Home Dental treatment Treatment of rhinitis in children 3 years old. Doctor Komarovsky on the treatment of a runny nose in a child

Treatment of rhinitis in children 3 years old. Doctor Komarovsky on the treatment of a runny nose in a child

Nasal discharge often bothers people of any age. Due to not fully developed immunity, children get sick much more often than adults. The age of three often determines the child's infusion into social sphere- visiting kindergartens, clubs, groups. It is during this period that parents are most often concerned about the appearance of snot.

The syndrome itself is not dangerous, however, untimely wrong therapy can provoke the development of serious complications that threaten health and even life. How to treat a runny nose in a 3-year-old child is described below.

Causes and symptoms

In a healthy body, the nasal mucosa normally produces a secretion that moisturizes it and prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, dirt and dust. However, such snot is liquid, transparent, and periodic. If the consistency, color, or amount of secretion changes, we are talking about pathology.

Runny nose (rhinitis) is a syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The main reasons for the appearance in three-year-olds:

  • bacterial, viral infections;
  • the body's reaction to exposure to an allergen;
  • curvature of the nasal septum (congenital, post-traumatic);
  • entry of a foreign body into the nasal cavity.

In addition, severe stress can provoke rhinitis. Usually children who just went to kindergarten experience emotional shock. This is often why mothers complain about constant snot. As soon as the adaptation period ends, everything goes away.

A runny nose in a 3-year-old child is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • copious nasal discharge;
  • congestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • impaired sense of smell.

Rhinitis is often accompanied by frequent sneezing due to irritation of the inner surface of the nose. This is a natural protective reflex that ensures the removal of pathogenic microorganisms and allergens.

If the syndrome is provoked by an infection, then deterioration is recorded general condition - headache, increased body temperature, chills, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance.

When snot flows down back wall pharynx cough occurs. The condition becomes more dangerous as the secretions move further and can accumulate in the trachea, bronchi and even the lungs. It happens that the inflammatory process spreads to the middle ear - otitis media occurs, which is accompanied by very severe pain.

Long-term rhinitis in children, the inability to breathe normally through the nose negatively affects the formation of the facial skeleton and bones chest. The body suffers from hypoxia (oxygen starvation), a serious complication of which can be disruptions in mental development.

That is why a runny nose in children must be treated correctly and in a timely manner.

How to properly treat a child's runny nose

Despite the fact that pharmacy counters are full of a variety of remedies, you need to approach your baby’s therapy with the utmost responsibility. Only a doctor knows how to properly treat a runny nose in children.

Rhinitis therapy involves A complex approach. The main goals are to identify and eliminate the cause and relieve symptoms.

To help cope with the disease:

  • maintaining optimal temperature (19–21 °C) and humidity (50–70%) in the room;
  • daily ventilation;
  • walks on fresh air;
  • plenty of drinking regime;
  • easily digestible food;
  • vitaminization.

In addition, it is important to provide the baby with emotional balance - to avoid stressful situations, to play and distract him from the illness.

The basis for treating a runny nose in children is rinsing the nose with saline preparations. The pharmacy has a wide range of isotonic solutions sea ​​water containing additional components medicinal herbs, minerals (Aqualor, Morenasal).

You can use sodium chloride in the form of saline solution. Carrying out manipulations ensures moistening of the mucous membrane, washes away pathogenic microflora, relieves swelling, restores nasal breathing, stops the inflammatory process.

Important! You cannot do the procedure if your ears hurt, since getting the solution into the auditory tube will only worsen the situation.

By the age of three, a child should be able to blow his nose correctly - this knowledge helps to quickly cope with the disease. Manipulation must be carried out with each accumulation of mucus.

Before understanding the question of how to treat a runny nose in a 3-year-old child, it is important to determine the cause of the development of the pathology.

If necessary, medications are used not only locally, but also systemically (orally).

For the common cold, children are prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • antiviral - if rhinitis is provoked by appropriate pathogens (Groprinosin, Anaferon, Laferobion);
  • antibacterial - with bacterial rhinitis(Zinnat, Sumamed, Isofra);
  • antihistamines - for rhinitis of allergic origin (Zodak, Suprastin).

At general symptoms antipyretics and painkillers are taken (for example, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Nurofen).

Quite an effective addition to drug therapy(especially when chronic runny nose in a 3-year-old child) are physical procedures - ultraviolet, ultrasound, magnet, laser are used.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

To relieve congestion, vasoconstrictor nasal medications are prescribed for a short period of time (Rinostop, Snoop).

Important! Drops or spray of this type should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, observing the dosage and duration of the course. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect and develop drug-induced rhinitis.

To improve the result, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor medications according to a specific regimen. First, the nose is washed with saline solution, then you need to blow your nose and only then the necessary drug is administered. Next, an antibacterial spray may be prescribed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies can be used to treat children only as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is important to monitor the body’s reaction - what is a panacea for one is poison for another.

The use of nasal drops from Kalanchoe juice, which is pre-diluted with water, provokes sneezing, which removes mucus from pathogens from the nasopharynx.

Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, analgesic, and mild disinfecting properties - due to this, it is often used for bacterial rhinitis (when the snot is green) in children 3 years old. However, in use it requires strict adherence to proportions, otherwise they may cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Effective are decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, used for rinsing the nose.


Inhalations using a nebulizer for a runny nose in a 3-year-old child have proven effectiveness and are widely popular. Modern devices spray the medicine in the form of an aerosol, thanks to which it penetrates deep into the tissues of the nasopharynx.

The most commonly used saline solution is mineral water Borjomi (you need to release the gas first). In more advanced cases, when thick mucus flows down the back wall of the larynx (making it difficult to remove), Ambrobene solution diluted with the same saline solution is used. Thanks to manipulation, secretions are liquefied and the mucous membrane is moistened.

You can just inhale the vapors medicinal plants, eucalyptus or pine oils.


It is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. In order to prevent a runny nose from constantly accompanying the baby, you need to do hardening (at this age you can go to the pool). Daily walks in the fresh air, an active lifestyle, a balanced diet enriched with vitamins and minerals, good rest - all this helps to increase the body's resistance.

Prevention of complications consists of timely, proper treatment runny nose, providing optimal conditions for a speedy recovery, follow all the pediatrician’s instructions.

Rhinitis in a 3-year-old child is a common occurrence that requires treatment. On their own, parents can only use saline solutions for rinsing the nose or moisturizing inhalations. If your runny nose does not go away within 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

A prolonged runny nose in children (also known as chronic rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that lasts for more than 7 days. If you do not immediately begin to eliminate it, complications may arise that can even lead to disability.

Most often, a prolonged runny nose appears in children in winter, when the weather is damp and the thaw begins. To prevent the disease from developing into chronic form, it is necessary to treat it in a timely manner.

Any childhood runny nose must be treated, otherwise it can become chronic!

Types of rhinitis

Your child may develop a persistent runny nose. different types, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's look at the features of each of them:

  1. Vasomotor - appears due to increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various irritants ( cigarette smoke, strong odors, chemical substances etc.). This type of disease can also develop as a result of foreign objects getting into the nose, due to stress or a certain pathology (for example, adenoids, deviated nasal septum) (see also:).
  2. Allergic – occurs due to the contact of an irritant (dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.) on the nasal mucosa. This type of runny nose can cause a child to sneeze, transparent discharge from the nasal passages, difficulty breathing, severe lacrimation, rashes on skin, cough, etc.
  3. Infectious rhinitis develops as a result of pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria) entering the nasal mucosa. Microbes provoke its inflammation.

Causes of persistent runny nose in children

You should not begin treatment for a runny nose in a child without finding out the cause of its occurrence. It can signal the development of a dozen various diseases, many of which are quite serious. Let's consider the main causes of rhinitis in children 2-4 years old. It is provoked by:

  • allergic reaction;
  • sinusitis;
  • injury or damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • hyperplasia of adenoid tissue (we recommend reading:);
  • dryness in the room;
  • abuse of nasal drops.

Allergic reactions

Allergens may enter the baby's nasal mucosa, causing a runny nose. The following irritants include: pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, food (strawberries, milk, chocolate, honey, eggs), animal hair, etc.

Signs of allergic rhinitis include frequent sneezing, white clear mucus from the sinuses, itchy skin, urticaria, conjunctivitis. There are also more severe cases when a runny nose provokes the development of spasms in the bronchi, and it is very difficult for the baby to exhale.

A runny nose may have allergic nature and occur when an allergen gets into the nasal mucosa


If a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, this may indicate complications, one of which is sinusitis. This pathology consists of the accumulation of pus in the sinuses, resulting in an inflammatory process. Sinusitis in children requires complex treatment, during which antibiotics are necessarily used. If the disease is very advanced, the baby may need a puncture or rinsing of the nasal sinuses.

Sinusitis manifests itself as severe headache and ear pain. If a child of 2-4 years old presents such complaints, then he should be quickly shown to a doctor in order to avoid complications such as meningitis, deafness, and mental retardation.

Injury or damage to the mucous membrane

Rhinitis can occur as a result of mechanical, chemical or thermal damage, that is, as a result of injury to the nasal mucosa. Injury can occur, for example, due to some children’s “favorite” activity – picking their nose with a finger, pen, or pencil.

Depending on the degree of damage, the doctor prescribes necessary treatment. If the mucous membrane is not severely injured, then everything can be corrected with the help of wound healing agents. In other cases it is required surgical intervention.

Hyperplasia of adenoid tissue

Another reason why children 2-4 years old develop a prolonged runny nose is hyperplasia (pathological growth) of adenoid tissue near the base of the nasal cavity on the pharynx side.

An enlarged tonsil blocks the nasal passages, preventing the child from breathing normally. Accumulation of snot is accompanied constant feeling lump in the throat and difficulty breathing through the nose. The pathology is quite common in children.

Dry indoors

Due to its structure, a child’s nose, unlike an adult’s, reacts negatively to poor quality air. If the air in the room is too dry, the body may react to it with a long runny nose.

In order to rid a child of this type of rhinitis, you simply need to humidify the air. If parents do not have such an opportunity, then there is only one thing left to do - stock up on clean scarves and wait for the heating season to end.

Abuse of nasal drops

There are two reasons for the development of a runny nose from medications:

  • How side effect from the drug taken;
  • rebound effect (when medications are taken in excessive doses).

The second type of rhinitis, which is also called drug-induced, can manifest itself 4-6 days after the start of treatment common runny nose vasoconstrictors. If the drops are used longer than the period recommended by the doctor, the mucous membrane gets used to them, and the treatment becomes ineffective. The drug will have to be discontinued, and this threatens to increase the swelling of the nasal mucosa, that is, its congestion. This is why you should not use vasoconstrictor drops longer than the time specified in the instructions.

One of the reasons for a prolonged runny nose may be the abuse of vasoconstrictors.

How to help your child recover faster?

Every parent wonders what to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time. How to cure it quickly? To start:

  • carry out wet cleaning in the room where the baby is;
  • ventilate the room;
  • install a humidifier;
  • Clean the baby's nose with a damp gauze pad.

There is no need to give your child strong medications if a runny nose does not affect his feeling good. A gentle regime will be the most acceptable for him in this situation. It lies in simple rules care:

  • The baby should be left at home instead of the usual trip to kindergarten or school;
  • take a walk with your child - the walk should not last more than an hour.

Children who develop snot should drink a lot (for example, compote, homemade jelly, lemon tea). To cure a baby, you can give him milk with honey, but provided that he is not allergic to the product.

Drinking plenty of fluids during rhinitis will help your baby recover faster

Don't forget about clearing your nose. To do this you need to use a saline solution. Such drugs as Otrivin, Marimer, Aquamaris are suitable. Regular rinsing is the key to a quick recovery.

Therapy depending on the cause of the disease

As a rule, not all parents seek help from a doctor at the first symptoms of rhinitis in a child. They try to eliminate the disease on their own without finding out the causes of its occurrence, and this is their main mistake. All mothers and fathers should know that the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the nature of rhinitis. Let's get acquainted with the principles of treatment of different types of runny nose in more detail.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If as a result diagnostic measures It was found that the baby’s rhinitis is allergic in nature, then the first measure to combat it is to identify the allergen and protect the child from contact with the irritant. Next, the allergist will prescribe antihistamines or nasal drops with a vasodilating effect. Do not forget that the latter should be used no more than 3 times a day and no longer than a week.

Vasodilator drops are considered the safest option for children. They fight nasal congestion in the baby and make breathing easier.

Therapy for vasomotor rhinitis

Many methods are used to treat this type of runny nose. The simplest of them is treatment with medications. The little patient is prescribed:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants);
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution (we recommend reading:);
  • local antihistamines (to block sensitivity to irritants);
  • anticholinergics (to control and block symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis);
  • corticosteroids (to eliminate signs of illness).

If conservative treatment methods do not produce results, the baby undergoes surgical therapy:

  • laser photodestruction;
  • radioelectrocoagulation;
  • ultrasonic disintegration;
  • vasotomy

Laser therapy with a persistent runny nose

Elimination of diseases of infectious origin

To treat prolonged infectious runny nose in children, the following therapeutic measures are used:

  1. local treatment (the nose is instilled with a saline solution and cleaned using an aspirator or bulb, warmed with warm salt);
  2. taking general strengthening and immunomodulating drugs;
  3. physiotherapeutic procedures.

If infectious rhinitis does not go away for more than two weeks, and yellow-green pus is discharged from the nasal sinuses, the child is prescribed antibacterial drugs. They can be in the form of ointments, sprays or liquid medications.

General treatments

Regardless of the reason why the baby started snot, everything must be done so that it can easily flow out of the nasal cavity. At the same time, you need to ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out. There are several methods for treating long-term rhinitis in children, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  1. medicinal;
  2. folk remedies;
  3. with the help of physiotherapy.

Quartz heating of the nose

Use of medications

  • vasoconstrictors (Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Galazolin, etc. to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa) - taking this group of drugs has strict time restrictions;
  • antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Telfast, Levocabastine, etc.) - for the treatment of the allergic form of the disease;
  • antiviral (Interferon, Gerferon, Oksolin, etc.) - for the treatment of infectious rhinitis;
  • antibiotics (Bioparox, Polydexa, etc. (we recommend reading: ).) - for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis;
  • moisturizing drops (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc.) - to maintain normal functioning of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment at home

If your baby starts having snot, and there is no way to see a doctor, then you can start treatment at home, following this scheme:

  • rinse the spout using water and sea salt;
  • use an aspirator to remove mucus from the nasal passages;
  • drip your nose with special drops;
  • using an inhaler, inhale;
  • lubricate the nose with warming ointment.

Do not forget that self-medication is very dangerous, so take your child to the doctor as soon as possible. Only he can prescribe effective treatment.

Physical procedures

In some cases, physiotherapy is more effective than any medications. There are many different devices for home use to treat a child. One of these is a nebulizer, which breaks down the medicine into micro particles. When inhaled, the medicine does not enter the bloodstream or digestive system. It only affects the nasal mucosa.

A device for UV irradiation of the nasal cavity will help cure a runny nose in 5-6 procedures. In addition, it is used for quartz coating of premises.

A runny nose in a child can also be eliminated using a blue lamp. It is worth considering that this method It is not used for all types of disease.

Features of treatment for children aged 2-3 years

When a child is only 2-3 years old, it is very difficult to treat his runny nose. The range of drugs for this age is limited, and many traditional methods– are undesirable, as they can harm him. In addition, a 2-3 year old baby hardly knows how to blow his nose correctly, which also complicates the recovery process. What to do in this case? How to treat rhinitis in a child? The answer is simple - follow the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment should be carried out as follows:

  • clean the nose of mucus accumulations using a saline solution or products with sea salt (Physiomer);
  • use vasoconstrictor drops to restore breathing through the nose;
  • use antibacterial go antiviral drugs to treat an illness;
  • ensure that the conditions in which the child lives are conducive to a rapid recovery.

In order for recovery to proceed faster, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this: the optimal air temperature should be 20 degrees, humidity – 50-60%

In general, treatment of a runny nose in a 2-3 year old child does not differ from the treatment of children of other age categories. The main thing is to ensure that medications are appropriate for the age of the small patient.

Difficulties in treating runny nose in children

Nasal congestion brings a lot of inconvenience to children, because, compared to adults, they do not know how to get rid of snot by blowing their nose. Because of this, a large amount of secretion accumulates in their nasopharynx, which makes breathing difficult, a feeling of nausea occurs, headaches begin and appetite completely disappears.

Babies cannot understand what their mother wants from them when she is trying to clean or rinse their nose. In response to these actions of hers, they become mischievous, turn their heads, preventing her from completing the necessary procedure. In order to avoid such difficulties, parents should take an organized approach to the treatment of snot in children.

A child’s immune system is weaker than that of adults, so ordinary snot is a frequent “guest” at this age. When a child develops snot, parents begin intensive treatment by all means and means. This treatment only leads to increased symptoms of a runny nose.

Therefore, in order not to harm your baby, call a pediatrician who will determine the cause of snot and draw up a treatment plan.

Causes of snot in three-year-old children

Snot can be of infectious or non-infectious origin. Infections still dominate, and therefore a runny nose in a 3-year-old child most often occurs due to viruses and bacteria.

Sometimes the cause of a runny nose can be foreign bodies that get into the nasal passages. Children love to experiment with various small objects, and such unsafe games lead to injury and blockage of the nasal passages.

Important! If you find a foreign body in your child’s nose, immediately seek help from the ENT department. Never try to remove a stuck object yourself.

A very common cause of a runny nose in children is ordinary hypothermia, especially when the child’s feet are frozen. This is explained by the interaction of reflex connections between the nose and feet. Therefore, the child’s feet should always be protected from getting wet and hypothermia.

Polluted air, flowering plants, smoke, chemicals are common reasons allergic rhinitis in children, which causes sneezing and copious mucous discharge from the nose.

Preventive measures to prevent a runny nose in a child aged 3 years

The success of treating any disease is prevention, the main thing is regular implementation of all pediatrician’s recommendations and health procedures.

What should you do to avoid snot in your child?

  • The health of a baby, like adults, depends on healthy image life. Walk more with your children in any weather. Keep your child busy with active games. TV viewing should be limited.
  • The child's diet should be balanced. In the off-season, introduce more fruits and vitamin fruit drinks into your diet: cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn.
  • Do not allow your child to become hypothermic. Clothing must be appropriate for the weather. After walking in the cold, be sure to give your child warm tea with honey.
  • If possible, assign your child to sports sections; swimming, dancing, gymnastics are good options. These sports perfectly strengthen and develop the body.
  • Sport helps a child from the age of three get rid of colds, as well as acquire protection against scoliosis (curvature of the spine), which often becomes the cause of many diseases in the future.
  • In summer time visit seaside resorts, where there are plantations of coniferous trees. The child will receive healing sea bathing and will saturate his respiratory tract with phytoncides, without which it will be difficult to cope with viruses and bacteria.

Treatment of snot in a child aged 3 years

At the first sign of snot, all measures should be taken to alleviate the child’s condition. If there is a fever, you should put the child to bed and call the pediatrician.

Rinse your nose with slightly salted water using a dropper full of water into each nostril. Before the doctor arrives, perform the procedure three times a day. Saline solutions are prepared very simply: a teaspoon of table salt (you can take sea salt) is dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water.

Often give your baby tea made from raspberries, linden, currants and sea buckthorn. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, give your child oranges and tangerines. These fruits not only saturate the body with vitamin C, but also actively reduce elevated temperature bodies.

Drugs acceptable for the treatment of snot in children aged 3 years should be prescribed only by a pediatrician or pediatric ENT specialist. If treatment is started on your own, then it is better to resort to more safe drugs. Let's look at them:

  1. Salin, aquamaris - safe drops, based on saline solutions. Drops moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa.
  2. Otrivin, Snoop, Nazivin - vasoconstrictor drops. Their action is based on reducing mucus and nasal congestion.
  3. Protargol, collargol - antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drops.
  4. Allergodil and vibrocil have an antiallergic effect.
  5. Pinosol - drops that relieve inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, as well as reduce the viscosity of snot.

Traditional methods of treating snot at 3 years old

To get rid of snot, use frequent rinsing of the nose using folk remedies:

  • solution sea ​​salt(5 grams of salt per glass of water);
  • infusion of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, sage (take 10 grams of raw materials per 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes).

Rinsing is done up to three times a day, pouring a full pipette into each nasal passage. This method allows you to thin the mucus in the nasopharynx. After just a few washes, it will become easier for the child to breathe. Usually the course of treatment lasts 5 days.

An effective method for a viral runny nose is rubbing your feet with Dr. Theiss's cold ointment. The ointment contains natural ingredients: pine and Eucalyptus oil, as well as camphor.

These components perfectly relieve the inflammatory process and have a general stimulating effect on the entire body. The ointment can be used from two summer age. Rubbing should be done twice a day, before the child rests: during the day and at night.

Another effective way- instillation of onion drops. They are prepared as follows: in a teaspoon with olive oil drip 5 drops of fresh juice onions, the mixture is stirred. Place two drops in each nostril three times a day.

Homeopathic approach to the treatment of runny nose in children

Recovery immune system child, many pediatricians recommend homeopathic remedies, but choose the right one the right drug Only a qualified homeopath will help. Homeopathy is a very delicate healing that often solves a complex of problems in childhood.

Having addressed one problem, to the surprise of the parents, the child gets rid of another sore. For example, when a child comes to see a homeopath with a runny nose, after a few months the child gets rid of diathesis or dysbacteriosis. Therefore, you should not neglect homeopathy - it works!

Important! Parents should remember if a runny nose does not go away after a week, despite doing everything medical procedures, you need to consult a pediatrician or ENT specialist for a second consultation. A prolonged runny nose leads to serious complications in the nasopharynx, ears and organs respiratory system. Take care of the health of your kids!

Rhinitis and nasal congestion in children younger age becomes a real problem, since the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, which increases the risk of complications and activation of the bacterial flora.

Aggravates pathological condition immunity has not yet been formed, and a small number of drugs that can be safely used. We will talk in detail about the causes of rhinitis and how to treat a runny nose in a 3-year-old child in this article.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs for a dozen different reasons, but the leading ones are:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • allergic reaction.

In addition, snot in a 3-year-old child can be the result of small parts of toys or construction toys getting into the nasal cavity. Foreign body gets stuck in the upper respiratory tract, causing tissue swelling and increased mucus production in response to irritation.

Medicines are not effective in this situation; the child needs the help of an ENT specialist or surgeon.

Viral rhinitis

Most often, a runny nose in a 3-year-old child is initially caused by a viral infection. Influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adeno viral infection reach the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract, provoking the development of an inflammatory process.

Symptoms of viral rhinitis persist for 5-7 days, and if the child is not treated or treated incorrectly, the risk of secondary rhinitis increases. bacterial infection.

This likelihood is higher if the baby suffers from adenoids or other chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

Immunity is formed only at the age of eight to ten; children in the first years of life are practically defenseless against pathogenic microorganisms.

Bacterial form

Bacterial rhinitis develops in most cases as a complication of an untreated viral disease against the background of the addition of pathogenic microflora. Only in rare cases is this the primary process.

Bacteria multiply when the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity drags on for 10 days or longer, and also spreads to the sinuses and pharynx.

A bacterial runny nose in a 3-year-old child is more difficult to cure, which often leads to chronicity pathological process and complications such as sinusitis, adenoiditis, and sinusitis.

Runny nose with an allergic component

Allergic rhinitis develops against the background of exposure of the body to potential allergens and irritants.

They can be pet hair, houseplants(their pollen), mold fungus, feather pillows, fabric softeners and washing powders, air fresheners.

Features of bacterial therapy

For treatment bacterial rhinitis in addition to the drugs described above, agents with antibacterial properties are prescribed, for example, Collargol or Protargol drops.

These preparations contain colloidal silver - a powerful natural antiseptic, which has a detrimental effect on gram-positive, gram-negative microflora, fungi and some viruses.

In the event that the inflammatory process in the nose involves all the sinuses and cavities, the child is additionally prescribed drops for oral administration for plant based Sinupret.

In especially severe cases, when the infection has spread to the throat, a course of antibiotic therapy is recommended. Specific names of drugs are selected by a pediatrician after determining the sensitivity of pathogens to a particular bacterial agent.

It is strictly forbidden to instill antibiotic solutions or homemade antibiotic drops into a child’s nose - this can cause serious allergic reaction(Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock).

Eliminating the allergic component

When identifying rhinitis of allergic origin, the main thing is medicine There will be a spray or aerosol based on hormones:

  • Avamis;
  • Allergodil (at 3 years of age, prescribed by a doctor carefully, in case of emergency. According to the instructions, the medicine is intended for children over 6 years old).

The huge advantage of these drugs is that the medicine acts only locally, that is, it is practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream, thereby risking the development of side effects and overdose is minimal.

However, all drugs in this group are prescribed only by a pediatrician and are not intended for independent use.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic methods for treating runny nose in children 3 years old include:

  • Inhalations - carried out through a nebulizer or heat, using medications (for the first) and herbal infusions or essential oils for heat inhalers or adding them to a bowl of hot water. Inhalations for a runny nose can be carried out only when normal temperature body, having previously cleared the nasal cavity of mucus and crusts with saline solution. During the procedure, you need to breathe calmly through your nose, do not talk, do not spin, so as not to injure yourself (when inhaling over hot steam) and not to damage the device (when using a nebulizer).
  • UFO – an ultraviolet ray is directed into the child’s nose, which helps eliminate tissue swelling, reduces the amount of discharge, and stimulates the regeneration process ( fast healing) microscopic cracks in the nasal mucosa.
  • Laser therapy is a method effective for acute and chronic forms of treatment. After the procedure, tissue swelling is significantly reduced, nasal breathing is facilitated, and signs of the inflammatory process are reduced.

How to treat a runny nose in a child who appears suddenly? It was all of a sudden: in the morning he was active and lively, but towards lunch he began to sniffle...

Now, in the evening, when more than one handkerchief has already been filled with well-known contents, both young, “beginner” and experienced parents need to resolve several issues that will determine how serious the situation is and what to do next.

Often, the illness can last a month, or even more, until parents finally pay attention to it and take urgent measures.

If you don’t think about it, but immediately start treatment according to a well-known scheme - with vasoconstrictor drugs, then instead of quick healing you can get, for example, “naphthyzine” addiction, which can deprive a baby of the joy of free breathing for years.
So, preferably already in the first hour after the first signs of snot appear, parents should give themselves the answer (or try) to many questions, and we hope that this article will help you make the right decision and cope with the disease in a timely manner.

Terminology. What is a “runny nose” anyway?

A condition in which there is excessive secretion of nasal mucus is called “rhinitis.” And ordinary “snot” is scientifically called “rhinorrhea,” that is, literally “nasal flow.”

In medical clinical terminology, the suffix “-itis” means inflammation.

Of course, there is a big difference between appendicitis and rhinitis: no one will remove the nose. This word simply means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal concha and the nasal passages existing between them.

Inflammation can be expressed with varying degrees: with real inflammatory process, with the addition of a bacterial infection, the mucous membrane may look tense, swollen, even cyanotic, for example, with meningococcal nasopharyngitis.

In the case of allergic rhinitis, the mucous membrane may be of normal color, only slightly hyperemic, but there will be a significant amount of mucus discharge, which has a transparent appearance.

It is known that the nasal mucosa is capable of responding to any irritation or infection in one - the only protective way - mucus production.

If, along with nasal discharge, there is a sore throat, for example, when swallowing, then they speak of nasopharyngitis, that is, damage to both the nasal mucosa and the pharyngeal wall.

What should you not do if you have a runny nose in children?

You need to immediately decide what parents of especially young children are prohibited from doing:

Use nasal drops containing antibiotics from the very beginning without a doctor’s prescription. This is strictly prohibited for a number of reasons:
  • the antibiotic affects bacteria, but does not act on viruses, which are the cause in the vast majority of cases;
  • It is recommended to prescribe antibiotics only after receiving the results bacterial cultures nasal discharge onto nutrient media;
  • when instilled into the nasal passages, swallowing is inevitable, and intestinal dysbiosis may develop due to death normal microflora with the subsequent development of diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Dysbacteriosis develops especially quickly in young children if they have hastily mixed up the dosage of antibiotics and are mistakenly given a drug with an adult concentration.
Immediately begin treatment of colds with vasoconstrictor drugs. Especially rude ones like “ Naphthyzin», « Galazolin" First of all, they dry out the mucous membrane and cause vascular spasm.

And if the symptoms disappear for a few hours, then this does not mean anything: rehabilitation treatment after abuse of such drugs can be quite long.

It must be remembered that the discharge of mucus in case of a cold is a protection, and there is no need to interfere with it.

Vasopressor intranasal agents can be used as the main ones only in case of allergic aseptic swelling of the mucous membrane , as an element of pathogenetic therapy affecting the development of the process. Use a rubber syringe to rinse the nasal passages. Especially for kids. The force of pressure may well cause injury eardrum, and fluid entering the middle ear structures can cause reactive otitis media.

The main causes of runny nose in children

You should not think that the only reason and source is a common cold. The reasons may be different, but infections still lead in frequency of occurrence in all age groups.

Viral rhinitis. The most common not only in children, but also in adults. It is caused, oddly enough, by viruses that have an affinity for mucous membranes. It is there that their attachment to cells and primary reproduction occur.

If the protective barrier is strong, then the antiviral immunity quickly copes with pathogens, and such ailment quickly goes away on its own.

It is about him that it is said that “an untreated runny nose goes away in a week, and a treated one – in seven days.”

By this we mean that the laws of the development of a viral infection and methods of combating it in the body go through certain stages, which can be helped, but cannot be accelerated.

Most often, such an event as nasal congestion and runny nose is preceded by hypothermia: general or local (wet feet, an extra portion of ice cream).

Bacterial rhinitis. In most cases, it is a consequence of a viral process with weakened immunity. It occurs in weakened, often sick children, but can appear as a complication against the background of normal immunity, if the pathogen is particularly contagious.

As a result, bacterial inflammation develops on the weakened mucosa, which manifests itself as mucous-purulent discharge from the nasal passages. General signs of intoxication often develop: fever, malaise;

Allergic rhinitis. with repeated episodes, when it is clear which allergen caused it. And when such a reaction occurs for the first time, its reliable “markers” are an abundance of clear, watery discharge and other signs of an allergic reaction: conjunctivitis, Quincke’s edema, urticaria, itching.

In more severe cases, bronchospasm may develop, making it difficult to exhale rather than inhale.

Finally, in some cases, swelling of the larynx may progress, which may require urgent surgery to avoid death from suffocation.

Finally, the most severe allergic manifestation is fulminant anaphylactic shock.

As a rule, this type of rhinitis has a pronounced connection with both respiratory (plant pollen, fish food, house dust), and with food allergens(strawberries, chocolate, shrimp, eggs, citrus). Sometimes develops when caring for animals.

Medicinal, “ricochet” runny nose. It is a consequence of overly aggressive treatment, in which vasoconstrictor drugs were used without proper control.

You need to understand that the speed of action and effectiveness of adrenomimetics does not mean that these drugs should form the basis of the therapeutic arsenal of parents.

This is similar to how large-caliber heavy artillery should become the basis of an offensive operation.

A quick effect will be achieved, but at the cost of a scorched desert. This form of the disease is often transitional to chronic.

Congenital defects of the facial skull and ENT organs. They appear in case of serious disorders in the first days after birth, in case of moderate ones they can appear in cases of common rhinitis. The basis is difficulty in nasal breathing.

Most often, congenital symptoms are to blame for this, and due to inexperience, parents often mistake difficulty breathing for a runny nose, despite the fact that there is practically no “snot.”

Vasomotor rhinitis. A type of rhinitis associated with a violation vascular tone in the area of ​​the nasal concha and passages. The consequence of spasm of the efferent veins is swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea.

An important factor is the recurrence of attacks regardless of its connection with both hypothermia and the effect of allergens.

It is important to know

Most often, the provocation is some action or phenomenon: excitement, increased blood pressure, change in weather. May accompany symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition, other reasons may be the culprits of the disease: overgrowth of adenoids, foreign objects entering the upper respiratory tract.

Sometimes a painful condition may be due to the presence of a chronic congenital disease, for example, cystic fibrosis or sarcoidosis. Therefore, in any case, for an accurate diagnosis you need to consult a doctor. Source: website

What complications can there be?

Despite the fact that it is difficult to imagine a more “trivial” disease, it is fraught with serious complications and dangers. Let's list the most common ones:

  • gradual spread of infection into the bronchi and lungs due to the drainage of infected mucus downwards;
  • blockage of the eustachian (auditory) tube thick mucus with the development of inflammation in the joint (reactive otitis media);
  • development of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmotiditis) - with the involvement of the cranial sinuses (maxillary, frontal and ethmoidal labyrinth, respectively);
  • In infants who must feed by sucking, nasal congestion does not allow them to breathe fully while eating. Therefore, they may be malnourished, lose weight, or choke on milk or formula. and it can even lead to aspiration pneumonia.

Rhinitis in children: main symptoms

We will not consider here the manifestations of intoxication of the whole body (fever, malaise, lethargy), since they are well known to everyone and will focus only on local ones:

  • nasal congestion. It is very easy to check: close one nostril and breathe “half-heartedly”. It turns out without tension - there is no symptom;
  • rhinorrhea, or nasal discharge. They can be serous or serous-purulent. There is no pure purulent discharge from the nasal passages, but during puncture maxillary sinus you can sometimes get pus;
  • sneezing. Everyone knows that its purpose is to clear the airways with the help of a reflexively caused push of air. The air speed when coughing and sneezing can reach 100 km/h or more. Sneezing is usually preceded by rich and varied sensations: burning, scratching, pleasant tickling.
  • with atrophy of the mucous membrane ( atrophic rhinitis) instead of rhinorrhea, scanty dry crusts form;
  • since the secretion of mucus and tears have much in common, with a runny nose it can sometimes occur. Sometimes it occurs on one side, with sensations preceding sneezing;
  • Hyposmia or anosmia is the inability to distinguish odors. This feeling is also familiar to everyone firsthand.

There are other discharges from the nasal passages: for example, with a fracture of the base of the skull and ruptures of the hard meninges In rare cases, cerebrospinal fluid may leak from the nose and ears.

Sometimes a child may have a runny nose with blood.

Sometimes blood may drip from the nose, that is, nosebleeds occur. There is even a special area from which almost all nosebleeds originate - Kisselbach's zone.

You should not be afraid of this symptom, you need to put the child down, throw back your head and put cold on the bridge of the nose, but for no more than five minutes, so as not to catch a cold in the maxillary sinuses.

You can roll up turundas from soft paper (napkins, toilet paper) and insert them into the nostril so as not to stain your clothes with blood.

Sometimes a nosebleed can simply occur because a child who doesn't cut his nails simply picks his nose.

A child develops a runny nose: what to do?

The stages of the disease, like any developing process, are clearly defined in time. They are most pronounced in the typical case when an incipient runny nose develops due to hypothermia:

Reflex stage, which is the shortest and lasts only a few hours. It is at this stage that primary edema forms due to hypothermia, without the influence of pathogens. Mild unpleasant impressions are possible: rawness (dryness and tickling) in the nose, worsening breathing;

Stage of viral rhinorrhea. Lasts several days and is associated with the direct influence of viruses. It is at this time that the child can be infectious to others. Of course, it is advisable that he wear a mask;

The third stage most often marks the beginning of recovery - symptoms decrease in the reverse order of their appearance. But sometimes the depleted mucous membrane cannot protect itself, and then a “landing force” of microbes lands on it, after viral inflammation first occurred.

Source: website Therefore, the answer to the question “how long does a child’s runny nose last” suggests, at a minimum, two options. The first - about a week with strong immunity and the second - for as long as desired - with a weak level immune defense, as it enters a chronic stage.

The frequency of the disease also affects the speed of recovery. If a child is bothered by frequent sniffles, it may simply be the course of chronic rhinitis with long periods of relatively pronounced remission.

How to properly treat a runny nose in a child?

To do this, you need to follow a soft, physiological approach, and in no case do harm with your activities.

The dangers of prescribing harsh vasoconstrictor drugs at the very beginning of treatment and antibiotics have already been discussed.

Therefore, it is possible to provide a general scheme according to which it is necessary to act from the onset of the disease until the “critical point” is reached, which approximately occurs on the 4th or 5th day from the onset of the disease.

It is during this period that it will become clear whether your treatment has achieved its goal, or whether you need to call a doctor and add stronger drugs to the treatment.

Principles of correct and reasonable treatment

If you look at the instructions for children's drugs for intranasal administration (numerous sprays, dosed drops), you will notice that the approach to treating an infant aged 8 - 9 months will differ in both approach and dosage of drugs from the principles of treating children, say , preschool age- at 5 or 6 years old.

toilet the nasal passages at the first the appearance of rhinorrhea and difficulty breathing, especially in infants before feeding. This is very important for good nutrition. For the toilet you need to use turundas made of soft cloth or gauze, which are moistened with a solution baking soda at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of warm water;

then to babies to create immune protection drop a drop of mother's milk containing secretory immunoglobulins, protecting the baby from germs and viruses;

If breast milk No, you can drip drugs that enhance immunity, or just warm olive or linseed oil;

it is necessary to ensure constant discharge of mucus, which contains many viral particles. To do this, it must be sufficiently liquid and should not dry out.

Therefore, the child must receive a sufficient amount of fluid inside: the mucous membranes should not dry out. If nasal breathing is impossible due to crusts and a clogged nose, then breathing through the mouth causes a significant loss of moisture through the lungs;

instillation of saline solution or drops of sea water is The next remedy for combating dry nasal mucosa. Can be used oil solutions fat-soluble vitamins: A and E, even in children 1 year old and earlier.

Their harmlessness allows you to drip as often as you want, especially if there is no ionizer or humidifier at home: this compensates for dryness, which is very high especially in city apartments in winter, when water heating radiators are very hot.

Treatment with medications

The article does not set out to give a comparative overview of all available drugs, so we will limit ourselves to covering one or two of the most effective and popular drugs in each group that can be used:

Vasoconstrictor drops

Indicated as a primary remedy for allergic rhinitis, together with antihistamines:

  • “Nazol Baby” and “Nazol Kids spray” for children from birth to the age of 6 years;
  • "Nasivin" is a drug that lasts about 12 hours (long-term action).


  • "Fenistil", "Allergodil". These drops are indicated for use even in babies aged 1 – 2 months;
  • "Tizin allergy". Used in children over 5-6 years old, can also be successfully used by adults;
  • “Zyrtec” in the form of an intranasal spray effectively relieves swelling and allergic rhinorrhea without causing side effects;

Miramistin for runny nose in children

On the Internet you can find information that Miramistin can be used as a remedy for baby runny nose. The thing is that this is not entirely true: if this drug can be used after unprotected sexual intercourse, this does not mean that it can be poured anywhere.

Below are arguments that refute the effectiveness of this remedy in almost all cases of childhood (and adult) rhinitis:

  • in the market era, the manufacturer would definitely release Miramistin spray for intranasal use, however, the manufacturing company does not agree to this;
  • the drug is intended to protect the mucous membrane and destroy bacteria on its entire surface Therefore, for ordinary viral rhinitis, the drug useless. It is effective against hepatitis viruses, HIV, but not adenoviruses;
  • with a bacterial complication and serous-purulent discharge, Miramistin will also be ineffective, since it is first desirable to identify the causative agent.

And, although the instructions contain indications for treating the oral cavity, and in otolaryngology it is indicated for irrigation of the pharynx and ear, the drug is not indicated for instillation into the nose according to the instructions.

In addition, Miramistin promotes the formation of a dry scab in the wound, and for the nasal mucosa, this is extremely harmful, since the pathogen remains in these dried crusts.

Antibiotics for a runny nose in a child

The use of antibacterial drugs and the precautions associated with them have already been discussed above. Here are a few of the best representatives:

A good cold remedy for children

What should you put in a child’s nose when they have a runny nose without regard for safety? What remedy can a mother give, in the hope of helping, but without harm or side effects?

What to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time?

In the event that, against the background of decreased immunity, a frequently ill child develops a persistent, lingering, long-lasting runny nose, then in this case he is indicated immune drugs, containing antiviral protection - interferon and other active components:

In order to quickly cure rhinitis in a child, initial stage, it is not necessary to take medications that may have various side effects.

Numerous means can be used traditional medicine, which can either prevent the disease from dragging on and becoming chronic , or even prevent the disease even before its first manifestations.

So, for example, going to the bathhouse, warming up the whole body, and drinking tea with raspberries, honey and lime color may simply prevent a cold from becoming active in the body due to hypothermia.

Mustard in socks

This method refers to reflexology techniques. Its meaning is to pour dry mustard powder put in socks for the child to improve blood circulation in the feet.

Since the vascular networks in the body are connected by reflexes, this causes an increase in immunity in response to the irritating effect of mustard.

This method cannot be used in children under one year old, or when the temperature rises. This is a preventative method it can be resorted to only in case of hypothermia, which happened a few hours ago, and, according to the fears and experience of parents, can turn into a cold.

Mustard is poured 1-2 teaspoons into children's socks at night, and woolen socks are put on top.

Saline solution

Saline solution prepared at home is the same saline solution, provided that it has a concentration of 0.9% salt, which is equivalent to the state of blood plasma. It is very useful to use devices to rinse your nose with salt water heated to 38 - 40 degrees.

In addition to mechanical and atraumatic cleaning of the mucous membrane, water has the ability to draw water out, and with the water, the swelling of the nasal mucosa goes away.

In case of multiple drug allergies the use of saline solution along with cleaning, moisturizing, and warming can make the disease recede.

Beetroot juice for a speedy recovery

How to cure a child’s runny nose quickly at home using vegetables? Many believe that for this you need to use raw beet juice, which is first left to settle in the refrigerator and then dropped into each nostril.

The entire effect of this event will be reduced to moisturizing the nasal mucosa, and beetroot juice has no advantage over ordinary salted water. In any case, studies have not shown any acceleration of the period of rhinorrhea when using this remedy.

Radish and honey

Black radish juice with honey has a great immunogenic effect: the top of the radish is cut off and a hole is made in the center. Honey is placed in the hole and closed again with a radish lid.

The entire structure is placed in a warm place for several hours. At this time, the radish will release juice, which should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon.

It can be used in children from 3-4 years of age, as it strengthens the immune system well and alleviates not only the runny nose, but also bronchitis, tonsillitis and other colds.

Essential oils

Drugs such as essential oils can only be used if the child does not have a significant allergic history.

After all, essential oils can cause severe bronchospasm. Thus, it is almost impossible to force a child to breathe essential oils of garlic and onion.

Therefore, tea tree oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, and lemon oil would be a good alternative. Thuja oil has a good healing effect. This oil is obtained from thuja needles, and it has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.

In addition, couples essential oils are able to moisturize and soften the mucous membrane of not only the nose, but also the bronchi, having a beneficial effect on the ciliary epithelium.

With more detailed information On the use of a nebulizer in the treatment of ENT diseases, you can read the article below:

In addition to treatment:

The main purpose of this article was to make parents understand that in most cases, a runny nose (rhinitis) is a natural process

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