Home Children's dentistry What to do if the temperature rises. Causes and treatment of fever in adults

What to do if the temperature rises. Causes and treatment of fever in adults

Sharp rise temperature may not always be a reason to panic and call an ambulance, but when temperature 39 in an adult, what to do you won’t understand right away. Can you really call ambulance, such indicators are a sufficient reason for the brigade to arrive quickly enough.

How and why does the temperature rise?

The body reacts to any external influences and changes in the internal environment:

  • The thermoregulation center is located in the brain;
  • It is affected by prostaglandins synthesized from fatty acids;
  • The appearance of these substances indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • The original value is changed normal temperature in the center of thermoregulation and the body makes every effort to maintain an elevated temperature;
  • After elimination pathological process in the body, biochemical blood parameters return to normal, and the center in the brain sets the cherished 36.6 degrees.

On the one side, elevated temperature helps fight infection. All living organisms have a certain optimum, a small range of indicators within which these same organisms can exist.

For some pathogenic bacteria, a deviation from the optimal numbers of several degrees is already fatal. There is only one problem - a person is also a living organism and the blood temperature limits are strictly standardized. Overwhelming majority will not be able to survive temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius.

How to reduce a high temperature at home?

If a person’s temperature suddenly rises to critical levels, call an ambulance:

  1. She will arrive within an hour;
  2. The patient will be given a couple of injections so that as quickly as possible bring down the temperature;
  3. After this, they will offer to hospitalize you in a hospital;
  4. Most likely they will be taken to the nearest infectious diseases department, you need to be prepared for this;
  5. Everything will be carried out at the medical institution necessary research and make a final diagnosis;
  6. After completing the course of treatment, you will be discharged from the department and your sick leave will be closed.

It sounds quite simple, but it is not always possible to apply for qualified help or spend a week getting better. The position is not the most sensible, but it has a right to exist.

If necessary as quickly as possible bring down the temperature, it is better to resort to medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- a whole class of antipyretic tablets that can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Paracetamol refers to NSAIDs, the effect is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • differs in that it is prescribed even to children. In terms of minimum side effects and contraindications this is an ideal option;
  • Analgin- the most powerful and popular drug for lowering fever that can only be obtained without a prescription.

Folk remedies for lowering fever

If the patient is fundamentally against all this “chemistry”, you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Make the person drink as much as possible to restore water balance. When the body's temperature rises too quickly, and a decrease in water leads to an increase in temperature. A vicious circle that needs to be broken;
  2. Reduce the room temperature to 20 degrees. This is quite enough for normal life, according to all hygienic standards. But at the same time, a heated case will transfer heat to a colder environment much faster;
  3. If it is possible to humidify the air to 60%, do it;
  4. Rubbing with cool water will help have a reflex effect on superficial vessels;
  5. Alcohol and vodka rubdowns and compresses are effective;
  6. If the patient is wrapped up, he should be “uncovered” and allowed to lie in this state, even after wiping. It may not be pleasant due to the cold, but the temperature is guaranteed to drop.

How to bring down a child's temperature of 39?

With children everything is always more complicated. At elevated temperatures there can be two absolute different types fever:

In parallel with this, the cause of the disease will be determined in order to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment.

The child has a red throat and fever

Heat indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Most likely we are talking about infections. The presence of redness indicates that inflammatory process localized precisely in the pharynx:

  • Given the high body temperature, it could even be the flu if the virus entered the body through the throat;
  • The problem may be a sore throat, which gives complications to all systems, including the cardiovascular;
  • An equally formidable disease, scarlet fever, is not detected so often, but can cause a sad outcome.

If you see a child with a red throat and a high fever, consult a doctor as soon as possible. You should not try to help yourself if you are infected with the same swine flu pneumonia can develop within 24 hours. Within 24 hours after the start, the baby will need artificial ventilation, if everything goes a little wrong.

For young children, especially those with a high temperature, an ambulance will arrive immediately. In some regions, there are enough children's teams, but most likely you will be visited by an adult therapist or an ordinary paramedic. So you shouldn’t refuse hospitalization; pediatricians know their job better when dealing with infections.

How to deal with fever?

When an adult has a high temperature, do not immediately panic:

  • Look what's in your home medicine cabinet. Will do paracetamol, analgin or .
  • Find vinegar, vodka or alcohol in the kitchen. Dilute and make a compress or rub;
  • After this, the patient must leave in an “opened” state, even if he starts complaining about the cold;
  • Better indoors lower the temperature up to 20 degrees, and increase humidity to 60%;
  • Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids.

But it is best to immediately call specialists who will lower the temperature and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Afterwards it will be necessary to take action, but before the ambulance arrives, it is better not to lower the temperature on your own.

Video: what should an adult do at a temperature of 39?

In this video, doctor Elena Malykh will tell you how to bring down the temperature of 39 degrees in an adult (not a child), what remedies and medicines are the most effective:

Select category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Moist cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods treatment of sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
In adults and children, the first indicator of health is body temperature. Depending on the measurement method, its norms range from 36 to 37 degrees. Any changes to these norms can cause conditions ranging from discomfort and malaise to loss of consciousness. How to figure it out: a temperature of 39 for a strong, struggling organism or a signal of weakened immune function? Let's consider what reasons can upset the temperature balance and what to do at a temperature of 39.

In order to determine the purpose of our actions (when and what temperature to lower), let’s consider the mechanism for increasing it.

The thermoregulation center of every person is located in the brain (in the hypothalamus). When pathogenic particles enter the body, it triggers the process of activating the immune system. Specific interferon proteins - pyrogens - are produced, and antibodies are synthesized. All of them are capable of fighting foreign particles and at the same time trigger a mechanism for increasing temperature. For example, the higher the temperature rises, the more interferon is produced. Thus, the body is capable of defeating even the most dangerous microorganisms on its own, and a temperature of 38 degrees indicates this fight. It is not advisable to knock it down in order to give your own immunity a chance.

There is only one problem with this: it “burns” all pathogenic bacteria temperature indicator over 40 degrees (pneumococci, gonococci, spirochetes), but a person is also a living organism and it is also destructive for him. This means that there is a limit, having crossed which, it is vital to bring down the temperature.

Causes of temperature 39

Since ancient times, temperature has been considered the main and oldest indicator of a person’s internal state. So, if the temperature is 39 without symptoms, then this may indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process caused by one of the factors:

  • common infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, ARVI, pneumonia, dysentery);
  • rare infections (malaria);
  • development of an inflammatory (purulent) focus after operations, injuries;
  • thermal burns;
  • endocrine disorders (pancreatitis);
  • exacerbation of inflammation previously present (pyelonephritis, hepatitis, adnexitis).

A high temperature depends on the reactions occurring in the body, and not on the severity of the disease. How younger man and the stronger his immunity, the stronger the temperature reaction.

There are other temperature changes associated with age. For example, in children during teething, the limits of temperature increase can reach 39.

Ways of development of temperature reaction

The temperature reaction develops in two ways:

  1. A sudden reaction to an emerging infection despite yesterday’s well-being.
  2. When the temperature begins to rise after surgery.

On the first way, temperature 39 often occurs suddenly at night, although in the evening there were no prerequisites for this. The person begins to get sick, feel a fever that gradually increases, but he does not feel any other symptoms other than malaise.

In the second case, you need to consult a doctor without delay; a temperature of 39 may be a signal of reproduction pathogenic organisms. All surgical interventions involve the use of antibiotics, other medicines, the main goal of which is to prevent inflammation. Fever indicates otherwise.

What should not be done at a temperature of 39?

If your temperature suddenly rises to 39, there is no need to use drugs that can further increase it:

  • do not drink hot tea, milk;
  • do not apply warm compresses or mustard plasters;
  • do not take a hot shower, bath, or warm up in a sauna;
  • do not wear warm clothes, socks, or use a warm or electric blanket.

What to do if an adult has a temperature of 39? Do not rush to reduce it with medications without finding out the cause of the fever. On the first day of high fever, taking them is inappropriate, providing a sense of false security, distorting the true picture, carrying the risk of adverse allergic reactions, and irritating the stomach.

The exception is people with pathologies of cardio-vascular system and pregnant women. Rapid heartbeat over several days caused by a fever can have adverse effects on the heart muscle and fetal development.

If you need to wait a while with antipyretic drugs, and there is aches throughout the body, headache, photophobia, weakness, urge to vomit, feeling of weakness are increasing, then how to bring down the temperature of 39?! To do this, you need to start with proven non-drug methods, the effectiveness of which lies in their complex (don’t stop at tea with lemon):

  • A prerequisite is bed rest! (at high temperatures, it is important to spend the first days in bed to reduce the load on the heart);
  • drink as much liquid as possible at room temperature (cranberry, viburnum juice);
  • eat foods rich in vitamin C (orange, sour grapes);
  • wipe the body with cotton napkins soaked in cold water(frequent sweating is very important);
  • apply wipes soaked in cold water to the forehead, neck, armpits (avoid overheating);
  • cool your feet in a cool bath (if there are no pathologies from the genitourinary system);
  • be in loose, natural clothing (allow the body to sweat, do not sweat it with synthetic materials).

We must remember that bringing down a temperature of 39 does not mean defeating the disease. For this next step consists of observing yourself, the following days will indicate the cause of the fever. If a temperature of 39 was caused by a cold, symptoms of a runny nose, cough, sore throat and sore throat will appear. Exacerbation chronic diseases will indicate their symptoms. The flu state can manifest itself only with signs of fever: weakness, muscle pain, muscle hypertonicity, photosensitivity, nausea, headache.

All days while the temperature continues to be high, you need to continue to drink plenty of fluids, wipe away sweat with cool napkins, which will help establish the process of thermoregulation.

The next 4 days will be a turning point, the temperature will “creep” down.

In order not to risk your health, to prevent complications of colds in the form of bronchopneumonia or pneumonia, you need to call a doctor at home. He will be able to examine the throat, listen to breathing and identify the cause of the temperature and prescribe treatment.

If your stomach hurts and your temperature is 39 degrees, the only solution is to call an ambulance. Intestinal infections, attack of appendicitis, renal pathologies, pancreatic reactions, acute inflammation of the ovaries in women cannot be relieved at home. They demand inpatient care, additional diagnostics with the help of tests, ultrasound, computed tomography and taking comprehensive measures medical care. A high temperature threshold in these cases signals a rapidly growing pathology and may require immediate action. Taking painkillers and antipyretic medications before the doctor arrives is contraindicated in this situation; you need to relieve the fever using recommended methods.

Why is a temperature above 39 dangerous?

A temperature of 39 and 5 in an adult is the threshold for central depression nervous system. Each degree of temperature increase increases the pulse rate by 10 beats per minute, the tissue need for oxygen increases, and metabolic and metabolic processes accelerate. During extreme heat, increased evaporation of moisture occurs, dehydration occurs, blood pressure decreases, and reflex muscle contraction (cramps) may occur.

Fever with readings of more than 40 degrees poses a threat to the brain and can cause irreversible changes in proteins (denaturation), which is dangerous for human life. Therefore, a temperature of 39.5 requires the immediate use of antipyretics. Children are especially susceptible to such temperature fluctuations, so special care is needed when caring for a sick child.

When measuring the temperature of an adult, you need to take into account the fact that the range of the indicator varies depending on the type of thermometry. So, in armpit the temperature will be one degree less than when measured in the mouth and 1.5 degrees different from the data in the rectum.

If you need to bring down the temperature of 39 in an adult, it is recommended to use pharmaceuticals for this:

  • Ibuprofen (indicated for use in adults and children, produces a persistent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect);
  • Paracetamol(a non-narcotic analgesic and antipyretic drug that does not have an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Nice(an anti-inflammatory drug that reduces pain and fever);
  • Movalis(has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect at all stages of inflammation).

The pharmaceutical industry produces new products every year modern drugs, which can be used to bring down the temperature 39. You should get a recommendation on which one to choose from your family doctor or therapist. It will be based on knowledge of your individual characteristics, the effect of medications on the digestive tract, hematopoietic system, allergic reactions. When taking antipyretic drugs, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and time between doses.

To assess the condition of a person with a high temperature, let's find out why this happens to the body.

Normal body temperature

The normal human temperature is on average 36.6 C. This temperature is optimal for the biochemical processes occurring in the body, but each organism is individual, so it is possible to consider a temperature from 36 to 37.4 C normal for some individuals (we are talking about a long-term condition and in if there are no symptoms of any disease). In order to make a diagnosis of habitually elevated temperature, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Why does body temperature rise

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa or a consequence physical impact on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult; infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

But any organism, like a mechanism, is not perfect and can malfunction. In the case of temperature, we can observe this when the body, due to individual characteristics, immune system reacts too violently to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people this is 38.5 C. But again for children and adults who have had early febrile seizures at high temperatures (if you don’t know, ask your parents or your doctor, but usually this is not forgotten, as it is accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness) the critical temperature can be considered 37.5-38 C.

Complications of elevated temperature

If the temperature is too high, disturbances occur in the transmission of nerve impulses, and this can lead to irreversible consequences in the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures until breathing stops. In all cases of critically high temperature, antipyretic drugs are taken. All of them affect the thermoregulation center in the subcortical structures of the brain. Auxiliary methods, and this is primarily wiping the surface of the body with warm water, is aimed at increasing blood flow on the surface of the body and promoting the evaporation of moisture, which leads to a temporary and not very significant decrease in temperature. Rubbing with a weak solution of vinegar on modern stage After the research, it is considered inappropriate since it has exactly the same results as just warm water.

A prolonged increase in temperature (more than two weeks), despite the degree of increase, requires examination of the body. During which the cause should be clarified or a diagnosis of habitually low-grade fever should be made. Be patient and contact several doctors with the results of the examination. If the results of tests and examinations do not reveal any pathology, do not measure your temperature again without showing any symptoms, otherwise you risk getting psychosomatic diseases. Good doctor I must answer you exactly why you constantly have sub febrile temperature(37-37.4) and whether anything needs to be done. There are a great many reasons for a long-term elevated temperature, and if you are not a doctor, do not even try to diagnose yourself, and it is impractical to occupy your head with information that you do not need at all.

How to measure temperature correctly.

In our country, probably more than 90% of people measure their body temperature in the armpit.

The armpit should be dry. Measurements are made in calm state 1 hour after any physical activity. It is not recommended to drink hot tea, coffee, etc. before taking measurements.

All this is recommended when clarifying the existence of a long-term high temperature. In emergency cases, if there are complaints about bad feeling measurements are carried out under any conditions. Mercury, alcohol, and electronic thermometers are used. If you have doubts about the correctness of the measurements, measure the temperature of healthy people and take another thermometer.

When measuring the temperature in the rectum, a temperature of 37 degrees C should be considered normal. Women should consider menstrual cycle. It is normal for the temperature in the rectum to rise to 38 degrees C during the period of ovulation, which is days 15-25 of a 28-day cycle.

Measurement in oral cavity I consider it inappropriate.

Recently, ear thermometers have appeared on sale and are considered the most accurate. When measuring in the ear canal, the norm is the same as when measuring in the armpit. But young children usually react nervously to the procedure.

The following conditions require calling an ambulance:

A. In any case, at a temperature of 39.5 and above.

b.High temperature is accompanied by vomiting, blurred vision, stiffness of movements, muscle tension in the cervical spine spine (impossible to tilt the chin to the sternum).

V. High temperature is accompanied by severe abdominal pain. Especially in the elderly, even with moderate abdominal pain or fever, I advise you to call an ambulance.

d. In a child under ten years of age, the temperature is accompanied by a barking, dry cough, and difficulty breathing. There is a high probability of developing inflammatory narrowing of the larynx, the so-called laryngotracheitis or false croup. The algorithm of actions in this case is to humidify the inhaled air, trying not to scare, calming, take the child to the bathroom to pour hot water to obtain steam, inhale humidified, but of course not hot air, so being at least 70 centimeters from hot water. If there is no bathroom, an improvised tent with a source of steam. But if the child still gets scared and does not calm down, then stop trying and just wait for an ambulance.

d. A sharp rise in temperature over 1-2 hours above 38 degrees C in a child under 6 years of age who has previously experienced convulsions at high temperatures.
The algorithm of action is to give an antipyretic (dosages must be agreed in advance with the pediatrician or see below), call an ambulance.

In what cases should you take an antipyretic drug to reduce body temperature:

A. Body temperature is above 38.5 degrees. C (if there is a history of febrile convulsions, then at a temperature of 37.5 degrees C).

b At temperatures below the above figures only if severe symptoms in the form of a headache, a feeling of aching throughout the body, general weakness. significantly interferes with sleep and rest.

In all other cases, you need to allow the body to take advantage of the increased temperature, helping it remove the so-called infection-fighting products. (dead leukocytes, macrophages, remnants of bacteria and viruses in the form of toxins).

I will give you my preferred herbal folk remedies.

Folk remedies for fever

A. In first place are fruit drinks with cranberries - take as much as your body requires.
b. Fruit drinks from currants, sea buckthorn, lingonberries.
V. Any alkaline mineral water with a low percentage of mineralization or just clean boiled water.

The following plants are contraindicated for use at elevated body temperatures: St. John's wort, golden root (Rhodiola rosea).

In any case, if the temperature rises for more than five days, I recommend consulting a doctor.

A. The onset of the disease, when did the elevated temperature appear and can you associate its appearance with anything? (hypothermia, increased exercise stress, emotional stress).

b. Have you had any contact with people with fever in the next two weeks?

V. Have you had any illness with fever in the next two months? (remember, you may have suffered some kind of ailment “on your feet”).

d. Have you had a tick bite this season? (it is appropriate to remember even the contact of a tick with the skin without a bite).

d. It is very important to remember if you live in areas where hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is endemic, and these are areas Far East, Siberia, Urals, Volgovyatka region, whether there was contact with rodents or their waste products. First of all, fresh excrement is dangerous, since the virus is contained in it for a week. The latent period of this disease is from 7 days to 1.5 months.

e. Indicate the nature of the manifestation of increased body temperature (absorbent, constant, or with a gradual increase at a certain time of the day).

h. Check whether you received vaccinations within two weeks.

and. Tell your doctor clearly what other symptoms accompany high body temperature. (catarrhal - cough, runny nose, pain or sore throat, etc., dyspeptic - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools, etc.)
All this will allow the doctor to prescribe examinations and treatment in a more targeted and timely manner.

Over-the-counter medications used to reduce body temperature.

1. paracetamol in various names. Single dosage for adults: 0.5-1 g. daily up to 2 g. the period between doses is at least 4 hours, for children 15 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight (for information, 1 gram is 1000 mg). For example, a child weighing 10 kg requires 150 mg - in practice, this is a little more than half a tablet of 0.25 grams. It is available both in tablets of 0.5 g and 0.25 g, and in syrups and rectal suppositories. Can be used from infancy. Paracetamol is included in almost all combined cold medicines(Fervex, Theraflu, Coldrex).
For infants, it is better to use it in rectal suppositories.

2. Nurofen (ibuprofen) adult dosage 0.4g. , children's 0.2 g Recommended for children with caution; used in children with intolerance or weak effect of paracetamol.

3. nise (nimesulide) is available in both powders (nimesil) and tablets. Adult dosage 0.1g...for children 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of a child’s weight, that is, with a weight of 10 kg, 15 mg is required. A little more than one tenth of a tablet. Daily dosage no more than 3 times a day

4. Analgin - adult 0.5 g...children 5-10 mg per kg of child’s weight That is, with 10 kg of weight, a maximum of 100 mg is required - this is a fifth of the tablet. Daily allowance up to three times a day. Not recommended for frequent use by children.

5. Aspirin - adult single dosage 0.5-1 g. Daily dose up to four times a day, contraindicated for children.

At elevated temperatures, all physical procedures are canceled, water procedures, mud therapy, massage.

Diseases that occur with a very high (above 39 degrees C) temperature.

Flu - viral disease, accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, severe aching joints and muscle pain. Catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, cough, sore throat, etc.) appear on the 3rd-4th day of illness, and with a normal ARVI, first the symptoms of a cold, then a gradual rise in temperature.

Sore throat – severe pain in the throat when swallowing and at rest.

Varicella (chickenpox), measles They can also begin with a high temperature and only on days 2-4 the appearance of a rash in the form of vesicles (bubbles filled with liquid).

Pneumonia (lung inflammation) Almost always, except for patients with reduced immunity and the elderly, it is accompanied by high fever. Distinctive feature, the appearance of pain in chest, aggravated by deep breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough at the beginning of the disease. All these symptoms are in most cases accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear.

Acute pyelonephritis(inflammation of the kidneys), along with high temperature, pain in the projection of the kidneys comes to the fore (just below the 12th ribs, with irradiation (rebound) to the side, often on one side. Swelling on the face, increased arterial pressure. The appearance of protein in urine tests.

Acute glomerulonephritis, the same as pyelonephritis only with the involvement of the pathological reaction of the immune system in the process. Characterized by the appearance of red blood cells in urine tests. Compared to pyelonephritis, it has a higher percentage of complications and is more prone to becoming chronic.

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome- an infectious disease transmitted from rodents, mainly from voles. It is characterized by a decrease, and sometimes complete absence urination in the first days of illness, redness of the skin, severe muscle pain.

Gastroenterocolitis(salmonellosis, dysentery, paratyphoid, typhoid fever, cholera, etc.) The main dyspeptic syndrome is nausea, vomiting, loose stools, abdominal pain.

Meningitis and encephalitis(including tick-borne) - inflammation meninges infectious nature. The main syndrome is meningeal - severe headaches, blurred vision, nausea, tension in the neck muscles (it is impossible to bring the chin to the chest). Meningitis is characterized by the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhagic rashes on the skin of the legs and the anterior wall of the abdomen.

Viral hepatitis A– the main symptom is “jaundice”, skin and the sclera becomes icteric in color.

Diseases occurring with moderately elevated body temperature (37-38 degrees C).

Exacerbations of chronic diseases such as:

Chronic bronchitis, complaints of cough, both dry and with sputum, shortness of breath.

Bronchial asthma infectious-allergic nature - complaints of nighttime, sometimes daytime attacks of lack of air.

Pulmonary tuberculosis, complaints of prolonged cough, severe general weakness, sometimes streaks of blood in the sputum.

Tuberculosis of other organs and tissues.

Chronic myocarditis, endocarditis, is characterized by prolonged pain in the heart area, arrhythmic uneven heartbeat

Chronic pyelonephritis.

chronic glomerulonephritis - the symptoms are the same as in acute ones, only less pronounced.

Chronic salpingoopharitis - gynecological disease which is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, and pain when urinating.

The following diseases occur with low-grade fever:

Viral hepatitis B and C, complaints of general weakness, joint pain, late stages“jaundice” joins.

Diseases thyroid gland(thyroiditis, nodular and diffuse goiter, thyrotoxicosis) main symptoms, sensation of a lump in the throat, rapid heartbeat, sweating, irritability.

Acute and chronic cystitis, complaints of painful urination.

Acute and exacerbation chronic prostatitis, a male disease characterized by difficult and often painful urination.

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, as well as opportunistic (may not manifest as a disease) urogenital infections - toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis.

Large group oncological diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be a slightly elevated temperature.

Basic tests and examinations that can be prescribed by a doctor if you have a long-term low-grade fever (increased body temperature within 37-38 degrees C).

1. Full analysis blood - allows you to judge by the number of leukocytes and the value of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) whether there is any inflammation in the body. The amount of hemoglobin can indirectly indicate the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract.

2. A complete urine test indicates the condition of the urinary system. First of all, the number of leukocytes, red blood cells and protein in the urine, as well as specific gravity.

3. Biochemical analysis blood (blood from a vein):. CRP and rheumatoid factor - their presence often indicates hyperactivity of the body's immune system and manifests itself in rheumatic diseases. Liver tests can diagnose hepatitis.

4. Markers of hepatitis B and C are prescribed to exclude corresponding viral hepatitis.

5. HIV- to exclude acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

6. Blood test for RV - to detect syphilis.

7. Mantoux reaction, respectively, tuberculosis.

8. A stool test is prescribed for suspected diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and helminthic infestation. Positive hidden blood a very important diagnostic sign in the analysis.

9. A blood test for thyroid hormones should be done after consulting an endocrinologist and examining the thyroid gland.

10. Fluorography – even without diseases, it is recommended to undergo it once every two years. It is possible to prescribe FLG by a doctor if pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis, or lung cancer are suspected. Modern digital fluorographs make it possible to make a diagnosis without resorting to extensive radiography. Low dose is used accordingly X-ray exposure and only in unclear cases additional examinations with an x-ray and tomograph are required. Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the most accurate.

11 Uzi internal organs, thyroid gland is produced for the diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys, liver, pelvic organs, and thyroid gland.

12 ECG, ECHO KG, to exclude myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis.

Tests and examinations are prescribed by the doctor selectively, based on clinical need.

Therapist - Shutov A.I.

The symptom causes discomfort, but, most importantly, it is certain situations can carry real threat for life. This is explained by the fact that during intense heat it collapses protein structures blood, which leads to fatal outcome(with a thermometer reading of 42 C). Therefore, the appearance of hyperthermia should be Special attention, establish the cause of its occurrence and provide necessary help to the patient.

Causes of fever in adults and children

A temperature of 38 in an adult can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of them are related to diseases, while others are caused by external factors. A doctor will help you find out the exact cause. Since hyperthermia is only a symptom of the disease, it may be necessary to undergo a series of tests to clarify the diagnosis. laboratory research. However, making a correct diagnosis is very important for choosing further treatment.

A temperature of 38 in an adult without cold symptoms can be caused by factors such as:

  • overheating of the body;
  • stress;
  • excessive physical activity.

As a rule, in such cases it rarely rises above the thermometer mark of 38 and remains stable. Even less common external factors can provoke a temperature of 38.5 in an adult. To get rid of the manifestations of heat in this case, you should eliminate the cause that causes it: remove excess clothing, adjust temperature regime in the apartment, protect the patient from situations that cause negative emotions, provide peace. To relieve symptoms, you can use symptomatic remedies.

Very often the temperature is 38, a sore throat and headache are typical manifestations colds, acute respiratory and viral infections. Characteristic symptoms for colds are also: runny nose, chills and aching bones.

But sometimes in the early stages the disease can proceed almost unnoticed - for example, a patient may only have a temperature of 38.5 without symptoms. Unlike viral infections and flu, in this case the thermometer readings are not so high. However, the patient needs help. Treatment of colds includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs and symptomatic medications aimed at eliminating the manifestations unpleasant symptoms: heat, rhinitis, etc. In order to relieve the patient's fever, you can additionally resort to methods such as wiping the body with a solution of vinegar or vodka, applying cooling compresses to the calves, wrists and forehead.

If the question arises: “An adult has a temperature of 38.8, what to do?”, the reasons should be sought among infectious diseases. Symptoms are often very similar to colds, but viral, bacterial, and infectious diseases are characterized by higher thermometer readings. These diseases are characterized by a temperature of 38, cough and runny nose in an adult, rash, gastrointestinal disorders . On early stages

Such pathologies may include: infection urinary tract, flu, measles, pneumonia, etc. Diagnosing the above processes is sometimes difficult. If these diseases are suspected, the patient may need to undergo urine and blood tests.

Temperature 38 and continuous night cough may indicate tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease caused by Koch's bacillus. It affects not only organs respiratory system, but also human bones, joints, intestines. To confirm this diagnosis, fluorography or radiography should be performed. Sputum examination may also be used. Tuberculosis is curable, but it is very important to start treatment at an early stage.

Intoxication of the body can be signaled by a temperature of 38 and diarrhea in an adult. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires a competent and quick response. Symptoms during poisoning may be as follows: temperature 38 and vomiting in an adult, digestive disorders, acute pain in the abdominal area. Most often, people experience food intoxication. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the patient’s stomach and get rid of toxic substances. The patient should take enterosorbents to remove remaining toxins from the body. Because During poisoning, a person loses a lot of fluid; the patient must be provided with plenty of fluids. When signs acute poisoning(continuous temperature 38.5 and diarrhea, signs of dehydration) you should call an ambulance.

Fever is a typical manifestation of disease endocrine system. Thus, a febrile temperature of 38.3 may signal diseases of the thyroid gland. Hormonal imbalance has a very negative impact on the functioning of the entire body.

A temperature of 38 for 4 days or more sometimes indicates neoplasms in the human body. Such formations can be both benign and malignant tumors.

About availability autoimmune diseases Hyperthermia is also indicated, for example a temperature of 38.7. Such diseases include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Pathological hemolysis is also characterized by fever. This is a common disease circulatory system when red blood cells are destroyed in the human body. An elevated temperature of 38.6 may mean that a person has other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. These include ischemic disease heart, heart attack

A temperature of 38 and a headache are symptoms of an atypical allergy. This immune reaction occurs rarely, and children are especially susceptible to it. Fever occurs only when some kind of inflammatory process is already occurring in the body. In this case, the patient has a temperature of 38, the throat does not hurt, there is no runny nose, as with a common cold. But in addition, other symptoms may be observed: urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, itching, dermatitis, drowsiness, etc. With such responses immune reactions It is very important to exclude contact of the body with the allergen in order to avoid possible complications in the form of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

When infants have a temperature of 38-39, no runny nose or cough, the reason may be teething. This process is natural; it begins in the second to eighth month of life. In such situations, the child has a temperature of 38 for 4 days or more. It should be knocked down only in a situation where it rises above the 38 mark. You can use cooling gels and antipyretics.

Very often, fever occurs as a reaction to the vaccine. DPT is a vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Temperature 38 after DTP vaccinations - typical reaction. True, it should not be more than a temperature of 38.5.

Hyperthermia in this case indicates that the person is developing immunity. Sometimes the question arises: “If after DTP vaccination the temperature is 38.5 for 5 days, what should I do?” It is enough to use pre-prepared antipyretics: paracetamol or Nurofen.

If such a reaction to vaccination occurs in infant, the temperature does not go down 38 hands and feet are cold, you should immediately call an ambulance, because there is a risk of febrile seizures.

In addition to the fact that children who have suffered febrile convulsions are at risk of developing epilepsy, this condition in itself is life-threatening for the child. In adults, fever and cold extremities indicate that the temperature continues to rise. When a person has a temperature of 38-39, no runny nose and no cough, you should definitely contact a specialist to find out the cause.

First aid to a patient

There is no single exact answer at what temperature to call an ambulance or a doctor at home. It is very important to correctly assess the situation and competently provide the necessary assistance to a sick person.

When the thermometer readings reach 38-38.5, no urgent need taking any antipyretic drugs. The patient should be given more fresh air in the room, necessary to speed up the metabolic process, and drink plenty of fluids, because The body of a person suffering from a fever loses a lot of fluid. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps eliminate toxins and infections. For this, water or special saline solutions for rehydration (“Regidron”).

If the temperature rises to 38.2, what to do? You should pay attention to the presence of any other symptoms of the disease and monitor the development of the situation. It may be possible to identify the cause of the fever, and instead of taking symptomatic medications, use medications directly aimed at the problem (infection, inflammation).

If the temperature is 38 without symptoms in an adult, the reasons are not clear (with deviations of several tenths of degrees), there is no need to rush to take antipyretics. The fact is that during such a reaction, interferons, antibodies, and foreign cells begin to be actively synthesized in the human body and are absorbed and destroyed by leukocytes, turning on protective functions liver. The body tries to cope with the disease on its own. But in situations where the symptom does not go away, for example, a temperature of 38 3 days in an adult, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When adults have a temperature of 38.6 and above, antipyretic drugs (“Paracetamol”, “Nurofen”) can be used, but physical methods of relieving fever can also be used:

  • rubbing with water;
  • rubbing with a solution of vodka or vinegar;
  • cooling compresses.

In addition, you should immediately start strengthening your body’s immunity, because... diseases caused by such a temperature can seriously undermine it.

In what cases should you call a doctor and an ambulance?

When the temperature rises, many viruses and bacteria die, and thus the protective functions of the human body are activated.

But very high thermometer readings can sometimes not only cause discomfort, but also pose a threat to life.

Such situations include the following:

  • a temperature of 38 does not drop in an adult after taking antipyretic drugs for 30 minutes or more;
  • with “pale” fever (an infant has a temperature of 38, cold legs, chills, pale skin with a “marble” pattern);
  • temperature 38.9 in an infant;
  • high fever accompanied sharp pains in the abdominal area;
  • high fever accompanied by a rash on the body;
  • when the thermometer reaches 39.5 - 40° C;
  • when in infants up to two months the thermometer does not fall below 38° C;
  • in cases where serious accompanying symptoms occur: convulsions, rash, pain.

In these situations, it is necessary to call emergency medical assistance.

When there is no need to call an emergency medical team, sometimes it is still essential to get professional advice from a doctor. You should call a therapist at home in the following cases:

  • in an adult, a temperature of 38-39 lasts 3 days or more;
  • In an adult, a temperature of 38 lasts a week;
  • temperature 38.9-39 in children six years and older;
  • thermometer reading 37.7 in children under three months of age;
  • thermometer reading 38 from three months to six years;
  • slight hyperthermia (for example, temperature 38.3), accompanied by a mild rash;
  • slight hyperthermia (for example, temperature 38.4), accompanied by mild abdominal pain;
  • temperature 38.6 and severe cold symptoms.

If the patient is not in any of the above conditions, this does not mean that it is worth self-medicating. You should independently go to see a specialist in order to choose competent and effective treatment.

It often happens that in the bustle modern life We stop paying attention to our health. This can often lead to disastrous consequences. And suddenly a high temperature above 39 in an adult becomes a revelation of problems and anyone can be knocked out of action. What to do in this case? Let's talk about this in more detail on the www.site.

A temperature that has risen sharply to 39C may be the first sign of an inopportune flu or ARVI. But it can also be a signal of more serious things - inflammation of body tissues.

What to do when the temperature rises so sharply?

Remember - at high temperatures, the human body produces interferon. These are proteins capable of destroying bacteria and viruses. So high temperature can ease and accelerate the course of the disease. It is also possible to endure it without suffering.

First of all, organize cool air in the room where you are, but not a draft. Thus, you will speed up the release of heat by the body. At the same time, do not forget about humid air. Without it, you are guaranteed nasal congestion and a generally lousy condition. Under no circumstances should you heat the room, especially using electrical appliances - they will dry out the air even more.

Don't forget about liquid. When your temperature rises, you sweat. This is normal - this is how your body helps speed up the loss of heat. But the body needs something to sweat. To do this, drink more. Let it be water, juice, tea or other liquids. The closer they are to body temperature, the better. It's even better if they contain a minimal amount of sugar.

But, under no circumstances should you drink any alcoholic beverages when your temperature rises - your heart may fail. But they don’t joke with him... There are folk recipes teas to lower the temperature - tea with raspberries, linden, juice of currants, cherries, etc. Naturally, the process of sweating will force you to change clothes often. Try to use natural fabrics.

To help you feel better during a high fever, try soaking your temples, forehead, and wrists in cool water. For this they also use vinegar or alcohol solutions(one spoon of vinegar/alcohol per liter of water). Be careful, such measures can lead to vasospasm or poisoning from alcohol or vinegar vapors. Under no circumstances should these solutions be rubbed into the body; you can only wipe it off.

More radical methods would be wrapping yourself in cool damp sheets, a cool shower or even a bath. These procedures are best done under supervision and with the help of someone close to you. They also use cool or cold compresses - after wetting several towels, place them under the arms and on the forehead, and wrap them around the calves. But remember that artificial cooling methods are a temporary measure.

Do not under any circumstances use products that artificially increase the temperature: warming ointments, hot foot baths, hot showers or baths, mustard plasters. Don't drink very hot tea.

There are cases when experiencing high temperatures is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. This applies to cases of heart and vascular diseases, various chronic diseases. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to tolerate fever. Also common individual characteristics when a person does not tolerate high fever. In such cases, it must be “knocked down” with medication.

Exist different drugs to reduce temperature. The most common are those based on paracetamol. They can be in the form of tablets, suppositories, injections, soluble powder, syrup. The most common are Panadol, Efferalgan, Coldrex, Fervex, Tempalgin.

You can also use products based on Ibuprofen and Acetylsalicylic acid.

One of the means that allows you to quickly act on a rising temperature is an enema. An antipyretic tablet is ground into powder and diluted in water. Through the intestinal walls, this composition is quickly absorbed into the blood and begins to act.

In cases where you need to very quickly bring down a high temperature, you should resort to injection. Analgin-papaverine-diphenhydramine is taken in a 1:1:1 ratio. It is this mixture that emergency doctors use to quickly bring a patient out of a temperature crisis.

If a rise in temperature in an adult is accompanied by convulsions, delirium, or other disorders of the brain, you must immediately call an ambulance.

It should be remembered that most often an increase in temperature is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to the cause of the disease. A high temperature will help the body deal with it faster and make the infection less contagious. Previously, for some diseases, doctors even raised the temperature artificially, but now this is not practiced.

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