Home Coated tongue How long does it take to treat tubootitis? Acute tubo-otitis

How long does it take to treat tubootitis? Acute tubo-otitis

If the ear is unpleasantly blocked, you feel crackling, noise, and resonant echoes of your voice when talking - this is the beginning of the disease tubo-otitis. Infectious or allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity.

The disease is extremely dangerous due to its complication: the development of purulent otitis with unpredictable consequences, which can only be protected from by timely proper treatment as prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

In every clinic it is necessary to post notices for those who like to walk in winter without a hat or scarf, where it should be written in capital letters that even slight hypothermia of the head and neck can lead to hearing loss.

It is important to explain in detail to adults and children the danger of tubo-otitis disease and its complications. And also talk about the correct methods of treating and preventing the disease. Only then will the number of people risking their health due to ignorance be significantly reduced.

What does the diagnosis of tubo-otitis mean?

Unilateral ear disease, or a bilateral type of tubootitis (in both ears) is characterized by the development of an acute inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube due to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. Or due to hyperreactivity of mucous membranes to allergens.

How the disease develops:

  1. Swelling forms in the auditory tube, preventing ventilation air circulation.
  2. Pathogenic flora produces an increased amount of serous, mucous, or purulent exudate. Fluid fills the airways, causing hearing loss.
  3. Violation of the lumen of the eustachian tube and stagnation of exudate in the tympanic cavity leads to a pathological change in the internal ear pressure. This provokes the development of sharp pain, a kind of “gurgling”, “lumbago”.
  4. Lack of proper treatment will inevitably lead to rupture eardrum under fluid pressure, outpouring of exudate into the area of ​​the inner ear, suppuration. The result is damage to the auditory nerve.

To avoid terrible consequences, you need to know why tubo-otitis forms, and, if possible, prevent the development of the disease by eliminating the factors that provoke it.


All pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the auditory tube from the nasopharynx area. Tubootitis can develop against the background of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI caused by parainfluenza viruses, influenza viruses, enteroviruses, reoviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, herpes viruses, and other pathogens. Almost all of these diseases are accompanied severe runny nose. When sneezing or blowing your nose, mucus from the nose infected with pathogenic flora is thrown into the Eustachian tube, causing inflammation.
  2. Bacterial diseases: sore throat, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, pneumonia. And in children, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria weaken the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, causing pathogenic flora from the nose, mouth, and throat to easily invade and affect nearby areas of the hearing organs.
  3. Untreated infections of the gums and teeth often become the root cause of the development of tubo-otitis (caries, stomatitis).
  4. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube can be caused by adenoids, polyps, tumors, congenital and acquired deformities of the nasopharynx due to mechanical blocking of the auditory lumens.
  5. In children, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eustachian lumen and tympanic cavity occurs due to penetration of a foreign object into the ear canal.
  6. Allergic hay fever is expressed by a severe runny nose. At stagnation swelling of the mucous membranes often develops in the nasal sinuses, followed by infection with bacterial flora of the auditory lumen and tympanic cavity of the ear.
  7. In some cases, tubo-otitis is caused by barotrauma during diving or airplane travel.
  8. Infection is promoted by the flow of dirty water contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms into the ear. In this case, the presence of dense sulfur plugs is dangerous, the swelling of which under the influence of liquid leads to clogging of the lumens.

The structure of the hearing organs small child imperfect: the air passages are narrow and short, so tubo-otitis threatens them more often than adults.

The disease can be provoked by improper care of the baby: cleaning the passages with cotton swabs, water flowing into the ears when bathing, using low-quality shampoos for washing the hair.

Symptoms of tubootitis

The difference between the signs of acute and chronic tubo-otitis is explained by to varying degrees damage to the hearing organs.

Acute initial stage

Swelling of the mucous membrane that develops for the first time with tubo-otitis and narrowing of the lumens of the Eustachian tubes are characterized by the following severe symptoms:

  1. Vague noise, distant buzzing in the ears.
  2. Autophony (echo-type echoes of one’s own voice).
  3. A gurgling sensation, as if pouring liquid.
  4. The decrease in hearing ability is insignificant (depending on the volume of exudate in the tympanic cavities).
  5. The temperature of an adult is slightly elevated (up to 37.5 degrees), or normal, in children it is in sub-refrigeration values ​​(37 - 38.3).
  6. Ear congestion is not constant: it appears and then disappears after swallowing or yawning.

Pain with catarrhal tubo-otitis may be absent or manifested by minor sensations of heaviness in the head and ear.

Chronic tubo-otitis

Signs of progression of tubo-otitis to the chronic stage:

  1. The ability to hear the other person is deteriorating.
  2. There are alternating episodes of decrease and exacerbation of manifestations of resonant autophony, noise, etc.
  3. There is hyperemia of the integument inside the ear canal.
  4. Pain appears from the side and head.
  5. During otoscopy, doctors detect a significant narrowing of the lumens of the Eustachian tubes, gluing of their walls with exudate, pathological changes in the area of ​​the eardrum and thinning of the mucous membrane.
  6. The chronic course of tubootitis is often accompanied by following symptoms: constant congestion of the nasal sinuses, poor coordination, dizziness, discharge of exudate from the ear in small quantities.

The signs of tubo-otitis in children and adults are practically the same, however, children often suffer from a bilateral disease, and older people suffer from unilateral inflammation, which can subsequently pass from one ear to the other.

Treatment for adults

Timely use of medications quickly stops the inflammatory process, the disease recedes after 1 - 2 weeks

How to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms

The primary task of the otolaryngologist is to destroy the infectious agents that cause inflammation of the eustachian tube:

  • in case of bacterial damage to the mucous membranes, medications containing antibiotics are prescribed (Amoxicillin, Bioparox, Tsipromed);
  • if the nature of the disease is viral - antivirals(Cycloferon, Anaferon, Acyclovir, Arbidol);
  • for fungal infections - antimycotic drugs;
  • for hay fever - antiallergic drugs.

All medications are permissible for use only with the permission of an otolaryngologist.

Standard list of medicines

The usual treatment regimen for catarrhal tubootitis of a non-microbial nature to reduce swelling and inflammation includes the following list of drugs:

  1. Liquids for rinsing the nasal passages (Aquamaris, Saline, But Salt, Chlorhexidine Humer).
  2. Antiseptics (Miramistin, Protargol).
  3. Painkillers (Ketonal, Ketanov).
  4. Nasal drops with vasoconstrictor action (Vibrocil, Sanorin, Adrianol, Nazol, Nok Spray, Xylene, Farmazolin).
  5. Antihistamines (Citrine, Erius, Lordestin, Loratidine).
  6. Drops for ear treatment, recognized as the most effective for tubo-otitis: (Polydexa, Otofa, Otipax, Isofra, Removax) are used only when the eardrum is not damaged. If necessary, medicinal solutions are injected into the ear cavity through special catheters.

The doctor does a purge auditory tube(according to Politzer). Prescribes physiotherapy (Ural irradiation, electrophoresis, UHF).

Tubootitis in children

Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of an otolaryngologist and an allergist.

List of drugs:

  1. At bacterial infections. Tsipromed, Otofa - drop solutions for ears with antimicrobial action. Antibiotics for internal consumption: Azithromycin, Amoxicillin.
  2. Antihistamines: Zodak, Suprastin, Erius, Claritin.
  3. Vasoconstrictor (nasal) drops: Naphthyzin, Otrivin.
  4. If necessary, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators (Amiksin, Immunorix) and corticosteroid drugs (Nasonex).
  5. Timely ventilation and physiotherapy help get rid of inflammation.

To destroy infections in the mouth and throat, absorbable lozenges, lozenges, and tablets are used: Imudon, Lizobakt, Grammidin, Neoangin. In addition, frequent swallowing movements help speed up the cleansing of the ear canals.

Treatment at home

Before visiting a doctor, you should not apply compresses, instill homemade tinctures, lubricate the mucous membranes of the ears and nose with oil solutions on medicinal herbs Oh.

Self-medication can distort the picture of the disease beyond recognition, and also lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Herbal treatment should not be used for adults and children with any type of allergy. Danger arises sudden appearance anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria rashes and the development of bronchospasm.

Disease prevention

The main measure to prevent the development of tubo-otitis is timely treatment of infectious diseases.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of allergies, so you need to avoid contact with foreign protein fractions of allergens.

What other generally accepted health factors save our ears:

  1. Cleanliness – prevents the spread and activation of pathogenic microbes.
  2. Hardening – helps to increase immune defense body.
  3. Movement – ​​protects against stagnation of biological fluids inside the cavities of the nose, ear, and respiratory organs.
  4. Absence bad habits: smoking, gluttony, alcoholism allows the body to promptly destroy any dangerous bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens without the use of drugs. If the body is not poisoned by toxins, a uniquely coordinated mechanism of self-cleaning of body cells by leukocytes and macrophages quickly starts.

The most important rule health - avoid stress. It’s not for nothing that people have been passing it on from mouth to mouth for centuries. folk wisdom: “All the sores are from nerves.”

The danger of untreated tubo-otitis in a timely manner is the spread of infection through the barrier of the eardrum to areas of the middle, inner ear and beyond. Otitis media occurs, threatening damage to the auditory nerves, blood poisoning, and intoxication of brain cells.

In addition, the formation of adhesions and atrophic transformation of the tissues of the hearing organs is possible. Take care of your health and that of your loved ones, do not delay your visit to the otolaryngologist.

We bring to your attention a video that explains the features of the symptoms and treatment of otitis media in adults and children:

In contact with

Tubootitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the ear cavity. Inflammation leads to swelling of the ear canal, and in the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses to more severe form– chronic tubo-otitis. And if acute form If the disease is cured without consequences, then chronic over time leads to dysfunction of the ear, and in especially advanced cases – to brain damage.


The disease is caused by infections that enter the mucous membrane of the mouth of the auditory tube, causing its inflammation and the release of exudate. The exudate carries the infection further along the auditory tube, involving the eardrum in the inflammatory process.

Infection enters the auditory tubes for the following reasons:

Due to the fact that the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses are connected to the ears, diseases of the upper respiratory tract are the most common cause the occurrence of chronic tubo-otitis.

A separate cause of non-infectious nature is frequent airplane flights. On board the aircraft sharp decline or as you gain altitude, pressure surges occur. In people with pathologies or chronic diseases of the ear, this leads to the closure of the auditory tube and, as a result, to disruption of blood flow in the mucous membrane and ventilation function of the ear.

Stages of the disease

Chronic tubo-otitis goes through three stages of development:

  1. Release of fluids due to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane (exudate, transudate) and mucus, proliferation of the epithelium.
  2. A sharp increase in the production of mucus and cellular breakdown products, which leads to the “gummy ear” effect.
  3. A decrease in mucus production and an increase in the viscosity of the exudate causes an adhesive process; processes of scarring and the formation of salt plaques are observed in the mucosa. The eardrum becomes thinner, stretches, and becomes flabby.

The chronic form of tubootitis is rarely accompanied by high fever and pain in the affected area, and the disease can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • hearing impairment;
  • ear congestion;
  • feeling of fullness in the ear canal cavity;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • when you move your head, water rolls in your ear;
  • echo of one's own voice in the ear;
  • redness and swelling of the inside auricle;
  • bleeding.

By the way, yawning, sneezing, chewing, and coughing can temporarily restore hearing.

Certain symptoms are revealed only during a medical examination:

  • deformation or destruction of the eardrum, its retraction;
  • narrowing of the auditory tube;
  • release of exudate and transudate;
  • accumulation of pus in internal cavity ear.

Manifestation in children

Children are especially susceptible to tubo-otitis, both acute and chronic. The auditory tubes in babies are shorter and straighter than in adults (in a newborn - 2 cm, in an adult - 3.5 cm), so the infection gets into the ear faster.

The symptoms of chronic tubo-otitis are standard, but the disease in childhood often leads to an increase in temperature to 38°C and above. In addition to swelling, inside Blisters may appear in the auricle.


Often, chronic tubo-otitis progresses sluggishly, and patients tend to ignore both the disease itself and the inconveniences it causes. However, treatment not carried out on time is fraught with serious consequences:

Sclerotic and atrophic changes ear mucosa, cloudiness or rupture of the eardrum lead to deterioration or complete loss of hearing.

The destroyed eardrum has another by-effect– pus does not linger in the ear and the carrier of the disease does not feel pain, so he may not contact an otolaryngologist in time.


Treatment of chronic tubo-otitis is complex in nature and is aimed at eliminating symptoms and their causes, and preventing the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. For this purpose:

  • vasoconstrictors for the nose;
  • antiallergic drugs.

Antibiotics are used to kill viruses and infections wide range actions. In some cases, you can do a microflora analysis by selecting a drug with a narrowly targeted effect.

Chronic tubo-otitis and its consequences cannot be cured with folk remedies. But decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effects, lowering fever, strengthening the immune system, will ease the course of the disease and help you recover faster. It will also be useful to put garlic paste in the ear, instillation of calendula tincture, a mixture of tea tree and olive oils.

Restoration of a deformed eardrum and adherent walls of the ear cavity, as well as treatment of sclerous-atrophic changes in the mucosa, is carried out in the following ways:

  • catheterization of the auditory tube with subsequent blowing or administration of drugs;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • pneumomassage;
  • surgical intervention.

It is possible to effectively treat the chronic form of the disease only by eliminating the causes of its regular occurrence: For this, the following preventive measures can be used:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • no hypothermia;
  • usage saline solutions for the nose, destroying infection;
  • treatment of chronic diseases and pathologies of the nasopharynx;
  • visiting an otolaryngologist once every six months;
  • preventing the consequences of pressure drops during airplane flights.

In order to prevent infected mucus from entering the ear cavity, it is necessary to blow your nose correctly - alternately using the right and left nostrils, blowing air often and with less intensity. It is not recommended to draw mucus into yourself.

Chronic tubo-otitis is a serious disease with a sluggish course. Whether treatment will be successful depends on the stage at which the disease was detected, as well as what medications and procedures were prescribed. Attention to your health, timely visits to the doctor and strict implementation of his recommendations will help you recover without complications.

Tubootitis is inflammatory disease, in which damage is caused to the auditory tube. Pathological changes tissues are exposed, resulting in hearing loss. Tubootitis is one of the stages of catarrhal otitis. In this case, ventilation of the middle ear occurs.

This provides free access for bacteria to spread deeply. If you do not start adequate therapy, then otitis media. It already leads to more serious symptoms and the development of severe complications.

Tubootitis can be recognized by such a sign as hearing impairment. The inflammatory process can be either unilateral or bilateral. At acute course The following clinical picture is noted:

  • ear congestion;
  • hearing impairment;
  • noise in the ear;
  • gurgling when swallowing;
  • heaviness in the head, which, when turned, creates the impression of iridescent liquid;
  • resonating the voice in the ear.

Duration of treatment

During normal course pathological process in an adult, the duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks. But there are situations when sometimes it takes up to a month.

In case of inflammatory damage to the auditory tube, the doctor may include local drugs in the treatment regimen. They can be inserted into the pipe itself.

To perform such manipulations, you must be present in the hospital, since the doctor must carry out all activities on an outpatient basis.

As a rule, glucocorticosteroids are administered into the auditory tube.


They can be in solution format, the purpose of which is to stop the inflammatory process. Proteolytic enzymes may also be used to dilute the edematous fluid.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe the following medications:

  1. The use of drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. They effectively cope with swelling of the auditory tube. The most effective include Sanorin, Nazivin (this article will help you understand what Nazivin drops look like for children) and Otrivin.
  2. Boric alcohol should be dripped into the ear. It will reduce unpleasant symptoms and at the same time disinfect the inflamed area.

    Boric alcohol

  3. Ear blowing, pneumomassage. The purpose of these procedures is to eliminate serous fluid from the auditory tube.

    Pneumomassage of the ear

  4. Use of glucocorticosteroid sprays. They irrigate the nasal cavity to reduce inflammation. Nasonex is most often used (this article will help you understand how to use Nasonex nasal allergy spray).


  5. Use of immunomodulators. They increase the body's immunity. Such drugs as Poludan, Immunorix, Amiksin (but this article will help you understand how to take Amiksin for the flu) and Taktivin are considered effective.
  6. Antibacterial drugs for severe disease. Thanks to them, it is possible to eliminate the cause of the pathological process and prevent it from becoming purulent. The most commonly used drugs are macrolides and penicillins.
  7. Physiotherapy. It is used as an addition to the main treatment. Thanks to physiotherapy, it is possible to improve the effect of medications and speed up recovery. Microcurrents, magnetic therapy, UHF, laser treatment and electrical stimulation.

    Physiotherapy for ears

To restore intra-ear pressure, you need to use the following simple and effective exercises:

  • move your tongue back and forth;
  • to yawn;
  • move lower jaw right left;
  • just swallow with your mouth closed;
  • inhale air through one nostril and exhale through the other;
  • inhale air with a closed nose;
  • use chewing gum.

If therapy for acute inflammation was started at early stage, then the patient’s full recovery will occur within 6-7 days.

In the chronic form of the pathology, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures depends on the degree of hearing loss, as well as on the timely detection of the cause of the development of tubo-otitis.

You might also be interested in knowing what best antibiotic for otitis in adults the best one, you can find out from the article.


In folk medicine there are many effective recipes that help cure tubootitis.

They can only be used in combination with the main treatment and after consultation with a doctor.

If tubootitis is of allergic origin, then non-traditional methods must be used with a special approach. The following recipes remain the most effective:

  1. Take an onion big size, cut off the top part, add cumin seeds there and cover the top with the crown. Now wrap the vegetable in foil and place it in the oven for baking. Now you can squeeze the juice out of the onion and chop the onion itself. Use the liquid as ear drops, performing the procedure 3 times a day. If bilateral tubo-otitis was diagnosed, then perform the manipulation one by one. You might also be interested in learning about how you can use onion milk for colds.
  2. Melissa tincture. To prepare it you need to use vodka. Take 20 g of raw material and add a glass of vodka. Before mixing the products, the lemon balm must be finely chopped. Infuse it for 14 days. And filter before use.
  3. Calamus common. With its help you can restore your hearing. It is necessary to fill 20 g of raw material with 200 ml of water. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Filter, add the missing amount of water. Take 20 g of decoction 2-3 times a day.
  4. Medicinal mixture. Mix 5 g of propolis, 10 g of honey, 15 ml of cocoa butter, 20 ml of calendula juice and 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and inject it into ear canal. Keep there for 20 minutes.
  5. Propolis and vegetable oil. Combine 30% propolis tincture and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting emulsion is suitable for tampons. It needs to be shaken before use. Then moisten a cotton pad, form it into a tampon and place it in the ear canal. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 hours. Carry out similar events for 7-10 days. But this information will help you understand how nasal polyps are treated with propolis.

As for the use of badger or hare fat, it is prohibited to use them in the treatment of tubootitis. Any fat will clog the ear canal, so there will be no benefit from such treatment.

Treatment during pregnancy

Therapeutic measures to eliminate tubootitis in pregnant women include the use of blowing. For this procedure, a special olive is used.

It is inserted into the vestibule of the nose, and a tube with a rubber bulb is attached to it.

By pressing the bulb sharply, air penetrates through the second half of the nose and, thanks to the increase in pressure, it is possible to open the auditory tube.

Even during pregnancy, pneumomassage of the eardrum may be prescribed. Its essence is that the air in the external auditory canal thickens and dilutes.

The manipulation must be carried out using a special apparatus. After just 1-2 weeks, you can completely restore the patency of the auditory tube, as well as remove fluid from the middle ear.

But what ear drops are the most effective for otitis is described in great detail in this article.

Tubootitis in adults is also a widely diagnosed disease as among children. Only adults rarely apply for medical assistance, as a result of which the process becomes chronic or severe complications arise.

Source: http://ProLor.ru/u/bolezni/otit/lechenie-tubootita-u-vzroslyx.html

Tubootitis and its forms

Tubootitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the auditory (Eustachian) tube and tympanic cavity.
Sometimes tubootitis is called eustachitis.

But, to be precise, eustachitis is an inflammation of the auditory tube, accompanied by its narrowing and impaired air flow.

Inflammation quickly spreads to the middle ear, causing otitis media.

Therefore, inflammation that occurs simultaneously in the middle ear and auditory tube is called tubootitis or salpingootitis, and eustachitis is more often considered its initial stage. Treatment of tubo-otitis is complex, aimed at relieving inflammatory processes in both the ear canal and the middle ear.


The auditory tube, consisting of bone and cartilage tissue and lined with mucous membrane, connects the nasopharynx and middle ear.

Accordingly, when the infectious focus is localized in the upper respiratory tract, pathogenic microorganisms easily enter the auditory tube, and then into the tympanic cavity.

The most common causes of tubo-otitis are:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract in acute and chronic form - rhinitis, pharyngitis, sore throat (causative agents are often bacteria - pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes caused by allergies (tubo-otitis can be a consequence of allergic rhinitis);
  • mechanical closure of the nasopharyngeal orifice due to structural abnormalities (adenoids, polyps, tumors, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, deformation of the nasal septum).

Less commonly, tubo-otitis in adults occurs after:

  • nasal tamponade;
  • dental procedures that provoke increased salivation;
  • barotrauma caused by a sharp change in atmospheric pressure.

The auditory canal in children is straighter and shorter than in adults. Accordingly, children are more predisposed to developing tubo-otitis.

People most often experience changes in atmospheric pressure when traveling by air. Therefore, tubootitis, which occurs against the background of barotrauma, is isolated in separate form– aerootitis

Typically, the patient experiences the following symptoms of tubo-otitis:

  • congestion of one ear (left-sided or right-sided tubo-otitis) or both ears (bilateral inflammation);
  • noise in ears;
  • feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • autophony (echo of one's own voice in the affected ear);
  • feeling of fluid transfusion inside the ear (especially when moving the head);
  • hearing impairment.

With tubo-otitis, there is no pain, no fever, and the patient’s general well-being does not deteriorate.

Forms of the disease

According to the nature of the course of inflammatory processes, tubootitis (ICD code 10 - H68) can be acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is accompanied by the symptoms listed above. With timely and competent treatment, inflammation can be stopped within a few days.

If the patency of the auditory tube is not restored, the fluid stagnates in the middle ear cavity and becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

As a result exudative otitis media goes into purulent inflammation, which is much less treatable.

Untimely or incorrect treatment acute process contributes to its transition to a chronic form.

Particularly dangerous is chronic tubotympanic purulent otitis media, in which purulent processes last longer than 2–3 weeks.

Inflammation is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the appearance of bloody discharge from the ear, dizziness, and can lead to infection of the bone tissue of the skull and brain.

Often, a mild form of tubo-otitis can be cured only through treatment of the underlying disease that caused inflammation in the ear structures


The diagnosis of acute tubo-otitis is made by an otolaryngologist based on a visual examination (otoscopy) and analysis of the patient’s complaints. Audiometry is also performed to detect hearing impairment and tympanometry to determine the mobility of the eardrum.

The chronic process during periods of exacerbation is accompanied by similar clinical manifestations. At the stage of remission, chronic tubo-otitis can be detected only by visual examination. In this case, the following symptoms are diagnosed:

  • retraction and deformation of the eardrum;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube (its individual sections);
  • narrowing of the lumen of the auditory tube.

Irreversible hearing loss is another a clear sign chronic tubo-otitis.

With tubo-otitis, ear congestion goes away from time to time, and hearing improves during swallowing or yawning.

Treatment of tubo-otitis is carried out comprehensively, including:

  • suppression of infection in the upper respiratory tract;
  • reduction of inflammation and swelling;
  • restoration of patency of the auditory tube;
  • strengthening the immune system.

To combat pathogenic microorganisms, drugs are prescribed for internal use(tablets, capsules, suspensions, in severe cases - injections):

How to cure otitis media

  • antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Azithromycin) and sulfonamides - for bacterial infections;
  • antiviral drugs – in case of viral nature of inflammation;
  • antifungal medications – to treat inflammation caused by fungi.

Helps eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes:

  • the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays (Sanorin, Galazolin, Tizin, Otrivin);
  • injection of adrenaline and a suspension of hydrocortisone into the auditory tube (carried out by catheterization);
  • ingestion of antihistamines (Cetrin, Suprastin).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to reduce inflammatory processes, and immunostimulants and vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed to strengthen the immune system.

If tubootitis is of an allergic nature, it is first necessary to treat the allergy. In this case, desensitizing therapy is carried out and antihistamines are prescribed.

Required condition successful treatment allergic tubo-otitis is to identify the allergen and eliminate contact with it (if possible)

Treatment of the disease in adults is carried out at home. To restore the patency and functions of the auditory tube, the doctor may additionally prescribe the following procedures:

  • blowing the auditory tube, washing it and irrigating it with medications;
  • hardware pneumomassage (impact of alternating pressure on the eardrum);
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, UHF, ultraviolet radiation, pulsed currents, laser therapy).

The procedures are performed by an otorhinolaryngologist in a clinic setting. In addition to them, the following manipulations can be performed at home:

  • periodic pressing on the cartilaginous process of the auricle - the effect of light pneumomassage is created;
  • exhaling air through the nose while pinching the nasal passages with your fingers - air pressure from the inside helps to open the auditory tube;
  • making movements simulating yawning.


If the disease is provoked structural abnormalities, held surgery corresponding pathology - removal of adenoids, polyps, correction of the shape of the nasal septum and others. Also, surgical therapy may be prescribed if drug treatment for tubo-otitis is not effective.

Folk remedies

Cure tubo-otitis using only folk remedies, it won't work. However, fees medicinal plants will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up recovery.

Herbal infusions are taken orally several times a day and used topically - cotton wool pads soaked in the medicinal infusion are placed in the ears.

To prepare the infusion, the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, infused for at least 5–7 hours, then filtered.

In the treatment of tubootitis, herbal preparations are used, consisting of equal parts:

  • chamomile flowers, blueberry stems, anise seeds, St. John's wort, burdock root and peppermint (a tablespoon of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water);
  • mint, St. John's wort, coriander fruits, lingonberry and birch leaves, viburnum bark (30 g of collection per 700 ml of liquid);
  • dandelion roots, eucalyptus leaves, celandine herb, yarrow, lavender (3 tablespoons pour a liter of boiling water).

Other herbal remedies with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties also help cure otitis media and inflammation of the auditory tube:

  1. Fresh aloe juice. Strain the juice, dilute with water in equal proportions, use for nasal instillation (3-5 drops in each nasal passage every 4 hours) or for soaking cotton wool placed in the ear. The course of treatment is 14–20 days.
  2. Onion juice. Used for instillation into the nose. If a strong burning sensation occurs when instilling the nose, the juice should be diluted with water. You can also heat a small piece of onion in a water bath, wrap it in a bandage and place it in the ear canal for 30 minutes. Treatment with onion juice is recommended for chronic inflammation. The course of treatment is a month.
  3. Garlic oil. Grind the head of garlic in a blender. Add 100–120 ml of sunflower oil to the garlic pulp, leave for 10–12 days, shaking occasionally. Strain and add a few drops of glycerin. Instill the resulting mixture into the ear.
  4. Tea tree oil. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with 4 drops of tea tree oil. Insert cotton pads soaked in the product into the ear overnight.


If the disease is not properly treated, catarrhal inflammation turns into a purulent form, which in the future can provoke the following complications:

  • damage to the eardrum and release of purulent contents;
  • destruction of bone structures (walls of the tympanic cavity, auditory ossicles) and adhesive processes leading to persistent hearing impairment;
  • spread of infection to parts of the brain;
  • generalized sepsis, threatening not only the health but also the life of the patient.

Acute tubo-otitis can also become chronic.

Frequent exacerbations lead to the fact that the symptoms of the disease become permanent, the eardrum becomes thinner, and adhesions begin in the tympanic cavity.

The result is irreversible partial hearing loss or complete hearing loss. Untimely treatment of chronic tubo-otitis can lead to deafness.

It is important not only to properly treat tubo-otitis, but also to eliminate risk factors that contribute to the disease becoming chronic.


Reviews about the treatment of tubootitis are different. In some cases, the disease was quickly dealt with, while other patients were treated for tubo-otitis for a long time.

It all depends on the timeliness of contacting the doctor, the correctness of the diagnosis and medical appointments, individual sensitivity of the body to the drugs used.

I know firsthand what tubootitis is. The condition is very unpleasant.

To prevent exacerbations, I immediately start putting vasoconstrictor drops into my nose when a runny nose appears. Dry heat and dripping garlic oil into the ear also helps.

ENT also advised me to chew gum. In this way I have so far managed to avoid relapses.

The child was diagnosed with tubo-otitis at the age of 3. Before this, we had colds without a runny nose, but our ears were blocked and our hearing deteriorated (but our ears did not hurt).

It turned out that tubo-otitis developed against the background of enlarged adenoids. The ENT specialist recommended not to remove the adenoids, but to wait until 4 years. As a result, the adenoids stopped growing, and the lumen of the auditory tube opened.

Now our cold is accompanied by a common runny nose, our ears are not blocked, and our hearing does not deteriorate.

I suffered from tubo-otitis for 3 months, my hearing was very poor, and finally I went to an ENT specialist. I had my eardrum pierced twice.

Every day they did blowing, pneumomassage, and electrophoresis. Nasonex was prescribed to treat a runny nose. I also took antibiotics, Sinupret, Erespal.

The process was not quick, but I managed to recover.

Tubootitis is a fairly serious disease, dangerous due to its complications. But with proper and timely treatment Inflammatory processes can be eliminated quite quickly.

That is why there is no need to engage in amateur activities. If any symptoms of inflammation or hearing loss appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The doctor will prescribe competent therapy, which will help prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Source: http://SuperLOR.ru/bolezni/tubootit-formy

Treatment and symptoms of tubootitis

Tubootitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, accompanied by diffuse inflammation of the tympanic cavity.

The development of tubo-otitis, as a rule, is preceded by the appearance of an acute respiratory infection, during which the infection from the nasopharyngeal mucosa penetrates into the auditory tube.

Predisposing factors for the development of the disease include:

  • adenoids;
  • tumor diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx and hearing organs.

The auditory tube is necessary to normalize the pressure in the middle ear cavity. It connects the tympanic cavity and the nasopharynx, due to which the pressure inside the cavity always remains equal to atmospheric pressure.

With the development of tubo-otitis, the auditory tube becomes clogged, as a result of which the tympanic cavity becomes hermetically sealed. All the main symptoms of this disease are associated with this condition.


The main cause of tubo-otitis is infection. Due to the structure of the auditory tube and its connection with the nasopharynx, even a minor respiratory disease can lead to its inflammation.

Rhinitis is dangerous because when it appears, the nasopharyngeal mucosa begins to swell and leads to blockage of the Eustachian tube.

As a result, fluid stagnates in the tympanic cavity and infectious microorganisms begin to grow.

With increased production and outflow of mucus from the nose during rhinitis, even ordinary blowing of the nose can cause it to be thrown into the Eustachian tube.

In addition, the absence of an outlet leads to a decrease in pressure in the tympanic cavity and retraction of the eardrum.

Other causes of eustacheitis are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • sinusitis (including sinusitis);
  • hyperproduction of mucus and saliva during dental procedures;
  • smoking and exposure to other gases.

To the group increased risk includes:

  • kindergarten students (more susceptible to infectious diseases) colds transmitted by airborne droplets);
  • people who abruptly changed their place of residence to another climatic region, including those with a significant change in altitude;
  • residents of cold climate zones;
  • persons with a hereditary predisposition to infectious diseases and diseases of the ENT organs;
  • children on artificial feeding, pacifier refusal;
  • patients who have recently had an ear infection;
  • persons with a general decrease in immunity.

Symptoms of tubootitis

Due to a failure of the pressure regulation mechanism inside the tympanic cavity, the main symptoms of tubo-otitis are auditory disturbances. Patient complaints include:

When examined by an ENT doctor, a retraction of the eardrum into the cavity is noted, as well as swelling of the nasal mucosa. The disease progresses slowly, with a gradual increase in symptoms characteristic of an ear infection.

Initial manifestations are characterized by mild ear congestion and are not recognized as a sign of a serious illness.

The lack of timely treatment leads to an increase in the severity of inflammation and the accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity.

Accumulating fluid is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of bacteria, which lead to suppuration in the affected area and the development of adhesions between auditory ossicles. As a result, a mild infectious disease leads to irreversible hearing loss.

Suppuration of the exudate leads to the development of acute purulent otitis, which is dangerous due to possible perforation of the membrane or bone walls of the tympanic cavity with the spread of the process to mastoid or into the brain.

A ruptured membrane is indicated by green fluid leaking from the ear.

Hearing loss with tubo-otitis can also occur as a type of sensorineural hearing loss.

This condition is caused by prolonged negative pressure in the tympanic cavity, which has an irritating effect on the cochlea, which leads to degenerative changes in the auditory nerve fibers.

In children, symptoms of inflammation of the auditory tube may manifest as increased irritability and crying for no reason. Most children with a middle ear infection have a fever and trouble sleeping.

Tinnitus and headache are symptoms of tubootitis


The diagnosis is made based on a general examination. The middle ear is examined by a doctor using a special instrument - an otoscope. Symptoms of eustacheitis during otoscopy are:

  • areas of redness in the area being examined;
  • air bubbles or fluid behind the eardrum;
  • bleeding in the middle ear;
  • a hole (perforation) in the eardrum.

For patients with a history of middle ear infection, an additional hearing test is indicated.


Mild forms of the disease resolve on their own, without the use of medications.

In some cases, analgesics are used to relieve symptoms, but otherwise, the immune system copes with the infection on its own.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are prescribed for anti-inflammatory purposes. Aspirin is used only in adults.

Antihistamines and vasoconstrictors are used to relieve swelling local application(nasal drops).

To relieve swelling and resolve accumulated fluid, enzymatic preparations are introduced into the tympanic cavity and auditory tube through a catheter. hormonal agents(glucocorticoids).

If, against the background of symptomatic treatment, negative dynamics are noted, and the symptoms of the disease become more severe, it is necessary to decide on starting antibacterial treatment.

Tubootitis is treated with antibiotics for patients with a bacterial infection. If the inflammation is caused by a virus, the appointment antibacterial drugs is inappropriate.

In this case, amoxicillin is prescribed. If there is no positive effect from taking it for 2-3 days, it is necessary to replace it with a drug from another group (azithromycin, cefuroxime, amoxiclav).

When the condition improves and remission is achieved, physical treatment is prescribed, including ear blowing and pneumomassage. This will remove any remaining fluid from the middle ear cavity.

To restore muscle tone in the walls of the auditory tube, electromyostimulation is used.


If conservative treatment does not lead to a positive result, and the disease continues to progress, it may be necessary surgical treatment. It consists of installing special ear catheters that ensure the outflow of fluid from the tympanic cavity.

The tube is inserted and secured through a small incision in the eardrum. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After some time, the tubes fall out on their own.

If this does not happen, your doctor can remove them during preventive examination. Surgical treatment is also necessary for patients with adenoiditis.

Enlarged adenoids are one of the causes of tubo-otitis, and their removal leads to an improvement in the patient's condition.

Treatment is prescribed only after examination by a doctor


Middle ear infection has a positive prognosis if treatment is started in a timely manner. If a patient experiences suppuration of accumulated transudate, the likelihood of hearing impairment increases significantly.

Perforation of the eardrum and the development of complications significantly worsens the prognosis.

Complications such as generalized infection (sepsis) and meningitis are life-threatening conditions and require immediate initiation of intensive care.

To prevent the recurrence of tubo-otitis, it is necessary to avoid excessive use of antibiotics and maintain normal functioning of the immune system.

Giving up bad habits is also an integral part in the prevention of infectious diseases of the middle ear.

StopOtit.ru » Tubootitis

Source: http://StopOtit.ru/tubootit.html

Why is eustachitis dangerous: symptoms, signs, treatment, causes of the disease

Eustachitis has several different manifestations, and the essence of this disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube.

This is one of components middle ear, and any inflammatory process in close proximity to the brain is fraught with serious complications.

In order not to miss its onset, it is advisable to know everything about this disease.

Clinical picture of eustachitis

Impaired ventilation of the Eustachian tube associated with edema due to the inflammatory process leads to hearing impairment. Initially it may look like sulfur plugs, but as the disease progresses, more severe symptoms appear.

Decreased hearing acuity and distortion of sound perception are associated with changes in pressure on the eardrum due to a swollen or unblown eustachian tube.

The membrane loses the necessary mobility and ceases to vibrate fully, causing distortion of the sound itself and its volume, but hearing problems are not the only symptom of the disease.

Symptoms and methods for diagnosing the disease in adults

Due to the structural features of the auditory tube, the disease in adults manifests itself more clearly and progresses faster. The first symptom, namely hearing loss, is ignored by many until other signs appear. All of them are specific to initial stages diseases, they are also not immediately given due attention.

In addition to hearing impairment, eustachitis may have the following symptoms:

  • Congestion in one or both ears
  • Rapid decline in hearing acuity
  • Echo (resonance) of one's own voice
  • Feeling of heaviness or pressure on the affected side
  • The appearance of extraneous noise or the sound of flowing water in the ear.

The progression of the disease or its transition to the chronic stage may give other signs. Headaches may occur, painful pressure in the ears, persistent hearing loss up to complete deafness.

To diagnose the disease, an otolaryngologist may prescribe audiometry, otoscopy, ear manometry and related studies to identify diseases of the nasopharynx.

The photo schematically shows the internal structure of the hearing aid.

Signs of eustachitis in children

Tubootitis is one of the names for eustachitis, a frequent companion of babies from the category of ChDI. These are often sick children; common colds lead to the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the Eustachian tube, causing the same symptoms as in adults.

Eustachitis itself rarely gives a temperature; it usually rises when concomitant otitis occurs. Pain syndrome is also almost always absent, so it is quite difficult to suspect the disease at the very beginning in children.

It is worth being wary if a child complains of water in the ear, along with constant requests to repeat something said. Also, some children can directly talk about autophony - more often these are statements about the echo in the ears or children’s stories about someone repeating after him.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause of childhood incidence of eustachitis is weak immunity; colds with a runny nose for fragile children can provoke the disease.

Any nasal congestion not associated with infection can also contribute to the development of tubo-otitis. This could be an allergy, a deviated nasal septum, structural anomalies, or enlarged adenoids.

Any chronic diseases of the ENT organs are another cause of eustachitis. Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis or sinusitis are the most common catalysts for tubo-otitis in people of all ages.

The development of the disease is also possible due to polyps on the mucous membrane. In rare cases, tuberculosis or chlamydia can cause eustachitis. The same applies to fungal infections of the Eustachian tubes. In such cases, special therapy is needed.

How is the Eustachian tube located in adults and children?

Forms and phases of the disease

The first phase of the disease is the appearance of a symptom of hearing loss, then other symptoms appear. This is typical for all forms of tubo-otitis, although differences will be observed as the disease progresses.

Eustachitis has acute and chronic forms, sometimes differing in symptoms and requiring different treatments. The bilateral form of the disease should also be highlighted. It can be either acute or chronic.

Acute form of eustachitis

The acute form of the disease can go away on its own without treatment, but this does not mean that you should abandon it and wait until eustachitis goes away on its own. Symptoms of the disease may occur with ordinary vasoconstrictor drops or disappear with chewing or swallowing.

Without treatment, the disease is fraught with serious complications or becoming chronic. Any inflammatory processes in the immediate areas of the brain are extremely undesirable.

Features of the chronic form of the disease

Exacerbation of chronic eustachitis differs slightly in symptoms from the acute form of the disease; only the increasing loss of hearing acuity is noticeable.

In rare cases, headache and slight fever may occur. Ear pain, dizziness and high temperature may appear if otitis media occurs against the background of eustachitis.

At the same time, after examining a doctor, you can know exactly the form of the disease - chronic eustachitis gives specific signs. These include retraction of the eardrum, the appearance of redness and narrowing of the lumen of the auditory tube.

Methods and methods of treating eustachitis

Treatment of acute and chronic forms of eustachitis may require antibiotics or antiviral drugs of varying levels. The duration of treatment, the possibility of using folk remedies and procedures will also differ.

Often, treatment of eustachitis must be combined with strengthening the immune system, so hardening procedures and drugs that support or build immunity are prescribed. Catheterization of the auditory tube and various physical procedures can also be used.

Drug treatment - antibiotics, drops and other methods

Treatment of any form of eustachitis is necessarily accompanied by vasoconstrictor drops or sprays.

It is important to reduce swelling of the nasopharynx, thereby restoring the patency of the auditory tube.

For the same purpose, antihistamines and drops are used for allergic eustachitis, for example, Otipax.

Depending on the pathogen, various antibiotics or antiviral drugs are prescribed for acute tubo-otitis in the form of tablets or injections.

Chronic otitis requires longer treatment, and there is a need to support the immune system.

For both forms of the disease, it is possible to prescribe UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, pneumomassage, and laser therapy procedures.

Folk remedies in the fight against eustachitis

The use of folk remedies pursues the same goal - to restore the patency of the pipe. For this, onion or aloe juice, or Kalanchoe juice can be used in the form of drops to help cleanse the nasopharynx of mucus.

Onion juice is also instilled into the ear for eustachitis.

Also, doctors often advise performing steam baths for the ears or inhalation for a runny nose with herbal ingredients or natural oils or lotions with boric alcohol.

In some cases, folk methods are powerless; pathogens are resistant to the careful effects of folk remedies.

Features of the treatment of chlamydial eustachitis

According to the results bacteriological culture it is possible to identify a specific pathogen. According to the standards of medical care, bacterial culture should be carried out immediately, but it is often performed only if there is no positive response to treatment.

Chlamydial pharyngitis or tonsillitis can cause the pathogen to penetrate the auditory tube. In this case it is impossible to refuse drug treatment, it's in mandatory performed with antibiotics - folk remedies are not able to help cure chlamydial eustachitis.

Harmful and beneficial actions for eustachitis

The most harmful behavior when the auditory tube is inflamed is vigorous or improper blowing of the nose.

This may encourage the reintroduction of infected mucus into the eustachian tube, increasing inflammation and swelling that develops.

In case of illness, it is useful to increase the number of swallowing and chewing movements. This helps reduce swelling and helps restore the drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tube.

Watch in our video how eustachitis is treated in specialized clinics:

Disease prevention

This disease has quite a few preventive measures, rather, they are associated with concomitant diseases:

  1. The best prevention of eustachitis is the prevention of colds, viral and fungal infections of the nasopharynx.
  2. Timely detection and properly organized allergy therapy will also help prevent eustachitis.
  3. In order to prevent any ENT diseases, it is advisable to carry out general hardening of the body, vitaminization and mineral therapy. This will help strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of any inflammatory processes.
  4. Another preventive measure can be considered proper training blowing your nose.

A simple acute form of eustachitis caused by a common cold can go away completely on its own without consequences for the body.

However, this disease often becomes chronic or otitis media, and can also lead to complete or partial hearing loss.

Therefore, the treatment of eustachitis should be taken seriously, using medicinal methods, folk remedies and following advice on the use of preventive measures.

– inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the middle ear and the Eustachian (auditory) tube at the same time. It can be acute or chronic. Acute tubo-otitis occurs more often in children, but it also happens in adults; if it is not cured in time and completely, it can become chronic.

Due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the ENT organs in children (all passages connecting the nasopharynx and ears are quite narrow), any infection can cause ear inflammation.

When localizing pathogenic microflora in the upper respiratory tract, it easily spreads to the auditory tube, which is a canal of cartilaginous tissue lined with mucous membrane and connecting the nasopharynx and ear. But not only infection can provoke this disease.

There are many reasons for this pathology:

  • Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bacterial and viral), which spread to the ear through the Eustachian tube and cause inflammation and swelling, resulting in tubo-otitis; often occurs in children - due to improper nose blowing during infectious diseases, the infection is transmitted from the nasal sinuses to the Eustachian tube.
  • . This disease is characterized by soft tissue swelling that spreads from the sinuses to the ear. Tubootitis can occur as a complication of.
  • Pathological mechanical blocking or compression of the auditory tube as a result of the development of adenoids, the formation of polyps or tumors, changes in the structure of the nasal septum.
  • A sudden change in atmospheric pressure, for example, during takeoff or landing on board an airliner.

Important! In children, the Eustachian tube is very short and thin, so they are more often susceptible to this disease in its acute form.

Symptoms, danger signs and complications

The main symptom of tubo-otitis is severe hearing loss. Tubo-otitis can be left-sided, right-sided or bilateral, and according to this, hearing is reduced either in one or in both ears. Quite often, patients note a short-term and significant improvement in hearing when swallowing or yawning, since the Eustachian tube at this time expands slightly and the auditory lumen increases for a short time.

Quite often, with this condition, there is congestion in one or both ears, a certain feeling of fluid transfusion in the affected ear when moving the head.

In acute tubo-otitis, this may occur characteristic feature like autophony. The patient may hear an echo of his own voice in the affected ear.

As for the pain syndrome, it may or may not be present.

More often in children there is quite strong pain in the ear with this disease, the temperature may also rise to 38 degrees. Swelling and redness of the affected ear is possible, and sometimes there are blisters on its surface.

The acute form of tubo-otitis is not so dangerous; timely detection and competent treatment, carried out to completion, can completely eliminate the disease in a short time and restore all functions of the ear.Chronic and advanced forms of the disease are dangerous. If tubo-otitis is not detected and treated in time or treatment is not completed, it can develop into a chronic form. Chronic tubo-otitis threatens partial or complete hearing loss in one or both ears.

More information about eustachitis can be found in the video:

Symptoms and treatment of tubo-otitis at home

Incorrect treatment of acute tubo-otitis or its absence at all can lead to a number of serious complications, such as:

  • stagnation of fluid (exudate) in the middle ear cavity and the onset of an inflammatory process with an increase in temperature
  • the occurrence of tubotympanic otitis, in which inflammation lasts more than two weeks, accompanied by high fever, bloody discharge from the ear, dizziness and possible infection of the bone tissue of the skull and brain
  • the occurrence of infectious meningitis due to pus and infection entering the brain tissue
  • partial or complete destruction of the eardrum of the diseased ear and the release of pus to the outside
  • adhesions
  • hearing loss
  • sepsis, which is life-threatening for the patient

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to make a diagnosis and determine acute tubo-otitis, a simple visual examination (otoscopy) is sometimes sufficient for the doctor. During the examination, the otolaryngologist determines how deformed or retracted the affected ear is, analyzes the external condition of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, identifies inflammation and/or redness on its surface, determines the level of swelling and narrowing of the lumen of the eustachian tube.

After analyzing the patient’s complaints and examination data, the doctor can make a diagnosis and/or prescribe additional examinations. Sometimes audiometry is performed to determine the level of hearing loss in the affected ear. The doctor can prescribe and perform tympanometry and determine how mobile the eardrum of the affected ear remains.

Treatment of tubootitis

Treatment of acute tubo-otitis should be comprehensive, taking into account its causes and pathogens. It is usually carried out at home under the supervision of a clinic doctor. In some cases, hospitalization is required.

During treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the infection (viral or bacterial) in the upper respiratory tract, reduce and remove swelling of the mucous membrane, strengthen the immune system and restore the patency of the Eustachian tube:

  1. To suppress the infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Ampicillin) are prescribed if the infection is bacterial. If a virus is the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed, antifungal drugs are prescribed if the disease is caused by fungi.
  2. Reducing soft tissue swelling is achieved by using vasoconstrictors, etc.
  3. Antihistamines are also prescribed, which eliminate swelling and the allergic component of the disease. Such drugs include Suprastin, etc.
  4. To eliminate inflammation and reduce temperature (if necessary), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol) are used.
  5. To strengthen and restore immunity, immunostimulants and vitamins are prescribed.

After drug treatment, physiotherapy and massages are prescribed, such as:

  • (the ear canal is purged with a special device in the ENT office and irrigated, if necessary, with a medicinal solution)
  • pneumomassage of the eardrum using a special device
  • magnetotherapy
  • laser therapy and more

All of the listed manipulations and procedures are carried out in the doctor’s office in the clinic.In certain cases, surgery is required for treatment. So, for example, if the cause of this disease is inflamed adenoids, then it is worth removing them according to the doctor’s indications. If the cause of tubo-otitis is a deviated nasal septum, then if the doctor recommends surgery to correct it, you should not refuse it.

Traditional methods of treating tubootitis

Sometimes it is advisable to use traditional methods in order to cope with the disease. It is worth noting that folk remedies alone are not able to cure this disease, but they can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the process of recovery and rehabilitation.

TO traditional methods that can help in the fight against acute tubo-otitis, you can include decoctions of medicinal herbs, which should be taken several times a day for a week or put soaked tampons with medicinal decoctions in your ears:

  • Decoctions can be prepared from herbal infusions, which include chamomile flowers, blueberry stems, anise seeds, St. John's wort, and burdock root. It is worth taking 1 tablespoon of this mixture and brewing a glass of boiling water.
  • You can also prepare a decoction from a collection consisting of mint, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, viburnum bark, coriander fruits and birch leaves.
  • Tea tree oil can help in the fight against tubo-otitis. 4 drops of oil should be mixed in a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Turundas moistened with oil can be placed in the ear.

Inflammatory lesion of the auditory tube, leading to deterioration of ventilation of the tympanic cavity with the development of catarrhal otitis media. Eustachitis is manifested by congestion in the ear, a feeling of fluid flowing in it, decreased hearing, noise in the ear, and autophony. Symptoms can be unilateral or bilateral. Confirmation of the diagnosis of eustachitis is carried out using comprehensive examination, including otoscopy, hearing examination, manometry of the auditory tube and determination of its patency, acoustic impedance measurement, rhinoscopy, culture of a throat smear. Treatment of eustachitis is carried out with vasoconstrictor nasal drops, antihistamines, administering drugs directly into the middle ear cavity and auditory tube, using physiotherapy methods.

General information

The auditory (Eustachian) tube connects the tympanic cavity of the middle ear with the nasopharynx. It functions as a channel through which the pressure inside the tympanic cavity is balanced in accordance with external atmospheric pressure. Normal pressure in the tympanic cavity is a necessary condition for the functioning of the sound-conducting apparatus of the middle ear: the eardrum and the chain of auditory ossicles.

The width of the auditory tube is about 2 mm. With such a small diameter, even slight swelling of the walls of the auditory tube as a result of inflammation leads to disruption of its patency with the development of eustachitis. As a result, air from the pharynx stops flowing into the middle ear cavity and catarrhal inflammation develops there. Due to the combined inflammatory lesion of the auditory tube and middle ear, eustachitis is also called tubootitis, tubotympanitis, salpingootitis. According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic eustachitis are distinguished.

Causes of eustachitis

The cause of acute eustachitis is the spread of infection from the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract to the pharyngeal mouth and the mucous membrane of the auditory tube. This can be observed with ARVI, influenza, sore throat, acute pharyngitis and rhinitis, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, measles, whooping cough. Infectious agents of eustachitis are most often viruses, staphylococci and streptococci, and in children - pneumococci. In rare cases, eustachitis can be caused by a fungal infection or specific microflora (causative agents of tuberculosis, syphilis, chlamydia). The occurrence of acute eustachitis is associated with swelling of the auditory tube due to an allergic disease (allergic rhinitis, hay fever). The development of acute eustachitis may be complicated by nasal tamponade performed to stop nosebleeds.

Chronic eustachitis develops against the background of chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx: tonsillitis, adenoids, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Its cause may be diseases in which normal air circulation through the airways is disrupted: deviated nasal septum, benign tumors of the nasal cavity and pharyngeal neoplasms, choanal atresia, hypertrophic changes in the inferior turbinates.

Otolaryngology classifies dysfunction of the auditory tube during sudden changes in atmospheric pressure as a separate and rather rare form of eustachitis. A rapid decrease or increase in external pressure does not have time to be transmitted through the auditory tube into the tympanic cavity. As a result of the resulting pressure difference, compression of the mouth of the Eustachian tube occurs and traumatization of the structures of the middle ear with the development of aerootitis.

Mechanism of development of eustachitis

Complete or partial disruption of the patency of the auditory tube during eustachitis leads to a reduced flow of air into the tympanic cavity or to a complete cessation of its ventilation. In this case, the air remaining in the tympanic cavity is gradually sucked in, the pressure in it decreases, which is manifested by the retraction of the eardrum. Low pressure leads to the leakage of transudate containing protein and fibrin into the tympanic cavity, and in more late stages lymphocytes and neutrophils - cells involved in inflammatory reactions. Developing catarrhal form otitis media. A long-term violation of the ventilation of the tympanic cavity caused by eustachitis, especially in people with weakened immune systems, can cause the transition of catarrhal inflammation to purulent inflammation, as well as the development of adhesions with the occurrence of adhesive otitis media.

Symptoms of eustachitis

Characteristic manifestations of eustachitis are ear congestion, hearing loss, heaviness in the head, noise in the ear and autophony - the feeling of resonance of one's voice in the ear. Many patients with eustachitis, when turning and tilting their heads, note the feeling of fluid flowing in the ear. In some cases, in patients with eustachitis, after swallowing saliva or yawning, hearing improves due to the expansion of the lumen of the auditory tube due to contraction of the corresponding muscles. Symptoms mentioned Eustachitis can be observed only in one ear or be bilateral.

Ear pain is usually observed with eustachitis caused by pressure changes atmospheric air. It is also characterized by a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear. Changes general condition The patient does not experience eustachitis; the body temperature remains normal. Rise in temperature and appearance common symptoms against the background of eustachitis indicate the development of purulent otitis.

Symptoms of acute eustachitis often occur against the background respiratory infection or in the recovery stage after it. If there is a lesion in the nasopharynx chronic infection, tumors, anatomical changes that aggravate the ventilation of the auditory tube, acute eustachitis takes a protracted course and can become chronic. Chronic eustachitis is characterized by periodic exacerbations with severe symptoms of acute eustachitis and periods of remission, during which slight noise in the ear and decreased hearing may persist. Over time, a persistent decrease in the diameter of the auditory tube and adhesion of its walls develops, which leads to the permanent nature of the symptoms of eustachitis.

Diagnosis of eustachitis

Forecast and prevention of eustachitis

As a rule, when adequate treatment acute eustachitis resolves within a few days. However, if there is concomitant diseases, worsening the ventilation of the auditory tube, it can transform into chronic eustachitis or adhesive otitis, the treatment of which is more difficult.

Prevention of eustachitis consists in timely treatment of infectious and allergic diseases nasopharynx, use of decongestants (nasal vasoconstrictor drops, antihistamines) for respiratory diseases accompanied by nasal congestion.

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