Home Gums Manifestation of plexopathy (plexitis) of the brachial plexus. Main symptoms and methods of treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint Plexitis of the brachial plexus treatment

Manifestation of plexopathy (plexitis) of the brachial plexus. Main symptoms and methods of treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint Plexitis of the brachial plexus treatment

Under the term "plexite" brachial plexus» refers to the inflammatory process affecting the bundle nerve cells located in this zone. Pathology can occur against the background of many provoking factors. Plexitis is an inflammation of the brachial plexus, which can be diagnosed in people of any age and gender. With timely intervention by doctors, the prognosis is favorable in most cases. Ignoring the disease leads to total immobilization of not only the shoulder joint, but the entire limb. Whenever warning signs it is necessary to contact a neurologist. Another name for the pathology is brachioplexitis.

Development mechanism

The brachial plexus in humans is represented by the first thoracic root and branches of the spinal nerves (lower cervical). Normally, the latter provide communication between the tissues of the upper extremities and the central nervous system. Under the influence of various provoking factors, this process is disrupted. Changes gradually occur in muscle, bone and cartilage tissue.

The pathological process can be either unilateral or bilateral. With absence adequate treatment complications develop. The most common consequence of brachial plexitis is muscle atrophy. right hand or the left limb. With timely treatment, recovery usually occurs.

According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), brachial plexus plexitis is coded G54.0.


Pathology can occur when the body is exposed to both external and internal provoking factors. In this regard, brachial plexus plexitis is classified into the following types:

  • Infectious. In this case, the cause of the disease is harmful compounds released by pathogens during their life processes. The most common provoking agents are tuberculosis, influenza, herpes and cytomegaloviruses.
  • Post-traumatic. Brachial plexus plexitis in such cases is a consequence of various types of damage to the neurovascular bundle. This can happen with fractures, sprains, and dislocations. In addition, this type of illness includes injuries received by the child during childbirth, as well as injuries that occurred during professional activities.
  • Infectious-allergic. Is negative consequence introduction preventative vaccine.
  • Toxic. It develops against the background of poisoning of the body with alcohol-containing drinks, mercury and salts of heavy metals.
  • Dysmetabolic. It is a consequence of endocrine disorders. The most common causes of brachial plexitis are: gout, diabetes mellitus, pathologies thyroid gland.
  • Compression-ischemic. The process of development of the disease is triggered by compression of the neurovascular bundle while the upper limb is in a non-physiological position. As a rule, this occurs in the postoperative period (when the effect of anesthesia has not yet worn off), with improper immobilization of the injured limb, or with the use of incorrectly selected crutches.

In addition, the following conditions are trigger factors for the development of the disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • poor posture;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region;
  • a way of life that involves virtually no motor activity.

In childhood, brachial plexus plexitis is a consequence of infectious pathologies or birth injuries.


The first warning sign is pain. Depending on their location, plexitis can be lower, upper and total. In the first case, discomfort is most pronounced in the area of ​​the elbow and forearm. Top form The disease manifests itself as pain in the area above the collarbone. Total brachial plexus plexitis is characterized by severe discomfort throughout the entire limb. Painful sensations may be boring, aching or aching in nature. Patients often complain of frequent episodes of “lumbago”.

In addition, the following conditions are signs of pathology:

  • Weakening of muscle tissue and impaired motor skills are the main symptoms of the disease. Plexitis of the shoulder joint in this case is accompanied by difficulties when trying to perform any motor activity with the affected limb. Standard household tasks become extremely difficult to perform.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin. The patient experiences swelling and pallor of the tissues. In this case, the skin in the area of ​​the joint affected by plexitis is cyanotic and cold to the touch.
  • Increased sweating in the palms.
  • Brittle nails.
  • Weakening of the sensitivity of the limb.

In addition, signs of the disease include the following conditions not associated with the shoulder joint: frequent episodes of severe hiccups, difficulty breathing, constricted pupil and sunken eyeball on the affected side (rarely).

Features of the flow

Plexitis has 2 stages of development:

  1. Neuralgic. In such cases, patients complain of pain in muscle tissue and skin. The severity of discomfort increases when trying to make any movement with the limb.
  2. Paralytic. Characterized by swelling and weakness of muscle tissue. At this stage, atrophy occurs and paralysis occurs.

Thus, untimely treatment leads to complete immobilization of the limb.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing the disease

Whenever anxiety symptoms it is necessary to contact a neurologist. During the admission process, the doctor will conduct a survey and examine the patient. Based on the results of the initial diagnosis, the specialist can refer you for consultation to other specialized specialists: traumatologist, arthrologist, orthopedist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist, urologist or gynecologist.

To confirm or exclude the presence of brachial plexitis, the doctor prescribes blood tests for:

  • sugar;
  • rheumatoid factor;
  • C-reactive protein.

In addition, clinical and biochemical analyzes of liquid connective tissue are performed.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

The most informative are the following studies:

  • Neuromyography.
  • Electromyography.
  • X-ray examination.

The disease is always differentiated from other pathologies of the plexus, as well as from mono- and polyneuropathy.

Drug therapy

Information on how to treat plexitis of the shoulder joint should always be provided by a neurologist or other specialized specialists. Only a doctor can select the most effective means based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Initially, the patient is fixed with the affected limb using a plaster splint. The following shows how to take medications. The treatment regimen should include the following drugs:

  1. Painkillers. Examples: “Oxadol”, “Analgin”, “Novocain”, “Aspizol”.
  2. NSAIDs. Any form of release can be used (tablets, ointments, creams, injections). In most cases, doctors prescribe drugs based on nimesulide, indomethacin and diclofenac.
  3. Vitamins A, E, C, group B. Examples of drugs: “Aevit”, “Milgamma”, “Neurovitan”.
  4. for example, “Prozerin”, “Kalimin”, “Invalin”.
  5. Decongestants. Examples of medications: “Manit”, urea-based products.
  6. Preparations intended to improve tissue nutrition. These include: “Lidase”, “Potassium orotate”, “Nicotinic acid”, “Nerobol”.
  7. Agents that stimulate microcirculation. Examples: "Trental", "Complamin".

Along with taking medications, reflexology, physiotherapy and hirudotherapy, as well as gymnastics and massage are prescribed. As a rule, brachioplexitis (brachial plexitis) responds well to conservative treatment. In rare cases, surgery is performed.

Surgical intervention

Plastic surgery of nervous tissue is advisable only in the presence of the following indications: neoplasms of both benign and malignant nature; hematoma. If bone fragments are present in the body, treatment of brachial plexitis is also carried out surgically.


The set of exercises is designed specifically to alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up recovery. Classes can be conducted in any comfortable conditions. The main rule is regularity.

An effective set of exercises:

  • Take a standing or sitting position. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Slowly bring and spread your shoulder blades.
  • The position is the same (sitting or standing). Slowly raise and lower your shoulders.
  • Bend your elbows. Perform circular movements with them, using the shoulder joint. Repeat the exercise, but with your arms straightened and spread to the sides.
  • Take a standing position. It is necessary to tilt your torso to the left and then to the right. At the same time, you need to perform circular rotations of the shoulder joint.
  • From a standing position, bend your torso forward. In this case, you need to bend your arms at the elbows.
  • Take a sitting or standing position. Extend your arms in front of you. Turn your palms up and down.
  • Bend the affected limb and gently move it to the side.

Initially, the duration of the workout should be from 5 to 7 minutes. In this case, the number of repetitions of each exercise is 2-4. Gradually, the duration of classes must be increased. In this case, the number of repetitions should be from 6 to 8.

All exercises must be performed slowly. Making sudden movements is unacceptable. It is also prohibited to exercise if there is pronounced pain.

Traditional methods

Treatment of brachial plexitis with unconventional methods is permissible, but only after the doctor’s permission. This is explained by the fact that some healing agents can worsen the course of the pathology or reduce the effectiveness of medications.

Most effective recipes:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. dry and crushed chamomile flowers. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The product must be infused for 45 minutes. You should consume no more than 300 ml per day. In addition, the product can be used as a compress.
  • Take 0.5 tsp. propolis and 100 g of slightly melted butter. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Rub the mixture into the affected shoulder daily. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to cover the skin with a cotton cloth and a warm scarf.
  • Prepare a decoction based on mint, burdock root, string, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile. The quantity of each medicinal plant is 1 tbsp. l. Pour the herb mixture into 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Add the resulting product to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Regular use of traditional methods significantly speeds up the healing process.


Brachial plexus plexitis is a pathology that can be successfully treated with timely consultation with a doctor. A competent approach on the part of a specialist and strict adherence to his recommendations by the patient is the key to a quick and successful recovery.

In advanced cases, the question of whether it is advisable to carry out surgical intervention, because not always conservative methods lead to a positive result.

If you ignore the problem, complete paralysis of the limb may occur.


In order to prevent the development of brachial plexitis, it is necessary to control body weight, promptly treat endocrine pathologies, regularly perform simple physical exercises, properly organize a sleeping place and strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, employees whose professional activity associated with high-intensity loads on the joints of the upper extremities, it is necessary to take a short break every 2-3 hours.


Brachial plexus plexitis is an inflammatory process in which nerve cells located in this area are damaged. The causes of the disease are varied: from injuries to infectious diseases. When the first alarming signs appear, you should contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe comprehensive examination, based on the results of which the most effective treatment regimen will be drawn up.

By plexites we mean various lesions complex connections of nerve fibers (nerve plexuses). When making a diagnosis, the affected area is also indicated. Accordingly, plexitis of the shoulder joint is a pathology of the brachial plexus. The latter is formed from nerves emanating from the thoracic spinal cord and cervical. This connection is localized between the muscles that connect the chest to the neck.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint - description of the disease

The brachial plexus is divided into external, posterior and internal bundles, which form a kind of cocoon around the axillary artery.

Such bundles consist of sensitive and motor nerves, which are responsible for the corresponding functions in the hands.

The lesion can affect both the entire plexus (total plexitis) and some part of it (upper, or otherwise Duchenne-Erb, paralysis and lower, Dejerine-Klumpke), mainly on one arm (occasionally - both).

The pathology is included as “brachial plexus lesion” in the International Classification under code G54.0.

The disease is quite common in all age categories, reaching its maximum frequency in the period from 20 to 60 years. Among the patients of neurologists with this pathology, men predominate.

Also, plexitis of the shoulder is a common birth injury, developing due to overstretching of the trunks of the nerve plexus during difficult childbirth (when the fetus is squeezed out, its foot or breech presentation).

In newborns, such an injury, often accompanied by a fracture of the collarbone, also occurs due to:

  • prolonged presence of the child in the birth canal;
  • wide shoulders of the fetus;
  • lowering the baby's thrown back arm.

In addition to the fact that the pathology causes discomfort and painful sensations patient, it can lead to disability up to complete absence self-service options.

Causes and provoking factors

Up to 25% of shoulder plexitis is infectious in nature; immune disorders, injuries and other factors also play a significant role in the development of pathology.

Typical causes of plexitis of the shoulder joint:

  • injuries (sprains, joint dislocations, collarbone fractures, bruises and wounds in the neck, shoulder joint, shoulder girdle, trauma during childbirth, etc.);
  • microtrauma as a result of prolonged compression of the plexus, for example, when using a crutch, in an uncomfortable position while sleeping or working, a tumor of the pulmonary apex or spine, an aneurysm of a nearby artery, etc.;
  • infections, including those caused by viruses (influenza, cytomegalovirus, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes, etc.);
  • osteochondrosis (thoracic, cervical);
  • costoclavicular syndrome (“cervical ribs”, etc.);
  • lymph node lesions;
  • hypothermia, etc.

Find out whether the diagnosis of “post-traumatic encephalopathy” is a reason for a deferment from the army at the link.

Unconventional methods

  • Hirudotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Laser puncture.
  • Homeopathy (Colocynthis, Arnica in appropriate dilution).

Folk remedies

For treatment at home, the following are widely used:

  • appliqués alcohol solution mumiyo;
  • propolis ointment;
  • herbal decoction (parsley + buckthorn + dandelion) inside;
  • compress made from infusion of white willow bark;
  • baths with mint infusion.

Consequences and prognosis

Consequences and prognosis are determined by the cause of plexitis.

As a rule, treatment started on time increases the chances of successful recovery. It should be remembered that advanced disease is more difficult to treat and most often causes serious complications.

Prolonged paralysis, weakening of voluntary movements and limited passive motor functions worsen the prognosis and can even cause disability.

Prevention measures

  • Timely identification and treatment of the root cause (infections, metabolic disorders, etc.).
  • Prevention of injury.
  • Swimming.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Hardening.
  • Providing comfortable sleeping conditions, etc.

In order to prevent progression and complications, if the first symptoms of plexitis occur, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Thus, if a patient has pain in the shoulder area, be sure to see a doctor to rule out plexitis. This pathology can lead to disability depending on the extent and area of ​​the lesion, but with prompt and adequate measures it is completely curable.

TV show “Live Healthy!” about plexitis of the shoulder joint:

The brachial plexus is formed by branches of many nerve fibers - 4 lower branches of the cervical nerves, 1 branch of the thoracic nerve. In addition, it has quite significant dimensions and a complex structure. The causes of the disease are varied: from birth injuries to viral infections. Therefore, it is not always possible to accurately determine what caused the onset of the disease.

The most common reasons:

  1. Injuries to nerve endings as a result of dislocations, sprains, fractures of the bones of the shoulder joint, and fracture of the collarbone.
  2. Compression of the brachial plexus as a result of prolonged stay in one position, when working in uncomfortable conditions, in bedridden patients or small children.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae is one of the most common causes of plexitis.
  4. Birth trauma – leads to plexitis of newborns.
  5. Metabolic disorders - diabetes, gout, hormonal disorders.
  6. Injuries resulting from blows, bruises and gunshot wounds to the neck.
  7. The constant occurrence of microtraumas as a result of professional activities, the use of crutches, etc.
  8. Cooling, viral and bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases of nearby organs.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of the disease. The main causes of the disease include the following factors:

  • hypothermia of the nerve endings of the shoulder;
  • consequences of acute infectious complications;
  • mechanical damage to the shoulder joint;
  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • chronic osteochondrosis cervical spine spine.

Neurological disease is expressed by damage to the trunk of the brachial plexus

IN modern medicine There are three forms of manifestation of plexitis: lower, upper and total. Such forms are caused by damage to the trunks of the brachial plexus (lower or upper). Total plexitis is expressed in the manifestation of symptoms in both cases.

The main manifestation of plexitis of the shoulder joint is limitation of motor functions. Due to decreased muscle strength, the fingers cannot cope with normal actions. There are difficulties when bending and straightening your fingers.

Impaired fine motor skills of the joints can subsequently lead to partial paralysis and atrophy of muscle tissue. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

The reasons for the development of plexitis can be divided into groups:

  • Traumatic, resulting from traumatic damage to the nerve plexus. This can occur as a result of sprains and dislocations of the shoulder joint, as well as bruises, collarbone fractures, and injuries to the shoulder when the nerve roots of the cervical spine are damaged. Microtraumas associated with professional activities may also be the cause;
  • Infectious, when the nerve plexus is affected by infections, for example, herpes or cytomegalovirus;
  • Dysmetabolic, associated with metabolic disorders, for example, diabetes or gout;
  • Toxic caused by poisoning;
  • Compression-ischemic, caused by long-term pinching of the nerve due to being in an uncomfortable position, is often observed in bedridden patients. This kind of plexitis can be caused by incorrect posture or disorders of the structure of the spine. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine often leads to plexitis;
  • Infectious-allergic, occurring as a reaction of the body to certain vaccines.

Even newborn babies can suffer from plexitis as a result of infection or birth trauma. Hypothermia and weakened immunity can provoke an attack of plexitis.

The development of the inflammatory process is often associated with an infection that has penetrated into the shoulder joint from other organs through the flow of lymph and blood. Acute and chronic diseases of an infectious nature gradually cause changes in cartilage, bone and muscle tissue.

There are other provoking factors:

  • injuries of the neck, upper extremities with damage to peripheral nerve fibers;
  • metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes);
  • hypothermia;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine;
  • uncomfortable position causing compression of the nerve plexus. The problem occurs in patients long time chained to hospital bed or in persons engaged in work with constant tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle(working with vibrating tools, paint brush);
  • poor posture. When slouching, the nerves of the brachial plexus experience excess pressure, and an inflammatory process develops.

Pathological changes in children's body most often associated with birth injuries or infections at an early age.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint - description of the disease

The brachial plexus is divided into external, posterior and internal bundles, which form a kind of cocoon around the axillary artery.

Such bundles consist of sensory and motor nerves that are responsible for the corresponding functions in the hands.

The lesion can affect both the entire plexus (total plexitis) and some of its part (upper, or otherwise Duchenne-Erb, paralysis and lower, Dejerine-Klumpke), mainly on one arm (occasionally - both).

The pathology is included as “brachial plexus lesion” in the International Classification under code G54.0.

The disease is quite common in all age categories, reaching its maximum frequency in the period from 20 to 60 years. Among the patients of neurologists with this pathology, men predominate.

Also, plexitis of the shoulder is a common birth injury, developing due to overstretching of the trunks of the nerve plexus during difficult childbirth (when the fetus is squeezed out, its foot or breech presentation).

In newborns, such an injury, often accompanied by a fracture of the collarbone, also occurs due to:

  • prolonged presence of the child in the birth canal;
  • wide shoulders of the fetus;
  • lowering the baby's thrown back arm.

In addition to the fact that the pathology causes discomfort and pain to the patient, it can lead to disability up to a complete lack of ability to self-care.

The disease is considered quite serious, as it can result in disability. Patients risk not only losing their ability to work. As a result of the disease, patients may completely lose the ability to move their upper limbs, which is why they will simply be unable to care for themselves and require round-the-clock care.

It is very problematic for patients to get used to new living conditions in which one or another limb, the so-called “working arm,” is affected. This requires a person to put in a lot of effort and energy to relearn how to use the other hand.

Pathology is diagnosed mainly in middle-aged people

Among other things, the disease is accompanied by severe pain, which causes an inflammatory process. The pain seriously increases when a person tries to make some movements with his hands. Symptoms intensify at night. Motor function is also seriously affected: the patient has difficulty doing anything with his fingers, for example, typing, tying shoelaces, etc.

What are the symptoms of the disease

In order to determine whether it really is plexitis, the doctor conducts an examination and pays attention to the following signs:

  1. Complete or partial impairment of the functions of the upper limb - the inability to bend the arm, move the fingers, or perform any actions with the affected arm.
  2. Pain when moving your arm - especially when trying to lift your arm or put it behind your back.
  3. Decreased muscle strength - the patient cannot lift heavy objects or keep them suspended.
  4. Impaired fine motor skills.
  5. In severe cases, paresis and paralysis of the arm occurs, accompanied by muscle atrophy.

The most common cause of this disease in newborns there is birth trauma. During a difficult birth and incorrect obstetric tactics, hemorrhages, bruises and sprains of the nerve plexuses can occur. Brachial plexitis occurs as a result of excessive stretching of nerve fibers due to:

  • childbirth in the breech or leg presentation,
  • mismatch in fetal size,
  • hand falling out of the birth canal,
  • prolonged standing of the fetus in the birth canal.

When nerve fibers are compressed or stretched, restoration of function begins within a few days. At proper treatment it leaves no consequences.

With more severe injuries - rupture, bruises, hemorrhage in the nerve plexus, recovery is slow, muscle atrophy occurs, and developmental delays in the affected limb occur. Without intensive treatment and physical therapy, complications may arise in the form of contracture (limited passive movements), osteoporosis and growth retardation.

Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult, and treatment must begin as early as possible. It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms in a newborn baby - general anxiety, constant crying, strange abduction of the arm, lack of movement and hypertonicity, pain when touching the arm, swelling in the shoulder joint.

Shoulder bandage

Why is it developing?

Plexitis often appears due to infection. In addition, it can develop as a result of injury, decreased immune system and many other functions.

An experienced doctor knows the symptoms of what plexitis of the shoulder joint is, how to treat the disease, and how it manifests itself:

  1. Injuries, including birth injuries, lesions, bruises.
  2. Sleeping in the wrong position, malignant and benign formations are all microtraumas that cause constant pressure on the nerve plexuses.
  3. Infections and viruses.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Problems with metabolic processes.
  6. Exposure to cold.
  7. Diseases of the lymphatic system.

The pathology usually occurs in two scenarios: in the neurological or paralytic stage. In the first case, the pain is very strong and sharp. When the patient tries to move the affected arm, the symptoms increase.

In the paralytic form, paralysis and paresis appear, nutritional disturbances occur, and sensitivity decreases. Externally, a person has pronounced edema.

As the disease progresses, pain occurs in the back of the head. When the phrenic nerve is damaged, hiccups appear.

Trauma, including birth, is one of the causes of brachial plexus plexitis

Plexitis is expressed by pain in the area under the collarbone and can radiate to the upper limb. Symptoms spread to the muscles, and deep reflexes are lost.

Diagnosis and treatment of plexitis

Plexitis leads to impaired movement, decreased skin sensitivity, and damage to the muscles that control arm movement. In advanced cases, the patient cannot bend his arm or move his fingers.

The disease can occur for various reasons, from birth trauma to viral infections. Only an experienced doctor can determine the cause if he seeks medical help in a timely manner.

The main causes of the disease include:

  1. Injuries.
  2. The disease can occur as a result of sprains, dislocations and fractures;
  3. Osteochondrosis. The most common cause of the disease;
  4. Compression of the brachial plexus.
  5. May occur when staying in a certain position for a long time. Most often occurs under uncomfortable working conditions, in infants or bedridden patients; Birth injury. The disease can occur in newborns during natural childbirth;
  6. Frequent microtraumas.;
  7. May occur as a result of using crutches, a cane, or as a result of professional activities; Bruises, blows or gunshot wounds to the neck Viral infections. The most common cause of the disease is infectious, bacterial or
  8. viral infections shoulder joint;

Metabolic disease.

  1. Plexitis develops against the background of gout, diabetes or hormonal imbalance.
  2. The disease is characterized by certain signs and symptoms that allow the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of plexitis include:
  3. Impaired fine motor skills;
  4. Partial or complete impairment of motor function of the hands;
  5. Decreased muscle strength in the upper limbs;

Pain when moving your arms. The pain becomes especially severe if you place your hand on your back or lift it;

Paresis and paralysis of the arm, which is accompanied by muscle atrophy. Occurs in severe forms of the disease. If symptoms and signs of illness occur, seek immediate medical attention from a qualified physician. He will put

accurate diagnosis

CT scan

neuromyography; And only after this can appropriate treatment be prescribed, which is aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing pain and restoring muscle and nerve function..

If the first signs of the disease occur, you should immediately contact a specialist. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of restoration of function and the absence of complications. To make a diagnosis, the shoulder joint is examined and prescribed additional methods research:

  • radiography;
  • neuromyography;
  • computed tomography;

In the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to ensure complete rest of the injured limb, give it an abduction position and fix the arm with a plaster splint, bending it in elbow joint. After this, treatment is necessary to relieve inflammation and restore the functions of damaged nerves and muscles.

  1. Drug therapy - analgesics to relieve pain syndrome and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, topically and orally.
  2. Periarticular blockades using anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF on the area of ​​the affected joint, electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, diadynamic currents and more.
  4. Massage should be selected taking into account muscle lesions and aimed at eliminating muscle tissue atrophy.
  5. Therapeutic exercise – special exercises are prescribed after an acute period of the disease.
  6. Treatment traditional methods– there are many recipes traditional medicine, used for this disease. For example:
    • compress with white willow bark - pour 15 g of crushed herbs into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour,
    • rub 10% mumiyo into the affected joint,
    • soothing baths with mint infusion.

Traditional medicine - help in treatment

If any signs of the disease occur, you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a specialist and follow his instructions.

Painful sensations, no matter what location they have, negatively affect a person’s condition in all aspects. Bad feeling not only prevents you from completing planned tasks in a timely manner, but also significantly spoils your mood, making a person irritable and tired.

Plexitis is a disease of the nerves; this name refers to inflammation of a specific area or entire branch of a nerve fiber located in the shoulder. The first very unpleasant manifestation of the disease is pain, the intensity of which increases in proportion to the time the patient is inactive.

In addition, over time, serious complications may arise that threaten the loss of control over the entire arm, so if you suspect the development of plexitis, you should undergo examination in the hospital. The prognosis of treatment depends entirely on the speed of the patient’s reaction - the earlier the problem is detected, the greater the likelihood of a positive treatment result.

If the first symptoms occur, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist; delay can lead to difficulties in treatment and recovery. The following diagnostic tests may be prescribed by your doctor:

  • shoulder x-ray;
  • CT (computed tomography) scan of the affected area;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed for diagnosis

  • ultrasonography;
  • superficial neuromyography (using a special device, the state of the nerves and the process of their transmission of impulses with additional stimulation are examined);
  • blood analysis.

When diagnosing plexitis of the shoulder joint, treatment should be started immediately.

  • Neurological examination.
  • X-ray.
  • Electroneuromyography.
  • CT and/or MRI.
  • Blood tests.

Shoulder plexitis is differentiated from:

  • pathologies of the shoulder joint (arthritis, periarthritis);
  • radicular neuritis;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • polyneuritis;
  • cervical-brachial reflex syndromes;
  • cervical radiculitis and etc.

A complete picture of the pathological process is provided by instrumental studies using modern equipment:

  • ultrasonography;
  • , and prescribe effective treatment. This will increase the chances of getting rid of pain, regaining mobility and fully restoring function of the upper extremities.
  • tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging);
  • electroneuromyography.

An integrated approach to diagnostics – required condition to prescribe a therapeutic course. Problems with peripheral nerve fibers require careful study, otherwise, instead of a positive result, therapy will worsen the patient’s condition.

Diagnosis of the disease is quite complex, and therefore involves the use of a list of methods:

  • Questioning and visual examination at a medical consultation;
  • Neuromyography and electromyography;
  • MRI and computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound and radiography of joints;
  • Blood analysis.

The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of shoulder plexitis is carried out by a neurologist. To differentiate brachial plexitis from its other types and similar manifestations of other diseases, a traumatologist, gynecologist, urologist may be involved in the diagnosis, and radiography of the spine and ultrasound of internal organs may also be performed.

An x-ray is required; in addition, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound, MRI, and CT scan. A blood test is important. The doctor must promptly distinguish brachial plexitis from arthritis, radicular neuritis, polyneuritis, cervical-brachial syndrome, and radiculitis.

If you have plexitis of the shoulder joint, you need an urgent consultation with a neurologist. In case of pronounced violations requiring surgical treatment, an additional consultation with a neurosurgeon is scheduled.

The doctor collects anamnesis, conducts an initial examination, palpates and determines the mobility of the shoulder joint. Sensory impairments, the degree of limitation of motor functions and decreased reflexes must be assessed.

Standard laboratory methods include a general blood test. If an infectious lesion of the nerve plexus is suspected, serological methods are additionally used: immunofluorescence method, PCR.

Using electroneuromyography, the doctor determines the degree of nerve damage. Using electrical impulses, nerve bundles are stimulated and muscle motor ability is assessed.

Right- or left-sided plexitis can be identified through diagnostic procedures such as x-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI, blood tests and neurological examination.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with diseases that have similar symptoms, namely:

  1. Arthritis.
  2. Periarthritis.
  3. Radicular neuritis.
  4. Polyneuropathy.
  5. Radiculitis.

Clinical picture

Shoulder plexitis can be recognized by a variety of characteristic symptoms. They can only be recognized by the attending physician, based on the stage of development.

At the same time, patients complain of:

  • pain that extends from the outer and inner parts of the limb;
  • paralysis, paresis, atrophy;
  • loss of sensation;
  • difficulty moving;
  • in the area of ​​localization, a change in the pupil may be observed, or rather its narrowing, and the eyeball may also deepen.

The clinic manifests itself clearly when an infection is to blame. The pain has a strong aching and shooting character. Problems with susceptibility are observed mainly in the lower region of the limb.

Over time, patients lose reflexes and sensitivity, and have difficulty moving. Patients often suffer from excessive sweating and swelling of the hands, and their heart rate may change. On the affected side, the lymph nodes may be enlarged, which also hurt.

Symptoms of the disease

Doctors distinguish three types of plexitis:

  • lower. Discomfort noted in the forearm and elbow;
  • upper. Pain appears above the collarbone;
  • total. With this type of pathology, pain syndrome is noted in areas affected by upper and lower plexitis.

Main features:

  • painful sensations of aching, aching or drilling nature. “Punches” are often heard, and tissue numbness is felt in the lower part of the arm;
  • with infectious-toxic plexitis, in some patients sensitivity decreases, reflexes weaken, and movement disorders(atrophic paresis). At an advanced stage, paralysis of the affected limb is possible;
  • the color of the skin in the problem area changes, the quality of the nail plate deteriorates, the hand swells;
  • with shoulder plexitis caused by pathogenic microbes, the lymph nodes in the neck on the affected side become enlarged and painful;
  • with physical activity the pain intensifies;
  • as the disease of the shoulder joint progresses, the motor skills of the limb are impaired;
  • ophthalmological problems develop on the affected side: pupil constriction, drooping eyelid.

Take note! Minor pain in the shoulder area is a reason to be examined by an orthopedist, arthrologist or rheumatologist. A neurologist will help determine the problem in the affected joint.

The clinical picture of brachial plexitis is usually classic with a standard set of symptoms, which cannot be said about the original source of the disease. A large number of plexuses of nerve fibers are concentrated in the shoulder; this part of the body itself has a complex structure and relatively large dimensions, which is why there can be many reasons for the occurrence of nerve inflammation, and they are very diverse. So, the most common ones include:

  • previously received bone fractures, sprains or dislocations of the bones of the shoulder joint or collarbone;

Even newborns are susceptible to this disease; in them, plexitis is usually caused by trauma during childbirth. Stretching or compression of nerve fibers can occur due to difficult childbirth, improper work of medical personnel, prolonged passage of the child through the birth canal or loss from it;

  • severe bruises or bullet wounds;
  • osteochondrosis affecting the thoracic and cervical vertebrae;
  • mechanical compression of the nerve due to prolonged exposure of the body to an uncomfortable or monotonous position (often found in bedridden patients);
  • penetration of any type of infection into the body;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in organs that are located nearby;
  • disruption of normal metabolism due to illness.

As for symptomatic manifestations, they vary depending on the form of the disease. Thus, neuralgic plexitis is accompanied by severe pain, which arise unexpectedly and significantly intensify with movement. In the paralytic form clinical picture paralysis and paresis of muscles, disruption of the natural sensitivity of the affected area are added.

Common symptoms by which the disease is diagnosed include:

  • the flexion function of the fingers is impaired;
  • pain occurs not only in the area of ​​direct inflammation, but also radiates to bottom part hands;
  • Sensation in the inside of the affected arm is impaired.

Constriction of the pupil of the eye on the side of the affected shoulder may indicate plexitis

Sometimes plexitis of the shoulder joint can be determined by the behavior of the eye located on the side of the affected shoulder: disturbances in the functioning of the muscles of the eyelid, deepening eyeball and constriction of the pupil.

With plexitis, patients describe the pain as aching, boring or aching. When the cause of the disease is an active infectious process, reflexes are lost and increased sweating, changes in the condition of the nail plate and swelling of the hand.

Undoubtedly, pain makes life much more difficult, but the main danger of the disease does not lie in constant discomfort. Without proper treatment, nerve fibers are increasingly damaged, which initially threatens to impair fine motor skills, and subsequently to disabling all functions and atrophy of muscle tissue.

Effective treatments

Most the best prevention progression of the disease is timely diagnosis and treatment. After treatment of the disease, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations to prevent relapse of the disease.

The main preventive measures include:

  • prevention of shoulder joint injuries;
  • ensuring a comfortable temperature;
  • hardening;
  • regular physical activity;
  • swimming;
  • timely treatment of viral and infectious diseases;
  • treatment of diabetes, gout and other metabolic disorders.

The selection of methods is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathology. The problem is that patients most often consult a doctor with moderate to moderate degree of plexitis of the shoulder joint; it is difficult to hope for a quick cure.

Therapy goals:

  • relieve pain;
  • normalize blood circulation in weakened muscles;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • restore the sensitivity of nerve fibers;
  • restore (fully or partially) the mobility of the affected limb;
  • improve the condition of muscle tissue.

Main groups:

  • non-steroidal compounds to eliminate the inflammatory process (NSAIDs). Names: Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Ortofen, Movalis;
  • gels and ointments with active anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Compositions that relieve swelling and improve blood circulation are effective. Positive results the following drugs were shown: Voltaren-emulgel, Fastum-gel, Troxerutin, Lyoton, Troxevasin;
  • corticosteroids are recommended for severe cases. Hormonal drugs eliminate even extensive inflammation, but require great care during use;
  • B vitamins and angioprotectors are indispensable for improving the trophism of nervous tissue and restoring blood flow to the problem area.


After stopping the active inflammatory process, the doctor will prescribe physical therapy sessions. After a course of procedures, the condition of muscle and cartilage tissue improves, and the sensitivity of nerve fibers is normalized.

Effective methods:

  • electrophoresis;
  • reflexology;
  • applications with ozokerite;
  • electromyostimulation;
  • laser therapy;
  • massage.

Products made from natural ingredients are used topically and internally. Test the effect of several compounds, choose the most effective recipes. Always coordinate the use of homemade ointments, decoctions, compresses with your doctor. The doctor will recommend which formulations are suitable for a certain stage of plexitis of the shoulder joint.

Important! If the inflammatory process is actively developing, heating the affected area is prohibited. Breaking a rule reinforces negative manifestations plexitis, worsens the condition of tissues, promotes intoxication of new parts of the body.

Proven recipes:

  • chamomile decoction. The product fights inflammation well. Take up to 300 ml of decoction per day, apply compresses with healing liquid 4-5 times a day. Recipe: 500 ml of boiling water, a couple of tablespoons of dried flowers. Infuse the product for 45 minutes;
  • mumiyo against plexitis. For a glass of lukewarm water, take ½ tsp. mountain balsam, dissolve. Take the healing composition one tablespoon three times a day, make compresses (duration – half an hour, frequency – 2 times a day);
  • pulp of willow leaves. Wash the greens, chop, apply to painful areas, secure with a plastic bag or cling film. After 30 minutes, wash your skin;
  • homemade ointment No. 1. Combine warm butter (100 g) with propolis (half a teaspoon). Rub the mixture into the sore spot every day and leave for an hour. To enhance the effect, cover the treated area with a clean cloth, then with a scarf or handkerchief. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator;
  • homemade ointment No. 2. Take cosmetic Vaseline (50 g), 10 g each of ground hop cones, sweet clover and St. John's wort. Mix dry natural raw materials and Vaseline thoroughly. Every day, before going to bed, rub the ointment into the affected shoulder;
  • baths with medicinal herbs. A decoction of burdock root, mint, string, chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John's wort has a positive effect on the diseased area and the entire body;
  • oatmeal compress against pain due to shoulder plexitis. Cook a thin one oatmeal, add a little butter, cool to a pleasant temperature (the mass should be warm). Apply a thick layer to the sore spot, cover with a clean soft cloth, then with a scarf. The duration of the procedure is 40–45 minutes;
  • mumiyo with milk.

Dilute mountain balsam (1 part) with milk (20 parts). Take a teaspoon per day, rub the healing solution into the affected tissue. Replace milk with thin honey, and you will get another effective folk remedy for shoulder plexitis. At early detection

disease, the correct approach to treatment on the part of the doctor and the patient, the result will certainly be positive. Therapy for advanced pathologies is not always successful; the main course and rehabilitation period are long. You cannot let the disease take its course and rely only on home recipes: the lack of adequate treatment can cause paralysis of the affected area.

  • Prevention measures:
  • body weight control; therapy;
  • endocrine pathologies
  • timely treatment of inflammation in any part of the body;
  • physical activity, exercises for the shoulder girdle;
  • sleep on a comfortable bed. The optimal option for a sleeping bed is an orthopedic mattress;
  • hardening the body, strengthening the immune system, eating with sufficient amounts of all types of minerals and vitamins;
  • mandatory breaks during professional activities associated with high load on the shoulder girdle;
  • Massage, gels, ointments to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle hypertonicity, baths with herbal decoctions, compresses help restore the health of muscle and nerve fibers;

It is not difficult to detect shoulder plexitis at an early stage. Listen to your body’s signals, pay attention to mild symptoms, and think about the causes of discomfort. Make an appointment with an orthopedist, rheumatologist, and, if necessary, be examined by a neurologist. The prognosis for plexitis if you consult a doctor in a timely manner is favorable; with an integrated approach to treatment, negative signs quickly disappear in most patients.

Diagnosis of the pathology is quite difficult. A neurologist performs the following: diagnostic measures:

  1. Survey. At the appointment, the doctor finds out how long ago the complaints began and what symptoms are bothering you. Were there any injuries, surgery or vaccinations? Asks the patient if he has diseases such as gout or diabetes.
  2. Neurological examination. The specialist performs palpation. Evaluates the strength of the arm muscles, the condition of the skin and nails.
  3. Laboratory research . A blood test can reveal the presence of inflammation and infection.
  4. Instrumental studies. A CT or MRI of the shoulder and neck is performed to examine the structure of the arm layer by layer and identify any changes that have appeared. Using electroneuromyography, the doctor determines the degree of nerve damage.

If all diagnostic criteria are met, a diagnosis of plexitis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The sooner treatment begins, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery will be. Therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the causes of inflammation.

How to treat inflammation of the nerve plexus of the shoulder joint? We must prepare for the fact that the treatment will be long.

Doctors use a set of methods to treat this disease:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

Surgery is performed when the nerve plexus is compressed by a tumor, an aneurysm, or when it is damaged by bone fragments after an injury. Self-treatment of this disease is unacceptable. With improper therapy, dangerous complications can occur that can lead to disability.

Medicines are prescribed depending on the causes of the disease. In the acute phase, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Medicines are also prescribed to improve nutrition, blood circulation and decongestants. At infectious nature disease requires antibacterial or antiviral therapy.

In modern pharmacies there is a wide selection of medicines to combat this disease. The price of drugs may vary, but you can always choose the most affordable one.

Group of drugs Expected effect Instructions for use
Antibacterial agents Suppression of the growth of microorganisms that cause infectious plexitis. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor - depending on the severity of the disease, they can be taken orally or administered intramuscularly.
NSAIDs Drugs in this group have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Prescribed for oral administration in the form of tablets (Nurofen, Diclofenac), in the form of suppositories (Diclovit) or as external agents (Voltaren).
Neuroprotectors Improve neuromuscular transmission, promote the restoration of nerve fibers, and protect cells from further damage. Taken orally or by injection - Neuromultivit, Combilipen, Milgamma.
Painkillers Aimed at eliminating severe pain. They are used in the form of intramuscular blockades - novocaine. To relieve muscle spasms, muscle relaxants in tablets are used - Mydocalm.


How to treat plexitis to speed up recovery? One of the most effective methods is physiotherapy. By using various procedures eliminate pain and inflammation, relax muscles, stimulate blood circulation.

The following procedures are used for treatment:

  • impulse currents;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • paraffin and mud applications;
  • phonophoresis;
  • laser therapy (photo);
  • cryotherapy.

Physiotherapy enhances the effect of medications, which allows you to reduce their dosage and side effects.

  • the first exercise is raising and lowering with the shoulders, it must be repeated up to 10 times;
  • Next, you need to carefully bring your shoulder blades together and return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is the same;
  • the sore arm needs to be bent at the elbow, lowered again and moved to the side;
  • you also need to stretch the shoulder itself, for this you need to make circular movements with your hand bent at the elbow;
  • lean forward a little and relax your sore arm. Next, you need to make light circular movements with your hand clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • you need to position yourself in the same way and bend the sore arm with the help of the healthy one;
  • Additionally, you need to warm up your fingers and wrist joint.
  • Timely identification and treatment of the root cause (infections, metabolic disorders, etc.).
  • Prevention of injury.
  • Swimming.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Hardening.
  • Providing comfortable sleeping conditions, etc.

Effective methods for treating shoulder plexitis that everyone should know

It can develop due to many factors that provoke it.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that in the absence of proper treatment, you can completely lose the ability to move your hand, as well as perform various complex actions related to fine motor skills.

Forms of the disease

This disease can have three forms of development: left- and right-sided, as well as bilateral. The last form is considered the most complex and painful, often taking much longer to treat.

Also, depending on the basis of occurrence, plexitis can be divided into the following forms:

  1. Toxic. Characteristic if the disease was preceded by poisoning;
  2. Traumatic. Occurs after injury to the nerve plexus;
  3. Infectious. Develops as a result of infection penetration into the plexus of nerves;
  4. Dysmetabolic. Associated with a serious disruption in metabolic processes;
  5. Infectious-allergic. Caused by the body’s reaction (nerve endings in particular) to a certain type of vaccine;
  6. Compression-ischemic. It occurs due to prolonged compression of the nerves, or being in an uncomfortable position. Because of this, nutritional processes in the tissue, which play a key role, are disrupted.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint has the following causes that can lead to its development:

  • An uncomfortable position that cannot be changed for a long time. In this case, compression of the nerve occurs;
  • Injuries. They can occur as a result of damage to the cervical roots, sprains or dislocations, as well as due to mechanical stress or shock;
  • The appearance of microtraumas associated with professional activities;
  • Incorrect posture. Oddly enough, but it can also cause such an unpleasant disease. A pinched nerve can occur due to slouching of the shoulders, since in the small space between the collarbone and the rib it is possible to get this compression;
  • Hyperabduction syndrome. It occurs due to a sharp abduction of the shoulder, as a result of which a whole bundle of nerve endings can be pinched;
  • Brachial neuritis. It manifests itself as inflammation in the area of ​​the humerus or the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Occurs after vaccination.

Children are also susceptible to this disease. The causes of plexitis of the shoulder joint in newborns can be a birth injury or an infection that provokes inflammatory diseases in organs or tissues located nearby.


This disease has two stages:

  1. Neuralgic. This form is characterized by the severity of symptoms that are associated with irritation of nerve endings. This may include, for example, pain in muscles and skin, which increases significantly if you perform even the simplest movements;
  2. Paralytic. Symptoms associated with impaired functioning of nerve fibers predominate. This is characterized by the manifestation of muscle weakness, the presence of edema, as well as a significant decrease in the function of tissue nutrition.

After the development of plexitis of the shoulder joint begins, its symptoms become more and more noticeable.

As a rule, he has the following signs:

  • Numbness of the hand, partial loss of sensation is possible;
  • Violation of certain functions of the limb (inability to bend, use fingers, etc.);
  • Pain syndrome. Its manifestation becomes especially brighter when trying to lift a limb or put it behind the back;
  • Fine motor skills are impaired;
  • Arm paralysis or paresis. The most serious signs of plexitis. It is also accompanied by muscle atrophy and impaired blood circulation in the limbs.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made if there are several forms of examination of the patient, since identifying this disease is quite difficult. The most commonly used diagnostic methods are:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Survey;
  • Neuromyography;
  • Radiography;
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Blood tests;
  • Electroneuromyography;
  • Consultation with a neurosurgeon.

Healing procedures

If there is an exacerbation of plexitis of the shoulder joint, it is not recommended to treat the disease with the help of certain physiotherapeutic procedures, since the limbs should be ensured complete immobility.

It is best to fix the injured shoulder with a plaster splint, and then start taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

  • Drug therapy. Held in mandatory, since it is impossible to do without medicines. Most often prescribed non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory type and analgesics. These can be either ointments and tablets, or injections;
  • Paraarticular blocks. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used for them;
  • Physiotherapy. It consists of using a number of measures aimed at relieving pain and improving blood circulation. The course of physiotherapeutic procedures includes applications using mud and paraffin, electro- and phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, dynamic currents, as well as some other methods of influence;
  • Physiotherapy. A very effective method aimed at performing a specific set of exercises. The purpose of exercise therapy for plexitis is to develop the shoulder joints and muscles, and accelerate blood circulation. Prohibited for use during periods of exacerbation;
  • Massage. The course is selected individually in order to prevent muscle atrophy, as well as improve nutrition in them, oxygen delivery, and so on;
  • Balneological methods of therapy. Treatment with mineral water, which is obtained naturally or created artificially. The popularity of this technique peaked in the 19th century, but even now these procedures can provide significant assistance in recovery.
  • Acupuncture. Impact using needles of a special structure on improving the functioning of tissues;
  • Hirudotherapy. Treatment with medicinal leeches can also give certain results.

Traditional methods of treatment are not prescribed by doctors, but can be used to enhance the effect of medications.


Traditional medicine procedures deserve separate consideration, since several measures can significantly help in the treatment of plexitis.

  • White willow bark;
  • Mumiyo;
  • Mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Chamomile;
  • Oregano;
  • Oak bark;
  • Currant leaf.

It is worth considering that the effectiveness will increase if you use several types of herbs and herbs in combination, this will significantly increase the effect of the resulting decoction on the body.

All of them are capable of reducing the development of the inflammatory process.

Plexitis resulting from a birth injury will certainly manifest itself over time. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to a set of measures that can prevent the development of the disease.

In addition to the selected treatment, children must undergo an intensive complex of exercise therapy.

Otherwise, the affected shoulder may subsequently lag significantly in development. Limitations in the production of passive movements may also appear.

Timely consultation with a doctor will lead to a complete recovery.

Patients need to avoid contact with chemicals as much as possible and avoid exposure to high and low temperatures. It is necessary to wear orthopedic styling.

Alternative medicine offers to get rid of the disease with the help of homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, leeches. Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of ointment based on propolis, used herbal infusions, alcohol applications, baths and compresses.

Physiotherapy treatment methods should be given preference:

  1. Mud applications.
  2. Massage procedures.
  3. Paraffin therapy.
  4. Current influence.
  5. Cryotherapy.
  6. Ultrasound technique.
  7. Electrophoresis.
  8. Laser exposure and etc.

The chronic stage of the disease is treated in sanatorium-resort therapy.

Treatment of brachial plexitis can yield positive results with the use of exercise therapy:

  1. Place the limbs at the level of the thoracic region and spread them apart.
  2. The hands are placed on the shoulders and performed rotational movements in different directions.
  3. Shoulders drop down and up.
  4. Arm swings are performed.
  5. The shoulder blades retract and retract.

It is very useful to train hand motor skills.

Drug treatment for plexitis is as follows:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Painkillers, blockades.
  3. Medicines aimed at improving nerve patency.
  4. Antibiotics.
  5. Vitamin complexes.
  6. Decongestants.

How to cure plexitis of the shoulder joint?

Treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint is complex and is aimed at solving several problems at once: firstly, relieving pain, secondly, improving tissue nutrition and blood circulation in the affected area, and thirdly, restoring normal nerve function and returning functional abilities to the sore arm.

To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers (selected individually based on the patient’s condition). The main therapy for plexitis is anti-inflammatory. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed; they perform two functions at once - they reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain. These medications are available in both tablet and injectable liquid form.

When the disease is at an advanced stage, more serious hormonal-type drugs are required to reduce inflammation. They effectively fight inflammation and promote tissue regeneration.

The type of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease. So, if plexitis provoked an infectious process, then antibiotics will definitely be present in the prescription. Treatment is often supplemented with a course of vitamins to improve processes occurring in the body.

During drug treatment In order to prevent or slow down muscle atrophy, electrical stimulation is prescribed - an electrical effect on soft tissue, which stimulates the muscles to contract and thereby keeps them in good shape.

Physiotherapy methods for plexitis of the shoulder joint are divided into several groups depending on the type of their influence:

  • to reduce pain, electroanalgesia with short pulses or medicinal electrophoresis is prescribed;
  • UHF therapy will help prevent fluid accumulation in the joint

    to prevent fluid accumulation in articular capsule– UHF therapy;

  • infrared laser therapy and ultrasound therapy will help accelerate tissue restoration;
  • neurostimulating procedures – neuroelectric stimulation and bioregulated stimulation;
  • Irradiation with infrared rays and high-frequency magnetic therapy will contribute to the expansion of blood vessels.

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease also involves undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of the disease can be carried out using a variety of ointments, infusions, decoctions, lotions, compresses, baths and other methods of traditional medicine.

Effective remedies include mumiyo, white willow bark, mint, bee products, angelica and various plant components.

In order for the treatment to bring maximum benefit, not only relieve pain, but also restore the function of the upper extremities, it is recommended to combine external and internal treatment.

Before using any folk remedy, you should consult your doctor.

The basis of treatment of the disease consists of ointments, compresses, rubbing and baths for the damaged area. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for effective treatment.

To prepare a healing infusion, you will need a tablespoon of chopped horseradish root, marshmallow, aloe leaves, and 100 ml of honey. Pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2-3 days in a cool place.

Ready product should be used to rub the sore area. It is recommended to use the product at least three times a day for a month or until the symptoms disappear.

To prepare a product for external use, you will need 10 g of St. John's wort, sweet clover and hops. Grind the herbs using a coffee grinder, then add a little boiling water to steam the herbs. Add 70 ml of Vaseline to the finished mixture.

Use to reduce symptoms of plexitis, as well as improve limb mobility.

Angelica infusion

An infusion of the roots and rhizomes of angelica officinalis is an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

To prepare it, you will need to pour 100 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the plant. Strain and use to rub the inflamed area.

The product is best used warm.

The alcohol infusion of mumiyo has unique healing properties. You should rub it into the inflamed area for 4-6 weeks in the morning and before bed.

Bath with mint

Mint decoction has excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

To prepare a bath you will need to pour 40 g of dry mint into a liter hot water and insist. Then strain and pour the infusion into a bath of warm water. Taking a bath should take about 20 minutes. Then dry yourself, dress warmly and go to bed.

You should take this bath every day before bed.

To relieve pain and inflammation, it is effective to make compresses with the mood of white willow bark.

To prepare it, you need to grind a tablespoon of bark and add a small amount of hot water. Moisten gauze in the resulting infusion and apply to the affected area.

Repeat the procedure several times a day for two weeks.

To prepare this remedy you will need fresh white willow leaves. Grind them to a mushy state, after dousing them with boiling water.

Apply the prepared mixture to the inflamed area for 10 minutes.

Traditional recipes for treating the disease include not only ointments and compresses, but also healing infusions which must be taken orally. They fight inflammation, improve immunity, and also restore limb mobility.

To prepare a decoction for the treatment of plexitis, you will need 3 tablespoons each of buckthorn and mint bark, as well as one tablespoon each of dandelion root and parsley seeds.

Place the herbs in a saucepan, add three glasses of water and boil for 4-5 hours. Strain and take 50 ml three times a day.

Every day you should prepare a new decoction, then the healing power of this remedy will be higher.

Corn silk

A decoction of corn silk also has excellent properties.

To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of stigmas with 500 ml of hot water and boil. Take 30 ml before meals.

Continue treatment for at least a month.

For plexitis of the shoulder joint, you can also resort to alternative medicine methods:

  • It is recommended to rub mummy (10%) into the area affected by inflammation;
  • Baths with mint will help reduce the intensity of pain. The grass can be purchased either purchased or dried yourself. Before the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction from the leaves of the plant, then strain it and pour it into the bathroom, diluting it with clean water. The water temperature should be average - about 40 degrees. After the procedure, it is recommended to wrap yourself warmly and rest;
  • can also be prepared for rubbing the shoulder infusion of herbs: Adam's root, horseradish root and marshmallow, aloe leaf(in equal proportions – 15 grams each). All ingredients are mixed, poured with honey (about 100 grams) and half a liter of alcohol. Infuse the product for three days, after which it is used as an ointment for a sore shoulder;
  • white willow leaves will also help in the fight against the disease. They are used as follows: washed (fresh) and crushed, after which the resulting pulp is applied to the sore spot for a quarter of an hour;
  • oatmeal compresses. 30 grams of flakes are poured into 400 ml of clean water and boiled together for 10 minutes. The compress is ready;
  • hop cone ointment(crushed cones must be mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of one to four);
  • tincture for rubbing from wild rosemary, burdock root and wheatgrass, thyme, sweet clover, hop cones and juniper berries. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities, placed in a jar and filled with vodka. The tincture is prepared for 10 days in a place protected from light;
  • wild strawberry decoction. To prepare the product, the whole plant is taken. 1 tablespoon of chopped strawberries is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat. You can drink this remedy instead of regular tea.

Moderate swimming is an excellent method of preventing plexitis

After recovery, you must follow preventive measures to avoid relapse of the disease.

Human movements are caused by the joint activity of several systems. The work involves the nervous, muscular, vascular and bone. When the functions of one of the systems are disrupted, a disease is detected in a person. Often people experience deterioration in joint function. The cause of such disorders is plexitis. Only a specialist can explain what plexitis of the shoulder joint is, symptoms, and treatment.

Plexitis is the development of an inflammatory process in large bundles of nerve fiber.
Large bundles are responsible for the motor function of joints and limbs, for the transmission of sensations from the skin to the brain. When the fiber becomes inflamed, the functioning of the muscle, bone and vascular systems is disrupted. In this case, the person experiences severe pain.

Brachial plexus plexitis has three types: superior, inferior and total. Varieties are distinguished by the nature of the localization of the pain syndrome. In the shoulder joint, pain occurs due to inflammation of the large plexus responsible for the movement of this segment. The lower variety affects the elbow area. The total form of the disease affects both joints due to inflammation of several fibers.

Difficulty diagnosing the pathology is also noted. The symptoms of the disease are similar to several diseases of the bone frame. For this reason, the appearance of pain in the shoulder area is accompanied by a visit to the doctor.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Brachial plexopathy affects nervous system for various reasons. In some patients, the disease develops due to the simultaneous influence of two or more causes. Negative changes in nerve bundles are diagnosed for the following reasons:

  1. Shoulder injury;
  2. Tissue infection;
  3. Toxic poisoning;
  4. Allergic reactions;
  5. Autoimmune processes;
  6. Hormonal pathologies;
  7. Improper labor;
  8. Professional features.

A common cause of the disease is injury to the segment. A fall on the shoulder area, a fracture of the bones of the belt is accompanied by disruption of the activity of other tissues. When a fracture occurs, strong pressure is applied to the tissue. Under pressure, individual sections of the nerve fiber are compressed. The impulse transmission in this area stops. A prolonged absence of impulse is accompanied by inflammation. Inflammation leads to the development of an unpleasant diagnosis.

Reasons for discomfort include tissue infection. The infection penetrates the joints through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate tissues and form a colony. Microorganisms feed on the cells of the affected area. The accumulation of their metabolic products causes negative processes in the roots. Infectious plexitis is dangerous to the patient's health. It is able to quickly spread to neighboring organs and tissues.

Cervical osteochondrosis is also one of the causes of the disease.

With osteochondrosis, partial destruction of one of the vertebral segments occurs. A vertebral fragment puts pressure on intervertebral disc and nerve root. A pinched root disrupts signal transmission to the shoulder joint. A prolonged absence of impulse causes tissue inflammation. For this reason, during diagnosis, doctors examine the condition of the spinal column.

Toxic poisoning also causes health problems. Alcohol and drug poisoning affects the functioning of nerves. Harmful substances deposited in cartilage tissues. The pathological process spreads to neighboring tissues. The same problem occurs with poisoning with heavy metal salts.

Negative reasons include allergic reactions. As an allergy develops, the level of antibodies in the bloodstream increases. They capture antigens and remove them from the bloodstream. For unknown reasons, antibodies activate the immune system. The defense system attacks its own cells. With such a reaction, the patient develops reactive plexitis.

Changes in hormonal levels also cause health problems. Plexopathy is diagnosed in patients suffering from diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by the death of certain tissue areas. The formation of trophic ulcers leads to the destruction of vascular and nerve fibers. The destruction of part of the fiber leads to inflammation of this area. Inflammation changes location. In diabetes, plexitis affects several joints at the same time.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint
Newborns are diagnosed during vigorous labor. To pass through the birth canal, the baby takes a certain position.
The muscles of the uterus push the fetus into the pelvis. With active contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus, strong pressure is exerted on the baby's shoulder girdle.

Under pressure, the functioning of blood vessels and nerves changes. After birth, the compressed tissue becomes inflamed. This disease is detected in a newborn.

The causes of the disease also include the professional activity of the patient. In some professions, a person is required to maintain incorrect hand position for a long time. Incorrect position is accompanied by compression of cartilage tissue, vascular walls and nerve roots. The presence of accompanying factors accelerates the development of the disease. For this reason, experts recommend changing your profession.

Signs of plexopathic lesion

Many patients do not notice the first signs of plexitis. This leads to additional damage to neighboring organs and tissues. Gradually the disease becomes chronic. The disease can be identified by several characteristic symptoms. Timely contact with specialists helps maintain health and physical activity. As the disease develops, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • Pain in various locations;
  • Blueness of the skin;
  • Formation of edema in the affected area;
  • Inability to make usual movements;
  • Additional signs.

Initially, a person experiences discomfort in the shoulder or elbow. In some cases, the pain spreads over the entire surface of the arm. The development of the disease leads to an increase in the intensity of pain. Dumb, It's a dull pain goes into shooting mode.

The condition of the skin in the affected area changes. The surface of the epidermis turns blue and pale. Rising secretory function sweat glands. The skin becomes sticky and damp. The hand feels cold to the touch. This is due to changes in the functions of the vascular system. Blood flows to peripheral organs in insufficient quantities due to swelling of the nerve bundle. The bundle compresses the walls of blood vessels. There is not enough blood flow.

With the reactive development of the disease, swelling forms in the damaged area. Edema is formed due to inflammation of muscle tissue and improper functioning of the lymphatic system. The surface of the edema is hyperemic. Palpation of the pathological area is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

With plexitis, a person is unable to make habitual movements. The problem arises due to partial atrophy of the muscular frame. Muscles contract when they receive a signal from the brain and spinal cord. Against the background of the disease, impulse transmission is disrupted. The activity of individual muscles is impossible. Without treatment, restoration of muscle contractility occurs partially. For this reason, it is important to visit a medical center in a timely manner.

Secondary ones are also considered
signs. They appear due to the strong spread of inflammation along the bundles. Many patients complain of shortness of breath. It's connected with partial atrophy pectoral muscles. The pulmonary sac is not able to fully open. The patient experiences oxygen starvation. A separate group of patients develop vision problems.

Diagnosing the problem

If symptoms of the disease appear, the help of a specialist is necessary. The doctor examines the patient’s condition and makes a diagnosis. For plexitis, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  1. Taking anamnesis;
  2. X-ray examination;
  3. Biochemical study of blood fluid.

Initially, the doctor collects an anamnesis. To do this, the patient is interviewed orally. A visual examination of the shoulder girdle is carried out. Based on the data obtained, hardware diagnostics are selected.

Most patients undergo radiographic examination. X-rays allow the doctor to get a complete picture of the condition of the joint. With plexitis, the image reveals a darkened bundle of inflamed fibers and thickening in the area of ​​the affected segment.

If radiography provides an incomplete picture, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. The tomograph gives a complete picture of the condition of blood vessels, nerves, muscles and bones. This diagnosis confirms the data obtained.

To establish the nature of inflammation, a biochemical study of the blood fluid is performed. Against the background of infection, waste products of bacteria and pathogens are detected in the blood. For other causes of the disease, the level of lymphocytes and leukocytes increases. An increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate is also observed.

After the examination, the doctor selects an effective treatment. The patient must strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

Therapy of the inflammatory process

Plexitis can be eliminated using several methods. The following types of therapy are used:

The main treatment is with medications. Initially, pain is eliminated. The pain disappears with the use of analgesic medications. Painkillers are taken for 5–7 days. The increase in treatment time is controlled by a specialist.

Also, the goal of treatment is to eliminate the inflammatory process in the nerve fiber. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines. TO non-steroidal drugs includes ibuprofen, meloxicam, ketorol and ortofen. The products are available in the form of tablets, ampoules and ointments. The choice of dosage form depends on the intensity of plexitis.

Also, with the disease, the patient needs to fix the affected segment. For plexitis, some patients are given gypsum bandage. It prevents you from making incorrect movements. Rest speeds up a person's recovery.

Treatment is also carried out using physiotherapy. The affected area is exposed to electrical and magnetic influences. This treatment carried out by applying waves to the deep layers of the skin. Heat speeds up blood circulation. The inflammation gradually subsides.

After the acute condition is relieved, doctors prescribe a set of additional procedures. Shows positive effects physiotherapy. Exercises are performed under the strict supervision of a specialist. A visit to the swimming pool is recommended therapeutic massage. This treatment prevents the risk of developing recurrent plexitis.

Staying healthy depends on the individual. If the patient follows all the doctors’ recommendations, the inflammation quickly disappears. The absence of therapy leads to irreversible changes in the functioning of the body.

Symptoms of plexitis of the shoulder joint may resemble neuralgia, but there is one characteristic distinguishing feature: with plexitis, nerve fibers are affected, and the severity of clinical signs directly depends on the amount of inflammation and the localization of the pathological process. With neuralgia, it is not the nerve itself that is inflamed - pain and swelling are observed next to it.

When this disease is diagnosed, the patient requires complex treatment, which is based on stopping the acute stage medications. Physiotherapy, traditional recipes and exercise therapy are used as auxiliary techniques.

Etiology and classification

Plexitis of the shoulder joint is an inflammatory disease that affects the nerve plexuses located in close proximity to the subclavian artery. Another name for this disease is plexopathy. With plexitis, inflammation can be observed in individual nerve bundles or along the entire length of the branch of the nerve trunk, which transmits nerve impulses from the skin and arm from the shoulder to the fingertips.

The disease is characterized by pain located in the shoulder joint and collarbone, as well as in the shoulder blade, neck and arm. Due to damage to the dominant hand in most cases, a person diagnosed with plexitis completely or partially loses his or her ability to work.

Depending on the inflammation of the lower or upper nerve plexuses, the following are distinguished:

  1. 1. Dejerine-Klumpke plexitis - inflammation of the lower trunks. In this case, the symptoms extend to the forearm and elbow joint.
  2. 2. Duchenne - Erb - inflammation of the upper trunks. In this embodiment, pain is located in the supraclavicular region.
  3. 3. Total. This form combines the previous two.

Plexitis can be right-sided or left-sided. There is also a bilateral form, which is the most complex. With bilateral plexitis of the shoulder joint, the patient experiences excruciating pain and a feeling of weakness in both limbs. This form requires a long recovery course.

The classification of plexitis is also based on the type of factor that provoked the inflammatory process. Highlight:

  1. 1. Toxic.
  2. 2. Traumatic.
  3. 3. Infectious.
  4. 4. Infectious-allergic.
  5. 5. Dysmetabolic.
  6. 6. Compression-ischemic.

Neuralgia and plexitis are different pathologies, but they are closely related. With neuralgia, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nerve is noted, and with plexalgia, the inflammatory process affects the nerve itself.


The most common cause of the pathology is injury due to excessive physical activity. As a result of severe stretching of muscle tissue, rupture with damage to the arteries is possible.

There are other possible reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • tumors;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • compression of the nerve during prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • metabolic disease;
  • aneurysm of the subclavian artery;
  • inflammation of nearby organs.

Plexitis can also be diagnosed in newborns. The cause is birth trauma, caused by a problematic course of labor, difficult passage of the baby through the birth canal or falling out of it. Possible factors include the incompetence of medical workers.

Stages and symptoms

Plexitis can occur acutely or chronically. In addition, symptoms may differ depending on the stage of the inflammatory process and the volume of affected nerve bundles.

There are 2 stages of the disease:

  1. 1. Neuralgic. At this stage, the patient experiences sharp pain, aggravated by movement of the inflamed joint. The peak of pain often occurs at night, disturbing the patient’s sleep. The pain can have a different character: aching, stabbing, shooting, aching. Most often it is localized in the lower and inner zone of the arm. The greatest pain is observed when lifting and abducting the limb behind the back. For this reason, it becomes difficult for the patient to perform everyday sudden movements. Gradually, this leads to atrophy of the small muscles of the hand, especially the flexors, resulting in impaired fine motor skills.
  2. 2. Paralytic. It is characterized by paresis and paralysis, which results in a lack of movement. The extent of muscle disorders is determined by damage to specific bundles of the brachial plexus. Deterioration of innervation leads to inadequate nutrition of hand tissues, decreased reflexes, swelling and lack of sensitivity.

In some cases, the inflammatory process can affect the cervical plexus, causing pain in the occipital region, paresis of the diaphragm and deep cervical muscles. As a result, head mobility is impaired and persistent hiccups are provoked.

With plexitis, the patient complains of other symptoms:

  • sweaty palms;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • decreased muscle strength.

Depending on the extent of damage to the nerve bundles, symptoms can have 3 options:

  1. 1. Upper plexite. In this case, the inflammatory process causes disruption of the movement of the deltoid, brachialis, biceps and brachioradialis muscles. If not treated in a timely manner, there is a risk of their atrophy, as a result of which the patient will not be able to raise his arm, bend it at the elbow and move it to the side. The reflexes of the biceps muscle are impaired. The outer side of the forearm and shoulder becomes less or more sensitive. The pain affects the upper shoulder to a greater extent, and the so-called Erb's pain point is felt above the collarbone.
  2. 2. Inferior plexitis. The inflammatory process affects the ulnar and brachial nerve bundles, and also slightly affects the median nerve. With this form, the carpal muscles are most often affected, for the innervation of which the radial nerve. Characteristic symptoms are paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the hand and forearm. The small muscles of the palm, flexors of the fingers and hand atrophy, resulting in impaired finger movement. The sensitivity of the forearm, the inner area of ​​the shoulder, ring finger and little finger.
  3. 3. Total plexitis. It is a very rare type of disease because it affects the entire brachial plexus. The pain is localized in this case in the subclavian and supraclavicular zones and is transmitted to the arm. There is a loss of sensitivity of the entire limb, which causes complete paralysis. As a result, the muscles atrophy, reflexes disappear, and the hand and forearm swell.


The treatment method is selected taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process. Difficulties arise due to the fact that patients often present with moderate and moderately severe pathology, so there is no hope for a quick cure.

For shoulder plexitis, therapy aims to achieve goals such as:

  • pain relief;
  • stopping the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of blood circulation in weakened muscles;
  • restoration of sensitivity of nerve fibers;
  • return of functionality to the affected limb;
  • improving the condition of muscle tissue.


To suppress the inflammatory process, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is used. The most popular from this category:

  • Meloxicam.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Piroxicam.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Movalis.
  • Ortofen.

To relieve acute pain, tablets and capsules are used for oral administration or intramuscular injections. Injections should only be given by a doctor, but you should not take pills yourself either.

NSAIDs can have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, so they are not intended for long-term use.

After eliminating the acute inflammatory process, they move on to treatment with external agents in the form of gels and ointments, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This group of medications helps relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. The most popular:

  • Fastum-gel.
  • Voltaren-emulgel.
  • Lyoton.
  • Troxerutin.
  • Troxevasin.

In severe cases, such as extensive inflammation, potent drugs are required. These include corticosteroids. They have a large number of side effects, so they should be used with extreme caution and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Hormonal drug

Treatment with antibiotics is resorted to if the inflammatory process was triggered by infection with pathogenic microorganisms. The type of drug and dosage regimen are determined based on the results of bacterial culture. To improve nerve conduction and restore blood circulation in problem areas, angioprotectors are recommended. B vitamins have the same effect.



Physiotherapeutic treatment is started only after the acute stage of the disease has been relieved with the help of medications. Most often it is combined with further drug therapy, since the course of procedures can improve the condition of tissues and normalize their sensitivity, as well as increase the effectiveness of drugs.

The most effective methods include:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • applications with ozokerite;
  • reflexology;
  • massage;
  • electromyostimulation.

Folk recipes

When plexitis of the shoulder joint requires complex treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. Because drug therapy supplemented with folk remedies that warm the affected joint and improve blood circulation in the inflamed area. However, as in the case of physiotherapeutic procedures, traditional medicine methods are used only after the acute stage has been cured.

The following popular external agents are distinguished:

  1. 1. Ointment from a collection of herbs. Prepare a mixture of medicinal herbs: sweet clover, St. John's wort and hop cones. The components are ground to a powder or made into a paste if the plants are fresh. The resulting mass is mixed with Vaseline using a ratio of 3:5. The prepared ointment is stored in the refrigerator and applied to the inflamed shoulder 2-3 times a day.
  2. 2. Pepper tincture. They take hot pepper, cut it and fill it with vodka. For 500 ml of alcohol-containing product, use 1 large vegetable. The drug is infused for two weeks, then filtered. The prepared tincture is used for rubbing 2-3 times a day.
  3. 3. Compresses with willow. Take white willow leaves, grind them to a pulpy state, apply them to the skin around the joint, wrap them in cellophane and a warm cloth. The application is removed after 10-15 minutes.
  4. 4. Willow infusion. Crushed white willow bark (15 g) is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. The resulting composition is used to rub the inflamed shoulder 2 times a day.
  5. 5. Angelica decoction. Take 15 g of roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1 hour. The resulting decoction is filtered and used warm for grinding.
  6. 6. Tincture from a collection of herbs. Mix marshmallow, horseradish, Adam's root and aloe leaves in equal quantities. From the resulting collection, 60 g of raw materials are poured into a separate container, mixed with 100 g of honey and seasoned with 500 ml of vodka. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused for 1 week. The resulting product is rubbed on the affected shoulder 3 times a day.
  7. 7. Mumiyo. It is used to prepare a solution with a 10% content of this substance. The resulting mixture is used for rubbing.
  8. 8. Saline dressings. Take sea or table salt and prepare a 10% water solution from it. The composition is heated, natural cotton cloth or gauze is moistened in it and applied to the affected shoulder. Keep the compress for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 30 days.

When treating plexitis of the shoulder joint, it is recommended to take healing baths. Water procedures can be performed daily or several times a day. However, you need to choose the right temperature regime: The water should not be too hot. For baths, it is recommended to use decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. Baths are taken for 15 minutes, preferably before going to bed, since after them you need to go to bed and completely wrap yourself in a blanket.

To prepare a decoction, you can take 50 g of chamomile with calendula, mint, sage or other herbs. The raw material is poured with 500 boiling water and left for half an hour, after which it is filtered and added to the prepared warm bath.

No less useful are decoctions and infusions for oral administration. This method of therapy helps relieve inflammation and also strengthen the immune system. Moreover, they should be combined with healing baths and means for external use. The following popular recipes are distinguished:

  1. 1. Collection No. 1. Take 2 tsp. dandelion leaves and roots and parsley seeds, 3 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves and buckthorn bark. Mix the components together, add 2 tbsp. l. collection and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The composition is simmered over low heat for 2-3 minutes, then infused overnight and filtered. Drink 50 ml drink 2-3 times a day.
  2. 2. Corn silk. Take 2 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes and filter. The product is taken orally 3-4 times a day, 50 ml.
  3. 3. Strawberries. A decoction is prepared from the leaves of the plant. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and filter. Drink 200 ml decoction three times a day.
  4. 4. Lingonberry. 2 tsp. crushed leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes and filtered. The resulting infusion is drunk 1 day in advance, divided into small portions.

Exercise therapy

An integrated approach to the treatment of brachial plexitis involves the use of physical therapy. Gymnastic exercises performed while sitting or standing are most effective. Each of them is repeated at least 8 times.

Approximate complex:

  1. 1. Keep your back straight. They shrug their shoulders, first raising them and then lowering them. The pace is comfortable, depending on how you feel.
  2. 2. Retract and spread the shoulder blades.
  3. 3. Place your fingers on your shoulders and make circular movements back and forth.
  4. 4. Bend the affected limb at the elbow, then straighten it and move it to the side. After the action is repeated in reverse order.
  5. 5. Bend over the inflamed shoulder, make hand movements in a circle back and forth.
  6. 6. Bend forward, bend and straighten the affected limb.

Exercises for the shoulder joint

After complete recovery from plexitis of the shoulder joint, muscle development does not stop. During the recovery period, preventive measures are recommended. These include swimming and moderate physical activity, which will prevent ossification of the joints, increasing their resistance to disease.

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