constantly tilts inward, causing a curvature of the ankle. This defect is especially evident in women who wear high-heeled shoes.

Curvature forms ankle joint

When walking, the legs quickly get tired, pain appears in the calf muscles and knee area, and the veins of the legs and feet dilate, which leads to the development of convulsive syndrome, and in the absence of corrective treatment, to a serious violation of posture.

10. Pregnancy

As a result of hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, blood flow is disrupted due to compression of the venous plexuses by the uterus. The influence of hormones helps to soften the venous walls, which are often damaged due to sudden changes in pressure, especially during labor activity.

Most common cause the appearance of cramps in the legs during pregnancy is precisely venous insufficiency

As a rule, seizures occur at night. In women, it swells towards evening top part legs, feet, lower legs, and numbness and heaviness are felt in the calf muscles. Such symptoms require careful monitoring by the attending physician, with constant monitoring and comparative characteristics changes taking place. If necessary, a decision is made on possible therapeutic treatment, taking into account the severity of the woman’s condition and the danger to the child.

Drug therapy

It should be borne in mind that there are no special drugs for the treatment of seizures. All of them are prescribed in accordance with the established diagnosis, the frequency of seizures and the presence of any chronic diseases.

The only one general medicine from seizures are medications, which contain a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, as an additional remedy, the doctor may recommend taking magnesium and muscle relaxants, which have a relaxing effect on muscle tissue.

To the most effective mineral and vitamin complexes against leg cramps include:

  • Magne-B 6, Alphabet;
  • Calcium-D 3 Nycomed;
  • Alfadol-Sa, Complivit, etc.
  • Magnesium preparations used to prevent the development of seizures are:
  • Natural Kalm, Magnerot;
  • Diasporal; Magnistad;
  • Asparkam, Magnelis V 6;
  • Solgar with magnesium citrate, etc.

The group of muscle relaxants includes:

  • Baclofen, Tolperisone;
  • Sirdolud, Mydocalm, etc.

As local remedy you can use ointment or gel Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, as well as medications, which contains horse chestnut

Such drugs relieve convulsive attacks and pathological symptoms due to the warming and anti-inflammatory effect exerted on the vessels of the lower extremities.

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

Besides drug therapy, treat pathological condition possible using traditional medicine. Thanks to such recipes, you can significantly reduce the frequency of seizures, and in some cases, get rid of them completely.

The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  • To relieve convulsive contractions, it is necessary to apply slightly warmed honey to the calf area, on top of which a layer of cling film is applied, and then insulation. The time for keeping such a compress on the leg is no more than half an hour, after which the remaining honey is washed off with warm water;
  • for cramps due to varicose veins, it is recommended to rub the legs with apple cider vinegar, as well as take apple cider vinegar orally 2 times during the day, after dissolving 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar in 200 ml of slightly warmed water. The general course of treatment is at least 1 month;
  • To prevent leg cramps, it is recommended to mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of turpentine. After thorough mixing, this solution is rubbed into the calves before bed;
  • To prevent the development of cramps, you can rub your feet mustard powder or freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Celandine juice (1 part) is mixed with 2 parts of Vaseline and applied to the legs when a cramping seizure begins, which allows you to stop it at the initial stage.

Despite sufficient effectiveness and safety folk recipes, before using them, you should consult your doctor, as there may be cases of individual intolerance to some herbal components.

Urgent Care

If you experience frequent leg cramps, you need to know what to do emergency to get rid of such symptoms:

  • It is recommended to pull the toes of the cramped leg towards you, and if it is difficult to reach, you can use a towel or belt to tighten the toes;
  • in the case when there is nothing at hand that could help, you can stand with your whole foot on your toes, so that the foot bends upward as much as possible, then relax and stretch the calf muscle;
  • It is necessary to massage the leg muscle starting from the tips of the fingers, towards the knee, as well as pinching and patting the leg.

Massaging the calf muscles allows you to quickly get rid of cramps

Some patients find a hot foot bath to relieve very severe muscle spasms.


To date, there is no single product that would provoke the development of convulsive symptoms with a high degree of probability. However, the influence of nutrition should not be completely excluded, since leg cramps can occur quite often in obesity and atherosclerosis. Accordingly, a special diet should be formulated to prevent the development of such a condition as much as possible.

The diet must fulfill following conditions:

  • V daily menu the required amount of calories must be present to maintain strength, including microelements and vitamins;
  • it is important to ensure that 1/3 of the total nutrition consists of food plant origin;
  • The daily amount of food should be distributed into 5-6 equal portions. In this case, 1-2 servings of food should be porridge in order to improve digestion;
  • It is recommended to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime, and dinner should be as light as possible.

It must be remembered that treatment tactics directly depend on the diagnosis of the disease. For frequent seizures that do not respond to drug therapy, surgery is sometimes indicated. In addition, the choice of the right shoes, normalization of physical activity on the feet and timely treatment of chronic diseases are of no small importance. At integrated approach to the treatment of cramps in the legs, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

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