Home Prosthetics and implantation Ear inflammation in children: symptoms and treatment. Treatment of otitis media in children

Ear inflammation in children: symptoms and treatment. Treatment of otitis media in children

An inflammatory disease of an acute or chronic nature, the main symptoms of which are pain and congestion in the ear - this is how otitis in a child is defined. It is often a consequence of a cold. Children are at high risk of developing the disease due to the structural features of the auditory system. For this reason, diagnosis and methods of treating otitis media in a child have their own specifics.

What is otitis media in a child?

This pathology refers to inflammation of the ear in a child, resulting from a viral, fungal or bacterial infection. The disease is typical for children under 3 years of age - it occurs in 80% of cases. Treatment of pathology involves eliminating not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the cause, for example, ARVI, ear infection, weak immunity.

Types of otitis media in children

According to general classification pediatric otitis media internal, middle and external are divided. Each type has several more subspecies with a characteristic course:

Kinds Characteristics
By localization of inflammation
Outer Amazes auricle and external auditory canal without affecting eardrum.
Average Affects the canal connecting the nasopharynx and the Eustachian tube.
Internal otitis (labyrinthitis) Covers the cochlea and its entrance.
By duration
Spicy Recovery occurs within 3 weeks.
Subacute Lasts about 1-3 months.
Chronic Lasts more than 3 months.
By type of inflammatory process
Catarrhal otitis media There is no discharge from the ear
Exudative otitis media Fluid is released from the vessels of the inflamed tissues, which then flows out of the ear canal.
Purulent otitis media There is an accumulation of pus in the ear.
By lesion
Unilateral Inflammation appears in one of the ears.
Bilateral otitis media Both ears are affected.


In general, the disease is provoked by bacteria and viruses in the presence of favorable conditions for their reproduction. Specific reasons otitis in children:

  1. Outer. The occurrence of otitis of this form is associated with mechanical damage to the ear canal, for example, when removing wax with an ear stick or getting water during bathing.
  2. Average. Appears when the immune system is weakened, for example, ARVI, frequent runny nose or flu. More often, the disease is caused by bacteria that enter the middle ear from the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube.
  3. Interior. Develops less frequently due to limited access to the labyrinth. Pathogenic microorganisms enter only through an infection of the brain or blood.

Symptoms of otitis media in a child

You can tell if your baby has ear pain by pressing on the cartilaginous protrusion of the front part of the auricle. If pain syndrome is, then the child will let you know about it by crying loudly. Other signs of otitis in a child:

  1. Outer. It is characterized by redness of the skin of the ear canal, its narrowing due to swelling and local enlargement of the lymph nodes.
  2. Average. The baby is rising heat– 38-40 degrees. Against this background, the child constantly touches his ear, refuses to eat, and shakes his head. Sometimes this condition is replaced by diarrhea, regurgitation and vomiting.
  3. Exudative and adhesive. They have mild symptoms. The child may experience tinnitus and hearing loss.
  4. Chronic purulent. Causes constant purulent discharge from the ear, accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  5. Catarrhal. Accompanied by acute, noticeable pain in the ear, aggravated by coughing. It radiates to the temple and teeth.

Diagnosis of otitis in children

If the symptoms listed above appear, you should definitely contact a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. Based on your medical history, complaints and external examination of the ear using an otoscope and ear mirror, the doctor will assess the condition of the eardrum. To make a correct diagnosis and recognize otitis media, the following is additionally prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • audiometry;
  • collection of purulent fluid for bacteriological examination and analysis of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics;
  • X-ray examination, MRI and CT for more severe disease.

First aid for otitis in a child

If you suspect this pathology, it is necessary to numb the ear. For this purpose, it is recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Children are allowed Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Naproxen. You should not give your child a pacifier. Against the background of stuffy ears, it can lead to barotrauma of the eardrum. First aid is as follows:

  1. Place drops, for example, Otipax, in both ears of the child. It is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It should not be used only in cases of perforation of the membrane, accompanied by leakage from the ear. This may lead to severe complications on the auditory ossicles.
  2. Plug the ear with cotton wool, it is better to put a hat on the baby.
  3. Instill vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose to relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Treatment of otitis media in children

Therapy is complex and includes local and general methods treatment, including traditional medicine. In most cases there is no need to stay in hospital. In general, treatment of otitis in children at home is aimed at:

  • reducing swelling of the mucous membrane with the help of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • relieving inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • eliminating the causative agent of the disease using antibacterial drugs;
  • Relieving itching and ear pain through the use of ear drops.

Otitis externa

Before the formation of the core of the abscess, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and absorbable alcohol compresses, which are for exclusion dangerous complications prescribed by the doctor. Then it requires surgical opening and drainage of the resulting cavity. She is washed antiseptic solutions, for example, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. For complete healing of the wound, bandages with Levomekol are used. antibiotics.

Otitis media

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed for children only in cases of persistent hyperthermia for 3 days, severe intoxication and persistent pain. Before using these medications, treatment is prescribed local means. Drops should be placed in the child's ears for a week. Good reviews they use Otipax, Albucid, Polydexa and Otofa. Drops are also used to get rid of a runny nose:

  • antiviral – Interferon;
  • antibacterial - Isofra, Protargol;
  • combined – Vibrocil.

Purulent otitis media

If pus flows from the ear, only the doctor himself can remove it, and then rinse the ear cavity disinfectant– a solution of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide or iodinol. Next, antibiotics are prescribed in the ear in the form of drops, such as Otofa, Dioxidin, Sofradex. To relieve pain, a cotton turunda moistened with Otinum, Otipax or Otirelax is placed in the ear canal.

Frequent otitis media

The reason for the spread of the disease to chronic stage There may be reduced immunity, so the child is often additionally prescribed general strengthening drugs: lipoic acid, Limontar, B vitamins. Along with them, the immunomodulator Viferon is used. Children with the chronic form of this disease often experience intestinal disturbances. To restore its microflora, biological products such as Linex and Baktisubtil are indicated.

How to treat otitis media in a child

Therapy includes drugs from several groups at once, each of which has its own effect. Your doctor may prescribe a course of the following medications:

  1. Antiviral drugs. Filming general symptoms respiratory diseases.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops. Used to eliminate swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Apply to initial stage diseases in order to relieve pain.
  4. Antibacterial drugs. Necessary for acute purulent course of the disease in order to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Antihistamines. Helps reduce swelling of the auditory tube and nasopharynx.
  6. Antibacterial drops. Indicated for the moderate or external form of this disease of a bacterial nature.


Group of drugs Example Brief characteristics
Antiviral Interferon Based on human interferon, indications for use are viral diseases. The drug increases the body's resistance to viruses.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen The active ingredient is the substance of the same name. The drug is used to relieve pain and inflammation and has an analgesic effect.
Antibacterial Augmentin Based on amoxicillin, it has an antibacterial effect, which is used to treat infectious diseases.
Antihistamines Clarisens The active component is loratadine, which has an antipruritic and antihistamine effect, helping with allergic otitis media due to rhinitis.
Vasoconstrictors Nazivin The active component is oxymetazoline, which has a vasoconstrictor effect for rhinitis and sinusitis.

Folk remedies

Together with medications, you can use traditional methods to treat otitis media in children. The following recipes are especially effective:

  1. Take equal parts of calendula, St. John's wort and yarrow flowers. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, cook for 10 minutes in a water bath, leave for 3 hours. For catarrhal otitis media, you need to drop 1-2 drops into the ears up to 3 times a day.
  2. Mix almond and camphor oil in equal proportions. For the average type of pathology, a warm solution should be instilled into the baby’s ears, 1-2 drops up to 3 times throughout the day.
  3. To treat the external form of the disease, apply a compress of gauze to the ear, moistened with camphor alcohol and covered with plastic wrap and a handkerchief.

Complications after otitis in a child

If left untreated or improperly treated, the disease can lead to complications, which include the following pathologies:

  • meningitis;
  • facial nerve paresis;
  • mastoiditis;
  • damage to the vestibular apparatus;
  • hearing loss.

Prevention of otitis in a child

Prevention measures are aimed at strengthening the immune system and preventing mucus from getting from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube. To this end, the following is recommended:

  • in cold windy weather, wear a hat to cover the child’s ears;
  • timely cure ARVI and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • Regularly clear the nasal passages of mucus when you have a runny nose.


Acute ear pain causes discomfort, makes the baby capricious and whiny - it becomes bad for both the child and the mother, who does not know how to support him. To be “armed”, you need to know as much as possible about your “enemy”. We invite you to find out what otitis media is and how to deal with it.

Otitis – enough frequent illness in children younger age

What is otitis media and why is it dangerous for a child?

In medicine, ear inflammation is called “otitis”. This concept includes all types of ear inflammation - it can have an acute or pathological course. According to statistics, up to 30% of all diseases of the ears, nose and throat are due to otitis media. acute stage. Most children get it at a young age.

In preschool children, middle ear disease is most often diagnosed. Acute conditions need urgent qualified treatment; untimely assistance can lead to weakening of auditory function and hearing loss. The consequences are dangerous - in advanced cases, meningitis, brain tumors and stroke can develop.

Causes of ear inflammation in children

Typically, otitis media is a consequence of colds, bacterial or viral infections. All diseases of the nasopharynx are accompanied by copious discharge mucus. In the worst case, these secretions enter the Eustachian tube, air circulation in the tympanic cavity is disrupted, and its cells begin to secrete an inflammatory secretion.

Streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms can aggravate the situation. The causes of the disease can be:

  • ENT infections;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, rhinitis, deviated septum, adenoids;
  • hypothermia;
  • ear injuries.

Acute otitis media develops when the immune system is weakened; children at risk include:

  • with anemia;
  • with dystrophy;
  • with chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • those suffering from rickets;
  • having diseases of extreme forms of immunodeficiency: diabetes mellitus, AIDS, leukemia.

In preschool children, inflammation is often a consequence of hypothermia. The child’s ear canal is still developing and does not yet have the same bends as in an adult, so the flow of cold air penetrates directly into the middle ear, causing otitis media.

Types and symptoms of otitis

Ear inflammation can be classified according to different criteria. According to the type of course, they are divided into chronic and acute forms; according to the origin, otitis media can be infectious, allergic or traumatic. Based on location, otitis externa, otitis media and internal are distinguished. The disease is also divided according to the type of inflammation. In each case, the clinical picture will be different.

Acute and chronic

Depending on the duration of the disease, the following types of otitis are distinguished:

  • acute – up to 20 days;
  • subacute – up to 3 months;
  • chronic – up to 6 months.

If everything is clear with the first form - this is the stage of inflammation and treatment, then the reasons for the development of chronic otitis media are not yet clear. Most often, this form progresses against the background of inflammation of the middle ear; it can be determined by the following signs:

  • periodic discharge of pus;
  • obvious hearing loss;
  • non-healing damage to the eardrum.

Depending on the location of the inflammation, the picture may be supplemented by other symptoms. Among them are the occurrence of acute pain due to pressure changes, ear congestion, and unpleasant noise.

Outer, middle and inner

This classification depends on the location of the disease. The eardrum is a conditional boundary dividing the ear into the outer and middle parts. The internal part of the organ is the cochlea with the fluid located there. Depending on the clinical picture The following forms of the disease can be distinguished:

  1. The external form is divided into 2 subtypes: limited and diffuse. In the first case, the patient develops a purulent neoplasm on the external auditory canal. Its occurrence is often associated with minor mechanical injuries, infections and others general diseases. The diffuse subtype of otitis becomes a consequence of the development of a chronic purulent form. Bacteria enter the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the inflammatory process begins. The patient suffers from pain in the ear, which gets worse when touched. The picture may be supplemented by pus discharge with a characteristic odor.
  2. The average form occurs as a result of diseases of the nasopharynx. Through accumulated mucus, the infection penetrates into the Eustachian tube, where the tissue subsequently becomes inflamed. Otitis media in newborns it is often caused by the ingress of amniotic fluid. At the initial stage of the disease, tinnitus appears, hearing may deteriorate, but the temperature remains normal. There are three stages in the development of the disease, sharp pain and fever can develop into purulent otitis, recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Internal otitis is called a separate term – “labyrinthitis”. Symptoms of inflammation of the inner part of the ear include hearing loss, headache, vestibular disorders, including dizziness, nausea.

Purulent, exudative and catarrhal

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children under two years of age. Damage to the middle part of the hearing organ is divided into types, differing in symptoms and severity. The forms of the disease depend on the causes of its occurrence and are divided into:

  1. Catarrhal otitis is an infectious form of the disease, often preceding the appearance of pus (more details in the article:). The causes of such inflammation are ARVI and influenza. TO characteristic features This includes acute intense pain radiating to the head and jaw, decreased hearing ability, increased temperature, and possible redness in the area of ​​the auricle.
  2. Purulent otitis media usually results from incorrect or untimely treatment catarrhal form diseases. It is accompanied by suppuration of the mucous membrane of the ear, from which a characteristic exudate is released. This type of inflammation is considered the most dangerous, since pus can penetrate into the cranial cavity. Symptoms: tearfulness, decreased appetite and sucking reflex in the baby, increased body temperature, decreased hearing, increased blood pressure, vomiting is possible. An older child may complain of a feeling of fullness in the ear, decreased hearing quality, fatigue, the appearance of discharge.
  3. Exudative otitis media most often affects children over 2 years of age (more details in the article:). The inflammatory process provokes the production of exudate that accumulates in the ear cavity. The difficulty of diagnosing this form lies in the lack clear symptoms. The child may only notice tinnitus or slight hearing loss. If not treated in a timely manner, the acute exudative form becomes chronic.


An otolaryngologist will be able to diagnose otitis media and its form. Using an ear mirror, he will assess the condition of the external auditory canal and eardrum. If necessary, the doctor will take exudate for bacteriological analysis.

If a child’s ears are bothering him and there is a suspicion of otitis media, he should consult an otolaryngologist (more details in the article:)

If for some reason diagnosis is difficult, a specialist can use computed tomography temporal bones, which will allow us to recognize the condition of the ear cavities.

For chronic forms of otitis in children important role studies of auditory function play a role. The doctor determines the patency of the ear canals using audiometry and acoustic impedance measurements. It is important for mothers to know how to understand at home that the inflammatory process has begun. A child over 4 years old will complain of pain; the following signs will help check for the disease in young children:

  • the child is capricious and cannot calm down even in his arms;
  • the baby refuses the breast or bottle, and when trying to suck, begins to cry as the pain intensifies;
  • the baby tries to turn around sore ear, constantly touches him with her hands;
  • When you try to press on the ear or pull the earlobe, the child begins to cry more strongly.

Otitis media is a disease that requires early diagnosis. Timely treatment will avoid complications and prevent the spread of inflammation.

First aid

The doctor should prescribe a course of therapy after examination.

However, if a child complains of ear pain, and it is not possible to see a specialist in the next few hours, it is worth providing the child with first aid.

It is not about treatment, but about alleviating the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, because it is difficult for a baby to endure pain. Try to calm the child down, reduce the pain, and then go to the doctor.

Painkillers and antipyretics

The first thing to do is relieve the pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate it - they relieve pain, have an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, but do not cure the disease. Children under 2 years of age are allowed only two such substances - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Created on their basis medications in various forms: syrup, suspension, tablets, suppositories. Most often, children are prescribed:

  1. Nurofen in suspension. Allowed from 1 month of life.
  2. Panadol. The form of release depends on the age of the child.
  3. Ibuklin. Prescribed only to children over 3 years of age.

Nasal vasoconstrictors

Nasal vasoconstrictor drops are necessarily prescribed for otitis media, and it does not matter whether the nose is breathing or not. They help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, which reduces pain. For one-year-old children use:

  • Nazivin 0.01%;
  • Otrivin 0.05%;
  • Nazol Baby (we recommend reading:).

After a year, the list of permitted drops expands:

  • Nazivin 0.025%;
  • Naphthyzin 0.05%;
  • Sanorin 0.05%;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Adrianol 0.05% (we recommend reading:);
  • Polydexa.

Features of treatment

The treatment regimen directly depends on the type of disease. Therapy is usually carried out at home, with periodic visits to the doctor. It may include medication, compresses, topical antiseptics, and folk recipes. The duration of treatment is from a week to several months. In severe cases, with internal lesions, antibiotics are prescribed for therapy.

Drug therapy

Otitis in a child does not have a standard treatment regimen, since it depends on the symptoms in each specific case. However, therapy usually boils down to the following:

  • prescribing antiviral drugs - they will cope with the symptoms of acute respiratory infection;
  • ear drops combined action relieves swelling of the internal passages, relieves itching, reduces inflammation;

Before a doctor prescribes a course of treatment, you can use anti-inflammatory ear drops of combined action as first aid.
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops relieve swelling of the Eustachian tube and help relieve pain;
  • if otitis media is caused by a bacterial infection and is accompanied by purulent discharge, antibacterial ear drops are prescribed (more details in the article:);
  • painkillers are used in active stage when it is necessary to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, lower temperature;
  • for purulent otitis of the middle ear and internal forms, the disease is treated with antibiotics (more details in the article:).

The doctor will prescribe medications based on indications, drug interactions, individual characteristics patient. You should not choose a medicine yourself, as it may be contraindicated in this case.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cope with otitis in a child. They don't rule out drug treatment, but become an excellent addition to therapy. Among the popular means:

  • infusion of wormwood for a warming and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • infusion of mint or lemon balm to relieve pain;
  • decoction of sorrel root for rinsing;
  • Rosehip decoction for oral administration - to strengthen the immune system.

Rosehip decoction is a fortified drink that strengthens children's immunity during various diseases, including otitis media

Possible complications

Inflammation of the ear requires timely treatment, otherwise purulent otitis media occurs and the inflammation spreads to the inside of the organ. This can cause the most serious complications:

  • complete or partial hearing loss;
  • development of a chronic form of the disease;
  • meningitis;
  • facial paralysis;
  • brain tumor.

Preventive measures

To ensure that the disease causes minimal discomfort and does not leave consequences, you should proper prevention diseases. This includes:

  1. timely and complete treatment of colds;
  2. strengthening the immune system - a balanced diet, hardening, taking vitamins in the cold season;
  3. comprehensive ear hygiene;
  4. limiting contact with sick children;
  5. passing preventive examinations at the otolaryngologist.

Simple rules will help reduce the risk of inflammation and complications. If there is pain in the ear, do not put off visiting a doctor - in the early stages, otitis media in children is easy to cure.

Remember the excruciating pain in your ear that kept you awake as a child? Most likely, yes, because 8 out of 10 children suffered from otitis media at least once. Usually the disease develops as a complication after a cold. And no one is safe from it. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how to prevent inflammation of the auditory organ, and how to relieve it if it could not be avoided.

Otitis is an inflammatory process in auditory system person.


Otitis is inflammation of the ears. Depending on the location, it is divided into three types:

  1. Outer. It affects the concha and ear canal without involving the membrane in the process.
  2. Average. Affects the Eustachian tube (the canal connecting the nasopharyngeal and tympanic cavities), the tympanic cavity, cave and cells mastoid process(part of the temporal bone to which the muscles responsible for tilting and turning the head are attached).
  3. Internal (labyrinthitis). Covers the cochlea, its entrance and semicircular canals.

Inflammation develops very quickly, masquerading as a typical cold.

According to the duration of the flow, they are distinguished:

  • spicy(no longer than 3 weeks);
  • subacute(1-3 months);
  • chronic(longer than 3 months).

By type of inflammation:

  • catarrhal(without secretions);
  • exudative(liquid released from the vessels of inflamed tissues comes out);
  • purulent(pus is flowing from the ear).

There are also unilateral And bilateral otitis (affects one ear or both).

You can determine the disease in a child by pressing your finger on the small cartilage in the auricle (tragus).

Causes of the disease

The disease is caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria when there are favorable conditions for the development of these microorganisms. The causes leading to inflammation vary depending on which part of the ear is affected.

Otitis externa is preceded by mechanical damage to the ear canal(for example, when removing wax with a metal object). Microbes - fungi or bacteria - penetrate into the wound. One of the reasons leading to the disease is exposure to water while swimming in a pool or open reservoir.

The simplest thing you can do is to cover the ear canal when bathing with a cotton swab moistened with Vaseline.

Albina writes:

“At the age of 3, the child began to hold his ear and complain of pain in it. I decided to look first myself and saw that there was a foreign object there. We immediately went to the otolaryngologist. The doctor examined his son and carefully removed the part from the toy. It covered the ear canal, fitting tightly to its walls. A favorable environment has been created inside for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.”

Otitis media develops against a background of weakened immunity after ARVI, influenza or. Pathogenic flora (usually bacteria, less often viruses) enters from the nasopharynx into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.

Internal otitis rarely develops because access to the labyrinth is limited. Pathogenic microorganisms enter it only during infections of the blood or brain.

One of the reasons is the lack (or incorrect) treatment of middle ear inflammation.

Children who have:

  • anemia;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • lack of body weight;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • immunodeficiency states.

Important! Otitis media is more common. It occurs more often at the age of 0.5-3 years. This is due to the anatomical features of children. The infection enters the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, and in babies it is short: microorganisms do not encounter obstacles along the way.

Course of the disease, possible complications and consequences

Otitis externa begins with infection of the ear canal, resulting in the formation of a boil. It ripens within 2-3 days and bursts. Usually the outcome of the disease is favorable. In rare cases, the secreted pus ends up in subcutaneous tissue temporal region. This threatens more serious inflammation.

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children.

Otitis media develops in stages:

  1. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube (beginning of infection).
  2. Catarrhal form of the disease (pathogenic microflora has settled throughout the entire organ).
  3. Pre-perforative stage (pus accumulates).
  4. Perforation of the eardrum due to pressure exerted by pus (a gap is formed).
  5. Post-perforation stage (purulent contents mixed with blood come out).
  6. Recovery stage (inflammation goes away, the eardrum heals).

Otitis media lasts 2-3 weeks. Possible complications:

  • decreased or complete loss of hearing;
  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • labyrinthitis (involvement in the inflammatory process of the inner ear);
  • mastoiditis (transition of infection to the mastoid cranial process);
  • intracranial complications (cerebral or epidural abscess, meningitis, vascular lesions).

Labyrinthitis in children occurs in isolated cases. Depending on the severity, the disease lasts from several weeks to several months. Complications are associated with brain damage and Meniere's disease (an increase in the volume of fluid in the inner ear, which leads to disorientation in space, tinnitus, dizziness and the development of deafness).

Signs of otitis media in children

Symptoms of otitis externa (not always apparent):

  • hearing impairment;

A common symptom of the disease is hearing loss.

  • swelling and redness of the shell;
  • itching in the ear canal (if the cause is a fungus);
  • pain that increases with opening the mouth, swallowing and chewing movements, and pressure on the ear;
  • discharge of exudate or pus.

How can you tell if your baby has ear pain?

Apply pressure to the tragus (the cartilaginous projection at the front of the ear). If the baby is in pain, he will let you know by crying loudly. You can judge the pain syndrome by other signs: the child is capricious, refuses to eat, and rubs his ear.

Important! With external otitis, the temperature does not rise, and if it does rise, it is not higher than 38 degrees.

When the middle part of the auditory organ is damaged, symptoms are noted:

  • throbbing pain radiating to the head, teeth (as if “shooting” in the ear);
  • the child complains of noise and hearing loss;
  • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above;
  • purulent discharge mixed with mucus and blood (corresponding to the post-perforation stage, the pain subsides).

An untreated tooth can cause ear pain.

Temperature is one of the main signs of inflammation of the auditory organs. But sometimes the disease proceeds without its increase. Therefore, take your child to the doctor if you notice at least one of the symptoms described above.

Important! Ear pain is not always a consequence of otitis media. It also appears with mechanical damage to the eardrum, damage to the dental nerve by caries, or cervical lymphadenitis. To rule out these diseases, be sure to seek medical help.

If treatment for otitis media is ignored, or the child has suffered serious infections of the blood or brain, damage to the inner ear may occur. It is characterized by dizziness, deterioration or loss of hearing, noise in the head and the appearance of “spots” in the eyes. The disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and problems with coordination and attention.

How to treat?

What to do if you suspect your child has otitis media? The main thing is not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Choice wrong methods leads to complications, one of which may be irreversible hearing loss. Go to the doctor. He will determine what the baby is sick with and tell you how to treat it correctly.

Evgeniy Olegovich draws mothers’ attention to three points:

Local treatment by instillation is carried out only if the eardrum is intact. If there is a hole in it, medicines penetrate into the middle ear or deeper. This is fraught with hearing impairment and the development of serious complications. Since examination at home is impossible, show the child the ear, nose and throat.

Natalya writes in her review:

“My daughter caught a cold. I treated her cough and throat. But the runny nose was not severe, so I didn’t put anything in my nose. And one day my child comes up holding his ear - and there is pus with blood. It turned out that my girl endured severe pain for a long time because she decided that she would have to get injections. It’s good that the membrane has recovered and my hearing has not deteriorated. But it will be a lesson for me: treatment must be complete. As the doctor said, if I had used drops, otitis media might not have happened.”

Watch a special episode of Dr. Komarovsky's school about otitis media.


It is advisable to treat external otitis media with topical agents. Let's bring them short review:

  • for children from 2.5 years old. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • no age restrictions. The antibacterial effect is combined with analgesic.
  • for children and adults. Combines components that reduce pain and inflammation (not an antibiotic).

Otipax has anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effects.

Important! Warm the bottle in your hands before instillation. Children under 16 years of age: 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 6-10 days.

Inflammation of the middle ear early stage Treated with vasoconstrictor nasal drops:

  • Otrivin Baby (suitable for newborns).
  • Tizin Xylo (from 2 years old with a dosage of 0.05%, from 6 years old - with a dosage of 0.1%).

Attention! Do not use drops for adults. The concentration of active components in them is higher. It is not suitable for children because it causes severe pain and burning.

Instill 1-2 drops of the chosen remedy three times a day into each nostril of the child in a lying position. Duration of treatment is 4-5 days. If symptoms intensify, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

If the eardrum is intact, you can treat the sore ear with drops with antibacterial properties (or). If the membrane is perforated, avoid instilling any medications. Then antibiotics are taken in the form of suspensions, tablets or injections. The most common products contain (take after a doctor’s prescription according to his recommendations).

Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic by injection.


Traditional methods of treatment are permissible only for external otitis. Several recipes:

  • Soak a gauze pad in camphor or boric alcohol and apply it to the sore ear. Cover with plastic or wax paper and secure the headband with a scarf. Leave for 15-30 minutes. The procedure is suitable if the boil has not yet matured. You cannot make such a compress if the child is under one year old. Up to 6 years of age, alcohol must be diluted to a concentration of 40-50% (can be replaced with vodka).

The compress should be kept as long as it has a thermal effect.

  • If the inflammation is caused by a fungus, lubricate the ear canal with a soda solution(cannot be buried). Alkaline environment destructive for this pathogen.
  • Applying heat(boiled egg, hot towel).

For warming up, regular egg, hard-boiled.

Attention! You can warm your ear only if there is no pus. With external otitis, this can be easily checked by looking into the ear canal. If the boil has not formed a head, warming procedures are acceptable. But when the inflammation affected middle organ, it is impossible to know what is inside. Then avoid heat completely, so as not to make things worse. Komarovsky shares the same opinion.


After the amendment, immunity against the pathogen is not preserved, so the development of the disease again cannot be ruled out. Prevention will help keep your child’s ears healthy:

  • In windy weather, wear a hat.
  • After bathing, remove water from the ear canals using cotton swabs.
  • Treat colds promptly and correctly.
  • Do not use improvised means to clean your ears. Special sticks with a limiter are suitable for this purpose.

Use cotton buds with limiter for added safety.

Kochetkov Pavel Aleksandrovich (otolaryngologist), writes:

“One of the common causes of otitis in children under one year of age is the entry of formula into the Eustachian tube. Therefore, it is important to feed the baby correctly: you need to keep him in an inclined position, and the bottle must be sterile. But babies have nothing to fear - breast milk will not cause harm, even if it gets into the canal connecting the nasopharynx with the middle ear. It cannot cause the onset of infection.”

If a child has frequent outbreaks of the disease, it has become chronic. In this case, it is rational to use ear drops with an anti-inflammatory effect at the first symptoms of an exacerbation (,). Strengthening your immune system, avoiding immersing your head in water, and wearing thick hats in drafts will help reduce the likelihood of relapses.

Almost every mother experiences otitis media in her child. Therefore, it is important to know how parents should behave if they suspect ear inflammation. You can’t drip everything and heat the sore spot without finding out the cause of the disease and the form of its course. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Then the baby will recover quickly, and his hearing will remain as sharp as it was.

Alisa Nikitina

According to statistics, about 90% of children under the age of 5 have suffered from otitis media at least once in their lives. Thus, we can say with confidence that otitis media is the most common disease in children. Moreover, it is children who are most susceptible to this disease due to certain structural features of the ears and physiologically reduced immunity.

The first place among the sick remains with children under 5 years of age. The second place is occupied by elderly people, and the third place is taken by teenagers under 14 years old. Unfortunately, the prevalence of otitis in children, as well as the relative ease of treatment, misleads many parents about the seriousness of this disease.

In fact, the disease is quite serious, capable of causing very unpleasant, even terrible complications, including deafness or meningitis. Therefore, knowledge of the symptoms and methods of treating otitis in a child is an important part of the education of every parent.

Otitis is any inflammatory process in the ear. Since the human ear is anatomically divided into three sections, otitis media is divided into external, middle and internal. Otitis media is most common in children, and the most severe, of course, is internal otitis. Inflammation of the middle ear is divided into catarrhal and purulent.

As a rule, the causative agent of otitis is various pathogenic bacteria, such as staphylococci or streptococci. Unlike others inflammatory processes, otitis is almost never caused by viruses, and especially by fungi.

Reasons for the development of otitis media

To understand what the causes of otitis media are and why children get sick more often, you need to first look at the structure of the ear. Usually we call the ear the pinna when its largest and most important part is located inside the skull. The auricle simply picks up sounds and sends them through the auditory canal to the eardrum, which separates the outer and middle ears. The function of the eardrum is that it captures sound from outside and resonates, transmitting it further, like skin stretched over a ringing drum.

The middle ear is a small cavity in the temporal bone. In this cavity there is a complex and very small structure made of bones, which transmits sound to inner ear. The inner ear is most similar to the cochlea, and the cochlea contains nerve endings that transmit signals to the brain.

In order for the eardrum to function properly, it is very important to balance Atmosphere pressure in the middle ear. To do this, the middle ear cavity is connected to the nasopharynx by a passage called the auditory or eustachian tube.

This is where the reason for frequent otitis media in children lies. The fact is that, like many other systems, The ear is not fully formed after birth. In children under 5 years of age Eustachian tube much shorter and wider than those of adults, in addition, it is located in the horizontal plane. All this facilitates penetration into the middle ear cavity various liquids from the nasopharynx. Most often, this happens when mucus accumulates in the nose during a common runny nose.

However, if the rules of feeding newborns are not followed, Breast milk or formula may enter the middle ear cavity. During feeding, the baby often swallows a large amount of air, and after feeding, this air must be released while holding the baby upright. Along with the air, a small amount of milk or formula often leaves the stomach. If regurgitation occurs while the baby is lying down, food can enter the nasopharynx and then the middle ear cavity through the Eustachian tube. Immediately after birth, amniotic fluid may remain in the cavity.

Unlike nasal mucus, milk and amniotic fluid themselves do not contain pathogenic flora, but they are a breeding ground for the development and proliferation of bacteria. However, most often otitis media develops against the background of various colds, flu, scarlet fever, diphtheria or other childhood diseases. At this time, two risk factors are combined: the presence of pathogenic flora and a decrease in the child’s immunity.

Another cause of otitis media is allergic reaction. Allergies can also cause rhinitis, rapid formation of nasal mucus and its flow into the auditory tube.

Otitis of the inner ear rarely develops on its own. In the vast majority of cases, it only accompanies inflammation of the middle ear if it was not recognized and treated in time.

The simplest situation is with external otitis media. It is also called traumatic, since it develops as a result of infection in microcracks in the skin of the auricle and ear canal. The delicate skin can be injured due to careless cleaning of the ear canal or when foreign objects get into it.


The easiest way to recognize the external or traumatic otitis, since the source of inflammation is located outside. Usually otitis externa starts with a sharp skin redness auricle or ear canal. Then it begins tissue swelling , and the opening of the ear canal sharply narrows. Usually this condition goes away quickly on its own. The eardrum seals off the entrance to the middle ear and prevents infection from spreading further.

Obviously, the belief of some parents that otitis media can be acquired externally is completely unfounded. Inflammation of the middle and inner ear develops only as a result of infection from the inside. However, one of the factors leading to the development of otitis may be hypothermia.

Every parent should know the symptoms of otitis media in children: sudden increase in temperature up to 38–40 degrees, weakness, and, most importantly, pain in the ear. It can be pulsating, shooting, pulling, aching. One thing in common: the pain is very strong, growing, sometimes even unbearable. Due to pain, the child may become irritable and restless. Possible sleep disturbance.

It’s good if the baby can already speak and can complain of ear pain. And if not? How, then, to recognize the symptoms of otitis media in children under one year of age? It is very important to carefully monitor your baby's behavior. The child will try to lie on the sore ear, rubbing it against your hand or pillow. In general, when lying down, a child with otitis media usually feels worse, which is due to pressure on the source of inflammation from the nasopharynx.

Most likely the baby will be refuse food . The fact is that during sucking, an area of ​​negative pressure is formed in the nasopharynx and, accordingly, in the middle ear. Because of this, the pain in the ear also intensifies, so the child may, having barely sucked on the breast or bottle, immediately spit it out screaming. In order to make sure that painful sensations are connected specifically to the ear, you can press on the tragus - this is a small cartilage triangular shape, covering the entrance to the ear canal. If, when pressed, the child begins to worry and screams, then, most likely, we are talking about otitis media.

At the first signs of otitis in children, it is necessary to see an ENT specialist or at least a pediatrician. No matter how obvious the diagnosis is for the baby’s parents, it is impossible to be completely sure that the child is suffering from otitis media. In addition, otitis media can be very diverse, and treatment directly depends on its type.

It is noteworthy that allergic otitis media does not cause fever. The more difficult it is to recognize it. Without signs of intoxication, only symptoms associated with sensations in the child’s ear remain. If the baby cannot voice them, you can guess the existence of a problem only by behavior, and then only thanks to attentive attitude to your baby.

The only case when there is no doubt about the diagnosis is with purulent otitis media. The eardrum ruptures and pus begins to leak from the ear . By the way, during this period, the child usually experiences a sharp relief of his condition, as the pressure in the middle ear cavity drops, the pain decreases, and the temperature often decreases. Please note that such relief is not a reason to refuse to see a doctor. The baby still needs treatment. Otherwise, acute otitis may smoothly turn into chronic. Then you will encounter the same problems again and again. Treatment of chronic inflammation in children is a much more complex process than getting rid of acute otitis media.

First aid for otitis media

Unfortunately, in the realities of our country, it is sometimes simply impossible to get to a doctor at the first symptoms of otitis media in a child: appointments are booked for weeks in advance. In this case, you should call a doctor at home and take all possible measures to alleviate the baby’s condition. But you shouldn’t start treatment on your own; you can harm your child with the wrong selection of drugs for the treatment of otitis media.

At all, self-treatment and especially the treatment of otitis media in children folk remedies may cause serious complications. Not all of the methods that our grandmothers suggest using are truly effective and safe.

Therefore, the tasks of parents include only alleviate the condition child. If he has a high temperature, above 38–39 degrees, it must be brought down. For this, standard drugs are used: Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. They are also good because they have an analgesic effect. It is better for infants to choose drugs in the form rectal suppositories, since intoxication can cause them to vomit.

It is widely known that it helps with otitis dry heat. However, it is important to remember that no warming compresses can be applied during the period of fever. This can only make the condition worse.

If the child’s high temperature does not bother him, then the ears can be warmed up. For example, using ultraviolet lamp, or semi-alcohol compresses.

Very important provide the child with free breathing . To do this, you need to clear your nose of excess mucus using a special bulb or aspirator. However, this must be done correctly and very carefully, without causing pain. You should not force your child to blow his nose by pinching both nasal passages. You need to clean them one by one.

Boric alcohol has long been an integral part of the treatment of otitis media in children. Until now, many grandmothers or friends can advise putting it in a child’s ear. However, you shouldn't do this. Alcohol irritates the delicate skin in the ear canal and can even cause burns. Today boric alcohol is in medical practice does not apply. In the case of purulent otitis media and a ruptured eardrum, dripping alcohol solutions into the ear is completely prohibited, since alcohol can damage the delicate apparatus inside the middle ear.


So how and how to treat otitis media in a child? Much depends on the type and stage of development of the disease. So, catarrhal otitis in mild form does not always require therapy antibiotics , which really surprises the parents. Treatment of otitis in children with antibiotics seems mandatory to many. But if the immune system If the baby is normal, there is no formation of pus and the little patient’s condition is clearly not serious, then the body is able to cope on its own subject to adequate outside help in the form of compresses, cleansing the nose and pain relief.

Unfortunately, this situation is extremely rare. In most cases, even catarrhal otitis in a child requires treatment with antibiotics. They can be prescribed in tablets, suspension or drops for topical use. If drops were prescribed in your case, remember that direct instillation into the ears is contraindicated for small children. It is better to use cotton pads. The turunda is inserted into the ear, and drops warmed in warm water or hands are dripped onto it. Gradually, the cotton wool will become saturated with the medicine and it will reach its destination without damaging the skin in the ear canal.

The doctor will most likely prescribe vasoconstrictor drops for the nose to make breathing easier and free the nasal passages from excess mucus.

Taking antibiotics is usually accompanied by taking antihistamines and drugs for dysbacteriosis . This is due to the fact that antibiotics kill not only pathogenic flora, but also all other microorganisms, including those that are vital to our body. It is usually the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that are most affected.

As a rule, treatment of otitis in children takes place at home. However, in particularly severe cases, hospitalization may be required. The most difficult thing to treat is purulent otitis media in a child. The eardrum in children is thicker than in adults. As a result, with purulent otitis media it may not rupture. As a result, pus accumulates in the middle ear cavity, pressing on the membrane and on the walls of the cavity, causing severe pain. In addition, in this case, pus can penetrate into other cavities of the skull, causing various complications.

For this reason, doctors may insist on hospitalization and puncture of the eardrum. There is no need to be afraid of this, since, firstly, the procedure takes place under local anesthesia, secondly, after recovery, the eardrum grows together without loss of hearing acuity.

Hospitalization may also be required if there are signs of any complications.

Possible complications

Since almost all systems in the head are connected in one way or another, any inflammation, including otitis media, can spread to neighboring organs and tissues. The middle ear cavity is directly adjacent to the inner ear, sinuses in the bones of the skull, eye sockets and, of course, the nasopharynx.

Incorrect or untimely treatment of otitis media can provoke transition of acute otitis to chronic form . This means that the child will experience ear inflammation much more often, since pathogenic flora will be constantly present in his body. Chronic otitis is much more sluggish than acute, but it is more difficult to cure and often causes complications.

Otitis media can spread to the inner ear, eyes, or sinuses in the bones of the skull. The consequence of this may be complete or partial hearing loss, blurred vision, severe headaches . In addition, the bony sinuses are separated from the brain by only a thin membrane. If the sinuses are filled with pus, the membrane may burst, and then the infection spreads to the cerebral cortex, which leads to the development meningitis .

Otitis of the middle, inner ear is very difficult for small children. Parents try in every way to alleviate the condition of the babies, but often do not understand the reason for the tears and screams. Let's figure it out together.

Otitis is a dangerous condition for newborn toddlers and older children. pathological conditions associated with inflammation of the middle, inner and outer ear. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, suppuration from the ear, runny nose, and fever.

From this article you will learn


Otitis externa is provoked by:

  • ear injuries;

The infection enters the bloodstream through cuts, open wounds. Children often inflict them on themselves while cleaning their ears with foreign objects.

  • water that got into the ear while swimming in a dirty pond;
  • excessive hygiene;

Sera is the protector of children's ears. Thorough cleaning of sinks from “accumulations of dirt” opens the door to infections and harmful bacteria.

  • E. coli, staphylococci, fungi.

The most common causes of otitis media are:

  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;

These are a runny nose, sinusitis, adenoids, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. The Eustachian tube in newborns and preschoolers is shorter than in adults, and there are no complex bends in it. It is much easier for pathogenic bacteria to reach the middle ear.

  • hypothermia, overheating;
  • ARVI, colds;
  • decreased immunity;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • incorrectly selected position for feeding infants.

The baby should not lie head down on his back. In this case, milk flows into the ear, deep into the nasopharynx. Food debris gets stuck near the eardrum and causes inflammation.

Children suffer from internal otitis due to:

  • acute otitis media of the middle ear, if medical assistance is not provided;
  • meningitis, the infection penetrates the lining of the brain.

Inner ear infections need to be treated urgently! If left unattended, the child will be at risk death or disability.

Classification and symptoms

According to the location of the source of inflammation

The tissues of the ear canal and auricle become infected and affected.

Pathological processes occur in the middle ear cavity.

  1. internal (labyrinthitis);

Most rare view ear disease, the infection affects the structures of the inner ear, the vestibular apparatus.

By distribution

  1. bilateral (double);

If both ears are affected.

  1. unilateral (left-sided or right-sided);

One of the ears is infected.

The following manifestations are common to all types of inflammation:

  • Ear ache;
  • hearing loss;
  • Heat;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy.

In infants and preschoolers, middle ear infection is most common. Otitis media is divided into several types, based on the accompanying symptoms.

By type of pathology

  • Purulent.

The ear cavity fills with pus. The sac of exudate presses on the eardrum, ruptures it, and comes out through the auditory tube. Inflammation is accompanied by pain, hyperthermia, and lethargy.

  • Catarrhal.

Shooting in the ear, redness of the internal cavity, decreased hearing, pain, dry cough. There is no pus or other discharge. Sometimes the behind-the-ear lymph node becomes inflamed.

  • Serous.

The presence of fluid inside the ear cavity, which remains after previous otitis media. Occurs in 35% of babies. This leads to hearing and speech impairment. Therapy for serous otitis involves pumping out stagnant fluid using a tube and shunting the eardrums.

  • Bullous.

Rarely occurs in children. Triggered by the influenza virus. The blood carries infectious bacteria throughout the body, they stop at the ear area, attaching various cocci and nonspecific infections. In a child, the lymph nodes in the ear canal become inflamed and rashes of various sizes form. The bullous type provokes a purulent type of pathology.

Otitis media cannot be transmitted as an independent disease. Bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation in the ear are contagious. These are influenza, adenoviruses, cocci.

Acute otitis media

If your health condition small child worsens rapidly, he complains of pain in the ear, the temperature rises to 38°C, then we are talking about an acute form of otitis media. The development of the disease occurs according to the following scenario:

  1. Arises strong pain, hyperthermia.
  2. Symptoms appear quickly and progress. A newborn or one-year-old baby cannot report pain, so it cries, pulls its ear, and scratches its head in the area of ​​the hearing organs.
  3. There is visible pus in the ear. After 2–3 days, the eardrum ruptures, and exudate gradually pours out of the auricle. The baby feels better, the pain goes away, the fever subsides.
  4. If the pus does not come out on its own, the doctor helps the exudative sac break through by making a small puncture.
  5. The membrane heals, the pus comes out of the shell completely. The pain goes away completely. The small child begins to hear clearly, the general somatic condition of the baby and sleep are restored.

TO acute otitis media Often caused by an untreated runny nose or improper nose blowing. Teach your baby to open his mouth when blowing his nose. This way, pathogenic bacteria will not be able to get from the nasopharynx into the ear through snot.


To recognize otitis media in time childhood, it is very important to get an appointment with a specialist. Only an otolaryngologist can accurately diagnose the type of disease using an external examination and laboratory tests.

The doctor prescribes:

  • otoscopy;

This is an instrumental examination of the eardrum. Using a special device, the doctor sees tissue thickening, hyperemia, suppuration, and perforation.

  • X-ray of the temporal bones;

The visual condition of the bones and pneumatization of the cavities are assessed.

  • CT scan of the temporal bones;

Prescribed in unclear cases.

  • audiometry;

Necessary for examining children with a chronic form of otitis, decreased hearing due to frequent inflammation.

  • assessing the patency of the Eustachian tube;
  • examination by a neurologist;

If complications are suspected (meningitis, encephalopathy).

Important! Examination of children with chronic forms of otitis is best carried out in a hospital. This will allow you to pass comprehensive diagnostics, identify the reasons and possible complications faster.

How not to cause harm

The only thing that can harm a baby with otitis media is self-medication. Parents should absolutely not do the following:

  1. independently diagnose the disease;
  2. prescribe treatment without consulting a doctor;

Using drops and taking antibiotics can harm the baby. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the type of otitis media, age and general condition baby's health.

  1. warm the ear, legs, head;

Inflammation increases under the influence of heat.

  1. interrupt therapy after symptoms disappear;

The course of antimicrobial drugs lasts at least 10 days, instillations and rinsing are done until the membrane heals and all the pus comes out of the ear. Stopping treatment before full recovery threatens recurrent otitis media.

A competently prescribed course of medications and physical procedures after a detailed examination guarantees complete recovery from the disease, even at home, on an outpatient basis, without placing the child in a hospital.

First aid for otitis media

Sometimes objective reasons prevent parents from bringing their baby to the hospital immediately after detecting the first signs of inflammation and calling an ambulance. In this case, the child needs to provide first aid at home or on the road:

  1. neutralize pain;

Use anti-inflammatory drugs that will relieve pain and lower the temperature. These are Ibuprofen, paracetamol, Ibuklin Junior. Choose candles, syrups for infants, tablets for older children.

Use the medicine "Otipax" if the eardrum is not damaged and pus does not flow from the ear. An analogue of Otipax is the cheaper Otirelax. The medications include phenazone and lidocaine. They relieve inflammation and pain. For infants, 2 drops are instilled into each ear, for children from two years old - 3–4.

Important! Don't delay visiting the clinic. Untreated, chronic otitis is dangerous for preschoolers with many complications.

How to instill drops correctly

The main way to treat otitis media in children is to instill vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory drops into the ear. This seemingly simple procedure must be done correctly. Follow the recommendations:

  • Warm the jar of medicine to 24–25°C, for infants – to 36°C.

The bottle can be placed under hot water, pour the contents into a warm spoon, and from there put it into a pipette.

Take the baby in your arms, keeping his body in a lateral position for 8–10 minutes. Don't let the droplets leak out.

Compresses on the ear

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a compress on the ear is not effective method treatment of inflammation, but does not have a negative effect on the child’s condition. It is used only to reassure grandmothers who do not see how and when their beloved grandson is being treated, and a bandage made of folded gauze is used as an alibi for a caring mother.

But not all pediatricians agree with the point of view of the famous video doctor, therefore they advise parents to use compresses to reduce pain and warm the ear in case of catarrhal disease, that is, in the absence of purulent discharge from the ear canal.

Parents need:

You can keep the compress for 4 hours. It is better to do it at night so that the baby does not rip off the bandage.

Treatment of different types of otitis media

The treatment regimen for otitis media depends on its type and degree of neglect. The doctor makes appointments after an instrumental and laboratory examination of a small patient. In particularly difficult critical situations, hospitalization will be required; in other cases, it is enough to treat the child at home with the help of medications and folk remedies.

Treatment of external otitis

It is a standard set of measures:

  1. The child receives anti-inflammatory medications. These are drops or ointments that are applied to the surface of the ear. The boil is warmed up with vodka compresses.
  2. After the rod is formed, the surgeon opens the abscess. The wound is washed with Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, and Chlorhexidine. A medicated bandage with antimicrobial ointment (“Levomycetin”) is applied.
  3. At home, lotions with wound-healing creams are applied to the affected areas. These are “Levomekol”, “Bepanten”.
  4. To relieve hyperthermia and pain, Nurofen and Ibuklin are used.
  5. In case of lymphadenitis, the bacterial nature of the inflammation, a course of antibiotics will be required. Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxicillin, and Sumamed are considered effective.
  6. For fungal otitis media, the child is prescribed oral antifungal medications and ointments. “Candibiotic” - antifungal ear drops are approved for use by children over 6 years of age, but are prohibited for children with allergies and diathesis.

Treatment of acute otitis media

Consists of the following stages:

  1. taking antibiotics;

The doctor prescribes antimicrobial medications if the baby has a fever for more than 3 days, there are signs of severe intoxication, the pain syndrome greatly worries the patient, does not allow him to sleep or eat, the disease is diagnosed in the baby before he is one year old.

Antibiotics are prescribed in tablet form, injections, and suspensions. Non-toxic, safe medications are used to treat children. This is Azithromycin, third-fourth generation antibiotics - Cefotaxime, Cefepime.

For treatment pneumococcal infection– the causative agent of otitis is used with an antibiotic wide range actions - "Suprax". It is safe for children from one month old. The dosage of the drug is calculated strictly according to the instructions.

  1. drops in the ears;

Otipax, Albucid, Otofa, Polidexa, and Dioxidin are used. All drugs have a combined effect. Relieves pain and blocks inflammation.

Catarrhal otitis is treated with drops for at least 7 days, in rare cases 10.

Polidexa goes well with GCS therapy with Dexamethasone to improve the anti-inflammatory effect.

The hormonal component is included in Sofradex drops. Relief of the condition after their use occurs within 2–3 days.

  1. treatment of rhinitis;

A runny nose must be relieved immediately. It is a provocateur of inflammation. The following drops are suitable for children: “Protargol”, “Isofra”, “Nazivin”. Stops nasal runny well homeopathic medicines: "Allium Cepa", "Apis". Spray “Tizin” and “Nazol” are suitable for preschoolers.

  1. carrying out physical procedures;

Inhalation with essential oils through a nebulizer, ultraviolet radiation. Physiotherapy is used to treat infectious and viral forms of otitis, which are provoked by colds and other diseases of the ENT departments. Laser and steam do not have a direct effect on the ear, therefore they are considered safe methods of treatment.

  1. halotherapy;

Staying in a salt cave is necessary during the recovery stage, as a preventive measure for chronic otitis media, and in the presence of frequent cough and runny nose. The duration of the course is 12–14 sessions.

  1. electrophoresis;

Physiotherapy helps to introduce zinc sulfate, an antibiotic, into the tissues of the ear structure. Children's body receives local treatment, minimally protecting from side effects.

Therapy for labyrinthitis

  1. It can only be treated in a hospital.
  2. Antibiotics, antiseptics, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory medications are used.
  3. When fluid stagnates in the middle ear, surgical intervention is resorted to.
  4. If complications arise (meningitis, sepsis, circulatory disorders), symptomatic treatment, based on the clinical picture of the pathology.

Treatment of otitis media in advanced form is delayed in a large percentage of cases by long term. Parents need to protect their children from complications and seek medical help at the initial stage of infection.

Possible complications

The consequences of otitis media include the following pathological conditions:

  • hearing impairment;

Prolonged hearing loss leads to speech delays and nervousness in the baby. In rare situations, pus can only be removed surgically.

  • rupture of the eardrum;

The logical conclusion of otitis, a breakthrough helps the pus to come out. After the lumen appears, the child feels better, and the wound heals after a couple of days.

  • mastoiditis;

This is an inflammation of the tissues of the temporal bone, more precisely, the mastoid process, which is located behind the ear. Usually this cavity is filled with air. After otitis media it becomes inflamed and red. The child will complain of migraines, vertigo, nausea, and fainting.


Caring grandmothers know how to treat otitis media in a child at home, relieve pain using folk methods and natural remedies. Let's give just a small list.

  1. Instillation of boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide.

Warm the solution, drop 2 drops into each ear. Place a piece of cotton wool on top. Boric acid will keep you warm. Do not use this method if your eardrum has ruptured.

  1. Compress with salt.

Take a grain of regular salt, heat it in a frying pan or in the microwave. Place it in a sock and apply it to the sore ear. Keep for 30 minutes. The baby's pain will go away and he will fall asleep.

  1. Lotion with camphor oil.

Soak a cotton swab with camphor oil and place it in your ear. Put a hat or warm headband on your baby's head. You need to remove the tampon after 2-3 hours.

  1. Turunda with calendula tincture, propolis.

Gauze flagella are moistened in alcohol tincture of calendula flowers and placed in the ear for 2-3 hours. The procedure will help with headaches, ear pain. The baby will stop feeling bad.

  1. Propolis drops.

Pharmacy propolis is instilled into the ear canal, 2 drops each. After the procedure, the baby lies on his side for 15–30 minutes. Then the other ear is treated. The course of treatment lasts as long as it takes for complete recovery.

  1. Furacilin alcohol.

Used to treat external inflammation. The solution is used to treat rashes on the lobe and inside the auricle. Furacilin helps relieve itching and redness.

Important! Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at warming the ear cavity. Therapists speak out against such drugs, considering them dangerous to the baby’s health and capable of causing the progression of the disease.

Answer to frequently asked questions

A child has pus flowing from his ear

Yellow or green discharge from the ear is alarming symptom for parents. It is better to treat the patient in a hospital. In this case, it is dangerous to drip vasoconstrictor drops intended for the treatment of otitis media; you can only help the baby with painkillers to alleviate his condition until the doctor arrives.

Why this dangerous symptom occurs is simply explained. The purulent sac, which is located in the middle ear cavity during otitis media, will definitely break through. Its contents should flow out through the nose. If the outflow of mucus is hindered by rhinitis and ducts clogged with snot, then the pus finds its way out in the ear canal, rupturing the eardrum. In this case, the ear may shoot and become very painful.

Why does a child get a puncture?

The rupture of the eardrum during otitis in most children occurs independently due to the pressure of pus in the middle ear. Pus, sometimes ichor, will come out of the ear canal. There is no significant bleeding observed. There is no need to be afraid, the gap will heal in a couple of days, and the baby will feel better. The pain will go away, the temperature will subside.

It is necessary to pierce the eardrum if the tissue is strong, does not yield to the pressure of the bag with pathogenic mucus, and pus accumulates in the middle ear cavity, leaving the little patient with terrible pain. The doctor examines the ear with a lamp, presses on the membrane, and simultaneously pierces it. This medical procedure safe for baby. It will alleviate his condition and help remove pus from the ear cavity. The ear should only be cut in a hospital or clinic.

Disease prevention

Prevention of chronic otitis media, acute forms The course of the disease requires the adoption of certain measures by parents:

  • Do not go outside with your baby in windy weather without a hat.
  • You can't wash your baby in cold water, swim in bodies of water that have not been inspected by sanitary services.
  • Prevent ear injury when cleaning and playing.
  • Teach your baby to blow his nose correctly while opening his mouth.
  • Treat ENT diseases in a timely manner.
  • Give your frequently ill child the Prevenar vaccine. It will protect the baby from otitis, laryngitis, and other bacterial infections upper respiratory tract.
  • Do not self-medicate.
  • If your little one has frequent otitis media, learn about new treatment methods, disease prevention from a pediatrician, and read the relevant literature.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

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